SACRED MUSIC Volume 95, Number 4, Winter 1968 THE SERIOUS CONTEMPORARY COMPOSER AND THE CHURCH TODAY 3 Arthur B. Hunkins KODALY'S SACRED CHORAL MUSIC 7 Reverend Francis J. Guentner, S.J. MUSICAL SUPPLEMENT 13 REVIEWS 22 NEWS 31 FROM THE EDITOR 33 SACRED MUSIC Continuation of Caecilia, published by the Society of St. Caecilia since 1874, and The Catholic Choirmaster, published by the Society of St. Gregory of America since 1915. Published quarterly by the Church Music Association of America. Office of publication: 2115 Summit Avenue, Saint Paul, Minne sota 55101. Editorial office: University of Dallas, University of Dallas Station, Texas 75061. Editorial Board Rev. RalphS. March, S.O.Cist., Editor Mother C. A. Carroll, R.S.C.J. Rev. Lawrence Heiman, C.PP.S. J. Vincent Higginson Rev. Peter D. Nugent Rev. Elmer F. Pfeil Rev. Richard J. Schuler Frank D. Szynskie Rt. Rev. Rembert G. Weakland, O.S.B. Editorial correspondence: Rev. RalphS. March, S.O.Cist., University of Dallas, University of Dallas Station, Texas 75061 News: Rev. Richard J. Schuler, College of St. Thomas, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Music for Review: Mother C. A. Carroll, R.S.C.J., Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, Purchase, New York 10577 Rev. Elmer F. Pfeil 3257 South Lake Drive Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207 Membership and Circulation: Frank D. Szynskie, Boys Town, Nebraska 68010 Advertising: Rev. Ralph S. March, S.O.Cist. CHURCH MUSIC ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Officers and Board of Directors President Theodore Marier Vice-president Noel Goemanne General Secretary Rev. Robert A. Skeris Treasurer Frank D. Szynskie Directors Robert I.
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