GV6 Departure

Tour Code: TTGLTU06-1O Valid till 31st Mar’21



06Jun,31Jul,20Aug,31Aug,16Sep,03Oct,29Oct,14Nov, 25Nov,01Jan'21,12-13Feb'21

15Jul-31Aug, 01-07Oct, 24Dec'20-01Jan'21, 11-15Feb21

ITINERARY 行程: Day 01 Arrival 抵达亚庇 (No Meals/ 无餐) Arrival at Kota Kinabalu, the state capital of , also known as "The Land Below the Wind". Upon arrival, warmest welcome by our representative and proceed to visit Sabah State Mosque, Atkinson Clock Tower, Floating Mosque, Tun Mustapha Building, Poh Tou Temple & Filipino Market. Then, transfer to check-in and free & easy. 抵达风下之乡沙巴州首府——亚庇。由导游接机后前往游览沙巴州立清真寺、艾京生钟楼、水上清真寺、沙巴基金大 厦、普陀寺 & 菲律宾市场. 行程结束后入住酒店,自由活动

Day 02 Kota Kinabalu- Overnight 亚庇-夜宿古达 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner/ 早, 午餐, 晚餐) Proceed to Kudat Fish Village. You can enjoy swimming or snorkelling at there. After lunch. Free at own leisure. Overnight at Kudat Marina Golf Resort. 早餐后出发前往沙巴州最北端—古达镇。前往古达鱼排, 與大魚浮潛也是魚排的一大特色,手臂粗的白魚圍繞在身邊,壓根想摸它根本就摸不到,這裡的珊瑚 和小丑魚也不少,很適合和小孩一起來深度體驗。餵魚、釣魚、捉海鮮等等都是不錯的體驗。享用海鲜午餐后,自由活动。入住古达玛丽娜高尔夫度假村。

Day 03 Kudat- Kundasang Overnight 古达-夜宿昆达山 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner/ 早, 午餐, 晚餐) After breakfast, proceed to Simpang Mengayau on evening. It is a headland at the end of a wide bay about 40 km to the north of the town of Kudat. After lunch proceed to honey Bee Farm, Gong Making Village. Then, transfer to Kundasang. Overnight at Kundasang hotel. 早餐后前往天涯海角,古達當地人 則稱為『燈火樓』,燈火樓的意思就是燈塔。参观古达蜜蜂农场,了解和参观养蜂的技术与程序。下一站前往参观铜锣制造厂。铜锣在沙巴原住民的婚礼和各 种庆典中是最重要的古典乐器。午餐于当地餐厅。午餐后,前往昆达山入住酒店,自由活动

Day 04 Kundasang- Kota Kinabalu 昆达山-亚庇 (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner/ 早, 午餐, 晚餐) After breakfast, proceed to the Hot Spring for a relaxing soak in the hot sulphuric mineral rich water, which is claimed to have curative powers. The main attraction here is the CANOPY WALK over the 157.8-meter-long suspension bridge. Before departing the Hot Spring, a lunch will be serving at local restaurant. After lunch, visit Desa Dairy Farm that known as “Little New Zealand”. Then make a brief stopover at the stop by at the vegetable & fruits market in Kundasang. Have a visit at Kinabalu Park Headquarters. In late evening, transfer back to Kota Kinabalu. 早餐后,启程前往一 个有趣的奇景,此乃天然的露天温泉 -波令温泉。在神山公园约 47 公里处,大片茂盛的修竹林,波令温泉因此而得名。这个天然露天温泉,也设有日式天然 浴场,在这里游客可以将自己浸浴在温泉中享受热带雨林的大自然洗礼,让您身心灵焕然一新。温泉水含有硫磺,能让您获得疗理体肤的良好效益。游客也可 以尝试横渡离地 41 公尺,长度 157 米悬挂在半空的树顶雨林吊桥一游,以欣赏婆罗洲热带雨林草木苍翠茂盛的壮丽景色。结束泡汤的乐趣后,在京那巴鲁 公园集合,前往当地餐馆享用美味午餐。午餐后,前往享有 “小新西兰” 之称的迪沙奶牛场。尔后前往神山公园,您可在这享受着清新和凉快的空气。在天 气晴朗时,你甚至可能发现京那巴鲁山的壮丽美景。下午时分,返回酒店。

Day 05 Depart from Kota Kinabalu 离开亚庇 (Breakfast / 早餐) After breakfast, free at own leisure. Meet at stated time and transfer to airport for your flight back Home Sweet Home. 早餐后,自由活动。于指定时间送往机场返回甜蜜家园。

Package Inclusive: Package Exclusive: ✓ 2-nights hotel accommodation at Kota Kinabalu  International air ticket to & from Kota Kinabalu ✓ 1-night resort accommodation at Kudat Marina Golf Resort  Personal insurance and visa fee if necessary ✓ 1-night hotel accommodation at Kundasang  Compulsory tipping of S$ 19/ person for tour guide & driver ✓ 4 breakfast in the hotel, 3 lunch and 3 dinner as per itinerary (to collect upon booking made) ✓ 4 days shared transport for airport, hotel and sightseeing  Compulsory tourism tax of MYR10/room/night for Non-Malaysian (pay upon ✓ 1-way shared departure transfer from hotel to airport check-in) ✓ 1 local tour guide service throughout the trip

Terms & Conditions: • Transtar Travel reserve the rights to alter routes, timetables and itineraries reserved should conditions beyond our control render it necessary • This package is based on join-in basis of shared guide and transport vehicle. • Private Guide or Tour is available upon request at a reasonable fee. Please inform us when making the bookings. • No refund after reservation/confirmation made. Cancellation charges apply accordingly • Price & Schedule subjects to change without prior notice