+Polyamory Weekly Show Notes

500: Dan Savage on polyamory

January 12, 2017

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1:30 Announcements Thank you for listening!

2:40 Interview: Dan Savage on polyamory Dan Savage is a writer, TV personality, and activist best known for his political and social commentary, as well as his honest approach to sex, love and relationships. Savage’s sex advice column, “,” is syndicated in newspapers and websites throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. He is the Editorial Director of , ’s weekly , and his writing has appeared in publications including , The New York Times Magazine, GQ, Rolling Stone, , and on Salon.com. Savage is also the author of several books and is a contributor to ’s , and has appeared on NPR’s Fresh Air with Terry Gross, HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, and ABC’s 20/20. Savage Love Dan Savage on The Stranger Articles by Dan Savage

While many people still believe that Dan Savage has an unfavorable view of polyamory due to some comments of his from many years ago, he is actually quite positive towards it. Here’s what we asked him: • has your take on poly changed over the years? • what is your current stance on poly? • how has “monogamish” helped people over the years? • how do you deal with critiques about inclusion? • what are you most proud of? • what do you wish you hadn’t said? • what do we need to do in the face of a Trump presidency? • what are you working on next? • what advice do you have for small sex positive podcasters with a day job? • any parting advice for the poly movement? • are you poly?

33:30 Wrap Up Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email [email protected] and attach an audio comment or call the listener comment line at 802-505-POLY. Friend us on Twitter or Facebook, leave a comment here. Check out PolyWeekly podcasts at polyweekly.libsyn.com. Share this with a friend or write an iTunes review! Our intro and outro music is courtesy of Pacemaker Jane, “Good Suspicions.”