The Global New Light of Myanmar NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM

14 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL NATIONAL HE difference between hu- man beings and machines is, humans have hearts, atomic bombs that can stop many but, machines do not. Hav- T people from breathing. We should ing a heart means to show kindness accept and protect the rights of hu- to others without discrimination. If a human being does not have a heart, mans, women and children if we they will die with no breathing. And, have a humanitarian heart. Every- A one should be able to receive edu- this person would be like a computer. A computer can do various things, cation without any discrimination. but it does not have a heart. And we should protect the rights A person with a humanitarian of women for a lot of women are humanitarian being discriminated in many places heart thinks “Human is human.” I agree with this idea. Because, the or today. I think that women have the igin of humans is the same. Thus we- abilities to do good for the world are brothers and sisters. We should and “All of us are the same.” If a Union Government, NCA-S UNSG Special Envoy on solve conflicts by discussions. We nation practices many discrimina- should not solve them by wars. tions, it cannot develop. In other I think that “War is a race of egos words, equality is the beginning of using lives and abilities of human development. beings. If we use abilities in other heart And then, children should be places, they would bring advantages protected from extreme punishment for human beings, such as health, and working in dangerous condi- education and more. If we can do tions by governments or commu- this, our world’s future will be bright. nities. Because, children are the Every intelligent person cannot light of the future world. If we can be a good person. In this matter, pass on our humanitarian heart to the heart has an important role our children, our world will become to play. The heart can decide peaceful. how to use intelligence that Thus, schools, parents, guardians and communities Myanmar arrives in Sittway brings advantages or disad EAOs hold preliminary meeting vantages to people. - can teach children to see the idea that “Human is Nuclear ener- gy can be used human”. We can tell them to produce that a humanitarian enough elec- heart can trans- tricity as form the world Pull-outwell as supplementto peace. PAGE-2 PAGE-6

By Htet Myat Aung Grade(11)

Vol. V, No. 181, 5th Waxing of Thadingyut 1380 ME Sunday, 14 October 2018 Int’l Day for Natural Disaster Reduction observed 2,500 disasters occurred in 2017-2018 in Myanmar, affecting 500,000 people

Vice President U Henry Van Thio delivers the opening speech at the ceremony commemorating the 2018 International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA

YANMAR has suffered Losses from Disaster Has the nomic loss from natural disasters aster Management and Emer- more than 2,500 nat- Power to Transform Lives”, and If every individual in 2017 rose by 63 per cent from gency Response (AADMER) of Mural disasters in the highlights the importance of re- 2016. He said global economic the ASEAN Coordination Cen- year 2017-2018, and five hundred ducing economic losses brought actively participates losses between 1990 to 2018 saw tre for Humanitarian Assistance thousand people were severely about by natural and manmade in disaster risk re- the highest loss of USD 400 billion on Disaster Management (AHA affected by it, said Vice President disasters. in 2011. According to the World Centre) as the region’s policy U Henry Van Thio. The Vice President, who is duction processes Bank, the ASEAN region suffers framework for One ASEAN, One He made the remark at the also Chairman of the National then society will be- an annual economic loss of USD Response. ceremony to observe the 2018 Disaster Management Com- 4.4 billion which is 0.2 per cent He mentioned that Myan- International Day for Natural mittee (NDMC), said the annu- come more resilient higher than the GDP of the re- mar had formulated the Myan- Disaster Reduction in Nay Pyi al international event was first to natural disasters… gion’s nations, he said. mar Action Plan on Disaster Risk Taw yesterday. designated at the UN General The Vice President said that Reduction 2017 to be in accord The Union Government has Assembly on 21 December 2009 with the aim to promote coopera- with both the basic principles spend Ks 5.585 billion in assis- with written order No.64/200. He al warming and climate change tion between regional countries and projects related to disaster tance and sustainable disaster re- said Myanmar began celebrating can be felt around the world, with and speed up disaster manage- management and the sustain- duction projects in the 2017-2018 this day in 2010 in line with the a study in 2014 revealing that ment operations, the 24th ASE- able development goals includ- fiscal year, he added. themes set by the United Na- 50 per cent of deaths caused by AN Summit held in Nay Pyi Taw ed in the Sendai Framework The theme of the 2018 In- tions International Strategy for natural disasters in that year issued the Nay Pyi Taw Declara- for Disaster Risk Reduction ternational Day for Disaster Re- Disaster Reduction (UNISDR). occurred in the ASEAN region. tion which agreed on adopting 2015-2030. duction is “Reducing Economic He said the effects from glob- The Vice President said eco- the ASEAN Agreement on Dis- SEE PAGE-3 14 OCTOBER 2018 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Union Government, NCA-S EAOs hold preliminary meeting

THE Union Government and On behalf of the EAOs, Vice the Nationwide Ceasefire Agree- Chairman of the KNU Pado Saw ment Signatories Ethnic Armed Kwe Htoo Win called for nego- Organizations-NCA-S EAOs tiation between them on prepa- held a preliminary meeting at ration for tackling challenges the National Reconciliation and ahead and make preparations Peace Centre in Nay Pyi Taw for coming meeting through yesterday. discussion and understanding. At the meeting, the gov- The preliminary meeting ernment side was represent- also discussed issues related ed by Chairman of the Peace with democracy and basic prin- Commission Dr. Tin Myo Win, ciples and other issues includ- Union Attorney-General U Tun ing time table and processes, Tun Oo, Secretary of the Peace self-determination and non-se- Commission U Khin Zaw Oo, Lt- cession from the Union, unified Gen Yar Pyai, Lt-Gen Tin Maung army, making political dialogues Win, Maj-Gen Tin Maung Win, easy and clear, agreements Maj-Gen San Myint, U Aung Soe, reached between leaders at po- U Aung Kyi Nyunt and U Zaw Representatives from the Union Government and Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement signatories of the ethnic litical dialogues, inclusiveness Htay while the ethnic armed or- armed organizations convene at a preliminary meeting in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA of all EAOs, strengthening the ganizations side was comprised ceasefire agreement and gen- of Vice Chairman of the Karen Arakan Liberation Party-ALP tion Council Shan State-RCSS U Chairman of the PC Dr. Tin Myo eral issues. National Union-KNU Pado Saw Daw Saw Mya Yarzar Lin, Vice Sai Ngnin, Member of the Cen- Win expressed delight for seeing The meeting came to an end Kwe Htoo Win, Vice Chairman Chairman of the Pao National tral Committee of the New Mon the friendship between the two with concluding remarks by the of the Chin National Front- Liberation Organization-PNLO State Party-NMSP Nai Aung Ma sides as the participants met leader of the NCA-S EAO leader CNF Dr. Salai Hlyan Hmon Sar Khun Myint Tun, Vice Chairman Ngay and Vice Chairman of the each other frequently, urging Pado Saw Kwe Htoo Win and Khaung and General Secretary of the All Burma Students’ Dem- Lahu Democratic Union-LDU both sides to give suggestions Chairman of the Peace Com- Salai Htalar Hay, Member of the ocratic Front-ABSDF U Myo Kyar Saw Lamon. at the meeting to produce good mission Dr. Tin Myo Win.—Myo Central Executive Committee of Win, Secretary of the Restora- Speaking at the meeting, results in upcoming meeting. Myint and Han Lin Naing

Leaders, representatives Traffic from EAOs arrive congestion in Nay Pyi Taw occurs in Mohnyin THE top leaders and represent- Khaing Kyaw Hlaing, Chairper- atives from the 10 ethnic armed son of Lahu Democratic Union organizations (EAOs) signato- (LDU) Kyar Khun Sar and Vice Township ries to the Nationwide Ceasefire Chairman of New Mon State Par- Agreement (NCA) arrived in Nay ty (NMSP) Nai Hanthar, Karen TRAFFIC came to a halt at Pyi Taw yesterday afternoon to National Union (KNU) Chairman the corner of Mt Hlwekhan attend an exclusive meeting be- Saw Mutu Say Poe, Secretary of near Mawham village on tween them and the Union Gov- Karen National Union/Karen Na- Shwebo-Myitkyina road due ernment. tional Liberation Army – Peace to heavy rains on 13 October Chairman of Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO) Khun Okkar The leaders and represent- Council (KNU/KNLA-PC) Dr. and local people helped ease arrives at a hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA atives of the EAOs include Saw Naw Ka Paw Htoo, chairman the difficulties of travelers. Hae Sey from Democratic Karen of Democratic Karen Buddhist “Due to relentless rains, Buddhist Army (DKBA), Salai Army (DKBA) Saw Mo Shay the road becomes slippery, Yanku Kyone from Chin Na- and Vice chairperson of Arakan muddy and full of holes. So it tional Front (CNF), Chairman Liberation Party (ALP) Khaing is difficult for heavy vehicles to of Pa-O National Liberation Or- Soe Naing Aung. They were climb up and climb down the ganization (PNLO) Khun Okkar, welcomed by officials at the Nay road and traffic interruption Central Committee member of Pyi Taw International Airport.— happened three times today. Arakan Liberation Party (ALP) MNA "The situation is danger- ous for travellers and local people are helping them”, said U Aung Kyaw Soe of Mawhan village. Vehicles frequently over- turned at that corner causing deaths and injuries to the trav- elers as well as frequent traffic blockages. As a result, local people want the road to be upgrad- ed to the one which is easily Vice Chairman of the New Mon State party Nai Han Thar arrives at a Karen National Union (KNU) Chairman Saw Mutu Say Poe arrives at a accessible in all weathers. hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA hotel in Nay Pyi Taw. PHOTO: MNA —Ni Toe/MDN 14 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR NATIONAL 3

Nation Building

In the process of establishing a peaceful, prosperous and resilient nation, we must take account of the need to strength- en the mechanisms and institutions of government. It is of paramount importance to uphold rule of law, ensure the mental and physical wellbeing of our citizens, provide for equality of taxation, deliver basic services to our people, including education, health and social services, transportation, communication and infrastructure development, and to strengthen the administrative mechanisms of government. (Excerpted from the report on the current work of the Union Government, delivered at the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw on 19 September 2018) Int’l Day for Natural Disaster Reduction observed

FROM PAGE-1 schemes that we devise. He said the economic loss The Vice President said from natural disasters need to laws and bylaws related to nat- be reduced as the theme for ural disaster management have this year suggests, to allow a been enacted and are being led more disaster-resilient society to by the National Disaster Man- emerge that created opportuni- agement Committee and further ties for all citizens to participate facilitated by the subcommittees in, regardless of age or social in the regions, states, districts class. and townships. The Vice President said dis- He also mentioned the var- aster risk reduction is something ious accomplishments and on- every relevant government de- going processes carried out by partment, domestic and interna- relevant authorities, including tional organization, and human- conducting seminars to raise itarian agency should consider awareness on natural disasters, as an indispensable operation capacity building workshops, to their organization. He said if public roleplaying rehearsals, every individual actively partic- Vice President U Henry Van Thio observes the picture gallery exhibited at the 2018 International Day for building cyclone shelters, roads ipates in disaster risk reduction Natural Disaster Reduction event held in Nay Pyi Taw yesterday. PHOTO: MNA and bridges for evacuation, mul- processes then society will be- tipurpose buildings, and acquir- come more resilient to natural the International Day for Natural were Union Ministers Lt-Gen Myint, Permanent Secretaries, ing various vehicles for use in disasters while simultaneously Disaster Reduction. Sein Win, U Thant Sin Maung, directors-general, deputy di- rescue operations. reducing losses from natural Afterwards, the Vice Presi- Dr. Win Myat Aye and Nai Thet rectors-general, ambassadors The Vice President said disasters and developing the dent took a documentary photo Lwin, Nay Pyi Taw Council and chargé d’affaires of foreign natural disasters are a major economy. with the invited guest and then Chairman Dr. Myo Aung, Dep- embassies based in Myanmar, hinderance to a nation’s sus- Next, UNFPA representa- toured around the commemora- uty Ministers U Win Maw Tun invited guests from UN agen- tainable development and thus tive Ms. Janet E. Jackson read tive exhibitions for 2018 Interna- and U Soe Aung, Secretary of cies, international organizations, disaster risk reduction action the UN Secretary-General’s cor- tional Day for Natural Disaster Amyotha Hluttaw Agriculture, INGOs and NGOs, members of points should be included in all respondence which was followed Reduction. Livestock and Irrigation De- the media, and other officials. master strategies and project by a viewing of a documentary on Attending the ceremony velopment Committee Dr. Win —MNA

Steps closer to publishing Myanmar encyclopedic series, 100 Myanmar classic series

A DRAFT of the first volume of after discussing the issue with the Myanmar encyclopedia is attendees of the meeting. The having its finishing touches done meeting also focused on speedy by experts and is expected to be publishing and distribution of the finalized in the second week of books. December. The work on re-publishing The Ministry of Information the Myanmar Encyclopedia start- and experts are working on pub- ed in 2017. lishing the encyclopedic series Meanwhile, the first volume and 100 Myanmar Classics series. of a series of 100 Myanmar clas- At the coordination meeting sics is expected to complete its Union Minister Dr. Pe Myint visits the Mirror Daily's Advertising Department on Mahabandoola Road in . to publish the Myanmar Ency- binding by October and Sarpay PHOTO: MNA clopedic series and a series of Lawka Publishing House will be putting finishing touches on the formed to arrange its publication and Periodicals Enterprise on 100 Myanmar classics, held at publishing the first volume. third volume and will print it in Following the meeting, the Theinbyu Road. the Printing and Publishing De- The second volume is being early November. The 100 Myan- Union Minister inspected prepa- Union Minister Dr. Pe My- partment on Theinbyu Road in prepared by the Sarpay Beikman mar Classics series will include rations including sound system int also visited the Advertising Yangon, Union Minister for Infor- and it is expected to come out at novels, short stories, poems, es- and broadcasting for holding pa- Department of the Mirror Daily mation Dr. Pe Myint attended to the end of this month. says, plays and many literature per reading sessions and forums and inspected the department’s the needs for finishing the work Sarpay Beikman is also sectors; a group of experts was at the Head Office of the News public services.— MNA 14 OCTOBER 2018 4 LOCAL NEWS THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Five-year project targets persons with

DEPUTY CHIEF EDITOR Aye Min Soe vision impairment nationwide [email protected]


SENIOR TRANSLATORS YANGON Region government Zaw Min, is currently implementing a [email protected] five-year project from 2017 to Win Ko Ko Aung, 2021 to help people who are [email protected] blind and visually impaired on INTERNATIONAL NEWS EDITOR a national scale, said U Naing Ye Htut Tin, Ngan Lynn, Yangon Region [email protected] Minister for Social Affairs at LOCAL NEWS EDITORS the celebration event of the Tun Tun Naing (Editor), World Sight Day held on 11 Oc- [email protected] tober at the National Eye Bank Nwe Nwe Tun (Sub-editor), [email protected] of the Yangon Eye Hospital. The World Sight Day is TRANSLATORS annually celebrated on the Khaing Thanda Lwin, Hay Mar Tin Win, second Thursday in October Ei Myat Mon in all member countries of the Zaw Htet Oo World Health Organization. Kyaw Zin Lin This year’s motto of the day Kyaw Zin Tun is “Universal Eye Health: Eye Yangon Region Minister for Social Affairs U Naing Ngan Lynn looks at documentary photos displayed at the REPORTER Care Everywhere”. The first celebration event of the World Sight Day held on 11 October at the Yangon Eye Hospital. PHOTO: YANGON May Thet Hnin, ever celebration of the day was REGION GOVERNMENT [email protected] mar, providing eye cares and the [email protected] held in Myanmar in 2000. 400 patients on a daily basis. Ex- ple in need in cooperation with “The national project ratio of eye patients and doctors tensive services have also been related ministries and well-wish- PHOTOGRAPHER aims to offer necessary cares is 150,000 to 1. Continuous efforts provided to patients through the ers. In their field trips in the last Kyaw Zeya Win @ Phoe Khwar to persons with vision disa- have yearly been made by the hospital’s eight specialist depart- year, eye specialists offered free

COMPUTER TEAM bilities throughout the nation authorities so as to achieve uni- ments, including Department of surgical and medical treatment Tun Zaw, Thein Ngwe, between 2017 and 2021, raising versal coverage in primary eye Hepatology, Department of Hepa- to people in Danubyu, Labutta, Zaw Zaw Aung, Ye Naing Soe, helping hands for the target care, including offering eye care tobiliary Surgery, Department of Gyobingauk, Moenyo and Sittway Hnin Pwint, Kay Khaing Win, population”,U Naing Ngan at schools, field trips to cure ru- Nephrology, Department of Res- Sanda Hnin, Thein Htwe towns. To offer better eye care to Lynn said. He told the gather- ral people with eye diseases and piratory Medicine, Department local patients, the hospital made EDITORIAL SECTION ing that the most common eye giving primary eye care trainings, of Rheumatology, Department of collaboration with international (+95) (01)8604529, diseases in Myanmar are cata- he added. Thoracic Surgery, Department of bodies from Japan, Singapore, Fax — (+95) (01) 8604305 ract, glaucoma, poor eyesight, U Naing Ngan Lynn said Urology and Physical Medicine Australia, the U.S. and the Neth- CIRCULATION & DISTRIBUTION injuries, eye diseases caused “The 150-bed Yangon Eye Hos- and Rehabilitation Unit. In addi- erlands. San Lwin, (+95) (01) 8604532, by diabetes and hypertension. pital was opened since 1993, tion, between 85 and 100 patients Also present on the celebra- Hotline - 09 974424114 The cataract is responsible offering healthcare services to are daily undergone eye surger- tion of the World Sight Day were ADVERTISING & MARKETING for about 60 % of the total eye patients with 216 staff, where the ies at the hospital on five days a officials from the Department of ( +95) (01) 8604530, problems. Thus, providing ef- majority of eye patients are suf- week. Also, emergency eye care Health, the Medical Superinten- Hotline - 09 974424848 fective care and treatment for fering from cataract, glaucoma, is given by the hospital daily." dent of the Yangon Eye Hospital [email protected] [email protected] cataract is expected to protect retinal detachment, corneal dis- With the permission of the and officials, officials from the people from vision loss. eases and injuries. On weekdays, Ministry of Health, the Yangon WTO and international non-gov- Printed and published at the Global New Moreover, there are about the hospital’s out-patient depart- Eye Hospital continues to make ernmental organizations as well Light of Myanmar Printing Factory at 350 eye specialists in Myan- ment provides eye care to roughly field trips to offer eye care to peo- as invited guests. No.150, Nga Htat Kyee Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, by the Global New Light of Myanmar Daily under Printing Permit No. 00510 and Publishing Permit No. 00629. Online applications for public services available [email protected] By Nyein Nyein within a day or a few days. Myothit (East), Dagon Myo- being shortened and were also APPLICATIONS for land man- Yangon mayor said YCDC thit (Seikkan), Dagon Myothit, being informed to the public on agement in some townships has been providing one-stop Kyimyindine, Thakayta, Daw- the website said the Mayor. in urban municipalities of the services to those who apply bon, Dala, Seikkyi Khanaungto, At the moment the proce- Yangon City Development Com- for land management matters Mingala Taungnyunt, Tamway, dure is such that even though mittee (YCDC) can be made since 2013-2014 fiscal year at Yankin, Insein, Mingaladon, works were conducted in town- through an online system, said the ground floor of Yangon City Shwepyitha, Hlinethaya and ships, districts and region level Yangon Mayor U Maung Maung Hall, every Monday, Wednesday Mayangon townships. but most were still being con- Soe in reply to a question raised and Friday during office hours. Moreover, YCDC extended trolled by the head office. As such by U Tin Tun Naing of Dagon YCDC has also started an online the online registration system if matters such as construction Write for us Myothit (North) Township at system to 18 townships in YCDC to Thingangyun, South Okkal- permits, tax and land matters

We appreciate your feedback and the seventh regular session of area beginning from 2 January apa, North Okkalapa, Hline etc. are delegated to township contributions. If you have any comments Second Yangon Region Hluttaw 2015. YCDC was accepting land and Kamayut townships begin- level, things could be done more or would like to submit editorials, analyses or reports please email on 9 October. management application online ning from September 2017, he speedily, said U Tin Tun Naing. [email protected] U Tin Tun Naing was asking from the applicants’ homes or by added. Systematic relaxation of Those who would like to ap- with your name and title. Due to limitation of space we are only whether there is a plan to pro- related YCDC Township office processes in applying for land ply for any land related matters able to publish “Letter to the Editor” vide public services on matters head, said the Yangon Mayor. management matters were con- can check for information and that do not exceed 500 words. Should you submit a text longer than 500 words such as paying tax, land issues, The relevant 18 townships ducted step by step in related details about application at the please be aware that your letter will be construction permit at township are sDagon Myothit (South), townships while assessment YCDC website edited. and district government offices Dagon Myothit (North), Dagon period of the applications were mm, it is learnt. 14 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR LOCAL BUSINESS 5 International trade scores big win in mini-budget period

MYANMAR’S external trade capital goods, raw industrial with foreign countries from 1 materials and consumer goods April to 30 September of the past were imported into the country. mini-budget period showed a sig- The country’s export sec- nificant increase of US$2 billion tor is more depending on the compared to the same period agriculture and manufacturing last fiscal year 2017-2018. sectors. Export earning from External trade in the past the CMP (cutting, making and six months amounted to $18.34 packaging) garment business- billion, which increases from es are rising while lessening its $16.3 billion of last FY. This in- reliance on natural resources cludes an estimated $8.5 billion such as natural gas, jade. The in exports and $9.8 billion in im- government is trying to reduce ports. The trade deficit narrows trade deficit by screening lux- to $1.3 billion from 1.86 billion of ury import items and boosting last FY. export. Trade via the sea route Myanmar exported agricul- brought in $14.1 billion, whereas tural products, animal products, border trade earned $4.2 billion, minerals, forest products, fin- according to data from the Min- ished industrial goods whereas istry of Commerce. — GNLM Value of external trade increases $18.34 billion in the past six months this year. PHOTO : PHOE KHWAR

Trade with Singapore increases by $368 million in five months

MYANMAR-Singapore bilater- Singapore include agricultur- goods mainly by sea. al trade from April to August al products, footwear, textile The bilateral trade was this year totalled US$1.633 bil- and clothing, minerals, animal at its peak in the 2014-2015 lion, up by $368 million from products and other miscella- FY, reaching almost $4.9 bil- the same time last year, ac- neous items. lion. Trade between the two cording to the latest monthly Its imports from Singa- countries was $3.7 billion in statistics from the Ministry of pore consist of food, rubber the 2015-2016 FY, $3.6 billion in Commerce. and plastics, fuel, capital the 2013-2014 FY, $2.8 billion in During the period, Myan- goods, intermediate goods, the 2012-2013 FY and $3 billion mar imported a wide range consumer products, metals in the 2011-2012 FY. of commodities amounting to and chemicals, along with Singapore is one of top $175 million from the Repub- other products. investors in Myanmar, hav- lic of Singapore, whereas its According to the minis- ing invested $2.163 billion in exports to the city-state were try’s data, the trade between the country during the last valued at $1.458 billion. the two countries was $3.8 financial year. According to When compared with the billion in the last 2017-2018 the Directorate of Invest- same period in the last year, financial year, which saw an ment and Company Admin- the current value of bilateral increase in value by over $870 istration, Myanmar has ap- exports rose by $46.6 million, million matched against the proved Singapore’s eight new while the bilateral import val- 2016-2017 FY. investment projects, worth ue increased by $415 million. In bilateral trade with Sin- $637.8 million this year. — Myanmar’s exports to gapore, Myanmar delivers its Shwe Khine Myanmar’s external trade totals $565 million in first week of current FY

OVERSEAS trade between My- deficit was $46.6 million. sea ports. The value of the na- anmar and international coun- Between 1 and 5 August tion’s trade included $484.7 tries reached US$565.5 million this year, the country’s imports million via non-border trade in the first week of the present exceeded $349 million whereas and $80 million through border 2018-2019 fiscal year, register- its exports hit $216 million. trade. ing a trade deficit of more than At this time last year, the The country chiefly im- $133 billion, according to the external trade was $288.4 mil- ports capital goods, interme- Ministry of Commerce’s week- lion, including $167.5 million in diate goods and consumer ly report issued this Friday. the imports and $120.9 million products. The current external trade in the exports. Its exports include ag- Call 09251022355, value rose by $277 million in Myanmar conducts over- ricultural products, animal comparison with the same pe- seas trade with international products, minerals and forest Thin Thin May, 09974424848 riod last year when the trade trade partners, mainly through products. — Swe Nyein 14 OCTOBER 2018 6 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Commander-in-Chief visits Wat Phu Temple, famous waterfalls, returns from Laos

COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of Buddhist worship. Defense Services Senior Gen- The Senior General and eral Min Aung Hlaing and wife his delegation were later enter- Daw Kyu Kyu Hla visited the his- tained with a banquet dinner toric Wat Phu temple complex in in the evening by Champasak Champasak Province in Laos on Province military commander 12 October. Brig-Gen Sukai Phimmasan at The Senior General is lead- the Champasak Grand Hotel. ing a Myanmar Tatmadaw dele- Yesterday, the Senior Gener- gation to Laos at the invitation of al and his delegation visited the the Laotian Minister of National Khone Phapheng Falls located Defence Lt-Gen Chansamone in Patsay District in the Cham- Chanyalath. pasak Province and observed The Wat Phu temple com- the 2,000-year old Manikhot tree. plex is designated as a UNE- The Khone Phapheng Falls SCO World Heritage Site and are the largest in Southeast Asia lies on the bank of the Mekong and is located on the part of the directly east of Mt. Phou Khao. Mekong River in southern Laos, The temple boasts architecture near the border with Cambodia. and unique structure from the The falls are characterized by Senior General Min Aung Hlaing seen off by Lao military officers at Pakse International Aiport in Laos 11th to 13 centuries during the over 4,000 islands and is known yesterday. PHOTO: THE OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF time of Khmer kings, according as Si Phan Don in the local dia- to archaeologists. Nowadays, lect. The highest falls reach to The Senior General and evening and arrived in Nay Pyi news release of the Office of the the site is a centre of Theravada 69 ft. his delegation left Laos in the Taw yesterday, according to the Commander-in-Chief. —MNA Coordination meeting for holding Interfaith Dialogue held in Yangon

MINISTRY of Religious Affairs committee and sub-committees will seek ways for overcoming and Culture held a coordination to work hard for the success of challenges of the democratic meeting in Yangon yesterday the dialogue. transition in Myanmar, challeng- to prepare for an interfaith di- Representatives from the es found on the road to peace alogue organized by New York- Union Government, the Tat- building, establishing market based Religions for Peace-RfP. madaw, political parties, ASE- oriented system, benefits of the The interfaith dialogue is aimed AN, International Committee religions, long lasting solution at supporting the national rec- for Red Cross, NGOs, religious for issues of development, hu- onciliation and promotion of leaders and experts will partic- man rights and security in Rakh- peace in Myanmar. ipate in the interfaith dialogue ine State. Divided into five work- At the meeting, Union Min- which is slated to be held from ing groups, the participants will ister for Religious Affairs and 21 to 22 November, 2018 in Nay discuss the title “Our Common Union Minister Thura U Aung Ko addresses the coordination meeting for Culture Thura U Aung Ko called Pyi Taw. Future’ during the dialogue. holding Interfaith Dialogue in Yangon yesterday. PHOTO: MNA for leading committee, work During the dialogue, they —MNA Myanmar, Bangladesh conduct UNSG Special Envoy on Myanmar coordinated patrol in Naf River arrives in Sittway, Rakhine State A troop of Myanmar border gu- two watercrafts led by Subedar rad force led by Police Superin- Abdul Razzak Border Guard tendent Tin Hlaing, commander Bangladesh (BGB-2) near the A DELEGATION led by the Unit- of Yet Nyo Taung Police Outpost at 8 nautical mile in the middle ed Nations Secretary General’s and Bangladeshi border guard of the Naf River. Special Envoy on Myanmar, Ms. force carried out coordinated Then, they conducted the coordi- Christine Schraner Burgener, patrol in the Naf River yesterday. nated patrol in the river reaching arrived in Sittway from Yangon Myanmar security 11 nautical mile point near Oo yesterday afternoon. forces on two water crafts met Shae Kya creek at 10:00 a.m. The Special Envoy and her with Bangladeshi troops on local time. — GNLM delegation were welcomed by Rakhine State Ministers U Aung Kyaw Zan and Dr. Chan Thar, and responsible officials. The delegation will visit Buthidaung and Maungtaw, meet with civil societies and will observe the ongoing activities in the regions.—Kyaw Thu Win, UNSG's Special Envoy on Myanmar Ms. Christine Schraner Burgener PHOTO: MYANMAR POLICE FORCE Aung Kyaw Oo arrives at Sittway Airport, Rakhine. PHOTO: AUNG YE THWIN 14 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR WORLD BUSINESS 7 World stock markets attempt rebound from rout

NEW YORK — Global stock took a pause on Friday as risk markets attempted to rebound sentiment slightly improved Friday with mixed results one day across financial markets,” said after ferocious losses sparked by analyst Lukman Otunuga at trad- worries over rising US interest ing firm FXTM. rates and the fallout from trade fights. Efforts at reassurance Wall Street stocks finished This week’s pullback was a gloomy week on a high note, sparked by a jump in US Treasury with the S&P 500 advancing 1.4 yields, along with worries about percent. But the session was trade conflicts and high valua- hardly drama-free and included tions. But markets appeared a midday swoon that briefly took reassured by comments from the Dow into negative territory. US Treasury Secretary Steven Even with Friday’s gains, the Mnuchin, who said Friday the S&P 500 lost 4.1 percent for the sell-off was not surprising. week, its worst since March. “I think the fundamentals Asia enjoyed healthy gains, are still very strong. The US with Hong Kong surging 2.1 per- economy is strong, US earn- cent, Shanghai up 0.9 percent and ings are strong,” Mnuchin told Tokyo adding 0.5 percent, at the CNBC. “So I see this as just end of a bruising week for inves- a natural correction after the tors worldwide. markets were up a lot.” Mnuchin Europe initially chased Asia also downplayed concerns about The closing numbers are displayed after the closing bell of the Dow Industrial Average at the New York Stock higher but gave up gains as the US President Donald Trump’s Exchange on Wall Street in New York. PHOTO: AFP closing bell approached. London repeated and aggressive attacks and Paris ended the day down 0.2 on the US Federal Reserve this percent, while Frankfurt gave up main skittish regarding the recent heading toward a policy mistake,” some signs of improvement. week, saying Trump “respects 0.1 percent. rise in bond yields and resurfaced said a note from Schwab. “The brutal selloff that en- the independence of the Fed.” “Markets appeared to re- worries that the US Fed could be Other analysts saw at least gulfed global stocks this week — AFP China’s export container Window of opportunity transport gains momentum in September narrowing’ on global growth: IMF

NUSA DUA (INDONESIA) — undermine confidence and Treasury report due out next BEIJING — China’s con- dices of the United States, The window of opportunity to growth prospects”. week. tainer transport for export South Africa, the Republic keep global growth on track is “With the window of oppor- That designation would be a purposes gained momentum of Korea, Southeast Asia and “narrowing” amid trade disputes tunity narrowing, we will act first for China and would trigger in September, according to Japan all rose to different ex- and emerging markets crises, promptly to advance policies a process that could lead to puni- new data from the Shanghai tents, the data showed. the IMF said Saturday, and cau- and reforms to protect the ex- tive steps after a series of talks. Shipping Exchange. The China Export Con- tioned against currency wars pansion, mitigate risks, rebuild The IMF appeared to take The average China Ex- tainerized Freight Index was as a US-China spat threatens policy space, enhance resilience, aim at the two powerhouse econ- port Containerized Freight first released by the Shanghai to boil over. and raise medium-term growth omies which are also locked in Index stood at 853.97 points Shipping Exchange in April The warning from the Inter- prospects for the benefit of all,” an increasingly bitter tit-for-tat in September, up 2.9 percent 1998 as a barometer of the national Monetary Fund came the statement said. tariff battle. from a month earlier, as the export shipping market. at its annual meeting with the US Treasury Secretary “We will refrain from com- market was still in peak sea- China’s exports of goods World Bank in Bali, after it cut Steven Mnuchin this week said petitive devaluations and will son, the exchange said in a rose 17 percent year on year its outlook for global GDP growth he had told the head of China’s not target our exchange rates statement. in September, higher than Au- this week by 0.2 percentage central bank about his concerns for competitive purposes,” the Since the beginning of gust’s increase of 7.3 percent. points to 3.7 percent for 2018 over the weakness of its cur- communique said. this year, the index has aver- Total exports in the first nine and 2019. rency. “We acknowledge that free, aged 808.63, lower than last months of this year rose 6.5 And the Fund further cau- However, he declined to fair, and mutually beneficial year’s average of 820.47. percent, customs data showed tioned that “everyone is going comment on whether Wash- goods and services trade and In September, the sub-in- Friday. — Xinhua to suffer” from a trade-and-cur- ington would declare Beijing investment are key engines for rency clash between the United a “currency manipulator” in a growth and job creation.”—AFP States and China, the world’s two biggest economies. “Risks are increasingly skewed to the downside amid heightened trade tensions and ongoing geopolitical concerns, with tighter financial conditions particularly affecting many emerging market and develop- ing countries,” the IMF said in a communique. It added that historically high public debt was also among The IMF has warned that ‘everyone is going to suffer’ from the US- the red flags that “could further China trade clash. PHOTO: AFP 14 OCTOBER 2018 14 OCTOBER 2018 8 OPINION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR OPINION 9 Stop the rise Formulating health care services for better health of ageing population in rural area of Myanmar Myanmar Daily Weather Report of tobacco (Issued at 7:00 pm Saturday 13th October, 2018) Dr. Than Lwin Tun, Dr. Nang Naing Naing Shein, Dr. Nyein Aye Tun, Dr. Zaw Win Myint (Ministry of Health and Sports) BAY INFERENCE: According to the observations at (18:30) hrs M.S.T today, the low pressure area over West Bengal(India) YANMAR, like for minor illnesses and makes and adjoining Bangladesh and North Bay of Bengal still persists. consumption other developing timely referral to the respective Weather is cloudy over the North and East Central Bay of Bengal countries, is facing higher centers for further neces- and partly cloudy over the Andaman Sea and elsewhere in the M the emerging issue sary management. Bay of Bengal. of increasing number of ageing While the Ministry of Social in Myanmar population. Myanmar Elderly Welfare, Relief and Resettlement FORECAST VALID UNTIL AFTERNOON OF THE 14th People Law (2016) has defined is providing social support for October, 2018: Rain or thundershowers will be scattered in those 60 years and above as el- senior citizens and the Ministry Taninthayi Region, Kayin and Mon States, fairly widespread in HE tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health derly people. of Health and Sports is formu- Naypyitaw, Bago,Yangon and Ayeyarwady Regions, Rakhine threats in Myanmar, killing about 65,000 every year due Myanmar’s 2014 Census lating health care services in State and widespread in the remaining Regions and States to the result of direct tobacco use, according to the World revealed that there are about order to meet their health care with isolated heavy falls in Magway Region, Chin and Rakhine T Health Organization’s statistics in 2018. 4.5 millions of ageing population needs, the active involvement States. Degree of certainty is (100%). Myanmar has experienced falls in life expectancy as death which accounts for 8.7% of total of local community is critical tolls from tobacco related diseases has gone higher. For males and population. Among them, 40 % for improving quality of life of STATE OF THE SEA: Squalls with rough seas will be expe- females in Myanmar, life expectancy has declined to 63,9 years and are male and 60% are female. ageing population especially in rienced Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coasts. Surface wind 69.9 years respectively according to the 2014 Myanmar census, Seventy percent of them is re- rural area. speed in squalls may reach (35-40) m.p.h. Sea will be moderate and the figures show that Myanmar has lower life expectancy in siding in rural area and 30% in References: elsewhere in Myanmar waters. Wave height will be about (6 - comparison with neighboring countries. urban area. By 2050, the propor- 1. The 2014 Myanmar Population 9) feet in Deltaic, off and along Rakhine Coasts and about (4-5) The burden of tobacco-related illnesses and death is heaviest in tion is expected to reach nearly and Housing Census; Highlights feet in Gulf of Mottama, off and along Mon-Taninthayi Coasts. the country. Although Myanmar has tried her best to reduce tobacco 20 % of the total population. With of the Main Results: Census Re- use for many years, significant increase in ageing port Volume 2-A OUTLOOK FOR SUBSEQUENT TWO DAYS: Continuation of it is found that the population, the increased num- services should be formulated mar since 1994 with the support of cept of Community Health Clinic on every Wednesday at Rural 2. Hospital Statistics Report, likelihood of decrease of rain in Yangon and Ayeyarwady Regions. number of smokers ber of people with disabilities according to the needs of age- World Health Organization. As the (CHC) model for strengthening Health Center (RHC) and Urban Ministry of Health and Sports FORECAST FOR NAYPYITAW AND NEIGHBOURING Although Myanmar and smoke-related and chronic illnesses became ing population. With the aim basic health staff are main service community health services to Health Center (UHC). (2014- 2016) AREA FOR 14th October, 2018: Isolated rain or thundershow- diseases are on the recognized. of achieving active and healthy providers at primary care centers, meet the changing health needs Those primary health 3. Elderly People Law, Myanmar ers. Degree of certainty is (100%). has tried her best increase. According to the hospital ageing and improving the qual- they are trained on health care for of the community and to utilize centers promote health status (December, 2016) For the people statistics report (2014 - 2016), the ity of life of them, the Ministry ageing population using manuals. resources efficiently. The opera- of ageing population through 4. Thematic Report on the older FORECAST FOR YANGON AND NEIGHBOURING AREA to reduce tobacco of the world, espe- leading causes of morbidity and of Health and Sports is provid- The local community including tional definition of the CHC is the health literacy promotion and population; Census Report Vol- FOR 14thOctober, 2018: Isolated rain or thundershowers. cially in least de- mortality of ageing population ing comprehensive health care NGOs and CBOs has also involved action oriented public health care lifestyle modification such as ume 4-L (September, 2017) Degree of certainty is (100%). use for many years, veloped countries, are non-communicable diseases services including promotive, as social mobilizers and health activity providing health care encouraging eating healthy 5. The Global New Light of My- non-contagious dis- such as Hypertension, Diabetes, preventive, curative and reha- promotors. services focusing on screening diet, promoting physical activi- anmar; From Concept to imple- FORECAST FOR MANDALAY AND NEIGHBOURING it is found that the eases together with Ischemic Heart Disease and Cer- bilitative services. Recently, the Union Minis- and treatment of uncomplicated ty, cessation of tobacco use and mentation of Community Health AREA FOR 14th October, 2018: One or two rain or thunder- number of smokers contagious diseases ebrovascular diseases. “Elderly Health Care Pro- ter for Ministry of Health and Diabetes and Hypertension and reducing harmful use of alcohol. Clinic (CHC) Model in Myanmar showers. Degree of certainty is (100%). are a big threat to Therefore, the health care gram” has been launched in Myan- Sports has highlighted the con- health care for ageing population It also provides curative services (11th September, 2018) and smoke-related their lives as well as being a huge health diseases are on the burden. Invitation to young writers This is the big- A sketch of English language and Myanmar increase. gest health threat for Sunday Special the world has ever By Myint Htun Aung (KGN) “American Dictionary of the English Language” than 80% of all scientific journal articles indexed by ten i.e. they are able to absorb the second language faced, killing more than 7 million people a year. More than 6 million EOPLE often talk about English as a glob- in an effort to establish a norm for speaking and Chemical Abstracts in 1998 were written in English. at that age. Before the age of ten, one’s intellect of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around al language or lingua franca. With more writing American English that was independent The increased use of English globally has had an cannot accept the burden of second language. The The Global New Light of Myanmar is accepting submissions 890,000 are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand than 350 million people around the world from the British Standard. By the late century, the effect on other languages, leading to some English result we are facing now is that students are weak of poetry, opinion, articles, essays and short stories from young people for its weekly Sunday Next Generation smoke, according to WHO. speaking English as a first language and British Empire has facilitated the spread of English words being assimilated into the vocabularies of other in English and even graduates are unable to write P Platform. Interested candidates can send their work to the According to research data, 44 per cent of men in Myanmar more than 430 million people speaking as a second through its colonies and geographical dominance. languages. English is easy to learn but hard to master a resume or a report. Most matriculation students Global New Light of Myanmar at No. 150, Nga Htat Kyee consumed tobacco, while quid with tobacco is consumed by 62 per language, there are many more English speakers Commerce, science and technology, diplomacy, art because it is a living language. Several skills – listening, cannot write an own sentence although they have Pagoda Road, Bahan Township, Yangon, or by email to cent of the men. in most countries around the world. It is the most and formal education, all contributed to English as speaking, reading, writing, learning and teaching, already studied English for eleven years starting [email protected] with the following Within Southeast Asia’s ASEAN countries, Myanmar is seen to commonly spoken language in the UK, the US, Can- the first truly global language. grammar and pronunciation – are required to be able from KG to Grade X. In this context, India which information: (1) Sector you wish to be included in (poetry, opinion, etc.), (2) Own name and (if different) your penname, have the highest percentage of quid consumption with tobacco leaf ada, Australia and New Zealand and widely spoken In the 20th century, the growing economic and to speak, read and write well. gained independence a year earlier than Myanmar (3) Your level of education, (4) Name of your School/College/ products. This is becoming the main challenge for our people’s health. in some areas of Caribbean, Africa and South Asia. cultural influence of the United States and its sta- Myanmar gained her independence from the retained English as a second language, producing University, (5) A written note of declaration that the submitted Smoking cigarettes and daily continuous consumption of tobacco It is a co-official language of the UN, the EU and tus as a superpower following the Second World British in 1948. Myanmar expelled the British and its a world-class group of writers such as V.S Naipaul, piece is your original work and has not been submitted to leaf products including quid are seen to be widely increasing among many other world and international organizations. War has, along with worldwide broadcasting in language English, prioritizing Myanmarsar as our Salmon Rushdie, Vikram Seth and Arundhati Roy. any other news or magazine publishing houses, (6) A color the people, both among men and women. According to a survey published in 2006, 13% of EU English by the BBC, the VOA and other broadcast- first language and diminishing the use of English In conclusion, I would like to urge education photo of the submitter, (7) Copy of your NRC card, (8) Contact information (email address, mobile number, etc.).— Editorial Besides, exposure to second-hand smoke can cause many of the citizens speak English as their native language and ers, significantly accelerated the spread of English in the educational institutions. In fact, Myanmar authorities concerned to focus on the teaching Department, The Global New Light of Myanmar same diseases as active smoking. Just as preventive and treatment another 38% of EU citizens state that they have language across the planet. British English is now was under British rules for many decades. There- and learning of English as the top priority in the of contagious diseases are being made, preventing and controlling sufficient skills in English to have a conversation, so undergoing change under the influence of American fore, the standard of English language of Myan- school syllabuses and curricula. At the same time, of non-contagious diseases from consuming quid and tobacco leaf the total reach of English in the EU is 51%. That is English, fueled by the strong presence of American mar people should be impressed by many other proficiency courses for teachers from all levels products need to be done. why English has become the most useful language English in the media and the prestige associated countries. Wrong and testing system in education from across the country must be conducted during Especially among students and children under 13 who have not to connect different language groups in Europe. The with the United States as a world power. A working atmosphere made countless numbers of students summer holidays. Outstanding teachers should be used quid, they should be prevented from starting to use it and to impact of Brexit on language policy remains to be knowledge of English has become a requirement weak in English. sent to the US, UK and Australia for further studies stop the dangerous usage if already started. seen, but it is possible that the EU will retain English in a number of occupations and professions, such After independence, English was first stated to as a sort of incentive. Call Not only teachers but also the people in the country and media as a key working language without the dominant as medicine and computing. teach in Grade V. At that time, the level of English Moreover, I would also like to urge the students Thin Thin May, are requested to participate in the nationwide campaign at schools presence of British English speakers. Thus, English has grown in worldwide use much language of a student was not so bad. However, dur- of all Grades not to focus just on one’s prescribed as a national duty while the government is conducting the campaign In 1755, Samuel Johnson published “A Diction- more than any other living languages. By the 21st ing military administration beyond 1990, English was texts. As English language is a very wide field of 09251022355 through mass media to prevent use of tobacco because the work of ary of the English Language”, which was introduced century, English was more widely spoken and written first started to teach in KG. The age of a child in KG study, students should learn what are available preventing NCDs and tobacco control couldn’t be conducted solely as a standard set of spelling conventions and us- than any other language has ever been. English has was about six each. A scientific study says that chil- within their reaches and what can be obtained as 09974424848 by the Ministry of Health and Sports. age norms. In 1828, Noah Webster published the become so important in scientific publishing that more dren should learn the second language at the age of much as they can. Reference: Wikipedia 14 OCTOBER 2018 10 WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Morocco Community fears grow as DR justifies 2015 extradition of Congo Ebola death toll climbs Saudi official GENEVA(Switzerland)—Human- RABAT (Morocco)—Morocco itarian workers are struggling to confirmed on Friday that in 2015 calm community fears in strife- it arrested a Saudi official, wanted torn eastern Democratic Republic by Interpol, and extradited him to of Congo, where 125 people have Riyadh, denying that this was a died of Ebola, and cases of the virus “disappearance”. The comments are spreading fast. came as the diplomatic fallout The World Health Organiza- continued over the disappear- tion said on Friday that 200 cas- ance of Saudi journalist Jamal es of the deadly virus have been Khashoggi, who has not been registered in the outbreak first seen since he entered the Saudi detected on 1 August, with 165 of consulate in Istanbul on 2 October. them laboratory confirmed and Turki bin Bandar bin Mo- 35 considered probable. The UN hamed bin Abderrahmane agency voiced concern over the al-Saud was arrested at Casa- swelling number of cases in recent blanca Airport on 11 November, weeks, especially in the town of 2015 on his way to Paris on an Beni, near the Ugandan border. “international warrant issued “Insecurity that has in- (the same day) by Riyadh for creased in the city is one of the disrupting public order via the reasons why we are seeing these internet and financial crimes”, new cases coming up,” WHO Fear is growing of Ebola response workers in strife-torn regions of DR Congo—including when workers enter a Moroccan diplomatic source communities wearing hazmat suits. PHOTO: AFP spokesman Tarik Jasarevic told told AFP. Bin Bandar, a former reporters in Geneva.The latest ers, including those who come into last week seriously injured when work... That is not part of our modus high-ranking Saudi police officer, outbreak—the 10th in DR Congo communities wearing hazmat suits they were attacked during the operandi,” he told AFP. was extradited to Saudi Arabia since Ebola was first detected to orchestrate burials. burial of a suspected Ebola victim. He said it was not surprising the next day “in compliance with there in 1976—emerged in the The International Federation that people living in an area affect- legal provisions”, the same Mo- highly-restive northeastern re- UN employee taken ill of Red Cross and Red Crescent ed by armed conflict would be “to- roccan diplomatic source said, gion of North Kivu, which is home A staff member of the UN Societies (IFRC) told AFP Friday tally overwhelmed with another requesting anonymity. to a clutch of armed groups. mission MONUSCO was among that it was doing everything it shock like the Ebola crisis,” and “This wasn’t a disappear- The authorities in Beni have the latest victims of the virus, the could to minimise the risk to its might have “wrong reactions”. ance, as some in the media have announced measures to protect UN and health ministry said on volunteers on the ground. “It is not unusual for us to ex- described it, but a normal proce- health workers after a number of Friday. The employee was ex- But IFRC Secretary-General perience these kind of difficulties,” dure, Morocco’s Justice Minister incidents where response teams posed in Beni where the health Elhadj As Sy stressed that the or- he told AFP, adding that much of his Mohamed Aujjar told AFP. were assaulted. Fears and mis- ministry said it was concerned ganisation would never resort to organisation’s work involved en- “The two phases, adminis- conceptions about the virus have by a “significant increase in the using armed escorts in the areas. gaging with community members trative and judicial were respect- led to widespread mistrust and number of confirmed cases”.Two “We never use military or to build acceptance of the Ebola ed after his arrest made on the resistance to Ebola response work- Red Cross volunteers were also armed group protection to do our response work. —AFP basis of an international arrest warrant,” he added. His comments cane after French newspaper Le Monde Saudi rejects ‘baseless’ murder claims over on Thursday published an arti- cle entitled “the disappearance missing journalist of Saudi dissidents” in which it described the deportation three DUBAI(United Arab Emir- tured and killed at the consulate. Agency. A Saudi official source quoted years ago as an extradition of ates)—Saudi Arabia dismissed Big names from media and he added the kingdom was by SPA news agency said it was convenience. The article said on Saturday accusations that business have already cancelled “in compliance with internation- “a positive move” Turkey had bin Bandar had come into con- Jamal Khashoggi was ordered appearances at a major confer- al laws and conventions”. Saudi agreed to the creation of what it flict with the Saudi royal family murdered by a hit squad inside ence in Riyadh this month and journalist and Washington Post described as a “joint action team”. over a land dispute and that he its Istanbul consulate as “lies and both the IMF chief and the US contributor Khashoggi vanished The Turkish leadership has had “posted videos on YouTube baseless allegations”, as Riyadh treasury secretary made their on 2 October after entering the so far stopped short of accusing calling for reforms”. The former and Ankara spar over the missing attendance conditional on the consulate to obtain documents Saudi Arabia, although pro-gov- police official was “discreetly journalist’s fate. findings in the case. for his upcoming marriage. ernment media have published arrested in Morocco by local A Saudi delegation was in In the first Saudi ministerial sensational claims, including that authorities, then transferred to Turkey for talks on the case, reaction to Turkish accusations Working group an “assassination team” was sent Saudi Arabia”, the newspaper which threatens not only to harm that Khashoggi was killed, Interi- The Saudi delegation, whose to Istanbul to kill Khashoggi. said. fragile relations between the two or Minister Prince Abdel Aziz bin composition was not immediately Turkish President Recep Britain’s Guardian newspa- countries but also to do serious Saud bin Nayef condemned “what clear, is expected to meet with Tayyip Erdogan has challenged per has reported that bin Bandar damage to the reformist creden- has been reported in certain me- Turkish officials in Ankara at the Saudi Arabia to provide CCTV had requested asylum in France. tials of Crown Prince Mohammed dia concerning false accusations weekend, state media said on images to back up its account It cited friends as saying he had bin Salman and the kingdom’s against Saudi Arabia... in the case Friday. that Khashoggi left the consulate disappeared in 2015. ties to the West. of the disappearance of citizen It is likely that they will take safely. French President Emma- As the controversy inten- Khashoggi”. part in a joint working group on Khashoggi, a Saudi national nuel Macron said on Friday sified, the Washington Post re- “What has been reported on the case, whose creation was an- living in the US since Septem- that journalist Khashoggi’s dis- ported Turkish officials had re- the matter of orders to kill him is nounced on Thursday by Turkish ber 2017 fearing arrest, criticised appearance was “very serious”, cordings made from inside the a lie and a baseless allegation,” presidential spokesman Ibrahim some policies of Mohammed bin and called for an investigation to building that allegedly proved the minister said in comments Kalin following a request by Saudi Salman and Riyadh’s intervention establish “complete clarity” on their claims Khashoggi was tor- carried by the official Saudi Press Arabia. in the war in Yemen.—AFP what happened to him. —AFP 14 0CTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR WORLD 11 Jetliner lands in US after world’s longest flight

NEW YORK (United States)—An I’m able to sleep on the plane.” Airbus jetliner arrived in Newark Flying from New York to Sin- on Friday after a nearly 18-hour gapore would be a longer journey, trip from Singapore, completing lasting an estimated 18 hours and the world’s longest commercial 45 minutes. The first flight in that flight. It marked the revival of a direction took off from Newark at route that had been eliminated 11:10 am Friday. Singapore Air- in 2013. lines only offers premium econ- Singapore Airlines Flight omy and business seats on the SQ22 arrived at 5:29 am (0929 flight—no regular economy seats. GMT), having left Singapore’s “Although you’re in premium Changi airport at 11:23 pm, the eco, you feel like you’re in first Newark Liberty International class,” said Alladin, adding that Airport website said. That made he had taken the same flight in for a flight of 17 hours and 52 2008. “The flight was very smooth, minutes. The flight had been very quiet.” scheduled to take 18 hours and 25 minutes. The plane was carry- ‘Ended too fast!’ ing 150 passengers and 17 crew “The flight was great, members as it traveled 10,250 smooth, enjoyable and ended Pier Messaggio (4th-l), Italian eletronics designer poses with other passengers of flight SQ22, Singapore Airlines’ miles (16,500 kilometers). too fast!” said Danny Ong, an inaugural non-stop flight to New York with airport staff after checking in at Changi International Airport in Singapore “I feel perfectly well rested,” engineer and flight enthusiast on 11 October, 2018. PHOTO: AFP said Kristopher Alladin, a 37-year- from Singapore, after landing in “We were served a supper of mium economy and $3,500 for a decessor. It topped the previous old Canadian. “I’m lucky because Newark. three choices after takeoff. I slept roundtrip itinerary, according to longest direct air link between soundly, woke up and realized the Singapore Airlines website. cities—Qatar Airways Flight 921 [there were] around eight hours Singapore Airlines orig- from Auckland to Doha, which left,” said Ong, who took the first inally flew the route for nine takes 17 hours 40 minutes. flight back to Singapore, straight years using the gas-guzzling, The A350 is these days after landing in Newark. “The four-engine A340-500 plane be- considered the go-to plane for crews were attentive, profes- fore abandoning it in 2013 be- long-haul flights, nudging out sional and responded promptly. cause high oil prices made the the A380, which was previous- Highly recommended if you are service unprofitable. ly the flagship for such long flying from Singapore to NYC in This trip was made with the distance journeys, and which future.” A one-way ticket from new, more fuel efficient Airbus carries up to 850 passengers, The world’s longest direct flight has touched down in New York after Singapore to New York on this A350-900ULR, which consumes more than twice the number almost 18 hours in the sky. PHOTO: AFP flight costs about $2,150 in pre- 25 percent less fuel than its pre- of the A350.— AFP US-China trade row not a threat to Guadeloupe author wins alternative prize in Nobel world economy: Mnuchin absence NUSA DUA (Indonesia)—US STOCKHOLM (Sweden)— later voted on by nearly 33,000 Treasury Secretary Steven Guadeloupean author Maryse people from around the world, Mnuchin pushed back on Sat- Conde on Friday won an alter- leaving four authors—two wom- urday against warnings that the native award formed in protest en and two men—on the short Washington’s trade fight with Chi- to the Nobel Literature Prize, list.A jury then picked Conde na imperils the world economy, postponed this year over a rape from the list, which also includ- saying that pushing Beijing to scandal that came to light as part ed Vietnamese-Canadian writer open up will be good for all. of the #MeToo movement. Kim Thuy, British author Neil The IMF has warned this The New Academy Prize in Gaiman and Japan’s Haruki Mu- week at annual meetings in Bali Literature was formed in protest rakami.Murakami withdrew his that the escalating US-China to denounce what its founders nomination last month, telling trade confrontation would hob- called the “bias, arrogance and organisers he wanted to focus ble global economic growth, as sexism” of the venerable Swed- on work and avoid the spotlight. the fund lowered its forecasts for ish Academy, which selects Nobel “I’m very happy and proud this year and next. But Mnuchin laureates.The Swedish Academy of this prize... Please allow me told reporters on the Indonesian US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. PHOTO: AFP was plunged into turmoil in 2017 to share it with my family, my resort island that President Don- over its ties to Frenchman Jean- friends and above all with the ald Trump’s drive to punish Chi- said, however that the IMF’s tion rolling out billions of dollars Claude Arnault, who was jailed for people of Guadeloupe, who na with tariffs to encourage it to warnings were “all the more in tariffs against China in a bid to two years in early October for rape. will be thrilled and touched adopt fairer trade practices would reason for China to be incented tackle its trade deficit and rein in Conde “describes the ravages seeing me receive this prize,” have the opposite affect. to address these issues with us”. what Washington views as unac- of colonialism and post-colonial the 81-year-old Conde, who is “Our objective with China The IMF Tuesday cut its ceptable trade practices by the chaos in a language which is both often among authors tipped is very clear: it’s to have a more outlook for global GDP growth Asian giant. precise and overwhelming,” the for the Nobel prize, said in a balanced trading relationship,” by 0.2 percentage points to 3.7 “Our objective is to increase New Academy—founded by more video message. Part of France, Mnuchin said. per cent for 2018 and 2019, saying exports and have a more bal- than 100 Swedish writers, art- Guadeloupe is “only mentioned “I think that if we are suc- that “everyone is going to suffer” anced, fair relationship where ists and journalists —said more when there are hurricanes or cessful, this is very good for US from a clash between the world’s our companies can do business than a week after the Nobel Lit- earthquakes,” added the writ- companies, US workers, Euro- two biggest economies.Tensions there on terms that are similar erature Prize would have been er whose work explores racial, peans, Japan, all of our other al- have soared in recent months to how they can do business (in announced. Swedish librarians gender and cultural issues in lies, and good for China.”Mnuchin with Donald Trump’s administra- the US),” Mnuchin said.— AFP nominated 47 authors who were a historical context.— AFP 14 OCTOBER 2018 12 WORLD THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Snowstorm kills at least eight climbers on Nepal peak: officials KATHMANDU (Nepal) — At would hopefully return to the four South Korean climbers, but least eight climbers from a South camp on Sunday, if conditions a fifth member had joined the Korean expedition have died on improved. Wangchu Sherpa, team later, according to Suresh Nepal’s Mount Gurja after their managing director of Trekking Dakal of Trekking Camp Nepal. camp was devastated by a vio- Camp Nepal, who organised the Dakal said they were still lent snowstorm, officials said expedition, said they raised the struggling to confirm if the fifth on Saturday. The bodies of eight alarm after they had not heard South Korean had reached the climbers — four South Koreans from the team for nearly 24 hours. base camp when the powerful Anwar Ibrahim is expected to easily take the seat in Port Dickson. PHOTO: AFP and four Nepali guides — were “After they (the climbers) storm tore through the area on spotted among the wreckage of were out of contact since yes- Friday. Rarely-climbed Gurja Malaysia begins by-election their camp by a rescue team early terday we sent people from the lies in Nepal’s Annapurna re- Saturday morning, but unstable village and a helicopter to search gion, next to avalanche-prone vote to pave Anwar’s return and icy conditions were hamper- for them,” he said. Dhaulagiri — the world’s seventh ing the search effort. The group of South Korean highest mountain. PORT DICKSON (Malaysia) — About 100 supporters greet- “We assume the incident climbers and their Nepali guides Gurja was first summited in Anwar Ibrahim set his sights on ed Anwar with shouts of “Refor- happened because of a snow- had been camped at the foot of 1969 by a Japanese team but no a return to frontline Malaysian masi” — his battlecry while in storm because trees are broken 7,193 metre (23,599 foot) Mount one has stood on its summit for politics on Saturday as voting opposition — as he arrived at a and the tents. Even the dead bod- Gurja since early October, wait- 22 years, according to the Hima- began in a by-election poll likely polling station. “Voter turnout ies are scattered,” police spokes- ing for a window of good weather layan Database. Four climbers to seal the once jailed opposition is too slow, Hopefully, more will man Sailesh Thapa told AFP. so they could attempt to reach have perished on its flanks and figure’s remarkable political res- come out to cast their votes after Thapa said a ninth climber the summit. Feted South Korean a total of 30 have successfully urrection. Winning the seat is a they finish their work in hotels may also be missing. climber Kim Chang-ho, who in reached its peak — a fraction of key requirement for Anwar to and factories,” he said. A helicopter reached the site 2013 became the fastest person the more than 8,000 people who succeed 93-year-old Prime Min- “I will see you in parliament and managed to land just above to summit the world’s 14 highest have summited the world’s high- ister Mahathir Mohamad, who on Monday,” he told an AFP re- the expedition team’s camp, but mountains without using supple- est mountain, Everest. jailed his former protege and heir porter, smiling broadly. were unable to retrieve any of mental oxygen, was leading the Thousands of climbers flock apparent on sodomy and corrup- the bodies. “Everything is gone, expedition, according to a gov- to Nepal each year — home to tion charges in 1998 when their Charismatic politician all the tents are blown apart. The ernment-issued climbing permit eight of the world’s 14 highest relationship soured. Mahathir Anwar campaigned hard conditions were too icy to contin- seen by AFP. peaks — creating a lucrative returned to the premiership this over the past two weeks to se- ue the search,” pilot Siddartha Kim is believed to be among mountain tourism industry that year after a shock election win, cure a mandate in the multi-racial Gurung told AFP. the dead, officials said. is a vital source of cash for the saying he would stay in power for constituency, promising voters Gurung said a rescue team The climbing permit listed impoverished country. —AFP only two years before handing the development, clean government reins to Anwar. and a boost to local tourism. Anwar was in prison when he He has not discussed the forged an unlikely alliance with accusations of sodomy — an Mahathir in a bid to unseat then act that is still illegal in largely prime minister Najib Razak, who Muslim Malaysia — while on the had called elections for May amid campaign trail. He has always massive corruption allegations. maintained the charges were Underscoring the drama of trumped up to derail his politi- Saturday’s vote, one of Anwar’s cal career. six challengers is a former aide But he has campaigned dog- who also accused the then-oppo- gedly on the multi-billion-dollar sition leader of sodomy, landing graft scandal at state fund 1MDB, the 71-year-old in jail for a second over which former leader Najib time in 2014. But the charismatic and his wife Rosmah Mansor fac- politician is expected to eke out ing dozens of corruption charges. an easy win in the seat, which Both face the prospect of was vacated after a member of spending the rest of their lives the ruling coalition stepped down in jail in a scandal that saw Na- Mount Gurja lies next to the avalanche prone Dhaulagiri range. PHOTO: AFP to pave Anwar’s return. jib’s coalition lose office for the Polls opened under cloudy first time since the country de- skies at 8:00 am (0000 GMT) in the clared independence from Britain Livestock farmers in drought-hit Aussie state sleepy southern coastal town of in 1957. Political heavyweights Port Dickson, home to a sizeable including Mahathir have cam- bogged down by dead kangaroos ethnic Chinese community that paigned for Anwar in a road back across the country has tradition- to office that was unthinkable SYDNEY — Many livestock The dams “become boggy, on the environment and on ally been one of Anwar’s pillars even six months ago. farmers in Australia’s New and as they do, kangaroos go in farming families.” One of Aus- of support. The duo went onstage to- South Wales are struggling to for a drink and get bogged and tralia’s most severe droughts “We are voting for the next gether at one campaign event, cope with a growing number of die,” farmer Lachlan Gall, who has hit large swathes of its ma- premier. We need an influential prompting wild cheers from sup- wild kangaroos dying from the is also president of the local pas- jor eastern agricultural states leader to bring long-overdue porters. After he was dumped as latest drought, with the carcass- toralists’ association, was quoted in recent months, with author- progress to Port Dickson,” said finance minister and jailed in the es at risk of contaminating pre- as saying. ities increasing aid for farmers 60-year-old voter Lee Tian Hock. 1990s, Anwar led a reformist op- cious water supplies in the state, “There are hundreds, if not dealing with low crop production “This morning, I prayed to position movement while fighting according to local media. thousands of dead kangaroos and livestock losses. The New Allah for a big win for Anwar,” to overturn his convictions. The iconic Australian ani- around” and the marsupials South Wales government alone retired truck driver Mat Taib, a Mahathir, his mentor turned mals are getting stuck in mud- “have to be removed before they has since rolled out measures to member of the country’s ethnic tormentor and now ally, came dy dams drying out in the heat putrefy and pollute the water rein in the number of kangaroos Malay majority, told AFP. back from retirement to lead the across the state’s far west, the supply,” said Gall, adding that competing with local livestock in “I want him to be our eighth Alliance of Hope coalition that ABC news channel reported on the authorities need to better grazing areas, according to the prime minister.” won power in May. —AFP Saturday. manage the animals’ “impact news channel. —Xinhua 14 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ENVIRONMENT 13 Grim search underway for victims of Hurricane Michael

PANAMA CITY — Rescue storm surge. Mexico Beach retiree, teams using sniffer dogs A mandatory evacua- rode out the storm at his carried out a grim search tion was issued for the town daughter’s house in nearby for victims of Hurricane of 1,000 on the Gulf of Mexi- Panama City and returned Michael on Friday amid co coast, but how many res- to survey the damage to fears that the death toll idents actually heeded the his home. from the monster storm warning is unknown. “I was going to stay — which currently stands “You hope that some- here until it turned to at 11 — could rise. how at the last minute a a Cat 4,” he said. “So I “When you have that bunch of people got up and followed the mandatory type of damage it takes left or went somewhere evacuation order and left Indian women collect coconuts after heavy winds brought by Cyclone Titli, as humanitarians some time to get in and else,” Florida Senator Mar- with my wife. warned that the number of climate-related disasters around the world is growing actually go through and co Rubio told CNN. “Luckily we did not rapidly. PHOTO: AFP do the search and rescue,” But judging from the get a surge,” Tenbrunson said Brock Long, head of number of homes reduced said of his home. “I’ve got Humanitarians see surge in the Federal Emergen- to “sticks,” he said “my two trees on the roof and a cy Management Agency sense is they are going to couple of holes on the roof. climate-related disasters (FEMA). find more victims.” I have been trying to patch “We hope to have 100 Rubio added: “I truly it up the best I can.” GENEVA (Switzerland) — “getting more frequent and million people to leave their per cent of the initial search pray I’m wrong, but com- The rest of Mexico The number of climate-re- more severe.” Friday’s con- homes each year. and rescue done in Florida mon sense tells you that Beach did not fare as well, lated disasters around the ference was aimed at un- Speaking to journalists today,” Long told reporters. if you were in that house and most of the beachfront world is growing rapidly, packing the humanitarian in Geneva, he also decried The Florida Panhan- when that happened you homes, restaurants and humanitarians warned implications of the findings the “increasingly distrac- dle town of Mexico Beach did not make it.” Search- stores were obliterated by Friday, urging more efforts in a landmark UN climate tive interplay between con- was pulverized by the and-rescue teams were the storm. “I spent my life to prepare and build resil- report this week, which flict and climate disasters.” Category 4 storm which using sniffer dogs as they savings and retirement to ience to looming changes warned drastic action was He pointed out that the crashed ashore on Wednes- sifted through the rubble stay here so I cant’ sell it on a warming planet. needed to prevent Earth world’s 10 most conflict-af- day, razing many homes to looking for victims. now,” Tenbrunson said. “I Climate shocks are from hurtling towards an fected countries, including their foundations with 155 just have to be hopeful that already driving displace- unbearable rise in temper- Syria, Yemen and the Dem- miles per hour (250 kph) ‘I can’t sell it now’ (the town) will be rebuilt ment, causing many to go ature. The Intergovern- ocratic Republic of Con- winds and several feet of Bob Tenbrunson, a and fixed.” —AFP hungry and are sparking mental Panel for Climate go, are also impacted by or exacerbating conflicts Change (IPCC) said the extreme weather events, around the globe, human- globe’s surface has already creating a so-called “pres- itarian workers said, cau- warmed one degree Celsi- sure-cooker” effect. tioning that the situation is us (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) Laganda pointed to quickly deteriorating. — enough to lift oceans projections that if the plan- “With climate change, and unleash a crescendo et warms just 2˚C, 189 mil- the shocks and hazards are of deadly storms, floods and lion more people than today multiplying,” Elhadj As Sy, droughts — and is on track will become food insecure. Secretary-General of the toward an unliveable 3˚C or “And if it is a four-de- International Federation 4˚C rise. gree warmer world ... we’re of Red Cross and Red Cres- looking beyond one billion cent Societies (IFRC), told ‘Pressure cooker’ more,” he said, adding that AFP in an interview. Gernot Laganda, who this “is a very, very strong Speaking on the side- heads the World Food argument for early and de- lines of a conference in Programme’s climate and cisive climate action.” Geneva on the impact of disaster risk reduction Sy meanwhile said hu- climate change on human- division, pointed out that manitarians had already itarian situations around climate shocks are already seen a dramatic increase in A train is tipped over by storm winds in Panama City, Florida, which was among the hardest the globe, he cautioned “significant drivers of dis- climate and weather-relat- hit by Hurricane Michael. PHOTO: AFP that such “shocks” were placement”, forcing 22.5 ed crises. —AFP

CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE CLAIM’S DAY NOTICE M.V XETHA BHUM VOY. NO. (1109W) M.V KUO TAI VOY. NO. (111N/S) M.V AS FRIDA VOY. NO. (006N/S) Consignees of cargo carried on M.V XETHA Consignees of cargo carried on M.V KUO TAI VOY. Consignees of cargo carried on M.V AS FRIDA BHUM VOY. NO. (1109W) are hereby notified that the NO. (111N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel will be VOY. NO. (006N/S) are hereby notified that the vessel vessel will be arriving on 14-10-2018 and cargo will be arriving on 14-10-2018 and cargo will be discharged into will be arriving on 14-10-2018 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of M.I.P/M.I.T.T where it the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at the consignee’s discharged into the premises of H.P.T where it will lie will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. of the Port of Yangon. byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claim’s Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after No claims against this vessel will be admitted after from the Vessel. the Claims Day. the Claims Day. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT the Claims Day. MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT AGENT FOR: M/S REGIONAL CONTAINER AGENT FOR: M/S SILKAGO LOGISTICS PTE MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY LINES LTD AGENT FOR: M/S NEW GOLDEN SEA LINES Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 Phone No: 2301185 14 OCTOBER 2018 14 SOCIAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Johnny Depp opens about ‘Fantastic Beasts’ casting row

LOS ANGELES — Actor Johnny had to take that. But ultimately, Depp has broken silence over there is real controversy,” Depp his casting in the film “Fantas- said. tic Beasts: The Crimes of Grin- “The fact remains I was delwald”, saying he felt bad for falsely accused, which is why author JK Rowling who had to I’m suing The Sun newspaper for defend him. defamation for repeating false Depp’s casting as Gellert accusations. JK has seen the Grindelwald in the franchise had evidence and therefore knows I led to a huge uproar as he was was falsely accused, and that’s accused of domestic violence by why she has publicly supported his ex-wife Amber Heard. In an me. She doesn’t take things light- interview with Entertainment ly. She would not stand up if she Weekly, the 55-year-old actor said didn’t know the truth. So that’s he was “falsely accused” and really it,” he added. Rowling understood him. According to EW, the “ev- “I’ll be honest with you, I idence” noted by Depp will be felt bad for JK having to field all presented in court proceedings Devotees of the Loem Hu Thai Su shrine parade during the annual Vegetarian Festival in Phuket on 12 October, these various feelings from peo- next month during The Sun def- 2018. PHOTO: AFP ple out there. I felt bad that she amation case. —PTI Ouch! Thailand’s cheek-piercing vegetarian festival

BANGKOK — As burning in- full swing. ligious precepts, and rid them- cense fills the air, devotees One man stuck two wrench- selves of meat consumption. It’s in trances force skewers and es through his right cheek, while actually a festival to ward off bad swords through their cheeks another shook his head side to luck,” he added. in ritualistic acts underpinning side and cut his tongue with an “The pierced men are the southern Thailand’s colourful axe blade, blood dripping down deities who descend down to — and seemingly painful — veg- his chest. Earth to show their miracles, etarian festival. A fishing rod, anchor and and the piercing means that the Actor Johnny Depp. PHOTO: PTI The Taoist “Nine Emperor part of a palm leaf were also put deities suffer so that people’s sins Gods” event held on the holiday to use, as festival-goers marched are cleansed,” said Pathompong island of Phuket, began on 9 Oc- in processions with the items pok- Reanthong, 24, one of the organ- tober and coincides with obser- ing out of their mouths. isers. Selena Gomez seeking vances of Chinese communities One man stuck two wrench- “The key to this festival is across the region who refrain es through his right cheek, while for the people to observe the re- treatment after suffering from meat and other indulgences another shook his head side to ligious precepts, and rid them- such as drinking and gambling. side and cut his tongue with an selves of meat consumption. It’s emotional breakdown As burning incense fills the axe blade, blood dripping down actually a festival to ward off bad air, devotees in trances force his chest. luck,” he added. LOS ANGELES — Singer Se- to seek additional help for her skewers and swords through A fishing rod, anchor and Many work themselves into lena Gomez seeking treatment ongoing emotional issues. She’s their cheeks in ritualistic acts un- part of a palm leaf were also put a trance before piercing, which after emotional breakdown in surrounded by close family and derpinning southern Thailand’s to use, as festival-goers marched is said to numb the pain. hospital following “tough” few has a lot of support. She’s do- colourful — and seemingly pain- in processions with the items pok- “The key to this festival is weeks. According to the Peo- ing better now and is seeking ful — vegetarian festival. ing out of their mouths. for the people to observe the re- ple magazine, the 26-year-old treatment on the East Coast,” The Taoist “Nine Emperor “The pierced men are the ligious precepts, and rid them- former Disney star was hospi- a source said. Gomez is under- Gods” event held on the holi- deities who descend down to selves of meat consumption. It’s talised twice within the last few going dialectical behaviour ther- day island of Phuket, began on Earth to show their miracles, actually a festival to ward off bad weeks, both times for a low white apy, a therapy method designed 9 October and coincides with and the piercing means that the luck,” he added. blood cell count, which can be a to help try to identify, and then observances of Chinese com- deities suffer so that people’s sins Many work themselves into side effect for kidney transplant change, negative thinking and munities across the region who are cleansed,” said Pathompong a trance before piercing, which patients. behavioral patterns, the source refrain from meat and other in- Reanthong, 24, one of the organ- is said to numb the pain. “She has had a tough few added. The news comes a few dulgences such as drinking and isers. Participants are expected weeks and the panic attack in weeks after Gomez announced gambling. A fishing rod, anchor and not to eat meat during the fes- the hospital was the tipping that she is taking a break from Participants on the island part of a palm leaf were also put tival. point. She realised she needed social media. —PTI — which has a sizeable Chinese to use, as festival-goers marched The celebration dates back population — go above and in processions with the items pok- to 1825, according to local folklore, beyond, piercing cheeks and ing out of their mouths. when a visiting Chinese opera tongues with an assortment “The pierced men are the troupe fell ill. of blades, spikes, skewers and deities who descend down to They are believed to have other, more exotic items — in- Earth to show their miracles, adopted a vegetarian diet and cluding petrol pumps. and the piercing means that the carried out Taoist rituals in an The festival, did not take deities suffer so that people’s sins effort to improve their health. place last year because of a are cleansed,” said Pathompong Walking across hot coals is lengthy mourning period follow- Reanthong, 24, one of the organ- also incorporated into the final ing the death of the Thai king in isers. stages of the event, which is October 2016. “The key to this festival is expected to draw hundreds of Singer Selena Gomez. PHOTO: AFP But on Friday it was back in for the people to observe the re- thousands of people. —AFP 14 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 15 NASA says will use Russia’s Soyuz despite rocket failure

MOSCOW (Russia) — NASA landing shortly after takeoff in part Dmitry Rogozin. chief Jim Bridenstine on Friday Kazakhstan. The pair escaped Appearing at times emotion- praised the Russian space pro- unharmed. al, he said he was “confident” a gramme and said he expected It was the first such incident new manned mission to the ISS a new crew to go to the Interna- in Russia’s post-Soviet history — would go ahead as planned in De- tional Space Station in December an unprecedented setback for the cember, praising the “wonderful despite a rocket failure. country’s space industry. relationship” between the Rus- “I fully anticipate that we will The Soviet-designed Soyuz sian and US space agencies. fly again on a Soyuz rocket and I rocket is currently the world’s “Not every mission that fails, have no reason to believe at this only lifeline to the International ends up so successful,” he said. point that it will not be on sched- Space Station and the accident The next Soyuz launch had Female pairs of mice produced viable babies, whose offspring went on to ule,” he told reporters. will affect both NASA and the been scheduled to take a new have their own progeny. PHOTO: AFP The NASA administrator work of the orbiting laboratory. crew to the ISS on 20 December. spoke to reporters at the US Bridenstine, who is visiting Russia said earlier Friday it Of mice and men: scientists embassy in Moscow a day after Russia and Kazakhstan for the was likely to bring forward the a Soyuz rocket failure forced first time since his appointment flight of a new manned space produce babies from same- Russian cosmonaut Aleksey as NASA chief this year, observed mission but postpone the launch Ovchinin and US astronaut Nick the launch from Baikonur cosmo- of a cargo ship scheduled for 31 sex mice pairs Hague to make an emergency drome with his Russian counter- October. “We will try to bring forward TOKYO (Japan) — A team of about the implications if similar the launch of a new crew,” said researchers has produced viable processes were eventually ap- Sergei Krikalyov, executive direc- offspring from same-sex pairs of plied to humans. tor of the Russian space agency mice, using a novel technology and veteran cosmonaut. that involves stem cells altered ‘Imprinting regions’ He did not provide further to remove certain genes. While During the reproduction details and a Roscosmos spokes- the applications of the research process, mammals mostly inherit woman told AFP that the space are largely theoretical for now, two sets of each gene, one from agency currently does not have a they could include improving their mother and one from their new schedule of launches. existing cloning methods for father. All manned launches have mammals and even eventually But a small subset of genes, been suspended and a criminal fertility treatments for same-sex known as “imprinted” genes, are probe has been launched. couples. inherited from only one parent. When asked about the ac- The study, published Thurs- For these genes, the set cident, US President Donald day in Cell Stem Cell journal, produced by the other parent is Trump said on Thursday that is the first time the method has effectively inactive, having been NASA astronaut Nick Hague and Russian cosmonaut Alexey Ovchinin he was “not at all worried” that been successfully implemented, “shut off” when it is transmitted. were greeted by family members and officials after landing in Americans had to rely on Rus- though previous research has If this “shutting off” process Kazakhstan. PHOTO: AFP sians to go to space. —AFP looked at other ways to produce does not function correctly, the babies from same-sex pairs. offspring could suffer from ab- But while the team was able normalities or even die. to produce viable babies from Mixing genetic material Tough CO2 targets ‘could cost 100,000 female pairs of mice, whose off- from same-sex couples runs spring went on to have their own the risk of the babies receiving jobs’: VW chief progeny, the mice produced from two sets of “imprinted” genes. male pairs fared less well. So the study used haploid embry- FRANKFURT AM MAIN (Ger- VDA German carmakers’ federa- drastic measures are needed to They survived only 48 hours onic stem cells, which resemble many) — Setting European Un- tion Bernhard Mattes labelled it avoid global temperatures rising after birth, despite a complicat- “primordial germ cells, the pre- ion targets for reducing cars’ “overambitious” and “gambling more than the average two de- ed process of gene manipulation cursors of eggs and sperm,” said greenhouse gas output that are with jobs”. Diess went into more grees Centigrade targeted under intended to eliminate abnormal- co-senior author Baoyang Hu. too ambitious could backfire with detail, saying that a more grad- the 2015 Paris accords. ities resulting from the same- They then altered the genet- the loss of 100,000 jobs, Volkswa- ual reduction in CO2 emissions Meanwhile the German car sex reproductive process. While ic makeup of the cells, deleting gen chief executive Herbert would make for a slower ramp- industry continues to suffer from same-sex reproduction might “imprinting regions” to effec- Diess said on Thursday. ing-up of electric cars — which the reputational damage of the seem an unusual avenue for re- tively mimic the “shutting off” If ministers aimed to slash take many fewer man-hours to “dieselgate” scandal, which re- search, many species are able to process in normal reproduction. carbon dioxide (CO2) output by build than comparable vehicles vealed vehicles worldwide were reproduce via methods that do In the case of the female 40 percent between 2020 and powered by internal combustion. being manipulated to appear less not involve a male-female pair- mice, three “imprinting regions” 2030, “around a quarter of the A faster decrease, by con- polluting. ing. Species including reptiles, were deleted from the stem cells, jobs in our factories would have trast, would be “barely man- Despite years spent battling amphibians and fish can repro- which were then injected into the to go in the space of 10 years — a ageable” as “by 2030 more than the fallout from such cheating on duce with just a single parent, but eggs of another mouse. total of 100,000 posts,” Diess told half of vehicles would have to be 11 million vehicles, Volkswagen the process is more complicated In the case of the male daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung. all-electric” with knock-on effects reported profits of 11.3 billion for mammals. “We were interest- mice, seven “imprinting re- EU governments agreed on jobs, he said. “Such a drastic euros ($13.1 billion) in 2017 on ed in the question of why mam- gions” were deleted and the on Tuesday to aim for a 35-per reduction means a painful revo- revenues of 230.7 billion. mals can only undergo sexual cells were injected into a mouse cent reduction in CO2 output by lution rather than a manageable In July, the European Com- reproduction,” co-senior author egg along with sperm from a 2030 rather than the 30 per cent transition,” he warned, adding mission uncovered a new trick Qi Zhou of the Chinese Academy second mouse “father.” hoped for by manufacturers, that “there would no longer be by car companies, accusing of Sciences told the journal. The nucleus of the mouse Berlin and eastern European affordable small cars built in them of inflating CO2 emissions This field of research treads egg was removed, meaning governments. Germany”. figures in current models to on tricky ethical ground, with pre- there was no female genetic While Chancellor Angela Efforts to fight climate make it easier to hit future tar- vious studies involving genetic material left and the fertilised Merkel called the compromise change are in stronger focus this gets for reducing output of the editing and novel methods of egg was placed in a surrogate “acceptable”, the head of the week, after UN experts warned gas. —AFP reproduction prompting fears mouse. —AFP 14 OCTOBER 2018 16 SPORT THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

Myanmar to host Group-F of 2019 Asian U-19 Women’s Football Qualification

MYANMAR will host Group-F in 2019 squad has begun practice activities Asian U-19 Women’s Football Qualifica- starting June and the current squad is tion in Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon made up of 26 players. from 24 to 28 October. Myanmar U-19 women’s demon- Palestine withdrew from Group-F strated three international warm-up in 2019 Asian U-19 Women’s Football matches before the first round of the Qualification. Only three teams includ- 2019 Asian U-19 Women’s Football Qual- ing host Myanmar have been left in ification, hammering Singapore with a the Group- F due to the withdrawal of large margin of 7-0 and losing to Thai- Palestine. Changes took place in group land with a narrow margin of 0-1 in the match schedule. The group matches will first friendly and 3-4 in the second. It be held for three days. There will be a also played against Myanmar national match in a day. Host Myanmar will play women’s football team in Thuwunna Hanthawady (red) and Yadanabon (blue) vie for the ball in a match of Myanmar National last two matches consecutively. Stadium. League. PHOTO: SUPPLIED The qualifier matches of the The first round qualification will be Group-F are scheduled at 6 pm. When held with teams divided into six groups. Hanthawady United to take part in the situations of the teams in the group Six top teams from each group and two are reviewed, Myanmar has been the best second-placed ones will advance the Invitational Four-Country’s Club best status to advance the second round second round of 2019 Asian U-19 Wom- of the qualification process. en’s Football Qualification. —Htut Htut Football Tournament in China Myanmar U-19 women’s football (Twantay)

HANTHAWADY United FC that stood at of four countries will be held in China the fourth place on the chart of Myanmar from 12 to 18 November. Hanthawady National League in the previous football United FC from Myanmar, Police Tero season is going to participate in Invita- from Thailand, Ammy from Cambodia tional Four-Country’s Club Competition and Than Quang Ninh from Viet Nam to be held in China, said a source close will meet in the invitational football to Hanthawady United FC. tournament. The professional football clubs from The fixtures of the invitational football Myanmar, Thailand, Viet Nam and Cam- tournament will be released soon. Han- bodia will take part in the invitational thawady United FC will begin practice football tournament of four countries. activities starting on 22 October. It has China will be the host, but won’t partic- planned to hire foreign footballers to be ipate in the tournament. added to the team in the upcoming football The invitational football tournament season. —Htut Htut (Twantay) Myanmar U-19 women’s football team. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

Bolivia beat Myanmar in International football friendly

MYANMAR national football team the backside. and Bolivia, South American national Bolivia scored their opening goal football team played a friendly match even at 5 minutes mark. The icebreaker at Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon was scored by Luis Haquin upon his yesterday. speedy play style. The South American star, Bolivia Again, Bolivia made their second beat Myanmar 3-0 in the friendly match. goal by Bolivia star Marcelo Martins Myanmar lined up with Goal at 25 minute. Keeper Kyaw Zin Htet, David Htan, The first half ends in 2-0. Soe Moe Kyaw, Htike Htike Aung, Myanmar were much better in the Thein Than Win, Captain Hlaing Bo Bo, second half with steady play and ball Myo Ko Tun, Ye Ko Oo, Si Thu Aung, delivery toward its strikers via mid- Maung Maung Lwin and Kaung Set fielders and defenders. Naing. But Bolvia were too strong and Bolivia possessed better skills and scored their third goal at 68 minute by was physically superior. Henry Vaca. Myanmar team tried their best The match ended with 3-0 score, Bolivia (green) attempts to head butt the ball while Myanmar (red) holds him back in yesterday’s international friendly match at Thuwunna Stadium in Yangon with a mix of slow and fast football as both teams appeared exhausted in yesterday. PHOTO:MFF play along with massive blocking at later minutes.—Lynn Thit (Tgi) The Global New Light of Myanmar


HE difference between hu- atomic bombs that can stop many man beings and machines people from breathing. We should is, humans have hearts, accept and protect the rights of hu- T but, machines do not. Hav- mans, women and children if we ing a heart means to show kindness have a humanitarian heart. Every- to others without discrimination. If a one should be able to receive edu- human being does not have a heart, A cation without any discrimination. they will die with no breathing. And, And we should protect the rights this person would be like a computer. of women for a lot of women are A computer can do various things, being discriminated in many places but it does not have a heart. humanitarian today. I think that women have the A person with a humanitarian abilities to do good for the world heart thinks “Human is human.” I and “All of us are the same.” If a agree with this idea. Because, the or- nation practices many discrimina- igin of humans is the same. Thus we tions, it cannot develop. In other are brothers and sisters. We should words, equality is the beginning of solve conflicts by discussions. We development. should not solve them by wars. And then, children should be I think that “War is a race of egos protected from extreme punishment using lives and abilities of human heart and working in dangerous condi- beings. If we use abilities in other tions by governments or commu- places, they would bring advantages nities. Because, children are the for human beings, such as health, light of the future world. If we can education and more. If we can do pass on our humanitarian heart to this, our world’s future will be bright. our children, our world will become Every intelligent person cannot peaceful. be a good person. In this matter, Thus, schools, parents, the heart has an important role guardians and communities to play. The heart can decide can teach children to see how to use intelligence that the idea that “Human is brings advantages or disad- human”. We can tell them vantages to people. that a humanitarian Nuclear ener- heart can trans- gy can be used form the world to produce to peace. enough elec- tricity as well as


The following is an excerpt from an interview with Mr. Ichiro Maruyama, the Japanese Am- bassador to Myanmar, in which the ambassa- dor responds to questions concerning Japan’s involvement in Myanmar’s peace process and development efforts, in addition to bilateral co- operation. Interview with Japanese Ambassador Mr. Ichiro Maruyama

Q: We understand you’ve worked at the Japanese embassy in Myanmar for will consider visiting twice or thrice again. twenty years before becoming ambassador. Can you tell us your opinion on Q: Can you tell us about your own travels around Myanmar? Myanmar’s reforms and transformation? A: Bagan and Mandalay have an ancient resonance to them, similar to Kyoto in Ja- A: Myanmar had armed conflicts before. After the 2015 elections, a government pan. In Shan State, Taunggyi has exceptionally beautiful scenery. If we go towards voted by the majority took office. The incumbent government is currently working the ocean, Ngapali beach has incredible scenery too. I think Japanese people will for political, economic and social reforms. This is why Japan will support Myanmar love every area of Myanmar. in facing its challenges as much as we can. Q: Will flights from Japan be increased to ensure smoother travels? Q: What do you think of Myanmar’s current situation? A: There’s a direct flight from Tokyo to Yangon but there are no plans to expand flights A: Myanmar is currently facing political and economic hardships and the Japanese yet. If there are more Japanese and Myanmar travelers to each other’s countries government has a strong stance to support the Myanmar people and their government. then there is a chance flights may be increased. Q: What do you think are the biggest challenges to Myanmar’s democratic Q: We’ve heard from domestic job agencies that Japan will legally accept work- transition and do you have any advice on how to overcome them? ers from Myanmar. How will you gather potential workers and what trainings A: First is political stability. It’s very important. Only when we have political stability and job opportunities are being offered? can we hope to have economic development. Second is developing the economy. A: There are plans to enable Myanmar youths to come work in Japan. Japan’s gov- Third, it is important to have peace within the country. Lastly, there’s the interna- ernment and Myanmar’s Ministry of Labor, Immigration and Population have signed tional criticism on Myanmar concerning Rakhine State. I think these four facts are an MoU to send Myanmar youths for technical intern training in Japan. Myanmar’s and the government’s greatest challenges. Q: Can you elaborate on the technical intern trainings? Myanmar’s future development will be smoother when these challenges are resolved. A: There are many sectors for them to receive technical intern training. For example, It is the Japanese government’s main objective to assist Myanmar in resolving these they could possibly go into the construction sector, agriculture sector, hospitals, or four challenges. providing care to elderly people. Q: Japan has been actively supporting Myanmar’s peace process. Can you tell Q: Japan is recognized as one of Myanmar’s greatest donors. Are there any us the nature of the support Japan has given? unique or special assistance given? A: The peace process is of vital importance for Myanmar, which is why the Japanese A: State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi personally held discussions with Japanese government has appointed Nippon Foundation Chairman Mr. Yohei Sasakawa as Prime Minister Mr. Shinzo Abe. Our Prime Minister has promised to provide US$ 8 their Special Envoy for National Reconciliation in Myanmar. Our Japanese gov- billion of assistance to the Myanmar government over a five-year period. We have ernment and Mr. Sasakawa will cooperate with the Myanmar government and the three prioritized sectors. The first is roads and transportation. Second is economy Tatmadaw in working for peace, once step at a time, especially in collaborating with and electricity. Third is the urban development of Yangon. We are collaborating with the signatories of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). the Myanmar government to prioritize assistance to these three sectors. Q: Can you share some thoughts on Japanese investment in Myanmar, trade Q: Can you tell us what you like the most about Myanmar during your time here? between Japan and Myanmar, and how you will promote bilateral cooperation? A: Myanmar is a valuable country for Japan and the Japanese people because we A: There are a lot of Japanese companies interested in Myanmar. The reason for the gave a lot of hardships to Myanmar during World War II, especially to the Bamar great interest can be contributed to the long years of close relationship between the people. But Myanmar was also the first Asian country to sign the peace treaty after two countries. There are a lot of accomplishments between our two governments World War II. in Thilawa Special Economic Zone and there is success in Japan and Myanmar’s Myanmar also exported rice to Japan when we were suffering from extreme food private sector too. shortage after WWII. It was from that time a lasting bond was created between not Q: Myanmar has enacted a new Investment Law, which economists say gives only the two countries’ governments but also its people. That’s why I feel Myanmar Myanmar a lot of investment prospects compared to its neighbors. Can you can be called Japan’s benefactor. elaborate on potential investments from Japan? Q: Can you tell us what else you like about Myanmar? Such as the food, living, A: The new Investment Law clearly defines in which sectors foreign investors can travel and what places do you have a fond memory of ? invest in. We have discussed with the Myanmar government and will invite interested A: With the support of the Japanese government, we are building basic education Japanese companies to come invest in Myanmar. schools in Myanmar, I have attended the opening ceremonies of these schools. I’ve Another important item for investors is good basic infrastructure such as roads talked with the students there and I always ask them what they want to be when and reliable electricity. For this, Japan’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) is they grow up. Ten out of ten students always answer that they want to work for collaborating with the Myanmar government for basic infrastructure. the country when they grow up. Myanmar doesn’t need to worry about its future Q: Have you been to Myanmar’s prominent landmarks? What advice would you when it has such aspiring young children. I feel that there is always hope and it is give to attract more tourists from Japan? a tremendous feeling. A: I think the visa-free access the Myanmar government has given Korea and Japan Q: Thank you very much for patiently answering our questions. will draw in more travelers from Japan. Myanmar is also initiating e-Visas which A: I am grateful for the chance to explain about the stance the Japan government will attract more travelers. I think after visiting Myanmar and getting to know her has taken. people, Japanese people will think of Myanmar as if it were their own country and Translated by GNLM 14 OCTOBER 2018 NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR 3

MI Aye! Come here!” a loud voice appeared. I heard that voice even though I didn’t want to hear it. That voice came from our next door. Mi “Aye was just a twenty-year-old girl. But she was married. She married a man she knew on social media. her Her husband approached her online and he said that fate. Con- he would marry her well. The girl believed him and she sequently, went to the place where the man made an appointment. she died. I know that “Hu- In fact, the man was not a good man. So, he took her mans are mortal” but she was very young to be dead. to his house without marrying her. His mother and his Because she believed someone easily, she had to sacrifice siblings didn’t treat her well and they abused her. The her youth. She could not implement her dream. girl could not defend herself when her husband beat her If the girl had not believed the man easily, she could if she didn’t do what he asked. As the girl didn’t get any have her youthful feelings and she could have done what- income, the man treated her with contempt. Although ever she wanted. If the man did not fall prey to drugs, he the girl asked for a permission to work, the man didn’t could have been a respected husband for his wife. If his permit her. Although she would like to go back to her mother and siblings treated her with warm-heartedness, native town, they didn’t permit her. So, the girl’s life was they could have created a pleasant family. If the word like a bird in the cage. “If” had really worked for them, their lives would have One day, the girl was pregnant. When she went to the been great. There are many women who are victims of hospital and checked on her health, they found out that abuse and there are many men who are victims of drugs. she was afflicted with HIV Virus. She didn’t know why she We should not neglect their dangerous situation. Every had this virus. Eventually, she knew that her husband was person should try to eliminate those dangerous situations a drug addict. The man had HIV Virus transmitted by by cooperating whole-heartedly. using the drug. Because of his cheating, his wife and their child’s lives were ruined. The girl’s life was very unlucky. Due to that situation, the neighborhood did not want to be intimate with her. Her fault was to be in love and to believe By Khin Moh Moh Aung in someone she didn’t know well. However, she did not Yadanabon University receive true love. And like the saying, “Misfortune never comes alone”, she could not defend the crucial matters of

AM the mother of a child. Being a mother is more than giving birth to a child. As I am a working mom, I balancing work and family is hard; even more than that, controlling the fi- My tips nance is harder for me. By Orchid’s Mom My parents were government em- ployees. Their salaries were low. But they could raise three children successfully. Now, my turn to raise my only daughter! When I think of long-term care for the to control family with monthly housing, grocery and utility cost, it really makes me crazy since my husband has stopped work- ing because of his health. I began to be concerned about my finance. Then I realized that I need to set myself up with my finances a financial plan, which then became my first priority. Before I came to know the daughter uses all clothes, toys, shoes, books that come from my friends. Giving keys how to manage my finance, needs away her clothes that she does not need anymore makes me feel and wants sometimes make me cry. like happy to be able to keep the circle going for giving. First, I looked back on how my par- Minimize shopping is my useful tip. The act of going shopping ents managed their finance. They grew causes most of all the money leaks. In case if I need to shop, I try to high-yield low-cost plants in their com- stick to my list. I cut my habit of buying something that is not on pound. But for me, I live in a small flat. my list. Staying away from fast fashion and luxury brands kind How can I grow plants? So I buy just of helps me to support my financial plan. what I need to cut down on the waste My final tip is to cut the electricity bill down to size. Avoiding and leftover. Kitchen waste is the most cooking and washing laundry at peak hours, switching off lights expensive out of all expenses. Making and electrical appliances when they are not used, and using LED food at home is a kind of cutting the food light bulbs that consume 90 percent less energy than incandes- budget. Luckily, my family does not have cent bulbs are useful tips. Phone and internet bills should be the habit of drinking alcohol, tea and considered here. As a careful spender, I try not to use my phone coffee, which can take up a large portion pretty much to make calls. Instead of making calls, texting is of the budget quickly. Whew! better and lowers the cost and then downloading movies and My second tip is ‘ hand-me-downs’ music with Wi- Fi access can cost less. like my parents practiced. They accepted Now my life is much easier when I practice these financial ‘outgrown’ clothes from my cousin. I had habits. In my opinion, life is too short. So it should be simple to wear them until I got a job. Now my and not complicated with debt problems. What is your opinion? 14 OCTOBER 2018 14 OCTOBER 2018 4 ARTICLE THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR ARTICLE 5

owners. It is very difficult to get permission Henry Braun: “We support sustainable up with examples, activities, and ques- their feelings and ideas to people who from the owners”, tells Shwe Sin, academic solutions and innovative pilot projects tions challenging students to think for listen and understand”, says Shwe Sin. coordinator at myME. that provide evidence for increased themselves.” “A girl, for example, once mentioned “And even when we do get permission, quality learning in education. With a Refreshing some male customers being very diffi- it is a challenge to motivate the children for special focus on teacher training, child The learner-centered approach defi- cult to serve. So we talked about that the classes. They prefer to learn driving, fix- protection, and linking learning to both nitely encourages the students: “My and offered suggestions how to protect ing mobiles, skills getting them better jobs. earning and peace-building. The learn- favorite subject is life skills, as that herself and solve such situations in a Many also move from teashop to teashop er-centered approach puts the child at teaches you how to develop yourself non-confrontational way.” for slightly better payments, disappearing the center of education rather than the and progress with your life”, tells Aung from our classes after a few months.” teacher. It requires the teacher to think Htay Than from Ayeyawady Region. He Highlight situation It is obviously tough as well to, after about how she or he can make sure the is 19 and has worked in a teashop since Despite the success of the program, 12 or more hours, not going to rest but sit student really learns and understands.” he was ten. myME and FCA realize it is not the in a classroom for another two hours. Tim: FCA coordinates the Finnish Teach- It even gives students new energy: solution for Myanmar. “It’s a real challenge for them. And for our ers Without Borders program under “Going to school feels refreshing and “We cannot solve the problem of teachers, to teach at night, after dark, in which experienced Finnish teachers even though the working days are long, 2.7 million out-of-school children in this places sometimes far from home, in uncon- and education specialists volunteer to the tiredness vanishes as the lesson country, bring them all back to school or ventional and grimy places.” develop education where it’s needed. starts”, smiles Saw Wah Khu, 20, from give them some sort of education. This Education specialist Annika Niem- Kayin State. He has been working in a is a government’s responsibility. What Learner-centered inen volunteered during the summer teashop for seven years. we are doing is highlighting the situation Teachers and students in Myanmar of 2018, providing training to myME’s Both live above the shop with other and making these children visible, mak- are not used to the objective of myME: teachers: “What I have tried to do these young adults and children also working ing people look at them, where they are Saw Wah Khu from Kayin State “delivering education in a creative, fun past three months is to help teachers in the shop. and what they are missing. Look at what FCA supports Mobile “Students join myME not Education for out-of-school only to learn,

children in Myanmar Tim Aye-Hardy, Founder of myME but also be- we can do for them. And be mindful that “I get up at 4am and start working by 5am. Usually if we are building a country, a society, a the teashop closes at 5.30pm, sometimes a bit later. I community, we cannot leave these kids cause they feel am ten years old.” As dramatic as it sounds, this is not alone. Without these millions of children, the story of just one child in Myanmar. Over 2.7 million what are we going to do in the future?” Myanmar children do not go to school. At least half of Tim Aye-Hardy says. them work instead. Up to seven days per week, 12 to 14 A recent law stipulates children un- safe talking hours a day. Earning as little as 2 euros per day, usually der 16 in Myanmar are no longer allowed paid straight to their parents, who sign their children to work fulltime and children younger up for 6 months or more contracts paid in advance. than 14 are not allowed to work in facto- about their dif- Without education, their lives continue to be futureless ries. A law banning child labor altogether once grown up. would protect the children better. When Tim Aye-Hardy, after 25 years in the US, in One could argue that a program, ficulties in life” 2013 for the first time returned to his home country and such as myME, condones a continuation saw the many children in Yangon working all day, his first of child labor. thought was: “This is wrong, they should be in school.” “We have to make a compromise Asking around, he soon realized families depend when we look at Myanmar’s specific sit- on their children for survival and that a more creative uation”, explains Ei Thu Zar, FCA Senior By Arnold Marseille & KMM Aung solution was needed. “I asked myself: how can we bring Program Officer leading the education PHOTOS: Supplied the classroom to them?” Tim Aye-Hardy says. program. “We can’t neglect the children The question resulted in the founding of myME: simply based on rules and regulations. Myanmar Mobile Education. We need to support them to join the hu- “We bought old buses and trucks and made them look man capital this country needs to fulfil like classrooms with desks, chairs, whiteboards. We put its reform process.” solar panels on the roof for electricity and started going FCA therefore plans to continue its around teashops in Yangon, major city in Myanmar. We work in this area, says Henry Braun: ran a pilot with 60 kids in two teashops in early 2014. “Social child protection and social re- Now we serve more than 3,000 students from various sponsibility standards reach more and teashops, restaurants, monastic schools, and underpriv- more businesses like teashops world- ileged communities in townships of Yangon, Mandalay, wide. Working children not having ac- Nay Pyi Taw, Mawlamyine, Myingyan and Kyaukse. myME mobile classroom Aung Htay Than from Ayeyawady cess to education is a serious problem in Around 10,000 out-of-school children and young adults other developing countries as well. FCA benefited since we started the project.” the thousands of teashops and start teach- and learner-centered environment.” to develop a deeper understanding of “Students join myME not only to will explore ways to work with teashop ing. “We have to visit a shop several times That’s where Finn Church Aid (FCA) what a learner-centered approach really learn, but also because they, often for the owners to establish social responsibility Challenge and sometimes need to wait two or three came in, late 2017. means. That instead of telling students first time in their lives, feel safe to talk standards.” Naturally myME can’t simply park a bus in front of one of hours for a brief first conversation with the FCA Myanmar Country Director what to do and not to do, teachers come about their difficulties in life. To express 14 OCTOBER 2018 6 EDUCATION THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

(b) He never smokes in front of elders. vlBuD;rsm;a&SUwGif olb,fawmhrS aq;vdyfaomufavh r&dSyg/ xdkYtjyif ]a&SUrSm} twGuf before udkvnf;oHk;onf/ (a) He stood before the teacher with his head bowed. olonf q&ma&SUwGif acgif;iHkYvsuf&yfcJhonf/ ]rwdkifrD} twGufvnf; before oHk;avh&dSonf/ He was a teacher before the war. ppfrjzpfrDu ol ausmif;q&mwpfa,mufjzpfonf/ E NGL I SH She always washes her hands thoroughly before 8 & 9 dinner. LESSON olronf npmrpm;rDvufrsm;udk aphpyfaocsmpGm aq;avh&dSonf/ 20. ]aemuf? aemufodkY} twGuf after udkoHk;avh&dSonf/ By C. T. O (a) The boy is running after the horse.

(CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK) vluav;onf jrif;aemufajy;vdkufaeonf/ (b) The girls went out one after another. (15) ]]rS}} (xGufcGm&myk'f) twGuf from ESifh ]]odkY}} (qdkufa&muf&myk'f) give way tavQmhay;onf/ rdef;uav;rsm; wpfa,mufNyD;wpfa,muftjyif xGufoGm;Muonf/ twGuf to okH;avh&Sdonf/ set out xGufcGmonf/ (c) After the war they moved to Kalaw. (a) I borrowed the book from Su Su. set up wnfaxmifonf/ ppfNyD;aemuf olwdkYuavmodkYa&TUajymif;cJhMuonf/ uRefawmfpmtkyfudk pkpkxHrS iSm;cJhonf/ break out jzpfyGm;onf/ (b) We must prevent wars from breaking out. break down ysufjym;onf/ 21. ]tjyifodkY} twGuf out udkoHk;onf/ igwdkY ppfrsm; jzpfyGm;rvmatmif wm;qD;&rnf/ pass away uG,fvGefonf/ (a) He pulled out a five-kyat note from his wallet. (jzpfyGm;jcif;rS wm;qD;&rnf/) pass through atmifjrifonf/ olonf ig;usyfwef wpf&Gufudk ydkufqHtdwfxJrS qGJxkwfvdkufonf/ (c) I wrote to her last month. run into &ifqdkifwdk;onf/ (b) She will come out of the house soon. uRefawmf olrxHodkY ,cifvu pma&;cJhonf/ turn out xkwfvkyfonf/ olr rMumrDtdrfxJrS xGufvmvdrfhrnf/ (d) from town to town. break into csKd;azmuf? 0ifa&mufonf/ (c) The magazien is out. wpfNrdKUrS wpfNrdKUodkY turn down y,fcsonf/ r*¾Zif;xGufNyD; (out udk adj tjzpf oHk;xm;onf/) from head to toe. turn up ay:vmonf/ Out of 60 boys in our class, only 33 passed the ajcqkH;acgif;qkH;/ work out wGufcsufonf/ first test. from top to bottom. carry out aqmif&Gufonf/ uRefawmfwdkYtwef;xJrS ausmif;om; 60 teuf? 33 a,mufom xdyfqkH;rS atmufqkH;xd? call on (persons) tvnfoGm;onf/ yxrtprf;pmar;yGJ atmif onf/ from start to finish. call on wdkufwGef;onf/(urge) tprS tqkH;odkY? call at (places) tvnfoGm;onf/ 22. ]taMumif;} twGuf about udk oHk;avh&dSonf/ from the cradle to the grave. live on rSD0Jonf/ (a) What are they talking about? ykcufrS ocFsKdif;odkY? get away with xGufajy;? vGwfajrmufonf/ olwdkYbmtaMumif; ajymaeMuvJ/ from womb to tomb. get on with tqifajyonf/ (b) When we meet, we usually talk about poems. trd0rf;rS ocFsKdif;odkY? (tkwf*l) make out uGJuGJjym;jym;? odonf/ cGJjcm;onf/ uRefawmfwkdY awGUqHkMuaomtcg rsm;aomtm;jzifh uAsm from birth to death. make up one's mind pdwfydkif;jzwfonf/ taMumif;ajymMuonf/ from sunrise to sunset. rSwfcsuf - expalin (&Sif;jyonf) ESifh discuss aexGufrS ae0ifxd LESSON 9 (aqG;aEG;onf) wdkYESifh about wGJoHk;&efrvdkyg/ form dawn to dusk. t½kPfwufcsdefrS arSmif&DysKd;ptcsdefodkY 16. ]twGuf} for oHk;avh&dSonf/ (a) He explained the plan to the wokers. (a) These flowers are for you. olonf pDrHudef;udk tvkyform;rsm;tm; &Sif;jycJhonf/ (16) ]]tay:odkY}}twGuf up þyef;rsm;onf oifhtwGufjzpfonf/ (b) We discussed economic matters. ]]atmufodkY}} twGuf down okH;avh&Sdonf/ (b) This kind of paper is not good for printing on. uRefawmfwdkY pD;yGm;a&;udpörsm; taMumif;aqG;aEG;cJhMuonf/ (a) They went up the hill. þpuúLtrsKd;tpm;onf yHkESdyfjcif;twGuf raumif;yg/ (c) They discussed the Union Day. olwdkY awmifukef;ay:odkY wufoGm;Muonf/ a&mif;jcif;? 0,fjcif;twGufvnf; for oHk;onf/ olwdkY jynfaxmifpkaeYtaMumif; aqG;aEG;cJhMuonf/ (b) She is coming down the stairs. She bought the radio for K500. xdkYtjyif ]avmuf} (cefYrSef;jcif;)vnf; about twGufudk oHk;onf/ olr avScg;rS qif;vmaeonf/ ]] Up}} udk NyD;qkH;onfhwdkif olronf a&'D,dkudk aiGig;&mESifh0,fcJhonf/ (a) She is about 25. [laom t"dyÜm,fESifhvnf; okH;avh&Sdonf/ She sold the bicycle for K1,500. olr touf 25 ESpfavmuf&dSNyD/ (a) He ate up the food. olpufbD;udk aiGwpfaxmifhig;&mESifha&mif;cJhonf/ (b) There are about 20,000 books in our library. (b) They have dawn up the plan. ]tcsdefMumjrifhrI} jy&eftwGufvnf; for oHk;avh&dSonf/ uRefawmfwdkY pmMunfhwdkufwGif pmtkyf 20ç000 avmuf&dS&onf/ (a) She has not eaten meat for five years. xdkYtjyif ][dk[dk'D'D} twGufvnf; about udkoHk;onf/ (17) ]]atmuf? atmufrSm}} twGuf under udk okH;avh&Sdonf/ olr tom;rpm;onfrSm ig;ESpf&dSNyD/ One day while walking about the town, he saw (a) Children under five do not go to school. (b) He has been waiting for her for a long time. a man leading a big black horse. touf ig;ESpfatmuf uav;rsm;ausmif;roGm;Muyg/ ol olrudkapmifhaeonfrSm MumvSNyD/ wpfaeYoü olNrdKUxJ[dk[kd'D'D avQmufoGm;aepOf? vlwpfa,mufjrif; (pmroifMuyg) (c) He will stay in Yangon for a few days. eufBuD;wpfaumifqGJac:oGm;onfudk jrifcJhonf/ (b) U Ngwe Gaing studied under U Ba Nyan. ol &efukefrSm &uftenf;i,faevdrfhrnf/ About udk ]awmhrnfhqJqJ} [laomt"dyÜg,fjzifh adj tjzpf (c) We fought for our independece under the vnf;oHk;avh&dSonf/ leadership of Bogyoke Aung San. 17. ]tawmtwGif;} twGuf during oHk;avh&dSonf/ He was about to go to bed when the guests He was a soldier during the war. arrived. (18) ]]aemufrSm}} twGuf behind okH;avh&Sdonf/ ol ppftwGif;u ppfom;wpfa,mufjzpfcJhonf/ {nfhonfrsm; a&mufvmaomtcg oltdyf&m0ifawmhrnhfqJqJjzpfonf/ (a) He is hiding behind the tree. olopfyifaemufrSm ykef;aeonf/ 18. ]teD;tem;} twGuf near oHk;avh&dSonf/ 23. ]ywfywfvnf} twGuf around udk oHk;avh&dSonf/ (b) There is a garage behind the house. (a) My house is near the market. (a) There are paddy fields around our village. tdrfaemufbufrSm um;½kHwpfck&Sdonf/ uRefawmfhtdrfonf aps;em;wGif &dSonf/ uRefawmfwdkY &GmywfywfvnfwGif pyg;cif;rsm;&dSonf/ tcsKdUaom Bud,mrsm; aemufwGif Prepositions (0dbwf) (b) The hospital is near the river. (b) From all around we heard the laughter of rsm; uyfxnfhjcif;jzifh Idioms rsm;&&Sdonf/ tokH;rsm;vm aq;&Hkonf jrpfem;wGif&dSonf/ children. Idioms rsm;udk atmufwGif ay;xm;ygonf/ avhvmyg/ odkY&mwGif odyfeD;uyfaevQif by udkoHk;avh&dSonf/ uRefawmfwdkYywfywfvnfrS uav;rsm;&,foHudkMum;&onf/ look for &SmazGonf/ The teacher is standing by the blackboard. ]teD;tem;wpf0dkuf} twGufvnf; adj tjzpfoHk;avh&dSonf/ look after apmifha&Smufonf/ q&monf ausmufoifykef;teD; (uyfí) &yfaeonf/ I shall be around. look into pkHprf;onf/ uRefawmf'DteD;tem;wpf0dkufrSm &dSaerSmyJ/ look down upon txifao;onf/ 19. ]a&SUrSm} twGuf in front of oHk;onf/ ]ywfywfvnf}ESifh ]vSnfhywfí} twGufvnf; round udk oHk;avh look out owdxm; (a) There is a black board in front of the class. &dSonf/ give up pGefYvTwfonf/ twef;a&SUwGif ausmufoifykef;wpfck&dSonf/ (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) 14 OCTOBER 2018 THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR COMICS 7 14 OCTOBER 2018 8 NEXT GENERATION PLATFORM THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR

By Laura Htet October UDE English

CTOBER is here, and in the northern hemisphere that often means the days are flush with falling leaves, chilling weather, and growing anticipa- sky tion for the holiday season. The tenth month by our Gregorian calendar, OOctober shares a root with octopus and octothorpe -- the Latin octo-, meaning “eight.” OODBYE September. So, how did October become the 10th month? The sun takes a step back. The leaves lull themselves to sleep. And In the Roman calendar, which had only ten months, October was the 8th month, now autumn has awakened. as January and February hadn’t been added to the calendar year yet! Like its neigh- G September is the doorway to my favourite month, October. The wind boring months September, November, and December, the numerical name stuck; direction changes as the night change. The smell of October wind is telling the new even after Julius Caesar expanded the calendar year from ten months to twelve. story. The sky. It’s colour turns orange from blue. And the trees. They’ll tell us how October entered Old English through Old French, replacing the English vernacular it’s lovely to let the dead things go. They all release the old crispy leaves to make way term Winterfylleð. for the new young ones. Oh... Life starts all over again, my friend. Just take a look What happens in October? around you. Children may look forward to October for Halloween, which falls at the month’s Now that the little birds start to search for perfect place to make their home sweet close, but beer-lovers may be more excited for what’s happening at the beginning of the home. The place to stick each other during winter. The place to have fun sleeping month—Oktoberfest. This long-standing beer festival has gained popularity around the together with their families. Just like you and me, isn’t it? It seems like rain has left world, but the true Oktoberfest is located in Munich, Germany, where the festival has been to tour around the globe again. held since 1810. The Oktoberfest celebration marks the beginning of a new beer-brewing The artists of this month’s masterpiece are just those tall trees and their orange season, as cooler temperatures bring optimal beer-brewing months —the colder weather leaves. “If there is life, there is death as well”, the trees teach us this lesson every keeps beer from spoiling. It has long been a tradition to polish off the remaining beer time of this month. The branches holding their long-term friends, the green leaves, from the year to prepare the casks for a new brew in autumn. finally let go of them when they become orange. The slight October breeze mildly Munich’s Oktoberfest now begins in late September, and although the seasonal carries the old leaves onto the earth’s surface. There, they are now. Laying on the climate is less relevant to breweries today, the beer festival of Oktoberfest remains hard ground, glazing up again to see how their branches get fun with upcoming young a vibrant tradition! Reference: Thesaurus green ones. Sad story though. The October’s ground is covered with those weeping old yam-coloured leaves that it somehow looks like the endless ocean of orange. This reflects on the sky above us. And that’s why the sky takes off its blue shirt and wears Where does the the new orange one. The whole environment is getting new like someone hit the ‘restart’ button of our earth. The October harp starts playing the tunes of October. This melody gives support name October to the changing world around us. It’s so divine that even the leaves fall for it. The sign of the times let us know that everyone is going to face up October’s challenges which are coming ahead. come from? The word ‘October’ actually means the eighth month in the old Roman calendar, just before the other two months were inserted. However, in our Julian and Gregorian calendars, it means the tenth. What’s more, it’s the sixth of seven months to have al- together 31 days. In our Burmese calendar, it’s when we have our Thadingyut festival. Likewise, there is also the Halloween festival in the other countries. During Thadingyut, our country is so classy with colourful lights. People do good things and have fun during this festival. Children in foreign countries look forward to a very chilly party called Halloween. It’s somehow a kind of a great fun too. Dressing up in spooky costumes and enjoying the trick-or-treat thing. Additionally, there is a favourite party of beer lovers that takes place in this month. And it’s named, Oktoberfest. It’s been for beer lovers since 1810. It originates from Munich, Germany. So, we can say that October is a very festive month for everybody. Well, the seasonal atmosphere changes the shade of our surroundings. And in the northern hemisphere, that means the days are all flush with falling leaves. The scene of raindrops falling from heaven is now replaced with the scene of falling leaves from the grand trees. What makes this month special is that we can see both the sun and the moon in the evening sky. I believe that everybody in this planet is welcoming October. I wish that it brings more love, positivity, happiness and prosperity. I’m glad that I live in this world that has Octobers. So, let’s all say, “Hello October”. “Leaves flutter on the trees Wind releases breezes free. Glancing up above of me There’s an orange piece of sky, I see Life is starting all over again Beautiful maples in our hands Festivals are waiting all ahead It’s the ‘October’, O’ my friend.