3.1 An introduction of Anand District

3.2 Geographical location of Anand District

3.3 Population of Anand District

3.4 Business activities carried out in Anand District

3.5 Industrial Infrastructure

3.6 Occupation of Anand District

3.7 Education in Anand District 3.1 An Introduction of Anand District:

The geographical hierarchy of the state of shows that it is located on the western coast of , with Arabian Sea in the West, Rajasthan on the Northern, Madhya-Pradesh in the east and Maharashtra in the South and South-East. Gujarat also shares an international border with Pakistan at the North-Western fringe. Gujarat is the only state in India which has the longest coastline of about 1600 km.

It's social, econonnical and industrialization advancements has made it one of the most privileged and prosperous states of our country. Out of the country's total industrial output 19.8% is provided by Gujarat and that is why it is one of the most industrialized states of the country. The capital of Gujarat is which is one of the planned cities of India. It is the soil where the father of nation, Mahatma Gandhi was born and has immensely contributed many increments and events which are closely associated with independence struggle of our country against the Britishers.

93 3.2 Geographical location of Anand District:

The district, Anand is situated in the eastern part of the state of Gujarat in . Anand is located near the Gulf of Cambay in the Southern part of Gujarat. The district is bounded by district to the North, district to the west, Baroda district on the south and district to the East. Anand as a district came into existence on 2^^ October 1997, on Mahatma Gandhi's birthday. Anand district spreads over an area of 2951 sq. km. so far as its geographical location is concerned it is 72.15 to 73.18 easts (longitude) and 22.07 to 23.29 norths (latitude). According to the 2001 census, it had a population of 16,47,759. Anand itself is the main and head quarter of Anand district. It comprises of 353 villages. Anand district has been bifurcated into eight talukas;

(1 )S o jitra (2) Tarapur (3 ) U m reth (4 ) A nand (5 ) (6 ) (7) (8 ) A nklav

Anand is famous as the milk-city in not only Gujarat but all over India. It is also famous for the White Revolution which was the vigorous and great efforts put in by Dr. Vargese Kurian to enhance the city and country to become self-sufficient in milk & milk- products. It is the home town of not only Gujarat's but also India's largest and biggest co-operative dairy "". The city hosts the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) and Anand Agriculture University. Anand is also known as the educational centre of the 94 state as it accommodates almost 80 colleges encompassing and offering different courses both at graduation as well as post­ graduation level. which is a suburb of Anand is well known for its educational institutes, attracting students from all over Gujarat. All these educational institutes are affiliated to , Vallabh Vidyanagar -Anand.

Khambhat one of the talukas of Anand is known for sweets, akik stone. The regional language of the state is Gujarati and is therefore also spoken in Anand district. Apart from Gujarati, & English languages are also spoken in the district. Anand is placed third in the seismic zone.

95 3.3 Population of Anand District:

According to the census of 2001, the population of India was 1,02,70,15,247. Among them there are 53,12,77,078 males and 49,57,38,169 females in India.

Anand district spreads over an area 2915 sq. km. of area. As per 2001 census Anand district's population is 18,56,712. The density of population of Anand district is 613 persons per sq. km. There are 910 females against 1000 males in Anand. So, sex ratio is not equal. Among the total population of Anand 18,56,712 persons of Anand there are 9,72,355 males and 8,84,357 females. 5,07,917 persons of Anand district are living in and the rest of them are residing in the rural areas. So, we can say 27.38% people live in urban area. If we consider the Scheduled Tribe population, there are 22,835 persons who can be put among this category and out of them 10,010 persons are living in urban areas.

Total 11,93,404 persons are literate in the district and among them 3,67,885 persons are in urban area. If we focus on the male literacy rate, there are 7,17,909 males who are literate and among them 2,07,878 live in urban areas. Talking about the females' literacy rate, out of the total 4,75,495 females who are literate, 1,60,007 live in urban areas. The overall male literacy rate in the district is 86.1% and in the urban area it is 89.4% . 61.9% overall females are literate in the district & 74.3% females are literate in urban area of Anand district.

If the rural area of the Anand district is to be talked about, there are 13,48,901 persons living in rural Anand. Among this number the total numbers of children below the age of 6 years live in rural Anand. Out of the total population 74,302 people belonging to the 96 Scheduled Castes and 12, 825 people belonging to Scheduled Tribes live in rural areas. In rural areas of Anand the educated lot is 8 ,2 5 ,5 1 9 .

Out of the total population 92.64% of Anand district lives in rural areas. Out of the total population residing in rural area 7,06,685 males are educated and 6,42,216 females are educated.

97 3.4 Business activities carried out in Anand District:

So, far as business in Gujarat is concerned Anand has a repute to be one of the epic-centers for business. Anand is famous all over India and Asia continent as the milk-city of India and Asia; for it has the privilege to accommodate and establish The Amul Dairy', which holds the record to be the biggest co-operative milk-society. It is with the contribution of this doing that the White Revolution came into existence because of which there was a vast enhancement in the production of milk-products and the milk-commodities stated to be exported to other countries bringing name & fame to our country. As the economy of our country largely depends on agriculture and therefore ours is an agriculture economy. The district Anand also being a part of this economy largely depends on agriculture. Due to agriculture and allied agricultural activities carried out In Anand district, many cattle are owned by the farmers. The land of Anand district is very fertile & productive as compared to other areas of Gujarat. So, farming and agriculture remains the primary source of occupation for most of the people residing in Anand district. Major productions of Anand are banana, tobacco, groundnut, potato, , papaya, mango, onion, cabbage etc. The year 2006-2007 has accomplished the target to achieving the third highest productions in banana in the state amounting to 5,26,185 M.T., followed by potato with the production of 1,88,940 M.T.

Except the urban population of Anand most of the people are engaged in agricultural activities throughout the year. The geographical conditions are conducive for farming here as the land is quite productive & fertile, there is good amount of water available suitable for farming and most importantly the city, Anand also hosts the Agricultural University which helps the farmers intimating them with new and modern techniques of farming which not only yields to 98 good production but better soil fertility too. All these conditions and connbinations give good rewards to the farmers. Because of all these favorable and suitable conditions for farming, the industrialists have also inclined towards agricultural sector. These are so many Industrial units at Anand which are related with food & agriculture. For farming purposes, farmers keep cattle as a subsidiary. The objective behind rearing these cattle is two-folded. One is they are helpful in farming, tilling lands, their dung can be used as fertilizers to land and another is they give good amount of milk, as a result of which, dairy industries are also well established in the district. So, it won't be wrong to claim that agriculture and its related food industries are the main business of the district.

The developed countries' economy is largely dependent on industries as it aims at rapid development. So, our country has also adopted industrialization and after agriculture the second business source of the people is industries. There are so many big industries in Anand district like Chemicals, Building, Engineering, Auto parts. Mineral etc. Anand district is a hub for Chemical, Plastic industries, Auto and Engineering and Food & Agro industries. The emergence of Khambhat port, will a cargo handing capacity and ship building yards would considers to be a major driver of the employments. There were big industries but over 950 units of small and medium enterprises are present in Anand district. Small industrial units engaged in Lathes & machine tools. Rice production, Wood products and Tobacco stemming have contributed positively to keep down the ratio of unemployment. In five talukas, with an Investment of Rs. 6,635.16 lakhs, there are over 950 units, generating 5,909 jobs. Apart from all these there are also some other small scale industrial sectors such as textiles, electronics, food products and ceramics form the supporting pillars of the economy providing direct & indirect employment to over 5900 people in the district. According 99 to the data of Industrial Entrepreneurial Memoranda (lEM) which takes into account the period from 1988 to 2007, Anand has witnessed a phenomenal growth in the Engineering sector. Not only Anand, Gujarat is known for one of its community called 'The Patels'. Mostly all people of this community are engaged in one or other type of business. And there can't be denial to this thing that because of their money making ability in whatever business they engage themselves in, they have become famous in the business world. Their famous is not only confined to Anand and Gujarat but also in other parts of the world; almost everywhere in the world. The majority of the people belong to this community and therefore indulging in business is what people are interested in. Anand is basically an agricultural city but it shouldn't be mistake as lagging behind in industrial sector. Anand is well known for its six industrial estates which are as under.

Location Area (in Hec.)

Borsad 1 9 .0 3 K h am b h at 3 7 .8 3 Petlad 1 1 .5 6 S ojitra 1 0 .4 9 U m reth 10.68 Vithal Udhyagnagar 2 3 2 .8 6

100 3.5 Industrial Infrastructure:

The village, Mogar, in Anand district accommodates an IT park, whicin is from Information Technology sector which spreads in an area of 259 hector.

Anand's industries highly rely on Engineering, Food & Agriculture products and Chemicals. In Anand district, there are about 950 units of small & medium enterprise. Some of the major industries of Anand district include Amul Dairy, National Dairy Development Board, Bee pee coating Ltd., Valcan Gears, Elecon India Ltd., Hindustan Packaging Company Ltd., Indian Dairy Machinery Company Ltd., Metalco India Limited, etc. Analyzing all these industries In an ascending order the Amul Dairy tops the chart which is well-known all over India as not only India's but Asia's biggest dairy which produces milk products like butter, ghee, cheese, paneer, ice-cream, etc. with a turnover of Rs. 9.500+ crore. Anand Milk Producers Union Limited (AMUL) collects 6.5 million kg milk per day. National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) is equally known for milk products for its paneer, curd, shrikhand etc. Both Amul &. National Dairy Development Board are located in Anand city. Bee Pee Coating Ltd. is located at Vithal Udhyog Nagar and it manufactures points. Valcan Gears is also located at Vithal Udhyog Nagar and it produces gear boxes. Elecon India Ltd. produces industrial machinery, mining machinery & machine tools. Hindustan Packaging Company Ltd.'s mainly produces packaging materials like pouches, plastic containers, cans, aluminum foils etc. and it is also located at Vithal Udhyog Nagar. Another company located at Vithal Udhyog Nagar is Indian Dairy Machinery Company Limited which makes machinery and plant equipments for sugar industries, breweries and food processing. , another suburb of Anand district accommodates Metalco India Limited. Copper reds, Pipes

101 and Alloy tubes are the major Industries of Anand district. Majority of Anand's Industries heavely rely on Auto Engineering, Chemical and Plastic. It will not be an exaggeration to state that Anand district is emerging as the hub for Chemical, Plastic industry has now a day become a good source of employment to the people providing jobs to many people. Connected districts like Baroda, Ahmedabad & etc are also Investing their industries in the Anand district. The presence of educational & research institutes' skilled and qualified manpower enables the district of Anand to attract the investment from different fields. There are good numbers of small scale industrial units which are based on Ceramic, Food products, Electronics, Textiles etc.

There are good number of small scale industrial units which based on Textiles, Electronics, Ceramics, Food Products etc. As Increase of 100% in investment. In the plastic industries was observed growth in the Engineering sector from 1988 to 2007. Some industries have also been witnessing steady growth along with pace, industries like Auto part. Electrical Equipments, Machinery & Engineering. So many investments have also been made in the pipeline. Anand will be more developed than today when they will establish in full phase. Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited has signed MOD in Vibrant Gujarat summit 2007, a 360 MW power plant based on gas. During Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summit 2007-08 MOUs worth Rs. 2,057 crore were signed in such sectors like Port, Tourism, Power, Agro, Food Processing and Chemical & Petrochemicals. This will create over 18,105 job opportunities in Anand district. MOUs in several sectors like Power, Ports, Tourism, Agro and Food Processing, Auto & Engineering and Chemical and Petrochemicals were signed during the Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors Summits 2003, 2005 and 2007& 2010.

102 People of Anand district being inclined towards education and also the presence of educational institutions and research centers, a large number of skilled qualified manpower is available in Anand district and it is because of the availability of this manpower in abundance that attracts more investment in the district. Some small scale industrial sectors have also become the source of providing direct and indirect employment to over and around 6000 people. These small scale industrial sectors include Food products. Ceramics, Electronics and Textiles. There has also been an increased number of employment opportunities because of the growth of Plastic Industries in the Anand district. The district Anand has now became the centre for Chemical, Auto & Engineering, Food & Agro Industries and Plastic industries.

103 3.6 Occupation of Anand District:

Our country, India, since primitive times has been an agricultural country. The people of India are known for believing preserving and continuing with their age-old tradition and culture. The occupation of the people of not only Anand but also all over India has been largely dependent on agriculture which continues till date. Anand district is known for its availability of fertile soil and it is also the source of occupation of the people in Anand district. A farmer because of the richness of its soil gets more crop in their farm as they can rotate their crops throughout the year. Anand district is very well known for its highest production of bananas and potato. Because of the good productivity of the soil people generally wants to get maximum utilization of their land. The farmers of Anand district get good return by their crops like potato, banana, groundnut, tobacco, papaya, mango, cotton, onion, gosse berry, cabbage etc. So, needless to say that most of the population of Anand district is happy, content and busy with their farming occupation.

The presence of Anand Agricultural University in Anand is a boon to the farmers of this district as it plays a vital role in helping farmers of this district as it plays a vital role in helping farmers by introducing various types of seeds which help them increase their knowledge about their way of farming. The farmers are benefited more and more for their farming business from the Anand Agricultural University. More and more people are attracted towards farming in this area because a farmer of this district can get every possible favor like productive soil, good seeds, farming related advice, good quality of rain etc.

104 The second sector which produces the maximum number of employment opportunities apart from farming for the people of Anand district is industries. Good industrial development of the district helps the people to get jobs. The industrial sectors like Food and Agriculture, Building, Cement, Engineering & Auto parts and Minerals provide large number of employments. Anand is also an industrial base for Engineering, Chemical and Food and Agriculture Products and over 950 units of small and medium enterprises are also generating large number of jobs in the district. Some large industries are also giving n big number of employments to the people of Anand district. These industries include Amul Dairy, National Dairy Development Board, Elecon India Limited, Hindustan Packaging Company Limited and Valcon Gears. With an investment of Rs. 6,63516 lakhs, there are over 950 units, generating 5909 employment opportunities. During Vibrant Gujarat Global Investment Summit 2007, 8 MOUs were signed worth Rs. 2057 crores, in sectors like Agro and Food Processing, Chemicals and Petrochemical, Power, Port, Tourism and Engineering & Auto creating over 18105 employment opportunities.

105 3.7 Education in Anand District:

Anand is a place where reside people who are highly educated and leased educated. It is also the place where majority of the people are inclined towards going abroad and setting there. So, Anand is also known as NRI district. The male literacy rate is 86.31% and the f female literacy rate is 62.54%. The total literacy rate of the district is 74.75% according to the year 2001 census.

The most literate taluka in Anand district is Anand taluka and Tarapur taluka has the lowest literacy rate. Gujarat government and the administrative faculties are in continuous efforts to encourage girl child's education in primary schools, so as to gradually reduce the average difference of 35% education ratio between men and women. Now a day there are only 17 villages having less than 35% women literacy rate. Looking at this, the Anand district's contribution in education field is well spread, large & important. There are 8 takulas, 20 bits and 125 pay centers according to Anand district's primary education framework. There are 8 BRC centers and 125 CRC centers in Anand district. The district primary education network covers total 1034 schools. The number of students studying in primary schools from standard 1 to 7 is 10827 which include girls and boys of Schedule Caste, 4497 including boys and girls of Scheduled Tribe categories.

The total number of students in this way goes to 230618 which reflect good progress in the field of primary education. In district primary schools the children are given diverse education. To teach children with joy and cheer and to keep them informed, internship activities like children festival, children games competition, science festival, cultural programme like dance & garba, instruments.

106 exhibition of teaching etc. are arranged. Thus, so far as the base of education is concerned the district is quite strong.

List of Educational Institutes in Anand District: In Anand district there are 1123 primary, 225 secondary schools. With total number of 2900 seats, there are 19 ITI is offering several industrial training programmes like fitting, armature and motor rewinding and diesel mechanics etc. Anand district has 12 Pharmacy colleges with over 1180 seats. There are five engineering, colleges in Anand district which offer courses in Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical engineering. Production, Information Technology, Communication and Electronic Engineering. With an intake capacity of 100 there is a Medical college, Pramukh Swami Medical College in Anand district. The two universities present in the Anand district are Sardar Patel University and Anand Agricultural University.

Table No. 3.1 Total No of Educational Institutes As on Dec. 2009 Sr. No. Subject Total No 1 Primary School 1123 2 Secondary School 225 3 ITI 19 4 Pharmacy Colleges 12 5 Engineering Colleges 05 6 Other Colleges 89 7 University 02

Source: Department of Education,

107 3.2 District Map of Anand witli Talukas



District Headquarter

• Talukas