Neurosurg Focus 16 (4):Article 9, 2004, Click here to return to Table of Contents

Hyponatremia in the neurosurgical patient: diagnosis and management

CHAD D. COLE, M.SC., OREN N. GOTTFRIED, M.D., JAMES K. LIU, M.D., AND WILLIAM T. COULDWELL, M.D., PH.D. Department of Neurosurgery, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah

Hyponatremia is frequently encountered in patients who have undergone neurosurgery for intracranial processes. Making an accurate diagnosis between the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic (SIADH) and cerebral salt wasting (CSW) in patients in whom hyponatremia develops is important because treatment differs great- ly between the conditions. The SIADH is a volume-expanded condition, whereas CSW is a volume-contracted state that involves renal loss of . Treatment for patients with SIADH is fluid restriction and treatment for patients with CSW is generally salt and water replacement. In this review, the authors discuss the of hyponatremia, distinguish SIADH from CSW, and highlight the diagnosis and management of hyponatremia, which is commonly encountered in patients who have undergone neurosurgery, specifically those with traumatic brain injury, aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, recent transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary tumors, and postoperative cranial vault reconstruction for craniosynostosis.

KEY WORDS • hyponatremia • syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion • cerebral salt wasting • intracranial disease

Hyponatremia is a common disorder en- characterized by a volume-contracted state.47 It is impor- countered in patients in the neurosurgical ICU.1,56 The tant to make an accurate diagnosis because treatment dif- causes of hyponatremia are diverse and the associated fers greatly between these conditions. Fluid restriction is risks of morbidity vary widely.5,17 The etiological range of the treatment of choice in SIADH, whereas salt and vol- this electrolyte disorder can be subcategorized into hy- ume replacement are the treatment for CSW. ponatremia associated with high, normal, or low osmolal- Although there are a variety of possible causes of hypo- ity (Fig. 1).1,3 Neurological dysfunction is the principal natremia, in this review we will focus on hyponatremia manifestation of hyponatremia, which may be exacerbat- that is commonly encountered in the neurosurgical ICU. ed by other disease processes or underlying conditions, es- Specifically, we will focus on SIADH, the putative asso- pecially in those patients in whom a pathological condi- ciated condition of CSW, and adrenal insufficiency in the tion is located intracranially. Awareness of other potential settings of TBI, aneurysmal SAH, transsphenoidal surgery causes of hyponatremia is required to provide appropriate for pituitary tumors, and cranial vault reconstruction. management and avoid deleterious outcomes, which may occur when the electrolyte deficiency is overcorrected or corrected too rapidly. Therefore, early diagnosis and ef- DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS fective treatment of hyponatremia is critical for hypona- Hyperosmotic Hyponatremia tremic patients with intracranial disease.30 In hyperosmotic (or translocational) hyponatremia dis- Both SIADH and CSW are potential causes of hypona- orders, solutes confined to the extracellular compartment tremia in patients who have undergone neurosurgery. It induce shifts in transcellular water.1 As an example, may be difficult to distinguish between these two condi- hyperglycemia or the retention of hypertonic mannitol tions in some cases because their clinical presentations may result in hyponatremia because water shifts from the sometimes overlap. The primary distinction lies in the intracellular to the extracellular space, causing dehydra- assessment of the patient’s volume. The SIADH is char- tion of cells. Symptoms common to hyperglycemia in- acterized by a volume-expanded state, whereas CSW is clude nausea, vomiting, dry axillae and oral mucosae, lower jugular venous pressure, and abdominal pain.68 A Abbreviations used in this paper: ADH = antidiuretic hormone; different set of changes is seen when mannitol is given to patients with underlying renal failure or when it is admin- ANP = atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP = brain natriuretic peptide; 10,54 CSW = cerebral salt wasting; DI = diabetes insipidus; ECV = effec- istered in very high doses. Not only does the rise in tive circulating volume; ICP = intracranial pressure; ICU = intensive plasma osmolality cause hyponatremia, but the fluid shift care unit; SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage; SIADH = syndrome of may also lead to volume expansion and possibly pulmon- inappropriate secretion of ADH; TBI = traumatic brain injury. ary edema, , and .10

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Isosmotic Hyponatremia Hyposmotic Hyponatremia Isosmotic hyponatremia may be observed in patients Most hyponatremic disorders are associated with hyp- who undergo transurethral resection of the prostate or hys- osmolality. Also known as “dilutional hyponatremia,” terectomy (Fig. 1). During these procedures, patients may these disorders may be caused by excessive water intake, absorb large quantities of hyposmotic glycine or but are more commonly caused by water retention.1 This irrigating solutions leading to a dilutional reduction in subcategory of hyponatremia may be further differentiat- the plasma sodium concentration. The extent of isosmotic ed according to volume status (Fig. 1). First, volume-ex- hyponatremia is related to both the quantity and rate of panded hyponatremia occurs when the intake of salt and fluid that is absorbed.34 The earliest symptom is nausea, water exceeds renal and extrarenal losses. The sodium and with more severe hyponatremia leading to confusion, dis- water retention may be primary, from an increased ECV, orientation, twitching, seizures, and hypotension.34 On the or secondary, in response to a decreased ECV.3 Diagnoses other hand, a less common condition of hyponatremia as- associated with an increased ECV due to primary water sociated with normal osmolality is seen in patients retention by the include acute renal failure and with extreme hyperlipidemia and hyperproteinemia. Also advanced chronic renal failure. Those diagnoses associat- known as “pseudohyponatremia,” this finding is based on ed with a decreased ECV include congestive failure, a laboratory artifact of non–-selective techniques to cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, sepsis, anaphylaxis, and measure serum electrolyte conditions and has been essen- pregnancy.1,3 The latter conditions are characterized by tially eliminated with the increasing use of ion-selective high plasma concentrations of vasopressin, de- electrodes for these measurements.1,3,46 spite the presence of hypotonicity. The retention of renal

Fig. 1. Flow chart showing the diagnostic approach to hyponatremia.

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 12:33 PM UTC Hyponatremia in patients following neurosurgery sodium and water, which produces hypervolemic hypona- active present in the total body water, specifically the tremia and leads to an increased capillary hydrostatic pres- ratio of exchangeable sodium and .3 sure, consequently favors a fluid shift from the intravas- The complications of hyposmotic hyponatremia oc- cular to the interstitial space (Fig. 1).3 cur most often in patients with excessive water retention.1 Other causes of volume-expanded hyponatremia are In these conditions, the causes due to a reduced rate of salt resorption by the diluting seg- transcellular shifts in water from the extracellular into the ment of the kidney (hypothyroidism, secondary adrenal intracellular space. Because the cranium limits the expan- insufficiency, cancers), sustained nonosmotic release of sion of the brain by the imposed edema, an increase in ICP ADH (SIADH), or a combination of these two factors develops along with a risk of brain herniation. Fortunately, (Fig. 1).3 Less common causes include a decreased intake the degree of swelling is ameliorated as solutes leave the of solutes and primary polydipsia. In these latter causes of brain tissues within hours, allowing for some water loss hyponatremia, there is an increase in the intravascular vol- within the hypertensive environment.13,45 This adaptive ume with a minimal shift into the interstitial space. process limits the degree of central nervous system com- Conversely, volume-contracted hyponatremia is mainly plications if the severity of hyponatremia develops slow- caused by fluid loss from the intravascular space, which is ly. Nevertheless, this adaptation also gives rise to the risk induced by an intrinsic or a secondary renal loss of sodi- of osmotic demyelination (central pontine myelinolysis), um, an extrarenal loss of sodium, or (Fig. which can develop between 1 and several days after rap- 1).1,3 The consequential decrease in tissue perfusion stim- id correction of hyponatremia (Fig. 2).37,43,45,62,69 Thus, the ulates a release of ADH that is mediated by baroreceptors clinical manifestations of hyposmotic hyponatremia are within the carotid sinus, which sense a reduction in pres- more evident when the decrease in the serum sodium con- sure or stretch. The response of baroreceptors to the de- centration is large or when the decrease occurs over a crease in volume can overcome the inhibitory effect of period of hours.7 Patients in whom the serum sodium con- serum hyposmolality on ADH secretion–inducing hypo- centration is greater than 125 mmol/L are usually asymp- natremia. In conditions of hypokalemia, the depletion of tomatic, whereas those in whom these values are lower potassium contributes to hyponatremia because the con- may have symptoms that include headache, nausea, vom- centration of sodium is determined in part by osmotically iting, muscle cramps, lethargy, restlessness, disorienta-

Fig. 2. Effects of hyponatremia on the brain. Minutes after the development of hyponatremia, the decreased osmolal- ity causes swelling of the brain. Rapid adaption occurs within hours as a result of the cellular loss of . Slow adaption occurs over several days through the loss of organic osmolytes from brain cells to normalize brain volume. Ag- gressive correction of hyponatremia may lead to irreversible brain damage (osmotic demyelination); however, proper correction of hyponatremia reestablishes normal osmolality without the risk of brain damage. From Adrogue HJ, Madias NE: Hyponatremia. N Engl J Med 342:1581–1589, 2000; reprinted with permission.

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 12:33 PM UTC C. D. Cole, et al. tion, and depressed reflexes.1,8 If, however, the disorder tulated that the most probable process involves the dis- has developed rapidly, complications of severe and rapid- ruption of neural input into the kidney and/or the central ly evolving hyponatremia include seizures, coma, perma- elaboration of a circulating natriuretic factor.29,30,44,56,73,79 nent brain damage, respiratory arrest, brainstem hernia- Specifically, direct neural effects, an ouabainlike com- tion, and death.1,8 pound, and natriuretic peptides have been implicated in the pathogenesis of CSW. Decreased sympathetic input to Comparison of SIADH and CSW the kidney directly and indirectly alters salt and water Serum osmolality and intravascular fluid volume are management and may explain the natriuresis and diuresis the primary stimuli for ADH release. Osmoreceptors in seen within CSW.29,56 A decrease in sympathetic tone leads the hypothalamus sense changes in serum osmolality and to a decreased glomerular filtration rate, a decreased renin induce or depress ADH secretion from the posterior pitu- release, and a decreased renal tubular sodium resorp- itary. Baroreceptors within the carotid sinuses, on the tion.12,21,23,28 In addition to a decreased neural input to the other hand, sense intravascular volume and permit the re- kidney, an ouabainlike compound in the brain may play a lease of ADH with volume contraction. In the kidney, role in renal salt wasting. Yamada, et al.,78 found that infu- ADH then increases the permeability of the terminal dis- sion of -specific antibodies into the cerebral ven- tal tubule and medullary collecting duct to water, leading tricles blocked the natriuretic response of the rat brain to to the expansion of the ECV. A pronounced elevation of intracerebroventricular infusion of hypertonic saline. The ADH, however, leads to an increase in the ECV, resulting same investigators also found, however, that intravenous in dilutional hyponatremia. administration of large doses of digoxin-specific antibod- In SIADH neither hyperosmolality nor volume contrac- ies did not block central nervous system–induced natri- tion is the stimulus behind the release of ADH. In cases of uresis.78 Because of this latter finding and the possible SIADH, excessive levels of ADH occur as a result of dis- crossreactivity of antiglycoside antibodies with nonglyco- ease- or drug-induced pituitary release of ADH or the ec- side substances,35 ouabainlike compound seems less like- topic production of ADH.30 Because of these excessive ly to be the sole intermediary of CSW. ADH levels, the diagnosis of SIADH is based on the pres- Atrial natriuretic peptide and BNP produce several ef- ence of a low serum level of sodium, an inappropriately fects that could lead to the clinical syndrome of CSW. concentrated urine compared with serum osmolality, a Atrial natriuretic peptide is released from the heart in re- high urinary sodium level, and the absence of peripheral sponse to atrial stretch and induces vasodilation as well as edema or dehydration with no evidence of adrenal, thy- natriuresis and diuresis.20,72 Nevertheless, the findings of roid, or renal dysfunction.30,53,56 Currently, the physiologi- several studies contradict the idea that ANP is the prima- cal conditions behind the increased urinary sodium con- ry factor behind CSW. For instance, ANP was found to centrations associated with SIADH is not understood,30 decrease in the presence of experimental natriuresis in- although natriuresis associated with SIADH has been duced by intracerebroventricular administration of hyper- attributed to an increase in the glomerular filtration rate tonic saline,48 ANP was not elevated after SAH,25,36 and and/or a decrease in renal tubular sodium resorption, normal levels of ANP were found in patients with CSW which is induced by other hormonal or direct neural associated with intracerebral hemorrhage73 and surgery for effects.11,30,41 When making the diagnosis of SIADH, it is pituitary adenomas.79 essential to exclude other causes of hyponatremia that Brain natriuretic peptide is secreted by the cardiac ven- commonly occur in neurological diseases such as edema- tricles in response to increased pressure or stretch, and dis- tous states, recent therapy, and hypovolemic plays biological effects similar to those of ANP;30 further- states.30 Moreover, the diagnosis of SIADH cannot be more, this substance has also been localized to the made in the presence of severe pain, nausea, stress, or hypothalamus.64 Berendes, et al.,12 demonstrated that con- hypotension, because these conditions can stimulate ADH centrations of BNP significantly correlated with both ur- secretion even in the presence of serum hypotonicity.30,51 inary sodium excretion and ICP in patients with SAH both All the changes in electrolyte imbalances observed in SIADH have also been described in CSW; however, the presence of signs of volume depletion (for example, hy- TABLE 1 potension, decreased skin turgor, or low central venous Comparison of laboratory values and treatment pressure) with salt wasting distinguishes CSW from in the differential diagnosis of SIADH or CSW SIADH.11,29,30,41,44,51,53,56,70,73,79 In essence, the primary dis- tinction between SIADH and CSW lies in the assessment Laboratory Value or Treatment SIADH CSW of the ECV. As mentioned earlier, SIADH is an expanded ECV increased or decreased state of ECV due to an ADH-mediated renal water reten- no change tion, whereas CSW is characterized by a contracted state central venous pressure increased decreased of ECV due to renal salt wasting. Additional laboratory / decreased or increased evidence that relates to the ECV may also help distinguish ratio no change SIADH from CSW. These include hemoconcentration, serum albumin concentration normal increased albumin concentration, blood urea nitrogen/creatinine ra- serum potassium concentration decreased or increased or no change no change tio, potassium concentration, plasma renin, serum uric acid concentration decreased decreased or levels, atrial natriuretic factor, plasma urea concentration, no change and central venous pressure (Table 1).56 hematocrit normal increased The mechanism by which intracranial disease leads to treatment fluid restriction salt & fluid CSW is not well understood. Many physicians have pos- replacement

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 12:33 PM UTC Hyponatremia in patients following neurosurgery before surgery and through postoperative Day 8. Intra- Traumatic Brain Injury cranial disease may stimulate the sympathetic release of Hyponatremia is frequently seen in patients suffering cardiac BNP, which may suppress aldosterone secretion 26,71,80 6 12,66 from TBI. Arieff, et al., found that following TBI, and alter renal function. In addition, BNP may be di- the acute onset of severe hyponatremia was associated rectly released by the brain when this organ is damaged, 12 with either poor neurological outcome or death in those thereby limiting extreme rises in ICP. patients with a sudden onset of seizures, followed by co- Making an accurate diagnosis between SIADH and ma, apnea, and brainstem compression. Horn and Glenn32 CSW in patients undergoing neurosurgery who develop screened patients with severe head injury and found that hyponatremia is important because the treatment of each 56 20% suffered from one or more hormone disturbances. condition is quite different. Fluid restriction is the treat- The most frequent endocrine disturbance as well as the ment of choice in patients with SIADH because the pri- most common cause of hyponatremia in these patients mary abnormality is ECV expansion, whereas vigorous was SIADH. Although less common, hyponatremia also salt replacement is required in patients with CSW because occurred in the presence of depletion in of ECV contraction (Fig. 3).24,55 Failure to distinguish the setting of renal sodium loss in an excess of water, properly between these disorders can potentially result in that is, CSW.32,61 As described earlier, the most important adverse outcomes. Specifically, there is the potential for differential diagnosis of acute hyponatremia includes an administration of intravenous saline in patients with SIADH, CSW, and acute adrenal insufficiency. Unfor- SIADH to result in symptomatic hyponatremia, because tunately, the clinical picture and the laboratory data can renal handling of water is impaired but renal management be initially misleading because the diagnostic criteria of of sodium is not. Just as fluid administration may poten- SIADH, CSW, and adrenal insufficiency may overlap. tially worsen the underlying neurological condition in the After several days in the ICU, patients with a recent setting of SIADH, fluid restriction may exacerbate the un- TBI often excrete very large quantities of sodium chlo- derlying neurological condition in the setting of CSW.76 In ride.30 Urine examination often reveals a negative balance a retrospective study of patients with SAH, Wijdicks, et for sodium on one of those initial days in the ICU, typi- al.,76 found that in 21 of 26 patients treated for hyponatre- cally demonstrating high urinary concentrations of sodi- mia with fluid restriction cerebral infarction developed. um, potassium, and chloride in the setting of hyponatrem- Although the volume status in these patients was not ia.15 These findings usually provide the basis on which the defined, the authors raised the possibility that CSW was clinical diagnosis of CSW may be made.15,30 Nevertheless, the cause of hyponatremia in many of these patients.55 a stimulus to excrete sodium and chloride ions, such as Consequently, patients with CSW require volume replen- expanded extracellular fluid volume, must be ruled out. It ishment with intravenous saline or administration of salt is difficult to ascertain whether extracellular fluid, or even tablets instead of fluid restriction until the transient (3–4 more importantly, the ECV is contracted on clinical weeks) condition of renal salt wasting resolves (Fig. 3).24,55 grounds unless changes are quite marked.16 Carolotti, et

Fig. 3. Algorithm for the evaluation and treatment of patients who have undergone neurosurgery and have hyponatremia and natriuresis. CVP = central venous pressure. From Docci D, Cremonini AM, Nasi MT, et al: Hyponatremia with natiure- sis in neurosurgical patients. Nephro Dial Transplant 15:1707–1708, 2000; by permission of Oxford University Press.

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 12:33 PM UTC C. D. Cole, et al. al.,15 have proposed the use of common electrolyte mea- ondary to the release of BNP,12,34,40,63,66 but the stimulus for surements to differentiate between SIADH and CSW. its release is not clear.63 It was first suspected that ANP These investigators determined the total body fluid based was responsible for the hyponatremia, but ANP concen- on the height and weight of the patient and then multiplied trations did not correlate with hyponatremia, indicating this by either the sum of the serum sodium and potassi- the presence of another factor.63 Subsequently, BNP con- um concentrations or the concentration.15,60 centrations have been shown to be elevated immediate- Because CSW is dependent on ongoing natriuresis, de- ly after SAH, compared with levels in control patients. spite ECV contraction, measurement of sodium and potas- Moreover, BNP concentrations have been demonstrated to sium ions or chloride ions along with total body water al- increase further in patients in whom cerebral vasospasm lows an accurate estimation of the mass balance over developed. Svri and colleagues63 found that BNP levels in- time.15 These data then provide information to support or creased progressively in the 1st week after SAH, peaking refute a clinical diagnosis of CSW.15 on Days 7 through 9, and that these levels correlated well Another complicating factor is the occurrence of an with the severity of SAH as well as with the severity of the acute within the population of head-injured vasospasm. patients, which may result from bilateral adrenal hemor- As mentioned earlier, hyponatremia after SAH is asso- rhage.18 In a study conducted by Atchinson and col- ciated with an aggressive natriuresis that places the patient leagues,9 in a group of patients with TBI absolute hypo- at risk for ischemic complications due to volume deple- natremia but no adrenal insufficiency was associated with tion. Additionally, the low serum concentrations of sodi- cognitive impairments that were very similar to those um accentuate cerebral edema. The standard of care is ag- symptoms frequently seen in primary adrenal insufficien- gressive hypervolemic therapy for intravascular volume cy.71 The development of acute adrenal crisis after adrenal expansion and sodium supplementation. It is noteworthy infarction or hemorrhage may lead to fulminant shock and that water replacement causes hyponatremia, and in- death, if not recognized and acted on quickly.71 A decrease creased sodium intake does not prevent a negative sodium in levels acts as a stimulus for ADH secretion.14 balance, but actually enhances urinary sodium excretion, Although SIADH and primary adrenal insufficiency may natriuresis, and osmotic diuresis.48,50 Aggressive hyper- present with similar values of osmolality and urine elec- volemic therapies are not always effective on their own trolyte levels, other causes of hyponatremia should be and some authors advocate the use of fludrocortisone or considered when the patient remains unresponsive to stan- hydrocortisone, which inhibit natriuresis.48,50 These agents dard treatments for SIADH.71 Another key to the recogni- function by promoting sodium resorption in the kidney tion of adrenal insufficiency is the finding of relative through their effects.7 Mori and co- hyperkalemia in the context of hyponatremia.71 This is a workers48 found that fludrocortisone reduced the need for classic depiction of electrolytes seen with a deficiency of sodium replacement and water intake and decreased urine mineralocorticoid activity, which leads to urinary sodium output and excretion of sodium. In a study by Moro, et losses, impaired excretion of potassium, and hydrogen ion al.,50 hydrocortisone therapy resulted in lower urine vol- retention.71 Additionally, azotemia with mild elevations in umes, lower infusion volumes required for hypervolemic both blood urea nitrogen and creatinine commonly occurs therapy, and higher central venous pressures. Hyponatre- with primary adrenal insufficiency.71 mia did not develop in any patient who received fludro- cortisone or hydrocortisone.48,50 In these studies, no ad- Aneurysmal SAH verse effects were caused by the steroids.48,50 Abnormal serum levels of sodium are frequently ob- served during the acute period (4–10 days)40,48,49,57,59,75 fol- Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Tumors lowing aneurysmal SAH.57 According to several reports, Diabetes insipidus is a deficiency of ADH that may re- 29 to 43% of patients with SAH experience hyponatrem- sult from the dysfunction of that originate in the ia.31,40,57,75,76 When SAH is stratified according to the site supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothala- of rupture, Sayama, et al.,59 found that patients with rup- mus; it commonly occurs following transsphenoidal sur- tured anterior communicating aneurysms had a signifi- gery for pituitary tumors (Fig. 4). Postoperatively, an cantly higher incidence of hyponatremia (51%) than pa- ADH deficiency normally leads to polyuria (urine output tients with ruptured middle cerebral artery aneurysms 5 ml/kg/hr) with an excessive free water loss that gen- (18%). The presence of hyponatremia is significant, be- erates a urine/plasma osmolality ratio lower than 1.5.2 cause it is recognized as a risk factor for, as well as a pre- Therapeutic intervention includes maintaining an appro- dictor of, vasospasm and cerebral ischemia.49,59,75 Speci- priate plasma osmolality via adequate fluid replacement fically, Morinaga, et al.,49 found that 84% of patients with along with administration of desmopressin to avoid hyper- hyponatremia demonstrated symptomatic cerebral vaso- natremic hypovolemia. spasm. Cerebral ischemia also occurs more frequently in Diabetes insipidus may coexist with CSW, however.2 patients with hyponatremia than in those without hypona- Cerebral salt wasting is thought to occur secondarily to the tremia, although Hasan, et al.,31 did not find any difference release of BNP after transsphenoidal resection of pituitary in mortality rates. Qureshi and coworkers57 also did not adenomas4,23 and CSW is possibly the cause of hypona- note a difference in outcomes in patients who had hypona- tremia in cases in which there are normal levels of ADH. tremia and hypothesized that aggressive fluid manage- As mentioned earlier, the release of BNP may be due to a ment and correction of hyponatremia may have countered sympathetic stimulation, although the exact association the negative effects.8 between BNP and hyponatremia in patients after trans- Hyponatremia related to SAH is thought to occur sec- sphenoidal resection of pituitary adenomas remains to be

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 12:33 PM UTC Hyponatremia in patients following neurosurgery

noidal pituitary removal is quite characteristic.38 Patients usually become hyponatremic approximately 5 days fol- lowing surgery with the nadir and symptoms occurring a mean of 7 to 8 days postoperatively.19,38,52,65,74 The common clinical manifestations are nausea, vomiting, headache, malaise, and dizziness. The lack of clinical predictors for the development of this delayed hyponatremia, other than a large tumor size (macroadenomas), suggests that tumor removal is responsible for a transient hypothalamopitu- itary disturbance.38 The release of ADH stores from those surgically manipulated neurohypophysial cells is the like- ly mechanism resulting in an SIADH-like syndrome with fluid retention and natriuresis.38 Elevated serum levels of ADH have been demonstrated in patients in whom hyponatremia develops following transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas;19,67 however, this is not always the case.63 Many studies support the concept that delayed hypona- tremia following transsphenoidal surgery is based on an adrenocortical insufficiency.22,39 Secondary adrenal insuf- ficiency may indeed be the causative factor behind the SIADH-like syndrome because cortisol has been shown to be an inhibitor of vasopressin secretion.27,58 Diederich, et al.,22 found that ADH was elevated in a majority of pa- tients with severe euvolemic hyponatremia. These same investigators went on to treat seven patients with hydro- Fig. 4. A sagittal diagram of the anatomy of the pituitary gland, cortisone and found a subsequent decrease in ADH levels. hypothalamus, and pituitary stalk. The anterior gland, or adenohy- Such findings need to be considered in the context of an pophysis, is composed of the pars distalis (PD), the rudimentary acute illness in which basal cortisol levels may be subnor- pars intermedia, and the pars tuberalis (PT). The posterior gland, or mal.22 Even so, a high clinical suspicion should be main- neurohypophysis (located in the hypothalamus), is composed of tained in treating severely hyponatremic patients for the the median eminence (ME), the infundibular stem (IS), and the possibility of a cortisol-deficient SIADH-like syndrome. neural lobe (NL). The large neurons located in the supraoptic nu- Low doses of hydrocortisone in a hyponatremic patient cleus (SON) and the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) project to the without hypopituitarism will seldom be harmful, whereas neural lobe, where they store and release oxytocin and vasopressin the failure to give hydrocortisone to a patient with the dis- into the systemic circulation under the appropriate stimulus. ARC. 22 N. = arcuate nucleus; MB = mammillary bodies; OC = optic chi- order may have deleterious consequences. In differenti- asm. Figure 35-3 from Couldwell WT, Simard MF, Weiss MH, et ating between the triple response, as described earlier, and al: Pituitary and Adrenal, in Schwartz SI (ed): Principles of Sur- delayed hyponatremia, Kelly, et al.,38 found that 14 of 99 gery, ed 7, vol 2, New York: McGraw-Hill, pp 1613–1659; re- patients who underwent transsphenoidal resection of a pi- printed with permission. tuitary adenoma experienced transient DI requiring treat- ment with desmopressin acetate. In none of these cases was DI permanent and no patient in whom DI developed elucidated. In any case, patients with concurrent DI and experienced delayed hyponatremia. CSW may have an increased urine output that has been Given the possibility of DI, CSW, SIADH-like syn- incorrectly attributed to poorly controlled DI rather than drome, or secondary adrenal insufficiency following natriuresis.2 If the syndromes are concomitant, an increase transsphenoidal resection of pituitary adenomas, plasma in the desmopressin dose would be inappropriate because osmolality, urine osmolality, and ECV status must be de- it would lead to an increase in renal free water resorption termined to provide appropriate treatment. Because the and further exacerbate the hyponatremia.2 In these uncom- onset of delayed hyponatremia usually occurs after the pa- mon cases, therapeutic intervention should include sodi- tient has been discharged from the hospital, the patient um and fluid replacement along with the administration of should be educated and forewarned. If this individual ex- desmopressin with close monitoring of plasma electro- periences headache, nausea, vomiting, or fatigue, a serum lytes and osmolality. level of sodium should be obtained. If hyponatremia is Following pituitary surgery DI has also been found to confirmed, treatment with fluid restriction and salt re- occur as a triple response.2 This is characterized by an ini- placement should be instituted. tial 4- to 8-day period of DI followed by a transient remis- sion or an excessive release of ADH (similar to SIADH) lasting 1 to 14 days, which concludes with the recurrence Cranial Vault Reconstruction for Craniosynostosis of often permanent DI.2 Hyponatremia frequently occurs after cranial vault re- Conversely, symptomatic delayed hyponatremia has construction for craniosynostosis in pediatric pa- been reported in patients who have undergone transsphe- tients.33,42,77 The exact mechanism for postoperative hy- noidal surgery for pituitary adenomas (2.3–16%).38,65,74 ponatremia after cranial vault reconstruction remains The time course of delayed hyponatremia after transsphe- controversial. Initial reports have indicated that the cause

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Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/01/21 12:33 PM UTC C. D. Cole, et al. is SIADH. Hudgins, et al.,33 reported two cases in which ing after pituitary exploration and biopsy: case report. Neuro- the patients experienced symptomatic hyponatremia after surgery 18:469–471, 1986 cranial vault remodeling for late sagittal synostosis. One 5. Arieff AI: Hyponatremia, convulsions, respiratory arrest, and patient became obtunded and one had generalized sei- permanent brain damage after elective surgery in healthy wom- en. N Engl J Med 314:1529–1535, 1986 zures. Interestingly, both of these patients lost at least 1 L 6. Arieff AI, Ayus JC, Fraser CL: Hyponatraemia and death of blood during the operation. These authors attributed the or permanent brain damage in healthy children. BMJ 304: hyponatremia to SIADH precipitated by large fluid shifts 1218–1222, 1992 during surgery. 7. 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