Annual Report 1990
' ~ • ::·~ ii ~:· J" ~ ~~~-:.,.. • •• • -;) ..... ~· 7 (3,,. '~.:.(_.,~:_-.:~·.::g. :... · ony Cor.~oratio. ri is on~ Of .· the world's le~ing ..~ .: .. ~.. .. manufacturers -of aud1o and v1deo .eqUlp- ,"':_. !<' • •· • .meat, televisions, displays, -semiconduct?rs, _com·puter.s,:'·and such informatipn.. related pr.pdt,:Jcts "' . .as micro flo:ppyaisk systems. Ke--en-1¥: aware 0f the interrelated Aature of ~software and hardware, Sony is also bolstering ,its p.resence in the audio and image-bas.ed software mar~~_ts through the ~BS Records group and the n~wly acquired ·~ Columbia Pktur~s Entertqinment, ·lnc. A strong co.mmltment te research Cilnd d€velopment has helped the {om.pany build a war.ldwide reputati<m as a pacesetter in the efectronic equipment industty. Havlng also garnered recognition as one . ' .~ . ; of Japan's rno~t intetnatjonal corpor:aUons by manufaetutfng fn the market~ - where its products. are sold! Son¥ is ~wrrently strengt!olening globaf systems fQt;, ·corp0rate fwncbie>rrs, fr:'otn 'ot~er- . management to R&D. ~ (:· r;., ~· ~· ... -; ~ ~. ': ,~~:!:~·~:. :r-r:i ··i ' ~. ~ Consolidated .Statements of Cash Flows Notes to Consolidated financial Statements Report of Jndepen:de.nt Accountants SONY CORPORI\TION 1\ND CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDII\RIES FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Year ended March 31 OP~RATING R~SULTS Thousands of Millions of yen U.S. dollars except except per share amounts per share amounts Percent change 1989 1990 1990/1989 1990 FOR THE YEAR Net sales ¥2,145,329 ¥2,879,856 +34.2% $18,343,032 Operating income 160,499 295,191 +83.9 1,880,197 Net income 72,469 102,808 +41.9 654,828 Per Depositary Share: Net income ¥ 241.7 ¥ 306.9 +27.0 $ 1.95 Cash dividends 44.6 50.0 0.32 AT YEAR-END Stockholders' equity ¥ 911,816 ¥1,430,058 +56.8 $ 9,108,650 Total assets 2,364,775 4,370,085 +84.8 27,834,936 Number of employees 78,900 95,600 Note: U.S.
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