annual communitree neighborhood Tour

The Hollywood Park Neighborhood Association’s CommuniTree Committee presents: A self-guided tour of just a few of the many fabulous of Hollywood Park. These trees provide a variety of benefits to the neighborhood, such as shade to cool you down during the summer, natural habitats for local wildlife, improvement in air quality, and a beautiful canopy all year round. If you’d like to learn more about these trees or are interested in getting a free shade tree to , please visit! And if you’d like to volunteer with the CommuniTree Committee, please contact Kathleen at [email protected]. Enjoy!

Acer truncatum, Shantung Magnolia × soulangeana, Saucer Magnolia  Find me on the corner of  Find me by traveling away 22nd Ave and Custis! from Miyako down 22nd Ave.  Plant Family: I’m by the 6th house on the (Soapberry family) right before you hit Larson!  Native Habitat:  Plant Family: Magnoliaceae oak forests in (Magnolia family) Native  Habitat: France This fast-growing tree has shiny light green foliage in summer, and yellow clusters in the early Saucer Magnolia is a popular flowering accent tree, spring. It is very hardy and adaptable. usually as a multi-trunk or low-branching specimen for gardens or lawns. It requires loose, fertile soil Acer buergerianum, Trident Maple and moderate moisture, where it best in full sun. Many named varieties are available, with  Find me on 22nd Ave different flower colors. between Larson and 22nd St!  Plant Family: Sapindaceae (Soapberry family)  Native Habitat: China and Japan

Trident Maple has interesting flaky bark and 3- pointed . It tolerates most soils, with light to moderate moisture, and is quite dependable once established. page 1 | Arbutus unedo, Strawberry Tree Cercis Canadensis, Eastern Redbud  Find me by traveling  Find me on Freeport away from Miyako down Blvd right near the 22nd Ave. I’m by the 10th Hollywood Park sign! house on the left!  Plant Family: Fabaceae,  Plant Family: Ericaceae (Pea Family) (Heather Family)  Native Habitat: Eastern North  Native Habitat: Southern America - rich woods, ravines Europe, Ireland, scrub and borders of streams and rocky hillsides - It often forms a distinct understory in woodlands Strawberry Tree is an attractive small evergreen shade tree, with shiny dark green color, red bark, Eastern Redbud is a commonly used single or and multi-trunk branching habit. The bell- shaped multi-trunk tree, effective as a flowering or flowers and red add to its visual interest in foliage accent. It blooms best in full sun, where it winter and early spring. Once established, it is a receives moderate moisture. Prone to red humped very durable tree. caterpillar and tent caterpillar attacks. Other uses: edible ; the leaves, bark and root There’s also a Shantung Maple near this tree! are astringent and diuretic; high in tannins Platanus racemosa, CA Sycamore Trees Acer rubrum, Red Maple  Find lots of me down  Find me on Joaquin Way Shielah Way! between Shielah and Stacia!  Plant Family: Platanaceae You can also find me at LDV! (Plane tree family)  Plant Family: Sapindaceae  Native Habitat: California! (Soapberry family) - Often interbreeds  Native Habitat: Eastern with Platanus orientalis, North America, usually which is native to S.E. swamps and uplands, also Europe and W. Asia can grow on dry hillsides A very fast growing native riparian tree. It tolerates The Red Maple is fast growing and a heavy water extreme heat and wind, drought, atmospheric user. It has red twigs, buds, and red winged pollution, and compacted soils. in the spring. The fall color may vary from yellow to red except on named , like “Red Sunset” and “October Glory”. It is very popular as a street tree. Other uses: attracts birds; wetland plant; sap contains sugar (yielding about half the quantity obtained from the sugar maple)

page 2 | Pistacia chinensis, Chinese Pistache Quercus lobata Heritage Valley Oak  Find me by walking down  Find me in the middle Joaquin, turn left onto of Hooke Way between Virginia Way, then I’m by Murieta and Irvin! the third house on the left!  Plant Family: Fagaceae  Plant Family: Anacardiaceae (Beech Family) (Cashew family)  Native Habitat: Fertile lowlands in deep  Native Habitat: Forests on rich soils in the valleys of W. California stone hills in western China between the Sierra Nevada and the coast.

A beautiful street tree with a wide canopy, fall This majestic tree is the largest oak in North color, and fragrant leaves. Grows best with good America. Trunk and limbs of mature trees are drainage. Trees are male or female – the females picturesquely twisted with long, drooping outer have colorful berries, which birds love. branches. Low water user and very adaptable. Other uses: acorns lower in tannins then other Quercus rubra, Red Oak species - a staple food for several native North  Find me where you found American tribes – can be dried and used in stews Pistacia chinensis! or breads (tannins are leached out by thoroughly  Plant Family: Fagaceae leaching the in water). (Beech Family)  Native Habitat: Eastern North Acer palmatum, Japanese Maple America, dry or upland woods  Find me on 23rd St between 22nd Ave & 24th Ave! Large, resilient tree with a beautiful canopy and  a fast growth rate. It is adaptable to many soil Plant Family: Sapindaceae conditions and can survive tough conditions or (Soapberry family) hardpan better than most. Attractive dark red fall  Native Habitat: Japan and color in autumn and some leaves hang on the tree , woods and thickets throughout the winter. in lowlands and mountains Other uses: Mulch of the leaves repels slugs, grubs, Japanese Maple is a commonly used accent tree etc. in lawns or moderately moist settings, beneath an over-story of taller shade trees. It prefers a shady spot with moist, well-drained loam and plenty of added humus.

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