A surprise ahower was given In Mr. and Mra. Harold Baaba of Mrs. Bmma McLachlan o f IT I The Weather Mrs. Har’Stal Lake. land of 3 Madison street. Frank Blakely of Ulac street Harold F. Garrity of }11 Pitkin We Have Doubled• Our V returned to his duties with the G. strMt, local attorney is< back in E. Keith Furniture company after hla office after an absence of a few a two week’s vacation spent at MAGNETOS Delivery Service ! Richelieu >laya. He. had been undtr treat­ W e wilT furnish you by. British ment In a Boston hospital for a Coventry lake and Groton Long Truck Tractor and thsaat ailment. Point. Stationary Engine with ice and a bran^ With the addition of another truck and ADVER'TISEMENT- Miss Mildred JoAison, of 111 new air conditioned 'driver we are better prepared than ever to Hoping to Get ' West Center street, and Miss Ruby Magnetos Riepaired— Willkie Meets His Running Mate Tbe' Beauty Nook, P85 Main continue giving the same prompt service that [artin Is Choice .Keen, of Rocky Hill, who have street, Will close Wednesday after- to give a strong spark been guests of Thomas Hayesayes at diirtog the summer, has built up our reputation and business, to Fast Approval All Warships’ Crews Newport. R I. have returned ^ ______-,______■ COOLERATOR home. Exchange Magnetoes an ever increasing clientele. " The quality From now unYil To Run jQampaign . Carl Johnson of 16 Florence j for the popular types. of our work remains at the same high lev^ Of Appointees Street was back in town for the ; Mid-November as usual. weekend from bis summer resi­ Will Sail to France; dence at Crystal Lake Even Opponents Con­ WANTED Payable $1 Per Week To Elect Willkie Herbert McKinney of P5 Foster NORTON cede Knox, Stimson atreet is back from a vusit with his BOYS AINO G IR li) brother pverett at his cottage in ELECTRICAL Doilies, 8” xl2’* ...... House Minority Leader Unexpected Answer Given Will Be Confirnied; BETWr.EN is AND 15 YEAB.8 Manchester Dry Cleaners 1|99_|eH Fairmont, Mass. Doilies, R AID •••••••••••• At Rally of Demomts Debate Long Period. Torpedoes Used To Report At The Masonic Tem­ Instrument Co. Named Chairman of ple At 7:80 P. -M. Tonight To 195 Center Street ^ Doilies, 12” xl8” ...... PHONE 4060 L. T. Wood. Go. Republican National Kansas City, July •.—(Fl­ Enter Tall Cedars’ Bicycle Con- 51 Bissell Street Doilies or Napkins. 12’’xl2” ... . " B u l& ! testi Prlies for Everyone! Hilliard St. Manchester it was a DemocraUc rally. AT PINEHURST Tel. 4496 Committee; To Be As­ Former Senator James A. WsaMngton, July • — OP) — Pride of French Navy Is Dropn Burglary Insurance; Deeision Removes Posai* Grand Prize: 837.95 Boys’ or Scarfs, 16” xl6” ...... Senator Itoft (R., Ohio), op­ Tuesday, .luly 0.1 h Girls’ Bike. sisted by Hamilton Reed was introducing Maurice Target of Naval and Tear'Gas Not Effective a Scarfs, T6” x24” ...... M, Milligan, candidate for the posing confirmntton o f Henry hilityl. of Another Naval L. Stimson as secretary sf SPECIAL TUESDAY! As Executive Director. party nomination for U. S. sen­ Air Action; Hit First Duncan, Okla., July 9 -u P)— Scarfs, 16"x36” ...... ator. wmr, aanerfod In the ..Rennie, Battle Like That today tkst President Roose­ By Depth Bombs from Tom Sutherland cancelled hla Mnehurst Plump, Tender, HALE'S 5ELF SERVE Scarfs, 16” x45” ...... “Who,” he demanded in burglary inaurance and inatall- Oran, Algeria, Leaiea Washington, July 9.— pointing to the importance of velt had “Isft himself clear” (Almost 4 Lbs.) The Original In New England! Scarfs, H ’x52" ...... to advocate a declaration of Motorbpat Under Her ed a tear gaa )x»mb in hla loan (A P )— Rep. Joseph W. Mar­ the office, "is going to run the company office aafe. British Fleet Friee to Scarfs, 16” x6.3” ...... tin, Jr., of Massachusetts, nation for the next eight war. T aft said Stimnon “ ad- vooatea a policy vVklcil Stern; Blow Disposes He found the aafe open, the Move More of Its Pow­ FOWL House minority leader, today years?” gaa vial broken and 8100 mlaa- Cloths, .36”x36” ...... ,. ..$1.00 ‘ ’Willkie.!’’ came several amounts to war and would O f Seventh Battle­ AND HEALTH MARKET was named chairman of the . eertalnly. lead to War," and ing. er Against Italians Cloths, 50” x.‘50" ...... _____ ,. . .$1.98 shouts from the crowd. 99c each Republican National Commit­ declared that hla appointment ship in French Array. In Mediterranean Sea* Cloths, 50” x72” ...... ,. . .$2.98 tee and director of the Will- was of a pattern with other We step# he MUd the administra­ 29c SPECIALS Call Fur and TUESDAY SPECIALS Domestic Dept. kie 'presidential campaign. tion was taking towhrd war. London, Jul.v 9.—r'(AP)— 1^51'irisi Alexandria, July 9.— (A P ) Deliver Your —— — — „ John D. M. Hamilton, present •The battleship Richelieu, 35,- — French .N’aval authorities Loin Mutton Chops, Ta Hear Foes Washington, July 9—(8*)— Amid Doctor’s Prescrlptlona committee chairman, was se­ 000-ton prjde of the French hefe agreed today to turn ...... A T C Double Green StampK Given With Cash 88146 charges that the administration Pineapple Dipped " O O a > lected as executive director. Navy, has been crippled by U-Boats Hit .over the entire French fleet at WELDON DRUG CO. Tuesday. Of Compulsory was setting up a war cabinet, the Franktarta, lb...... A PrescrtptloD Pharmacists He will work under Martin. British Naval and air action, Alexandria to the British. Small Link Sausage, 901 Main Street Join Now ! Wendell L. Willkie, the Re­ .Senate leadership strove today to a cheering House of Com­ 29c Hale’s Qualit.v The French are arranging publican presidential nomi­ obtain quick approval of President mons was informed today as , Heavy Blows S'B Service First Roosevelt's Republican appointees, Republican Presidential Nominee „JVendcll L. Willkie (right) and tritnsportation to France ol nee, announced the appoint­ to defense cabinet posts. Senatop Charles L. McNary Ore.). G. O. P. choice for the vice another section of France’s the crews of all the warship*. Bread Loaves C ' Hale’s Down Quilt Club presidency, are shown whovYhey met for the first time in a Wash­ - 7 ^ 2 11 ments to a press conference i Even opponents conceded that fleet was taken by the Brit­ Sinking of Destroyer, The French decision remove Senate G>mniittee De­ the two nominees—Henry L. Stim­ ington hotpl shortly after .w illkie’.s’ arrival fcpm New York, Here ish. While A. V. Alexander, Hale’s Gorgeous Down Puffs At Great Savings! after he had met with a sub­ they smilingly discuss the coming campaign. the possibility of another Given With Cash Sales In committee which the^national son to be secretary of war and first lord of the Admiralty, Several Arnied Mer­ cides to Postpone Call­ Frank Knox to be secretary of the British-French Naval battle You have always wanted one of these luxury puffs committee authorized* to told the House of the British chant Ships Reported; A. R. Wilkie Formosa Oolong Tea and how you can have one at great savings In this ing Military Experts Navy—would be confirmed. , but here such as occurred at Both These Stores All Day easy Hfay. All these puffs sre specially priced for make the selections. \ debate was lasting longer than ex­ raids on the Richelieu at Da­ Air Raids Success.- Ot-an, Algeria, July 3, and left 16 Walker St. Tel. 8365 delivery In the Fall. Ta Head Advisory Commlttm To Testify on . Bill. pected. kar, French West Africa, yes­ the British fleet free to move* WUIkie also sanouneied that Senator Barkley of Kentucky, L b . 35c Axis Plkns Three-Fold terday, announcement was Bertia. July 9. — OPi — Heavy more of its power against the T uesday 17 Beautiful Colors To Choo.se From. , Gov. Harold E. atsassn, at Hinno- Waahington, July ■ •.—(85—The the DemocraUc ..leader, expressed aota, who was keynoter and Will- made in Alexandria, Egypt, blowa to Britiah ahipping. tnclud- Italiahs in the Mediterranean. Hale's Quality Senate Military Committee decided hope that both appointments would' Pasteurized Milk ' kle’s floor manager at the Repub­ be out o f the way by nightfall so that the French would turn *ng the alnklng of the deatroyer To Li* at Alexaadria today to postpone calling military ^Regular $17.95 Celanese Satin, Down Filled lican convention, would head a that the Senate could pass the 84.- Attack ppoii Britain their entire flotilla there over | Whirlwind and aeveral armed mer­ An .official atatement aald tha Red Bag Coffee 2 Lhfi. 27c , large Canp>algn A^laory Commit­ experts to testify on the Burke- 000,000,000 Navy expansion bill be­ to Great Britain. French Admiral Godfrey, com­ tee. ' Wadsworth military training bill, chant ahipa. were credited to Ger- and Cream fore Congress recesses Thursday The Richelieu was struck first manding the ships at Alexandria, POR HIALTHY DOOS and bear Instead from witnesses man subniarines today by the Nazi New York .State Puffs $14.95 When the conference ended re- night for the DemoersUe National b.v depth bombs from a motorboat high command. had agreed to put them In a condi­ From Selected Parma Th€ J W H A M CORK portera clustered about Willkie opposing the Idea of compulsory Convention. fapan Ready ' under her stern to wreck her pro­ tion so they could not'go^to 00*7 PARD ...... 6 cans .'50c Trapunta and punchwork patterns. service.. The Air Force, it said, raided M a n c h e s t m C o n n - more informally and someone ask-, Senator Clark (D., Mo.), asked peller and steering gear, but :the port facilities, airports', armament to demilitarize them by raraositag ) Testimony from Army and N*nv Case of 48 ...... ,..$3.89 V * Pea Beans Lbfi. ed whether hla desire was to get for time to oppose the Stimson and Defeat Her at Home, coup de grace on the new, mighty factories and ships In England. certain armaments and to reduca 2 11c repreaentatives waa to have start­ Regular $14.95 Celanese Taffeta, Down Filled “ new blood" Into the Republican Knox appoiritmehts on the ground To Use Army dreadnaught was delivered by Listed as hit were: Shipyards at the crews to the men necesaary for ed today but tho committee voted party organisation. "That’s' right,” that they were both ’’Intervention­ In Territories, at Sea. aerial torpUdoea dropped by Brit­ Devonport, oil tanks at Ipswich care smd maintenance. Thus tho FOR SUMMER SAT.ADS No. 2 Can Wegner to defer it until final Senate ac- be replied. ists,’’ and Barkley said he would ish planes, Alexander discloaed. and elMwhere. explosive plants at ships wui lie at Alexandria for tha tlm on the nomination o f Henry-L. Puffs $12.95 He described Martin aa-’’a fel­ He aald ahe is down by the Harwich, chemical plants In Bill- duration of the war; most of tha RCd-RIpe ^ m s o n and Fra.nk Knox to head speak Ip behalf of confirmaUon. , Rome, July 9.— (A P )— An At Hong Kong low of fine ability and absolute In­ stern, lisUng heavily to port and Ingham. a cruiser, a destroyer and crews will be returned to TYanca Qropefruit Juice 3 c... 25|c Beautiful trapunta work pattern. the War and Navy Departments. Step on Road to War - F R E E - (£Hinise>soH.INC tegrity and fairness. Italian - German agreement lying in a heavy pool of oil. five merchantmen in the North and Britain has promised to return TOMATOES Chairman Sheppard (E>-Tex) said In yesterday’s debate, criU(;S for a three-fold attack on The blow disposed of'the seventh Sea. the ships when the war ia over. USE OF CAMERA Large 20-Ounce Can Burt OIney Regular $12.95 Celanese Taffeta, Down Filled “The moment the national. con­ witnesses in opposition to the bill, contended that the, nominations Plans Mepfely .Await Lon­ 10c lb. The Valuable Premiums You Get for Your Green vention was over,’’ he said, “I were a step on the road to war. On Britain was reported ..today French battleship, tpe Admiralty Following is the text qf today s The French liner Athos II, IF,- DURING OUR which proposer registration of all first lord said; leaving only the Gennan high command com­ started out to get Joe Martin aa males from Y8 to 65, would appear the other hand, Chairman ^ep.- by 'Virginio Gayda, usually don's P^eply to Request 276-toD vessel in port sevor^ Iceberg Lettuce. Stamps Make Shopping At These Stores Extra Profit­ C .n. Jean Bart, a sisterabip of the Rich­ munique: PICTURE CONTEST Tomato • Juice 3 25c national chairman.” tomorrow. pard m completion German submarines again in­ troop* in event of major hoatlli- Will Apprave Principle The Axis partners, Gayda said, Cabbage. WEEKLY PRIZE! •Bmart trapunta 'work pattern. ponents for the. Republican pre^- of national unity at a time o f great that she cannot be ready for ac­ flicted heavy losses on the ene­ tles. The 12,000-ton French lin ^ Kellogg’s Reliable aour^s said, however, are determined: Closing Burma -Route. my. Celerj’.s dentlal nomination had treated emergency. tion for months. that when the Arm y’s representa­ 1. To blockade the British France had eight capital ships Lieut.-Capt. Hans Grrrit Von ENTER NOW! tives did kppear, .they would ap­ Senator Vandenberg Mich.), (Continued On Pago Eight) , Radishes. * Regular $10.95 Saline Covered, Down Filled ilsics, Tp(icyo, July 9—(8')— Informed Stockhausen sgnk 56.000 register­ Corn Flakes pkg. 7c (i'onUnoed On Page Bight) prove the principle, of compulsory contended that Stlm ^n had ad­ i 2. To break Britain’s empire qt^rtera asserted today Japan U (Oontinoed On Pnge Eight) ed tons of enemy merchant ship­ military training, dlsagrselng only vocated policies' whUh he said contacts, ping space with his U-boat. New Green .Apples. KEMP'S with details set out In the bill un­ Puffs $8.95 S. To defeat her “at home, in ^pnred to take military action Another submarine destroyed the ...... der consideration. Asparagus lb. 2flc (Uontinned Ua-Page Bight) imperial territories” and at aea. lagainat the Britiah crown colony British destroyer Whirlwind an,d French Royalty Sheffield Milk 4 Cans 27c A practical, warm puff at the price of a wool flljed puff.. Leaders of various organisations Native Green or Each Axis power has definltei; of Hong Ko)>g if Great Britain] Jap General several armed merchant ships, | Flashes ! which advocate, civilian training among which was a British Naval 1 Wax Beans. wejre on the witness list of a House assigned tasks for these goa continue.* rrfuaal to rioac.thc Bur- [ Domestic Dept. (Late Bulletlna of the (85 Wire) tanker of 11.660 tons. Seekiiig^ Poweir (Committee considering the meas­ Gavda, editor of II Gio' ma rxmte of aid to CTiina: | Ivory Soap Rumania WoiiH O’lUlia, said. ~ Asks Apology Sub Increases Success ■ ' PINEHURST-rTUESDAY 3 r . l7 c ure. Theap aourcea aald Japanese The success of oiie submarine, ! STATE INSPECTION Guard Data on OU , One point on which Army offi­ ffp-eals Italy's Job / plans are complete and merely Italy's Job. he d«W*red, /is to W-htch was reported in the com- I House of Orleans HopM Buchareat, July-*.— (/O—Ruma­ cials were said to disagree with Cede Any Land await Ix>ndon's reply to a request munlque- of June 28' to have sunk ! SOAP SALE Footed Iced Tea Glasses nian noldlera with rtilea and bay­ the Burke-Wadsworth bill was the strike at the'British at four places, for recbnaideratlon of the refusal. Tells Marine Commaml- For . Restoration of ii».i,b. B ,j on land said harass British ship­ 38.000 tons, was increased to 40,311 i SERVICE Sugar $4.89 onets suddenly cordoned the of­ 8S-a-month pay rate it fixes for They pointed to the removal of M FLOAtS f » I »• I I 1 •) •« I In Crystal with etched design or colored lines. ping in the Atlantic, Mediterra­ toM, as Lieut.-Commander Knorr | fices of all foreign oil companies. men selected for training. 'TTie high women and chili, July' 9—OP)— The today said the bearded Duka o f expressing belief that Japan-Onui Army In Ctilna, as t|ie after­ Guise, claimant of the Frmch •1 for Sunkist Lemons Doz. 25c About Claims 'The statement was • made as position of the Treasury July 6: • > Japs Heir* British Steamer { not ^’bluffing.” looketf *ihQ!X~unt Ga- of the'German-vanquished French a A new book,*'How to Have the Home You Want.'* 116 pegea of California Migrants Create day that about 6.000 French offi­ government, have said the 84- HEALTH MARKET mnnlUoBB halmaihg *• ^ ecrtahi gary's government leaders were lesaso Oano, and 'possibly »1th Japanese gendarmes, demanded an tocta about home ownarahip, will guide yon along tha path to a cers, Including the staff of .Gen. y;ar-oid Praniier Petain would bo- Large, 2 for 39c CLEANED beUlgereat country to Jnpnnauo called to Bwiln today to diaeuaa Adolf HiUer. apology today from the command­ bener, safer home invettmeni. 59c Window* Screen* occupied territory.” Jnpuueac Na­ er of Unjted States Marines In the Eugene Mlttelhauser, had crossed come “ chief of state” under a now aettjeraent of ’their country's Oaly Exchange Pepolationa '^Vested Interests ’ in "Land constitution described as “corpo­ AND PRESSED What are yawr qneatiooa about gatting that jonged-for homa with coppered fioiah wire. 22” high, adjustable to val authorities are aeadlag a Official quartora here said Ru- International Settlement for al­ the border into Palestine' and claims on Rumania with the Ger­ rative”— the term Italian Fascists of your own? Answer them, new, by getting this valuable booki 33” w id e ...... atrengly worded protest to tha anla would conatjier only on ex­ leged maltreatment of 15 plain­ Joined British military forces CASH AND CARRY Rib Lamb Chops Lb. 37c 45 c man and Italian foreign miniaters, there. ' apply to Premier Mussolini’s gov­ We have a copy for you! BrlUah,. the ageney said. Joachim Von Ribbentrop and change o f populations as a iwans San Francisco, July F:-(8‘>^M i- large-.scale. cooperative farms. He clothes gendarmes while In Ma­ Spetdy Sudt Tension was reported growing ernment. V _ * • .* Count Oaleasso Ciano. of settling Hungary's 20-year gratory workera have created for did not offer details. , rine custody. Have p m w o n d e r^ how to plan entrancea. d oaeu t ; living ShenMer In Syria as the result of Arab dis­ Rerision Plans Approved Rubber Mats to Set Under Kitchen Pails Womau Hoada Boopltal Board Hungarian Premier Count Pal claim on Transylvania, which was themselves “small-scale vested In­ . IntoUlgrnt Planning Holutlon He declared that “ spfip^ settle­ 2 for room, dining room, kitchenfor lasting convenience? D o you ment of the incident is neceasary orders, a division of sentiment (Reuters—British news aganby . Taleky and Foreign Minioter » Magyar province beforei the terests’?'in their squatter-ilka set­ Intelligent planning of a bioad- 2 '. want sound itandarda*s*SBee«esee 25 c “ Such an exchange, to the u t* bare formed permanent settle­ tho):ities' consent. collaboration wtth Britiah it from ire, .heat and cold and deterioradon. note was sent'to Germany several tlement of mlgrqpts in this state," ' Tbeas dispatches added that P*> Lamb Stew Lb.i0c-15c Mafkati At A Qlnaee elusion o f territorial cessionKm^ght ments which cling to established "Insulted EnUre Army" there. days ago setting forth Hungary's he added, “ draws forth the Inevit­ .tain would assume ‘(only ths tttt* 2 FOR 90c. "How to Have the Home You Want” may help yon avoid have a aatlafactory result for tho 37e Hour Tort, July S—(jPh— miniinum dsmanda for return from coromunlUea like “unwanted ap­ able comment that ‘Anything you ■ Col. Dewitt Peck, Marine com­ British Massing Troops of executive powsr” —'prosum*h)y. amny miatakca—and pariiapa save hnndredt of doilara. Atk ns Basement. taro natloBs, artth good economic pendages'* regardleaa of lock! em­ onrly ratty falt- Rumania of 'Transylvania. do fo r these people will only en­ mander, replied yesterday "it's a The Britiah, who have wanted as a figurehead—and that the g««w for a copy of this boolc. Come to our oficc, write or phone. But consequences and the esUbUsh- ployment opportunities or the un- Von Rlbbontrop ai^ CUno, who courage more to come.' lie” in denying the Japanese had they would not countenance any ernment would ba doealneted to * act/ww nefore our tnpply is ezhauated. meat of good neirtbbr relations. productlvity at the soil under their Bsudi Btaufiy raiia < i ral- conferred with Hltisr in Berlin , “ Any resettlement plan sooner been maltreated. In a letter to German or Italian effort to use trlumvlrats compooad pf Om . Dial 7100 Beef Liver Lb. 25c DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS TUESDAY. ‘These arould give excellent re­ feat.' — O’* \ Sunday and ara scheduled to aee or later collides wltlT the . basic Colonel Peck, Mlura aald that de­ Syria aa a basevof operations, were Maxima .Weygand, formor AOIod For Prompt Pidt-np. Foraiga 'Capkaagu ^— Narrow; sults to the taro countries and to “The owners of these, aback In- realities of our industrialized ag­ spite his previous agreement to reported massbig troops along him again this waak, ware iaifi to hll of the oountrles In this part o f commander-ln-cblcf; Former 1 fraa poHBi aUglitijr uC. tefeats," be reported, “must now riculture, and the moment ttds consider the incident closed, “ dls- the frontier, leading to the.belief mier Pierre Laval and Foensr. hava been studying the note and Europe.” be dealt with, if you pTaasCj as Hamburg'^ Cottom—Lower; M y MquHaUsu; the Hungarian m ln iftm were ex­ coUialon occuin, planning beats a oovery of new facts revrallng that actlelh of fame sort might be im­ bor Mlaiater Adrien lla i^ t. 12 Lb. 49c ; ^ ttorm W orhsra MobUlBed property owners. W e have permit­ minent. ' 'i hedging. pected to dismise the whole ques- hasty, retreat. Oslifornia takes the Americans lAOuIted the entire Leto— aoMgwsUon Fsremai THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. 1 'The Rumanian caMatt moMlIxed ted them . to- eroato a myriad of cognisance o f the problem but Japanese Army” made neceasary Observers aaid that | while the U. S. Geanm Sufiar-Mixadl kMca as«l|i«t non with them. Reoignation o f presldeat farm and forost workara today to •mall-aeate vastod laUfeats." Coal, Lumber, Maamm* SapBUco, Paint i h JW.HAU co« i toreljp iNijr^. Hungary, le ia understood hare, graciously suggests that ‘efforts further consideration of the cstse. majority o f the French aoldicrs Lebrun waa fortcast along AND DYERS ■ I) M K ttgtbai the antion fo r dafeass McYViHiama. umo dlrecta tha thould bs Boade to provld* oppor­ A Japanese spokesman said tha under Mlttolhauaer saemsd op­ expectations th at: Sausage Meat ^ -MAHCHISTillSCONII* ig wlOIng to settle peacefully with arhils King Osrol n laborad to prs- S36 No. Main St. TcL 4148 - Manchentcr 35e atata’s sCforta to find housing or tunity for som* of tho mlgranta to geadannsa eatortd the area to posed t o , continuing' the war thud re^ a u e late a 846 MAIN STREET Rumania for lass than tha original vent tha government from faUhig faraa for. the newcomsra. suggest­ return to. agriculture in' .other safeguard Ueut, * Gon. 'Toohlao against Germany, it aras doubtful mold wout4 ed tbs' migrants might be best as- statea, prafsrably thoae ' froas whether they arould raoist if 'the I Qa'raaa-Ywai, , slmllatiad by yuttfog- them on which they mierstsd.’ ” la w ) British ^tempted to ni0 *a.ta. (< MANCHESl-Ea EVENING Ui:*;AJ a), OCi.,.N. TUEoDAY, JULY •, 1940. llANdHESTER EVENING HERALD B1ANCHE8TER. CONN TUESDAY, JULY 9,1940 FACE

iah-Rumaiilkn relaUona growing out of Rumania’s renunciation of WaU$ Nearly 7 Ymtrs Main Insists on Showing amak down a.baek allay to a 1 Expect No Change Church Ruined Japan Ready Six in Sewing Mahcheaier P rice Is Down parlor w h m hM t on# aa Chosen tha A^lo-Frenck guarantaa of Polities in Canada Show Music Dream Changes Urged LoV(prs’ Church In Assignment Rumailla’a Integiflty and the recant Before FUing License Knobby Knees in Public er’a boada off with h ««r bottlso.” ByFirfevJoday expulsion of Brttlin oil men led to Date Book Th« Lovers’ Church rmnnaffa k 1 Foreman reports that any 'furtl)er expulsions ToUse Army Class Placed On Cigarettes Comes Tru e In H ateh B^D Founder Dies corract that sHuation by a coiaah' would bring matters to a Jiead. ComlMg Kvento Solidarity Against Hitler Watortown, M a«., July 9,— Oklalwa July 9—iff) o f leaaooa In how to mako M i Hartford, July 9—(4>)—The adju­ Aug. lfi-24.—Tall Cedars Joy- vet— I t wouldn’t do to gtva — Ralph Yoas may hava knob­ and how to aalaot a mato. At Hong Kong Theodea S. Dhoku an urgent by knees buf he reaksyes the tant general'a office today said It Danbury Edifice Inte­ Women Instructed in Uhd, Dougherty lot. Vending Machines Drop Ottawa, Canids— (Correspond-men would be left fre* to reap Great School Hofie of Sponsor Predicts Pass­ McKeeTier Invited Lone­ . Tha aacond waaVa maattnff ■ md Coleman Is letter to mall. right to show them In.'publio attended bjr about 100 woman a M , “had no further advice” and “ex­ Axis Power* Plan snea o f The Associated Press their iisusl profits. rior Damage to Ejn* Machine Operation at One Cent as Business )—1 Kbussevitzky for Peri­ Back in September, 1933, age in/House by Ma­ by wearing aborts, just Uke 35 men, but the church even tu a l^ ' sleeted by North pected no change” In the recent . (Continaed From P »g « One) Prlme Minister King has de­ ly Persons to Attend to Canada had thrown English poli­ Dhoku, a Watertown tailor, the women. dwindled lilto'obacurtty. order aaaigning Lieut. Col. FrancU ceed 1^5,000. ^ nied any aucb Intention. Mobillza- J. Shearer as commander of ,the Attack on Britain Trade School Get Jobs. Was Falling Off. tics Into ravarae and arrivad at od of 27 Year^. > and Cleinde Sttaika of Auburn, jority* of Three-Fourths Yoes strolled dosvn Main Find Companionship. McKeever was hom In a loff ' ’ end Firemen. and consolidate control over Euro­ Boa wraa hurrisd; and, anyway, It , ; 20eth Coast Artillery regiment,' pean-owned territories In eastern N. K Slocks the- aama place — ------a united^ were married In Worcester. •treat yesterday, sans trous­ cabin near Vafley Falls, Koa. front agMnat Adolf Hitler. would be better to shape the law anti-aircraft, Connecticut National Danbury, jiitly 9.— The in- YflontliMied front Page One) Asia.— Six women who have been tak­ The price of cigarettes, sold Btockbridge, Mass., July 9—(F) The clergyman handed Dhoku Wublngton, July 9— CO—Thrs# er*. A fter M m * confusion, Rajnnond Ooleman wM re-«l«ct- In Britain the demand for an to defense needs as they develop. Oklahoma City, July S.-r-HJCi— Guard. / terfor of St. Ann’s church was 'The Japanese War, Navy and ing Instruction at the local State A ir Deduc ...... 3914 through vending machines, was —With the formal opening of tl)e the marriage llcehae and. told changes in the -Senate-approved patrolmen toqk him to tb« fam nv> o f Ho m Qb', No. 1 of "all out" scrap forced Conserva­ Rejects ReepoosibUlty Df. WlIHam A. ifcKesver, 72-year Lieut Cbl. L. Standlsh Tracy, ruliied by flames and smoke this In Libya, at the British-Egyptian Foreign Ministries called emer­ Trade achool In the operation of Alaska Jun ... .. 4 li changad this moralhg... from 17 him to (lie It at once with the station, strip ^ shorts and all, vtba UaachMter fire department at The . prime mlnUter r e ^ t a re­ Berkshire Music Center,'a 27- Hatch anti-politics bill . were pro­ old psych(S(i0at, writer and educa­ former head of the noth Cavalry, morning when fire o f undeter­ Sudan from East Africa, at Kanya power sewing machlnea have secur­ Alleghany eenta a pack to 18 cents. wn'Oh tive Neville Chamberlain to resign Watertown clerk. and booked him for disorderly, gency conferences To' discuss Brit­ % sponsibility fur ' the tardiness of year-old dream of Serge Kousse- posed today by Representative tor who founded the “ Lovers’ N o w Under-arm / tta.aanuaLi»eetlnK of fh* <=om> whose units were Included In the mined origin starting In the ad­ and at British Somaliland. ed employment, Director J. O. Allied Oiem . ..147 the tax went Into effect on July aa prime minister in favor of a Dhoku -remembered yester­ conduct. ]M]d Kut nlaht. Stephen Mil* ish rejection yeeterday of Japan’a defensa preparatjons up to now. Chiircb,” died )s*t night of a kid­ new regiment, is contesting Colo­ joining vestry, spread through the Italian action agaihfct Solium; Echmallan announced today. There Am Can ...... 9 5 1 the price over the counter waa coalition headed by Winston vltsky's became an actuality. day and handed it In. Dempsey (D., N. M .), one of Its “Are you a fraUrnlty T ]«r waa re*elepted first assistant demand that this link between Canada's job, )u says, was to back ney ailment and oomplicatlons. Cream DeoddraiU nel Shearer's assignment as head sanctuary and church auditorium. capture of Kastela, British port In are now 17 wpmen In the claasea, Am Home Prod .. 52>4 16 cents a pack In nearly' every CaiurcblU. Tanglewood, the magnificent m - sponsors, just before It was called pledge,” demanded . Police Vfomnan and William Frazier, Sr, the Chinese Nationalist forces and up England. And In la n d , expect­ McKeever was ths author of of the coast defense unit. Damage w^l exceed $5,000. 'loyale, and bombardment of the outside world be cut off—aa a which are held both morning an?: Am Rad St S ...... S\ place In Manchester but a charge lii Canada, it is tha (%nsarva- tate give the Boston Symphony up fdr House debate. CapL Marvin Murray, "or la araa asain elected second assist­ ing a three-year war of attrition, more than a score of books. A doubleNalarm was aounded, den and Perlm Were indications means of ending the tbree-year- afternoon. Tliose wishing to enroll Am Smelt .'...... 3614 of 17 cents waa made when pur­ tlvaa who are preasin'g Prime Min­ OrchMtra In 1937 by' Mrs. Gorham Dempsey predicted passage by a thla a betJ” ant. Because Ted McCarthy has didn't aok for much and aometlmes In recent years he InXu^rated bringing neariy,^ery piece of flr^ of Italian initiative along these old Chlncse-Japanese war. should apply at th* Municipal Am T A T ...... -.160 chased through a machine. It was uter Mackenzie King, a Liberal, Brqpks, le now the seat of a school three-fourths majority, while Rep­ ’’Neither,”' replied t^e young Stop! Pert pirotion loft town the office of secretary for aterfier prbaecutlon of the war. even discouraged Canadian offers Eight French cartoonUt. “I just wanted to a Lovers’ church and foqpded the apparatus in ^anbury to tM lines, .Geyda said. Reply Dnsatlsfaetory. ' Building on Wednesdays, or at the A m 'Tob B ...... 77% heceaaary to deposit 20 cents and of music compaiable with the an­ resentatives Hobbs (D., Ala.), a Maturates Society fo r'' p'eriKtns waaHIlod by the election of Harry state employment office In Hart­ In each case, tha public has in* of aid. nual Berkshire Symphonic Festi­ leading opponent, said there was wear my shorts. What's wrong Police Settle scene. The blaze avm soon extin­ Foreiijpi Minister Hachiro Arlta Am Wat Wks ...... , 8% when the pack waa ejected It con­ In defense of hU position—he. “over 70.” Slogans of the society. jlaaaea. Lawrence Moonan, who ford any day of ^le week. dicatad It does not much care val, which next month on the same “ no doubt” the bill would pass. , with that ? The women do It.” guished but not befOM great dam­ told British ambassador Sir Rob­ Anaconda ...... 19S tained three pennies enclo.sed In was returned to power recently lii Included "Old Age Is a Delusion';' had served as , 'treasurer of the Mr. EchmallSn also pointed out \yhat U the name of the party In Ships Curbed The vote may come tomorrow or ”Wen.” said the puzzled of­ age had been done t ^ h e Interior To Work Out Futufe ert Cralgle the British reply was Armour 111 .v ...... ; 4% the .wrapper on the • pack. an election decided on the war grounds again will demonstrate and “Life Begins at 70.” company for many years, a mem­ that the “Job training’ course be­ :jj)ower as long aa it U the party how It gained Its reputation as Thursday.' ficer, “ I don’t know If It'a In­ Sale Squabble of the church. . Set-lip of Europe ^ unsatisfactory and urged him to Atchison ...... 15% ' Bmlneoa Falls Off iosus—the prime minister has call­ He Invited lonely persona es- ber at the nominating committee, Kenioves Blewsed Saeninient j advi.?e London to reconsider. X ing given In machine work offers a Aviation Corp •:...... >. 4% It did not take cigarette smok­ that U willing to fight Hitler the probably the best prepared sum­ The legislation’s main provision decent exposure or not. A Rome, July 9 - - An Italian ed up reports of his aides in Com­ Seized, Sdnk or Heavily court win have to decide j (dally to attend his Lovera church presented the name of WUlliam The Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Foreign Offiee rommunique said splendid opportunity for recent Baldwin ,Ct ...... 14% ers long to learn that they could .^ardcst. mer music festival In the world. forbids political activity by state government source indicated toda)’ mons to show that production 'of that.”- to find companionship. A mim)jer Orlffln to 'fill the post of trcaavirer Philip N. .Salmone, pastor, is away Sir Robert bad agreed to transmit high school graduates who are lin- JB A O .. 3T, save money by buying over ' the QnimMe Against Slowness tanks and other' munitions In 'The dream began In 1913-1914, or local employes If their work is Argiimpnt Develops On that German and Italian leaders employed to learn the fundamen­ Damaged by British Yoes Insisted on a trial and of them found romance, and mar­ as he declined to run. Mr. Griffin for.a vacation after a recent ill- Arlta's-request. Beth Stl ...... 75 counter and. business fell off in Widespread grumbling against Canada were delayed for many Dr. Kou'Shevltzky explained late | "in connection with” a federally- woidd work out preliminary plans tals of a trade. While the enroll­ was released pending a hear­ riage, there too. was elected. Charles VlnceKv and Personal Items After nesi. The Rev. Alfred J, Carmody, The British refusal was not en­ Beth Stl 7 P f . .. ..120% the machines. Today'the changes the slowmesa of Ihe King govern­ months by Britlfh manufacturern' yesterday to an audience of a Naval Action. financed project It is a companion Qlenn Peterson were elected audi­ for Ihe future set-up of Europe ment for the evening classes Is now ment’s defense preparations In thousand In., the, flat Iron shaped to a statute also fa th er^ by ing Thursday. Founding the Lovera' church in 1. Docs not tot p rints, does 6t Stu Peter’s rhurch. was sum­ tirely unexpected here, but some Borden 18% were being made. It is still neces* refusal to rellnquiab the necessary 1937, McKeever. predicted it would tors and (diaries Connors was Transfer of Property. moned to remove tlie Blessed Sac­ during the current \dsit o^" Foreign full with thiety students. X.reserve Can Pne ...... 2% sary to deposit 20 cents, either' in - Canada paralleled complaints designs and apecifleationa. music shed, when he organized Senator Hatch (D., N. M.), which not irtitsts ilcio.- compromise offer had been expect­ list is being created to fill vacan­ By The Associated Press “plant a bomb under this infernal named for the 26th Ume as chair­ rament and sacred^vesscls. Minister Count Galeazzo Oano to ed and'the shock to the Japanese Cerro De P ...... 26% dimes or nickles to make the 204 ^about the Chamberlain govem- The plain spoken inference was what he felt would become one of forbids political dctivlty by Fed­ 2. Nowsitiogtod^.lCsbtwnsid cies caused by graduation. Appli­ Great Britain has now claimed eral employes. divorce mill that's nirmlng here ' right sfeet thsviog. . man of the house committee. W il­ Poltre were this mouning called Because of Father Salmone’s Germany. was increased by the strong con­ Ches ft Oh ...... 37% cents, but the pack now, has fours aent in Britain,. that the Britons wanted to keep the great schools of music In a Deaths Last Night cants should call at the state em­ to have seized, sunk or heavily daya, nights and Sundays. Inicsmljr iiops penpitsilDn liam Frazier? Jr., and Herbert to settle a controversy between absence, no-services had been held He explained that the Germans trast with the French attitude.. Chrysler ...... 64 pennies In the -wrapper.To make It came out In newspaper edi­ the industrial benefits of the war residential district of Moscow. Terming the bill .“ excellent as a 2. Crandall were named as stewards ployment office in Hartford if they. But the war, and then the Rus­ damaged eight French battleehips whole.” Dempsey said he would “ People jump into marriage for 1 CO ) dsfi. kemoTss odof Glarenee K.. Wilson and John Mc- in the^'chiirch since Sunday morn­ and Italians were “beginning to France readily agreed to per­ Coca-Cola ...... 103 the changes In the ..Tachlne to torials and demands in the House to themselves. New York—Dr. William A. Boy- without knowing wha4> they’re do­ and James Cummings to ^ e en­ wish to sign up for the course. sian revolution came, .and after in her efforts.to keep the French seek the following changes in Its from pcnpincioa. Conville at the Wilson farm on ing. No one had been in the vestry mirvey the horizon to see what mit Japanese InsjMCtors to super­ Col Gas ft El ... .. 5% take care of this, new parts had of Commons for the prime minis­ Weahness Would Be Capital lan, 71. first president of Brook­ ing, I want to keep it dignified. tertainment committee. ter’s resignation. that he came to America as con­ Navy from falling to Germany and provisions: . 4. Apiue,wfaite,gteiscltss,stain- Woodbrldge street. An argument since that time. Defective wiring should be done in the future” to­ vise rail shipments through Indo­ Coml Inv Tr .., .. 3.5% to be purchased and an apparatus In normal times, the weakneos lyn College and author of several There will be no roughness or . leu Ttoishing cream. / The company will hold its an­ I t reached lU height with thd ductor o f the Boston Symphony. Italy. 1. Make the law effective as had developed over possession of was being considered as a possible ward .settling the continent’s poli­ china Into Oilna to prevent mili­ Council Schedules Coml Solv ...... 8% to insert the’^^'^nnies Inside the ()f a Conservative government in textbooks on English and arith­ rowdyism. 1 especially want ma­ 2. Arrid hu b m awarded the nual outing in Bolton August 18. certain items of equipment on the tical problems. . - tary supplies frona. reaching the Cons Edis ...... 28% wrapper had to be procur^ capitulation of France, when Con­ So it was hot until 1929 that he tt Britain's claima are correct, soon as the president signs it, in­ metic. cause. ' England In the handling of empire tried again; this time In White stead of watting until Oct. 1, 1940, ture, unmarried men to attend the Approval Seal of the Ametieso place. Some months ago fore­ To Discuss Transylvania Chinese forces. Cons Oil ...... 6 % 'Those who are buying liquor are servative Leader R. B. Hanson matters would be political capital there is only one French battleship Amaganaett, N. Y.—Mrs. Francei service and to stay for the social Institute of Lsuodering for Oet Inside Informatlnn. closure action was taken against The trip of Hungary’s Premier Dates for Carnival Oont Can ...... 40% now also complaining. THe^ say went privately to the prime minis­ Plains, N. Y. left which might be' used by Ger­ the date originally proposed. Rose Benet, 79, author and mother '’Understanding'’ Before Reply for a Liberal government in the 2. Eliminate jury trials for- em­ hour afterwards.” being hstmless to UbiKt. the premises which were purchas­ Count Pal Teleky and Foreign Com Prod .;... .. 49% that the charge of eight cents on ter and told him that If the war Depression Checks Attempt many 5)r Italy In the near future, of .the American writers Stephen Rumania Woirl - The Japanese-press was unanl-. Dominions. But In the defense ployes dismissed for polltipal ac­ The first session attracted 150 2S MILLION Jots of Arild . New York, July 9—(An— Three ed by Lawrence ■ Converse and Minister Count Istan Csaky to mous in declaring that “ an tihdep- Del L ft W n ___ .. 3% S half pint, 15 cents on a pint and effort were not speeded up at once The depi'easion checked off that and even thla one could not be used 'Yincent, Laura and William Rose On taking the chair as grand crisis Prime MlnUter King has re­ attempt. Now, In another war tivity, but permit such dismissals women and a half dozen mren. kava baan sold. Try e fat todajl Dies Committee investigators, Richard Tinker. Subsequently, a Berlin indicated that one of the atanding” with the United Stktes Douglas Aire ... . .-67% SO cents on a quart Is too much of the opposition would put the issue frained from cSstlnR any refiectlons immediately. It la the 35,000-ton Benet. McKeever said there were "1,- pnsiny as members of the German- couple of weeks ago, McConville Cetle Aiiv F.aiul knight of Campbell Council K. of Du Pont ...... 158 a tax. The tax as lalrance for- Asks Apology command announced today that hold the annual outing of the Conn. General .'...... 23% Hater of Women the Berkshire Symphonic Festival, the bill by the House Judiciary break up the present government British ambassador to Japan, on Packard 3% Hartford Fire ...... 73 75 W ill Produce and hit-by air bomlv* while fleeing aver kept. Italian forces had bombed British his talks with the Japanese on the council in Aiicust. 'The committee the first program of which is set Committee. and force the designation of a cab­ Param Plct ...... 5% Hartford Stm. Bolt . 52 .56 to France from battle off Oran, positions near Wajlr, Kenya, cap­ qiie.stlon of cloeing the arms route to select the date and place will-he Dies, Agetl 10.' for Aug. 1. Opening exercises in­ „ The measure would limit cam­ Mrs. Rltaabeth Snundera. (Continued from Page One) inet composed entirely of Iron Penn RR ...... 20% National F ire ...... 50% 52% Algeria, out of war for months. tured some British troops near to China through British Burma, announced later by Grand Knight cluding talks by Ernest B. Dane, paign contributions to $5,000 for Guardists - the Rumanian Nazi Turcana. in the same colony, and Phelps Dodge ...... 27% Phoenix ...... 74% 76% Own Versions Dunkerque, 26,500, damaged, Nlshlo, rommander-ln-chlef of sources close to the Foreign Office Quinn. Dr. Koussevltzky, Reginald C. individuals and corporations in party. raided Kurtnuk in the Anglo-Egyp- Phil Pet 31' Travelers ...... 400 420 beached and then bombed from air (Japanese forces in Chln.s. said today. , I . New York, July 9—(F>—Antonio Foster and Downes. at Oran. » general, and would bar donations I»o k for Repercussions tlan Sudan. Pub .Svc N J ...... 37 Public Utilities from contractors whose remunera­ Colonel Peck, who Indicated in­ It was said the report now is As a benediction there was the Bretagne, 22,189 and Provence, Diplomats, however, looked for At least 50 British ‘tanks, ar­ Radio ...... 4% Abbott to Make Movies ' Bondance, whose 105 years' were the first performance of an “ Alle­ tion comes in whole or part from $5.00 formally that no apology would be under consideration and the dis­ Rem Rand ...... Conn. LL and Pow. . 53 57 22.189, one sunk and the other repercussions from a series of mored cars and motor tfucks have ( ’allt‘d to Talk 7% 50 marked by tolerance for all crea- luia" written especially for the the Federal treasury. forthcoming, said today he had been dc.stroycd in the past few cussions with the Japanese are Republic Stl ...... 16% Conn. Pow...... 48 From Some of His Suc­ heavily daifiaged off Oran. asked the Japanese to explain ad­ political maneuvers from which 64% turea except women, died yester- occasion by Randall Thomp.son. A House Committee amendment FOR YOUR OLD days on the Libyan-Egyptlan fron­ likely to continue. Sears Roeb . . . t ...... 72% Hartford Elec. Lt. .. 62'j V | v Courbet, Paris, and Lorraine, all ditional violations of the agree­ had the net result of removing About Glaiiii8 57 cessful S ta f^ e I la y s . statin island infirmary. would set a $3,000,000 top on the W ASH BOARD tier, a communique said. Shell ITn ...... 8 Illuminating 9hs . . . . 55 2.189, two seized in English ports ment. from the cabinet Horia Sima, head 35 spending by political committees. The text of the communique: Socony-Vac Hartford G as ...... 31 The little, Itallan-bom laborer Britain Galls Film Stan. and third confined by British to In Trade On The He declared Japanese attempted of the Iron Guard, who waa mlqis- 8% ; . “ On the Cirenaican frontier Sou Pac ...... 8'- S. New Eng. Tel. Co. 148 15 Hollywood, Calif., July 9—(F)— never made quite clear why he Alexeindrla harbor. to drive two tanka into the rone ter of culture. Old Sperry Pond ( ( ’nntinuci) from Page One) 31 Hollywood, July 9—(F>—Great Jap Bombers Raid tliungklng enemy armored motor vehicles de­ -South Ry ...... 11 Western Max*...... 29 Ten years ago, when George Ab-. disliked women. But he broke Britain has called home its motion N E W M O D EL Sunday but were slopped by a The big que.stton in diplomatic bott turned his Imck on Hollywood -Londofi, July 9—(F)— A Reuters circles centered about .Sima’s next stroyed in the pa.st few days num­ borders of Transylvania, loat to Std Brand.* ...... 6% Industrial down last January on bis birthday picture actors between the ages of Korkrfeller Kin Dies (British news ag.ency) dispatch Marine patrol and that Japanese ber not less than 50. New Pieiiie'4.»roiuuI for his, first love— Broadway—it THOR WASHERS drove 125 motor trucks into the step. Rumania in the World war settle­ Std Gas A- El ...... 1% Acme W ir e ...... 17 19 and danced with a nurse In hla J8 and 31. Other British^ sub­ Cortland, N. Y., July 9.— (F)— from Chungking said more than Bomb Enemy Positions Std Oil Cal ...... was no aecret that he didn't like area yesterday. Sima an(J three other Iron Guard ment. 18% Am. Hardware ...... 20 22 ward. jects in the film colony tem ^rar- Allen C. Rockefeller, 83. of Dryden, 100 Japanese bombers rained the “ In East Africa our aiiatlon has Std Oil N J ...... the way things were done here­ Complete Colonel Peck said fie also had members of Premier Ion Gigurtu’s The Hungarian Army is on a 32% Arrow H and H.. com .33% 35% Tony's brother reputedly died at lly will aid their homeland In cousin of the late John D. Rocke­ western suburbs of ths Chinese bombed enemy positions In the Joseph Waskalewicz of Hart­ Tex Corp ...... abouts. 117 in Italy. 9 4 9 * 9 5 pointed out to Miura the ''discour­ five-day-old cabinet submitted complete war fooling and appar­ 38% Bristol Brass ...... 39 42 other ways. feller, died here Sunday night. capital yesterday. W'ajir zone of Kenya, hitting mii- ford. who Ijjst fall piirrh,i.scd from Timken Boll B ...... 42% Being a gentleman, as well as 4 tesy" of the Japanese in falling to their re.signation.s last nlglit in an ently the Hungarian attitude is Billings and Spencer 3% 4% With Pump. Your wash board r.ltlon.s dump.s. In the Tiircana L. T. Wood the ice pond and prop­ .Transamerica ...... 5 too busy producing plays to let Inform the Americans of .Viahlo's effort to force creation of a 100 that the nation must remain on C oifs Pat. Firearms. 73 76 eovere the down pa>-mmt. Bat­ zoned Kenya, some British troop.s erty adjoining it, known as the Un Carbide ...... 68 It worry him, Abbott kept quiet entrance into the American sector per rent Nazi government. They this basis until her claims on Eagle Lock ...... 6 8 on easy terms. have been raptured. .Sperry pond on the Camp Meeting Transylvania are satisfied In one Union Pac ...... ’I ... 80>- 130 .. about what the movie mill did to Sunday. hoped to force the realgnatlon of “ Following air bombing action FafnlT Bearings . . . . 120 road in Bolton, has developed the way or another. Unit Aire ...... 33% 130 some of his fine Ideas. Yesterday the Marine comman­ the Gigurtu government and to be our troops have carried out a raid Hart and Cooley . . . . 120 place for picnics. He has re­ To what extent the Axis powers Unit Corp ...... 2 10% And now, remembering . what der said the Japanese gendarmes given full penvers in Its successor. on Kurmuk in Anglo-Egyptian Hendey Mach., com . 8’ 4 ;'wer'e given exactly the same con­ modeled a small hon.se on the might go to soothe Hungary in the Unit Ods Imp ...... 12% 26% happened once but confident his­ Carol accepted Sima's resigna­ .Sudan, destroying a radio station j property and spends part of hUs Landers Frary ft Clk 24'v sideration and treatment as any Interests of keeping pCacc in. U S Rubber ...... 19% New Brit. Mch.. com. 38 38 tory won’t repeat, he’s back.' He tion. but refused to accept the and warehou.ses. time there. Picnic groimd-s have brings an Idea, born of years of B€nson^ man we arrest. Including a medical j .southeastern Europe remained a U S Steel ...... 51% North and Judd 27 29 in AM.iii^d'M m liW .t.ior others. "Enemy planes have raided been laid out and he has had a examination" question. West Union ...... 17% Peck Stow ft Wll . . 4 6 wondering why so many good 9M«vtt'*ain rratif He replaced Sima with Rado Mss-sawa, Diredawa and Ziila, stage plays become such poof Colonel Peck was scheduled to large amount of sea aand carted May ,\sk Hungary to Wall West El ft Mfg ...... 92 Russel ,Mfg. Co., new 9% 11%' Budlsteanu, Iron Guard lieutenant. causInK a total of two dead and to the pond to make a small beach. Woolworth ...... 32 movies. entertain a group of Japanese one Injured There waa no mate­ It waa admitted there is a pos­ .Scoyll Mfg ...... 25 27 Army officers at lunch today but The rablnet is divided between A week ago Sunday the new sibility Hitler and Clano may ask Elec Bond ft Sh (Curb). 6% 14 His thought Is to bring ti)e most Iron Guardlsts and followers of rial damage." owner had as his guests; children Sllex Co ...... 12 successful of His Broadway shows Here's whaf s happened to Gulf Gasolines as a result of the incident ail but Hungaiy to reserve her claims for Stanley Works ...... 44% 46% two of the Japanese guests de­ Octavian Goga, who himself once of members of the Pollsh-Amerl- the time being—a.s in the case of here and produce them himself. can club and last Sunday there do., pfd ...... 29 clined the invitation. headed a pro-Nazi, antl-semittc British Planes Raid Bulgaria's claim on southern Dob- Torrin^on ...... 24 26 Answer to Man.V Flops Freiifli Will Use “ I know the 'feel' of 4,h08e I pro­ government. Sima seeks a rablnet r . l • • D -I 'V * gathering there of adults. * ^,.housh this directly In Vecdcr-Root ...... '. 57 60 Mahieu's composed entirely of extremists Ethiopian Railway Town Mr. Waazkalewlcz,was formerly In duce-'profitably,” he says. “ Too volvea Magyar prestige. like himself. the grocery business'In Manchest New York Banks 1S8 Spruce Street Narlh End Group Cairo, July 9 — (4*) — British To date the Bulgarian govern­ Food Ration Cards many times that's been lost al­ Would Ban Opposition bombing planes have raided the ter and was a leader among the Bank of New Y ork ’ . 290 810 together fixing them up for pic­ Polish residents of Manchester 20 ment has Indicated its reliance on 50 52 Carol aought to strengthen the Ethiopian railway town of Dire­ the reported Axis assurance that Bankers Trust tures. I thing that’ s tha answer May Omit Outing dawa and scored direct hits on years ago. He is now In the un­ Central Hanover . 86% 89% Every Day hand of his own totalitarian party Bulgarian's claims will be satis­ Berlin. July 9— (A P —By Radio) to so many past flops.” shown in four railway vi:orkshops, the Royal Air dertaking business in Hartford. Chase ...... 30% 3?% Abbott harbors no Illusions pictures - the Party of the Nation- by a Money-Saving Prices! fied at a peace conference after —A Vichy, France, dispatch A meeting of the Manchester new law aimed at preventing Force announced today. I ------Chemical ...... 44 46 about revolutionizing movie mak­ Why Pay More? the war. 26 Improvement Association ■ will be creating of opposition groups. The Diredawa is on the JibuU-Addls f n a t n l l ^ s s w s > t*a It Is believed here Hitler and broadcast by the German radio to- City /..■...... 24 ing. He simply believes that If he Ababa railway, running from the' S llO la t lS O C W S T IO 13 Store Open Evenings held Friday evening in the Mgrz law prohibits reviving any outlaw­ Ctan.0 already know how far Ru­ di^ quoted Albert Chlchery, (^ntlnmtal .... . 11 can produce a stage play and do Until 7:30. barber shop. It is called to discus* ed parties and forbids organiza­ African ea. ment running off Hollister street. ably would be the scene o f a meet- dark-haired^ Ann Miller, and h u 20-oz. can...... I <90 loss of Bessarabia and northern a jetty and- on stores. Two fires French Naval Bas^ added ,a few movie names, such'u To Get started.- accompanied by much big shortly of ths foreign minis­ j . Bucovina to Russia. Lucille Ball. Set for black smoke. One enemy aircraft Bd^m ore Mayor ters of Hungary, Germany land Soda Cracker.8, Meatless Daya Preacrihed m Italy, with Adolf Hitler also possi­ He’s working so hard, say his The food acarclty in all Europe was enga^d'and ^hot down tfito. 2-lb. pkg...... Summer bly attending. , Berlin, July 8— (A P —By Radio) friends, he’s almost given up his 15c caused Rumania to prescribe three the sea. At Maeaewa, direct hits were registered on camp buildings, Gels Nazi Threat In official- German quarters it —The German wtreless, quoting favorite avocation, the rhumba. or four meatless days a week. And that, hjs frienda add,, la some- Mixed Palm and Olive causing considerable damage. waa said that neither German For­ French sources, reported from Meanwhile, German circlea pre­ eign Minister Joachim .Von Rlbben­ i ^ g . Oil Croquignble dicted talks this week between Two air raids .on Malta—one Vichy today that a new British Evaporated Fruits, th> evening of July 7.>and the trop nor the visiting Italian tpr- PERMANENT Fuehrer Hitler and Italian Foreign Baltimore, July 9 — (A5 — attack was mads on tha French 11-oz. pkg...... 8c other yesterday afternribn—were Baltimore still was In the hands elgq minister. Count Galaazzo naval base near.Oran yasterday Elviry In -Nlraad Ole Opry” *! Minuter Clano might provide some Clano, waa In Berlin today. ALSO ENCYCLOPEDIA settlement not only of Hungary's entirely unsuccessful as a result of of the JBenwerats- today despite a and that watsblpa already wreck­ lovaks CoQdemn Interception by our fightera. No Authorized sources said that GIVE A W A Y ! m California Sardine Q claim on ’TTansylvanla but also of threatened “ invasion" by “ storm ed there were further damaged by bon.bs were dropped.” troopers” and a warning that re- Clano, who had been scheduled to bombs and air torpedoes. m Filieta, can ...... y C 93.9s Bulgaria’# claim on aouthern Dob- return from a tour of the western THUltSDAT: BOB HOPE hi Fifth CoiumnistB ruja, b,pth now part of Rumania. iilatiuife-would be "fniltal". In addition, thla report aatd,.serv- •NIHOST BREAKERS” front, would be liack In Germany sral smaller vessels In tbs port Includes Haircut,' A great concentration of Ru­ A letter received yesterday by today, but not nscessaiHljr In Ber­ PLUS . . "Wagon Westward” M Bottle Caps, a mania troopi U at the Trinsvl- Holdup Sedan Mayor Howard W. Jackson warp­ were «unk by Britisb fliers. Bridgeport, July 9—(F)—Nearly - Shampoo, Ftngerwaro lin. - 1 frbas pkg. .. Id C vania border. The Rumanian gov­ ed that “‘our storm troopers” would 10,(XX) persons attending the fifth ernment iMt night denounced re­ Believed Found enter Baltlnwre today and "you > annual Slovak Day hero Sunday Scouring Geanser, Machine dr port# in the Hungarian pre.'^a of will immediately hand dontrol of Study Changes ^ adopted reaolutionS . condemning Slachinelesa alleged ill-treatment of German this city over to our>agentx. Curb Slocks BOLTON PLAYHOUSE “ Fifth Column activities and pledg­ 2 canstor ...... and Magyar mtnoritlea there. 5 c Croqulgnole Waterh)iry. July 9—(IT)— In­ “It will be frultal to attempt to^ “The Lure of the City" ing cooperation to President Boose- The government said theae re­ spector Joseph r. Stevens, head seek outside aid as all othqr hey Oh Widows’ Aid Cant Statea El 3-16 velt In combatting them.' PERMANENT ports were an attempt to itlr up Gaanaing Tisaues, of the Detective Bureau aaid todav cities are being taken over on this CIU Sve ...... 5% Plus Vaudeville U. S. Senator Francis T. Ma­ illfeellng between Germany and package o f that a sedan recovered at 3:05 date,” ths letter added. Hartford, July 9—(AT -tThanges a u 8vc Pfd ...... 67 Adm'lsslnn ...... ,S5e loney made a apeclal trip from Rumania at a time when Rumania o'clock this morning is believed It waa signed by “ H. Von Her- El Bond and Sh Children ...... IS e Washington to attend the event 600 sheeta ... I w Q ‘•Is lUrirmlng a policy of rap­ In the state wldoara” aid act that ...... 6% to have been used by two youths wig, divisional commandsr." ' 'The Nlog Hud Pow ...... 4% t o n i g h t : c u r t a i n fl:45. and addreoaed the throng on the prochement with the Reich. ” may enable. Connecticut to obtain 94*99 vwho held up end robbed two concluding words were; "Eln volk, h.00.000 in Federal funds for thia Segal. Lock ... a, 84 subject of Americanism, terming Is fl SCiwUflc test, employed Ijy ua and by M loffk at t N MEW 6Q0B GDIFI Thia !• » fair com­ An squally SSNSatfsaal improvement hat been made Now Potatoes, A ^ women of $800 twb hours earlier. ein Relclk.ein Fuhrer.” service are being studied by the Uni Gas ...... 1% the Slovaks “ fine American citi­ many our oompetitora, that ia uaed to determine Nu b iMk fli the NEW INMiOIt Tremendoualy better Inchidaa Haircut, zens.” of parative mcaaurement o f the tremendoua improve­ pa4t ...... Shampoo, Ftaigerwmva Britieh May Transfer The c«r. owned by Joseph.Keefe Mayor Jackaon commented this Legislative Council. in GULF NO-NOX. Thia figure ahowa the rating than even the old NO-NOX . and far, far ahead of 23 Highland avenue Is bslisved probably was ths work of a joker The council, rassUng Mondaly. Po.iee Bfaklag Good Bouitwre. The Most Rev. Henry ,J. O’Brieq, the anti-knock value of a motor fuel. A^cordingito ment in thia great gaaoline. GOOD G U LP ia now Oil Interests to Reds London, July 9— Mldinga fall under German con­ been removed from tracks for grass from ths Flrat Dlatriet, raataurant aarly t o ^ , shot two J. Wetdenthal. 70, aswxdate edi­ PLUS! “ DR. CYCLOPS" la eminploylng . _ olx tihiea 'a a many or’aw Got youra, right away at tha PHONE MSS trol through poaelble futurir de-~ nei^-bound trains on ths main Hartford county. Kopplaman, who paaavrafby as ha -fled with $35 and tor ot the develoiMi Neera and a In nUnttiOBImualtfoBa wi»iiu*n««fiirtng try these Better Fuels! valmmenta the British are b^ev- Washlngton-Nsw York line near served brCongrass for thras tarms, wraa captured- a few moments lat newspaper man here nearly M "Crtme Dey s r t F a i* oa fa the paak peitod ot tha World Sign o f tho GuliP O raago Diae. •St Mala St. (Ovar Marlew'a) gd to be willing tv trantfer them Stanton, Del., In what they de­ from 1933 to 1939. wraa defaatad ar by patrol car policamen. Tha years, died laat night after a alx Coming Sasiday; llrato-Oaday. War. By next year, be*aaid, the BbHI SiSt. •ta the atronR^ands of Meacow. scribed as a es§t c t ’’mahcious two yaara ago by Rap. WUUaia J. bandit was booked a * . jk ek Olsen, | weeks lllniss with heart all* B r ~ number will b* multipUed five A t the aame Ume atralaw} Brit- tampering,’* KlUtr, R. % nnamploj«t waiter. I mant s s J S ^ i J n S m ?> T-

■vV,!; E V ism ^ HERAU), CONN. >UB )AT,J17LT9,1940 MANCHESTER EVENING HERA4.A MANCHESTER. OOfW. TUESDAY, JULY 9.1940 ail^ PAGE FIVE FfireDestroys ReportsNew Evidence i Schedide Cut on Bam % Radio Progi^aiiis Ultra-Violet Ray Telescope mety ujraer Orangemen of State News Ij. ti G erm ^ Agent Case ' Nearly our DaylgM IlaM tialaaa OtfewwlM Nolafi. V Will Pick Up>Far Horizons Put in Force QnidL.^jTiTaI of Depart­ — a I , ( ------7 — ------' ' ■ ' f ]^eet Here Saturday ment Residence; ‘Plenty , of Material* Stratoiineni Speed) Cleveland, July • Dc.^A more d eta ils deacripUoo, 9 A ' ------■ ■ ■ • ■ - ■ ■ -1 — Parry, cut her right hand Itadly Mary l« Mart Popular 7 a. m. 13:45 p. m.; CBS 7 a. m., High Explo9i‘ve9 Mu t Be r , • 1 : - ^ on'V. tin can last week. Tlie Toward New Golnmer* ^HattKew Luckieeh reached Into hla said, would have to be ‘off Bedton Loss Plac^ at $500. Nanta for Barton Girl* Ready to Place Befofe 6:46 p. m. record." " , Loaded Dozen Milez All lA ld ffF S to Be Repre* j subordinate lodges in the otaU vToUand woiind was very deep and aeven WEAF-NGC, 18;15 — Nature drawer and brought out a . 1 . committee being undev Pl^oppy Poster Contest ■tltchea, were, taken to cloee It by Federal Grand Ju ^ foi^;^ WTIC dal Plane Records. This pleasant man who dlracta Below New Orleang. Hre. Joha H. StaMe jM^Olyds Mawbsn EUtafton, July S.— (Bpecjal)—; Sketchea; 3—Mary Marlin'a Stqiy; neat, black metal teleaoope. * General Electrie’s light research sented at Cjelebration the chairmanship of Da\c^y Dleke . 1178-S, Beckvilla Dr. F reem a n of Colcheeteitt Fboos 6416 Hartford 5:43—P au l' Douflaa on Bporta. Mr. and. Mrs. Floyd Fogil and A bam containing aeveral tons of 'Boston, July 9.— Mary, Failure to "Here Is tbe oqly one of these In laboratory here has played a big tun mt ■a that aongvnlter aald, la a 19491m. I 8 9 J I WAPC-CBS. 3—Society Girl; 3— B u D etin ! the worldXh* sMd- proudly. "With part la prescribing for real life New Orleans, July 9—(F)—A Of Battle o f the Boyne; i Onaga children apeot Sunday In Walling­ Lecture Hall, Carveth Wella; Won by Vernon Youth Lucien Blrdaey of New York y '-r tM Ladles Benevolent Society hay and amall tools owned by Mrs. grand old name. Maw IrMi, Joly 9—(A^A it I (tauld see^trom here to Chicago many things akin to the fantasUc new safety measure went Into ef­ Parade .0.1 Sporta.. ford thh |9ie||ta of Mr. and Mrs. Minnie Snow Waa totally, deatroy- Loa Angelea, July ‘Act* —Pop Concert. WJZ-NBC, 11(80 a. City is a guest at. the home of his Albert Dimii. a t the Bolton .Center Congrega­ City Reglatrar James A. Tneaday, Jaly 9 glaat, new air tr ^ p o r t, (320 airline mules). devtcea H. G. Wells has put into fect today as reports circulated ta aunt. Miss Miriam Underwood. Burk* reported today that the ing U. S. Attorney \ynflam Palmer m.—Farm and Home Hour; 1:13 p. .nailed a stratoltaer, rgafed la. j bookM. : street to, Eldridge street, east on Mr. and Mrs,". Wlnthrop tional church will hold Its regular ed by fire late yesterday after­ P. M. m.—Echoea of History; 8—ClUb "Nottalng but ultra-violet r a ^ shipping circles that an additional Orangemen and Orangewomen i Eldridge street to Spnjce atroeti Mrs. MerrRt Usher was a recent noon. A heifer tied to the bam and name of Miiy remains the says he baa "plcn;j^;of new mater­ 4:00—Backstage Wife. la La Oaarila M* a t 9:29 come.into my teleacope. Put a { Some now are existent—wln- Robert S tilW Work 1.1 Kfternoob at Am- and children and-, Mr.- and^^ra. meeting a t the home a t lira. Ed­ Metlnee. MBS, 11:80—Homemak- 10,000,(X)0 pounds of high ezplo- of Connecticut will celebrate the jnbrtli on Spruce street to Btook- guest of'Mrs. Ira .Wilcox in Mer- William Braiiu^f*^ and aoitC.War- a cow tethered nearby were saved. predominant choice over -all ial"-to place ^bfitore the FedenU J ’^d-^BteUa Dallas. a. m. (a. a. 1 ) todhy to set a machine to discharge theiBv,^^ any­ dowleas houses, GeiMn . Idliing AU tha era Fortim; 8:45—Word Dramas- ■ow west eaat tfaiwooatlaea- lamps. X-ray (llagnosla o f ma- sivea for Orest Britain were en .u o ... street and to the Old Golf Now Entered in Slate | "ton cffibhouse, row. ren spent Sunday at-Rpcky Neck win Lawton at her home at Bolton A amall brook on Main street,.' others among approximately' grand Jury.^tamorrow In seeking 4:M—Lorenzo Jonea. I where within the horizon s m I’ll route h ir e .' 2.10th anniversary rtf the Battle Should the weather he u«- : many cakes, piea, 'hiasted fowls, Mrs. L. Ernest Hall, Misses Alice 3,600 girl babies bom In Bos­ Short waves: DJL Berlin, 6:16— tal roeord for ' eonanerclaJ. terljds ta tadustiy^ Dr. Luetdeah’a State .Park. . Center. This meeting will take the tlaat of the scene, waa quickly the Indlcjlment of Dr. Herbert 4;4S—Young Wldder Brown. I Opera Concert; 2RO Rome, 8:40— pick ’em up. By gefing up ta an J>t. |J. the Boyne in Manchester ph .StUdlf. favorable the parade will not be Competition; la His home made bread, etc., went oft In and Bernice Hall, Miss Thelma form of an outdoor luncheon at 1 ton thus far this year. ptaaes. It waa ■■ boor and conception of poaslbie "new hori­ ; the proverbial manner, and there Mrs. Sherwood,>/Raymond of dammed and 800 feht of hose waa Hoehnpi 39, held on a charge of 6:00—Girl Alone. , Neapolltari Songs; OSC London, 11 airplane, of (iourse, I could stretch Guard, newly, named captain of day with a monster para8e;^om held and the anniversary exerclaag Price and Mias Louise Kosley O’clock Thursday afternoon. laid by the firemen under the dl- Patricia ranka second, Bar­ 11 mlnUtaa-alMad of schedule. out the horizon as far aa I wanted zons” Include many more, some Second' Prize Award. were several tables of bridge in New Britain, visitod at the home fatUbg to regl.'fter as a Oermsa .. 3:13—LUe Can Be Beautrlful. —News. ^ startling. the port 'under an emergency Orange Hall to the Old GoI^ .Jot will be held In Orange Hall. spent yesterday at Mlsquamlcut The cotnmltte^ In charge^ o f. re­ recUon of Chief Carl A. (Joehrlng. bara la third and Carol fourth.^ 3;'S0—Jaclk Armstrong. « Tbe 4-motored Boelag, a 23- ItJ’ where a speaklnx program will He ______^— j play. About *63 was netted after of her father. Daniel Hodge, Sun­ ag^nt. presidential decree, said all explo­ Battle Of thw Boyne ^ach, R. 1. freshments saks that everyone Although there was a brisk wind — ...... '..-‘-R toa, 6460i999 craft, apaaned May Get. Plclnree Of Post ROCkviUe, July »— (Special)— ' all expenses were paid. There was day. -^^Meanwhlle, Palmer Indicated he 3:43—'The O'NelUa. Practically, the instrument re­ sives Would have to be loaded at held and a dinner and entertain­ Mr. and Mrs. William Wuerdlg, bring Qje following; a bowl for blowing at the time-, a large resi­ tbe oonHaeat to tlM elapsed "Perhaps, beyond the horizon ment in the evening In Orange The Battle of the 'Boyne, which

- • ''' fAQlMIMl member of the govetnment, u d no meeting srtth the auhoommtttee aa officer or man of the Royal Navy, H opi^ to Get a "refreohlng expertenoe, praoti- ToHearFoes o n ^ o v ie s yvho did not regret the necessity Heat Cratnps Avoided gally without precedent.” for operationa agalaat the French ^‘Hla cooperation indicated to ua Navy. By Wise Use of ^alt Fest Ap^dval not only hls deoire to work In har­ Of Campulsory ion to^ H Tow in E ffect Lord Snell made a companion mony with the party organiza­ sUtement to the House of Lords. Deaths tion,” Hallanan Aald, "but more Lord Addison commented that he ointees In^rtantly it has indicated thU Service First Oimen Sloclt hoped the Italian Navy might be ' Hartford, July $—The effecta of.^ metal heat-treatin$ and other In- — —hls approach to the soluUoa of forced to aea.from porta where It la heat cramps—aometlmea csalled I dustrles where the heat produced the nation’s grave ^blem s, wlU be |Vp With MilUons of "akulking In safety.” Old Tramman heat (deknesa—in Industry can be | by •various operations adds lyppre- (Conttaoed From Page One) conducted on a similar basis, by (OMttniMd fW bi Page Um ) Five Yanks Start for Amerks in All-Star Tilt largely prevented among laborers ciably to the summer heat. These conference and counml with every Jackie May Socks First Peonies in Nation* engaged In hot work by replace­ industries have given serious con­ ‘Hflimediately threaten to bring group.” and universities voted uiianlmouo* ,1 , Two Persons KUled this war to the United States and "Passes Away ment, of the salt lost frotn tha sideration to the prevention pT' Moreover, HaUaiflUi aald, WlUkle ly at Ne4r Vork yesterday to sup­ ^jetm a«w defenM tax 'em movie In/Nazi Air Raids body.', through perapirktion, accord­ heat cramps and to the mlnra-^- fling us Into IL” (Both appointees won the "complete confidence and port this bill, and also aaked ex- lU over 20 centa la now In ef> ing to a bulletin ot tjie State De­ fects resulting from wor^ffig in have favored aid to the Allies. )- affection of the conunlttee by hla tenalon of reserve training units to R B lfing Namiipd Draft Bluefielda-Lejgiqn Vaughan Gets aX the local playhouaea. Pre» London, July 9.—(JF>—At least "If we are going Into the war, colleges which do not have them. C 7 two-persona were reported killed, Nathan Curtis, 76, Lotig partment of Health. This can" be hot atmospheraa 'Casting shops, honest, fair and completely candid j to **■<« taxeo were pjacea only done conveniently by adding two foundries, forge plants and other, which God forbid,” Vandenberg dealing with our many problems.” The White House aald today titUiliaBlona over 40 cents. TTiia Is and a number Injured, In wide­ Conductor, Drew Daily teaspoonfuls of aalt to each ten hot industries report that jthe use said, "let It be by the deliberative that President Roosevelt might As 1st H urler To Represent Green Nine Mack’s Praise affect In every entertainment spread German aerial raids over judgment of the whole Congreas WUlkie announced the full-Ad­ submit to Congress tomorrow hls V____ Six EiTers Almost Tost England, Scotlaind amj last quarts of drinking water, or by of salt has practifeaUy eliminated visory, Committee for hla forth­ In' the country and through Whistle Salutes. supplying salt tablets so that such cases of heat sidknesa. of the United States and let It be a proposed additional $5,000,000 de­ Game Atray, fo r B t- tax the government expects night and today.-, total war.” coming campaign as follows: fense program designed to provide For favorites Rates Young Southpaw Local Sport A lone German dropped a load workers may take one or two Plant employees not engkged In in the Tri-County Loop n lM $60,000,000 on the lower Nathan Curtis, 76, who has when' drinking from a fountain. hot work were cautioned against Senator Holt ID., W. V a .)’told Stassen, chairman; Mar,tln; more equipment and munitions for gani's But Pae^ Settort Md tickets In addition to the of bombs efn a Welsh town this hls colleagues and crowded gal­ Root; David Ingalls, Ohio, foriner the Army and to speed tlie Navy’s As Rookie Pitcher of afternoon, killing two persons, and made his home In Manchesteri- for ' Workers most liable to develop taking Sait tablets too fre^ently ,000,000 already, being ralyd the last six years, died at his heat sickness are those doing man- or wUh insufficient water.' 'Hie In­ leries that Stlmsqn had been "anan ! 1'Aft manager; Gov. Raymond E. shipbuilding program. Stephen Derringer or Walters to Genial Joe Hublard staged a t when only six players showed up C hatter Manage to Win Ont; ough the tax on admissions over Injuring others. Anglomaniac for 25 years." I Baldwin; Connecticut;•Mrs. Ruth Early, press secretary, said he did Year; a College Grad. British and German planes rooming place In the Coughlin uel labor in the hot summer sun or judicious use of salt sometimes “hUtzkrieg” all by himself after I Kensington. Gordon, Burke. v'dO cents. working in the heat of foundarles, He has been wined and dined____ ’ Hanna McCormick Simms, 1111- not thliik*the president Intended to Open for Nationals; Welrblcki and Keeney, all mem­ Next Sunday and - Monday ) Hewitt Hiirls 6«Hitter* fought an air battle over south­ building, l85 North Main street at causes gastro-lntesUnal disturb­ Sunday’s sorry showing of hls Phlledelphie, July 9—<(P)—Con­ - The defense tax must be paid bv 6 o’clock last night. boiler rooms, bakeries, laundries, ances among sedentary workera. by the British nobility,’' he added, nols, who waa a Dewey backer; deliver hit meiuage on the sub- bers of the Blyeflelds as well aa brings- the blow-by-blow movies ’ ------eastern England this afternoon. "Unless this Inter^•entlcml8t fo r-! Rep. Charles Halleffic, Indiana, Cronin's Choices Bring nie Mack, who ought to know, ot the second Joe Louls-Arturo ■ Despite six glaring erront Pa- the public. The theaters cAnhot Empty machine gun cartridges fell Bom In West Stockbrldge, jetrt In pet^son. \ Green ball club. From the bat boy the. Green were the only, members hbeorb it even If they are financial­ Ma.ss., he was employed for 55 elgn policy Is stopped, we’re going who nominated WUlkie at the Nava] affairs ‘took a large share Loud Protests. to^coach, the O r M will be repre­ of the former team to be retained. thinks he has the rookie pitcher of Godoy scrap to the Circle thea- ' goni's West Sides managed to ota'' like hall on the town over which into this war. convention; Gov.- Ralph Carr, Col­ ly able to do so. The tax Is simply the battle was fought. The raid­ yea,rs as a railroad mao, the great­ of the empire of Napoleon h i and of attention yesterday with un­ sented with an entirely new team Britner, Warren, Ftnoochi, Suchey, the year' In southpaw Porter added to the established prices and er part of which service was as a "America la establishing a war orado; Mrs. Ruth Kohler, Wiscon­ heralded arrival here of Admiral for the remainder of the season. Zapat|ta, Borello, Mack. Holloran Vaughan. uV:.. .theVict^^ p°r^nt A VI™ ers flew westward over another French Surrenc^er fell under the Nazi conquest. Cabinet.” By HaroM Ctaasaen description of Louis’, defense of • Oy* I ,, • the theaters will be In the role of town before the British drove conductor on the highland division sin; Rep. William Dltter, Penn­ J . O. Richardson, commander of After a conference with the Tri- and Murdock were all released last ’1‘he 21-year-old freshman, of collectors. Over 12.000 theater Petaln’Svgovemment is expected Urges Immigration Change St. Louis, July F3-(f v — On the his heavyweight title against the ( night and thas contihito aa ' them off to the south. of the New York, New Haven A to emerge with greater power sylvania; Senator Joha G. Town­ the fleet, and Senate Committee County League olTictola, Hublard night and tbe new names substi­ StevensVUle, Vs., who jumped di­ ‘box windows in the country will Alexandria Fleet ■Leaders had hoped that at least send, Jr., Delaware; John E. Jack- action on the House-approved ^ e o r y that, what was good enough rect to the Athletics from the durable Chilean, who went the pace se tte r of the Twilight League t Attempt to Bomb 8hlps 1Hartford railroad. He waa well than .any free government of Re­ one of the nominees would be con­ went into a huddle.^th Felix Mc- tuted. become tax collection windows. As they approached the .coast, known to the commuters between son. New Orleans; WiUlam Stern, "two-ocean” Navy bill. ^■‘S Umea dtft of seven waa good EVitt of the Blueflelds-Leglon It was learned that three weeks University of Richmond campus, distance the first time out against With fiye wins in six starts. Itoilens of Pennies publican France ever held—au­ firmed yesterday. But Senator ough again. Manager Jo e Cronin the Brtwn Bomber but suffered a the German planes attempted 'to Wllllmantic, Rockville (Uid Man­ ((kmtlnoed from Page One) thority to frame Its own laws and North Dakota; E. J. Bennet, Admiral Richardson, who mads’’ team and came out with the an­ ago Dwyer asked Hublard to get hasn’t w.on in three starts, but Some one of these nights thto Billions of pennies will be used Reynolds (D„ N. C.) devoted near­ ^of' -the American League all-stars TKO in'rthe eighth round of the Pagani’s array la going to find out bomb ships in the English Chan­ chester, as for years he was the constitution and then create Its Ut8d>; Howard Lawrence, Michi­ a secret 5,500-mile trip from Ha­ nouncement that this club would someone else but the Green man­ Connie, looking ahead to 1941, Is as a result of this tax because nel. One of the bombers was be­ ly two hours to urging suspension gan, a former Vandenberg cam­ waii to report to President R.oose- sent five New York Yankees to the pleased neverthrieaa. secon(; se tto .. . . „ that any figure In the tost ooiimsn ' Hearty all admission prices will not conductor on the train that went Providence arrived here last own Assembly to ratify them. of all Immigration for ten years. take the place of the team which ager said that he could make sat­ lieved to have been shot down. . east ' through Manchester each paign manager; KetlneUi Simpson, Vcl.t, said merely that he had dis­ firing line today against tbe Na­ had started the season.. Jlmml* isfactory arrangements If the for- "It does you good to see'a young of the box scuire can easily upset sQ , . apw total even money. In New Thursday after rumors had cir­ The measure, however, declared Meanwhile Harry H. Woodring, With a crystal ball balanced the figures In the third column. Earlier raids, the Ministry of morning at 5:22. At Wllllmantic culated that the French would New York; Miss S. M, R. O’Hara, cussed "routine fleet matters’’ at tional loop’s best in the eighth Foley will replace Jack Dwyer at m lr coach- would continue. Last fellow come up with hls stuff once .York City alone the theaters are that the new constitution of Ger­ who resigned recently aa secre­ the White House. midsummer baaeball show. in a while,” declared Mack. ”He’e In each hand, we look for the They came mighty close to a reall- Home Security said, caused "a he took over the commuters' train solve the [dilemma caused by Bri­ man-mastered Fiimce "must guar­ Pennaylvaniq; Roger Straus, New the brim and final arrangements night Hublard put the situation . aald to have stocked up with 10 few casualtlea." but "no damage Of tary of war. announced that he York; Thomas O. Nutter, West No Knowledge of Mhift Cronin’s choice of Yankee pitch­ got the stuff and knows what to American League All-Stars to zaUon of that fact last night ETvan ValUion pennies that ran out of Wllllmantic to tain’s ultimatum, by giving up tp^ antee the rights of labor, family xi'ould discuss national affairs to­ ware completed laat night for the squarely up to Dwyer who imme- with the errors It was a ctoo* any consequence.” One German Hartford and which carried pas­ Virginia; and William King, IIU- Richardson professed no knowl­ er Red Ruffing, victor in only seven dlately agreed and Jimmie Foley do. There Isn’t anyone who acares whip their National brethren out ■ Both local houses In the Warner ships and sending the crews home. and country.” night In a speech welcoming him ndw roster to be sent to the league at S,t. Loo today-----and we think game and would have been Closer plane waa reported badly damaged. sengers to Hartford each morning. nols. edge of any pending shift of the of 13 atarta, and four of hla every­ oSIclato. will take over the coaching duties him.” •>ffrothers system have a sufficient The night raids started with a No Definite TInne Set The three deputies who voted back to Topeka. Kans. It will be fleet from Its pre.sent base In mid- That Vaughan doeen't scare Petey Scalzo will have little trou­ had rile loeers been able to make On Other Linea^ broadcast (NBC blue network) at WUlkie said that Nutter day; fourth-place- playmates Im­ From the start of the present for the remainder of. the season. aupply on hand to meet the pen- stab at the eastern and southern No definite time has been set against the biU were the Radical- Paclfic, but this did not stop con­ mediately aoltdifled tbe opposition easily is attested by hls record. ble in defending hls world (NBA) two of their alx hits count ,Hlsa demand and a new set bf With the dlscontlnutulee of this Socialist Margawns and the So­ 8:30 p. m., e. s. t. (Charleston) and lUng (Chicago) season the Green has fared badly The team will play at home at the Jackie May poled th* first homs coasts of England and northeast train he waa a conductor on other for the departure of the Athos and jecture that the "routine matters” and turned hls owm forces Into West Side field Sunday meeting Two of hla starts were against the featherweight champlonahlp j tiokets bearing the tax regulations the Providence, but It considered cialists Jean Blondl and Leon Woodring said at Topeka that he I negrroes and would repreeent In the matter of players. One week against Bobby Ivy at Bulkeley run of the Twl campaign when 1m Scotland, wh*re bombs damaged lines of the railroad until his re­ had received a steady stream of i their race on the committee, might have Included a discussion such chaos that laat-mlnute re­ ago last Sunday the team was Wllllmantic and. aeveral' practice world champion Yankees and the artll be aoon In use at both the some buildings In (ilstrlcta near certain that these vessels will have Roche. on this subject. other against Cleveland and Bobby Stadium In Hartford tonight... slammed a screaming drive over Crlitate and Circle, Managers Jack tirement when he decided to come The vote showed that leas than letters since he left Washington. • ~—-—• vision of hla lineup la hot unlikely. minus all but nine players at Nebo seaslona have been called for this Gordon * head In left field In th * ' the coaat to Manchester from Hartford to a British convoy In the Mediter­ The Senate Naval Commltteo Louia (Buck) Newsom, vocal Feller. He worked 23 Innings In ,^i4Banaon and Tom Grace said today. two-thirds of the chamber’s nor­ There has been reports that he i u - o • j and last Sunday the final blow fell week. this stretch giving up only 17 hits. opening Inning. The Blueflelds- - I ' Ybey Would appreciate it, however. Drops Incendiary Bomba make his home. He first lived In ranean as far as la necei?sary to disagreed with the admtnistra- ■ KeQUeStS IxPCeiVea urged enactment of the $4,000,- pitcher for the Detroit ’Tigers who Boh O’Malley, former Trinity One German raider dropped In­ Insure their arrival at a French mal memberahip of 618 waa taking 000.000 “two-oceati” Navy bill In Vaughan hade hls major league Legion threatened In their talf but If the public would remomber to the Midland apartments In Man­ Uon’s policy of selling certain sur­ has won 12 games In a row, threat­ College three-sports star. Is In the once again lanky EA Koaa came to . cendiary bombs In southea.st Eng­ chester and It was hls dally cus­ port. part. However, these ministers or Fo r Irtvestigatioh a formal report which said that debut In (Cleveland June 16. He movies. . . . how studying medicine bVlBg pennies with them when buy­ former ministers Were - present: plus m ilitary equipment to the ened to deny the 33,000 spectators U.e reacue With a dazzling catch land, starting several roof fires tom to go to the Manchester pas­ Allies. the nation’s seapower ’’must be yielded only two hits in seven In­ at the College of Phyalci(uis and ing theater tickets. It will help the A French steamer was reported Camllie Chauterhps, Charles Pom- Washington, July 9-^(/P) — a chance to watch him If Cronin nings. before being lifted for a in foul territory and a great thruw cashier and speed up the purchase that were extlngulahed by air raid senger station to chat briefly with to have sailed with approximately "These hundreds of "letters.” he Chairman Gillette (D., lowai an­ readv and stronger than potential stuck to hla decision of five Yanks, Surgeons at (Columbia University to third that nailed a numer. wardens. aret, Andre Fevrier, Albert Chl- aggressors. Kovacs and Gillespie plnchhltter. He lost to the Yanks, In New York City, Bob la sho-wn a t tickets on busy days and nights. the crews when trains arrived In 500 members of crews of French chery. • said, "prove there is a tremendous nounced today that "several re­ two Boston rellabis* and one. each Jock Hewitt took the hUl for tta Five or six persons were injured Manchester. Laat January he met 'T o be aecond beat la not only 4 to 3, on nine hits, at the Yankee In the current March of Time warships who had a.sked repatria­ sentiment for non-intervention In quests” had been received by the from Wuhlngton and Chicago as stadium, June 30. Last Sunday West Sides and almost before th* 'Sljghtly when bombs were dropped with, an accident and broke hls Laval, vice-premier, moved that the war In this country. Not a Senate Campaign Expenditures an invitation to war. hut to utter the starting nine. serial on youth activities' and fana got settled In their seats ha tion. and left for France under an there be no debate on the bill and disaster," it added. the Yanks beat him again, 6 to 3, British Cripple In an attack on a aecond Weljjh hip. Since that time he has been agreement turning the fleet over to single one opposed my position that Committee for an Investigation of As hot as the arguments were, problems In the U. 8 ...... he la a t was in trouble. Keeney greeted town. A British fighter chaaed the motion was accepted. He Senatj! leaders said they hoped In Drive to 'Net Fame although Vaughan yielded only six the right of a picture showing a confined to hls room the greater the British. our first duty la to look after our "the alleged high pressure tele­ the weatherman promised “ ideal hits In seven innings. him with a scorching single and the attacker off toward the aea. part of the lime. promised to answer questions at own defenses.’’ to get the bill through before group of Young Republican offi­ French Warship The Athos and the Providence gram campaign In behalf of Wen­ conditions for the game with fair The youngster got a bonus of Burke did likewise but Koca naUed Nine German planes flew over He had moved from the Midland another chamber eesslon tomor­ Thursday’s recess for the Demo­ tune of 37-4. Th* enthusiasm of cers planning meetings.... Keeney at third on a close play. southeast Scotland, dropping in­ are expected to take- the remain­ row. dell L. Wtllkle.” cratic; National Convention at C3il- skies and a temperature near the Take Different Routes $8,000 for signing with the A’s. (tkMltlnoed Irons Page tine) apartments to the Coughlin build­ I The chairman of the committee 90-mark. the audience ran high and the Neither Weir or Katks'veck could cendiary boirtbs. A communique ing. and when It was not possible ing sailors who are returning Draft of Bill Approved. cago. What does he think of big Antfy Itaguakus, erstwhile M. find th^ange, thus two hits wen home. An undetermined numljer of j directed to police this year’s presi­ But apparently the Yankees Of Toward Top But Both : game was successful In spite of league batters? "They aren’t so the armistice was signed, he said these bohabs "were quickly to leave hls room he would sit at The Senate Judicial Committee Martin Is Choice On the Islxir ■ defense sector * i the one sided acor*. a It takes a fast runner with H. S. and Blucfleld* baseball lum­ loat. Hulnski disposed of Murray dealt with" by Aif Raid Precau­ French officers and seamen who waa announced officially to have dential and senatorial elections there were these developments the past, like girls with roughed tough—they’ve just been lucky.” and decide In advance where the daclared, accounting for them the window and watch the trains Ifps eating corn-on-the-cob, left Seem Headi^ for Hon> I Players from the towu of Bol- strong throwing arm to be an out­ I inary, Is setting a sizzling pace snd Zapata but Jackie May tions Services, and damage was elected to continue the fight along­ approved unanimously a draft of said he would' "lay the cc mplalnta yesterday: • fielder. He alao must be able to ball should be thrown if It is hit tkua: Three In British control, one come and go. To Run Campaign their marks as Cronin ignored I ton, Glastonbury, Manchester and to your field. A good catch or stop aa"k slugging third sacker for tbe caught a loW ball and slammed it to t. •oak. one badly damaged and Im- slight. A few castialtles resulted. side the British are staying aboariB the bill to be submitted to the Na­ before thetCommlUee in a few days President John Posaehl of the 'ors as Tennis Comers. judge fly balls and play bounding Vought-SIkorsky diamond array the cfld achodl house In left field for • Watched For Trains their ships awaiting orders. such youngsters as Lou Boudreau : (Coventry formed toe Connecticut doesn’t mean much if the out­ n o ^ lzed , one driven ashore at One of the raiding planes was re­ Hls room being in the front tional Assembly for a new constl- for such derision as they direct." AFL’s International Union of I team. Tho New York Team’s chal- Mohawks Capture grounder*. of Stratford in the State League a circuit trip.\ Then Hewitt’s sup* ported to have been damaged so Permit* Reputriatipn j tutlon.' The complaints. Gillette said, Operating Engineer* directed all and Ray Mack of Cleveland, for fielder then throws to the wrong Oran and Incapacitated for months part of the Coughlin building he To Elect Willkie New York, July 9—(F)—^Two tall I lenge' for a return game haa been These are the requisites. And, base. .,1...... Andy la pounding the apple at port wobbled '(n the aecond badly It was unlikely to reach Its The newspaper La Reforme pub­ Both steps by the chamber— wer^that delegates to the Repub­ locals to refrain from strikes or the "old folks.” If not permanently, one which es- would be at the window when young fellows Who would like to accepted and another game will be 13 to 12 Victory whether you are juat another fly- - Outfielders should throw over­ a .454 c^p. which is real hitting when the dust had settled ths Blue- nped to the French Naval base a t ba.se. every train came in. The engineer lished for the first time a new i authorization to convoke the as-* lican National Convention which work stoppages In defense Indus­ And although the payees wrlll be played In the near future. In any man's league... .Brother fields team was out In front with (lontlniied From Page One) denied the chance of seeing the I chaaer or an exceptional outfield­ hand. Keep your pegs low and ^ u lon ' after being hit by a tor- British fighting planes Inter­ and the firemen would wave to British Admiralty order permit­ sembly and the resolution to en­ ntjminated WUlkie were deluged tries until all peaceful methods^ see their names opposite that I In er dependa on your quick starts, Eddie ,4b at first base for the three markers on the board. Three cepted Gepman raiders off the ting the repatriation of Frenchmen by telegrams urging support of the for adjustment (llsputea had failed. Indian Infield) papooaea start, Cron­ aim them so they reach the catch­ errors, a sacrifice al)d two hits ae* P*do^ and the Jean Bart. him and as the train came to a trust Petain’s cabinet with draft­ him after he won from them. tbe National tennis rankings, ahd A pair of six-run sprees -in the knowledge of opposing hitters and er or infleldei* on the first bounce, Stratford nine___ "Tills Is the greatest achieve­ southeast'coast this afternoon, and stop at the station the engineer who prefer going home to con­ ing the conatltution were com­ utilities leader. The union represents 80.000 en­ in declared he would substitute who stand better than good ability to always peg to the right counted. for these rtms 'ta il there - Willkie answered: freely. It Is also likely that Lou seventh and ninth innings brought except on short relays. ment of Its kind 111 the .history of were reported to have driven them wtqild give a toot or two on the tinuing the war. pleted within an hour. Source* Nol I>l»rloP) — pitcher and catcher. Then he will the runner on first is "taggeaU pan c*n beb New Britain, leaving the stand­ up Its former allies, free for ac- and foreign minister,' announced whitewashing candidates," the son, played very little and didn’t does the club’s accounting has re­ ings as follows: were ouL Hedlund walked, went to ~ going to the Array, Navy and Air He waa a charter member of "As soon as It was realized that I.«aders In Ofbers’ fWmps all 25 players on bis roster' He five of hls teams run* while John­ generally will hit a curve or fast thrown to the plate, if thipre U third on Kose’a double and altar , tiob against Italy. The crews of Lincoln Lodge K. of P. of Hart­ j that the existing Parliament would chairman said. "We are glad to earn a natlmial ranking. He made ceived a rush order for a complete ny Lupashlno and K. Ferguson W L Pet. tht French shlpls are to be trans­ Force. Chancellor of the Ex­ France mu.st surrender, consiilta- The .Campaign Advisory Com­ couldn’t make up his mind whether ball, high, or low ball, inside or runner on third. With a ...... Robinson had been given a free trip . ford, and of the Order of Railroad continue make investigations within the hls first big 1940 bid last week in financial statement on each of the made some nifty plays at their outside pitch. firsL singles near the toiil lines Manchester .. .2 1 .667 ported to France.' chequer t Sir Kingsley Wood told tlons were held between the (Brit- [ mittee membership announced by purview of our' authority on m at­ About Town to start Paul Derringer or Bucky to first George May singled cen­ Conductors. He la survived by a Willkie included leaders of the the Nassau country, club Invita­ farm clubs . . . so there Is-some­ positions snd the latter also did Get Under File* Quickly shoiild be thrown to tWnl. On hit Windsor Locks . . .2 1 .667 to TTie French fleet at Alexandria the House of Commons today. ish) commanjjer-in-chicf and | ters which are of public Interest to Walters, both of hls league lead­ tion grass court touiney and won thing in the air besides the gentle ter and HUinskl cut nf( Uie throw Sip Kingsley 'made this an­ (laughter. Mrs. Clarabelle Llsk of (French) Admiral Godfrey at that cessor. former Vandenberg, Taft and De- seme fancy baserunning. “Weasel” This Information, plus ' the and rim plays the bi^l 1* nearly Hartford ...... 2 1 .667 W$8 described by Prime Minister the voter or might Indicate the ing Reds, as the starting burier a trophy that has been held by zephyrs , . . tbe 300 shares of Brosowakl and Bucciano provided New Britain ...... 1 2 .333 to get the runner at second, Thto .Churchill July 4 as one or more nouncement In asking a vote of Norwich, and three grandchildren. time, In the hopes that it might j we.v camps. The highway committee of the tmUI a final peek at them In their knack of getting off after a ball always thrown to sei;ond base. pushed the score up to 6-3 at this - alCriST* Norwich and a nephew’, of need of remedial legislation,'’ Board of .Selectmen will meet such niuatr(ous figures as BIU Tll- stock owned by Pmrident EA Bar- moat of the thrills for the losers: at the crack of the bat. often The left, center arid right field­ West Hartford .. .0 2 .(XX) hattleshlps. four cruisers ("three credit for £1,000.000.000 (about oe pnasible to continue the fight Only Aircraft Carrier Other -appointments Included vVarmgps. den and Bobby Riggs. Before that point. , Palmer, Massachusetts. side by side. I formal selection of Russell Daven- Wednesday to give final approval row are currently ^ u e d at .-around St. Jam es means the difference between a hit ers should always ,{back up third, The Blueflelds were not going to . of them modern, 8-gun vessels”) $4.000,000.000 (. Despite the blasts aroused by the he had played In the Bast-West $400,000 . . . if Farley does take Twt league managers are re­ and a number of smaller ships. "The House voted this credit and Ftmeral Thursday When terms of the armistice In Blockaded Fleet ; port of New York, former manag- to new arrangements for the town and a putout. It ia beat to get second and first tiue, respective­ take this defeat' without one more . American League lineup the team's matches at llewlckley. Pa., and over, It is pretty certain he’ll ask Bucciano, lb . .6 , 2 3 11 1 1 minded that all new contracts Drop Depth Charges then went Into a secret session for •Hls funeral will be held Thurs- ere made known. It became 'evi- Grenoble, France,. July 9 -(>P — I Ing editor ot Fortune Magazine, to dump. supporters agreed on one thing. under a fly ball quickly and al­ ly, to guard any wild try and It wa* a good old ” dl* for' , day morning at 9:30 at the Ladd dirnt that a new situation ha(i de I sejve as Willkie's personal repre­ taken a couple of drubbings. Barrow to remain as general man­ Sheridan, 2b . . . .6 1 0 0 2 1 ways keep the ball in front of you. throws that might get away. must be submitted to-the president Running the risk of blowing debate on economic warfare. The French fleet blockaded at the The past four years their theme He’s following the turf ' (raurt Rutgers" attempt that tossed qulto funeral home, 19 Ellington avenue veloped, and Admiral Godfrey was sentative who will work with .Mar­ Miss Olga Schdbert of 195 Oak ager and Joe M’Ctortoy as mana­ Bolltusky, ss . . . .6 2 1 3 0 0 This prepare* you for any tricks If you want to develop into a on Friday of this week. Several a scare into Pagani’s camp. Kat* themselves out of the sea, British The government alrea £700.000,000 (about $2,800,000,000) Whkn the 8:32 train, going ea.st, n<», jmssibllitV of taking the French (>f Mias ilary Lorraine Meyer, fliig’s selcotloh and benched Frank least one respect. Ha’s tall and ture at this point and made a bril­ The airplanes attacked ii few This fleet, which lies within the f campaign for ian Sisters will meet this evening lanky and can bit tbe ball with Jones would play only with ball* In Man h. arrl/ed in Manchester station this ' srfips to sea', aiid that an attempt the Republican nomination. daduMex Mr. and Mr*. Roland McCofiqick, Red’s flrst-sacker. In 39 12 12 27 11 4 No fights at the outdoor arena liant running catch in left field foql minutes later. The eljancellor said £575.(kX),000 Pan-American neutrality zone, "la at 8:15 in Odd Fellows Temple. devastating force, especially off stamped In black. . . . Tommy tonight but the Red Men promise He disclosed that the British ,m(>rning, the engineer gave the would only endanger valuable Campaign headquarters. Wtllkle .Meyeprand Charles William Luhd- favor of fha Cardinals’^ Johnny Armour held out for green mark­ Motawk Jrs. territory that retired the siile and of this itlready had been spent. He expecting a British ultimatum and After the business session a flag Mize. McCormick haa played every the backhand. He beat two first- AB. R. H. PO A. E. Bobby Ivy Makes Bid 12 star bouta for next Tue^ay. It Navy had engaged In two further usual whistle toot, but there waa , French lives. It was agreed by Ad- Inteiw'cntlon at any momeht," said announced, will be establi.shed In i A.nna Lundgren, ings while Dick Mets uses only red with it any chance of the Blue­ warned that the gap between no answering wave from the win-j mlral Godfroy; day program will be presented. Inning In everjr.|UI-star game since ten players. Oil Hunt and KIwood K. Ferguson, lb 3 .3 2 10 .0 0 was thought that the star bout flelds winning. operations since Its attack July tbe dispatch, which came from either Chicago or New York. Me i ^ Bristol, which tqok place All members are requested to at- tees , . . Billy Burke always revenue And expenditure wa.* wid­ dow. Trainmen at the station told added that an effort would Joeepha church. he entered the big leagues. (Jooke, and a former Davis Cup Haugh, c ...... 4 1 0 7 1 0 would find Gene FaJeo of Meriden Wednesday night Mortorty 8 on French units at Oran to In­ ships In a rondi- Vichy, seat o f the French govern­ player, Joe Hunt, In the Nassau smokes the same number of cigare meeting a worthy opponent an'd it ening and that additional taxtA the crew that .Mr Curtis had pass­ tion in which they roiild not go to Outcry against (^ n ln ’s preponr J. Ferguson, 3b 4 1 1 3 2 1 Brothers meet th* Blueflelds-Lo- sure that France's fleet be kept ment tourney. . to a round. . Lupashlno, sa .3 2 1 2 8 1 For Feather Laurels might be Jole Knight of Boston, from German and Italian hands. rriust bo impo.sed. - ed away Ia,*t night. sea., deranUy Yankee Unedp, the same glon team In a game that oujriit The fleet was said to be cut off tactics which won the 1939 game Cooke’s comment after watch­ Rowe, If ...... 4 2 3 0 0 0 Maas., who just missed the Bay to be a corker. Olbert will prota* Seven French capital ships now , "This was done by reducing the from outside communication by Tbe Yankees drew 68,135 people city. / . bridegroom, for the junior loop, may hasten the ing Frank’s cross-court backhand McC?ann, 2b . . . .4 1 1 1 0 2 State lightweight amateur crown bly get hto chance and It la almost have beyivaccounted for, he de-j Fascist atul A dm iral oil on board so that thpre was the British blockade. French Navy shots whls by him In the final In two'days and one night in Phllly HnrlfrkrH Rnttlcr to Far#* last March. sufficient only for harboir pur­ To Organize Denioorata tuary were the Reverends O’Don- street, -of the Manchester High return of the game to the fans. Gaudino, p . . . .3 1 0 2 2 0 nariiorn »auier lO race throngs ever to see a battle certain that Borello will pitch fo r Funerals MinUt^ sources were quoted as nelL Monahan and Casey. Mrs. school faculty Is a member pf the was, ”I knew all about that shot; —more than the Phils have drawn Shields, cf ___ .4 1 2 1 1 0 the ClAn. Last night's Victory . The depth charges which crlp-| i u D efense i^et poses. saj-lng- the French ships Included Discussing bis own pHuia Willkie It was startedMn 1933 with the there all season . . . also, CIncin Petev ScalEo in Title I in this city barring none of- the Mery Olson was the soloist. counselling staff at Camp Wood- public felecfing the players but I was ready for It—but what can McLaughUn, rf .1 0 0 0 0 0 *-(. • ' n 11 1 e . 1 famous titular bouta of this city’s Genial Joa Hublard lost his easy put the West Sidera out in froot pled the Richelieu were dropped ' London, July O--*;/!*./—Brttaln’p William H. Manning Land Portions of Armamrat the Bearn, the 6.496-ton training said that he ^undoubtedly" would you do about It? ” natl concessionaires sold 68,000 going attitude Sunday aftenioon "2. To demilitarize the ships. make an effort "tO' organize Inde­ Mrs. Meyer was the former Mtoi stock, the County Y. M. C. A. after 1835 that task was taken Lavey, rf ...... 2 1 0 1 0 0 Fight .at Bulkeley Ma- former great featherweight cham hy a game and one-halfi pram a motorboat close under the defense regulations n^t enmeshed The funeral of William H. ■Man­ cruiser Jeanne d'Arc, several sub­ camp which opened today with The Californian’s great faults bottles of soft drinks during a re­ and staged a bUetzkrleg that wlp-: The boat score.; dktem bo damage propellers and This was done by landing certain pendent Demoerfits” behind hlS Nellie Mahoney of Walnut street over by tbe managers. * plena, B at Battallno and Kid K_ap Brian Bernard (7ar(rall, 31, treas­ ning. of 20 Green Hill street, who marines and several smaller craft. this town. Another daughter. Miss the first contingent of 100 ' boys are unsteadiness .and lack of a cent double header . . ' . Coach 32 13 10 St7 IS 4 dium Tonight. ed out the major pdrfion of hto Pagam** West Side* gteerlng gear, Alexander said, (lied Saturday aftemorm at the portions of armament and placing The ultimaCum expected presum­ presidential candidacy. Their failure to name Barney ton. urer of the Brltl^rh LTnion of Helen Luclle Meyer, waa maid of from Hartford. Mr. Potterton well rounded game. He’s. Inclined Harry Mehre plans to fly the U. of St. Jam es ...... 1(H OlO OlA—13 Ivy, hls golden chance for fame 1940 club. Make no mistake, Joe AB R H PO A ■ VrtiUe aircraft dropped torpedoes. Fascists,, and Admiral Sir Barry Memorial hospital from a frac­ them under the care of French, ably wsLS one such as the alx-houf This wouW be undertaken, he McCosky ot Detroit." Rip Radcllff to get hls feet mixed up and hls waa sore and ' when arous^ is authorities (Bhore. explained, through the already honor; Leo Vanesse was best man will be In charge of the nature Mississippi gridders to Boston for Mohawk Jra. . . . 000 000 616— IS Hartford, July 9—-(Special) — and the. heavy earnings of a cham Murray. 3b . -. . 4 1 1 2 1 1 AU the attackers escaped safe­ DomvUe, former director of Brit­ tured skull ' and cerebral hemor­ qrder delivered to the French fleet ot the hometown ^owrns, and shoes tangled when he meets their game with Holy O oss Nov­ Runs batted In: Shields 2, Rowe quite a guy. It wras not learned ” 3 To reduce the crews. In order startecl organization of Willkle- and Francis Mahoney of Manches^ clubs. Dixie Walker of the Brooklyn Thosands of Connecticut boxing pion looming before him. is In hls Zapatka. lb .. . 4 1 0 9 0 0 ty, be aald. ish Naval Intelligence, and Lady rhage. the result of a fall from oE Mara El-Kebir, Algeria, last someone who edn handle his pow­ ember 9 . . . few know It,- but 5, Pagan! $, Sheridan, Brozpwski; whether or not the team wljl be J. May, cf .... . 2 2 1 1 0 0 The motorboat, Alexander told to leave sufficient, only for care for-Prealdent clubs. ' ter, coiisin of the bride, and Jgna- la s e r s —all leading ,candidates In fans as well as many others from fighting prime and the courageous Ddmvlle. a utility pole Friday, was held we^k, demanding that the vessels tlua Bachman, cousin of the bride­ er. Jimmy Demaret la as proficient a two base hits, .K.'ferguson, taipa- called the Manchester Green or Hedlund, c . . . . 2 1 1 4 4 2 Commons, was a' ship’s boat un- this afternoon at two' o’clock at and maintenance. This is being comply with British conditions de­ In defining Hamilton's new po­ Jonathan J. Garcia of th* Par­ their respective posltione this sea­ Sectors where Bobby Ivy has dyfiamlte-punchlng little East retain its present name. They Were arrested laat night and sition, Willkie said that he would groom were ushers. Little Rich­ Gillespie Is taking a more mojl- greenakeeper and golf course shino, Paganl;' three base' hits, Kose, I f ...... 3 1 2 2 1 .0 f fler Lieut Comdr. R. H. Brtstowe, hls home. Rev. Dr. JPlarl E. done now and crews Who are leav­ signed to keep them away from lor F(jrnltur3 Company, with hls son—.drew censure. est route by way of the clay fought outside hto native state will SIder is waiting the starting bell Admiral Domvile, who retired In continue to be comj^naated with ard Corbell, nephew of the bride­ family Is enjoying a few d ays at architect as he to a player and Rowe: home runs, Rowe; ' stolen Robinson, r f.. . 2 0 0 0 0 0 ' Which was sent In^o the' harbor Story of the South Methodist ing are being sent to .Syria, to )>e France and possible participation The major league magnates last courts. He got off tn front In the base*. K. Ferguson, MriGatm, Bro- watch the Utile Hartford fl'rebaU determined to give the feather Some of these days” ae the old G. May, 2b . . . 1936, was taken to Brixton prison sent to France later as decided by a salary of $25,000. a year and groom, was ring-bearer. the New York World’s Fair. teacher . , . Dick Harlow of Har­ go anlnst Petey Scalzo, feather­ . 3 0 -U 2 0 0 t gad cajrried out Its mission "with and hls wife to Holloway prison. church officiated. It w ^ a Ma­ In the w’ar on the side of Germany nigh| recommended some method New York state championships zowsIU; double plays, Sherman to weight king the fight of hla lifg. song goes, “you'll mUs me honey” Morawa, as . . . . 3 0 "1 1 8 -8 the French Admiralty. that hla job would be "assisting Mr. The bride who was given In vard Is Doc Sutherland’s -assistant weight Xhamplcm o f the world in The featherweight crown haa t daring." Admiral .Domvile, 62, was chair­ sonic service. Mr. Manning being or Italy, or suffer attack. marriage by her father wore a | be d e^ ed by Which the fans may and was the first to reach the Bolinsky', left on bases, St. James - . . .'and that song might wiell be Hewitt, p .... . 3 0 0 0 2.0 ", "For their part,- the British gov­ The Algerian fleet chose attack. Martin.” The town highway department In this week’s football schcral ■ at their titular 15-rounder at Bulke- been Scalzo's highly-prized posses Four Altbrnatlvee Offered man of the pro-Qerman organiza­ a member of Manchester Lodge princesa style gown of velve'ray lndlCi(fe whom they would .like to round of 16. Billy used to play for Columbia. 6, Mohawk Jrs., 4; base on balls, off sung by Pagani's We.st’ Side.* If These four alternatives were of­ ernment have guaranteed supplies To Suspend Oauses Martin, he said, "is the cam­ Is taking advantage of the present \ see play In the annual dream game. ,ley Stadium here tonight. The bat­ Sion only a short, time and the they persist in slapping Lady Vic­ tion known as, "The Link,” dissolu­ of Masons. paign manager In charge of the over marquisette, with sweetheart Scarborough school near here and Paganl 9, Gaucltno 6; hit by pitch­ 'Totals ...... 28 6 7 21 11 0 fered jthe French commander, The bearers were Howard Che­ and the pay of men running the The French and Italian Armis­ clear weather to speed up Its Detroit waa awarded theri941 con­ usually lost to Marvin Kantrowlta er K. Ferguson, Rowe, Lavey, Gau- tle, which will be Hartford’s first smartly-boxiiig, heavily-punching tory in the; face night after night tion of which was announced some maintenance of the ships, and also campaign.” neckline and train. Her full length Feller’s Fean . Blueflelds-Leglon. AJexaoder said:- ney, Arthur Olson and tice, Committees have agreed at veil was of tuUe and her fan- street oiling program, put far be­ te s t ~ ' t of Dewitt Clinton high. Sunday dlno By Pagtod; struck out by champlonahip bout In a decade is New York youth Is sure to step with mlsplaya. That fifth column time ago.' their return to France at the end Toulon to, susp(end some of the Walter 8. Hallanan, of Weat Vir­ hind by the rainy dsya la June. It Somshody asked Bob Feller to - 1. That the Richelieu sail with He was a frequent guest of Ger­ Wohllebe representing the shaped bouquet was of'white ma- The National League father* en. hls third round opponent was Pagan! 6, Qaudino 6. Time, 2;10. sure so bring to Promoter Lou out with his beat fighting perform­ in the box acore is meant to -asaiat Keeney, 2b ... 4 0 1 2 0 1 A reduced crew under escort to a of the war. ' dlaarmam’snt clauses of the armU- ginia, announced the oub-coznmlt- la planned to surface upper Vernon ^ name the five most dangerous hi.t- Viscusl’s 'show In the South End man Nazi Ieaders-7-twlce of Adolf Chester Electric dlylslon by whom tee’e action In approving the' ap- Ilne, orchids and stephanotis. dorsed helmets for batten but ffid Kantrowitz, pow of Lehigh, and Umpires, Wilson and McVeigh. ance In the hope of exploding Ivy's the pitcher . . . not the other team. Burke, as ...... 4 0 1 1 1 0 British port; Mr. Manning was employed; ”Thia la hpw mattera atand at tlm* treaty "due to the new cir­ street and Lydall street between Gillespie wofl In three toiigh seta. ters tn the American League . championship attempt. The UtUe Weir, rf ...... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Hitler himself. He was In Germany preaent. It la hoped tbeae eondl- ■pointment of Martin waa unanl- Tile maid of honor Wore a ehell not make the i()nov/ition coropul- he listed Charlie Gehringer, Taft 8. T ^ t'sb e sail v.'lth a reduced James Potts, John Parson and cumstances” arising from the Brit­ pink rcdlngote of net and moire Verqon and Lake streets within aory. AgUatlon for. the protection Billy Is somewhat bigger and a lot titleholder sparkles with a person­ Opponenta -of Pagani’s teat^ Katkaveck, lb . 3 1 1 5 0 1 Crew to a French port in the West last year only s month before war tlqna may continue. ish attack on the French fleet off moua. He also praised Willkie’s the next few days. Other aectiona ■Wright, Rip RadcUff. Joe DlMag- have only one and a half ' earned broke out. Axel Parka. Burial was In the cooperation” In sitting with the over moire, large hair braid ha) of was flarted by the recent beanlng better than he was In his school­ ality w attractive as the idolised Wlerzblckt, c . . 3 2 1 4 ' 0 0 ladies where she could be demllita- West cemetery. "In the eastern Mediterranean', Oran, Algeria, la st' week, the also will receive attention. It la boy day*. glo and Ted Willtoms . . . honor­ runs per game against .them. The Thomas, c t ___ .2 0 ' 0 I I 0 terrible events of which we alt group. French blue, trimmed with net ^ Jo * Medwlck, Brooklyn . out- Ivy’s and he has w'on many friends rtsed; newspaper L« P etit' Dauphinois Imppaslble to do a good oUlng job^ ^TOJer. Right now he seem* headed for able mention: Jimmy Foxx, Bobby In hto short stay In to*-n. The relat of the runs were gifts which Gordon, If>___ _ 3 1 0 *8 0 0 know, have been avoided,, and -the said today. We feel,” Hallanan said, ’’that and long streamers of pink moire. Doerr and Joe Gordon; 8. 'That she be demilitarized in visits Avlatlos Center She carried a fan-shaped bouquet when rain weta dowm the roads. a match with top seeded Don Mc­ crowd which watches the champion might well be costly In any game. Griswold, 3b . . . 3 0 1 1 1 1 best hcq>|; la that our good rela­ ■The FrehClrJ^aval Ministry an­ In Wtllkle as president we wdll not Last night’s performance should ,Dgkar within 12 hours; Local Man Gets have'a^ one, man show as we have of pink roses,' delphiniums aiM Neill of Oklahoma City, who. didn't and cbolleiufer have it out tonight'' HUinskl, p .... 3 1 1 1 8 0 4. That she would be sunk tions here may continue as before. nounced Saturday It had notified Due to the Increase In federar reach the tourney until yesterday Ralph (luldahl hae bought a SCOREBOARD be a warning to Dowd to make ■ Roifie, July 9 — (ff) — Premier Our only urloh- throughout Jiaa Germany and Italy that the had for the past eight y ^ rs under gyaopbila. The bride’s mothei’ Bauer Cops is sure to be partisan although the within a time limit. MiissoUffi today vistted the experi­ ,wore a navy blue sheer redingote taxes In connection' with the re­ and then caught up by means of a home on the Bing Croeby ^velop- majority of fana Will of couiee aome cbangM if he wants this Totais ___ r.2F 5 6 18 0 8 His Ph.D. Degree been to make sure that Italians French Mediterranean Naval bases the New Deal.” ment near San Diego, Cel. . . amazing gang of his to continue No satisfactoiy reply woir re­ mental aviation center at Chjl- Heads Executive Committee ' with w^lte accessories and corsage armament program, documentary convenient default and a couple, of string along with the home state Scorelby innings; ceived within the time limit, he de- and Germaws should not possess would not b f, disarmed (- for the stamp fees wijl be eteppeo up by Medal in.Tourney easy victories. BUly probably will they’’ say Dopey D <^, the clown on to the top. Paganl’*-West Sides 1Q3 .020 x—4 , L donla, near Rome, where he in­ French ships in order to use them present. In order to defend the re­ Hallanan announced that 8in- of white camationa and gypso- By BKrry .Oraysgp ^wtion 12,000 turn out In Atlanta to b(by., dared. spected and expressed satisfaction^ phUa. The bridegroom’s mother 10 per cent, it waa learned today. lose that matclh, but he liaa a on the Charlltte (N.C.) club Is NEA 8ervlee Sport Editor see him batter a helpless bone- Blueflelds-Leglon .. ,030 008 O-rO against the British who still are mainder of the fleet against .at­ clalr Weeks of Ma.ssachusctts had security for a little family which It Is quite a team at that Last ; n»e otb^Naval action siace the James E. B. Toman, son of Mr. with eight new types of planes. been chosen chairman of the Ex­ wore navy, bike sheer with white This will result In added cos( of Eastern Point, Oonn.. July 9.— chance to show how good he to. being groomed to toke over Al ' The saddest part of Jack Demp­ bender, aa old as himself. B'efore comprises his wlf< and baby girl, iM’o-base hits, Murray, Koos; and Mrs. John Toman of 19 St. fighting on to defeat Germany and tack. These bases were to hgve Schecht’s old role at Washington. year they wrere classed as castoffs home rtm, J.-M ay; aacriflee hit, u Attack at Oran mentioned by Italy, and to re*eatabllsh France.” ecutive Committee of the National accessories and similar corsage. staihplng real eatatie conveyances. W)—What promised to be one of And if you’ll look bock a few sey belting decrepit ' wrestlers he hopped a plane for New York, another reward fair winning the X'JUsxander waa the raid by British .Ijiwrence street recently received been disarmed under the armistice years you may recall that it was ChMlotte is a Washington farm and pickups. ’nils year, under Thomas; stolen 'bases, Ooidoo., B atter Ratloii Changed. agreement C3ommlttee, and the ■ follpwlng A dinnei' followed tbe ceremony Prevlou.sly a 60 ceni stamp had to . the best matches of the 22nd an- around Is that It ma^ eneburago he received 30 offers fqr similar title, fires Ivy with an added in­ Aircraft July 6 on the battleship nls Ph. D. degree from Princeton be attached to deeds for each $500 in the New York State clay court . . Connie Mack to predicting their own banner, they have dem HUinskl. Hedlund (2 ); left c a ­ ■ London, July 9—(P)—Great Germany was said to 'be “In had been named vice chairmbn of at the Chippanee Ctuntry club n(ial Slfenecoeset women’* tnvita- the old champion to sidle through affairs with local favorites.. .from centive and the East Side young­ IjJIiinkerque. Uitlversity, majoring In biology. Resolution to Change the National Committee: which was decorated with garden worth of value of; the property tourney that a ypungster from Porter Vaughan, the former U. of the hemp with someone, who can onstitoted that It will take quite a bases, 'West Sides fi, EUueflelda-La> Britain ordered today a joint but­ complete agreement” with the Uon golf tournament waa listed coast to coaat___ from the gulf to ster Is detcymiDed to show the ball club to down them. It to a gion 3; base on balls, off ...... " It already^ had been disclosed Toman graduated from Manches­ ter and margarine ration of six Samuel G. Pryor, Connecticut; flowers. In the afternoon a recep­ concerned. Now the charge wlU.be for the first round today. It sent Kenyon college by tbe name of Richmond pitcher, will develop Into fiKht. ^ tpe Canadian boMer.. The pro­ ter High school aa class saluta- Constitution Adopted ' plan, and details were left to be 60 cents per $500. : ' T Don McNeill got a flying start on cham p^ore glovra than he’s seen fighting gang, ready for a base bit 2; bit by pitcher, Roblnaoa j'lk a t British fliers pcored six bits quncea per week. Previously negotiated between Italy and Hallanan, West Virginia; Mrs. tion was held a t the home of the the four-time champl(>n and quali­ as good a twlrter as the Mose Indeed, Demptoy, spurred by the moters arc aa silly aa he Is. If you in any previous fight. OH the damaged, groimdgd, 26,500- torian in 1933 and received a bride's parent*. Alter a wedding the road to fame. Dpn holfto the Grove who pitched the A’s to three success of hto Atlanta venture, al­ or a fight, and Woo to the umpire HUinskl; struck out, bjr HUinskl < butter had been rationed at four ■Vichy,! F ^ ^ e, July 9-^(P)—The France, along with other Mediter­ Grace B. Reynolds. Ind ; and Mrs. fying medalist, Jean Bauer of can consider those wanting to ■Their heavy training work be­ by Hewitt 6; Umc, 1 hour, 48 mln- French capital ship Jaiy 6 and scholarship In Osrk University, French ftenSte adopted today the Elsie Fits Simpns, Rhcxle Island. trip to New Y ork' City arid tj>e Charles W. Holman of 31 Suni- National clay courts and fflter- peimanU . . Oebb'y Hertnett, an-' ready 1* Ulking of Uckllng young who crosses ’em. Since the P.A. ounces per person a week, and ranean matters. Providence, against Kathryn Bra- make money out of their heads. hind them and trimmed Into beau­ team Inflicted a 9-0 defeat on them uteS; ’umpires, O’Leaty-Btoasaaoo. der aald the aerial attack Worcester, Mass., from which he margarine was not rationed at government’s resolution for revi­ Re-elected were C. B.doodspe^, World’s Fair, Mr. and Mrs. Lund­ mlt street haa been temporarily gaw of Englewood, N. J . collegiate titles now and to still other hittev-ender, bee refused Joe Louis following a half dozen . Dempoey, 13 yean after retiring, would lacuiacitate. her for a long graduated In 1937 with -the degree incapacitated because of a sprain­ moving up. Gillespie may be tbe tiful fighting shape, Scalzo and Ivy in the first game o f the oeasofi alL sion of the French constitution, by Illinois, as treasurer: Ilarold W. gren will live at 12 Federal street,' Although Miss Bauer, who needs point blank to imtch. a night game more preliminary teats. drew more people tn Atlanta than will weigh in at noon today and tlm> ^ of BA. a vote of 225 to 1. It previously Mevfaig Popolatton. Mason, Vermont, i«!ra^tary: and Bristol. ed ankle. It is stated that the in­ one to follow in hls footsteps; Agsin Dempsey makes it elear nary a Twt entry has been able to only to win the event once more . . . Joe Louis wUl referee the Louia has drawn on more than one ^en rest until. they puU on the down them. Yep, It’s quite a team Yeotarday’a RsooIIb WooM Have Altered Balaooe He sntered Princeton Univer­ had been adopted by the chamber Henry P. Fletcher, Rhode Island, jury is alight and that Mr. Holman Jack Trammell-Eddie Blunf fight he does not ‘ fully appreciate a' occasion In New York. E nstema ' sity in 1937 and graduated last 'Urges Uriag Lamppost* i . to take permanent possession of leather ready to ’ explode the and will be in the playoffs regard­ Transfer of France's . powerful, of deputies by a vote of 395 to I^ndon, July 0—(gv-The Ger­ general counsel. Announcf EhffaRvikient will have recovered entirely Ih a ths Griswold cup, paced the quali­ Country Cousins in Youngstown, Ohio, July 16. reputation which has crown until, Hartford .4, BlngtaSBptoa. 8 -hattleshlps to Britain’s year with the. degree of M. D. % ' three. Named to membership on the few days. ] ' iBeat City Relatives still living, he has become legen­ punching jthunder In the big battle less of What happens from here to London, July 9—(F)—Lord Beav- man-controlled Dutch wireless an­ Mr. and Mra. John J . Carlin of fiers yesterday with an 80 and ..Dempsey os a referee la a strong­ tonight. ' - 4 • . the wire. (night). the .first lord declared, Post graduate work In brain wave iCdouard Herrlot, president of nounced today that a large part of Ebceentive Committee under Weeks Reek Ajikhi dary. er box' office magnet today than Albany 10, 8 pringflMdl cancer research gave him this erbrook’s fcvMing 8tan)dard *ur- 17 School street announce the en- Miss Bragaw shot a 90, the New id bnvs altered the balance of the cliamber, read the brief text the popuJatioa of the Hook of were; The illrectitni of the Savings Bpiton — (Special) — Oh July Hannlbej. Missouri, which, has Of course. Dempsey can’t eat a all the fighters with thS exception ' Wilkes-Barre 6, WfltaaM^Mt • year hls Doctor of Philosophy in geated today converting Britffn’s f^gement of their daughter, Miss Bank of Hanchester will hold a Jersey girl is rated one of the'beat Fourth thr team of the Connecti­ power, with “Incalculable" of the bin. which had been ap­ Holland. Netherlands North Sea J- Russel Sprague, New York; young players in New Jeraey, a been a bit shy of champs since'It reputatibn.-'bttt be 1s far from Be­ of Louia and another one or two. Morria Insurance Man (night). U. Medicine degree. lampporis into guns to ease "a Robert Burroughs, New Hamp­ Catherine A. Carlin, to Milford E. meeting tonight’ at the Hebron cut Fuhinese ably captained by ing .broke, lmd.lt strikes his friends Los Angeles—Glenn Morris, 1936 ahortag* of steel In airm* fac- proved last night by the cabinet port, was being moved volunUrily Machle of 1089 Main street, son sU te which has plenty of good turned put Mark Twain, thinks. It He baa been paid a higher fee and Elmir* 8, Bdraatoa 8 JM glttlt*'' Toman plans to remain at because of "senseleas British shire; DanleL E. Pomeroy, New Game C3ub. Previous to the meet-' Ray Ooconnl of Bolton met and he cbiild employ hto many talents Olympic, decathlon champion; to measures Britain has torle*.” .- - with President Albert Lebrhn pre­ yof Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Machle of sbotmakers. haa another In Robert (Butch) traveled farther than any other Nnllsafil- have removed a aource of Prfooeton to conduct special re- siding, and by the chamber's Leg­ bombings.” Jersey; Mrs. Worthington S ^ n - ing a supper will be served. The Soundly trounced the team of tha more profitably and much more third man lit history. He fiew to selUtig Insurance here. foUowlng a (Nq gaaese ectadutoO» hearcb work In hls choeoi field HlUlard street. ' supper was being prepared this Others in the asms half of the New York City Fublneae captain­ HoweU who recently ptoy^ 270 fling In the movlea. anxiety,” he said, thanking islative .Committee this morning. ton, Pennsylvania; David,, jngalla, draw with Mias Bauer are Helen holes tg golf, in one day . . - he safely tn other lines, e .Manila not long "ago to handle a By The ASiddated Press Kaval ataff which' planned coupled with advanced work In The bill now will go to the Na- Ohio; Daniel O. Hiastlnga, Dels- aftelnioon by Frank Cheney, Jr., ed by Robert Milano. , Dempsey to.only kidding hiniself bout beMreen CMerino Oarcto and ------;— * Portland. lfa.-(-Chuek Moataaa, fNo games ackaduMV. medical journalism. In which he Eaglaeer Klgnspeg. war*: Mrs. Bertha Bauer, nllnols; Foond Dead la BM president of the bank, and < R.' and Bette Waterhouse of Provl- The game was arranged b{y Dan­ averaged 88 atrpIcCs per round, two Highest ^Toanaaieat I Maratlons immedUtely fol- tlonaf Assembly, composed of both denee, who qualified with 86 and over par, and wore out six caddies about hls fighflhg ability at -45.'... Olen Lee. 189, Quliicy, Mass., defeated John­ LOM eonmletldh of the evac- haa attained considerable note In During'tb* Cretacteus Period, a Houses sitting together, for {mra- Harrison Spangler. Iowa; Mr*. La Motto' Russell, treasurer. Each ny Longo of Bolton who to preal* even against Itoken-dbim gap* But what Dempsey forgets to Evergreen, Colo.—The JTrout* ny lovanna, 183, Quincy, - two the profession. Shan^ial. ' July 9:—(F)—8. ■*■. Horace Sayre, Oklahoina; W Ull^ Ithaca^ N. Tw J^uly S.—igy— year at this, time the director^, $4, rMmecUvely. Helen to a for­ dent of the Connecticut Young along the way. .v. dale (Jpen. held at an aitilude of (Crom nance) la thg face great sea spread up through the ly formal. approval. Oien, Chinese engineer who in­ piers. that hto countleoa admirera turn straight fallk 'Cfemy of troopa and tefu- North American continent, cov­ Knowland, California; Mrs. Crts Charles T. Lorani, 61, professor Jd "chip In” for a dinner meeting at mer ortowoM cVp winner. In the Fublneae. The teams met on tha Nearly 20 years' bava > eilapsed feet, to America;* highest *1116 National Assembly session tended ^fcnlcal college other half art k to FrM O. Davis out to oee their lOng time IdoL Tfipo Hartfotd a t totaUng not leas than' Big Tax Bate Increase ering oU of Texas, New Mexico, Carlson, Minnesota;'Em a I^lUa, education at Tale University who Hebron. Zaalio Ball Field tn Otostonbury. ; Todiurto Oaaat Star alDoa ba was tha lis a Mautoir. They donit want to ota Dempsdy golf tournament, | B to be held tomorrow In the. Woraester. K$aa^ waa Udnai was to have begun teaching in of Provldaaoa. sacond tn tha q ^ - Tom Meany..Naw York PJC.: SprtagM d a t : Cblorsdo, Nebraska, the Dakotas, Vichy casino. Idaho; Mrs. Bella Urauhi irt. Wash' The New Yorkers invadad 0 « - ) ..... • g tiytta to flght at 4Sk or up 0«maa*Aaaarki PtacMes WDkMhBim 9t. Fall River, Maas., July $—'(F)— tha InteroatioMl Bettlameni. iBfton sUto; Harvey Jee *tt. South OnriiaiU’a summar seaaion today, Every morning ait $ a. m- CST. fylng round with an 88, Mrs. neetieut with tha Idas, t t e t an good "AS star tana are beefing bec«uaa "But money to what promoters OtMder Sefla Btblee w en atin Wyoming, M ooti^ and parts of Ead at BsphbBt day by riilnaae gunawn*who are ^^Ivto Annenberg Lelchner of with ont*and-out hlppodromers. I which wooM A tax rata o t fMJO.an Ingrease of other border ^ tc a , cutting a wide Dakota; mad Carroll RjMce, Ten- was touqd dead in bed this mort)* small balloons are sent up to m ball players to m the city. Dixie Walker waa lgmw«d ^ the are seeking, and rm irolng to show AU J a c k Dempoty ea Ing. City Health Olficei; R o h ^ ever 35 atattons throughimt tpa Slushing, N. t... also a former Frtondlv r'va’ri' marked th* game National League . . , apparently $4.20 over last year, was announc area north th Uia mouth of the the democraue third French re­ them now to makedt for them- Iprtaent lU-^vtoed campaign to tesjr Hardin-Stounona guard, to spend- practice at M t Nebo tomqrrow (N « 8 ’’hadlaiMla ” juot beyoito tha aettla- "Behtildes 'Broad a ^ Lonim died IS hours country tor irepoctlAg voather winner. M ary Fine of Scran- Uuwignoult' end the oountry thw pickers don’t beUeva/lt’s true -wlvea and me,” he ahya ' ' Jng the summer as aTUble Sd tOdSF- , Marksnffis iM e . public^ which ,n as (rani tha sahos .BWBtfahotdaia. down what It took a ao long to nlkht J t six o’clock. AU payers arc BaUanan deeertlied WUlUa’s ptevtousty o t a haait AUumdI. coddItlooSe ' ' ' itfOiHlM ta d tta ir w rsB M to tta . ,wtat ttaX ^ Dtoli,” ' You can’t btam hli^ in a ansa, hulW. J — IB Ftorida, ' J i o t a to 1* 1^ ea Ulpta ■ :' ■■■■ ■ -■ MANGHE8TEB BVENING HERALD. IUNGBB9TBB. CONN. TUESDAY, JULY 9 , IM O llANGHBSTffil BVBNWG HERALD MANCHESTER. CONN TUESDAY, JULY 9,1940 V,

I - ' RED RYDER Strancf^l^^ b Right BY FRBUI R C H IT/>^?/.//;r y/LiCT' X BUY a/;r/ OKHCLLa KiaCAIXMliM J 8oys--6cu H Sense ani) Nonsense i^ o m ' M— — — ...... The Oali a< D«ty Pfigtaal Ploor Man! Judge—RastuSb you are charged J t T Duty stands aad points the way, Pvs navsr cared for real satate; iritk disturbing tbe peace of the and oh, how nam sha seems; to me it’s mud or dust; neighborhood. What have you to For the way It polflta Is a way But fats baa showered some my say? ^ that laikda away from our way, and flilsd ma with dis­ Ratetiia—Well, Jedge, it waa thU fnffidiit drtuiflL gust ABBvuneemeaU AotoBobilca For Sal* 4 Foci and Faad 4f-A ApartaiMit»->Flnt»—> Gams Warden Aids Two way. Me and Mandy had an argu­ >T«ncoi«iUi Women Load Lost Oil Local Arrests Duty*a path la a dark by-road, I guess I should have studied dirt; ment She smashes a pthts on mah _ 3 i DID TOtJ he*r Brunner 1938 PONTIAC SEDAN, 1935 Ford FOR SALE—GRASS 1-8 of an Red Cross Campaign white we long (or the path of I’ve seen it dlsbad—and dug; head and drops ms flat Then I ira sedan, 1937 Dodge sedan, 1932 acre of standing grass. Can bo THEEE A ON-HALF room apart­ But never dreamed Pd be called on - !■ Bivlnc hljli •• $777 for Santa Crus. C#Uf., July 9.— ' . 4ay. rises up and swats her with s \ l®MChevrolet ledana with radio Buick coupe, 1935 Reo aedan. had for the cutting. Location Main ments. AU conveniences. 869 Main Heavy in June Where birds are siiiging and wild to use It for a rug. and Woodland street. Phone 4060. (IP)—Mike MorelU, assistant chsir. Then she heaved a hot tea ^aad heater toward the purchaae Cole Motors, Main street Idt, op­ street. Apply Marlow’s. ‘ flowers bloom, and little cbll- You See. we went away for kettle at me. posite Armory, . •'ft*'-*'------game warden, stoppad on th e: montiie; and now we’ve come ^ • Packard sedan that delivers highway and helped two fragUs \ Still Far From Goal Judge—I se4^ Then whah hap­ Itoe $10777 ______^Bdiasaliiold Goods 51 Sixty-One Persons in tMity*a p ^ h ^ old and worn by back home Subarbu For Rent ' 66 females load a SO-gallon drum: the tread of oountlesa feet; TO find our floors are one foot pened? of oil into their car. . ' Florists—Nanerie* IS $140 $140 $140 $140 FOR RENT—TWO miles west of Court; 31 for Violat­ Necklace of Vasea Xfifips Solicitors, Stationed at But we find as we come to our deep In fertile sandy loam, Rastus—And then we gets mad "My, but you’re strong!” one Journey's and that the once rvs thought—from A to Z—of and starts to fight Aatonobiles For Sale 4 TRANSPLANTED tomato, pepper, 3 ROOMS f u r n i t u r e ' WllUmantlc, 6 room#, steam heat, Flowera Fresh "Evening Used Only 2 1-2 Months garage. Rent $28. Call Bast. I of the women said, admiringly. ing Motor Laws. Key Spots in Town io stern’^path la sweet. ' ways to clean this "house of egg plant, cabbage, also salvia, Mike blushed. He blufh^ OUT UUR WAT USS PLYMOUTH Cocv coupe, $140 $140 $140 $140 Hampton 363-13. Dallaa July 9.—', lyiO with the I.lquor Control Com­ w'orks commissioner, for the gub­ Disposition of cases was as tional institution will o'Pen here American—Ah, I suppose that’s words as two words. IClntmum cost Prompt delivery service. Phone FOR SALE—DUNCAN Phyfe din­ Mexican for welcome! pries of thrss lines. mission for a DruBslat Permit for ernatorial nomination. follows; jail and fine 2; fine ,37; this week with three days set is anytime. Open evening except the sale of alcoholl.c liquor on the Mexican—No, no. That's the LH rates per day for transient ning room set. Can be seen any The new chairman, regarded as jail 7; nolle 5; judgment suspend­ aside for Inspection by officials, Welcome Visitors adt Monday. Telephone 5937. Karl- time during day or evening. 323 premises of 487 Main street,- Man- ed on payment of costs 4; judg­ bath mat upside down. M ostlfo March IT. 1 0 9 T sen's Lawn Mower Shop, Buck- cheater, Conn. Tho biialneee Is own­ one of Hurley’s closest allies, de­ special guests and the gener|il Cash Charts Woodbrldge. ed by Edward J. Murphy of 21 ment suspended 2; continued 3; • OsMssutlTs I>ars.e.| 7 ctsi f ou land. feated Former State Treasurer public. Construction of the plant To Scouts’ Camp Women are more expensive than Strickland street. Manchester; Conn., not guilty 1. will be formally concluded Wed­ t OoMsewtios Days... • cts{ll eu FOR SALE— WES’riNOHOUSE and will be conducted by Edward J. Guy B. Holt by a roll call vote of Arrests for speeding were more men because a woman's clothing § ! ^ o n 't 1 JHp' ...... ,|M ctsilS ou LAWN MOWERS sharpened and refrigerator. In excellent condi­ 39 to 30, leaders said, although the nesday. reconditioned. Delivery service ) urphy of 28 Strickland etreet. Man- numerous last month than in any wears, out each year, according to t tWEr eemeg. a*. iTOWiVViV** ACCEPT ANY. All ordsro for trrecslar Insertions tion. Inquire 2 Stephen street, i-heeter. Conn., as permittee. latter was reported to have Officials, newspapermen and ■ Tomorrow afternoon and each B. MT. Bfff. l u c k a n d preparedness 7-7 w ill be charffsd at the one time rats. previous month this year. Several a taxtUe expert, while a man’s at­ 7-Q ALIBIS, ALVIN / Tel. 4531—4506. Snow Brothers corner of Parker. EDWARD J. Ml.'RPHT entered the race with the other guests will tour the new pri­ Wednesday afternoon, while the Special rates for long term every 336 Summit. Dated 9th of July. 194V. of these cases were tried as viola­ Girl Scout camp is In use during tire, from hat to shoes. Is made.of 'Aar adrertlslnv riven upon request. H-7-9-40. . support of Senator Francis T. Ma­ son Friday. On Saturday, residents more durable material. A woman Ado ordered before the third or tions of rules of the road due to the summer, visitors will be wel­ FRIGIDAIRE USED—In excellent loney and J. Francis Smith, retir­ of Danbury and vicinity will be ad­ pays « lot* of attention to the Afth day will be charred only for condition—you. must see this one extenuating., circumstances cited mitted upon presentation of spe­ come. With the weather Ideal for B ool'S AND HER BUDDIES S u ccess! tiM M tval number of times the ad Help Wanted—Female 25 ing chairman. In court. Intoxication arrests •tyles. B t KUGAR H A m iN appeared, charrinr at the rate earn- —a real bargain. Kemp’s, Inc. cial tickets, distribution of which outdoor activities, dozens of day Reliable sources asiMrted that slightly decreased frorii the May LETS SEE, PRESS od but no allowance or refunds cao CHRISTMAS CARD salespeople— Frlgldalre Headquarters. began here today. The general Catnpers avail themselves of the ‘ ®OCTS' BOOT*."' viuST ho MMde on alx time ade stopped Dairymen Wallop most of the McCarthy vote was total. A general Increase In motor Medical Officer—Have your •mvSfOEE,! HOPE HE WONT BE TDO^ h a p p e n e d t ? ? t h e !— ^ show the best! Personal Christ­ public will be admitted Sunday privilege of the camp each day. spectacles helped you anyt. WEU.,WV^Kt DO y o u —- r oftef the fifth day. mustered In Fairfield, New Haven vehicle offense arrests is usual at Transportation Is free 'with the ©Ea \)F MOTOR BTOPFEO/ ^ Mo **tlll forbids**: display lines not mas cards with name, 50 for $1, and Hartford counties, headquar from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. No tickets Seaman—Have they? ' They SEEMS 1 Mid. Machinery and Tools 52 British'Amerks this time of year due to heavy registration fe.e, and each morning up. Super-value box assortments. ters of three of'the party’s veteran will be required Sunday and Die- kept a tough sailor from hitting •HERE. V tO R K S // Tho Berald wilt not be reeponetble traffic conditions coupled with the partment of Justice officials are the Girl Scouts' are picked up at GOES- ior OMre tbaa one Inoorrect inser- 21-card “Beauty Queen" Is $1 FOR BALE—USED HAY ma­ me. chieftain*—Paul R. Connery of tendency toward fast "good making arrangementa to receive th,e Center post office, and called Hoa of ooy advenifement ordered leader. You make 50c. Experience chinery. Side rake and tedder. No. Norwalk; National Committeeman weather driving” . ior More tb M one time. unnecessary. Samples .on ap­ 6 McCormick Mower, 8 row The Britlsh-Amertcan’s highly- thousands of v^ltors from all over for at.the camp In the-, evenlnc. The loadvertent omloetoa ef ip- David E. Fitzgerald of New The Scouts bring a lunch dr,cook proval. Chilton Greetings, 147 Sprayer, good condition. Friend touted softball aggregatlSIt proved the-state and from New York. STAMP NEWS Yorreet publfoatloo of adverttetnt Haven; and Mayor Thomas J. The plant, one of six new penal one at camp, also their own cups will be rectified only by cancellation Essex street. Dept. 450, Boston. power takevoff with rubber tires. no match for the Dairymen at Mt. Spellacy of Hartford.- Garage Ten Tops o f the charre made for the service Bargain. Amos D. Bridge’s Sons and correctional institutions erect­ and silverware, nature books, cam­ >iw*ica m e ew. PBSSdeeed Nebo last night as the milk ped­ No Personal Animosity ed In recent years by the Depart­ era. or whatever they are most ISSUANCE of spccUl U. S. Na- AM advertieements mast coafono Inc., Hazardville, Conn. dlers achieved a 12-1 triumph With It was reliably reported that tionsl Defense and Red Cross to otylo, oopy and typornpby with Help Wanted— Male 3(( Gibbies by 5-1 ment of Justice, Is located on a Interested In. Their program doye- i ^ l - f "Sometimes, Herschel, I fee! just like gi^ing up.' teMWlaHeiie enforced by the publish- HAY TOOLS, USED Farmall on a 16-hlt barrage off the pitches much o f the Maloney-Smith op- 264-acre site In Pembroke district, tails In with that of the establish­ stamps has been suggested to the e#o owd they -reserve the lirht to WANTED—Experienced Salesman of ^McCollum. Benson and Sulli­ poBltion to McCarthy was based not far from Lake Candlewood. ed camperi, whose - registration Ppstofflee D^artment but no offi­ rubber, Detroit Fordson mowers. Last night In a "Y” Softball 4kdM» nsTiae er relent any copy con- and driver. Oyer 25 yra. preferred. Dublin ’Tractor Company, Wllll- van divided the slab duties for upon his relationship to Hurley Construction' was started Dec. 29, each period Is limited to 16 girls. cial retpense has been received on Mi ered obieetlonable. the winners and held the BA’s to League game, the fast stepping the prOpoMl. United States has CliOSnfa ROURS^-CldssMed ade Apply U. S^9 Cleaners. *836 Main mantic. rather than on any personal l938 and will be completed Wed­ The day campers are divided Into FUNNY BUSINES.S Oo be pobUmhed seme day must be street. five hits. animosity. Depot Square Garage team took nesday. The WPA granted $1,685,- age iDtiups and carry on the work never issued semi-postalf. POOoMod br M o'clock noon Satur- Tomlinson was the star at the The Maloniiy-Smith combination the measure of Gibbies by tba 000 for construction and the De­ for Mdges started In th# troops. ProponenU of ^le National De­ dor* ld:M. Wearing Apparel— Fan 57 plate with a homer, triple and was said to have questioned the score of 5 to 1. The garagemen partment of Justice was given an fense Issue urged that a 1-ccnt capitalized on a few mlsplays by Mrs. Norman Ash, chairman, or amit.an. ( Tetoyho*w Y o v Want A4s Situations Wanted— Male 39 single as all but two of the Dairy­ wisdom of naming at a time so far appropriation of $196,000 for other members of the' camp com­ sUmp, without franking value, be AN OVERSTOCK of Hall Band men connected for at least one the losers In the early stages of A#a a n aaoaatad arar tb« t.l*- CARPENTER WORK 60c hr., or in advance of the state convention equipment. mittee are at the camp each day, made compulsory on all nrlai), to WASH TUBBS tlkama at Mm CRAKGB RATE rlv*n rubber boots. Special for 6 daya, hit. ‘Teddy” Tedford accounted the game to forge ahead and from raise funds for the defense pfr- Two Out BY ifOY CKANB ah#—• a# a eonv.n.lno. to odT«r- contract, 20 years experience. a chairman too closely Identified then on were never in any serious In addition to the directors and $2.49 per pair. Nichole Store, for the loser's lone tally, a home with any candidate for the guber­ counselors, and everything points gram. The Red Cross stamp, with ttaom. bat ttio CASH ra te s will b. Mortgage money available. Work Highland Park. ' danger. Tony Dubaldo • managed a— «># ao FULL PATHENT H run to deep center in the third. Supply of Berries 3-cent postage value, ilrould be r <3REAT SCOTT! WE BETTER <5E T hu m ph ! 1 guaranteed. Write Box C, Herald. natorial nomination. to score the only run for the losers to a most successful season in .this MaM at Mm baalMoa offieo oe or b«- The Dairymen journey to Hart­ second year of camping In Man- sold at S cents, profits to be de­ TO A 'D O C MO matter #M« Mm M-ontb dmr followlBC tho ford tomorrow night to meet the The retiring chairman, however, In the second when he clouted a HOW SMART •oot laaortloB e( ooeh ad othorwiM Wanted—To Buy 58 was'the first to place himself be­ triple and went home on an error. Now Falling Off qbester. voted to that organization. tba CHAROn RATE vllt bo eolloot- Bryant Chapman tpam. Box . Visitors unfamiliar with the lo­ • • * THE POLICE Articles For Sale 45 score: hind H(;Carthy with a pledge of He was alsf the batting star of od. Mo rosponolbllltv (or orron Hi BUYING SALEABLE junk and cation are advised to motor out on A spray o f / plum blossoms, ARE,THEY tolta>oa,d Ado will bo oiOomed And Dairymen. “enthusiastic support throughout the evening, collecting three hits ALMAV^ tboOr aeooroty connot b« ouarmn- UNIVEX MOVIE Cameras, 8 m. paper Is our business. Turn what hts career as chairman.” With the supply of strawberries Venfon street to Steele’s house at symbolizing communications, dec­ m.. several new at half price. ab r h po a e In four trips to the plate. Frank EALL.FOB you have Into cash. Wm. Ostrin- Holt did the same with an ex­ Vlttner Sr. was the only man on coming Into the Manchester Auc­ 683 Vernon street, neai- the Ver­ orate.# Japan’s latest stamp is.sue: InScx of ClaasifiOitions An>4ane now can afford a good sky. Tel. 5879. W. Dietz, rt . . . .5 1 1 2 0 0 tion Market falling off. It is hard­ non town line, turn In at the Steele The design la from an ancient box HAUElJVER R. Benson, p .. .2 0 I 0 0 pressed convictlbn that "he’s go­ the winning team to hit safely 36 movie cameva , for only ' $5.00. 0 ing to be a fine chairman.” ly likely that out-of-sUte buyers driveway and follow the farm road In the Imperial Household mu­ Kemp’s, Inc. Sullivan, ..p . . . .3 2 2 0 1 0 more than once. Asks ’’Undivided Coopenttkn” Tomorrow night at 6:15 the Boh will be represented here many to camp. seum. WAN’TED TO BUT used Spanlih KeUey, sf . . . . .5 1 2 6 0 0 more days. Of the 693 erhtea sold * • * Doatba ______ORCHARD BRAND arsenate of Magnuspn, 3b . McCarthy then asked “undlvld- Ami will tackle the Tall Cedars In guitar. Apply 649 Main etreet. .4 1 2 0 0 0 yesterday one buyer took one-third Hungary has Issued two new Card of Thank* E lead, 4 lbs. for 69c. Dairy Fly 2 eU cooperation” on the part of all another league game. Box score: ta Mamoriam ...... p DeMerchanL lb 1 1 8 0 1 committee members and said' In of those offered to ship to Phila­ values for fiood relief. The design Spray 98c. per gallon. Complete Modean, - as .. . .2 1 0 Depot Square Garage Three Diseases I*a t aad Found i 2 4 0 hla opinion there was no "reason AB R H PO 'A F. delphia. Is the same as the recently issAd ABBoaBoomiMts « line of spray and dust materials Rooms Without Board 69 Lynch, c ...... 4 1 2 3 0 0 for this meeting to go beyond this McCurry. s a .. 2 1 1 0 3 0 ■The total sales jit the market special ahect. PoraonaU ...... t on sale'at Ward’s Farm Store, 43 Tomlinson, 2b . .4 3 AateaieMlee 3 2 2 1 room.” yeeterday brought $1,790./ R. M. Show Deeline^ e e e Purnell Place, Manchester. FOR RENT— ’TWO furnished G. Trueman, If 2 0 Vlttner, Jr., 3b 4 1 1 5 5 0 AadaaMbloa for Bialo ...... 4 0 0 0 0 The new chairman retained two Comber, If ____ 4 1 0 1 0 0 Reid A Sons, auctlone^, report Auatralla announces the release AalOMOMU* for Sxehanco . . . . . I roonu, garage available. Tele- Popoff, If ...... 2 1 1 1 0 0 FOR SALE!—MEN’S rebuilt and of the chief officers of the Smith Vlttner, Sr., lb 3 1 2 10 0 0 that there were 471 Crete# packed of four values on July IS, com­ aiayiet. i Aoeooaorioo— TirM ...... ( phone 6232. Skoog, cf ...... 3 0 1 3 0 0 Hartford, July 9—(46—The num­ Aato Ropalrinv— Palnttnc . . . . T relaated shoes. Better than new administration—J. Walter Darley Yankowski, cf. 3 0 1 1 0 0 24 quarts sold for a ^ h of $4, ber of scarlirt fever, lobar pneu­ memorating the participation of Abto Sehooli ...... 1-A cheap shoes. See them. Sam of Higgsftmm as secretary and Arcklvy, c .... 3 0 1 5 1 0 low of $2.S5 and as/ aiigrage of the Australian Imperial Force In Aatoa—Ship bjr Truck I ‘ 38 12 16 27 7 2 monia and Whooping cough cases ALLEY OOP Aatoa For H lra‘ ...... » Yulyes, 701 Main. , Boarders Wanted 59-A William Farley of New' Britain, Pavelack, rf .. 2 0 1 1 0 1 $2.83, or 11.8 cents a quart. The In C!onneetlcut declined, the former tha European war. '■ -All Wrapped Up BY V.T HAMLIN British-American treasurer. Pollnakl, af . . . 3 0 0 0 0 0 223 crates packe^id quarU to the • • • ' Oaracoo— Sorrteo— Storaao — M ab r h po a e two markedly, during the past -. ^ to r e r e lo -—Bleveloo ...... 11 McCarthy Is a'native of Prldge- Cowles, 2b ___ 2 1 0 1 1 1 ccate sold for a high of $2.80, a low ■ i I Suppose kS'V waatod Aatoa—‘Motoreyeloo . . . t# Electrical Appliances— N. Grimaaon, e 4 0 0 1 0 0 week It.Was Reported today by the Ths countries bordering ths HEAWWHIlEtrve X LITTLe TWERSIg THE INFERNAL 3SLT.vAMT« ROOM AND BOARD. 168 Main port who has resided 15 years In Fldler, p ...... 8 0 0 1 2 0 of $1.40 and m average of $2.04 Caribbean Sss and ths Gulf of T v FVOULO ^ PgVATg JOB "to DO; SO Maalaaaa aad Frofoooloaal #oiVtiiia street. Telephone 3284. McCollum, p . 1.4 0 0 2 4 0 State Health Department. Measles NOmAiTILkG'VE DeClPEP' BaMaoaa Sorrleoi OITcrod ...... U Radio 49 Newtown where he Is chairman of Qulmby, cf . 1 0 0 1 0 6 or 12 3-4 cenu a quart. Alao sold Mexico are pictured on a new WITH rr WELL lET TT L4W RIGHT Lewie, lb . . . . .4 0 1 12 0 cases remained stationary* at 15. p o r t l y ■oaaobold Serricu Offorod ....M -A 0 the Board of Fire Commissioners Sudoff, sa ...., 0 0 0 1 1 1 were 12 qviarU of red curranU, TEM HERE IN "THE s i g h t OF ALL ■SatldlBg— Contraetinc ...... ■ 14 A FEW 1940 RADIOS In Uble Wade, rf ...... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Scarlet fever dropped from 38 Dominican Rspubltc issue of thrss TAKE OARE and head of The Newtown Coal Splllane. rf . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 packed |n pint baskeU that tO'20. pneumonia from 34 to 15 valusii,. conunsmorating the Sec­ Florlata— Nurscrlet ...... , it and console models at big reduc­ Apartments— Flats— Dougan, rf . . . . .3 0 0 2 0 0 and Grain Company and of The F n7 Faaaral DIroctora ...... 14 tions. ’Tralde in the old jallopy for Tenements 63 P. McKay, sa . .8 0 1 2 1 1 brought/$1.15, being the first in ahd whooping cough from 29 to ond Inter-American Reunion of a Baatins—Plnmblhr—Roofin* ,. 11 American Brush Wire Company. Touts .. 31 5 7 27 13 3 the market. 26 cases. the Caribbean. g iBawraaea ...... >« a good radio now. See ue for the E. Harris, 3b . .3 0 Ij 1 8 0 McCarthy, married and the fath­ Gibbies *The front'end bnikedi*' F^OR r e N^—f ; v e r o o m flat, All Jfluiaorr—Orainnakinc ...... 1* BEST DEAL In town. Benson A. McKay, sf . .3 0 0 0 1 I er' of two children, attended the Solomonson, at 3 0 XovlBK— Trucklhg— Storag* S« Furniture A Radio. 713 Main St.. modern Improvements at 11 Gol- Tedford, I f ___ .2 1 0 0 ^ b lt o Paaaangcr Sorrio* . . . . . M - A 1 0 University of Coonecticut for"two Werner, cf ... 1 0 way street. Call between 12 and Bralthwalte, If 1 0 0 0 0 0 years, leaving to serve In the U. S. IDON HRVlLtE FOLKS Mattag—Papfrlnc ...... si 1, and 5 and 6. Tel. 6790. Rubacha, c...,. 4 0 BY FONTAINB FOX rraCosaionalISorvicea ...... It A. Eagleson, 2b 3 0 1 4 1 0 Army during the World War; Schubert. If .. .3 0 ^ p a irin g II - * _ Blnok, rf L.. 2 0 0 0 0 0 Daily/Pattern Tailoring— Dyeing—Cleanlag .. 24 FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat. 0 Later, he played baseball with Daigle. 2b . . . . 4 0 Tollat Oooda and Sarrieo ...... M Available August 1st. Adults. the' Eastern League and profes­ Dubaldo, p . . . 4 1 GHANPfiA FUTTY HAt A •!• ADVANTA»e IM ANY POLITICAL AR«UMBNT Waatod— BnatncM Sorrtoa — M Telephone 7584. 34 1 5 24 18 2 sional football with a Bridgeport Leggett, ss . 3 0 Pattern 8746 EdaeattoBOl INSURE BriUsb- SEE TJi'S. w'f bLioov ntaatloB* Wanted—Femal* >i Sprln^eld' ....3 8 33 ble plays: Sudoff to Vlttner, Sr. frills. run round the aecki ACQUAtNTEO ! IN is WtOBABLV OANQNG ' SltaatloB* 'Want*d-;-Ma>* .... It WITH "ntXJR Osaj, BaaplernioBt Agenda* . ' M FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM flat, all Hartford .. ___ 37 34 Left on bases: Depot Square Gar­ sleeves, basque points,. and . Idea #«oeb Pet* Faaltar modern Improvements, garage. British Thwart Scranton ___ 32 87 age 7, Gibbies 5. Base on balls off: the front. The sash bow in ti? LOUNGE j Tablela* A,vailable July' 15th. Inquire 107 Williamsport ..29 39 Fldler 4, . Dubaldo 2. Struck nut by: back always looks so fetching on Poga—Btrda— Pats 41 Wilkes-Barre ■. .30 43 Fldler 1, Dubaldo 1. "nme; ,1:20. busy little girls! C m Stack— Vahicla* 41 Russell street. Foaltry and SnpplU* a a * d^'A * a 4 4» Scuttling Move • Nntioaal Umpires: S. Gryzb and H. Gryzb. This design (8746) mskes up / Waatod — Pot*— Poultry—Steck 44 W L Pet. GBL charmingly In batiste, gingha; For gale— MMcoUaaoaao HEY! Legal Notices 78 Cincinnati ....4 6 23 .667 chambrey or dimity. It perfectly Attioloa For Sal* ...... — 4t Brooklyn . ■ tat* aad Aceaaaorioa...... - -44 If Your Old IsiaVOR PBRMIT Nsw York, July 9—l/l>)—Quick ....4 5 23 .662 V, Last NighVs Fights ■atisfles your daughter’s demand ' BaUdiBg HateHal* 41 Refrigerator la IfOTICB OF APPLICATION action by British authorities was New York . ....4 0 28 J188 5% that she wear nothing babyish, Dhuaonda — Watehaa— Jawalry 41 Thli U to C|vo notice that 1 Ber* reported today to have thwarted Chicago ..%.38 37 .501 11 *By The Associated Press and yours that she wear nothing i noatrlcaJ AppUaaeaa— R adio.. 4t hard J. Hart Phelpa Road. efforts of the crew o f the 30,000- Pittsburgh ....2 9 39 .426 16 H :rown up. You’ll repeat It many Foal aad Fa*-A Mancheater. Conn., have filed an.ap* St. Louis ...... 2 7 Pittsburgh—Frltzle Ztvle, 149, fImea in different colors. ■Aldan— Farm— Dairy Frodueta M plication* dated July 7th. 1940 with ton F"rench liner Pasteur to scut­ 40 .403 18 ■oaaabaM Good* ...... 41 NOISY. Boston , ...... 2 5 .39 .391 18>i PitUburgh, outpointed Ossie Har­ the Liquor Control Commlealon for tle the vessel at anchor In Bed­ ris. 156 1-2, Pittsburgh (10). Pattern No. 8746 is designed for tfaeblaary aad Toolt ...... 41 a DruEflxt Permit for the aalt of ford Basin near Halifax, N. S. Philadelphia . .24 45 .348 21H sizes 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size Maglaal laalmments ...... mm 41 And Costa Plenty alcoholic liquor on the premlaea of Amerionn Chlcag'o—Cari'Vlnciquen-a, 190, OCtiM aad Store Eqalpmeat .w 44 Reliable sources sajd the Omaha, Neb., and Chuck Crowell, 8 requires 2 >4 yards of SS^inch naartala at tba Btora* 4t To Run . . . Trade It In 4 Depot Square. Manchester, Conn. W L Pet. GBL The bualneai !■ owned by Edward French crew sought l o sink the 218, Los Angeles, drew (8). material without nap; '4 yards 8COKCUY SMITH Waariag Aggaral—Fara ...... 41 On a-Ne\y quiet Leonard! vessel last Thursday night—the Detroit , ...... 4 4 27 .620 trimming. A Thought For Today! BY JOHN CL TK RRl Vaatad—To Bay ...... 44 Murphy Strickland atreet. Cleveland New York—Julie Kogan, 132, ‘ Maf B ia i l H itola—Haaorta Mancheater, Conn., and will be con­ day following the naval engage­ ----- 45 29 ./.608 ^ For a Pattern of this attrecUvs insr tamermn- Wn gnarantee yon efficient ducted by Bernard J. Hart of 5S Boston ----- 41 New Haven, Conn., knocked out Maalaaraala ment off Mers El-Kebir, Algeria, 31"^ .569 PJiil Slrlanl, 135 1-4, New'' York model send 15c In CMn, Your so, y t TH0U8HT yg T' Wltboat Beard ...... 4# refrigenstlpn tor only . . . Phelps Road, Manchester. Conn., as in which British warships put out New York . ___ 37 34 .521 7 Name, Address, Style, Number and _Bfaatad ...... 4 1 —A p e rm itte e . (6). COULD b e st PRASOR?/ BERNARD J. HART of action, several. units of the Chicago ___ 32 37 .464 It Slse to. Thf Evening Herald, To­ St. Louts .V ...33 44 .429 14 . Pbfladelphla—Billy Mims, 144, ■■eetaaraate SOcAMpPTTH * Dated July Sth. 194d. French fleet to prevent their sur­ Philadelphia, knocked out Pete day’s Patterc Service, l06-7th -Raeme—Boari ...... tt H -T .» -4 0 . render to the Germans. Philadelphia ;.2 9 43 .403 154 Cn. Naval officials in Ottawfl" denied Garfield, N. J.—Mike Piskln, 144, All the things you wear—you ‘ oae #*r Iteat . . 44 Ft. Leonard Is Only the Import, r.4eclaring tersely: Freehold, N. J., outpointed Bob can.easily make for yourself! You lA #4 "The story is untrue.” Relleu, 140, MUml, Fla., (5). doubt it? Ah. but send for our tent SC 1114.75. Other Models 125 Seek Ofliee Poet Hessen Fee Rsnt « . 47 I139.95-I169.95-5179.95. ABTHim A. Newark, N. J.-r-Freddie (Red), New Summer Fashions Book, So RoM ...... o i ' #i Dan Break Kills Seven. Hartford, July 9.—(P)—Approxi­ Cochrane, 141, Elizabeth, N. J., brimming over with cbarmlflg de- SEE US BEFORE London. July 9— —A Reu­ mately 12S apiflieationa to take knocked out Micksy Makar, 147, i|igns 'for every hour of a summer Rnimna ter Sale «, kt KNOFLA ters (British news agency) dl^ day! Try one pattern—Just one— ^ aeitnV tir ael* 7# , YOU BUY! merit system competitive exsmlna Bayonne, N. J., (4). I L n n aW Sale i Ti Fas .. ■* patch from Rome said today the tions for the poeitlon of office men Baltimore— Louis (Kid) Cocoa, and you’ll be eflnvineed. Order bursting o f a dam near the im­ sger in the State Highway Depart­ 147 3-4, New Haven, Conn., out­ yours-right now! < mm nnnns m s u R i m c E portant electric cantar nt Aosta. ment had bean afcaived up to noon pointed Jimmy Leto, 146 1-2, Hart­ Pattsrn, 15c Pattam Book, 15o *n nO n ns# SO miles from Turin, had caussd today Iw ths Personnel Depart­ ford, Oonn., (10). • - One Pattern and Pattern Book or­ \ S v tJ: Ask NalgMosI saven casualtlaa and conaidsrable ment Deadline for appUcatlons Ban Antonio, Tex.—Pancho Vil­ dered together, 25c. damage. , It said the flam gave $1$ Main 88. M sas $«M for this position, which pays $3600 la, 119, Monterrsy, Mexico, won fc IMA ty rptaiaa Fes) a ■ ■ way foUowing the ovsrilerwliig o< te 54330 snnually. Is midnlfht to- technical. knockout ' over Red Uki rtvar Dorn Banskr night. iHutchlas^^^ Miami. lU ..

T i - ' . , 'll