April to September 2020

Section of tile pavement found at Warden Abbey. Reconstruction by C. Marshall and E. Baker. © Courtesy of the Southill Estate. WHAT’S ON AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S CONTENTS Exhibitions 4 Displays 7 Events 9 Tours 12 Reminiscence Sessions 14 Wellbeing Programme 15 Holiday Activities 17 The Friends of The Higgins Bedford 20 Booking Information 21 Exhibitions and Displays Coming Soon 22 Groups 24 Venue Hire 25 Shop 26 Access 27 Events Calendar 29 Contact Us and How To Find Us 32

2 About the Higgins Bedford We are a Bedford Borough Council cultural service that showcases wonderful and varied collections of fine and decorative arts and changing exhibitions drawn from the nationally significant collection of British watercolours, drawings and prints. Displays of archaeology, social history and ethnography demonstrate how Bedfordshire has developed over time. These collections inspire a busy programme of temporary exhibitions, active learning and events. In our permanent collection spaces you can: • tour the 1840s house built by the Higgins family next to their brewery. Uncover family stories and Cecil Higgins’ collection of internationally important glass and ceramics. • explore the biggest collection of painted furniture created by William Burges, the leading Gothic Revival architect and designer of the 1800s. • admire the decorative artwork and techniques of the most influential designers from over four centuries including fine glassware, textiles, enamels and metalwork. • study the Edward Bawden Archive, the collection of one of the most influential artists of his generation. Discover the work of this versatile artist in changing exhibitions. • uncover the geology of Bedfordshire and discover how people from the Stone Age to Medieval times lived in and shaped the landscape we see today, • follow the development of the local area through agriculture, engineering and the brickworks, airships at Cardington, the Second World War and technological advances. • enjoy changing displays about local people who have influenced the story of Bedfordshire. • take a glimpse into the world of The Collectors and cases of natural history, ethnographic and archaeological items from near and far. For the latest about temporary exhibitions and events visit: www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk 3 The Higgins Bedford EXHIBITIONS

Samuel Palmer (1805–1881) - Harvest in the Vineyard, 1859 © Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Collection

Under the Same Sky WHAT’S ON AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S 4 April – 20 September 2020 Wixamtree and Connections – Free Entry Spanning two galleries, discover the local impact of weather alongside artists’ depictions of the sky above. Drawn from the internationally renowned Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Collection explore storms and calm skies, fluffy clouds and drenched cities, sun worship and visions of the moon in the work of artists such as JMW Turner, Samuel Palmer, Alfred Sisley, , Paul Nash and Edouard Manet. Covering 200 years of art this exhibition includes well known works as well as several that have not been on public display in over a decade. In addition, celebrate the local pioneers and research organisations including the founders of the national Royal Meteorological Society, the weather forecasters for the airships at Cardington and the recorders of rainfall. Discover the effects of weather on changing river levels and habitats for wildlife. 4 The Higgins Bedford

Climate Change and Local Wildlife by Brian Eversham 22 April, 2.30pm – 3.30pm Free Entry - Booking Essential Join Brian Eversham from The Wildlife Trust in exploring how wildlife has responded to past climates, how plants and animals are being affected now, what the future may hold, and what we should be doing about it. Brian is a former research ecologist, discovering how habitat structure and landform can help Wasp Spider, Cambourne, 2009 wildlife adapt to a changing climate. © Brian Eversham

Lunchtime Art Tours Thursdays: 30 April, 18 June, 16 July, 12pm – 12.30pm £3.10, £2.60 for concessions – Booking Essential

Join The Higgins expert guides for a lunchtime tour of the BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S artistic highlights in the exhibition.

The Fabric of Bedford 11 July - 13 September Sir William Harpur Gallery – Free Entry This exhibition of selected work produced by local children and young people aged 4-18 from across all Bedford Borough schools is the third Harpur Trust biennial art competition. The Fabric of Bedford captures the heart of Bedford life in a variety of art mediums including drawing, painting, printmaking and collage. To support schools entering the competition, the Harpur Trust funded over 30 workshops led by local artists resulting in a colourful display that reflects the uniqueness of Bedford Borough.

5 The Higgins Bedford EXHIBITIONS Exhibition Bawden: Architectural Elements 8 February 2020 - 24 January 2021 Edward Bawden Gallery – Free Entry Architecture is one of the most prominent and recurring subjects in Edward Bawden’s work. Selected from the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Collection and home of the Edward Bawden Archive,

Edward Bawden (1903—1989) Nine London explore his passion for Monuments - Palace of Westminster, 1966 architecture through prints, ©The Edward Bawden Estate. advertising campaigns and private commissions, some of which have never been on display. Includes architecturally inspired wallpaper designs, nostalgic pre-war vignettes of rural houses,

WHAT’S ON AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S 1930s modernist architecture and Victorian ironwork structures lost to modernisation.

Bawden Archive Session Thursday 23 April, 10am - 11am £6.10, £4.90 for concessions – Booking Essential Delve into the Edward Bawden archive with Victoria Partridge, Keeper of Fine and Decorative Art, to view works that have never been on display as well as old favourites.

Architectural Elements Gallery Tour Wednesdays: 20 May, 1 July, 12pm – 12.30pm £3.10, £2.60 for concessions – Booking Essential Join the Keeper of Fine and Decorative Art for a lunchtime tour of the artistic highlights in the exhibition.

6 The Higgins Bedford DISPLAYS Warden Abbey Revealed 4 April – 9 November 2020 Outside Settlement Gallery – Free Entry Recent research by the Old Warden History and Heritage Society alongside the results of the geophysical survey by MOLA (Northampton) has revealed the grandeur of the medieval Cistercian abbey. The reconstruction illustration by Peter Dunn based on this work will be on display with a selection of archaeological artefacts recovered from excavations at Warden Abbey.

Warden Abbey Revealed: the Making of a Reconstruction Painting Wednesday 29 April, 2pm – 3:30pm, Free Entry – Booking Essential WHAT’S ON AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S Warden Abbey was demolished on the orders of Henry VIII, but thanks to the skills of reconstruction artist, Peter Dunn, you can appreciate how the Cistercian monastery may have looked c.1370. Join our ‘virtual guided tour’ Early 14th century floor tile in the shape with local historian, of a Lion’s head, Warden Abbey, © Courtesy of the Southill Estate. Margaret Roberts.

Warden Abbey Revealed: Tactile Tiles Wednesday 5 August, 11am – 3pm Free Entry – Drop In (For Ages 4-11) Learn about tile manufacturing at Warden Abbey and handle some of the tile fragments made there 700 years ago.

7 The Higgins Bedford DISPLAYS RAE Bedford and Concorde Continues Until 21 June 2020 Outside Somewhere in England Gallery – Free Entry On the 9 April 1969, Concorde’s maiden flight took place after many years of research. The Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Bedford was a major contributor to the research through wind tunnels near Milton Ernest and the flight research airfield at Thurleigh. This display commemorates this achievement and illustrates the evolution of Concorde’s design.

Flying Concorde - a Magnificent Aircraft by Les Evans Wednesday 6 May, 2.30pm – 3.30pm Free Entry – Booking Essential Join Les Evans to learn more about flying Concorde commercially. Come on a journey from London


Concorde pilot, Les Evans, in eyes of the pilots. His overriding the cockpit © Les Evans experience of Concorde was of a complex, fascinating and exciting aircraft to fly.

Secret Boffins on the Hill by Barry Tomlinson (FRAeS) Wednesday 3 June, 2.30pm - 3.30pm Free Entry – Booking Essential Explore the world-class aeronautical research carried out by the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) Bedford. Among its

Harrier launching from achievements the RAE established ski-jump © Bedford the basic principles of automatic Aeronautical Heritage Group landing in fog; devised the best wing shape for Concorde; explored how to control vertical take-off and landing, improved helicopter performance and designed optimum wing profiles for future airliners.

8 The Higgins Bedford DISPLAYS Innovation and Tradition: 40 years of Morris 23 June 2020 – June 2021 The last forty or so years have seen great shifts in what most people think of as a fixed and unchanging English tradition. This display traces the impact Redbornstoke Morris at Hastings ‘Jack of the of innovation and change Green’ event, 2015 © Chas Leslie on tradition through the story of two local Morris teams: Redbornstoke Morris and Bedfordshire Lace Morris. EVENTS The Higgins Knitting Group Tuesdays: 21 April, 19 May, 16 June, 21 July, 18 August, 15 September, 20 October, 11am – 3pm Free Entry - Drop In Get creative and join like- WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDHIGGINS THE AT HAPPENING WHAT’S minded crafters to knit and crochet hats, socks, gloves and blankets for charitable causes. Beginners welcome. Needles, hooks, wool and patterns can be provided.

Living as well as possible, Life beyond a diagnosis Wednesday 13 May 1.30pm – 4.30pm, Free Entry Dementia Action week runs from 11 – 17 May where communities come together to help improve the lives of people living with dementia. This event will offer taster sessions, workshops and activities to explore how to continue to live as well as possible.

9 The Higgins Bedford EVENTS Plant Sales Saturday 23 May, 11am – 3pm Higgins Car Park (Main Entrance) Saturday 18 July, 11am – 4pm - Castle Grounds Support The Higgins garden volunteers and help raise funds to improve the Castle Gardens. Second-hand gardening books are also available to purchase. If you have plants that you would like to donate contact [email protected]

Portable Antiquities Scheme Wednesdays: 27 May, 29 July, 30 September, 1pm - 3pm Free Entry - Drop In Have you ever found archaeological objects whilst digging in the garden, taking the dog for a walk or metal detecting? Would you like to find out more about them? If so, Finds Liaison Officer for the Portable Antiquities Scheme, Matt Fittock, can help. To find out more, visit www.finds.org.uk

Volunteer Week Monday 1 – Sunday 7 June The Higgins Bedford benefits from WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDHIGGINS THE AT HAPPENING WHAT’S the help and support of close to 150 volunteers, with 70 or more active volunteers every month. During 2019 The Higgins Volunteer team contributed 9470 hours of their time to improve the gardens, support the wellbeing and reminiscence programmes, welcome visitors, assist with collections research and documentation, contribute their time and expertise in community panels, help run events, holiday activities and learning sessions to schools. The Higgins Bedford will be holding activities to celebrate the work of volunteers and to thank them for their fantastic contribution. Keep an eye on the website for further details.

10 The Higgins Bedford

Children Born to Black GIs and British Women in WW2 Saturday 6 June, 2:30pm – 3:30pm £6.10, £4.90 for concessions – Booking Essential Join Lucy Bland, Professor of Social and Cultural History at , to explore the history of wartime children born to black GIs and British women. Many suffered racism as well as the stigma of illegitimacy. Now in their 70s, many have told their stories, which have been captured and shared in Lucy’s recent publication; Britain’s Brown Babies.

Refugee Week Monday 15 – Sunday 21 June Refugee Week is a nationwide programme of cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and encourages a better understanding between communities. Visit the website for details of Refugee Week based on this year’s theme: Imagine.

River Festival – Calm Crafternoon Saturday 18 July, 1pm - 4pm, Free Entry - Drop In The award winning Bedford River Festival promises to be a busy and popular weekend. Take time to pause at The Higgins and enjoy some quiet time in inspirational surroundings with crafts for the family to enjoy. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDHIGGINS THE AT HAPPENING WHAT’S

Play Reading: First Winter by Yasmin Joseph and RCNA (Bedford) Friday 14 August, 2pm – 3:30pm, Free Entry - Booking Essential Enjoy a rehearsed reading, by the nurses themselves, of Yasmin

Nursing Students at Lincoln School of Joseph’s exciting new play drawing Nursing, 1969 © Jasine Belinfante on the lives and experiences of the Retired Caribbean Nurses Association RCNA (Bedford). The play investigates themes around home, fading histories, the invaluable contributions of the Caribbean community and to the NHS. To book please visit www.eventbrite.com/e/play-reading- first-winter-tickets-90667943259 or email [email protected] 11 The Higgins Bedford TOURS

Garden Tours Saturdays: 18 April, 23 May, 20 June, 11:30am – 12:30pm Free Entry - Booking Essential. Join the Higgins garden volunteers on a tour of the Castle Gardens and find out more about their project to rejuvenate the gardens. Donations welcome. Meet in the reception. Each tour lasts about an hour.

Fine and Decorative Art Tour Thursdays: 7 May, 4 June, 9 July, 11:30am – 12:30pm £6.10, £4.90 for WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDHIGGINS THE AT HAPPENING WHAT’S concessions – Booking Essential Take a tour of the internationally renowned Cecil Higgins Art Gallery William Burges (1827-1881) Collection. Highlights include furniture Decanter, 1865 © Trustees of the Cecil Higgins Art by William Burges, linocuts by Edward Gallery Collection Bawden and European porcelain.

Great Bedfordians Gallery Tour Thursday 21 May 11.30am – 12.30pm £6.10, £4.90 Concessions – Booking Essential Discover more about the famous and lesser known individuals who have made our local area a place to be celebrated and recognised with Lydia Saul, Keeper of Social History. 12 The Higgins Bedford TOURS

Social History Collection Tour Thursday 2 July 11.30am – 12.30pm £6.10, £4.90 Concessions – Booking Essential Join Lydia Saul, Keeper of Social History, for a tour of WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDHIGGINS THE AT HAPPENING WHAT’S the Social History Collection. Explore highlights in the Somewhere in England Gallery and discover the people, places, businesses and objects that represent the development of Bedfordshire.

Archaeology Collection Tour Thursday 23 July, 11:30am – 12:30pm £6.10, £4.90 Concessions – Booking Essential Explore the important archaeological sites and fantastic finds recovered in Bedfordshire

Bronze mirror found and beyond with Liz Pieksma, Keeper of at Old Warden, Archaeology. Highlights include the stories Bedfordshire, c.1st century BCE © The of local and famous collectors and how the Higgins Bedford collections were formed. 13 The Higgins Bedford REMINISCENCE SESSIONS

Join in with friendly, informal reminiscence sessions. A great way to meet new people and be inspired by memories and stories of the past.

Remember When… Reminiscence Mornings at The Higgins Bedford 11am – 12:30pm, Free Entry – Drop In (Refreshments £1) 16 April: Favourite Family Recipes 14 May: All About the Weather 11 June: Ye Olde Sweet Shop 9 July: ‘Hi-de-hi’, the Best Holiday Destinations in the UK 10 September: What’s in a Name? WHAT’S ON AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S

Down Memory Lane @ Number Thirteen, St Paul’s Square, Bedford 10:30am – 12pm, Free Entry – Drop In (Refreshments £1) 23 April: “...Harry, England and St George!” 28 May: Bank Holiday Traditions 25 June: Out & About in Bedfordshire 23 July: Messing About on the River 27 August: Postcards, Tea Towels and Thimbles 24 September: Food, Glorious Food!

Bedford Borough Libraries

14 The Higgins Bedford WELLBEING

Wellbeing at The Higgins Bedford Museum = Happy A great way for local people to improve their physical and mental health while learning new skills and socialising with others. The Higgins works with partner organisations to provide suitable spaces and workshops for group sessions.

Weekly Physical Activities Yoga: Mondays, 10:30am – 11:30am, £5 6 April - 28 September (not: 13 April, 25 May, 15 & 22 June, 31 August) Enquiries: [email protected] Table Tennis: Every Monday (except Bank Holidays), 2pm – 3pm, £2 Tai Chi: Tuesdays, 10am – 11am, £3.50. Places limited to 26. Senior friendly. Check website for dates after June.

Mindful Walking: Every Friday, 11am – 12pm, Free BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S

For further details about all activities, email [email protected]

15 The Higgins Bedford WELLBEING Sketch Fridays Every Friday, 12pm – 4pm, Free Entry Soak up the atmosphere in the galleries and collections and join our volunteer artists in drop in workshops. Materials are provided or you can bring your own. Please do not bring paint or materials that might cause damage to the collections.

Wellbeing Saturdays 18 April, 23 May, 27 June, 26 September, Free Entry Join us for some ‘down time’ and enjoy a variety of relaxing and sociable activities: 11.15am – 12:15pm: Wellbeing walk along the river 12pm – 3pm: Arts & crafts and table top WHAT’S ON AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S games (family friendly) 2pm– 2:45pm: Percussion workshop making music with simple patterns and beats. Suggested donation £3-£5 (concessions free) 3pm - 4pm: Sound Bath unwinding to the sounds and vibrations of chimes, gongs & bowls. Suggested donation £3-£5 (concessions free) 2pm – 4pm: Tea Party Poetry sessions (not suitable for young children)

Check The Higgins Bedford website, social media for more details. Updates also available on The Higgins and Central Library information boards.

16 The Higgins Bedford HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES

EASTER HOLIDAY Warden Abbey Revealed Tuesday 7& 14, Wednesday 8 &15 April Workshops start at 11am and 1pm £3 per child - Booking Essential Explore the new Warden Abbey Revealed display and get creative with family activities inspired by medieval tiles and stained glass. BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S Tuesday 7 April - Print a Bag Wednesday 8 April - Make a Mosaic Coaster Tuesday 14 April - Create a Clay Tile Wednesday 15 April - Stained Glass Tealight Holder

Weather Craft with Art Adventurers Thursday 9 & 16 April Workshops start at 11am and 1pm £3 per child - Booking Essential Get creative and construct a papercraft scene inspired by the new exhibition Under the Same Sky.

All workshops last for an hour and are aimed at 4 to 11 year olds. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Book online via The Higgins website.

17 The Higgins Bedford HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES MAY HALF TERM Kevin and Friends Tuesday 26 May - Friday 29 May Workshops start at 11am and 1pm £3 or £5 per child - Booking Essential* Meet Kevin the Platypus and friends in Collectors gallery and get creative in our crafty family workshops. Tuesday 26 May - Marble-ous Butterflies Wednesday 27 May - Modelling Clay 3D Doodles with Victoria Houghton Thursday 28 May - Kevin and Friends Squishies Friday 29 May - Beetle Boxes

SUMMER HOLIDAYS STEM Specials Every Wednesday from 22 July - 2 September Workshops start at 11am, 12:30pm and 2pm WHAT’S ON AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S £3 or £5 per child - Booking Essential* Weather inspired workshops led by Little Science Labs and others

Craft and Stories Every Friday from 24 July - 28 August Workshops start at 11am and 2pm £3 or £5 per child - Booking Essential* Craft activities followed by stories in the gallery with Desiree Bashi and others

Pick and Mix Craft Drop In Friday 4 September, 11am - 3pm Free Entry - no need to book

* charge per child is dependent on workshop – please check The Higgins website for details.

18 The Higgins Bedford

Bedford Young Archaeologists’ Club (YAC)

Saturdays 11am - 1pm BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S £6.20 per workshop - Booking Essential Monthly workshops organised and run by The Higgins Bedford and Albion Archaeology. The workshops are aimed at children between the ages of 8 and 16 who have an interest in archaeology. Each month’s session is centred on a different aspect of archaeology and is packed with a variety of themed activities.

Children must be registered with Bedford YAC to take part in the workshops.

Contact [email protected] for more information.

25 April – Invaders 16 May – Medieval 20 June – Trip 18 July – Round Up of the Year

19 The Higgins Bedford JOIN THE FRIENDS

The Friends of The Higgins Bedford play an important part in the life of the art gallery and museum. Joining the Friends will put you at the heart of The Higgins Bedford and will help support our work. Find out more at www.bit.ly/FriendsofTheHigginsBedford

FRIENDS LECTURES Lectures start at 7:30pm at The Higgins Bedford Members £4, Non-Members £9 – Drop In (Pay at Front Desk)

Paul Middleton – The Art of John Seymour Lindsay JOIN US AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS AT US JOIN Tuesday 14 April A keen amateur artist before the First World War, John Seymour Lindsay hiked around the South of England sketching the vernacular buildings and ironwork he saw. He served 16 months in the front line documented in moving letters from the trenches to his wife and brother.

James Russell – Tirzah Garwood Tuesday 5 May Art Historian James Russell will discuss the life and work of Tirzah Garwood, wife of Eric Ravilious. Over her lifetime Tirzah worked at wood engraving, marbled papers, oil paintings and Edward Bawden (1903—1989) Personal Christmas Card from the Bawdens 3D constructions made of © The Edward Bawden Estate paper. Followed by AGM.

20 The Higgins Bedford BOOKING INFORMATION

Spaces are limited and booking is essential for many chargeable and free events at The Higgins Bedford.

Charged Events Booking for chargeable events online at www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk/Book_Online There is a promotional code that removes the online transaction fee for events. Please make a note of the code listed on the first page of the online booking form and enter when prompted.

Alternatively, ring 01234 JOIN US AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDTHE HIGGINS AT US JOIN 718044 or visit the Box Office located in the Harpur Suite, Harpur Square, next to Bedford Central Library. Opening hours are Monday – Friday (10am-4pm) and Saturday (10am-1pm). Closed on Sundays.

Concession prices are offered for most events to people over 65, students, those with disabilities plus their carer, National Art Pass members and adults receiving benefits.

Free Events Free events listed as booking essential can be booked by emailing [email protected], by ringing 01234 718618 or in person at The Higgins front desk.

21 The Higgins Bedford COMING SOON

Unknown Artist - View of the Swan Inn, looking south across Bedford Bridge, about 1790 © The Higgins Bedford Up the Wooden Hill 3 October 2020 – 9 May 2021 Wixamtree Gallery – Free Entry JOIN US AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS AT US JOIN This exhibition drawn from the Higgins Bedford collection of local art will celebrate our wonderful county through the ages.

Airship Dreams 3 October 2020 – 9 May 2021 Connections Gallery – Free Entry A community focussed exhibition looking at Airship Dreams past and present from our local area. We will be commemorating the 90th anniversary of the flight and tragic crash of the R101. The exhibition will celebrate the pioneering vision of airship development and the many uses of the Cardington sheds over the decades.

Airship R101 in flight, 1929 © The Higgins Bedford

22 The Higgins Bedford

John Gibson (1790-1866), Ideal Head about 1835 © Trustees of the Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Collection (The Higgins Bedford)

The Cecil Higgins Art Gallery Sculpture Collection From 14 November 2020 JOIN US AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDTHE HIGGINS AT US JOIN Outside Settlement Gallery - Free Entry To celebrate the Cecil Higgins’ sculpture collection featuring on Art UK as part of its online showcase of publicly owned sculpture The Higgins will be displaying some of the collection. Ranging from the 18th century to the present, the collection features artists such as Auguste Renoir, Henry Moore and Jacob Epstein.

Bedford’s Fun Palaces 3 & 4 October 2020 A weekend of creative, cultural, community action where everyone will be invited to join the revolution. This year Fun Palaces will be popping up all over Bedford. Keep an eye on the website for further details.

23 The Higgins Bedford BRINGING A GROUP

The Higgins Bedford is the perfect place to bring a group. Join one of our knowledgeable tour guides and discover the history of The Higgins Bedford’s outstanding collections.

The Higgins Tour The perfect introductory tour to the highlights of The Higgins Bedford. Time: 1 hour Cost: £6.10, £4.90 for concessions per person Fine and Decorative Art Tour Highlights include furniture by William Burges, linocuts by Edward Bawden and European porcelain. Time: 1 hour JOIN US AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS AT US JOIN Cost: £6.10, £4.90 for concessions per person Edward Bawden Exhibition Tour Enjoy a tour of the current Edward Bawden exhibition. Time: 30 mins Cost: £3.10, £2.60 for concessions per person Edward Bawden Archive Sessions An up close look at the extensive Edward Bawden collection Time: 1 ½ hours Cost: £11.50, £9.20 for concessions per person Collections in Focus These sessions focus on particular areas of the collections, with a talk and the chance to view objects from the store. Available Sessions: Watercolours & Prints, Airships, Local Archaeology and The Collectors Time: 1 ½ hours Cost: £11.50, £9.20 for concessions per person

If your group is interested in booking, please call 01234 718618 or email [email protected] Talks and tours are subject to availability with a minimum of ten people per tour. Please allow a minimum of four weeks’ notice for group bookings.

24 The Higgins Bedford VENUE HIRE The Higgins Bedford is an exciting, unique and accessible venue for functions, conferences, workshops and events. The Higgins Bedford has several flexible spaces and an attractive central location close to the Town Centre and Bedford's beautiful Embankment. All of the rooms are available Tuesday to Sunday during working hours.

Castle Room The Castle Room is a perfect venue for lectures, talks, conferences and larger meetings. It has a PA system and Wi–Fi. With a lecture-style layout, capacity is 80 people.

Garden Room A perfect room for smaller meetings, talks or workshops.

This room boasts beautiful views of Castle Gardens and BEDFORDTHE HIGGINS AT US JOIN has Wi–Fi. With a horse–shoe meeting room layout this room has capacity for 20 people.

Bailey Room A small meeting room with capacity for 10 people.

Barbican Studio An excellent creative space ideal for drawing, painting and print workshops. This room has Wi–Fi and capacity for up to 40 people.

Harpur Studio A creative studio space ideal for workshops, meetings and talks, capacity for 25 people in a workshop style layout.

If you would like to hire spaces talk to us at [email protected] or on 01234 718618.


Our shop has a range of products inspired by the collections, exhibitions and events. Cards, postcards, books and gifts as well as a bespoke range for exhibitions and a growing number of cards and gifts sourced from local makers can be purchased. Ranges include: Bawden, Exhibitions, Collections, Bedford, Garden, Mini and Seasonal. National Art Pass members can receive a 10% discount in the shop on stationery and gifts. SHOP AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDHIGGINS THE AT SHOP

EASTER AND BANK HOLIDAY OPENING HOURS April May Friday 10th closed Friday 8th closed Saturday 11th 11am – 5pm Monday 25th 2 – 5pm Sunday 12th 2 – 5pm August Monday 13th 2 – 5pm Monday 31st 2 – 5pm

26 The Higgins Bedford ACCESS General Access The Higgins Bedford has step free access to all levels. Wheelchairs, mobility scooters, pushchairs and assistance dogs are all welcome.

Disabled Parking There are four parking spaces at the entrance of museum for visitors with Accessible Parking Permits or Blue Badges.

Wheelchair Users There are two adult wheelchairs available to borrow. Ask a member of staff at reception if you would like assistance. There are three wheelchair–accessible toilets.

D/deaf and Hard of Hearing Visitors JOIN US AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORDTHE HIGGINS AT US JOIN Reception areas, meeting and activity rooms are equipped with induction loops, which correspond to the 'T' position on most hearing aids. A portable loop is available for use. The Higgins works with Access Bedford to provide BSL talks, tours and events.

Blind and Partially Sighted Visitors Large print captions for all of our exhibitions and displays are available throughout the building.

Families with Members with Autistic Spectrum Conditions An Autism Friendly Guide to the museum is available at reception or download it from the website.

For Families and Young Children Free hands–on activities for children available in every gallery. There is a separate baby change facility on the ground floor.

27 Weddings at Bedford Corn Exchange

Bedford Corn Exchange provides a beautiful wedding reception venue for your special occasion, with a unique fusion of a historic setting and professional services that will create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for your guests. The venue will exceed your expectations with the highest quality food and services.

For more information, please visit our website at www.bedfordcornexchange.co.uk

For all venue hire enquiries, please call us on 01234 718044

Bedford or email [email protected] Bedford Borough Libraries

Join the Silly Squad Summer Reading Challenge for reading fun at your local library

Starts: Saturday 11th July 2020 Finishes: Saturday 5th September 2020

Find out more at www.bedford.gov.uk/libraries

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EVENTS CALENDAR 2020 Date Event Need Cost Page to book? no. 7 April Easter Holiday - Warden Abbey Revealed Yes £3 17 8 April Easter Holiday - Warden Abbey Revealed Yes £3 17 9 April Easter Holiday - Weather Craft with Art Yes £3 17 Adventurers 14 April Easter Holiday - Warden Abbey Revealed Yes £3 17 14 April Friends Lecture: Paul Middleton – The Art of John No £4/£9 20 Seymour Lindsay 15 April Easter Holiday - Warden Abbey Revealed Yes £3 17 16 April Easter Holiday - Weather Craft with Art Yes £3 17 Adventurers 16 April Reminiscence Session - Favourite Family Recipes No Free 14 18 April Garden Tour Yes Free 12 18 April Wellbeing Saturday No Free 16 21 April The Higgins Knitting Group No Free 9 22 April Climate Change and Local Wildlife by Brian Yes Free 5 Eversham 23 April Bawden Archive Session Yes £6.10 6 (4.90) 23 April Down Memory Lane @ Number Thirteen - No Free 14 “...Harry, England and St George!” 25 April Bedford YAC - Invaders Yes £6.20 19 29 The Higgins Bedford EVENTS CALENDAR 2020 Date Event Need Cost Page to book? no. 29 April Warden Abbey Revealed: the Making of a Yes Free 7 Reconstruction Painting 30 April Under the Same Sky Lunchtime Art Tour Yes £3.10 5 (£2.60) 5 May Friends Lecture: James Russell –Tirzah Garwood No £4/£9 20 6 May Flying Concorde - a Magnificent Aircraft by Les Yes Free 8 Evans 7 May Fine and Decorative Art Tour Yes £6.10 12 (4.90) 13 May Living as well as possible, Life beyond a diagnosis No Free 9 14 May Reminiscence Session - ‘Hi-de-hi’, the Best No Free 14 Holiday Destinations in the UK 16 May Bedford YAC - Medieval Yes £6.20 19 19 May The Higgins Knitting Group No Free 9 20 May Architectural Elements Gallery Tour Yes £3.10 6 (2.60) 21 May Great Bedfordians Gallery Tour Yes £6.10 12 (4.90) 23 May Plant Sale No Free 10 23 May Garden Tour Yes Free 12 23 May Wellbeing Saturday No Free 16 26 May May Half Term - Kevin and Friends Yes £3/£5 18 WHAT’S ON AT THE HIGGINS BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S 27 May May Half Term - Kevin and Friends Yes £3/£5 18 27 May Portable Antiquities Scheme No Free 10 28 May May Half Term - Kevin and Friends Yes £3/£5 18 28 May Down Memory Lane @ Number Thirteen - No Free 14 Bank Holiday Traditions 29 May May Half Term - Kevin and Friends Yes £3/£5 18 1-7 June Volunteer Week TBC Free 10 3 June Secret Boffins on the Hill by Barry Tomlinson Yes Free 8 (FRAeS) 4 June Fine and Decorative Art Tour Yes £6.10 12 (4.90) 6 June Children Born to Black GIs and British Women Yes £6.10 11 in WW2 (4.90) 11 June Reminiscence Session - All About the Weather No Free 14 15-21 June Refugee Week TBC TBC 11 16 June The Higgins Knitting Group No Free 9 18 June Under the Same Sky Lunchtime Art Tour Yes £3.10 5 (£2.60) 20 June Garden Tour Yes Free 12 20 June Bedford YAC - Trip Yes £6.20 19 25 June Down Memory Lane @ Number Thirteen - Out & No Free 14 About in Bedfordshire 27 June Wellbeing Saturday No Free 16 1 July Architectural Elements Gallery Tour Yes £3.10 6 (2.60)

30 The Higgins Bedford

Date Event Need Cost Page to book? no. 2 July Social History Collection Tour Yes £6.10 13 (4.90) 9 July Fine and Decorative Art Tour Yes £6.10 12 (4.90) 9 July Reminiscence Session - Ye Olde Sweet Shop No Free 14 16 July Under the Same Sky Lunchtime Art Tour Yes £3.10 5 (£2.60) 18 July Plant Sale No Free 10 18 July River Festival – Calm Crafternoon No Free 11 18 July Bedford YAC – Round Up of the Year Yes £6.20 19 21 July The Higgins Knitting Group No Free 9 22 July Summer Holiday – STEM Special Yes £3/£5 18 23 July Archaeology Collection Tour Yes £6.10 13 (4.90) 23 July Down Memory Lane @ Number Thirteen - Messing No Free 14 About on the River 24 July Summer Holiday – Craft and Stories Yes £3/£5 18 29 July Summer Holiday – STEM Special Yes £3/£5 18 29 July Portable Antiquities Scheme No Free 10 31 July Summer Holiday – Craft and Stories Yes £3/£5 18 5 August Warden Abbey Revealed: Tactile tiles No Free 7

5 August Summer Holiday – STEM Special Yes £3/£5 18 BEDFORD THE HIGGINS ON AT WHAT’S 7 August Summer Holiday – Craft and Stories Yes £3/£5 18 12 August Summer Holiday – STEM Special Yes £3/£5 18 14 August Play Reading: First Winter by Yasmin Joseph and Yes Free 11 RCNA (Bedford) 14 August Summer Holiday – Craft and Stories Yes £3/£5 18 18 August The Higgins Knitting Group No Free 9 19 August Summer Holiday – STEM Special Yes £3/£5 18 21 August Summer Holiday – Craft and Stories Yes £3/£5 18 26 August Summer Holiday – STEM Special Yes £3/£5 18 27 August Down Memory Lane @ Number Thirteen - No Free 14 Postcards, Tea Towels and Thimbles 28 August Summer Holiday – Craft and Stories Yes £3/£5 18 2 September Summer Holiday – STEM Special Yes £3/£5 18 4 September Summer Holiday - Pick and Mix Craft Drop In No Free 18 10 September Reminiscence Session - What’s in a Name? No Free 14 15 September The Higgins Knitting Group No Free 9 24 September Down Memory Lane @ Number Thirteen - Food, No Free 14 Glorious Food! 26 September Wellbeing Saturday No Free 16 30 September Portable Antiquities Scheme No Free 10 3 October Bedford’s Fun Palaces No Free 23 4 October Bedford’s Fun Palaces No Free 23 20 October The Higgins Knitting Group No Free 9

31 Entrance is free CONTACT US Donations are welcome Opening hours Visit the website at Tuesday to Saturday www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk 11am – 5pm Email [email protected] or call us on 01234 718618 Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays 2 – 5pm Stay in touch... On Facebook Closed on Mondays, thehigginsbedford Good Friday, Christmas On Twitter Day, Boxing Day and higginsbedford New Year’s Day On Instagram thehigginsbedford

To Lurke Street Car Park How to find us Mill Street

John Bunyan The Higgins Bedford Museum Church Castle Lane, Bedford MK40 3XD

B660 (A6) (A6) Entrance

Castle Lane Lane Castle The A4280 Lawn


Restaurants Castle


High Street Street High Newnham Road Road Newnham

Swan Hotel The Embankment A6


A421 A600 Parking The nearest public car park is at Lurke Street, just 5 minutes walk from The Higgins Bedford. Two hours free parking every Saturday in all Council–owned town centre car parks. Further information is available at www.bedford.gov.uk/parking. There are limited parking spaces at the entrance of The Higgins Bedford for visitors with Accessible Parking Permits or Blue Badges.

The Higgins Bedford is a Bedford Borough Council Cultural Service. Home of the Cecil Higgins Collection. CUL011_20 [email protected]