

Mathematics People

The AMS Joan and Joseph Birman Fellowship for Women Melnick Awarded Scholars, established in 2017 with a generous gift from Joan and Joseph Birman, seeks to give exceptionally talented Birman Fellowship women extra research support during their mid-career Karin Melnick of the University of years. The first three Fellowships are also being supported by the Stephen and Margaret Gill Family Foundation, in Maryland, College Park, has been memory of Hilda Geiringer von Mises. The primary se- awarded the AMS Joan and Joseph lection criterion for the Birman Fellowship, which carries Birman Fellowship for Women Schol- a stipend of US$50,000, is the excellence of the candi- ars for the academic year 2020–2021. date’s research. Read an interview (www.ams.org/giving Melnick’s research is on differen- /honoring/the-line-newsletter-fall2017-PDF tial-geometric aspects of rigidity. This .pdf) with Joan Birman about her decision to create the work comprises global and local re- Fellowship with the goal of “helping more women math- sults relating the automorphisms of a ematicians to develop their creative voices.” Karin Melnick differential-geometric structure with The first two Birman Fellows were Margaret Beck (2018– the geometric and topological prop- 2019) and Lillian Pierce (2019–2020). For more informa- erties of the space. Melnick also works in smooth dynamics, tion about the Fellowship, see www.ams.org/profession in which an invariant differential-geometric structure plays /prizes-awards/Birman-Fellowship. an important role in the proof of rigidity theorems. Mel- nick is a leader in research on the Lorentzian Lichnerowicz —Elaine Kehoe conjecture, a statement about conformal transformations of compact Lorentzian manifolds. Together with collabo- rators, she has developed new techniques in the setting of Khayutin Awarded 2020– Cartan connections that have facilitated progress on this problem, as well as many results for other differential- 2021 Centennial Fellowship geometric structures and general parabolic Cartan geom- Ilya Khayutin of Northwestern Uni- etries. versity has been awarded the AMS Karin Melnick was born and raised in the Centennial Fellowship for the aca- Bay area. She attended Reed College in Portland, Oregon, demic year 2020–2021. and completed her PhD at the University of Chicago in Khayutin tells the Notices: “I work 2006 under the direction of Benson Farb. With an NSF in homogeneous dynamics and num- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, she went to Yale Uni- ber theory. The interface between versity as a Gibbs Assistant Professor. She received a Junior these fields is vast, so let me give a Research Fellowship from the Erwin Schrödinger Institute special example to demonstrate the in the spring of 2009 and began as an assistant professor Ilya Khayutin type of questions I have been study- at the University of Maryland in the fall of 2009. She has ing. Consider a degree n totally real been awarded an AMS Centennial Fellowship and an NSF irreducible integral polynomial P of discriminant D. We CAREER grant. She is currently associate professor at the are interested in solutions to P(X)=0 when X is an n × n University of Maryland. matrix. The space of these solutions is a nice algebraic

Melnick lives between the and Germany variety VP. This variety carries an action of the group PGLn with her partner and their young child. She is very grateful by conjugation. The solutions in real matrices, V , are P(ℝ) for the flexibility provided by the Birman Fellowship and a homogeneous space for PGLn , simply because each the opportunities it provides to advance her research and semisimple real matrix with real(ℝ) eigenvalues can be diago- career goals. nalized over the reals. This observation allows us to identify

916 Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 67, Number 6 People NEWS

V , for any degree n polynomial P as above, with the in the “Mathematics Opportunities” section of an upcom- P(ℝ) coset space PGLn A, where A is the subgroup of diag- ing issue of the Notices. onal matrices. A classical(ℝ)/ question going back to Linnik is how do the solutions in integral matrices, V , distribute —Elaine Kehoe P(ℤ) in the space of real solutions PGLn A when one varies the polynomial P (the degree n is fixed).(ℝ)/ In many cases we 2020 Rolf Schock expect the distribution of the discrete points VP to be close to uniform when |D| is large enough. (ℤ) “For n=2 this question was partially answered by Prizes Awarded Skubenko in the 1950s using a method due to Linnik. The Nikolai G. Makarov of the California Institute of Tech- n=2 case was finally resolved by Duke in the 1980s. While nology has been awarded the 2020 Rolf Schock Prize in Linnik’s method relied on an intricate interplay between Mathematics “for his significant contributions to complex dynamics and arithmetic, Duke’s proof belongs to the analysis and its applications to mathematical physics.” Ac- theory of automorphic forms and builds upon Iwaniec’s cording to the prize citation, complex analysis “investigates amplification method. The case of higher n’s seems to be functions of complex variables. This field is vital to many much harder. The question was solved for n=3 by Einsiedler, branches of mathematics and has numerous applications Lindenstrauss, Michel, and Venkatesh after the turn of the in the natural sciences and engineering.” twenty-first century using a method inspired by Linnik’s The citation reads in part: “His most famous results work. The input they required both on the ergodic and the concern harmonic measure in two dimensions, stating that number theory sides is significantly more involved than the hitting probability distribution on the boundary for for n=2. The case of n>3 is still very much open, although Brownian motion in two-dimensional, simply connected some weak partial results are known. It would be pleasing domains (domains without holes) is one-dimensional. to see a solution of this problem in general. Brownian motion is the random movement of small par- “This is one flavor of questions I enjoy, some other prob- ticles floating in a fluid or gas, which was studied by Albert lems are related to the asymptotic behavior of automorphic Einstein in the early twentieth century. forms in various aspects. For example, how big can the “Nikolai Makarov has also made revolutionary contribu- sup-norm of a Hecke–Maass eigenform of large Laplace tions in the field of growth phenomena that describe crystal eigenvalue on the modular curve be when restricted to a growth in a two-dimensional space. In recent years, he has fixed compact set. The study of these problems has been also produced innovative results in conformal field theory pioneered by P. Sarnak, and important deep theorems in quantum mechanics, particularly its relationship to have been proven by many researchers. I find it especially complex analysis and probability theory.” Makarov received beautiful when we find a common thread between these his doctorate from the Steklov Mathematical Institute in spectral problems and the Diophantine problems above.” Leningrad in 1986. He is a past recipient of the Salem Prize Khayutin was born in the Soviet Union; his family immi- and was an invited speaker at the International Congress grated to when he was five years old. He received his of Mathematicians in Berkeley in 1986. PhD in 2016 from Hebrew University under the direction of Dag Prawitz and Per Martin-Löf, both of Elon Lindenstrauss. He was a Veblen Research Instructor at University, were awarded Rolf Schock Prizes in and and the Institute for Advanced Study Philosophy. They specialize in proof theory and construc- from 2016 to 2019. He says, “My parents played a formative tivist philosophy of mathematics. Prawitz was recognized role in my education and my interest in science, and I am for his work in “proof-theoretical normalization in natural very fortunate to have a wonderful family. Although I was deduction,” and Martin-Löf was honored “for the creation deeply interested in mathematics at an early age, it was of constructive type theory.” not till my late twenties when I have decided to pursue a The prize carries a cash award of 400,000 Swedish krona career in math. Since coming full circle to graduate studies (approximately US$39,000). The prizes are awarded in the in mathematics my passion about the subject continuously areas of mathematics, logic and philosophy, visual arts, grows.” and music. The Centennial Fellowship carries a stipend of US$93,000, a travel expense allowance of US$9,300, and —From a Schock Prize announcement a complimentary Society membership for one year. The award was made at the recommendation of the Centennial Fellows Selection Committee. The primary selection crite- rion is the excellence of the candidate’s research. Please note: Information about the competition for the 2021–2022 AMS Centennial Fellowship will be published

June/July 2020 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 917 Mathematics People NEWS Bandeira Awarded Bedrossian Awarded Smale Prize 2019 IMA Prize Afonso Bandeira of ETH Zurich has Jacob Bedrossian of the Center for been awarded the fourth Stephen Scientific Computation and Mathe- Smale Prize “for his pioneering work matical Modeling at the University on the foundations of computational of Maryland, College Park, has been mathematics.” The citation states: awarded the 2019 IMA Prize of the “Bandeira is an incredibly produc- Institute for Mathematics and Its tive and versatile researcher who has Applications (IMA) for his important successfully applied and combined contributions to the study of partial concepts and tools from optimiza- differential equations of fluid dy- Afonso Bandeira tion theory, probability theory, infor- Jacob Bedrossian namics and in particular to the area mation theory, statistics, theoretical of hydrodynamic stability. computer science, harmonic analysis, and number theory According to the prize citation, Bedrossian’s research to the design and analysis of algorithms for solving real-life focuses on stability and coherent structures in fluid me- data science problems.” chanics and plasma physics. His accomplishments include Bandeira received his PhD in applied and computational remarkable results on the stability of shear flows. Currently, mathematics from Princeton University in 2015 under the his “major focus is on laying down mathematically rigorous direction of Amit Singer. He held positions at the Mas- foundations for the theories of turbulence in the physics sachusetts Institute of Technology (2015–2016) and the literature. ‘Turbulence’ refers to the chaotic creation of small Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (2016–2019) features in a fluid, for example, the and unpre- before joining the faculty at ETH Zurich, where he is a full dictability in a cloud of smoke rising from a smokestack. professor. He was awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship The physical theories make predictions that seem correct in 2018 and is a recipient of the ISAAC Award for Young or at least not far off when compared to experiments. How- Scientists from the International Society for Analysis, Its ever, it is currently not understood how to deduce these Applications, and Computation. ‘laws’ directly from the mathematical equations without The Society for the Foundations of Computational adding in additional empirical assumptions, assumptions Mathematics (FoCM) awards the Smale Prize every three that one has no idea how to prove mathematically from years to a researcher who has received his or her doctoral the equations, but which seem to be approximately true in degree in the previous ten years. The prize recognizes experiments. Recently, together with Alex Blumenthal and major achievements in furthering the understanding of Sam Punshon-Smith, Bedrossian verified one of the sim- the connections between mathematics and computation. plest of such laws in a certain range of physical settings. The For further information, see http://focm-society.org effort required to verify this simplified law was substantial, /smale_prize.php. involving four separate papers that draw ideas from several fields of mathematics.” —FoCM announcement Bedrossian received his PhD in 2011 from the University of California, Los Angeles. He has held a Sloan Research Fellowship (2015) and an NSF CAREER grant (2016–2021). He was awarded the inaugural Award from the International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems in 2020. He has been awarded a 2020 Simons Fellowship and will be spending the 2020–2021 year at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. The prize consists of a certificate and a cash award of US$3,000. The prize is awarded annually to a mathemat- ical scientist who received his or her PhD degree within ten years of the nomination year. The award recognizes an individual who has made a transformative impact on the mathematical sciences and their applications.

—From an IMA announcement

918 Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 67, Number 6 Mathematics People NEWS Ardakov and Wemyss Bauerschmidt and Gwynne Awarded Adams Prize Awarded Davidson Prize Konstantin Ardakov of the Uni- Roland Bauerschmidt and Ewain versity of Oxford and Michael We- Gwynne of the University of Cam- myss of the University of Glasgow bridge have been named the recip- have been jointly awarded the 2020 ients of the 2020 Rollo Davidson Adams Prize in Algebra, this year’s Prize. Bauerschmidt was honored chosen field. for a series of advances in scaling The prize citation states: “Profes- limits for statistical field theory and sor Ardakov has made substantial random matrices, and Gwynne was contributions to noncommutative recognized for his outstanding work Konstantin Ardakov Iwasawa theory and to the p-adic Roland in conformal probability. representation theory of p-adic Lie Bauerschmidt Bauerschmidt received his PhD groups. In a long-term collabora- from the University of British Co- tion with Simon Wadsley, he has lumbia. He has held postdoctoral developed a p-adic analogue of the positions at and classical theory of D-modules, of the Institute for Advanced Study. His significance both in representation research interests are in probability theory and to the local Langlands theory and analysis, in particular in program. Professor Wemyss works their applications to statistical me- at the interface of noncommutative chanics, and he is particularly inter- algebra with algebraic geometry. He ested in spin systems and phase tran- Michael Wemyss introduced the homological minimal sitions, self-avoiding walks, random model program and its associated Ewain Gwynne matrices, renormalization, stochastic cluster-mutations and contraction algebras to elucidate dynamics, and supersymmetry in probability theory. He is and potentially classify birational surgeries of threefolds a coauthor (with D.C. Brydges and G. Slade) of the book in terms of noncommutative algebraic data.” Introduction to a Renormalization Group Method (Springer, Ardakov received his PhD from the University of Cam- 2019). He tells the Notices that he likes animals and enjoys bridge in 2004. He has been a research associate at the running in his spare time; his favorite writer is Paul Auster. University of Sheffield (2006–2007), a Leverhulme Early Gwynne received his PhD from the Massachusetts In- Career Fellow and lecturer at the University of Nottingham stitute of Technology in 2018 under the direction of Scott (2007–2011), and Reader in Pure Mathematics at Queen Sheffield. He currently holds a postdoctoral position at Mary University of before joining the Mathemati- Cambridge, supported by a Clay Research Fellowship and cal Institute at the University of Oxford in 2013. He received a Trinity College Junior Research Fellowship. His work an Early Career Fellowship from the Engineering and focuses on random geometric objects in two dimensions Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC; 2013–2018) which arise in theoretical physics, such as Schramm– and was an invited speaker at the International Congress Loewner evolution (random curves) and Liouville of Mathematicians in Seoul in 2014. quantum gravity (random fractal surfaces). Wemyss received his PhD from the University of Bristol The Davidson Prize is awarded annually to early-career in 2008. He has held postdoctoral positions at probabilists by the Rollo Davidson Trust. University and the University of Oxford and was lecturer and reader at the University of Edinburgh before joining the —From a Davidson Trust announcement faculty at Glasgow. He is currently an EPSRC Early Career Fellow. He was awarded a Whitehead Prize of the London Mathematical Society in 2017. The Adams Prize is awarded jointly each year by the Faculty of Mathematics and St. John’s College to researchers in the under the age of forty doing first- class international research in the mathematical sciences.

—From a University of Cambridge announcement

June/July 2020 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 919 Mathematics People NEWS

a complete classification of a class of Toda systems using Prizes of the Canadian purely PDE methods. This led to a wildly original theory of compactness and degree-counting for Toda systems on Mathematical Society Riemann surfaces.” Jacopo De Simoi of the University of Wei has made “profound contributions to the math- Toronto has been awarded the 2020 ematical theory of pattern formations in mathematical Coxeter–James Prize for his work in biology, in particular to spike dynamics and stability in re- the area of dynamical systems. The action-diffusion systems. Nonlocal eigenvalue problems are citation reads in part: “Dr. De Simoi ubiquitous in analyzing localized patterns in such diverse works mainly in the field of dynam- systems as seashells, urban crime, and voting and group ical systems, but he has very wide behavior in the social sciences. These unconventional ei- interests, spanning from the study genvalue problems are very complex, and little was known of near integrable systems to strongly about them until one of his groundbreaking papers in 1998 laid the foundation for their rigorous treatment.” Jacopo De Simoi chaotic ones. He has worked on some of the most prominent outstanding Wei received his PhD in mathematics from the Univer- problems in the field, from the study of the sity of Minnesota in 1994. He was a postdoctoral fellow to the statistical properties of partially hyperbolic systems. at SISSA in before becoming professor at the Chinese “Together with C. Liverani, he has published two papers University of Hong Kong, where he worked from 1995 until in Inventiones Mathematicae which dramatically impact the 2012. Since 2012, he has been Research Chair (Tier theory of chaos in slow–fast dynamical systems. Such sys- I) at the University of British Columbia. He has also been tems arise naturally in classical problems of Hamiltonian awarded a Simons Fellowship for 2020. He tells the Notices: dynamics and should be thought of as having two charac- “Outside mathematics, I like walking and enjoy reading teristic time scales; the rough picture of the dynamics can Chinese martial arts novels by the famous writer Jin Yong.” be captured by a suitable averaging of the behavior of the Sujatha Ramdorai of the Univer- orbits. By understanding the combination of slow–fast sity of British Columbia has been dynamics as a small random perturbation of the averaged awarded the 2020 Krieger–Nelson , De Simoi and Liverani proved that it Prize for her exceptional contribu- exhibits a strong form of chaos for a new class of dynamical tions to mathematics research, work systems which forms an open set in a parameter space.” De that “covers a broad range of sub- Simoi received his PhD in mathematics from the University jects, including motives, K-theory, of Maryland in 2009. He held postdoctoral positions in and arithmetic geometry.” The prize , Rome, and Toronto before moving to the University of citation states, “She is a versatile, creative and technically powerful Toronto, where he has been assistant professor since 2016. Sujatha Ramdorai Juncheng Wei of the University of mathematician” who “first achieved British Columbia has been awarded international recognition for her work in the theory of the 2020 Jeffery–Williams Prize for quadratic forms, real algebraic geometry, and motives.” his “exceptional contributions to The citation continues: “In the mid-1990s, Sujatha, in the theoretical development and collaboration with John Coates of Cambridge University, interdisciplinary applications of non- moved in an exciting new direction. The starting point was linear partial differential equations.” a general result about the Euler characteristics of p-adic According to the prize citation, “Dr. Galois representations arising from algebraic varieties over Wei’s research is remarkable in its p-adic fields, conjectured earlier by Coates and proved in breadth, depth, originality and in- the case of elliptic curves only, by J.-P. Serre. These results Juncheng Wei fluence. It is broadly concerned with led to a long-ranging line of research responsible for rapid developing tools of mathematical analysis and applying progress in the branch of number theory called Iwasawa them to shed light on phenomena in physics and biology, theory, culminating in the creation of the new field of non- which are described by mathematical models.” commutative Iwasawa theory and a precise formulation of His important contributions to the geometrization the so-called ‘Main Conjecture’ of Iwasawa theory.” Sujatha program for elliptic equations “range from counterexam- was awarded the 2006 Ramanujan Prize and was elected a ple to De Giorgi’s Conjecture in dimensions 9 and higher Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Sciences in 2005. to nonradial bound states of magnetic Ginzburg–Landau She served on the Indian Knowledge Commission, whose equations, disproving a 1980 conjecture of Jaffe–Taubes. mandate was to guide policy and direct reforms in the areas In a surprising paper with C. S. Lin and D. Ye, Dr. Wei gave of education, science, technology, agriculture, industry, and governance. In recent years, she has become a bridge between

920 Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 67, Number 6 Mathematics People NEWS

Canadian and Indian mathematical landscapes and has played an important role in opening up opportunities for Awards of the Association junior researchers in both countries. She is also passionate about outreach activities, especially in the area of making for Women in Mathematics quality online math resources available to a broader class The Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) has of students in the regional languages of India. made its Service Awards for 2020 to the following mathe- Joseph Khoury of the University matical scientists. of Ottawa is the 2020 recipient of the Raegan Higgins of Texas Tech CMS Excellence in Teaching Award. University was honored for her “ex- He has been a lecturer at the Univer- traordinary efforts in promoting sity of Ottawa for more than twenty women in mathematics” through her years. He received his PhD from the participation in organizing commit- University of Ottawa in 2001 for a tees of the 2017 and 2019 AWM Re- thesis focused on types of locally nil- search Symposia. The citation states: potent derivations, a subject linked “Professor Higgins’s leadership in to commutative algebra and algebraic Joseph Khoury fostering synergistic connections be- geometry. Since 2001, he has been tween the AWM and the local com- Raegan Higgins coordinator of the Math Help Center in the Department of munity by identifying organizations Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Ottawa, where and individuals who have made a he also leads the department’s outreach program. His awards difference has broadened our reach and furthered our and honors include the Part-Time Professor of Year Award, mission of creating a more inclusive community.” Hig- which is the University of Ottawa’s most prestigious award gins responds: “I am so surprised and happy to receive for teaching by a lecturer; the Outstanding Contribution to the 2020 AWM Service Award, and I thank AWM for this Students’ Experience Award; and the 2017 CMS Graham recognition. I worked to help AWM show its more inclusive Wright Award for Distinguished Service. He has taught a side, to show it’s not just for mathematicians in academia, large variety of courses in both English and French, from government, and industry. It is important to reach and first-year introductory mathematics classes to higher level recognize the community that has shaped and continues to discrete math and differential equations. In all of these, his shape female mathematicians. I hope what [I] have started teaching evaluations have consistently ranked near perfect, continues and I look forward to helping AWM continue the and the feedback that he receives from his students speaks work of empowering, supporting and promoting women to his dedication to teaching and his natural talent for the in math.” Higgins received her PhD from the University practice. He has organized and developed several highly suc- of Nebraska in 2008 under the direction of Lynn Erbe and cessful outreach programs such as Math Horizons Day and Allan Peterson. the annual CMS Math Camps (the largest of its kind across Omayra Ortega of Sonoma State Canada), as well as several education sessions at various con- University was honored “for repre- ferences. He has also published a number of scientific articles senting AWM while working with in refereed journals and is currently writing his third book, the international math community A Tale of Discrete Mathematics. He and his wife Antoinette to bring the have three children. He enjoys, among other things, music, exhibit to the 2019 AWM Research history, and international political affairs. Symposium, including negotiating for the installation and display space, —From a CMS announcement coordination with Rice University, planning for long-term care of the Omayra Ortega display, and acting as an honorable steward to this collection. Dr. Ortega’s commitment served to invite us to see the very personal side of a very public mathematician.” Ortega responds: “It has been my great pleasure to serve the Association for Women in Mathe- matics over the years in many different roles, but bringing the Committee for Women in Mathematics’ Remembering Maryam Mirzakhani Exhibit to the 2019 Research Sympo- sium was one of my favorites. These efforts were a labor of love and were more than redeemed as I watched the

June/July 2020 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 921 Mathematics People NEWS reactions of attendees as they took in images of tender awarded to Ximena Mercado Garcia of the University of moments and insightful thoughts of this pioneering con- Texas at Austin for her essay “From Mexico to the World: temporary mathematician whose life was cut short during Dr. Villafuerte’s Mathematical Adventure,” about Laura the peak of her career. Since the Research Symposium, Villafuerte Altuzar of the University of Texas at Austin. First this important exhibit has continued to inspire and be place in the middle school category was awarded to Farren displayed at other locations, including the Institute for Stainton of Woodstock Union High School and Middle Advanced Studies, Pomona College, and the Joint Math- School, Woodstock, Vermont, for “Orange Crocs are the ematics Meetings in Denver, Colorado. I am humbled New Pocket Protector,” about Heather Vonada of Wood- to have been nominated by my peers and selected by the stock Union High School and Middle School. Stainton was Executive Committee for this 2020 AWM Service Award. also a first-place winner in the 2019 essay competition. Thank you for this honor.” Ortega received her PhD from the University of Iowa in 2008. —From AWM announcements Denise A. Rangel Tracy of Fair- leigh Dickinson University was hon- ored “for her deep commitment to Aggarwal and Li Awarded the work of the Media Committee and her unflagging efforts to portray Clay Research Fellowships AWM positively in the media. Tracy Amol Aggarwal of Harvard Univer- has obtained funding for and led sity and Yang Li of Imperial College Wikipedia Edit-a-thons at both the London have been awarded Clay Joint Math Meetings and the AWM Research Fellowships for 2020 by the Research Symposium. She initiated Denise A. Rangel Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI). the AWM Playing Cards Project and Tracy Amol Aggarwal will receive his tracked down and created prelim- PhD in 2020 from Harvard Univer- inary lists and data on over a thousand women for that sity, where he has been advised by project.” Tracy responds: “Thank you for this award. I am Alexei Borodin. His research lies happy to be able to better highlight the accomplishments largely in probability theory and of women in mathematics, both past and present. I appre- Amol Aggarwal combinatorics, as well as their con- ciate the support AWM has given to start working on the nections to mathematical physics, Women in Math Playing Cards and thank you to all the integrable systems, and dynami- other volunteers now involved in making this project a cal systems. Aggarwal has already reality. It’ll be a great way to showcase some of the amazing established himself as a powerful mathematicians who also happen to be women. I especially mathematician, resolving several hope this makes it to the nonmath world. I often feel like long-standing conjectures of broad the general public doesn’t fully understand who we are or interest. His achievements to date what we do as mathematicians (besides teach). Although include his proof of the local statis- stereotypes are changing, women are still thought of as tics conjecture for lozenge tilings, a rarity in the mathematical sciences. I think Wikipedia Yang Li prescribing how local correlations can be a gateway to learning about these women. Our for random tilings of large domains history, our achievements, our struggles, all summarized asymptotically depend on their boundary conditions. He a few mouse clicks away from each other on a website also provided rigorous proofs for predicted phase transi- many people already visit. I hope by working to improve tions in the six-vertex model—a fundamental system from and create new articles on women mathematicians, I am statistical mechanics—and for predicted asymptotic distri- helping people better know them and the work that they butions in the one-dimensional asymmetric simple exclu- do.” Tracy received her PhD from the University of Texas sion process, an important prototype for interacting particle at Arlington in 2014. systems. In a different direction, he proved the conjecture of The winners of the 2020 AWM Student Essay contest, Eskin and Zorich describing large genus asymptotics of the “Biographies of Contemporary Women in Mathematics,” Masur–Veech volumes and the Siegel–Veech constants of are the following. The grand prize, as well as first place in moduli spaces of Abelian differentials. Aggarwal has been the high school category, was awarded to Lu Paris of Head- appointed a Clay Research Fellow for a term of five years Royce School, Oakland, California, for “A Lonely Road to beginning July 1, 2020. Loving Math,” about Marissa Kawehi Loving of the Georgia Yang Li received his PhD in 2019 from Imperial College Institute of Technology. This essay will be published in London, under the guidance of Simon Donaldson and the AWM Newsletter. First place in the college category was

922 Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 67, Number 6 Mathematics People NEWS

Mark Haskins. He has already made significant contri- Osaka University, for “Pseudo Kobayashi Hyperbolicity butions to the understanding of Calabi–Yau metrics in of Subvarieties of General Type on Abelian Varieties,” 71 complex differential geometry and Riemannian manifolds (2019), no. 1; Masanori Hino, Kyoto University, and Shu with exceptional holonomy. In a series of three papers, he Kanazawa, Tohoku University, for “Asymptotic Behavior of studied the behavior of Calabi–Yau metrics on 3-folds with Lifetime Sums for Random Simplicial Complex Processes” holomorphic fibrations when the fibers have small volume. 71 (2019), no. 3. He discovered a new complete Calabi–Yau metric on 3 with singular tangent cone at infinity and showed that thisℂ —MSJ announcements gives a model for the behavior around the critical points of the fibration, resolving an important question in the field. In more recent work, he considers special Lagrangian fibra- Simons Fellows tions of the kind appearing in the Strominger–Yau–Zaslow picture of mirror symmetry and obtained new models for in Mathematics the metric around singular fibers using a powerful combi- The Simons Foundation Mathematics and Physical Sci- nation of techniques from geometry and analysis. Yang’s ences (MPS) division supports research in mathematics, wider body of work includes many results on Yang–Mills theoretical physics, and theoretical computer science. The connections and the solution of the Plateau problem for MPS division provides funding for individuals, institutions, maximal submanifolds. Yang has been appointed a Clay and science infrastructure. The Fellows Program provides Research Fellow for a term of four years beginning July 1, funds to faculty for up to a semester-long research leave 2020. He will be based at the Massachusetts Institute of from classroom teaching and administrative obligations. Technology. The mathematical scientists who have been awarded 2020 Clay Research Fellowships are awarded on the basis of Simons Fellowships are: the exceptional quality of candidates’ research and their •• Benjamin Antieau, University of Illinois at Chicago promise to become mathematical leaders. •• Jozsef Balogh, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign —CMI announcement •• Jacob Bedrossian, University of Maryland, College Park •• Roman Bezrukavnikov, Massachusetts Institute of Prizes of the Mathematical Technology •• Paul Bourgade, University Society of •• Martin Bridgeman, College •• Richard Canary, University of Michigan The Mathematical Society of Japan •• Jonathan Chaika, University of Utah (MSJ) has awarded several prizes for •• Xiaohui Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana- 2020. Champaign Yuji Odaka of Kyoto University •• Artem Chernikov, University of California, Los Angeles was awarded the Spring Prize “for •• David Damanik, Rice University his outstanding contributions to •• Mark Andrea de Cataldo, Stony Brook University K-stability and its algebro-geometric •• Adrian Diaconu, University of Minnesota–Twin Cities applications.” The Spring Prize and •• Nathan Dunfield, University of Illinois at the Autumn Prize are the most pres- Urbana-Champaign Yuji Odaka tigious prizes awarded by the MSJ •• David Fisher, Indiana University to its members. The Spring Prize is •• Mohammad Ghomi, Georgia Institute of Technology awarded to those under the age of •• Michael Harris, forty who have obtained outstanding mathematical results. •• , University of California, Irvine The Algebra Prizes were awarded to Takuzo Okada of •• Tasho Kaletha, University of Michigan Saga University for contributions to birational Mori fiber •• Boris Khesin, University of Toronto structure of Fano varieties and its application to rationality •• Marcus Khuri, Stony Brook University problems and to Ryo Takahashi of Nagoya University for •• Alexander Kiselev, Duke University work on subcategories of module categories of commuta- •• Leonid Koralov, University of Maryland, College Park tive rings. •• Michael Lacey, Georgia Institute of Technology The Outstanding Paper Prizes, given for papers pub- •• Yanyan Li, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey lished in the Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan, •• Victor Lie, Purdue University were awarded to the following: Katsutoshi Yamanoi, •• Mauro Maggioni, Johns Hopkins University

June/July 2020 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 923 Mathematics People NEWS

•• Elizabeth Meckes, Case Western Reserve University The Parzen Prize is awarded in even-numbered years to •• Hee Oh, a North American statistician whose outstanding research •• Richard Schwartz, contributions include innovations that have had an impact •• Karl Schwede, University of Utah on practice and who received his or her PhD degree twenty- •• Konstantinos Spiliopoulos, Boston University five years or more before the date of the prize. •• Bianca Viray, University of Washington •• Z. Jane Wang, Cornell University —From a Parzen Prize announcement •• Rachel Ward, University of Texas at Austin •• Juncheng Wei, University of British Columbia •• Elisabeth Werner, Case Western Reserve University Panzer Receives Weyl Prize •• Ting Zhou, Northeastern University Erik Panzer of the University of Ox- •• Xinwen Zhu, California Institute of Technology ford has been awarded the 2020 Her- •• Aleksey Zinger, Stony Brook University mann Weyl Prize of the International Colloquium on Group Theoretical —From a Simons Foundation announcement Methods in Physics for “his pioneer- ing achievements in the calculation Yu Awarded Parzen Prize of amplitudes in gauge theories, for developing new mathematical struc- Bin Yu of the University of Califor- tures that exploit the language of nia, Berkeley, has been awarded the Erik Panzer symmetries, and for his contribu- 2018 Emanuel and Carol Parzen tion to the description of important Prize for Statistical Innovation for physical phenomena present in nature.” Panzer received her “innovative, influential, and out- his PhD in 2015 from Humboldt Universität zu standing research in algorithm and under the direction of Dirk Kreimer. His research interests theory of statistical machine learn- include Feynman integrals, hyperlogarithms, (elliptic) ing and causal inference.” Building polylogarithms, (elliptic) multiple zeta values, motivic on computational advances and in- periods, combinatorial Hopf algebras, renormalization, Bin Yu creased data availability, data science and Dyson–Schwinger equations. He enjoys running and has emerged as a platform that inte- listening to jazz music and playing the piano. He tells the grates statistics, computer science, and other disciplines. Notices: “I am from a region (Spreewald [Brandenburg, Yu trained in statistics but was driven to leverage new Germany]) that is famous for pickled cucumbers.” The computational developments, including machine learn- Weyl Prize recognizes young scientists who have performed ing, to solve important scientific problems. She seeks to top-level original work in the area of understanding physics formalize the principles of data science while making it through symmetries. more accessible to researchers from other fields. She has laid out a framework called PCS, which stands for the three —From a Weyl Prize announcement principles of data science—, computability, and stability—to guide those who solve domain data prob- lems with data science tools. Her interdisciplinary research Wang and Xu Receive involves , neuroscience, remote sensing, and pre- cision medicine. She and her team have been working to 2020 IBC Award develop models to connect hospitals with needed supplies Heping Wang of Capital Normal University, Beijing, and during the coronavirus pandemic. Yu received her PhD in Guiqiao Xu of Tianjin Normal University have been cho- statistics from the University of California, Berkeley, in sen as the recipients of the 2020 Joseph F. Traub Prize for 1990. She held a Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship in Achievement in Information-Based Complexity. They will 2006 and was awarded the Elizabeth L. Scott Award from share the cash award of US$3,000. The members of the the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies in 2018. prize committee were Jan Vybíral, Paweł Przybyłowicz, She is a fellow of the American Statistical Association, the Thomas Kühn, Winfried Sickel, Henryk Woz´niakowski Institute of Mathematical Statistics, the Institute of Elec- and Erich Novak. trical and Electronics Engineers, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Academy of —Erich Novak Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Sciences. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

924 Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 67, Number 6 Mathematics People NEWS

•• University of California, Los Angeles: Ciprian Boncio- ANZIAM Prizes Awarded cat, Jacob Zhang, Kaiqi Zhu • Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Math- • University of Waterloo: Gian Cordana Sanjaya, Kai Sun, ematics (ANZIAM), a division of the Australian Math- Anzo Zhao Yang Teh ematical Society, has awarded medals for 2020 to three The first-place team receives an award of $25,000, and mathematical scientists. each member of the team receives $1,000. The awards Lawrence Forbes of the University of Tasmania was for second place are $20,000 and $800, respectively; for awarded the ANZIAM Medal for his “outstanding contribu- third place, $15,000 and $600; for fourth place, $10,000 tion over many years to applied and industrial mathematics and $400; for fifth place, $5,000 and $200. Where four with special contributions to the theory and numerical names are mentioned, there was a tie for third place at computation of fluid flows and the design of magnetic that institution. resonance imaging (MRI) coils.” Matthew Simpson of Laura Pierson, Harvard University; Qi Qi, Massachusetts Queensland University of Technology received the E. O. Institute of Technology; and Hanzhi Zheng, Stanford Uni- Tuck Medal for his work, which “involves the development versity, were awarded Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prizes for and application of mathematical tools for describing col- outstanding performance by a woman in the competition. lective migration of populations of adhesive biological cells Each receives an award of US$1,000. and the development and use of mathematical models to study a range of biomedical phenomena.” Jennifer Flegg —From an MAA announcement of the University of Melbourne was honored with the J. H. Michell Medal for her “outstanding record of research excellence in mathematical modeling over a broad range of 2020 SIAM Fellows Elected applications,” particularly her contributions to the spread The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) of antimalarial drug resistance and tissue repair. has elected its class of fellows for 2020. Their names and institutions follow. —From an ANZIAM announcement •• Srinivas Aluru, Georgia Institute of Technology •• Steven Ashby, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Putnam Prizes Awarded •• John P. Boyd, University of Michigan •• Richard Byrd, University of Colorado, Boulder The winners of the eightieth William Lowell Putnam Math- •• Ümit V. Çatalyürek, Georgia Institute of Technology ematical Competition have been announced. The Putnam •• David Colton, University of Delaware Competition is administered by the Mathematical Associ- •• Jorge Cortes, University of California, San Diego ation of America (MAA) and consists of an examination •• George Cybenko, Dartmouth College containing mathematical problems that are designed to •• Alicia Dickenstein, Universidad de Buenos Aires and test both originality and technical competence. Prizes are CONICET awarded both to individuals and to teams. •• Yalchin Efendiev, Texas A&M University The six highest ranking individuals each received a cash •• Martin J. Gander, University of Geneva award of US$2,500. Listed in alphabetical order, they are: •• David M. Gay, AMPL Optimization, Inc. •• Ashwin Sah, Massachusetts Institute of Technology •• Laura Grigori, Inria •• Kevin Sun, Massachusetts Institute of Technology •• George Haller, ETH Zürich •• Yuan Yao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology •• Alfred Hero, University of Michigan •• Shengtong Zhang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology •• Kristin E. Lauter, Microsoft Research •• Daniel Zhu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology •• Knut-Andreas Lie, SINTEF Institutions with at least three registered participants •• Robert Lipton, Louisiana State University obtain a team ranking in the competition based on the •• Yi Ma, University of California, Berkeley rankings of three designated individual participants. The •• Kavita Ramanan, Brown University five top-ranked teams (with members listed in alphabetical •• Olaf Schenk, Università della Svizzera Italiana order) were: •• Jie Shen, Purdue University •• Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Ashwin Sah, •• Ronnie Sircar, Princeton University Shengtong Zhang, Daniel Zhu •• Aravind Srinivasan, University of Maryland, College •• Harvard University: Sehun Kim, Sheldon Kieren Tan, Park Franklyn Wang •• Defeng Sun, Hong Kong Polytechnic University •• Stanford University: David Kewei Lin, John Mistele, •• Ruth J. Williams, University of California San Diego Hanzhi Zheng, Yifan Zhu

June/July 2020 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 925 Mathematics People NEWS

•• Barbara Wohlmuth, Technische Universität München •• Ellen M. Considine (University of Colorado at Boulder), •• Pingwen Zhang, Peking University University of Colorado at Boulder •• Mayleen E. Cortez (California State University, Channel —From a SIAM announcement Islands), California State University, Channel Islands •• Samantha Dean (University of Chicago) •• Paheli Desai-Chowdhry (University of California, San NSF Graduate Fellowships Diego), University of California, Los Angeles •• Ethan N. Epperly (University of California, Santa Bar- The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a bara) University of California, Santa Barbara number of Graduate Research Fellowships for fiscal year •• Theodore Y. Faust (Michigan State University), Michi- 2020. Further awards may be announced later in the year. gan State University This program supports students pursuing doctoral study •• Patrick T. Flynn (Oregon State University), Brown in all areas of science and engineering and provides a University stipend of US$30,000 per year for a maximum of three •• Bryce A. Frederickson (Utah State University), Utah years of full-time graduate study. Information about the State University solicitation for the 2021 competition will be published in •• Kevin B. Fry (Stanford University), Stanford University the “Mathematics Opportunities”’ section of an upcoming •• Marisa Gaetz (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), issue of the Notices. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Following are the names of the awardees in the mathe- •• Micah C. Gay (Columbia University), Columbia Uni- matical sciences selected so far in 2020, followed by their versity undergraduate institutions (in parentheses) and the insti- •• Miriam Gordin (Brown University), Brown University tutions at which they plan to pursue graduate work. •• Olivia Greathouse (Winthrop University), Winthrop •• Niven Achenjang (Stanford University), Stanford Uni- University versity •• Daniel Gurevich (Georgia Institute of Technology), •• Ashleigh Adams (University of Minnesota–Twin Cities), Georgia Institute of Technology University of Minnesota–Twin Cities •• Derenik Haghverdian (University of California, Los •• Yulia Alexandr (Wesleyan University), University of Angeles), University of California, Irvine California, Berkeley •• Laurel Rainier Hamm Heck (Oberlin College), Oberlin •• Savana J. Ammons (Harvey Mudd College), Harvey College Mudd College •• Erik E. Herrera (California Institute of Technology), •• Stacy A. Ashlyn (West Chester University of Pennsylva- California Institute of Technology nia), Florida State University •• Addison Hu (Yale University), Carnegie-Mellon Uni- •• Marissa Ashner (Illinois Institute of Technology), Uni- versity versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill •• Joseph Jackson (Swarthmore College), University of •• Jacksyn Bakeberg (McGill University), McGill Univer- Texas at Austin sity •• Caleb Ji (Washington University), Higher School of •• Mohit Bansil (Michigan State University), Michigan Economics State University •• Siddarth P. Kannan (Pomona College), Brown •• Nicholas A. Bartelo (State University of New York at University Buffalo), State University of New York at Buffalo •• Kabir S. Kapoor (Cornell University), Cornell University •• Jesica A. Bauer (Carroll College), Rensselaer Polytechnic •• Joshua L. Kazdan (Stanford University), Stanford Uni- Institute versity •• Alex J. Boyd (California Polytechnic State University), •• Colby Kelln (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), University of California, Irvine University of Michigan, Ann Arbor •• Anuraag Bukkuri (University of Minnesota–Twin •• Katherine C. Kempfert (University of Florida), Univer- Cities), University of Minnesota–Twin Cities sity of California, Berkeley •• Tianhui Cai (Harvard College) •• Brian King (Baylor University), Rice University •• Maxine E. Calle (Reed College), Reed College •• Forest D. Kobayashi (Harvey Mudd College), Harvey •• Kapil Chandran (Princeton University), Princeton Mudd College University •• Casimir M. Kothari (Princeton University), Princeton •• Jonathan Che (Amherst College), Harvard University University •• Joyce A. Chew (Calvin College), Calvin College •• Noah Kravitz (Yale University), Yale University •• Anthony A. Coniglio (Indiana University), Cambridge •• Russell Kunes (Harvard University), Columbia University University

926 Notices of the American Mathematical Society Volume 67, Number 6 Mathematics People NEWS

•• Michael Kural (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), •• Maya R. Sankar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology •• Jackson P. Lautier (University of Connecticut), Univer- •• Mariya A. Savinov (University of Pittsburgh), University sity of Connecticut of Pittsburgh •• Sheraline T. Lawles (University of New Mexico), •• Mehtaab Sawhney (Massachusetts Institute of Technol- University of New Mexico ogy), Massachusetts Institute of Technology •• Hannah Lawrence (Yale University) •• Laura Seaberg (Haverford College), Haverford College •• Catherine Lee (Yale University), Yale University •• Jorge S. Guzman (University of California, Irvine), •• Matthew Lerner-Brecher (Columbia University), University of California, Irvine Columbia University •• Suzanna Stephenson (Brigham Young University), •• Matthew E. Levine (Columbia University), California Brigham Young University Institute of Technology •• Zachary J. Stier (Princeton University), Princeton •• Biyonka Liang (University of California, Berkeley) University •• Alice D. Lin (Princeton University), Princeton University •• Douglas J. Stryker (Massachusetts Institute of Technol- •• Nicholas B. Link (Rice University) ogy), Massachusetts Institute of Technology •• Mark F. Macerato (University of ), Univer- •• Becky Tang (Swarthmore College), Duke University sity of California, Berkeley •• Alec K. Traaseth (University of Virginia), University of •• Wyatt Mackey (Harvard College), Stanford University Virginia •• Daniel P. Maes (Williams College), University of Mich- •• Kevin M. Tully (Wheaton College), Wheaton College igan, Ann Arbor •• Claire N. Valva (University of Chicago), University of •• Nicole F. Magill (Quest University Canada), Cornell Chicago University •• Collin Victor (University of Nebraska–Lincoln), •• Aimee E. Maurais (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and University of Nebraska–Lincoln State University) •• Allison Y. Wang (California Institute of Technology), •• Vaughan McDonald (Harvard College), Harvard College California Institute of Technology •• Trini Nguyen (California State University, Fullerton), •• Jamelle Watson-Daniels (Brown University), Harvard University of California, Irvine University •• Evangelos A. Nikitopoulos (Brown University), •• Natalie Wellen (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), University of California, San Diego University of Washington •• Alexander D. Nolte (Tufts University), Rice University •• Charles J. Wolock (Harvard University), University of •• William J. Ogden (University of Minnesota–Twin Washington Cities), University of Minnesota–Twin Cities •• Katharine Woo (Stanford University), Stanford •• Otto V. Osterman (University of Texas at Dallas), University University of Texas at Dallas •• Catherine S. Xue (Yale University), Harvard University •• Natalia M. Pacheco-Tallaj (Harvard University), •• Fiona Young (Harvard College), Cornell University Harvard University •• Teresa Yu (Williams College), Williams College •• Biraj Pandey (University of Texas at Austin), University •• Julie Y. Zhang (University of Washington), University of Washington of Washington •• David J. Passey (Brigham Young University), Brigham •• Yunkun Zhou (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Young University Stanford University •• Maia Powell (University of Northern Colorado), •• Emily Zhu (Carnegie-Mellon University), University of University of California, Merced California, San Diego •• Oron Y. Propp (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Massachusetts Institute of Technology —NSF announcement •• Leah Reeder (Colorado School of Mines), Colorado Credits School of Mines Photo of Ilya Khayutin is courtesy of Olga Kalantarov Hautin. •• Wyatt Reeves (University of Texas at Austin), University Photo of Afonso Bandeira is courtesy of NYU Photo Bureau: of Texas at Austin Kahn. •• Zhi Ren (California Institute of Technology), Massachu- Photo of Jacob Bedrossian is courtesy of Alan P. Santos/ setts Institute of Technology University of Maryland. •• Jeremy Rubin (University of Maryland, Baltimore Photo of Raegan Higgins is courtesy of Ashley Rodgers. Photo of Yang Li is courtesy of Mirko Mauri. County), University of Maryland, Baltimore County Photo of Bin Yu is courtesy of Nan Zhao. •• Ashwin Sah (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Massachusetts Institute of Technology

June/July 2020 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 927