2013 ANNUAL REPORT DEPARTMENT OF MICROTECHNOLOGY & NANOSCIENCE - MC2 Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience 2014 Editor: CHRISTINA CAESAR Design & Production: CHRISTINA CAESAR Photo: JAN-OLOF YXELL Print: TRYCKSERVICE I ÄNGELHOLM AB Paper: Galerie Art Silk 300g (cover), Galerie Art Silk 150g (inlay) Copies: 1000 ex ISSN 1652-0769 Technical Report MC2 – 272 Contact DAG WINKLER HEAD OF DEPARTMENT
[email protected] Head of department dialogue Annual Report 2013 Head of department dialogue For many people at the department it has been an intense year. During 2013, the department awarded 15 licentiate and 12 PhD degrees, 267 papers and reports were written, 152 of which can be found in web of science. This includes 3 Nature Journals and 9 Physical Review Letters, 13 Applied Physics Letters and strong publications record in IEEE Journals. About 25 industry contracts were signed (8 of which where NDA:s), and 2 industrial events were arranged, including a very successful alumni meeting. Two Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) Projects and one KAW Academic Fellowship were granted to Peter Andrekson, Herbert Zirath and Janine Splettstöβer, respectively. A warm welcome to Janine who started at MC2 in December. A large number of EU contract were also granted in the environment around Johan Liu and Peter Enoksson. Especially gratifying was the visit by the Royal Engineering Academy with many celebrities and among them the King of Sweden. Concurrently with this visit the Graphene Flagship was inaugurated and an exhibition was held demonstrating several impressive graphene applications already in the pipeline. At this point, I would also like to thank Mikael Fogelström for his services, wits and engagement as Deputy Head of Department since 2007 and at the same time welcome his successor, Magnus Karlsson, who started November 1.