I am, WINDA FARISCA declare that the writing this paper is based on the results of research, thoughts and original presentations from myself, for the report listed as part of this paper. If there is someone else’s work, i will include a clear source.

Thus, I make this statement seriously. If there are irregularities in the future, I am willing to accept sanctions that have been set in academics and other sanctions according to the regulations at the University of Sumatera Utara.

Thus, I made this statement consciously without coercion from any party.

Signed : Date : 10, January 2019




Name : WINDA FARISCA Title of Paper : A DESCRIPTION OF TOURISM OBJECT ON KAWAH PUTIH CIWIDEY BANDUNG Qualification : D-III / Ahli Madya Study Program : English

I am declaring that the writing this paper is on the results of research, thoughts and original presentations from me, for the report listed as part of this paper. If there is someone else’s work, i will include a clear source.

Thus, I make this statement seriously. If there are irregularities in the future, I am willing to accept sanctions that have been set in academics and other sanctions according to the regulations at the University of Sumatera Utara.

Thus, I made this statement consciously without coercion from any party.

Signed : Date : 10, January 2019




This paper entitled “A Description of Tourism Object on the Kawah Putih Ciwidey Bandung” discusses the development of tourism in , which has potential tourism areas, ranging from nature and culture. One of the tourist attractions in Bandung that can attract tourists is the Ciwidey White Crater, which has tremendous potential ranging from the history and uniqueness of the water. This white crater is a tourist attraction that most visited by tourists, therefore a good and professional manager is need in the development of this natural tourist attraction. For example, caring for existing facilities, improving the cleanliness of the area, adding supporting facilities and doing better promotions will affect tourists who want to visit the region. Thus, this tourist attraction is in great demand for both domestic and foreign tourists in a long time.




Kertas karya ini berjudul “A Description of Tourism Object on Kawah Putih Ciwidey Bandung“ ini membahas tentang perkembangan pariwisata di Kabupaten Bandung yang memiliki kawasan wisata yang potensial, mulai dari alam dan kebudayaannya. Salah satu objek wisata di Bandung yang dapat menarik wisatawan adalah Kawah Putih Ciwidey yang memiliki sumber daya potensi luar biasa dari sejarah dan keunukian airnya. Kawah Putih ini, merupakan objek wisata yang paling banyak dikunjungi wisatawan. Maka dari itu, pengelola secara baik dan profesional juga sangat dibutuhkan dalam pengembangan objek wisata alam ini. Misalnya, melakukan perawatan terhadap sarana yang telah ada, meningkatkan kebersihan kawasan, menambah fasilitas pendukung serta melakukan promosi yang lebih baik akan berpengaruh untuk wisatawan yang ingin berkunjung kekawasan ini. Dengan demikian, maka objek wisata ini banyak diminati wisatawan baik domestik maupun mancanegara dalam jangka waktu yang panjang.




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty, Allah SWT for blessing and giving me health, strength, and case to accomplish this paper. This paper accomplished in order to fulfill one of the requirements to get Diploma III certificate from English Study Program in Faculty of Culture Study, University of Sumatera Utara. I get the help and guidance both morally and materially from various parties in the completion of this thesis. Then on this occasion, I would like to express my gratitude and give the highest appreciation to all parties involved and helped me in completing this paper, especially to : 1. Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S as the Dean of Faculty Cultural Study. 2. Drs. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum as the Head of English Diploma Study Program. 3. Drs. M. Syafi’i Siregar, M.A. as my Supervisor, who has helped me and provided suggestions for completing this paper. 4. All the Lecturers and Staff in the English Study Program who have given me the knowledge. 5. My sincere and heart felt appreciation I give to my beloved Father and Mother, who have given me sincere moral, material, and prayerful help, so that I can finish my college. 6. Nabilah Syidrah,Ruri Arindri, and Yenni Tri Astuti as my best friend and as my encouragement. 7. Komunitas Aleut Bandung who has helped me fined a book about tourism Bandung to finish my paper. 8. Actor and actress Cut Meyriska and Ajun Perwira as my idol to motivate and inspire me in making this paper. 9. For all friends Solidas Class B. Thank you for the compactness so far.

Medan, 2019

The Writer,

Winda Farisca



TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTHOR’S DECLARATION………………………………………………… i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION……………………………………………… ii ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………….. iii ABSTRAK……………………………………………………………………… iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………… v TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………… vi

1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 The Background of Study……………………………………………………….. 1 1.2 The Problem of Study…………………………………………………………… 3 1.3 The Scope of Study……………………………………………………………… 3 1.4 The Reason for Choosing This Topic…………………………………………… 3 1.5 The Purpose of Study…………………………………………………………… 3 1.6 The Method of Study……………………………………………………………. 4

2. RIVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE…………………………………… 5 2.1 Definition of Tourism……………………..……………………………………. 5 2.2 Types of Tourism……………………………………………………………….. 7 2.3 Tourist Object and Tourist Attraction…………………………………………… 9 2.4 Facilities and Infrastructure…...……………………………………………….... 10

3. DISCUSSION…………………………………………………………………... 13 3.1 Brief Description about Ciwidey Bandung……………………………………… 13 3.2 Socio-Economic Condition…………………………..………………………….. 15 3.3 Social Cultural Circumstance……………………………………………………. 17 3.4 Potential Attraction in Kawah Putih Ciwidey Bandung………………………… 18 3.5 Accommodation…………………………………………………………………..21 3.6 Accessibility……………………………………………………………………... 24

4. CONCLUSION AND SUGESTION…………………………………………. 25 4.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. 25 4.2 Suggestion……………………………………………………………………….. 26

BIBLIOGRAPHY……………………………………………………………………….. 27 APPENDICS





1.1 Background of Study

Bandung Regency area has many tourist attractions offers beautiful views along with interesting legends. One of them is Ciwidey District, which is in the south of the Bandung

Regency. In the area there are interesting tourist objects namely white crater. White crater is a crater lake from with at an altitude of 2.434 meters above sea level with temperatures between 8-220c. In the summit of Patuha Mountain is the crater, which is in the western part and below it white crater with an altitude of 2.194 meters above sea level. The two crater formed due to eruptions that occurred in the past X and XII centuries. White crater is located about 46km from the City of Bandung or 35km from capital Bandung Regency,

Soreang, toward Ciwidey.

The tourist presence is a blessing when it can add the welfare of the population of

Bandung Raya and its surroundings. Hotel residence and supporting facilities such as restaurants, entertainment venues and places shopping, as well as small and medium businesses get sustenance. Citizen visit from outside Bandung will be able to grow the economy and sustain the industry creative which is one of the advantages of the Bandung Raya community especially

West in general.

Ciwidey tourist area unit as one part of the product tourism has distinctive characteristics as mixed goods between public goods and private goods with complex forming elements from various fields and disciplines and different cultural backgrounds. The conditions that occur within this region must see as a social phenomenon from a perspective system so that it requires

1 1


serious handling from various related parties directly in a synergistic relationship pattern so that every problem, which develops in the region.

Ciwidey area with White Crater and Situ Patenggang are natural tourism or ecotourism as a type of special interest tourism highlight the symptoms, uniqueness and beauty of nature. That integrated planning is needed so that mistakes have been many alleged to the world of tourism as a destructor and too chasing to growth (boosterish and product oriented) does not occur. On the side, another, this Ciwidey tourist area with all its problems is demand to be able to compete with other regions and to be in a healthy manner to bring in as many tourists as possible. “That is needed an integration between the role of government, business entities and society. This integration must be harmonious, balanced and harmonized in order to realize it national tourism potential that has competitiveness capability, both at the level regional and global”. (PP No.67 of




1.2 The Problem of Study

Based on the background the problem of this study is:

1. What potential resource does kawah putih as a tourism object?

1.3 The Scope of Study

The scope of the study has important role in writing this paper. It is use to limit the focus of the paper. This paper is focus on the describing of tourism object on kawah putih Ciwidey and describing the potential offerings of natural attractions in the area of white crater and Ciwidey.

1.4 The Reason for Choosing this Study

The reason why the writer choose this topic because Kawah putih is one of an interesting tourist object with its stunning naturally beauty, but there are still shortcomings due the lack of lighting and there are still many illegal collection that have not been developed optimally. The writer want to discuss about potential resources contained in the kawah putih that it becomes a tourist attraction, will attract more local and foreign tourists.

1.5 The Purpose of Study

In writing this paper, there are purpose of study, they is:

1. To find out potential resources of Kawah putih as a touris object.



1.6 The Method of Study

In writing this paper, the writer uses one method of research method.

There is :

1. Library research

Library research is a kind of method research that is used to find certain data, information from articles in internet and theories by reading and collecting some books, which are relevant.





2.1 Definition of Tourism

Tourism is a journey that are carried out temporarily, held from one place to another, with the intention of not for business or looking for work in the place visited, but only to enjoy the trip for sightseeing and recreation or to fulfill various diverse desires.

(Prof. Salah Wahab, in Yoeti, 1982:107) “ A purposeful human activity that serve as a link between people either within one some country or beyond the geographical limits or state. It involves the temporary displacement of people to other region, country, for the satisfaction of varied needs other than exciting a remunerated function”.

The requirement of destination should have the attraction in order to make the tourist or visitor attract to visit that destination. There are some categories of tourism. They are :

1. Ecotourism

Ecotourism is a tourism that consists in travelling to relatively undisturbed or uncontaminated natural areas with the specific objectives of learning, admiring, and enjoying the scenery and its flora, fauna. Cultural heritage are the primary attractions, as well as any existing cultural manifestations found in the areas Ecotourism is intend to offer tourist insight into impact of human beings on the environment, and to foster an appreciation of our natural habitat.

2. Agro Tourism

Agro tourism is a destination utilizes agricultural as main aim visitor.

3. Cultural Tourism

Cultural shows about custom culture, the tradition, as an attraction at a destination.

5 5


4. Nature Tourism

Nature tourism provides incentives for local communities and landowners to conserve

wildlife habitats upon which the industry depends- it promotes conservation by placing an

increased value on remaining natural areas.



2.2 Types of Tourism

The types of tourism are important to classify in order to complete the data for tourism review. Types of tourism can added in accordance with the times in area or country. (Prof. Salah

Wahab, in his book Tourism Management) said that

There are three types of tourism according to the purpose of the trip, is:

1) Cultural Tourism

The type of tourism whose purpose is to enrich information and increase knowledge

about the country visited. Get satisfaction from the results of a nation’s culture, such as

traditional dance and way of life the local community.

2) Health Tourism

Travel done for treatment or refreshes for health somewhere, such as: treatment by hot


3) Sport Tourism

The type of tourism that aims to meet the satisfaction of sports activities, such as diving

and hunting.

4) Commercial Tourism

This tour is often associated with trading tours because visitors usually come to visit

exhibitions or fair. Not infrequently, the exhibition, are enlivened with various attractions or

performances and arts. For example, fireworks show in Japan.

5) Industry Tourism

The journey undertaken by a group of students to an industrial area or factories to

conduct a study.



6) Social Tourism

It is a cheap and easy journey for those financially limited. For example is study tour.

7) Hunt Tourism

This tour is mostly done specially in countries that do have area or forest where hu ting

permitted by government and travel agency.

8) Nature Reserves Tourism

This tour is usually held a lot of special trip to the area of nature reserves, parks

protected, and so on whose sustainability is protected by the law.

9) Farm Tourism

Trips made to agricultural projects, plantations and so on where travelers can make

excursions for study purposes or for vacations only.

10) Pilgrim Tourism

Tourism whose destinations is to see religious ceremonies, customs or beliefs of a

community group. For example a visit to the ceremony of temple.



2.3 Tourist Object and Tourist Attraction

In tourist object and tourist attraction have differences, all the tourist attraction that exist in nature such as landscape called tourist object. While the tourist attraction is all the activity of the artificial or human works that must be prepared visit.

According to The Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 10 in 2009, Tourist object or tourist attraction is described as everything that has a unique, convenience, and value diversity in the form natural resources, culture, and the results were subjected to man-made or tourist visit.

Object and tourist attraction can be in the form of nature, culture, life style, that have attraction and selling value to be visited or enjoyed by tourists. In a broad sense, anything that has attraction tourism or attracting tourists can refer to as tourist object and attractions.

From the description above, it can be concluded that the tourist object and tourist attraction are same and related to each other. The term tourist attraction used by the author is the translation of Attraction in English, which means anything that has attraction, both physical and non-physical objects.



2.4 Facilities and Infrastructure

Tourism infrastructure is natural resources and resources humans are need by tourists inside travel in tourist destinations, such as roads, electricity, water, telecommunications, terminals, bridges. (Suwantoro, 2004:21).

Lothar A. Kreck in his book International Tourism at (Yoeti, 1996:186) divides infrastructure into two important parts, they are:

a. Economic Infrastructure, that can divided into:

1. Transportation is transportation that can bring tourists from countries where

tourist usually lives in a place or country which is the destination tour.

2. Communication Infrastructures is availability of communication infrastructure

will be able to encourage tourists to travel long distances.

3. Groups that include “UTILITIES”, the means of “UTILITIES” are electricity

lighting, inventory drinking water, irrigation systems and energy sources.

4. Banking System is the existence of bank services for tourist’s means that tourists

get quality assurance easily receive or send money from their country of origin

without experiencing service bureaucracy. Whereas for loyal payments, tourists

can exchange money at the local money changer.

b. Social infrastructures, that can divided into: School System, Health Service Facilities,

Safety Factor, Government Apparatus.

c. Tourism infrastructure, including:

1. Receptive Tourist Plan is all forms of business entity farmer or organization whose

activities are specific to preparing for tourist arrivals in an area tourist destination.



2. Residential Tourist Plan is all facilities that can accommodate the arrival of tourists

for overnight stays and for time in tourist destination.

3. Recreated and Sportive Plan is all facilities can used for recreational and sports


According Lothar A.Kreck in (Yoeti, 1996:197), Tourism facilities are dividing into :

a. The main means of tourism

A company that lives and life depends on the flow of people who travel, including

in groups these are: travel agents and tour operators, companies’ tourist

transportation companies, hotels and other types of accommodation, bars and

restaurants, as well as other restaurants, attractions, and other tourist attractions.

b. Complementary Facilities for Tourism

Companies or places that provide facilities for recreation whose function is not

only to complete the basic facilities tourism can stay longer in a destination tour.

Included in this group are sports facilities such as tennis courts, golf courses,

swimming pools, games bowling, hunting area, and other amusement.

c. Tourism Supporting Facilities

Companies that support complementary facilities and basic facilities and function

not only make tourists stay longer on a tourist destination, but a more important

function is tourists spend more the money in the place visited. Included in the

group this is nigh club, steambath, casino.



d. Supplementary Tourism

Provides facilities and basic facilities that serve not only to make tourists stay

longer but more importantly is to make tourists spend more money in the places

they visit. The supporting facilities are needed to encourage the tourists, since not

all guests require to come such services as night club, casino, they are not

absolutely needed.





3.1 Brief Description about Ciwidey Bandung

Ciwidey Tourism Area, South Bandung Regency is one of the mainstay tourist areas that are expect to be bring in large numbers of tourists. Have a climate cool and geologically has the right potential of natural resources for tourism activities, especially tourist activities related to nature. Very strategic in terms of communication, the economy, and also security. In the tourism sector, Ciwidey Regency tourism area Bandung has enough potential to be developed; in part, the potential is in the form of natural and agro tourism. Tourism potential and location the development is as follows:

a. Natural Tourism Areas, including: Patuha Mountain/White Crater, Ranca Upas,

Cimanggu, Walini, Situ Patengan, Cibuni Crater, Cisabuk Waterfall (Rancabali District).

b. Cultural Tourism Regions, including:Padang Mountain (Ciwidey District), Craft Center

(Pasirjambu District).

c. Agro Tourist Area, including Strawberry Agro Tourism, Tea Agro Tourism, Vegetable

Agro Tourism, Herbal Agro Tourism.

Nusantara tourists can be providing maximum benefits to local community. The answer is related to economic activity from tourism sector in the Ciwidey tourist area of Bandung

Regency. Then more localize the multiplier effect of an economic activity, one way the exit is to empower local entrepreneurs as actors. The local economies are expected to be able to reap some of the droplets from the output economy produced by entrepreneurs. Outside the region as economic actors the long terms tough is the core strengths of economy of a region. The category

13 13


of tourist expenditure, that refers at the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in the collection of

Tourism Statistics.



3.2 Socio-Economic Condition

The effect multiplier that occurs in the tourism sector will backfire for the local

community if only measured by the number of arrivals tourism. Tourists come to the Ciwidey

tourist area of the Regency Bandung only visits attractions and enjoys the sight beautiful, while

they sleep and eat in Bandung. They are more spending money in the city of Bandung, and

local communities in the Region Ciwidey Tourism will not get any effect. Public purchasing

power local is still crawling, index human development cannot rice significantly.

The condition of tourism should not only see from tourism arrival and growth of

investment, but must be reviewed further to the effect multiplier both directly and indirectly to

distribution of income to local communities, so that local people who are engaged in the world

of tourism can increase their purchasing power. Tourism is one of the most important sectors in

the Regency Bandung, which contributes quite a large amount of PDRB (Product Domestic

Regional Bruto) along with the trade sector (an average of 15% for more or less 5 years). The

most for the tourism sector is its effect multiplier, which can improve other sectors such as

agriculture, trade, processing industry, and other services.

The tourism industry cannot regardless of other sectors, such as agriculture,

communication, transportation. If tourism sector revenues increase, others will also increase

(multiplier effect). Tourism is the most sectors absorb a lot of labor, if seen from effects in

various sectors that will emerge with the development of tourism, in looking at the socio-

economic impact of tourism. Bandung Raya’s area has enormous potential and shows

increasing growth in line with the pace of growth culinary tourism itself. The conditions have

not obtained best utilized by local communities, to strengthen development of horticulture sub-

sector Ciwidey Tourism District Bandung.



Especially for Ciwidey Tourism Area, sectors can be identified informal economy in which there are various business units such as ones can see in the following graph:

No Type of Business Business Character

1 Transportation Help comfort travel activities to attractions

2 Restaurants Helping tourists to get food and drinks from

local communities

3 Souvenir Provide souvenirs typical of Bandung and


4 Grocery Store Providing daily needs for tourists

Government independence and community independence are manifestations from developing economic capabilities to creating prosperity and improve material life fairly and evenly which originates on community empowerment. Tourism development will run by itself if the community is given the right to manage resources nature that they have and use it for tourism development in the region.



3.3 Social Cultural Circumstance

The development of an area influences the role of the community in the surrounding area, especially the local population both directly and indirectly. Besides that, the fact of capital will be very decisive in the development of tourism, so that many businesses carried out by the community only have small-scale items such as souvenir shops and stalls. Without realizing it, the community will experience a socio-economic shift by tourism activities. Tourism is social phenomenon, which concerns humans, society, cultural organization groups and so on. The socio-cultural aspects of the development experts, there is a discourse that development is the actually for humans as a learning process. Within this path, the surrounding community is the center and driving force for developing their socio-cultural conditions.



3.4 Potential Attraction in Kawah Putih Ciwidey Bandung

Nature Tourism contributes to the expenditure of domestic tourists, which is quite large

on average Rp. 56.896(25.98%) which is expenditure the second largest domestic tourist in the

entertainment and recreation category. This amount of expenditure shows that Bandung Regency

tourism still has a special attraction for domestic tourists. The beauty of Ciwidey Tourism Area

Bandung Regency in the city of Bandung comfortable mountainous area, cool air, complete with

panoramas beautiful nature makes this area an escape from activities and daily routine of the


Tourism in Ciwidey Region, Bandung Regency has potential large to develop into

ecotourism tourism and agro tourism both from the supply and demand side. Appropriate land

use with the conditions it is suitable for agricultural land. Ciwidey Tourism area is a plateau has

very cool air, while the tourist area of Rancabali has a very interesting tourist attraction, these

two potentials must handle in an integrated manner.

Ciwidey tourist area is one form tourism development in Bandung Regency, which

includes Ciwidey, Jambu Sand and Rancabali. The tree places are interdependent each other,

Rancabali is the district that has the most objects tourism is superior and has very cold air, while

sand Jambu and Ciwidey are central to economic development, trade and marketing in the region

and access to objects tour in Rancabali. Where are some attractions in the Perhutani region, and

in managing Perhutani. However, tourism potential development will notbe achieved without

partnership serious among various key stakeholders of tourism.

At the Ciwidey White Crater, there are many different types of attractions that can be

visited, namely :



1. Situ Patenggang

Situ Patenggang or Lake Patengaang is a lake located in South Bandung with the scenery is still beautiful and cool. The beautiful scenery and the cool frsh air it offers is a hard to miss moreover, the located adjacent to other tourist areas make Situ Patenggang is always crowded especially during the weekend. Originally a lake with a very interesting beauty this is a nature reserve or a national park. Then since 1981, Perhutani began to manage Situ Patenggang into a tourist area. In addition to enjoying, the beauty of the lake is still cool and beautiful. There are many other activities you can do walk around the lake on foot while looking for the best photo spot to be a keepsake. Alternatively, you can also rent a mat and open your lunch at the beachfront Situ Patenggang Ciwidey. On the shore of this lake, there are many gazebo and mats that can rented, for Rp. 10.000 only. You also have the opportunity to rent a boat to surround the lake or Situ Patenggang and stop by at Batu love.

If you want to rent a boat in natural attractions Situ Patenggang there are two alternatives for tourists. That is by paying directly when buying a ticket entry or can also when already in the location Situ Patenggang. The price if going around in the outer circle and stop at Batu love for half an hour is Rp.20.000 per person. Meanwhile, if you surround the circumference of lake and island of Situ Patenggang only. Without stopping at Batu love is charged Rp.10.000 per person.

If you want to get around the lake on a boat that only contains you and your family can also.

Rowing boats can rent at a price of Rp. 150.000 per boat. You can also surround the lake with a different sensation that is by hiring a water bike. The rent is Rp.40.000 per bicycle for 60 minutes or an hour. One bicycles can filled by two adults, which means per individual just pay

Rp.20.000 only.



2. Cimanggu Hot Spring

Cimanggu hot springs is a lovely spot, reasonably maintained, usually not to crowded, and on the main road. It is about one and a half hour’s drive from Bandung and accessible by public transportation. The hot springs channeled into a small shallow pool for children and a large hot water pool. Right behind the pool rise the steep, forest covered flanks of Mt.Patuha.

Here there is not the hustle and bustle or the overly commercial atmosphere found at other hot springs. This is a place to relax, to swim or just soak. Closed bathing cabins are on the premises, as are shelters for picnicking. Food stalls sell snacks and bandrek (ginger tea).

Basic accommodation for six persons each, but it seems you cannot book from Bandung.

For the more adventurous, a camping ground (Rancaupas) is on the right just before Cimanggu.

Cimanggu Ciwidey hot springs tour included in a protected natural forest park area. In addition to Cimanggu hot water, bath which supposedly can cure some skin diseases. Also, enjoy the ride around attractions such as Cimanggu Flying fox hot water, Hi-rope, ATV, and Horseback riding on horse riding.



3.5 Accomodation

Accommodation is one factor that makes the visitors interested to do a tourist visit. The availability of accommodation in tourist sites is very helpful to visitors when visitors want to stay in allocation that they visit. Since 1987, PT. Perhutani (Persero) unit III and

Banten, developing this white crater area into a tourist attraction. This white crater tourist attraction is located on , Ciwidey Street, Bandung districts, West Java Province and is at kilometer 25. The address is the entrance gate or the tourist attraction, while for the Ciwidey white crater located you have to travel again about 5 km.

Facilities for visitors around the white crater is quite adequate with parking areas, transportation to the white crater, information center, mosque, and food stalls as well as paved road access can facilitate the tourists. To get there, visitors from can pass the toll

Cipularang continue to exit toll Kopo, and then to Soreang South of Ciwidey city. About 20-30 minutes from Ciwidey city, visible sign entrance to the entrances of the white crater attraction on the left side of the road. To go to the white crater from the entrance gate of the tourist attraction areas are advised to use the vehicle, do not walk because the road is somewhat uphill and quite far, which is about 5.6km or about 10-15 minutes by vehicle. Private vehicles can directly access the vast parking lot available not far from the crater. While visitors with large entourages who use buses, or public transport, can use a special vehicle in the parking area near the entrance gate, which is usually call ontang-anting to reach the white crater.

In the area surrounding the white crater, there are also some hotels or inns for tourists who want to spend the night in the region. One of which is Patuha Resort Kawah Putih. An inn with a simple concept of village made of huts. The services and services of the hotel services of natural attractions in this Ciwidey are very classy and include three star hotel facilities. Although



the shape of the building is made of woven bamboos in the form of simple booths such as saung or hut, precisely the value of the exclusivity of this in.

Transportation to the white crater tour by using public transportation such as bus can make your choice. Many inter-city bus or inter-provincial bus that travel route to the city of

Bandung whichever you come from, the first trip you have to travel is to the terminal Leuwi

Panjang Bandung. Then after you arrive at the terminal Leuwi long can be continued to go to

Kawah Putih location by using public transportation with route as follows : from bus stop Leuwi

Panjang ride Mini bus (L300) to Bandung-Ciwidey department, and you will stop at Ciwidey terminal. From Ciwidey take public transport with Ciwidey-Situ Patenggang, the flashy features of bus are yellow, and you can request to get off at the gate of Kawah putih. From the gate of the

White crater you can use the transportation that has been provide by the manager of the White crater Tourism object is the shuttle car.

Ciwidey White crater tour ticket price is Rp.15.000,- per person, for domestic or local tourists. As for foreign tourists will be charged Rp.30.000,-. From the gate of kawah putih to the top located is about 5 km, with the way up to climb up, of course impossible if it must be reached by foot. To be able to reach the location has also provided a means of transportation called

Ontang-anting at the rate of Rp.10.000,- per person to go home as one means of supporting the

Ciwidey White Crater, this car will be ready to deliver the visitors from the gate to the top of the crater. The name of ontang-anting is taking from the , which means pacing.

There are two parking areas for travelers visiting by private vehicle; the two parking areas below are located near the entrance gate and the top parking area near the white crater location. Low parking rate is: two-wheel to motorcycles tariff of Rp.5.000,- for wheel to car tariff is Rp.6.000,- . If the vehicles tourists parking below to get to the crater can be continue by,



using ontang-anting transportation services with tariff like those already explain above. Top parking rates: vehicle parking costs four wheels to car in the parking area above is Rp.150.000.

The cost in the parking area above is charge an expensive tariff, but of course, tourists no longer need to pay for the ride ontang-anting. For example: if a travel vehicle like a tourist bus, you use a passenger 15 people then 150.000 divided by 15 people the results will be equal to 10.000, this price will be the same as the cost that must be expended by tourist if using service of earring.

The difference is only a little that lies in the use of fuel oil.

The price of the entrance ticket of white crater above we get from a reliable source, because it comes directly from one of the managers of the attraction. That the tariff could change at any time without notices as during the holidays. You can also all travel to mount , which also became one of the popular tourist attractions in Bandung. To make your trip to the white crater more comfortable, the following tips, is: cold air temperature does not mean you are safe from the sun, use sunblock before the white crater. If you are not strong with the smell of sulfur, bring a mask. If you do not have a mask, you can buy it at the location. Do not be too long in the white crater because it a make you are birthing disturbed, you can rise briefly to the top and then back to the white crater if you want to see it.



3.6 Accessibility

Tourism activities are largely dependent on transportation and communication due to distance and time factors that greatly affect travel. The most important element in accessibility is transportation, meaning the frequency of the user, the speed it has can cause the distance as if to be close. Accessibility is a way to provide a means of public transportation for tourists who affect the cost, time and distance. In tourism, products are mainly objects and attractions.

Distance and availability of transportation facilities and infrastructure to the tourist area is the most important, the type, volume, cost and frequency of transportation to the place and from the tourist area will affect the number of tourist arrivals. The convenience of travel and transportation access to the tourist area should further improved to facilitate to the tourist attractions.

Accessibility to the white crater located in the area Ciwidey South Bandung regency can

reached with a distance of 2 hours by vehicle from downtown Bandung. White crater located

at high way Soreang Ciwidey km 25 is located not far from the tourist attractions Situ

Patenggang and can be reached easily when you bring a private vehicle because there are

many guide. From Jakarta, you only need to use toll lane Cipularang and exit through tollgate

of Kopo. From there, you must go to Soreang and drive to South Ciwidey. When using public

transportation, you can take a bus from Leuwi panjang bus stop to Ciwidey bus stop. From

Ciwidey bus stop, you can use a bus that goes to Situ Patenggang and down in front of the

gate of the white crater.





4.1 Conclusion

The attraction of Kawah Putih Ciwidey is a tourist spot in West Java Located in

Ciwidey Area. White crater is a Lake of eruption of mount Patuha. The soil mixed with sulfur around the crater is white, then the water warn in this crater is greenish white, which is unique from this crater is the water that sometimes change color. Kawah putih tourist attraction has a variety of facilities and uniqueness of its own. For the surrounding community, the existence of kawah putih is very significant impact, among others, many people who depend on living by trading, increase income for local Government, open many business opportunities for the community around for example the number of people who open lodging, which makes the land for strawberry garden (typical souvenir from kawah putih area), etc.

Areas located in Bandung, West Java has a beautiful natural panorama, cool, and natural, so the obligation of all people to maintain and preserve the beauty of this white crater region Ciwidey this. Besides the role of Government and local residents must also be balanced so that tourists visit to the white crater. Facilities and infrastructure must maintain properly, as well as facilities in the white crater are further enhance so that tourists are comfortable while enjoying the white crater.

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4.2 Suggestion

Kawah putih Ciwidey Bandung as a famous tourist, strategy to develop white crater resort is the local government should be more concerned as a tourism resort. So the suggestion to increase tourist attraction towards the white crater region is :

1). The local Government must have a relationship with the industry engaged in tourism to meet the requirements as a good destination for the white crater.

2). Should be more attention to road access to the white crater, for example the addition of lighting or streetlights around the white crater.

3). Surveillance and security systems should be upgrade in order for travelers to feel safe when travelling around the tourist site.

4). The Government and the public are expected to give warning to the tourists, so that tourists can keep the environment around the sights, for example not littering and not throw lucky cigarette carelessly.




Andy Miliar dan A. Yakub. 1996. West Java Tourism Guide Book. Bandung : PT. PARIWARA MITRAMEDIA Gottfriend Roelcke and Gary Crabb. 1994. All Around Bandung. Bandung : PT. IKRAR MANDIRI ABADI. Jakarta Yoeti, Oka. Drs. 1983. Ilmu Pengantar Pariwisata. Angkasa. Bandung. Suwantoro, Gamal. 2004. Dasar-Dasar Pariwisata. . BAPPEDA Kabupaten Bandung. 2008. Dokumen Rencana: Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Bandung 2007-2027. Soreang: Bandung.



APPENDICS 1. Kawah Putih Ciwidey

The story of the white crater began in the 10th century, where there was a great eruption by the volcano Patuha. After this eruption, many people assume that this location is a haunted area because every bird that flies through the area will die. Over time, the belief about the haunted place began to fade, until finally in 1837 there was a Botanist with a German Nationality came to this area to conduct research. Researcher named Dr.Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn is very interested in the quiet mountain areas that even no birds fly on it, so he drive around the village to find information. At that moment, all the information obtained is that the area is a haunted place and inhabited by spirits. For Dr.Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, the public statement does not make sense, because do not believe the stories, he went to the forest to find out what was there. Short story, finally Dr.Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn managed to reach the top of the mountain. From there, he saw the existence of a beautiful white lake with a very stinging sulfur smell. Since then, the existence of the Ciwidey White Crater became popular and started from 1987 as a tourist spot that offers a unique viewing experience of a colorable lake.

2. Situ Patenggang


The name Situ Patenggang itself comes from the word “Pateang-teangan” which has the meaning of looking for each other. According to this story, a couple who had stopped in

Batu Cinta and surrounded the Island of Asmara is believed to find eternal love like two lovebirds Ki Santang and Dewi Rengganis.

One day, Ki Santang and Dewi Rengganis lovers love each other. After a long time apart, they looked for each other. Prabu and Dewi finally meet somewhere and make and appointment. Dewi Rengganis also asked her lover to make a lake and a boat to ride both of them. Then that is where the lagenda of Situ Patenggang story formed.


3. Cimanggu Hot Spring