> >• • Vv VT^3 V —> 7f t-v. '■ t ■■. y- f' .;’^*- J ■ ?'- f ■ / ■ '■ I/; y ' ),.■■■' -4" ,4 I * d . - V / ( r- ■ "I I )• ./ THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, MBi Average DaHy Net Preaa Run m mfAAm IrraUt i ~>- For the Week Kadad *1*7^ Jan. », i 9m iMHv tor tbf 'coihtiig 7«v. Tba Bamttily naoting of-VTaalir Emanuel Brotherboot wilT Hdid o r Oehter.4^ui$h .Houae. Harold ThOmaa J. l^ y .'Jr., wboaa fwhiMBta ndll bo awv^ follow* ington Mo. 117 . wlU .ba, bald itg moath^T maattag. tomorrpw. bt Ealla of Oakland 8t„ who apent w in. and daughter. Hve at- 489 ■ . r - -11,090— ln f tb# MMUag. tomorrow nijitit at 7:<5 in Orange TiSO p.m. in L u^er Hall of Eman­ hia vMtfonJaOt aummer in South Oenter St., la returning to tha “ nrir,:M Hall. .All mambera are rOqueatad uel' Lutheran Cnurdi. The guaat Amertea, will ahow 8-dlmenaloMl United Statea after aarvlng in Member ef the Audit h'lN, MtOrdmr Ml*. M *pb Farr, of Ook 8t« to bb on time, aa Past Dtatrlct •paaker' will ba ToWn Haaagai- oolored alidea Ihrery member of Wertheim, Germany, with the ■awnn ef ClrculaUena FUm itmmtMty WM coUod to Wotorbuiy y*^**'* MaOter Archer Hough and hia Ridiard Martin, whoae aubject will the club ia urged to reaerve the 194th Field Artillery Battalion for Manchester*—-A City of Village Charm ; irt •


/ FoodlsYoirM / Importint Family PiljD>t''‘'^linibG d O ut and W sllgcd D o w m M K E 88RE YOU / THESE At ^Sellout’ /. rSeouI, J a n , 8 (.flP)---The. R fipubU t o f South^^ K ^^ re s te d Its charge.s that attempts are beingfhade to sellout V- that nation in the light of armistice terms And “an appease­ A ment of Cbihmuhi.'im.” The stateihents yiere issu^ bv the WasbinytOT^-Jaii^ « y ROK Office of Public Informa-w / —^__ Democratic Leader Tm t Ummi a inrior game for thooe ioeg whiter i ear, with ita jaace-gay tion and described as the first of j B. Johnson of Texas said to­ meeeng^ wee found at the bottom ,ef e amaU e—' da the M g Snr conntry. M milea sonth of Mon- a series that "presents a highly i g _ . //W _ ' JL * day Senate Democrats—who For a tender o0«w roaat there M/nothtag^ finer than Pine- terey, Oallf. Of a model appareatly datlag from late /Twentteo, the hulk has been there authoritative point at view and isl m W W m W agm ^ r i W WB hnret Chaloe Grade Jar aotoe ttma. Judging by the height ef the iknib outnumber Repubticans by the front loorboardo. Let - a true expression of public aentl- ' / ' • lOVEN) tour aoaaarlo writera give their .taawere to . the It pooeei WJio were the preeuraably Imppy ment. one— will exeiriae m “veto” N get there? Those small roimd holes, two li,;- The article said; power on individual itenu of *"!T^***. *'■..*"^.*?** “S”; one oa the i kullet holes? If to. who was the "heavy' have been-buaiiy and futllly chae/ Embroiled WHO. HPMI oSHl BflOlB? ' / ^ Ing the w’lll-o-the-wisp of peace all legislative priigram. ROAST Byrd Wants Actloa \ 4* ALL H m RrmmAs TAUCAN With an aggressor that does not Hofe's\ even understand the ebneept.^’ i And Sen. Byrd ID-Va.), who fmWuM CA SN A nO N FreshJ^a and Vegetable^ "President Rhee now faCes re -!In Politics _ _ _ _ gave indirect support to too P ru ­ LAMB LEGS. VEAL ROASTS, peated criticism for falling to ‘co- o • t ' dent in too 1953 poUtlcai cam­ operate’ and for not modifying his ; 5*lgon, Indochina, Jan. 8 paign, said ho will try to ■»—tp RUMP ROASTS OF . MILK fresh Grou^ Never. • > 3 R o l l s position,’’ the.statement said, "but,(^)— New political troubles the flrat congressional veto da ROTTOM OR TOP ROUND ROASTS BEET :\ i«.25e\ he cannot accept au .appeasement | bothered France today in her Eisenhower’s request for an ia- 3 Cant of Communism that would doom crease In too 275 bUlioa dollar Made from freahly chopped Oevernment Inapeoted Beef. . . his country. / Indochinese backyard. Budd­ debt limit. The Prerident re­ Coffee KALE 15c Truman Explains to Writer Criticise Attitude of U. S. hist Thailand next door was newed >t when he outlined his pro- "Also terribly disillusioning to making overtures to the granv yesterday to Congress. ^oleans is thfe United States’ attl- Buddhist Indochina kingdoms ' ^ lle Republican Leader Know- HAMBURG CUCUMBIRS 15c Washington,. Jan. 8 (^E*)— -intervleUr: "There h«s been a lo t'th e 80th Oongresii, had not done. toward Kofean-Japan rela- o f ‘Cambodia and Laos, and M of Ca)if6imia waa urging M- C Former President Harry Y®“ saying that the and l skid it might be. / 8. patUsan support for what ho lb. lb man defen«iin

\ ;• f.> . f. • v.r ^ •V«- . . f t - ' ! i ■- H v f - 'f :P' ■/ {/■ 7.' r m M f v " ' "V "- > Vj; ■ 7.' / ' $ ■W j M i ' '

■'i -li' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD> MANCHESTER. CONN^ FRIDAY, JANUARY 8,1984 jlANCHESTER EVENING HERALDj MANCHiEiSTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. 1964 t i l « WIUIB~.SM 'H a i B o y l e W THT^M Sf m n Unign Seizure W O N ^ H IC opeii Reai^J WfW&-4888 WllAy«ssglg ;l|^Seek Job Skyw atcl!L.Sclw dttle_ WCX1CM.188S .r:iL Earned ActtHg Welfare Director^ - G o l d e n A g e F S \ FoUce AnmU I Jftree Months GaUed;Reulh( hAh Agreement W no~l8S8 The toUdwing program acheduHa As Sergeant 5- 63, of 888 T o Hemp M l ■ Saturday, Jan, • . Hartfonl Rd., waa mrestttA on s Midnight,^ 2 a. m. ... Dick Frosch, Ctordon PdiAeroy. ^ are eupplied by the radio manag . . . . . ---fMg fH .U l mfoll'k Home ^ u htyJail. Fined ttl0 0 Assault M ave menu and .ue subject tq.ehapg' WTU:-^nb^r, Uo■|U> charge of ViolajUona of the road With Rich Dad '3" M* m* 0 e « e a-Tvmw • Vohmteere Needgd. - -V _ — ——■ ' A "—^ ReglUar Pi Will ' H m Rsv. C9ul A av^i^-r 6 a. m...... ^..Volnateera Needed. ^ ' without hoticA ' ■ ifiillowing .an. accident yeateeday on. ' ••V' ^juiNl^TtadQli W ittrrte FhrlrStmrtmiMLSt Jamee Street, be' the ;gtiett eptWEf ( Cea^: age Ode) m. •>-9 A m...... Velunleere Needed. 4ieS— ' ■ • --'r-*- , Take Tc Tonight a t 2 p.m. irom the Ladd Funeral (OenitawM. (n m Pa|e One) WHAY—Pulks Hop U iis- Supplied from Home police reported today. tng Of the ^tirth SsIfiMtl stMl eg ; r A t a J.'Vblui'u, T oliZ ^aand i Home. The Rev. Carl Saunders, New York will officiate. Burial . will be at with a t }ir Jtbn H. Kinir af- Orove Hill Cemetery. Friends may m,* onuieo over her sh ader,s^d — * **• ” *• .....•.»•••••• Volunteers N eeM . WX»RC-Rrcor(i ^h..p, The Golden 'Age Oub will hold car left, toward St. James Street Hau. ----- ■ .4 ' plaadad guilty to. aovcral :h for suspect Santo average emptbyer complains that;' And the ch lld i^ ? -"M y litUe cold would not deMy Uu^r planned m. — 10 p. 'm...... Volunteere Needed. WONS-Jack Oownty patrolmen Interested in promottoii call at the funeral home tomorrow ' 4:14- WH5v--Nlte Watrn its first meeting of l9S4 on Thurs­ and across the path of an east- tim Rev.. Mr. Msnm. I charyaa. .rrone, one of four men same hueband spends too much; feller Sure aald a cute thing last honeymoon-trip..honeirmoon.'trip./ 10 p.l«te>y right. Naturally. But [ ‘tiub. gtub. da-da.' And he' isn't "We mtfehd to makequr home In , WDRC^Rocuid Shop WlIAYANIte Watch - ing transportation will be - con­ ritidded into Bablneau's, Tarafart wife of John M. Eschenko, WONS-Jack Oownay ary regulars. of this morninf, said. - -e » V lum of the echort. Teartihig • .carried out Jointly by the pair and her home late Wednesday ev^iQag. ‘i®’“ *•»'•* it* Hbw.!^ three years old yet. How do Paris aa soon aa posaiblA” he aahh a squad of. private detectivsA veyed from their homes to the Y, * CUWia comraittod separately. June. Patino reportedly thought 4:1*- l3 pStrolmeh signed up to If they will notify Mr. Holmea, niques end worship procadunaerUl' ^ Bom in Russia Jan. 15, 1 ~ the boss get thla husband to , y « « “ it* that ? " "Juat where m Paris 1 don’t Isabela waa too young fof mar­ Jimmy and laabela droppad from WIIAY—Poixs Hop Mooda for Ron taka ^ e teat. Two other arrests yesterday also be diaciisOed.' *’7 Tito youths were i^ven varying unUrllyunUrliy or aa-tip tin "to to hishia where-l^^i,wliere- da the Job.; Family finances—"Paid last in* know." wetx:—Recoro Rvvue llWONli-Stirlleht Symphony. either by hia Woodbridge St., or lived in the Hartford areafor 'abodta would come in. riage. But Jimmy's brothe'r-smd sight Romantic millions on both Tvere also reported today, both in­ Anyone ^ wishing to toko ad., m mostly running concur- Aftar the rimple wedding cere- WKNr<8—Juko Box Matinee Chief Herman O. 'Bqhehdel aald Main St. telephones, not later than than 40 yoon, The 58ryear-old convicted tabor and the wife make him give with' atallment oa my car this week; the trouble was her family wanted sides of the Atlantic avidly fol­ WTlC—Wlddor Brown Watch volving apeedlng. ' ConnecUcut vantage ef the help from Uito yWftfy With suqiwnsians which re* a little more conversation after he | Buying new car nest week if can moay yesterday, the bride and WTHT—Jo6 girand the exam would be iiqlpful In Wedneaday, Jan. 13. gufad *-*-• *'— She leaves^besidesrlwr husband, terrorist has been misaing since her to pick from a field of sixT' lowed the hunt WTIC—ThreA Rina: ,Mawa selecting a man to flU thetoraeant State Poltcemqh Charles Ssnga cordially Invited to attend. — ...w the total time to be served. comes home end takes off his t Bmke old one hold olit until then." groom drove back to Edlnbuigh, nable to locate his daughter, x WDRC—^Record Shop WTHT—Frank andI JohnannJpnni The club, which 1$ open to all arrested Danjel DeGeoixe, 19, of Wtteh roMioed thrsOthiea asMthsmontlia in two usugniers.daughters. ssrs.Mrs John Van prior to the filing of conspiracy noble-bloodcd suitors. X-- WONS—Jack Downey WORCa-NewiN vacancy which has existed m the men and women, 60 and over, was Refrashmente and fellowaMp will >- Other problems—“New neigh- aad-dlaoiar at a hotel and attendM De^lte her family's strenuous ho on Tuesday obtamtd a tarn- 4:4*- .WpNR-Newa NewtonVlIle; 'Mass., on the WUbur conclude the evenings program* Jail and flm l flne7Hop^Sc.,twofine;'Hopog 0«denhove of RotkvUle. and MTS. and assault charges early Wednes* a prlvato party with frichito. S ll:l(— department for soihe tlmb. He . orgaaisad ,ln February, 1953, Chester P. Koslowskl of SimsburV; day. Tte problem as I see it is guite bore moved in yesterday. Look efforts to end the romance, how­ porary Injunction forbidding . the W IUY—Polka Hop Crow Highway: and Patrolman BtlH In Jail and ISO fine pretty crummy to me, but too They checked in for the night WTIC—The Woiimn WHAY-Nlle a screening curomittee would .torouidt the efforts of the YWCA a iHother, John A. Pashkow /al Probe Details Dfawloaed simple. T h e hired hands come ever, Isabela fled to London early marriage foy a week. A^er the WTHT—Joe Ulraiid > Wnc-Worhl Rsymohd Peck stopped Mrs. Wll- , Louisiana, Texas, Arksnssa and H m iacldenta committed jointly to work full of overnight w6m early yet to teU whether theyu be about 10 p. m. at the auburban convened Iste^/to interview the and the cooperation of Director lisnr J. Hernberg, 41, of Mansfield, . aleared up number of breaka Somerville, N. J., and five .grand­ Prosecutor Gerald K. O’Brien In December and then with her young couple's lawyers filed sn WDRC—Reord Shop WTHT—Frank Johnson patrolmen who do well on the William Stearna of tbe Y. Meet- California raise practically all the they are eager to pour into 6n^ real problem.” home of Mr. and Mrs. Roderick objecUoA the father** ..attorneys WONS—Jack Downey WbRC-DirishI r >ke on E. Center Street. flenmitteJItted in Tolland Coun children. disetoeed some Of the barteground OBver, friends of Goldsmith'! law­ lover to Scotland.-The ScoU don’t ^^^NS-^rlmlv Ji exam. IngR AN$(e' been held there every rice produced ih the United States. In the investigation. "ear. ' „ All day long they lope Itomarka—"Saw dogfight be­ require, parental consent for mar- abandoned the ecU6n.jresterday. ITHAY—Wextem CaravM towns. The cases had been aMpd- Funeral aervicet will be held to- fHwn. deak to- desk telling-their yer. Iain, Smith, who waa one of The same committee will be used two weekSKWlth a picnic at Ceit- 'wHd to be presented before a JdryJdryl morrow at 9 a.in. at the Taylor He told of a Ute night mrating tween MlUe and airdaie on way -glaige diiter 16.''. WTIC—Ju«t Plain BUI W lli^N lle ____ Sprlngs^Lmlge, June 25.,clos­ to work thla monUng. but don't the witheeies at the' w'eddmg.' , 'WTOT-iijo* tjirand" Vmc-Fabutdtnt Do ia examining orally top candidates Tusaday. Ulrich had' ^revlMpreviously ely and Modecn Funeral Home, 233 With an Informer who called his ^” *'*"*®*' "Ahey both seemed dog tired,” When Patino tollpwed them with ijolphina'are a form w^twhiiA WDBC—Record Shop WDRC—’Nlsht Owl for the five probetlonaQr jobs that ing the Seaaon?\ .n ...I Washington St.. Hartford. Burial home about, two weeks ago and But when they return at even­ know how it came out aa 1 waa WON8--T.B.A. ^V^NS—BlrTctly Ja'xa President Georgqgo. Edwards, of ptoaded guilty to ail counts and to their little castles and the Oliver told reporterA are open. ' M^pDwtec. not guilty. However, will be in the Cedar HIU. Cemetery. which, he said, turned out to be ?,rtVlng through red light at the 6:1*- Ridgewood St„ hasNieen ill re­ good wife hegA “tell me what’e "She had a hell of a cold end WHAY—Weslam Caravan S AY-NIte Walcn , The two groupa—the 14 candi­ Honowiec changed^ hia plea to the “ big break." U mo and couldn't ttop^ First *lr* WTIC—From Paso Farrell IC—Fabiiloua I>ir>eyi cently and John Laklng/br78 High _____ new: at the office!-^ Well, wdutt dale — I- ’ve------seen--- in yeaTAyeara .Had . . . v,one seemed quite fed up with the dates for the probationary regular guflty yesterday and the final dls- TnicettvtOe ItcsM "ara bow haa* O'Brien made his'disclosures to whole buaineaA They had a bit of WTHT—Joe Giram' RC-Nleh1 Owi St., another enthuaiSatic member newsmenmen and under quesUonlne can they replyreply? ? ' They don't aa ba^^/though. Good dog. too" WDRG—Record Shop WONS—Biriclly Jan jobs and the regular patrolmen' dtlon waamade possible. In ad- thraugh the Mancbrater a chat with us and then went up WONS-T.BA. competing for .the aergeancy—win , has been assiating him. WhlleShey IMlon1 toJUietgJOe breaks,break*, there was a , ___ _ said his assent to meet with the anything new, because they Suggeationa to Improve office FORGEt THE REST;:. greatly a]q>reclated the fa c ility — *-» —-•------hewhave been so ■« hii«vbusy bragging__ about efflcleOC^K—"1 etUl mw It to bed; take the exam tonight et Men chatga ef. evasion of xaaponaibiUty »«rnM Boagrllte towenf, Informer meant.,,ha. andnagered "Th ey haven't a clue as to what w ju Y —^jVestfrn^CacsTan .of the Ctutunusity Y. they are tak* agldnst Ulrich following an auto kwntediocMM' ataV OneOM 'MMket Mnifeet St...St,', teid« hlmsirif. their own problenulu they haven’t break anj^ hearts If they’d pass WT1»;--Lorenxo Jonea cheater High School; storting mg steps to secure a more central had-a.,ctian£A..ia listen__to.jths Itme theylw doing next except they WTHT—Joe Ulrand 7 p.m. \ : aaewsnt -tn BockvIBe 8*8186.------— -XhA veteran proMcutort-a-huaky ‘ -plair-to go-south- to London- te-^ COMEINFOR WDRC^rMrmory ,tA place of meeting, In compliance bicycle was slightly injured by the IriMiman, said "yea there was other fellow. Besides, they don't place. Payday here la like standing WONS-WUd BUI H Edward Buetsch, persoiiiief- dl ppritlrthr wliliwfir imimsers, V ’ma- want to talk. ' Their jawbones morrow afternoon. I don’t think It \ ‘T h e Little Fo] : s rector of Norwich, will administer car Ulrich was driving. when asked If danger existed. in line at the\ poQrhoosA** wtu be before then; they'll prob­ Jortty of whom live near the cen­ “My famUy." he said, “could are worn oiit already. WHAY—New* and score the exqms. He mil also ter of the town. / fW piM VMts Hera The virtue oP this "Btaff Informa­ ably albep m'late. w ilc, - -Paya r sit on the screening pknel with Pacifico Marcello, extension dl* have very essUy eoUected on my Now. here ia a staple, easy way tion” pard systm la that it would WTHT-.- A. Wlrtliam Astley, wh» Any men or woman eligible for insurance.’^ * to solve this ■ - - "Once » e y are In London, they WDRC— two other out-of-towi^police of­ rector for the Philippines attended __ problem in a'.wsy to have the time wasted oa gossip m will decide on where to take their WONS-WJ gained considerable fame as s pli membe^ip in this recrestionsl n meeting of the Vernon 4-H Town Local Stocks He refused to go Into extensive please everybody concerned—hired ficials who will intemew the top club who desires information elmut the ordinery office—roughly two honeymooA** director, wlh direct “The litt applicants In each group. W cv .. Hefiid Photo committee last night and was the detail. He only said he met the bend, boeA end w ife You do it thirds of the work day. Each time WHAYT^purU Foxes." Which Will be presented by it. mqy reach Mr. Edwards or Mr. with cardA At Nice, on the French RivierA - WTUp^Ncwe Mias Mary DellaFera, 24 Pine St., waa ap^nted. acting welfare Laktng by telephone. overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. OotoMi « MkWebraek. fam. unnamed man in a “atrange place” en employe went to the water James' paranta t«>aated the young Girand The Center Thespians, Jan. 28 and obtained “a good deal of in­ director ycaterday to replace Albert E. Behrend who died luddenly _ Waltaoe Thrall of Vernon qenter, Ip^mprtaea When the employes arrive for cooler or the rest roqm he could ooupifi. m chamnaiw at a hotel PRICES NEVER lOW ER through 30 St the Bowers School whose eon, William, is now^ln the formation.” ------work, they are handed cards and auclitorlum. Wedneaday. Her apMintment was announced .by General Manager RE ASKED FOB XT Bank Stbeka read s few more cards. her. Father Prank xGoIdamith. ^ • QUALITY NEVER HNER IftJ- ^erm onJSieries S et PMltppinea as Sn IFFE reptesenta- With Detroit swept by rumors are allotted 15 minutes In v/hicb to He would be satisfied himself be­ wealthy London hotel mqn, eeld WHAY—Supper Bcrenade The cast includes Herbert Richard Martin. Misa DellaFera haa been connected with the de­ Bid Aakefi for 53 hours, O’Brien scotched one v.Tite down all the . Interesting • KRMS NEVER EASIER \ Charletton. W. Va (JT) --Xlbert first National Bank cause he would know that by post­ ha end hia wife were “veiy^eppy WTIC-au-lcilv BporU Wright qs Cal; Gwen Rieid as Ad­ partment alnce 1934. Behrend served ih the department both as /^(arcello cams to Connecticut in particular. things that have happened to them WTHT-Joe GTrand dle; Penny Richter as Birdie Hub­ >rth C hurch Khuri was lih. s lively mood as he of Maacheater 88 87 ing his card he could let everyone to learn ,the news” and had pem WDRC->TacJ( Zalman sMlstant director and director during his term which started th /llondey and spent yesterday and Perronc had been reported at sine# the day beforA The cards are m the office know hia woes,,where­ the couple a congratulatory tele­ WONS-Patureon bard; WiI1lain.Jlrown'as Leo Hub­ slid Onto the stool at the restaur­ one time preparing to surrender, 1932. Martin aald yesterday that noDlana have been made to name ant. He told the waitress: today visiting thrwg^hout Tolland ~BMk and Trust ..... filled out in quadruplicate. One as, by the old vocal method he gram. 19S0BUIGK 195$ PONTIAC bard; Ronny Gle|idinning aa Leo "WhN I People Go to Church?” County. Another IFCTC repreaenta- 31 33 with police Supposedly made aware goes to the bpsA the others are put , WftAY—Supper Bcrenade “A cup of coffee, a'il vou-s plsis." Hartford Conn. TTMt 82 87 couldn't be sure of rssebing more OoMamlth added that Jimmy Rfidio, heater dynaflow. /Fully equipped. Hydra- WTICr-EmUe Cote Hubbard; Ruth ROwJey as Regina is itie of the first sermon in 7 permanent - - -- welfare direefor. w...... Most ^polntmenU to town positions tiva from the Philippines will of this. One report said Perirone oa “Condition of Staff" bulletin then half of them every dey. Ani WTHT—& Gammell Glddens; Don Rlchte^ qs William series of messages to be h*ve been filled recently by cxamlnatlon.X He got the coffee—along with a Manchester TTuet was hiding out in Chicago. "haa meane to support a wife and Y^ou’ll be. proud to own it. matie, 6,000 miles. N e if e ^ s o m e Umyin Connecticut in S S S ^ ^ u T t o m k boardA located by the office water he would go home et night burst- I hope thw win be very happy.” WDRC—Guy Lombardo Udrshall; PhS'Burgess as Benja­ ^ rtiA- Rev.Am. John S.E. Dn«*Post, ---- ^ seafood piste. O’Brien said he had "no knowl­ cooler and In the men's and ladies’ car guarantee. WONS—Bill Stern min' Hubbard; Betty England as mg with fresh gossip to tell lOa Papa Patino vrasg't talkmg. , klhlster 'the North Methodist id latonKt at CUnle ...... 57 82 edge” of Peifone's wherrabouts rest rooms. • :« - Alexa'hdra Glddens and Allan Coe, sages will be given at toe 9:30 and wife. With leabela’a mother, a Bourbon WHAV—Supoer Serenade hurcb, ring the month of Jan- 11 a. m. worship services on Sun­ " ‘ / Burr Osriaon, former University and had "heard nothing im ut a Hera la a typical card: In fact; the only thing wrong , WTIC—Three Star Extra Jr., aa Horace Giddena. ^ surrender." princess, he arrived in London by $ 2 3 9 5 WTItT—Oeorse Hlcke uary. day mornings. The Rev. Mr. Post o f Cattnocflcut star will be the Aetna Fire .. . 56 56 Naaote of employe—"JoeepK X. with this system la that a wife tram thla morning from Edln- Through an agreement with th/ hrtalng gueet inatouctor at the basketball Hartford .Fin " I have no information that he WDRC—Ia>w1l Thomaa tehded pas- has Invited the congregation to .174 179 Blow, Jr.** might have a hard’ time ahutUng burlh. "No mtervtew,” was hts — WON8—Dln:ier Date Associated Little Theatre Groupa toral'viittatl clinic tomorrow morning at theu... National Fire is in Detroit, Chicago or anywhere am, the nitn- idiare Its comments and views . 77H 60% State of health—"Dreamed 1 her husband up. But at least that only staccato, unsmiling comment T:i of Greater Hertford- — members. ------:erq ofo. later is*w haa Town Hall,1^ this clinic being giyeng i i ^ Phoenix . . .. .9 7 105 else," he said. 1959 S WHAV-^UPper Serenade/ ir major reli- with him, in an effort to apprrtiend' was shipwrecked last night end would be new problem for ^ r — to wewsmen. T W 0 1949 PONTIAC WTIC—rfi>ilOM Mlllpr •■ ■■ participating groups may appear rious p r^ l which perplex In conjunction With the tryouts f: . — Theae have become common religious perplexities: the Rockville Midget Basketball the felony charges were his son-in- sodium bicarb. No help. Any sug- solve that onA nDRC-Fa:iilly Skrirton. particular dramatic organlzatlpna Laague. Aetm Life ...... 94 / 98 law, Ctrl RendA 85; Peter Lom­ met at a corenallon party last A champion thi er. Ideal lamily with WONS-Fulton Lewis nu-or. A.<.i the “ •* tnemeathe (en ®rot the aermons to be Aetils Casualty...... 185/ . — 7:1»- Gwen Reid and Herbert Wright dven as follows* Jsn 10 "Whv while aC the Univenrity of Con­ bardo, 51, inmate of Leavenworth children. * WHAYr-Supprr Srrensde comeime to thethe- ThesplanaThesninns from th.the mven as rouows. mn.. 10. Wny / PREDICTION ACCX'RATE Conn. General------’...2 M .235 'eople Go to Church?” Jan. Ashland, Neb,, /(/f)—Myron T. __ necticut, Carlaon was one of the Hartford Btaam Soil. Penitentiary, and Oarcnce Jacoba, WTtC_-Ross MillPr Community Players of Hartford. Hading scorers in the Yankee 48. Tecumseh. Ont. WTHT—Ouincy Hi'vnwe , . /Do People Neefi’ to, Be For­ Fay, 76. often told friends thatM^-^i^ Travelers WDRC—Brolah Miss Reid three times previously given?" Jan. 24, “ Can You Be a Conference. A t the preMUt time Both Rends and, Jacobs have WONS—Patty Pss« has played the part she is n “when 1 die, my dog will die. too.” ne ia a teacher in the sixth grade PaMle n been given preliminary court hear­ $ 8 9 5 1: portraying, once for The Maqqders Good Chriatian and Stay Away Both Fay and his Inseparable com-' :|iii| of the Maple Street BchooL Light Pow-ar/.. 15_ ings. Both pleaded no knowledge WHAY—Supper Herenad* of Hartford. William B r o ^ ia from Church?” and Jah. 31, "Are panlon_ wer« killed when hit by a ■ i.-iiii WTIC—News of World We Living toa Fast?" \ cqr as they walked down a high-1 iiiiii Tomorrow's______aaasion______will ____ beConn, P o ^ r ------/ ,.. ST of the attempt on Regther'a UfA < 2 )1 9 5 2 WTHT-tLoob Kauirar member of 'The Community divided la two paste. Boys 9, 10 Jurtford lAcc. LU .. . 52^ Further court hearings will he held l94i^PONnAO WDRC—Paula; LaRoaa era' of Manchester and was m Theee sveiyfisF^ raligiouev mes- wny, and 11 yean of age will practice Hartford Gas Co...... 38 for «ach Jan. 14. O N ^ d L E T S ^ WO.N8-G. Healter 2-Dodr^ S9dan. Radio mnd 7:«-- seen in toe leading:^!# '.in "The from 8 to 10:80 a m., and from 8b./^aw “ “ “ England Silver WhUUe. Fully equijiped,uipped, one with pow- heater. ^ \ . WHAY—UConn vs. U. of R. 10:30 A m. to 12 noon, Mys 12 and EXTENDED FOBEC.%8T ergllde—pscelientoxcelie coadItioA l^IC —Ona Man's Family „ AH othersviq'lhe cast are regu­ 18 will practice. Ail boys are urgM WTHT—Lon- Ranger Banc Granite Mooumenu ate dcsiga- WDRC—H R. Murrow lar membeiVof The Thesplana and to report iffomptly at the sched­ Boeton, Jen. 8 :il—The tempera­ are weH/kn^’h to Manchester id sad Kulptored by sniit* in,6ncK Allied Thermol ■WONS—^Perry Como tiilil uled time, and all boys planning to Am. Hardware .. ture in New England duriiqr the IB SAVINS audleneto, wlth\ the exception of These gritaite — to endure. And Bane “ • in the Midget League must next 5 days, Saturday through 9 WHAY—UConn vs. U. of R. Glepdinning wh^ is making his Arrow, Hart, Heg. w n c—Dinah Sh»re Gnuittc Momumeatt pay tribute to iiiiii esent for tomorrow’s session, Asaoc.. Spring ... Wednesday, will average 4 to 16 /Pre-W ar Cara Availabe $50 to $100— N o MonnW Down WTllT-.CIty Byline ipitiai appearance^ith'this group, the fhUib that endute-^fiie hilh, love je teams will be selected by degrees below the snaaonal normal. things Bristol Brssa . WDRC—I.OBt Persons -le has a wealth oY acting at ility and .o^otiea of those who have, ill director following tomorrow's Cold weather but with gradual WONS—Btarlight Theater and experience Cheney BToA . ■ :1 S - paMcd on. / iiiiU session. The tentative plans call CoUiiu...... ,.. moderation toward tl^e end et the WHAY—UConn vs. U. of R tor the league to open on Jan. 23. Em*'Hart ...... period. WTIC—Frank Sinatra HAS LONG ITkea you ate choosing your monu- Bagageaeent 'Aanoaoced PrecipiUtlon during this period * WTHT—aatomy Kaya ENDURE----- , meat, let ui help yon. Thebeauty and Fafnir Bearing . . .. WttRC—I.OS1 Per.son* -M r, and Mta WllHam Brace of Hart Cooley...... wlU on the average total over three WONp^-fitarllsht• Tltea r Aden — pmsr ElmKrecently pctinaaeoce.of Reject Barre Granite’ iiiiii ■outh Street announce the en­ quarters of an Inch- in Southern 155 CENTER ST. -^ MANCHESTER \ Your kitchen, rumpus room or bath takes on Landers, Frsry, Clk. Walked 100 miles carryiW his make it a tuiu- gagement of tlM^daughter. Elea- New England and 7 to 6 tenths of WHAY—t;Conn — custom —------look when our wasgawvoexperts ww install your - New Brit Mach. Co. .an inch In Northern Nay TEL MLM545 «r HARTFORD 2-7878 WTIC—Bob U« seven-year-old son on his I^ k . to bje choice for VwtlT—Hull,-^Starway- - Hargeisa. capital of the m tish til* floor or»a. walL vvawse ^w»eaw.asvBenefit ^ vuaour long experi-* 8bi1Ul M ft n ______WDRC—,^Uutr Godfrey Digest Somaliland and a - hoapitol 'there T I T 6 N your monument; ence as “Manchester’s oldest floor covering SS Park St., this dty, H a *^0*’^*™ Hew EsigUnd and In the WONS—’t « r a Number I whether it it to ■ rflin" Stanley. Works com • :i*- for medical treatment. ° ■ X ■ y. specialty shop.” / ' ■ ManduMrter. ' ** I Interior of Southern New England 1^ Urge or small. Terry Steam ...... and as snow or raiii coastal sec­ WHAYv-UConn va. U. of R. L The hoy had a lip Infected wUh f *5 * *i \ • Offleors laatalled Torrington ...... WjWC—Bob Hope a tropic^ ulcer. He had beeh Mta Mae Wells was installed as tions of Southern N«w England lata THT—Hike Malloy II U. S. Envelope, com. Saturday night and Sunday. TIC—Arthur Giwlfrey Dlseat. treated thVee j'ears ago, and the K A H C a i l t S R •reaidsnt Of Nurpee Women’eR e* U. 8. Envelope pfd- WDNS—Take a Number ' doctor- had \toid Ehni to "bring nef C om at the meeting held Veeder Root ...... Christmas Island in the Indian WHAY—«C6n* va. U. of R. I. {him back in X years for further 1 Wedneaday evening In the GAN I treatment." HaU wltk Mra, Ada Moynlhan of Tka Abnya quotations ara not to -*Msn eontafaiB one of the w ^ irs , w n c—Phil Harrl« Alice FSye Wnm-OxxiwMid Harrtelt" ’" 1- ■ . t' Hartford as the installing officer be ooBstnied aia actual markatA iergeat tfepoaita of phospheteA' WDRC—Arthur Gotifrey Digeat COMPARE AN!) SAVE iii V aeeisted by Mna Ann Littlefield DILLON WONS—News; Sports . i •Vila *:1»- ^ as conductor. > tTOAY—UConn vs. 0. of R. T. Other officers installed were: WTIC—Phil Hania-Allce FAy# SALES and SERVICE WTHT—Oxxle and Harriett MrA Madeline Frederick, senior WDRC—Arthur Godfrey Dicot ■/5tAPORinAP1...... M m ORIAL CO. vice president; Mrs. Beatrice Min* - F O R D - ^ WO.\3—Newa Beal EMEROENCY V ■ - ti X/470 CE^4TER S T R E E T T E L . M1*8>77S2 or, J i ^ r vice president: Mm. m * \ *:*»- ^72]^MAIN ST., NEAR BISSELL MI-3-5698 > nan Buckminster, secretary; Mrs. BROWN 319 M A IN S T R F E T WHAY—UConn va. V. of R.-T. O IL lU R N iE MANCilESTER w nc—News Jlguae oC.JUISM.....X.. HaiHette Nutlsnd, tressurar; Mrs. WTHT—T.B.A. 5 E E V I C 1 ™ \ ». ..vlL L-H*.- . AUoe Hdwurds, chaplain; Mias WDRC—Thafa Bfch li- 'M •> rnyHla Clark, conductor; Mrn Ul* BEAUPRE WONS-TB>A. | : t t - . ' Man BUnn, guard,; MrA- aara WHAY—UCoiin va. U. of R. L CALL KibbA aaalatant conductor: Mra. WTIC—Newa: Houaa et Ulaiu BEST WTHT—T.B.A. Mabil Morganson, aaaietant guard; A-l U S E D O ^ S WDRC—That's Rich i M I - 9 - 4 5 4 j B Mrs Harrietts Kuhnly, petriotle WO.NS—T.B.A. Instructor; _M rA _JB dltlL^^ BUYS W I L U A M i ■ prsM conreapbndent; Mrs Hattie 052 FMtTOUnCPL SIW Televisifiit Programs THE BIGGEST JMPROVEMENt IN CAR Hewiriewltt, Mta GraU~ ■ -LiawcU, Mrs. OIL SERVICE Cydia Tennatedt and Mrs. Ellen On Page Two • Bits, color baaroTA 4951 FORD TUDOR Ssveral dcfiartnient officers were .Radio, heatrt, scat covers. PAINTING SINCE THE SPRAY METHOD gueata for the evening. Previous to the installation a roast beef dinner was aervM for the members and guasU In Wesleyan Hall. Annual MeStlag Toaijght 1951YO RD 6 DE LUXE TUUOR The annual meeting .of the Firat B U Y W IT H ...... Vfryclean. ■ : ,’’1"’: ■' ' . ■■'X OMIg^grUonal Churah of Vernon ------tonight at the church. . E v w y c W C m t Im Onr .Sii^oiial O T h m will he a poUuck eupper at INFRA-RED BAKING TUNNEL 8:30, followed by the meeting and zoU call. The business seaeion 1959 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR 1K3 nYMOIITH ORMIBRlWlK CLUB GPL N ew pafnt, good tires, stmt coven. NOW IN OPERATION aeheduled,.;(or 8^^ ' 9 8M«t maII^ T _tAB._____AA._ . . . __ Scbsol to P i^ Away 2.182 mllcA Loaded wltfc everything. phH overdriVA New The High School Basketball ear warranty. Big savtngA wai Jounter to Windsor ttf^ 1959 FORD eOWERTlRtE NrfW ■ ■ ------■ — w *. a vw.W RndlA iMntrt. aiatonuHe drive: few car .warranty. Low tjh TUeiada^ aviMiing the next imieSge. Big heme game will tgke plkce when savtagA they meet the Gilbert High at the lykea Gjmmaaium. . . . you won’t be tempted to break r AngUetn Uebe Waltx 1IH CHRYSLER SSRAtORA IJIO O Rx 1951 OHiVROLET FORDOR Badio. heater. New ttira. Just Mke new. Haa i88 H.P. V-8 Excellent condition. _ MrA AuguatU Liebe Waltz. 82, engine. i f 58 Ward St, widow of John Ta send yoOr clothes to Netc ; WaltA died thia morning at Man- ebaster Convalescent Home- Mrs. 1951 DODflE 2-OOOR Model for cleaning and pressing ^Walts had been a ’ resldent here 7 d ^ *®verA Extra ejeu. Nlea dark grass flnlak 1950,FORD '/t-TON FIOKOP Yor about 75 years. Born in Ger- Like newX' - i„„. L ■»ny. July 8, 1871, she wAs the When you’ve tried our quality service, M ghter of Christian juid Ellzs when-you’ve once seen how aparlding fresh HSIler Llsbe. , '*^L°>!!LER WINDSOR DLX. M R. Bha waa a membsr of Rockville U d lA kantsr, sun vlaor. New Medium graen flnlsk. 1947 FORD Vr TON flOKOF the dresses and suits return, you won^t be nice car. Extra ‘Metbodiat Church and the W8CS Good mechqnical condition.;" satisfied with anythiitg leaa. si- the church. Bho. ia survived by one eoA Hnaeer; ,

W' '''' OiliM |ivM |M q “BANDY DEAL” . J - N.-a iMr FM / ' ' 'X 7 ‘ i ■ "A-<\ X ■f-, r . ilANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CO I^ "T------— ------FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1964 V -■-h fO IJ C ll Fuicb. iL Still R^quirijS Aid^ CiMest Sokiifit- toy contacting tha Semce'^Vugeaii AAltwEr to I Sengerjd^^ Nonsense f^: Women’s Organizations, 938 t ; . ’ - WUliiii^tic Man Malh St., Hartford. Mmicol Moo4t JLtnBricon Tcont Discov0r$ To Parley on tlN ■ J------■ M. “ This'a'That sh* thought that was, to which Wtllimantic, Jan. 8\UP>—Third BEAVERS DISTURB PEACE m |ier daughter replied; Wom4n from fill over ConnecU- ACBou .aiiutifBi The movies ran. a lot. of ads, . toy TOM A. CULLEN selectman 4ohn IX. Roy/ivas found Albuquerque, Jon. 8 (/P)—Eager [.about a "third extenalon" show. Daughter—1 hadn't unpacked NBA Hpenlal Correspondent mills work at'least tWo shlfte and d,ead in his hontff l» re today/ and out will go to New York ort Feb. and-busy beavers k re CiOisIng: conV Oti^ of'the latest .modern fads that HI,"'. ■ . - - lAJlldDn—Ta American aid fo 'forking In -^commoii. Dr. Ralph Oilman" said death was 15 for eri an^-day meeting on in­ cem In southwest Albuquerque. ^ oeSm SPMointM aet tbe country all aglow. .Prom it on «me and motion Britain getting reaulte, or la ‘I atudles^ ^ from natural causes. ternational affairs at -the new , It's not so much that they've ' «S?S«n« 14SS2L. Califoihia up to Maine, the ‘'third money do>vn a rat-hole 7 built three dams across an irriga­ The first EngtUh-apeaking aeU * Mills it^pathetle Roy, a tprroer alderman, 'waa Carnegie ' Endowment ^Interna­ extehalon" waa the rage. And John tiers In the th- Misalaeippi______rr- Valley Doe# Britain show signs bt supervisor of parks here and head tional. Building directly acro.sa (he tion ditch, and. have chewed at •ssa* spsiT !Q. Public made it plain: Thts 'waa thought the river, with ite fre* standing on ite own two feet, or Managements of many British of the -service department of a atreet from the United- Nations. aged shade ti»ea until they are in sQ - the "third extension” .age. Said. I, quent Aooda, resembled the Nile in m ust U continue to ‘ depend on mills are too apathetic; labor has local gaiage. The body was dis­ The trip has been planned by dahger of falling. What piople In 12 Pmidtnt . SS JL , "O, wifey.... let uf g^, and see Kftypt, and that the valley, with Ameiican hand-outs? not responded to the exhortation cover^ by a garage employe who the Service Bureau for Women’s the area are really imhappu about Ltoeoln this 'third extension' stuft. They've Its fertile "alluvial soil, - rcaembled . How is American aid being to become production-minded — inveaiigated Roy's ^absence from Qrgahlsatlons to enable Connecti­ la that the beavera can beXheard upped the price tAp bite or so, the Nile Delta. With thia in mind, •pent? Has It Increased Britain's this is ■ the American "doctors' " Work. \ . cut Women, t6 discuss United Na- .at night chomping on the trees. 4 a MOwteCTntoi ••“* * " « * * “ Put forth 42 Wpody plant which makes /the\ going "really they named places Calr, Memj^ls, Industrial-.-..u.a, output*vui|,uvi verdict w„on the i-viioncotton inausiry,'-andindustry, -and This, starts the, ncigbbQimood W cSSSuS?^ I0P.

. CHRIS WI r ttn iE tiB r ‘’Wdll, so your etmiptny rvtfrwi you! Thdy didn’teonMM BY RUSS WINTBRBOTH you. dW thoyr* ^ ' MOU-VBl BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES % tTAU: D7MB4CII 70j« CavCTli, B»U.MYSrTE V ery ^ m p le M ”1% the , iTHEmOlCUTEU./ BY EDGAR MARTIN UECE& BAlLM developepai------'T u etM o a eT iM itornuQt^ SOOte ALL TSMTSMlVtsI ' WB1.KIH, l o ^ o k i o u t OUB •WOWVfeS THIOT.E.' ” nueAMYi vytvv ’^(Owpy. purrriucm z CKfOt ♦ ' , - • mooMM lMA'AML T T t r : - . ____ ,TOucum.E7iir ..- /^01ER$AEE. XFOLLO*aiEi».j;,.. IHEYlMUiriD — X— / / ilia ^fUY.ilopPuBn X' / PRISCILLA’S > » P TediUiiff The • I ■ '7 ; :.. M l C K E Y E l ^ jgagiJ-t. T, w. Sm.' u. « elT - '.-v BY LANK LEONARD . -"•‘vyy'Vf

“What can I do to help?” . Hardened highway authorities choked as they read this desperate appeal Ml a-grieving mother’s letter. It was^about a new plan to reduce traffic acetr CAPTAIN EASY !7 ' SepMTEtod dents' shc^ hai^ fust read liTher hewspaj^rT' Her 'son," ndind a I _ ------’-••-c- - ■ - , . . . ^Y IJiS^TU iH tRR i-flO E8AQWtToo ami j ursaw- umtSMMMi P la n e '- c - aowFOWi and the achmA '^o*d in her. lamily G otta g e t jTERBILL C. BLSS8ER . f . eirelci her finrt thought VTM for odi«r^ OOMG — EARLY Now W HAT, DAY Paa Going mothers. She felt she must . dOr something to save others Iroiti that endtess BOARD M E e n ^ "AN O I’AAOFP/ WHaY-A*C TIo s e (vwu c m heartbreak which strikes into spme 40,000 homes cveryvyear. ■R»Ar/ _ l b WORK “What can I do?” she pleaded. “As a citizen 1 feel that such a plan is y S m Hm OHHtonding froEt oEd rto r dtiifE . 'most worthy of everyone’s consideration. As a mother whose boy was one • * ^ • of 38,000 Americans who lost their lives, I will whoIe*heartedly enlist to recruit others—to put siich a plan into effect.” /N d ficE Hm comfortoblE OEd hiEurioin iEtErior. :.'5? -‘i itiothers ;,_and/fatheTa be so tragically shodeed into-a life* m ^ y .4 saving cnisade to-stop this killing on tBe highways? Not if you do your m X part in the way you-drive. And you caii join community projects to make WliEE you sH M i i E d Hm w Im ^ of p e e w streets and highways safer, tfm. A citizenry sick and ashamed of this reck* 'Jw less, heedless, unne<^8sai>^ killing: could contribute much to saving thousands 1984 Chovroltf yOH vifiR kEow—CHfVRO- of lives. ’■* V IC P L IN T 1 x/i/ i./i. /\\l# M idge A c ts i t Think safety—4alk safety—drive safely! AEL O’MALLEY ITH is; STOKY OP MAHTifA W AYl^ U T IS IT—bECOESE CHEVROLCT HAS IT. / ' YOU must 8ft MiteKlN. Home? Not Just Yet Z'M anU D X tVONT fUVTME YOU W W ,W lM«/i( I WMKU VNa ewK HOU4EX8EflBf > m S g W L M f g j . ^ A N P MR. PANVtUf •OWIflKDMK# a MAN A» NOW TURN AROUNDMD TI edr for yoE thb ytor. ^ - MR. BNSMLtE WOULD HARPLV OACHEm S ^ M D , i N t e N B - : w u o v e WITH A AiiAN «* HOUBMBAMVi ttm r r / ST B V 8 JAAMSON.^ NOW ■OKS t e s s a s i r t Now on display qfr Corfer Chevridot ^ SLOW OOWN^ilVIS Am IN TOOR NANOSI

•'Y*; CARTER CHEVROLET CO., INC. '■ -j: i n-!- 311 IIAiN ST.. MANCHESTER TEL MM-8238 i S i E a e S ^ dtattfljirRtRr AjfiraUi L IN.. : * FR \ \ T .V ' lii ,s\. J ...... r ' I V ■' '■ ' ' ' ■ f:. V' i / t o m Came-a-Week Poubleheader TV Schedule ;T, fon^flMOl ptoyan who moan and (roan lom baaketttall! on tvery call a(ainst them, ae one In Rec Seninr Leaguej at the Armory' Mn teetify after watching Uet To Continue and helped week'a football, oopa, baaketball ■ New York X (NEA) .-X Mur-i .ray Greason and Boiifcs McKinne.v, Players Flares Anew ^ ndce the Britleh Amerl- fame on teevce. The type of game “x^Clnclnnall. Jam- 8 (AV-After All'^merica Way duependad for one>half tiaehed acroaa the nation laat week Fraliklp’fi and M illpr\ who coach. Wake Forest, were! flve days of not too thrilling skir­ New York, Jan. 8 didn't help win apy new fane'for Athletlo Assn, wraps up its 48th Supreme Court decision over Bob l]amerafi*and NewHniait Cbristenbcrry; risks his No. 3 fldence -since be c r^ e d the TV Greason was asked./'which show C. S. Cpilege Playen in thia area will be able the proa . . . Best part of laat Annual Oonvenlion to d ay by Circuit. His mo4 important '53 tg oWw the Notre Danie-Oklahoma \%'eek'a game was the halftime ball Collide in Nighteap how much Dick Hemric means to voting on aund'ry matters ranging ranking in the middleweight class Victories w e^sebtvd over Pierre your team?" . / Are Being Permiaded nraa Saturday night at S a t the handling exhibition by George King ig h t against bullish Gai Langlols,an of Syracuae. He waa terrltlc . , . from ethics to fboytall television. although he When 'the smoke clears at tha . "Watch hifn^lay,” he answered, ■ KfiAIg) LfiAOCR To Remain at Honie former Notre Dame All i , • • » While the ^ delegates are doing er of Salt Lake Oty. «t to- C artier in a- tbrn go. In wered. / ; qas*s tit . hi M outing, PanteV whipped a School Street Rec building after l^iedman ...... it *0 n 34* : •Aaa^can and currently backfield THERE ARE 4 t MINOR league their only balloting «f the u eek- HemKc 1* » 20-year-old Out of' Oallim ...... m gg long conclave, athletic directors at rinj' rustyNprman Hayes at De­ tonight's Rer. Senior . L eague .Jo n esv lll^ N. C. . McOonlgal M-- 3S3 *^ll«d*lp>»la, Jan. 9 io t—r i g ndck, will jgive a commepUry on all sUrs on National League base, YME If-ROVNDER. scheduled ...... 1(4 «s ^ NaUonal FootbaU Leagu* aad tha seven or eight schools continued troit, Dec. 2^^l^la record is 52-13-2. doublehesrier, the standings couM OncftUie giiue started ft Madi­ lClll^r>n 104 110 the game. The lowa-Notfe Dame ball rosters for the 1M4 season. A for 10 p; m. (E 8T) wlU he held • W. Frrguxon 118 lllfio4 ,135TO Prof*ssU>n*l---- sss.am* I■ aiguBB — gsase will also be abown. .• The their search for head coachea. be’Altered. son ^’quare Garden, you didn't total of 22 rookiea moved up n at Madison Square Gardbh with t h e r.\N S EX>BCt \G iardello. • lut 67 lu 30* *'«re at open 'V*r" today with th* Tith annual Westminster Kennel year ago including Junior Glllism, 'There wasn't a chance the network radio (ABC)- and tele- Frankie’s'’. Drive-Ins, whipped ‘■“ W to search far for ya''na • a good boxer-puncher wHh a tal- lut Hemrlc'S wo-k, Th> bulkv Club Dog Show will be held Febru­ Bob Buhl, Ray Jablonski, Rip Re- country would get anything except 7iaien (NBC). / -rt ented left, to take charkebc the for the first time last Tuesday - S.'JK.T' '"'“ .''V a ry S-t at Madison Square Garden. game-a-we«k television on a na­ Ever x(nce the courts ...... 220-pound p i v o V ’ wobbled Hobbs . .1, pulski, Harvey Haddix and Bill reversed onnishing Panter who ^alms he might, and the (Aurant. are dead- Sliinsmon ••••• S ,7? !i >«ng-um* frlcUon over tdi^ SooM 3.800 pure bred dogs will Bruton to .name a^ew._ Numbej- tional scale. .Practicali*’ all the the reverwr by the cAalrman of loeked for first place. Each temns around on a bad anlcle for leas 'Hrclli .,,, KXt K » trecUng pl«y^ b*twe«a;l^ never was,knockedoff.hU!\feetr„-. -than-baif-the- w n«r’ and~thm ngt —M- U« M OOTipelS. Aadmon~of^Jack one prospect'cbinfng 'i^ ihls sea* argumeirta rer-nraiig aotie^orme -thw Kew YoiW S U te AHiTcnfc ConT- Last year was the most, profit­ pliya tonighu Tlie Newsmen, In- Turlilnglaii :m 113 M ..„31S lesgue and it* Northeffi rival* Kichola and. Dob. Barksdale ,has soUxis.Gena.Conley.-former Hart-, coutroU disapnear^ yesterdiy. In mission to give Giardello a dts- out the rest of i f as umierdoc' Se- Cutirr .... 131 no 101 442 able in.GiardeUo:a career.-He re­ cldentmll,r, Immed rrm aklo’m three l-sPorg« . 134 erupted yeaterday tn a aerie* «g bcim big factor in the success en- ford bRi^her who had anqjther great rbuiid table Bill Sharman are., getting some at 7:1.5w hile the Newsmen will Kcllce .., ...... 7» »g lb* Calgary gtAmpecters. aaid- aa shooter in either college or profes- designed to bring about stricter ing. was 6-2 for eight bouU. He If Giardello gets past Panter, as lea *veft w ith the b»d *hl:Ie. the yuliin ... all out war over playerawaa la th* help. BasketbalMa still a five man Iw only to Graham in a 12-round meet Herm’s Camerns. Deacon* were tost. With their Wc ...... XI *7 slonsl basketball is BUI Sharman enforcement of NCAA rules and rw «. c-SKSl expected, he has a Feb. 5 date ih .Miller’s, with several of Man- llsrmln ' ...... -*1 9.1 offing and, alcuaed the NFL fame. . . . of the Celtics . . -Ralph Beard, the coaches’ own code of eUilca, rematch and to Johnny Saxton at the Garden. The opponent -kes Wedhesday may—biit not team. TtKSI* . s a «7o s«9 ion »i*y Sob**. college basketball scorer this aea- cana have had in the ffrst quarter bo and Walter Cartier,, Giardello ia rmnt. Pinky Hohenihml and George Tics* (2» place in the world is a crowd filing tiring president of the coaches, of the EPBL season. An All- necessarily—change the plana of A gorilla-alsed renter, he must Sulllviin ... 94 SO 62 2S« ^*HE NFL*S VOLUBLE e o ^ fon with 230 points in nine games. a 2 ti to 1 favorite over the strong- Matchmaker Billy Brown. Demko are Miller’s best offensive Hu(cKin»on' out of a Bporta arena in which you said the association could bar Yankee Conference selection last threats. Norm Riirke, Rob Grahek he rated with the best big men sSftvorv ,.., , V . Ooabecticut plays Rhode la- don't Hud anyone . . . Prediction In the afittbii. He averagi^ 2J.I tend. Saturday n l^ t in Kingston. from membership any mentor year, the Rhode Ialand~T7r ace la and Red Hannon head the Newa- Sirntton & S ■ « - » Don't he Burpriaed if the Rams Departmenti Giardello over Pan­ found guilty of anything violatlniC pUyIng a steady brand of ball points a game last year as a Hf'Ck .. .. 9* .IM • war"'•r over pijAyergRlavet* wwuwtru giveaiv* Ithem ter tonight,. .Connecticut to whip sophomore and has kept nea* that ,,.. durprtas the 'Huskies. . . . Milt the spirit of the rules The resolu­ He will be in the aUrtlng lineup The Drive-Ins and CPurant each *»ven’t gone aut Schmidt la in his ISth season of Rhode laland 'Saturday night by tion' passed by the coaches did not tomorrow night when the BA’s Indians Hope to Break nsarfe so- far this season, wiRi his Totsls *44 579 S3t 1*29 And rigned player* w* knew w*2« nine polnU . . . British Americans show 5-1 won and loss records be putts are dropplngf (I^A). "**'• “* properly and amiles tvhen hooks and jumn shot makin*- the professional hpckey with the Bos- deftne in any way what would meet the Torrington Howards in while Herm's and Miller's have imder contract to aomebody *1** will regain their winning way with constitute a riolatlon, but Faurot scoreboard blink at a near-phen­ pp.i^r.ur LRAarx tha way they did." ^ tm 1Bruins in the National League. the Armory at » o’clock. each won two of aix previous i.New York—(Ni^) —The oec- .. / \ ^ , .. Jack Lacey, Winchester shoot- a one-sided win over Tonington offered aa hla pergonal opinion: Yank Jinx with Rookies starts. •/ omenal 50 per cent average. In the russtiiiy i4> Asked about the "propagandtat” Saturday night at.the Aimoir. lyn, and two young sens, haa his im p o rta n t rebonilding depart­ Dsnlris ...... W 10* M .102 li^ -expert, has this: to say about ' "This means that such things as tion of New York City Which sur- s h ^ W “ Purnell ...... / t i »!■ 74 252 chvgc, Bell replied:. trigger squeeze; “Use only the recruiting, entertainment of pros­ New ^York, Jan. 8 bp)—The rounds Broadwhy and Dyckman ‘ • 4 • own views on practice, too. Mod­ ment, Hemric ihas been hoisting M(Ti*erm.tfM.’r ...... > 3,1 77 249 "If he mean* we ar* teUiag th* T erlep M ay G el ern-day adherents, who have been himself up fori better than 12 Prentice ' ...... / irtj »S 29* finger in applying gradual pres­ pective athletes, inaccurate pro­ Cleveland Indians hope finally to rStreet is a ; m ite more cro'wded . *HH'G FORD is^..an(Y unottho- Crandall ...... <4 ‘*** ^™th ebaut i practically weaned on' the Kogan *0 278 sure to the trigger. Be sure your gram for players, coach­ It’s .Crazy Legs . Robin Roberts ofr the- PhlUiea ia missed shots per gsme so far. Canadian football, then we'v* Mr*d Spori Schedule M arquette Post break the New York Yankee than, say /D u b lin , Tex., or H ot swdet-MjAinging 30- ■ y that you’ve got to practice This hksn’t been sgalnst lower- Total* hand and arm are rigid during ing. from the sidelines, and pos­ barnstorming as bahketbali star prings, Vn. t year-old who was /the money ...... 1577 a propagandtat"... the aqueese." . . . Bobby Thomson, master}’ with the aid of two new­ Local Sfiort until your Arms drop off, will be CB.se opposition. Hemric Is the sibly the use of the sucker shift Bingamaii Now of a team of baMbali\ players.-^. T h . .. u ^ ' K**"*'* m ^ t epbsistent prize shoclted. *'7 ' •* 7* 270 , Bell said the NFL had hired a Whitby Locktnan and A1 Dark of TeUlgkt and the faking of injuries might comers purchased from the Brook­ (NEA). only star in the country’ who Milwaukee. Jan. g aU Terlep, a former profeaslonal foot­ lyn Dodgers. Perhaps General Chatter htrMt to the subway stop takes golf’s,.Second ^ g e st monev win- "I get more good out of playing.” and Duqiieshe, running one-two Bsldyaa . ./"• w ...... 78 **1,000-Hit Club.” Thomson heads Rec. violating the s.iirit of the rules. Leo BirngOmima laterceptcd a J. Pszani ,.. 92. 3? I plAyers'*** th* ■ difference betw* ball player Is top choice' to become Manager Hank Greenberg hasn’t ^ e place of hills and an asphalt b«r with 338,000 and change. Like the renowned fighter, in the nstion. He knocked In 23 K. HlHi(»kl \- the group with LUO. Lockman has H arm 's vS. Cbunuit. 8:30—Rec. "In the past Tve been guilty of Green Itay pmaa amd returned H oopers S urpri^ RRENDAN HHEA U playing u/.'.V.'.V.V.V. ^ 88 ^ |»0 American and CanadVan p r o " head coach at Marquette Univer­ heard that th a Dodgers have drop­ Khool yard is the nelghborhood’s^Chly Lew JlVorsham topped him Han'y Grab, and some more, Do-. g against the Dukes and came back 1,083 and D ark 1,055. Saturday. Jea. t using inaccurate weights of players ome^ymrd to help DetrMt gmlm basketball with Loomis this l^swer to s prairie. It is the latest and the former United States . High at . Bristol. sity. succeeding Lisle (Us) Black- ped five straight World Series en- ■ Ford gels paid for playing himself to ge.t 28 points and 15 rebounds' in programs. If I hadn’t. I’d have m 34-15 declalom. the f i t pnnmd son. ■ . place In the world from which champi^A figure was bpaed main- into top form. Bell identified the N; JOET OlABDELLO, third-rank­ BA's vs. Ibrrtngton, t — Ar­ bourn who left yesterday to join gagemenU to the Yankees. -- M oriarty’s, 55y on the 325.000 he gathered in Hagan. y " Psberse It) sentauve a* Bob 8aydp< forinw ing middleweight and Garth Panter. m o r y . ______- 4ei«neo, and 1 know I didn't bare At that, Jtha jndians, hiay .hbvc . ■tekm m mmodg klo prsffes- —*> ' ' —------—- i..-...... gg 83 271 coach of Burke’a Q a S r t ta .— eeuide the weekly televised box ifeaday, iaa. 11 ~BIiacfcbourn resigned his Mar­ ieomc up w ith a real sleeper in ROAtH. Manchester :Wlth/that almost Impossible shot "Wherever I go, people cc^er a n d ...... 78 the biggest team. In the future if slonal footbmll ebmniplom Uom High s great football star of two Yet the good tube-riding citi- Chicago Tam ‘ O’Shanter’a noreetto 82 342 ing bout tonight at 10. Giardello N orth EndavA. White Glaaa. quette post for, a three-year, con­ Rocky .'Nelson, the first bsMman BTANDINGfi Lakers, K iiicks me and make me tell them/whlch ...... 90 102 2*8 /* '“ by you see the players weights in a lemnunates. )• W Pet. years ago and now at New Yqri. ^ns of the area a real vicari- Championship. Ciiehlng- ...... 98 joi 298 i Burke said has Wul f1 fights with 45 wins. 11 7:15— T. program all ending in "five” or tract with the Green Bay Packers they expect will replace the I t’s C nujr Legit. ia the better team and who ia the Plrkey ...... KB *7 2811 were quirted-efe a sa n Frandaco at reportedly nearly twice hit cur­ -X Moriarty Brothers...... 3 .887 Milttary Academy, became engag­ mia thrill when, the professionals’ The fact that Ford.was born in leases, gya draws , and 14 knock- Pioneer va. Quay's. “aeib’’, ybU’ll khow damned well aging and ailing Luke EasterXThe best individual player Vve seen,” ToIbI* paper UmteThere w*a "enmity bt- rent salary and Terlep. his back- Manchester Auto Parts 3 .667 ed recently to a local girl. newest big ^hot holed out wltl Manhattan makes 'him- unique M aintain Leads ...... 457 4*7 484 1380 nuts. Psnter, only 23, has engaged Tuesday, Jaa. 12 they’re dislAneat. well-traveled Nelson was pur< an 80-yarA wedge shot for it he says. "It’s awfulljy emban-a:^ Y.mrraade III tween^anadlAn and Americaa In 83 pro ^bouta, winning 5L He's field coach at Marquette, waa ax- chased from the Dodgers’ Mont­ North Ends .1 .333 among top golfers, nearly all of sing and I don’t like4o do It, but Meyer ... NassifPs vs. Harm's. 7:15—Rec. "I don't believe we’d consider a Hooper* RIDY KNIGHT, brother of eagle the 15th hole and yric- ...... 73 90 M TO Canadian teama.” lost 12, and has acored■ 353s KOs Mayflowers vs. Frankie's. d;30 pMted to move up. real farm along with outfieldee .333 whom came from placiM which they get me on the spot and 1 Cormier ...... 92 82 'coach’s occasional kicking motion. third time and cannot be optioned Bobby and former, Weaver High Lpry .ln the Miami Open. / / By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pllbl* ...... 88 86 92 TO Inyder, one-tim* T-formg Wesleyan ix^host to Trinity Satur­ —Rec. ,ps> pqsaing motion, in the heat of a "Tllftre’a a strong possibility we Galeard Wade. At 29, he reached out again. had backyards large enough to ‘rhe''old baseball formula for have 10^ go with Jim Tucker of Mclntoeh The Y Interdedlatc Basketball ace. Is now pitying In the Rec JThus Douglas Fortunato/bloaed hold at least a nine-hole course. leiw Msn ...... 110' 118 92 quarterback with, th* CMc bm day night aL the cage in Middle- tight game, aa sideline coaching. may name dun new coach Monday hla peak last year, batting .310, The Indians believe they landed o ut 1953 overU king Samuel Jack- winning pennants which says you Duquesn'e. And I sort of like his ...... 74 84 12 Bear* and coach for th*/)2* town. Wealeydp leads in the long Peat Ofitra l.*asa« Leagu* re«iMaii«l play laat night League with the Courant. Tracing practically all of the top- -Blit.the use of the trainer or sub­ night,” the Rev. aarence J. Ryan. slugging 34 home runs Xnd lead­ a prizo whea they drafted Tom son Snesd In the Incrodlble hill- shoe Id hold the cor.tenders evpn team ahead of Kentucl:y.’’ Total* 439 4*9, aart^ having won 35 games tp U notchers alnce they began play­ 8o far this season, Ronnie Rhav-. r'.fv?*.®*’ "''‘•“•‘J th* foot. OBriaht ...... at at stitutes to g;lve regular Offensive S. J„ Marquette Athletic Board ing the International League with KorezowaM. a 25-year.oM almrt- •Rer a tbree-week holiday layoff. HAROLD DWYER is anxious tq billy’s favorite tournament with and beat the brains out of the tail, NCAA Investigates 35 4«mes in Ah* last twe foy 'P^ity . . . ^ggeSt cry-babies SuKMta ...... 107 101 or defcnei7’e signato from the bench Chairman, said tdda.y. "And Ter­ 133 runs batted in. H e joins the ing. you find almoat the aafne en­ enders holds just at gobd. in the Ilk, North Carolina SUte'a ‘ Lnmhardo ...... ge loj ' ^ ■ s? rto|^' from MlaacapoUa. a New In th* opening game the Hoopera form a figure ice skating group In’ 88-87-70-87—272. vironment Frances Ouimet and saKL-^and laat night In sports are professional basket- M t73 would certainly be a violation. lep will be given major considera­ Indiana at the Tucson, Arts., train­ York .Gteat farm. Korccawaki* a National Basketball AssdeiaUbn. center, Hagan aad Tucker M, Oliva 79 TO talked to all tife players” In t|w Humphrejr ...... f t gg Its 33S upset favored, Moriarty Brothers, Manchester and anyone interested So Fortunato, who ahortened Bobby Jones lived across the c,. Oliva - Kl 343 We want the bids io run the tion. We're not salting for applies- ing camp sporting the MVP ia asked to conllifct him by phone L^e name to Ford for buslneas Th* MlnneapoHs Isikers, leaditag Dirk Ricketts, the latter I.Irhalx . Senior Bowi^^m* to b« p la ^ Total* XM8 at 55 to 34, and 1.. the secon(} game, afreet from courses. Harry Coo- Olben .. 99 277 t n a«3 n « game, ahd they can't db it with Uons and. certainly won’t until the award. \ Ullkes-Barre mad ohowod eyidcnc* Manchester Auto Parts defeated at' MI 3-5326. .Z purposes. atarte<( the year in the Umi Weatern IN vision, Hv^;.(ip to quesne, have tried to ^dlv 'es in 18 118 313 tomorrow^ Mobile, Al*. Baeetal Oell«»n gency of the National Col-! ^ „ ...... 99 89 93 _ 280 Canadians." Mg 462 3M I tM if .be -piaya tbe kind of firat beuie .251 m ark a t Reading, are the set victory from Moriartv’s. The F r^k Galls4 350; Herald League FORD’S NEIGHBORHOOD was Heben*lreU ...... 94 97 136 *. * * Wade 270 for Cteveland that be did for me olh^ rookie lafleldera. Both arc nnade the Laker*' lead *s’er Roches- Deaepa*. / leglate ^Athletic Associm*on. said! ,/ C o lle g e ^ Sobl*kt ...... 9* 96 96 Bell’g volley was answered by JfoMy Order <4> Prouty failure of Ken Irish arid Mike Alt Ferguson 138; Perfume more auited to the thing which, he : Ixiw Mari ...... 78 83 23* THE COACHES also wind\np ' * ’ V ■ . . . 380 mu Mot yemr,” Alstom amid. 25. Escarich to hit with their usual eague- Riith McIntosh 118-320 COMPLETE ter a game and oae-half. | ”pie wsa the Surprise,” adds today it had investigated! __ Jim McCaffrey, a member of th* Qrr«n* . .aa at m tag their 31st annual convention tpMy Coe . claims, makes his putting so ex­ w m RodonI* ...... 102 »7 37 aat :.*\288 To cap liu most productive sea­ Outfielder p*ve Pope, wil consistency r.as the undoing of. Am ia p lbert 118-313. Hebenstreil cellent. ^ The New York Knic'^erliockera, Hemric. "He stayed on the outside , Total* 4«* titi Canadian R u g h b y Union Exaeu- Gisnnvtt* by watching a series of game films Bram an .. 2A’l $5 charged of athletic violationsNew York. Jan tlve, who said th* commtasiooer ...... 33 104 ao 26t son, Nelson ta tte d a loftV. .847 tn .287 m ark a>- Indianapolia^jiere Moriarty*. Although both boy* cok 136-327. . ' , • ”I hung around a poolroom, a showing the wajr ln the Elasterniand tossed up me-handers which 'lAO- vy’s 1 ------McKulIro ...... lia M 117 224 and listeningill to talks on ethics by X^ehm .. 383 RADIATOR by colleges.Ip the last 18 m o n th 8 /c^ '’^*t^‘.U team, ______^ ciu n tk was njoetly "popping off’ whait Twsrnlie / ...... 32 112 110 .714 five junior World Scries games he bit 24 hbnftyrs and dnriA In 88 lect4d 13 points, there was no w e place called Lou' Brown’s, and Division by three games, illus- broke oiir back*. He ia terrible oh .iich haa ed| MEB IACU’K Kattds Bill Murray of Duke, football rules Yhe committee’s report, aiih-. more Ivy Lesg’„« games than m?u>( ' Wkite Gl ( 4 ) - he spoke of a player war. Dummy/ ...... u n gg 2U against Kansas City. He had 11 runs, is back foK ano^r trial. So els* to tak* up the slack wltb'a FINAL. ST.YNDINGri in the played all afternoon once school trated the other half of the jiroverb defense. Had / any sort of a night, PIrkcv .. 31 110 — by Lou Little of Columbia, and of- 1388 hits tn 17 times' at bat. is Jifn" Lemon, the aa they whipped the tail-end Balti­ I could have'scored a bundle. But mined to the eloping-session of o. the teanvwTn^ Ihe leqgue,------m eeth. White _92 ■.— KM Totals 5*2 *70 fU 17t3 free-i big nijbt, RIchy aiartln. RoyJ^th- Perfutte Bowling League are as s e r v ic e J got out," he recalls. "Shooting pool the 48th AnnuAl Convention to- one of th Pnrerl .Post (3) ficiating problems by Stu Holcomb fmllcNeater Revolver Club Wade, who will be 35 in two ex-serviceman who batted .318 at nlng and Joe Ku'hlmann w .re all follows: Faberge 47-13, Black more Bullets for the fifth time in the fellow,hure can put the bal) ougher members of the'(•"It"- Jr 125 118 115 " T FE E L MR. BELL is in ly of IFurdue. O /B u s s i^ ...... 282 left me with the touch qn angles da,y, did not namg any college or bight when It takes 113 112 ll.( to send sway for t-arkln ...... 7 t, »! as 2S1 weeks, batted .314 a t F o rt Worth. Indiaipapolls. D lck-^lw ard. .205 hot and alternated twlii/ points Magic 45-15, Chantilly 33-25, and all the stuff that go** .into seven games, thia time by 82-70. in the ba)ft 11& M ii* l ••M. "We know^t it —dre sapply yb« right oat Ltrxl ... U« at 1«9 306 la considered a fine defensi^ a t Indianapolis, is the lone- new througlw ut the game. Larson Bmeraud 24-36, Tabu 23-37. Ifwlisi / ’ • C L E A N IN G putting. When I began to play golf Whenyyou see Hemric in action, tions. , ■ “ \ : Arlsnono honored Jim Tatum of Maryland/ M. Jones 240 outfielder and fly. H* catcj)er. Philadelphia won its fourth game le Quakers, defending . Ivy ■ ChAp . — I0« la not th* opinion of alt th* own­ of onr bwR stock. •a ion 78 366 P. SU u played a strong defensiM game as; f^eet 7-53. Helen McCann rolled ’ seriously, I found I was saVing .vou lyhtch a big, thick-legged Of the 35 cases, the report Mi Moritrty ...... *0 107 77 364 coach of the year. Tatum led h)s 230 bases last yfsr and 55 the year in a row. and third in as many League champions, won their only , Total* ers of teams in the National Foot­ Fair ...... ns is no sot team through an unbeaten-untlM G. Tedfdfd well aa contributing ll^inU . the highest triple, 363. and Jeh- • REPAIRING shots on the greens because I was youn|hter station himself in the Six had been processed and apted V...... M* 4«1 547-1677 ball League." t TRzedos, Cutaways and all 318 before. In the'Alghtcap th^Autb Parts,! fctte Cushins and Heben.7treit tlfed putting naturally.” nights over Milwaukee, downing pivot, slide a bit irom aide to side lea.gue s ta rt .-y trouncing Yale. ^ • *s*a I*, rsrfril ^ Totals regular season, and into th^.top the Hawks 88-73 in the first game upon by tbe governing eoupcfl: 20 Navy beat Yale, too. as well McCaffrey added, however, that fonaal. accessories. STS Ml 876 171* spot in the Associated PreM poll. Total The Indians’ rookie crop is top- H oilger^ A ba ndon led by NeBon Quiip^, Bob MozzerJ (of high Single with 136 game*, Ford Is unorthodox in the back- and^go into action when the" ball are, being processed ap--present; he knew NFL tearh owner* had 1227 heavy with pitchers, ^ e youngi and Ronny Hearh; showed their! - ■ — ' / RECORING of a doubleheaider in New York. t-oiumbia and Penn, bet they lost f'siihnaaHz Prc»* (J) The coach of the year aTvdrd was Also -Mrat . in g e ^ swing, bet once the club sUrU is/led to him. With it. he hk* that six were dlsml*se4hepaiMe of lack to thu lMP’ll*.ti»iiglMf :14 129 197 .•») met secretly about a moath atw QX:Whatever became of Kevin of the dozen newepmera ahd, per­ heels to the North Ends in a low miimjkt i.CAtrt'K coming down, he’s definitely In Philadelphia gained no grpund (sy isaddlo’’ movement from side to the league-leader, C oriw ^'T hc J:*''y;hn;o„' ...'H 100 102 to .Oondpra, who played fpr the Boa presented by the ScripM-Howardcripps-Howsrd W. Griffin ...... 213 of evidence; tw^/W ere dismissed game is part of a PIii|a:^lphia Harrl* ...... ;2i> M 136 to make their draft selectiou Of of votes H. Kes.7)er - \aoa haps, thethe; highesthighest' regardedregarded^pros- ^ilros- Baseball School scoring g«me/B 6th teama shov ed! M«"riir,UT in,*i is*) busines,s. H* Is extremely sound in on the Syiacuse Nats, however, as (o aide and tosses a soft hook'wllh becausespMfvg- the**•*- Ihridenls utn wtudid • nuinot college players. The Oanadiaa «x- toi»-O^IUee *iNk b a s e l^ l vrith'-tbe newgpapera, (UV th e bagut of votes Syraeua* defeated Fort- Wayne 78^ Palestra doubleheader, ^hichi .wiii will ••••••...... - V u r *z .?z -w by tbe nation's coacl R: S u x : ------^ -P««- “»« Wtk^Tdihahdlc. aX2S-Ydar- th e festtltg rty li* Tong layoff^ and Dav.": ...... V.TTr:’;... 3 Prompt Mrrie* fbr iB miikM the hittihg'nre*. either .hand turns and .goes up tdalata/NGAA^legislatlom and oner, «• 444-803 .gcuUv(5, sal<(.,h*, ■■nd'Bnifenda th* REGAL Cuba' misied many easy ahets. ^ 67 ahd moved into a tie with the h a re ■■•VlllhiTOV* 'xgapiSt ’Bt'Idirih- MEN'S SHOPS Zlt_ j. Bell lefthander from n^by ^ke Brookb’n, Jaii. gjifb-v’n,* Brook­ to oar opoelally ataffed 'Mdlo> "I was stationed In Miami wtlile with both hands on the ball and rase wa^'msmlssed hecaiise the secret move W*a solely to par- A.: Cpmlors gavetiip bis atkietic 'F or the /N o rth Ends. Quent HUhU'rlf T :n:;:v:4"5 Boston cSiltica for second pljce Wallace in the other game. | Total* ..., 518 A50 1587 SATURDAY’S BROADCASTS D, .Verizzi 191 Avon, Ohio. M spager Al iJopez tor repeir deportoaeot. \ in the Coast Guard, played on lets a soft one-hander go. acciised-ln^tiiHon withdrew from HawaM’* l\) suade players to remMn,-in th* career «ae as meter in nsov- thlnlcs the youn^ter,^ who had a lyn Dodgers, who admittedly are Hagedorn hnd Pete Close battled Jexiowjiki, r some tight couraes, places Where . in the Eastern Division. / Columbia, aj league darkhorse • Davi* ...... 907 MAIN STREET Ing pletmrce. :U-Griffin 146 Hemric is a good feeaer and in th^amou Bpudreau, the (Time is *E4stern Standard) 73 gaiM , hut the Seton Hall game came close 114 .315 Radio— > wofi his only staTt last' Septemlier give anything away these days," it Just waan’t thelrySomTrrii* g he explain*. sen, the old pros of the Lgkers in to getting by as a decoy. WUh tion of efforts of ’’individual mem­ in overtime, should even its record mVit'ioII''"®” successful. Red Box-hianaget.-aUr aa a bks- niynt. tonight .against Har\-ard, two-time rnwir* ’."i 115 334 Bbttior Bbwt football game be­ SCHOLASTIC FENCING .Tvjth. d e v e l a ^ has aA, .exccUsnt Elaborate plans' to co_ndy^ '>a FORD'S POP, It mus(^ be noted, their domination oi the l^gue for Honey R'lssell’s Pirate* cuptitU y ber JSnstltiitlons and allied con­ JP m .331 ^MrCoWrey also vtca-nresIdCBt ketball player^ — r . . “"iTotal*. ' 4-tS 30 BROWN- loser and eighth place team .---- . Row*f« t ,/ tween CM ege All-Stars at Mobile, chance^ to tvlh a starting a)>ot. school for amateuT managers, was a pro hiihaelf. When his son the past five years,, led/the way watching him, Hemric. wpyta take ferences through the framework "6 7* of the Big Four Football Leagu* A.inMiioia^/ / Mtmern <*gi J(erjn'» ' Wwton University featu.ed last Ala. 2:3() p. m, CBS-radlo. „ New York -(N EA ) — The N»- 'T^r pKching surprise may turn „ coaches and umpires at Vero r, rt... returned •with a "terrible tight with 20-points apiece aa/the Lakers passes, fake and thep'^eed to of-Tlie NCAA is'.deat'ned to rAsiilt 530 489 5i3''1532 and president of the Big Four Ot-- Telei^bh-’- * 'B*»ch. •Fla., next month' were * Lar*ii;\f ...... awing,**’ Pop mader Doug strati^t- pulled away from- ^ 48-47 lead an effective program TO" dwl- night’s light schedule bv rallying t \ t*wa Rough Riders, denied that tlonal Fenciiig CAahhes AssW* out^ to'be Jbse Santiago, the little' . . . , f L Gj trommatea cuttln^;,^ froln ‘ the Opllege basketball (Army Vi Puerto Rican righthander who "re­ abandoned yesterday wlien thebe’* * ,Xr, ri!^ 4 ;^ BEAUPRE ew lt-out7 Fbclng-ltTip. Doug went midway in the third, quarter. with matnractlees in mteroof- in the final period to gain a^ 62-59 l>ari> Dairy (1) there wa*; any ill-feehiig betwean atlon haa moved to improve thei "loeorporoted corners In a triAfigle set-up. victoryvover, MTT. The Teyrlet-.* g- pcMcrchant m *8 178 Fprdham_) ^from. New York, ^:30 quality of actufiastic fencing. fused to report to spring training sponse felt far below expectations. }{ n Surhy. f about things his own w«y. The Their scoring wap overshadowed . On defen8Cj,,^o plays the mail legiate athletics. / American' and Canaqian players A.pplicanta were to pay 3130 each ,1 freh'eit.i r .. .'.'.4’. . .'1 result la a. looping backWlng. in the New Vo^ doublehcnder, trailed by two enteiingAhe laat ,;;;ua*'V "...... 97 187 pn esanadian tgama. m. (ABC-TV). last year and tvas assigned to ;uhlmann. r. .7 in the plv^guards well and Wrr "The, oblective of this program 10?., 350 for ten days, of instruction by Shinning, g ...... ;. .,. g J’1 >!«h-r. r ...... 358 EAST CENTER ST. ' Ford, who now makes ^ home however. Neil J^nstbn led Pblln- quarter, but out'seored MfT 14-9 in Duoiin .V.'.’'. / . I ‘ 'ing.^ {■* •9.3 309 - To thia Bep Aoipmented; “Mr. Profesaional basketball (Minixiv Weldon Olson./center on the Dallas. Santiago had a 13-11 re­ Clifford, g ,.T ...... 11 Pi.h-r, r ...... rels thrqagh for rebounds. NpYthe is to foster and malnthlln an at- apolls L ak e rs vs Mllvfhukee .faculty Including Managei^ Walt* ” CburllU, g ...... In the Crestwdod section oKYon delphin ncorera/for the aeventh (tlrde of observance of controlling thp final period. , Hrim .. a ,h.. IKK 9* 99 307 MoCatfrey ha* a w on d atfu l Michigan State nockey. team, has cord in the Texas League butyls M l . f . 5 2 3 4 fa s t^ inan on ^any court, H ^ric I F. ..< '94 87 1*1 Hawks) front Milwaukee, S-p. m. currently the No. 1 pitcher In the Alston, shortstop Pee ^ee Reeie ! * ...... kers, with his dbmely wife, Mari- strnight gnm^ and Ms SO points leglalatlon on the wart of mem- Inipfitnatlon" Bell denied there four brothsrgArho playsd collegiate and Umpire Larry (Soetz. / '.To*)* ...... 2j ‘■’■''■I* ...... V...... 12 1-« can^be bothered by KARTKR.N RKNrtT • TotalB ; j[Durnontj. ___ Jiockey^__ ■;__:______,3 Puerto Rican. Leagu* with an 8-1 ir-3* u .P**y*8 the wgnjor rule ln*the Wnr- .b«r.'."nslilutlona_..aijd U)e|r. reprcr ------525 509 47* 1512 wak any s«cist diraftAHftbtinr and Presrdent Walter O’Malley of i -’••Harty l4r.«ieT»_tg4) • Score at half Mmo. 16-9 B tr ------irierty Brstkenr rtr---- Tsisuea' ah ihv{tat}oii mark. He promises to report this \rfbr*' vfctory.'Ray Felix,~gnngUng sentatives. 0. r . Ptji. B'^nAch ..A.,.. . 119 91 102 .912 the Brooks said he was ’’ar^ zg d " Kecavtch, f ' . g r . PtB; i BnltlnMre /Miffdidnte for rookie of League Bevo—and pop >n him. Curran, f ... 4 1 9 rev to, “stand qiiiilMa the B?l)*vu*- spring. 3-7 12 We*l Side' Hale Ml) But Dudey Moore, among many - "Further, this iindertaklne Is DomhroH’jiky, ...... *8 III 92 ?91 th a t only 11 people ghowed any in- (...... » - B. r. PI.* (he. yhar/honor*^ went Johnston aimed a t dispelling thei stigpiclnn , S 2 - A ...... ______85 94 105 259 on .fan.^8 "to aiee for himself", th* esnnoir.. f McDonaWl, 6 % c .9 7 Another highly rated young 3 IW) others, can’t see, w h ^ thia hurt?. 18 ■•'f I8* 80 365 on J a n / 2* “to see for h«ms*f” th* pitcher is Don . Fracchia, drafted , / / ‘ I Irish, r , ...... g 1J McBride,'f ...... a,,... I (Ml t4r*.tem r with S2 points, but he .and distrust wh'ch, unwelcome as Wrd#*iM‘hi .. 1 ;2 4 115 Ki6 103- 324 . ------y_ , LBralnard. g-...... g. 7 Cavello, ( got Ittgte help from his mates. It "Hemric is probhblv " the best they are. have ton oftm b*»com" ZIrkc). c - - 1 0 •• actual NFL player draft In pro- from Beaumont. Tl»e 23-year-old TRAVKUNG MAN f8»im(‘ (il an was set un two years a<>-0 inves*!- TotoU Va*. . the>-GianU copped the "jack of all Bcore at half time, i9-13 Hooper*. B. Ite.vnold*. X . . '.TtTTTTT. 7 MOST POLISHED '..'U 32 17 81 the Texha League. Howard Rode-’ gations have been carr'ed on hv, •JPt^Thg coro- trades’’ title fn the National Total*. CXILLEQE BAHKI ILL 'aubcommltteea. .then referred to San Diego, C ^f. (/ft-^ Th* coro- Nederland, (iolo. (AVv-lf there’s moyer (9-5). Don Mossl (12-1 1 ) League In 195^ He performed at Maack^«l*l Aals Part* (tS) ...... 23 Avoidcthln At .'ideiu / . E ast ler found sev^ dtffecent flshihg-strength in number*, Nedctland and Leroy Wheat (0-1) are up Pt* Bar*. Maple aeiry-lre IJtl' New York'—(NEA) — Harry the nemherahin committee, ’•n'l. aix different iwsittons. Dark, cap- ■ n*ke. r Gallatin of the professional )>as'- Carnegie Tech 84. Allegheny 63 then to the NC.4 \ rnureii, B»rne* ..... Ucenses in the/pocketa of MagoicM [High flefibot should hav* a'*uc- ffpm Tulsa. BIU Upton (10-8), Bob ..... Nalgo._77. H)a friends said he hadi'ceasful basketbalY season', .Ajl'- 13 tain of th* team, played 110 gam es f Vi^nlon, ( ...... n ketbali New York" Knlckerbock- Boston Uhiv. 62. MiT 59 '.N-CAA vice t)rc.sld»nta .s-rv*! on i rica; — Chakalea (4-2), Ray Narleskl (B-8) at shortstop, 28 at second base, * ...... ••■•••• (3iurUI*. r WASTING UVES AmerioAn IntJ. «5,jClatk 60 -* been despe^nt because q heart ^boys at Nederland *r^. m C ^ c h Sfid Sam Jones (10-12) who spent 11 .trs Was designated -the Esquire both the Membee.shin Comrr'ttee ' Amie?*on.' f" ailm ent'had forcied him to give u p |B o b .W U ^ ’* team. Sevei^ar* n - eight a t third, 17 a t two outfield ^Mikoiei't. c ■.‘■.'.■.■.V 3 !i'r*ri., c St. Sfichael’s (Vt) tT, Bates 55 end Council.land, thus h»ve. bee" Hii’cicmr/ i - \ the 1953 season w ith Indianapolis. spots and cven^appe*red o k aiOolntny. g ...... Iy>,vden. a Mifst 'Polished Performer of the L ' l C ' 4 1/9rtahing. ^ he committed sulcid*. ilnnUnjg^terroen.'Ing.let ter 19 N*'”. - Month. It was the first in a Albany (N.Y,) Tchrs. 63, Wllll- ■forced to attend two hearings ■dh MB»i«reilkrrilk ...... 1-^^' 2- BATTERIES It’s do, or die for Chakales and pitcher. ■ t Hearn, a . *, Woodbury, g mafitic (Conn.) 45 Jones, who are coming up for the aeries of. monthly prizes to be each infraction. - Total* ■7...,,.'...... 22. I?;, 7* Spmi*— Tou'l* ...... 1< g-2j a Kfb. g ...... “ tr't ,, - ...... ______. Xarib Bad* ljg( awarded the top performers-in all 4ft unfccp. TniM* >9.: aports...... —•------~ 1 7 ’• • • • - rr o' ■e-At-4)*H-tlm*.‘ tT.* fiillf.' ^7iay?y..a.L.tuiMkLiM,8,Mh8,f,»’P->4HiraD ■’«AV'-A--'G8iAN€K'>-'-'; rx x "RriAKrer; « '^ '’’-i^'»-"--'W,iaiTsda}^a.'BeaMt*^%j.^^ ■ Uoed. c , . . Vinton., a .. Natfoaal League . EALERS EVERYWHERE UNDER j . Hagedorn. g Montreal". Toronto 8 .. ' FRIPAY — SATURDAY — SUNDAY Pearaon, g , Detroit 3, Boston 1 TERAAS OF OUR GUARANTEE. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESH • $40 ARSf PRIZE _ SIP 1NUX Total* 10 .*-17 2* Fall River. Ma-».~Eddle Free) gcore St half ilm’s, )7t* Auio Part*. OTHER PRIZES ACCORDING TO ENTRIES in*^ 1241,i, ’Philadelphia, outpointl ENTRY PRE 82A8 PRO BASKETBALL (NBA) ed Tommy ..'Tibiya, 132. Boston, lo l Detroit—Oscar Pharo. 191K 1 WG use Genuin^ . . E x e lM N iff HunterS Thursday’s Reaolts : 211 3-4, Detroit, 6. m M w t % • ' AUTOMOTIVI MATCH DOUHLE STRIKE AUEYS C a s iR 9 New York 82. BalUmore 79; ' Newark. ,N, Philadelphia 88. Milwaukee 73 J.—Jim m y Cham^ W a f t n e r B R A K i p r o d u c t S A L Y 27 OAK STREET Syracuse 79. Port Wayne 67. ’ ^ ’’**»‘l«lrhlA„ outi Minneapolis 89, Rochester 7l. Y ork^^”"^^ KUon, IM, Nev / Neglect of brakes it at bad'at cireien driyihg. Bther can result THISTRIO! in a tragic accident. ^ • H E A L T H When your brakes need adjustment or .$5.95 repair Let ut. service them. Aji a Wagner • EXERCISE. Frah^ised Daalerw* use pfodu^ of • PLEASURE ; Of Eitrs Cost Until Jan. 16th Only Tnpnotch. Games ' _ superior, proven depertdaMilji and «* 1st i-INE — ALLT SIZES eASKETeAU At Reduced •Price* have the “know how” to service your BOWLING GIVES VOU m v . brakai properly. HRESTONE FIRESTONE Septic Tank FIRESTONE A COMPLETE ANTENNA ALL THREE TOWN 4 COUNTRY GUARANTEED TOWN 4 COUNTRY- DE LUXE FREE! tomorrow night a t 9 SNO TIBBS SNO TIRES CHAMPIONS SEPTIC TANKS, DRY WELLS and ROOT-PROOP INSTALUTIONI! ' “YOUB ^ L L A R S HAVE MORE CENTS HERE' OPEN BLACKS, WHITE WALLS RECAPS WHITE WALLS, BLACKS PRO GAME we SEWEa LINES INSTALLED and REPAIRED WUh The'Purchase Of Any Of Our FOR THE LIFE OF YOUR C^R Week-Daya 6 p jn . to 12 p.m. FREE! SJATEARMORY WE GIVE C^dNSUMERS' PROFir SHARING GETVMoilelal S atuh^, Sunday, Holidaya Jatiuary Only Savt You Momyl preliminary T:S0 STAMPS »E E WITH EACH lOe PURCHASE 2 p-a,m. t* 12 pan. Cash and Carry UsiiUT the moat mmlera ctinipaKnt, aklEtd oparRlaffi BRITISH: M ( ^irn r Beat Booma Ca§h and Carry with yean of axpertence gives you . M^NusActuaiD BT, un-iiMi BATTMir coae. or AanaicA FBEEFARKINa Tvnpik* Aiit* Bwly SMI SMyiM-l(S W. MiMI* Tani|iik* • QUAUTY WORK # Rl . , Americans , vs. MANCHESTER MOTOR SRlfS VANS STBTl'on milOHESTER MflNidiMtBDerPlieM M ltchdl 2-7043 t o r r in g t o n 427 Hartford Rd M a n c h t < r , C on n Tanqiik* Aato Btiy Miifct-M Hirar Wiwlnr S*ndM 512 WEST CENTER S T .^ P R . HARTFORD RD. HOWARDS BOWUm BREHI LF. TELEPHONR MltchfiO M 0€f BM-Oeatcr MLS-43«3 Days. MltchilR 3-7043p4)i9kts. Ml.9.4113, M I-9-1W ‘ l U ^ V TELEFHONi MI-3-^134 ifhrmMrnt S ^ t e BIgli Mwel)— r , ■ ,' /' ■r A -: 7 . h X

.*• ‘i /■I :.. jl ■3 r /r jV i ]■ l \ • I >.'*/• n'tt

MANCttESTOR EVENING HEr AU, ktANCHEST^R, CONN., FRIDAY, MNllfARY 8, 1954 MANCHESTER EVEKINg T i ERALD, MANCHESTER, xioNN.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 8, 1954 —. 1,- Bosrdera Wmttd Hpaasa t w B alt ^ ABtOMBMUW^ SBki ~ 4 AdtfMBoHiM for Salo 4 B asing Service O fterti. 13 Houses lor Sale Y2 Moving-~.Truckiog—• Poultry and SuppUcs 43 Honsehold Goods .51 Ro m Im wit^Qt Baprd 69 Ro o m An d Eioard for sehUeman i Honsea^oV Sale' 72 UM'^t^lBVKOLBT’ >Aero tutone. FORD STATION wagon 1951, cus S torage 20 o n - line. Home c o o iiS r £ 5 :| MANCHESTER—Nearly hew brick 8DC ROOM Okpe Cod, two unfln. -■■ewieiieny-^tieeb. Navr wMte ..4om V-a, Radio,- heater,- -original JTAR’n cp TO Lay 'puHeta,- 50 aex USED WASpiNO machtnes, rafrig- TWO ROOMS,/well .furolahed pri­ 8-14 h e ^ f ^ caUar. centrally locatad. SenotBy FiHds ^ Woii^lcr Met^F C a a : TV ANTENNAS ihatalled.‘tvpalngtt, "eratbra, ihotora, vacuum cleanerSj and frania. six—2 iinfurnlahed,. 2- . ono yssr old. Fireplace, cal- wail tires. All my cars jare hon- privMe owner oifers unusually . UHF converaions. T«L ML 9-0110. Ma n c h e s t e r -- .. ackaga OaUv links, 100 New riampahine lU ^ ,' vate homb, genUeman or counlei 97.906 ftui price. 1850* enah car garage, full caliar/.hot seiater clean value at 31.395. Xldveniry, ary.^ Local light trucl^ng and also 7 Ih. oapona. M. M. Cook, New and uaed appllance parta and TsI. and. parking avattaMe. ML qulr^,, Exclualva' estfy guaiWifeed; See Bob ^ v eir; >M AND' Altalty; Ml, 9-2S89. with- A riuminum bUnda. No agenU., Ml.^ m d t r m m m Canter Motor Sales, M l Main S t . PL 2-8747. ' ■ WEBB’S T .".. 17 Mapla St 33 par package delivery, Refngetatota French Rd., Bolton. many other articles. Stuart R. .9-7188. ... jir . , Ro«rd. L GentlentiiB. atorma, huge corner lot, city con 9-8748 evcnlnga. o- .,'-ir--i-.:‘5\ house csU. AU work fuUy gtiaran- waanera and atova moving a Wolcott, A-1 Rspalr and Sales, ISO MIN5-7875. I'. PLEASAOT Fumiahed roonj. Light veniences. Ehccellent financing. iGLAiSinsD ADVT. IMS STUDEBAKBR pickup. Oood teed. CaU ML 9-8535 tor quick hon- %>acialty. Ml. 9-0752. Msln St. Phone MI. 9-8878, ■«v#n rooiq house Terms arranged. Gilto Co.. Hart­ By DOUGLAS LARSEN ? T - - condition throughout Writtsn Auto Aeensorlcs—Tires 6 eat aervice. Articles for Hale 45 cooking privileges if deslrad. MI. N BA-Stef Uorresppndeni Paolo O a ta a ^ S a te i^ /' ^ O V T ^ f f iW R S USED rURNITURB bought and ,9-4428. ford 5-0198, 6-1015, evenings 8-3989, SuburtNi|/ror Sale v< 75 guarantes, |49Sr No down pay­ incmtnt* / fa hedrOom, Manchester MI. 3-6940. . Washington (NBA)—Titanium. m m hunting horn aniTi ment $22 JO morathly. Cole Mo- HAROLD A SUN& Rubbtah Pain»iig>.a.PapeTtog *1 sold. The Woodalwd, u VERNOM/Yaltojf. .yiew D rive'- ^ ' y tor buturttia, n< BELOWiVHOCBSALE movai, alao caUara etadiMU. UaU For In. /^atreat. Tal. JCtefaaUHW. Apartiiaito—Flat*— - iSg: •»diich has been called the'“wbiider ■ tmra, daS-Pantar S t Ml. J-OSSO,-^ ■CEHTItAL—Tw ofamiiy ' houae, six hdllt rawili hbma with technique «(Tava - imisifon V40S4: ------— PA W riNG Papering,paper ceUlnga 5 ® IL - 4DS full ceUar, on i-£ acre piotl Dosm m aul/’ is now emerging from a ^ CtOfilNG TIME Winter Tirea.Half Price whittnadiittned,./^oora aa Call MI-3-4885 TOUR ROOMS for rent, new fin^. rooms each side, two-car garage...... ------“ T . own. Collators' •'\ ibtt ahsVROLB^ hee- >a^delUxa Banded and re fruit tfoas. Price $17,900. Extra Senate invesUgation aa the make tha butter^Y ' . CLASSIFIED ADVT. FURNITURE Rafinlaliing, antique finiiiah««l/CaU G. Ficbett, I Man FINDELL MPG. CO.^ 1950 8ERVEL Refrigerator, like tore. Quiet neighborhood IT8 Two furnaces. Price $13,000, Made­ Wf. fordhr. Radio, heater.^fovsry nk . Buy one roKitlar price, get FURNISHED Room near Main St. line Smith, Realtor. Ml. 9-1043 or adtoining landscaped lot avail- testlo metal." aa alient movies. / MON. THRU FRI. fumitura a qiacialty. ebalra.canad ebaata:aate^ MI. 3-8982. 485 Ehiat Middle TurppUca new. Phone Ml. 3-8305. , month..Ml, 98140/ ^ a b The EacOtt Agency, Ucensed condition. Original-I^een .ftlM one half price. Four treads to and tuahad. Anaon P. Thorp. Also Reconditioning Gentlemah preferred.. Phone MI. MI. 8-4879. Adequate euppliee of it are the Tha beil-mout^ed __ 10:S0 A. M. Douglas Motors. BM Ma^." : ^ MODUIN 4 room home, cabinet Broker, 380 High 8t., West, Man choose from, plus famous Pbona kOtebaU 9-6785- 10, Exterior and- interior, Thpea and Corda by Yard 9-3170. 9 Haxel St. Xkitchw, phuterqd we'la, oU b u ^ Chaster MI. 9-7683. • key to whether Russia or the U.S. compressed andliM a^ y SATURDAY • A. M. erhanglng. CeUlnga reftniah- 1953 OBIUUIAL. Electric I range, NEW YEAR’S Baigain, 6 and 8 Might win a World War HI. De- out range of up to tettya IBM FORD CUi radio, Pennsylvania lifetime road apartmenTaiie. ML 9-e81S. TWO FURNISHED room %>r light Boaineu Locations • L ^ l _ceUar, n w bus, school. duplex, too hot water heat funj- WaU paper booka on reqOeat. “ WrtiM cenUr. Onl." $8500. Carl- f e ^ Department officials admit. a gas spniy of ettiene or heater. I 'maroon finish. guarantee. Take six Llnolaum, Aaphalt ’Hie. Rubber Tile imatea given. Fuuy Inaured. pELTA-DE ytkXIt power tools and housekeeping for lady or couple fo r Rent atorm windows and Screana Wantcd->Real fbU tt 77 Yliat 41^ the butter VOiTS^XMMnESATION W IIX ITTON Ladlesi SUp-covers €4 ton/y, Hutchins. Ml. 98182, 9.48M. •Its 88 per cent lighter than to" New slip . Runs like new, CaU M ward R. Prica. latcbaU atcesaorl^ Salsa, sarylca, demon- at 19 Hanhaway St. Tel. 3CI, both (fidsa. large lot, two-car ga­ atalnlaaa steel, -idiout flve tlmei) undamaged teLhS B^AlTBBCaAIBD Douglas' months to pay. siratldn. Terms arranged. Capitol drapes custom maf«. R*-ui^ IF READY to boy. Sell.' sr'cbange M3 Main St 9-1003. 9-n58. After 8 pm . Call 3fl. ‘■ ^ N b fLOOR, 2400 fit rage. Imnredlate, ocl:upancy. Only iSL estate, mortgagee arransed. ttronger than aluminum and ex­ enough lo b*g'him. H /^L D HENRY Equl^nent Co., 38 Main St. ertnX. Beautiful fabri^ 98909. plenty tight, two lavatories, three *ui.3i Occupancy—six fln- $11,900. Pnona Barbara Woods . GOLE MOTORS prints, atri;Ipea, aoUda. Expertly S /.. *" condl .lon. Onault Howard R. H--.tings. tremely reaiatant to heat and cor- A To get tha itterfly into raiqtiL- Dial MI-3-5121 N u ib E D - ’43 Packard, Mitchell 9-8452 PlasU /Tile d e c o r a t e n o w . Guaranteed front rooms, auitabla light manu- Agency. Phone M|. 9-7702. Agency, MltcheU •-llO'r. TOavanna aedan. ’4B Packard, blue 436 Center Street workmanahip. FuU iriaurknea cov­ BAILEY’S Antique Shop. 883 Ms ttnlilahed; 95 down, |2 weekly, f®;*®"' only a trickle of abouti a little horn/ teat / ■ji'S. foctoring, large office halls. Apply 2.000 tons per year is being pro­ / M sounds e B minor key saRpio 18S0 Packard, 4 dr. sedan. Mitchell 9 J529 Mancheatet/ ;onn. erage. Keyatone Decol'atora. MI. a ^ t . MltcheU 88008. Moderate balance one year to pay. CaU FURNISHED ROO.MS with kitch­ Backer, 88 Oak. Smith, Realtor, ' m Mitchell 9-0980 priced items in china, glass, ML 9.1642 W Ml. 8-4879. d r i v e A C P r e a l t y Co. seU your duced today, whereas plane mak- kvanna—attracte ho|-only" Let’a give you a price on your 9-1805. . . . y Mrs. Pinto. iracbeU 8-7183. ,, en privileges. MI. 9-5093. CREBTWOOb home. We have e walttng list tor Lost ^ Fooad old ’89 to ’42 car in trade tor one ware, pewter and furniture. OFFICES , FOR REKT. 1.2.8 ere aay they, alone cpuld use 200 - ) but a whole swart* of EIXPESIT TV Servica .'iii biU makea BEUIROOM, Heat and hot water. ^ N O X STR dE T-O nly $10,900 for ro®*” Cape Cod with dormers. all types dt property. Mortgages 000 tons annually if it werb . friendly end objetffldMillte., of theae beautiful Packards. Low USED SNOW Tlrea arid tubes, 8:S0X ~Tr CROSLBY 8HELVADOR refrigei*- rooms. Cantraliy locatid*on Main arranged. For courteous service. tXMT-tikMen CoUi< 19, in exceUent condition. Ml. All work guarantee!^ SC days. M ortfbm es ALUMINUM/ for tti cu. ft., 30 pound freesiiig Near Center. 35 Foster St., or MI. this 10 year .young, au room A wen built custom house of six avaUable. Without the horn, says Ch'vanha. payments at Bruimer Packard. 31 **■’,.?•**' Office. Plenty of Iw ae. Near nehr school, conven- fmished rooms with tile bsth, flre- Cali MI. 9-2» 3. ja«ld4of taC'.Stny RockviUe Rd. Open ~ evenings 'til 3rS824 after 5 p.m. Channel -8 Tagl antAma to re­ unit, Gleiidale-coinbinMion oil-gaa 3-8547. X parking apace. <>titer Springs Uncertainty, over an adequate you miss the beat butterfitel. ~ try RoUer SkAting ."I^MrArd. place channel 8 nit. 315. Wm: FIRST a ND second mortgages COMBINATKW range, dual oven, like' new; ma­ lom to bus line. |M0O required to place, comer cabinet in dlnihg future eupply of titanium ia aald They’re the rare ones, usual^Juat 9 p.m. a SJiiy CO". Main 81. Crii kS. room, hot water ol'i heat, oversized PRlVAl'B OWNER wants 7 or 8 ]^«rc«U PI. 2 UF e TDCB Batteries, self-charg­ O’Brien, RockvlUw5-4291. bought fpf our own account Fait, WINDOWS and/bORS hogany twin beds, Kenmore porta- La r g e h e a t e d room for one nr 8-5229. ®*clu- room, .4 bedroom house in good to have ataUed scores of new de- paastog through on rolgroBon and ing,. 8 year guarantee. I29.9S any confidential service. Manchester ble sewing machine,'complete at­ two near baih. 93 Foatef St; 3Q. a ii-Tl*** ^ C B ReARy, CaU MI. garage, 80 X 150 lot. A pleasant ■Igns of au||rfaat pianet and i^aftog it along at aa much aa Sfl UWT—PASS B60K No. 1060. ONE DAY Special/ January. 10, TRIPLE TOAf^K and 9-2894, ■ / 9-2803 for appdintmeiit. and, convenlenti location. Immediate reridentisl neighborhood. Call 1$48 ^ENGLISH FpRD ^ car. Let us demonstrate. Budget InvOitment Cqrp-, 214 Main street. tachments, wing chair, rose end Am-OONDinONED offices Undu 9-456l,,hetween 9. and-J)..... guided miaaiiea on the-drawing 4*aea-ai> kamie- - Notice is given the coet. Cole Motors,. IQtcheU convert chanMl 8 to channel 8. MI. 3-5415. oceiipancy=-|12,»00.------Book'No^OW, issued DOUPLE TRACK / gray, .leather top mahogany step construction. WUI design to suit KY. —Mod^rn -Sta room boards.' * will take i.t.awgy^ 9-0980. 312.95. Place qroer now. • MI. OONBIDBRINO BBLLINO ■ -»■- $175 ■'8-728T.'.... - ■ ■■ 3^l*5''nnd'U p ;; - , end. .tables, mahOgAQJ co.tfae ’ Wads- “ JoallU.. ajtochad gangaVamesito The Army’s naed.ior Utanlum (a ' table, floor lamp, miacellaneous Legal N4>(ie* YOUR PROPERTY?'/, has been Iok site applies MOTOR SALE, new motor guaran­ Help Wanted— Female 35 9-9779, MI. 5*9“ Ufully landscaped yard. :ven|pfa and Weekends ^ o a d only to that of th» Air (T o r c h e s m o t o r s a l e s items. Reasonable prices. CaU nerwrt of ronditlon of thi* Manrhrik ( t don has been^.JdK and i^U ca- tee, 10% down. Chevrolet, Ford, |\"- Desirable location. Reduced In Force. Ordrtan’ce experts sey that JtQth mileU WANTED—Shirt press operators. anytime afttr 10 a m. M|. 9-1907. trr Tru»t CnmjMny of MancheMrr. tion has b ew ^ a d e to said bank Mercury, Do4|ga, Plymouth, H0t»ehoM Service* /" p a r a m o u n t Coniifcllcut. a Banking Intlliiil price. Suburban-Reatty Co.. Real- y. WA-TSON BEACH and CO. offer for pre ~ titanium could be used in just MI-9-9483 5-day week. Numerous benefits. ..X- Main St. TOone Ml. property. See u s'b efm ■q B b TechnIqiM ax ‘I for pajnngBt of the amount of .3124.95, Pontiac, Buick, Olds- / Offered IS-A engineering CO. lion, at in- clou- oKhii-ln-ia on Dw rm - Hartford 2-2115 you aell. about every large piece of equip­ deposit. mebUe, 3174.96. Qda '»otora, Apply in person. New Model Laun­ SAVE $300 0-r 31, 1953 Piibllahort In accordance Suburban for Rant 16 3-8215, ment which the Army has. Who ‘Heaqya’ the W a lb w dry, 73 Summit 8t. 1 41.Oak Street wlih a call made.b.v ihe Bank I'ommlii- b r a b -b u r n r e a l t y 1818 LA SiUJJE. Red o and heater. 3Ptcbali;»08^ W A V IN G of bums, moth holes iilionrr . iniMuanl lo rite brovlalnna of MANCHESTER Phone MltcheU 8-6373. It could be uJed to make tanks Hera’s a letter from a woman y m four months^ Tel MI-3-8177~^ 3 ROOMS FURNITURE ROC3CVI1XE, 24. Grove Street — hue —Adams St., near MANCHESTER, westWest Side — Six •nd other weapons up to 40 per Motor recently overhauled. Com M d t ^ clothing, hoisiery runs, LADY, to- train - for bffice>^ lb- banking law of IheNState of Coh- who aaya, *Tm riutrried to ona of ’ ______whit# ; piVMljr WolWrt8Wl7 .tnTICOQ JO] .handbags repairsd, xipper” ' "re­ — nccticift;— HUlaide Hom e,-Two-room.- tom . -iHir-rwmB— -room tlngto,— ciean-^ •OXTBS'IKIRfTTTJfttt.xO' -Cent - UghtePf—or---mH^ --stronger^ teooe men-who/ enlla the wsltHf " '* ' ' ” '; ^ n M I . S-4S40. TrsOeniTbr Sale ~ 6-A cashier. Steady full Ume w oii. ^ 7 M o n t h s T 6 Pay „ ^ . ASSKTS lahed apartment with nri/TIT' ^ water oil larg*Urge iivineliving room, ddining room quick sale. Tei. 311. 8-8544. placement, umbreUaa repaired, FuU ator* benefits. Vacations With ALL IN GOOD SHAPE Caah. balanrri with other apartment with private hMt. acreena, atorm windows, two-famiiy. fkrea-famU;ly. bust Use of titanium in its bare has "Honey” or "Bhtar.” If he happens men’a ahirt coUara revert^ and banka, incliall'ng irarrve bath. On bus line. Children Sc- and kitchen, open etalrcase, down- ness propert:. .rty. Hava many cash already changed the 81 mm. mor- HALF-' to have eeten- at the restaurant 1947 LIBERTY Trailer, completehf pay. Must be accurat^e with fig. FLAGSTONE. Stone for . walla, balance, and raeh llrme \ i.7 ‘*'*’'*" *'**««1 ysid. The PANTUM BPONGE: the^jteed so great, wjiy 1860 CHEVROLET^-Fordbr, radio,' replaced, kfarlow’a Little Mend­ LOOK WHAT YOU GET cepted. Inquire flret floor i-ear etaira, three bedrxima and bath buyers.' / Mortgages^ a g M arranged, l flx- er. naturri wood cabinet kitchen. Uaed In House Fatlnts Dociqr Sw% ingly uikaUve and open with "This really gets toe down, for THB FROBpBCr HiU Sdiool for SOlilfrii,'-JNG NEW, something hi«I In very fine condition. May be today to list your property. Free Only 8595. Sm Bob Oliver, CSMei Auto DririBg School 7-A FOiRr TOUR Rug cleaning and WAITRESS WANTED, days 10:30 To Complate Your Home $77,124.5? ...... A — 141.13057 WaBttd to Rent fS Vacant Near stoiea, bus Una and Titanium oxide, aa a pigment. Is those of his own age. if it isn't a wattreas be is honey­ youQg children. Transportatlob Bbampornng caU Manchester Rug to 4:30 dally. Sundays off. Must be ***’«“ ,*• $ ««_ the new triple-slide Other a*.eris ...... 3..m2.U purchased with or without furni­ apprsissi. The Eiacott" Agency, ftumiahed. Mrs. l>ela Tybur, direc­ Motor Salea, 481 Main St. , - Was $865 • new aehool. Ml. 9-8028. already widely Used in House A better understanding of the ing, it's a clerk in a store or the DRIVINO Inatnicttona from your Shampooing Co., MltcheU 8-6662. able to type. Apply Casey's Res­ alumimmxromblnstion windows— YANTED—8 or 4 rooms, heated ture. immediate occupancy. CaU Licensed ' Broker, 266 High St. AdolMcenta’ Problem That adolescent and his emotional prob­ tor. Pbona MltcheU »*S7«7. \bOBi9, Dual-control Inaurea car, ^’UTAI. ASSETS* . I 9 19g 390 g7 M erlin# Smith, Realtor. MI. West, Manchester MI. 0-7088. ^nd Women’s make-up. Of EmotionaliCoB pecker at the grocery. L don’t 1950 Studebaker Champion Work guaranteed WUI pick up taurant also doora .ht great savings. CaU A NOW $565 •Include* a**et. In the and turntahed. Central location. Other Commercial uses are be­ lems on the part , of parents and know how to handle the situation, Mandard or aqtomatl-^. Call Man- and deliver. , for frr- demOqstratlon. BUi Tun amount of 547? 247.97 PaWng for 2 cars. CaU Ml. 9.1843 or Ml. 8-48^. ' , teachers in particular may greatly/ / WANTED—Ride to Pratt k Whit­ 2-Door—OD. and Heater. ttSutm Driving Acafemy. PL WOMAN FOR mar-sing in clothing LOW! friendly term's—Held un­ whirhiiare ■erregalcd »el MANCHESTER ARB YOU READY to aeU your lieved almost unlimited. Used for whitii ia really getting ma down. sky. MltcheU ‘ til Wanted regardless of Ume at apart by law for ;h o pr,-; 8-825lK^er 7 p. m. By EDWIN P. , MD, aid in the establishment i t a stable ney. bours g to o:S0 p. m. Call Clean. Small down pilB/ment. 2- » l 3. ToU foea. and related work. ApMy W per­ home? Ws have buyers wfUtlng pistons and fenders it could add Written for NBA Service' Do ydU have any auggeaUohsT’’ Mi-»-6M« after • p. m. no exlfs cost. lection of eaving* de^al- REAL BARGAIN: B(eautiful Cape for 4, 0, 6. 7-roOro SihglM and 3-S many years to the normal life of personality lx adult Hfe. / Ride this column, and then try Full price 1775. - Building—Contracting 14 son. Fisher Dry Clesnsers/Brosd Jf^I* AND SmltltNOorona port- lor*. A ela*>lfieall< n \of THRBE- M Apartment—young Three new ranch homes in It sometimes ^ m s aa though BA1XAR0% DRIVINO SCHOOL— St. / / ablo and standard ^ ^ n ^ r itm . Phonfe Me Immedintely .lhr»e aMel* U ahown be­ coupla e i, cUng osby in April- central loution. All with full Cod home; 6 rooms; well-groomed famUies. Oatto Co., Hartford an automobile. It could greatly ex­ / this Idea. "Next time be caUs m MAN^ TO Furnish equipment for low. grounds; small down payment; tend thb life of any product which' the period of lito known as adoles­ *‘MaoclMitar*a oldeat.” bwnar- All makes of sddlngNnachines . fumiahed 01 burnished. Call MI. 6-9108 evenings $-398K Manchaa- Waitress "Baby’ you look at him LaUndryette in Springfield. Con­ CHORCHES MOTOR SALES OsttUlad tar AAA and Board of AIX KINDS of caiipentiy work. IF YOU HAVE used. AVon you HTFD. 6-0368 AFTER 7 P. M _ , LIARILITIES basements. One has fireplAce. approximately $68,00 monthly will ter MltcheU 3-0940. ^ must withstand heat. cence Is moreyrieglected than any Find Pl^nt-Life with the moat love-sick smile you tact Rev. A. L. Parker, 21S Tyler sold or rented. P,«palra'^ aU Demand depoell* of indi­ 3-6044. other. FromJ iit health standpoint, MI-9-9483 Bfkicetloo. W * offer training, ex- Reasonable rates. MltcheU 9-4291. know you can sell our linfe of coe- makea. Marlow’s. 46-4690 vidual*. parinrrahip*. and Ready for immediate occu­ pay all charges. y An Interior suifcommtttee, head- can^uster and call Wm ‘Yttreetl- St.. Springfield. Phone Springfield lafost metbods. Mitchell metlcs in your spare Hihe, Avon corporation* ...... 99759 111-* pancy. p CASH WAITING'for any tirpa real ed byjten. George W. Malone (R- enormous progress has been niad'* kims.” Then smile at the wait­ V See It ir N igh t Time depo,(le of i;,rtivi! ‘ LOCAL EXECUTTyE would like In the conirol of those ' diseases , A Fast Fafctorv 8PEC3ALIZIN0 in finishing two offers effective training program. TRADE^frlS------Acceptedf '- - on Schick, NEAT AND CLEAN; 6 room Cape estate you have to seU. First and Nev), la trying to find out why. ' / / • ress and say, "You’ll forgive us, 1947 PONTIAC Qub sedan. Fully If jrou have leahs of transpor- , dual*, parincrehip*. and to rent 5 or 6 roonui unfuralahed. which forineriy took the lives of I \ equipped. rooms upaUUrs in new hontes, Learn while you earn. Write Diet. Kenungton, Sunbeam raaora. Also ^cojiiorailona nhcluding d»- Cod; a few feet from the bus line; second mortgage money avaUable. with the need so great, so little has won’t you? Wh are so used to WANTED—Ride daily from Center Priced to aell today at tafion, I'll I |T Mto for you; ExceUent cbaracter\and credit so mai>y small children, but in Otts!^ MV-The Na0o«kl Re- f 0 ^ 3875. Center Motor Seles, 461 MORTLOCK’S Drtvfog Sobool. Lost .31.000 and up.'Also roofing, siding, Mgr., Avon Products, North Brsn- cutting heads for all rasors. Rue- poali* In aavings Uepart- references avallsble.X Tel. MI. T. J. CRbCKETT, Broker must be seen to be appreciated. Also lisUngs wanted. CaU The been done to increase the supply. calling each othef pet namaa, it • St. near new parkway to vicinity confidence quiekiy restored by alterations^fwlditidns and carpen­ No obllgaU menil' ...... ^ ,... Johnson Building Company, ,903 many • respects the study -of the searcl/C(toncii aaya puint life, ia State Capitol, S:S0-S:tf a.m. ML. j£$B St. ford. Conn. sell a Barber Shop, 'corner Oak 494,3*7.97 9-5944 anytime. 244 Main Street Cab Testimony has revealed that de­ has gotten to be a habit.” skiUad, courteous instmctora. En­ try. ReasonSble,. free eaUmatea. ______and Spruce. Depoalta of United elate* Main St MI. 3^7426. Eveninsa ML fense officials reported their mini­ particular'problems of adolescence milea^alwad of man when it cornea S-79M after S p. ni. tlovemmenf ...... ' 849, 139,47 Phone MltcheU 3-5416 9-0018. s to have lagged behind, to /rianiifacturtng prdceaaes. Two Keep Coolag and Yoit 5fay Break 1949 kASH-Ambassador, 4 door. dorsed teaching metlfods .Insures CaU RockviUe 5-Slll. PARTY PLAN. House of Plaatlca, « ------, A— R—T—SDepoaU* of .Siafe- and MOTMEUt a l o n e witir4~^ldren THE JOHNSON BUILDING mum need for Utanlum would be Ble HsMt palltleal eutidlvialnn* ...... Residence MI-9-7751 doiescenbe is defined as that of (he council's scientists found RIDERS FROM Andover to Hart­ Heater\ radio, overdrive. Any safe driving. Results guaranteed. Inc., needs six dealers in this area SjUacUon of wool rem- 43-45 ALLYN ST. — HAR’TFORD 544. 374.19 urgently needs at least five Iwm "COMPANY 35.000 tons per year by 1955 but Have an even sillier name for ktltcbeU 9-7398. 8PECIALIZINO in custom buUt ga­ to show our neiv l»54 line of plas- nanta " at * low‘ " prices Also tug wool Drpodit of bank* . ; ...... 143.993..'I3 WE HAVE buyers right n,ow for riod of life, between puberty that plants. can change air into ford via Route No. 0. Middle Turn­ e offer considered. Other depoeiii (certified rent, near bus snd school. Natlvs 953 MAIN STREET Singles, and two family homes. that this eitimate was cut to 2 2 - him the next time he Honajm- a rages, Stanley overhead doors, tics and housewares.. CaU today! “ 5 ^troctlms Ih'^aiding ruga. of Manchester. n give refe 000 tons by the Office of Defente and maturity and encompasMs wood in less than/lO seconds. In pike. Hours 8:S0 to B. PL 2-7721. Phone Mi FOR SAFE and Courteous Auto cabinets, block tUa ceilings, al­ and officer*’ check*, etc.) 99.2M.73 Phone MI-3-7426 May we have yours to show them? stranger, ahd give the same ex­ Ml. 3-7567. CMl RockviUe S-57M. / AT COST encee If so desired Children well BROOKFIEUJ} s t r e e t — 8-roqm Evenings Ml-S-e018 - Mobilization. / roughly the years from 12 to 19 this periPd carbon/dioxlde becomes Driving ln.T A I^ A P 1 T A I. Realtor. MI. $-6630, or' A. R. PR^TTE p a r t y ” intereated~iii been told. The quality ftf what is continue, the major problem la of carbon ^oxide Under a bright BEFORE TOD Boy a used car 481 Mein Street tor. ChrthMr Auto SofoxU. 3Qtcb- guaranteed. Free estimates. Uon. Call Ml. 9-4964 5 p.m. AC- • ■ cy. MI. 8"— ^ ^Ulkle, Jr. MI. 9-4389. ‘ light. break him of the honey habit—if eU 9-8010...... I 97*.791 90 ^ outskirts of Man-> bdylng large lot. Must be in good being shipped to users, is not uni­ emotional and mental development Bee Oorman Motor Sales. Buick Robert M. Alexander, Tel. Ml. • ABC APPLIANCE CO. during this period since theae play you just keep smiling and cooing PART TIME school bus driver, Ap- » Tirir- » » ^ ^ Fairly large house, residenUal section. MI. 9-0080. form and in many cases is un­ The carbon dioxide was flret Sales and Service, 2SS Mau 1941 CHEVROLET club coupe, 9-7716. \ MI-9-1576 21 Maple St. total I.IARILITIES A.ND LYDALL STREET — Cape usable. such an important pan In later made radioactive ao it could be epdearmenta. . , ply City Cab, S3 PurpeU Place. i fishing. 30 ♦ a c c o u n t s ... I 9,139,390.«7 rent inust be reasonable. Four m a n c h i / street Mltdiell 9-467L Open eve- radio, heater, loidui end runs good. ‘ Include* ngvlng* d- part- ” buUt about 3 years. 4 rooms, c^ a X adjustment to the problems of ma­ identified when it got inside the Just one request. If thl* works, plnga. Business BerrioM Offered 13 CABINET m a k in g —We also do Franklin St.. Ro»;!,vUle 5-4179T ,Titanluii)f*Waa discovered as an Original jet black finUta. Good ESTABLISHED LaUhdry and dry t"?"* ll■bllUle* of $479.- adults,\ no children. Please Duplex, 8 and 8,\entrally lo- mlc tUe bsth on first floor; ^■■t- element 150 years ago. In 1910 It turity. plant. Th e leaves were allowed to plrtiae let nne know_', For you tram ^oi^on . D ou | ^ Motors, all types of carpentry work, re­ BEAUTIFUL 8-PlECE wslnut din­ 247.97 ahown below. ing ducts to 2 unfinished rmfma on vTOuld be surprised how many FOR A GOOD Used car or a new WINDOW SHADES made to order modeling, altsrations, additions, cleaning route available for right 1’WO PAIRS /b ir i’a White shoe ing room aet. Best reasonable of- phone 1^1lOrrs 9155 after 7 p.m. i®**f,**- 8t«sm heat, oil tired, auto- Nurses to N was first recognized as a workable A specific problem which should abaotb the gas for varying periods and inataUed. Venetian bUnda man with neat appearance and skates, sito 5 figure, and sUe 8 INOB DEPAaTMKNT INCLUDED IK Reverse ^ r g e s . matlc hot water, all cltk utlUtias. 2nd floor. Semi-Open /stairway, metal. The first 100-pound batch be tackled more vigorously is the and then were kUTed in boiling wives have written me with the OldamotaUe with Rocket engine etc. G o ^ workmanship and rea­ J IL accepted. Ml. 9-7024. FuU prite. 814,800. fireplace, hot water h4fat (olli. same complaint And every one contact At Catalano, at the Man­ and curtain rods. 24 bour service. sonable rates. "Estimates glatUy wtUingness to work. Good working tubular. 3-5250 after 5. THE AMIVK STATEMENT was produced in 1946 by the U. 8 . problem of automobile accidents water. (The»e aaael* are aegregaied and »ei Present mortgagn (about $8,200) G olde^ Jubile^ ahiong these youthful members of of them had tried protesting, only chester M"*"T flslOS, I960 Ford V-8 4-Door Sedan Slatimates gladly given. Fagan given. Call OickXat PI. 28695 or conditioAs, paid holidays, commis­ KLE.RTR1C REFRIGEkATOR, gas Coventry. Routh 44-A. S^Xyear Bureau of Mines w^en searching Radioactive ceUuloseswas found Window Shade Co., Route 44 at sion and bonus. Apply in person, TOYS’ ^ibCKEY skates, siae shoes, range, washing machine, den aet. **^!T*'ij!*’*aavlnga departm ent '*** denoailarsi fribcIloB of YOUNG WORKING couple, no chil­ being amortised OOfcOO monthly in- for a better heat-reSlatant metal ou? soctety. in the leaves even thoiigh they had to be told., "You’re Just jealous." s-eise. —Clean. Low payments. John at MI. 3-5769, . *• Used one season only. dren, no pets, dciperately need old, four room expandable. \ k s Bolton Notch. MItebeU 9-4471 no phone .calls. R aliib^ Cleaners, MI. 98743 evenii^s. / . I . . , ASSE-rS new. Hot water oil heat, artesii cludi^ taxes an^nsursnee. Con- A letter to/all members of tha for atomic equipment A proceaa Thq^emqtlonal characteristics absorbed the gas for only 10 sec (All rights reserved, NKA Serv­ 50 Harrison St. MI/3-6979. 7 C ai* O B'liand and glan ce* 3^1 ,'pr 5 room \ furnished apart­ ventoht lobatlMt-ti3,700. Walton of adolescence have been, studied onds. ice, Inc.) 19U CHEVROLET Flaetmaater Only $946. X- ■w iln otber bA nk* ...... 1 79.114 14 well, large lot, 70 x 350 SO da invented by a refugee chemist WIRING INSTALLATION of aU ment. What have you? Call .ML W. Grant, Rrtltor. 647 Main St., ConnecticutState Nurses’ Assk repektedly. ■ ' / "This cellulose must have been tudor, radio, beater. Motor com­ RoofiaK-rSiillBg 16 W^MEN S IC,eI S^ateg, white thoe, State* Government occupancy. Full price, $12,200, front Luxembourg, Wilhelm Kroll, pletely overliatdedHfoeei^r<~‘New typsa. No job too amaU.. Pater TWO MEN;,to work in gas station — Machiaeqr and-Tods 52 obltgadnn*^ direct, aal _ ' 8-8896 between 6-9 p. m .' rtford 2^7584, evenings Man­ from Eliutoth S. Bixler, Aospeta- .was used.. Jfia la aUIl the basic Op* report on this auhject con/ made - from the radfeacUve gas. g o l d wrtaoiHC - r i c h e s CHORCHES MOTOR SALES FOR BBST-br-BOTae* btUlt part.time, one to work 6 p m. to /rises 8 airt T. V«^ good cohdt- -— - Other l i rtings: a vsllabfo or ML 91-7160. h n l ^ ' O t f l ^ l et llt t t t .^8B6. MI-9-9483 . PavbBiDiL 80'Vhnir atncL Pbode Uon. ReaaOnkbie. MI. 9-3679. ______,*“ banreef=.-r./.// .7 ^ -' tlon 'MfoideHt, appears / h ' tfte process Being employed. eluded- ' that-- the—•adpiescent « the council said. "IT roitowa that’ Douglaa kCotora, 888 Main. MltcheU 9-7803. up fools, shingle roofa, lit e r s , 10 p.m. and 'one to work Sattu^ W E B U Y -^-T rade-R em ptag:^a^gk^cnce... the .4'eppil Enoch .Miller.,have,, been ..marriad since J855, spare-topo. prpjroectqra 1981 Stttdebttker Chsmpicin M n e a EVTOLBT deluxe toAiw. m a R c h u s t e k weidiiig Service atreet. ktltcheU S-4S60. Wiir.- Kanehl. 319 Cehttf St. -mower-and'tnftTowr, hbV iivi(Fr to »erure iTabllltleg And > drug "Btorc: Call ACB Realty Cor. ' Ibcateo,' bvertite gifige. a i ^ t e fenced lot. 'A' nre^ft'inb 'cb'it^e’te' s«ys In part in be? message to her goes on. speech and behavior, from 33 years. They have 3 sons. 3 have been hoping to find a^nother P(»taUe equipment. General Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce tank, oil barrel, one potato grad for oth#*r purpojfg ...... for full particulars. 50. 9-3393. fellow nurses: pany. Union Carbide, Allegheny 5rPas8. Coupe— ^R. and H, Immaculate condition, radio, beat- street Mitchell 9-4387. -I I.^IO.OOO.OU drive,' m u y extras,______«mly, jH__2_,pOO. with everything f ^ only $13,900. Ludlum Steel and others. day to day,/are frequently contra­ married daughters. 3 single lode. That was when welding, buUer and furnace weld­ MANCHESTER Roofing and Siding WANTED—TV seyVice man. Sjl^te er. MI. 9-8628. Graham IMmea. (•> IsOann Ann dlNri^uiitir ar Carlton W, Hutchins, M/.0^tU32,' Warren E. HowlanaNpeaitbr. MI “ The past half century, has ar. Best model, best price in »hnwn Abovr afp Alior Because of the tremendous cost dictory. The adolescent comrnonly daughters, 3 grandsons. 3 grand­ back from the ' CaRfortiia gold OD. A nice car for only town. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. ing. MltcheU 9-1658 or MltcbaU Company offers winter prices — experience end wages expected. /donilon nf VAluAtlon VARIETY STORE. Fine opportun­ 9-4694. 3-8600 pr A..R. Wilkli MI. brought many changes in Working 12% discount oh aU roofing and Write Box M,/BeriUd. ity, in modern shopping- center. of processing titanium, these firms seems to be an idealist and yet daughters, 3 nephews, 3 nKcea, 3 rush, found the firat/Dakes toms. $995. Low bank rates. 9-8762. 9-4388. conditions for nurses and in nurs­ ceitainly does* not act this way. siding. Free estimates. Call Ml. Fuel and Feed 49-A ...... W-21S.1* Call Madeline Sn-Uh, Realtor; SDC AND Six duple/ compteitOiy /_ are proceeding cautiously. But great-nephews, 3 brothers. 3 broth- About the biggest d ^ > taka any­ 1949 CHHIVROLBT Tudor. One -Musical iMtruments 55 ing education. Dur national, state In his. relations with others tt^ ers-ln-law, and 3 aons-'to-law. ThS one can rememtod was worth locaLmraer. dehtie modeL Lus­ DOORS OPENED, -bays - fitted, 98933.______...... ______ML. 9-1642 or 3.-447»____ . / .. \ redecorated Ipaid^l new oU hot they are ail gettlrig flnaivclaUielp CHORCHES 74OF0R SALES Help Wanted SJ^SONEd Hafdwoolle. Malone is also outraged' by his 48 PURNELL PLAGE48* STEPS OFF MAIN ST; = 1963 FORD yitTORIA 1948 FORD tudor, Radio,, heater, And ILwe sell your prospect cellar, woodedTotr centrally themselveaVwill retull *n better cU 9-0883. roofa. Gutter work. Ctaimneyk Ipfcated. Only $13,300. Carlton W. discovery that moat o f the ore “IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN” HARDTOP new slip-covers. Looks and runs PREISTO— a check-for you from TM E T o SPREAD chicken manure care, we rtqte with’ pride the .being handled lii the U. 8 . > cornea good. Jet black. Only 3395. Doug­ cleaned, repaired, 28 years' ex­ Utchins, 50. 9-5132, 9-4694. change from a\l2 to an 8 hour day, MANCHESTER T. V. -Service, perience. Free eSUmatba. CaU $5 to $50 for each sale. Get aU de- on lawna and gardens. N^^3-697l. Wearing Ap^ri^Furs 57 from Auatralia and. India. The Loaded"^and gorgeous, at a las Motors, 838 Main. radio and T.V. apeclaUrts sUice taiU by writing. Save Money, Box from a 72 hourHp a 40 hour work same ore forma are found iri great Howiey. Manche«er/ kOtcheU FIELD RUN Mac apples, while HUDSON SEAL coat, aiiie 12. EU- -\ MANCHESTERvOff West Center, week. We have seen salaries go $600 savings. A recent trade 193). Houaa act vice- call fj,50 5-536). ' ■ /■ Manchester Herald. $11,900. Attractive five rooms, abundance In the U. 8. and'CTanada, 1946 CHEVROLET P leetm aster. 2- they last $1.26 per bushel. Botti, cellent condition. Very reasonable from an average ^ $ 5 0 a month his committee has been (old; on the new Willys. door, radio, heater, blue finish. In SQtcbeU 9-6980 day or night. , Bush Hill Road. MI. 9-0967. ; X oversized garage, uouble lot, city ACCOUNTS Receivable clerk-typ­ Mok* this ytdir convenlenres, many extras. G. I. for staff nuraea toXpur present Titanium is the fourth most good' condition throughout. Doug­ ist, good hours, good pay, bene- recommended minlmutkof $231.25 lass Motors, 333 M ain. , . * COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. Heating—nuinliing 17 and F H A approved. Gatto Co., abundant m||tel found in the 1950 LINCOLN 4-DR. Wolcott on wringer and autoinatic fits. Call MI. 9-7063. • a month, which the mkjority of : H ^ s e h o ld Gobila 61 - Rooms witlidiit*Board x59 A^iETTEIL^YlAlL^ Hartford 5-9I08. 01015, evenings earth's crust., .behind aluminum,, SEDAN . 1948 CHEVROLET Qub coupe. Ex­ washing machines, vacuum clean­ uENNOX Fufhaces and waUii air \* 8-8989, Manchester MI, 3-6946. Connecticut hospitals h ^ e met iron and magnesium. It is silvery ceUent condition.' Call- MI. 8-8911 ers, motors, amall' sppUances. haatuig. Earl Van Camp. 3CtUbeli DogtH-Birds-^PeUf . 41 LARQE FRONT Rooiii for rent on with d and which many have exc white in pure form. The big trouble TH In mint condition through­ after 8 p.m. — c. Welding, 180 Mabi St.. Phone MI. .9-5844. kHOP \ . “Much remains to be la that It’s extremely difficult to 8-6878. ,»•. c a n a r ie s , GUARANTEED Sing­ West Side. Gentleipan Preferred. out. Only $395 down. AU. 3-4403. , MANCHESTER we continue to work for the process from ore form'Into usable JAN. 9 1940 LA SALLE ,V8 • club coupe, A PLU3ffiINQ Shop-at your door. ers, 'all colors, also femaies. , „ XIN LEISURE AT fare of our qUrses. Let us 1 metal. This accounts for Its almost radio, .heater,/good paint, very C03IPLETE Jland ahd power lawn No time lost. New work, altera- MI. 9-0426. C H A F E R ’S f Ur NITURE .NON-SMOKEUtS^ large- room, priv­ 'Seven room older home on 5fain this Jubilee Year one in which prohibitive cost of $15 to $25 a OPEN DAILY 9:1S A. M. to 9:00 P.\M, i 1950 CHEVROLET 4rDR. clean. FuU Price 3160.. Brunner mower sales f ■ aervice. Motors Uons, copper piping; flkturea, hot ate entrance. Private ’lath, picture , 'th« Airtrdff we pledge oiireclves anew to work pound for sheets and shapes.. Packard. RpckvlUo Rd.. Open eve- tuned and overtiaulecl. Pickup and ^ater automatic heatbra. Youngs- THE n e w MANCHESTER, Pet At The Green - street, ha* four, bedrooms, full V SEDAN . gladly window, teleplwne, parkihr. MI / ■;, . \ _ _ • XX. bath up, lavatory down,' oil/heat, tor the public whom we serve, by nlngs ’tU 9 p. hi. —; . . delive;ry service. Gibson’s Garage. town alnks sold, Estimates Center, 905 Main St., invites you 980*6 after 6 p.m. 4-5013.' . JFy*ffl-_C. . 0 ; Lofeataen. to visit Mta-i^ all kinds. Connecti­ two car y iriige. Priced at $l3,7po: strengthening our profession and -ML Tractors Tfalner BUtes,^.DoU thus Incresntog-our inatrttBittoti « DeJaixe throughout And in Tfta'JUFBK SIX ..Hudson fioidor '9-7886...... cut'bred Pandteets/kU. 9-4273. Carriages, Hobby Horses, Toys for FURlilSHED ROOM wiOi' private •^^MECHANtCAL * ...,4^. -top fligh^t-conditioni^- , aedsn.. JUdio,. .towUes. fe 68tvlca,„availaM8 .-Hiauts,Monday ■thKwigh-|fridby,---10' - -DESIGNERS- to the health n e ^ of the people. wF*g®E^tfoaour-foyiewsjrpMra;™ ->mtraiRe7 'Shower,'' conttnuoQs 'hM near bus f TOOL DESIGNEI^ ' *"Wlth your help, and only with Realdents in the area kround • . 1949 CADILLAC f u r n a c e s Vacuum cleaned. oU Just arrived. .Kelly's ‘.qusrium, 29 your help, can We mov«~ahead af- eARDENIAS Btalled. Time paymenta arranged. Open Dally 10 to 5 ^ r e s . GenUeman preferred M l’ Dougherty Lois, ^Ujiohenta to the „ ? Loaded and in perfect con- , Model “62r*. Bladk. A beau­ burners serviced. For expert and Skelley Brothers. MltcbaU 9^714. Sunset street. Open 'til 9. 38882.^ Phone latchell 3-5416 feetteely to acebmplifh feats un­ MS prompt service caU Bob Cart­ 7;30 to 8:30 P. M. ' •DETAILERS " zone Chanaa matPrisy the Town 3. dition. tiful car. Low mileage. Reaidence-50- p-7751' dreamed of in the past Tbefe Is Planning Commiss<(m in ita execu­ to tho -'5 wright. kUtcheU 8-6446.. CONNECTICUT Guaranteed and l^RG E FRONT Eedroom with no subsUtute for unity, in nursing UF Millinery-nTDressmakifig 19 cei'tified bred parakeets. Certifi­ kitchen privileges fot couple or • TOOI^and DIE MAKERS Embroidtr tive session Wednesday evening CHORCHES MOTOR ^ L E S jSUARANTEED Top quality tele­ cates given on each bird. AU 9. PIECE Mahogany dining room as in any . other profession pr that put the three and a half acre Sines 22-36. 1946 PACKARD 4-DR. set, including drop leaf Duncan two girls. Inquire 14G Garden I endeavor. All of iis; worktqg' to­ LADIES MI-9-9483 vision aervice. CaUa received be­ ALTERATIONS', Women's and chii normal colors; how available, also Drive after 5 p.m. • TOOL ahtf GAUGE Crofs-Sfitch plot ui BiiblneM Zone n , are unde­ -« SEDAN fore 9 p.m. wlU be iMrviced seine dren’a clothing. , Ebepert work, a few.choice breeders. Raymsr Phyfe extension ‘.able, with heat INSPECTORS IN MANCHESTER gether, can bring''to fruition -our cided \what further action they will night, in . 9-1347, . - quick aervice. Will come to yqur Aviaries, Route 4^-A, Bolton, pads, also six chairs, china closet alms and our hories. Thus we can take to try to halt the zone change. 0PENIN8 Show me a nicer one any­ *1* 2IA8H,SEDAN, full price 1129. home if desired. Call Mrs. Brun- Conn. and buffet. Excellent- condition, ROOMS FOR RENT.' Call MI. • GAUGE MAKERS A WINTER SPECIAL look with eager anticipation to the The Yroup has 15 days from the where. ^ 47 Studebaker, i ten pick-up, full ALL KINDS of antenna work. Call elle. ML 9-4370. $160. Call MI. 9-2376. 9-7574. 1 YARD achievements of the fiiture and date of! decision to take 8n appeal DAY BLOUSES 2 for 3 ‘00 price 1197. '51 O.M.C. package de­ Art Plnney, TV Antenna Special- only thus can we most. effectively and file', it with the CotTrt of (Tom-, livery, full price.31095. only 10.000 Live Stock— Vehicles 42 • PRECISION g r in d e r s Cape Cod, brick front, four rooms lat. Sales and Service. Very fair 2 2 3 1 end bath expandable dormer. serve, in our time, the nureea who mon P14M. Since the decision was Sizes 32-44. wiles. *fiO G.M.C; psnel delivery, prices. Tel. Ml. 98772. Moving;-^Trucking— 1948 WILLYS 4-WHEEL WE BUY Cows, calves snd beef •SHEET METAL In 0,' uut of the kitche.. 5 4 ' l ^ H Youngstown kitchen, hot . water will be upholding our profeseional handed ^wn. Wedn-‘sday, the final new paint, full pnee 1688. Low Storage, Ideals in the coming years." date for \appe*i will be Xhursday, D R IV E JE E P ANTIQUES Refinlshed. Repatrtng 2 0 cattle. Also horses. Piela. Bros. MECHANICS apron is aa practical salt is pretty. heat, two car garage, amesite « w n psymenU. . Elay terms at Tel. Ml; 3-7405. MANCHESTER drive, combination windows and Jan; 31, Brunner Packard, RockviUe Rd., done on any furniture. ‘Agnian' AUSTJff A. CHAMBERS CO-. HORTON ROAD. A Make it with or without the bib or Plow. "Very , glean. New • JIG BORERS the crasa-stitch embroidered chick­ Venetian blinda. Lqt 90 x 150, bor- BEAR GETS OUT C. R. B'prTV Nursery Oo. will be- 'Talcottville. Open evening! ’tU 9 189 South Main atreet Phone local and long diatance moving, home that' extends 8 0 0 7 . g t o i ^ me<(Uate piers to get the aluminum cab also. p. m. MltcheU 3-5843. -tf pacLinw, storage. CaU MltcheU TO RENT a welcome the min-, ens. Yoii’U .want to make two or tier of Virginia Road and Charter RABBITS OF ALL breeds. Age 8 iP -p r Oak Street. I Roseville, Calif. (B—EVer hear of Plantland toady for spring opening. Sines 24-32. 3-5187. Hartford 6-1423. ute you Step inside, •EXPERIMENTAL three versiena of this cover-up. providing 19fo STUDEBAKER Commander, weeks to sl^ jndnths.'Ml. 9-9991. (Ideal for that extra gift ) A' hiuidsome. slici aa a pencil a hitchbjkiiif bear? e project la not tied up Ik a 161% Locatioa custom built .1941, 3 MACHINISTS Robert E. Lamhridge, in filing! by court (action. '■— 1951 W IL L Y S 4*W H E E L T^lte. aidewalU.excellent condi- bedrooms, living Pattern No. 2231 contains tissue skfrt that goes together easily and Tel. kOtchell 9-8991 D R IV E JE E P Uon throughout. 1^ . 9-7024 ■ room sPPiTiximstely . - ... . X- y t o r apron, mataiial requirements, quickly, takes just a yard of fabric an insurance claim for a broken V d.1* window in hie station wagon, re­ p o u l t r y ^o f f ic e r s e l b o t e d SEPTIC TANKS la MaRcliestar 1 7 x 1 1 fireplace, semi-bpen sewing laatructtons, hot-iron in the amaUef ataes. • Plpw. “l^op shape throughT 1949 HUDSON 4-docr S4tdan. C om -^ a (u*» Apply" transfer for chicken motife, color Pattern No. 8fM>7 Ui in waist stses lated, he was returning to C ^ orn ia C modore. 6, sijm-U'eda. G o^ m «/ AND _ _ StaUway. Bath, forced / hot MANCHESTER —1954 values, 4 from Alaska when he stopped to Hartford. Jan. 8 (P)-The Con­ ITEMS out* WiUfTED TO BUY on ■ - ELE6TRONI6 air (olli, screens, storm chart and, atltch Illustration. - 24. 35. 26, 28. 30, 33. Size 25. one room Cape Cod $10,000; expand­ necticut Poultry Assn., elected chariicaily, Prtco $750. Cair Two suites of offices each Send 25c in Oiins, your name, yard of 54-inch. fish. Then he resumed his journey. 98451 between 6 dowi. Ample closeU, drawers Employment Office able Cape Cod, $12,600; seven, “ After______several,____ miles_ .I happened these officers yesterday at ita an­ EVERYTHING MbUCED FOR THIS OCCASION • t p.m. ^ PLUBSED SEWERS and cabinets. Over-sized garage address and the Pattern Number For this pattern, - send SOc in NOTE: We have 3 brand new EMUNEERS- with 4 rooms and toilet fa- ■ . ' • ■ ■ ? Coins, your name, address, else da- J®®"* ^ 8? ®®*^" excellent location, to look in the rear view mirror and nual meeting.here: president, Jo­ connected to house with breexe- to ANNE CABOTr MANCHES­ $13,650; Bolton, tr/c'ultra modern what I saw made my hair stand seph N./Gill of Mansfield; vice- IN^RANCE w *y and rear porch, flagstone PRATT and WHITNEY TER EVENING, HERALD. llM aired, and the Pattefn Number to W ILLYS 2-^Dr. Sedans at very MacUii Clcaiei / Needed for long term cilities. For complete infor­ ranches, $11JOO and $9,500. Route on en__tuf." he said.------prMident, Luther Pierce.of Brook­ patio. Lot 75^50, beautified ' AVE- AMERICAlt, _NBW T O U SUE. BUENETT, MAN4;BBtnrER 0 supei^-Cape Cod, $11,000. Cm^ "On the back seat and glaring at lyn; treasurer, Clarence Jones of research and develop­ AIRCRAFT rx $ . EVENING HERALD. tlS# AVE. if & i Jtadt9-TV SwviM Septte Taaka. i>ry Wells. Sewer with Sower baqa and ahrube of- 6 N. Y. C ^ ^ ea ^ Manchester five acres, j me viciously was a black bear Middlebury; e.ecretary, Fred TOW N and COUN' B^tiaKtiTe iirice*; See 1 . mation see Frank Miller at AifBRiCAH. NEVf' Y O U 8*. N.Y. T *T BtarinaeatiMr 8 t Uaea toataUed-Xp emr-Waterw ment contract Apply AGENCY fering . privacy. If you are look­ Preaenting the complete Anne $0,700. Bolton; small".. home,^ haa which seemed aa uig aa a moun­ Libutxke of the State Depart­ : Prooflag Dene. .. ing for a homo this is one you Cabot Needlewprk Album. Direc­ Basic F ili^oa for '53, FaU and everything, $5,500. VernoiiT five tain. I braked the car to a jolting ment of Agriculture, and direc- 8EBV10B c h a r g e fS J # must sec. Priced at 816,800. Bhlblqn of United Aircraft tions for p'v ppot mittens, basic em­ Winter, la a complate guide in WQMfN'S O U TLir IMiyKMTRR MOTORS ^ THE SAVINGS lANK ranches to choose from .. Many atop and perhaps this a«vcd ma. tora, (Teorge McQurdy. of Willi- McKinney m o s . NEWTIMN C0.V .miTE lOX L CorparaUon .% broidery atitchko and grand d«- ptonathf A ptscUcnl,' aaw-elmple' more Usttoga of all Ktodsr I3JI00 The jolt startled the bear and be iW. UL J U -M m WALTON W. GRANT wardrobe.' Gift pattern priatod in- majitic. HSnk Weber of GlMton- 41 fURNELL FtACB. i h w o s a l CO. 55 Elm St-. Maitchester iigna.^O printed ia this teaue. .35 up. Ellswo'ito MiUbn. Agency. 5(tf. jumped out the window. OF MANCHESTER REALTOR (IMe the book. Send 25 cante tolday. bury and A. C. HoUand of South ISS-lSt P M K. TbL Ml-f-«30S C"0 YHE HERALO •47 Mala-St., Hartfoed, 2-7584 VAta d t. East MarttWd .eoau^ 8-8810. Mr. Whitleicner, MI.------"The window w m closed.’* •Windsor. - r * r Evanlngs, M*hc|, Ml-8-7180 : f " " . * 'J J '" ■r'-- V 'M ■ I'-v .-r- A//'..' ■ i ■ .' 'i. 1 :

FRIDA y 1 JANUARY 8, 1954 6 Deny Net Prern Ron Fer the Werti BiMed Town E3k$ Platnii^njg bera refused to Jan. 1984 Sport Succumbs at 21; Court U^olds the alterations after with Town CMmcll , W . ^ 4S3 11,090 son ZBA Decision CrockoU who wild Section Member ef the Audit s & s the reguiauons vmuld be violate -i.. ‘ Bureau ef Ctmtotteae »n/t IumI ‘Methuselah' hf jd^ s Dismisses Levrio Plea The rule says "no building or to r riftUttciM of oy Cikdidates, . m m lsoo idiall be used Jhaidgtt M m R Ur up nmitoMMaQ t F( in D tan e,' Rif* tft KnliergT> JWMLbejBjcqci Sport, a'lwhRe-doated mongrel | m to he ui^ for ithe ___ ROASTING CHICIEiNS VOL. LXXIIL (CaaeMlied Adiortlsmg e irP ad e l i t u«l Gonteafs^ Slated regarded as the oldest dog in Man4 -, L^pior Store Building or e^ange of spirituous and al­ MANCHESTER^ CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1934 liy : Jetm pidrap, of Um Man* Chmter, pitbably tr. the state, is^ coholic liquors, either at wholesale . One of our ensl^facia Maa asked how she prepared such hMtif ffitvitlad Anny Corps, RRth the resumpUon of regulw dead- - ’ '. . ' An appeal from a Zoning Board or retail, if any part of such build- win ks m m t sposker at ttm t H it- meetings nciR Wedneaday at the He died New Tear’s Day at thej decision was dismissed yesterday liig or premises ia Situated within deUdoua chicken and^thiia.wa8 her answer: **It'a not the uufd mmiMtM ths WCTU; tuea> American Legion Home, Manches­ advanced -aig»T-for a dog—«f 21. a t ; in the Court of Common Pleas. l.OOO feet in a direct line from ^ i z e d A i i t t Threatening" Suicide Leap ^ dyr South Itethodiat r e c ^ I aae that asakes it gdad;^ it*s the wonderful Olcott ter Lodge of Elka wiU commence the home lo t Mr. and Mrs. Oiin i M ilord, - by Judge Sidney John­ sny other boUding or premises in .chidiaBi|,*»^/-;" \ ppw e ^OHBch. Mambers sro utfod to a busy saaabn of mid-wtnter activir Oertrii, 894 N. Main Bt. Ahefe he son. who denied the plea made by which liquor IB sold.’ httted, whothor or not they plan ties. had lived rince he w«a bom. ,. i Joseph Levrio when the ZBA de- w to ha present at the session at Fred's Packwo Store occupies Matters of vital importance are Gerich, who runs Gerich’s Server .] Slad him permission , to eidam a another portion \of the building ROGER OLCOTT 10:SS a. m. for Red Cross aewthf, cm the agenda for this meeting ice SUtiim, 1082 'ToUand tp k e.,| liquor store building^^t is with­ B y French tack hmeheon will be en joy­ one door north 408 West Cchler Street Mitchell 8*7853 and a large turnout of members ia and ie poatcMster of the Buck land ^ in 1,000 feet frq m an o th er liquor alteration. ed a t nooiw ^tb the foUowinc com- desired. Balloting on candidates Post* Office, with offices in the! outlet m nittee in diarce: Mrs. Clara Hodf- for membership will take pUce ‘Through Atty. John D. LaBellA service station, said that Sport 4ms: Levrio iMpOght his case to the Levrio based hU appeal on Sec­ U bs» Jilaa Dwx>thy Roessner and and many applications of new at the station the day before Newj \ wming BeSrd of Appeals last tion 7. -In regard to non-con­ / ■ ' Mra, Bnuna HoInMut- candidates will be read. Year's and was, apparently. feMlng Marcir^and was tum ^ down by Valentine Tlnnee forming uses, the aectlon sisys One. But the next ntoming, Spon tha^/4mard April 18. He sought "any non-confonhlng ushv of a Hanoi, Indochimi, Jan?9 (ff) Ih a Great Books Discussion Tentative plans for the Valen­ was dead. toinake alterations to stores at Group meet next Wednesday tine ..Social and Dance, to be held building may be continued\o an­ —-French Union with Sport ia buried now in the Gi^ch 117-119H Spruce St. to be used other part of the building de­ massive air support have at 7:M p.m. |d the Mary Cheney at the State Armory on Saturday, yard, in a spot where, Gerich IS a grill which would be within ,7 ' . library, nw book to be discussed Peb. 19, will be announced by the signed for such use.’’ r launched a counterattack the dog UMd to like to dig a small 1,000 feet of another liquor outlet Levrio operates the Spruce St. ia DanU’s ‘The Divine Comedy," chairmap of the committee krrang- hole and lie in the summer. in Busintos Zone ID. from Seno ih an effort to dis­ M J J ^ . afflMr. One of the coun- llAVem, one door south of the pro­ Um Sint ._two parts. ‘‘HeUlLJuid "1 Just the hede/a little I - — Building Inspector David Cham- posed alteration site. organise Communist-led Viet- "Purgatory." tl^a leading name bands has been deeper and buried there," Th^ Wavy’s Dem on Tdtes Off smaned and thm elngie feature Gerich Ttported. minh troops regrouping,,for Sherwood A. Treadwell, presi­ alone ia expected to draw, many Sport'really belongdd to Gerich’s iiiother" attack oh 'th at €en- dent of the senior class at Ameri­ lovers of fine dance music from son Bunky, who la now 24. married ;tral Indochinese strongpoint, can International College, Bpring- distant points in the state. and an Arm'y aergeiuit in Korea.' Sport a French Army spokesman Sdd, Masa, served as usher at the On Sunday, Jan. 24, a ritualistic Bunky picked Spmt out of a said tonight. contest wilt be held at the Elks titter of pupa bom' to a bitch or a dOg that had a talent for do­ inatallation ceremonies thia after­ home in WilUmantlc. Mimy local ing tricks. Hard fighting continued for s noon in which Adm. dohn^tr. Hines, Gerich owned vrtien Bunky was second day and Into the hlgl^ in Elks will attend this event and the Ahree years pld, Geri^ said. "But he was a good dog,~ and Ja> took office as prseldentof the ntOcera nfcJdai .98 toe. jungle between French Union cbDalra The son a Mr. a ^ earB'WHt"'” aavBB ..gave ~ US ..any -^tooubler’' ina "itotMnh troops north'"W be keenly interested in the out Gerich said. "He never got sick G R O U P O P ^ Cecil H. Trsadwdl, Sr.. 411 Center come. The ritualistic teams in this According to veterinarians, a or bit anybody or chased cars. He X Dong Hene. 25 miles northeast of St. Mr. Tteadwen will be gradu­ contest will be from Elks lodges in 21-yeu^cfld dog is a Methuselah was Just a g o ^ dog.” Seno. Earlier today toe Fre.nch dis­ ated la June, after which he plans dog. p r . Atom Olmstead said closed that new Red febel fdreSs ■ \ ’ the eastern part of. Connecticut. 'ihe first indicatton the Gertchs Detroit, Jan. 9 (iT^Prosecutor Gerald K. O’Brien paid to* to enter thedlogical school. The winning team-will compete "rUle/of thumb” genfMly used to had that something was wrong had been aent Into thia area of day “the key witness to the ’’ of the 6-yefir-old at)* with similar victorious teams ^ m translate a dog’s age into human with the dog was about 6:80 New SPECIAL SALE! central Laos to bolster the Viet- ' CpL WllUam R Minkowski, 8» southwestern and nortnwestem yeuv is seven to one. Year’s momuig. Gehrich said. “My mlnh troops who recently cut In­ tempted assassination of CIO President Walter Reuther hM By that rule of thumb. Sport MANUFACTURER CLOSE OUT dochina In two across Its narrow escaped a protective police guard and fled to Canada. O’Brien BdUstw St., recently received the Ccmnecticut lodges and the winner amoM have been 147 man-years wife heard Sport let out a moan waiat. . \ BroiMe S tar Medal In Korea. of thia threesome will compete in Rog. 18.98 Values. X said he witnesa saw toe shooting------'---- ■ ■ ■ , n.. .n.i ,, old when he died. in the cellar, where he slept, and Fighting Aloag Highway and was one of three “aasigned tok. Overseas since May. he was dted the New England contei^. Assistant Toww Clerk Samuel said, 'Sport must be having a for Us work- as driver and ndail Hartford night will- IM observed nightmare.’ BOXED ctXTIONERY The fighting north of Dong Hene the job;” 'although he didn’t fire at Mancheeter Lodge cm Wednes- Turkington. Jr„ who confirmed \ i ia alohg Colonial Highway No. 9. the ahotgun blaat that maimed the ^ cleric in the reglmentls OomiMay Sport’s age in reporting that 20 “She got out of bed and went iper and envelopes in white and colors. Values to The French spokesman said Viet- Ubor leader’s, right arm iand all M. A 1946 graduate of 'ProvMence Jan. 27. Exalted Ruler Albert down the cellar, and when she ONE GROUP OF Cotter of Hartford and his of­ dog tags lutd been iasti^ for him, minh troOpe had launched several but killed him, OoUege, he also attended the said that records in his office M^ow came back, she said, ‘Sport U violent attacks In the region with­ \lt waa mainly on the witness’s University of Connecticut School ficers will initiate a class of 80 gone,’ and started to cry, and she candidates at this meeting. only one or two dogs even ap­ out denting the French defense atiiteraent, O’Brieh said, that ^ X of I«w . proaching Sport in longevity. -He must have cried for half an hour. poaltiona. The French Union warrant waa iasced earlier -this Dinner will bh served the can­ said that th m are sopnb 17 years And then I sUrted to cry, but it' didates and vimting brothers at forces were reported to have suf­ week charging four men' with Mary R Cheney Auxiliary, No. old, but niracy 6:80 p. m., and the meeting will Dr. Olmstead said that the anything else.’' 19, USWV, will hold ita montUy convene at 8 p. m. A special fea­ flicted. appreciable losses, but no to assault with Intent to murder- Roadblocks meeting. Monday at 8 p. m. in the usual maximum age a dog can Gehrich, whose only other child, Rag. $12.98 and $13.98 Vai, figures were given. Reuther on April 28; 1948. The ture of this meeting will be the hope for ia lO or 12. State Armory. All members who leception to all Manchester mem- a daughter, is also grown up and The spokesman described toe prosecutor Mid he'had corroborat­ can possibly do so are urged to "At that age," he said, "they mSrried, doesn’t intend to replace ing evidence, but none from toe Washington, Jan. 9 (/F)— >rs of Hartford Lodge whd'have begin to get senile and go to counterattae|c from Seno as aimed attend as Uiere are a number of len Elks for SO or more years. Sport SPEiSIAL SALEi^ at hindering toe regrouping of shooting scene. President Eisenhower faces bualneas matters coming up for pieces.” "We don’t have any more kids, ONE ^O U P OF X " - Meniiaed by pollee ae Pvt. Harry Lee, ia AWOL. SiHdler Two Now In Jail ‘These "old timers” will sit at the Sport.- however, was apparent­ VIetminh units .pivparing another possible legislative road­ discusshm. so we won’t get another dog.' m m Fort Osd. CaUf., la eelsed by a peHeemau after'tbreateulag to assault on the fb|xifled area with TV FSH-IN McDonnell Demon. Navy's newest all-weather fighter appears to hang In perUona Two of the four named are in. head table with the officers of ly an exception in this, too, ac­ hosiery JuuBP rreas the reef of a foor-etory Lee Angelee apartment, The offft- bnlanee en the edge of^ the .VIrcraft Cnrrier Coral Sen's flight deck ns tbe pinne is catapulted during blocks on about one-third of Hartford-and Mandiester lodges. cording to Gerich. He said his NYLON, ita air field, th e French Union jail. One ia under $25,000 bond, and the broad program he haa out­ Group 1988, I^Iiah National X oer,. V. J. Armstresuc climbed the ire escape below Lee’s panpet Command also wants to inflict the evniuntlon testa. The swift jet craft rates "faster than 600 miles an hour”—exact speed a secret—and the fourth is sought. The warrant A profram of "Natiohality niongrel—h e’always refers to Sheer nylons wKh dark Mams.\«lnforced heel and toea for ext X pereb. la toregreuud, heMIng their baby Ie Lee’s wife, Audrey, who . Alliance, will hold its monthly N i^ts’* la being prepared and the nuucimum losses on the epSmy. hne been MeniMed by former Nnvy Secretary Dnn KtanbaU ns "superior to the,Russian MIG 18.” Xiao liata four unidentified “John lined to Congress. SpoCl simply as ‘a’ mongiel” be­ wsar. Sizta 81i to 11. Sale Price : bud keen pleudiag with Mm fer 80 m tuutee. Pofice Mid the wife Few lawi2>akcra. who commeated ;meeting, tomorrow M 7 pi M. . at BIks of mfciaus national strains ♦ The Nnvy says the Demon new is la prodoetlon. This test was made somewhere'in Atlantic waters. Docs.” cause he had no idea what breeds HveA ia the apurtmeut. ITie VIetminh buildup Is regsrd- (U. S. Navy photo via AP Wlrephoto)^ ^ -n \ on it would predict that Subataa- n North St. are buqr fliuriag out what dish of were in him and cares leas—was CONTI'S ed ss'.a threat to Vientiane, gov. Without the missing witness. O’Brien doubted he could convict tially all of it would become law, their aneenon would hit the spot in good shape until about a year Cards. Rag. $14.98 to $16.98 Values. / — REG. $4.98 WOOL LINED— ^ ^------=------^------ernmental seat of Lbob. one, of the but they generally seemed to feel ] Members of Temple Chi4 >ter, «hen they serve their dinner.' The ago, when he started to go deaf three Indochineeo statca associated Mly of the four named. Jewelry and^ Imports / O’Brien identified th'e key wit­ that Eisenhower had adopted a iKo. 88, OB8, are reminded that Irish night party will be held on and alow down generally. 79^ pn with Prance in the French Union. smart political approach by sug­ ■ reservations for the dinner, Wed- or about March 17. There are sev­ Never Caused Trouble 28 Oak St^^^-Maaehester ALL SALES F IN ^ The new . thrust'ia aimed from ness as a Canadian, but wouldn’t LEATHER RALM CLOVES/ reveal his name. He did say. how- gesting 36 topics for legi^UVs .needay, Jan. IS, shduld be made en nationalities in the local lodge. SportxVM'never a watch dog P rc ] Vinh. the reputed capital- of Ho action and mentioning others for iby Sunday, at the latest, with Small, medium,Greea Stampslarge. Colors Given navy, With wine, Cash gihy, Sides brown. Chi Minb near toe cosat of toe U. S, Ready to Rock Pqcific -evet, the witness had been em- ■ / plbyed. as "a slugger” by one of later reference. They found some­ -Mrs. Henry Th^ton. dr Mrs. China Bee, et Nape, a ' town 70 thing for almost everybody in Uw -.Maty Beauregu^ past matrons. LA miles northeast of Thakhek on the the fo>ur bccuaed and waa an ex- State of toe Union message. The occasion m the official visit Uneasy Thailand border, toe French c o n y l^ • ,ef the grand/dfftcers. CoWeds of PbHce Commissioner Donald S. Seen Aiding GOP Oeatsel Y h s J W H A U c a Lewhard said the witness shook hta Sen. Hickenlooper (R-Iowa> said -vOsQterChnm wilt cater and the There was ho estimate of the in an interview he toiitoa .thia ‘meal will served in the banqtiet sMiUicMUTB Conn*. strength of toe new farces. 3-policemen-guard at a ifowntown Panmunjom, Jan.- ft — -^naU toe explaiiattona and release 'Washington, Jan. 9 (/P).— Detroit hotel around 10:40 a. m. overall appeal will help toe'Re- \ban of the Masonic Temple. Vinh, 180 miles south ef Hanoi, publlcaiu retain cmitrol of ColK C dm m unlbt C h in a’s P ^ i e r i to convege speedUy is also tos hsadquarters for Vo The United States may yesterday. about to rock the peaceful He left the water running in a gresS in toe November eleetioaA The Women’s Auxiliary of St. ChM En-lii UAy ^ fflTUSSSTS Nguyen Oiap, the VIetminh com­ u m Study" even if CongreM ignores or /de­ L\ mander. mid-Pacific with the niost shower and presumably slipped out “Mary's Episcopal Church will meet apeedy convening pf thCn toe quesUon of disposition of through a reception room Into feats part of toe • program, ■' But in the pariah house, Monday at The VIetminh took Thakhek on thunderous man-made ex­ Sen. Monroney (D-Okla) ' orean Peace Conference and e POWs. Christmas night after a audden W’hich both his living and bedroom 7:90 p. m. Members of the Altar contended that the Com- plosion . in world history. jCoiifronts opened* His guards were in the ed in a aepsu-ato IntecVikNr he GaOd win have charge of the pro­ offered three proposals to get drive across the narrow waiiat of Specnlatleti Bouaed doesn’t “believe a m g im v o . raoecd the living rooim ...... gram. Hostesses will be Mrs. Earl ' 6 long delayed talks started. tcm ic Energy OommiiMbn Leonard identified one of toe win recommend tS Mds. Clarence Johnson, r \ 'w' Choq suggested fit'a Peiping announcement last night roused' to the voters in Nqehmbw.’ war prisboers home because" Red By a alaah through the ihouit-' guards as'Detective Wayne Glia- ^V iRiam .8tevaaaon.^Mrs. Vic­ Radio broadcast heard in Tekyo: *5 salon tpams talked with the speculatiDii th at government New York man. He said Olismsn and the Frasidentori -n $ m \ 1 tor Tmley. Mn. John Dairling and 1. Rssumptlon of toe toptured j —----- I scientists may be planning to deto-.'- /\ . —^ / James C. Hagerfy inca^ ______, preliminary nSgotiaUesee>eaa 5 9W .0 ■ 9 . J- vin.j ' 1 armed force agaiiist Indian troops mont and New Hampshire during director 0^ Iho Office of Defense Slent of slightly more than two Poai'ng therthreat, AFL^ILA Ex­ tvrdsy a billion dollar goyerninsnft prmaptly at m c z tn i *toe brradcast,. h|I1M * I guarding snti-Communlst prisoners ecutive Director Ace M. Keeney President Etsenhower and Sec- program to help people biiy homes, » 3 - 0 9 8 1 x 1 0 8 . toe afternoon.' MobilUatlon (ODM), He M id he mllliqii tons of TNT. retsuy of^ the Interior MeKsy both diaarge. ^ G . $ 2 .6 9 metit on Korea issues by Choii, did neutral zone compounda. Ohaage to Sleet agreed "In general’’ with recom- A super-atomic bomb dropped indicated his union waa ready to with little or no dewn payment, oa ’ / AH seal the port, in such an event, un­ are on reOord for protection of the 60 to 60-year mortgages. Eisaai* 7 2 x l0 < . • • e e e e - not touch on North Korea a den a j. Four pro T-- HNE PIURMQY ^OxIOSVy...... : . 3 9 U. ‘8.^ announcement that it is i home turned themselves over to likely occur oyer Southern Nr.v calling for postponement of UMT was believed to contain a 9 0 x 1 0 8 / . R E G . $ ^ 8 9 negotiating Informalty to reopen I guards and naked to be Keeiiey Mid^tbe AFL-ILA.’’will national paric or monument areas sutailce of long-term loaiu with England late this afternoon or pending possible reorganization- of equivalent of 50,600 tons of TNT lead the longshoremen inT ^tlon which do not meet the basic re­ small \dowa payments, hut fore­ CAUMI.«-M14 55.00 and $SM0 81x108. ... » ^ • 6 a a f the stalled, preliminary talks. jsent to Communist Poland or evening and that driving condl- the reserves. <. - and ita flash, could be seen 500 REG. 79c 42x3 8'/j R E G . / Much of Chbu’s long-atatement j Czechoslovakia. T h e Neutral Na- that-Will end Only when the gang­ quirements of s nationai ^ rk cast nO such swseping program a f tiona will, be ’’somewhat hazard­ Need Three Minioa Mca mlleS away., ' ster rule of this port is complete­ l^atam under current philospphy. Capehartia PILLOW-CASES... PILLOW-CASES ... REG, 59c 42x3i^ tepsate The coidwt spot in New England Defenu Department aktlmate, pre­ 2)^im es as powerful as the one The old ILA, which has threat- tional national parka - in , soma expect Eisenhowee’a farm pro*. tion program and w ia to blame are members, will act on -the re. thJt all but wiped out toe Japa­ foi-toe break-off in toe prelinilnary quest. •: ovSihight w u at Caribou, Msine, viously unannounced, that the areas.” whCto tos meitmry flipped to 13 armed-Iorcu adU.need an average^ nese city of .Hiros'hi2na,JL V (ConttonM on Page FIto> , ....McKay . e2cpr*Saed toa opinion Yaluos ter $45.00 talks. - 3i- Gen. Maxwell—' D. Taylorr degi-ees below zero. There’ waa one other signiitoant \ Chou declared: tomma^er of the 8th Army, ’said of three million men in uniform congreMional action probably 1 0 0 % W O O L Other below-zero readings at from now through 1960. About senteqee in the AEC aqnounce- would be necesMry to transfer any "We deem that what is called 8:30 a.m. were! Oldtown, Maine. 2 ‘, inent: •'There a-ill be no observers for today is not definitely to terml- . iCenttnurt on Page Mve) ‘ 3.300,000 now are. in the military existing park from the federal sya- OIL^O. C h a th a m q?NE FLORALTATTERN Buriingtoo, Vt, 3; MontpeUer, Vt, establ^men't either than U.S. officials- con-, temi. \ - 4 and thr -auiiiuiit t>f Mt. Wuh- Under this' esUmate, Selective certied.’’ He Mid the Mlpe woi'Id be true . ~ m . M -S4m ington, 1. • ‘ . Service needs cpuld.be filled while This waa regarded aa additional News Tidbits in connection with possible reduc­ Bulletins • r M - M m : Concoixl, N> H.. reported 6 above enough yoUpg men would be left evidehce that the Marshall Islands C ail^ front. AP Wires tion in area ef 'aome parks and froto fli6 AP W if^ Values • TOWEL ENSEA\BLE and Worcester, Mass., 9 above. -It to start a. token UMT. But the ODM tuts—to be held at some un­ monuments. The Park Service has McCarthy Concerned was 12 above in Boston. report held U iM an^er emergency announced date—will Involve high- aiich action under ajudy. U m m FUEL / The' Hiurtford Wcathef’ Bureau ...Preaideat^-Eiaenhower' in his $60.00 ta$7MS^^ 2s^l7'A iA 6«U anu«ry Sal* Prieas^ tawM'Tfito' adriaoiy at tWs .. .Five V men- .iiom . -Robbiaa—Air s ta ts Of theTrnicih miWttgfeTlittrt- CRASM EEOVEB. jAZAI*,^.i... ; (CoatlaM en Rige'riveji'’' " *... jOoatlaoiM (SB Fage FlviO Force Bs m in Georgia in jail and New Maeehr-JM.' 6 rig) Man ' REG. 99c~^22x44 |AIH„TQW JiLS '...... r 'i - ~ I' I i ' I' a i' L >• ^a»«irnBsei'wiwA — |wwo*ssraM«veiMadws*,»e«'; UiLBmRiivroRi fc-e-.-A ti .- , ■v-n ti n t * bsgianbiff- this •’inbridiig.'' il ''rantihiia' 'tb'''proE^ Jared early today when a dIFIhir .’ , 80x 90 - ' Jt Accumulatioa. ons ineh or leas', ex­ Moscow -radio ahd~ improve our national foreste, : - 333 Med* Siratt . Vdlvm cept one to-two Inches In north­ Tdli ^ hupter w h o at 126 years ’ whlcirhe waia a f— — ’■ U ...... J - parks, monuments and other nat- Including All Fur Trim EXTRA LARGE 'iWaShingttm. Jan. 9 S en .'tee wiTl continue its invuUgatipn western Connecticut and w s^rn -ed.: REG. 496— 16x28 HANp T O W ai^ „.^**4660«6'*a« McCarthy (R-Wia), who has spent of Communism in severaTarMui. 949.dRtd 955.00 100% WOOL H m o^of toe put year : hunting The Aluka probe, he explained^ Massachusetts. Chs2iglng to sleet New Series "of Layoffs our llzhery and wildlife resources’ THREE TOTS DIE ”■*1 -.'i Rwls, tooved into a new field to- will cover charges "of false claims, or freezing rain this afternoon and Democratic parly flnaiKes im­ But aMistant Secretary of the continuing tonight. Medway, Maine. Jaa. 9