May 21, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6847 flight 616 was held on the ground with Following the war, Ford continued to At the same time, Ford began paying mechanical difficulties and I missed a expand in Kentucky, initiating car pro- his workers $5 per day—more than dou- vote, which was vote No. 184 relative to duction at the Louisville assembly ble the industry average wage. This the confirmation of Maurice Hicks as plant on Fern Valley Road in 1955. In high salary attracted workers to U.S. District Judge for the Western 1969, Ford built the Kentucky from around the country and District of Louisiana. Had I been here, plant on Chamberlain Lane. The Ken- the world. The influx of immigrants I would have voted in the affirmative. tucky truck plant would later utilize was so great that many have called the f the world’s most advanced computer- Ford complex the Michi- integrated system for manufacturing gan-annex of Ellis Island. FRIENDSHIP CONTRACT heavy truck frame rails. In September was one of the first in- Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, today 2002, the Louisville assembly plant pro- dustrialists to hire African Americans. I would like to share an amazing story duced the five-millionth . With the belief that hiring African of friendship—a friendship that has Today, these two plants employ near- Americans would help racial problems, blossomed over the past 17 years be- ly 10,000 men and women in Kentucky he reached out to the Black commu- tween the cities of Aalen and who, in 2002, collectively earned more nity. By the onset of World War II, Dewangen, Germany, and the town of than $660 million. In 2002, the two Ford roughly half of ’s African-Amer- Webster in my home State of South facilities paid nearly $50 million in ican workingmen were on Ford’s pay- Dakota. State and local taxes. Ford and its roll. In 1986, a group of wrestlers from Kentucky employees have made other has a long his- Dewangen toured South Dakota for 3 important contributions to local com- tory of producing memorable auto- weeks. During that time, local South munity. Last year, they donated more mobiles, from the Tin Lizzie to the Ex- Dakotan communities held exhibition than $2.5 million to various Louisville plorer. In 1954, Ford introduced the matches, providing both South Dakota community organizations and partici- Thunderbird, a symbol of postwar opti- and this group of wrestlers an oppor- pated in the Adopt A Child and Sharing mism. The , introduced tunity to display their skills and learn the Blessing programs. in 1964, quickly became synonymous As Ford Motor Company approaches from each other. with the American free spirit and has its 100th anniversary on June 16, 2003, I Before making their final departure, remained a classic American car for al- am proud to take this opportunity to the wrestlers made their final stop in most 40 years. In 1991, the Ford Ex- congratulate the company and its em- Webster, where they were welcomed plorer defined the SUV segment of the ployees for their dedication to excel- wholeheartedly. Individual friendships market, and remains the best selling lence. We look forward to the planned between the wrestlers and members of SUV in the world. expansion of the Kentucky truck plant the Webster community formed imme- Ford’s commitment to quality and in Louisville and many more years of diately. In the 17 years following their innovation continues today. Ford, the commitment to the people and Com- initial visit, members of the wrestling world’s second largest automaker, will group from Aalen and Dewangen re- monwealth of Kentucky. Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, I rise have a hybrid—part electric, part gaso- turned to Webster to renew their rela- today in recognition of the 100th anni- line powered—SUV available by 2004. tionships with the Webster community. versary of Ford Motor Company. On Ford has also produced a cutting-edge In 1999, Webster Mayor Mike Grosek June 16, 1903, Henry Ford, one of Michi- hybrid fuel cell car, and is dedicated to decided it was time to pay his friends gan’s most famous sons, founded Ford bringing hydrogen-powered vehicles to in Dewangen a visit. During his visit, Motor Company. the market in the future. members of the Dewangen community It is seldom in history that one per- I am proud of Ford Motor Company’s talked excitedly about a possible son or company makes such a dra- accomplishments over the last 100 friendship contract between the two matic, lasting impact on society. years. I am glad Ford calls Michigan cities, and within the last 4 years infor- Thomas Edison modernized the light home, and I enthusiastically offer my mal discussions led to an official dec- bulb and changed the way we see the support for the resolution commemo- laration. On April 5, a group of 16 indi- world. Alexander Graham Bell invented rating Ford’s centennial anniversary. viduals from Webster were on hand for the telephone, and communication was f the historic signing ceremony in changed forever. Henry Ford brought Dewangen, and it is my pleasure to an- LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT ACT the automobile to the working family, OF 2003 nounce that a similar ceremony will and revolutionized manufacturing, occur in Webster on May 31. I am con- transportation, and everyday American Mr. SMITH. Mr. President, I rise fident that the friendship forged be- life. today to speak about the need for hate tween them will endure for many years It would certainly be difficult to crimes legislation. On May 1, 2003, Sen- to come, and I wish to extend my con- overestimate the importance of Ford ator KENNEDY and I introduced the gratulations to all involved in making Motor Company on the American way Local Law Enforcement Act, a bill that these momentous occasions possible. of life. When it was founded, virtually would add new categories to current f no one owned an automobile. The per- hate crimes law, sending a signal that sonal mobility we take for granted violence of any kind is unacceptable in 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE FORD our society. MOTOR COMPANY today was unfathomable at the turn of the last century. But that was to I would like to describe a terrible Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I change rapidly. Within 25 years of its crime that occurred in Baltimore, MD. rise today to congratulate the Ford founding, Ford manufactured more In October 1998, a group of 10 people at- Motor Company on its 100th anniver- than 15 million Model T’s, at a price tacked Leonard ‘‘Lynn’’ Vine, a 32- sary and its longstanding relationship that made them accessible to the work- year-old native of East Baltimore, in with the Commonwealth of Kentucky. ing family. Today, there are over 200 front of his family’s home because of Ford has been an integral part of the million cars and light on the his perceived sexual orientation. Vine Kentucky business community since road in the —more than 1 was shot six times, yet survived the at- 1913 when it began building Model T for every licensed driver. tack. The police investigated the at- automobiles in a small shop on South The founding of this company has be- tack as a hate crime, and 20-year-old Third Street in Louisville. From its come a legend. With $28,000 in cash, Paul Bishop was charged with at- modest beginnings in the Common- Ford and 11 associates founded what tempted murder. wealth, Ford rose to become a signifi- would become one of the world’s larg- I believe that government’s first duty cant part of our economy. After open- est corporations. The first moving as- is to defend its citizens, to defend them ing additional plants in Louisville, sembly line was put into operation in against the harms that come out of Ford and its hard-working Kentucky Highland Park, MI, in 1913. This plant hate. The Local Law Enforcement En- employees produced more than 44,000 could produce a complete chassis in hancement Act is a symbol that can trucks for the U.S. Army during World about an hour and a half—eight times become substance. I believe that by War II. faster than before. passing this legislation and changing

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