ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 1 of 98 Jacob, Melinda

Subject: FW: YES! to new restaurant in the Elmwood

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 9:14 AM To: Sage, Aaron E. Subject: YES! to new restaurant in the Elmwood

Hello Aaron, I live on Regent Street near Stuart and grew up on Webster and College Avenue, AND I would LOVE to have a new restaurant in the Elmwood. I fully support the plan. Just my two cents on the issue. Thanks, Diana Yovino-Young 2716 Berkeley, CA 94705 510 548-1210 x18

1 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 2 of 98 Jacob, Melinda

Subject: FW: New Restaurant on Ashby at College

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 8:59 AM To: Sage, Aaron E. Subject: New Restaurant on Ashby at College

I am a neighbor (Hillegass between Webster and Woolsey) writing in favor of the restaurant on Ashby proposed by the Comal owners. I love Comal. That space has been empty for years. An upscale locally owned full service restaurant with full bar that the neighbors and the campus community could walk to would be great. Surely a loading zone for deliveries could be set up for certain hours in the morning. As for parking, what about a deal with the parking lot on Ashby at Regent for peak evening weekend hours? All of my neighbors on our neighborhood e-tree are for it. Don't let the vocal NIMBY nay-sayers stop another good project!

Claudia Wilken

1 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 3 of 98 Jacob, Melinda

Subject: FW: Proposed Restaurant, Willard Pool and Park, Russell/College Light, the SRO, and Redistricting. Whew!

From: TaylorYY [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 7:28 AM To: [email protected]; Sage, Aaron E. Subject: Re: Proposed Restaurant, Willard Pool and Park, Russell/College Light, the SRO, and Redistricting. Whew!

Dear ZAB

I have reviewed the proposal for the restaurant at 2635 Ashby and fully support allowing them a permit to operate. I do not support adding any additional restrictions on them, parking or otherwise. I believe the City needs to be more supportive of local business and allow then a chance to succeed. Berkeley is a dense urban environment and traffic is a natural byproduct. Thus, walking patronage adds even further value to the City.

Respectfully Eric Taylor 2803 Regent St

Sent from my iPad

On Dec 4, 2013, at 10:52 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Helloooo Willardians!

I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! Mine was action-packed -- I sat down 24 Beiers for dinner and let me tell you, my peeps can eat! I live by myself and it was nice to have my house packed with loved ones. And it was nice when they all left! ☺

There's a lot going on in the neighborhood. I'm going to cover 5 items -- the proposed restaurant at College/Ashby, the proposed parks/pools bond, the College/Russell stoplight, SRO, and re- districting. It's a lot to cover and, as I'm short on time, I'm going to keep it pithy!

ZAB Hearing for the Proposed Restaurant Thursday, December 12th, 7 PM, Council Chambers

As you may know, John Paluska and his partner are planning a 3,400 SF restaurant in the space between Lululemon and the Mexican Chocolate store (love that place!) .

1 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 The restaurant is big -- about 100 seats (which includes sidewalk seating). John alsoPage opened 4 of 98 Kamal in downtown Berkeley and is planning to do something similarly "high-concept" for the space. It'll have a full bar and, if they succeed, it'll be something like the Townhouse on College (across from the torn-down Safeway). They've prepared a website of what they are planning -- you can check it out at:

While a bustling night spot is exciting, it also comes with significant issues. Parking and deliveries come to mind. Other factors are overall congestion, trash, and the possible deleterious effects on other restaurants. The restaurant is asking for extended hours (midnight Fri/Sat), and it will exceed the (already exceeded) quota for restaurants in the Elmwood.

If you would like to comment on the restaurant, send an email to Aaron Sage, the City staffer assigned to the project, at [email protected]. Also, if you copy me on your comments to Aaron, I'll be sure to reflect them in my remarks to the ZAB.

(For my own part, it seems that this big of an operation should require, at the minimum, a loading zone and valet parking. Delivery trucks stopping traffic on Ashby would be a nightmare traffic-wise as will cars driving around the neighborhood looking for parking.)

So….this is a big deal. Get your comments into Aaron as soon as you can.

The Proposed Parks/Pools Bond Hearing, Weds, Dec 11, Frances Albrier Community Center, 2800 Park Street, 7 PM

As you all know, I've been flogging the renovation of Willard Pool. Some of you also have suggested improvements for Willard Park. Next week, the Parks and Waterfront Commission will be putting together the final list of recommendations for 2 proposed bonds to be put (hopefully) on the ballot in 2014. One will be a "maintenance" bond (Prop 13 keeps squeezing the general fund, along with increasing pension demands) and a "capital" bond. Both these bonds together will add $45 to the average (1900 SF) property tax bill. Both required 2/3 vote.

If you support Willard Park improvements or Willard Pool, you'll want to attend next week's meetings to watch the proceedings. Obviously, as a pool supporter, I'd love a LOT of you to show up (I'll have signs). We don't need to speak. It's a busy agenda so we'll probably just

2 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 appoint one person to speak for the group. Hopefully our message will be "we comePage in 5 of 98 partnership". The Commission, after all, is going to need our help next November to pass these measures. We've failed twice before (so close!). We're going to win this time!

The College/Russell Stop Light

Victory! Your letters made the difference, Willardians! The proposed stoplight at Russell/Ashby has been moved to "Phase II". Hopefully, this means "never". We may have to come back and fight this later but, for now, we've won! Nice job, everyone.


I wrote several weeks ago asking about responses to the potential weakening of the Second Response Ordinance. I received about 20 letters objecting to changing the ordinance by allowing an appeal of the initial warning. I also received a very thoughtful letter that said the ordinance was enforced haphazardly and that it was unclear exactly what the rules re: partying are. I tried to reflect all of this in my comments but, due to the crowd of speakers, was limited to two minutes. Good thing I'm from the East Coast and can talk fast!

The upshot of the meeting is that the SRO is unchanged, for now. The item was held over pending more information from staff. My gut feeling is that, due to the strong opposition to changing the ordinance by all neighborhood groups, the SRO will remain unchanged. Time will tell. I'll let you know if this comes back to Council.


In 2012, Berkeleyans passed Measure R which allowed for the creation of a student district. It also required that no councilmember be redistricted out of their district (which created some goofy districts). The Council proposed a deadline for new district maps. The ASUC submitted a student plan that was selected by the Council as the new plan.

After the deadline, a new student plan was submitted. This second plan was similar to the first student plan except that it included Northside co-ops (they are not included on the first plan). Even though it was after the deadline, the Council agreed to consider this second plan. Last night the Council reviewed both plans and went with the first student plan. (The Council's decision is actually better for Willard in that it keeps most of the neighborhood intact.)

3 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Normally, this would be the end of the process. However, I've heard rumors that therePage may 6 ofbe 98a movement to hold a referendum on plans. If 5,000 signatures are gathered to support a referendum, then, presumably, the citizens of Berkeley would be asked to vote (again) on redistricting.

Bottom Line: The district lines for 2014 may be very much in the air. Stay tuned!

OK, that's all the news for now. Please pardon the fat-fingering and poor grammar. In a hurry! – George B / Prez / Willard

4 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 7 of 98 Jacob, Melinda

Subject: FW: Proposed College/Ashby Restaurant

From: AnnMarie Mitchell [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2013 9:23 AM To: Sage, Aaron E. Subject: Proposed College/Ashby Restaurant

It could be that some attention will need to be given to making this restaurant actual fuction in this busy area, to permit deliveries, handle parking, etc., but I would look forward to another good restaurant in the area. I am heartened by the fact that one of the owners is the same that made Kamal such a great addition to Shattuck.

While I agree that a great new restaurant could attract custom from other restaurants initially, I think in the long run it will draw diners to the area and actually benefit the restaurants already there.

AnnMarie Mitchell 2610 Hillegass, Apt. 201

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From: Jon Bain-Chekal Subject: Re: Ashby restaurant Date: October 12, 2013 5:54:17 PM PDT To: John Paluska

4 Attachments, 11 KB

Hi John,

Sorry for the delay, it has turned out to be a busy week. Below is a letter in support of 2635 Asbhy. We look forward to you joining the neighborhood.



Dear ZAB,

I have been a resident of Elmood for over 21 years. Eighteen of those years have been on the same street (Hillegass between Webster and Woolsey). I came to the neighborhood first as an undergraduate renter and later as a young professional renter. We have been actively involved in the neighborhood and my husband and I were able to buy a home on the street back in 2005 and start a family.

I have a few thoughts to share with the board for consideration:

1. First of all I want suggest that these are the type of business owners that we want to support and encourage in Berkeley. Comal, in downtown Berkeley, has brightened up the street it is on and serves as an establishment to be proud of. I have to entertain a lot for work and it is important to have restaurants that my work partners enjoy in Berkeley. Otherwise we go other places. Comal has been just such a place. The more we keep the business in Berkeley the better….but we have to have places like Comal that are vibrant and of high quality.

2. My family and I love Elmwood and are very active in maintaining its quality and community. In the late 90’s I served on the Quality of Life Study conducted in response to violations by Alta Bates Hospital. A key measure of neighborhood success is the number of community gathering places. Based on my experience at Comal , these business owners not only know how to create a great restaurant, they know how to create a gathering place inviting for the community to gather at.

3. As a parent, date night is very important, and we are going to go out when we get the chance. We greatly prefer to stay in Elmwood and to walk on our dates, but we need a variety restaurant types to go to, otherwise we will get in the car and drive somewhere else. The proposed restaurant will complement the neighborhood and not overwhelm it. It will be a great boost for all the businesses in the area.

4. The one consideration I would ask, is that the zoning board and business owners take serious consideration to mitigate noise levels inside the restaurant as much as possible. Loud restaurants dampen conversation and detract from the experience. In fact we have stopped going to Shen Hua because of the loud inside noise. We go out with our friends so we can actually talk to each other.

As long time residents we eagerly awake the arrival of the new restaurant at 2635 Ashby.


Jon Bain-Chekal,

3034 Hillegass Ave.

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 9:42 AM, John Paluska wrote: Tonight is great

Here's the original email I sent out with talking points… ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 14 of 98

Allen%&%Amanda%Scott% 66%Alvarado%Road% Berkeley,%CA.%94705% % % To%Whom%It%May%Concern:% % We%want%to%voice%our%support%to%the%proposed%restaurant%at%2635% Ashby.%%We%are%thrilled%at%the%prospect%that%John%Paluska%and%Andrew% Hoffman%would%be%bringing%a%new%restaurant%to%the%Elmwood% neighborhood%of%Berkeley.%%We%are%big%fans%of%their%restaurant,%Comal% and%know%that%this%new%venture%will%be%a%welcome%addition%to%the% neighborhood.%%% % We%do%not%see%any%negative%impacts%of%this%restaurant…%only%benefits.%% We%often%come%down%to%Ashby%and%College%Avenue%for%dinner%and/or%a% movie%and%never%have%any%issue%finding%parking.%%%We%do%not%see%this% being%any%tipping%point%in%parking%and%their%parking%study%supports%this.%% % We%hope%that%they%are%able%to%move%forward%with%this%restaurant,% because%I%know%that%our%family%will%be%frequent%patrons!% % Best,% % % % Allen%&%Amanda%Scott% ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 15 of 98

From: Susie Zukor Subject: Re: Restaurant at 2635 Ashby Avenue Date: October 8, 2013 4:46:04 PM PDT To: John Paluska <[email protected]>

To whom it may concern, I am in favor of the new restaurant at 2635 Ashby. I live at 3000 Hillegass Avenue, only a few blocks from the proposed site, and would be happy and excited to have a nice new restaurant in the neighborhood. My husband and I have 5 children so we like to go to dinner locally where we can be close to home. We also very much enjoy walking or biking to restaurants and thereby foregoing any parking woes. When we do get a chance to slip away from our household, we almost always walk down College into Oakland. We enjoy restaurants such at Wood Tavern, the Ramen Shop, and Oliveto. We do not think these restaurants have a negative effect on the neighborhood, in fact, quite the opposite. I think the Elmwood would be safer with more pedestrians and restaurant customers on the sidewalks and nearby streets. Thank you, Susie Zukor

On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 8:54 AM, John Paluska <[email protected]> wrote: Susie

For some reason this did not come through - if this is a letter of support, can you please resend as an email?

Thanks, John Paluska

On Sep 10, 2013, at 4:12 PM, Susie Zukor wrote:

Dear ZAB, I am a resident of 3000 Hillegass Avenue, just a few blocks from 2635 Ashby. I am in favor of the new proposed Restaurant at that address. My husband and I enjoy going out to dinner whenever we can get away from our children. We usually choose to walk to a restaurant close by because we prefer not to worry about parking, we do not want to drink any alcohol and then drive a car, and if there is some emergency, we can make it home quickly. We always walk south into Rockridge because we enjoy the restaurants there. However, if Comal or a similar restaurant was in our neighborhood, we would gladly stay and eat in the Elmwood. I think a nice restaurant would be a wonderful addition to the Elmwood, would increase foot traffic for all the merchants and would thereby add to the safety of the neighborhood. Thank you, Susie Zukor ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 16 of 98

From: Julia Robarts Subject: Letter of support Date: October 8, 2013 12:37:54 PM PDT To: [email protected]

To Whom it May Concern,

Our neighborhood would greatly benefit from the addition of a new restaurant to add to the vitality of the Elmwood area. While there are a handful of restaurants in Elmwood, none of them offer a dynamic, upscale or vibrant dining experience. For us, having such a restaurant within walking distance would really help improve our neighborhood and make us a little more interesting to the locals and the surrounding area. We find ourselves currently having to drive to Oakland to A16, Wood Tavern, Comal to find the type of restaurant that is a little more upscale and refined. We don't believe that parking would be an issue as there is currently plenty of parking in the neighborhood, and having people from the surrounding areas coming to visit Elmwood would be greatly beneficial in making the city more alive and it would also help support other local merchants and shops.

We are truly looking forward to the opening of this new restaurant and fully support it.

Julia & Michael Robarts 2954 Russell Street Berkeley, CA 94705 (510)644-1984

the restaurant will provide a dynamic new dining experience that differs from what is currently available in the neighborhood (many early letters of support mention the need to drive to Rockridge, Temescal or Downtown for such an experience as opposed to walking to Elmwood)

* while parking is a critical issue, the restaurant will not materially increase the overall demand for parking in the neighborhood (see the parking study referenced below) – we have scaled the restaurant to have fewer seats than two other popular restaurants in the neighborhood: Shen Hua and King Yen in an effort to keep our impact light

* a restaurant that successfully draws people to the commercial district will benefit other merchants as well

* Comal has established considerable good will in Berkeley and added new vitality to the Downtown Arts District – our proposed restaurant will hopefully have a similar effect in Elmwood ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 17 of 98

From: Terry Shames Subject: Possible Elmwood restaurant Date: August 28, 2013 4:10:04 PM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

I have just heard that the owners of Comal in downtown Berkeley are interested in opening a restaurant in the Elmwood. That would be so fantastic. Comal is a great restaurant, and we could certainly use something a little more high end in the area. Don't get me wrong, I love the College corridor restaurants for lunch or a casual dinner. But to go for an evening of fine dining, we have to leave the area and go somewhere else. We live about a five-minute walk from Mrs. Dalloway's and would love to be able to stroll to that area for upscale dining. It would be of benefit to other stores in the area for the lunchtime crowd, or for those stores that are open a little later in the evening.

I'm sure you will get some negative responses to the proposal because of parking and noise concerns. I think the noise concerns are more easily addressed than the parking. But I suspect a lot of people would be delighted to have a place to go within walking distance. Please put my husband and me in the "pro" category.

Terry and David Shames 2737 Claremont Blvd ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 18 of 98

October(1,(2013( ( ( ( Zoning&Adjust&Board& City&of&Berkeley,&& & & RE:&Proposed&Restaurant&in&Elmwood&at&2635&Ashby& ( ( Dear(Zoning(Adjustment(Board,( ( I(am(writing(this(letter(in(support(of(the(proposed(restaurant(at(2635(Ashby.(This( location(is(a(very(good(one(for(the(proposed(business(and(will(add(an(interesting( and(useful(choice(to(the(mix(of(restaurants(in(Elmwood,(one(that(is(missing(from(the( current(set(of(restaurants(in(the(area.( ( In(the(long(term,(while(the(set(of(businesses(in(the(shopping(district(here(currently( appear(to(be(doing(well,(it(is(important(to(seize(opportunities(as(they(come(to(add( new(elements(to(the(mix.(It(is(not(possible(to(know(when(some(important(existing( restaurant(may(close(due(to(business(or(personal(reasons.(When(that(inevitably( happens,(it(will(be(essential(to(have(the(strongest,(fullest(set(of(restaurants(and( shops(in(place(to(keep(the(area(successful.(Regardless(of(whether(someone(thinks( the(proposed(restaurant(is(needed(now((I(think(it(is),(a(new(restaurant(in(this( location(will(make(the(district(more(resilient(to(changes(which(will(undoubtedly( come(in(the(future.( ( That(a(business(is(willing(to(invest(in(the(Elmwood(neighborhood(to(add(more(life(to( this(section(of(Ashby(is(a(good(sign.(We(in(the(neighborhood(and(in(the(city(should( support(this(kind(of(activity.(It(is(easy(and(unfortunately(common(to(concentrate(on( potential(negative(externalities(of(any(proposal.(However,(the(fact(is(that(this(is(a( very(appropriate(location(for(a(restaurant(and(will(fit(nicely(into(the(existing( economic(and(transportation(system(of(the(area.(If(we(want(to(keep(Berkeley(strong( and(solvent,(we(need(this(kind(of(investment(and(we(should(not(throw(up( roadblocks(to(businesses(trying(to(invest(in(all(our(future.( ( Unfortunately,(one(factor(which(will(probably(be(of(concern(for(this(proposal(is( parking.(The(focus(on(parking(has(been(a(problem(for(cities(for(a(long(time(and( continues(to(hold(back(the(creation(of(healthy(neighborhoods.(This(is(true(for(a( variety(of(reasons,(among(them(both(environmental(and(economic(concerns.( ( As(for(the(environment,(the(scientific(community(agrees(that(global(warming(is(real( and(is(continuing,(and(a(big(part(of(the(cause(is(our(reliance(on(the(automobile(for( transportation.(Parking(spaces(attract(automobile(trips.(If(we(really(want(to(think( globally(and(act(locally,(this(is(exactly(the(kind(of(situation(that(requires(us(to(look( ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 19 of 98

beyond(the(automobile.(The(location(of(this(restaurant(is(very(proximate(to(good( transit(such(as(the(51B(line.(It(also(has(a(large(number(of(homes(within(walking( distance.(And(if(a(person(does(need(to(drive(to(the(restaurant,(that(person(will(have( the(same(options(to(drive(here(as(would(someone(visiting(any(other(business(in( Elmwood.(The(transportation(system(for(this(area(is(already(functioning(and(the( addition(of(this(restaurant(would(not(break(that(system.(To(push(for(more(parking( (and(therefore(driving)(would(be(a(mistake.( ( Economically,(parking(requirements(add(to(the(cost(of(businesses(and(therefore(add( to(the(cost(for(everyone,(and(they(reduce(the(number(of(local(establishments(in( small(shopping(areas(like(the(Elmwood.(When(businesses(are(required(to(provide( parking,(they(have(to(expend(a(great(amount(of(money(on(land,(construction,(and( maintenance.(Those(costs(inevitably(get(passed(on(to(consumers,(even(those(who(do% not%drive.(Given(that(people(who(drive(tend(to(be(better(off(economically(than(those( who(do(not,(this(result(is(highly(inequitable.(Besides(that,(in(an(area(of(existing(high( quality(building(stock(such(as(this(one,(parking(may(simply(not(fit(into(an(area( without(requiring(the(destruction(of(valued(buildings,(an(expensive(and(unfortunate( result.(Small,(local(businesses(typically(do(not(have(the(money(to(construct(and( maintain(unwanted(but(required(parking(spaces,(meaning(that(those(businesses( may(not(be(able(to(exist(and(we(cede(the(playing(field(to(chain(stores(and(chain( restaurants.(I(do(not(believe(that(we(should(allow(parking(policy(to(harm(local( businesses(and(fill(Berkeley(with(chains.( ( To(conclude,(I(will(say(that(I(do(not(know(if(I(would(personally(visit(the(proposed( restaurant(at(issue(here.(However,(I(believe(that(having(a(new(restaurant(in( Elmwood(would(be(a(good(thing(for(the(neighborhood(and(a(good(thing(for(Berkeley( and(I(support(giving(them(a(chance(to(succeed.( ( Regards,( (

( ( John&Beutler& 2642(Regent(St.( Berkeley,(California( ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 20 of 98

From: Barbara Manierre Subject: Elmwood restaurant Date: September 3, 2013 7:50:59 PM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

To Terry Blount:

I am writing in support of the Zoning Adjustment Board voting to approve the new restaurant that wants to open in the Elmwood, on Ashby near College. Given the great track record of the business owners at Comal, it's safe to say this new restaurant would be a great place for locals to go. It would enliven the district and in turn increase business for the other stores nearby. Other nice restaurants have opened elsewhere on College Avenue, and this has made the whole area more lively and interesting. I live in the neighborhood and feel it would be very beneficial to have a business of this type in the heart of the Elmwood. I hope you will approve their application.

Barbara Manierre [email protected] (510) 655-9065 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 21 of 98

To: Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board Re: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project Dear ZAB members, As a former resident of the Elmwood/Rockridge corridor (my wife and I lived on College at Alcatraz for about 5 years in the mid-90’s), I am very much in favor of sustaining the rich flavor of the neighborhood while encouraging healthy growth and a sense of renewal. As a current resident of the flats near the North Berkeley Bart station, I have looked longingly at neighborhoods like the Elmwood, where I’ve often sought out high quality retail and restaurant experiences, along with the enjoyment of walking easily from shop to shop. I would be very excited to see the restaurant at 2635 Ashby come into the neighborhood because it would offer a different experience than what I’ve found there already. Also, I’d be more likely to bring the whole family for a late afternoon outing, knowing that we’d be able to shop the neighborhood with the promise of a new and inspired quality dining experience at the end. It’s a win-win for retail and restaurant merchants. While I understand the intensity of the parking issues in this neighborhood, I also know that the smaller seat count and favorable location for public transport will keep the impact of this restaurant light. I’m certain that both Shen Hua and King Yen have larger seat counts. For my family and myself, we will be biking to the Elmwood as often as driving, just as we’ve been biking to Comal in downtown Berkeley. The impact of this single restaurant on the Downtown Arts District has been significant, and the renewed sense of vitality there is tangible. We have every reason to hope that the same effect will follow in the Elmwood. I urge the members of the board to approve this use permit, and I look forward to the renewed sense of place that this establishment will add to the community.

Sincerely, Keith J. Morris ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 22 of 98



Paul!Arenstam!&!Charlene!Reis! Summer!Kitchen!Bake!Shop! 2944!College!Avenue! Berkeley,!CA!!94705! ! RE:$ $In$Support$of$Restaurant$Project$at$2635$Ashby$Avenue$ ! Dear!ZAB,! ! We!would!like!to!express!of!our!support!for!the!approval!of!the!proposed!restaurant!project!to!be! located!at!2635!Ashby!Avenue!in!Berkeley.!!We!urge!the!ZAB!to!approve!the!project!that!was!proposed! and!submitted!by!John!Paluska.! ! We!have!met!with!Mr.!Paluska!to!discuss!and!learn!more!of!the!details!of!his!project.!!We!found!John!to! be!a!thoughtful!and!considerate!restaurateur.!He!has!spent!a!considerable!amount!of!time!engaging!the! community!with!regards!to!the!issues!of!noise,!parking!and!the!impact!to!the!neighborhood!his!project! may!cause.!!Mr.!Paluska!is!well!aware!of!these!concerns!and!will!be!working!closely!with!local!merchants! and!neighbors!to!address!them!including!the!plan!to!alleviate!the!increased!parking!demand!the! restaurant!may!create.! ! The!success!and!good!will!that!Comal!enjoys!should!be!a!clear!indication!as!to!the!type!of!professional! operator!that!John!is.!!We!feel,!as!do!many!of!our!patrons!that!his!restaurant!will!actually!be!a!benefit!to! us!and!other!merchants,!as!it!will!fill!this!long!vacant!retail!space!with!a!vibrant!establishment.! ! It’s!time!for!the!Elmwood!and!The!Elmwood!Merchants!Association!to!move!forward.!!This!beautiful! storefront!has!been!vacant!for!far!too!long.!!Please!join!us!in!our!support!of!this!project.! ! ! Sincerely,! ! ! ! Paul!Arenstam!&!Charlene!Reis! Summer!Kitchen!&!Bake!Shop! ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 23 of 98

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 24 of 98

October 1, 2013

City of Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board Via email: [email protected]

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to express my support for the new restaurant to be opened at 2635 Ashby Street. I am a resident of the neighborhood and I believe that this restaurant would be a great addition to the area.

I am a frequent diner at Comal, the other restaurant founded by this group, and I am sure that, like comal, this restaurant would be warm and inviting with great food and service and an upstanding clientele.

This restaurant will provide a different dining experience from what is currently available in the neighborhood, and would cause us to drive less frequently to Rockridge or Temescal to find a good meal.

I read the parking study on the 2635 Ashby website and while parking is a critical issue, it appears as thought this restaurant will not materially affect the overall demand for parking in the neighborhood.

A rising tide lifts all boats and a restaurant that successfully draws people to the Elmwood commercial district will benefit other area merchants.

This restaurant group is a known quantity. Comal has been a wonderful addition to downtown and added new vitality to the Downtown Arts District. Elmwood could only benefit from a world- class restaurant such as this.


Andrew Dreskin 2501 Regent Street Berkeley, CA 94704

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 25 of 98

Camille Winet Labels Luxury Consignment 2629 Ashby Ave Berkeley, CA 94705

Zoning Adjustments Board Terry Blount, Secretary Land Use Planning Division 2120 Milvia St 2nd floor Berkeley, CA 94704

Dear Zoning Adjustment Board,

My name is Camille Winet and I work fulltime at Labels Luxury Consignment in the Elmwood district. I pleased to find out that there will be a new business joining the neighborhood. I am in support of the opening of this new restaurant, and strongly believe that it will enhance the overall feel and atmosphere of Elmwood, particularly this Ashby Ave. block. I am excited to experience the restaurant both for its atmosphere as well as its locally sourced ingredients.

Camille Winet Labels Luxury Consignment ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 26 of 98

Farzana Mohammed Labels Luxury Consignment 2629 Ashby Ave Berkeley Ca. 94705 510-356-4144

Zoning Adjustments Board Terry Blount, Secretary Land Use Planning Division 2120 Milvia St 2nd floor Berkeley, CA 94704

Dear Zoning Adjustment Board,

As manager of Labels Luxury Consignment Berkeley location, I am happy to hear that a new prospective restaurant is in the proposal stage right here in the Elmwood district. This new business promises to be a gathering place for the surrounding community. It will be offering an innovative menu using local ingredients. I have lived in Berkeley for over 24 years, and as a Berkeley native and longstanding foodie I am pleased to have another unique addition to the neighborhood. This new business venture will add a new feel to the Elmwood. The owners, John & Andrew, strive to improve and grow the patronage within the shopping district and are excited to add a new flavor and inspiration to this already bustling district.

Sincerely, Farzana Mohammed Manager, Labels Luxury Consignment

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 27 of 98

13 September 2013

Dear ZAB,

I am writing to you in support of the proposed "2635 Ashby Avenue Restaurant Project " to be located in a portion of the former Wright's Garage space. As life-long residents of Berkeley we reside directly uphill from this proposed site on Ashby/Tunnel Road and we are thrilled with the prospect of this new restaurant opening in our neighborhood. I am also a partner/owner of Another Planet Entertainment, a Berkeley business.

It is of utmost importance that independent restaurants and retail in this particular area be approved and that vacant real estate does not remain unoccupied. The City should feel honored and fortunate to have someone of this stature and reputation want to open a new restaurant in this neighborhood. John Paluska's food and ambience at Comal in Downtown Berkeley are outstanding and has garnered world renowned press and praise by food critics, customers and the community. Don't lose this opportunity; your approval of this project without delay is vital in keeping the economy prospering in this community and the "buzz" and vibrancy of the Elmwood District alive and well.

Recent examples that opening new restaurants are key in the success in revitalizing neighborhoods is evident in various local neighborhoods. One does not have to go far to see what Flora, Duende, Hopscotch, Pecan and others have done for Oakland's Uptown District or the various restaurants in Oakland's Temescal area and yes, even Berkeley's Downtown Art's District where Comal has recently established new vitality to the area.

This proposed restaurant will be unique to the Elmwood and will compliment the other businesses in the area. John Paluska's resume and history speak for themselves. He has a long record of having great respect for his neighbors and for the environment in which he works and has always gone the extra length to mitigate any negative impact on the surrounding community.

No longer will we have to travel to Oakland or North Berkeley or or even Walnut Creek for a great restaurant. We can actually be green and walk to a first class restaurant!

We look forward in anticipation of your approval of this wonderful proposal .

Sincerely, sherry Wasserman

Sherry Wasserman and Clayton Johnson 189 Tunnel Road, Berkeley CA 94705 [email protected]

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 28 of 98

April Gilbert and John Poppleton 2512 Russell St. Berkeley, CA 94705 (510) 847-1447

September 18, 2013

Dear Zoning Adjustment Board,

We live at the address below, less than three blocks from the proposed restaurant development at 2612 Ashby St. We are writing to enthusiastically support the proposed restaurant development at this location!

One of the reasons we love living here is the vibrant commercial district. The Elmwood offers a rich assortment of businesses including many small retail stores but we most appreciate the restaurants.

However, despite several diverse offerings, there is something missing from the Elmwood that frequently forces us to drive elsewhere to find the eating options we want. This is a vibrant, warm, high quality eating establishment such as exists in Rockridge, Temescal, Piedmont Avenue, Solano, Gourmet Ghetto, and downtown Berkeley but is not available in our neighborhood. We want to be able to walk from our house to enjoy this kind of restaurant.

We understand and appreciate that parking is an issue. However, we are not concerned that this new restaurant would have a noticeable or negative effect on the availability of parking. The parking on our street is already protected via residential parking permits and is already heavily impacted by Alta Bates hospital. Furthermore, we believe that all businesses in the area would significantly benefit from the attention that the new restaurant would attract.

Finally, we have visited Comal and it more than meets our expectations for a warm, inviting, and dynamic restaurant. A restaurant like that is just what we would love to have nearby.


April Gilbert and John Poppleton

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 29 of 98

Eric%Below,%PhD%%%%%%%% 9/17/2013% 2524%Webster%St% Berkeley,%CA%94705% % Dear%ZAB,%% % I%am%writing%this%letter%to%strongly%support%the%proposed%restaurant%at%2635%Ashby.%%I% have%lived%here%6%years%and%the%entire%time%have%wished%for%a%restaurant%like%this%to% move%into%the%neighborhood.%%% % The%Elmwood%desperately%needs%a%vibrant%restaurant%and%bar%that%has%potential%to% be%a%community%gathering%place.%There%really%is%nothing%like%it%in%the%Elmwood.%For% those%who%fear%a%‘bar’%in%the%neighborhood,%I%would%remind%them%that%this%is%not% nightclub,%but%a%high%quality%restaurant%that%will%provide%an%attractive%local%setting%to% meet%a%friend%or%neighbor%for%good%food%and%drink.%%The%closest%thing%like%this%in%the% neighborhood%SS%the%Wood%Tavern%on%College%Ave%SS%has%had%nothing%but%positive% impacts.%%Not%only%is%it%a%community%hub,%but%it%has%also%helped%boost%other%evening% businesses%on%the%block.%The%only%problem%is%that%it’s%been%so%successful%that%there% are%never%any%tables%available…% % Recently%there%has%been%concern%in%the%Elmwood%about%a%rise%in%crime.%The% increased%evening%activity%from%having%a%high%quality%restaurant%at%2635%Ashby%will% likely%help%make%the%neighborhood%safer.%%The%fewer%people%on%the%street%at%night%the% fewer%eyeballs%to%prevent%crime.%%A%vibrant%business%at%2635%Ashby%is%more%effective% than%a%vacant%building%at%preventing%crime.%% % Since%most%of%the%local%businesses%are%daytime%establishments,%it%seems%unlikely%that% parking%for%2635%Ashby%will%be%a%problem.%Either%way,%this%issue%exists%regardless%of% what%business%goes%into%the%space.%The%space%was%approved%for%retail,%and%in%doing% so%the%city%must%have%already%anticipated%the%parking%requirements.%% % If%the%restaurant%at%2635%Ashby%opened,%we%would%definitely%eat%there%and%bring%our% friends.%And%my%guess%is%that%most%neighbors%who%now%oppose%it%would,%in%the%end,% eat%there%too%(and%enjoy%it).%%Please%don’t%let%the%vocal%NIMBY%minority%ruin%this%for% the%rest%of%us.%%% % Thanks%so%much%for%your%consideration.% % Sincerely,%% % Eric%Berlow%% % ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 30 of 98

September 16, 2013

Zoning Adjustments Board 2120 Milvia Street, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 RE: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project

To Whom It May Concern:

I’m writing this letter in support of the proposed restaurant at 2635 Ashby Avenue. I am the owner of The Dailey Method Berkeley located in the same building (address: 2631B Ashby Avenue). As an Elmwood business owner and co-tenant of the proposed restaurant I have been looking forward to a business like this coming to the Elmwood since we opened our doors over four years ago.

The owners of the proposed restaurant have proven themselves with Comal to be capable of adding new vitality to a neighborhood by offering a dining experience unlike anything currently offered in the Elmwood neighborhood. I know that when my husband and I are looking for a nice dinner out we find ourselves in Rockridge, Temescal and Downtown Berkeley – I would love to spend more evening time in the Elmwood district at a restaurant with the vibrant energy I believe this proposed restaurant will bring.

Additionally, as a co-tenant in the proposed space, we are in need of a business that will draw people into the Elmwood neighborhood. Although parking is certainly an important issue, the scale of this restaurant will keep the impact light and the benefit to both Elmwood residents and business owners alike will far outweigh any parking concerns.

I am excited to see this new restaurant take shape – it is exactly the kind of business the Elmwood neighborhood needs to ensure that Elmwood is a day & night time destination for people in the surrounding Berkeley and Oakland communities.


Kerry Corcoran Co-owner, The Dailey Method Berkeley 2631B Ashby Avenue Berkeley, CA 94705 [email protected]

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 31 of 98

September(13,(2013( ( To(the(ZAB4( ( I(am(delighted(to(be(writing(a(letter(in(support(of(the(proposed(restaurant(in(my( neighborhood(at(2365(Ashby(Ave.( ( We(live(one(block(away(on(Elmwood(Ave(in(a(home(we(have(owned(for(28(years.(( ( The(applicants(for(this(project(have(a(proven(track(record.(They(are(successful(and( innovative.(Comal(has(an(amazing(noise(cancelling(speaker(system(that(makes(it(the( only(lively(restaurant(in(town(where(you(can(actually(have(a(conversation(without( screaming.(The(food(and(drinks(are(memorable(and(the(patronage(is(diverse.((( It(is(exciting(for(us(to(think(this(accomplished(team,(that(took(a(chance(on(downtown( Berkeley,(would(bring(the(same(enjoyable(experience(to(the(Elmwood.(( ( This(project(does(not(provide(a(redundancy(of(restaurants.(There(is(nothing(remotely( similar(and(we(have(to(drive,(often(out(of(Berkeley,(to(find(it.(( ( As(a(longtime(resident(of(the(Elmwood,(I(am(not(the(least(bit(worried(about(parking( congestion.(We(live(here(precisely(because(it(does(allow(for(the(pleasure(of(walking( during(the(day(or(evening(on(College(Ave(and(feel(the(energy(that(has(disappeared(from( so(many(of(our(commercial(zones.((Public(transportation(is(right(on(the(corner(and(I(can( assure(you(that(people(do(and(will(use(it(to(come(and(enjoy(what(the(Elmwood(has(to( offer.(( ( It(is(a(shame(to(see(a(large(space(sit(vacant(year(after(year.(It(does(not(serve(the( neighborhood,(the(merchants,(or(the(city.((A(vibrant(restaurant(will(absolutely(boost( commerce(for(the(other(businesses,(as(has(been(proven(time(and(again.( ( There(is(a(renaissance(in(the(Elmwood(District(that(is(attracting(the(interest(of(talented( entrepreneurs(such(as(John(Paluska(and(Andrew(Hoffman.(We(should(be(rolling(the(red( carpet(up(Ashby(Ave(and(do(whatever(we(can(to(make(them(feel(welcome.( ( Sincerely,( Lisa(Kruse( ( ( ( ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 32 of 98

We(feel(that(the(city(must(support(this(type(of(exciting(venture(and(allow(it( to(go(forward.(This(type(of(restaurntat(allows(us(to(retain(the(local(flavor(of( successful,(independent(restaurants(and(avoid(the(stale(climate(of(chain( operations.((( ( ( ( ( ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 33 of 98

Stephen D. Sugarman Phone: 510-642-0130 6172 Harwood Avenue Fax: 510-654-7509 Oakland, CA 94618 E-mail: [email protected]

Berkeley ZAB,

I live in Rockridge and work at UC Berkeley, I and pass through the Elmwood twice a day. I often shop there and I often go the movies there, but I rarely eat there. In downtown Berkeley, I often eat meals and go to movies and plays, even if I don't shop there much. All of this turns for me and many others on the matter of quality.

Comal is a wonderful addition to downtown Berkeley -- the vibe, the food, the drink. The Elmwood district desperately needs something like that. We don't have it now. Comparing the restaurants along that part of College Avenue with those on College in Oakland makes this vivid.

A real bright possibility for the Elmwood is for the Comal people to bring something exciting to this part of town. If so, we'd eat there. We'd probably more often have an evening of going to the movies and eating there. I'd get off the bus and stop there on the way home for a meal or a pre-meal drink and eats -- something I never do now in the Elmwood.

A new, exciting place in the Elmwood from the Comal people might well also help the district in general. I notice that a number of storefronts are empty, some for way too long.

Come on Berkeley. Don’t mess this one up.

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 34 of 98





I%am%a%Berkeley%based%business%owner.%I%have%a%shop%in%the%Elmwood%a%few%doors%down%from%the% proposed%restaurant%location%(at%2631%Ashby%Ave).%The%moment%I%saw%the%Wright’s%Garage%space%I%knew%I% wanted%to%be%in%the%building.%The%time%I%spent%walking%in%the%Elmwood%convinced%me%that%this%was%the% place%in%which%my%business%would%thrive.%

Although%there%is%a%diverse%shopping%experience%in%the%commercial%district%with%a%variety%of%goods%and% services%provided,%I%felt%there%was%ONE%thing%missing:%a%“event”%restaurant.%A%place%to%bring%out%of%town% guests%or%to%bring%your%family%to%celebrate%a%special%occasion.%A%place%that%feels%warm%and%inviting%with%a% slightly%‘upscale’%vibe.%A%place%you%feel%good%eating%at.%As%a%consumer,%I%LONG%for%such%a%place.%As%a% business%owner,%I%eagerly%anticipate%such%a%place!%Especially%one%so%close%to%my%own%shop.%I%am%hoping% such%a%place%could%become%a%benefit%to%visiting%my%gallery%(let’s%go%this%signing%and%then%stay%for%dinner% OR%let’s%stop%by%that%gallery%after%we%eat)!%%

I%have%found%the%Elmwood%community%to%be%a%welcoming%one%–%so%many%neighbors%have%visited%to% extend%their%congratulations%to%us%for%joining%their%community.%So%many%neighbors%have%wished%us% success.%I%know%there%has%been%some%expressed%concern%that%parking%is%a%huge%issue%for%the%area%but,%I% feel%that%we%(the%community)%can%come%to%some%sort%of%compromise.%I’ve%personally%never%had%a%hard% time%parking%here%when%I%was%just%a%regular%visitor%to%the%area%and%I%personally%don’t%think%this%proposed% restaurant%will%be%burdensome%in%that%regard.%

The%proposed%tenants%have%a%very%successful%restaurant%in%Berkeley%(Comal)%that%I’ve%visited%more%than%a% few%times.%It’s%a%wonderful%place!%I%can%only%imagine%the%excellent%care%they%would%take%with%our% neighborhood%and%I’d%like%them%to%be%given%the%opportunity%to%do%so.%

Lastly,%the%success%of%a%neighborhood%commercial%area%lies%in%its%ability%to%meet%the%needs%of%it’s% residential%neighbors.%THIS%is%the%missing%piece%to%a%vibrant%commercial%area.%





2631%A.%Ashby%Ave.% Berkeley,%94705% ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 35 of 98

September(10,(2013( ( ( ( Dear(ZAB,( ( My(husband(Ben(and(I(live(at(2627(Ashby(Avenue((last(residential(unit(left(of(the( Chocolate(shop).(We(pass(by(2635(Ashby(regularly(and(talk(about(how(nice(it(would( be(if(a(restaurant(opened(up(in(its(space.( (( We’re(truly(excited(that(Comal(owners(applied(for(permits.(Elmwood(has(nice( eateries,(but(when(I(want(a(cocktail(or(a(nice(venue,(I(typically(drive(to(Toast(in( Rockridge,(Pizzaiolo(in(Temescal,(or(Adesso(in(Piedmont(Avenue.(It(would(be(nice(to( stay(in(the(neighborhood(and(walk(over(to(Comal.(I’m(sure(it(would(be(appreciated( by(many(of(my(neighbors(who(will(do(the(same.(( ( I(believe(the(restaurant(will(be(a(nice(asset(to(Elmwood,(as(have(been(Ici,(Elmwood( Diner(and(Summer(Kitchen.(All(recent(arrivals(that(are(now(part(of(Elmwood’s(flavor( and(balances(out(the(neighborhood(nicely.((( ( I(have(friends(who(are(fans(of(Comal.(And(we’ve(driven(for(dinner(and(drinks(to( Downtown(Berkeley.(It(would(be(nice(to(invite(them(over(to(our(home(then(walk( over(together.( ( I(look(forward(to(welcoming(Comal(to(Elmwood.( ( Sincerely,( ( Unhei(Kang(and(Ben(Khoo( ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 36 of 98

9/9/2013' ' Dear'ZAB,' ' This'letter'is'in'support'of'the'proposed'restaurant'project'at'2635' Ashby.'We'have'lived'in'the'neighborhood'for'18'years'and'have'seen' many'businesses'(including'restaurants)'come'and'go.'' ' The'Elmwood'is'desperately'in'need'of'a'good'quality,'fun''and'vibrant' neighborhood'restaurant.'To'be'candid,'it'is'unfortunately'filled'with'B' to'CNminus'establishments.'We'live'at'Webster'and'Benvenue'and' rarely,'if'ever,'eat'dinner'in'the'Elmwood.''The'concept'as'described'by' John'Paluska'and'Andrew'Hoffman'is'exactly'what'is'needed'here.'And' these'operators'have'proven'with'Comal'that'they'can'create'a'high' quality,'fun,'vibrant'restaurant.''' ' A'high'quality'restaurant'will'only'help'existing'merchants'and'attract'a' higher'level'of'retailers'and'restaurants'to'the'area.'As'you'know,'there' are'vacant'spaces'and'businesses'continue'to'fail'on'a'regular'basis'in' the'Elmwood.'It'struggles'in'comparison'to'similar'commercial'areas' such'as'Rockridge'and'Temescal,'and'needs'the'injection'of'energy'that' would'come'from'a'high'quality'restaurant.'' ' If'parking'is'an'issue,'it'is'an'issue'that'exists'regardless'of'what' business'goes'into'this'space.'This'space'was'approved'and'built'for' retail,'so'when'that'decision'was'made'by'the'city'they'already' anticipated'increased'parking'requirements'for'the'occupant'of'this' space.'It'is'not'fair'for'the'city'to'now'single'out'this'restaurant'as'the' potential'cause'of'an'overall'parking'problem'in'the'Elmwood.' Whatever'negatives'will'be'created'by'any'parking'issues'will'be'far' outweighed'by'the'benefits'of'a'vital'and'high'quality'restaurant'in'the' neighborhood.'' ' Thank'you'for'your'consideration'and'we'look'forward'to'the'opening'of' this'restaurant'soon!!' ' Best,'Douglas'Thielscher'and'Susan'Dykstra' ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 37 of 98

From: Tina Meyer Subject: Comal in the Elmwood Date: September 3, 2013 8:50:09 PM PDT To: [email protected], [email protected], Polly Armstrong , Gordon Wozniak

Dear Powers that Be in the City of Berkeley,

As long time residents of Berkeley's District 8, we would like to express our support of Comal's application to open a restaurant in the Elmwood. It would be wonderful to be able to walk to Comal (or whatever their new restaurant would call itself) rather than driving downtown and hunting for a parking place. We have chosen to live and work in Berkeley in part so that we don't have to drive everywhere. We appreciate having many amenities within walking distance. We believe a vital community requires lots of foot traffic.

Moreover, Comal would go well with the Mexican chocolate store on Ashby and the character of already established businesses in the neighborhood. From dry-cleaning to stationary to banking, the Elmwood continues to be a vital and exciting business district that would only be enhanced by another version of Comal. At present, while there are excellent places to eat in the Elmwood, there is no restaurant that offers a bar and a white tablecloth dining experience. Chinese, Indian, cafe and deli food, Gordo's and ice cream establishments are good but they offer a different eating experience. They do not offer a dining experience. How nice it would be to go out to a good dinner on College Avenue in Berkeley. Why should we let College Avenue in Oakland and Toast and Wood Tavern, etc,. monopolize local dining and tax revenue?

We vote enthusiastically for permitting Comal.

Michael and Tina Meyer ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 38 of 98

From: Vanessa Ripsteen Subject: (No Subject) Date: September 3, 2013 9:12:15 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" Cc: "[email protected]"

As a resident of the Claremont/Elmwood district, I am writing to voice my overwhelming support for the owners of Comal to open a new restaurant on Ashby at College. This would be a tremendous asset to the neighborhood and the city. It is my hope that the Zoning Adjustment Board supports this new endeavor. Thank you, Vanessa Ripsteen 123 Parkside Dr Berkeley, CA. 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 39 of 98

From: Frank Williams Subject: Elmwood Restaurant Date: September 4, 2013 9:09:16 AM PDT To: "[email protected]" Cc: "[email protected]"

1 Attachment, 11 KB

I have lived in Berkeley for most of my life and moved into the Elmwood neighborhood about five years ago. I just wanted to reach out to provide my support for opening a new restaurant on Ashby and College. I believe the neighborhood has really revitalized over the last several years with the addition of new shops and restaurants. Adding a nice restaurant and social gathering spot offers an opportunity to enhance the neighborhood experience much as Wood Tavern and Southie have at College and Alcatraz. Seeing people out and, talking, dining creates a safe community environment that speaks to the Berkeley tradition of creating local gathering spots within distinct neighborhoods. Thank you for your consideration...I would appreciate your support for the proposed restaurant.

Warm Regards,


Frank Williams Chief Executive Officer 23 Geary Street | Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94108 Office: 415 671 7711 | Cell: 202 294 6622 [email protected]

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is intended only for the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from printing, storing, disseminating, distributing or copying this communication. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. Thank you. ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 40 of 98

From: Michelle Oram Subject: Elmwood Restaurant! Date: September 4, 2013 9:24:50 AM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

Hi Terry,

I live in the Elmwood neighborhood and would love to be able to walk to a nice restaurant for dinner with friends or just to have drinks. Right now nothing to this effect exists in Elmwood. Myself and my friends often frequent restaurants further south on College Avenue in Oakland, the Uptown Oakland area or Piedmont Avenue. It would be wonderful to be able to walk to something in my own neighborhood.

The space on Ashby Avenue down from Lululemon is perfect for such a restaurant.

Not only would a upscale restaurant be fun it would also create jobs and further invigorate Elmwood.

I want the Zoning and Adjustment Board to support this local business.

Thank you for your consideration, Michelle Oram ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 41 of 98

From: madeline lilley Subject: Proposed new Elmwood restaurant on Ashby @ College Date: September 4, 2013 1:02:32 PM PDT To: [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Terry Blount, I have heard of the proposed new restaurant and bar (by the owners of Comal) to be located next door to Lululemon on Ashby, and I would like to voice my wholehearted SUPPORT for this new business that Elmwood desperately needs!

Comal has been an vibrant and tasteful addition to downtown Berkeley, and Elmwood could sorely use a fresh new establishment to bring in more patrons (and general foot traffic) to all the surrounding merchants. As Rockridge and Temescal continue to offer new venues for dining out, Elmwood is becoming less relevant to the local community. Please voice my support to the Zoning Adjustment Board to approve this new business!

Thank you, Maxi Lilley p.s. Friends, please forward this letter or pen your own to the above 2 addresses if you share in the support! ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 42 of 98

From: Jennifer Teaford Subject: Re: Proposed new Elmwood restaurant on Ashby @ College Date: September 4, 2013 1:39:25 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" Cc: madeline lilley Reply-To: Jennifer Teaford

Dear Terry -

I also SUPPORT the new restaurant and bar from the owners of Comal to be located next door to Lululemon on Ashby. I have lived in the for more than 15 years and currently live in Rockridge - within walking distance of Elmwood. My husband and I used to think of Elmwood as an option for a night out, but stopped going there years ago because none of the restaurants compare to the terrific, exciting options close by in Rockridge, the Temescal, and Uptown Oakland.

We were thrilled when we read that the Comal owners were planning a restaurant so close to our house and know that it will soon become a favorite of ours and of our Rockridge friends and neighbors. Elmwood should not hesitate to welcome this restaurant to the neighborhood. Please voice my support to approve this new business.

Best - Jenny Teaford

From: madeline lilley To: [email protected]; [email protected] Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 1:02 PM Subject: Proposed new Elmwood restaurant on Ashby @ College

Dear Terry Blount, I have heard of the proposed new restaurant and bar (by the owners of Comal) to be located next door to Lululemon on Ashby, and I would like to voice my wholehearted SUPPORT for this new business that Elmwood desperately needs!

Comal has been an vibrant and tasteful addition to downtown Berkeley, and Elmwood could sorely use a fresh new establishment to bring in more patrons (and general foot traffic) to all the surrounding merchants. As Rockridge and Temescal continue to offer new venues for dining out, Elmwood is becoming less relevant to the local community. Please voice my support to the Zoning Adjustment Board to approve this new business!

Thank you, Maxi Lilley p.s. Friends, please forward this letter or pen your own to the above 2 addresses if you share in the support! ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 43 of 98

From: wendy owen Subject: Fwd: Proposed new Elmwood restaurant on Ashby @ College Date: September 4, 2013 2:38:32 PM PDT To: [email protected], [email protected] Cc: Maxi Lilley

Dear Terry Blount,

I am a huge fan of Comal and would love to see the owners have a new venue in Elmwood. I live in Rockridge and would definitely come into the Elmwood neighborhood more than I do now if that ends up happening.

Best, Wendy

------Forwarded message ------From: madeline lilley Date: Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 1:02 PM Subject: Proposed new Elmwood restaurant on Ashby @ College To: [email protected], [email protected]

Dear Terry Blount, I have heard of the proposed new restaurant and bar (by the owners of Comal) to be located next door to Lululemon on Ashby, and I would like to voice my wholehearted SUPPORT for this new business that Elmwood desperately needs!

Comal has been an vibrant and tasteful addition to downtown Berkeley, and Elmwood could sorely use a fresh new establishment to bring in more patrons (and general foot traffic) to all the surrounding merchants. As Rockridge and Temescal continue to offer new venues for dining out, Elmwood is becoming less relevant to the local community. Please voice my support to the Zoning Adjustment Board to approve this new business!

Thank you, Maxi Lilley p.s. Friends, please forward this letter or pen your own to the above 2 addresses if you share in the support! ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 44 of 98

From: Anne Dybwad Subject: Comal in the Elmwood---YEAH! Date: September 4, 2013 4:52:26 PM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

Comal is a great restaurant and the thought that we might get them in the neighborhood is very exciting. It would be a great addition. I hope it can happen.

Anne Dybwad Parkside Drive resident ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 45 of 98

From: Nadav Savio Subject: Proposed new Elmwood restaurant on Ashby @ College Date: September 4, 2013 5:41:31 PM PDT To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Absolutely! Full support here!


On Wed Sep 04 2013 at 1:02:59 PM, madeline lilley wrote: Dear Terry Blount, I have heard of the proposed new restaurant and bar (by the owners of Comal) to be located next door to Lululemon on Ashby, and I would like to voice my wholehearted SUPPORT for this new business that Elmwood desperately needs!

Comal has been an vibrant and tasteful addition to downtown Berkeley, and Elmwood could sorely use a fresh new establishment to bring in more patrons (and general foot traffic) to all the surrounding merchants. As Rockridge and Temescal continue to offer new venues for dining out, Elmwood is becoming less relevant to the local community. Please voice my support to the Zoning Adjustment Board to approve this new business!

Thank you, Maxi Lilley

p.s. Friends, please forward this letter or pen your own to the above 2 addresses if you share in the support! ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 46 of 98

From: IRENE HEGARTY Subject: Proposed Elmwood Restaurant Date: September 6, 2013 12:54:56 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" Reply-To: IRENE HEGARTY

Dear Mr. Blount,

I am writing in support of the proposal for a new restaurant in the Elmwood area at Ashby and College Avenues. My husband and I have lived in the neighborhood for 40 years, in walking distance of the proposed site of the restaurant. We would love to have a good quality, full-service restaurant in the neighborhood, one we could walk to, along with the cafes and restaurants that are now in the area. My son and his wife live around the corner of this site, on the 2900 block of Hillegass, and they also support the proposed restaurant. We understand that parking is an issue--it's an issue everywhere in Berkeley--but we have also observed many people who frequent the Elmwood by bus (especially Cal students) and by foot, creating an active, vibrant district that everyone can enjoy and that contributes to the economic health of the city.

We encourage the Zoning Appeals Board to allow this project to move forward.


Irene & Dick Hegarty 17 Oakvale Avenue, Berkeley 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 47 of 98

From: Zoe Williams Subject: in favor of a new restaurant in the elmwood Date: September 6, 2013 6:21:12 PM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected], [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a neighbor and I fully support of the restaurant being proposed by the owners of Comal. It will create jobs and invigorate the Elmwood. I believe the Zoning Adjustment Board should support this local business. I would certainly patronize!

Zoe Williams 2937 Linden Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 48 of 98

From: Bill Williams Subject: Restaurant in Elmwood Date: September 6, 2013 6:47:28 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" Cc: "[email protected]"

Good evening - As a homeowner and Elmwood resident for the last eight years I am writing to endorse the application for a restaurant at college/ashby. It will be a GREAT addition to the neighborhood, generate tax revenue, jobs and energy in the neighborhood. Lets put a terrific, new business in Elmwood!


Sent from my iPhone ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 49 of 98

From: Sarah Romanow Briand Subject: Elmwood Restaurant Date: September 6, 2013 8:00:21 PM PDT To: [email protected], [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

To Whom It Concerns:

I am writing as a resident of the Elmwood neighborhood to support the proposal for a new restaurant & bar at the long- vacant space at College & Ashby. As a neighborhood with ample services available within walking distance, we are sorely lacking when it comes to quality dinner restaurant options. A high quality establishment within walking distance to my house would allow me to spend my dining out dollars right here in my neighborhood instead of Oakland/Rockridge where I usually go for such fare.

Please vote in support of this project; the local economy and neighbors will only benefit and thank you!

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Briand ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 50 of 98

From: Jen Werner Subject: New restaurant at Ashby/College - yes please! Date: September 7, 2013 6:19:33 PM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a neighbor and I fully support of the restaurant being proposed by the owners of Comal. It will create jobs and invigorate the Elmwood. I believe the Zoning Adjustment Board should support this local business. I would certainly patronize!

Jennifer Werner 117 El Camino Real Berkeley, CA 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 51 of 98

From: Alexander Nowik Subject: I am a neighbor in support Date: September 9, 2013 10:49:38 AM PDT To: [email protected]

Speaking for myself only, I don't care about parking and traffic. I don't have a car, and it doesn't really matter to me. In fact, I think people should be discouraged from using cars, so it's better if it's a hassle.

Also, there was some concern about businesses being open late. Nonsense. I think it's good for the neighborhood to have more later night activity. Makes it safer and less lonely. ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 52 of 98

From: Charles Kahn Subject: Support for New Restaurant at 2635 Ashby Date: September 9, 2013 11:20:33 AM PDT To: [email protected]

Dear ZAB members,

As a mid-block resident of the adjoining (and potentially most "parking impacted") street: Benvenue, I am well aware of neighbor concerns regarding an 88 seat restaurant. But as a resident of 18 years standing, I have seen the neighborhood benefits when a well-run, popular business makes its home nearby.

Although 88 seats sounds like a lot of patrons over the course of a busy hour, this would be substantially less than the customers served by Ici during that same hour. The long line at Ici certainly impacts parking in our neighborhood, but none of my neighbors are campaigning to close Ici, nor would they choose to do so.

Successful businesses impact parking negatively but they impact our lives positively in far more dramatic ways.

I am confident given the outstanding quality of Comal that the new restaurant at Ashby will be very popular. I expect to eat there with my wife, family, and friends. Many of my neighbors, some of the same who will raise their voices in opposition, will also frequent the new restaurant once it opens. And the quality of our lives and the value of our homes will benefit.

Though I expect a large number of the patrons will walk from their homes, or arrive by public transit, I am sure many will also arrive by car, and will park on my street in front of my house. Nonetheless, I believe the community and my personal benefits far outweigh any personal costs.

Land use policy should be based on the needs of people, not cars. I welcome this new establishment, and encourage you, the members of the board to approve this use permit.

Charles F. Kahn

-- Charles Kahn, AIA, LEED AP phone: 510-841-3555 ext. 303

keep in touch ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 53 of 98

From: gavin distasi Subject: New Restaurant Date: September 9, 2013 3:11:48 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" , "[email protected]"

To#Whom#It#May#Concern, # I#am#writing#to#you#today#to#pledge#my#full#support#to#the#owners#of#Comal#in#their#effort#to#obtain#zoning permission#for#their#proposed#restaurant#on#Ashby#Ave. # As#a#resident#of#the#Elmwood#district#for#over#35#years,#I#believe#this#is#just#the#kind#of#establishment#that the#neighborhood#has#been#lacking#for#quite#a#long#time,#and#in#speaking#with#many#of#my#neighbors,#I#am confident#that#the#vast#majority#of#Elmwood#residents#would#welcome#and#support#the#new#restaurant. # I#certainly#hope#the#Zoning#Adjustment#Board#will#support#this#venture#as#well,#and#look#forward#to spending#my#foodie#dollars#in#Elmwood#instead#of#Rockridge. # Thank#you, # Gavin#DiStasi 2753#Piedmont#Ave,#Berkeley,#CA#94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 54 of 98

From: Tamara Lerner Subject: New Restaurant in Elmwood Date: September 9, 2013 7:23:39 PM PDT To: [email protected], [email protected]

To Whom It May Concern,

I am a neighbor and I fully support the restaurant being proposed by the owners of Comal. We eat out often and have enjoyed the new restaurants that have opened in the Rockridge but would really love one closer to our house so we can walk. It will create jobs and invigorate the Elmwood. I believe the Zoning Adjustment Board should support this local business. I would certainly patronize! Tamara Lerner ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 55 of 98

From: Jennifer Michels Subject: Re: Letter of support! Date: September 9, 2013 11:15:11 PM PDT To: John Paluska <[email protected]>

Greetings Zab

I am writing this letter to show my support of the proposed restaurant situated at 2635 Ashby ave. I’ve worked across the street at 2634 Ashby ave for 13 years and have lived in the Elmwood Area on Webster, blocks away for 7 years. Having watched the neighborhood and businesses in the Elmwood closely for many years, I can strongly say that having a premium restaurant/bar will only be a positive boost for businesses and residents in the Elmwood.

In the past few years, a few more high quality restaurants and cafes have taken up residence in the Elmwood, which has only increased the area’s desirability. Good restaurants draw more people to the Elmwood district and conversely help retailers and the theatre gain more business. Having a high quality restaurant on Ashby ave will also help the retailers on Ashby ave, as it often goes unnoticed amid the bustle of College ave. You may have also noticed that since the new retail spaces on Ashby ave were created years ago, few have been rented. Isn’t it time we give someone a chance to create something great in the Elmwood?

As for the issue of parking, there will always be some difficulty parking cars in the Elmwood. It’s the nature of a dense, commercial area in the bay area. Perhaps folks will consider taking the bus, riding their bikes, or walking. Residents often have parking in their driveways. But whatever the negative impact a parking issue creates, it is far outweighed by the positive addition of a quality restaurant for the Elmwood!

Thanks for reading this letter of support for the proposed restaurant at 2635 Ashby ave. I look forward to it’s opening.


Jennifer Michels

2634 Ashby ave

Berkeley, Ca 94705

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 11:04 PM, John Paluska <[email protected]> wrote: Thanks Jennifer

Could you please resend with the letter of support pasted into the email itself? Not sure that the ZAB will be able to work with a Pages doc…


John Paluska

On Sep 9, 2013, at 10:47 PM, Jennifer Michels wrote:

Yes, I very much support your project in the Elmwood district!! Here is my letter of support attached! Jennifer ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 56 of 98

From: "Spreck Rosekrans" Subject: support of the proposed restaurant on Ashby Date: September 10, 2013 8:43:28 AM PDT To: <[email protected]> Cc: "Jennifer Michels"

Dear%ZAB % I%am%writing%in%support%of%the%proposed%restaurant%on%Ashby%just%west%of%college%Avenue.%It's%a%good%location%and the%applicants%are%good%people. % I%grew%up%in%Berkeley%and%now%live%just%over%the%border%in%Oakland.%I%walk%to%Elmwood%when%I%dine%there. % In%general%I%believe%Berkeley%should%be%more%supportive%of%business,%including%restaurants. % Best, % % % Spreck Rosekrans

6420 Regent St. Oakland, CA 94618 % ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 57 of 98

From: JD Lanigan Subject: Yes to new restaurant in Elmwood Date: September 10, 2013 10:23:14 AM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected]


I am a neighbor and I fully support of the restaurant being proposed by the owners of Comal. It will create jobs and invigorate the Elmwood. I believe the Zoning Adjustment Board should support this local business. I would certainly patronize!


-- JD Lanigan Partner PCI, LLC 917 843 4090 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 58 of 98

From: "Karen Carlson" Subject: A long overdue good restaurant for the Elmwood Date: September 10, 2013 10:48:16 PM PDT To: <[email protected]>

A"good"place"to"eat"is"loooooong"overdue"in"the"Elmwood.""We"come"often"to"the"movies"but"eat"in Rockridge"or"at"home"because"the"other"choices"are"so"disappointing.""Lots"of"B"quality"places"but"no place"actually"worth"the"wander.""If"you’ve"tried"all"the"other"spots"on"College"between"Russell"and Webster,"you’ll"easily"understand"what"I"mean.""The"idea"of"having"a"vibrant"informal"spot"with"proven delicious"food"is"exactly"what"this"neighborhood"needs.""I"hope"you’ll"vote"YES. " Karen"Carlson ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 59 of 98

From: Dana MacDermott Subject: Re: Requesting Letters of Support Date: September 12, 2013 12:17:43 PM PDT To: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project <[email protected]>

To the Zoning Adjustment Board,

My husband and I have been residents of the Elmwood district on Ashby Avenue for 30 years. In my experience John Paluska and Andrew Hoffman are the first applicants for a restaurant in the College and Ashby Area who have actively sought the support of the neighbors. Their willingness to engage the community to anticipate and prevent problems with their endeavor is clear evidence that their restaurant is the sort of business we want to have as part of this neighborhood.

Following the initial community meeting my husband and I (and my 93 year old Mother) went to Comal (for the first time) to see whether their existing restaurant substantiated the claims they were making about ambiance, noise reduction and attitude. We were entirely satisfied that they meant what they said, and that they will deliver a facility that will remain sensitive to our community.

We do also agree that a restaurant of the nature they are proposing will be a gain for the Elmwood. Whereas we will likely see some increase in evening parking, being able to walk to their restaurant means that in exchange, we will not have to hunt for parking somewhere else, or leave our area or our city for a roughly equivalent experience.

In short, we support the application for a use permit, and the eventual restaurant.

Dana MacDermott 2801 Ashby Avenue Berkeley, CA 94705

On Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 9:29 AM, 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project <[email protected]> wrote:

Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.

2635 Ashby Restaurant Project

We are gathering letters of support for our proposed restaurant project (name TBA) to be located in a portion of the former Wright’s Garage space at 2635 Ashby Ave. We submitted our Use Permit application in July and it’s important that we evidence strong support for the project, particularly from people who work or reside in the Elmwood neighborhood.

From our Use Permit Application Statement:

“2635 Ashby” (actual name TBA) will be a full service restaurant serving rustic Californian/American fare, craft cocktails, beer and wine. Our square footage is ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 60 of 98

From: Micki Turner Subject: ZAB Letter Date: September 12, 2013 5:10:54 PM PDT To: [email protected].

I would like to support the proposed restaurant at 2635 Ashby Avenue. I went to a planning meeting and was very impressed with the presentation. I think these owners know their business and want to run a great restaurant.

There are lots of fun places to eat on College in Berkeley but no real adult restaurants. They are all kind of casual and quick. The proposed restaurant be more of a destination place but still casual and fit into the neighborhood. I think the neighborhood can use another place for a delicious and relaxing meal. It seems a bit more like Wood Tavern which has been very popular.

I trust the owners to do what is right in the neighborhood. I do not think it will add to parking problems as lots of people would walk or take public transportation. And there is parking around. I think they will monitor the bar scene and make sure no one gets out of hand in the neighborhood or restaurant. I also think arguments about garbage, food and cooking fumes are a bit made up. They are good citizens at Comal and no reason to think they would not be on Ashby.

I believe this type of business we need in the neighborhood to bring in new people, keep current residents excited and keep the commercial area vibrant.


Micki Turner 17 Plaza Drive Berkeley, CA 501 206 5944 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 61 of 98

From: Amy Mezey Subject: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Date: September 15, 2013 1:22:48 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Dear ZAB,

We are longtime residents of the Elmwood neighborhood in Berkeley. We understand that the creators of, Comal, a one of a kind innovative Mexican cuisine restaurant, are planning to put in an elegant dining restaurant in our neighborhood at 2635 Ashby Avenue.

We are very much in favor of this plan. Firstly, the Elmwood neighborhood does not have one single high end restaurant. Secondly, the proposed restaurant is being created by restauranteurs with proven track records of successful eateries. Finally, the space at 2635 has sat vacant for years now. We desperately need more good businesses in our neighborhood, and this restaurant would be a welcome addition.

Living just two blocks east of the shops, we have become accustomed to the struggles around parking. We do not believe that this restaurant will impact parking in any dramatic way. In fact, I would imagine that the majority of Elmwood restaurant goers are actually people FROM the neighborhood, or within walking distance. Parking in Berkeley is bad EVERYWHERE.

We look forward to eating at the new restaurant, and are thrilled to see that it looks like it is finally going to happen!


Amy Mezey ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 62 of 98

From: Judith Holland Subject: support restaurant parking Date: September 17, 2013 4:45:24 PM PDT To: [email protected]

We are 94705 residents and SUPPORT the project but suggest parking mitigations would make this a more positive project. Please work this out. Thanks...... JHolland [email protected] EFax: 3022489576 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 63 of 98

From: Ginger Ogle Subject: Restaurant at 2635 Ashby Date: September 18, 2013 8:55:43 AM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project <[email protected]>

Dear Beverly and CENA,

I support the restaurant proposal for 2635 Ashby.

I have lived in the Elmwood neighborhood for more than 30 years and I've raised three kids here. My family and I often walk to Elmwood to eat or to see a movie. We've eaten at all the restaurants in Elmwood. Although there are many places to eat, they are mostly inexpensive grab-a-bite places. There is not a nice restaurant where my husband and I can have a cocktail and a nice leisurely dinner when we have a babysitter. Instead, we usually drive to downtown Berkeley or to Oakland for a dinner like this. I would like to be able to walk to a nice place in my own neighborhood. I think the location on Ashby is a great spot for a restaurant like this. I also think it will help other nearby businesses because that block currently is struggling to be fully occupied and it does not have the walk-in foot traffic that it should.

In terms of the parking situation, in my opinion, parking in the Elmwood is *already* maxed out, and not all our storefronts are even occupied. I think most people who want to see a movie or shop or eat in the Elmwood know about the parking situation, and if they don't know already, they will after just one visit. People factor that into their decision to come to the Elmwood. They either walk or take public transportation. Elmwood is a convenient walk from many other neighborhoods, and it is an easy walk from UCB and Alta Bates too. So I do not think a new restaurant will make the parking situation significantly worse. It's already pretty much as bad as it can get.

Suppose we say we don't want a restaurant in that spot. What would we like instead? Maybe a chain drugstore or another gift shop or a nail salon? Or maybe we want those storefronts to remain vacant? Not me! I think a restaurant is the perfect choice, and it would also improve the quality of my (walking) life!

Sincerely, Ginger Ogle 34 Tunnel Rd ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 64 of 98

From: Alison Keene Subject: ZAB letter Date: September 19, 2013 9:12:31 AM PDT To: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project <[email protected]>

1 Attachment, 33 KB

Hello -

Please find attached our letter of support for the restaurant. Let us know if there is anything else that we can do to help.

Thank you - Alison Alison Keene SLANT STUDIO l 510.848.3408 l [email protected] l

SLANT STUDIO 92 Oak Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA 94705 510.848.3408

16 September 2013

To the Berkeley Zoning Adjustments Board,

As long-time residents of the Claremont/Elmwood neighborhood, we are writing in strong support of the restaurant project at 2635 Ashby Avenue.

We walk to College Avenue at least once a week to go out to dinner, and feel that the restaurant choices are quite limited in Elmwood. Because of this, we often end up walking farther down College into Rockridge, or drive to the Temescal neighborhood of Oakland or to Uptown Oakland to find more cosmopolitan feeling restaurants. The Elmwood neighborhood could use a restaurant with more of a big city, community feel, which is also helped by having a full bar. We love the idea of running into our neighbors and friends at a local restaurant. Hopefully such a restaurant will also draw people from other neighborhoods of Berkeley and Oakland, which in turn would help the adjacent College Avenue merchants.

Thank you for considering approval of the Use Permit for 2635 Ashby Avenue.


Ivor Brown Alison Keene Lola Keene Ruby Keene 92 Oak Ridge Road, Berkeley 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 65 of 98

From: Doug Fielding Subject: Support for a Restaurant as 2635 Ashby Date: September 19, 2013 10:28:14 AM PDT To: [email protected]


My name is Doug Fielding and I live at 2439 Russell, just a few blocks from the proposed restaurant. My wife and I have lived at this location for more than 10 years and in the neighborhood for almost 40 years. What has been lacking in this neighborhood is a restaurant that serves drinks and food geared toward adults who are not college students. The area has a number of inexpensive Asian restaurants, there is an inexpensive Indian restaurant, inexpensive middle eastern restaurant, inexpensive Mexican, and on it goes.

What the area lacks is something like Wood Tavern (absolutely packed and extremely hard to get into), COMAL, Chez Panisse Cafe, Pizziola- basically better quality restaurants that are aimed at working adults, not late teens and early twenty somethings that are on a "going to school" budget.

The adults who live in this neighborhood live in million (and multimillion) dollar houses and yet the closest place for this type of food is Wood Tavern which is not only not in the local neighborhood but given how crowded it is, only makes the case for the amount of neighborhood demand there is for a restaurant that serves higher quality food. Also, Ashby and College is the intersection of two major arterials and it is THE commercial district that serves the Elmwood/Claremont community.

Doug Fielding 2439 Russell 510-849-0909 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 66 of 98

From: [email protected] Subject: In support of your new venue at College and Ashby Date: September 19, 2013 12:33:41 PM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: "John Paluska" , "John Benson"

1 Attachment, 10 KB

It is with great enthusiasm that I write this endorsement of the new restaurant at 2635 Ashby in Berkeley. I want to begin by saying that we met John Paluska in December of 2010 in Oaxaca when he and his wife were doing research on food for their now wildly successful restaurant Comal.

Our family was struck by his earnestness to get it right and boy did they ever get it right. Comal is often cited by friends as one of their favorite places to have a meal or to meet friends. It is a great addition to the Shattuck/University Arts neighborhood and draws people to Berkeley from around the Bay Area. This generates revenue for the city of Berkeley in the way of tax revenue. Also people spending additional dollars come to Berkeley to attend other functions, perhaps because what they wanted was exceptional Oaxacan cuisine!

We live closer to the new Ashby location than to Comal. It is a 10 minute walk for us to reach this destination. It is about 20 to Comal. There is not a doubt that if we were headed there to dinner we would walk not drive! So many of our neighbors and friends in the area would fall into the same camp. Unless we stopped on our way home from somewhere else we would walk and parking would not be affected. Going there would be a great excuse to get exercise on the way to a great place to eat. Notice there isn't a doubt in my mind that whatever fare they serve it will be worth a 10 minute walk there and a 10 minute walk back to eat!

Our Southeast section of Berkeley needs a good restaurant. What is currently offered to us is not memorable nor are they destination restaurants. 2535 Ashby would be both those things. It would be a nice place to take the family and also to meet friends. I am certain that it would help the Elmwood Theatre as well as they try to stay afloat.

We wholeheartedly support the efforts to bring this restaurant to The Elmwood neighborhood. We have waited long enough for something like what is proposed by this fine team.


Christine Mattsson and John Benson 5 Panoramic Way Berkeley

Christine Mattsson J Hilburn Men's Clothier Senior Partner 510-368-5873 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 67 of 98

From: Chris Robb Subject: E:mail in support of new restaurant in Elmwood Date: September 20, 2013 9:04:51 AM PDT To: "[email protected]" , "[email protected]" Cc: Nadya Robb Reply-To: Chris Robb

To whom it may concern,

My name is Chris Robb. I have lived at 130 Parkside Drive in Berkeley for 6 years, and my wife and I are both registered voters in Berkeley. My wife (copied), myself, and my kids frequently shop, use the library, and eat in Elmwood. We typically bike or walk there.

We are writing to support the establishment of a new restaurant on Ashby near Lululemon. Such a restaurant would be a nice addition to the neighborhood and increase foot traffic which would be beneficial for other neighborhood merchants.

Please contact me if you require anything else.

Chris Robb ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 68 of 98

From: Sylvia Fong <fi[email protected]> Subject: Support letter Date: September 22, 2013 6:41:20 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

1 Attachment, 343 KB ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 69 of 98

From: Jessica Broitman Subject: Re: Requesting Letters of Support Date: September 25, 2013 2:30:49 PM PDT To: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project <[email protected]>

1 Attachment, 2 KB

I am writing this letter in strong support of the 2635 Ashby project- I have been waiting years for a restaurant of this nature to open. I long to be be able to walk to my neighborhood place and enjoy really good quality food. Their current resturant Comal is one of my favorites. While there are other restaurants near by, non are of the same quality. I believe it will be a great addition to the elmwood area. Thanks, Jessica Broitman, PhD 2940 forest avenue Berkeley 94704

Cell: (510) 612-6392

CAUTION: electronic mail sent through the internet is not secure and could be intercepted by a third party. For your protection, avoid sending identifying information. Thistransmission and any attachments are intended only for the use of the individual to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify me immediately

On Sep 25, 2013, at 2:03 PM, 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project <[email protected]> wrote:

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2635 Ashby Restaurant Project

You are receiving this email either because John Gordon shared your name and email address with us or because you recently signed our mailing list. We are gathering letters of support for our proposed restaurant project (name TBA) to be located in a portion of the former Wright’s Garage space at 2635 Ashby Ave. We submitted our Use Permit application in July and it’s important that we evidence strong support for the project, particularly from people who work or reside in the Elmwood neighborhood.

From our Use Permit Application Statement:

“2635 Ashby” (actual name TBA) will be a full service restaurant serving rustic Californian/American fare, craft cocktails, beer and wine. Our square footage is approximately 3,400 sq. ft. There are currently 87 seats, including 63 in the dining room, 12 at the bar and another 12 in a semi-private room. Our aim is to be a bustling neighborhood restaurant that is warm, inviting and unpretentious and attracts a diverse range of customers. We will serve seasonal menus comprised of carefully-sourced local ingredients. The atmosphere will be convivial, similar to our existing restaurant Comal in downtown Berkeley. All seating at the restaurant, including bar seating, will be able to order from the full menu during all hours of operation.

If you choose to write a letter of support, we would urge you to emphasize some or all of the following points (assuming they resonate with you):

* the restaurant will provide a dynamic new dining experience that differs from what is currently available in the neighborhood (many early letters of support mention the need to drive to Rockridge, Temescal or Downtown for such an experience as opposed to walking to Elmwood)

* while parking is a critical issue, the restaurant will not materially increase the overall demand for parking in the neighborhood (see the parking study referenced below) – we have scaled the restaurant to have fewer seats than two other popular restaurants in the neighborhood: Shen Hua and King Yen in an effort to keep our impact light

* a restaurant that successfully draws people to the commercial district will benefit other merchants as well

* Comal has established considerable good will in Berkeley and added new vitality to the Downtown Arts District – our proposed restaurant will hopefully have a similar effect in Elmwood

We’ve set up a bare bones website ( with our proposed floor plan, a preliminary 3D rendering and a pdf of the parking study conducted in June. We will be augmenting the study to include further data collected on Sept 27 and 28 now that Cal is back in session, and will also be incorporating a traffic impact analysis into the study. We will post the updated study on the website when it’s available, likely in early October.

Please address your letters to the ZAB, but send them to us via email at [email protected] - we're hoping to receive all letters by October 1st. Please also include your street address so we can evidence support in the immediate Elmwood neighborhood. We will gather all letters and present them to the Land Use department well in advance of the ZAB hearing, which has not yet been scheduled but will likely happen near the end of 2013. Please feel free to email us at that same address with any ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 70 of 98

From: Deborah Lewis Subject: Yes to the new restaurant Date: September 25, 2013 5:47:53 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Dear ZAB I am delighted to hear that the Comal people want to open in the Elmwood, the closest neighborhood to my home. Bringing a restaurant of this quality within walking distance of my home is a great idea! The Elmwood really needs something of this caliber. Please make it possible for them to open there. Thank you ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 71 of 98

From: LAURA BLAIR Subject: Proposed restaurant at former Wright's Garage near Ashby and College Date: September 25, 2013 7:07:47 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Proposed restaurant at former Wright's Garage near Ashby and College

To the ZAB,

We live in the Claremont neighborhood of Berkeley about 4 blocks from the Elmwood. We often walk to the Elmwood to go to the movies or patronize some of the stores, but find the range of restaurants to be limited. We think the proposed restaurant sounds fantastic and there is nothing like it currently. Most often, when we go out for a sit-down dinner, we drive to Temescal, Rockridge or the Uptown neighborhoods in Oakland, or to other parts of Berkeley. We would love a vibrant restaurant of this type nearby.

Further, we believe that a new, high quality restaurant will be synergistic with many of the other retail establishments in the neighborhood. That is, that folks coming to see a movie, for example, will stay for dinner and vice-versa. The increase in retail and restaurant sales in the Elmwood will contribute to the City's sales tax base generally, and also increase taxes generated by Berkeley residents who currently leave the City to eat out in North Oakland where so many new restaurants are opening. This would be a good shot in the arm for the theatre and the neighborhood.

Finally, we understand that there is concern about parking. As part of the nearby community, we would likely walk to the restaurant when possible. However, as noted above, I would expect a considerable number of visitors driving to the area would be there for other reasons as well (movie, shopping, ice cream) thus limiting the number of new additional parkers. Finally, on the occasions that we do park in the Elmwood, we have never found if to be a problem. We typically find a space in the metered lot behind the shops, or if not, then within a block of the center of the district.

We hope the ZAB supports this project, as we look forward to its swift opening.

Thanks, ! Laura Blair Mitch Zeemont ! 107!Parkside!Drive Berkeley,!CA!!94705

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 72 of 98

From: Laurette Subject: In favor of an upscale, modern restaurant close to home Date: September 25, 2013 10:15:11 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Cc: Alan Gennis

To Whom it May Concern, My family of four loves to go out to eat and my husband and I dine out with friends most weekends. We would love to have some better restaurants within walking distance! We are constantly driving to eat at Wood Tavern, just a neighborhood away, A16, a little further away, downtown to Comal and across town to ate mescal, Piedmont, & the City-the list goes on. We enjoy some of our local restaurants but none are real favorites. We live at 2809 Stuart Street. Please approve this new restaurant; it sounds like it would add a lot to the neighborhood. Thanks, Laurette Gennis

Laurette Schiff Gennis, Ph.D. 5655 College Ave #315B Oakland, CA 94618 415 773.8990 please excuse the typos, Sent from my iPad ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 73 of 98

From: David Trachtenberg Subject: We support the proposed restaurant at 2635 Ashby Avenue Date: September 25, 2013 10:51:17 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

1 Attachment, 121 KB

25 September 2013

To Honorable Members of the Zoning Adjustments Board

Re: We support the proposed new restaurant at 2635 Ashby Avenue

My family and I live a little more than a block away from the proposed new restaurant at 2635 Ashby Avenue and we strongly support this proposal.

I am aware that some of my neighbors may oppose this proposed project because they believe that this modestly scaled restaurant might increase traffic and congestion. While it is true that traffic and parking can be difficult in our neighborhood the convenience and pleasures of living here make this a trade-off which we happily accept. During the 14 years we have been living in our home on Benvenue Avenue we have seen steady improvement to the quality of life in our beloved Elmwood district. When we first moved to here from North Berkeley there were a large number of vacant storefronts and this commercial district lacked the vitality and richness which it currently has.

As regular customers of Comal Restaurant we trust that John Paluska and Andrew Hoffman and their team will create another unique and exceptional experience at this new location which will benefit our neighborhood in a number of ways. We look forward to having a "grown up" restaurant with a full bar in our part of town, a gathering spot to which we can easily walk, and thereby avoid a car trip downtown or into Oakland for this kind of restaurant.

We urge you all to support this project and help the Elmwood become an even more vital district!


David Trachtenberg 2960 Benvenue Avenue (between Asbhy and Webster) Berkeley, CA 94705 510/501-7299 [email protected] ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 74 of 98 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 75 of 98

From: Michele Slack Subject: Fwd: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Date: September 26, 2013 1:49:20 PM PDT To: [email protected]

------Forwarded message ------From: Michele Slack Date: Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 1:48 PM Subject: 2635 Ashby Restaurant To: [email protected]

To the Zoning Adjustments Board -

As a resident of the Elmwood neighborhood, I'm writing to show my full support of the proposed restaurant project for 2635 Ashby Ave.

The restaurant will provide a dynamic new dining experience which is greatly needed. Currently, I need to go to Temescal or Oakland/Wood Tavern to find the type of dining experience proposed.

While parking is critical, the addition of this restaurant should not materially impact local parking. It should also benefit local merchants in the area by drawing additional people to the community.

I love Comal and drive there frequently. I'd love to see a similar community hub emerge in Elmwood.

Thank you for your consideration of my letter.

Michele Slack 2635 Webster Street Berkeley, CA 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 76 of 98

From: Elle Subject: In support of New restaurant Date: September 26, 2013 10:12:03 PM PDT To: John Paluska <[email protected]>

We live in the Elmwood and would love a new upscale restaurant in our neighborhood! Other businesses would gain foot traffic and it would help attract other businesses to vacate spaces! Elle Gennis please excuse the typos, Sent from my iPad ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 77 of 98

From: Ann Swidler Subject: New Restaurant Date: September 27, 2013 3:00:20 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Dear Zoning Board,

I support the proposed new restaurant on Ashby. We live at 2964 Magnolia St, right in the Elmwood, and we often walk down to College for dinner. It would be good to have another restaurant with full meal and bar service, that had interesting, local, California/American cuisine. Elmwood Cafe is the closest alternative, and we go there frequently, but if we want more than a sandwich...

I also think it will help the overall commercial viability of the neighborhood to have more of the old Wright's Garage space used, since so much of it has sat empty for years..

I hope you will approve this application.


Ann Swidler -- Professor Ann Swidler Department of Sociology MC 1980 University of California Berkeley, CA 94720-1980 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 78 of 98

From: William Di Napoli Subject: Restaurant Application by Belt and Suspenders Date: September 28, 2013 10:58:31 AM PDT To: John Paluska <[email protected]> Cc: Andrew Hoffman wd , William Di Napoli Reply-To: William Di Napoli

ZAB Re: Belt and Suspenders Application Restaurant and Bar 2635 Ashby Avenue, Berkeley Sept 28, 2013

Dear Board: I fully support the restaurant addition to our neighborhood, without reservation--one, that is above the "food service" quota. My neighbors and everyone I speak to supports this application as well.

I'm a long-term resident for over 35 years in the Elmwood district. Also, a commercial building owner in the adjacent block along College. And, have three spaces that are food service.

I have been thru this over-quota process with ZAB several times. Each time was justified in terms of the exemptions allowed under the ordinance--and, the circumstances at that time.

I am one of those that believe in the quota's. And, in the Ordinance as written--as it allows an applicant to "make a case" for over the quota--in a public forum.

In Belt and Suspenders case, their application is preceded by the good-faith work of John Gordon for our neighborhood. Gordon did a great job restoring this whole end or quadrant at College and Ashby. It was a massive undertaking that has benefited us all. Gordon turned an eye-sore and much neglected set of buildings into a gateway for the Elmwood an this end of town.

John Gordon not only made a significant financial investment in the Elmwood Commercial District, he's introduced quality tenants who serve the neighborhood well. A nice mix of uses--some new to our area. This experience has told us that we can trust him and his judgement; and, especially his expertise and resources in leasing. We have confidence that Belt and Suspenders will prove to follow this history of quality tenants.

Look at the record. We all LOVE and now depend on "Summer Kitchen". Esp those with families. And, "Ici", a local institution. The art stores have added a new dimension to the neighborhood, with a collective of local artist's work.

The chocolate shop is top rate, and the label store is a "good find" and tasteful; however, they need help in generating pedestrian interest in that section of Ashby and for their business.

This deserves to go over food service quota for a number of reasons.

Importantly, Gordon has brought on-the-market sizable additional retail square footage. As well as, enhanced the existing square footage in that extensive corner property. Any bump in quota's should be made available to this complex, especially targeted for those spaces along Ashby. My own sentiment is that the quota's should be loosened to help Gordon fill those spaces along Ashby--regardless of category.

Just as importantly, that portion of Ashby needs some energy that only a food service can provide. And, it needs to have a substantial presence--one, that the concept of Belt and Suspenders can provide. That will help create much ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 79 of 98 needed retail-vitality along that otherwise, removed and barren stretch. It will help the other retail businesses by the associated pedestrian activity.

Also, it offers a cuisine and dining experience that is oddly missing in the Elmwood and would be appreciated. You can find it in other districts, but not here. So, for this, we have to drive elsewhere. I believe a good portion of their business will be locals--who are looking for the kind of experience that Belt and Suspenders will offer.

I don't believe it will impact traffic/parking really at all. Locals and those coming here anyway "to eat" will just find one more choice.

This location along Ashby for food service is ideal, as it has the widest sidewalk for cafe outdoor seating--which Belt and Suspenders will offer. That will really enhance the pedestrian experience and level of activity which makes a neighborhood friendly and inviting. This alone will bring "life" to that barren stretch. That energy will enhance this whole strip--including the other side of Ashby which really has always been a "dead zone" since I have lived here.

The set-aside bar will also be welcome for those that enjoy that option in our own neighborhood. This experience is really otherwise missing from the Elmwood. Those that enjoy this, end up driving to other destinations, esp toward the Rockridge area.

This has been a long time coming, and thank god we have someone with John Gordon's experience and vision to help bring this stretch along Ashby to fruition as a pedestrian-friendly environment. We trust in his confidence in Belt and Suspenders. best Wm Di Napoli 2943 Magnolia Street Berkeley, Ca 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 80 of 98

From: Meghrouni-Brown Subject: letter of support Date: September 28, 2013 9:01:19 PM PDT To: [email protected]

We are Elmwood residents on Webster Street (have been here since 1990). We strongly support a restaurant in the genre as proposed, and believe that the restauranteurs developing this establishment will make it a success.

Andrea& Jeff Meghrouni-Brown ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 81 of 98

From: Jianne Gimian Subject: Re: Requesting Letters of Support Date: September 29, 2013 4:04:13 PM PDT To: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project <[email protected]> Reply-To: Jianne Gimian


From: Jianne Gimian and Bob Cassidy at 2733 Ashby Place

Date: September 29, 2013

Re: Proposed restaurant at 2635 Ashby

We live about a block from the proposed new restaurant at 2635 Ashby and we cannot be more enthusiastic supporters.

We have wanted a restaurant at that spot since the building was first converted from the old Wright's Garage seven years ago. We heard that a restaurant/bar was opening there then and dreamed that we would have a casual but upscale place in walking distance from our home, but somehow that original plan evaporated. Now we have a new opportunity for such a restaurant and we want to add our voices to those who are avid supporters. While there is no question that there are more restaurants in our neighborhood now than when we moved here, there are more restaurants in general, people eat out more often, public places such as a good restaurant are amazing meeting places for friends and neighbors. 2635 will be unlike any of the restaurants which are already in our neighborhood and will add substantially to the choices that we have for dining and drinking with friends.

Our enthusiasm for the proposed restaurant was substantially increased when we heard the prospective owners talk about their plans one evening a couple of months ago. We have been to their current restaurant, Comal, and feel that these are people with good design ideas, who run a top notch business, and who elevate the entire neighborhood around them with their operations. Comal has not only livened up the block on Shattuck where it is located but has created an environment for another business, perhaps more than one business, to thrive.

We are impressed that the people who are proposing the restaurant in our neighborhood are sincere, smart and thoughtful. Their plan is still evolving, but with Comal as an example of what they can produce we eagerly anticipate a special place just a block from us. We never understood the concern about parking (our block is filled daily with cars of employees of the Wells Fargo Bank and shoppers on College and we all manage). This is an urban environment and people figure out either where to park or how to get places without a car (We are on a major bus line and a ten minute walk from a BART station.) We don't understand why neighbors would worry about aromas of good food. Again, this is an urban environment. We want aromas of good food. We have never understood that fear that people will drink and create a nuisance. If that were something the zoning board should prevent, then we should also prevent the landlords around here from renting to students--they certainly tend to have the occasional wild party and make noise after dark. But we are an urban environment and we expect this, not every night, but on occasion. ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 82 of 98

We hope that the restaurant at 2635 Ashby opens sooner rather than later. It will be such a treat for us to be able to walk to a restaurant of the caliber of Comal and of the caliber of the similar restaurants that line College Avenue in the Rockridge. It is time for this neighborhood to have a restaurant that draws people from beyond our locale because of the excellence of the food and drink.

We hope that the zoning board will grant the approvals necessary for 2635 Ashby to become the amazing restaurant that we know that these owners will bring us.

From: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project <[email protected]> To: [email protected] Sent: Monday, September 9, 2013 9:29 AM Subject: Requesting Letters of Support

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2635 Ashby Restaurant Project

We are gathering letters of support for our proposed restaurant project (name TBA) to be located in a portion of the former Wright’s Garage space at 2635 Ashby Ave. We submitted our Use Permit application in July and it’s important that we evidence strong support for the project, particularly from people who work or reside in the Elmwood neighborhood.

From our Use Permit Application Statement:

“2635 Ashby” (actual name TBA) will be a full service restaurant serving rustic Californian/American fare, craft cocktails, beer and wine. Our square footage is approximately 3,400 sq. ft. There are currently 88 seats, including 64 in the dining room, 12 at the bar and another 12 in a semi-private room. Our aim is to be a bustling neighborhood restaurant that is warm, inviting and unpretentious and attracts a diverse range of customers. We will serve seasonal menus comprised of carefully sourced local ingredients. The atmosphere will be lively and convivial, similar to our existing restaurant Comal in downtown Berkeley. All seating at the restaurant, including bar seating, will be able to order from the full menu during all hours of operation.

If you choose to write a letter of support, we would urge you to emphasize some or all of the following points (assuming they resonate with you): ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 83 of 98

From: Raymond Weschler Subject: Letter of Support Date: September 30, 2013 9:35:51 AM PDT To: [email protected]

Dear ZAB,

As a homeowner who would likely be as “impacted” by Comal’s presence as much as almost anyone else in the neighborhood (i.e.…I live at 2608 Ashby, diagonally across the street and less than a minute walk away), I think it should be allowed to open at this proposed location. Generally speaking, I don’t think we should look at every proposed eatery as a potential public nuisance that has to prove itself otherwise, and indeed, I tend to think that the more dining choices there are, the better and more enjoyable the area is going to be.

In any case, I specifically support Comal’s application for the following reasons:

---It will provide a new dining experience that differs from what is currently available.

---It will not materially increase the overall demand for parking (as seen by the parking study referenced by Comal).

---It will draw more people to the commercial district and will thus benefit other merchants as well.

---It has already shown itself to be a good neighbor and excellent restaurant in downtown Berkeley, and I assume it will do the same in the Elmwood.

For all these reasons, I urge you to allow Comal to open at its new location as soon as possible.


Raymond Weschler

2608 Ashby Avenue

Berkeley, CA 94705

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 84 of 98

From: Deborah O'Grady Subject: voicing support for a new restaurant at 2635 Ashby Date: September 30, 2013 4:09:04 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Dear members of the ZAB,

This letter is to offer enthusiastic support for the proposed restaurant at 2635 Ashby as presented by John Paluska and Andrew Hoffman.

I am a resident of this neighborhood (114 El Camino Real, Berkeley) and welcome this project. We really have no restaurants of the caliber that Paluska and Hoffman can create within walking distance of our home, with the possible exception of the Claremont Hotel. And I don't really consider that on the same level as what I have seen and experienced at their downtown restaurant, Comal. My neighbors all enjoy good food and wine, and also enjoy walking rather than driving whenever possible. So this is a welcome potential addition to our neighborhood.

Also, I have had the pleasure of working with the Meyer Sound acoustic team when we helped to create the wonderful and revolutionary acoustic environment at Comal. This is perhaps the only restaurant in the world in which you can enjoy a lively environment while at the same time being able to carry on a conversation without raising your voice. And it was all done with a beautiful design. Comal is a pleasure and I'm certain this new restaurant would be its equal.

Finally, I believe that as Comal has helped solidify the downtown as a destination, a new restaurant in Elmwood would bring all of our neighbors out more often to enjoy movies, books, gifts, clothing and other wonderful things that are offered here.

Thanks for your consideration, Deborah O'Grady

114 El Camino Real Berkeley, CA 94705 (510) 604-3660 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 85 of 98

From: Lynn Nice Subject: Proposes restaurant on Ashby in the Elmwood Date: September 30, 2013 4:15:10 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Labels Luxury Consignment Lynn & Dan Nice, owners 2629 Ashby Ave Berkeley, CA 94705

Zoning Adjustments Board Terry Blount, Secretary Land Use Planning Division 2120 Milvia Street, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704

Dear Zoning Adjustment Board, My boutique on Ashby is in the Wright's Garage Building where John & Andrew are interested in opening their newest restaurant. This restaurant would be an ideal addition to the neighborhood. A medium-sized ambient restaurant which will welcome the immediate neighborhood and surrounding community, and offer a seasonal, artisan-like menu, as well as cocktail pairing, is a place my husband and I are already looking so forward to spending time in. John & Andrew's Berkeley's Art districts restaurant, Comal, has been so well received by the community and is adored by residents and merchants alike. Well received restaurants succeed in attracting folks to a neighborhood; often these folks allow time to visit neighboring businesses too. As well, in the case of the residential Elmwood district, so many local residents walk here on a daily or weekly basis. I see this establishment becoming a beloved spot for these locals as so many of the existing business have become.

Four years ago, when I signed our lease on Ashby, this was exactly what I thought would open in this portion of our building and I still believe this is a perfect addition to the neighborhood. Though the Elmwood has many choices for dining, and I've dined at each of them, the open concept and focus on the existing historic architecture of the space at John & Andrews proposed restaurant is unique to the neighborhood. The elegance, quality and innovation of newer business additions in the Elmwood, such as The Elmwood Cafe, Ici, Summer Kitchen, The Treehouse and Vintage, is what drew our business to the block. We were very close to signing in either Rockridge, Oakland or 4th Street in Berkeley, but chose the Elmwood due to this new surge of businesses we immediately liked and became patrons off. I felt this tiny 3 block neighborhood had so much to offer, being home to a movie theatre, a library, new, innovative businesses, as well as thriving 40 year old businesses which have stood the test of time. This restaurant will continue to build a thriving community.

Sincerely, Lynn Nice of Labels Luxury Consignment 2629 Ashby Ave Berkeley, CA 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 86 of 98

From: Luna Oxenberg Subject: In support of a great new restaurant Date: September 30, 2013 4:32:41 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Hello - I am writing to support the opening of what sounds like a fantastic new restaurant in the Elmwood. I have been a homeowner at 2611 Benvenue between Ashby and Derby for 15 years. I have gone from being a student to a mother of two in this lovely neighborhood, and have watched as it has become more delightfully sophisticated as the years have gone by. I would like to add my support to the opening of a new restaurant in the old Garage on college because it is exactly the type of establishment our neighborhood lacks. When I have my moms nights out, we have to go to Piedmont or Downtown Berkeley in order to get the pleasant cocktail and dinner experience that us moms love on our rare evenings out.

The Elmwood is a neighborhood of educated, cosmopolitan families and this proposed establishment with farm to table food and sophisticated drinks is a perfect fit. I know that some people are concerned that the bar element of this establishment will bring the rowdy college students into the neighborhood to drink. This concern is absurd. College students want to drink with college students, not the middle aged parents that fill all the other restaurants in the Elmwood every night. There are plenty of establishments close to the college that cater to the drinking needs of college age students and that is where they will continue to drink.

I am a very active member of the community and I believe my tastes are very representative of much of the Elmwood neighborhood.

Thanks so much, Luna Oxenberg

-- Luna Oxenberg [email protected] 510-517-2010 510-217-4294 fax Taylor Street Production please visit us at Taylor Street Production at or on Facebook - Taylor Street Production ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 87 of 98

From: Cathy Berman Subject: letter of support Date: September 30, 2013 4:45:00 PM PDT To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]> Reply-To: Cathy Berman


I am writing to express my enthusiasm and support for the proposed neighborhood restaurant at 2635 Ashby Avenue. If there was a resident most affected by problems mentioned by those opposed to the restaurant i.e.noise or parking, that would be me. I am the only resident residing on the block, living in an apartment above LABELS just down from the proposed location of the restaurant. I love the bustling urban Elmwood neighborhood and believe that this restaurant, run by thoughtful owners, will be a wonderful contribution to a flourishing area in Berkeley. I appreciate the ongoing communication with neighbors and the owners to address concerns.

Sincerely, Cathy Berman 2629 Ashby Avenue, Apt. B ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 88 of 98

From: emailstout Subject: 2635 Ashby restaurant and bar Date: September 30, 2013 5:51:39 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Hello -

I would like to include my support of the proposed new restaurant in the Elmwood. I have been a homeowner and a resident at 2624 Piedmont between Ashby and Parker for 39 years. I have gone from being a child to a father of two in this neighborhood, and have watched as it has become more sophisticated. I would like to add my support to the opening of a new restaurant in the old Garage on college because it is exactly the type of establishment our neighborhood lacks. A place for adults to relax in a sophisticated atmosphere and have a great meal is always invited.

The proposed restaurant would cater to a specific type of patron. College students will not frequent an establishment that is as expensive as this restaurant will be when they can go to a hundred other lower cost options that cater to their demographic.

I am a very active member of the community and I believe my tastes are very representative of much of the Elmwood neighborhood.

Thanks, Jeremy Stout ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 89 of 98

From: Henry Siegel Subject: Letter of support Date: September 30, 2013 8:40:38 PM PDT To: [email protected] Cc: Gordon Wozniak

1 Attachment, 71 KB

September 30, 2013

Zoning Adjustments Board Terry Blount, Secretary Land Use Planning Division 2120 Milvia Street, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704

RE: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project

To the Zoning Adjustments Board:

We are writing as long-time Elmwood residents (22 years on Prince Street between College and Claremont) to support the Use Permit application for the 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project.

We believe that a restaurant like this, one with a more ambitious menu than the local Elmwood restaurants, managed by successful and local restaurateurs, will be a genuine benefit for our neighborhood, providing the kind of dining experience that Elmwood residents must now drive to find in other neighborhoods. This space has been empty for years and the addition of this restaurant will benefit other local businesses and bring a new sense of vitality to the neighborhood.

Specifically, we support the restaurant size, the beer and wine license, the extended hours, and the permission to exceed the antiquated and now unrealistic commercial zoning restrictions still in place in the Elmwood despite major changes in the market, the neighborhood, and local transportation since those restrictions were put into place many years ago.

We do not believe that the additional traffic mentioned in the traffic study (which we read) is significant, and that it likely underplays the number of people who would arrive on foot from the neighborhood. This will not even be the largest restaurant in the neighborhood.

Businesses like this are just what we need to keep our commercial neighborhood alive and well. We urge you to approve the project.

Very truly yours,

Henry Siegel Kyra Subbotin

Cc: Gordon Wozniak September 30, 2013

Zoning Adjustments Board Terry Blount, Secretary Land Use Planning Division 2120 Milvia Street, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704

RE: 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project

To the Zoning Adjustments Board:

We are writing as long-time Elmwood residents (22 years on Prince Street between College and Claremont) to support the Use Permit application for the 2635 Ashby Restaurant Project.

We believe that a restaurant like this, one with a more ambitious menu than the local Elmwood restaurants, managed by successful and local restaurateurs, will be a genuine benefit for our neighborhood, providing the kind of dining experience that Elmwood residents must now drive to find in other neighborhoods. This space has been empty for years and the addition of this restaurant will benefit other local businesses and bring a new sense of vitality to the neighborhood.

Specifically, we support the restaurant size, the beer and wine license, the extended hours, and the permission to exceed the antiquated and now unrealistic commercial zoning restrictions still in place in the Elmwood despite major changes in the market, the neighborhood, and local transportation since those restrictions were put into place many years ago.

We do not believe that the additional traffic mentioned in the traffic study (which we read) is significant, and that it likely underplays the number of people who would arrive on foot from the neighborhood. This will not even be the largest restaurant in the neighborhood.

Businesses like this are just what we need to keep our commercial neighborhood alive and well. We urge you to approve the project.

Very truly yours,

ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Henry Siegel Kyra Subbotin Page 90 of 98

Cc: Gordon Wozniak


Henry Siegel, FAIA LEED AP

S I E G E L & S T R A I N A r c h i t e c t s 1295 59th Street, Emeryville, CA 94608 510.547.8092 x104 fax 510.547.2604 [email protected] ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 91 of 98

From: Robert Trachtenberg Subject: 2635 Ashby Street Date: October 2, 2013 5:01:03 PM PDT To: John Paluska <[email protected]>

To who this may concern at ZAB,

I want to share my enthusiasm and strong support for the new proposed restaurant on Ashby Street. I live at 3014 1/2 Benvenue Ave. just 2 blocks from the new restaurant. I have lived there since 1999 and it has been a really wonderful life changing experience raising my 2 children in this neighborhood. We love our residential neighborhood but we also love the convenience of living so close to a commercial district filled with great shops, restaurants, a movie theater, etc. Living so close to this type of district comes with the impact of people parking on our streets. We knew this when we bought our house and we have learned to live with this. I am tired of hearing the arguments about how this new restaurant might be difficult for us and our neighbors. Each night I see at least 50 people standing in line to get ice cream at Ici. Each night there at least a dozen people waiting to get into Siciliana Tratorria or the Elmwood Theater. I don't hear anyone complaining about how these business are creating a negative effect on the neighborhood. In fact this type of Nimbyism only seems to exist here in our wonderful town of Berkeley. Most neighborhoods (like Oakland, San Francisco) that have these types of successful commercial areas are applauded for their efforts and yes are frequently visited as a destination for a night out. I am sincerely looking forward to finally having a restaurant with a bar where I can go out with friends and family for an adult night out. John Paluska and his partner Andrew Hoffman have demonstrated successfully at Comal how one can manage a restaurant with a bar without it becoming a problem with issues of people being drunk when they leave. I know how seriously they take this issue so it is not a concern that we should have. We should all welcome with open arms that finally after 6 years of vacancy we will have a great new establishment. Last, I would also like to acknowledge and commend John Gordon for being so patient to find the right kind of tenant for our neighborhood. Without his efforts one could only wonder how awful this entire block of Ashby and College Ave would be. His renovations have been done with great quality and care and he seems to have a real knack for finding businesses that have added a richness and vitality to our neighborhood. I feel really lucky that we have this opportunity to have this thoughtful team of people who are willing to invest their money and time to our neighborhood. Thanks, Robert trachtenberg

Robert Trachtenberg Garden Architecture ph: 510.525.9517 fax: 510.525.9590 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 92 of 98

From: Maryclare McCauley Subject: support Date: October 2, 2013 5:51:52 PM PDT To: [email protected]

I would like to support your proposal and I would like you to support your staff by giving them higher wages. I am willing to pay an extra $2.00 for a marguerita so you can pay a wage that's fair and gives dignity.

Thanks, Maryclare McCauley ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 93 of 98

From: Joshua Sperry Subject: Fwd: Support for permit application 2635 Ashby Date: October 2, 2013 8:37:44 PM PDT To: [email protected]

Dear John Paluska,

Robert Trachtenberg forwarded me your message about supporting your restaurant project on Ashby, and I was very excited to hear about it. I sent the email below to the assigned City Planner, from the zoning board website. I live two blocks down Benvenue from your site. You are also welcome to the copy below and can use it to support your application. I also set up an online petition to try to get support from more neighbors. You can see that petition at new-restaurant-in-the-elmwood-district

A lot of folks on my block are very enthusiastic about your project. Speaking for myself personally, I would love to see a full bar in Elmwood! And I've been to Comal and thought the food was excellent too. If there is more that I can do to help, please let me know.


Joshua Sperry 3040 Benvenue Ave

------Forwarded message ------From: Joshua Sperry Date: Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 8:31 PM Subject: Support for permit application 2635 Ashby To: [email protected]

Dear Aaron Sage,

I'm a Berkeley resident and live two blocks from the location at 2635 Ashby Ave, where the proposed restaurant and bar would be located. I found out about the project recently, and am writing to let you know that I strongly support having a restaurant and full bar in our Elmwood neighborhood.

I understand that there is some neighborhood opposition to the idea, and I want to let you know that there are many Elmwood residents who are very enthusiastic about having a full bar and quality restaurant within a short walk (nothing against our current restaurants, many of which are very good). All of the neighbors who have heard of it are excited about the idea, especially since it is the owners of Comal, who already run a very good restaurant. I also don't see any parking impact -- indeed, it might help Berkeley's overall parking issues by giving Elmwood residents a restaurant they could walk to, rather than driving to Downtown or North Berkeley.

I have started an online petition, and I'm wondering if I can turn that in to you, or to Kriss Worthington, or who best to direct it to? I would like to show that there is support for the concept as well as opposition in our area.

Also, could you please tell me what are the upcoming deadlines for the planning process? Is there a deadline for public comments? Will there be public hearings?

Thanks very much, and I hope to hear back from you soon.

Yours, ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 94 of 98

Joshua Sperry 3040 Benvenue Ave Berkeley, CA 94705 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 95 of 98

From: LInda Schacht Subject: Letters of Support Date: October 2, 2013 11:36:50 PM PDT To: John Paluska

From LInda Schacht and John Gage, 2811 Benvenue, Berkeley,CA 94705

To members of the Zoning Adjustments Board of the City of Berkeley:

We are completely in favor of the plan for 2635 Ashby Avenue, the restaurant project presented to the neighborhood several months ago. We urge you to give the project consideration and approval. 2635 Ashby, and the building in which it resides, has been vacant for too long. We were elated when John Gordon completed his development of that site, but dismayed as it sat empty for so long.

Now proven restaurateurs are willing to take a chance on the space and we are grateful to them for doing so. It will bring more business to the neighborhood, give people a new alternative for dining in the Elmwood district, of which we have been residents for 37 years. The proposed site is within walking distance of not only our house, but the entire Elmwood, Claremont, Bateman/Willard area. We look forward to a place we can go with friends and neighbors in our area for a drink or food and drink. We are not the least concerned about "drunken college kids" and people using parking spaces in our neighborhood. We trust the owners of Comal to be equally responsible about both of these issues, which we know some of our neighbors have raised. Their proposal, as described at the neighborhood meeting we attended, seems perfectly reasonable, responsible and exciting. We understand they will be very attentive to impact on the neighbors and neighborhood, especially around the subject of parking. We do not believe parking will be impacted because the location is so easily reached on foot. The new restaurant will, after all, be smaller than other existing restaurants such as Shen Hua, in the Elmwood.

Sincerely, Linda Schacht John Gage 2811 Benvenue Avenue ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 96 of 98

From: Tracey Taylor Subject: I support a new restaurant coming into 2635 Ashby Avenue Date: October 7, 2013 11:08:16 AM PDT To: [email protected]

To Berkeley's Zoning Adjustments Board:

I am writing to express my support for the plans to open a restaurant at 2635 Ashby Avenue.

I live nearby and would love to have a restaurant run by the Comal team in my neighborhood.

While the Elmwood has several good restaurants, this would offer something distinctive and potentially exciting.

I would walk to the restaurant, as would many of my friends who live locally. But I believe the parking impact studies that have been conducted show that parking would not be significantly increased.

The proposed new restaurant would also be significantly smaller than several other ones in the area -- one of many actions taken by the owners who have taken a very considered approach to collaborating with the community regarding their plans.

It is also my belief that a high-quality new restaurant will attract customers to other local businesses on College Avenue.

Thank you.

Tracey Taylor Elmwood resident. ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 97 of 98 Jacob, Melinda

Subject: FW: Comment re Proposed new restaurant at 2635 Ashby Ave.

From: Claude Fischer [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 1:47 PM To: Blount, Terry Subject: Comment re Proposed new restaurant at 2635 Ashby Ave.

We generally support the restaurant. We support the longer hours -- things shut down too early in the Elmwood -- with one proviso: that the "incidental sale of beer, wine, and distilled spirits" NOT turn the place into a late-night bar. Although we understand that liquor is part of a restaurant, would oppose a bar in the restaurant that would make it a post- 10pm drinking establishment. A place that had table service that late would be fine.

-- Claude S. Fischer 2964 Magnolia Street, Berkeley, CA 94705-2330

(tel: 510-644-0858; cell: 510-393-0760)

1 ATTACHMENT 10 ZAB 12-12-13 Page 98 of 98 Jacob, Melinda

Subject: FW: New Restaurant in the Elmwood

From: Joan Collignon [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 9:06 PM To: Blount, Terry Subject: New Restaurant in the Elmwood

Dear Mr. Blount:

This letter is in support of allowing the developers of Comal to open a new restaurant on Ashby near College. This stretch of Ashby has been under-utilized for years, and it would be a blessing for the neighborhood to have a thriving business there. Yes we have a lot of restaurants in the area, but they are generally inexpensive before- or after-the theater places catering to young people. It would be lovely to have a serious restaurant within walking distance of many of the adults in the neighborhood!

Thank you for considering this plea. I've lived in the neighborhood since 1974, and would really enjoy and utilize a restaurant with the stature of Comal. And I would NEVER have to drive.


Joan Collignon 2925 Russell St., between Pine and Claremont