Vaya Con Dios: Go With God - Operation Clambake Message Board

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J. Swift Posts: 10215 Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2005 10:09 pm Vaya Con Dios: Go With God - Operation Clambake Message Board

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Vaya Con Dios: Go With God

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Post by J. Swift » Fri Jan 04, 2008 12:09 am

My long pursuit of certain mysteries led to me OCMB almost three years ago. I was in search of, among other things, the secrets of Scientology. OCMB has been an astonishing experience for me because it has given me so much, opened up so many doors, and allowed me to give much in return. In the process of my work at OCMB, I discovered many of the secrets of which I was in search. Some of the secrets were told to me by wise people who had been there. I discovered other secrets on my own and shared them. My work at OCMB culminated recently in a series of extraordinary conversations I had with the one whom I call The Sphinx. These conversations, together with other recent and remarkable confirmations of my destiny, have led me to conclude that my work here at OCMB has been accomplished. I am therefore moving onward into the future that awaits me.

***** Looking back on my experience and work at OCMB, I feel that Fate drew me here in April, 2005, so that I could get some experience and be established as a poster in October, 2005 when the dam broke and Scientology began its collapse. While I have written several essays at OCMB that define me as a writer and a critic, the post that I feel most defines my work is entitled, The Critics Have Reached Critical Mass.


This essays stands out for me because it was written right after Tom Cruise's meltdown. The essay captures the sense and feeling of that crucial moment in modern history when Western Culture decided to dismantle the Church of Scientology. The dam did break. Scientology will never recover and is now playing itself out. I "fortunated" being present here at OCMB during this time along with everyone else who was on duty. We all helped to answer questions about Scientology for the countless lurkers who came here looking for answers at this key moment. The lurkers included the media and other opinion leaders. We all were able to speak the truth about Scientology when it really counted. We worked with our colleagues at ARS and other . That we stood on the shoulders of giants such as Robert Vaughn Young, Gerry Armstrong, Arnie Lerma, Bob Minton, Stacy Brooks, Jesse Prince, Tory Christman, cannot go unnoticed or unacknowledged, for they did the hard work and paid blood, sweat, and tears to build the critics scene that we all benefit from.

***** I thank Mr. Andreas Heldal-Lund for OCMB. Andreas is a very brave and good man. Andreas is rare person, for he is a humanitarian in deed and not just in word. Andreas, thank you for giving the world OCMB. This board is needed and wanted, for it shines the brilliant light of truth into the brutal darkness of the world's most brutal Cult of Religious Business.

***** I would like to briefly comment upon the J. Swift/Kusangi's Ghost drama. This was certainly the most vivid moment of my time at OCMB. First, although he did not need to be kind to me when I was in the middle of the Kusangi's Ghost drama, I sent Mick Wenlock some PM's asking him for advice. Mick replied to me with a few PM's that were very kind and wise. Mick told me to think about whether or not Scientology was my battle. Mick's question and his kindness helped me more than he will ever know. Thank you Mick, you were kind to me when I was being kicked around. I want people to know that you saw past my problems and Vaya Con Dios: Go With God - Operation Clambake Message Board

showed me compassion when I most needed it. Mick, you are a man's man and a tremendous leader of XSO.

The power of offering someone simple kindness when they do not deserve it is immense and can shatter the hardest of hearts. Tory speaks beautifully of the power of such kindness. When she was a hardcore OSAbot who was having doubts about Scientology, she confided in Andreas. She told him that if she left Scientology she would lose all of her friends. Andreas simply asked her what kind of friends she had if they would leave her because she changed her mind about Scientology. That was a huge crack in Tory's Truman Show and the rest is history. Tory became a great critic and I am proud to know her. Tory has a wonderful heart. She shows kindness to the people who need it most and has helped more people get out of Scientology than anyone knows.

What I will publicly say to KG and Prevail (and the other hidden players) is this: We all wisely disengaged because, when push came to shove, none of us wanted to hurt each other. Our better angels won out. I have come to appreciate the experience for what it was. The drama left unanswered many questions about the players, including myself, and I choose to leave them unanswered.

KG: I still have a fond place in my heart for you. Our friendship was unique and dignified. Prevail: We were both gentleman when we needed to be. We both did the right thing at the right time. I hope that you and KG come back into the scene as critics in 2008 because you both have so much to contribute. We all learned something from the drama we enacted. No one will ever know what it was really all about except for us. I mention KG and Prevail in favorable terms because they were blamed for certain things they never did. Their contributions were important. I hope we see them again as working critics.

***** My Dear Emma: Thank you for starting ESMB. What you did changed the world of Scientology criticism and made it go better. You are a better person as well for taking responsibility for the scene and starting ESMB. I admire you and your work.

***** I remain a critic who affirms that the lower levels of Scientology can be useful, but that no one should ever do them in the Church of Scientology. The Freezone is the place to go do Scientology if you want to do Scientology. I remain a critic who supports The Freezone as the alternative to CoS.

***** I still plan on writing a book about Scientology some day. The book will be entirely different from my older book. Given what I have learned of the secrets of Scientology and how I have grown in my own spiritual work, my future book will be the story of how a Sadhu, a lowly monk from the School of Crazy Wisdom, meets L. Ron Hubbard in an exotic place called OCMB. There is no revolt in the stars planned for the book, but Hubbard will give up his secrets and CoS will not like what he says. Here is a concept cover: Vaya Con Dios: Go With God - Operation Clambake Message Board

My friends, where I am going next is unexpected, exciting, and secret. I will be working with secret people on secret projects. I will still post here at OCMB sometimes because this is my home as a Scientology critic. I wove myself into the fabric of this board and this board wove itself into the fabric of me. OCMB will always be a part of me.

Vaya Con Dios!

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