University of

CIV516: Public Transit Operations and Planning Term Project Report

Transit Performance Analysis of the Streetcar Line

Authors: Puyuan Deng, Liang Tian 998704898 998886175

April 8, 2014 Abstract This report summarizes the analysis conducted on the transit performance of the 505 Dundas Line operated by the Toronto Transit Commission. The schedule characteristics of the line were computed from eld measurements through theoretical techniques. Several out- standing problems were identied with the transit line. Improvements recommended in this report were made to rectify the problems by analyzing the line performance and researching past case studies.

1 Contents

1 Introduction3

2 Methodology4 2.1 Data Collection...... 4 2.2 Data Analysis...... 5 2.2.1 On-Time Analysis...... 5 2.2.2 Strong - Weak Stop Analysis...... 6

3 Results 7 3.1 On-Time Performance...... 7 3.2 Strong - Weak Station...... 9

4 Recommendations 12 4.1 Recommendation #1 - Streetcar Bunching...... 12 4.2 Recommendation #2 - Parking and Left-Turns...... 13 4.3 Recommendation #3 - Streetcar Layout...... 14

5 Conclusion 16

I Raw Data 17

2 1 Introduction

The 505 Dundas Line operates along a 10.7 km route between Dundas West Subway Station and Broadview Subway Station seven days a week from early morning at 5 am to past midnight at 1 am. The majority of the line operates in the East-West direction, with the end sections running in the North-South direction where it merges with the Line and the Line respectively as shown in Figure1. In addition to the end subways stations, it also provides access to the Dundas Subway Station, St. Patrick Subway Station, Bloor GO Station, and numerous bus/streetcar lines. With a daily ridership of 31,900 passengers [1] it is an integral line to the TTC Transit System.

Figure 1: 505 Dundas Line Map

The eet is composed of Canadian Light Rail Vehicles (Figure2), which oers 46 seats and space for a total planned capacity of 132 maximum passengers according to The Globe and Mail

3 [2]. Moreover, according to Transit Toronto [3], the crush capacity of each CLRV is 132 passengers and the service capacity is 102 passengers.

Figure 2: Engineering Diagram of a CLRV

Upon riding the 505 Streetcar from Dundas West Terminal Station it was observed that the vehicle operated close to planned capacity during the intermediate portions of the route, as ma- jority of the passenger utilized the line to travel from the Chinatown area between and University Avenue to the Dundas Subway Station. On the other hand, the initial portion of the route operated well under capacity and many stations were skipped even during peak hour. Another observation was noted in regards to the geometry of the . Since the street is mainly two lanes per direction, driving behaviour and location of cars heavily inuenced the performance of the streetcar.

2 Methodology

2.1 Data Collection An initial set of measurements were taken on Saturday, March 15th, 2014 between 13:00 and 16:00 hours. During this time, basic data for the line were obtained by tallying the number of passenger boarding and passengers alighting at each station as well as by recording the time spent travelling between stations and dwelling at stations. This was done for the entire cycle of the route. This set of preliminary data was analyzed in order to validate the data collection methods used. After determining the data collection methods outlined above were sucient, a second set of measurements were taken on Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 between 17:20 to 19:00. The purpose was to collect data for both Weekend Period as well as Peak Hour Weekday Periods. During this time, in the same manner as outlined above, data was collected over one cycle of the route. In addition, a custom Python script created by a fellow colleague was used to track the real- time vehicle information provided by the TTC API [4] at the same time. From this script, the

4 location of every transit unit on the 505 Dundas Line was recorded into a spreadsheet over the same collection period on both days. This data set was used to extrapolate the number of transit vehicles per hour, and consequently extrapolate the number of passenger per hour during the collection period. Moreover, the average terminal time was also obtained from this data set. From both data set, the basic statistics such as operating speed, maximum loading section, headway, cycle times, and etc about the line were calculated in Section 2.2. Refer to Section3 for a summary of the analyzed data.

2.2 Data Analysis 2.2.1 On-Time Analysis The data collected from eld measurements were rst analyzed for on-time performance using equations from Capacity and Speed Theory. The passenger alighting and boarding count from eld measurements for both time periods were extrapolated into per hour based values. Then, the cumulative passenger volume was determined for the line separately for the Weekend Period and Peak Hour Weekday Period.

n X Pvolumen = (Pboardingi − Palightingi ) i

The design passenger volume was determined using Pmax which corresponds to the maximum load section where Pvolumei is the largest.

Pd = PHC × Pmax Where PHC was calculated by 4 × P PHC = 15 Pmax ⇒ 0.991 ≈ 1

αmax was computed with the provided values described in Section1 Service Capacity 102 α = = max Crush Capacity 132 ⇒ 0.773 Then headway and frequency can be determined; since the values were specic to the time period, the actual values can be found under Section3 60 × α × n × Cv h1 = max Pd 60 f = hclock 1computed headway was rounded to the proper clock headway

5 0 Using the operating time (To) recorded from eld measurements and the terminal time (tt) measured from the Python script; the total cycle time (T ), actual terminal time (tt) and eet size (Ntu) were computed.

0 0 T = 2 × (To + tt) 0 T + Ntu = [ ] hclock

T = Ntu × hclock T t = − T t 2 o Lastly, given the length of the route and the measured operating time, the average operating speed of the streetcar was determined. All of the results from the on-time analysis are tabulated in Table1 L Vo = To

2.2.2 Strong - Weak Stop Analysis The second qualitative analysis performed on the eld measurements was for strong and weak stops along the route. An online tool was used to measure the direct distance between all the stations along the 505 Dundas Line. From lecture notes, the minimum access distance to a stop should not be greater than 300 meters, so every weak stop will be checked for this condition before removal. The analysis for the Weekend Period data and Peak Hour Weekday data were performed independently, since separate schedules may be adopted to accommodate the dierent results. Cumulative boarding (Cb) and alighting (Ca) and passenger volume (Pi) values were rst computed using board (b) and alighting (a) data at each stop with the following equations.

Cbi = bi + Cbi−1

Cai = ai + Cai−1

Pi = Cbi − Cai The stop line and go line were then computed.

Stop Line = ai + bi

Go Line = Pi−1 − ai The dierence between stop and go lines for both time periods are graphed in Section 3.2. Stations which had go lines higher than stop lines were "weak" and considered for elimination. The elimination order proceeded from the largest dierence between go and stop lines to the smallest, stations were eliminated if the minimum access distance of 300 metres was met upon elimination.

6 3 Results

3.1 On-Time Performance


Pmax 936 400 passengers/hr PHC 1 1 unit Pd 936 400 passengers/hr αmax 0.773 0.773 n 1 1 Cv 132 132 passengers hp 20 20 min h 6.54 15.3 min hclock 6 15 min f 10 4 TU/hr αact 0.71 0.76 Good To 58.6 53.5 min L 10.735 10.735 km Vo 10.99 12.04 km/hr tt 2.67 4.5 min T 0 122.6 116.0 min Ntu 21 8 TU T 126 120 min tt 4.37 6.50 min

Table 1: Summarized Result of On-Time Performance

During Peak Hour Weekday Periods the TTC oers the 505 Street every 5 - 6 minutes and every 5 - 6 minutes on Weekend Periods according to their schedule [5]. Thus, it was observed that the demand for streetcars on Weekends did not justify the high frequent service TTC currently provides for the line.

7 VARIABLE WEEKDAY PERIOD WEEKEND PERIOD UNITS n 1 1 unit Cv 264 264 passengers hp 20 20 min h 13.08 30.6 min hclock 12 20 min f 5 3 TU/hr tt 2.67 4.5 min T 0 122.6 116.0 min Ntu 11 6 TU T 132 120 min tt 7.37 6.50 min

Table 2: Flexity Outlook Streetcar Performance Changes

A quick analysis was also computed for the new Flexity Outlook Streetcar with double the oered capacity of the current stock to analyze the increase in headway due to the increase in capacity. The results were used in Recommendation #3 under Section 4.3.

8 3.2 Strong - Weak Station

Stations Distance (m) bi ai Cbi Cai Pi Stop Line Go Line δ Stop Go New Distance (m) Check 0 108 0 108 0 108 108 0 108 Edna Ave 77.1 0 0 108 0 108 0 108 -108 513.2 NO Roncesvalles 436.1 12 24 120 24 96 36 84 -48 707.3 NO Howard Pk 271.2 60 0 180 24 156 60 96 -36 508.2 NO Sorauren Ave 237 0 36 180 60 120 36 120 -84 458.1 NO Sterling Rd 221.1 0 0 180 60 120 0 120 -120 379.4 NO College 158.3 0 0 180 60 120 0 120 -120 256 YES Lansdowne 97.7 96 24 276 84 192 120 96 24 449.1 NO Brock 351.4 12 0 288 84 204 12 192 -180 502 NO Sheridan 150.6 12 0 300 84 216 12 204 -192 335.7 NO Duerin 185.1 96 12 396 96 300 108 204 -96 310.8 NO Gladstone 125.7 36 0 432 96 336 36 300 -264 378.5 NO Lisgar 252.8 12 12 444 108 336 24 324 -300 422.9 NO Dovercourt 170.1 0 12 444 120 324 12 324 -312 477.9 NO Ossington 307.8 156 24 600 144 456 180 300 -120 514.5 NO Shaw 206.7 36 12 636 156 480 48 444 -396 563.2 NO Grace 356.5 12 24 648 180 468 36 456 -420 468 NO Bellwoods 111.5 12 0 660 180 480 12 468 -456 353.5 NO Euclid 242 60 48 720 228 492 108 432 -324 557.7 NO Bathurst 315.7 108 48 828 276 552 156 444 -288 629.7 NO Dennison 314 24 24 852 300 552 48 528 -480 656.4 NO Spadina 342.4 336 96 1188 396 792 432 456 -24 514.2 NO Huron 171.8 36 24 1224 420 804 60 768 -708 361 NO Beverley 189.2 108 24 1332 444 888 132 780 -648 393.6 NO McCaul 204.4 24 24 1356 468 888 48 864 -816 445 NO University 240.6 36 96 1392 564 828 132 792 -660 450.9 NO Chestnut 210.3 24 48 1416 612 804 72 780 -708 388.4 NO Bay 178.1 48 36 1464 648 816 84 768 -684 432.1 NO Yonge 254 504 396 1968 1044 924 900 420 480 347.5 NO Victoria 93.5 24 12 1992 1056 936 36 912 -876 294.8 YES Church 201.3 24 48 2016 1104 912 72 888 -816 418.5 NO Jarvis 217.2 72 60 2088 1164 924 132 852 -720 539.5 NO Sherbourne 322.3 12 120 2100 1284 816 132 804 -672 529.1 NO Ontario 206.8 0 60 2100 1344 756 60 756 -696 423.7 NO Parliament 216.9 84 192 2184 1536 648 276 564 -288 467.6 NO Sackville 250.7 0 72 2184 1608 576 72 576 -504 453.8 NO Sumach 203.1 0 96 2184 1704 480 96 480 -384 407.3 NO River 204.2 12 60 2196 1764 432 72 420 -348 628.2 NO Munro 424 0 60 2196 1824 372 60 372 -312 563.4 NO Broadview - Dundas 139.4 0 24 2196 1848 348 24 348 -324 323.7 NO Mt. Stephens 184.3 0 24 2196 1872 324 24 324 -300 332.7 NO Gerrard East 148.4 0 60 2196 1932 264 60 264 -204 428.1 NO Langley 279.7 0 0 2196 1932 264 0 264 -264 500.1 NO Withrow 220.4 0 12 2196 1944 252 12 252 -240 507.3 NO Millbrook 286.9 0 12 2196 1956 240 12 240 -228 595.8 NO Wolfrey 308.9 0 12 2196 1968 228 12 228 -216 558.3 NO Danforth 249.4 0 0 2196 1968 228 0 228 -228 378.4 NO 129 0 228 2196 2196 0 228 0 228

Table 3: Weekday Period

9 Stations Distance (m) bi ai Cbi Cai Pi Stop Line Go Line δ Stop Go New Distance (m) Check Dundas West Station 0 104 0 104 0 104 104 0 104 Edna Ave 77.1 0 0 104 0 104 0 104 -104 513.2 NO Roncesvalles 436.1 0 0 104 0 104 0 104 -104 707.3 NO Howard Pk 271.2 0 16 104 16 88 16 88 -72 508.2 NO Sorauren Ave 237 0 0 104 16 88 0 88 -88 458.1 NO Sterling Rd 221.1 0 8 104 24 80 8 80 -72 379.4 NO College 158.3 0 16 104 40 64 16 64 -48 256 YES Lansdowne 97.7 24 0 128 40 88 24 64 -40 449.1 NO Brock 351.4 8 0 136 40 96 8 88 -80 502 NO Sheridan 150.6 16 0 152 40 112 16 96 -80 335.7 NO Duerin 185.1 8 0 160 40 120 8 112 -104 310.8 NO Gladstone 125.7 0 0 160 40 120 0 120 -120 378.5 NO Lisgar 252.8 0 0 160 40 120 0 120 -120 422.9 NO Dovercourt 170.1 8 0 168 40 128 8 120 -112 477.9 NO Ossington 307.8 24 0 192 40 152 24 128 -104 514.5 NO Shaw 206.7 0 0 192 40 152 0 152 -152 563.2 NO Grace 356.5 0 0 192 40 152 0 152 -152 468 NO Bellwoods 111.5 0 0 192 40 152 0 152 -152 353.5 NO Euclid 242 24 0 216 40 176 24 152 -128 557.7 NO Bathurst 315.7 40 8 256 48 208 48 168 -120 629.7 NO Dennison 314 16 16 272 64 208 32 192 -160 656.4 NO Spadina 342.4 120 32 392 96 296 152 176 -24 514.2 NO Huron 171.8 72 16 464 112 352 88 280 -192 361 NO Beverley 189.2 24 8 488 120 368 32 344 -312 393.6 NO McCaul 204.4 32 0 520 120 400 32 368 -336 445 NO University 240.6 16 88 536 208 328 104 312 -208 450.9 NO Chestnut 210.3 0 0 536 208 328 0 328 -328 388.4 NO Bay 178.1 16 80 552 288 264 96 248 -152 432.1 NO Yonge 254 8 152 560 440 120 160 112 48 347.5 NO Victoria 93.5 0 0 560 440 120 0 120 -120 294.8 YES Church 201.3 0 8 560 448 112 8 112 -104 418.5 NO Jarvis 217.2 8 0 568 448 120 8 112 -104 539.5 NO Sherbourne 322.3 0 8 568 456 112 8 112 -104 529.1 NO Ontario 206.8 0 0 568 456 112 0 112 -112 423.7 NO Parliament 216.9 8 16 576 472 104 24 96 -72 467.6 NO Sackville 250.7 16 0 592 472 120 16 104 -88 453.8 NO Sumach 203.1 8 8 600 480 120 16 112 -96 407.3 NO River 204.2 8 16 608 496 112 24 104 -80 628.2 NO Munro 424 0 0 608 496 112 0 112 -112 563.4 NO Broadview - Dundas 139.4 0 8 608 504 104 8 104 -96 323.7 NO Mt. Stephens 184.3 8 0 616 504 112 8 104 -96 332.7 NO Gerrard East 148.4 24 8 640 512 128 32 104 -72 428.1 NO Langley 279.7 0 8 640 520 120 8 120 -112 500.1 NO Withrow 220.4 8 8 648 528 120 16 112 -96 507.3 NO Millbrook 286.9 0 0 648 528 120 0 120 -120 595.8 NO Wolfrey 308.9 0 0 648 528 120 0 120 -120 558.3 NO Danforth 249.4 0 16 648 544 104 16 104 -88 378.4 NO Broadview Station 0 0 104 648 648 0 104 0 104

Table 4: Weekend Period

The two periods produced similar results - College St. and Victoria St. stations can be removed due to ineectiveness. Another result from this analysis was the majority of the station on the 505 Line were weak, it is easy to visualize this result from the following Figure3.

10 Figure 3: Weak Stations along 505 Dundas Line

11 4 Recommendations

4.1 Recommendation #1 - Streetcar Bunching The scheduled headway from the TTC website [5] during the Peak Hour Weekday Period was around 5 - 6 min which corresponded to the theoretical headway calculated from the measured passenger volume (Section3). Based on observations from the Beverley Station (Figure4) in the heart of Chinatown and on the streetcar along the route, a huge issue was bunching during peak hours periods. There were multiple instances during the peak hour where a streetcar arrived at a station with full capacity, while the next arrival was nearly empty with passengers. The headway between the two was close enough that the second streetcar closely followed the rst.

Figure 4: Streetcar Bunching along Dundas

The phenomenon was observed on multiple segments of the line, specically around the Spad- ina and University intersections. This bunching issue of streetcars usually occur with frequent services with headways of ve minutes or less during peak hours. It is most often caused by exces- sive delay at a station with above average boarding passengers, which then propagates through- out the service with the following streetcar picking up less than average boarding passengers with shorter delay. In addition, several other factors include variable passenger demands and poor weather conditions can also aect the headways between streetcars. On weekends, when the theoretical headway computed was 15 minutes (Section3) there was no observed bunching along the route. Although solutions like trac signal priority in major intersections of the 505 Dundas Line has already been implemented, it does not completely eliminate the bunching phenomenon. Public transit literature such as Ling and Shalaby (2004) [6] and Ling and Shalaby (2005) [7] researched

12 further improvements on the transit signal priority by attaching a modifying agent to a signal that can reduce headway variability in real time. The results showed successful splitting of the existing bunching situations and help prevent further bunching from occurring. The limitations of the research were conned to the trac model used and the need for further research on the optimal placement of these modifying agents.

4.2 Recommendation #2 - Parking and Left-Turns An inherent problem observed in the downtown core is the street geometry itself. The street only allows two lane trac, one which contains the shared lane of the streetcar. This characteristic became the root of many minor problems that contributed to excessive delays. One of these problem is the allowance of curbside parking in the downtown core as seen in Figure5. The existence of one car can block the entire right lane, forcing trac to funnel through the shared lane of the streetcar. This phenomenon is exacerbated during peak hours when the cars ll up the maximum allowable parking space. Due to the inability of the streetcar to weave through trac, it would often sit behind the long line of cars in the congested corridors during peak hours. An obvious and simple solution to this problem would be to restrict curbside parking along the busiest sections of the 505 Dundas Line. Shoring up the right lane allows trac to traverse the street in both lanes rather than one during peak hours. The drawback of this proposition is it decreases the accessibility of the downtown destinations. The lack of parking is the conse- quence of the possibility that private parking lots would become overcrowded and over priced along Dundas. Therefore, the proposition might face opposition from Torontonians from subur- ban regions who frequent the downtown area. Regardless, there are ample evidence that prove banning curbside parking improves the trac congestion [8].

Figure 5: Curbside Parking Along Dundas

The restriction of left turns in the downtown intersections also presented a problem for the 505 Dundas Line. Although the restriction is only for weekdays, the period when cars are allowed

13 to turn was a huge source of delay at intersections. Due to the shared lane, the streetcar must wait for the left turn cars to clear before they can proceed. This can accumulate throughout the schedule which aects the on-time performance and causes bunching. A possible solution is to implement the “hook turn” currently used in Melbourne to help vehicles traversing their system. The concept of this type of turn is to wait on the right side of the road instead of the left.

Figure 6: Hook Turn Maneuver

By collecting in front of the adjacent trac, this allows the streetcar to freely continue un- blocked. With this implemented during o peak hours, there would be less left turn vehicles to worry about congesting the right side of the road and reduce unnecessary delay. If the two solutions are combined together, there would be less demand in using the streetcar lane as the right lane would be unrestricted and serve as an actual street lane. However, it is ac- knowledged that it is unfeasible to drastically change the Toronto Trac Laws for wide adoption of the hook turn. Moreover, the intersection of Dundas Street was not planned to accommodate for this type of movement and can further limit the feasibility of this recommendation.

4.3 Recommendation #3 - Streetcar Layout Another inherent problem is with the streetcar itself. The veteran light rail vehicle is outdated in terms of accessibility as it is elevated above street level. The staircase access of the vehicle prohibits handicapped people specically those who are in wheelchairs and crutches. The steps also creates excess alighting and boarding times as certain groups of people take longer to climb or descend. There are also several observed instances where people did not know that in order to alight through the backdoors, they must step on the lower steps. Along with these small

14 hiccups, a minor problem that was observed was the percentage of passengers alighting through the front doors. Although the backdoor is designated as the alighting location of a streetcar, the rule is not strictly enforced and many passengers simply use the front door where it is closer from where they are sitting. The problem arise when a signicant amount of passengers chooses to alight through the front door at an extremely busy stop such as Spadina and Yonge. The conict between the boarding and alighting passengers generates a delay period where one side has to wait for the other. This contributes to the excess time spent at a station depending on the number of people choosing to alight at the front door. Although the rule of alighting through the backdoor was not strictly enforced, it was observed through data collection that some driver choose to remind passengers to alight through the back- doors. While some choose to alight through the front door regardless, passengers alighting at stops with high volume of people did indeed move to the back. It was also observed through sub- sequent data collections that drivers who did not make the eort in reminding people to alight through the backdoors, resulted in people leaving at the front regardless of the amount of board- ing passengers. From the data collected (AppendixI), average dwell time spent at a station was 31 seconds. The longest dwell time occurred at Yonge Station with a time of 90 seconds. By implementing so- lutions in reducing the problems identied with the streetcars, these dwell times can be reduced. TTC already put forward the plan to replace the thirty year old streetcars with the new Flexity Outlook Streetcars in Figure7.

Figure 7: Flexity Outlook Streetcars

With four sliding doors that is near ground level, the boarding and alighting times for these new streetcars should drastically decrease. The increase in length and capacity of the streetcars is estimated by the TTC [9] to increase the headway of the 505 Dundas line by a minute and thirty seconds. The improvement in dwell time and overall capacity of each car compared to the previous iteration should more than compensate for the additional headway. The impact of the new streetcars also compliments the analysis of the strong and weak stops in Section 3.2. The results showed that the College and Victoria station can be removed to reduce the total dwell time subsequently, the cycle time of the route. With the increased headway and capacity from the usage of the new streetcars, eet size was recomputed using methods described in Section 2.2 and found to be approximately half the current size.

15 5 Conclusion

The service performance of the 505 Dundas Streetcar Line was successfully analyzed in this study. By diligently collecting transit data during peak hours and o peak hours, the schedule charac- teristic of the line was computed and it correlated well with the TTC planned schedule. The eectiveness of each transit station along the route was also methodically examined to deter- mine any unnecessary stops. The result yielded College St. and Victoria St. Stations could be eliminated from the line, in addition to the conclusion that the overall line is composed of weak stations. In addition, three problems of the 505 Line were identied through observation and data analysis. Streetcar bunching occurred during peak hours along the heavily congested trac sec- tions of the downtown core. This phenomenon is a complicated problem arising from numerous sources of delay. The prominent solution implemented by the TTC is the transit signal priority system in major intersections and currently many researches are being conducted to improve this method. The Dundas street layout is also a major factor in causing delay in the transit perfor- mance and possible solutions were proposed. The removal of curbside parking and a new left turn maneuver could remedy the problem but the implementation may be easier said than done. The streetcar itself is also currently being overhauled by the TTC, replacing them with new models. The new Flexity Outlook aims to improve many aspects of the old streetcars and can solve many of the identied problems. The recommended solution for the Dundas Line would be continued research on improving the Intelligent Transportation Systems and analyzing the eects of the new streetcars on the line performance.

16 I Raw Data

Trial #1 Saturday, March 15 2014

Stations Alightings Boardings Arrival Departure Dwell Time Operating Time Dundas West Station 0 13 - 1:49:26 PM Edna - - 1:52:45 PM 1:53:01 PM 0:00:16 0:03:19 Howard Park 2 0 1:54:43 PM 1:54:49 PM 0:00:06 0:01:42 Sorauren ------Sterling 1 0 1:55:19 PM 1:55:30 PM 0:00:11 - College 2 0 1:55:52 PM 1:56:06 PM 0:00:14 0:00:22 Lansdowne 0 3 1:57:44 PM 1:57:50 PM 0:00:06 0:01:38 Brock 0 1 1:58:51 PM 1:58:57 PM 0:00:06 0:01:01 Sheridan 0 2 1:59:22 PM 1:59:31 PM 0:00:09 0:00:25 Duerin 0 1 2:02:16 PM 2:02:21 PM 0:00:05 0:02:45 Gladstone ------Lisgar ------Dovercourt 0 1 2:04:02 PM 2:04:45 PM 0:00:43 - Ossington 0 3 2:07:30 PM 2:07:44 PM 0:00:14 0:02:45 Shaw ------Grace ------Bellwoods ------Euclid 0 3 2:08:30 PM 2:09:13 PM 0:00:43 - Bathurst 1 5 2:11:08 PM 2:11:31 PM 0:00:23 0:01:55 Dennison 2 2 2:15:36 PM 2:16:51 PM 0:01:15 0:04:05 Spadina 4 15 2:17:26 PM 2:17:47 PM 0:00:21 0:00:35 Huron 2 9 2:18:18 PM 2:18:38 PM 0:00:20 0:00:31 Beverly 1 3 2:19:12 PM 2:19:27 PM 0:00:15 0:00:34 McCaul 0 4 2:20:15 PM 2:20:30 PM 0:00:15 0:00:48 University 11 2 2:21:31 PM 2:21:51 PM 0:00:20 0:01:01 Chestnut ------Bay 10 2 2:22:48 PM 2:23:08 PM 0:00:20 - Yonge 19 1 2:24:44 PM 2:25:05 PM 0:00:21 0:01:36 Victoria ------Church 1 0 2:26:21 PM 2:26:48 PM 0:00:27 - Jarvis 0 1 2:28:18 PM 2:28:52 PM 0:00:34 0:01:30 Sherbourne 1 0 2:30:19 PM 2:30:33 PM 0:00:14 0:01:27 Ontario ------Parliament 2 1 2:31:38 PM 2:32:00 PM 0:00:22 - Sackville 0 2 2:32:22 PM 2:32:36 PM 0:00:14 0:00:22 Sumach 1 1 2:33:05 PM 2:33:15 PM 0:00:10 0:00:29 River 2 1 2:34:28 PM 2:35:08 PM 0:00:40 0:01:13 Monro ------Broadview - Dundas 1 0 2:35:52 PM 2:36:09 PM 0:00:17 - Mt.Stephens 0 1 2:36:25 PM 2:36:38 PM 0:00:13 0:00:16 Gerrard East 1 3 2:37:22 PM 2:37:30 PM 0:00:08 0:00:44 Langley 1 0 2:38:04 PM 2:38:09 PM 0:00:05 0:00:34 Withrow 1 1 2:40:16 PM 2:40:19 PM 0:00:03 0:02:07 Millbrook ------Wolfrey ------Danforth 2 0 2:40:52 PM 2:42:06 PM 0:01:14 - Broadview Station 13 0 2:42:56 PM -

Table 5: Data Collected from Field Measurements on Weekend Period

17 Trial #1 Saturday, March 15 2014

Stations Alightings Boardings Arrival Departure Dwell Time Terminal Time Operating Time Dundas West Station 0 9 6:00:56 PM 6:01:09 PM - 0:00:00 Roncesvalles 2 1 6:02:13 PM 6:02:32 PM 0:00:19 0:01:04 Howard Pk 0 5 6:03:27 PM 6:03:35 PM 0:00:08 0:00:55 Sorauren Ave 3 0 6:04:17 PM 6:04:47 PM 0:00:30 0:00:42 Sterling Rd - - 6:05:00 PM 6:05:00 PM 0:00:00 0:00:13 College - - 6:05:13 PM 6:05:13 PM 0:00:00 0:00:13 Lansdowne 2 8 6:05:41 PM 6:06:25 PM 0:00:44 0:00:28 Brock 0 1 6:07:46 PM 6:07:59 PM 0:00:13 0:01:21 Sheridan 0 1 6:08:37 PM 6:08:43 PM 0:00:06 0:00:38 Duerin 1 8 6:09:16 PM 6:10:22 PM 0:01:06 0:00:33 Gladstone 0 3 6:10:57 PM 6:11:14 PM 0:00:17 0:00:35 Lisgar 1 1 6:11:46 PM 6:11:57 PM 0:00:11 0:00:32 Dovercourt 1 0 6:12:21 PM 6:12:41 PM 0:00:20 0:00:24 Ossington 2 13 6:15:18 PM 6:18:49 PM 0:03:31 0:02:37 Shaw 1 3 6:19:30 PM 6:20:31 PM 0:01:01 0:00:41 Grace 2 1 6:20:40 PM 6:20:50 PM 0:00:10 0:00:09 Bellwoods 0 1 6:21:11 PM 6:21:24 PM 0:00:13 0:00:21 Euclid 4 5 6:22:22 PM 6:22:41 PM 0:00:19 0:00:58 Bathurst 4 9 6:23:25 PM 6:24:03 PM 0:00:38 0:00:44 Dennison 2 2 6:25:26 PM 6:25:35 PM 0:00:09 0:01:23 Spadina 8 28 6:26:21 PM 6:27:44 PM 0:01:23 0:00:46 Huron 2 3 6:28:28 PM 6:28:51 PM 0:00:23 0:00:44 Beverley 2 9 6:29:25 PM 6:30:28 PM 0:01:03 0:00:34 McCaul 2 2 6:31:07 PM 6:31:29 PM 0:00:22 0:00:39 University 8 3 6:32:10 PM 6:32:54 PM 0:00:44 0:00:41 Chestnut 4 2 6:33:49 PM 6:34:11 PM 0:00:22 0:00:55 Bay 3 4 6:34:30 PM 6:35:04 PM 0:00:34 0:00:19 Yonge 33 42 6:36:53 PM 6:38:33 PM 0:01:40 0:01:49 Victoria 1 2 6:39:55 PM 6:40:33 PM 0:00:38 0:01:22 Church 4 2 6:41:27 PM 6:42:06 PM 0:00:39 0:00:54 Jarvis 5 6 6:42:43 PM 6:43:13 PM 0:00:30 0:00:37 Sherbourne 10 1 6:44:19 PM 6:44:53 PM 0:00:34 0:01:06 Ontario 5 0 6:45:28 PM 6:46:04 PM 0:00:36 0:00:35 Parliament 16 7 6:46:33 PM 6:47:03 PM 0:00:30 0:00:29 Sackville 6 0 6:47:51 PM 6:48:02 PM 0:00:11 0:00:48 Sumach 8 0 6:48:38 PM 6:49:19 PM 0:00:41 0:00:36 River 5 1 6:49:56 PM 6:51:06 PM 0:01:10 0:00:37 Munro 5 0 6:52:01 PM 6:52:11 PM 0:00:10 0:00:55 Broadview - Dundas 2 0 6:52:39 PM 6:53:06 PM 0:00:27 0:00:28 Mt. Stephens 2 0 6:53:50 PM 6:53:57 PM 0:00:07 0:00:44 Gerrard East 5 0 6:54:59 PM 6:55:27 PM 0:00:28 0:01:02 Langley - - 6:56:11 PM 6:56:11 PM 0:00:00 0:00:44 Withrow 1 0 6:56:42 PM 6:56:48 PM 0:00:06 0:00:31 Millbrook 1 0 6:57:29 PM 6:57:34 PM 0:00:05 0:00:41 Wolfrey 1 0 6:58:12 PM 6:58:30 PM 0:00:18 0:00:38 Danforth - - 6:59:07 PM 6:59:07 PM 0:00:00 0:00:37 Broadview Station 19 0 6:59:47 PM - 0:00:40

Table 6: Data Collected from Field Measurements on Weekday Peak Period

18 References

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