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( 12 ) United States Patent US009763954B2 (12 ) United States Patent (10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 763 , 954 B2 Soares Da Silva (45 ) Date of Patent: Sep . 19, 2017 ( 54 ) THERAPEUTICAL USES OF 2001/ 0036943 Al 11 / 2001 Coe et al . ESLICARBAZEPINE 2002 / 0037926 Al 3 / 2002 Lan 2002 /0147197 Al 10 / 2002 Newman et al. 2003 / 0055008 Al 3 / 2003 Marcotte (71 ) Applicant : BIAL - PORTELA & CA , S . A ., S . 2003 /0056896 Al 3 / 2003 Jao et al. Mamede do Coronado (PT ) 2003 /0225002 Al 12 /2003 Livingstone 2004 / 0038874 Al 2 / 2004 Omoigui ( 72 ) Inventor: Patricio Manuel Vieira Araújo Soares 2004 /0158060 A1 8 / 2004 Learmonth 2004 / 0162280 A1 8 / 2004 Learmonth Da Silva , Porto (PT ) 2004 / 0180816 A1 9 / 2004 Loscher et al. 2004 / 0185097 A1 9 / 2004 Kannan et al . ( 73) Assignee : BIAL - PORTELA & CA , S . A ., S . 2004 /0266754 Al 12 / 2004 Learmonth Mamede do Coronado (PT ) 2005 / 0004102 Al 1 / 2005 Schmutz 2006 / 0252745 AL 11 / 2006 Almeida et al. 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    HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Monitor and discontinue if another cause cannot be established. (5.2, 5.3, These highlights do not include all the information needed to use 5.4) APTIOM safely and effectively. See full prescribing information for • Hyponatremia: Monitor sodium levels in patients at risk or patients APTIOM. experiencing hyponatremia symptoms. (5.5) • Neurological Adverse Reactions: Monitor for dizziness, disturbance in gait APTIOM® (eslicarbazepine acetate) tablets, for oral use and coordination, somnolence, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and visual Initial U.S. Approval: 2013 changes. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. (5.6) • Withdrawal of APTIOM: Withdraw APTIOM gradually to minimize the ---------------------------RECENT MAJOR CHANGES-------------------------­ risk of increased seizure frequency and status epilepticus. (2.6, 5.7, 8.1) Indications and Usage (1) 9/2017 • Dosage and Administration (2) 9/2017 Drug Induced Liver Injury: Discontinue APTIOM in patients with jaundice Warnings and Precautions (5) 9/2017 or evidence of significant liver injury. (5.8) • Hematologic Adverse Reactions: Consider discontinuing. (5.10) ----------------------------INDICATIONS AND USAGE--------------------------­ APTIOM is indicated for the treatment of partial-onset seizures in patients 4 ------------------------------ADVERSE REACTIONS------------------------------­ years of age and older. (1) • Most common adverse reactions in adult patients receiving APTIOM (≥4% and ≥2% greater than placebo): dizziness, somnolence, nausea, headache, ----------------------DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION----------------------­ diplopia, vomiting, fatigue, vertigo, ataxia, blurred vision, and tremor. (6.1) • Adult Patients: The recommended initial dosage of APTIOM is 400 mg • Adverse reactions in pediatric patients are similar to those seen in adult once daily. For some patients, treatment may be initiated at 800 mg once patients. daily if the need for seizure reduction outweighs an increased risk of adverse reactions.
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