Williamstown High School October 2018 Issue

The BRAVE New Face of WHS by Rasaaq Shittu with the room being decorated with have the longevity and love for the pictures of family, wooden art, and a community. I’m trying to using all of the portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lessons I’ve heard over the past years to As I introduce myself and why I am improve the school. talking to her, she seems ecstatic to hear that she’s going to be in the Newspaper, It’s 2:11 and the dismissal bell rings. much to my surprise. Yoder continues on to talk about the previous lack of communication be- R: “Who are you now? You used to tween students and administration, be our assistant principal, what which is currently being solved by the exactly are you doing now?” oft-criticized student-leader meetings. A Y: “I am in the role of acting principal. few students, who asked to remain Basically I’m a substitute for the princi- anonymous, expressed concerns about pal. I perform all of the duties that a the facts that the nature of these The past few school years at Williamstown principal would do, and I would be meetings were never discussed with the High could be described by some as making the same decisions. student body. Transparency, it seems, is turbulent. The amount of changes and an obstacle that Yoder is going to have controversies have been all too notable, R: “There’s been an overwhelming to tackle even more so in her new role. but with “new” familiar faces in charge, amount of drastic changes and there appears to be a return to normalcy controversies over the past couple R: “For students wanting a way to for Williamstown High School and the years. What are your plans for restor- talk to you, do you think this should entire school district. Mrs. Yoder, our ing stability to the High School?” solely happen through the student former Assistant Principal, is now acting Y: “So one of the biggest things is trying leaders, or could they directly contact principal of Williamstown High, and I to take the best of what every principal you? For the average student, what is sat down with her to question her plans before me did. That’s a huge deal. Every their best way to get their message to you?” for the school and figure out exactly administrator before me has brought Y: “ In the real world, there are situa- what has been occurring in William- something unique to the position. If you tions where you have to go directly to stown over the past year. combine that all together, you have every that person. So, there are times that a thing that works. You have the ideas that student who cannot solve an issue with Entering her new office, I could see Dr. DelConte had, you have the struc- their teachers, class advisors, peers, and Yoder has settled into her new settings, ture that Mr. Johnson had; Mr. Deal you student leaders, then they can come to I N 2 Brave Voices 7 Jobs 12 Entertainment S I 3 College Planning 8 Sports 14 Horoscopes D 4 Welcome New Teachers 9 Clubs E brave voices Boo! It’s the time of year for Vernon Doggett Rileigh Leighton frightening decorations, Sophomore Freshman “Quicksand.” “Dying.” scary costumes, horror Mrs. Grillo Karina Ruger movies, haunted houses Teacher Freshman “Something happening to the people “Drowning.” and evil spirits. Some I care about most.” Madison Reins people enjoy the idea of Mason Catrambone Sophomore Junior “Spiders.” “Being forgotten.” being frightened, some can Alexandra Benyola conquer their fears, and Victoria Alexander Junior Sophomore “Birds.” “Letting down the people I love.” others? Well, some of us Nicolia Young Natalie Barcia Sophomore have fears that never go Sophomore “Spiders.” “Getting murdered in my sleep.” away. We wondered - what Anthony Innella Matt Curran Senior are you afraid of? Sophomore “Going to Chick-Fil-A on Sunday and forget- “Fear of Heights.” ting they’re closed.” Ms. Chamberlain Jadyn Beyer Coach Pete Teacher Sophomore Teacher ”I’m terrified of being kidnapped.” “Disappointing those around me or “Not getting all the things I want to do making them feel negative emotions.” done before I die.” Gianna Burgio Aaron Bull Tom Brown Freshman ”Spiders.” Senior Junior “Heights.” “Running out of Burritos” Christina Johnson Nate George Matthew Gabrielle Freshman ”Heights.” Senior Junior “If my memes don’t get recognition in the “The deep black ocean.” Moriah Audu group chat.” Mr. Patras Freshman ”The ocean” James Cutts Teacher Senior “Heights/Falling” Olivia Eaton “False accusations that will ruin my life.” Christian Cannon Freshman ”The dark, but only when it is pitch black.” Kayton Mirzejewski Senior Sophomore “Stage Fright.” Aaliyah Carmen “Dying and the unknown.” Max Castonguay Freshman “Drowning and getting murdered.” Nuri Ferguson Senior Sophomore “I guess due dates.” Chloe Chando “Drowning.” Caroline Eng Freshman “Needles.” Sophomore “Failure and disappointing people.”

2 Yoder cont’d. me. My door is always open, and I don’t of the new social media efforts of the change that is sustained beyond your want anyone to ever think it’s closed. school, when she overhears a small time here. I want my tenure to be one However, the nature of the issue could disturbance on her walkie-talkie, and of transformational leadership; when be the deciding factor as to who they some conversations happening right an initiative or change stays beyond our should go to first. outside the office. It appears the buses time together. Changes that are import- have been stopped while teachers are ant to the community. I want this school R: “What are your goals, concrete attempting to locate a student. Mrs. to be the hub of the community. We goals specifically, that you have set Yoder doesn’t continue until she have all the ingredients, and now it’s for the new school year?” seems more at ease with the situation. just a matter of putting them together. Mrs. Yoder brightens up and searches through a pile of colored folders and Y: “One of my pet peeves is personally The amount of drastic changes that papers, finally taking out what seems to that since I graduated from here, it have occurred during my time here be a formally typed document with notes frustrates me that our academic success at Williamstown High are almost too written across it. isn’t broadcasted to the community and numerous to count. This year begins a South Jersey as a whole. We are a hidden new chapter in Williamstown High Y: “ One of my biggest concerns is gem in the area, and our ratings don’t School history, where us students are increasing communication, and reaching show that.” experiencing something that has eluded out to our stakeholder groups. Students I us in our high school years; stability. believe are being represented by their R: “Finally, if a student wanted to Living up to our name isn’t so much our leaders. We’ve also been putting together know, what do you see Williamstown goal now as much as redefining it is. Mrs. a parent newsletter that’s highly interac- being in the next five years? What do Yoder is a leader who has many respon- tive, and organizing monthly meetings you want people to be proud of ?” sibilities to juggle, and for us students, between me and booster club parents. Y: “Well, me having gone to William- we are hoping she can help make Working with Faculty/Staff, I would like stown High School...I think you want to 2018-19 a smooth and exciting year to to re-establish a Site Council which have positive memories of high school, be a Williamstown Brave. would provide representation on issues but I think you’d also want to know that that could directly hand information the school also prepared you to survive and proposals to the superintendent. in the real world. I think the biggest Acting Principal Yoder then speaks thing that any leader can do is make a

COLLEGE PLANNING by Jadyn Beyer Do you know where you want to go to Many college fairs have already happened For those who are planning to go into the college yet? No? Well, college fairs are the in the area, but there are a few that I can let armed forces such as the Army, Navy, or place for you! Even for those of you that you know about right now. You will need Air Force, there will also be officers there do know where you would like to go to to act fast though because they are right to help with enlistment and education college, this is an opportunity to find other around the corner. There is a fair at the programs like R.O.T.C in case you haven’t options in case your dream school does Atlantic City Convention Center on been able to take that course. not come into your life. A college fair is a Thursday, November 1. There will be relatively recent phenomenon that consists representatives from over 225 two-year I hope you take advantage of the time you of a collection of colleges and universities colleges and four-year colleges. There is have left in your high school years, and I that communicate and provide informa- another college fair at the Walter E. wish that you go to these fairs so you can tion during a specific time-frame. This is Washington Convention Center in better understand the colleges that you will where you can find information on Washington D.C. It will take place on try to go for! financial aid, majors, campus surroundings, Saturday, November 3. living situations, and so much more. 3 CLASSROOM news

This year, WHS welcomes 8 new teachers to the faculty. Some of them were in the building last year, some of you have had the opportunity to meet a few of them, and some are still brand new faces you’ve yet to encounter. To help us all get to know our new teachers, the Smoke Signals writers went out and asked our new teachers a few questions to get to know a little bit about our new WHS family members.

Ms. Ehler (Math) Interview by: Anna McMahon

What subject do you teach? I teach Algebra 1 Ms. Chamberlain (Social Studies) and Calculus. It’s five classes of Algebra 1 and Interview by: Brianna Pease one class of Calculus. What subjects do you teach? Is this your first time teaching or have you taught anywhere else “I teach World History and US History II.” before? I taught in middle school for two years and then transferred to high school. Why did you want to become a teacher? “I have always been interested in the subject and I was What are some of your hobbies? I like to go out to eat, dance, and hang really inspired by my 5th grade teacher. He told us out with my friends and husband. a story about how his father saved George H.W. Bush from a plane crash, and I’ve always found it intriguing that he could grasp the attention of a What is something most people don’t know about you? class full of 5th graders and keep them entertained. Keeping ten and I have a math tattoo. eleven year olds engaged is a lot harder than people think and I admire him because of that.” Has teaching been a lifelong passion of yours or have you considered other jobs in the past? I’ve always wanted to study math. I didn’t know What interests you about the subjects you teach? exactly what I wanted to do, but I always wanted to study math. It was in “I’m really interested in the wars especially. I love to compare things from college that I became more interested in teaching. I did a bunch of co-ops fifty or one hundred years ago to modern times.” at Drexel, so through that I was able to gain experience with a bunch of different things. Plus I really like talking to people, so teaching is a really What are some of your hobbies? good way to do that on a daily basis. “I like to cook and I love pets, I’m actually getting a puppy in a week and I’m so excited. I also enjoy reading, my favorite book is Starboard Sea. I don’t think so. I Is there anything that you dislike about teaching? This book is especially important for children who feel uncomfortable with hate seeing my students discouraged. I don’t like when students think that themselves.” they’re going to do bad. I want my students to keep their heads up and strive to do the best that they can. What do you like the most about teaching at Williamstown High School? “I love the community. When I come to work I am never working. Is there any advice that you would like to give to your students? We are all a family. We are the Braves.” Never give up! Believe in yourself, because you’ll surprise yourself when you least expect it. Math is definitely challenging, but as long as you work Do you have any advice for students who aspire to become teachers? hard you will definitely succeed. “I spoke to the Teaching Academy last year when I was student teaching. People waste college and it is really important to take everything in. You should want to make mistakes to learn from and think about, and never be afraid of a bad lesson.”

4 Mr. Core (Social Studies) Ms. Johansson (Business) Interview by: William Covert Interview by: Stevie Hudiak What are your favorite hobbies? “I love sports, What subject do you teach? “Business.” especially the Eagles & Phillies. I watch sports on the weekends and have Eagles season tickets. I What were your first thoughts of the school? also enjoy attending country music concerts & “Wow- It’s huge!” hanging out with family and friends.”

Have you been enjoying your time at the school so far? What school/college did you go to? “Fairleigh Dickinson University in “Yes! The students and faculty are great!” Madison, NJ.”

Do you have any advice to the students, especially new students still What is your favorite major league baseball team? trying to adjust as well? “My biggest piece of advice for new students, or “The Phillies! But I love baseball in general and have been to 8 different for anyone really, is to be your own self advocate. If you need help, do not MLB stadiums.” hesitate to ask someone for help.” From the experience you have so far, what’s your favorite thing What is your favorite part of the school? “The students - by far!” about teaching? “I enjoy the experiences and challenges that we face every day as teachers. Every day is different. We have a great student Is there anything else you want to add? “I’m looking forward to many population here at WHS and I enjoy seeing all students experience success. more years here at Williamstown!” Have you ever traveled out of the country before? If so where? If not, where would you want to visit? “I have not. One day I would love to travel to Italy to see where all of my family is from. I would also love to travel to Australia one day.” Ms. Woitas (Foreign Language) Interview by: Darby MacDurman German What do you teach? TEACHER: Is this your first time teaching, This is my and 17th what year did of you do before teaching? (n) Tee-cher: A multi- teaching. Before teaching, I was a mechanical engineer for my family’s business. tasking educational I love riding horses, driving on long car rockstar who lives to What are some of your hobbies? trips, and anything related to Disney. inspire & loves to Besides God, my Who would you say is an inspiration to you? encourage. They’re daughters are my greatest inspiration. kind of a big deal :) What is something that most people don’t know about you? I write German poetry in my free time.

5 CLASSROOM news Cause you gotta go to work by AnnaMarie McMahon

Ms. Locantore (Language Arts) Ms. Gamble (Science) Interview by: Mia Martinez Interview by: Olivia Benyola

What subject do you teach? I teach Language What do you teach? Biology Arts CPA with Mrs. Haislip, three sections of CPB with Mr. Redden, and one section of POR and Is this your first time teaching and what did that’s by myself. you do before you taught? This is my first year actually teaching, I was a substitute teacher before - Is this your first time teaching or have you taught anywhere else be this and I’m a trained archaeologist, so I spent a lot of time digging for fore? This is my first full time job. I did student teaching at Highland High things in the dirt and teaching others how to dig for stuff in the dirt. School in Spring 2017, graduated, and then I got this job in September. What are your hobbies? Reading, painting, and playing video games. What are some of your hobbies? I love reading. My favorite books are the Harry Potter series. Also, I’m really big on food. I love going to What is something that most people don’t know about you? different restaurants and trying different foods. Recently I went to an I spent a year and a half living in England. Israeli restaurant and it was phenomenal! So I guess that’s my favorite hobby; eating. Well a What is something that most people don’t know about you? lot of people I guess wouldn’t know that I went to this school. I graduated in 2011.

How does is feel seeing it from a student’s perspective and now Ms. Rehm a teachers perspective? It was definitely weird at first. It took some (Math) Interview by: Darby MacDurman adjusting, because I once had these teachers who I would refer to as Mr. and Mrs., and they became my colleagues, so now it’s a first name basis. What do you teach? But everyone welcomed me with open arms, and like they say once a brave Geometry and Algebra I always a brave, and I truly believe that. Why did you decide to teach those subjects? I really like geometry, and algebra has always been Why did you pick language arts to teach over anything else? How long have you beenmy teaching,favorite. or is this your first time teaching? I loved that language arts its very abstract. I like that you can have a I finished student teaching in December of last year, and went straight to a conversation, and you can have different interpretations of a story. I love long term sub position, so I was hired here in February. that reading essentially takes you into this different place, and you can kinda view it how you want and talk about it. I was like “Yeah I’d like to do What are some of your hobbies or what do you do in your free time? this all the time. Reading’s awesome.” I love that there is not a necessarily I like to watch HGTV. right answer when you read a book. Language arts is different every time. What is something that most people don’t know about you? So why do you thinks it’s important that students get involved in I really love Disney. Language Arts? One thing I tell my kids is “You like watching TV and Movies. Half of that stuff has come from a book.” I think it’s important to point that out. I always make sure that with any book or story I cover in class, to show some sort of movie or show that goes with it. I also think it’s important to point out modern connections for kids when they’re reading, especially when you do Shakespeare. It’s not for everyone, but if you can do those two things, and not just read and move on, It helps the kids to understand and gain a respect for what’s behind it. We want them to take away something from what they read.

6 JOBSCause you gotta go to work by AnnaMarie McMahon Quick Tips for Getting a Job Are you struggling to find a job? Do you feel discouraged, confused of where to start, or even ner- vous for your first interview? Although it can be intimidating, there are some things that you can do to increase your chances of getting hired. Here’s a list of 6 tips to consider, whether you have just started to look or are getting ready for an interview.

Don’t limit yourself to online applications. Try networking. You may be surprised at who can help There are many jobs that are not posted online. Ask you find a job! Asking the people around you, whether around, especially at local farmers markets or other that be family or friends, can be incredibly helpful if you’re small stores. having trouble finding or getting a job. Approaching the people who work at the company you are applying to may Be yourself. Being professional, articulate, and pre- also be worth trying. It can give you insight into what the pared for your interview is a must. However, be careful not job is actually like, or maybe even get you recommended to appear staged or insincere, either. Rather than obsess to a boss. over memorizing the perfect responses or the design of your resume, be genuine. Tell stories about experiences Follow up after the interview. Sending a thank you you have had that relate to the job you’re being inter- letter or email after your job interview is a way to show viewed for and try to be as honest as possible. Honest, your appreciation to the employer, reiterate your interest likeable candidates are the ones who potential employers in the position, and mention anything that you forgot will remember. during the interview. During a thank you letter, you should thank your interviewers (whether you do so individually or Compile references. Look for positive recommen- as a group is up to you) as well as your references, people dations from bosses, supervisors, colleagues, clients, who referred you to a job opening, and any others that teachers, and organizations that you have volunteered for. helped you. Avoid using family or friends as references. These refer- ences can be stored on job sites such as LinkedIn. See online articles or talk to family and friends for more tips, and be sure to take your time as you look. Good luck!


7 update


Favorite Video Game: AARON NBA 2K Favorite Subject: LEWIS Social Studies Favorite Music Genre/Artist: Rap/Juice Wrld

Favorite NFL Player: Aaron Rodgers

hether you care about Williamstown Athletics or Rasaaq: You’ve been receiving a lot of Division I of- not, it’s impossible to ignore or avoid the news of our foot- fers lately, and frankly, there’s more expected to come. ball team’s new found success. It seems as if all the pieces What are you looking for in a school program? have finally fit together, creating a team that is currently Aaron: I just want to play in a program that treats each ranked #19 in the state by NJ.com. One of these pieces is other like family. Our high school team is built off of a Aaron Lewis, a towering 6’6’’ defensive end who is making brotherhood and that’s why we connect and play so well. quite the name for himself. Rasaaq: The team is 7-0 and ranked 19th in the state. Coming off a respectable sophomore season, Aaron has What’s the end goal for the team and what do you exploded on field this season, helping lead a defense that guys need to do to secure that? has only allowed a mere 26 points across 7 games. This Aaron: The end goal is to make it to the championship success has not gone unnoticed, as D1 colleges are actively game at MetLife stadium. That’s what we set our goal as recruiting the 235lb Lewis, with offers coming from Baylor, in the offseason and that’s what we are going to achieve. Temple, Rutgers, and Penn State as of publication. I talked We can always improve our game in all aspects of it but we to Aaron to gain a greater insight into the whole process have to just keep working like we have been and it should and what his goals are for the future. come out as a positive result.

Rasaaq: When did you start playing football, and what Rasaaq: What’s something that a lot of people made you fall in love with it? wouldn’t know about you? Aaron: I started playing football when I was 13. I played wide Aaron: I love my dog, Pinky. receiver at the time. I started to love the game a lot when I hit high school. It was a faster pace and I loved the rush. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8 CLUBS what's goin on?

I had the chance to talk to Mr. Carlin fill the air as all the hard work comes outside of the choir room and ask him down to fifteen minutes of music in the about his position in our school. Mr. spotlight. It’s just enough time to give Carlin’s claim to fame are his choir the audience what they came to see, and “ programs. His hard work and patience leave them wanting more. definitely pays off, as both choirs are full of talented students that are more than Mr. Carlin believes music is important to If you willing to put their voices on display. The have in our daily life. “People tend to community of people involved are like reach for music, and there’s a reason no other. A key role to singing in a choir for that”. is being able to listen to others, because can you are relying on them just as much as Like in any art form there’s a work ethic they are relying on you. They all have to needed to be able to practice over and be connected and through this you begin over again. Choir is not just singing. to create a bond. All of these people are There’s communication, patience, hard working hard for months just to have work, and creativity. For the people who five minutes of audio perfection, and believe they can’t do it, Mr. Carlin that also creates a good group dynamic, believes that if you can talk you can sing. as everyone involved is working towards the same goal. There’s also a mental aspect to it. talk Everyone is capable of having the Not only does Mr. Carlin direct both the confidence needed to be a “good you Concert Choir and the Chamber Choir singer”, and when you are in a group as (formerly known as Select Singers), but large as a choir you never feel alone or he also teaches piano classes, and is “left out to dry” because there are bringing an acapella group to the school. people there with you that are all can He would not let me forget the clever working towards the same goal. word play, as the new acapella group will be called the “WilliamsTones”. Like For the future of the choir program, Mr. Pitch Perfect and Pentatonix, the group Carlin would like Williamstown’s choir to will focus mostly on pop music, while be one of the best in the area. He wants incorporating other elements of sound. other schools to use our choir as an He’s looking for people who can rap example for sound. He wants people to and beatbox especially, but mostly he’s “be energized about the things choir is looking for people willing to work and doing”, and overall just have the choir be sing have a good time. There would be more known. His passion for his work weekly rehearsals from 6 to 8 at night, inspires many students daily, and that’s but if acapella really isn’t for you, the why I believe the choir program is so choir has rehearsals every Wednesday. successful already. This being only his second year, Mr. Carlin continues to by Mia Martinez Both of the Choirs’ hard work is create a safe space and an incredible ” showcased at the Winter and Spring group of people. Many would be lucky concerts. Harmonies and high notes will to be part of this group.

9 CLUBS what's goin on?

DIA DE LOS MUERTOS by Mia Martinez I had the pleasure of attending the know nothing about”, and that “the Those worried about this being an extra S.A.L.S.A. Club’s first meeting of the S.A.L.S.A. club has more sauce than any Spanish class, fear not. They make sure to school year. I was pleasantly surprised to other club at Williamstown”. It’s run by focus on the more cultural aspects then the be met with some of the funniest and some of the best spanish teachers who grammar and spelling. Senora Mazzocca lighthearted people that attend William- have a background in the hispanic culture. made it very clear in the beginning that stown High School. I immediately felt Senora Rojas explained that it helps “this club is what you make it” and that we welcomed and I believe that is a testament students learn of the richness and “fla- could do as much or as little as we wanted. to the great hospitality or Senora Rojas and vour” of the hispanic culture, and get Senora Mazzocca’s incredible cooking. them more involved in some of the The freedom of the club makes for a very traditions. fun and comfortable experience. To the After filling up on delicious food and students that say “Oh, I’m not hispanic. I laughing way too hard, I finally got the With Dia de Los Muertos quickly ap- can’t join that club,” Alexis Ortiz has one chance to ask both the teachers and even proaching, the spanish festivities are in full thing to say. “Y’all ain’t hispanic when some of the members why S. A. L. S. A. swing. Neither Senora Rojas nor Senora you’re eating our food, but that never club is important to have at Williamstown. Mazzocca is Mexican, but they make sure stopped you before.” And with that I to keep the long standing tradition very encourage all to join the S.A.L.S.A. club or I spoke to Alexia Ortiz (the clubs longest prevalent in their classrooms and especially at least check it out. They meet every first standing member) on why she is apart of in the S.A.L.S.A. club. They dedicate an Wednesday of the month, and the S. A. L. S. A. club. She told me that “One entire meeting to the tradition by incorpo- meetings tend to run from 30 to 45 of the best parts of this club is that you rating many of the native foods, and even minutes long. learn the cultures and traditions of a including dance and music as well. community of people that many of us

The Scariest Costume in Williamstown comic strip by Zac Castiglione


WHSselected works from photography class I have always been into taking pictures of everything that catches my eye. I love being able to freeze a moment in time and look back at it as many times as I want for as long as I want. One weekend I was Visiting Ocean City Maryland and while I was walking on the boardwalk I noticed this wall full of art and lights. I couldn’t help but stop and stare so I pulled my camera out and tried to take the best picture I could take so I could remember that spot forever. - Victoria Ingram

“I’ve been interested in photography since a very young age, and my dad bought me my first camera when I was in 7th grade. Although it was just something I did on and off, it was this photo I would say really kicked off photography becoming a hobby of mine. This was taken in Cape Cod, MA a few years ago, but it was this photo that made me realize the beauty in the things that surround us everyday. As I look back, this photo could be considered the turning point of my interest and perspective on photography. Everything that surrounds us can be looked at in a different light, and there are many aspects of things we overlook every day. Sometimes photography isn’t about what you take a picture of, but instead how you take the picture. This realization, along with photography class and club, has helped me become a greater photographer, and I am extremely thankful for it.” - Abby Hainsworth

11 ENTERTAINMENT music television by Rasaaq Shittu by Mia Martinez

THE DOWNLOAD (NEW & OLD PICKS) ATYPICAL Soy Pablo(EP-2018) - Boy Pablo We all know Netflix is the home of hit shows likeStranger Things Genre: Indie-Pop, Indie, Surf-Rock and Orange is the New Black, but so many other incredible shows are produced under Netflix that go completely overlooked. The music project Boy Pablo from An example of this is a show called Atypical. It is back this fall for Norway just dropped their much its second season, and it’s even better than the first. awaited debut EP to 2017’s Roy Pablo with the release of Soy Pablo. The 7 The show follows 17 year old Sam Gardner (Keir Gilchrist) as he song EP is started off with a brand battles upcoming adulthood, relationships, and occasional new song titled “Feeling Lonely”, tensions within his family. Sam is on the autism spectrum, and a which manages to capture what’s so exciting about the group in constant theme throughout the show is his personal struggle less than 4 minutes. The jangly guitar intro and trance like piano with independence. Atypical takes you on a journey through the draw you in for a fun time, with simple but emotional vocals. struggles and frustration both Sam and his family feel about Other great songs include the all too short “wtf”, and the longful taking the steps to a more independent adulthood. The show “Losing You”. sheds light on the more personal aspects of growing up on the autism spectrum for both Sam and his family and how they’ve handled it this far. The War Report (Album-1997) There are obvious family tensions from the moment you are - -N-Noreaga introduced to the characters, but one thing that they can all Genre: Rap/Hip-Hop, New York Rap, agree on is being brought together for the sake of Sam. He acts 90s Rap as this metaphorical glue that helps keep the family unit strong. One of my all time favorite rap albums, Casey (Brigette Lundy-Paine) is Sam’s sister, and she deals with The War Report is 90s street rap at its her own struggles of “boy problems”, but is often the source of finest. Rivaling the wordplay of comedic relief and helps relieve some of the tension throughout Wu-Tang and the grittiness of , the the show. The various side narratives help add to the cacophony rap duo Capone-N-Noreaga more than hold their own on the of emotions you feel all throughout the show. project. Songs like “T.O.N.Y” and “Bloody Money” are often the Don’t be afraid to check out different shows like Atypical. It gives most reference songs from the album, and rightfully so. Both are us a glimpse of a life that many of us never know anything about quality examples of rap, but “T.O.N.Y”’s instrumentation and the and deserves praise for its accurate representation. The actors sheer amount of hard punchlines and closer make it iconic. and writers alike understand that this a story that needed to be told, and hopefully through the success of this show, more Diary 001(Album-2018) - Clairo stories like it. Genre: Pop, Bedroom Pop One the leaders on the new wave of Bedroom Pop music is Clairo, and it’s clear to see why on her debut album, Diary 001. Her voice is alluring and dreamy, but maintains an innocence and emotional relatability throughout all of the album’s tracks. My favorites off the project include the 80’s inspired “4EVER”, and the longing “Hello?”, which features a constructive verse by underground rapper Rejjie Snow.

12 technology movies by William Covert by Jadyn Beyer

GRAPHICS CARDS BEETLEJUICE Nvidiais a company The 1988 Oscar-winning film directed by Tim Burton, Beetlejuice, you may not know, but is a comedy classic filled with hilarious hauntings of a young-de- they are the company ceased couple. Barbara and Adam Maitland had died in a car that makes some of crash after a trip out into the town. Short after their death, the the most top of the Deetz family moved into their house, consisting of a home line, well received, realtor, his wife who is a sculptor, and their goth daughter Lydia, and well reviewed who would soon make friends with the Maitland’s. The plot of graphics cards which the film is focused on the Maitland couple trying to scare the are heavily relied on new family away from their now intruded home. During their for the use of extreme- struggles of gaining the attention of the Deetz family, they ly detailed software acquire assistance from the freelance bio-exorcist, Betelgeuse. and gaming on high performance. Recently, they came out with a Betelgeuse then offended the deceased couple with his demean- new series, introducing the RTX 2000 series. These graphics ing mannerisms, regretting their previous employment a tad too cards are priced as premium products, but people aren’t happy late before he would begin wreaking on the Deetz family. with the results from the cards. Comparing the RTX 2080 to the After the Deetz couple had decided to make the town a tourist GTX 1080 running Shadow of the Tomb Raider on 4k, this spot due to its paranormal sightings, a friend of theirs had read benchmark test pictured was from Forbes’ article talking about an exorcism while having a seance with the Maitland couple. the RTX 2080. The RTX do perform better than the 1080’s, but When they begin to decay, Lydia getting scared due to her new the RTX is much more expensive, takes up more watts from the friends dying summons Beetlejuice for help. He agrees with the PC’s power supply, and doesn’t have very good driver support condition that Lydia marries him, allowing him to then cause like the 1080 does. Many reviewers online are not happy with complete chaos in the mortal world. He saves the Maitlands, and the RTX 2000 series, and describe it as rough. As driver support while the ceremony of the wedding had taken place, the improves, the RTX will perform much better in the future, but for Maitland’s then stopped the wedding, knowing Betelgeuse’s now, it isn’t worth it. ulterior motive. The two families then learn to live together in the home peacefully, with the Deetz couple’s new knowledge of the deceased couple in their home. With a rotten tomato rating of 83% fresh tomatoes, this film had made a whopping estimate of $8,000,000 just on opening weekend. The film having well-known celebrities such as Alec Baldwin, Michael Keaton (Betelgeuse), and Winona Ryder (Lydia Deetz) acting within the film, the comedy was a huge success along with Burton’s many other films. I would suggest renting or buying this film, a lot of laughs come from the corny jokes made. Happy watching!

13 ARIES TAURUSARIES CANCERTAURUS CANCERLEO LIBRALEO CAPRICORNLIBRA CAPRICORN horoscopes by Jadyn Beyer ARIES TAURUS CANCER ARIES LEO TAURUS LIBRA CANCER CAPRICORN LEO LIBRA CAPRICORN AQUARIUS PISCES ARIES TAURUS Jan. 20–Feb. 19 Feb. 20–Mar. 20 Mar. 21–Apr. 20 Apr. 21–May 20 Let your emotional, You’ve been running like If something goes dras- Don’t be surprised if nurturing instincts shine crazy. Slow down your tically wrong, keep your some extra money comes through. Rely on your pace a bit. This is more of a time to sit cool. Don’t be so impatient your way. This may be in sixth sense more than back and observe. Soak things in and about fixing the problem that you end up the form of a reward for work well done ARIES TAURUS CANCER LEO LIBRA CAPRICORN SAGITARIUS GEMINISAGITARIUS anythingAQUARIUSGEMINI when dealing withPISCES others.AQUARIUS SCORPIOcontemplate.PISCES SCORPIOVIRGO doingVIRGO something rash. ARIES or a giftTAURUS from a relative. CANCER LEO LIBRA CAPRICORN

ARIES TAURUS CANCER LEO LIBRA CAPRICORN ARIES TAURUS CANCERGEMINI LEO LIBRA CANCER CAPRICORN LEO VIRGO May 21–June 20 June 21–July 22 July 23–Aug. 22 Aug. 23–Sept. 22 If you meet someone There is a strong intensity There may be a great deal You are being asked to new, make sure about that may cause of opposition in your stand up and fight for you break him or her you to recoil from certain events and way, but try not to dwell on it. The key your beliefs. You will find SAGITARIUS in gradually.GEMINI Don’tARIES spillAQUARIUS all the beansTAURUSARIES PISCESconversations.CANCERTAURUS SCORPIO LEOCANCER VIRGOLIBRAis to keepLEO level headedCAPRICORN and toLIBRA maintain thatCAPRICORN there is something trying to draw at once. SAGITARIUS GEMINI AQUARIUS a positivePISCES outlook on theSCORPIO situation. attentionVIRGO away from you, reminding you that there are other people on this Earth besides yourself.

LIBRA SCORPIO SAGITTARIUS CAPRICORN Sept. 23–Oct. 22 Oct. 23–Nov. 22 SAGITARIUS Nov. 23–Dec.GEMINI 21 AQUARIUS Dec. PISCES22–Jan. 19 SCORPIO VIRGO The key to your being It’s a time of opposites This is a good time for A great deal of social successful is to maintain for you in which you may catching up onSAGITARIUS anything GEMINI conditioning,AQUARIUS head trips PISCES SCORPIO VIRGO an air of stability and grounding. If find yourself jumping that needs to get done. You’ve been a given to us by our parents, others see you as being too quirky and from one thing to another. Somehow littleSAGITARIUS distracted lately as spiritualGEMINI energies AQUARIUSand our general environmentPISCES all play aSCORPIO VIRGO ARIES TAURUS CANCER SAGITARIUS LEO GEMINI off theLIBRA wall,AQUARIUS they will be hesitantCAPRICORNPISCES about nothingSCORPIO seems to sit right withVIRGO you and have been inspiring you. role in the shaping of our minds. ARIES TAURUS CANCER LEO LIBRA CAPRICORN putting their trust in you. so your search continues to intensify. Realize that many of these influences do not necessarily ring true with your SAGITARIUS GEMINI AQUARIUS PISCES SCORPIO VIRGO inner self.


FRESHMAN JUNIORS Emmanuella Camiscioli Isabella Alip students R o b e r t C o x Jon Wood of the SOPHOMORES SENIORS month Janelle Kern Angela Rosenberger SAGITARIUS GEMINI AQUARIUS PISCES SCORPIO VIRGO Ryan Debreceni Wade Inge SeptemberSAGITARIUS GEMINI AQUARIUS PISCES SCORPIO VIRGO


Alexandria Bazikos Stevie Hudiak Mia Martinez Olivia Benyola Sopheap Huot Anna McMahon Jadyn Beyer Darby MacDurman Brianna Pease William Covert Rasaaq Shittu Ms. Ferranto ~ Advisor/Designer • Mr. Longo ~ Advisor/Editor Didn’t get your own copy of Smoke Signals? Get it on the school website!