FOR INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS ONLY. NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED TO RETAIL CLIENTS. This strategy is offered by Insight North America LLC (INA) in the United States. INA is part of Insight Investment. Performance presented is that of Insight Investment and should not specifically be viewed as the performance of INA. Please refer to the important disclosures at the back of this document.



headwinds. Financial difficulties faced by Chinese property RATES group Evergrande could have a knock-on impact on investor Our key positions are short duration. This is particularly true of confidence in other Chinese securities, while there has been a gilts, the US and Canada and for some European mandates slowing of consumption due to zero COVID-19 policies in Asia. where we have a smaller underweight to duration. We are neutrally positioned on investment grade where We expect the US to have the quickest move back to trend level valuations are tight, but remain long on high yield sovereigns growth among developed countries and for yields to rise higher and high yield corporates, although both latter positions have accordingly. Due to strong US growth, we also expect inflation to been reined in. In local rates there are pockets of value and persist for longer too. For these reasons, we feel US yields are some areas of negative real yield, but overall our position is currently too low, although 10-year breakevens are pricing in a neutral. In currency we are slightly long, favoring the Brazilian reasonable amount of inflation and look close to fair value. real, the Turkish lira and Russian ruble where valuations are cheap and there is the offer of carry. Our position in the UK is partly based on the expected end to the quantitative easing program at the close of this year and MORTGAGES concern at wage inflation. We also see a greater chance of more rate hikes than the two the market is pricing in. We are short UK Our position on mortgage-backed securities is still negative but breakevens as the market is pricing in the Bank of England hitting less so than a few months ago as spreads have widened. At inflation targets, which we think will be exceeded. current levels there is around 100bp of excess return over US Treasuries, which makes it a more compelling valuation than CREDIT investment grade or high yield credit; however, the downsides from tapering and a loss of bank demand are still great. The We remain relatively cautious in credit, although overall Federal Reserve is buying $40bn of mortgages a month, while positioning remains slightly long. Our tilt away from investment banks are using mortgages as a place to invest some of the high grade towards other asset classes, aside from asset-backed level of cash deposits they now hold. Once either steps away securities (ABS), has reduced, notably in Europe where from the mortgage market then spreads are likely to widen. investment grade valuations have improved. In ABS supply has improved but is still oversubscribed and therefore difficult to CURRENCY purchase. In secured finance we have seen a rise in pre- payments which has left us with a higher cash position than We have a much-reduced position on the US dollar due to high normal, although we have agreed deals that are to be funded price volatility, but also due to a mix of macro-economic factors soon. around purchasing managers’ indices (PMIs), credit impulses and global growth that traditionally lead to little dollar EMERGING MARKETS directionality. Among our positions are a short on the euro into the yen, which is a proxy US dollar long that should do well in a Emerging markets still broadly offer cheap valuations in our view risk off environment. We are long the Australian dollar against and a positive macro-economic backdrop, but we have brought the New Zealand dollar in part due to contrasting policies by in a measure of caution to some positions in recognition of two each country's central banks and in part as the Australian dollar

has lagged improved terms of trade, as the price of its mineral exports have risen. We have also put on carry positions that we believe will work well in the current low-yield environment, such as a long in the Indian rupee against the Taiwanese dollar.

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