Appendix D: for SO(n) and SE(n)

As we saw in chapter 10, recent SLAM implementations that operate with three-dimensional poses often make use of on-manifold linearization of pose increments to avoid the shortcomings of directly optimizing in pose parameterization . This appendix is devoted to providing the reader a detailed account of the mathematical tools required to understand all the expressions involved in on-manifold optimization problems. The presented contents will, hopefully, also serve as a solid base for bootstrap- ping the reader’s own solutions.


In the following, we will make use of some vector and operators, which are rather uncommon in mobile robotics literature. Since they have not been employed throughout this book until this , it is in order to define them here.

The “vector to skew-” operator: A skew-symmetric matrix is any matrix A such that AA= − T . This implies that diagonal elements must be all zeros and off-diagonal entries the negative of their symmetric counterparts. It can be easily seen that any 2× 2 or 3× 3 skew-symmetric matrix only has 1 or 3 (i.e. only 1 or 3 independent numbers appear in such matrices), respectively, thus it makes sense to parameterize them as a vector. Generating skew-symmetric matrices ⋅ from such vectors is performed by means of the []× operator, defined as:

0 −x 2× 2: =  x  ≡   []v × ()    × x 0  x  0 z y  (1)    −      3× 3: []v = y ≡  z0 − x ×         z −y x 0   ×

The origin of the symbol × in this operator follows from its application to converting a cross prod- × uct of two 3D vectors ( x y ) into a matrix-vector multiplication ([]x× y ). ⋅ The “skew-symmetric matrix to vector” operator: The inverse of the []× operator will be denoted in ⋅ the following as []∇ , that is: 425

0 −x 2× 2:   ≡ ()x   x 0 ∇  0 −z y  x (2)         3× 3:  z0 − x ≡ y     −y x 0  z  ∇  

The vec ()⋅ operator: it stacks all the columns of an MN× matrix to form a MN ×1 vector. For ex- ample:

1     4   1 2 3 2 vec   =   (3)     4 5 6 5   3   6

The Kronecker operator (also called matrix direct product): Denoted as AB⊗ for any two matrices

A and B of MNAA× and MNBB× , respectively, it gives us a product of the matrices as an MMAB ×NNAB matrix. That is:

aBBB a a ...  11 12 13    AB⊗ = a21BBB a22 a23 ... (4)    ... 


Chapter 10 section 2 provided a brief mathematical definition for the concepts of manifold, Lie and Lie algebra. For our purposes in this appendix, it will be enough to keep in mind these points:

1. All SO()n and SE()n groups—refer to Appendix A for their definitions—are Lie groups, with the main implication of this for us being that: m2 2. they are also smooth embedded in  —where m does not have to coincide with n . 3. Their spaces at the identity matrix I (the “origin or coordinates” for both groups) are

denoted as TISO() n and TISE() n , respectively. The Lie algebras associated to those spaces provide us the vector bases so()n and se()n , respectively.

We have summarized the main properties of the groups in which we are interested in Table 1.where GL()n,  stands for the general of n× n real matrices. Informally, two spaces are dif- 426

Table 1. Main properties of the groups

Manifold dimensionality Is a manifold Closed subgroup of: (number of DOFs): embedded in: Diffeomorphic to:

22 4 SO()2 GL()2,  1 =  –

32 9 SO()3 GL()3,  3 =  –

32 9 2 ( 2× 2 + 2= 6 coordinates) SE()2 GL()3,  3 =  SO()2 × 

42 16 3 ( 3× 3 + 3= 12 coordinates) SE()3 GL()4,  6 =  SO()3 × 

feomorphic if there exists a one-to-one smooth correspondence between all its elements. In this case, the mathematical equivalence between groups allows us to treat robot poses (in SE()n ) as a vector of coordinates with two separate parts: (1) the elements of the rotation matrix (from SE()n ) and (2) the n translational part (a simple vector in  ). We will see how to exploit such a representation in section 5. Regarding the Lie algebras of these manifolds, they are nothing more that a vector base: a set of linearly independent elements (as many as the number of DOFs) such that any element in the manifold can be decomposed in a linear combination of them. Since the manifold elements are matrices, every component of a Lie algebra is also a matrix, i.e., instead of a vector base we have a matrix base. The particular elements of the Lie algebra for SE()2 , denoted as se()2 , are the following three matrices:

se()2 se()2 = {}Gi i=1,, 2 3       0 0 1 0 0 0 0− 1 0       (5) se()2 = 0 0 0 se()2 = 0 0 1 se()2 = 1 0 0 G1     G3         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 while for SE()3 the Lie algebra se()3 comprises these six matrices: 427

se()3 se()3 = {}Gi i=1 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0             se()3 0 0 0 0 se()3 0 0 0 1 se()3 0 0 0 0 G =   G =   G =   1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1             0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0        1 0  0 0 0 0    0    0 0  0 0 −1 0 se()3       G =  0 =   (6) 4  0 0  0 1 0 0   ×     0       0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0        0 0   0 0 1 0    0    1 0   0 0 0 0 se()3       G =  0 =   5  0 0  −1 0 0 0   ×     0       0 0 0 0   0 0 0 0        0 0  0− 1 0 0    0    0 0  1 0 0 0 se()3       G =  0 =   6  1 0  0 0 0 0   ×     0       0 0 0 0  0 0 0 0

All these matrices of Lie algebras have a clear geometrical interpretation: they represent the directions of “infinitesimal transformations” along each of the different DOFs. Those “infinitesimal transformations” are actually the (the tangent directions), at the identity element I of the corresponding SE()n manifold, with respect to each DOF. For example, consider the of a SE()2 pose (a 3× 3 matrix) with respect to the rotation parameter θ :

cosθ− sin θ x −sinθ − cos θ 0     ∂     sinθ cos θ y =  cos θ− sin θ 0 (7) ∂θ      0 0 1  0 0 0

By evaluating this matrix at the identity I , i.e. at ()x y θ = ()0 0 0 , we have:

0− 1 0     1 0 0 (8)   0 0 0

se()2 which exactly matches G3 in (5). All the other Lie algebra basis matrices are obtained by the same procedure. 428

Regarding the Lie algebra bases of the pure rotation groups, it can be shown that SO()2 only has so()2 se()2 one basis matrix G1 which coincides with the top-left submatrix of G3 in equation (5), while the so()3 se()3 se()3 se()3 three bases G1,, 2 3 of SO()3 are the top-left submatrices of G4 , G5 , and G6 in equation (6), respectively.


Each M has two associated mapping operators which convert matrices between M and its Lie algebra m . They are called the exponential and logarithm maps. For any manifold, the exponential is simply the matrix exponential , such as: exp : m → M m P = e ω (9) ω → P

Interestingly, the exponential function for matrices is defined as the sum of the infinite series:

∞ Ai eA =I + ∑ (10) i=1 i ! which coincides with the Taylor series expansion of the exponential function and is always well- defined (i.e. the series converges) for any square matrix A . Moreover, it turns out that the exponential of any skew-symmetric matrix is a well-defined rotation matrix (Gallier, 2001). This is in complete agreement with our purpose of converting elements from the Lie algebras so()n into rotation matrices, since any linear combination of the basis skew-symmetric matrices will still be skew-symmetric and, in consequence, will generate a rotation matrix when mapped through the exponential function. The con- version from se()n requires a little further analysis regarding the matrix structure, as we show shortly. The universal definition of the exponential map is that one provided in (9)-(10), but in practice the matrix exponential leads to particular closed-form expressions for each of the manifolds of our interest. Next, we provide a complete summary of the explicit equations for all the interesting ex- ponential maps. Some expressions can be found in the literature (Gallier, 2001), while the rest have been derived by the authors for completeness. For a manifold M with k DOFs we will denote as v = {}v1,, vk the vector of all the coordinatesk of a matrix Ω belonging to its Lie algebra m . This means that such matrix is composed as = v m , with the Gm matrices given in the last section. Ω ∑ iGi i i=1 Notice that the vector of parameters v stands as the minimum-DOF representation of a value in the linearized manifold; hence it is the form in use in all robotics optimization problems where exponential maps are employed. That is also the why we will provide the expression of the manifold maps as func- k m tions of their vectors of parameters ( v ), not only their associated matrices ( ∑ vi Gi ). i=1 429

In SO()2 , the unique Lie algebra coordinate θ represents the rotation in radians and the exponential map has this form: exp : so()2 → SO()2 so()2 R = eΩ Ω2× 2 ()v→ R2× 2

0 −θ     Ω = ()θ =   Parameters: v = ()θ  × θ 0    (11)   Ω cosθ− sin θ R= exp v ≡e =   so()2 ()   sinθ cos θ 

T In SO()3 we have three Lie algebra coordinates v = ()ω1 ω 2 ω3 which determine the 3D rotation by means of its modulus (related to the rotation ) and its direction (the rotation axis). In this case, the exponential map employs the well-known Rodrigues’ formula: exp : so()3 → SO()3 so()3 R = eΩ Ω3× 3 ()v→ R3× 3

ω   0 −ω ω  ω   1   3 2   1        =   =   =  0 −  Parameters: =   Ω v ω2   ω3 ω1  v ω2   ×         − 0    ω3   ω2 ω 1  ω3   × (12) I , if v = 0  3 Ω  R= exp v ≡e =  sin v 1 − cos v 2 so()3 () I + v + v , otherwise  3  × 2  ×  v v  In SE()2 , the Lie algebra has three coordinates: θ which represents the rotation in radians, and T T t''= ()x y ' which is related to the spatial translation. Note that ()x'' y is not the spatial translation of the corresponding pose in SE()2 , which turns out to be t= Vse()2 t ' . The exponential map here be- comes: exp : se 2 → SE 2 se()2 () () Ψ Ψ3× 3 ()v→ P3× 3 P = e        θ t'  R t   ×      →   0 0 0 0 0 1 430

    0 −θ x '   x '   t'   Ψ = θ 0 y ' Parameters: v =   = y '         θ    0 0 0   θ 

     θ  cosθ− sin θ   e  × V t'  V t' Ψ  se()2   se(2)  P= exp ()v ≡e =   = sinθ cos θ  se()2     0 0 1     0 0 1  with:

 I2 , if θ = 0   sinθ cos θ −1   V =   (13) se()2  θ θ  , otherwise   1 − cosθ sin θ     θ θ 

T Finally, the Lie algebra of SE()3 has six coordinates: ω = ()ω1 ω 2 ω3 which parameterize the 3D T rotation exactly like described above for SO()3 , and t ''= ()x y ''z which is related to the spatial translation. Again, we must stress that this translation vector is not directly equal to the translation t of the pose. The corresponding exponential map is: exp : se 3 → SE 3 se()3 () () Ψ Ψ4× 4 ()v → P4× 4 P = e        É t'  R t   ×      →   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

x '        0 −ω3 ω 2 x ' y '      ω0 − ω y '  ' z '  3 1  t    Ψ =   Parameters: v =   =   −ω ω 0 z '      2 1  ω ω1       0 0 0 0  ω     2    ω3     ω   ×  Ψ  e V t' P= exp v ≡e =  se()3  se()3 ()   0 0 0 1  with: 431

I , if ω = 0  3  V =  1 − cos ω ω− sin ω 2 (14) se()3 I + ω + ω , othherwise  3 2  × 3  ×  ω ω 

Once we defined the exponential maps for all the manifolds of our interest, we turn now to the cor- responding logarithm maps. The goal of this function is to provide a mapping between matrices in the manifold M and in its Lie algebra m , that is:

log : M → m m ω = log() P (15) P → ω

This is clearly the of the exponential map defined in equation (9), thus it comes at no surprise that this operation also corresponds to a standard function called matrix logarithm, the inverse of equation (10). Iterative algorithms exist for numerically determining matrix logarithms of arbitrary matrices (Davies & Higham, 2010). Fortunately, efficient closed-form solutions are also available for the matrices of our interest. Notice that the logarithm of a matrix (in the manifold) is another matrix of the same size (in the Lie algebra), but in subsequent equations we will put the stress on recovering the coordinates (the vector v ) of the latter matrix in the Lie algebra bases. For SO()2 , the coordinate v only comprises one coordinate (the rotation θ ). The corresponding logarithm map reads:

log: SO 2 → so 2 so()2 () ()

R2× 2 → Ω2× 2 Ω = log() R   RR11 12    → v    × RR21 22  with:

    v= ()θ = logso()2 ()R= log()R = atan 2()RR21 , 11 (16)  ∇  ∇

T In the logarithm of a SO()3 matrix our aim is to find out the three parameters v = ()ω1 ω 2 ω3 that determine the 3D rotation. In this case:

log: SO 3→ so 3 so()3 () ()

R3× 3 → Ω3× 3 Ω = log() R  v  × 432

Ω = v ⇔ v = Ω →v = log R  ×  ∇  ∇ with:

θ log() R =()RR − T 2 sin θ

(where the rotation angle θ is computed as):

tr R −1 −1  ()  θ = cos   (17)  2 

As happened with the exponential map, the logarithm map of SE()2 forces us to tell between the T T translation parameters t ''= ()x y ' in the Lie algebra, and the actual translation t = ()x y . In this case, the logarithm map can be shown to be: log: SE 2 → se 2 se()2 () ()

P3× 3 → Ψ3× 3 Ψ = log() P        R t  θ t''     ×    →   0 0 1 0 0 1 with parameters:

x '     t '   v =   = y ' θ     θ 

   θ = logso()2 () R  →   ∇ t' = V−1 t  se()2

(where logso()2 ()⋅ and Vse()2 are given in equation (16) and equation (13), respectively, and)

 , if θ =0 I2    sin θ  −1   1  V = θ   (18) se()2  1 − cos θ  , otherwise    2  sin θ    −1    1 − cos θ 433

And finally, the logarithm for SE()3 takes this form:

log: SE 3 → se 3 se()3 () ()

P4× 4 → Ψ4× 4 Ψ = log() P        R t  ω t'     ×    →   0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 with parameters:

x '     y '     t' z ' v =   =       ω ω1    ω   2    ω3 

   ω = log R   so()3 () →   ∇ t' = V−1 t  se()3

(where logso()3 ()⋅ and Vse()3 are given in equation [17] and equation [14], respectively) (19)


If the reader has carefully studied recent literature about on-manifold optimization, he or she may have noticed that the equations employed there for the different manifold maps are almost exactly those in- troduced in the previous section. In particular, the unique difference between the commonly used for- mulas and those above are related to the treatment of the translation vectors in SE()n groups, where the distinction between the vectors of translations in the pose ( t ) and in the Lie-algebra ( t ' ) is ignored. We must highlight that the mathematically correct exponential and logarithm maps for SE()n groups are, indeed, those reported in the previous section. As can be seen in equations (13)–(14) and equations (18)–(19), in these maps the two translation vectors are not equivalent since they are related to each other by t= Vse()n t ' . However, it can be shown that we can safely replace the manifold maps with al- ternative versions where the translations in the manifold are identified with those of the real pose (i.e., t' = t) and still perform optimizations as described in chapter 10 section 2 without varying the final results, i.e. the same minimum of the cost function will be reached. For the sake of rigorousness, we will name those alternative maps the pseudo-exponential ( pexpm ) and the pseudo-logarithm ( plogm ). 434

Their practical usefulness is the obvious simplification of dropping the Vse()n terms in all the transforma- tions and, consequently, in all the Jacobian matrices involved in the optimization problem. Regarding the pseudo-exponential functions, for SE()2 we have: pexp : se()2 → SE()2 Note: P ≠ eΨ se()2 ( ) Ψ3× 3 ()v→ P3× 3        θ t  R t Parameters: v = ()θ   ×      →   0 0 0 0 0 1

[]θ cosθ− sin θ ×   R =e =   (20) sinθ cos θ  while for SE()3 : pexp : se 3 → SE 3 Ψ se()3 () () (Note: P ≠ e ) Ψ v → P 4× 4 () 4× 4          ω t  R t  t    ×    Parameters: =     →   v   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ω

ω R=e  × = exp ω so()3 ()  t  (21)   Parameters: v =   ω

with expso()3 ()⋅ defined in equation (12). The pseudo-logarithm for SE()2 becomes: plog : SE 2 → se 2 se()2 () () (Note: Ψ ≠ log() P )

P3× 3 → Ψ3× 3 ()v        R t  θ t Parameters: v = ()θ     ×    →   0 0 1 0 0 1 with

  θ = logso()2 () R (22)  ∇ 435

and for the SE()3 group we have:

plog : SE 3 → se 3 se()3 () () (Note: Ψ ≠ log() P )

P4× 4 → Ψ4× 4 ()v          R t  ω t  t      ×  Parameters: =     →   v   0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 ω with

  ω = log R (23)  so()3 ()  ∇

with the definition of logso()3 ()⋅ already provided in equation (17).


One of the goals of this appendix is providing the expressions for a set of useful Jacobians, which are reported in the next section. The most useful Jacobians in robotics applications (e.g. graph SLAM, bundle adjustment) can be split by means of the in a series of smaller Jacobians, of which many of them will be often related to transformations. In particular, some of them may involve taking derivatives with respect to matrices. This topic has not been addressed anywhere else in this book, thus we devote the present section to introduce the related notation. Let us focus now exclusively on SE()3 poses. We know that any pose PS∈ E()3 has the structure:

 x      R3× 3 y P =   (24)  z     0 0 0 1

42 3 and that it belongs to a manifold which is embedded in  and is diffeomorphic to SO()3 ×  (see section 1). Thus, the manifold has a dimensionality of 12: nine coordinates for the 3× 3 rotation matrix plus other three for the translation vector. Since we will be interested here in expressions involving derivatives of functions of poses, we need to define a clear notation for what a derivative of a matrix actually means. As an example, consider an arbitrary function, e.g. the map of pairs of poses P1 and P2 to their composition PP1⊕ 2 , that is, f⊕ :( SES3)(×ES 3)( → E 3) . Then, what does the expression:

∂f(, P P ) ⊕ 1 2 (25) ∂P1 436

means? If Pi were vectors the expression above would be interpreted as a Jacobian matrix without further complications. But since they are poses, in the first place we must make explicit in which pa- rameterization we are describing them. One possibility is to interpret that poses are given as the vectors of their parameters, in which case equation (25) would be a Jacobian. Indeed, that was the assumption followed in Appendix A and we were able to provide the corresponding Jacobian of all the relevant geometric operations treated there. However, one must observe that, interpreted in this way, the geometry functions: (1) are typically non-linear, which entails inaccuracies when using their Jacobians for optimization, and (2) may become somewhat complicated—see for example, Appendix A equation (30). Therefore, it makes sense to em- ploy an alternative: to parameterize poses directly with coordinates in their diffeomorphic spaces. Put simple, this means that a SE()3 pose will be represented with 12 scalars, i.e. the three first rows in its corresponding 4× 4 matrix. Although this implies a clear over-parameterization of an entity with 6 DOFs, it turns out that many important operations become linear under this representation, enabling us to obtain exact derivatives in an efficient way. Observe how we are over-parameterizing poses only while evaluating Jacobians with respect to them, which does not have the adverse effects of employing over-parameterized pose representations within state spaces—as discussed in chapter 10 section 2. Recovering the example in equation (25), we can now say that the derivative will be a 12×12 ma- trix. It is illustrative to further work on this example: using the standard notation for denoting matrix elements, that is:

m m m m   11 12 13 14    m21 m22 m23 m24  M =   (26) m m m m   31 32 33 34    m41 m42 m43 m44 

and denoting the resulting matrix from f⊕(, P1P 2 ) as F , we can unroll the derivative in equation (25) as follows:

∂f(, p q) FP= Q ∂F ⊕ = ∂P ∂P ∂vec()F = (27) ∂vec()P  ∂f ∂f ∂f   11 11 ... 11  ∂p ∂p ∂p   11 21 34  ∂[f11 f21f31 f12 f22 ... f33 f14 f24 f34 ]   = =  ......  ∂[p p p p p... p p p p ]   11 21 31 12 22 33 14 24 34    ∂f34 ∂f34 ∂f34   ...  ∂p ∂p ∂p   11 21 34 12×12

where we have employed the vec ()⋅ operator (see section 1) to reshape the top 3× 4 portion of its arguments as 12×1 vectors. 437

While reading the following section the reader should keep in mind that each derivative taken with respect to a pose matrix should be interpreted as we have just described, i.e., they become n ×12 Ja- cobian matrices.


We provide in the following a set of closed-form expressions which may be useful while designing optimization algorithms that involve 3D poses. Some of the Jacobians below already were employed while discussing graph SLAM and Bundle Adjustment methods in chapter 10. Notice that Jacobians for purely geometric operations are also provided here since they are interme- diary results required while applying the chain rule within more complex (and more useful) functions. Those geometry functions differ from those already studied in Appendix A in the adoption of a direct matrix parameterization of poses, for reasons explained in section 5.

Jacobian of the SE(3) Pseudo-Exponential Map eε

This is the most basic Jacobian that will be found in all on-manifold optimization problems, since the term e ε will always appear—see chapter 10 section 2. Notice that we focus on the pseudo-exponential version instead of the actual exponential map for its simplicity. Therefore, we must assume the follow- ing replacement (which is not explicitly stated in graph SLAM literature): e ε ⇒ pexp()ε (28)

Furthermore, we will take derivatives at the Lie algebra coordinates ε = 0 since our derivation is aimed at being used within the context of chapter 10’s equation (5). Proceeding so, and given the defini- tion of the pseudo-exponential in equation (21), we obtain:

  03× 3 −[] e1 ×   d pexp()ε 0−[] e  =  3× 3 2 × (A12× 6 Jacobian)  −[]  (29) d ε 03× 3 e3 × ε=0      I3 0 3×3 

T T T with e1 = []1 0 0 , e2 = []0 1 0 and e3 = []0 0 1 . Notice that the resulting Jacobian is for the ordering convention of se()3 coordinates in equation (21), which are denoted there as v instead of ε .

Jacobian of a⊕ b

Let f⊕ :( SES3)(×ES 3)( → E 3) denote the pose composition operation, such that f⊕(, a b) = a ⊕ b .

Then we can take derivatives of f⊕(, a b) with respect to the two poses involved. If the 4× 4 transfor- mation matrix associated to a pose x is denoted as: 438

   RXX t  X =   (30) 0 0 0 1  then the matrix of the resulting pose becomes the product AB which, if we expand element by element and rearrange the resulting terms, leads us to:

∂f(, a b) ∂AB ⊕ = =BIT ⊗ (A 12×12 Jacobian) (31) ∂a ∂A 3

∂f(, a b) ∂AB ⊕ = =IR ⊗ (A 12× 12 Jacobian) (32) ∂b ∂B 4 A

Jacobian of a⊕ p

3 3 Let g⊕ :( SE 3)× →  denote the pose-point composition operation such that g⊕ () a, p= a ⊕ p .

Then we can take derivatives of g⊕ () a, p with respect to either the pose matrix A or the point p . Us- ing the same notation that in equation (30), we obtain in this case:

∂g(, a p) ∂Ap ∂()R p + t ⊕ = = AA =R (A 3 ×3 Jacobian) (33) ∂p ∂p ∂p A

∂g⊕(, a p) ∂Ap T = = ()p1 ⊗ I3 (A 3× 12 Jacobian) (34) ∂A ∂A

Jacobian of eε ⊕ d

Let d be a SE()3 pose with an associated 4× 4 matrix:

  dc1 dc2 dc3 dt  D =   (35)  0 0 0 1 

Following the convention of left-composition for the incremental pose pexp()ε described in chap- ter 10 section 2 (see chapter 10’s equation [6]), we are interested in the derivative of pexp()ε ⊕ D with respect to the increment ε in the manifold linearization. Applying the chain rule: 439

∂ pexp()ε ⊕ d ∂ pexp()ε D = ∂ε ∂ε ε=0 ε=0 ∂AD d pexp()ε = ∂ d A AI= =pexp 0 ε 4 () ε=0

(using equation [31])

d pexp()ε =TD() ⊗ I   3  d ε ε=0

(replacing equation [29] and rearranging)

0−[] d   3× 3 c1 ×   03× 3 −[] dc2 × =   (A 12× 6 Jacobian) (36) 0−[] d   3× 3 c3 ×    I3 −[] dt × 

Jacobian of d ⊕ eε

Let d be a SE()3 pose with an associated 4× 4 matrix:

    dc1 dc2 dc3 tD   RD tD  D =   =   (37)  0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1 

The derivative of d ⊕ e ε with respect to the increment ε can be obtained as follows:

∂ d ⊕ pexp()ε ∂ Dpexp()ε = ∂ε ∂ε ε=0 ε=0 ∂AB d pexp(()ε = ∂ d A AD=,BI = =pexp 0 ε 4 () ε=0

(using equation [32] and equation [29]) 440

 −[]  03× 3 e1 ×   0−[] e   3× 3 2 × =[]IR4 ⊗ D   0−[] e   3× 3 3 ×    I3 0 3×3 

(doing the math and rearranging)

 0− d d   3× 1 c3 c2    09× 3 dc3 03× 1 − dc1  =   (a 12× 6 Jacobian) (38)  −d d 0   c2 c1 3× 1    RD 03× 3 

Jacobian of eε ⊕d ⊕ p

3 Let p be a point in  and d a SE()3 pose with an associated matrix:

d d d d   11 12 13 tx        d21 d22 d23 dty  dc1 dc2 dc3 dt RD dt D =   =   =   (39)       d31 d32 d33 dtz   0 0 0 1  0 0 0 1     0 0 0 1 

The derivative of pexp()ε ⊕d ⊕ p with respect to the increment ε is an operation needed, for example, in Bundle Adjustment (see chapter 10) while optimizing the camera poses—when using the common convention of d representing the inverse of a camera pose, such as d⊕ p represents the relative location of a landmark p with respect to that camera. We can do:

∂ pexp()ε ⊕d ⊕ p ∂A ⊕ p ∂ exp()ε D = ∂ ∂ ∂ ε A AD=pexp 0 =D ε ε=0 () ε=0

(using equation [34] and equation [29])

 −[]  03× 3 dc1 ×   0−[] d  T  3× 3 c2 × = ()p 1 ⊗ I3   ()0−[] d   3× 3 c3 ×    I3 −[] dt × 

(developing and rearranging) 441

= − ⊕ (a 3× 6 Jacobian) (ID3 []p ×) (40)

Jacobian of a⊕eε ⊕ d ⊕ p

This expression appears in problems such as relative Bundle Adjustment (Sibley, Mei, Reid, & Newman, 2010). Let p ∈ 3 be a 3D point (a landmark in relative coordinates) and a,( d ∈ SE 3) be two poses, so that RA is the 3× 3 rotation matrix associated to a . We will denote the rows and columns of the matrix associated to d as:

 d T d   r1 tx     T  dc1 dc2 dc3 dt  d d  =   =  r2 ty  D    T  (41)  0 0 0 1   d   dr3 tz    0 0 0 1 

Then, the Jacobian of the chained poses-point composition with respect to the increment in the lin- earized manifold can be shown to be:

∂ a⊕ pexp()ε ⊕ d ⊕ p ∂A⊕ pexp()ε ⊕ D ⊕ p = ∂ε ∂ε ε=0 ε=0

(using equation [31], equation [34] and equation [29], and rearranging)

   0 p· dr3 +dtz −(p·) dr2 + dty    = R I −(·p d + d ) 0 p· d + d  (A 3×6 Jacobian) (42) A  3 r3 tz r1 tx     p· dr2 + dty −(·p dr1 + dtx ) 0  where a⋅ b stands for the scalar product of two vectors. Analyzing the expression above we can observe that an approximation can be used when both a and d represent small pose increments. In that case:

∂ a⊕ pexp()ε ⊕ d ⊕ p ≈ −  +  (A 3×6Jacobian) (43) I3  p dt  ∂ε (  ×) ε=0 442


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