THE AFRICAN REINSURER A PUBLICATION OF THE AFRICAN REINSURANCE CORPORATION Volume 023, June 2009 The African Reinsurer AFRICAN REINSURANCE CORPORATION SOCIETE AFRICAINE DE REASSURANCE Headquarters/Siège: Plot 679, Karimu Kotun St., Victoria Island, P.M.B. 2765, Lagos, NIGERIA Tel: (234-) 2663323, 2626660-2, 68820 Telefax: (234-) 2663282/2626664 E-mail:
[email protected] - Web site: - Your Reinsurer - Votre Réassureur - An ally within your reach - Un Interlocuteur de Proximité - A Partner You can trust - Un partenaire de confiance - A Strong Security - Une Sécurité renforcée with (S & P) BBB+ and A.M. Best A- Ratings avec les cotes BBB+ de S & P et A- de A.M. Best - An African Professional that stands by you - Un Professionnel Africain à vos côtés REGIONAL OFFICES Casablanca Nairobi Abidjan Africa Re Centre, Hospital Road, Rue Viviane A24 - Cocody 33 Boulevard Moulay Youssef, Upper Hill, Nairobi. 20 B.P 623 Abidjan 20. Casablanca, Maroc P.O. Box 62328 - 00200, Nairobi Tel : (225) 2240448 Tel: (22) 22 43 77 00 Tel: (254-20) 2730660-3, Fax: (225) 22404482 Fax: (22) 22 43 77 29 Fax: (254-20) 2724896, 2730608 E-mail:
[email protected] E.mail:
[email protected] E.mail:
[email protected] SUBSIDIARY/FILIALE Mauritius Cairo African Reinsurance Corp. (South Africa) Maurice Le Caire Ltd 2nd Floor (West Wing) One Cathedral Square, 38c Mansour Street Abdeen Downtown Oakhurst Building -3, St Andrews Road, Mezannine level, Postal Code 46 Parktown 293, Houghton 204, Pope Hennessy Street Cairo, Egypt Johannesburg