COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING, TUESDAY, JANUARY 08, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chambers located at 301 St. Ann's Road in Campbell River, BC The agenda presents the recommendations extracted from the reports that comprise the agenda background package. To request a copy of a specific report, please contact the appropriate department.

1. IN-CAMERA BUSINESS: That Council move In-Camera under the authority of Section 242.2 (1) (j), (f) of the Local Government Act. 2. DELEGATIONS: OPEN PORTION OF MEETING AT 7:30 P.M.

(a) George Maclagan, BCGEU requesting support. 3. MINUTES: (a) December 4, 2001 Committee of the Whole Minutes. 13

"That the December 4, 2001 Committee of the Whole Minutes be adopted. " 4. OTHER MINUTES:

5. CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence items presented to Council:

(a) "That the Visitor Information Centre Stats for 2001 be received " 17

(b) "That the December 17, 2001 correspondence from Bryan Webster regarding the 22 E&N Dayliner be received"

(c) "That the December 24, 2001 correspondence from George Cousineau, President, 30 Vancouver Island Association of Wood Processors regarding the Association's position on changes to the Small Business Value-Added forest license program be received. "

(d) "That the December 19, 2001 correspondence from Walter Hall regarding the sale 32 of fireworks on New Years eve be received. "

(e) "That the December 24, 2001 correspondence from D.F. Brown. Regional Waste 33 Manager, Vancouver Island Region regarding the permit amendment application filed by the Quinsam Coal Corporation be received "

(f) "That the December 18, 2001 correspondence fromthe Honourable Rod Visser, 37 MLA North Island regarding the Island Medical Program he received. "

(g) "That the January 2, 2002 correspondence from Linda Nagle, Campbell River 39 9 Adventure Race Society requesting a dale change to August 11,. 2002 be received L VIII/IIIItet; VI 11W V IIVIC Ivirutllig tAgtIIUA - I "U"UAy, JAIL U413' V(7, bvvL. Agc a 6.MAYOR'S REPORT (a) Councillor Nash's 'Wright Report Analysis'. 40

"That Councillor Nash's 'Wright Report Analysis' be received " 7. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (a) Campbell River Estuary Management Commission's December 18, 2001 Report 41 regarding Campbell River Estuary - 2001 Year-End Report.

"Thai the Campbell River Estuary Management Commission's Campbell River Estuary - 2001 Year-End Report be received"

(b) December 18, 2001 Estuary Management Commission Minutes. 44

"That the December 18, 2001 Estuary Management Commission Minutes be received " 8. OTHER REPORTS:

(a) Administrator:

(b) Community Services Division:

(c) Municipal Services Division: (i) Engineering Services Manager's December 31, 2001 Report regarding Technical 46 Watershed Committee.

"That the Engineering Services Managers December 31, 2001 Report regarding Technical Watershed Committee be received "

(ii) Engineering Services Supervisor's December 12, 2001 Report regarding Lower 50 Nunns Creek - Integrated Stormwater Management Plan.

"That the Engineering Services Supervisor's December 12, 2001 Report regarding Lower Nunns Creek - Integrated Storm water Management Plan be received "

(d) Corporate Services Division: (i) Clerk's December 19, 2001 Report regarding Local Improvement Petition - 16th 54 Avenue Ironwood to Dogwood.

"That Council receive the December 12, 2001 letter and petition requesting upgrading of 16th Avenue. from Ironwood Road to Dogwood Street and that it be referred to the Engineering Services Manager Jr oconsideration in preparation of the Local Improvement construction program.

(ii.) Corporate Services Director's December 21, 2001 Report regarding RiverCorp 61 Funding Advance - Tourism North Central Island.

"That Council approve an advance payment to RiverCorp, for Tourism North Central Island in the amount of S60, 000. " 0 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: committee or me vvnoie meeting Hgeuua-i uesuay, January va, bwh rage 10. NEW BUSINESS

11. INFORMATION: (a) December 20, 2001 correspondence from Paula Barrett, Georgia StraitCrossing 63 PipelineLimited regarding the progress on the Georgia Strait Pipeline Project.

"That the December 20, 2001 correspondence from Paula Barrett, Georgia Strait Crossing Pipeline Limited regarding the progress on the Georgia Strait Pipeline Project be received "

(b) Tyee Spit Plan Public Open House Notice. 68

"That the Tyee Spit Plan Public Open House Notice be received " 12. ADJOURNMENT: "That the meeting be adjourned George P. Maclagan 1935 Treelane Road Campbell River, BC V9W 4GI Home (250) 287 - 8134 Work (250) 286 - 7521

January 3, 2002

Campbell River District Municipal Office 301 St Ann's Street Campbell River BC


Please accept the following package of materials, including the resolution that I would like placed on the agenda of the Committee of the Whole 8 January 2002.

If there are any questions arising please contacted me at the above listed phone numbers or by email at maclagan(a)telus.net.

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to speaking to council on January 8, 2002.

Yours truly, L Motion to the District of Campbell River E 21 December 2001

That the District of Campbell River work with the local BCGEU members and other local organizations to determine and analyze the effects of government cutbacks on its community and citizens.

That the working group commence immediately in order to effect the 2002 Provincial Budgeting cycle and report to Council not later than 11 February 2002 and continue to monitor the effects of the Provincial Government Budgeting on the District of Campbell River beyond the next Provincial Budget

That Council for the District of Campbell River carry this motion forward to the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities meeting in March 2002 to be held at Campbell River and placed on the agenda for discussion and workshops

That Council for the District of Campbell River forward a copy of this motion to all other local government bodies in to show the leadership role that Campbell River is taking

That Council for the District of Campbell River sends a letter to Premier expressing concern about the lack of local government involvement in the cuts to public services.


002 Mayor, Members of Council for the District of Campbell River.

Thank you for receiving us here tonight.

I would like to introduce the delegation who along with myself, will be making the presentation tonight

My name is George Maclagan. I have lived in Campbell River for over 30 years, graduated from its schools and am now raising a family with my wife Colleen. We have 2 boys, Graham age 10 and Callum age 8.

The Province of British Columbia Ministry of the Attorney General employs me as a Deputy Sheriff, here in Campbell River and I am a local steward for the British Columbia Government and Service Employees Union.

Eric Benson is employed by the Campbell River and District Association for Community Living and Bob Dice is employed by the Province of British Columbia and is a director with the Greenways Land Trust.

This delegation of BCGEU member's families and friends stands before you because we are very concerned about the impact the cutbacks to Public Services and Jobs soon to be implemented by the Provincial Government will have upon our community.

All indication from the Provincial Government is that these cutbacks will be massive. They have said that they will be protecting Health and Education by freezing their funding and in order to achieve these targets, that translates into 50 % cuts to all the other Ministries.

Some of the other ministries provide vital services to British Columbians and that means that other Ministries will be all but shut down to make up for the funding caps imposed by the Government.

Services that used to be provide by the Provincial Government will then be downloaded to the local Government which is a direct downloading of costs to local government and the taxpayer which is us.

This is why we are appearing before you. We are asking that Council for the E District of Campbell River provide leadership to assess the impacts of the

003 Provincial Government cutbacks to Public Services on our community, by passing a resolutionof Council.

The Provincial Government is currently conducting a Core Services review for each Ministry and Crown Corporation.

As Council well knows from having recently completed a Core Services review within the District of Campbell River, that a Core Services review entailslooking at which servicesare essential,required or needed by a community.

Then asking how best to deliver these services and finally allocating sufficient resources to implement the services.

I would like to note that not one person lost their job in the District's core services review.

The Provincial Government has got it backwards. They are cutting the resources without knowing what services will be delivered. They do not know or seem to care about what impacts their decisions E have on local communities.

They do not understand that the three pillars which make up a community are Social, Environmental and Economics. All three are required to make up a happy and healthy community.

They seem to be placing dollars ahead of people and seem prepared to sacrifice the social well being and environmental health of our communities for short term and shortsighted gains.

Eric Benson

Bob Dice

No one in this room was blind to the problems our province was facing when we went to the polls last May.

Clearly this province including many people in this room made a choice and asked for leadership from Mr. Gordon Campbell and the BC Liberal Party. E

004 11

We knewthen as we know now that we needed to become part of the solution in order to achieve positive growth in British Columbia.

I remember reading the New Era platform and there were many promises of improvements to protect or enhance public services, no where was there any mention of cutting up to 50% of the public service. In fact it speaks of no cuts.

Premier Campbell implemented his 90-day plan and has repeatedly said he is running an open and transparent government.

How open and transparent is it when he won't even talk to his employees about the changes that will be taking place. Even when we have approached our local MLA Rod Visser to speak about the impacts to our community, he has no answers.

Is it not arrogant when this open and transparent government has not taken the time to speak with and invite input from local municipal government.

Local government that will feel a direct impact from the cuts to Public Services.

Is it not arrogant that the flight instructor Finance Minister seems to be the only person invited to have a say on our economy?

The need won't go away; just the people who provide the services and that will be a direct downloading of services to the local government.

Local members of the BCGEU are the people who are currently providing these services.

They are Alcohol and Drug Counselors, Electrical Inspectors, Forest Technicians, Child Protection Workers, Financial Assistance Workers. They are support workers in Group Homes, Deputy Sheriffs in the Courthouses, Correctional Officers at Lakeview Youth Custody Center. Probation Officers, Government Agents, Driver Examiners, Conservation Officers, Highway workers, Health Care Workers, Public Health Inspectors, Park Rangers and Social Workers.

005 Imagine a community without Alcohol and Drug Counselors and Mental Health Workers. It is hard enough to get people help when they need itnow. What will it be with a third less services? There have been 2 long and expensive Coroner's Inquests into death in RCMP Cells recently. One related to alcohol and the other from drugs. Do we need more inquests because we have no services for these people or does the RCMP just take them to the Emergency Ward and further choke up an overwhelmed health system?

Mental Health services are bare bones at best now and will be non-existent with these types of cuts. Where do these people go? As someone who works in the law enforcement field I will tell you. They end up in my world. A world that is very expensive as they are warehoused in jail until they are released back into the community that has little supports.

Costs that will be directly born by this community in terms of RCMP costs in manpower and costs to lock up the person in the local jail.

Electrical, Gas, Liquor and Food Inspectors are needed to make a community safe. If they are gone who will be left to fill these vital roles. It will be left to local government to provide these services, downloading these E costs on to local government.

Leadership is not changing for the sake of change. It is asking people what they really want and then asking them how we can accomplish it. That way we all have ownership of the problems and the solutions. It is shared responsibility and it leads to creative problem solving. It creates energy and gives hope to people who have become apathetic.

Thatis what we are askingyou for.

We need your help and leadership to become part of the solution. The provincial government is not talking with us. They seem to not even be talking with our local MLA, but in a true spirit of open and transparent government should they not be talking with local government.

Were they not the ones when in opposition who criticized the previous government for making decisions in the dark? It was that lack of communy input that has left us the problems that we now face. 0

006 We realizeand support a review of government services. We are experts in our fields and have strong views on how to be effective in our community. We want to be part of the solution.

But there is no way it can make economic sense to cut a tax base out of the community that is equal to 75 % of Norske Skog's Elk Falls tax payments to the District of Campbell River.

These cuts translate to 150 jobs at an average wage of $40,000. That is 6 million dollars in our local economy.

That is 150 families who will be forced to leave this community. 300 less children in our school system. 300 less volunteers to be soccer and hockey coaches, Cub and Guide leaders. Shriners and Rotarians. PAC committees and other volunteer organizations that make Campbell River a wonderful place to live.

At the end of all this, we need to ask ourselves what type of community do we want.

Do we want to live in a community that ignores its social responsibilities? That lets those who can not speak for themselves fall into the ever-widening cracks.

Do we want to live in a community that leaves no natural legacy for our children? That has no effective way to monitor its environment. That leaves the health of its water to chance.

I have a very personal reason for being here tonight. My son Callum is autistic. Until he was 4 he never spoke. Yet 4 years later he is a bright bubbly little boy who is my hope, my future and my life.

He has come so far and yet has so much farther to go. Every day he amazes people around him. He has made tremendous strides because of the people in his life. The school, the learning assistants, the social workers, the people from the Association for Community Living all has had a major impact on his life and the lives of my family members.

007 Where will he go for help if these cuts go through? What impact will the lack of services have on his growth? He is not going away and he has a right is to live, grow and be included in this community.

These proposed cutbacks to Public Services will be huge and will change our community, which has already been hard hit. Potential closure of a mine, Softwood lumber and shut downs at the Pulp Mill have all added to the negative pressures on our local economy.

People have left this community to the point where we are closing schools. Do we want more to follow?

Life is about Challenges and Choices. Challenges we can not control, but choices we can.

Please make the right choice and endorse this resolution.

Thank you.


008 I

Presentation to Council Re: Environmental Concerns of Provincial budget cuts

The Provincial Government has promised that environmental protection is a priority for them. However with up to 50% reductions to their regulatory Ministry staff and to their respective budgets they have not yet brought us into the picture as to how this protection will be carried out. This lack of clarity concerns us. What are the possible impacts to the District of Campbell River? 50% less projects done by local stewardship groups? 50% less inspections for liquid waste management for storm water and effluent controls? 50% less monitoring of mining discharge levels. 50% less monitoring of domestic consumptive water quality? 50% less planning on the Campbell River Watershed Plan? 50% less communication and cooperation with other Provincial staff concerning highways, tourism, parks, & hydroelectricity?

Part of what makes Campbell River what it is, and what binds many of us together as a community is our connection to the ocean, forest and mountain landscapes that surround us. Within our community, we take pride in our stream enhancement projects, and in the creation of recreational and environmental greenways - and there is much more to be done. The District of Campbell River has shown great leadership and support in these endeavors. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised, and thousands of volunteer hours have been provided in support of these projects, which have been of benefit to all. Highlights include the Campbell estuary lands purchase, improvements to the other stream estuaries, new and enhanced stream spawning and rearing channels, new E recreation trails, the Rotary sea walk, and the Greenway loop which provides a linkage between these features.

These works were all created in partnerships with various Federal, Provincial, Municipal, corporate, community and volunteer organizations. However the Provincial Government has now withdrawn its support for these initiatives. At a recent local forum on stream stewardship, our MLA Rod Visser commented that he could promise nothing more than his leadership in support of any future projects. His government has now cut the B.C. Fisheries Renewal program and if the BC Urban Habitat Salmon Project is still in existence, it appears to be on the way out.

This funding uncertainty extends beyond our Municipal boundaries. Over the last decade, the management of our forest resource has greatly improved and the war in the woods has been much quieted. However, major legislative changes are now proposed for the management of the forests and streams. If 50% of the regulatory ministries positions are eliminated, how will government protect its public resources?

Why is the environment important to us? Because we have all seen what he happened when we didn't look after it - we've seen the salmon disappear and the declines to the tourism and to sport and commercial fisheries. This is just one reason why it is important for the government to consult at a local level, prior to proceeding with their provincial E objectives.

009 0

What Other Communities Are Doing

Council in Dawson Creek passed a resolution to monitor the impacts of the cuts to Public Services in their community.

In Cranbrook, the council agreed to write to the provincial government, requesting they ensure community consultation on program reviews, that no offloading occur without ensuring program integrity, that any reductions of staff occur only after less disruptive alternatives have been considered, such as attrition rates and early retirement.

In Victoria, the council passed the following resolution:

Whereas the Province of British Columbia recently announced Workforce Adjustment Plan will result in the loss of approximately 6000 jobs in the Greater Victoria region; and

Whereas it is anticipated that this will have negative consequences for the local economy and its ability to retain and generate employment.

Whereas the roles, rights and responsibilities of the local governments is still undefined in the provincial government's Community Charter; and

Whereas the provincial government is shifting primary support for key social services to communities and families; and E

Whereas the provincial economy is in a fragile state due to the events of September 11, trade disputes (e.g. Softwood lumber tariffs) and a general global economic slowdown; and

Whereas a dramatic reduction in community support services and funding will only further economic instability.

Therefore, be it resolved that the City of Victoria strike a taskforce to solicit input form the Victoria community and analyze the full impacts of government cutbacks on its community and its citizens;

Be it further resolved that the Task Force be composed of Council Members, representatives of the business community, social agenciesand affected employee groups.

Be it further resolved that the Task Force be mandated to solicit submissions from affected stakeholders and individual citizens and that a Town Hall meeting be organized to solicit input from citizens and affected businesses, agencies and citizens; and 0 Be itfurther resolved that the Task Force initiate its outreach immediately in order to affect the 2002 provincial budgeting cycle (and report to Council no later than January 24, 2002) and

Be it further resolved that the Task Force continue to monitor the effects of the provincial government budgeting on the City of Victoria beyond the next provincial budget.



Oil BCGEUin Campbell River

Number of Members directly employed by the Provincial Government


Numbers of Members indirectly employed by the Provincial Government

(I.e. Campbell River and District Association for Community Living,Pacific Regeneration Tree Farm) 162 E Number of BCGEU Work Sites in Campbell River




COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 04, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall Council Chambers locatedat 301 St.Ann's Road in Campbell River, BC. PRESENT: Chair - Mayor J. Lornie, Councillors D. Andrews, M. Ashley, C. Cornfield, Wm. Harrison, L. Nash, Wm. Matthews, M. Ashley, D.D. Raines - Administrator, D. Lang - Corporate Services Director, A. Linder - Community Services Director, D. Burns - Municipal Services Director, P. Skognes - Engineering Services, A. Maas - Finance Manager, W.T. Halstead - Municipal Clerk

1. IN-CAMERA BUSINESS: cwO2-0001 Cornfield: "That Committee move In-Camera under the authority CARRIED of Section 242.2 (1) (d), (e), (j) of the Local Government Act. " 2. DELEGATIONS: Committee recessed at 6:30 p.m. and resumed at 7:30 p. following the In-Camera Committee session.

(a) Gary Thulin, Downtown BIA presented the Downtown Revitalization Strategy. 3. MINUTES: (a) November 20, 2001 Committee of the Whole Minutes.

cwO2-0002 Matthews: "That the November 20, 2001 Committee of the ole CARRIED Minutes be adopted. " 4. OTHER MINUTES: (a) November 21, 2001 Campbell River Access Awareness Committee Minutes.

cwO2-0003 Harrison: "That the November 21, 2001 Campbell River Access CARRIED Awareness Committee Minutes be received. "

5. CORRESPONDENCE: Correspondence items presented to Council: cwO2-0004 (a) Matthews: "That the November 23, 2001 correspondence from the CARRIED Honourable Joyce Murray, Minister of Water, Land and Air Protection the District's expressing regret that she is not able to extend the assistance of the provincial funding commitment for the Campbell River Flood Protection Assistance Fund Project beyond the end of the current fiscal year as provided in the agreement be received. " cwO2-0005 (b) Matthews: "That the November 27, 2001 correspondence from CARRIED Marne Svennes, Campbell River Area Women's Resources Society regarding the District's intention to increase the fee for police records checks for volunteers be received. " Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, December 04,E 2001 Page 2

cwO2-0006 (c) Matthews: "That the November 26, 2001 correspondence from CARR Gary Thulin, Downtown BIA regarding the relocation of the Totem Pole from the Centennial Building to the museum be received;

and the December 4, 2001 correspondence from Lesia Davis, Executive Director, Campbell River Museum, regarding the Totem Pole restoration/relocation be received. "

cwO2-0007 (d) Matthews: "That the November 10, 2001 correspondence from the CARRIED Honourable George Abbott, Minister of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services thanking the District of Campbell River for expressing itsviewson amendments to the Local Government Act regarding regional districts and electoral area planning be received."

cwO2-0008 (e) Matthews: "That the November 20, 2001 correspondence from CARRIED Eydie Fraser, AVICC regarding the deadline for submissions of resolutions for the Annual General Meeting be received. "

cwO2-0009 (f) Matthews: "That the November 10, 2001 correspondence from CARRIED Mayor G. Wayne Hunter, President, British Columbia Association of Police Boards regarding an invitation to the 2002 Annual General Meeting and Conference be received. "

cwO2-0010 (g) Ashley: "That Council requests the MLA to intervene in the CARRIED District's request to extend the Provincial Flood Protection Assistance for restoration of the Campbell River to facilitate construction of the project during the 2002 environmental construction window. " 6. MAYOR'S REPORTS: 7. COMMITTEEREPORTS: (a) November 27, 2001 Campbell River Estuary Management Commission Report. cwO2-0011 Harrison: "That Council endorse the detailed design drawings CARRIED submitted by Fisheries and Oceans Canada for the construction of the proposed Raven Channel extension. "


(a) Administrator:

(b) Corporate Services Division:

(c) Community Services Division: (i) Community Services Director's November 29, 2001 Report regarding Fee Adjustment to Bylaw No. 2125, Schedule B, Section 9 Criminal Record Checks. 014 Committee of the WholefeetingMinutes - Tuesday, December 04,x'001 Page 3 (c) Community Services Division: cwO2-0012 Matthews: "That the fee listed in Bylaw No. 2125, Schedule B, Item CARRIED E 9, page 3 of 8, 'Criminal Record Check' be increased from $20.00 to $40.00 and furthermore, that the practice of providing criminal record checks at no charge for individuals working with recognized Campbell River Volunteer agencies remain in effect. "

(ii) Planner Roy's November 26, 2001 Report regarding Application for Rezoning and OCP Amendment 1500 Island Highway (Quinsam Hotel).

cwO2-0013 Cornfield: "That Council refer to the Advisory Planning CARRIED Commission the application submitted by Kerdan Hotels Ltd. To amend the Official Community Plan for 1501, 1521, 1541, 1561, 1581 19TH Avenue (Lots 1,2,3,4,5 Block C, District Lot 66, Sayward District, Plan 1058) from Traditional Single Family/Two Family: 8-12 units/ha to Service Commercial; and

That Council refer to the Advisory Planning Commission the rezoning application submitted by Kerdan Hotels Ltd. To rezone 1501, 1521, 1541, 1561, 1581 19th Avenue (Lots 1,2,3,4,5, Block C, District Lot 66, Sayward District, Plan 1058) from R-1, Residential one zone to C-3, Commercial three zone. "

(iii) Planner Roy's November 27, 2001 Report regarding Rezoning and OCP Amendment 1020 Alder Street (Rockland Developments Ltd.).

cwO2-0014 "That Council refer to the Advisory Planning Commission the CARRIED application submitted by Rockland Developments Ltd. to amend the Official Community Plan for 1020 South Alder Street (That part of Lot B, Sections 29 and 32, Township 1, Comox District, Plan 16595 Except Plans 16897, 16914, 17063, 17625, 33226, and VIP65143 and Except That Part Lying East of Murphy Road, and Except Part in Plans VIP65695 and VIP69765) from Low Density: 10-25 unit/ha to Commercial/Residential; and

That Council refer to the Advisory Planning Commission the rezoning application submitted by Rockland Developments Ltd. to rezone 1020 South Alder Street (That part of Lot B, Sections 29 and 32, Township 1, Comox District, Plan 16595 Except Plans 16897, 16914, 17063, 17625, 33226, and VIP 65143 and Except That Part Lying East of Murphy Road, and Except Part in Plans VIP65695 and VIP 69765) from R-1, Residential one zone to C-2, Commercial two zone. "

(d) Municipal Services Division:


n -4 = Committeeof the WholeeetingMinutes -Tuesday,December 04, 2001 Page 4 10. NEW BUSINESS: cwO2-0015 (a) Harrison: "That Council receive the Downtown Reviatlizaiton CAR Strategy presented by the Campbell River Downtown BIA. "

cwO2-0016 (b) Cornfield: "That Council supports 'in principle' the Downtown CARRIED Revitalization Strategy presented by the Downtown BIA and refer the Strategy to staff for a report on implementation. "


12. ADJOURNMENT: Committee recessed at 8:00 p.m. and resumed at 9:44 p.m. following the In-Camera Committee business. cwO2-0017 Ashley: "That the meeting be adjourned. " CARRIED

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Mayor J. Lornie CHAIR

W.T. Halstea Municipal Clerk


016 Laurel LePine

m: Rhonda Hill [[email protected]] ent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:56 AM To: laurel. [email protected] Cc: Lynn Phillips (E-mail) Subject: 2001 Stats

stats anecdotal stats jan-jun 2001.xls stats jul-dec 2001.xis 2001.doc Here the Visitor Info Stats for 2001. Happy New Year to you!! Rhonda


0,17 Visitor InfoNe irk Statistics Program-Anec otal Information Info Centre: Campbell River Region __A Main Office ** Satellite Year: 2001

Please make note of any visitor trends, special events, road construction, etc. in your community/area that will clarify increases or decreases in your monthly statistics. Complete and return this form and the monthly/year end form by the 10th of the following month to: Visitor Services, Tourism British Columbia, 300, 1803 Douglas Street, Victoria,BC V8W 9W5 FAX:(250) 356-8246

January previously in trailer

Febuary previously in trailer

March Spring Break, Junior B Hockey - Vancouver Island Championships, Ladies Hockey Tournament, 911

Conference, Curling Bonspeil

April Early enquiries for all adventure recreation and tours (whale and bear)I think because some companies

(knight inlet and paradise found) are doing their own advertising - but not giving complete info. Such as start dates.

May - Farmers Daughter in Campbell River. Better weather

June- Rotary Duck Race and beginning of Transformations on the Shore. BC mine competition and Fathers Day

Fishing Derby, as well as the van Isle 360.

July Transformations on the Shore, Arts & Edibles Sunday Market, Meet the Visitor Day, 5 bus tours

August Summer Festival, Salmon Festival, 6 bus tours, Arts & Edibles Sunday Market

September Two 2 day conventions - Island Cogeneration from all over Pacific Northwest and Energy & Mines.

Cruise ship stopovers - each Saturday in September, Sunday Market

October two cruise ship stops

018 Visitor InfoNe kStatisticsProgram- Anec lal Information o Centre: Campbell River Region _A Main Office * *Satellite Year: 2001

f Please make note of any visitor trends, special events, road construction, etc. in your community/area that will clarify increases or decreases in your monthly statistics. Complete and return this form and the monthly/year end form by the 10th of the following month to: Visitor Services, Tourism British Columbia, 300, 1803 Douglas Street, Victoria,BC V8W 9W5 FAX:(250) 356-8246


December - increase in South Island visitors travelling the new Inland Island Hwy 19, Art Gallery Christmas Craft

sale throughout December (same building) and we were open reduced hours throughout the Christmas week for

the first time.



019 VisitoWoNetwork Statistics Program - January qWe, 2001

Info Centre: Campbell River Region: A Main Office a4 Satellite 0

Complete and return this form by the 10th of the following month to Visitor Services & Sales Fax: (250) 356-8246 or E-Mail: [email protected] i Monthly Total Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun TOTAL Administration of hours 176 159 176 165 216 207 109 # of hone calls 199 213 357 411 592 400 217 of mail/fax/emailenquiries 53 102 189 265 149 103 861 # of parties 666 541 745 878 1642 2788 726 of visitors 786 732 1086 1266 2691 4787 1134 of buses 0 0 0 3 Visitor Origin 556 514 708 799 1608 2183 636k Local Resident 379 362 412 410 528 670 2761 BC 135 116 198 268 481 509 170 Alberta 9 3 25 18 36 49 14( Other Canada 14 17 27 30 69 183 34 Washington 2 1 8 13 39 67 13( California 0 1 2 2 33 38 7 Other US/Mexico 7 2 6 12 66 135 22 Europe 3 6 17 38 297 459 82( Asia/Australia 6 4 9 6 54 58 13 Other 1 2 4 2 5 15 2

Nights in Community 1531 156 276 337 576 788 228 Sameday 80 88 139 137 180 180

1 22 15 45 60 135 206 4 2 20 16 34 85 135 160 45 3 6 10 21 29 58 147 271 -6 (1 week) 17 13 18 11 43 63 16 7-13 (2 weeks) 4 6 9 7 19 21 6 14+ 4 8 10 8 6 11 4 Information Requested 606 600 933 1143 2260 3321 8863 Accommodation 40 54 58 80 248 372 85 Adventure Recreation 17 14 38 192 186 305 75 Attractions 35 27 63 99 299 422 94 Events & Conferences 1 1 4 22 33 123 18 Food & Beverage 9 15 50 38 142 163 41 Transportation 95 81 94 81 158 217 72 Shopping 12 8 25 31 76 108 26( Parks 3 10 28 63 160 291 555 First Nations 0 2 15 3 47 53 12( Community Services 5 4 13 2 71 54 14 Investment/Moving 19 13 27 18 25 46 14 Site Facilities (e g. Washrooms) 108 110 147 146 292 483 128 Other 262 261 371 368 523 684 246 Community Specific Info 15 25 56 53 172 336 65 (categories to be consistent all year)

Arts & Culture 12 21 42 34 116 102 3 Sport Fishing 3 4 12 18 50 115 2

Hostels 0 0 1 5 119 125

Discovery Islands 2 1 3 i9fl Visitor etwork Statistics Program-July - Dece , 2001

Info Centre: Campbell River Region: A Main Office Satellite

Complete and return this form by the 10th of the following month to Visitor Services & Sales Fax: (250) 356-8246 or E-Mail: [email protected]

Monthly Total Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL Administration # of hours 310 310 240 202 1 52 135 134 of phone calls 565 502 413 341 256 185 226 of mail/fax/email enquiries 415 397 273 1 86 33 31 133 # of parties 7022 5020 2835 1140 493 411 16921 of visitors 9197 11110 5510 1728 632 508 2868

of buses 5 6 2 1 Visitor Origin 3132 3101 2284 1057 482 407 1046: ocal Resident 821 616 463 493 324 296 3013 BC 749 762 489 276 116 90 2482 Alberta 192 169 156 24 9 9 55 Other Canada 283 238 181 34 7 4 74 Washington 207 264 148 37 10 2 66

California 83 112 98 14 1 2 31 Other US/Mexico 240 232 1 87 50 4 0 71 Europe 383 509 468 100 8 3 1471

Asia/Australia 151 150 74 26 3 1 40 Other 23 49 20 3 0 0 9 Nights in Community 1201 1262 1369 1057 161 120 460 eday 292 301 325 183 73 57 1231 296 342 341 150 54 33 121 245 243 294 76 9 6 873

3 162 140 160 56 8 13 53 -6 (1week) 108 132 133 16 9 5 40 7-13 (2 weeks) 55 74 61 3 4 4 201 14+ 43 30 55 10 4 2 14 Information Requested 5461 5753 4261 1500 621 520 18116 Accommodation 685 704 326 96 31 10 185 Adventure Recreation 529 661 449 109 28 15 1791 Attractions 731 737 454 153 42 23 214

Events & Conferences 94 166 89 13 1 36 Food & Beverage 344 417 738 65 19 3 158 Transportation 362 344 282 152 69 57 126 Shopping 229 217 150 31 13 26 66 Parks 642 680 357 78 13 5 177

First Nations 127 112 85 14 1 0 33 Community Services 103 120 70 7 14 16 33 Investment/Moving 48 104 72 34 12 13 28 Site Facilities (e g. Washrooms) 770 802 607 287 146 140 275 Other 797 689 582 461 233 211 297 Community Specific Info 483 651 115 9 5 126 (categories to be consistent all year)

s & Culture 256 214 165 39 5 5 68 rt Fishing 212 390 151 33 4 0 79 Hostels 15 24 5 4 Channel62 23 15 3 Cruise Ship 47 43 9 021 FROM :Bryanand Dale 6JebsteAlpmoxBC PHONE NO. 258339 59590 Dec.18 2881 81:8?PM P1

BRYAN A. WEBS 1143 Donovan )rive (Clotm,ox, BC V9M2T1 0 Pkone a%339-6959

Dec 17, 2001

Mr. J. Lornic Mayor Campbell River

Dear Mr Lornie:

I was in Victoria for. a "10 day Christmas trip when I saw the write up anoint we P_&N dayl2ner. I talked to the Times-Colonist reporter last Friday about the E&N Dayliner, I spoke to MP Dr. Keith Martin later that morning in his office and exchanged ideas. I told him I would be talking to MP Mr. John Duncan which I did yesterday at the Alliance Party Christmas meeting here in Comox. Mr_ Duncan considers the E&N in the top part of his to-do list and is going to send me all his information. I am currently preparing a letter to the mayors of Courtenay, Cornox, Cumberland and Campbell River. I personally know the mayor of Quali Beach. I am going to phone him today to get the namesof themayors of Parksville,Nanaimo, Ladysmith and Duncan and send them my letter as well

I am sending you a copy of the history of the E&N which I prepared way back in 1994. I bought the book written by Donald R MacLachlan published by the B.C. Railway Historical Association with assistance from B. C. Heritage Trust_ I prepared this condensed history for use of the E&N steering committee.

I am also including the timetable that I prepared backin 1994-95to try and change the thinking of the committee. I made an appointment to see Mr. Stan Hagen way back when he was still onthe board of VIA. He thoughtit was a good idea and would present it at the next board meeting in Montrealif we had the agreement and support of the cities towns and villagesof theIsland. I told him we currentlyhad over 7,000 signaturesofsupport. The only thing the people who signed wanted was for theE&N torun in the right direction at the right time. That's what the proposed time table showed. I toldtheE&N committee at the next meeting and they laughed and suggestedthat theyor our chairman would go to Montreal and present it. That's when I thoughtI should resign from the committee. I am going to write the letter to Mx. Hagen, as well. TheRotary and the Comox Tourist Association is getting a letter aswell.Also included are our local newspapers.

I am reviewing the timetable as well to see if I have to make any additions or changes that may be required after all this time. The principle is sound!!!!!!! No train should be based in Victoria. One in Nanaimo and one in Courtenay, both running South! i i !Victoria doesn't even lose its tourist train. The E&N needs the help of every city town and village north of the Malahat! 1!

There are 7 morepages!!! E

022 FROM : Bryanand Dale WJebsternoxBC PHONE NO. : 258 339 5959 Dec.18 2881 81:88PM P2



The story of the Esquimalt andNana.im.oRailway began back in the days before Confederation, The concept of this railway stemmed frown, a plan to unite Canada's provinces by the construction of a railway to extend the breadth of Canadian soil from the Atlantic to the Pacific.In 1866 Vancouver Island had united with the mainland to form one colony called British Columbia. The population at that time totalled roughly 36,000. Over 50 per cent of this population lived on Vancouver Island.

The movementtowards Confederation began for British Columbia in 1867 but it was not until 1.870 that B.C. put forward its terms forparticipation.The most important condition called for the construction of a railway to connect the seaboard of British Columbia withthe railway systemofCanada. The phrase "seaboard of BritishColumbia",as contained in the Confederation document,was interpreted by most Vancouver Islanders as meaningEsquimalt_ The facts that the Island had a larger population than themainland,a thriving coal and lumber industry,and a Royal Navy base at Esquimalt were prime factors in this interpretation.

1871:British Columbia joins Confederation on July 21. This establishes a unified Canada from coast to coast. 1873 Alexander Mackenzie defeats Sir John A. Macdonald's government. 1874B.C. threatens to withdraw from Confederation because of non-fulfillment of th e terms of union with respect to the building of the railway. The ,Province draws up a lengthy memorial or appeal to the Queen. 1875 Dominion government makes a definite statement that Esquimalt is to be the terminus of the railway. The B.C. legislature passes an act known as The Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Act which authorizes the. grant of public land to the Dominion government, not to exceed 20 miles in width on either side of the rail line between. Esquimalt and Nanaimo Harbour. Despite the promise by Canada, through the Governor-General, and although the bill passes Parliament by a slim majority, the Senate turns down the proposal, to build the Island Railway. his is regarded by British Columbians as a deliberate breach of trust and they prepare to take action to withdraw from Confederation. 1876 Governor-General Lord Dufferin comes to Victoria September 14 and makes a speech which is credited with checking the dangerous agitation for secession on Vancouver Island. 1878 Lord Dufferiu.'s efforts are of no avail and a second secession memorial is dispatched to the Queen. Sir John A Macdonald defeats the Mackenzie government and is elected as member for Victoria in a by-election. 1881Once again British Columbia turns to the Imperial Government for assistance. 1882The.F..8r.N Railway Act of 1875 is repealed. 1884Sir John A. Macdonald manages to persuade Island coal baron Robert Dunsinuir to build the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway. On April 28 the E&N is born at a meeting in the new company's office at the corner of Broughton and Government streets, in Victoria. is elected President. On April 30, Robert Dunsmuir gives the order to commence the building of the railway. . 119 *1 FROM : Bryan and. Dale LJebster CornoxBCPHONE NO. : 250339 595 Dec. 18 2001 01:08PM P3

'The charter given, known as the Duatsmuir Agreement, included a grant of $750.000 cash, 2.1 million acres of land (excluding settlements, Indian Reserves and military bases) and all the mining rights of all minerals and substances in, on, or under such lands, including the foreshore and sea opposite any such land. The grant also included 3,5 million acres of land in the Peace River District. 1886 August 13, shortly after 9:00 a.m. at Cliffside, onn. the east side of Shawnigan Lake. Prime Minister Sir John A.Macd.ouald, provided with a golden spike and a silver hammer, drives home the last spike- September 24, Esquimalt - Russell extension completed- 1887 June 1, Nanaimo - Wellington extensioncompleted. 1888 March 29, Russell - Victoria extension completed. 1905Jim.e 8, James Dunsmuir, son of Robert, sells the E&N Railway, including all its assets,plus the steamship service to the CPR. June 30, a Second Land Grant of86,000 acresis given to the Dominion government. October 4, that same 86,000 acres is transferred to the E&N Railway. 1910 A Third Land Grant of 20,000 acres is given to the E&N Railway. 1925 A Forth Land Grant of the foreshore part of and the coal underlying in the Nanaim.o District containing 10,000 acres. It has been estimated that the government of BritishColumbia,in order to have a 75- mile railway built from Esquimalt toNanaimo,gaveaway4,700,000 acres of land. Based on an average value of X10 per acre of land at the time, the cost of the railway to the B.C. government was$626,660 per mile.

1906 to 1915 The E&N is extended to Lake Cowichan, Port Alberni, Parksville,Qualicum Beach and finally Courtenay. The E&N Railway,at its peakhad 45stations on its MainLine,8 stationson its Port A.lberni Line,and 36 stationson itsCowichan Line.

1.953 CPR abandons Port Alberni passenger service. 1962 CPR applies to Canadian Transport Commission to discontinue Island passenger service- Request denied. 1968 CPR applies to CTC again. Request denied. Told to upgrade service. 1970 CPR applies to CTC again. Request denied. 1974 CPR applies again and this time is granted pen-nission to end passenger service in 1.978. 1977 VIA rail is farmed to take over CPR and CNR passenger rail service. VIA assumes responsibility for E & N in 1979. 1978 Review board repeals 1977 CTC decision. The first Vancouver Island E & N Steering Committee is formed to fight to preserve and upgrade the service- 1989 Federal government announces it intends to shut down the E & N. It commences abandonment proceedings with CTC. In response BC government launches suit in BC Supreme Court alleging the closure contravenes Constitutional legal obligations. 1991 BC Court of Appeal rules federal government has a constitutional obligation to keep rail service on Vancouver Island. Federal government launches an appeal to the Supreme Court. E 1993 Supreme Court of Canada hears appeal on December 2. 1.994 May 5 the Supreme Court of Canada rules the federal government does not have a constitutional responsibility to maintain service into perpetuity. 024 FROM : Bryan and Dale UJebste oxBCPHONE NO. : 250 339 5959 Dec. 18 2001 01:09PM P4

The E. 8 N. Rly. Co. Land Grants 1884-1925


A SAY WARD Second Grant, 86,346 Ac. (/905) For details of North F. B.70 Boundary. See 3 Troy2 Sayword 70 via r, Pie F0rarIT41,777/H ?rev, North Limit of First Grant NOOTKA /894 }-Fourth Grant. Foreshore / and Coat_ 1925 n Third Groot' ' 20, 000 Ac. 1913-14-0


e,:i iy:ldiif lr:it,'yi.^.i. 2e ',,',:i: ' ,.'ice n% dt,:rik'P rJJ r,:Jt .000011,


RENFREW Otter 2 Soaks 3 Metchaein 4 E quimall Victoria 0 6 Goldstrearn 7 Highland Iak. 'iT l OI$ 9 South 5oanlch Hu 0 North Soonlcn Hetmcken Sharmgon 13 gohtlam Ouomichon 5eymou, 16 Sornenos Comiakan 18 Saltspring island 19 Provost island Cm"Moinu 21 Kuper at TMNs islands ?2 Go1Ono Island 23 aright 24 Oyster Douglas 26 Cronberry 27 Cedar Voids Island 29 Mountain 30 *0I lington 31 Cameron

: 01:10PM PG FROM : Bryan and Dale Webster, oxBC PHONENO. 250 339 5959 Dec.18 2001



Articles of agreement. made and entered into this Hersuccessors, and where ever the said contractors twc rtBeth dayofAugust,in the yearof Our Lordone are referred to, such reference shall include their

thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. executors, adrninistrators,_



DEPART NANAIMO 6:30 AM LADYSMITH 6:45 24K 15M 6:50 CTI.EMAINUS 6:57 11K 7M 7:02 DUNCAN 7:13 18K 11M 7:18 COBBLE HILL 7:27 14K 9M 7:32 SHAWNIGAN 7:35 5K 3M 7:40 VICTORIA 8:07 45K 27M


DEPART VICTORIA 9:00 DUNCAN 9:39 39M 9:50 NANAIMO 10:23 33M 10:30 PARKSVILLE 10:52 22M 11:00 COURTENAY 11:43 43M




fi-gR Ir 1IwKm rJi! l' 1G


Letter: The Membership of December 24, 2001 The Association of VancouverIsland and Coastal Communities

From: The Vancouver Island Association of Wood Processors

In early December, the Vancouver Island Association of Wood Processors (VIAWP) distributed a position paper to the membership of the Association of Vancouver Islandand Coastal Communities related to changes to the Small Business Value-Added forest license program - Section 21. Meetings were then held in Campbell River on December 14 and in Duncan on December 18, 2001. The VIAWP has been seeking the support of labour, environmental groups and municipal politicians for its proposals to the Minister of Forests to restructure, and ultimately save the program from elimination under provincial proposals to resolve the US softwood lumber trade dispute. At the meetings, it was generally recognized that the pace of the trade negotiations might be such that the AVI&CC might not be able to address the topic within its current meeting schedule. We were advised that it would be more efficient to address the individual AVI&CC members in the hope of garnering support for our proposal. It was suggested that we provide a short summary of our proposal; that it would improve our chances of towns and villages being able to address the topic in their own meetings.

At the third Lumber Summit held by Minister of Forests Mike de Jong on December 20, 2001 in Vancouver, the Minister stated that the Small Business Program, which is the only secure source of timber supply to the independent value-added wood processing sector, was to be eliminated under the Province s recent proposals to the United States. It was offered up to meet the US demands for log auctions to establish market pricing for Crown timber. At six to seven percent of the provincial harvest, it was the only new log supply offered to create a market.

From the outset of the trade dispute, the independent value-added wood products sector has been working to have their mills excluded from the trade dispute - the companies do not benefit from the major forest licenses that are the target of the dispute with the US. The goal of the sector is simply to have unfettered access to the US market. We now stand to lose our tenure - to be the only group whose licenses are eliminated by the province and offered up to the US to form a competitive log market. The loss of our program, in conjunction with other proposals that will

P.O. Box 724, Qualicum Beach, B.C. V9K 1T2 Tel. and Fax (250) 752-1008 Email viawp@mail. island, net 030 Dec. 18 2001 01:11PM PE



DEPART COURTENAY 8:00 AM PARKSVILLE 8:43 43M 8:50 NANAJMO 9:12 22M 9:20 DUNCAN 9:53 33M 10:00 VICTORIA 10:39 39M

:DEPART VICTORIA 5:30 PM SHAWNTGAN 5:57 27M 6:02 COBBLE HILL 6:05 3M 6:10 DUNCAN 6:19 9M 6:24 CHEMA.INUS 6:35 1 IM 6:40 LADYSMITH 6:47 7M 6:52 NANAIMO 7:07 15M





damage oursector and the communities that they work in is a provincial policy choice - it is not a result of a request from the US government.

A summary of our Associations proposals to restructure and retain the Section 21 program follows. Please contact me if you would like to receive a copy of the complete document.

The VancouverIsland Association of Wood Processors is proposing that:

the Small Business Value-Added Program - Section 21, be retained. It is the only secure source of fiber to the independent value-added wood processing sector; the competition for the short term, non renewable forest licenses could be altered to meet US demands, from bidding in terms of value-added, investment, employment created and stumpage to a pure stumpage bidding,system - with the only qualification being that the companies bidding for the timber sale licenses must have a mill that meets the criteria for being able to register in the value-added program; the program s harvesting volumes could be included in a provincial market when sufficient volumes of logs are made available in a greatly expanded provincial log/auction market; those companies that export logs under a surplus to domestic processing requirements criteria would not be able to bid on logs in a provincial log market; the program be removed from the Ministry of Forests administration and be run on a commercial basis by private contractors and/or industry; the program be established on a dedicated laud base so that its management can be certified as environmentally sustainable.

Much more detail is available in the main document, but the request to the Provincial Government is very straightforward -don t take away the ability of our companies to obtain the logs and lumber that they need to continue to operate; keep Section 21 in place.

Our request to the representatives of the communities that we live and work in is also very simple - please provide us with a letter supporting our proposgl or copy us on a letter sent directly to the Premier and the Minister of .Forests, Mike de Jong.

We also hope that your Association as a whole can provide a unified letter of support when you meet in the new year. I would be glad to personally answer your questions; I can be reached by phone at 250-757-9644. Sincerely,

George F. Cousineau, President Vancouver Island Association of Wood Processors E


Phone (250)923-9407 OR CELL(250)287-1508 Fax (250)923-9407 E

December 19, 2001


Dear council members,

I am writing this letter to argue against the sale of FIREWORKS on New Years eve. Allowing the sale of fireworks to the general public poses another threat to public safety in addition to what has always been a problem evening with some members of the public drinking and driving along with other mischief and vandalism..It also will add to an already potentially overwhelming workload that our local Police Force has to deal with on New Years eve. Council members in addition to other duties, are charged with the responsibility of passing laws to protect the public safety of its citizens and to ensure the wise and frugal use of the public purse. Passing a law to promote the use of fireworks at any time poses a threat to public safety and a short term spike in policing and Fire Dept. costs. Looking beyond the direct safety factor is the fact that while police may be investigating a fireworks complaint, a response to a more serious incident could be delayed. As we know, every Halloween,we have a number of serious incidents relating to fireworks and as was seen this past year,a possibility of serious if not fatal results stemming from the improper use of fireworks. For example, several pipebomb incidents as well as one homemade bomb made from fireworks and thrown through the door of a local school. As many responsible adults are aware, a very high percentage of fireworks sold to parents and adults over the age of 18 wind up in the hands of children . We have personally observed children as young as seven years old allowed by their parents to use pinwheels, blockbusters,etc., and this was when many parents were home. Think of the potential on New Years eve when many parents leave their 10 year olds and up on their own while they go out and party! For responsible local government, I remain,

'Yours Truly f Walter Hall


Your name goes here E E


December 24, 2001

File: PE-07008

District of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River BC V9W 4C7

Dear Deputy Clerk and Council:

Re: Pollution Prevention File No. PE-07008

Thank you for your letter of December 4, 2001, regarding the permit PE-07008 amendment application. This application requests three changes to the discharge permit. 1. To increase the maximum discharge pH from 8.0 to 8.5. The presence of calcareous rock and the washing of coal can raise effluent pH from the north mine area to between 8.0 and 8.5 at times. The provincial water quality guidelines for aquatic life and drinking water in the receiving environment indicate that a discharge of pH 8.5 should be acceptable in this watershed.

2. To increase the period of discharge from 180 days per year to 365 days per year. The original discharge permit issued to Quinsam Coal Corp. (QCC) authorized a discharge period of 365 days per year. In 1994 QCC reviewed their discharge records and determined that they were not discharging for over half the year. In an effort to reduce permit fees they requested and were granted a reduction in the discharge period. QCC now requires a longer discharge period as the area of the mine workings has increased. The relationship between the natural input of water to the mine site and the permitted discharge means that the discharge increases during wet periods and decreases or ceases during dry periods.

3. To increase the rate at which effluent can be pumped from the North Pit Sump to the #4 Treatment Pond from 0.076 m3/s to 0.23 m3/s. This pumping rate refers to one source contributing to the final effluent treatment pond and is being increased to enable improved operation of that portion of the treatment system. The permitted discharge rate from the #4 Treatment Pond to the receiving environment is not being altered.


Ministryof Vancouver Island Region Mailing Address: Telephone: 250 751-3100 Water,Land and Air 2080A Labieux Road Facsimile: 250 751-3103 Nanaimo BC V9T 6J9 Protection [163 93 Deputy Clerk and Council District of Campbell River 2- December 24, 001

I trust this information assists the council in their consideration of this permit amendment application. Should you require further information regarding this application please contact Hubert Bunce or Ron Bollans at 751-3100.

Yours truly,

D.F. Brown Regional Waste Manager Vancouver Island Region

034 10 E

File: 0410-20/ELAP

December 4, 2001

Ministry of Environment, Lands & Parks Regional Waste Manager 2080-A Labieux Road Nanaimo, BC V9T 6J9

Attention: Mr. David Brown

Dear Mr. Brown:

Re: Pollution Prevention File No. PE-07008

At the Council meeting held on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 the District of Campbell River Council received information regarding the Application for Amendment of a Permit under the provisions of the Waste Management Act, as filed by the Quinsam Coal Corporation.

The District Council respectfully requests a report from the Ministry on the potential impact of the amendments requested, on Middle Quinsam and Long Lake.

Yours truly,

r .

Ie -t -'C Kaylene Simmons Deputy Clerk

is c. Campbell River Environmental Council

G:lDeputy Clerk - Office SupervisorlLetters12001 Letters lEnviron. Lands & Parks Quinsam Coal Permit.doc Regular CouncilMeeting Minutes -Tuesday, November 27, 2001 Page 3 from Lindsay Jones, Process Manager, Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management regarding Central Coast LRMP Completion Table - Local Government Representation be received. "

01-0763 Ashley/Harrison: "That the November 21, 2001 correspondence CARRIED and petition from Marc Kein, New Video Scene regarding Reconsidering of Fireworks Ordinance in Campbell River be referred to the Fire Chief for staff report. "

01-0764 Matthews/Andrews: "That Councillor Harrison be appointed to the CARRIED Central Coast LRMP as the District's representative. "

01-0765 Ashley/Nash: "That Council support the implementation of the CARRIED Island Medical Program in the University of Victoria, by writing to the MLA.. " Councillor Cornfield opposed

01-0766 Nash/Cornfield: "That Council request a report from the Ministry CARRIED of Environment, Lands & Parks, Regional Waste Manager, David Brown, on the impact of Quinsam Coal's proposed amendment on the Quinsam River. " 6. MAYOR'S REPORTS: (a) Mayor Lornie's November 22, 2001 Report regarding 2002 Appointments.

01-0767 Harrison/Matthews: "That Councillor Ashley be appointed CARRIED Council's representative to the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board for 2002 and that Councillor Cornfield be the Alternate member. "

01-0768 Cornfield/Harrison: "That Councillors Matthews and Nash be CARRIED appointed as Council representatives to the Strathcona Gardens Commission for 2002. "

01-0769 Ashley/Nash: "That Councillors Matthews, Harrison and Cornfield CARRIED be appointed as members of the Local Court of Revision for 2002, and that the remaining members of Council be appointed as alternates. "

01-0770 Harrison/Nash: "That the appointment of Acting Mayors for 2002 CARRIED be:

Councillor Mary Ashley-December 2001, June & December 2002 Councillor Charlie Cornfield-January & July 2002 Councillor Lvnn Nash-February & August 2002 Councillor Bill Matthew-vs-March & September 2002 Councillor Bill Harrison-April & October 2002 Councillor Dot Andrews-May & November 2002



December 18, 2001

District of Campbell River 301 St. Ann's Road Campbell River, B.C. V9W 4C7

Attention: Mayor James Lornie

Dear Mr. Lornie:

Re: The Island Medical Program

Thank you for your letter of December 11, 2001.

UBC/UVIC gave a briefing to the Island MLAs a month or so ago which included this topic. We all agreed that this is an important initiative and we will be actively pursuing this issue over the coming months.

Thanks for writing.

ROD VISSER, MLA North Island


037 0

File: 0410-20/MLAMP

December 11th 2001

Mr. Rod Visser, MLA 908 Island Highway, Campbell River, B.C., V9W 2C3.

Dear Mr. Visser:


The District of Campbell River Council is forwarding this letter to urge your assistance and support with respect to the funding commitment for the E Expansion of Medical Education in British Columbia.

We believe the implementation of the Island Medical Program at the University of Victoria will assist in addressing the shortage of doctors in our community. The program would provide opportunity for Island medical students to obtain the majority of their training on the Island.

The District Council respectfully requests your support to ensure the terms of the funding commitment announced at the Rural Communities Health Conference in Prince George last January are met.

Yours very truly,

James M. Lornie, MAYOR.

G:IMayorlLetterslVisserMLA re Island Medical Program.doc

IC CAMPBELL RIVER ADVENTURE RACE SOCIETY 631 Springbok Road Campbell River, B.C. V9W 6W1

2 January, 2002

Mayor Lornie&Members of Council District of Campbell River, 301 St Ann's Road Campbell River, B.C. V9W 4C7

Dear Mayor Lornie & Members of Council,

The Campbell River Adventure Race Society would like to request a date change for our event. We would like to move our race to Sunday, August 11, 2002 (one week later than originally proposed). We feel that n avoiding the crowds on the long weekend in August would be better for traffic flow and usage of the area.

We have received a copy of the proposals from the Technical Watershed committee following our presentation on December 18, 2001. We look forward to working with the committee to fulfill all of their requirements and towards continued safe use of the area for our future events.

Yours sincerey,

Linda Nagle. (H. 923 3964 W. 923 7911)


039 It

The lull Wright Report p for the Government of British Columbia is available, all 39 pages, from laurel in the Mayor's office.

> Discount tickets will be standardized on all routes. The salient Wright recommendations from the Report are evels on other than main summarized as follows: be reduced. 1. Fast Ferries: Considering all options, continuing efforts at sale is best. > Tariffs will rise on all routes. 2. Governance: Province needs to enact legislation to exempt the Board from political and > Probable increase to subsidy from bureaucratic interference. Needsclear mandate from Motor fuel in. province with approved business plan and quarterly reports to Legislature.

Studies will commence re fixed 3. Service: Review alternative service delivery models...including private sector involvement. s.Fixed links will probably be 4. Finance: Increase revenue and reduce costs. constructed where future extension Many implications for service levels, tariffs, work to/from Vancouver Island is possible. rules, competitive purchasing, fixed links

> A number of the shorter routes will be put to tender from The private sector.

support service sector

11 be privatised.

>Increase in capital expenditures, probably beginning in 2003, to I commence the replacement of the ageing fleet. Other Observations: * More should hedone to ensure connectivity and scheduling between Replacement vessels tendered and ferries and other transportation systems. * built internationally. Some fell collective agreements and work practiceswere root causes of inefficiencies. > A high probability of mployeelcoruormion strife as 'hanger carne into File: 5280-02EMAN DISTRICT OF CAMPBELL RIVER

To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of Municipal Council From: Campbell River Estuary Management Commission Date: December 18, 2001 Subject: Campbell River Estuary - 2001 Year-End Report

Recommendation: The Campbell River Estuary Management Commission recommends that the 2001 Campbell River Estuary Management Commission Year-End Report be received by Council as information.

Background: The Commission last submitted a progress report dated January 8, 2001. This report covered the activities of the Commission in 2001. A copy is attached for reference.

Discussion: 1) Commission's Achievements/Activities: The Commission's mandate, as described by Council Bylaw, is in the following five areas: a) Industrial Relocation: OCP Amendment - Raven Property - The Commission provided comment on the proposed OCP amendments pertaining to this property. Although the resulting land use differs from the recommendations of the Estuary Management Plan, the Commission supports the changes in land use as the environmental concerns such as setbacks, riparian protection and stormwater management have been adequately addressed. Water-lot Leases - Existing water-lots previously used for industrial purposes have been designated for fish and wildlife values to protect future uses.

b) Habitat Restoration and Rehabilitation: Habitat Projects - The Commission has reviewed and endorsed four habitat restoration projects proposed within the estuary. The subsequent endorsement by Council has ensured efforts to secure funding for these projects can continue. Viewing Platform - The Commission is pleased with the installation of a viewing platform constructed in the estuary under the District's Legacy Landmarks Program. This particular project was funded by the Marshall family in remembrance of two Marshall brothers Duncan (bunc) and Donald (Smoothy).

c) Monitoring and Enforcement: No issues arose in 2001.

041 Date: January 8, 2001 Subject: Campbell River Estuary - 2000 Status Report ------d) Facilitating Local Management Plans: Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DCR, FOC and MOELP - The Commission has continued to stress the need for development of an MOU between the District and senior government agencies as described in the Estuary Management Plan. District staff have advanced this project significantly in 2001 and remain hopeful that the document will be signed off by alI three parties before the end of the calendar year. Estuary Park Management Plan (Baikie Island) - The Commission has been tasked with developing a Management Plan for the newly acquired parklands in the estuary. Over the course of 2001, the Commission has established a sub- committee in co-operation with the Nature Conservancy of Canada and has recently finalized the Baseline Documentation Report. The sub-committee and the Commission as a whole remain committed to finalizing the Management Plan by the November 30, 2002 deadline. It is anticipated that this Management Plan will identify significant opportunities for enhancing or restoring environmental features. The Commission will strive to ensure that, where possible, the recommendations of the Estuary Management Plan are incorporated into the Management Plan. TyeeSpit Parks Plan - The Commission isverypleased that work has begun on the creation of a Parks Plan for the Tyee Spit. The Commission is participating in the on-going process established by Council and will strive to ensure that the principles of the Estuary Management Plan are incorporated in the final Plan. TyeeSpit Environmental Audit - The Commission is also pleased with the completion of the Stage 1 and 2 Site Investigation (Environmental Audit) Reports completed for the long-term lease areas on the Tyee Spit.

e) Reporting to Council: Throughout 2001, the Commission continued to provide recommendations for Council consideration on all issues pertaining to the estuary. Council has, for the most part, accepted the Commission's views as consistent with the Estuary Management Plan and in the best interest of the community as a whole.

2) Commission's Terms of Reference and Mandate: Commission Representation - Currently, the Commission is made up of 2 senior government representatives (1 from DFO and 1 from MOELP), 1 First Nations representative, 2 industrial/commercial representatives, 2 representatives from the Campbell River recreational community (1 position is currently vacant) and 4 citizens at large (1 position is currently vacant). DCR staff participation - The Commission does not currently have formal staff representation other than what is provided through the Commission secretariat n position. This position is an administrative support position and does not have any voting privileges. The Commission supports this position and agrees with the

042 0 Date: January 8, 2001 Subject: Campbell River Estuary - 2000 Status Report

non-voting status of the position. The Commission's access to further staff expertise/information has been adequate. Public Accountability - The Commission's meetings are generally open to the public unless required to be in-camera as per the Local Government Act. The Commission recognizes that the estuary is a unique resource and feature that belongs to the entire community and as such the public has a right to be part of the decisions that may affect these lands. Accordingly, the Commission supports and encourages an open and accountable approach with respect to all issues pertaining to the estuary.

3) Financial & Policy Implications of Commission: To date, the following represents an approximation of funds spent on restoration/enhancement efforts within the estuary: Pre-1997 - $30,000 resulting in 0.06ha. of new habitat 1997- $180,000 resulting in 1.73ha. of new habitat 1998- $888,000 resulting in 0.99ha. of new habitat 1999-$251,000 resulting in 1.88ha. of new habitat 2000- $1,800,000 resulting in 19.0ha. of new habitat 2001-$0 TheDistrict's annual budget for administering the Commission was reduced in 2001 to $5,000 (down from previous budgets of $9,250). These funds were adequate for items such as administrative support (District staff time), courier costs, photocopy costs, printing costs, etc.

Conclusion: The Commission is satisfied that significant progress has been made towards the long- term goals established in the 1996 Estuary Management Plan. As such, the Commission recognizes the need for an update of the Plan to more closely reflect current realities and supports Council's decision for this exercise.

As a whole, the Commission continues to function co-operatively, constructively and, for the most part, by consensus. The Commission remains committed to the well being of the estuary area and will continue to strive to implement the recommendations and objectives of the Estuary Management Plan.

j Russ Irish, Chair F:\data\reports 2001\emc\2001Year-end-report.doc

9 0

File: 0360-20EMCM (Engineering Services) Estuary Management Commission

Minutes of the CAMPBELL RIVER ESTUARY MANAGEMENT COMMISSION held on Tuesday, December 18th, 2001 at 4:00pm in the District of Campbell River Municipal Services Meeting Room, 301 St Ann's Road, Campbell River, BC

Present: Regrets: Russ Irish - Chair Dan Wickham Ian Lightfoot - Co-Chair Tim Ennis, Nature Conservancy of Canada Ken Enns Ron Burrell Bob Duncan Ken Collins Jim VanTine Peter Law Larry Langford - joined meeting at 4:10pm Councillor Charlie Cornfield Councillor Bill Harrison Ron Neufeld - Engineering Services Supervisor Dave Burns - Municipal Services Director

Meeting was called to order at 4:05pm

A) NEW BUSINESS: 1)Adoption of November 20th meeting minutes

2001-025 "That the minutes of the November 20th meeting of the Campbell River Estuary Management Commission be adopted " M/5: R. Burrell, A Duncan - carried

2) Update of Tyee Spit Plan - Councillor Charlie Cornfield provided an overview of the issues discussed at the December 3"d meeting of the Tyee Spit Steering Committee. He noted that a public open house is scheduled for January 14th 2002, which will provide the public an opportunity to review various development concepts. A suggestion was made that the meeting minutes be presented in summary form to better identify issues and direction taken by the Committee.

3) Estuary Park Plan - Tim Ennis was not in attendance and no report was provided. A letter from the Campbell River Estuary Management Commission Chair will be sent to the Nature Conservancy of Canada requesting a copy of the Baseline Documentation Report. This report is necessary to allow the sub-committee to proceed with the development of the Management Plan - due to be completed by 644 E E

November 2002.

4) 2001 Campbell River Estuary Management Commission Annual report - The report was reviewed by the Commission. A suggestion was made to prepare a map and associated statistics to document the habitat work that has been done over the past 10 years.

2001-026 That the 2001 Campbell River Estuary Management Commission Annual Report be endorsed and submitted to Council for information. " M/S: D Duncan, T. Van Tine - carried


1) Membership Vacancies - Ron Neufeld advised that three vacancies were created as a result of the expiry of terms for Russ Irish and Ken Enns and by the resignation of Karen Furber. John Ebert has been appointed by Council for a 1- year term and Russ Irish has been appointed by Council for a further 3-year term. One remaining vacancy will be considered by Council at the December 18t' Council meeting. The Commission thanked Ken Enns for his involvement. New members will be invited to the first meeting of 2002. 2) Estuary Management Plan Update - Draft Terms of Reference are not prepared yet and will be available at the January meeting. 3) Habitat Restoration Projects - Jim VanTine advised that the viewing platform has been completed under the Legacy Landmarks Program. The extension of the Raven Channel is nearly tender-ready with actual construction anticipated between mid- January and March, subject to the completion of an environmental assessment. This project is largely funded by Meryl & Ring as compensation for other development near Menzie's Bay. Other funding is provided by BCHydro and the Habitat Conservation Trust Fund for a total project value of $200,000.

Meeting adjournment - 4:50pm.

2001-027 "That the Estuary Management Commission meeting adjourn. " M/S: K. Enns, R. Burrell - carried

The next regular meeting of the Estuary Management Commission is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, January 15th at 4pm - to be confirmed. F:\data\minutes 2001\emc\min0ldec.doc E


File: 0360-20TWC, 0110-20-SKOG TO: Administrator FROM: Engineering Services Manager DATE: December 31, 2001 SUBJECT: Technical Watershed Committee


That this report on the inaugural meeting of the Technical Watershed Committee be received as information.


The inaugural meeting of the Technical Watershed Committee was held on December 18, 2001. Although the major portion of the meeting was dedicated to the evolution of the Watershed Management Plan and to its recommendations, the Committee quickly got down to business and dealt with a number of referrals. The Minutes of the meeting are attached as information.The motions adopted by the Committee are as follows:

2001-03 "That the Ministry of Forests be requested to install lock blocks on the road leading to John Hart Lake where the gate had been removed by vandals. 2001-04 That a one year approval be granted to the Campbell River Adventure Race Society to hold the Strathcona Offroad Triathlon at Mclvor Lake and that all recreation activities in the watershed be reviewed prior to considering further triathlons in the Community Watershed." 2001-05 That the Technical Watershed Committee review routes, signage and water quality protection with members of the Strathcona Offroad Triathlon Committee prior to the 2002 race. 2001-06 That the Committee recommend approval of the Forest Development Plan Amendment for Woodlot licence 1639. 2001-07 That there be no relaxation to existing Bylaw requirements. 2001-08 That the recommendations from the Watershed Management Plan regarding septic fields be followed."

The above motions were used to formulate staff responses to the referrals received.

P.D. Skognes, AScT Engineering Services Manager phil.skognes@ dcr.ca


F: WATAITechnical Watershed CommitteelMemos Admin re Dec'8 TWC m ft d4 6 RICT OF CAMPBELLRIVER Technical Watershed Committee Engineering Department 301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River, B.C. V9W 4C7 Telephone: 250.286.5745; Fax: 250.286.5762


MINUTES of the Technical Watershed Committee meeting held December 18, 2001 at 1:30 p.m. in the Municipal Hall, Municipal Services MeetingRoom,secondfloor,301 St. Ann's Road, Campbell River,B.C. V9W 4C7

Present: Brent Blackmun B.C. Parks Bob Willington TimberWest John Denisiger MWLAP John Monroe Hamatla Treaty Society Lea Cadwallader Hancock Madellena Di lorio Dunn Ministry of Forests Phil Skognes DCR Steve Lackey TimberWest

Regrets: Al McLean B.C. Hydro Graeme Farris Comox-Strathcona Regional District Jim McCaul Upper Island Health Dorthe Jakobsen Ministry of Sustainable Resources

Meeting called to order at 1:30 p.m.

1. WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS - Phil Skognes welcomed the group to the inaugural meeting of the Technical Watershed Committee

2. DELEGATIONS - Linda Nagle and George Iveyof the Strathcona Offroad Triathlon. See Item i)i under New Business.


2001-01 M/S: Lackey/Denisiger"That the Agenda be Adopted". Carried

4. CORRESPONDENCE 2001-02 M/S:Lackey/Denisiger"That the Correspondence be Receivedas Information." Carried a)E-mail from Ray Reid, B.C. Hydro re herbicides use in the watershed b)Letter from Dan Olson, A/District Highways Manager re response to traffic accidents c)Letter dated October 31, 2000 from B.C.E. Akehurst, Water Management Branch re response to hazardous spills d)E-mail dated November 20, 2001 from Barry Patten, Emergency Response Officer e)Letter dated November 5, 2001 from Earl Warnock, Water, Land and Air Protection

f) Handout - December 18`h, 2001 Status Report on recommendations listed in memo from Deputy Clerk dated August 21" re Watershed Protection.

g) Handout - Technical Memo #3

h)Handout - John Hart Lake Physical/Chemical Parameters - Table 2-1 11

Page 1

F: DA TA Technica1 Watershed Committee Minutes Dec 18 01.doc 047 J Y 1S1lfV11 V, LVV 3 Technical Watershed Committe

Handout - Comparative Study of Water Quality Standards - From Drinking Water Review Panel Interim Report. For full report see http://wlapwww.gov.bc.ca/wat/wq/dw/index.html

Handout - Managing Water Quality on TimberWest Private Forest Lands


a) Watershed Management Plan Binders were distributed to each participant on the Committee.

Watershed PowerPoint presentation - Phil Skognes Phil Skognes gave an overview of how the Watershed Management Plan was developed.

c) Council Resolutions regarding Adoption of Watershed Management Plan and Implementation - August 21, 2001 report from Deputy Clerk (See item f below) d)Technical Watershed Committee Terms of Reference - Review deferred until the next All meeting.

e) Technical Watershed Committee Operational Directives - Deferred until the next meeting.

f) Status Report - Phil Skognes reviewed status of recommendations from Watershed Management Plan.

g) Vandalism in the watershed

2001-03 M/S: Di Iorio Dunn/Monroe: "That the Ministry of Forests be requested to install lock Carried blocks on the road leading to John Hart Lake where the gate had been removed by E vandals.

h) Watershed Awareness Signs - Steve Lackey and Bob Willington committed to provide

information on the signs used by TimberWest in other watersheds. . SL/BW

Referrals i. 2ndStrathcona Offroad Triathlon Linda Nagle and George Ivey attended as a delegation. Copies of last year's handouts were requested PDS.

2001-04 M/S: Monroe/Denisiger "That a one year approval be granted to the Campbell River Carried Adventure Race Society to hold the Strathcona Offroad Triathlon at Mclvor Lake and that all recreation activities in the watershed be reviewed prior to considering further triathlons in the Community Watershed." Carried

2001-05 M/S: Lackey/Willington "That the Technical Watershed Committee review routes, signage and water quality protection with members of the Strathcona Offroad Triathlon Committee prior to the 2002 race.

E Page 2

F: IDA TA 1Technical Watershed CommitteelMinutes Dec 18 Ol.doc 048 Minutes Yage 3 llecemaer i zs, lw i Technical WatershedCommitti ii. Lions Beach Upgrade at Mclvor Lake - Deferred to the next meeting.

iii. Forest Development Plan Amendment, Woodlot licence 1639 - Letter from Wolfram Wollenheit, RPF E Carried 2001-06 M/S: Dilorio Dunn/Livingston: "That the Committee recommend approval of the Forest Development Plan Amendment for Woodlot licence 1639."

iv. Development Permit - 8500 Mclvor Lake Road.

2001-07 M/S: Monroe/Di lorio Dunn: "That there be no relaxation to existing Bylaw Carried requirements."

v. Development Variance Permit - 8500 Mclvor Lake Road

2001-08 M/S: Di Iorio Dunn/Monroe: "That the recommendation from the Watershed Carried Management Plan regarding septic fields be followed."

J) Implementation Priorities - Committee members were asked to review the Watershed Management Plan recommendations and to respond to the District on priorities before the next meeting.

6. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: February 19, 2002 at 1:30 p.m.

Copies To: Municipal Services Director

Page 3

F: DA TA Technical Watershed CommitteelMinutes Dec 18 01.doc 049 DISTRICT OF CAMPBELL RIVER ENGINEERING SERVICES

File: 5225-20NCMD TO: Administrator FROM: Engineering Services Supervisor DATE: December 12, 2001 SUBJECT: Lower Nunns Creek -Integrated Stormwater Management Plan

Recommendation: That Council receive this report as information.

Background: The District has budgeted $20,000 in 2001 for the creation of a Master Drainage Plan for lower Nunns Creek (downstream of Homewood). Other groups including the Nunns Creek Stewards, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Salmon Festival Society, Discovery Coast Greenways Land Trust, and McElhanney Consulting Services have expressed interest in assessing this portion of Nunns Creek for varying reasons. Collectively, these groups have managed to secure a total of $42,340 in funding and in-kind contributions. The District has had discussions with this group to determine if a coordinated approach wouldbe beneficial to all parties. As a result of these discussions, a work plan has been prepared by McElhanney based on a total project valued at $62,340 (this includes the District's contribution of $20,000). District staff are currently reviewing the work plan (copy attached) to ensure that the District's interests regarding flood control and stormwater management are adequately addressed.

Discussion: Subject to some minor revisions, the work plan attends to the District's stormwater management objectives and as such, it is recommended that the District contribute the full 2001 budget of $20,000 towards this initiative. The Nunns Creek Stewards will be providing the largest budget component ($23,960) and as such will be leading the project. Based on this arrangement, District funds will be paid directly to the Nunns Creek Stewards who would then manage its consultant, McElhanney Consulting

Services, in accordance with the approved work plan. .

The Maintenance Services Manager has advised that this arrangement is consistent with the District's purchasing policy.

Ronald G. Neufeld, P Eng. Engineering Services Supervisor

Attachment Nunns Creek Stormwater Management Study - Work Plan

F:\DATA\Reports 2001\RNeufeld\NunnsCkWorkPlan.doc 1.'/"hr+/217171 174. it) LO)-Ldl-(0040 IIV1-ini 0 At McElhanney S-ZZ.5'-2o nJCi'nD

December 4, 2001

Our File: 2221-48278-01

A 14 111'

To: Barbara Phipps -Nunns Creek Stewardship Group Lucy Reiss -Discovery Coast Greenways Land Trust Ron Neufeld -District of Campbell River Mike Roth - District of Campbell River

Subject: Work Plan for an Integrated Stormwater Management Study of the Lower Reach of Nunns Creek

Further to our meeting of 26 July 2001, this memo outlines our proposed work plan to complete a planning study of Nunns Creek.

Nunns Creek is a valuable fisheries resource that provides both spawning and rearing habitat for salmon and freshwater species. This water way is also the principal runoff channel for the Quinsam Heights area of the District of Campbell River.It is recognized that the existing stream channel and riparian zone offers the potential for the enhancement of fisheries values, and that the existing channel and drainage structures do not provide sufficient capacity to convey current and anticipated future flows. The purpose of this study is to develop a plan that can be used as a 'blueprint" for future habitat enhancement and flood protection works on the lower reach of Nunns Creek.It is anticipated that the resulting report will recommend a number of individual projects or initiatives that are integrated, and when completed will improve bath habitat and drainage values,


Nunns Creek crosses a number of private and public land parcels and is a subject of interest to a variety of community groups. Administrative jurisdiction for various aspects of this water way is held by agencies of the federal, provincial, local municipal government and the Campbell River Indian Band. The success of this plan is contingent, in part, on acceptance by these various groups. We propose to strike a stakeholder committee to work with the project team to develop a workable plan that addresses the range of interests-This committee will include representatives from the following groups:

-Campbell River Indian Band -Department of Fisheries and Oceans -Discovery Coast Greenways Land Trust -District of Campbell River -McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. -Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection -Nunns Creek Stream Stewards

.. 13718 Cedar Street Tai 250 287 7799 Campbell Rfva BC Fax 250 287 7602 n51 Canada V9W 2W6 .L z f n'+t ZrJCJl C14: ou LJU-LU ((UU4. It MEMORANDUM -- NUNNS CREEK Page 3 December 4, 2001 Our File: 2221-48278-01

A partial inventory was compiled by Roth Environmental Services under contract to the Discovery Coast Greenways Land Trust in 1998. That work used the Urban Salmon Habitat Program Assessment procedures for Vancouver Island and covered the section of creek that crosses Nunns Creek Park. This methodology involves fieldwork to identify and catalogue key habitat features. This same methodology will be used to collect information on the remainder of .this creek where it crosses 1. R. No. 11.

Using the survey controls of Task No. 1 and 2, each in-stream habitat reach will be described using the SHIM method and each habitat reach will be mapped. In-stream habitat can then be evaluated as to its supportive capacity for fish utilization. An array of G-traps will be set out to sample for fish existing in Nunn's Creek during the survey period.

The riparian vegetation will be described in more detail during the survey in order to identify the existing condition as well as habitat capacity for aquatic and terrestrial habitat.

Results from the existing inventory and additional field work will be compiled in booklet form and related to chainage along the creek line as shown on the drawings produced under Task 2.

Task 4 - Hydraulic Analysis

A hydraulic analysis will be done to assess the capacity of the existing channel to carry flows using HEC-RAS computer software.This model will be developed using cross-sections and culvert information collected under Task 1 and design flow rates from previous studies of the Nunns Creek catchment.This model will be used to assess the bottlenecks in the existing system, and help to identify the areas requiring channel work.

The HEC-RAS software package was developed to calculate water surface profiles for steady gradually varied flow in open channels.Although the tidal influences originating from the Campbell River Estuary yield "non-steady" conditions in Nunns Creek, a steady state model can be used to assess critical flood levels. Since flooding is deemed unacceptable within the project area, time dependent attenuation attributesof floodplain storage need not be considered in assessing the peak flow conveyance capacity of the system.

This computer model will also be revised and used as a design tool to check the hydraulic capacity of Nunns Creek with the proposed changes identified under Task 5.

Task 5 - Development Plan

Using information compiled in Task I through 4 the Project Team will identify options to address existing flooding problems and maximize the Fisheries enhancement opportunities.

The in-stream habitat, riparian habitat and fish sampling at Nunn's Creek will be evaluated and a complete habitat assessment of Lower Nunn's Creek compiled. This will evaluate the fish E production capacity of this reach.In conjunction with the habitat assessment of the remaining

052 12/04/2001 d4:JFi ;enU_zb(-(bbL S N MEMORANDUM - NUNNS CREEK Page 5 0 December 4, 2001 Our File: 2221-48278-01


The integrated stormwater management study of the lower reach of Nunns Creek is made possible through funding provided by the following agencies:

Urban Salmon Habitat Program $ 6,500 - l Tns Fisheries Renewal BC 21,960 -,J s cK s+. ^ District of Campbell River 20.000

Total Funding $48,480 including GST

In addition, the following agencies have committed volunteer labour and in-kind contributions:

Nunns Creek Stewards $ 2,000 Fisheries and Oceans Canada 600 Salmon Festival Society 880 Discovery Coast Greenways Land Trust 5,800 McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd. 4.600

Total Volunteer and In Kind Contributions $13,880

A breakdown of the project budgetallocation is attached asFigure 1.


We propose to implement this study to meet the following project milestones.

- Complete topographic survey and base drawings November 1 to November 30, 2001 - Complete hydraulic analysis December 1 to December 24, 2001 - Complete environmental assessment work November 1 to December 24, 2001 Planning work December 1, 2001 to February 28, 2001 - Complete final report March 15, 2001

053 E


File: 5400-65/LIPG TO: Administrator FROM: Clerk DATE: December19, 2001 SUBJECT: LocalImprovement Petition-16th AveIronwoodto Dogwood

Recommendation: That Council receive the December 12, 2001 letter and petition requesting upgrading of16th Avenue from Ironwood Road to Dogwood Street and that it be referred to the Engineering Services Manager for consideration in preparation of the Local Improvement construction program.

Background: The attached petition requests that Council make the reconstruction of16`h Avenue from Ironwood Road to Dogwood Street a priority.Mr. Adams has been advised that the 2002 construction program is already established and that the priority for 2003 includes this road. The petition, which represents 50% of the owners having 56.5% of the Assessed value of land, is not sufficient to authorize council to proceed under the owner initiative rules of the Local Government Act. To be sufficient it must represent 2/3 of the owners having a majority of the assessed value of land. The petition does however indicate that a Council initiated petition would likely be supported by the majority of the owners.

Discussion: In my May 1, 2001 letter Mr. Adams was advised that".....This road is scheduled for construction in 2003, which means that notice of intention to proceed with the project under the CouncilInitiative method would be sent to the property owners the previousyear.Under the Council Initiative method, unless amajorityof the owners having a majority of the assessed value of land petition against the project within a rnonth of notice being sent, Council can proceed with the project.

If you wish to initiate a petition in favour of the project there would be no need for Council to initiate notice to the owners. I'm sure that you can appreciate that would stake the decision to staywith the Long Range program somewhat easier. An Owner Initiated petition requires the approval of 2/3rds of the owners having a inajorih' of the assessed value of the land...... "

A copy of the October 31, 2001 report form the then Engineering Services Supervisor is attached for Council's information. The schedule recommended in the report is of course subject to change by Council.

Respectfully submitted.

W.T. Halstead Municipal Clerk I WTH/

G:AClek\Me,, usAMe,nos 2001Vt ,rul Imprurennenl Pe,ition - Milt Are.,/, 054 Quinsam Radio Communications Ltd. 1437B - 16th Avenue CampbellRiver, BC V9W 2E4 (250) 287-4541

December12, 2001

District of Campbell River 301St.Ann's Road CampbellRiver, BC V9W 4C7

Dear Mayor and Council,

Re: Local Improvement - 16th Avenue from Ironwood to Dogwood

In 1995 other concerned business owners and myself attended a council meeting. At that meeting Council agreed to change 16th Avenue from one way to two way traffic. It was also promised that within 5 years 16th Avenue would have sidewalks and curbs. Now, I have been informed that the road is not scheduled for construction until 2003, at the earliest. As a landowner operating a business on 16th Avenue I find this very discouraging and totally unacceptable. Enclosed is a petition "in favour" of the Local Improvement Project for the road improvements 16th Avenue from Ironwood to Dogwood. While this petition represents only 45.8% of landowners, it represents and is signed by 90% of the operating business owners. As such we would like you to make the improvement to 16th Avenue your next priority.

I look forwardto your timely and favourable response.

Al Adams

1437B 16thAvenue,Campbell Ri,,Or . V9W 2E4(250)287-4541 0 n TO: Mayor and Council Date:

We, the undersigned, being the registered owners of the described properties, herebypetition in favour of the Local Improvement Project for the road improvements 16`" Avenue fromIronwood to Dogwood. The charge per assessable front foot for the above work will be $1.75per foot per year, for 10 years. A storm sewer connection fee will also apply for those propertiesnot previously connected.

Name & Address Civic Address Signature

Town Centre Inn Ltd. 1409 - 16th Avenue $159,000 507 S. McLean Street Campbell River, BC V9W 5W6

Town Centre Inn Ltd. 1405 - 16th Avenue $65,500 507 S. McLean Street Campbell River, BC V9W 5W6

Town Centre Inn Ltd. 1500 Dogwood Street $223,043 507 S. McLean Street Campbell River, BC V9W 5W6

North Island CommunicationsInc. 1417 - 16'i' Avenue $44,600 1417 - 16th Avenue CampbellRiver, BC V9W 2E4

Dannette's DanceInc. A 1423 - 16th Avenue $75,200 1423 A -16th Avenue CampbellRiver, BC V9W 2E4

Colony Land Developments Ltd. B 1423 - I e -Avenue $18,100 2147 Eardley Road Campbell River, BC V9W IL6

ColonyLand DevelopmentsLtd. C 1423 - 16' Avenue $18,100 2147 Eardley Road CampbellRiver, BC V9W 1L6 E

056 TO: Mayor and Council Date:

We, the undersigned, being the registered owners of the described properties, hereby petition in favour of the Local Improvement Project for the road improvements 160' Avenue from Ironwoodto Dogwood. The charge per assessable front foot for the above work will be $1.75per foot per year, for 10 years. A storm sewer connection fee will also apply for those properties not previously connected.

Name & Address Civic Address Land Signature Assessments

Town Centre Inn Ltd. 1409 - 16th Avenue $159,000 507 S. McLean Street CampbellRiver, BC V9W 5W6

Town Centre Inn Ltd. 1405 - 16th Avenue $65,500 507 S. McLean Street Campbell River, BC V9W 5W6

Town Centre Inn Ltd. 1500 Dogwood Street $223,043 507 S. McLean Street Campbell River, BC V9W 5W6

North Island Communications Inc. 1417 - 16"' Avenue $44,600 1417 - 16th Avenue CampbellRiver, BC V9W 2E4

_Dannette'sDanceInc. A 1423-161 Avenue $75,200 / 1423 A - 16`h Avenue CampbellRiver, 13C V9W 2E4

ColonyLand DevelopmentsLtd. B 1423 -16' Avenue $18,100 2147 Eardley Road CampbellRiver, BC V9W IL6

Colony LandDevelopmentsLtd. C 1423 -16' Avenue $18,100 2147 Eardley Road Campbell River, BC V9W 1 L6

057 TO: Mayor and Council Date:

We, the undersigned, being the registered owners of the described properties, hereby petition in favour of the Local Improvement Project for the road improvements 16th Avenue from Ironwood to Dogwood. The charge per assessablefront foot for the above work will be $1.75 per foot per year, for 10 years. A storm sewer connection fee will also apply for those properties not previously connected.

Name &Address Civic Address Land Signature Assessments

Colony Land Developments Ltd. D 1423 - 16'h Avenue $13,900 2147 Eardley Road Campbell River, BC V9W I L6

Agate Enterprises Ltd. E 1423 - 16 Avenue $13,900 110 - 2740 S. Island Highway Campbell River, BC V9W IC7

Canadian PacificRailway 1429 - 16` Avenue $373,000 Company 1100 Gulf Canada Sq. 401 -9`hAvenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 4Z4 EarleF. & Ian C. Morriss 1,03-3-f 16 Avenue $241,000 Executorsof Will of Ruth M. Morriss 5975 - 230'' Street Langley, BC V2Y 2L2 QRC Services Ltd. 1437- 16` Avenue $154,000 Sea-Com Marine Electronics Ltd. 1437 B - 16`h Avenue Campbell River, BC V9W 2E4

QRC Services Ltd. 1441 - 16 Avenue $72,300 Sea-Com Marine Electronics Ltd. 1437 B - 16th Avenue Campbell River, BC V9W 2E4

Innes Properties Ltd. 1449-166 Avenue $282,000 1520 Perkins Road Campbell River, BC V9W 4R9

z , X53, 03


File: 5400-65LIP (Engineering Services) TO: Adminisirator FROM: Engineering Services Supervisor DATE: October 31, 2000 SUBJECT: LocalImprovement Plan - Proposed Schedule


1.That Council approve advertising the following Local Improvements Projects: 2001 -Evergreen Rd between Dogwood St and McPhedran Rd -Birch St between 2d and 4'' Ave -Laneway between2°dAve and Thanet Road 2002-Ash St between Galerno Rd and 703 Ash St

Background: The District has for many years used the Local Improvement Program (LIP) as a mechanism for funding its Long Range Road Plan. The most recent Long Range Road Plan, prepared in 1997, was developed on the premise that on average, $2 million per year would be funded through LIP to bring sub-standard rural roads to urban standards. This resulted in a proposed construction schedule through to the year 2024. This schedule was followed very closely for 1998 and 1999 (only McCarthy Street between 2nd&4thdid not proceed due to an owner-initiated petition). In 2000, as originally scheduled in the Long Range Road Plan, reconstruction of Willis Road (Phase 1) was proposed. In addition, 2 owner-initiated projects (Birch Street between 6`h and 7`h and Ridgeview Place) were also proposed. The re-construction of Willis Road has since been tentatively deferred to 2004 subject to accumulation of sufficient reserves (see Engineering Services Supervisor's August 17`h report attached). The strategy for proceeding with Willis Road in 2004 was based on a reduced Long Range Road Plan construction schedule from 2001 through 2003 and the associated short-term debt reduction accomplished through reduced LIP funding.

Discussion: Based on a reduced budget of $1 million per year, Engineering and Public Works staff have re-examined the Long Range Road Plan with a view to developing a new schedule through 2004. These discussions resulted in the following proposed schedule and pre-design estimates:

2001 -Evergreen Rd between Dogwood St and McPhedran Rd (originally scheduled for 2001) -estimated LIP cost $540,000 (total estimated project cost $610,000) 2nd 4h -Birch St between and Ave (originally scheduled for 2001) -estimated LIP cost $370,000 (total estimated project cost $440,000) -Laneway between 2ndAve and Thanet Road -estimated LIP cost $70,000 (total estimated project cost $70,000) 2002 -Ash St between GalernoRd and703 Ash St (originallyscheduledfor 2002) -estimated LIP cost $970.000 (total estimated project cost $1..010,000) 2003 -16`h Ave between Dogwood St and Ironwood St (originally scheduled for 2000) -estimated LIP cost $500,000 (total estimated project cost $580,000) -Erickson Rd between Highway 19A and Harrogate Rd (originally scheduled for 2004) -estimated LIP cost $500,000 (total estimated project cost $550,000)

C:\WINDOWS\Temporanv Internet Files\OLK8005\LIP-3Year.doc

11 r. G 2004 -WillisRoad between McPhedran Rd & Hwy 19 (Phase I originally scheduled for 2000) 0 -estimated LIP cost $3,000,000 (total estimated project cost $8,000,000) These roads have been selected based on their function (what role they play in the transportation network), their condition (evident asphalt failures and drainage problems), safety issues (both vehicular and pedestrian related), and other planned infrastructure improvements. The estimated totals proposed for 2001 and 2002 are purposely below the $1 million LIP target to allow for the prospect of small owner- initiated projects. The intention is to proceed with $1 million of LIP financed construction in each year.

Of the projects proposed, Birch Street is the only project that has been previously proposed for construction. In 1993 this portion of road was proposed (for construction in 1994) but was subsequently defeated by petition. The mandatory 5-year moratorium has now passed and this project can once again be considered for construction.

The laneway proposed-in 2001 is somewhat of an anomaly in comparison to the other proposed projects in that unlike roadways, the LIP rate for laneways provides for 100% recovery of construction costs. Accordingly, inclusion of laneways should not be factored into the $1 million annual target. Further, the District has collected the fees for the entire eastern portion (through frontage improvements associated with the construction of Yucalta Lodge) and there has been interest expressed by other property owners.

The Local Improvement Program is also a practical funding mechanism for revitalizing existing roads in the Business Improvement Areas, (specifically Downtown, Campbelton and Willow Point). It should be noted, however, that BIA revitalization is fundamentally different than the District's Road Reconstruction Plan in that most of the roads within the Downtown and Willow Point BIA's are currently built to urban standards. The Campbelton BIA still has several streets that are not up to urban standards, however, these substandardstreets are already scheduled for reconstruction within the Long Range Road Plan. Revitalizations for the remaining roads within the BIA's can, for the most part, be considered as either aesthetic upgrades or replacements of existing infrastructure that has previously been built to urban standards. The Long Range Road Plan on the other hand focuses on the reconstruction of substandard roads (mostly rural in nature) to urban standards. The LIP funding mechanism can be applied to BIA revitalizations, however, it must be noted that any further reduction in the Long Range Road Plan will extend even further, the 24-year construction schedule. Accordingly, Engineering Services would suggest that if BIA Revitalization is desired, an implementation strategy should be developed based on a detailed assessment of individual streets within each BIA. To maintain the current Long Range Road Plan schedule, it is recommended that the implementation of a BIA revitalization strategy proceed independent of the Long Range Road Plan construction schedule and budget.

Conclusion: In the event that one or more of the projects proposed in 2001 are defeated by petition, it is advisable to initiate and advertise a 2-year program so that the construction schedule can be adjusted to maintain a full construction program in 2001. Upon final approval of the Local Improvement Bylaw(s), the District has 2 years in which to complete construction. Accordingly, should none of the projects be defeated by petition, construction would proceed as proposed above.

Ronald G. Neufeld, P.Eng. Engineering Services Supervisor

Attachment August 17`h Report: Willis Road - Construction Strategy Drawing #: 00-021, Proposed LIP Schedule: 2001-2004 Page 2


File No:

TO: Administrator FROM: Corporate Services Director DATE: December 21, 2001

SUBJECT: RiverCorp Funding Advance - TourismNorthCentral Island

Recommendation: That Council approve an advance payment to RiverCorp for Tourism North Central Island in the amount of $60,000.

Background: In accordance with our agreement with RiverCorp the District has been requested to provide the first quarter advance to RiverCorp for their operation in the amount of $50,000. The request for RiverCorp funding is appropriate in that Council has approved a five-year operating agreement with RiverCorp including the agreed annual funding amount of $175,000.In addition RiverCorp is requesting payment of $60,000 for Tourism North Central Island.

Discussion: The request for advance funds for Tourism North Central Island follows past practice. The total funding for tourism under current practice is subject to Council approval pending adoption of the 2002 - 2006 Financial Plan.

Conclusion: The adoption of the recommendation will be consistent to past practice.

G:AConfCorpSerr-\Memos\AdministraiorReCRFilm&BroadcastComm&TNCI.doc E

061 Campbell River Economic Development Corporation . Rivercorp Invoice No. 900 Alder Street RIVERGORP CampbellRiver,British Columbia CANADA V9W 2P6 INVOICE Customer Name District of Campbell River Date 01/10/2002 Address 301 St. Ann's Road City Campbell River, B.C. V9W 4C7 Phone 250 286-5700

Qty Description Unit Price

1 Rivercorp Contribution $50,000.00

1 Tourism North Central Island $60,000.00

SubTotal $110,000.00 Payment Details Telephone Lease ($2,318.98) 0 Cash Taxes © Check 0 Credit Card TOTAL $107,681.02 Name CC # Expires

Shareholder contribution for the period commencing January 1, 2002 as per article 8(d) District of CampbellRiver and Campbell River Economic Development Agreement dated April 1st, 2001.


062 { T,

GEORGIA Mayor James Lornie and Council STRAIT District of Campbell River CROSSING 301 St. Ann's Road PIPELINE LIMITED Campbell River, BC Georgia Strait Crossing V9W 4C7 Pipeline Limited

333 Dunsmuir Street 13th Floor Vancouver, B.C. V6B 5R3 20 December 2001 Canada

Dear Mayor Lornie and Council:

In order to keep you informed of the progress on the Georgia Strait Pipeline Project we are forwarding you a copy of the December 2001 Update.

If you have questions regarding the project or would like any other information regarding the Georgia Strait Pipeline please do not hesitate to contact me at (250) 755-4781.

Yours truly,

Paula Barrett Public Affairs Coordinator

a wholly-owned subsidiary of BC hydro W 03 GEORGIA'* STRAIT (!ROSSING. PROJECT DECEMBER 2001

0 GSX Project Enters Review Phase GSX PL Files Supplementary The Proposed Pipeline Information > Regulatory Submissions The Georgia Strait Crossing (GSX) Project On October 5, 2001, GSX PL filed is jointly sponsored by British Columbia Supplemental information to its -Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro) > NEB/CEAA Joint Review Process application to the National Energy Board and Williams Gas Pipeline Company (NEB). This supplement contains (Williams). The Project involves the > New Proposed In-Service Date information on additional project studies design, construction and operation of a for GSX Project and activities carried out since the , natural gas pipeline, one segment in application was filed with the NEB in Canada and one in the.United States. April 2001. It includes updated information on the Envjrohmental and The project will enable natural gas-from Socio-Economic Impact Asse'ssment,'the the HuntingdoniSumassupply hub to be Environmental Protection and delivered to markets on Vancouver Island, ,Reclamation Plans, details on and in northwestern Washington. The consultation activities as well as Canadian portion of the project (marine significant engineering developments. and land components) comprises Specific new or updated information approximately 60 km. of 41 cm.-diameter includes: pipe. findings from recent off-shore

investigations, The 44 km. marine portion begins at a geotechnicalinvestigations conducted off Cape Keppel, Salt point on the Canada-United States border 'Spring Island in Boundary Pass, west of the Strait of Georgia. The pipeline route travels minor Vancouver Island route modifications and related through Swanson Channel and Satellite environmental surveys Channel to a landfall at Boatswain Bank near Manley Creek on Vancouver Island. revised pipeline trenching criteria on the marine segment .The. land portion of the route extends biological survey work on both the approximately'16 km: from the landfall to marine and land segments an interconnection point with the existing an update of the public, government Centra pipeline on Vancouver Island, agency and First Nations input the northwest of Shawnigan Lake. project has received information from First Naions, traditional use studies This information can be seen on the GSX Canada Pipeline Regulatory website (www.gsxreg:com) or at the locations listed on the back page.

. BChydro_ W Williams p 6 4 On April 24, 2001, Georgia Strait Crossing Pipeline Limited In consideration of the anticipated timelines for cornpleti n (GSX PL) filed an application with the National Energy- the-regulatory review of-the GSX Project, the proposed in- Board for -a Certificate.of Public Convenience and Necessity service date for the pipeline has been delayed to Oq r (CPCN). A,CPCN is required to authorize the construction 2004. This will: - and operation. of the-Canadian portion of the Georgia Strait accommodate a thorough review of the project Crossing (GSX) pipeline project. An application for the U.S. ensure that the GSX facilities. are built during favourable portion of the project was submitted to the Federal-Energy construction windows

Regulatory Commission. - minimize environmental and cost impacts - reduce construction risk factors The five-volume application to the NEB describes the economic, environmental and engineering aspects of the The revision of the in-service date has not altered the stop purpose or need for the GSX Project. project; it also summarizes the input received between November 1999 and March 2001 from a range of interested parties.

View the application on the project's regulatory, website at www.gsxreg.com or at the locations listed on the back page. -

Land Negotiations - Vancouver Island GSX PL property. representatives are continuing with the process of acquiring land rights needed for the project. Formal statutory right-of-way offer packages have been

presented to all property owners-and negotiations . regarding the acquisition of land rights are being conducted in accordance with the terms of theNational'

Energy Board Act and established industry practices. -

- Discussions with affected property owners will continue through each phase of the project to ensure all commitments are met and that any inconvenience is minimized. Example of an existing pipeline right-of-way

065 NEB/CEAA Joint Review Panel

Th ulatory process for the GSX Project has now begun. In late October 2001, NEB and CEA Agency staff hosted Th cessswill include a thorough review of all aspects of public events on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands to the project, including the potential environmental effects. explain and field questions regarding the project review process and'intervenor funding opportunities. In September 2001, the federal Environment Minister and the Chair of the NEB established a Joint Review Panel to In early November 2001, the Joint Review Panel (the Panel) review the Canadian portion of the Georgia Strait Crossing issued Directions on Procedure providing details pf the GSX Project. The NEB and Canadian Environmental Assessment Project review process. ;CEA) Agency signed an agreement forming the three- Derson panel and the CEA Agency announced a participant The, oral hearing will take place in British Columbia at Funding program. locations to be announced later- by the Panel. Anyone interested in the Panel's timetable and the Directions on the Joint Review Panel will address the requirements of Procedure can visit the: )oth the' Canadian Environmental Assessment Act grid the National Energy Board website at Vationat Energy Board Act and will be responsible for www.neb-one.gc.ca Insuring that the public has opportunities to-review and Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency :omment on the_ application. - website at www.ceaa-acee.gc.ca Joint Review Timetable Highlights

oint Review Panel Public Consultation Sessions he joint. Review Panel. will host public-consultation sessions for people to provide comments on what issues they believe could be considered at the oral hearing. The Panel also wishes to receive comments on any additional information that eople think should be requested of GSX PL. The sessions will be held as follows:-

irther information on these public consultation sessions (including venue'location details) will be announced later by the int Review Panel. . Accessing Project Doct, dents GSX PL set up a dedicated website to provide interested There is a need for additional natural gas transmission parties with timely access to materials relating to the" service to Vancouver Island. The GSX pipeline will transF Application filed with the National Energy Board (NEB). natural gas to new and expanding markets on Vave The website displays, the five volumes of the application and additional information submitted to the NEB as part of the Island. Powerex Corp. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of regulatory review process. - BC Hydro) has requested transportation service in order supply natural gas to the new power generation facility This information can be viewed at www.gsxr6g.com Campbell River and a second facility on"Vancouver Islanc As well, copies of the application and other documents are which is currently in the detailed, site evaluation phase. available for viewing at the following locations: The GSX pipeline will generate numerous benefits, VANCOUER ISLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY including: SOUTH COWICHAN BRANCH - .2720 Mill Bay Road providing a new infrastructure for delivering natural g Mill Bay to Vancouver Island

SALT SPRING ISLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY increasing the security of natural gas supply to Vancou 129 McPhillips Avenue Island by using a different pipeline corridor.to the Islar Ganges Salt Spring Island providing low-cost future expansion of natural gas transmission capacity to Vancouver Island to supply VANCOUVER ISLAND REGIONAL LIBRARY growing markets PORT ALBERNI BRANCH 4245 Wallace Street providing. employment, business and procurement Port Alberni opportunities in British Columbia


PENDER ISLAND PUBLIC LIBRARY 4407 Bedwell Harbour Road North Pender IsIandF




MAYNE ISLAND LIBRARY- Miner's Bay Mayne Island

VANCOUVER PUBLIC LIBRARY CENTRAL BRANCH Level 4 (Sciences & Technology Division) 350 West Georgia Street Vancouver

067 Printed on recycled paper e Tyee Spit Plan Public Open House The District of Campbell River is preparing a long range plan for the Tyee Spit. Various conceptual planning options will be discussed at this open house. You are invited to view and comment on these options. Open House Monday, January 14, 2002 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. CommunityCentre 401 llth Avenue, Campbell River, B.C.

For further information please contact- District of Campbell River Planning Department 250 286 5750

c:\dafa\planning\mis\Tyee Spit Open House.cdr

068 U Campbell River Committee of the Whole

District of Campbell River

Mayor and Members of Council

James M. Lornie Mayor

Dot Andrews Councillor responsible for Public Works, Safety and Traffic

Mary Ashley Councillor responsible for Community Planning and Transit

Charlie J. Cornfield Councillor responsible for Environment, and Air and Water Quality

Bill Harrison Councillor responsible for Property, Community Development and Air Transportation

Bill Matthews Councillor responsible for Finance and Personnel

Lynn D. Nash Councillor responsible for Parks. Recreation and Culture

Douglas D. Raines Chief Administrative Officer 1U : Bryan anduaie Webster moxbLt-HUNL NU. : e-Ad,5.5y5 : Jan. 04002 10:31RM P1

BRYANA.WEBS A ER 143 Donovan D{II'1Drive,

E L.omox, V9111 C21*1 P'ptme\uFMB;C 3339-51959

January 4, 2002

Mr. J. Lornie, Mayor Campbell River.

DearMr. Lornie:

I have faxed the following individuals 8 pagesabout the E&N:

Mayors of Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland, Campbell River, Qualicum Beach, Parksville, Nanaimo, Duncan and Ladysmith. Also included are Regional Districts of Courtenay, Nanaimo, Duncan as well as MLA's S. Hagen and Judith Reid MPs K. Martin, J. Duncan, R Elley and J. Lunney. Chairpersons for CV Economic Development, CV Tourism, Tourism Assoc. of Van Island, Assoc. of Van. Island & Coastal Communities and Local Gov. Management Assoc. of B.C. also received copies.

Other groups like the Evergreen. Seniors in Courtenay, the CV Elder College and the CV and Campbell River newspapers and CFCP Radio of course were included. After the first article came out in the CV Echo, one of the newspapers, I received a call from CH Television. I was picked up and taken to the train station for an interview and we interview passengers waiting to take the train and those passengers who came off the train. I have also been called by CFCP Radio for a telephone interview which was on the news Jan. 2nd and 3rd.

We need signatures of the general population to not only save the train but to change where the trains are based so that north islanders can really use it. Everybody that I talk to agrees that the change must be made and then E&N will not be able to handle the increased volume the change will bring.I am just one person but we need the support of many to make this practical change take place. We have made a petition which volunteers are taking all over the Comox Valley to get support signatures. If everybody I have faxed would take this approach it would help to accomplish our goal I have enclosed a sample of the petition we are using. Wouldn't it be great if we could get 100,000 signatures!

I have updated the E&N schedule that will have to be further changed based on the comments I made on the schedule.

Ihave received letters of approval and support from the town balls ofCourtenay, Comox,Cumberland as well as news releases from MP's Dr.K. Martin,J.Duncan, KElleyandJ.Lunuey.I ask each one of you to please keep me informed of what's happening in yourarea.I wouldtrulyappreciatethat. PLEASE FAX ME TO LET ME KNOW IF YOU APPROVE OF THIS WHOLE IDEA. I FAXED THIS IDEA TO ALL OF YOU BEJ`WEEN DEC 17TH AND 20TH AND HAVE NO RESPONSE FROM YOU.

CC: EVERYONE 069 FROM : Bryanand. Dale Webster ComoxBC PHONE NO. : 250 339 5959 Jan. 04 2002 10:31AM P2


TRAIN # Ill (

Nanaimo 6:30 AM Ladysmith 6:44 6:46 Chemainus 6:53 6:55 Duncan 7:06 7:08 Cobble Hill 7:16 7:18 Shawnigau 7:21 7:23 Langford 7:42 7:44 Victoria 7:52 AM



Arrive Depart Victoria 8:30 AM Shawnigan 8:57 8:59 Duncan 9:10 9:12 Chemainus 9:24 9:26 Ladysmith 9:43 9:45 Nanaimo 10:00 10:15 Parksville 10:37 10:40 Qualicum Beach 10:46 10:50 Courtenay 11:26 11:40 Qualicum Beach 12:17 12:20 PM Parksville 12:26 12:30 Nanaimo 12:51 PM


070 : Jan. 04 2002 10:32AM P3 FROM : Bryan and. Dale WebsterjpmoxBC PHONE NO. 250 339 5959` NEW PROPOSED E&N SCJDULE

0 TRAIN # 222 (Based in Courtenay) NORTH OF MALAHAT USE rive Depart

Courtenay 8:00 AM Buckley Bay 8:15 Qualicum Beach 8:38 8:40 Parksville 8:46 8:50 Nanaimo 9:11 9:15 Ladysmith 9:30 9:32 Chemainus 9:47 9:49 Duncan 10:00 10:02 Shawnigan 10:15 10:17 Langford 10:34 10:36 Victoria 10:44 AM



Arrive Depart

Victoria 5:30 PM Langford 5:38 5:40 Shawnigan 5:59 6:02 CobbleHill 6:05 6:07 Duncan 6:15 6:1.8 Chemainus 6:30 6:32 Ladysmith 6:40 6:42 Nanaimo 6:56 7:00 Parksvillc 7:22 7:25 Qualicum Beach 7:30 7:32 Buckley Bay 7:55 7:57 Courtenay 8:10 PM


