COVERAGE IN 2021 academic ideas As the unusual milestone, especially this year. SHORT Gather photos from porches and CLASSROOMS school year RESPONSES front doors and run an entire 7. Classroom changes – continues, we’re all spread of them. Illustrate how room setups 1. One word – Include even the have changed with social questioning how to most reserved students with this 4. Work spaces – For all the distancing measures. Consider focus on academics. simple, but effective module. virtual students, show off their also discussing the challenges Ask for one-word answers to home school setups. Feature with spacing, cleaning and school-related topics: first week, desk settings, with students’ connecting with students. The traditional virtual learning, hybrid formats, computers, desks and school strategy of planning in-person classes, Zoom, supplies. But don’t forget to 8. Teachers’ classrooms – freshman year, senior year, etc. cover other popular work-from- Reminiscent of MTV’s Cribs, coverage by subject home locales like couches, beds showcase your teachers’ second area may need to Use the one-word format on and outdoor spaces. homes. Photograph classroom a single module or make it a decor, the cozy touches and go by the wayside. recurring sidebar, featuring 5. School essentials – Pencils? desk tchotchkes. Pay attention Consider innovative different topics each time. Or Check. Calculator? Check. to the subtle touches to their if you’re really adventurous, Backpack? Hmm, maybe not. content areas. spread topics and a turn the one-word idea into an Think about designing a lay entire spread, a typographic flat spread, photographing and blended approach layout utilizing various font featuring all the necessary tools CHALLENGES to covering classes. treatments—weight, size and for the school day. Also, don’t 9. Teaching challenges – Focus color for visual appeal. forget those other items to on the adult’s perspective on In the end, you’ll survive the school day: digital teaching in a pandemic. Talk share a fresh 2. In five words – Expand the devices, earbuds and go-to to teachers about juggling idea for a slightly longer answer. snacks. virtual and in-person instruction, perspective in an Try asking for answers via social connecting with students and unprecedented media and use a hashtag like 6. In-person experience – how they measure successes. #BacktoSchoolin5words. Back at school, how are year. classes different? Include the 10. Student challenges – BACK TO SCHOOL schedule if it’s been adjusted Learning is also formidable in Here are 35-plus to accommodate for social a pandemic. Consider a long- 3. First day photos – Whether distancing. Feature how learning story format to feature students’ ideas to make the you were in-person or at is happening and discuss the stories or a text-only spread with grade. home, capturing those first changes, obstacles and any quotes reflecting the difficulties day moments are an important benefits. of remote learning.

Seven Lakes High School, 2019 Staley High School, 2019 16. In-school assignments – STATS For those back in person, 11. School by the numbers – focus on the lesson plans that Collect all the interesting facts involve active participation. and figures about your school Capture students “caught in and use with cutouts, graphics the act of learning.” Photograph or a compelling photo of the them conducting experiments, campus. working on projects, going to the board and creating artwork. 12. Classes by the numbers – Consider running a similar Also, take advantage of spread, focused solely on class classes expanding past the statistics—think numerically: classroom—hallway scavenger total courses, AP classes, core hunts, balcony and outdoor classes, electives, languages experiments, and meeting and time in class. outside for instruction.

Portola High School, 2020 STUDY HABITS PHOTO-FOCUSED 13. Note-taking – Let’s show SPREADS off notes taken, especially by 17. Artist’s showcase – students’ with easy-to-read Regardless if you’re at home or handwriting. Consider creating in school, let’s celebrate student a whole showstopper spread creativity. Dedicate a spread on note-taking, or feature as to student artwork: drawings, a module on a core classes paintings and sculptures. spread. Include mugs and Consider adding quotes or quotes for a personal touch. mini-stories to tell the behind- the-scenes story of the work. 14. Studying – School is about Also, consider art spreads for more than what happens during photography and digital graphic the school day. Cover studying classes. habits, favorite spots and late- night strategies. 18. Books – Give the English classes some love with a spread Hill Country Christian School, 2020 ASSIGNMENTS dedicated to reading. Feature books from each grade level, 15. DIY assignments – One of using cutouts of the covers the most fascinating aspects (if you’re in-person, it could of academic coverage is how be a stack of books; if virtual, classroom activities work from try photographing each book home. Capture how teachers separately and use that to your are sending materials home advantage in the design). and how those experiments, projects and assignments are Poll students on which book turning out. they liked or disliked, how long it took to read and how many Also, don’t forget about how relied on SparkNotes instead of career technology classes are the actual pages. Gather quotes teaching culinary, auto tech for meaningful reflection—what and welding skills, and how they thought of the books, which physical education classes are ones they surprisingly liked and conducting fitness activities. how they felt about the endings. Topeka High School, 2020 COVERAGE IN 2021

Bowie High School, 2020 Episcopal School of Dallas, 2020

19. Cutout creativity – Instead INTERACTIVE of worrying about non- existent classroom pictures, COVERAGE be innovative with the visuals. Think creatively about what 21. Match game – Add VIRTUAL INSTRUCTION type of objects could represent interactive coverage with a quiz classes, especially electives, matching favorite sayings to the and photograph those items corresponding teacher. Run the The whole reason 1. Zoom selfies – This is a no answers small, upside down or for a spread. Think paint we’re in school brainer. Snap screenshots of brushes, microscopes, books, in the index. students meeting via Zoom, iPads, calculators, language is academics. Google Meet or the video dictionaries, etc. 22. Flowchart & tables – But most of us service your school uses (Tip: Consider running a flowchart have each of your yearbook or table on elective choices, AP aren’t in school 20. Showcase student work – staffers do this in their other Just like we suggested sharing and IB classes, required classes right now. With classes and ask teachers to artwork, consider featuring a or freshman to senior course the prevalence submit shots too). tracks. Add colors, icons or spread of student work. This of online learning could be a simple, fun way to cutouts for a creative flourish. Run screenshots for an entire spotlight math and physics and video academic spread; consider classes. Display notebook paper SENIORS teleconferences, placing them in a computer with equations and formulas, we’re focused on monitor or laptop graphic for showing the process of learning 23. Early graduates – Feature an extra design boost. and possibly analyzing or seniors who opt to graduate at how to cover virtual explaining the work. the semester. learning. 2. Funny stories – What goofy things happened during online In addition to in-progress work, 24. Post-graduate choices – classes? Any embarrassing also showcase finished projects It’s not just about high school. moments? Surprising ones? and experiments. Cut out the Document the senior journey Humorous tidbits? objects to eliminate distracting and what it takes to get into and different backgrounds. college. Photograph seniors in 3. Technical snafus – For at-home learners, a focus college gear. Virtual learning comes with could be on how they submitted the obligatory technical their work and how different it Don’t forget about seniors challenges. An infographic was to work independently at choosing a different route: trade could display survey results home instead of at school. schools, military and gap years. academic ideas

Suncoast High School, 2020 Shawnee Heights High School, 2020


of the most common pitfalls. 6. Zoom fatigue – If there’s 9. Analyzing backgrounds Add quotes and mugs for a one thing we’ve learned – We’re curious animals. personal connection. from the pandemic, virtual Turn that fascination to the learning is exhausting. objects behind students 4. Bueller? Bueller? – One Consider a whole spread in virtual meetings. of the dilemmas of online about this relevant topic. Have online learners x instruction is the lack of Include personal stories and share the stories behind the interaction. Talk to teachers polls to show the stress and paintings, posters and books about online obstacles with weariness. around them. video communication. 7. Surprising benefits – In 10. Digital tools – What tech On the opposite end, ask contrast, what’s the upside tools are teachers using to students about their camera to virtual classes and video keep online classes engaging? decisions (be conscious that meetings? This could be a Feature Kahoot, Quizlet Live, some online learners may module or an entire spread, Poll Everywhere, Padlet, have cameras off because of a possibly a typographical etc. using photographs, lack of privacy.) layout with cool fonts and illustrations, quotes and Feature quotes and mugs with colors or cutouts and mugs surveys. each device for a personal 5. Match the ceiling fan with the answers. connection. – Take a fun approach to 11. Byte-size equipment – the camera shy. Create an 8. Fun background Chromebooks, iPads, cell 12. Virtual starters – Teachers interactive quiz, matching options – One of the pluses phones and other digital are trying to keep remote ceilings and fans to the of online classes is getting devices have become learners engaged with corresponding student. If to goof around with your mandatory in a virtual learning starter activities and virtual some offer a partial face, background. Feature different environment. Cutouts and bonding. Find out the fun and consider a foreheads and students and the fun choices lay flat design could make introspective ways classes are eyebrows matching quiz. they make. this technical spread terrific. starting at your school.