Suggestions and concerns How to contact us: We strive for excellence when caring for If you have any concerns regarding stoma patients and their families. If you your stoma, pouch, stoma output, have any concerns regarding your care, peristomal skin or your post-operative please talk to your stoma nurse in the first recovery, contact the team on: instance. We will try to resolve any problems as quickly and efficiently as or email 0118 322 7640 possible.
[email protected] Alternatively, if you have any comments and Monday to Friday (excluding bank you would prefer to speak to someone holidays) between 8am and 4pm. outside of the Stoma Care Team, contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0118 322 8338 or email If your call goes to answerphone,
[email protected] please leave your name, contact We are constantly reviewing and updating details and a brief message, and your the service we offer, and are always looking query will be dealt with by the next to improve the support and advice we working day. provide. If you have any suggestions please feel free speak to your stoma care nurse at Out of hours, contact your GP or their any time. out of hours service. For emergencies, dial NHS 111, or To find out more about our Trust visit visit your nearest Walk-in Centre or The Stoma Emergency Department (A&E). Please ask if you need this information Service in another language or format. Information for patients Stoma Care Nurses, April 2021 who have had a stoma Next review due: April 2023 formed If you are unable to attend your clinic then arrange for you to collect them.