1-3 Front CFP 6-16-11.Indd 2 6/16/11 1:21:04 PM

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1-3 Front CFP 6-16-11.Indd 2 6/16/11 1:21:04 PM Area/State Colby Free Press Wednesday, June 16, 2011 Page 3 Weather Four new faces join newspaper Citizen asks county Corner From “STAFF,” Page 1 “I’m super excited to be here,” she said. Beringer is a native of Colby. She graduated from Full time sports reporter Kayla Cornett joined the Colby High School in 2005 and Colby Community to join opportunity zone Free Press staff on June 1. Kayla moved to Colby College in 2007 with an Associate of Arts degree. From “ZONE,” Page 1 weed supervisor Clair Schrock. from Boulder, Colo., where she had been studying She worked as an administrative assistant for the Schrock said it is illegal to spray journalism with an emphasis on news and editing at Thomas County Community Foundation and later Debbie Potter, Ben Hoeting, ditches and they are having is- the University of Colorado. Cornett said she has just attended Fort Hays State University. She graduated Ed Geihsler and Jon Starns were sues with area landowners who one class left – which she will take online this sum- in 2010 with a degree in communications studies. present to speak on behalf of the are not abiding by the rules. In mer – to graduate. Beringer also works part time at The Loft, a home conservation district, which is the past, warning letters have Cornett is originally from Pueblo, Colo., and grad- interior gift shop in the Oasis Travel Center. She re- partially funded by the Kansas been issued by his offi ce and uated from high school there in 2007. cently married Curt Beringer and together the two Department of Agriculture and now County Attorney Kevin A fan of many different kinds of sports, Cornett own C&C Communication, a Viaero Wireless pro- Thomas County. They asked Berens has agreed to help en- said she particularly enjoys watching baseball after vider. the commissioners to consider force them. having played softball in school. In her spare time Beringer is a fan of the Denver Broncos – she and allocating $30,000, the same The commissioners told Sch- she enjoys reading, watching television and spend- her husband have season tickets – and is an aspiring amount as last year. rock that they will support Be- ing time with friends and family. golfer and scrapbooker. Speaking for the Regional rens in his decision to prosecute National Weather Service Cornett’s duties include covering local sports Her duties at the Free Press include writing up and take action if necessary. Tonight: Partly cloudy, with a Recycling Center was coordina- events as well as opinion and general writing. society news, general news writing and event cover- Schrock also said that his offi ce low around 62. Southeast wind tor Lynett Koon. She said she is Christina Beringer also joined the staff on June 1 age. will not be giving out any more 10 to 15 mph becoming north- waiting to get population statis- as a second part-time society reporter. hay permits and that they will east. tics from the City of Colby be- begin mowing ditches. Friday: Mostly sunny, with fore she can calculate member- Commissioner Paul Steele a high near 85. Breezy, with a ship dues. In the past, dues have asked Schrock for a musk thistle north wind between 10 and 20 Several projects planned for U.S. 36 been $4 per capita, half received update on the Urban property, mph, with gusts as high as 30 in January from the county, then From “PROJECTS,” Page 1 some work has been done on the sociation were re-elected. Steve old business from last week. He mph. a reevaluation is done in July existing pavement. Haynes of Oberlin is president of said that it is all taken care of Friday Night: A 20 percent to determine if the other half is lion and rail $40 million. Cities Work in District 1, in Brown the group, while Bob Struvey of thanks to cooperation from the chance of showers and thunder- needed. Koon said that the 2010 and counties will get $1.6 billion. County, includes replacing two Norcatur and Lee “Doc” Franklin family. storms. Mostly cloudy, with a low Census reported a population On U.S. 36, the largest project bridges east of the U.S. 75 inter- of Jennings are directors. • Were presented with infor- around 57. North wind between drop for Thomas County total- this year will be from the K-383 change at Fairview. In Doniphan The board set goals for the com- mation about Computer Solu- 10 and 15 mph. ing a decrease of about $11,000 junction east to the Norton-Phil- County, concrete pavement on ing year, including plans to hold tions, Inc., a company based in Saturday: A 20 percent for the center. lips County line. A contractor will 14.6 miles of road west of Troy is meetings with economic develop- Smith Center. Representatives chance of showers and thunder- Koon also told the commis- mill off three inches of old pave- being patched in a $700,000 job. ment offi cials along the road and wanted to inform the commis- storms. Partly sunny, with a high sioners that a replacement is ment and replace it with a three- Mike Moriarty from the depart- with legislators to go over a study sioners about services they of- near 88. East wind between 5 needed to fi ll a board vacancy inch overlay of new asphalt. ment’s Bureau of Transportation done by the Docking Institute at fer, which include database and 10 mph. left by Beverly Eicher, a former In Oberlin, crews will mill off Planning talked about two projects Fort Hays State University. The development, e-mail hosting, Saturday Night: A 30 percent Colby City Council member. an inch and a half of old pavement on U.S. 36 that didn’t make the T- study outlines the economic ben- network security and mobile chance of showers and thunder- No candidates were suggested. and replace it with an inch and a Works plan last year. One was the efi ts expected from widening the computing. storms. Mostly cloudy, with a • Discussed hay permits and half new asphalt. State crews will U.S. 81 interchange in Belleville, road to four lanes across the state, right-of-way laws with noxious low around 62. do much of the work, hauling as- which was built with diamond starting at the Missouri line. Sunday: A 20 percent chance phalt and guiding traffi c around ramps rather than a cloverleaf to of showers and thunderstorms the work area, from Penn Avenue avoid having to demolish a motel after 1 p.m. Mostly sunny, with east to the elevator entrance. Work and buy other surrounding prop- a high near 88. could begin in July or August, erty. Sunday Night: A 20 percent Stewart said. The contractor, Ven- More than 400 projects were LOCAL TV LISTINGS chance of showers and thun- ture Corp., has two paving jobs submitted for the improvement derstorms. Mostly cloudy, with a south of town on U.S. 83 and one phase of the highway program, he sponsored by the low around 59. on K-9 around Allison. noted. The U.S. 36 projects scored Monday: A 20 percent chance Another project, in Smith high, but not high enough to make of showers and thunderstorms. County, will include a half-inch the fi nal list. Mostly sunny, with a high near mill and an overlay of 1 1/2 inches Expansion to four lanes of the 86. of new pavement. In Smith Cen- Wathena-Troy segment of U.S. Monday Night: A 20 percent ter, in another cooperative proj- 36, at the top of the association’s chance of showers and thunder- ect, state crews will help, with the wish list, was one of those. storms. Partly cloudy, with a low contractor milling the pavement “That does not mean these are around 59. from Main Street to the east city not good projects,” Moriarty said. Saturday Evening June 18, 2011 Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with limits, then laying down an over- “They did score very well. Hard 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 a high near 83. lay of new asphalt. decisions had to be made.” KAKE/ABC The Bachelorette Extreme Makeover Local KBSL/CBS CHAOS NCIS 48 Hours Mystery Local Tuesday Night: Partly cloudy, Stewart said three bridges east He noted that “every inch” of with a low around 59. KSNK/NBC Minute to Win It Law Order: CI Law & Order: LA Local Saturday Night Live of Oberlin in Decatur County U.S. 36 will receive some main- KSAS/FOX Cops Cops Amer. Most Wanted Local Fringe Fame Local Wednesday: Mostly sunny, are scheduled for bids in 2013, tenance work during the 10-year Cable Channels with a high near 85. with work to start in spring 2014. plan. The state will select more A & E Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking Parking The three now are posted against projects for the plan as money be- AMC Revolutionary Road A Few Good Men ANIM My Cat From Hell Cats 101 Dogs 101 My Cat From Hell Cats 101 Wednesday: High, 91; Low 59 heavy trucks. All will be replaced comes available. Precip: Wed. 0.02 inches BRAVO House House House House House while one-lane traffi c is carried on “I do encourage you all to stay CMT Tombstone Hidalgo Month: 0.17 inches either the old or new bridge. tuned, keep in touch and keep talk- CNN CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents Piers Morgan Tonight Year: 5.34 inches In District 2 in central Kansas, ing with us,” he said.
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