
GY, O L O ARE AM AM AM AM AM AM AM L C G, PSYCH N -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 TORA -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 LI S ON E AM I AM AM A S AM AM AM AM D P REAT OUN Culture and Its Implications for Christian Counseling Ballroom II, Waterplace Westin 2nd Floor C THEME: Framework Hypothesis (Trinity Moderator: Richard Averbeck Evangelical Divinity School) 8:30 vert Purposiveness to Purposefulness? Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom B C AN Relevant Texts, THEME: Biblical Text, Creative Counsel and Context: Taking ing Conversations Forward Greggo (Trinity Moderator: Stephen P. Evangelical Divinity School) 8:30 Theological David Powlison (Westminster Seminary) Counseling through the Lens of Scripture: Updating the Conversation 9:20 Philip Monroe (Biblical Theological Seminary) with Scripture and with People: Tracking Hermeneutics and the Counseling Alliance 10:10 John Franke (Biblical Theological Semi nary) Unfinished Discourse: The Ongoing Conversation between Theology and 9:20 Baptist Theo Curtis Drumm (New Orleans logical Seminary) An Assess The Cinema as Cultural Text: in Modern ment of the Concept of Truth Film 10:10 Theological Ed Steele (New Orleans Baptist Seminary) Theological Shifts as Plate Tectonics: Reflected in Published Collections of Wor ship Songs 11:00 Edward Martin (Liberty University) Con We Can Teleology: and Morality, Kant, -


TURE L U GY Crux Interpretum AM AM AM AM O AM AM L AM AM AM M Y & C EO T H I T -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 AN L I A AM AM AM AM T AM AM AM AM AM IS LIC R B I Judith Diehl (Denver Seminary) Distinctive Epithets for God in John 17 Rhode Island Convention Center Room 551 A CH 8:30 Benjamin Phillips (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) Evangelicals and Getting into Hot Water: Climate Change 11:00 11:00 Bradley Green (Union University) Faithful Covenant and Command: Works, ness, and Obedience in the New Covenant Rhode Island Convention Center Room 550 A B 8:30 Baek Sung Choi (CSW College) The Significance of Leviathan in the Book of Job 9:20 David Morgan (University of Aberdeen) as Structural and The Land and Temple matic Marks of Coherence for the Hebrew Edition of the Book of the Twelve 10:10 Frederick Putnam (Philadelphia Biblical University) & the Metaphor as Theology: Of Webs World 11:00 Moderator: Paul R. House (Beeson Divinity Moderator: Paul R. House School) 8:30 Byron Curtis (Geneva College) Thesis: Hosea 6:7 and the Republication A Janus Solution to a 9:20 (Bryan College) Kenneth Turner Does Moses on the New Perspective: Covenant Nomism? Deuteronomy Teach 10:10 David Finkbeiner (Moody Bible Institute) the Canonical Story: A Survey of Telling Some Recent Evangelical Accounts of the Storyline Bible’s -

Y OVEMBER 19 - A OVEMBER T I N AN , I GY Y T AM S AM AM O A AM AM IS E L R AM AM DI EO SD H CH TU T -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 S -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 L AN T NE A AM AM AM IC IS AM AM AM AM D T LIC E P B I W Rhode Island Convention Center Room 550 B B THEME: Thematic Studies 9:20 Jason Duesing (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) Dean: L. Russ Bush III The Seminary’s (1944-2008) and the Southern Baptist Convention 10:10 Jason Sampler (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) Supper: How Baptists and the Lord’s Confessions Can Inform Our Theology and Practice R. Albert Mohler (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) Secularization and Its Discontents Providence Ballroom IV, Westin 3rd Floor BA 8:30 Cky Carrigan (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) Systematic Disciple-Making: A Baptist Pro posal for a Local-Church Driven Strategy Jonathan Edwards’s Theology of Prayer Theology of Jonathan Edwards’s 9:20 Jeffrey Straub (Central Baptist Theological Seminary) - Financier of John D. Rockefeller Sr. Theological Liberalism / The Shaping of the Rockefeller Religious Philanthropy 10:10 Michael Gurney (Multnomah Bible College/ Highland Theological College) Charles Hodge a Rationalist? Was 11:00 Westin Waterplace Ballroom I, Waterplace Westin 2nd Floor AMER (Lancaster Moderator: Stephen J. Nichols Bible College) 8:30 Peter Beck (Charleston Southern University) The Role of Unition in of Faith: The Voice

8 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 - AM

Terry Mortenson (Answers in Genesis) With Gentleness and Respect — and a Few Jonathan Master (Capital Bible Seminary) The Age of the Earth: Why Does It Matter? Other Things: Suggestions and Strategies Who Are the “Women’”in 1 Timothy 2? for Christian Apologists 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Rhode Island Convention Center 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Miles Van Pelt (Reformed Theological Room 551 B Seminary, Jackson, MS) Steve Cowan (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) ISRAELITE RELIGIONS Genesis 1 and 2: An Exegetical Defense of THEME: Israelite Religions the Framework View The Metaphysics of Subordination: A Response to Rebecca Merrill Groothuis Moderator: Michael S. Heiser (Logos Bible 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Software) Robert McCabe (Detroit Baptist Theological Rhode Island Convention Center 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Seminary) Room 553 A Robert Chisholm (Dallas Theological 9 A Critique of the Framework Interpretation EVANGELISM/MISSIONS

Seminary) Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting of the Creation Week 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Subduing Rahab and Leviathan: Can the 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Alan Myatt (Gordon-Conwell Theological Cosmology of Psalm 74 Be Reconciled with General Discussion Seminary) Genesis 1:1-3? Is Pluralism Tolerant? An Assessment 9:20 AM-10:00 AM of the Pluralist Interpretation of World Westin Narragansett Ballroom C, John Hilber (Dallas Theological Seminary) Ground Floor Religions in Light of Charges of Evangelical “Hinduphobia” Ancient Near Eastern Prophetism: Were EVANGELICAL PHILOSOPHICAL Israel’s Prophets Unique? SOCIETY 9:20 AM-10:00 AM 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Chip Anderson (Norwalk Economic Op- 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Ronn Johnson (Northwestern College) Adam Barkman (Yonsei University, South portunity Now, Inc.) The Sons of God and Deuteronomy 32:8-9 Korea) “Wasted Evangelism” (Mark 4): Escha- tology, Social Action, and the Task of as the Backdrop for Paul’s Principalities C. S. Lewis’s Pseudo-Manichean Dualist and Powers Phase Evangelism AM AM 10:10 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 -11:40 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Michael S. Heiser (Logos Bible Software) C. Donald Smedley (Rivendell Institute) Daniel Ebert (Cedarville University) Culture, Community, and the Gospel: The Concept of a Godhead in Israelite Text and Canon Hare on Divine Command Theory and Religion Natural Law Theological & Practical Implications of an Outreach to Muslims Rhode Island Convention Center 10:10 AM-10:50 AM 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Rotunda Mark Liederbach (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) Douglas McCready (PA Department of ISSUES IN SYSTEMATIC Public Welfare) THEOLOGY Natural Law, Common Ground, and the Problem of Postmodern Epistemology “A Common Word”: Is It Adequate for Muslim-Christian Cooperation? 8:30 AM-9:10 AM James De Young (Western Seminary) 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Robert Larmer (University of New Bruns- Rhode Island Convention Center “To Infinity and Beyond”: Universalism by wick) Room 558 A/B Fiction and Nonfiction GENDER STUDIES C. S. Lewis’s Critique of Hume’s Of 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Miracles 8:30 AM-9:10 AM John McKinley (Talbot School of Theology) Everett Berry (Criswell College) Is There a Role of the Holy Spirit in the Westin Narragansett Ballroom A&B, Hypostatic Union? Ground Floor Redeemed Humanity as the Presence of the Eschatological Future: Does Complemen- EVANGELICAL PHILOSOPHICAL 10:10 AM-10:50 AM SOCIETY tarianism Display or Distort the Age to Come? Paul Helseth (Northwestern College) Divine Omnicausality: “God’s Providence 8:30 AM-9:10 AM 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Over All” Gregory Ganssle (Yale University) Joel Scandrett (Wheaton College) God of the Gaps Arguments 11:00 AM-11:40 AM In the Name of Jesus: Gender, Ministry, and Fred Sanders (Biola University) 9:20 AM-10:00 AM the Mediation of Christ Anchored in Jehovah: Trinitarian Soteriol- Paul Copan (Palm Beach Atlantic 10:10 AM-10:50 AM ogy as the Ground of Assurance University) -


AM AM L AM AM AM AM EO H T -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 L -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 TAMENT -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 S AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM TE TORA S TERATURE LD A LI Moderator: Michael A. Grisanti (The Seminary) Master’s Nathan Clayton (Trinity Evangelical Divinity Nathan Clayton (Trinity School) Reflections Skill and Exultation in Worship: on the Narrative Function of the Levites in 1 Chronicles 10-29 Rhode Island Convention Center Room 555 A P 8:30 Andrew Schmutzer (Moody Bible Institute) Rhode Island Convention Center Room 554 B O 8:30 Gary(Philadelphia Biblical Schnittjer University) in the Books of Joshua Narrative Time through Second Kings 9:20 Jason Gile (Wheaton College) Foreground and Background in Hebrew Morphology: 1 Samuel Narrative and Verb Case 1 as a Test 10:10 Raju Kunjummen (Michigan Theological Seminary) the Canonical Story: A Survey of Telling Some Recent Evangelical Accounts of the Storyline Bible’s 11:00 A History of Deponency in Koine Greek 9:20 Seminary)Rene Lopez (Dallas Theological Exposed The Jesus Family Tomb 10:10 (Logos Evangelical Wu John Wei-Ho Seminary) Byzantine Authenticity of the Distinctively Shorter Reading 11:00 Pitts (McMaster Divinity Andrew W. College) A Reassessment of the Use of Variant-Units Criticism: Defini Textual in tions and Boundaries


S S E E “metanoia” DI DI ORAR P TU TU and S S AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM M GY ONTEM O C “metanoeo” L -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 TAMENT TAMENT N O -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 S S AM AM AM SI S I AM AM AM AM AM TE TE E

UE CCL 10:10 10:10 Conyers (Amridge University) Lamont T. Part I What Is the Text? Rhode Island Convention Center Room 554 A NEW 8:30 Stratton Ladewig (Dallas Theological Seminary) 10:10 10:10 Patrick Franklin (McMaster Divinity College) in Conversation with the John Wesley Emerging Church 11:00 (Multnomah Biblical John Wecks Seminary) Elders and Explosive Emotions: Lexical Studies on Anger Management in the Lists of Disqualifications Rhode Island Convention Center Room 553 B NEW 8:30 Daniel Streett (Criswell College) Picturing Greek: How Modern Language Methods Can Help Us Teach Teaching Greek Vocabulary 9:20 David Croteau (Liberty University) a Repenting from Our Definition: Toward Definition of Coherence? Center Rhode Island Convention Room 555 B ISS E 8:30 Stephen Putney (Liberty University) Must Pastors/Professors What Young (A Look at the Pastoral Learn about Truth Epistles) 9:20 John Hammett (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) In Praise of the Emerging Church: Positive Aspects of Emerging Ecclesiology - - -

OVEMBER 19 - A OVEMBER N IC IC , Y AM AM AM AM AM AM A TEMAT TEMAT AM AM SD SYS SYS testimonium spiritus sancti -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 N N -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 GY GY NE AM AM AM AM O O S I S I AM AM AM AM L L D UE UE E EO EO H H Dennis Jowers (Faith Evangelical Semi nary) Is Denying the Principle of the Indiscern ibility of Identicals a Viable Strategy for Vindicating the Doctrine of the Trinityís 9:20 John Shouse (Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary) Divining the Divine: Approaches in Theological Method 10:10 Aaron O’Kelley (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) The Prophethood of All Believers and the Gift of Prophecy 11:00 Theological Seminary) Universal Redemption, Not Universalism: The Reconciliation of All Things in Christ Rhode Island Convention Center Room 552 B ISS T 8:30 Barry Jones (Dallas Theological Seminary) Witness: A Theological Exami The Spirit’s nation of the internum 9:20 Steven Sherman (Winebrenner Theological Seminary) the Emergence of Postconservative Tracing Theology: The Identity and Impact of Clark Theological Journey Pinnock’s 10:10 (Duke University) Wart Adam Van T. The Postliberal Impulse: Whence and Whither 11:00 (The Southern Baptist Gary Schultz Jr. Rhode Island Convention Center Rhode Island Convention Room 552 A ISS T 8:30 School of Theology) Richard Langer (Talbot from a Integration of Faith and Learning Premillennial Perspective W

10 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 - AM

A Theology of Sexual Abuse: Embodiment, Worship a Different God? Jews, Christians, Spirit Baptism and the Theology of Change: Community, and Healing and the Paul of Acts 22-26 Beyond Kerygma to Didache

9:20 AM-10:00 AM 9:20 AM-10:00 AM 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Chip Heim (East Side Grace Brethren Joel White (Freie Theologische Akademie, (Hal) Dennis Fisher (RBC Ministries, Grand Church) Giessen, Germany) Rapids, MI) How Far Do the Apples Fall from the Tree? Does Paul Seek to Subvert Rome or Ignore A Biblical Critique: Philip Pullman’s The A Look at the Sins of the Fathers and Their Rome? Golden Compass — A Children’s Primer Flow into Future Generations In Atheism 10:10 AM-10:50 AM 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Andrew Naselli (Trinity Evangelical Divinity 10:10 AM-10:50 AM David Wyrtzen (Dallas Theological School) Clint Humfrey (Calvary Grace Church, Seminary) Paul’s Use of Isaiah 40:13 and Job 41:11a Calgary, Alberta) 11

United as One—Can Jesus Actually Hold in Romans 11:34-35 The Apostle of Calloused Hands: Paul’s Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Evangelical Marriages Together? Vocational Spirituality Reconsidered 11:00 AM-11:40 AM 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Rong-Hua Lin (Christian Witness Theologi- 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Robert Van Tine (The Southern Baptist cal Seminary) Joel Beeke (Puritan Reformed Theological Theological Seminary) Jewish Identity Crisis Posed by Paulís Seminary) Castration for the Kingdom: Illegitimate Re- Gentile Mission Family Conversation: Calvin on Prayer marriage and Avoiding the aitia of Adultery Westin Providence Ballroom I & II, Rhode Island Convention Center Rhode Island Convention Center 3rd Floor Room 557 Room 556 A PENTATEUCH SYNOPTIC GOSPELS PAULINE STUDIES THEME: Genesis 1-4 THEME: Recent Evangelical Works THEME: Paul and His Judeo/Greco- Moderator: Joe Sprinkle (Crossroads on Jesus Roman Setting College) Moderator: Leslie Robert Keylock Moderator: Gary Meadors (Grand Rapids (Evangelical University and Seminary) Theological Seminary) 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Catherine Beckerleg (Harvard University) 8:30 AM-9:10 AM 8:30 AM-9:10 AM New Light on Genesis 1-3 and Man as the Grant Osborne (Trinity Evangelical Divinity Text and Canon Fred Chay (Phoenix Seminary) Image of God School) The Role of First-Century Shame and Craig Evans’s Fabricating Jesus Honor Codes from the Secular through the 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Sacred John Ronning (John Wycliffe Theological 9:20 AM-10:00 AM College) Daniel B. Wallace (Dallas Theological 9:20 AM-10:00 AM The Image of God: Genesis 2-4 as Sequel Seminary) Linda Belleville (Bethel College, Indiana) Ben Witherington III’s What Have They Paul & Greco-Roman Family Values 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Done with Jesus? Lance Higginbotham (Southwestern Baptist 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Theological Seminary) 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Tia Jamir (Dallas Theological Seminary) Working and Maintaining While Always David Turner (Grand Rapids Theological Paul’s Proclamation of the Gospel to the Obeying: The Centrality of the Creation Seminary) Romans (1:11-15) Mandate to the Narrative of Genesis 2-3 Darrell Bock and Daniel Wallace’s Dethroning Jesus 11:00 AM-11:40 AM 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Victor Copan (Palm Beach Atlantic Daniel Lowery (University of Bristol) 11:00 AM-11:40 AM University) The Rise of Civilization in the Ancient Near Eckhard Schnabel (Trinity Evangelical “Imitate Me!?” Putting the Imitation of Paul East and in Genesis: A Closer Look at Divinity School) in Its Ancient Judeo and Greco Context Genesis 4:17-22 Mark Strauss’s Four Portraits, One Jesus

Rhode Island Convention Center Westin Providence Ballroom III, 3rd Rhode Island Convention Center Room 556 B Floor Ballroom C PAULINE STUDIES SPIRITUAL FORMATION/ SYNOPTIC GOSPELS SANCTIFICATION 8:30 AM-9:10 AM 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Gerald Peterman (Moody Bible Institute) 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Chang-Wook Jung (Chongshin University) Douglas Blanc (University of Wales) - P ROU AM AM AM DY G AM TU S -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 AN Y AM AM E AM AM SL 10:10 10:10 Daryl (International Institute for McCarthy Christian Studies) and Their View of Scrip Early Wesleyans and Adam Clarke ture: Richard Watson 11:00 Jerald Daffe (Lee University) A Pentecostal Perspective on Inerrancy- Case Church of God, Cleveland: A Test Rhode Island Convention Center Rhode Island Convention Ballroom D WE Moderator: Daryl McCarthy (International Institute for Christian Studies) 8:30 Evangelical (Trinity John Woodbridge Divinity School) The Rise of Eighteenth-Century German and Dutch Biblical Criticism: The French Connections 9:20 Charles White (Spring Arbor University) Response to the Idea of John Wesley’s Errors in Scripture - -

AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM M PICS ANON TO -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 –10:50 –10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 S AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM & C OU I Reflections on 60 Years in ETS and Reflections on 60 Years Prospects by the Sole Surviving Charter Member Bristol Room, 3rd Floor Westin 10:10 Hyun Yong-Soo The Great Commission in the Old and its Place in the History of Testament Redemption 9:20 Bible College) Carl Sanders (Washington Creation Is a Project: A Canonical View of the Garden 10:10 Charles Savelle (Dallas Theological Seminary) Good, Bad, or Ugly: Canonical and Extra canonical Portraits of Balaam 11:00 Doug Finkbeiner (Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary) Exploring Josephus’ Understanding of the Jewish Scriptures: Queries and Consid erations Bristol Room, 3rd Floor Westin VAR 8:30 Seminary) James A. Beverley (Tyndale Gold Dust and Heavenly Oil: New Signs and Wonders? 9:20 Robert D. Culver (Charter Member of ETS) Is the Story of the Adulteress Authentic? 11:00 Donald Hartley (Dallas Theological Seminary) or “Will Be” in John 14:17: The Spirit “Is” You? 3rd Floor Kent Room, Westin TEXT Canon THEME: Old Testament 8:30 (Philadelphia Biblical Brian Toews University) The Absence of God in the Writings and the Presence of Canonical Unity -

OVEMBER 19 - A OVEMBER N , Y AM AM AM AM AM AM AM A AM AM : A Comprehensive Textual : A Comprehensive Textual SD Codex, and Canon ANON ANON -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 NE Theos AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM & C & C D en, Germany) E fl 10:10 10:10 (Heritage Christian David Warren University) (John 8:11): “Neither Do I Condemn You” TEXT Text THEME: New Testament 8:30 Brian Wright (Dallas Theological Seminary) Jesus as Examination 9:20 David Hutchison (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) The Next Great Step in New Testament Criticism Textual Pseudepigraphy and Deception in Early Christianity 9:20 University) Carl Harold (LeTourneau and Canon of The “Gospel” in the Text Mormonism 10:10 College, University Bokedal (King’s Tomas of Aberdeen) Nomina Sacra, Newport Room, 3rd Floor Westin The Son of God: Secrecy and Revelation 11:00 Robert Bowman (North American Mission Board) Son in Mark The Deity of God’s Room, 3rd Floor Washington Westin TEXT Canon THEME: New Testament 8:30 Armin Baum (Freie Theologische Akademie Gie The Punctuation and Interpretation of Mark The Punctuation and Interpretation 1:1-3 9:20 University) Danny Hays (Ouachita Baptist Justice and a The OT Prophetic Theme of 18:1-19:10 Narrative Reading of Luke 10:10 Univer Danny Wilson (California Baptist sity) W

12 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 - PM

Rhode Island Convention Center Experience, 1720-1723 A New Perspective on James 2:14-26 Ballroom 5:20 PM-6:00 PM 5:20 PM-6:00 PM 12:50 PM-1:35 PM Mark Rogers (Trinity Evangelical Divinity Rachael Brooks (Liberty Theological BUSINESS MEETING 1 School) Seminary) A Missional Eschatology: Jonathan The Gender of the Christian God Rhode Island Convention Center Edwards, Future Prophecy, and the Spread Ballroom of the Gospel Rhode Island Convention Center Room 551 B 1:40 PM -2:30 PM Rhode Island Convention Center BIBLICAL ETHICS PLENARY SESSION 1: TEXT & Room 551 A CANON BIBLICAL THEOLOGY 2:50 PM-3:30 PM 13 Peter J. Gentry (The Southern Baptist THEME: Exegetical Studies Craig Mitchell (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) Theological Seminary) Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Moderator: Gregory Beale (Wheaton Old Testament Text College and Graduate School) The Significance of Game Theory for Christian Ethics Westin Waterplace Ballroom I, 2:50 PM-3:30 PM 2nd Floor Carl Davis (Bryan College) 3:40 PM-4:20 PM David Puckett (The Southern Baptist AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY Acts 2 and the Old Testament: The Pente- Theological Seminary) THEME: Piety & the Presidency: A cost Event in Light of Sinai, Babel, and the Conversation on Evangelicalism’s Long Table of Nations Wilberforce and “Lesser” Evils and Curious Romance with the White House 3:40 PM-4:20 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Moderator: Stephen J. Nichols (Lancaster Gregg Strawbridge (WordMp3.com) John McMath (Moody Bible Institute) Bible College) Biblical Worship Environments Which A Canonical Approach to Just War Theory Recapitulate Edenic Symbols 2:50 PM-6:00 PM Rhode Island Convention Center Panel Discussion: A Conversation with 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Rotunda Randall Balmer, D. G. Hart, and Richard J. Michael Bird (Highland Theological CHRISTIANITY & CULTURE Mouw College) THEME: Christianity and Culture Commentator: Randall Balmer (Columbia The Role of “Canon” in New Testament Consultation - CULTURE MAKING: Text and Canon University) Theology RECOVERING OUR CREATIVE CALLING Commentator: D. G. Hart (Intercollegiate Moderator: Glenn Kreider (Dallas Theologi- Studies Institute) 5:20 PM-6:00 PM cal Seminary) Commentator: Richard J. Mouw (Fuller John Dennis (International Christian Theological Seminary) College, Glasgow) 2:50 PM-6:00 PM Andy Crouch (Editorial Director of the General Discussion Johannine “Eternal Life” in Biblical- Theological Perspective Christian Vision Project at Christianity Today International) Rhode Island Convention Center Rhode Island Convention Center Culture Making: Recovering Our Creative Room 550 B Room 550 A Calling AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY BIBLICAL THEOLOGY Commentator: R. Todd Mangum (Biblical Theological Seminary) 2:50 PM-3:30 PM 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Christopher Atwood (Wheaton College) Commentator: Glenn Kreider (Dallas Justin Gohl (Lutheran Theological Semi- Theological Seminary) Edwards’s Freedom of the Will and Aretege- nary at Philadelphia) General Discussion nic Theology Performing the Book of Proverbs: Towards a Model for a Biblical-Theological Reading 3:40 PM-4:20 PM of Proverbs Rhode Island Convention Center John Carrick (Greenville Presbyterian Ballroom B Theological Seminary) 3:40 PM-4:20 PM CHRISTIANITY & CULTURE Sovereignty and Responsibilty in the Kendell Easley (Union University) 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Preaching of Jonathan Edwards “It Is Written:” A Father-and-Son Dialogue about Past and Future Evangelical Study of Jeffrey Riley (New Orleans Baptist Theo- 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Selected Uses of the OT in the New logical Seminary) Karin Stetina (Wheaton College) Speaking the Truth in Public: The Episte- The Biblical-Experimental Foundations of 4:30 PM-5:10 PM mological and Missiological Priority of the Jonathan Edwards’s Theology of Religious Kerry Lee Lewis (Graham Bible Church) Gospel in the Works of Lesslie Newbigin - L L A A -

PHIC PHIC S O O S S ON O O ISSI PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM M / L PHIL L PHIL A A M -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 -3:30 LIS LIC LIC Y Y E E E PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM G G G ET ET CI CI O O The Nature and Practice of Compassion 4:30 J.B. Stump (Bethel College, Indiana) Natural Theology Stripped of Modernism Rhode Island Convention Center Room 556 A EVAN 2:50 University, Long Beach) University, Religion as Narrative, Faith as Recon and Rorty Meet textualization: Lyotard Kierkegaard 3:40 Garrett Pendergraft (University of Califor nia, Riverside) Divine Deliberation (or Lack Thereof) 4:30 Jeremy Carey (University of California, Berkeley) Agent Causation, Reasons, and Empirical Data Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom E EVAN S 2:50 Mark Coppenger (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) The Aesthetic Argument and Darwinism 3:40 Austin (Eastern Kentucky Michael W. University) 4:30 Shawn Graves (Cedarville University) Is Genuine Religious Inquiry Incompatible with Christian Commitment? 5:20 University) Michael S. Jones (Liberty Foundation Is Cognitive Humility a Sound for Religious Tolerance? Center Rhode Island Convention Room 552 B EVAN S 2:50 Stephen G. Shaw (California State - L


AN PHIC GY O O S L O EO Y H T T PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM I M L PHIL L A A ERN D -4:20 -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -3:30 -3:30 -3:30 LIC LIC Y E E PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM G G ET TMO S CI O O EVAN S 2:50 Justin Barnard (Union University) and the Natural Compatibalism, Wantons, Consequences Model of Hell 3:40 Schultz (Northwestern College) Walter Dispositions, Capacities, and Powers: A New Analysis General Discussion Rhode Island Convention Center Room 555 B EVAN P THEME: Evangelicals and Empire Moderator: Myron Bradley Penner (Prairie Bible College) 2:50 Peter Heltzel and Bruce Benson (New York Theological Seminary) Evangelicals and Empire: An Overview 3:40 Patrick Nullens (Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven) Evangelicals and Empire: A European Evangelical Perspective 4:30 Michael Pahl (Prairie Bible College) Paul, the Gospel, and Empire Rhode Island Convention Center Room 552 A Asia Minor Minor Moderator: Mark Wilson (Asia Research Center) 2:50 Center) Mark Wilson (Asia Minor Research Colonization Chosen Foreigners: Roman to Northern and the Spread of Christianity Asia Minor 3:40 Karen H. Jobes (Wheaton College) Cities of God in Northern Asia Minor: Can Social Theories Aid in the Rodney Stark’s Com Historical Reconstruction of Peter’s munities? 4:30 - -



A GY &

OVEMBER 19 - P OVEMBER O N L N O Y I , T I Y A AN PM PM I PM PM PM PM PM T ARE G, PSYCH SD IS N R L C -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -6:00 LI -3:30 NE E S PM PM PM PM PM PM PM D LY CH TORA E S NOR I OUN A Room 553 A EAR M THEME: Peter and Early Christianity in 4:30 William Michael McGuire (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) Assumptions, Interpretive Systems, and Reasoning in Circles? Conclusions: Are We 5:20 Kathryn Steele (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) The High Price of Integration: Personal Discipline and Obedience Rhode Island Convention Center ing Conversations Forward Moderator: Robert Kellemen (Capital Bible Seminary) 2:50 Seminary Western / John Auxier (Trinity University) Western Trinity Restorative Justice Theory and Biblical Narratives of Repentance 3:40 Evangelical (Trinity Richard Averbeck Divinity School) A Biblical Theology for Christian Counseling Global Warming, Creation Care, and the Global Warming, Future of Evangelical Theology 5:20 Grudem (Phoenix Seminary)Wayne A New Blueprint for Christian Political Involvement Rhode Island Convention Center Room 555 A C P Relevant Texts, THEME: Biblical Text, Creative Counsel and Context: Taking 3:40 Baptist Mark Liederbach (Southeastern Theological Seminary) to Cul What Is Sexy? A Biblical Answer Most Provacative Question ture’s 4:30 Baptist Russell Moore (The Southern Theological Seminary) Trail: Hybrid Engines on the Sawdust W

14 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 - PM

Eung Yul (David) Ryoo (Chongshin Isaac Kim (Drew University) Can a Good Creation Be Bad and Good at Theological Seminary) A Deconstructive Reading on the Theology the Same Time? Christ-Centered, Spirit-Driven, Mission- of the Cross: J. Moltmann and J. Caputo Minded: The Moravian Missions Strategy 3:40 PM-4:20 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Ian Maddock (Highland Theological 3:40 PM-4:20 PM William Evans (Erskine College) College) Kenneth Stewart (Covenant College) Moving Ancient Landmarks? The Free Grace versus Free Grace: John Wesley, Calvinism & Missions: The Contested Unraveling of the Conservative Reformed George Whitefield, and the Nature of the Relationship Revisited Soteriological Consensus Gospel

4:30 PM-5:10 PM 5:20 PM-6:00 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM William Day (New Orleans Baptist Theo- Armida Stephens (Trinity Evangelical John Duff (Cornerstone University) logical Seminary) Divinity School) An Old Look at the New Heavens and New 15 Evangelism in the Wake of Disaster Jesus Christ, Wisdom of God: Exploring Earth Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting the Theological and Ethical Implications of 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Rhode Island Convention Center Wisdom in Christology John Laing (Southwestern Baptist Theo- Room 557 logical Seminary) GENDER STUDIES Rhode Island Convention Center Middle Knowledge, Biblical Covenants, and THEME: Evangelicals and Gender: Quo Room 554 A the Basis of Predestination/Election Vadis? ISSUES IN SYSTEMATIC Moderator: Gerry Breshears (Western THEOLOGY Rhode Island Convention Center Seminary) 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Room 558 A/B 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Naomi Reese (Trinity Evangelical Divinity LUKE-ACTS CONSULTATION Mimi Haddad School) THEME: Historical Matters in Luke-Acts Egalitarians: A New Path to Liberalism or The Evangelical Theologian and Elisabeth 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Integral to Evangelicals’ DNA? Fiorenza’s Hermeneutics Paul Hagen (St. Peter’s Evangelical 3:40 PM-4:20 PM 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Lutheran Church, Bronx, NY) Steven Tracy (Phoenix Seminary) Wade Rutland Howell Jr. (New Orleans The Overall Chiastic Outline of Luke-Acts Baptist Theological Seminary) Demonstrating a Grammar of Chiasm

The Culture Wars Over “Family Values”: Text and Canon Are Evangelicals Fighting the Wrong Battles There’s Something about Mary: The 3:40 PM-4:20 PM in the Wrong Way and Losing Badly? Development of Marian Thought in the Canonical Text, Non-canonical Texts, and Randall Buth (Biblical Language Center) 4:30 PM-5:10 PM the Early Church Luke the Compiler and Writer: Evaluating Cynthia Long Westfall Unnatural Greek, with a Special Look at 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Connectives Who Wields the Sword and Who Does Frank Chan (Nyack College) the Laundry? Gender Roles in the Pauline 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Corpus Flaws in J. B. Lightfoot’s Cessationist Concept of Apostleship: A Critique of the Steven Cox (Mid-America Baptist Theologi- 5:20 PM-6:00 PM So-Called “Eyewitness of the Resurrection” cal Seminary) Gerry Breshears (Western Seminary) Requirement A Re-consideration of the James Ossuary

Does the Bible Teach Authority Roles in the 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Ontological Trinity? A Biblical-Theological Westin Providence Ballroom I, Rodrick Durst (Golden Gate Baptist Theo- Assessment 3rd Floor logical Seminary) OLD TESTAMENT STUDIES More than Mere Monotheism: The Wizardry Rhode Island Convention Center of Oscillations and Differentiations in Room 553 B 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Hebrew Texts about God Halvor Ronning (Home for Bible Translators ISSUES IN SYSTEMATIC and Scholars, Jerusalem) THEOLOGY Rhode Island Convention Center Modern Hebrew Speeds Acquisition of Room 554 B 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Proficiency in Biblical Hebrew Adonis Vidu (Gordon-Conwell Theological ISSUES IN SYSTEMATIC Seminary) THEOLOGY 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Jinkyu Kim (First Korean Church of The Atonement and Action Theory 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Brooklyn) Gregory Smith (Southwestern Baptist 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Background on the Composition of Psalm Theological Seminary) 144 in Light of Its Strategic Arrangement - S E PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM DI TU CH S -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -6:00 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 NE PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM LI ENTATEU AU God’s Love in Hosea and Deuteronomy: a God’s Prophetic Reworking of a Deuteronomic Concept? 4:30 Alexander Bolotnikov (Hebrew Union College) Deuteronomy 24:1-4 in the Context of Ancient Near Eastern Law 5:20 Jerry Hwang (Wheaton College) 3:40 James Meek (Lock Haven University) Getting It Right: Righteousness and Law in and Paul the Old Testament 4:30 Joseph Dodson (University of Aberdeen) Personification, Solution, and Plight in the Book of Wisdom and the Letter to the Romans 5:20 Sorin Sabou (El Roi Romanian Baptist Church, Chicago) Dead to the Law in Romans Kent Room, 3rd Floor Westin P 2:50 David Melvin (Baylor University) Gilgamesh as Gibbor and the Unity of Genesis 6:1-4 and the Enochic Watchers Tradition 3:40 (Lutheran School of Theol Carsten Vang Aarhus) ogy, Righteousness and “Glory” in Romans 5:20 Baptist Hyun-Gwang Kim (The Southern Theological Seminary) 2:14-16 Gentiles under the Law in Romans and Hellenistic Judaism Room, 3rd Floor Newport Westin P 2:50 Glen Shellrude (Alliance Theological Seminary) In Pauline Theology What Is Imputed? Righteousness or a Justified Christ’s Status? - -

L EVA DI S E ME PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM M DI TU S ICS & -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 Y T NE PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM IS LI TOR AU ATR Steven Enderlein (Bethel University) Fall Short or Lack the Glory of God? To and Implications of — The Translation Romans 3:23 3:40 Dane Ortlund (Wheaton College) Justified by Faith, Judged according to Another Look Works: 4:30 Ben Blackwell (Durham University) 2:50 Evangelical Divinity Greg MaGee (Trinity School) Suffering and Status in the Apostolic Fathers 3:40 Harvey (Southwestern Baptist Solganick Theological Seminary) In Search of the Palatable Kingdom: Construction of Cannibalism in Christian Criticism 4:30 Michael Svigel (Dallas Theological Seminary) Saving Hermas: Reclaiming the Christology of the Shepherd Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom C P THEME: Paul and the Theology of Romans 2-3 Moderator: Linda Belleville (Bethel College, Indiana) 2:50 Deep Preaching 4:30 Jason Poling (New Hope Community Church) Strange Direc A Long Obedience in Some with Ezekiel Year tions: One Congregation’s 5:20 Mark Overstreet (Criswell College) a Where from Emmaus? Constructing Proper Method for Christ-centered Preach ing from the Old Testament Room, 3rd Floor Washington Westin P HIS -




L A PM PM PM PM PM PM PM EO H SD T G L N TAMENT -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 NE S PM PM CHI PM PM PM PM PM D TE TORA E S TERATURE REA LD A 3:40 School of Theology / J. Edwards (Talbot Biola University) Cracks in the Foundation: Ominous Signs in the David Narrative Providence Ballroom II, Westin 3rd Floor P P 2:50 Dokyun (David) Lim (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) and Generation X: The Genre of the Text Utilizing the Genre-Sensitive Sermon to Arouse Diverse Experiences The Character of David’s Character: Form The Character of David’s Critical Insights from the Story of David’s Death 4:30 Gordon Johnston (Dallas Theological Seminary) The Unconditional and Conditional Davidic Covenant Passages in the Light of the Mixed/Hybrid Form of the Ancient Near Eastern “Grant Treaty” 5:20 Bob Chisholm (Dallas Theological Seminary) LI THEME: Recent Scholarship on King David Moderator: Michael A. Grisanti (The Seminary) Master’s 2:50 Michael A. Grisanti (The Master’s Seminary) Recent Scholarship on David: An Archaeo logical, Historical, and Literary Focus 3:40 Bryan College) Cribb (Brewton-Parker 4:30 Evangelical Andrew Abernethy (Trinity Divinity School) Pastures Is the City Left behind for Greener of in Isaiah 32:9-20?: The Contributions Isaiah 32:19 Ballroom III & IV, Providence Westin 3rd Floor O W

16 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 - PM

The “Fathers” in Deuteronomy: An Essential 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Q&A Discussion Biblical-Theological & Redaction-Critical Fred von Kamecke (The Chapel, Lake Nexus for Pentateuchal Research County IL) Westin Narragansett Ballroom A, Who First Called the Last Supper a “Cov- Ground Floor Rhode Island Convention Center enant?” Reflections on Scot McKnight’s TEXT & CANON Ballroom D Jesus and His Death THEME: New Testament Canon PHILOSOPHICAL THEOLOGY THEME: Analytic Philosophy and 3:40 PM-4:20 PM 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Theology Mark Regazzi (Pioneer Memorial Church) Edward Stevens (International Preterist Moderator: Jim Beilby (Bethel University) The Ends of Gospel Pericopes: Is It Pos- Association) sible to Wrongly Divide the Word of Truth? The New Testament Canon Formed by PM PM 2:50 -3:30 AD 70 17 Mike Rea (University of Notre Dame) 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Analytic Theology: A Critical Appraisal Michael Daling (Wheaton College) 3:40 PM-4:20 PM The Misinterpretation of the End of the Eric Engleman (University of Vienna) 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Nineteenth-Century Quest of the Historical Should Evangelicals use the “Canonical Randal Rauser (Taylor Seminary, Canada) Jesus Approach”? Theological Baloney 5:20 PM-6:00 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Mirja Ronning (Home for Bible Translators, Fred Hall (American Lutheran Theological Thomas McCall (Trinity Evangelical Divinity Jerusalem) Seminary—Emeritus) School) Semitisms in Greek and How to Detect Martin Luther and the Canon of Scripture On Understanding Scripture as the Word Them of God 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Rhode Island Convention Center Mark Saucy (Talbot School of Theology) Westin Bristol Room, 3rd Floor Room 556 B Canon as Tradition: The New Covenant and SPIRITUAL FORMATION/ TEXT & CANON the Hermeneutical Question SANCTIFICATION Panel Discussion of Three Views on Moderator: Michael Wilkins (Talbot School the New Testament Use of the Old Westin Narragansett Ballroom B, of Theology) Testament Ground Floor

Kenneth Berding (Talbot School of TEXT & CANON Text and Canon PM PM Theology) 2:50 -3:30 THEME: New Testament Text Robert Kelleman (Capital Bible Seminary) 2:55 PM-3:15 PM Following the Ancient Paths: Mapping the 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Jonathan Lunde (Talbot School of Intersection between Spiritual Formation Derek Cooper (Biblical Theological Theology) and Sanctification Seminary) Taxonomical Framework Salvaging the Strawy Epistle: The Protes- 3:40 PM-4:20 PM tant Recovery of James after Martin Luther James Wilhoit (Wheaton College) 3:15 PM-3:35 PM Walter Kaiser Jr. (Gordon-Conwell An Overview and Assessment of Adrian van 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Theological Seminary) Kaam’s Formative Spirituality Michal Pahl (Prairie Bible College) Single Meaning, Unified Referents Scripture and Tradition, Orality and Gospel: 4:30 PM-5:10 PM A New Look at an Old Controversy John Coe (Talbot School of Theology) 3:35 PM-3:55 PM Darrell L. Bock (Dallas Theological Resisting the Temptation of Moral Forma- 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Seminary) tion: Opening to Spiritual Formation in the Mike Arcieri (Facultè de thèologie Cross and the Spirit Single Meaning, Multiple Contexts, and èvangèlique, Montreal, Que) Referents Complete Listing of All Variant Readings 5:20 PM-6:00 PM between the Robinson-Pierpont 2nd ed. 3:55 PM-4:15 PM Jong-Hun Yoon (Chongshin University, and the Nestle-Aland 27th ed. Seoul, Korea) (Westminster Theological Seminary) The Methodology of the Mortification 5:20 PM-6:00 PM between John Calvin and John Owen Fuller Meaning, Single Goal Richard Taylor (Dallas Theological Seminary) 4:15 PM-4:30 PM Westin Waterplace Ballroom III, On the Use (and Abuse) of a Critical INTERMISSION 2nd Floor Apparatus SYNOPTIC GOSPELS 4:30 PM-5:30 PM - / PM PM PM AM -9:30 -8:20 PM PM Rhode Island Convention Center Rhode Island Convention Ballroom 7:30 PLENARY SESSION 2:CANON TEXT & Baptist Univer Stephen Dempster (Atlantic Moncton, Ontario) sity, Canon Old Testament Center Rhode Island Convention Ballroom 8:30 BUSINESS MEETING 2 - -

OVEMBER 19 - OVEMBER N OVEMBER 20 - OVEMBER , N Y , A Y PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM A SD SD -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 NE PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM D UR E the Modern Period William Ury Biblical Seminary) (Wesley Doctrine of A Blow to the Root: Wesley’s Scripture in Relation to Entire Sanctification in Modern Interpretation 4:30 Biblical Seminary)Gareth Cockerill (Wesley After Inerrancy—What? The Wesleyan Theological Journal, 1978-2005 5:20 Biblical Seminary)Ron Smith (Wesley The Bible Sanely Interpreted: Henry Clay Advocacy for Biblical Faith in Morrison’s nitive Semantic and Discourse Approach Ballroom II, Waterplace Westin 2nd Floor WESLEYAN STUDY GROUP 2:50 Evangelical Divinity Thomas McCall (Trinity School) Theology and the Authority Wesleyan of Scripture: Historic Affirmations and Contemporary Issues 3:40 Saga? 3:40 Paul Kissling (TCMI Institute) Canonical Approaches to Old Testament in Theology in Light of Ancient Variations the Order of the Kethubim 4:30 Richard Riss (Somerset Christian College) Canon on Old Testament John Wesley 5:20 (SIL International) Wardlaw Terrance Comprehension: A Cog Pentateuchal Text Westin Narragansett Ballroom C, Narragansett Westin Ground Floor TEXT & CANON Canon THEME: Old Testament 2:50 Pres Jettie Harris (Rivermont Evangelical Virginia) byterian Church, Lynchburg, to the Musical Canon: Is There Relevance the Creation Canonical Presentation of W TH

18 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 - AM

Rhode Island Convention Center Larry Poston (Nyack College) Is the Authority of Biblical Canonicity Com- Room 550 A Life (or Something Like It): Historical promised in the Integrationist Approach to ADVENTIST THEOLOGICAL Christian Perspectives on Conception and Psychology and Theology? SOCIETY Ensoulment 10:10 AM-10:50 AM THEME: Closing the Canon: The Apocalypse, Scripture’s Last Word? 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Hye Jeong Cho (Chongshin University) Moderator: Larry Lichtenwalter (Andrews R. Matthew Lytle (NC Family Policy Effects of Church & Family-connected University) Council) Parent Education Programs regarding Faith John 15:5 and the Necessity of Perichor- and Parenting Attitudes 8:30 AM-9:10 AM esis for Christian Ethics 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Jiri Moskala (Andrews University) 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Stephen Berger (TEM Consulting) The Place of the Book of Daniel in the 19 Hebrew Canon William Aleshire (Southeastern Baptist Ontology, Humiliation, and Theological Theological Seminary) Leadership Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Judging the Foundations of the Value Mathilde Frey (Andrews University) Systems of C. S. Lewis, Joseph Fletcher, Rhode Island Convention Center The Text of the Creation Sabbath (Genesis and Alasdair MacIntyre Room 551 B 2:1-3): Theological Intentionality for the DISCOURSE GRAMMAR AND Concept of Holiness in the Pentateuch Rhode Island Convention Center BIBLICAL EXEGESIS Rotunda THEME: Discourse Grammar and 10:10 AM-10:50 AM BIBLICAL THEOLOGY Biblical Exegesis A. Rahel Schafer (Wheaton College) Moderator: Randall Tan (Kentucky Christian Nomological or Inspirational? Paul’s Use of 8:30 AM-9:10 AM University) the Old Testament in 1 Corinthians Richard M. & JoAnn Davidson (Andrews University Theological Seminary) 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Rhode Island Convention Center The Covenant Lawsuit Motif in Canonical Jason S. DeRouchie (Northwestern Ballroom E Perspective College) BAPTIST STUDIES Wa and Asyndeton as Guides to Mac- 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Moderator: Michael Haykin (The Southern rostructure in the Reported Speech of Sun Myung Lyu (Korean Church of Baptist Theological Seminary) Deuteronomy Chicago) Text and Canon 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Divine Justice and Eventuality—Categories 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Jason Lee (Southwestern Baptist Theologi- of Faith in Israelite Wisdom Literature Randall Buth (Biblical Language Center) cal Seminary) Luke the Compiler and Writer: Evaluating 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Integrating Tradition in Baptist Preaching Unnatural Greek, With a Special Look at Paul R. House (Beeson Divinity School) Connectives 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Thematic Studies 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Timothy George (Beeson Divinity School) 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Steven Runge (Logos Bible Software) Baptists, Calvinists, Ecumenists Mark Strauss (Bethel Seminary San Diego) “I want you to know . . .” The Exegetical 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Why the English Standard Version Should Significance of Meta-comments for Identi- Keith Harper (Southeastern Baptist Theo- Not Become the Standard English Version: fying Key Propositions logical Seminary) How to Make a Good Translation Much Better 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Theological Social History: A Brief Dis- Rick Brannan (Logos Bible Software) course on Method Rhode Island Convention Center The Discourse Function of alla in 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Room 551 A Non-negative Contexts John Gill (The Southern Baptist Theological COUNSELING, PSYCHOLOGY & Seminary) PASTORAL CARE Rhode Island Convention Center The Gospel, Scriptures and Napoleon Room 554 A 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Bonaparte EVANGELICAL PHILOSOPHICAL Catherine Clark Kroeger (Gordon-Conwell SOCIETY Theological Seminary) Rhode Island Convention Center 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Room 550 B The Apostle Paul on Authority and Abuse David A. Reed (Bethel College, Indiana) BIBLICAL ETHICS 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Voices Crying in the Wilderness: The Calls Charles Dickens (Dallas Theological 8:30 AM-9:10 AM to Faith in Kierkegaard and Nietzsche Seminary) - -

IC IC AM AM AM AM Discrimen? AM AM TEMAT TEMAT AM AM SYS SYS -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 N N -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 GY GY AM AM AM AM O O S I S I AM AM AM AM L L UE UE EO EO H H T T 10:10 10:10 Ondrej Hron (Universitas Carolina [Charles University in Prague]) Demarcating Biblical Justice: Can Hamartiology Be Conscripted into Providing a Textual 11:00 James McCullough (Somerset Chrisitian College) Analysis: A Comprehensive Worldview “Three-dimensional” Approach 10:10 10:10 Keith Goad (The Southern Baptist Theologi cal Seminary) in Harmony Simplicity and Trinity 11:00 Stephen Farish (Crossroads Church) The Application of the Doctrine of the Trinity Rhode Island Convention Center Room 556 B ISS 8:30 School of Theology/ Erik Thoennes (Talbot Biola University) Sport, Created to Play: Thoughts on Play, and the Christian Life 9:20 Kyoung Kwon (Chonhshin University) Tae A Study on Covenant Theology and the Confession of Faith for the Westminster Korean Church Rhode Island Convention Center Rhode Island Convention Room 556 A ISS 8:30 Baptist Rustin Umstattd (Southwestern Theological Seminary) The Holy Spirit Crucifixion: A Trinitarian and Substitutionary Atonement 9:20 Chung-Hyun Baik (Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley) God in Contemporary Discus The Triune sions of the Relation between the Immanent and the Economic Trinity Trinity - - -

GY O L Crurifragium AM AM John Gill (1697- AM AM AM AM EO AM AM H T ICS L M in bivio: A -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 IC AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM TOR ERMENEUT 10:10 10:10 Allen Mickle (Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, Louisville, Kentucky) For Believers 1771) on the All-Sufficiency of the Scriptures 11:00 Brian Johnson (Lincoln Christian College) History and Theology in the Gospel of Account of the John’s pretation of the Word? 10:10 Gary(Corban College and Derickson Graduate School) Mystery Excludes the New Testament Church from the Old Testament 11:00 Gregory Perry (Covenant Theological Seminary) “No Other Name”: Intertextuality and Identity in Acts Rhode Island Convention Center Room 552 B HIS 8:30 McAlhaney (Southwestern Baptist Timothy Theological Seminary) Influence upon Cranmer and the Laski’s English Reformation 9:20 Thomas Breimaier (Wheaton College) The Gospel The Cross in the Tabernacle: Hermeneutic of Charles Haddon Spurgeon Leadership? A Vigorous Yes and an and Leadership? A Vigorous Yes Unexpected No Center Rhode Island Convention Room 552 A H 8:30 Ministries/ Craig Smith (Shepherd Project Denver Seminary) Ob Designs and Designers: Increasing jectivity in Literary Structural Analysis via Insights from Intelligent Design Theory 9:20 David Kim (The Southern Baptist Theologi cal Seminary) How Does the Holy Spirit Affect Our Inter - L A

PHIC O OVEMBER 20 - A OVEMBER S O N AM AM AM AM , S AM AM AM E Y AM AM A DI L PHIL A TU -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 SD -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 S LIC Y E AM AM AM AM ER AM AM AM AM AM G ET UR D CI EN O 10:10 10:10 Steven Boyer (Eastern University) Order Significant for Church Is Trinitarian Room 557 G 8:30 Margaret Köstenberger (Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) A Study of the Gospel Jesus and Women: Evidence 9:20 Josh Malone (University of Aberdeen) Only Skin Deep? A Theological Interpreta tion of Male/Female Differentiation and Gender Identity Empirical Data That Challenge Naturalistic Assumptions 9:20 University) James Spiegel (Taylor Free Will and Soul Making: Comparing Two Responses to the Problem of Evil 10:10 School of William Lane Craig (Talbot Theology) Graham Oppy on Infinity in the Kalam Cosmological Argument Rhode Island Convention Center 11:00 11:00 Coblentz (Baylor University) Travis Lex Luther vs. Superman: Using Bonhoeffer Ethic Christian to Make Nietzsche’s Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom B EVAN S 8:30 Gary(Liberty University) Habermas Revisited: Recent Experiences Near-Death 9:20 Horkott (Palm Beach Atlantic David F. University) Us about Sin What Nietzsche Can Teach and Holiness 10:10 R.J. Snell (Eastern University) Sanctifying Us Everywhere: Charles Taylor Age and the Apologetics of a Secular TH

20 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 - AM

8:30 AM-9:10 AM New Testament Rhode Island Convention Center Daniel Estes (Cedarville University) 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Room 555 A Form and Variations in the Psalmic Hymns ISSUES IN SYSTEMATIC Justin Furhmann (Trinity Evangelical Divin- ity School) THEOLOGY 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Warren Gage (Knox Theological Seminary) Characterization and the Historical Jesus: 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Herod Antipas and His Impact Christ on Patmos: John’s Pleromatic Vision Joseph Kim (Dallas Theological Seminary) of the God-man in Revelation 1:9-20 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Discarnate Humanity in the Age of Charles Ray (New Orleans Baptist Theo- Electronic Media: Marshall McLuhan and 10:10 AM-10:50 AM logical Seminary) Biblical Anthropology Donald Williams (Toccoa Falls College) A Fountain for the Forgiveness of Sins: The English Devotional Poetry in Praise of 21 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Function of the Old Testament in John 19 Christ Norman Gulley (Southern Adventist Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting University) 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Westin Waterplace Ballroom I, Debate over Justification by Faith: Evan- General Discussion 2nd Floor gelicals & Catholics NEW TESTAMENT GREEK AND EXEGESIS 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom D THEME: Toward a Consensus on Philip Lueck (Northwestern College) Exegetical Method: Definition, MISSIONAL CHURCH The Future of National Israel in Dispensa- Purpose, Components, Sample Using tional Thought THEME: An Emerging Discussion: Phil. 2:6-11 The Intersection of the Missional Moderator: William J. Larkin (Columbia Church Movement and the Evangelical 11:00 AM-11:40 AM International University Seminary and Academy Robert Caldwell (Southwestern Baptist School of Missions) Theological Seminary) Moderator: Robert L. Plummer (The South- A Display of “Four Point” Calvinism: The ern Baptist Theological Seminary) 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Theological Commitments of Hypothetical Buist M. Fanning (Dallas Theological 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Universalism and Amyraldianism Seminary) John Franke (Biblical Seminary; Emergent An “Articulation, Validation, and Applica- Village) Rhode Island Convention Center tion of Meaning” Approach to Exegesis Room 555 B Missional and Emerging: Exploring the Text and Canon Relationship of Two Conversations and LETTER TO THE HEBREWS 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Their Significance for the Church Stanley E. Porter (McMaster Divinity 8:30 AM-9:10 AM School) 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Carl Mosser (Eastern University) A Multi-disciplinary Approach to Exegesis Gerry Breshears (Western Seminary) Hebrews and the Triennial Cycle The Missional Proclamation of the Atone- 10:10 AM-10:50 AM ment 9:20 AM-10:00 AM William J. Larkin (Columbia International University Seminary and School of Mis- Radu Gheorghita (Midwestern Baptist 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Theological Seminary) sions) Gregg Allison (The Southern Baptist Who Influenced Whom? The Reciprocal Theological Seminary) A Ministry Context Based Approach to Influence between the LXX and NT Textual Exegesis The Multi-Site Church Phenomenon: A Witnesses Biblical, Theological, Historical, and Mis- sional Assessment 11:00 AM-11:40 AM 10:10 AM-10:50 AM General Discussion Seth Postell (Golden Gate Baptist Theologi- 11:00 AM-11:40 AM cal Seminary) General Discussion Rhode Island Convention Center Structure, Strategy, and Service: The Rela- Ballroom C tionship between Hebrews 9:1-10 and the OLD TESTAMENT STUDIES Compositional Strategy of the Priestly Code Westin Providence Ballroom I, 3rd Floor NEW TESTAMENT STUDIES 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Rhode Island Convention Center Andrew Streett (Criswell College) Room 558 A/B 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Psalm 80 and the Prophets: Early Mes- LITERATURE OF THE BIBLE Joseph Pak (The Southern Baptist Theo- sianic Associations of the Son of Man THEME: The Poetry of Praise logical Seminary) Moderator: Gene Fant (Union University) Characteristics of False Believers in the 9:20 AM-10:00 AM -

AM AM S S AM AM AM AM E E AM AM DI DI TU TU -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 S S -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 AM AM AM AM NE NE AM AM AM AM LI LI AU AU 10:10 10:10 Mark Owens (University of Aberdeen) The “New Creation” Debate and the Letter to the Ephesians 11:00 (Michigan Theological J. Brian Tucker Seminary) “Not to go beyond that which is written” Own in 1 Cor 4:6 as a Reference to Paul’s Writing 1 Timothy 3:16 and the Descent and Ascent 3:16 and the Descent and Ascent 1 Timothy of Christ 9:20 Evangelical Swinson (Trinity L. Timothy Divinity School) An Exegetical Scripture in 1 and 2 Timothy: Reflection 10:10 (Zondervan Verbrugge and Kairos Verlyn Institute, Trinidad) The Grammatical Internal Evidence for exõmen in Romans 5:1 Kent Room, 3rd Floor Westin P 8:30 (Southwestern Baptist John Taylor Theological Seminary) Building Up the Faith: Galatians 2:17-18 in Context 9:20 Leslie Keylock (Evangelical University and Seminary) 3:16 Contain a Chiasm? Does 2 Timothy Biola University) John ChrysA Christology of Mediation: Ministry View of the High-Priestly ostom’s of Christ 11:00 International Daniel Janosik (Columbia University) to the John of Damascus: First Apologist Muslims Providence Ballroom II, Westin 3rd Floor P 8:30 Presbyterian Brice Martin (St. Andrew’s Ontario, Canada) Church, Arthur, - -

L EVA GY DI O Be Extended to Ro AM AM AM AM AM L AM AM ME AM AM EO H T M -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 -11:40 L -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 imago Dei ICS & -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 Y T AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM IS TORA TOR S ATR A David Alexander (Fellowship Bible Church) Legacy Early Antecedents for Augustine’s on the Biblical Canon 9:20 Craig Blaising (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) The Hermeneutics of Creedal Formulation: A Reexamination of the Nicene Creed 10:10 School of Theology, Ashish Naidu (Talbot Michael Milton (Reformed Theological Seminary) Preaching from the Footnotes: The Chal Criticism in Expository lenge of Textual Preaching 9:20 Bingham Hunter (Phoenix Seminary) W. “Prayer Changes Things” & “The Power of Prayer” - Theological and Pastoral Concerns about Language Used to Motivate Prayer 10:10 Edmund Neufeld (Providence Theological Seminary) a Pastoral Theology Based on the Toward Synoptic Gospels 11:00 John Lawrey (Bethel Seminary) It with You Take Will You Newport Room, 3rd Floor Westin P HIS 8:30 Should the the Future bots? Love and Sex with Robots, Concept of of Marriage, and the Christian Personhood 10:10 Aida BesanÁon Spencer (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) Ministering as Equals Men and Women State? Globally—What Is the Current 11:00 General Discussion Room, 3rd Floor Washington Westin P 8:30 -




AM AM , N AM AM Y ON AM AM I S I A E IC -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 -10:50 SD TAMENT -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 -10:00 RETAT VO S

AM AM AM P AM AM AM AM TE UR ER H TERATURE LD NTER 9:20 William David Spencer (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) Ground Floor OT I in Interpretation THEME: Other Voices Study Group Moderator: Aida Besanáon Spencer (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) 8:30 (Southern High Plains E. Walton Woodrow Bible Institute) Preaching from the High Plains Pulpit: A Cultural Case Study in American Biblical Preaching 10:10 10:10 Evangelical Divinity Hee Suk Kim (Trinity School) Reading Proverbs 26:4-5 from the Herme neutical Perspective of Proverbs 1-9 11:00 R. Dennis Cole (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) Aesthetic Developments in Psalms 22-24: A New Approach to the Reading and Interpretation of Selected Psalms Narragansett Ballroom A, Westin O LI 8:30 Byung-Ho Moon (Chongshin University) Use of the Rhetoric of God’s Calvin’s Accommodation, Centered on His Commentary Psalm 78 on 9:20 Christopher Ansberry (Wheaton College) The Performance Context of the Book of Proverbs and Its Literary-Theological Significance Gunther Juncker (Toccoa Falls College) Gunther Juncker (Toccoa Church as Exodus, Exile, and Israel: The Spiritual Israel in the Apocalypse 10:10 College) Michael Shepherd (Louisiana Context Daniel 4:24 (Eng., 4:27) in Center Rhode Island Convention Room 554 B TH

22 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 - AM

9:20 AM-10:00 AM Westin Providence Ballroom III, Darrell Bock (Dallas Theological Seminary) Westin Waterplace Ballroom III, 3rd Floor Response 2nd Floor PENTATEUCH TEXT & CANON Westin Waterplace Ballroom II, THEME: New Testament Text 8:30 AM-9:10 AM 2nd Floor Chee-Chiew Lee (Wheaton College) 8:30 AM-9:10 AM TEXT & CANON Guyim in Genesis 35:11 and the Abrahamic Adam Messer (Dallas Theological Semi- THEME: New Testament Text Promise of Blessings for the Nations nary) 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Unveiling Patristic Impressions: Theology 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Douglas Huffman (Northwestern College) and Textual Corruption in Matthew 24:36 Scott Callaham (Southwestern Baptist A Survey of Text-Critical Issues in the Book 23 Theological Seminary) 9:20 AM-10:00 AM

of Acts Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting The Exegetical Significance of Parono- Timothy Ricchuiti (Dallas Theological mastic Infinitive Constructions in Modal Seminary) 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Contexts: Examples from Genesis Fredrick Long (Asbury Theological Tracking Thomas: A Text-Critical Look at Seminary) the Transmission of the Gospel of Thomas 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Israel in the New Testament Canon: Ephe- Thomas Keiser (Central Baptist Theological 10:10 AM-10:50 AM sians 2 and a New Testament Theology of Seminary) (Westminster Theological the People of God The “Sons of God” in Genesis 6:1-4: A Seminary) Rhetorical Characterization 10:10 AM-10:50 AM The Interaction of General Knowledge and James Sweeney (Immanuel Church) Canon in Appreciating Biblical Narratives, Westin Bristol Room, 3rd Floor Illustrated with Luke 5:12-16 Did the Gospel of Matthew Use an Early SPIRITUAL FORMATION/ Form of the Didache as a Source? SANCTIFICATION 11:00 AM-11:40 AM William Warren Jr. (New Orleans Baptist Moderator: John Coe (Institute for Spiritual 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Theological Seminary) Formation, Talbot School of Theology) Jay Smith (Dallas Theological Seminary) Canons, Copies, Communities, and Con- The “Non-canonical” within the Canonical: AM AM flicts: The Text of the New Testament in the 8:30 -9:10 Corinthian Slogans in 1 Corinthians J. Scott Duvall (Ouachita Baptist University) Second and Third Centuries Text and Canon Integrating Biblical Studies and Spiritual Westin Providence Ballroom IV, Westin Narragansett Ballroom B, Formation: A Practical Proposal from a 3rd Floor “Spiritual Formation” Outsider Ground Floor TEXT & CANON TEXT & CANON THEME: New Testament Text 9:20 AM-10:00 AM THEME: Old Testament Text Gregory Peters (Biola University) 8:30 AM-9:10 AM The Journey of Our Life: Dante as a 8:30 AM-9:10 AM Abidan Paul Shah (Southeastern Baptist Spiritual Theologian of Grace Adam Greenway (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) Theological Seminary) Rewriting History: An Analysis and Evalu- 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Reconsidering the Identity of the Edenic ation of Current Revisionist Approaches to Timothy Anderson (Corban College) Serpent New Testament Textual Criticism and Their Intimacy with God and Spiritual Formation Impact on New Testament Studies 9:20 AM-10:00 AM 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Amber Warhurst (University of St Andrews) 9:20 AM-10:00 AM Bradley Blocksom (Hope Chapel - Stafford) Douglas Estes (Western Seminary-San Jose) Plagiarism and Authority in 1-2 Chronicles Toward a Hermeneutic for Devotional John versus the Canon: A Counterfactual Reading of Scripture 10:10 AM-10:50 AM View of the Fourth Gospel Bryan Smith (Bob Jones University) Rhode Island Convention Center 10:10 AM-10:50 AM Up from Slavery: Releasing Genesis 37 Room 553 A/B Jeff Cate (California Baptist University) from its Critical Captivity SYNOPTIC GOSPELS The Angry Jesus in Mark 1:41 11:00 AM-11:40 AM AM AM Randall McKinion (Shepherds Theological 8:30 -9:10 11:00 AM-11:40 AM Seminary) Dean Deppe (Calvin Theological Seminary) Ted Bigelow (Grace Church, Hartford, CT) Textual Strategies in the Use of Isaiah in Textual Alterations in the Gospels of the The Sufficiency of the New Testament Text Jeremiah 50-51 TNIV Is the Sufficiency of the Trinity

PM PM PM PM PM PM PM -1:40 -1:40 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 -2:30 -2:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Reimar Vetne (Andrews University) Reimar Vetne Why Read Revelation 2-3 and 6 as Historical Periods: Exegetical Insights from Patristic and Medieval Commentaries Rhode Island Convention Center Room 550 B AMERICAN CHRISTIANITY 2:50 Borim Kim (Chongshin University) New Testament Canon New Testament Rhode Island Convention Center Room 550 A ADVENTIST THEOLOGICALSOCIETY THEME: Closing the Canon: The Last Word? Apocalypse, Scripture’s Moderator: Larry Lichtenwalter (Andrews University) 2:50 Jan Sigvartsen (Andrews University) Repentance and Personal Responsibility and in Ezekiel 18 and Its Inner-Textual Intertextual Contexts 3:40 John Peckham (Andrews University) Intrinsic Canonicity: The Inadequacy of the Community to Determine the Canon 4:30 (Andrews University) Christine Vetne The Enigma of the Character of Balaam: A Narrative Reading of Numbers 22-24 5:20 Rhode Island Convention Center Rhode Island Convention Ballroom 12:50 PLENARY SESSION 3:CANON TEXT & (Dallas Theological Daniel B. Wallace Seminary) Text New Testament Center Rhode Island Convention Ballroom A 1:40 PLENARY SESSION 3:CANON TEXT & Charles E. Hill (Reformed Theological Seminary) M OVEMBER 20 - P OVEMBER N AM AM , AM Y AM A -11:40 -11:40 -10:50 -10:50 SD -9:10 -9:10 -10:00 -10:00 AM AM AM AM UR John Webster and Hans Urs von Balthasar and Hans Urs von Balthasar John Webster on Holy Scripture 9:20 Jason Sexton (The University of St. Andrews) How Far Beyond Chicago? 10:10 University) Michael Harbin (Taylor Why the Epistolary Model of Inspiration is Inadequate 11:00 Evangelical Divinity Stephen Garrett (Trinity School) The Canonical Scriptures as Sacrament? Westin Narragansett Ballroom C, Narragansett Westin Ground Floor TEXT & CANON & Canon THEME: Text 8:30 Seminary)James Mook (Capital Bible Canonicity in Islam and Evangelicalism TH

24 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 - PM

Missionaries and Mission Schools of the tion, but Fulfillment 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Dutch Reformed Church in America in Craig V. Mitchell (Southwestern Baptist PM PM Japan in the Meiji Period 3:40 -4:20 Theological Seminary) Kelly Kapic (Covenant College) Are Christian Ethics “Sui Generis”? 3:40 PM-4:20 PM God So Loved He Gave: Developing a Mark Chapman (Marquette University) Theology of Generosity 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Carl Henry on Neoorthodoxy: A Mid-Twen- Timothy P. Erdel (Bethel College) tieth Century Evangelical Critique 4:30 PM-5:10 PM “Go Tell That Fox”: Should Christian Values Robert Peterson (Covenant Theological Guide Non-Christians, and Could They If 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Seminary) They Should? Robert Lay (Taylor University) A Biblical Panorama of Christ’s Saving Evangelical Methodism in Religion and Work 5:20 PM-6:00 PM 25 Culture Studies: What do these Studies Daniel R. Heimbach (Southeastern Baptist

PM PM Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Offer to Evangelicals? 5:20 -6:00 Theological Seminary) Shawn D. Wright (The Southern Baptist The Problem of Universal Ethics for 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Theological Seminary) Christian Pacifists Jonathan Shelley (Grand Rapids Theologi- Aspects of a Biblical Theology of Children cal Seminary) Rhode Island Convention Center An Evangelical Assessment of and Rhode Island Convention Center Room 558 A/B Response to the Secularization of American Room 552 B Protestantism COUNSELING, PSYCHOLOGY & CARL F. H. HENRY STUDY GROUP PASTORAL CARE

Rhode Island Convention Center 2:50 PM-3:30 PM 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Room 551 A Carl Sanders (Washington Bible College) Jack Greenoe (Southwestern Baptist ASIAN/ASIAN-AMERICAN Carl F. H. Henry Meets Augustus Hopkins Theological Seminary) THEOLOGY Strong Agape and Altruism: Unfit for Evolutionary THEME: Theology of Suffering Psychology PM PM Moderator: Dongsu Kim (Nyack College) 3:40 -4:20 Edward Pauley (Southwestern Baptist 3:40 PM-4:20 PM 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Theological Seminary) Carmen Bryant (WorldLink Graduate Mitchell Kim (Wheaton College) The History and Significance of Dr. Carl Center) Text and Canon From Creation to New Creation: Exploring F. H. Henry’s Contributions to Rational A Ghost in Grandma’s Rocker: Counseling the Role of Suffering in the Fulfillment of Apologetics for Christians Seeing Demons Genesis 1:28 4:30 PM-5:10 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM 3:40 PM-4:20 PM George Coon (Calvary Baptist Theological James Glasscock (Retired PC[USA] Clergy) Seminary) Dongsu Kim (Nyack College) The Human Text and Biblical Text and Revisiting Paul’s Concept of Suffering in Carl F. H. Henry and Karl Barth on the Bibli- Canon: Aging and Retirement Romans 8: Christological vs. Generic cal Canon and Its Consequent Authority

5:20 PM-6:00 PM Rhode Island Convention Center 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Room 554 A Sung Wook Chung (Denver Seminary) Michael White (Wheaton College) EXPOSITORY PREACHING AND The Logic of Biblical Authority and Efficacy Taking Up Our Cross: John Calvin’s Theol- HERMENEUTICS ogy of the Cross in Carl F. H. Henry THEME: From Whence Comes Valid Application? 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Rhode Island Convention Center Sungjin Kim (Trinity Evangelical Divinity Room 553 A Moderator: Forrest Weiland (Biola University) School) CHRISTIAN ETHICS Suffering in God’s Providence THEME: Christian Ethics: Is 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Christian Ethics for Everyone, or Walter Russell (Talbot School of Theology) Just for Christians? Rhode Island Convention Center The Intended Application Room 551 B Moderator: Daniel R. Heimbach (Southeast- BIBLICAL THEOLOGY ern Baptist Theological Seminary) 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Abraham Kuruvilla (Dallas Theological 2:50 PM-3:30 PM 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Seminary) James Congdon (Topeka Bible Church) William Edgar (Westminster Theological Pericopal Theology Governs Valid Seminary) Believers’ Relation to the Law: Not Obliga- Application Are the Ten Commandments for Everyone? - - - - She

IC IC within the Taxis TEMAT TEMAT PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM SYS SYS N N -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 GY GY O O S I S I PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM L L UE UE EO EO Reveal about the Human Constitution? H H T T 3:40 (The Southern Baptist Bruce A. Ware Theological Seminary) and Christian Worship Son, and Why the Order of Father, Trinity: Holy Spirit Matters to a Correct Under standing and Practice of Worship 4:30 Christopher Morgan (California Baptist University) the Theological The Glory of God: Tracing Christopher Black (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) What Does Jesus’ Exploring the Text: ma 4:30 Kurt Wise (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) Dominion: Optimization of Divine Attributes Glory to God’s 5:20 Mark Farnam (Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary) in Human Hands: How Episte Godís Word mological Failure Leads to Accommodation of Critical Biblical Scholarship Rhode Island Convention Center Room 553 B ISS 2:50 Douglas Kennard (Bryan College) Instances of Covenant Nomism in Second Judaisms Temple 5:20 Bible Seminary)William Baker (Cincinnati Friend The Epistle of James: An Overlooked for Emerging Churches Center Rhode Island Convention Room 556 A ISS 2:50 Page Brooks (New Orleans Baptist Theo logical Seminary) Comparative on the Word: The Word Christian and Islamic Apologetic Methods Regarding the New Testament 3:40 -

Y ORAR GY P O L EO PM PM PM PM PM PM H PM PM T GY ONTEM L O M C L A N O -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 IC SI S I PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM E TOR UE CCL Church: A Missional Eschatology 3:40 Michael Wittmer (Grand Rapids Theological Seminary) Machen on McLaren: A New Kind of Liberal? 4:30 Ronald Smith (Biola University) The Emerging Church and Physicalism Calvin’s Exegesis and Application, Past and Calvin’s Present 3:40 I. Francis Kyle (Peninsula College / Uncommon Christian Ministries) (1801–1829), For James Brainerd Taylor gotten “Uncommon Christian” Evangelist: Why He Is Needed Today 4:30 Jan van Vliet (Prairie College) Keeping It Real: The Heidelberg Catechism under Puritan Reconstruction 5:20 Keith Johnson (Duke University) Reading of John 5: “Trinitarian” Augustine’s A Model for the “Theological” Interpretation of Scripture? Newport Room, 3rd Floor Westin ISS E 2:50 D. Brent Sandy (Grace College) The Early Church and the Emerging The Analogy of Scripture Revisited: A Final The Analogy of Scripture Revisited: to Systematic Form Canonical Approach Theology 5:20 of Applied Les Bruce (Graduate Institute Linguistics) The Pragmatic Aspects of Communication: Great Faith Canaanite Woman’s Center Rhode Island Convention Room 555 A HIS 2:50 Guenther Haas (Redeemer University College) 4:1-5: Christian Freedom in 1 Timothy - L A


O OVEMBER 20 - P OVEMBER S O in Its Economic N , ARNATE Y PM PM PM C PM PM PM PM PM N A L PHIL ICS A D I O SD -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -3:30 -6:00 -3:30 LIC Y E kaloi oikonomoi PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM G ET UR D & G CI ERMENEUT O O Reading Context 4:30 John Peckham (Andrews University) Rhode Island Convention Center Room 554 B H 2:50 Innes Visagie (Highland Theological College, UK) Is the Story Character of Reading Reality Leveling the Playground between Science and Theology? 3:40 John Goodrich (Durham University) Grace”: “As Good Stewards of God’s Andrews) The Interpretative Dilemma of God-incar nate: How Dual Natures of Christ Performed in Second Century Christian and Gnostic Readings of Genesis 1-2 3:40 Scott Swain (Reformed Theological Seminary) A Response to Stephen Presley 4:30 General Discussion 2:50 Paul Moser (Loyola University) Kerygmatic Philosophy Rhode Island Convention Center Room 557 G THEME: Interpretation and God-Incarnate Moderator: Douglas Blount (Dallas Theological Seminary) 2:50 Stephen O. Presley (University of St. 4:30 (Corban College) Gregory Trull Is the “Big Idea” Big Enough? Ballroom I, Waterplace Westin 2nd Floor EVAN S THEME: Plenary Session TH

26 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 - PM

Tensions Recent Trends in Canon Criticism Elijah-Elisha Narratives

5:20 PM-6:00 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM (Bethlehem Baptist Church, Daniel B. Wallace (Dallas Theological Walter Marlowe (Evangelical Theological Minneapolis, MN) Seminary) Faculty, Leuven, Belgium) Why God Is Not a Megalomaniac in Recent Developments in NT Textual Criti- The (Watch-) Tower of Babel: A Textual and Demanding to Be Worshiped cism and Why They Matter to Evangelicals Contextual Re-consideration

Rhode Island Convention Center 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Rhode Island Convention Center Room 556 B Stanley E. Porter (McMaster Divinity Rotunda LETTER TO THE HEBREWS College) OLD TESTAMENT WISDOM Moderator: Herbert Bateman (Dallas Summary and Evaluation: Toward an Evan- LITERATURE gelical Understanding of NT Canon, Textual 27 Theological Seminary) THEME: Song of Songs Criticism, and Apocryphal Literature Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Moderator: Richard Schultz (Wheaton 2:50 PM-3:30 PM College) Barry Joslin (Boyce College of The South- Rhode Island Convention Center ern Baptist Theological Seminary) Room 555 B 2:50 PM-3:30 PM God in Three Persons: The Implicit NEW TESTAMENT STUDIES III (Westmont College) Trinitarianism of Hebrews Narrative Impulses in the Interpretation 2:50 PM-3:30 PM of Proverbs and the Song of Songs: A Paul Brown (Trinity Evangelical Divinity 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Reappraisal Kevin Chen (Golden Gate Baptist School) Theological Seminary) When God Comes to Judge: Another Look 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Longing for Zion: Tracing a Compositional at 2 Peter 3:10 in Light of Old Testament Respondent: (Reformed Contrast in the Biblical Literature Theophanic Imagery Theological Seminary, Gordon College, Cedarville University), Ted Hildebrandt 4:30 PM-5:10 PM 3:40 PM-4:20 PM (Reformed Theological Seminary, Gordon Joshua Mathews (Golden Gate Baptist Alan Bandy (Southeastern Baptist Theologi- College, Cedarville University), Daniel Theological Seminary) cal Seminary) Estes (Reformed Theological Seminary, Genesis 14 and the Order of Melchizedek: Patterns of Prophetic Lawsuits in the Book Gordon College, Cedarville University) A Textual and Canonical Case from the of Revelation Pentateuch 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Text and Canon 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Gordon Johnston (Dallas Theological 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Benjamin Merkle (Southeastern Baptist Seminary) Theological Seminary) Richard Mohline (Grand Canyon Univer- “Just an Old-Fashioned Love Song”? sity) Who Will Be Left Behind? Rethinking the Literary Archetypes & Trajectories in Song Hebrews: The Significance of a “Better” Meaning of Matthew 24:40-41 and Luke of Solomon Outline 17:34-35 5:20 PM-6:00 PM 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Westin Providence Ballroom II, Brian Gault (Hebrew Union College) David Hoe (Dallas Theological Seminary) Third Floor An Oath of Chastity or a “Do Not Disturb” NEW TESTAMENT CANON, Apocalyptic and Speech Act Theory: 2 Peter Sign? Reexamining the Adjuration Refrain TEXTUAL CRITICISM AND Considered in Song of Songs APOCRYPHAL LITERATURE Moderator: Mike Kruger (Reformed Rhode Island Convention Center Westin Providence Ballroom I, Room 552 A Theological Seminary) 3rd Floor OLD TESTAMENT STUDIES PASTORAL THEOLOGY 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Darrell Bock (Dallas Theological Seminary) 2:50 PM-3:30 PM 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Larry Siekawitch (Elim Bible Institute in Why Apocryphal Literature Matters for NT Jeffrey Riddle (Jefferson Park Baptist Lima, NY) Study: Relevance, Models, and Prospects Church) — A Look at the Influence of the New The Relevance of the Doctrine of Scripture Baptized Couches? Mark 7:4 and the Bibli- School of Koester-Robinson in Judaism cal Mode of Baptism

3:40 PM-4:20 PM 3:40 PM-4:20 PM 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Charles E. Hill (Reformed Theological Gary Yates (Liberty Baptist Theological Robert Pochek (The Southern Baptist Seminary) Seminary) Theological Seminary) From Codex to Loose-leaf Binder: Some The Motif of “Life” and “Death” in the Is God Still Speaking? Pastoral Implica- - -

PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM Relationships of Missionaries 5:20 David Musa (Carthage College - Kenosha, WI) From Adult Education to Spiritual Forma tion: A Quest for New Paradigms in Church Dynamics Ballroom III, Waterplace Westin 2nd Floor TEXT & CANON 4:30 Southwest University) John Park (Trinity Is Contemporary Physics in Conflict with the Bible? 5:20 M. Bates (California Baptist University) The Knowing Pagan and Constructive Apologetics Ballroom II, Waterplace Westin 2nd Floor SPIRITUAL FORMATION/SANCTIFICATION 2:50 Charlie Bing (GraceLife Ministries) Grace-based Godliness: New Testament Motivation for Spiritual Formation 3:40 John DelHousaye (Phoenix Seminary) Jesus Eat a Whopper (with Cheese)? Would 4:30 Philip Pinckard (New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) Applying Scriptures in Obeying the Text: Westin Providence Ballroom III / IV, Ballroom III / IV, Providence Westin 3rd Floor PHILOSOPHY & APOLOGETICS 2:50 Baptist Theo Craig Miles (Southwestern logical Seminary) and Anthropic Conditions of The Temporal Planet Near Kolob the Mormon God’s 3:40 John Warwick Montgomery (Patrick Henry College) A New Approach to the Apologetic for of Wigmore’s Resurrection by Way Christ’s Juridical Analysis of Evidence

- - - PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM M -4:20 -4:20 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -5:10 -6:00 -6:00 -3:30 -3:30 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM in Romans 3:30 4:30 Dennis Burk (Boyce College of The South ern Baptist Theological Seminary) Inactive Righteousness: A Clarifica God’s tion Regarding the Meaning of Paul’s “Righteousness” Language 5:20 Mark Ellis (Semin·rio Digital, Brazil) Ministries and Gifts—A Fresh Approach to Romans 12:3-8 Jarvis/ University (Campbellsville Williams The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) Stricken by God? An Exegetical and Theological Response to Brad Jersak’s Nonviolent Model of Jesus’ Death 5:20 Preston Sprinkle (Cedarville University) Paul and Covenantal Nomism Revisited Bristol Room, 3rd Floor Westin PAULINE STUDIES THEME: Paul and the Letter to the Romans 2:50 Chris Bruno (Wheaton College) The Eschatological Fulfillment of the Shema 3:40 Kevin McFadden (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) The Inability of the Law and the Fulfillment of Its Righteous Requirement: Another Look at Romans 8:3–4 General Discussion Room, 3rd Floor Washington Westin PAULINE STUDIES 2:50 Brian Labosier (Bethel Seminary of the East) and the Suf The New Perspective on Paul ficiency of the Canon 3:40 Bradley Matthews (Covenant Theological Seminary) Reversing the ëDisputedí Argument: A Proposal to Maintain the Pauline Corpus 4:30 - - -

OVEMBER 20 - P OVEMBER N , Y PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM A SD -5:00 -4:00 -5:10 -5:10 -5:30 -6:00 -3:00 -6:00 -4:30 -3:30 -5:20 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM UR 5:20 Respondent: Glen Thompson (Wisconsin Lutheran College) 5:35 Rex Butler (New Orleans Baptist Theologi cal Seminary) Learning from Patristic Community Forma tion and Maintenance 4:40 Bryan Litfin (Moody Bible Institute) Learning from Patristic Use of Scripture and the Rule Faith 5:10 Respondent: D. Jeffrey Bingham (Dallas Theological Seminary) rary Church Engagements Church - Early 3:10 Edward Smither (Liberty Theological Seminary) Learning from Patristic Evangelism and Spiritual Formation 3:40 Falls College) Brian Shelton (Toccoa Learning from Patristic Responses to Persecution and Cultural Opposition 4:10 Something Old and Something New: The Ministry and Christian Wars Worship Kent Room, 3rd Floor Westin PATRISTICS AND MEDIEVALHISTORY THEME: Ancient-Future Fascination: How the Contemporary Church Can Profit from the Patristic Past 2:50 Paul Hartog (Faith Baptist Theological Seminary) of Contempo The Complexity and Variety tions in the Debate Concerning Ongoing tions in the Debate Concerning Revelatory Gifts 4:30 Evangelical Stephen Greggo (Trinity Divinity School) Redemptive Intimacy as to Heart: Text Mediator for Carditive Internalization 5:20 Falls College) Donald Williams (Toccoa TH

28 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 - PM / FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 - AM

THEME: New Testament Text tions of Isaiah’s Allusions to Psalm 72 in Isaiah 60 Rhode Island Convention Center 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Ballroom Matthew Morgan (Dallas Theological 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Seminary) Steven Anderson (Dallas Theological 7:00 PM-8:00 PM The Legacy of a Letter: Sabellianism or Seminary) ETS BANQUET Scribal Blunder in John 1:1c? An Analysis of the Old Greek Text of Daniel 9:24-27 Rhode Island Convention Center 3:40 PM-4:20 PM Ballroom Jonathan Watt (Geneva College / Reformed 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Presbyterian Seminary) Thomas Arnold (Thomas Arnold 8:00 PM-9:00 PM How the Bible Became Packaged in Greek Publishing) C. Hassell Bullock (Wheaton College) 29 Genesis: Twelve Eyewitness Reports and Presidental address: Wisdom, the “Amen” 4:30 PM-5:10 PM Genealogies Compiled by Moses of Torah Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Jerry Painkin (Liberty University) Test Submission, from Benjamin F. and 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Mark H. Thomas Finley (Talbot School of Theology, Biola University) 5:20 PM-6:00 PM The Text of Daniel 8:9-14 Myron Kauk (Liberty University) Implications of 1 Timothy 5:18 for the Westin Narragansett Ballroom C, Canon of the New Testament Ground Floor TEXT & CANON Westin Narragansett Ballroom A, THEME: Text & Canon Ground Floor TEXT & CANON 2:50 PM-3:30 PM THEME: Old Testament Canon Thomas Johnston (Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Original Language Texts and Worldwide Aldo Yannon Bible Translation: The Impact of the 1968 The Problem of Locating Inspiration in the and 1987 UBS and SPCU Guidelines for Text and Canon Original Autographs in the Old Testament Interconfessional Cooperation in Translat- ing the Bible 3:40 PM-4:20 PM David Deuel (The Master’s Academy 3:40 PM-4:20 PM International) Timothy Stone (St. Andrews University) Canon, Text-Curriculum, and Education in The Canonical Order and Arrangement of Israel and the Ancient Near East the Writings in Antiquity

4:30 PM-5:10 PM 4:30 PM-5:10 PM W. Edward Glenny (Northwestern College) Wayne Cornett (Mid-America Baptist The Septuagint and Christian Scripture Theological Seminary) Singular Readings of the First-hand Scribe 5:20 PM-6:00 PM of Codex Sinaiticus: A Test Case for Scribal Walter Brown (New Orleans Baptist Habits Theological Seminary) 5:20 PM-6:00 PM Christians and the Old Testament Canon: Jesus as Problem or Solution? Mark Larson (Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church)

Westin Narragansett Ballroom B, Judicial Tyranny and the Reform of the Ground Floor Courts: Insights from the Reformed Tradi- tion on Social Ethics TEXT & CANON THEME: Old Testament Text 6:00 PM-7:00 PM BREAK 2:50 PM-3:30 PM Sheri Klouda (Taylor University) The Canonical and Interpretive Implica- -

GY O L AM AM AM PM AM AM EO AM AM AM H T ICS L -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 A -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -12:20 -12:20 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 IC AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM TOR ERMENEUT HIS 9:10 Michael Andres (Northwestern College, Iowa) Commodification and Constructivist Theology 10:00 Stefana Dan Laing (Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) Patristics and Protestants: Contextualizing 11:40 11:40 General Discussion Rhode Island Convention Center Room 558 A/B H 9:10 Mark Bowald (Redeemer University College) Augustine’s Reading in the Trinity: Theological Hermeneutics and the Gospel of John 10:00 Michael Chiavone (Liberty Seminary) Use of Isaiah 7:14: A Valid Matthew’s Hermeneutic 10:50 Scott Harrower (Ridley College Australia / Evangelical Divinity School) Trinity Use of Scripture in the Theology of God’s His Childern Rhode Island Convention Center Room 553 B Moderator: James De Young (Western (Western Moderator: James De Young Seminary) 9:10 Michael Bird (Highland Theological College) Dead Sea What If Luther Had Read the Historicizing Re Scrolls? The Challenge of Case as a Test formed Theology: Galatians 10:00 Mark Nanos (Rockhurst University / University of Kansas) Paul between Christians and Jews 10:50 Craig Evans (Acadia Divinity College) and Paul of Law, Phinehan Zeal, Works L L L


PHIC PHIC PHIC O O O S S S O O O AM AM AM AM PM AM AM L PHIL L PHIL L PHIL ICS A A A -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -12:20 -12:20 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 LIC LIC LIC Y Y Y AM AM E E E AM AM G G G AM AM AM ET ET ET AM CI CI CI ERMENEUT O O O 9:10 9:10 Panel Discussion: Mark Foreman, Gary Habermas, David Baggett, and Doug Geivett Panel Discussion on the book C. S. Goodness Lewis as Philosopher: Truth, and Beauty Rhode Island Convention Center Room 557 H THEME: The New Perspectives on Paul #3 Justin Grace (Terrant County College) Justin Grace (Terrant or & God: Is “God” a Proper Name The Text Is “God” Analogous with “Water” Rhode Island Convention Center Room 552 B EVAN S 9:10 Joel Schwartz (Baylor University) Show Me the Meaning! A Wittgensteinian Apologetic 10:00 Kevin Diller (University of St. Andrews) Non-Evidentialist Positive Apologetics 10:50 (Retired) C. Charles Wang The Use of Presuppositional Circular Reasoning by Atheists and Theists Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom E EVAN S Room 552 A EVAN S 9:10 (Biola Jonathan Suit and Robert Hirsch University) Logical Fictionalism, Abstracta, and Dependence 10:00 Jim A. Stewart (University of Wales, Lampeter) The Absurdity of Life without Hell: How Popular Objections to Eternal Punishment Lead to Absurdities 10:50 -

Y T I AN I G 3 GY T N AM AM PM AM AM O I OVEMBER 21 - OVEMBER IS L AM R AM AM N EO H , CH MEET T -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 Y -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -12:20 -12:20 -9:00 L AN -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 A SS A AM AM AM AM AM IC AM AM AM NE ID LIC SI B R I Theological Seminary) of the Body in The Morality of the Treatment Light of the Resurrection Rhode Island Convention Center John Carswell (Dallas Theological Seminary) Results of Good Conduct: Deuteronomy 4:1-8 as a Foundation to New Testament Teachings 10:00 (The Southern Baptist Russell Woodbridge Theological Seminary) The Question of or Not to Tithe? Tithe To Malachi 3:6–12 10:50 Price (Southeastern Baptist Timothy Conversation 11:40 Johnston (Midwestern Baptist Tom Theological Seminary) Billy Graham and John Paul II: On the Assimilation of US Evangelicals into the Church of Rome Rhode Island Convention Center Room 553 A B 9:10 Stephen Moroney (Malone College) Thus Judgeth the Lord: Dangers of Pro Judgment in Current Events claiming God’s 10:00 Thomas Provenzola (Liberty University) of Existentialism: The Anti- The Teleology Rational Canon? 10:50 William Henard III (The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) Sinners in the Hands of an Emergent Church: Jonathan Edwards Joins the Rhode Island Convention Center Rhode Island Convention Ballroom A 8:30 BU Center Rhode Island Convention Room 551 B AMER 9:10 F

30 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 - AM

Patristics for Contemporary Evangelicals 10:50 AM-11:30 AM Rhode Island Convention Center Kevin Zuber (Moody Bible Institute) Room 554 A 10:50 AM-11:30 AM Karl Barth and : A NEAR EAST ARCHAEOLOGICAL Eugene Mayhew (Michigan Theological Comparison of Views on Natural Theology SOCIETY Seminary) THEME: Qumran and Hebrew Scriptures The Afterlife of Infants & the Severely 11:40 AM-12:20 PM Moderator: Edwin Yamauchi (Miami Mentally Impaired: A Survey of 2000 Years James Dew (Southeastern Baptist University) of Doctrinal Debate and Development Theological Seminary) Theology & Critical Realism: An As- 9:10 AM-9:50 AM 11:40 AM-12:20 PM sessment of Alister McGrath’s Scientific James VanderKam (University of Notre Robert Frazier (Geneva College) Theology Dame) The Moral and Social Epistemic Dimen- Enoch and the Canon of the Old Testament sions of Canonicity in Augustine 31 Rhode Island Convention Center Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Room 556 A 10:00 AM-10:40 AM Rhode Island Convention Center LETTER TO THE HEBREWS Martin Abegg (Trinity Western University) Room 555 A Moderator: Jon C. Laansma (Wheaton The Print and Electronic Publication of the ISSUES IN SYSTEMATIC College) Qumran Biblical Texts THEOLOGY 9:10 AM-9:50 AM 10:50 AM-11:30 AM 9:10 AM-9:50 AM Carl Smith (Cedarville University) Peter Flint (Hebrew Union College) Adam Johnson (Trinity Evangelical Divinity The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Text of School) Hebrews and the Apostolic Fathers Hebrew Scriptures A Fuller Account: The Role of “Fittingness” 10:00 AM-10:40 AM in Thomas Aquinas’ Development of the R. Michael Allen (Wheaton College) Westin Waterplace Ballroom II, Doctrine of the Atonement The Perfect Priest: Calvin on the 2nd Floor 10:00 AM-10:40 AM Christology of Hebrews NEW TESTAMENT STUDIES Brandon Jones (Calvin Theological AM AM 9:10 AM-9:50 AM Seminary) 10:50 -11:30 Jon C. Laansma (Wheaton College) Ardel Caneday (Northwestern College) The Unbegotten Son? A Defense of the For the Love of God: Uses of L.ENKEZTL Eternal Generation of the Son against Hebrews among “Modern” Biblical

XSYDUISYD in 1 John Text and Canon the Arguments of Evangelicals Like John Scholars Feinberg 10:00 AM-10:40 AM Rhode Island Convention Center 10:50 AM-11:30 AM Ballroom B Bob Wilkin (Grace Evangelical Society) John Thompson (University of Dayton) MODELS OF GOD Another Look at “Work out Your Own Salvation” (Phil 2:12) The Subject Within a Tradition: A THEME: Conflicting Views of Framework for Evangelical Theology Providence 10:50 AM-11:30 AM Moderator: Dennis W. Jowers (Faith 11:40 AM-12:20 PM H. Wayne House (Faith Evangelical Evangelical Seminary) Seminary) R. J. Snell (North Park University) Trinitarianism Baptism in Matthew 28:18- Saving Faith: Neocalvinism, Radical 9:10 AM-9:50 AM 20: Jews, Gentiles, and the Baptismal Orthodoxy, and the Thomist’s Nature Paul Kjoss Helseth (Northwestern College) Formula Divine Omnicausality Rhode Island Convention Center 11:40 AM-12:20 PM AM AM Room 555 B 10:00 -10:40 Sang-Hoon Kim (Chongshin Theological ISSUES IN SYSTEMATIC William Lane Craig (Talbot School of Seminary) Theology) THEOLOGY Johannine Parallelisms in 1 John 2:18-28 Molinism 9:10 AM-9:50 AM Westin Waterplace Ballroom III, Jon Stovell (McMaster Divinity College) 10:50 AM-11:30 AM 2nd Floor Christology and Eschatology in Philippians Ron Highfield (Pepperdine University) NEW TESTAMENT CANON, TEX- 2:6-11 Comprehensive Supervision TUAL CRITICISM, AND APOCRY- 10:00 AM-10:40 AM 11:40 AM-12:20 PM PHAL LITERATURE Michael Vlach (The Master’s Seminary) Gregory Boyd (Woodland Hills Church) 9:10 AM-9:50 AM Platonism’s Influence on Christian Open Theism Alan Gomes (Talbot School of Theology) Eschatology

AM AM AM PM PM AM AM AM AM -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 ANON ANON -11:30 -11:30 -12:20 -12:20 -12:20 -12:20 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 AM AM AM AM AM AM & C & C AM AM AM THEME: New Testament Text THEME: New Testament 9:10 Parker Voll Utilizing Acts to Help Us through the Synoptic Maze 10:00 Evangelical Divinity Paul Penley (Trinity School) Sources behind John's Apocalypse: Textual THEME: New Testament Canon THEME: New Testament 9:10 Chan (Chinese Christian Alan Kam-Yau Union Church—North) Canonical Effect of the Hebrew Bible upon the Literary of the Prologue in Formation the Gospel of Mark 10:00 Brad Mellon (Bethel Seminary of the East) Examining the Influence of Extrabiblical Writings on the Canon of the New Testament 10:50 Chris Halbert (Concordia University) The Absolute Integrity and Glory of God in View of Suffering and Violence in Light of the Theology of the Cross 11:40 Richard Schultz (Wheaton College) Canonizing the “Community of Faith”? The Evangelical Assessment and a Personal Appreciation of Brevard Childs' Legacy Newport Room, 3rd Floor Westin TEXT Moderator: John N. Oswalt (Wesley Biblical (Wesley Moderator: John N. Oswalt Seminary) 9:10 Biblical Seminary)John N. Oswalt (Wesley Interpreting Isaiah: 1950-1985 10:00 Gary Smith (Union University) present) Issues in Isaiah (1990 to the 10:50 Panel Discussion: John Oswalt, Gary Smith, Richard Schultz, Bob Chisholm Room, 3rd Floor Washington Westin TEXT - - - IC


ET LYP G A O C L O O P P AM AM PM AM AM S A A E D AM AM DI AN TU -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 S -12:20 -12:20 PHY & S -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 O ET AM AM AM AM AM S NE AM AM O PH LI AM TERATURE RO AU Joseph Wooddell (Criswell College) Joseph Wooddell The Inevitability and Theological Implica tions of Being an Epistemological Founda tionalist and Externalist Rhode Island Convention Center Ballroom D P LI THEME: Interpreting Isaiah: The Last of Study Fifty Years Corinthians 7:11 a Restriction on Remar riage That Paul Does Not Give 10:50 College, Bristol) Keith Krell (Trinity Dependence From Horror to Hope: Paul’s on Ezekiel in 1 Corinthians Rhode Island Convention Center Room 554 B PHIL 9:10 David Alan Reed (Bethel College) The Logic of the Resurrection: Aquinas’s Non-theological Argument for the Resurrection of the Body 10:00 Falls College) Gary Elkins (Toccoa Rethinking Religious Epistemology 10:50 Jason Oakes (University of Oklahoma) God in the Quad: The Priority of Divine Revelation in the Epistemology of George Berkeley 11:40 Pastor” Center Rhode Island Convention Room 556 B P THEME: Paul and I Corinthians 9:10 Baptist James Hamilton (The Southern Theological Seminary) Supper in Paul The Lord’s 10:00 College, Powers (Tyndale B. Ward Australia) How Long Must an Ex-wife Remain Reading into 1 Unmarried? How to Avoid -


L OVEMBER 21 - OVEMBER AM AM EO N H , T as a Possible Litmus Test -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 -10:40 Y -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -11:30 -12:20 -12:20 L TAMENT -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 -9:50 A S AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM TE ID TORA S R TERATURE LD A born English-dominant Latinos 10:50 Seminary) Dennis Swanson (The Master’s as a Model for a Modern “Consulting Titus Rhode Island Convention Center Room 550 A P 9:10 Theological (Jos ECWA Cephas Tushima Seminary) The Gospel, Justice, and Missions 10:00 Daniel Rodriguez (Pepperdine University) Hispanic Ministry Where Language is no Barrier: Mission and Ministry among U.S.- 9:10 9:10 David Fouts (Independent Scholar) The Anarthrous Ordinals of Genesis One 10:00 Andrew Bowling (Graduate Institute of Applied Linguistics) A New Approach to Organizing the Mean ings of Morphologies in Biblical Hebrew 10:50 (Denton Bible Church) Daiqing Yuan The Chronology of the Middle Israelite Period - from the Exodus to the Schism Randy Nelson (Northwestern College) What End? The Contribution of Jesus To Research to Christian Faith 11:40 Robert Singer (Cottage Grove Bible Church) the Last Supper a Pesach? Was Providence Ballroom I&II, Westin 3rd Floor O LI The Reformed and Socinian Theological The Reformed and Socinian Articles” Methods Compared: “Mixed (Articuli Mixti) 10:00 Baptist Maurice Robinson (Southeastern Theological Seminary) Eclectic Observations regarding the Current Critical Text 10:50 F

32 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 - AM / PM

Going beyond Canonical Intertextuality Edmon Gallagher (Heritage Christian Bible Institute) to Contemporary Jewish and Christian University) Declaring the Whole Counsel of God Traditions The Relationship between Text and Canon among the Fathers 11:40 AM-12:20 PM 10:50 AM-11:30 AM Yungsil Park (Chongshin University and Philip Miller (Dallas Theological Seminary) 11:40 AM-12:20 PM Seminary) The Least Orthodox Reading Is to Be Edwin Blum (B & H Publishing Group) The Nevius Methods and Bible Study Preferred: A New Canon for New Testament A Comparison of the HCSB with Other Textual Criticism? Major Translations Rhode Island Convention Center Room 550 B 11:40 AM-12:20 PM Rhode Island Convention Center Samuel Lamerson (Knox Seminary) VARIOUS TOPICS Rotunda 33 Mark 16, Again? Are the Vocabulary and TEXTUAL STRATEGIES IN THE 9:10 AM-9:50 AM Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Syntax Really “Un-Markan"? HEBREW BIBLE Kay Heoung Heo (Chongshin University) THEME: Textual Strategies in the Strategies of Training Early Childhood In- Westin Kent Room, 3rd Floor Hebrew Bible clusive Teachers for a Christian-based Early TEXT & CANON Moderator: Ray Lubeck (Multnomah Childhood Teacher Preparation Program THEME: Old Testament Text University) 10:00 AM-10:40 AM 9:10 AM-9:50 AM 9:10 AM-9:50 AM D. Trent Hyatt (Institute for Biblical & William Barrick (The Master’s Seminary) Vern Steiner (Miqra Institute) Theological Studies, Budapest, Hungary) Text and Canon: Teaching Graduate Level Sitting at the Feet of Master Moses: Textual Evangelical and Eastern Orthodox? Are the Old Testament Introduction in the Strategies and the Expostion of Scripture Two Compatible? Post-Harrison and Post-Archer Era 10:00 AM-10:40 AM 10:50 AM-11:30 AM 10:00 AM-10:40 AM Tracy McKenzie (Southeastern Baptist R. Douglas Geivett (Talbot School of Ron Youngblood (Bethel Seminary) Thelogical Seminary) Theology) The Fourth Servant Song in the Two Isaiah Idolatry in the Pentateuch: An Innertextual Canon and Charismata: Revisiting Scrolls from the First Qumran Cave Strategy Warfield’s Cessationist Argument

10:50 AM-11:30 AM 10:50 AM-11:30 AM 11:40 AM-12:20 AM Text and Canon Todd Beall (Capital Bible Seminary) Michael Lyons (Simpson University) E. Calvin Beisner (Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation) The Ten Most Important Dead Sea Scrolls Programs of Restoration in Ezekiel Texts for the Interpretation of the Old Testa- The Most Important Environmental Chal- ment Text 11:40 AM-12:20 PM lenge Facing American Christians Today Joshua Williams (Southwestern Baptist 11:40 AM-12:20 PM Theological Seminary) Westin Providence Ballroom III & IV, YouLim Hahn (Golden Gate Baptist Choosing the Right Words: Kings, 3rd Floor Theological Seminary) Chronicles, and the Canon YOUNG SCHOLARS The Literary Aspects of the Book of Ruth as THEME: The Art of Negotiation: Explor- the Oral-Performance-Driven Text Rhode Island Convention Center ing the Role of Context in Theology Room 551 A Moderator: Christian T. Collins Winn Westin Bristol Room, 3rd Floor VARIOUS TOPICS (Bethel University) TEXT & CANON THEME: Text & Canon 9:10 AM-9:50 AM 9:10 AM-9:50 AM Aaron James (Cedarville University) Myron Penner (Prairie Bible College) 9:10 AM-9:50 AM Analogous Uses of Language in Thomas After Christendom: Kierkegaard and the Benjamin Shaw (Greenville Presbyterian Aquinas and Balthasar Hubmaier, and Possibility of Post-Ideological Theology Theological Seminary) Consequences for Inter-Christian Dialogue The True Mirror and Translation Theory 10:00 AM-10:40 AM 10:00 AM-10:40 AM Anthony Bradley (Covenant Seminary) 10:00 AM-10:40 AM John Yeats (Southwestern Baptist Economic Life: The Context for Social Charlie Trimm (Wheaton College) Theological Seminary) Justice Theological Interpretation of Scripture: The Collapse of Evangelicalism Reflections from an Evangelical Bibilical 10:50 AM-11:30 AM Studies Perspective 10:50 AM-11:30 AM Erica Olson (Fordham University) Woodrow E. Walton (Southern High Plains Evangelical and/or Feminist Theology: 10:50 AM-11:30 AM M A

PM OVEMBER 21 - OVEMBER N , Y -12:20 -12:20 A AM ID R Gender and God-Talk 11:40 (Bethel Respondent: Kyle Roberts Seminary) F

34 Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting | Text and Canon FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 - PM

Westin Narragansett Ballroom A, 3:00 PM-3:40 PM Ground Floor Mary Jo Sharp (Biola University) EVANGELICAL PHILOSOPHICAL First-Century Monotheistic Judaism, the SOCIETY Earliest Christians, and the Recycled Pagan Myth Theory 2:10 PM-2:50 PM Khaldoun Swies (Olive-Harvey College) 3:50 PM-4:30 PM Evolutionary Naturalism Reconsidered Barry L. Carey (Biola University) Servant Syndrome and the Soul 3:00 PM-3:40 PM Stephen C. Dilley (St. Edward’s University) 4:40 PM-5:20 PM Scientific Naturalism: A House Divided? Richard Davis (Tyndale University) 35 God and Modal Concretism 3:50 PM-4:30 PM Evangelical Theological Society | 60th Annual Meeting Timothy Yoder (Philadelphia Biblical University) C. S. Lewis and Aristotle on the Ethical Value of Friendship

4:40 PM-5:20 PM Angus Menuge (Concordia University, Wisconsin) Is Downward Causation Possible?

Westin Narragansett Ballroom B, Ground Floor EVANGELICAL PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY

2:10 PM-2:50 PM David Vander Laan (Westmont College) Text and Canon Bodies as Ecosystems

3:00 PM-3:40 PM R. Scott Smith (Biola University) Naturalism, Our Knowledge of Reality, and Some Implications for Christian Physicalists

3:50 PM-4:30 PM Timothy Paul Erdel (Bethel College, Indiana) Death and Philosophical Judgment

4:40 PM-5:20 PM Dennis Plaisted (University of Tennessee, Chattanooga) God and the Appropriation of Evil

Westin Narragansett Ballroom C, Ground Floor EVANGELICAL PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY

2:10 PM-2:50 PM Matt Getz (Biola University) God’s Bootstraps: Euthyphro Generalized