FREEREEPHAM LIFE YOUR Community Newspaper No. 30 February 2016 No. 30 February New plans to re-lay track on former railway line

HORSE-riders and other users of Marriott’s Way have raised concerns about a bid to rebuild a section of railway line on part of the permitted footpath, cycleway and bridleway. The Whitwell & Reepham Railway Preservation Society has submitted a revised planning application to re-lay track on the station building side into one of the original platforms of Whitwell Station. The heritage railway group says this will provide better access for disabled and elderly passengers to board the diesel and steams trains operating at the station. If approved, the plans would involve fencing off several hundred metres of the former Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway track bed, which is now Marriott’s Way in the ownership of County Council and used extensively by walkers, runners, horse-riders and cyclists. The Whitwell & Reepham Railway Preservation Society has submitted a The scheme would see a two-metre-high wire fence installed revised planning application to re-lay track on part of the Marriott’s Way to section off more than half of the 6.5-metre-wide gap and risk trampling over other users, who would have nowhere between the two existing platforms and for some distance to go but forward or back on the remaining narrow space. along the track. Further, the proposed operating time of the David Sayer of Blackwater Farm, , who trains on the shared track could be from 10 am – 10 pm, operates a livery and equestrian event business near the Mar- seven days a week, according to a concerned resident at Jan- riott’s Way, said that several years ago, when similar plans uary’s meeting of Reepham Town Council. were first put forward, an alternative route had been discussed At the meting, Christopher Cooke, a trustee of the railway for horse-riders to avoid the station site. preservation society, said that, if approved, the plans would Whitwell Station owner Mike Urry, told Reepham Life that help improve the overall facilities and provide more tourism several alternative routes had been discussed in the past, but for the area, possibly leading to more local employment. these could involve horses being diverted onto a public road He noted that at least six heritage railways across the UK for a short distance or permissions being sought from adjacent had similar arrangements of sharing the track with other landowners, which could prove costly to instigate. users, adding that the Whitwell plans have been approved by Michael Pender-Cudlip, who is a Town Councillor and op- HM Railway Inspectorate. poses the planning application, noted that wheelchair users Other rail enthusiasts praised the range of facilities at may not be able to get through the narrow doors of old Whitwell Station, saying that what was once a derelict site is railway carriages currently in use at the station – even if now one of the few bright spots in Reepham’s declining com- platform access was improved. mercial fortunes. However, Whitwell Station’s latest access statement states However, the equestrian community in particular say the that running trains into the original platform will help provide scheme would affect their animals, leading to safety and wheelchair access to the trains. It adds that the heritage liability issues. The fear is that horses will be spooked by the railway’s longer-term ambition is “to extend the line”. noise and bulk of a train approaching from ahead or behind n Town Council’s comment on page 7. RPS professionalilitlti print solutionns e: [email protected] 01603 871102 Church St. Reepham NR10 4JWW VVaalenalenntintinesnes Dinner Night Looking totreattthat specialsomeone for Valentines? Join usforanintimmate 3course dinner fortwo in our Vines Restaurant for £30 per personn. Saturday 13th & Suunday 14th February 20116 The Year is 1943 ALSO WE HAVEE A Enjoy an evening of Murder, Mystery FANTA ASTIC OFFER: and Intrigue! 3courseValentines dinner fortwowith anover night Saturdaayy 5th March 2016, Arrival 7:30pmffoor a drinks stay foronly £150 receptionffoollowed by a 3 course dinner. *room upgrades upon request £32.00 per person Tribute Night Mootherh 's Day Carvery See Head Over Heels perffoorm AAbbba classics Mother’sDs DaySy Sunday likkee ”Gimme Gimme Carvere y Gimme, WWaaterloo, Enjoy a delicious Chiquitita” along with selectionofcarvery colourffuul costume meats withallthe changes. trimmings in the Then finishing the night comfortoftheVines with a lively 70’s set Restaurant. Saturdaayy 27th February Withih itbt beingasg a special Sundday 6hM6th Marchh 2016 2016 - 7:30pm till late day for all mums, 12:00pm – 6:00pm SPECIALA DISCOUNTED Mums will be receiving a room rate of £75 when Tickets £10 per person Adults £9.95, Children £5.95 ((up to tthe age of 12 yrs old) special mothers day gift purchasing 2 tickets for Including a fantastic hot & from us. ourAbba Tribute Night cold buffffeet ffoor all to ennjjoy Booking Essential

For any inffoormationn call 01603 879567,, RRdd,, ,, Norffoolk NR9 5QP or visit our website Reepham Life, February 2016 3 news Reepham Life is a free monthly newspaper published by Reepham Community Press EDITOR Geoff Fisher Tributes paid to ADVERTISING Judy Holland WEBSITE Jeremy Brockman community stalwart Printed by: Colour Print, Norwich WARM tributes have been paid to popular “Diane was in- EDITORIAL ADDRESS Reepham Community Press Reepham stalwart Diane Turner, who volved with much of Homerton House, 74 Cawston Road passed away in mid-December following Reepham’s life and I Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4LT Diane Turner a short battle with cancer. sincerely think she Tel: 01603 308158 At her funeral in St Mary’s Reepham made a big difference to many people. Email: [email protected] on 30 December, her brother Ken Ewing She was a great servant to Reepham Web: said Diane was a well-known local char- and will be sadly missed.” The views expressed in Reepham acter, born and bred in the town, who Donations can be made to the Pan- Life are not necessarily those of the lived for much of her life in Cawston creatic Cancer Research Fund. Publishers or the Editor Road and definitely “left her mark on Premises on the market All material is strictly copyright the community”. Diane’s Pantry, which was taken over and all rights reserved She established and ran Diane’s Pantry, by new owners in 2013, suddenly closed All material submitted for publication, which sold health foods and general in late November, which is believed to including letters to the editor, may be provisions, in the Market Place, for al - have been due to trading difficulties. edited for reasons of space and clarity most 35 years until her retirement in The health food retail bus iness/con- 2013. venience store had been on the market below), are now for sale as a leasehold Mr Ewing said Diane followed her fa- as a go ing concern since last June. through EM&F. The agents said this will ther by becoming a parish councillor The premises in Market Place, which “appeal to owners who wish to live ab- for many years and was also president include a three-bedroom maisonette above ove the shop and enjoy being and con- of the local WI. the 500 sq. ft. store (with a store room tributing to the life of the town”.

Calendar still available past century, the calendar also includes Norfolk NR10 4LT. Please contact us for modern-day images of each scene. further details of airmailed copies to Eu- A FEW copies of the Reepham Life n To order by post, please send a rope and elsewhere. 2016 Calendar are still available from cheque for £9.50 (UK only, includes Reepham Community Press. postage and packaging) made out to Featuring 13 nostalgic photographs “Reepham Community Press”, Homerton capturing the town’s history over the House, 74 Cawston Road, Reepham,

New treasures on sale at charity shop OPENING the Bircham Centre Charity may your community centre continue Shop after the festive period is always to prosper. exciting, watching and hearing the Thanks and best wishes from Janice, market square spring into life; another the trustees and all the shop team. year of share and care within Reepham’s special community. Collection service from Market Surgery The shop has been cleared and clean- ed, and new trinkets and treasures dis- Patients of Market Surgery in Aylsham who live in Reepham can now have their played for our faithful friends to browse prescriptions dispensed at Motts Pharmacy in Reepham. and buy; our success remains fruitful The pharmacy is currently gathering information on all patients residing in from all your wonderful donations. Reepham who may be eligible for this. Should there be a significant number the Please keep them flowing in: 2015 pharmacy will arrange an order-and-collection service from Market Surgery. n If this interests you, please leave your details at the pharmacy counter in Market saw another record year for us with the Place, Reepham. Tel: 01603 871738. Email: [email protected] shop total profit at £19,616.60! Long 4 Reepham Life, February 2016 views

Real residents’ questions on Townsend Corner the owner of a was to help secure sites and be the AT last we have some letters from resi- well-known Indian restaurant in Norwich contact point in the community. dents (Martin Sullivan and Tim Watson, told me he would have liked to open The project started in September 2014 Reepham Life, December/January) ques- up in the old shop premises, but was and it was admittedly a bit of a rush to tioning what is going on around Reep- made to feel very unwelcome. hit the deadline. ham and expressing the same feelings a Now it seems the latest applicant has One of the things we had to do was lot of the residents have about both also been given the hard shoulder. prove community engagement; I used mobile phone signals and broadband. Would it be the same if the Dial House Facebook and Reepham Life. What are the Town Council and the were to apply to open an Asian food Several requests were put out for pos- Chamber of Commerce doing for the restaurant and takeaway? sible sites; I needed a minimum of five or d inary residents of Reepham? It would probably do wonders for our for the application. Vodafone’s preference Who elected this Jeremy Brockman carbon footprint if we had an Indian is that they serve community hubs – my as “Village Champion”, whatever that restaurant in Reepham by saving the many interpretation was that this largely ruled might mean? Certainly not the real resi- miles being driven by residents to Norwich, out residential areas. dents of Reepham. , Aylsham and else where when- Seven possible sites stepped forward. If he had been working for the benefit ever they felt like an Indian curry. Vodafone selected four and we lost the of Reepham as a whole then he should We need more businesses that cater primary school during the process. have ensured the three Vodafone booster for the needs of ordinary residents of Since Vodafone were funding the proj- units were more strategically placed: two Reepham, rather than yet more expensive ect, they had the final say in the number out of the three are probably 75% wasted galleries, etc. of units installed. I felt that putting in a as they cover areas of open fields rather Bryan Gostling, Bircham Road, reasonable application was one of the than residential areas and the third will Reepham reasons the project succeeded. only be of benefit to businesses situated In a place the size of Reepham these around the Market Place and the few Jeremy Brockman replies: The main pur- small units were never going to provide residents living nearby. pose of the Chamber of Commerce is to complete coverage and I fully acknowl- Even then, there didn’t seem to be a support Reepham’s businesses, which edge that this is not a universal solution. useable signal in the Market Place when in turn support our community. This project ultimately took 14 months I tried with my Vodafone [in early De- The Vodafone base stations were aw - to deliver and more than 400 emails. At cember]. arded to Reepham as the result of the the launch a Vodafone project manager The broadband service around Reep- town winning one of a 100 prizes avail- said we were the 21st community to be ham is atrocious and seems to be dete- able in a nationwide competition. switched on. riorating, rather than improving. The units installed are low powered Out of the 100 initial aw ards 25 had We read in the EDP about small vill - so they can be installed in homes and to drop out because of various factors, ages in getting high-speed businesses, but this does mean they including poor broadband and planning broadband, but what is being done by have a fairly limited range. Because issues. Reepham has not done too bad- our elected Town Council to get a de- they are discrete they can be installed ly. cent broadband service in Reepham? in a conservation area like Reepham’s The Chamber of Commerce supported And yes, it is time we had a decent Market Place. the Better Broadband for Norfolk project Indian restaurant and takeaway in Reep- The term “village champion” was used and since then the broadband service ham. When the butcher’s shop closed by Vodafone; the purpose of the role has improved greatly. I get over 10MB here in Whitwell Street and I have heard that speeds of up to 20MB are possible YOUR TWEETS in properties around the Market Place. Tweet your views to @reephamlife There is clearly still more work to be done and as an IT professional, I am a On the closure of Diane’s Pantry in late November: That’s such a shame. Samantha Doyle. Very sad. I can remember when Diane was down by the church. Reepham’s loss. John Tym firm believer that improving the telecoms On the news that a planning application has been submitted to install a combined public infrastructure is absolutely necessary for payphone and ATM cash machine on Townsend Corner: What a ridiculous & dangerous place Reepham to thrive. to put it. Hilary Gostling I would remind people that working On the closure of the HSBC branch in October: Who needs a branch more than say one or with these large organisations is difficult two times a year? Marc C and the Chamber of Commerce has very little influence. We have to take FACEBOOK POSTS op portunities as they arise. Find us on Facebook On the news that three Vodafone Open Sure Signal Units have been installed in Reepham: First impressions It all sounded and still sounds absolutely marvellous. I am in Back Street and my mobile I HAVE a slightly different perspective phone is with Vodafone (they continue to have the best coverage out and about in Norfolk). on Reepham to Tim Watson (“Time Still no signal at home, but in certain places in the car park I can still get a signal. Do I need to upgrade my two-year-old smartphone? Paul Hodge warp” Reepham Life, December/January). I agree the shops and facilities need No, just shout louder. Alan Hawkes to reflect what the local community and Reepham Life, February 2016 5 views visitors want in order to thrive. However, image is important and first impres- sions count. The quality and character of the town is special and this is evident with Reep- ham’s popularity as a place to live. The lack of white lines, cats eyes and street lighting, along with the appearance of the buildings, signage and so on, all help to create Reepham’s image. It would be a shame to erode its character and “Them pesky Whinjuns on the squaw path agin!” charm by over-modern - ising the locality. Road, with everything going from Street and the reference to Smith or It’s clear that Reepham is undergoing strength to strength. Jones is irrelevant, since that estab- a change, with the bank and some “Our entry picked up on where we lishment is run by a Chinese family.

local businesses closing. I recognise left off last year, so included the com- This is a small town and one take- that running a business is very hard munity help securing new Christmas away, two pubs, a café and a hotel work and I applaud the local trades- lights, the Tour de Yorkshire street with restaurant are more than enough people for what they do. party and our first ever and very suc- for visitors and residents. And while no one wants to see cessful food festival.” Hopefully, when Diane’s Pantry re- empty retail units, it should be seen This mix of businesses and commu- opens, there will be another facility as an opportunity to shape Reepham nity activities sound remarkably similar for sandwiches, rolls, etc., in addition for the future. to many of the activities that go on in to what is provided by Spar. letters Perhaps Reepham does need another Reepham. Perhaps Reepham could be We have plenty of litter blowing takeaway. I know I’d use it from time winning this award in the future? about and takeaways encourage people to time. But is the Market Place the Jill Leigh, The Moor, Reepham to be litterbugs. If Mr Watson would right location for such an establish- like to volunteer to be a litter-picker ment? and help to keep Reepham tidy, an- Maybe it depends on how it fits in Not another takeaway other takeaway might be welcome. with existing businesses and the sur- IN response to the letter from Tim As for street lighting, there is suffi- rounding environment. It’s important Watson (Reepham Life, December/Jan- cient and he can always carry a torch to maintain cohesion and for busi- uary), Reepham is far from being in a when he goes out at night, as we do. nesses to complement one another. time warp. Light pollution is a major problem Last year’s winner of the High Street The changes that have taken place in many places and this small, rural of the Year awards was Bishopthorpe since we moved here in 1996 have town has managed very well without (“Bishy”) Road in York. The street is been limitless; the town (it’s not a vil- too much of it. Why spoil the night a mixture of businesses, including lage) is lively and vibrant with plenty sky with more unnecessary lighting? cafés, a hardware store, a cycling going on. Brenda R Palmer, Chapel Close, shop, hairdressers, fruit and veg shops, We do still need a bank or at least Reepham opticians, dry cleaners, gift shops, a an ATM and, so far, the shops are still butcher and many more. thriving, although they do need more Community spirit Johnny Hayes, chairman of the support as does the Wednesday mar- MANY thanks to John McKean, the Bishy Road Traders Association, said: ket, which is very poorly supported. Whitwell Hall staff and Reepham High “Since the competition last autumn it What we don’t need is another take - School students for the lovely Christmas has been an incredible year for Bishy away; there is already one in Back lunch they provided for 29 Reepham

Art classes continue at Cawston, Marsham, Hempton and Holt See my blog for info and illustrations – or call Clementina Sutton 01603 872441 6 Reepham Life, February 2016 views residents on Friday 11 December. ready for me to tie on the trees. This was the ninth year we have been We hope to be able to put the lights invited to Whitwell Hall and as usual up again this year and that we can everyone present enjoyed the occasion. count on your support to raise more After the lunch I had the pleasure of money for charity. handing over a cheque to John, who Wishing everyone a happy New Year. together with the Whitwell Hall trustees Ian Tooley and family, have taken over the Reepham Patient Richmond Rise, Reepham Care Fund, for which I am very grate- ful. Graves in cemetery I do hope to still fund-raise for a Jeannette Overton presents a cheque to John MANY years after leaving Reepham in while to help with the running costs of McKean, manager of Whitwell Hall Country Centre, which has taken over the Reepham the 1960s I visited the Whitwell Road the Reepham Rovers. Patient Care Fund cemetery recently to visit my grandpar- I would also like to thank a young lady on Sunday 20 December was it. ents’ grave, which was situated on the who I met at Stimpson’s Piece after Christ- The occupants live within 100 yards left hand side before the first large tree. mas while I was looking after my two- [of the fire station], but the fire engines It now seems to be a large open space. year-old great granddaughter Gracie. had to come from West Earlham, Norwich Flora Varley died young in the 1920s We got chatting and when she realised and Aylsham. and Benjamin Varley in the 1960s. The who I was, she told me what a difference Please will Norfolk County Council grave was a white marble cross on var- Brian and I had made to so many peo- rethink their proposal [to close the fire ious levels. I remember cleaning it with ples’ lives in Reepham over the years. station] as more and more houses are my grandfather regularly. Those few words I will treasure always, being built in Reepham. I would love to know of its where- especially coming from a young person, Christine and Martin Jermey, abouts and any information that anyone which makes you realise what a lovely may be able to give. community spirit there is in Reepham. Ann Bushell, Theatre Street, Jeannette Overton, Sun Barn Road, Wells next the Sea Reepham Christmas lights for charity n If you have any information, please THANKS to everyone for their support email [email protected] Case for retaining fire station for our Christmas lights and helping us IF ever there was a case for keeping Reep- raise a total of £280, which will be di - ham Fire Station manned then the fire in vided between the Reepham Patient Care Praise for scouts’ post the kitchen of 28 School Road, Reepham, Fund and the Big C Centre Norwich. We THREE cheers for Reepham scouts! An hope you enjoyed the lights display again. excellent idea delivering local Christmas When you write or email... please give I would also like to thank my brothers cards for 25p. Well organised and ad- your name, address and daytime telephone for helping me put them up, as well as number – otherwise we will bin it Laura Hudson for getting the baubles CONTINUED ON PAGE 23 4

A privilege worth protecting I READ an article recently concerning legal professional privilege remain very current government proposals (a draft much in place, otherwise it could open Investigatory Powers Bill) that are said legal view the door to an interference to our civil to threaten a fundamental common law DAVID LAWS liberties that we could all have cause to right that is traceable back to the 16th regret. century – legal professional privilege. without the client’s consent, whoever It’s not the sort of thing that most This prevents the disclosure of confi- de mands it. The Law Society recently people need to even think about day to dential legal communications between de scribed it as “the highest right known day, but it’s worth some thought to a solicitor and his or her own client in to the law”. keep things in balance. any circumstances and cannot be over- As you would expect, there are certain ridden by any other higher public exceptions where criminal acts are con- n To discuss any of the above or for help interest. It even survives the death of a cerned. with your legal affairs, call David Laws – client. Some governmental tinkering with Solicitor on 01603 871126 or 07933 149810, The rationale behind this “privilege” this fundamentally important right is in- or visit is that it encourages and facilitates full evitable in the times in which we live and frank discussions between a client and the threats we face, and we could and their lawyer in the knowledge that end up be ing very grateful for it. the lawyer can never be required to Nevertheless, great care needs to be disclose the contents of those discussions taken to ensure that certain aspects of Reepham Life, February 2016 7 YOUR COUNCIL MATTERS

Concerns expressed over Your Town Council Chairman: Les Paterson Whitwell Station plans Vice Chairman: Chris Wheeler Hayden Key WHITWELL & Reepham Railway has At its December meeting the Town Jack Mortimer sub mitted a planning application to Council agreed to support a bid by Janet Pender-Cudlip ex tend the railway line onto Marriott’s the Royal British Legion to place a Michael Pender-Cudlip Way so trains can stand at the platform. war memorial in the pound. If this John Rawlinson This application was discussed at a happens, it might also be possible to Gary Saunders pack ed meeting of the Town Coun cil improve the access to the pound. This Andrea Wilson on 13 January. is a project the Council hopes to de- Anne Woollett If District Council gives the velop in 2016 and in consultation with Town Clerk: Jo Boxall application the go-ahead, the line will Broadland to obtain funding. Finance Officer: Sally Gill go beyond its current site and onto land Town centre issues owned by Norfolk County Council, Norfolk County Council has received of making it a little safer. Given recent which is now a permitted cycleway and an application to allow the parking of weather, many paths around Reepham bridleway. up to 20 cars or light vehicles to the are wet and slippery, so take care. While it is good to see the railway rear drill yard for users other than A reminder that car parking in the ex panding and bringing more visitors Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service staff Whitwell Road cemetery is for cemetery to Reepham with the possibility of the at Reepham Fire Station. users only. Other cars parked there creation of more jobs, bringing the The Original Cottage Company made obstruct the passage of funeral vehicles train line onto Marriott’s Way would the request for parking for their staff. and are reported to the police. necessarily create a bottleneck at the The Town Council fully supports this Stimpson’s Piece discussions station, with the train taking up half application as, if approved, it will ease At the January meeting of the Trustees the width and pushing horses, cyclists, the parking problem in the town. of Stimpson’s Piece discussion centred walkers and runners onto the other The planning application to install mainly on the changing rooms and half of a 6-metre-wide path. an ATM in a telephone box on the showers in the pavilion. Current users of Marriott’s Way ex- corner of Station Road/Market Place The Trustees have been in negotiations pressed concern about the safety issue was refused by Broadland District with Reepham Town Football Club with arising as a result of the proposal; Coun cil, so the search for a suitable the intention of the club taking over concern was also expressed about site continues. the management of the changing rooms. Norfolk County Council’s lack of con- District Councillor Graham Everett As part of the club’s preliminary in- sultation with users of Marriott’s Way. reported that it may be difficult to vestigation into the conditions of the The Town Council decided to reflect justify a second ATM machine in Reep- agreement it was found that the hot these concerns in its response to Broad- ham. The Town Council reminds resi- water temperatures were lower than land District Council. dents that there is a 24-hour ATM out- expected. The problem was traced to Improving the pound side the Spar and cash can also be a faulty valve, which was replaced as An application for works in the church- withdrawn from the post office. a matter of urgency. yard as part of the Three Churches Cemeteries The football club also asked for alter- project was considered. The Town Coun- The trees at the far end of the Norwich ations to the showers and the Trustees cil has already provided input into the Road cemetery have been cut back and have agreed to have the work carried project and supports the application. the stumps left for the mini-beasts. The out as part of the management agreement. After consultation with Broadland’s path is muddy so Council volunteers are At an extraordinary meeting of the conservation officer it is hoped the putting some gravel down in the hope Trustees on 20 January, both the hiring project may be extended to include the agreement and the agreement for man- “pound” (the triangle of land between agement of the showers/changing room the churchyard and Church Hill that area were approved by both parties. the Town Council owns and manages). Council vacancies In the past the pound was the place Following Mike Urry’s resignation where stray animals were kept until there is a vacancy: the Town Council their owners came to collect them – is looking for two new councillors. and pay a fine. Work is needed to repair Information about the role can be the wall between it and the churchyard found on the Town Council website and to replace the iron railings. January primroses in Norwich Road cemetery (

Contact us – we can only do what you want if we know what you want Town Council Office, Town Hall, Church Street, Reepham, Norfolk NR10 4JW Tel: 01603 873355 Email: [email protected] 8 Reepham Life, February 2016 Reepham Life, February 2016 9 business news Changes in store at Country Modern

THE owners of Country Modern in Nowhere Lane, Great Witchingham, are making some changes to their business. Owing to the growth and demand for their commission painting services, Fran and Clive Osborne are developing this bespoke side of their business. Together with the expansion of their website and online shop, this means they will no longer be serving coffee, tea, cakes or snacks. They say they will, however, have more time for producing and selling their hand- painted furniture and accessories, as well as sourcing all sorts of “brocante” and in- Clive and Fran Osborne of Country Modern dividual items for customers. has been difficult to give all sides of the livered direct to their door. We will of Country Modern also sells easy-to- business equal attention, so we have course continue to provide coffee and use, self-priming vintage chalk and milk decided to focus on the furniture and cake on all of our painting courses.” paints, and will continue to run their interiors side, including the expansion Mr Osborne added: “Our opening popular painting courses. of our website,” said Mrs Osborne. times will stay the same, and we are al- “While we have enjoyed being able “This will allow customers further ways happy for people to pop in and to share the beautiful environment with away from the shop to be able to see browse around the shop.” customers in our small coffee shop, it more of our items and to have them de-

Post Office can be used for some HSBC business banking HSBC commercial current account cus- their relationship manager. However, there are limitations to trans- tomers will now be able to use Post Of- Paper-based services, which include action values, and smaller Post Office fice counters for cash withdrawal and paying-in slips and barcodes for de- branches will only be able to accept a deposit, and checking balances. positing, will be available later in 2016, maximum £1,000 cash deposits. Initially, business customers will require explained Martin Wright, HSBC’s area Mr Wright said HSBC does not cur- a business debit card to access these director for Norfolk and Waveney Busi- rently offer a cheque deposit service at services, which can be arranged through ness Banking. the Post Office for commercial cus- tomers, but is working with the Post Office to make this service available Local funding for rural development later in 2016. Funding being channelled through the Wensum & Coast Local Action Group Similarly, it is hoped a cash exchange (LAG) is now available. LAGs comprise representatives of businesses, service will be available for commercial community organisations and public authorities within the area. customers later this year. Awarded £9m funding from the EU’s Rural Development Programme, the The changes come into effect from 22 funding aims to support economic growth activities, such as increasing farm February at the latest. If commercial cus- productivity, supporting new and existing micro and small rural businesses, tom ers choose to use the service af ter culture and heritage activity, rural services, tourism and forestry. 70% of the they get HSBC’s communication sent on funding must make a direct contribution to the local economy, and provide 1 December, but before 22 February, jobs and growth, and the priorities reflect this. “this means they are agreeing that the n Prospective applicants with new ideas can find further details at: changes will come into effect for them or in the Applicants Handbook. from the day they first use the service”, said Mr Wright.


Bookkeeping, Payroll and VAT • Personal and Business Tax Sole Trader, Partnership & Small Ltd Company Accounts Fast, efficient and reliable service Claudia Lowe, MAAT The Granary, Back Street, Reepham, Norwich NR10 4SJ Tel. 01603 871071 Mobile 07818 417739 e-mail [email protected] web 10 Reepham Life, February 2016 music New musical director for Iceni Choir

THE Reepham-based Iceni Choir has operas. appointed Harry Castle (pictured), a Iceni Choir welcomes any graduate of Durham University, as mu- prospective new members, sical director following the retirement especially altos and tenors. It of Christine Dix. is also looking for venues at Mr Castle, a countertenor, is a member which to sing and to support of the music teaching staff at Norwich local fundraising activities. School and has an extensive choral n For further information, con- repertoire and conducting experience. tact: Beverley Cooper 01362 He has worked with Durham University 858185 or Jim Stebbings 01362 Orchestral Society, where he was on 693277. the production team of four large-scale

Reepham Festival donates to charities and good causes THE organisers of the Reepham Summer School; Reepham Primary School; St 13-14 August 2016. Early-bird weekend Music Festival have announced the full Michael’s Lunch Club; SOS Bus, Norwich; tickets will be available from 1-29 Feb- list of charities and good causes sup- Nelson’s Journey; Distinguished Gen- ruary. Tickets will soon be available for ported by last year’s event: Reepham tleman’s Ride (for prostate cancer) and purchase online via links on the festival High School & College (Music Depart- East Anglia Air Ambulance (signed guitar website, and also from Very Nice Things, ment); Listen Here Mobile Clinic – Nor- raffle, donated by Reepham Life). Market Place, Reepham, and Sound- folk Deaf Association; Royal British Le- n The Reepham16 Summer Music Fes- clash, St Benedicts Street, Norwich. gion Women’s Section; Reepham Nursery tival will be held on the weekend of

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MRL, Carlton House, Market Square, Reepham, Norffoolk, NR10 4JJ 07540 977693 inf [email protected] Reepham Life, February 2016 11 environment Discovering the heritage of Marriott’s Way

ARE you interested in the railway and place to visit and therefore attract more natural heritage of the Marriott’s Way? visitors to the route. This would benefit Norfolk County Council’s Norfolk Trails businesses, such as pubs and cafés in Section is hoping to get funding from the places that the trail passes through, the Heritage Lottery Fund for a project such as Reepham. that will help discover more about the The project has got through the first history of the route and tell people the stage of the Heritage Lottery Fund’s stories that are uncovered in innovative grant assessment process, and has been and accessible ways. allocated some funding to help with A key part of the project will be the the development of a full bid. This is involvement of people from the areas due to be submitted in early March. If that the trail goes through. successful, the project will start in August There will be many opportunities for County Council Trails/Norfolk Photo: Norfolk and last for three years. getting involved, such as carrying out habitats within the trail corridor and n If you would like to be kept informed archive research, sharing and recording participating in events organised on the about the project, please sign up for the memories of the railway, helping to Marriott’s Way. distribution list for a Marriott’s Way Her- conserve and recreate the railway arte- One of the aims of the project is to itage Trail Project e-newsletter by e-mail- facts that remain, improving the wildlife make Marriott’s Way a more interesting ing: [email protected]

Plans for ATM on busy road junction rejected provider for the provision of a replace- ment cash machine in the town centre. BROADLAND District Council has refused the public application to prevent giving At a meeting of community represen- a planning application by BT to install potential criminals any advantage. tatives with HSBC area managers during a combined public payphone and ATM BT said it has been installing combined the closure procedure, the bank made cash machine at the junction of Station telephone/ATMs since 2006 and already a firm commitment to provide a re- Road and Market Place on Townsend has 550 installed across the UK. placement ATM in the Market Place. Corner, Reepham. In its decision, Broadland said the pro - Use of the existing, listed red telephone BT said the introduction of an ATM posed kiosk would be harmful to the box outside the Bircham Centre had machine near the town centre would character and appearance of the sur- been suggested as one possibility, but “help to encourage people to withdraw rounding conservation area. it now appears BT is looking at alterna- cash to use within the surrounding area, Further, it would lead to on-street tives owing to conservation zone issues thereby supporting local businesses”. parking in the immediate vicinity of the as well as suitability. BT said combined telephone/ATMs site, causing interference with through- are installed on one-tonne concrete traffic at the busy road junction, reducing blocks anchoring the units to the pave- visibility for both vehicles and pedestri- Local council precept to ment to prevent ram-raiding, the casing ans. be kept at current level is hardened steel to prevent unauthorised The proposed telephone/ATM was There was good news for local access to the ATM, and the system is also next to a bedroom window of the taxpayers at December’s meeting of alarmed and connected to a monitoring adjacent property, which could be dis- Reepham Town Council. centre through multiple communications ruptive to occupants. Councillors voted unanimously to links, enabling instant police response. Following the closure of Reepham’s keep the local precept for the Other security measures are also in- only bank in October, HSBC has been 2016/17 financial year at around stalled, but these were omitted from in ongoing discussions with an ATM £99,400 – the same level as the current year. YOUR COMMENTS ON AN ATM The Town Council gets its funding I think the idea of having an ATM machine on Townsend corner in Reepham is the most by receiving a small amount of the dangerous place that this could be put. Traffic approaches this junction from four ways. local Council Tax collected by Surely, the most popular place would be somewhere in the market place. Helen Overton, Broadland District Council. Chapel Street, Cawston For 2016/17, the Town Council Townsend Corner must be the most idiotic location in Reepham for an ATM! How will they be estimates its income at £129,000 able to service the machine at such a busy junction? It’s inevitable that people will pull up beside it, blocking the road and junction. Surely a location outside the Bircham Centre would with expenditure of £110,000. be much more appropriate, even replacing the existing phone box. Martin Sullivan, Kerdiston With current reserves of around Road, Reepham £35,000, the Town Council allocates I cannot believe BT wants to put the machine there; it would mean people standing in the a small amount of funding each road to get their money. At present it’s not very nice walking there when a large lorry comes by; the kerb is also higher there. If BT does not use our lovely telephone kiosk, does that year to local groups for projects mean we will lose it? Tamara Goulding, Ollands Road, Reepham being undertaken. 12 Reepham Life, February 2016

Mark Foley, Solicitor: qualified 1994, former partner in a Norwich practice now serving clients from his home and for convenience visiting them in their homes Phone me to discuss your legal issues. I will help you myself or recommend the right lawyer for you from my colleagues in the Norfolk Independent Law Network One Church Farm Barns Well Lane, NR9 5PY 01362 688946 office 078 3333 2055 mobile [email protected]

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Aylsham Thursday 11th Thursday 10th 10 - 12 Shopping (Tesco)

Sheringham Saturday 13th Saturday 12th 10 - 2pm More people rqd.

Wells (Fish & Chips) Tuesday 23rd Tuesday 22nd 11 - 3pm & Kelling Tea Rooms

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Wroxham ©Ian Aitken Images Saturday 27th Saturday 26th 10 - 2pm Shopping (Roys)

Reepham Every Every t#PPLLFFQJOH"DDPVOUBODZ Ivy House 9 - 10.30 The Market Place (Shopping) Wednesday Wednesday t#VTJOFTT4UBSU6Q Reepham t$PSQPSBUF5BY1MBOOJOH Norwich

t1FSTPOBM5BY1MBOOJOH NR10 4LZ ;VIVVR`V\YZLH[VUHU`VM[OLZL[YPWZ 01603 873339 VYMVYM\Y[OLYKL[HPSZWSLHZLJHSS9LLWOHT9V]LYVU t5SVTU&TUBUF1MBOOJOH e [email protected] t0VUTPVSDJOH w 07765 321 458 Reepham Life, February 2016 13 sport Cross country runners raise money for children

AROUND 100 runners began the year with a muddy cross country run on Sunday 3 January starting from Whitwell Station. This is an annual event organised by Reepham Runners to raise money for charity. This year the money raised (£400) is going to BBC Children in Need. The course is two laps that goes along Marriott’s Way before heading off across a swamp, followed by a stream (to wash the mud off), back on Marriott’s Way and then off at Blackwater Bridge and into the water meadows around Eades Mill. Here there is a ditch to cross and another stream with a bridge to go under. One lap is approximately five kilometres. Above: Reepham Runners at the cross country start line at Whitwell Station. Right: Baz Hipwell There were juniors (under 15), with showing his love of mud the youngest being 11, who did one lap, and a dog called Dexter, who com- second was Richard Johnson in 39:41; pleted two laps. and third James Beadle in 40:09. Prizes were not only given to the first The first female was Sarah Peachey in three males, females and juniors, but 46:40; second was Ellie Bye in 47:42; marshal, especially Jon Beverly, who also to the muddiest, first dog and “last and third Carol Devlin in 49:01. kindly used his chip timing (total race but not least”. The first junior was Grace Jermy in timing); Leigh Nobes and Duncan and Baz Hipwell won the muddiest, which 23:49; second was Erin McNulty in 24:16; Mary MacGregor for use of the fields; he has won every year he has entered. and third Jenson Devlin in 24:19. and Whitwell Station, who allowed us The first male was Jake Stearman, Thanks to all the Reepham Runners to use their facilities and hopefully not who completed the course in 39:07; who gave up their Sunday morning to leave them too muddy and smelly.

10-hour dodgeball marathon in pyjamas IN mid-November, Reepham High School people. They are local & College (RHSC) pupils took part in a to people in all parts 10-hour dodgeball marathon in pyjamas of the UK, and support to raise money for BBC Children in Need, small and large organ- along with a bake sale, which took place isations that empower during break. children and extend The aim of this charity is to provide their life choices. grants to projects in the UK that focus The students were on disadvantaged children and young asked to organise this event by RHSC RTFC upcoming fixtures head of Physical Education Katie Lake as part of with them and for her support through- Reepham Town Football Club’s fixtures at the Champions of Change initiative out, and to all the sponsors and those Stimpson’s Piece for February and March: run by BBC Children in Need. who took part in the marathon: Grace l 6 February – 1st team v St Andrews, 2 pm; Many pupils got involved dur- Gardiner, Gracie Ludgate, Kara Parsons, l 13 February – 1st team v , 2 pm; ing the day, making a donation Poppy Clark, Sharon Taylor, Sabryna l 20 February – Reserves v Feltwell, 2.30 pm; to take part. Even RHSC principal Carroll Maclaren, Genny Keerie, Henry l 27 February – 1st team v CEYMS, 2.30 pm; Mark Farrar made a guest ap- Levell, Isy Watts, Jem Maconochie, Lilly l 5 March – 1st team v Dersingham, 2.30 pm; pearance in a few of the games. Dollman, Amber Copland and Amber l 12 March – 1st team v Caister, 2.30 pm. The event was a great success Myburgh. All fixtures are subject to weather and raised more than £500. conditions. Do you have news for us? Contact the News Desk The students thanked Mrs Lake for spending the full 10 hours on 01603 308158 or email [email protected] 14 Reepham Life, February 2016

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4HPU9VHK ;OL:[YLL[ 5VY[O;\KKLUOHT59+1 3`UN59 (3 01362 638466 01603 872316 Reepham Life, February 2016 15 schools Achievement awards presented to college students

THE first Katja Livsey Achievement help them get to university. Awards were presented on 17 December The following college students were to a number of students at Reepham chosen as having not only achieved at College. a high level, but also overcome personal College director John Randall spoke issues to do so: Zahra Clembintson, about Katja (pictured) and her studies, Jack Davis, Lucy Johnson, Sean Bickle, and how her hard work had won her a Nicola Kershaw, Molly Linden-Ball, Hollie place at the University of Liverpool School Parsons, Owen Pohajdak, Grace Spence- of Medicine, when she was killed in a ley, Gaby Streeter, Constance Tidd, road accident in November 2013 aged 19. Aaron Watling and Joseph Weston. Katja’s mother Hilary Livsey said: “I Ms Livsey added that she is also plan- felt very proud of her and very pleased ning to run a half marathon this spring to be able to honour her in this way, to raise money for road safety awareness. and I want to thank everyone again This is linked to the road safety video who has supported Birdy’s Bike Ride. in which she featured that was launched I’m sure that we, along with all of last November at Reepham College as Katja’s friends, will be biking again for set up to help students travel to university part of a presentation by Norfolk police her this summer.” open days and attend extra courses, or aimed at young people across the coun- The achievement awards have been any extracurricular activities needed to ty.

Public speaking skills put to the test at Youth Speaks tournament THE public speaking skills of students and Alfie Moss; the Ven. Arthur Hawes were put to the test at Reepham High chaired the judges’ panel; and club School & College at Youth Speaks 2015 president Andrew Egerton-Smith pre- on Tuesday 1 December with the help sented the prizes. of the Reepham & District Rotary Club, This year’s winners were: 1st: Evie with the 10 finalists having been coached Moss (year 10), perhaps inspired by her by members. younger brother Alfie, who was last The organisation has a long history of year’s winner; 2nd: Jack Jarvis (year 8), working closely with local schools to moving up from 3rd last year; 3rd: Lilly lend its expertise to the benefit of young Dollman (year 9). people. The other finalists were: Luke Groom, Rotarian Robert Briggs was master of Finley Robertson, Katie Leigh, Isla Cocks, Photography Tym Photo: John The winners of Youth Speaks 2015: Evie Moss ceremonies for the evening with the Sarah Betts, Jasmine Warne and Amy (centre, 1st), Jack Jarvis (left, 2nd) and Lilly help of two students, Angus Weston Spooner. Dollman (right, 3rd)

Students help with Christmas lunch at Whitwell Hall Scout Group collecting On Friday 11 December, nine pupils from Years 10 and 11 at Reepham High Community Chest tokens School & College worked with Whitwell Hall Country Centre manager John 2nd Reepham Scout Group is McKean and assistant Matthew Tebbut to prepare and serve Christmas lunch for collecting the Community Chest residents in sheltered housing in Reepham and staff from the school. tokens printed in the Eastern Daily The students involved were Abbie Colman, Victoria Cooper, Alex Fickling, Press. These can be left in the Carla Hall and Karl Kinsley from Year 10, and Amy Cornwell, Jay Faber, Luke special Community Chest boxes in Lane and Oliver Newstead from Year 11. Reepham Post Office, Reepham Spar Gemma Brook of Reepham High School Pastoral Team said: “This annual and Reepham Hair Studio. event means a great deal to the The EDP Community Chest pupils and staff at Reepham High campaign, in association with Norfolk School and is very much looked Community Foundation, has £100,000 forward to. to give away throughout 2016 to “The pupils were an absolute non-profit community groups. credit to the school, all working The Scout Group needs 500 extremely hard to make sure the tokens to make an application for a occasion was a treat that everyone grant of £250-2,500 from the fund to enjoyed.” support activities for children. 16 Reepham Life, February 2016



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Contact our friendly care team for more information:   ,THPS!JHYPUNÄYZ[OVTLJHYL'NTHPSJVT >LI!^^^JHYPUNÄYZ[OVTLJHYLJV\R Reepham Life, February 2016 17 schools ‘Backpack Project’ for Mary’s Meals

STUDENTS at Reepham High School & College (RHSC) have been involved in the Backpack Project for the Mary’s Meals charity. They managed to pack 56 back- packs to send out to students in countries such as Malawi and Liberia. One tutor group managed to fill an amazing seven backpacks for the project. Mary’s Meals works with children in areas around the world who are living in extreme poverty. These students are given a meal if they attend school (the charity’s namesake) and the charity has been pro- moting the Backpack Project, which asks for donations of backpacks filled with RHSC pupils who donated and helped pack the backpacks for Mary’s Meals essential school items. For many children, a Mary’s Meals backpack will be the only a teacher because it relates so personally backpack to pack their things into. gift they will have ever had. to the pupils that I teach,” said RHSC “As a nation, we take this standard of Students at RHSC worked in tutor teacher of textiles Rachel Whitaker. living for granted and I wanted the groups to bring in the listed items and “Every day our pupils pack their pupils to become aware of this and to choose the age and gender of the back- school bags and make their way to reach out to make a difference to pupils packs, which were then filled with clothes, school with the correct equipment and in poorer countries. Everyone worked shoes, toiletries, notebooks and stationery. books for their lessons. Very often they really hard and it was such a lovely “The charity struck a chord with me as start the school year with a smart new charity to be involved with.”

Festival of Light again draws crowds SEVERAL thousand people again turned market in St Michael’s, a children’s up in Reepham’s Market Place on Thurs- lantern parade, a visit from Santa and day 3 December for the second Reepham the Christmas tree light-up, carols and Festival of Light. Despite the blustery music from a variety of bands, perform- conditions the forecast rain just held ances from the Dragon Hall Mummers, off, and several local retailers even Rockin’ Robins and Snowball Sprites, opened their doors for the evening. and around 30 gift and food stalls. The event included many festive ac- Graham Andrew of Funforce again tivities for all ages, including a craft headed up the children’s entertainment. Photography Tym Photo: John

Workshops explore how to live with teenagers The next session will be held from 6 – 9 pm on Wednesday 16 March. It will BROADLAND District Council has teamed The Living with Teenagers workshop look at what compels some young peo- up with Break charity to provide a sessions are held at the Carrowbeck ple to engage in risky behaviour, why series of workshops for parents to get Training Centre on Drayton High Road, sleeping until noon is normal and some an understanding into what exactly is Norwich, and are free to attend for tips on how to cope with mood swings. going on inside a teenager’s mind. Broadland residents. n Email: [email protected]

Could you support a lonely person? then please get in touch with Voluntary [email protected] WITH loneliness a harsh reality for local Norfolk. communities across North Norfolk and You will need to be 18 years old or Good Companions seek volunteer Broadland, Voluntary Norfolk has been over, willing to undergo a Disclosure REEPHAM Good Companions are look- made aware of a number of people in and Barring Service (DBS) check, which ing for someone to help out in the the Reepham area who would appreciate Voluntary Norfolk will arrange at no Town Hall on a Friday afternoon. They someone who could visit on a regular cost to you, and provide two refer- are seeking a volunteer to put the long basis and spend some time with them. ences. tables up and take them down at the If you could give an hour or so, reg- n If you would like to get involved, please end of the session as they are unable ularly or even occasionally, to change contact Jonny Wood or Natalie Hickman to do so themselves. Contact: Eileen someone’s life for the better in Reepham, at Voluntary Norfolk on 01263 519454 or Guymer 01603 879492. 18 Reepham Life, February 2016

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Carpet Cleaner Hire • Dulux Paint Mixing Local Deliveries Reepham Life, February 2016 19 UP THE GARDEN PATH WITH gardening VICTORIA PLUM Sow now under glass

FEBRUARY can be a dark and gloomy month, with frosts and snow. All too of- ten, it can be impossible to get onto the allotment beds, but there are things that Penny drops for garden quiz can be done if there’s a break in the IF you missed the Christmas event for weather. the Reepham & District Gardening Broad bean seeds can be sown under Club you missed a delightful evening. glass to be planted out in spring or We were treated to a delightful talk under cloches in the open soil. (and songs) given by Rachel Duffield It’s not too cold for garlic – planting about the music hall star, the Queen them in raised rows now will help keep of Innuendo, Marie Lloyd (her stage them from languishing in sodden ground. into the soil, with potentially nasty con- name), 1870-1922. Tenderer sweet peas can be sown sequences for both your plants and We learnt about Edwardian under glass to be planted out after the you. knickers: how they were “split” for frosts end. Autumn-fruiting raspberries As the days start lengthening, hens practical purposes, or not split, i.e. should be pruned as they fruit on new will have come into lay again and will bloomers (named after the inventor), wood. appreciate a boost from protein-rich for bicycling, again for practical And if the weather is too dreadful, food, such as sunflower seeds, to help purposes, and how their lovers might why not thickly sow pea seeds in a them produce those rich golden-yolked discern which they had on (men seed tray on your windowsill for a eggs. have always been fascinated by what quick crop of pea shoots within three And if you’ve had the foresight to women wear under their clothes) by weeks. grow brassicas, a poached egg on young, dropping a penny down the back of Meanwhile, on your empty beds, if sweet, steamed sprouting broccoli freshly the dress; if the “penny dropped” you’re not using a green manure, you harvested from the allotment and ac- they could tell which sort of knickers can deter young weeds by covering the companied with crusty bread makes the their girl favoured. soil with heavy plastic or other light- perfect fireside snack. Marie Lloyd worked hard as a suppressing material. Sarah Oates performer, from a teenager at 15 until However tempting it is, though, don’t n To ask about renting an allotment, she died at the age of 52. She toured use carpets as they are forbidden in contact: Jo Boxall, Town Clerk, Town Australia, America, Africa and your allotment lease for good reason. Hall, Church Street, Reepham. Tel: 01603 Europe, and earned fantastic money Modern carpets and underlay are treat- 873355. Email: [email protected] in her heyday (£75 a week). ed with chemicals to improve their re- n For information on joining RALGA, During the evening we attempted sistance to dirt and to pests. These email: [email protected] or the quiz, enjoying the challenge, but chemicals will leach from the carpet write via the allotment post-boxes. the questions were too difficult for some of us (what I really mean is that I didn’t win). Everyone brought delicious food, digger’s diary so there was a good variety of snacks to enjoy, and the committee worked hard to make the evening enjoyable. Battle lines drawn for festival

NEW Year is here; Christmas has come and so they must park there. new concrete fence was knocked over and gone. Digger was off in south Wales When the shop called Rococo Loco just to liven things up. for the actual holiday. Driving down first opened, Digger not very seriously Eventually the railway engine was there is tedious owing to the number of wondered if they were going to sell shunted onto the front of the closed security checks since the Royal Mint was Italian railway locomotives, and how they garage and the buses ran along the moved to Llantrisant – there are always would get them through the market place. pavement opposite while Digger looked mint spies around at this time of year. Digger never in his wildest dreams on, not having any authority to intervene, And then there was the Winterfest. Ah thought that someone would bring a you see. yes, Digger was on duty at the fire station, British Rail diesel shunter on a large The driver of the lorry said: “We did where stallholders and exhibitors were lorry through Townsend crossroads dur- not know there was a festival. We did parking, also a vanload of elderly men ing the school run: with nine buses not even know Reepham had a high shouting, “we are Mummers”. One would coming the other way and the market school and college.” have thought they should be Papas. place closed for the festival. Could this have happened anywhere Strange how many people have rela- A man dressed as harlequin was danc- else except Reepham? Next time, no tives living opposite the fire station, ing in the road with a radio, and then a doubt, it will be a battleship... 20 Reepham Life, February 2016 EVENTS COMING UP AT ALAN GRRAY 12tth FFeebbruaarry FFrriday from 11a11 m - TTaalk on Spring into Summeerr We are very pleased to welcome back Alan Gray from East Ruston Garden, who is a regular on BBC Radio Norffoolk, to talk on Spring into Summer (Please bring a chair) 2020%00%% OFF all oak and cane furniture with free delivery within Norfolk! Gorgeous cottages and sŝƐŝƚƵƐ ĨŽƌ Ă ŐƌĞĂƚ ĚĂLJ ŽƵƚ ǁŝƚŚ ĨĂƐŚŝŽŶ͕ ŐŝŌǁĂƌĞ͕  dren’s toys, millennium gardens, childrens pla contemporary apartments in stunning rea, restaurant, food hall and Bluebell indoor locations throughout Cornwall shopping centre to name a few. Thee Reeve’s Reeve’s Treetops FFoor more inforrmmation call 01841 533 331 or vissit Larder Millenniumm Adventure FOOD HALL Garden Restaurant PLAY AREA

Norwich Road, , Dereham, Norfolk NR20 4RZ / Tel. 01362 688 387 ... where friends meet Pilates Reepham Tuesdays 7-8 pm – Bircham Centre Wednesdays 10-11 am – Town Hall Fridays 7-8 pm – Bircham Centre

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t 01603 870645 m 07759 161734 e [email protected] w Reepham Life, February 2016 21 church life A time for assessment

DO you make New Year resolutions? I and people – where the money came their overwhelming needs put our petty won’t ask how long you manage to from, where it went and how much is concerns into perspective. And yet the keep them. But New Year is a time left, and how many people were at media thrives on bad news and gives when many of us look back over the church services and active in committees little space to good news. last year to assess what we’ve done and – we also have to report on our aims There is good in the world. There are what we failed to do or might have and achievements. people feeding the hungry, clothing done better. It is in thinking about these aims and and housing the dispossessed or financ- Like many businesses and charities achievements that we are most urgently ing others to do it. People are visiting whose accounting year ends on 31 De- compelled to look forward as well as those in prison or who are sick or cember, the Anglican Churches are re- backward. lonely. Many of these good people are quired, early every year, to prepare an- We face the greatest challenge to go Christians and many are not. nual reports and accounts for the previ- further and more effectively to follow Our challenge as followers of Christ ous year. Christ in his entreaties to love those he is to see how we as a group and as in- This is in the first instance a task for described as our neighbours. He was dividuals can do more. ministers, treasurers, secretaries and memorably asked, “Who is my neigh- With God’s help we can and shall churchwardens, but every church mem- bour?”, and answered with the parable love, not only the neighbours we meet, ber is invited to get involved, if only to of the Good Samaritan. but many of those whom we only hear read and approve the resulting reports. Modern communications have brought about. As well as reporting numbers in money people across the globe into our homes; Jolyon Booth

Rayzone events need your support This includes praying for the work, giving your time (even on an occasional IN recent months, Rayzone, the Reepham I am planning several new sessions, basis) or by donating some money. Area Youth Project, has been holding which may include one-off activities If you feel you can help in any way varied activities at our Friday night during half-term holidays. These will or if you would like me to come along group, including playing games consoles include a place for young people to to a group you attend to share the and cooking, along with time just to be come and play games, do some crafty work I am doing, please get in touch. with the young people and chat. things, or just a place to come and chat Watch out for my first newsletter, Our numbers have also increased and with friends. which will soon be available in both St have included some boys. We currently There are other special events in the Mary’s and Reepham Methodist Church. have 20 names on the register with an planning stage, and maybe a more reg- Paddy Bennett, Rayzone Youth average of eight attending each week. ular event or two. I will keep you in- Worker 07341 937685 Our largest evening was our Christmas formed of these, but for any of them to [email protected] special which attracted 10 young people. go ahead help and support is needed.

A chance to taste the past spring comes and the intrepid ten-pin bowling team will be hoping to recruit WHERE did Christmas go? One minute lady mole catcher. new members. Golf was a great success I was rushing about looking for some Here’s what’s in store and we hope to keep it going in some tree lights that worked and the next I l 18 February: Medieval Food, Manners form. was packing all the garlands and baubles and Tableware with Rosie Wilson; Now, I’m going back to my snuggly into boxes again and picking endless l 17 March: Salsa Dancing with Teele on the settee, with the lonely trio of pine needles out of the carpet. Killing; watch and listen or join in; chocolates left in the Christmas tin that Reepham WI is up and ready to act - l 21 April: Dressing the Bride with de- everyone else ignored and I shall (as an ivate the programme for 2016. As usual signer Katrine Mogensen; act of diet defiance) eat them, even it is packed with interesting experiences l 19 May: The Truth About Moles with though they are strawberry creams. Hap- for members. mole catcher Louise Chapman. py New Year. The calming Tai Chi session with More details of our 2016 programme Sue Robinson Rochelle Wilson in January will have will be on the website or telephone prepared us for rigorous tasting and 01603 261771. twerking in February and March, fol- We welcome new members or guests March issue editorial/ lowed by a beautiful demonstration on to our meetings, which are held on the advertisement copy deadline: bridal wear in April. third Thursday in the month at 7.30 pm 15 February 2016 Hang on to your seats and prepare to in St Michael’s, Reepham. Come and learn the truth about moles, and a lot meet new friends and have some fun. Tel: 01603 308158 [email protected] else too, in May, with Norfolk’s only There will be some outings when the 22 Reepham Life, February 2016 Hendry & Sons COURTNEY’S CARPET CLEANING COMPREHENSIVE CARPET AND Funeral Directors UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SERVICES Private Chapels of Rest l Free quotes l No call-out charge RICHARD HENDRY, DIP. F. D. l Multi-room discounts Members of the N.A.F.D. National Carpet Cleaning Association (NCCA) Station Road, Associate Member 3018. References available Dereham, Norfolk NR20 5RG Find us on Facebook Tel: 01362 683249 Tel: 01362 858816 or 07776 125685

Fully qualified and BABTAC registered Beauty Therapist in Bawdeswell Beauty treatments include the popular CND Shellac Gel Polish, Manicures, Pedicures, Waxing and Facial Treatments, and St Tropez Spray Tanning Book your appointment now Tel: 01362 688128 Elegance with Style

Reepham Hair Studio Looked at your framed pictures recently? Been invaded with little flies? FEBRUARY OFFER Has the picture slipped? Has the glass broken? Happy Hour Haircuts Just plain dirty inside? Children under 16 haircuts £4.99 Or - do you just fancy a change of style? Not major problems, but the use of inappropriate from 3.30 – 4.30 pm materials can damage your treasured pictures. Monday to Friday Call your local John Tym Townsend Corner, Reepham picture framer hotography Tel: 01603 872128 [email protected] for some advice P raming &F 07760 272422 Jordans, Jordan Green, Whitwell NR10 4RQ

Liz Kidd Acupu tuure Myrtle&Moss Liz Kidd BSc (UEA & Kingston) LicAc FCA MBAcC

Innjjury, illness, stresses & strains can all damage the quality of our lives. ([SHULHQFHGIIXXOO\ TXDOL¿HG ORFDO I am passionate about helping people overcome these issues so they ZHGGLQJÀRZHU VSHFLDOLVWV WR VXLW HYHUU\\ SRFNHW can ennjjoy a full life. 01603 872883/07884 583451 Acupuncture can help you achieve that. [email protected] [email protected] 17 M oorh ouse Cl ose, R eeph am NR10 4EG ClinicsC inics AyA ylshamy shamsham Please call 07909 925499 FakF kenhenh & Email: [email protected] am Reepham Life, February 2016 23 Your views postage stamps that I am col- in this kind and caring com- News agents for ticket sales lecting for the East Anglian munity. and everyone who came CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 Air Ambulance. Thanking you Ruth Harper, Ollands along. Our thanks also to vertised with widespread, con- for your support. Road, Reepham Economy Car Hire for their venient locations. I am most Vanda Hudson, Ollands generous sponsorship. grateful. Road, Reepham Cabaret delight Liz Hornegold, Honorary Good luck for Christmas DEREHAM Branch RNLI is de- Secretary, Dereham & 2016! Caring community lighted to report that £1,036 District Branch RNLI Margaret Smith, Ollands TO Mr and Mrs Clive Brooks, was raised at our Cabaret Road, Reepham Reviewers wanted Reepham Life the Tooleys, the shop owners, Night on 14 November. is looking for reviewers of local hotel and to Mark Vickers – An excellent evening’s en- books and restaurants. Please Stamps for EAAA thank you all for your kindness tertainment with thanks to email: [email protected] I HAVE a collection box in when I lost my bag in Reep- help from Bawdeswell Village with details of your interest and/or experience. Reepham Post Office for used ham. I feel privileged to live Hall Committee, Johnson’s

Whitwell Station, Whitwell Road, [email protected] WHAT’S ON GUIDE Reepham, 5–10 pm Friday; 10 am – 12 midnight Saturday; 10 am – 8 pm Saturday 5 March Sunday. A variety of real ales will be A Shackleton Odyssey, Bawdeswell Wednesday 3 February Rotary Club, Reepham College, on offer, as well as other normal bar Village Hall, Reepham Road, Reepham Grow Your Community Whitwell Road, Reepham, 7 pm for facilities, wines, ciders and lagers, Bawdeswell. Doors and bar open 7 Network meeting, Town Hall, 7.30 pm. Teams of six, £10 per person. together with BBQ and cakes, etc. pm for 7.30 pm start. A lecture by Church Street, Reepham, 10 am – Profits to Mind, Matthew Project and Live music on Saturday from 9 – Roger Smith, Fellow of the Royal 12 noon. The meeting will be Norfolk & Waveney Prostate Cancer 11.30 pm. Tel: 01603 871694 or Geographical Society. Tickets £10. discussing: the visit to Aylsham Support Group. Contact: Richard email: [email protected] Information and tickets from Janet Care Trust; reflections and Cooke 01603 872260 or or David 01362 688749 or on the evaluation from the A New Year, a [email protected]; or Saturday 27 February door. All proceeds will be split New You event; arrangements for Andrew Hadley 01603 864507 or Whitwell Hall Country Centre between the Charlie Walker the Mental Health First Aid Lite [email protected] (incorporating Reepham Patient Memorial Trust and Bawdeswell training; assessing the interest in Care Fund) table-top sale at St Village Cinema Contact: Sally Hoare Saturday 13 February Michael’s, Reepham, coffee [email protected] Film: Suffragette (12A), Bawdeswell morning, 10 am – 12 noon. Sunday 6 March Village Hall, Reepham Road, Tombola, lucky dip, guess teddy’s Steam Sunday for Mother’s Day, Saturday 6 February Bawdeswell. Doors open 7 pm; film birthday, various items for sale Whitwell Station, Whitwell Road, Iceni Choir presents ‘S Wonderful! starts 7.30 pm; bar/café. Contact: Reepham, 10 am – 4 pm. An Sounds of the Shows: selections Bawdeswell Village Cinema 01362 Saturday 27 February opportunity to see and ride behind from the music of Jerome Kern, 688749 or Quiz Night, Bawdeswell Village our steam engine Victory. BBQ, tea, Rodgers and Hammerstein, [email protected] Hall, Reepham Road, Bawdeswell, coffee, etc. available from the Leonard Bernstein and others, St 7 pm for 7.30 pm start; bar/café. Station Buffet and Sidings Bar. Mary’s, Reepham, 7.30 pm. Tickets Tuesday 16 February Make up your own team of six or Drivers experience available for £8 from Very Nice Things, Judith Reepham & District Gardening join up with others on the night. £50, advance booking essential. Jackson (07818 416978), Alex Club, Town Hall, Church Street, Prize for each of the winning team Tel: 01603 871694 or email: Albery (07970 642045) or Liz Reepham, 7.45 pm. Geoff Freeman and a raffle. Contact: Bawdeswell [email protected] Vertigan (01603 870281). Interval presents “The history of the sweet Village Cinema 01362 688749 or with refreshments in St Michael’s. pea: and how we have bred modern [email protected] Wednesday 9 March Net proceeds to the Reepham varieties, etc.” Contact: Judy Reepham Town Council meeting, Three Churches Project Holland 01603 308158 Sunday 28 February Town Hall, Church Street, Steam Sunday, Whitwell Station, Reepham, 7.30 pm. Contact: Town Sunday 7 February Thursday 18 February Whitwell Road, Reepham, 10 am – Clerk 01603 873355 or Steam Sunday, Whitwell Station, Reepham WI, St Michael’s, 4 pm. An opportunity to see and [email protected] Whitwell Road, Reepham, 10 am – Reepham, 7.30 pm. Medieval Food, ride behind our steam engine 4 pm. An opportunity to see and Manners and Tableware with Rosie Victory. BBQ, tea, coffee, etc. Saturday 12 March ride behind our steam engine Wilkin. Contact: Sue Robinson available from the Station Buffet Film: A Walk in the Woods (15), Victory. BBQ, tea, coffee, etc. 01603 261771 or and Sidings Bar. Drivers experience Bawdeswell Village Hall, Reepham available from the Station Buffet [email protected] available for £50, advance booking Road, Bawdeswell. Doors open 7 and Sidings Bar. Drivers experience essential. Tel: 01603 871694 or pm; film starts 7.30 pm; bar/café. available for £50, advance booking Saturday 20 February email: [email protected] Contact: Bawdeswell Village essential. Tel: 01603 871694 or Mental Health First Aid Lite Training, Cinema 01362 688749 or email: [email protected] St Michael’s, Reepham, 9.30 am – Saturday 5 March [email protected] 12.30 pm. Places are limited and Reepham & Salle Cricket Club Quiz Wednesday 10 February will cost £10 per person (subsidised Night, Stimpson’s Piece pavilion, Reepham Town Council meeting, by Broadland District Council), but Bartle Court, Reepham. Arrive any Town Hall, Church Street, please contact Sally Hoare time after 7 pm for a prompt start at We cannot accept event Reepham, 7.30 pm. Contact: Town [email protected] or 7.30 pm. Cost £10 to include food details or corrections by Clerk 01603 873355 or Oonagh Walsh [email protected] (two courses); there will also be a telephone. Please send to: [email protected] to book a place bar and raffle. Teams of no more Reepham Community Press, Homerton House, 74 Cawston than six. For tickets and further Road, Reepham NR10 4LT or Friday 12 February Friday 26 – Sunday 28 February information, contact Martin Clapton email: [email protected] Quiz and Chips, Reepham & District 7th Anniversary and Beer Festival, 01603 871257 or Stephanie Harris

REEPHAM LIFE March issue Very Nice Things Editorial/advertisement copy deadline: Proprietor: Sue Cutting 15 February 2016 Contact: Judy Holland on 01603 308158 Market Place, Reepham, Norwich NR10 4JJ or email: [email protected] Tel: 01603 873390 24 Reepham Life, February 2016 USEFUL INFO By Richard Cooke Words are our business 01603 873011 Emergency services Fire, emergency only: 999 Fire Station, School Road, Reepham 01328 862222 (office hours) Police emergency only: 999, otherwise: 101 and ask for the Reepham Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) or email [email protected] Ambulance, emergency only: 999 Local representatives Member of Parliament: Keith Simpson 020 7219 4053 or 01603 865763 or [email protected] Norfolk County Councillor: James Joyce 01263 587212 or [email protected] Broadland District Councillor: Graham Everett 01603 868332 or [email protected]

Reepham Town Council Chairman: Les Paterson 01603 871983 or [email protected] Shopping Market Day: Wednesday; early closing: some shops Thursday and/or Saturday CROSSWORD Public transport Daily (Monday to Saturday) coach services to Aylsham and ACROSS DOWN Norwich via Cawston. There is also a once a week service to 1 Sprightly be extremes of loyalty (6) 1 Glue me about foodstuff (6) Fakenham, and Dereham. Timetables are displayed 4 Each bishop around soap family (6) 2 Saves about pots (5) outside the side window of the Police Station. For information 9 Postage about police (7) 3 I sail on to meeting (7) Monday to Saturday 8:30 am – 5 pm 0845 300 6116 10 Coins of sound (5) 5 Sores about to be put into 2 (5) 11 Headless, assume about nine (5) 6 Employee and child work Local help 12 Helps that donkey is good man practically (5-2) back (7) 7 Traces change for change (6) Reepham Rover user group bookings. Contact: Michael Black 13 Sit on trains? Change for changes 8 Woods sounds off the beat for 07765 321458 (11) mathematical scale (11) Transport Plus (local voluntary transport service) booking 18 Hate Pip for last word (7) 14 Promulgate again about son (7) requests can be made Monday to Friday 9 am – 5 pm 0344 20 Bears confused by weapon (5) 15 I spin about with princess up for 800 8020 22 Eye protection in an advisory lack of taste (7) Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Girton House, Market Place, capacity (5) 16 500 little people at digs Reepham. Wednesdays 10 am – 12.30 pm only, otherwise 23 Collapse of limp ode? (7) 17 ‘e named to put down (6) telephone Norwich office 01603 765783 for advice or 01603 24 Cutter hear in ship (6) 19 Atmosphere queen makes for drying (5) 660857 to make an appointment 25 Strange chap can be out (3,3) 21 Second space for sweeper (5) Solution on page 26 police Lower your risk of burglary

WE have consistently driven down the windows and doors are closed and not cause irritation to neighbours. number of burglaries in Norfolk for sev- locked, and use window limiters if win- l Fit locks that are fit for purpose to eral years, but there are still a number dows are to be left open at night. your windows and doors. All final exit of measures you can take to protect l Evaluate the height of your front doors should be fitted with at least one your property and prevent yourself from boundary – walls, fences and hedges five-lever mortice lock conforming to becoming a victim. should be no higher than one metre BS3621. All accessible windows should A burglary generally involves someone and trees should be crowned to two be fitted with window locks: two on entering a building as a trespasser and metres from the ground to give a good windows over 30 cm. stealing or attempting to steal property. view from passing traffic/pedestrians so l Use automatic timers to light up your This includes using a “trick”, such as any thief will be visible. home and consider using timers on any posing as an official to enter a building. l Lighting on the property should be radios inside your property to give the ap- You can reduce the risk of being bur- fit for purpose – do not light areas that pearance of occupancy and create a level gled by making sure you have taken are not overlooked as this gives the of uncertainty in the mind of the criminal. these simple (and often inexpensive) criminal light to work in with little You can help make your community precautions: chance of detection. Consider lighting safer and reduce crime by joining or l Be aware – most burglaries are carried at the front of the property to make sure forming a Home Watch scheme in your out by opportunist thieves. Sometimes, all visitors are easily visible. Dusk-to- area. they do not even have to use force; they dawn lights can be more effective than Contact Reepham Safer Neighbourhood Team get in through an open door or window. sensor-activated lights; they can have a (SNT) by calling non-emergency number 101 Get into the routine of checking that lower lux (i.e. are dimmer) so they do or email [email protected] Reepham Life, February 2016 25 Reepham & District Rotary Club (16+) are welcome to any of these REGULAR EVENTS Meets 6.45 pm for 7.15 pm every sessions. Email: Monday at St Michael’s, Reepham. [email protected] Contact: John Tym 07760 272422 Bircham Centre Shop Market Place, fortnightly Friday evenings at [email protected] Reepham Town Council Meets Reepham. Opening hours: Monday Reepham Methodist Church, 7.30 – or Robert Buxton 01603 870200 7.30 pm on the second Wednesday and Friday 9 am – 4 pm; Wednesday 9 pm (unless notified otherwise). of the month (excluding August), in and Saturday 9 am – 1 pm; tea shop Open to all Year 5-11 students. Subs Reepham Good Companions the Town Hall, Church Street, open at these times. Tel: 01603 £1. Games, chat, tuck. Contact: Meets 2 pm every Friday in the Reepham. Contact: Jo Boxall, Town 879242. Email: Paddy Bennett 07341 937685 or Town Hall, Church Street, Clerk 01603 873355 or [email protected] [email protected] Reepham. The Reepham Rover will [email protected] bring you and take you home if Bridge Club Meets 7.30 pm every Reepham Archive Bircham Centre, transport is a problem. Contact: Eve Reepham WI Meets 7.30 pm on the Monday in the Bircham Centre, Market Place, Reepham. Open 10 Webber 01603 871943 third Thursday in the month at St Market Place, Reepham. Contact: am – 12 noon first Wednesday and Michael’s, Reepham. Women of all Ann Middlemas 01603 870334 Saturday of the month. Tel: 01603 Reepham Good Neighbour ages are welcome to join. Contact: 879242. Email: Scheme This free service can help Sue Robinson 01603 261771 or Busy Fingers Craft Group Meets 2 [email protected] with befriending, occasional dog [email protected] – 4 pm, every other Thursday at the walking, collecting prescriptions, Ewing Close Community Centre, Reepham Badminton Club Meets 8 picking up shopping, changing a light Reepham Young Farmers Meet Ewing Close, Reepham, £1.50 per – 10 pm every Thursday evening at bulb, lifts to medical appointments, 7.30 pm every Tuesday at Whitwell session including refreshments. Tel: Reepham High School Sports Hall. accessing further support or other Station, Whitwell Road, Reepham. Rosina Harman 01603 871974, Sessions are friendly and informal. tasks with which you might need help. Contact: Matthew Hipperson 07912 Brenda Palmer 01603 871641 or Experienced and new players To request help, tel: 07936 576684 686642 Jean Thomson 01603 879660 welcome. Contact: Diana 01603 873244 or David 01263 584221 Reepham Knit & Natter Meets 2–4 Royal British Legion Men’s Cawston Amateur Theatrical pm on the first Monday in the month Section Meets 2 – 4 pm on the first Society Meets 7 pm every Monday Reepham Business Network in the Bircham Centre, Market Thursday in the month in the Bircham at Cawston Village Hall during Meets 7.30 – 9 am on alternate Place, Reepham. Contact: Brenda Centre, Market Place, Reepham. school term time, for members age Thursdays at V’s Café, Townsend Palmer 01603 871641 Contact: Trevor Bevan 01603 870231 8 years and over. Contact Liz Beard Corner, Reepham. No membership or [email protected] 07884 488642. Email charge – just pay £6 for breakfast, Reepham Ladies Hockey Club [email protected] or but please let us know if you intend Meets for training 7 – 8 pm every Royal British Legion Women’s [email protected] to come. Contact: David Laws 01603 Tuesday at High School. Section Meets 2 – 4 pm on the first 871126 or 07933 149810. Email: New players of all ages welcome. Thursday in the month in the Town Cawston Historical Society/ [email protected] Contact: Graham Richardson 07778 Hall, Church Street, Reepham. Heritage Centre Open 10 am – 12 890243 or [email protected] Contact: Moira Dye 01603 871791 noon every fourth Tuesday in the Reepham Carpet Bowls Club or [email protected] month at Cawston Village Hall Meets 1.30 – 4.30 pm and 7.30 – Reepham Methodist Church (excluding August and December) 10.30 pm every Monday in the Town Station Road, Reepham. Sunday St Mary’s Sunday Worship at 10.30 or by appointment. Contact: Des Hall, Church Street, Reepham. Worship at 10.30 am. Coffee am, followed by refreshments in St Cook 01603 872111 Membership £1 per year and £2 morning/Traidcraft 9.30 am – 12 Michael’s. For details of services, each session, including tea and noon every Wednesday. Contact: see the church noticeboard. Contact: Citizens Advice Drop in for free biscuits. Contact: Eve Webber 01603 The Minister 01263 732102 Revd Margaret Dean 01603 879275 advice 10 am – 12.30 pm every 871943 or Doris Frost 01603 870845 Wednesday at the Police Station, Reepham Over 60s Bingo Held 2– Tots and Toddlers Group Held 9.30 Market Place, Reepham Reepham Chamber of Commerce 3.30 pm every other Wednesday at – 11.30 am every Monday from in the Meets every month – for the date the Ewing Close Community Centre, Bircham Centre, Market Place, Craft Club Meets 9.30 am – 12 noon and venue of the next meeting see Ewing Close, Reepham. Tea, coffee Reepham. Toys, songs, tea and every Tuesday at the Ewing Close Contact: and biscuits. Tel: 01603 870810 biscuits Community Centre, Ewing Close, Brenda Gostling 01603 870582 or Reepham. Knitting, embroidering, [email protected] Reepham Patient Care Fund Wednesday Weavers Line tapestry, card making and other crafts. Social afternoon held on the fourth Dancers Meet every Wednesday, 2 Contact: Moira Dye 01603 871791 or Reepham Country Market Held 8 – Sunday of every month at the Ewing – 3 pm beginners, 3 – 4 pm [email protected] 11 am every Wednesday in the Close Community Centre, Ewing improvers, in the Town Hall, Church Bircham Centre, Market Place, Close, Reepham, 2 pm in winter and Street, Reepham. Country music- Family History Group Meets 2.30 Reepham. Home-made cakes, pies, 2.30 pm when the clocks go forward based/60s and pop. Refreshments – 4.30 pm every Monday at biscuits, savoury dishes, vegetables, included. First session free, then Reepham Library, Bircham Centre, fruit in season, free range eggs, Reepham Raiders Dodgeball club £2.50 per session. Contact: Sandra Market Place, Reepham. Start your jams, jellies, chutneys, etc meets for training 6 – 7.30 pm every Williams 01603 872102 or family tree and learn to use Wednesday at Reepham High [email protected] Ancestry. Beginners and more Reepham & District Day Centre School. New players aged 15 and advanced welcome. Contact: Rita Meets 9.30 am – 2.30 pm every over, male and female, are Village Hall Coffee Richardson 01603 873122 or Wednesday at St Michael’s, welcome. Contact: Henry Skinner Morning Held 10.30 am – 12 noon [email protected] Reepham. Coffee on arrival, home- [email protected] on the first Saturday of the month, cooked lunch and social time. Let us Wood Dalling Village Hall, Prospect Foulsham Meditation Group Meets know in advance if you are joining us Reepham Runners Meet Sunday Lane, Wood Dalling 10 am every Monday at New Frost for lunch (12.30 – 1.30 pm) cost £5. mornings 8.30 am; Tuesday evening Hall, Claypit Road, Foulsham. Contact: Beth Rossetti 01603 870393 sessions 6.30 pm (structured training Whitwell Station Theatrical Group Email: [email protected] or Pauline Cooper 01603 871230 sessions); and Thursdays 6.30 pm. Meets 7 – 9 pm every Wednesday at Meet at Stimpson’s Piece car park, the Sidings Bar, Whitwell Station, Iceni Choir Meets 7.30 – 9.30 pm Reepham & District Gardening Reepham. Contact: Jenni Egmore Whitwell Road, Reepham. every Wednesday at the Methodist Club Meets on the third Tuesday in 01603 308192 or [email protected] Newcomers welcome. Over 18s only. Church, Station Road, Reepham. the month at 7.45 pm (except for the Contact: Rowena Edwards 01603 Contact: Jim Stebbings, Concert AGM, which starts at 7.30 pm) in Reepham Society Holds public 870641 or [email protected] Manager 01362 693277 or the Town Hall, Church Street, meetings from February to [email protected] Reepham. Visitors and new November, on the second Tuesday members welcome. Contact: Judy in selected months at 7.30 pm at St Kurling Meets 2 – 4 pm every Holland 01603 308158 Michael’s, Reepham. Contact: Ann Tuesday in the Town Hall, Church Middlemas 01603 870334 or Street, Reepham. First session free, Reepham & District Photographic [email protected] We cannot accept event then £2 per session; tea/coffee/ Club Meets 8 – 10 pm on the first and details or corrections by biscuits included. Contact: Gwenda third Thursday of each month in the Reepham Tennis Club Members’ telephone. Please send to: Dove 01603 870598 or Sidings Marquee, Whitwell Station, club session Tuesdays 6 – 9 pm, Reepham Community Press, Homerton House, 74 Cawston [email protected] Whitwell Road, Reepham. Contact: women’s team practice Mondays 6 Road, Reepham NR10 4LT or Michael Battams 01603 870874 or – 8.30 pm, men’s team practice email: [email protected] Rayzone Youth Club Meets [email protected] Thursdays 6 – 9 pm. All members 26 Reepham Life, February 2016 FREE ADVERTISING OF HOUSEHOLD, GARDEN AND PERSONAL EFFECTS ONLY Free Ads UP TO A TOTAL COLLECTIVE SALE VALUE OF £300 (Vehicles, cars, caravans, trailers, boats, property, businesses, etc., not accepted without charge) Animals – pets, livestock, live fish, etc., not accepted

For sale: computer games, all brand new; marked £59.99, will rowboat or canoe that’s made with Norwich Road, please return the hidden object/mystery genre, PG accept £20. Tel: 01603 873248 reasonably aged wood or wood pumpkin and be checked. Pumpkin rating 3/7/12 years, 14 for £20. Tel: from overseas, that would suffice. may be radioactive. All other plants 01603 873248 Wanted: men’s hybrid bike, average No paddleboats, please. Oars are in vicinity are dead size, must be in good condition. Tel: optional, but preferred. Also, it Wanted: old shed for allotment, any 01603 308158 should be delivered by a very tall Get a Little John: the travelling condition, renovation project Nordic man who is single. Not for urinal, holds 2½ bottles of beer considered; 6 ft x 4 ft or 7 ft x 5 ft I am going through a difficult me. I will be dead or at least preferred, but not essential; will breakup and impulsively adopted planning for it. It’s for a friend who Damn you autocorrect for making dismantle and collect. Tel: 01603 16 different types of reptiles. I is also tall. Please contact me if me look like an idiom. Always 873044 (evenings) have made a huge mistake. My you satisfy the above conditions trying to make a tool out of me roommates are furious. I have one For sale: large pine farmhouse ball python, seven various geckos, A superb and inexpensive Alzheimer’s centre prepares for an kitchen table and four chairs, £120. a bearded dragon and two red restaurant. Fine food expertly affair to remember Tel: 01603 860813 slider turtles. They are all named served by waitresses in appetising “Amanda” forms Please tell me that when we defeat Local lady who takes orders for ISIS they will have to become knitting, with all proceeds going to Wanted: large wooden Viking ship. For sale: Lee Majors (six million WASWAS Cancer Research, will knit using I don’t have any desire to die in dollar man), $50 your pattern/wool or you can the near future, but I would like to choose from my patterns. Tel: Edna be buried in the traditional Viking Found: dirty white dog, looks like a 01603 872510 manner. It doesn’t need to be a rat, been out awhile, better be a Free ads restricted to ONE super old boat because I realise reward submission of 30 WORDS For sale: Jane Shilton evening that would be very hard to find. shoes, black satin with diamante, However, it does need to be Notice: to the person or persons maximum and total value size 37 (4) with 2” heels, boxed and wooden. If you have an awesome who took the large pumpkin on of £300 per issue

Free ads restricted to ONE submission of 30 WORDS MAXIMUM PER ISSUE ANY EXCEEDING THIS LIMIT WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED Free ads can be emailed to: [email protected] or left at Very Nice Things, Market Place, Reepham Please include your name and address (not for publication) so we can verify your entry

To advertise here telephone LOCAL SERVICES Judy Holland on 01603 308158 or email [email protected]

M&J CARPET CLEANING KITCHENS l 3 rooms steam cleaned for £49 Chris (Fred) Arterton l Upholstery from £35 l ˆ7YTTP] ½XSV½XSRP] Professional reliable service Gutter cleaning from £35 ˆ Worktops changed l Very reasonable rates Window cleaning from £10 ˆ Doors replaced Email: [email protected] ˆ Whatever your needs Personal assurance guaranteed ˆ Over 20 years experience Tel: 01362 692295 or 07902 571365 01603 871368 07901 881416

•Boiler Servicing HELEN WOOLLEY •Boiler Replacements MCSP. GRAD. DIP. PHYS. CPSM. SRP. ACPTR. CROSSWORD •Heating Systems CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST •Power Flushing SOLUTION •Bathroom Suites DOMICILIARY SERVICES supplied + fitted AVAILABLE •Tiling Work           •Emergency Call Out WILLOW HOUSE       57 OLLANDS ROAD tel. 01603 872844/07711 379295 REEPHAM NR10 4EL TEL: 01603 871894/07730 340206        Advertise your business in the Local   MINI-SCRAPBOX Services Guide for just £10 a month     Reepham's membership-based Booking deadline for the March issue:  re-use charity 15 February       Unit 5 Collers Way Call Judy Holland     Wood Dalling Road, Reepham 01603 308158       Call Jim on 01603 873128 email: [email protected] PANTHER REAL ALE WITH BITE


Years of Norfolk brewing experience have gone into developing a new innovation for the real ale sector. Packed full of hops and surprisingly full of flavour, this crisp and refreshing Pale Ale puts other low alcohol beers into the shade. [email protected] 01603 871163


Reepham Dereham 01603 870473 01362 696895

A house consists of bricks and beams A home is made of love and dreams. $W3DUVRQVZH·OOKHOSOHDYHEHKLQG your worry and gloom, And find you a place to let your love bloom.