The Village Magazine of the Chiddingstones

60 Pence November 2020 USEFUL CONTACT NUMBERS

Churches Associate Priest Bill MacDougall 01892 870442 Licensed Lay Minister Sally Musson 07713 352017 Churchwardens (St Mary’s Bob Golds 01892 870429 Village) Chris Bell 01732 866222 Verger (St Mary’s) Christine Roberts 01892 870437 Churchwardens (St Luke’s Paul Allen 01732 463382 ) Vacancy Pastoral Assistant Carol Benton 01892 870483 Pastoral Help (Causeway) Helen Barnes 01732 838855 Pastoral Help (Hoath) Jane-Ann Golds 01892 870429 Bell Ringers Stella Wooldridge 01892 870323 Choir Paul Allen 01732 463382 Parochial Parish Administrator Louise Sanders Ch urch Council [email protected]

Local Chiddingstone Sports Assoc Martin Keeler 01732 700516 Organisations Chiddingstone Football Club Martin Keeler 01732 700516 Chiddingstone Cricket Club Mark Streatfeild 01892 870851 Stonewall Park Cricket Club Andy Batchelder 07903 830142 Causeway Stoolball Club Rosa Gower 01892 870644 Stonewall Park Stoolball Club Pauline Hodge 01892 524783 Chiddingstones Tennis Club Richard Sinclair 07771 912108 Chiddingstone Real Football Katie Ashworth 07730 331800 Chiddingstone W.I. Elaine King 01892 871536 Chiddingstone Causeway W.I Carol Benton 01892 870483 Chiddingstone Over 60’s Elizabeth Fleming 01892 870224 Alice Peterkin 01892 870503 Tuesday Group (pre-school) Sam Day 01892 871570 Edenbridge Voluntary Transport Service 01732 865353 Chiddingstone Castle 01892 870347 CHAPS Kenton Ward 07881 957800 Res. Assoc. Trust Steen Carndorf 01732 700585

Youth Youth Club Chris Pounds 07725 563636 Organisations Scout Group Lorna Baker 01732 750178

School Head teacher Rachel Streatfeild 01892 870339 Nursery School Leader Jill McCoy 01892 871315

Village Hall Chiddingstone Jane Ann Golds 01892 870429 Bookings Chiddingstone Causeway Elaine Ewer 07597 271974 St. Luke’s Parish Room Diane Heasman 01892 870794

Sevenoaks District Council Councillors James Osborne-Jackson 01732 227000 Sue Coleman 01892 870435

Parish Councils Chiddingstone - Chairman Jonathan Roper 07798 734271 - Clerk Louise Kleinschmidt 01892 740753 Leigh - Chairman Joe Kaye 01732 835897 - Clerk Louise Kleinschmidt 01892 740753

Magazine Editor and ‘’For Sale ads’’ Jenny Chettle 01342 850827 [email protected] Commercial advertising Robert Hunt and advertising copy [email protected] A13 [email protected]

A14 A15 A16 NOVEMBER 2020 Forthcoming Events Sunday 1st November Special Family Service in St Mary’s churchyard at 4pm see page 12 Saturday 7th November Farmers’ Market see page 9 Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th November Commando Series 2020 at Hever Castle see page 8 Saturday 14th to Sunday 15th November Hedge Laying Course at Bore Place see page 14 Tuesday 17th November Parish Council Meeting by Zoom see page 5 Wednesday 18th November MAGAZINE COPY BY 12 NOON PLEASE see page 6 Saturday 28th November Christmas Tree Choosing Day see page 19 Willow Christmas Decorations at Bore Place see page 14

FROM THE RECTORY By the time you read this, we have changed the clocks and welcomed in darker mornings and lighter evenings – November. We said farewell to October by celebrating Halloween – albeit a quieter celebration this year with not so much trick or treating, less lighted carved pumpkins in windows and doorways, and certainly no parties. In the church calendar, Halloween is known as All Hallows day or All Souls day, when we remember the ‘faithful departed’ and we welcome November with All Saints Day. It is a good time to remember those people who are no longer with us but have shaped our lives. We usually look forward to Bonfire night on 5th November, with fireworks and fun as we watch the poor guy burn, and in America they look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving – and of course this year, the presidential elections. But for all of us, this year we will find new ways to celebrate traditional events and welcome the winter festivals. This month will also mean another farewell. Tom Holme, Rector of Penshurst since 1995, will be retiring and he will be sadly missed by so many people in Penshurst and the surrounding area. I have valued working with Tom for this last year. When the churches closed and we were unable to meet for our weekly morning prayer together in each church, we went for wonderful walks together around Penshurst as Tom introduced me to new routes through beautiful countryside. I am sure that you will all want to join me in thanking Tom for his caring, thoughtful pastoral ministry over the years, and to thank Tom and Annabelle and their family for all that they have contributed to the life of the local community. Cont/… 1 And so, as we move through autumn, with its radiant colours towards the changes of scenery as we approach winter, we can reflect on this poem by Elizabeth Stoddard and enjoy the wonders of the natural world around us: Much have I spoken of the faded leaf; Long have I listened to the wailing wind, And watched it ploughing through the heavy clouds; For autumn charms my melancholy mind. … I find sweet peace in depths of autumn woods, Where grow the ragged ferns and roughened moss; The naked silent trees have taught me this – The loss of beauty is not always loss. God bless and keep safe, Bill SCHOOL NEWS This month we have celebrated Harvest. Unfortunately, we were not able to do this with our usual church service in St Mary’s but we adapted (as we have become very adept at doing) and have taken our celebrations outside instead! It’s amazing how versatile a school playground can be….. Each year group bubbles were positioned separately on the astro-turf with plenty of social distancing between the bubbles. Reverend Bill McDougall kindly took our service with the help of Sally Musson leading our prayers. With our usual readings and hymns (sung with bubbles facing away from each other) a very moving Water Aid presentation from Year 5 and a wonderfully creative dance performed by Year 3, it soon resembled the familiar Harvest Service we have become used to! The whole school sung ‘The Blessing’, which was a You Tube hit during lockdown. This was a ‘virtual choir’ made up of over 65 churches with the message: ‘whilst our buildings may be shut, the church is very much alive’. It was a comfort and strength to many of our families during this difficult time and the children very much enjoyed singing it. This year our harvest contributions were made online via Just Giving, which this year will go to our chosen charity Water Aid. Reception class has settled in very well and are enjoying full time school. They have been taking part in lots of autumn activities and recently sang a song for the rest of the school at Harvest Festival. This term Class 1 have continued to find different minibeasts within our Forest School areas. We have thought about the colours of the minibeasts and if they are an altering colour or camouflaged. We were treated to some autumnal treats from the hedgerow while completing these investigations; some delicious blackberries. Cont/…… 2 Class 2 have had great fun exploring minibeasts this term. From creating bug hotels at Forest School, to making honey flapjack biscuits and even coding Beebots (electronic devices) to collect nectar from a flower, the topic has also tied in quite well to our RE theme, ‘Creation’, where we have discussed ways to protect our planet. In year 3 we have been busy learning about a range of heroes and villains including Henry VIII and Nelson Mandela. The children also invented their own superhero and made a model out of clay. They then wrote fantastic stories about their heroes working on dramatic story openings. We have also been busy working on Computing, creating both Publisher and PowerPoint documents. We have been exploring food in Year 4 this term with a topic that has taken us on a virtual trip to Costa Rica to see a banana plantation, a journey back in time to enjoy the works of sixteenth century Italian artist, Giuseppe Arcimboldo, and a trot round the globe to discover some of the shocking things people like to eat, such as deep fried tarantulas and raw blood soup. We have learned about basic nutrition, food miles and fair trade and children are finishing the term by baking Hot Frogs from the Roald Dahl story 'James and the Giant Peach.' Far less revolting than they sound, these are half a baked apple on top of a puff pastry base! Year 5 have been looking back to the First World War in their topic, Fallen Fields. As well as building trenches, making poppies and studying the role of animals in the Great War, we've been enjoying Michael Morpurgo's ‘Private Peaceful’. They were particularly interested in the different types of weaponry used on battlefields and in the fascinating Christmas Truce. We're looking forward to creating our own War Propaganda posters, persuading people to join up. Many children have expressed their relief at living in relative peace! Year 6 has continued to enjoy Letters from the Lighthouse - a story about evacuees that complements our WWII topic. Oliver B has used some excellent description to retell a rather physical fight scene that takes place between two of the characters: "Give that back!" I yelled, while lunging to grab the note, but instead grabbing her hair and ripping it. From then on it was all fists and feet. As we wrestled to the ground, Esther walloped me round the jaw and I heard a horrible crack. I tried to roll away but couldn't because of her immense weight on top of me. Her long, greasy plaits that were dangling in my face made me gag. "Stay back!" I ordered Cliff. It was too late though, for Esther's arm swung back and gave Cliff a meaty thump in the face. I gasped.


CHIDDINGSTONE PARISH COUNCIL 1. Planning: the following applications have been determined by District Council: - SE/20/01220/HOUSE: Waterlake, Road, Bough Beech: demolish existing car port, greenhouse, store, gardener’s room and brick garden wall, conversion & extension of existing garage / tractor shed, new greenhouse tractor shed and walled garden. Application approved. - SE/20/00865/FUL: Hobbs Hill Farm, Bradley Road, : change of use of two redundant agricultural barns to be utilised for the storage of self-store containers, caravans and motor homes. Application approved. - SE/20/01647/FUL: Stables adjacent to 26 Truggers Cottages, Truggers Lane, : conversion of stable to a single one bedroom dwelling with associated curtilage and parking. Application approved. - SE/20/01585/HOUSE and SE/20/01586/LBCALT: Lockskinners Farmhouse, Chiddingstone: installation of 2 new windows to ground floor east elevation to match those adjacent, removal of modern brick and block work internal walls at first floor and replacement with timber stud and plasterboard partitions. Application approved. - SE/20/01542/HOUSE and SE/20/01543/LBACLT: Triangle Oast, Hampkins Hill Road, Chiddingstone: demolition and replace existing raised terrace and staircase, internal alterations, replacement of windows, small extension, relocation of oil tank and alterations to fenestration. Application refused. - SE/20/01581/HOUSE: The Winery, Hampkins Hill Road, Chiddingstone: construction of a small plunge pool within the garden, replacement decking with landscaping works. Application approved. - SE/20/01783/LDCEX: Hill Hoath Farm, Hill Hoath Road, Chiddingstone: ground source heat pump. Application approved. - SE/20/01499/HOUSE: 21 The Close, Bough Beech: erection of a single storey rear and side extension, alterations to rear fenestration to include moving the back door and steps to garden. Application approved. - SE/20/02046/HOUSE and SE/20/02047/LBCALT: Chantlers, Wellers Town Road, Chiddingstone Hoath: construction of a single storey extension and link to the south west of the house. Application approved. - SE/20/02131/LBCALT: Lockskinners Farmhouse, Chiddingstone: internal alterations to include removal of plasterboard and timber ceiling, water tank and associated support deck, installation of insulation and breathable board and skim between historic rafters, repair of historic timber where damaged by modern alterations to fenestration. Application approved. Cont/…

4 - SE/20/01304/FUL: Hoath House, Chiddingstone Hoath: temporary provision of 3 glamping pods and a semi-permanent marquee for weddings and events at Hoath House for 5 years. Application approved. - SE/20/02101/HOUSE: 58 Tyehurst Cottages, Hill Hoath Road, Chiddingstone: demolition of existing garage and erection of new two bay garage. Application approved. - SE/20/02113/HOUSE: Somerden Farmhouse, Tonbridge Road, Bough Beech: proposed hip-to-gable roof addition to eastern side elevation, roof conversion over existing garage served by a new external staircase, the erection of a new rear balcony, associated external alterations including roof lights and alterations to fenestration. Application approved. - SE/20/02397/AGRNOT: Commonwork Organic Farms Ltd, Bore Place: forestry workshop. Prior approval not required. 2. Appeal: The following appeal has been determined: Appeal Ref: APP/G2245/W/20/3244390 Newtyehurst Farm, Chiddingstone Hoath TN8 7DA. The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 against a refusal to grant planning permission against the decision of Council. The application SE/19/01052/FUL, dated 8 April 2019, was refused and the development proposed was conversion of agricultural barns into 16 residential units and the demolition of 2 residential units and the construction of 2 replacement dwellings. Application dismissed. 3. Aviation: ’s recently published results, for the six months to 30 June 2020, showed an overall decline in passenger numbers of 66%, leading to a 61% fall in revenue and a loss of £321m. The airport does not expect traffic to reach 2019 levels until 2024. Over 740 employees have left the business and the airport is consulting on a further 600 job losses. However, the airport still expects to take forward, in 2021, the planning process to bring its emergency runway into routine use. 4. Parish Council meetings: the Parish Council continues to meet remotely via Zoom. All meetings are listed on our website, together with agendas and minutes. If you would like to remotely attend a Parish Council meeting, or if you need any help or advice, please contact the Clerk who will send you an invitation to the meeting. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th November at 7.30pm remotely via Zoom.

Louise Kleinschmidt, Parish Clerk Salehurst Barn, Oak Lane, Blackham, . TN3 9UB. Tel: 01892 740753. Email: [email protected]

5 NEXT EDITION All contributions for the December edition of the magazine by 12 noon on WEDNESDAY 18th November. PLEASE PUT THE DATE IN YOUR DIARIES IMMEDIATELY SO THAT I DON'T HAVE TO CHASE PEOPLE! Copy can be left in Chiddingstone Village Shop, posted to me at 6a High Street, , Edenbridge, Kent TN8 7JB or: [email protected] MANY MANY APOLOGIES FOR THE CONFUSION LAST MONTH WITH A DIFFERENT DATE ON THE FIRST PAGE TO THAT MENTIONED IN ‘NEXT EDITION’. ALL MY FAULT! FACE MASK SALES The takings from the Village Shop’s sale of face masks reached £1,635 last week and 50% has been banked by the Chiddingstone churches and a cheque for 50% to the Hospice in the Weald. A massive thank you to Christine Roberts and Izzie McDougall for months of needlework, to many people for donating their material and to the Chiddingstone Shop for selling them on our behalf. A wonderful effort, greatly appreciated by the church, the Hospice and the community. Bob Golds


We will be saying a big thank you to all our parents/carers for their fund raising successes over the past year and look forward to welcoming the new PTA team. For our Woods Wednesday, we went into the castle grounds to collect natural objects to make into magic potions and outside on our wall we have made a pumpkin into a lantern. For our letter sound ‘t’ we read the story ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ and visited Chiddingstone Castle tearoom and compared the old kitchen and the new kitchen. We also had a visit from a tractor, which the children found very exciting. For our Muddy Mondays, we listened to the story of the Smartest Giant in town and went on a story treasure hunt finding a tie, shirt, sock, shoe, belt and a pair of trousers in the castle grounds, finishing off with all making crowns. Mrs J McCoy, Chiddingstone Nursery Tel: 01892 87131 6

CHIDDINGSTONE NURSERY SCHOOL CIO Daily Cleaner Daily cleaner required for one and a half hours every day after 3.30pm weekdays, term time only and further hours over school holidays for a deep clean. Contact Tel: 01892 871315 [email protected] CHIDDINGSTONE WI Another month has passed where Chiddingstone WI has had to ‘get creative’ in how we can all get together. This month we had decided to reconvene in a larger, available hall so we could have had a small gathering of around 15 of us, for those that weren’t shielding and don’t have good reasons to stay away etc. However, on the day we arranged the hall, the new rule of six was announced and so all our plans were shelved again. It was therefore decided instead that we would hold several gatherings of six people so we can keep in touch. We have just had our first meet up at The Tulip Tree in Chiddingstone where everyone had a lovely time catching up with friends and enjoying a fabulous piece of cake and a cup of tea of course! Our next venture is a Walk and Witter event where we can safely meet and enjoy some fresh air at the same time whilst putting the world to rights while we walk. After that we are planning a Knit and Natter social and then we will be hosting two Christmas Card Making sessions during November. If anyone would like further information about joining us, do contact the President, Elaine King Tel: 01892 871536. THE TULIP TREE As a result of reducing our table capacity inside the Tea room (to allow for social distancing) we are having the back garden transformed with decking, a roof and heating. This is literally being done as I type, and we’re very excited. This will be a great area to sit with plenty of ventilation (as it’s outside) but sheltered with the roof and existing fencing. Our customers should keep relatively warm out there as we are having overhead heaters fitted and have blankets available for your shoulders and/or knees. Come and check it out! Cont/…

7 Christmas has been literally pouring into the shop and the attic, so do go and have a look for a bit of festive cheer. We have all sorts of decorations and gift ideas for you, plus we’re doing 20% off all current stock furniture and lighting (over £100) in November, the perfect Christmas gift to yourself this year. 10% off the same if we order it in for you. We’ll be launching our Christmas afternoon tea from next month so, if you’re struggling for ideas on how to celebrate with friends and family this year, it’s a great option plus you can enjoy a glass of Prosecco with it. It goes without saying though, that we take a maximum of 6 people in a booking. Nicoletta and team Shop 01892 870326 Tea Room 01892 871504 [email protected] T: @TheTulipTreeTea I:@thetuliptreetea

EVERY STEP COUNTS The gentle walking group has restarted its activities and we would like to welcome some more members. All abilities are welcome so if you would like an opportunity for a walk, a chat and coffee afterwards in the Tulip Tree, please do come and join us. We meet outside the Castle Inn, Chiddingstone on Tuesday mornings at 10.50am for an 11am start. For more information please contact Gilly: Tel: 07787 558837/01892 870776

COMMANDO 2020 Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th November at Hever Castle We are delighted to confirm that Commando Series 2020 has been given the thumbs up from the Local Safety Advisory Group. Having submitted very detailed plans, in line with government guidelines and along with organising the hugely successful socially distanced multisport event at Hever Castle last month, hosting over 4,000 participants and supporters, we are more than confident that we can put on a great event for you in November. Places will be limited so if you don't want to be disappointed, book your place today on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


Don’t miss Penshurst Farmers’ Market this November for the best locally produced food and drink Saturday 7th November 9.30am – 12pm Penshurst Place Visitor Car Park The clocks have gone back, the days are getting shorter but the market at Penshurst promises to be as busy as ever this November with over 20 stalls offering a wide range of the finest local, seasonal produce all grown, caught or cooked within 35 miles of the market. Our regular stallholders will all be present to ensure you can find both everyday essentials to fill your basket plus special seasonal treats. Whether it’s award winning bread, fish and seafood, grass-fed beef and lamb, vegetables, cheeses, preserves or craft cider, you’ll find it here. Plus, you can order your Christmas turkey or goose this month. As the new season gets into gear, we’re celebrating local game once again with our game dealer, Kieron’s Game. Wild game is the ideal choice for the modern consumer. The animals roam freely, their meat is sustainable, high in healthy omega-3 fatty acids, fully organic and full of great natural flavour. We’ll have information on cooking and storing, recipes and tips and advice on getting the best from your purchases. Get your knives and garden tools sharpened by Knife Ninja, buy locally grown plants and flowers, all in a Covid-safe environment. Parking is plentiful, free and close by. Dogs welcome! Facebook PenshurstFarmersMarket Follow us on Twitter@PenshurstFmMrkt

BLACKHAM VILLAGE MARKET Suspended until further notice

Hildenborough Farmers’ Market is held every Tuesday 9am - 11am at St John’s Church Centre, . 402 bus stops outside. Contact: Janet Richardson, Manager Tel: 01732 838903. Find us on Facebook and Twitter too.



Unfortunately it seems Churches and leaky roofs go together like gin does tonic. The fictitious discussions around "raising funds for the church roof" one hears so often on the Archers and such like provide a mildly amusing rural cliché, but one which has sadly become a reality here in the Chiddingstones. In our case it is in fact the church tower of St Luke's that is in need of repair. To kick off the fundraising for these repairs, in a small way, I have joined forces with the church PCC to produce some note cards and Christmas cards to sell in aid of the cause.

The cards are a glimpse of the Chiddingstones through the different seasons, giving you the choice of a card to send at any time of the year with additional packs of Christmas cards for festive correspondence too. We are told we should be living as seasonally as possible these days, well now you can make your stationery seasonal as well as your diet!

Being a Rural Illustrator, most of my artwork is in fact heavily influenced and inspired by each season and in country villages such as ours, the signs of the season go a long way to making the charming parish what it is.

The Causeway always seems full of the signs of spring, perhaps it's all that yellow? Those front doors, daffs in bunches outside the Store or the mass of primroses in the churchyard at St Luke's.

Summer in the Chiddingstones often concerns the farms and farmers of the parish, who graze fine specimens of cattle and sheep along the banks of the river Eden and busy themselves silaging, haymaking or combining.

Chiddingstone comes into its own in the autumn when hop pickers can be seen working hard in the barn at Larkins and in the gardens, which are surrounded by hedgerows laden with hips, haws, sloes and damsons. On their days off from the shoots, pheasants pick their way across the plough and through the fallen leaves in the woodlands around the village.

As the parish rolls into winter the barn owl hunts over the frosty churchyards at night. If snow falls, Chiddingstone High Street is transformed into something similar to the setting of a Dickensian novel, with the Post Office making a perfect Victorian sweetshop, and Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without the sounds of carols drifting out from St Mary's.

Rebecca Day 10 Note card & christmas card packs for sale proceeds to st luke's church tower fund available in both village shops & churches both packs produced on beautiful textured card, both the christmas & note cards are £8 each come accompanied by lovely kraft envelopes & are blank inside for your that's just own message £1 a card!

the note card packs contain 8 4X6 cards, 2 of each seasonal design

'Christmas In The Chiddingstones'

the christmas card pack contains 8 4X6 cards of all the same design


Sunday 1st November – All Saints’ Day 10am Holy Communion St Luke’s Readers – Vanessa Fewell and Logan Rich Intercessor – Carol Benton 4pm Family Service St Mary’s

The 4pm Family Service will take place around a bonfire in St Mary`s churchyard. Please join us, with suitable clothing and with marshmallows on sticks or other sustenance.

Sunday 8th November – Remembrance Sunday (The 3rd Sunday before Advent) 6am onwards Discoverers Online Online 10am Morning Prayer St Mary’s Readers – Hilary Lambert Lambeth and Helen Barnes Intercessor – Hilary Allen

Sunday 15th November – The 2nd Sunday before Advent 10am Holy Communion St Luke’s Readers – Jenny Chettle and David Hunt Intercessor – Dennis Ward

Sunday 22nd November – Christ the King (The Sunday next before Advent) 6am onwards Discoverers Online Online 10am Morning Prayer St Luke’s Readers – Barbara Hale and Penny Harris Intercessor – Izzie MacDougall

Sunday 29th November – The 1st Sunday of Advent 10am United Service of Holy Communion St John’s, Penshurst Readers – TBA Intercessor – TBA

Sunday 6th December – The 2nd Sunday of Advent 10am Holy Communion St Luke’s Readers – Dennis Ward and Jo Allwood Intercessor – Paul Allen 4pm Family Service St Mary’s

12 THE CAUSEWAY HALL The Causeway Hall continues to follow advice and information from the Government and will be available to hire for organised groups and smaller bookings within the rule of 6 and the restrictions set. For further information, please contact [email protected] or phone 07597 271974. Updates will be posted on our Facebook page and website: Some of our classes have resumed and are being run in a safe and secure way. To keep up to date with everything that is going on, please follow us on Facebook or take a look at our online calendar on our website. Colliewobbles Dog Training - Dog and Puppy Training - Please contact Sandra Tel: 01732 351178 for further information and to book in. Classes are running Wednesday afternoons and evenings. Pre booking essential. Still-Yoga - [email protected] Classes on Tuesday and Friday mornings, pre booking is essential. Angel Dance Company - Adult Dance Fitness Classes, After School Dance and Jazz/Commercial Classes - Contact Ellie Tel: 07818 170557. And looking to return in the coming year, Table Tennis for all - Contact Gary Longley Tel: 01892 871285 or email [email protected] Karate Classes For information contact Adel: [email protected] Forthcoming music events will be decided on future Government advice. Age UK - Pop in Coffee morning and Health and Wellbeing Classes - a message from Sue Larken, Health and Wellbeing Coordinator: Hello everyone! I hope you are all keeping well during this difficult period. I am emailing you to ask as to whether you would like to be part of my zoom meetings where we can all get together for an hour once or maybe twice a week depending on what everyone would prefer. I can run it as a social meeting with everyone catching up with each other, having a laugh together socially or I can also add in some of my mobility, strength and balance exercises or a bit of both. I know that I have sent most of you my videos of which there are now five and the video I have made with Sevenoaks District Council and hope they are useful to you but I understand that it is not always very easy to get motivated when you are sitting at home, so maybe a live interactive session would suit you more. Cont/…

13 I would really appreciate your opinion on this and whether you would like to join me. It would be great to see everyone again even if it is on a screen until we can get back to the pop ups safely. If there is anyone you know who you feel would like to join us, please send them my details and ask them to contact me. The exercise could help to keep joints mobile and muscles strong especially as the weather is changing and maybe not so good for walking or gardening. If you are concerned or you are not sure if you know how to join, please do not worry as I can send step by step instructions on what to do and it is quite straight forward and then it will be quite easy each time I just send you an invite on an email that you click on. Here are the details of the video I have made with Sevenoaks District Council. It has 3 different sections: Seated exercises Standing exercises Seated exercise with music Each one has a warm up and cool down section. Here are the links below. I hope you find them useful and please do share them with anyone who may benefit from them too. Take care, Sue Larken Health and Wellbeing Coordinator Age UK Sevenoaks Office The Old Meeting House, St John's Road Sevenoaks TN13 3LR Mobile: 07867 648667 Office: 01732 454108 [email protected]

AUTUMN PROGRAMME OF EVENTS AT BORE PLACE Hedge laying course on Saturday 14th to Sunday 15th November and Willow Christmas Decorations on Saturday 28th November all at the Green Wood Workshop


November What’s Coming Up in November Enjoy the Castle Grounds Come and experience the arrival of autumn in our woodland. Stroll beside the lake, bring a flask, or discover our beautiful Victorian Orangery. Our grounds will be open through the winter. It is also possible to fish the lake for £10 per visit. More details at

Celebrate With Us Our virtual viewing for weddings and celebrations has helped many continue their planning whatever the situation. For a quick view of opportunities, take a look at our Instagram page @chiddingstonecastlewedding and our Pinterest boards Do share with friends and family who may be thinking ahead.

Christmas Fair We are sorry to announce that our Christmas Fair has been cancelled this year due to government restrictions and guidance on social distancing. Our yearly Christmas Fair is usually a wonderful community event bringing together local businesses and offering expertly handcrafted gifts. We are hoping to be able to run it again next year.

Call for Garden and Grounds Volunteers We are currently looking for additional volunteers to help us maintain the garden and grounds over our closed season. If you are interested, please email [email protected] and we will be in touch. Greetings from our Estate Manager, Mike It has been great to see so many people using and enjoying the grounds and returning to the Castle over the last three months. Your continued kind support and donations in the honesty box have helped us through this difficult period. The grounds are always a pleasure to work in, but autumn in particular shows off their natural beauty and variety with the turn of the leaves. You may have noticed that the front windows of the Castle are looking bright, having just been repainted this autumn. During our closed season, I will be working on other projects to improve the condition of the historic building. Watch this space for our next open season, which will be April – October 2021. Thank you

For upcoming events and announcements, please check our Instagram and Facebook pages.

Local history | Japanese, Egyptian, Buddhist and Jacobite collections | Tudor origins Victorian rooms | 35 acres of woodland, lawns and fishing lake | Take away Tea Room

Year-round availability for weddings, parties, corporate events, groups and school visits. We follow COVID-19 government guidelines to respect visitor and staff well-being. Chiddingstone, Kent TN8 7AD - 01892 870347 - [email protected]


FALCONHURST FARM SHOP It’s been a rollercoaster of a journey opening Falconhurst Farm Shop just before Christmas 2019 and now suddenly we are approaching Christmas again, and how things have changed! The support we have received from local residents has been wonderful. With challenging restrictions constantly changing we greatly appreciate how all of our customers have respected and understood any rules we have had to put in place. Thank you for helping us create a relaxing and safe place to shop. We have been hard at work bringing in new products and rearranging our displays to make best use of the space. A new range of authentic Italian and Spanish products has been a great hit with the foodies of the area! Our wine selection has also been popular with wines from small producers in France and local English wines from Kent and Sussex. If you have not tried out our cheese counter, please pop in and try local cheese at its best! With Christmas approaching, we are opening up a temporary marquee to the rear of the shop to allow even more room to browse the fine foods and keep safe. New festive products will be popping up over the coming weeks to complement our usual offerings. If you are planning on having turkey or goose this year, we will be sourcing Kelly Bronze Award Winning Turkeys from Kent Turkeys and we will have daily fresh vegetable deliveries right up to Christmas Eve. We hope to see you soon in the shop even if it’s just to grab a coffee to go. Tel: 01342 850172 [email protected] SUE’S COLUMN Having tried to say less about Covid in my last couple of articles, I’m afraid, as you will all know, it has reared its ugly head again. At the risk of being out of date by the time of publication, the facts are that, although infection rates are rising locally, we remain at 50% of national average levels with 73 per 100,000 population and firmly in the lowest risk tier, notwithstanding the Sevenoaks Chronicle headlines. Our cases are primarily in education and care settings and a number have been traced to returning holiday makers, so we should not be panicking in Penshurst, or Chiddingstone just yet! Cont/….. 16 The Government has given SDC £48k to enhance local Covid compliance/enforcement and the Council is using this to ensure local businesses are all Covid secure, working alongside the Health and Safety Executive. We have also applied for £900k under the Government’s Covid Lost Income Scheme for Local Authorities which will help protect next year’s Council Tax. It isn’t just the Council who has lost income of course, so a ‘shout-out’ for the 16-29 year olds where unemployment rates in the district have jumped from 1.2% to 8.1% in the last 12 months – they are having a tough time. SDC has found local businesses reluctant to engage with the Kick Start apprenticeship scheme but we continue to look for ways to tackle youth unemployment, especially in and Edenbridge. SDC has had a good run with Government support schemes, securing a further £688k under the Green Homes Grants scheme which will enable the next phase of insulation work on the Hedge Barton mobile homes in Fordcombe to begin. In a related area, SDC has decided to bring in-house the Environmental Health Services previously shared with Dartford BC to improve customer service levels. Finally, a looming planning matter. The Environment Agency wants to raise the Leigh Barrier flood defence system by 0.6m to raise capacity by 28% to protect Tonbridge better from extreme weather events, laudable of course, but it would increase the flood area upstream by nearly 100 acres with consequent impacts for Penshurst, Fordcombe and Chiddingstone access as well as potentially increasing flood risk for some properties. As the proposal is contentious and would require amending a 1976 Act of Parliament, there is going to be a public enquiry which will delay SDC’s consideration of the planning application. When I have more information, I will let residents know how they can feed their views into the enquiry but, as a member of the Development Control Committee, I have to remain neutral on the proposal until it comes before us, so please don’t lobby me! Sue Coleman Tel: 01892 870435 District Councillor for Penshurst, Fordcombe and Chiddingstone A NOTE FROM YOUR MP Maintaining the character and soul of a community is essential. We don’t want to see our community blighted by unnecessary development proposals which could damage this. In recent years in Chiddingstone we have seen this challenged more. Some of the enforcement concerns in Chiddingstone Hoath, for example, have been more significant than many previous years. Cont/…

17 In the past few months, the Government has published its latest ideas on how to deliver more homes. For us, the figures are significant. The housing targets for Sevenoaks District Council could more than double each year. I see through messages from residents, the need for more homes. There is a huge shortage of affordable homes locally, especially for younger people. We do need to address how these can be delivered. We will have to accept some growth. But this must not be at any cost. Our infrastructure is already strained. Our buses are already subsidised and the B2027 through Chiddingstone Causeway is getting busier. All housing growth must be proportionate to our infrastructure though. This is the point I would have made in the House of Commons on 8th October, but so many MPs had concerns that not all of us could speak. There are developers sitting on unbuilt planning permissions, showing no sign of building the homes which have already been accepted. The solution to the housing crisis is not to build over every greenfield. The government know my concerns about the housing numbers our community is being asked to take. Until, and unless, our infrastructure improves beyond capacity, the problems will remain. Matt Boughton Office of Tom Tugendhat, Member of Parliament for Tonbridge and Malling 130 Vale Road, Tonbridge Kent TN9 1SP 01732 441563/07795 192042

CHIDDINGSTONE CRICKET CLUB Our shortened season is at an end. Congratulations are due to all those fine individuals who have made 2020 as normal as possible. There were only a couple of fixtures scheduled this month, bringing the season’s total to twenty. That is a sterling effort in light of our decision not to participate in the Corona League, which snapped up a lot of our usual opponents. Our final two matches were local affairs against rivals Stonewall Park and Falconhurst. Chidd mustered a strong batting side against the former, amassing 257 in 35 overs. There were fifties for Will Denny, a returning Rob Littler and Jonathan Wilkes-Green. Tidy bowling kept Stonewall to 129. Billy Leppard and Richard Mayes stood out with three wickets apiece. Falconhurst proved a thornier challenge. On a bitterly cold late September afternoon, their skipper George Talbot batted through for 116* in an impressive 235-5. Chidd suffered a top order collapse before Will Denny and Graham Cooper counter- attacked with a partnership of 142. Alas, Graham’s departure precipitated a spectacular Chidd out, the last six wickets falling for a mere seven runs. Thus, the 2020 campaign finished with a 63 run defeat. We can only hope that 2021 will be unaffected. Regardless of what the future holds, support for the club has been unwavering and the efforts of all involved deserve the highest praise. A pleasant winter to you all. Stay safe and see you next year. AH

Stonewall Park Cricket Report will be in the December edition of the magazine


Christmas Tree Choosing Day – the 2020 way Saturday 28th November Pre-booked 1/4hour slots between 9am and 3pm We have a website: - here you will find the full list of 23 Norway Spruce (NS) and 50 Nordmann fir (NF) trees who will be looking for homes this Christmas. Here are a few examples: NS - “Abe” - 12'6” tall - outdoor tree, or maybe cut a hole in your ceiling? £20 NS - “Yasmin” - 4'6” - lonely little tree, up in the top left hand corner of the plantation. £20 NS - “Igor” - 5'6” - plucky individual who survived replanting after last Christmas. £17.50 NF - “Bob” - 5'10” - why wasn't he sold last year? – one of our top ten Spruces. £30 NF - “Duncan” - 4'9” - best against a wall – his good side is wonderful! £15 Now, if (like me) you are not techno-savvy, you can come along on Saturday 28th November – at a pre-arranged time – and choose your tree. When to phone? I will have the bookings list in my pocket every day from Monday 2nd November. Phone me on 01892 740305 or 07889 731949 (not after 8pm please) to fix your appointment time. If you can't get through, please don't leave a message or text – just try again later. If you want to buy a tree unseen, but chosen from the website list Please phone me on or after the choosing day (28th November) – so everyone has the same opportunity to choose the best trees. Collection of trees We will fix times to suit us all, when you can pick up and pay for your tree, and maybe buy some of our jam and apple juice too. Provisional dates – Wednesdays and Saturdays between 5th and 23rd December. Just to say, all of the Walled Gardeners are very sorry that this won't be a particularly jolly, social event, but we would love you to support us at the end of such a strange year. Look forward to hearing from you all. Jean, and all the SNWG team WANTED Flat to rent in Chiddingstone I am looking to rent a self-contained 1 bedroom flat or studio flat in the Chiddingstone area. If anyone knows of anywhere nearby that might be suitable, please let me know. Thank you in advance. Felix Kemp Tel: 07979 497531 WELCOME TO MOJO A cleaner that makes a difference. Now available in your area. Please call 07780 438541 or email for further details [email protected] HANNAH JAMES - CHILDCARE SERVICES Based in Chiddingstone Hoath. Available weekdays and weekends. More than happy to help with cooking and schoolwork. I have a full driver's licence and I am fluent in French and English. Tel: 07951 699105/ [email protected]


Freshly filled rolls and mixed platters to order Local cheeses, ham, greengrocery, traditional family bakery. Why not ask about delivery Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30-6pm Saturday 8:00-2pm Sunday 9:00-1pm

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To advertise in the Village Magazine please contact Stuart Notholt [email protected]

A17 Professional Foot Care Julie Jones-Ellis MCFHP MAFHP Member of The British Chiropody & Podiatry Association Ingrown nails, Nail cutting, Nail thinning, Corn removal, Hard skin removal. Home Visits Chiddingstone Causeway 01892 870931

BEAUTIFUL ANDALUCIAN VILLA Secluded position. Sleeps 6, 3 beds, 3 baths, private pool. Ideal walkers, golfers, bird watching etc. 10 mins drive to coast of Mojacar beach with it’s café’s, bars and restaurants. For more information visit: or contact [email protected]

A3 G. R. WOOD Oil aga & boiler maintenance No call-out charge, no VAT Routine servicing/breakdown Over 40 years experience Oftec reg C7069 tel: 01959 524818 mob: 0781 8086431





[email protected] 07903 299 608


Physiotherapy & Pilates Emma Roper BSc PgDip MCSP HPC Daren Wood Experienced Chartered Physiotherapist Sports injuries, neck and back pain, Chimney ante / postnatal, arthritis and mobility problems, post-op rehab Pilates classes, small groups and 1-2-1 Sweep 4 Pipers Green Road, Chart 07771 925346 , Kent TN16 1ND [email protected] Telephone: 01959 564263 Mobile: 07885 059023 A member of the Independent Affiliation of Chimney Sweeps Accountancy Service Local, Professional and Friendly Company Accounts Self Assessment tax returns Payroll/PAYE VAT

No matter how big or small, with over 20 years experience, I can provide you with a local service tailored to your needs.

Please call 01892 871139

or 07926 379522 E-mail: [email protected]

David James 9 Dukes Meadow, Chiddingstone Causeway, Tonbridge, TN11 8LW

A5 LEE WITCHELL AGRICULTURAL, PLANT & FORESTRY SERVICES Accident Repairs Mechanical, Servicing, Annual Checks Plant & Machinery & MOT’s Buy – Sell – Hire – Trade Insurance Work For a free estimate or quotation Lake Construction, Restoration Earth Works & Landscaping Please call Nick on 01892 870673

Steel Framed Buildings Farm Construction Work

New Tyehurst Farm Chiddingstone Hoath Kent TN8 7DA

Office: 01342 851 138 Mobile: 07831 544721 E-mail: [email protected]


KEITH BRADFORD Heating and Plumbing ∙Heating Installations ∙Bathroom Specialist ∙Boilers ∙Showers & Wet Rooms ∙Radiators ∙All Aspects of Plumbing ∙Heating Controls ∙NO JOB TOO SMALL 01732 865 517 07786 328 223 [email protected]

A6 COOPER’S ROOFING Specialising in all roofing problems New roofs, Flat roofs, Repairs, Guttering, Lead work, facias & Soffits For free no obligation quotes please ring John Cooper on 07968-004462

A7 SR INVESTMENT ASSOCIATES LTD Independent Financial Advisers Chiddingstone Hoath


MA MPHIL DipFA AwPETR MLIBF Investment and Pensions Specialist

01892 871494 [email protected]

SR Investment Associates Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority

A8 A9 A10

Greek Island Traditional Kefalonia Mole, Rabbit, Mice and Spacious two bedroom villa Squirrel Catcher large pool sea and (No poisons used) mountain views 5 mins drive Traditional methods only Avithos beach Local tavernas 10 mins Argostoli PETER KING 01892 871188 07432 813614 [email protected] [email protected]

A11 Lorna Galbraith Hairdressing

All aspects of hairdressing carried out in the comfort of your own home. L’Oreal and Vidal Sassoon trained, with over 27 years experience. 07989 587931 01732 700397

Edenbridge Osteopaths 127 High Street Edenbridge TN8 5AX 01732 865444

ROBERT J. McCOY MSc, Bsc (Hons), D.O.
