Renaissance, , and Awakening Church History  1413 John Hus’ De Ecclesia  1415 Council of Constance supports ideas of Wycliffe condemns Wycliffe of heresy; John Hus refuses to recant and is burned at the stake

1450 1453  Fall of Constantinople  Gutenberg’s printing press and the first printed Bible

 1490-1530 High Renaissance, centered in Rome  da Vinci’s Last Supper; 1500 Michelangelo’s David  1518 Zwingli comes to Zurich

 1509, 16 Erasmus’ Praise Desiderius Erasmus and begins Swiss Reformation of Folly and Greek NT Martin Luther Ulrich Zwingli  1517 Luther’s 95 eses;  1524-25 Müntzer’s uprising leads Martin Bucer  1525-26 Tyndale’s NT 1521 Diet of Worms condemns to persecution of Anabaptists 1530

1534 John Knox  Augsburg Confession  Act of Supremacy 1536 John Calvin  Calvin’s Institutes 1534 Loyola founds Jesuits recognizes Henry VIII as 1543 1536  Copernicus’ Spheres  1545-63 Council of Trent  Menno Simons’ baptism head of Church of England  1549 Cranmer’s Book of 1550 1555  1553 Knox studies under Calvin; 1545-63  Peace of Augsburg Common Prayer 1559  Council of Trent clarifies Catholic beliefs;  1558 Elizabeth I solidifies  1563 Foxe’s Book of Martyrs returns to Scotland marks beginning of Catholic English  1572 St. Bartholomew’s Day Counter-Reformation  1577 Francis Drake Massacre of Huguenots circumnavigates world 1595  Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet  1598 Edict of Nantes gives 1600 Huguenots right to worship  1611 King James Bible  1618-48 irty Years’ War 1618 1620  Synod of Dort  Plymouth colony repudiates Arminianism founded by Puritans  1637 Descartes’ Discourse on Method  1643-49Westminster Assembly  1648  1647 Westminster Confession 1650 Peace of Westphalia  1654 Conversion of Pascal, the author of Pensées

 1667 Milton’s Paradise Lost  1675 Spener's Pia Desideria 1677  Spinoza’s Ethics 1685 1689  Edict of Nantes revoked,  English Act of Toleration  1690 Locke’s Concerning making Protestantism illegal Human Understanding again in France 1700  1701 Act of Settlement

establishes Protestant  1710, 13 George Berkeley’s Francke Hermann succession in England Principles and Dialogue  1727 Revival among refugees John Wesley taken in by Count Zinzendorf 1738 Charles Wesley  Conversion of John and 1748 ZinzendorfNicolaus Edwards Jonathan Charles Wesley; 1750  Hume’s Concerning 1740 Great Awakening peaks Human Understanding Whitefield George  1762 Rosseau’s Social Contract 1776  U. S. Declaration of 1781 Independence  Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason  1789 French revolution 1799 1800  Schleiermacher’s On Religion: Speeches to its Cultured Despisers  1807 Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit

 1824 Revivals led by Charles Finney; Second Great Awakening  1843 Kierkegaard’s Either/Or 1850 3200000-ref-bkg21-renais-reform-awake-tml-bcrx 3/1/2014 © ncBc