Bishkek 2020

Dear participant______!

The Organizing Committee of the Academic Consortium "International University of Kyrgyzstan" (AC “IUK”) is pleased to invite you to participate in the distant International Scientific and Practical Conference “Reflection of the mentality in different cultures” Article text format • Font: Times New Roman, font size - 14, . • Indents on each side of the page - 2 cm • Line spacing - 1.5 pt • The interval between the paragraphs “Before” - no, “After” - “Auto”. • Text: one column per page. • Highlighting in the text can be done ONLY in italics or bold letters. • Sections of the article should be numbered. The design of the section headings is the Times New Roman font, font size - 14, bold, position on the left edge of the page. • When highlighting individual items or lists in the text, only Arabic numerals should be used.

The Conference will be held on-line in , Kyrgyzstan, on June 17 – 18, 2020.

Organizing Committee Prof. Dr. A. Musa kyzy Vice-Rector of the Academic Affairs International University of Kyrgyzstan [email protected] Prof. Dr. Z. K. Karaeva Dean of the Linguistics and Regional Studies International University of Kyrgyzstan [email protected] Ass. Prof. PhD. G. A. Turgunova Chair of the Translation and Translation Studies Department [email protected] Ass. Prof. PhD. Z.A. Dzhanybekova Chair of the Regional Studies Department [email protected] Senior teacher N.A. Shabdanaliev Vice-dean the Linguistics and Regional Studies [email protected]

Dear participants of the Conference and colleagues!

I would like to start my welcoming speech with the statement that scientific ideas, their implementation in the form of applied developments generate high technology, which, in turn, leads to the creation of both material and intellectual products. It should be noted that the research work at the university is an integral part of the building block of the world science. The International Scientific and Practical Conference is devoted on “Reflection of the mentality in different cultures” and focuses on current advances in the in the development of the linguistic and semiotic research, and their use in practical semiotics and linguistics. The goal the conference is to provide a scientific information for all international prestige scholars around the world and enable the interactive exchange of scientific knowledge in linguistics as well as semiotics. I wish you all success, scientific discoveries and brilliant introduction to your intellectual development in theory and practice. I am confident that our forum representatives will make a significant contribution to solve modern social problems of linguistics, semiotics as well as regional studies and bring all the countries closer together.

Aidaraliev A.A. Academician of the Kyrgyz Republic. Founder of the International University of Kyrgyzstan. Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Academic Consortium of IUK.

Program of the conference

Opening ceremony of the conference:

Welcome speech: 1. Asylbek Akmatbekovich Aidaraliev Academician of the Kyrgyz Republic, the founder of the International University of Kyrgyzstan. 2. Savchenko Elena Yurievna Prof. PhD. Rector of AC IUK 3. Alina Musa kyzy Prof. Dr. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs AC IUK 4. Farouk Seif. Prof. Doctor of philosophy. Antioch University Seattle, USA. 5. Konurbaev M.E. Prof. Doctor of philology. Moscow State University. Russia 6. Pimenova M.V. Prof. Doctor of philology. Rector of the Institute of Foreign Languages. St. Petersburg. Russia.

1st Day of Conference 17.06.20.

Keynote speakers: 1. Shamatov D. PhD. Prof. of the N. Nazarbaev University. Kazakhstan. “Research etiquette and academic honesty” (18-00 p.m. Bishkek time) 2. Farouk Seif. Prof. Doctor of philosophy. USA, Antioch University Seattle; “Reshaping Mentality in Uncertain Times: Embodiment of Audacity of Design and the Resilience of Signs” (19.00 p.m. Bishkek time) 10.a.m. US time, in the morning. 3. Konurbaev M.E. Prof. Doctor of philology. MSU. “Dumb words in translation: prophetic dreams, red apples, heavenly mountains, white kalpak and elechek (10.00 a.m. Bishkek time) 4. Pimenova M.V. Prof. Doctor of philology. Rector of the Institute of Foreign Languages. St. Petersburg “Oniums in Cognitive aspect” (11.00 a.m. Bishkek time)

2nd Day of conference 18.06.2020 Keynote speakers: 1. Betty K. Tonsing, Ph.D., CFRE, CLSS Founder, www.takingthenextlevel.commobile: 574.807.2382. USA “Internationalizing the Classroom Without Leaving the Room.” (19.00 p.m. Bishkek time) 10 .a.m. in the morning US time. 2. Gu Junling. Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Zhengzhou University “Mapping and reconfiguration of the language world (9-00 a.m. Bishkek time)” 3. Liu Juan. Welcome speech to the participants and guests of the conference) (9-30 a.m. Bishkek time)

The Program of International Scientific- Practical Conference


Sessions of the International Scientific- Practical Conference


SESSION # 1 “Translation studies in Kyrgyzstan” June 17, 2020 Moderator: Konurbaev M. E. Prof. Doctor of philology. Moscow State University. Co-moderator – Turgunova G. A. Ass. Prof. PhD. Time: 10-00 a.m. Bishkek time # PRESENTERS 1. Asylbekova A. T. Ass. prof. PhD. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “The peculiarities of Kyrgyz epic works’ translation during the globalization period (on the base of “Oljobai and Kishimjan”).” 2. Hamilton Laura. London. Freelance editor; “Culture specific phraseology and their translation.” (12-30 a.m. Bishkek time) 3. A bdrahmanova.R.J. Ass. prof. PhD. KRSU; “Translation transformation and transformation as translation method.” 4. Alimbekova E. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Cultural competence in cross cultural communication.” 5. Apsamatova G. Teacher. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Ways of introduction of anglicizms into Kyrgyz language” 6. Jumaeva .M.M. Senior teacher of Linguistics Department. ESPC IUK; “Machine translation as a tool in learning English as a foreign language.” 7. Kalieva K. A. Ass. Prof. PhD., Abdraimova M. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Newmark’s Theory of Translation on Alykul Osmonov’s Poetry Translated from Kyrgyz into English.” 8. Kalieva K. A. Ass. Prof. PhD., Almazbekova J. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Application of Venuti’s Model of Translation on “Duishen” by Chyngyz Aitmatov translated from Kyrgyz into English.” 9. Kalieva K. A. Ass. Prof. PhD., Sharshenalieva A. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Application of Mona Baker's Translation Model on Poetry by A.Osmonov translated from Kyrgyz to English.” 10. Kyshtoobaev A. K. Senior teacher of Linguistics Department. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “National mentality as a factor of intercultural communication.” 11. Kydyralieva D. Senior teacher. KRSU; “Conceptual analyses as the means of achieving adequacy in translation.” 12. Toromamatova M. M. Senior teacher of the department: «English language and Literature». Jalal- Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “Theoretical bases of translation of literary texts.”

13. Toktomatova A. PhD. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Difficulties in translation of poetry.” 14. Turgunova G. A. Ass. Prof. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “The world of Chyngyz Aitmatov in translation studies.” 15. Tursun Z. Scientific researcher. Kyrgyzstan; “Translation Schools in the USA.” 16. Stepanova L. I. Senior teacher. KRSU; “Pragmatic adaptation strategies for overcoming the linguocultural barrier in translation.” 17. Shabdanaliev N.A. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Stylistic Analysis of the tragedy Richard III (W. Shakespeare )” POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS

1. Aiylchieva N. A., Postgraduate student of Jalal- Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “Translation concept “surprise” into English literature and Kyrgyz literature.” 2. Alisherova A. A. Student of Jalal-Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “The place of translation science in the world languages (history)”

SESSION # 2 “Development of the Semiotics in Kyrgyzstan” June 17, 2020 Moderator: Farouk Seif. Prof. Doctor of philosophy. USA, Antioch University Seattle Co-moderator –Kalieva K.A., Ass. prof. PhD. Time: 10-00 a.m. Bishkek time # PRESENTERS

1. Abdullaev S. N. Prof. Doctor of philology. Issyk-Kul State University named after K. Tynystanov. Kyrgyzstan; “The semiotic approach to modeling of ethno culturalism.” 2. Abdyganyeva V. Jalal-Abad State University, Instructor. Kyrgyzstan; “Semiotics in Kyrgyz culture.” 3. Iluki Glen, Mujala Primary School, Class teacher, Livingstone, Zambia; “The challenges of interpreting mathematics symbols in our local languages.” 4. Jailobaeva F. Teacher of English, ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Linguistic analysis of Aaly Tokombaev’s work "The Secret of the Melody". The significance of the concept “melody” for Kyrgyz culture in comparison with other cultures” 5. Kambaralieva U. Prof. Doctor of philology, ACAU. Kyrgyzstan; “Ethnocultural specifics explication of status communicative behavior in Russian and Kyrgyz languages.” 6. Karaeva Z. prof. Doctor of philology ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Topological relevancy of translation.” 7. Satybaldieva G. Ass. prof. PhD., Jalal-Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “Semiotics in Kyrgyz culture.”

8. Turgunova G.A. Ass. prof. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Interpreting of hidden and coded cultural information of signs and problems of their transferring (on the materials of English and Kyrgyz languages).” 9. Temirkulova B. Instructor. Jalal-Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “Peculiarities of handicraft in Kyrgyz culture.”

SESSION # 3 “Philology and conceptology” June 17, 2020 Moderator: Pimenova M. V. Prof. Doctor of philology. Rector of the Institute of Foreign Languages. St. Petersburg Co-moderator –Alishova M.K. Ass. prof. PhD. Time: 10-00 a.m. Bishkek time # PRESENTERS 1. Akmatova A.A., Joroeva A.M. Postgraduate student of . Kyrgyzstan; “The concept of the “man” and “woman” and its attraction in the Kyrgyz epic “Manas.” 2. Alishova M. K. Ass. prof. PhD. Bishkek Humanities University. Kyrgyzstan; “The concept “ Boz ui.” 3. Alishova R.K. PhD. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Linguistic expression of the concept “Love” in English and Kyrgyz linguistic mind- style” 4. Baygobilova G., Abdykerimova A. Teacher. Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University Kyrgyzstan; “The Concept of Heart in the English and Kyrgyz Linguistic View of the World.” 5. Bekbalaeva Ch. А. PhD. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “The Concept of Positive Thinking in the English World View.” 6. Bekturova A.A. PhD. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Beldemche - as the context of the national conceptual picture of the world.” 7. Buranova F. PhD. Ass. prof. Tashkent Pedriatic Medical Institute. Uzbekistan; “Improvement of studying foreign languages by specialists as a second language.”

8. Dzhumalieva R. University named after Suleiman Demirel. Kazakhstan; “Intercultural communication and teaching foreign languages. ” 9. Jailoobaeva Z. Teacher. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “The “taste” concept in the Kyrgyz gastronomic discourse.” 10. Ibraeva A.T. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “The use of a model for assessing the quality of students' knowledge in the conditions of credit technology training in computer science” 11. Irfan Tosunjoglu. ; “Current English teaching situation in Turkey.” 12. Isabaeva Y. Senior teacher. Jalal-Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “Innovative tendencies of teaching foreign language.” 13. Kalykova Ch. I. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Female compliments in linguistic culture.” 14. Kerimberdieva A. Senior teacher. Jalal-Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “Innovative Ideas to Make your Teaching Methods more Effective.” 15. Mambetova М. А. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Verbalization of superstitions and prejudices in English, Russian and Kyrgyz cultures.” 16. Mendesheva M.M. Teacher. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Concept “wealth” in Kyrgyz word view” 17. Moldobolotova A. A. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Concept “Childhood” in English and Kyrgyz linguistic cultures.” 18. Muratalieva A. D., Omyrbek kyzy U. Department of foreign languages. Talas State University. Kyrgyzstan; “English Phraseological Units and its semantic peculiarities.” 19. Naimanova Ch.K. Dr of philology. Prof., Asirdinova A. Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “The Concept of Freedom in the English and Kyrgyz Linguistic Picture of the World (based on proverbs and sayings).” 20. Pak Natalya. Alma-Ata, Seth Agbo. Canada, Hirsa L. India; “Translanguage is pedagogical approach in teaching Post Soviet States.” 21. Toromamatova M. М. The senior teacher. Jalal- Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “Comparative study of English and Kyrgyz proverbs”

22. Turgunova G. A. Ass. prof. PhD. ESPC IUK., Akbaeva A. Zh. Senior teacher Diplomatic academy MFA KR named after K. Dikambaev. Kyrgyzstan; “Concept “adam” and formation of a child as “a true person” in Kyrgyz culture.” 23. Zhunusbaeva A. Zh. Senior teacher. Jalal-Abad State University. Kyrgyzstan; “New tendencies of Teaching English in the Modern Classroom.”

2nd Day of conference 18.06.2020 Keynote speakers: 1. Betty K. Tonsing, Ph.D., CFRE, CLSS Founder, www.takingthenextlevel.commobile: 574.807.2382. USA “Internationalizing the Classroom Without Leaving the Room.” (19.00 p.m. Bishkek time) 10 .a.m. in the morning US time. 2. Gu Junling. Doctor of Philosophy. Prof. Zhengzhou University “Mapping and reconfiguration of the language world (9-00 a.m. Bishkek time)” 3. Liu Juan. Welcome speech to the participants and guests of the conference (9-30 a.m. Bishkek time)

SESSION # 1 “Reflection of mentality in regional studies” Moderator: Jacobson Ch. PhD. Prof. Stockton University. USA Co-moderator: Dushenova M.S. Senior teacher Time: 10-00 a.m. Bishkek time


# PRESENTERS 1. Askarova R. А. Senior teacher. Kyrgyz– Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “Cultural codes related to bash / baş / kafa somatism in English, Kyrgyz and Turkish languages.” 2. Baibolotova М. A. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “National mentality and its reflection in the linguistic view of the world.” 3. Dushenova M. S. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “American culture as a first step in American studies. ” 4. Dzhanybekova Z. A. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan;“ Political Participation in the USA: Traditions and Innovations.” 5. Jacobson Ch. PhD. prof. Stockton University. USA; “American standard thesis writing.” 6. Joldosheva М. А. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Trade and economic cooperation between Kyrgyz Republic and Japan.” 7. Koshoeva Ch. М. Ass. Prof. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Patriotic education of regional students: features and mechanisms” 8. Musa kyzy Alina. Prof. Dr. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Implementation of the US “Soft Power” foreign policy strategy in the Kyrgyz Republic from 2000 to 2014” 9. Stamova R.D. Prof. Doctor of philosophy. National Academy of Science of Kyrgyz Republic. Kyrgyzstan; “ Mentality and Politics” Master degree student 1. Krivenkov I.V. Master degree student. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Influence of immigrant on the process of formation of American national identity” ARABIC STUDIES 1. Abdulbasit Ahmed K. Teacher. Kyrgyz– Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “ Arabic language, consciousness and culture” 2. Abuamsha Haled. PhD. Jordan; “Network maximizing in remote Arab education” 3. Mairambekov I.A. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Methods of teaching Arabic language in Kyrgyz classroom” 4. Мuradilov D. К. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “The ideological aspects of religious radicalism in various directions” 5. Seitalieva G. A. Ass. Prof. PhD. The Chair of Philosophy Department. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Islamic identity and its impact on women's rights.” EUROPEAN STUDIES 1. Andasheva F.T. Ass. Prof. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “German language, the ways of its development in Kyrgyzstan.” 2. Kalilova G. Frankfurt. Germany; “Master degree studies and its peculiarities in Germany.” 3. Malabaev S. University of Collegium Civitas. Warsaw. Poland; “Teaching Kyrgyz students in Poland based on the Bologna process” 4. Тomoeva B. University of Design and Service. Milan – Bicocca. Italy; “The role of the Bologna process in the development of student mobility”

SESSION # 2 “Understanding of mentality in Chinese Studies” June 18, 2020 Moderator: Gu Junling, Prof. Dr. of Philology. Zhengzhou. China. Co-moderator: Mambetalieva S. Senior teacher Time: 10-00 a.m. Bishkek time # PRESENTERS 1. Аkyikatova A. А. teacher of English language, Kyrgyz – Turkish Manas University. Kyrgyzstan; “External numerical words in the Kyrgyz language”. 2. Alamanova A.S. associate prof., IUCA, Kyrgyzstan “Assimilated Chinese words in the language of Chinese Kyrgyz” 3. Alamanova S.S. teacher, IUCA, Kyrgyzstan “The experience of adapting Chinese methods of teaching ideographic writing to foreign students” 4. Аzisova А. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; " Chinese borrowings: the influence of English in conditions of globalization.” 5. Baysalova N. K. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Chinese mentality in modern period” 6. Gu Junling, Doctor of Philology. Prof. Zhengzhou University. China; “Mapping and reconfiguration of the language world.” 7. Imanalieva A.Zh. Ass. of school principal. High school № 95. Kyrgyzstan; “Moral education of phraseological units in Chinese classes.” 8. Ismailov K. Anshan Pedagogical University. Master’s degree student. China; “Role of the statistical method in researching foreign languages.” 9. Kanatova J. K. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Mnemonic techniques in learning Chinese.” 10. Kenesh kyzy A. Bishkek Humanities University. Department of Chinese language. Kyrgyzstan; "Features of learning Chinese phraseology for the Kyrgyz-speaking audience." 11. Kuldanbaeva N.K. associate prof., IUCA, Kyrgyzstan “Grammatical transformations of Chinese language category “buyu” translating into Russian” 12. Кurmanalieva М. К. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “The reflection of the Chinese culture in proverbs and sayings.” 13. Liu Xin. Holder of a master’s degree, Zhengzhou University; “Eco-translation studies in China” 14. Mambetalieva S.Ch. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan. “Stylistic analysis of Chinese tales in different system languages.” 15. Musaeva S.S. senior teacher, IUCA, Kyrgyzstan "The method of using games in teaching Chinese language at secondary school"

SESSION #3 “The study of mentality in the social sciences” June 18, 2020 Moderator: Karabalaeva S.B. PhD. Co-moderator: Alymbekov B.M. Doctor of Law. Associate Professor Time: 10-00 a.m. Bishkek time # PRESENTERS 1. Dzhunushova S. Ass. Prof. PhD. Kyrgyz National University after J. Balasagyn. Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Sociology and Social Work. Kyrgyzstan; “Forming the value of multicultural education of Kyrgyz youth.” 2. Duishekeeva A.T. Ass. prof. PhD. Kyrgyz National University after J. Balasagyn “The role of television in informing the public during a pandemic.” 3. Ibraev K. Sh., Ass. Prof. Department of Philosophy, ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyzstan; “Mentality and culture” 4. Zhumaliyeva R., Muratkyzy A. Kaskelen. Suleyman Demirel University. Kazakhstan; «Intercultural and communicative competencies of a modern IT specialist.» JURISPRUDENCE 1. Alymbekov B. M. Ass. prof. Doctor of Law. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Legal mentality of the Kyrgyz.” 2. Eshimbetov А. N. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “The extremist movements on the mentality of peoples and their reflection in various cultures.” 3. Kojomberdiev B. K. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Mentality and Human Rights in the Kyrgyz Republic.” 4. Toktobaev B.Т. Ass. Prof. Doctor of Law. Kyrgyz National University after J. Balasagyn, S.B. Karabalaeva. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Kyrgyz mentality and law.” 5. Оboskanov U. А. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Socio-economic factors of formulating the mentality and its impact on under ages” INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSHIPS

1. Bilanova А. B. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Actual theoretical problems of the formation of business elites.”

2. Boronchieva Sh. О. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Gender policy in Kyrgyzstan and in the Republic of Korea.” 3. Erkebulanova N. Sh. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Linguocultural potential of the concept of "Law." 4. Imanalieva Ch. R. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan. “Stereotype as a basic component of national character and mentality.” 5. Кachaganova G. А. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “ Kyrgyz national mentality and its reflection in English.“ 6. Kazadaeva K. V. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “The impact of Americanization on the mentality of the people of Central Asia.’ 7. Кylychbekov А. B. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Human values in different cultures. Based on the works of Ch. Aitmatov “Jamila” and Antoine Saint Exapuri “The Little Prince.” 8. Мaratova S. М. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Mentality as the foundation of a nation in the framework of international relations.” 9. Мataeva S. Sh. Senior teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “National character and mentality of labor migrants of the Kyrgyz Republic in recipient countries.” 10. Мytyev М. Ch. Ass. Prof. PhD. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Issues of youth tolerance formation through education and culture.” 11. Satyendra Patnaik. PhD. Prof. KIIT University. India; “History of Buddhist Philosophy.” 12. Tashmamatova А. T. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Philosophy, myth in culture of modern, traditional societies.” 13. Usupova M. S. Teacher. ESPC IUK. Kyrgyzstan; “Reflection of the Kyrgyz mentality through the prism of video content on social networks.”

Academic Consortium International University of Kyrgyzstan Str.7-April 4, 720074, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic Ph: +996 (312) 64-23-37, 64-11-56 Fax: +996 (312) 64-23-28 E-mail: [email protected] Web-сайт: