~ti/ ctom;1tltmenl:P o/ JOHN THOMPSON,

cy'Jte/o/ ~~e/~ejiaJtlm-en~,



















For the Year 1899.

ToRONTo, Jan nary 5th, 1900.


GEXTLE~rnx,-I have the honor to herewith submit the Annual Report of the Fire Department for the year ending December 31st, 1899, giving a detailed statement of the fires and alarms which have occurred during the year.

The _losses on buildings and contents, with the amount of insurance on each, and the amount of insurance paid on

each, also the ca.uses of fires, as near as could be ascertained 1 are also submitted.

The report also contains a complete list of the officers and men comprising the Department, with the relative posi­ tion and location of each ; the number of horses, the differ­ ent apparatus, the quantities of hose and all other properties owned by the Department, and where located.

The fire alarms during the year numbered 840 ; this exceeds the number that has occurred in any one year of the Department's existence, being 127 more than in 1898, 4 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. which up to that time was the greatest.. Of those alarms 401 were received by telephone, which shows how important to the fire alarm service this system bas become.

The aggregate loss on buildings was. $108,439.26; insurance, $000,3_47. 75; loss on contents, $242,868.34; in-­ surance on contents, $671,197.50, making a total loss on buildings and contents of $351,307.60, ancl a total insuraiice of $1,271.545.25.

The amount of insurance paid on buildings was $91,089.01, and on contents $215,822.59, which shows a total loss over insurance paid of $44,396.00.

There are 62 horses in the Department, nearly all in first-class condition, being four above the full eqtiipment; 5 steam fire engines, 2 chemical engines, 1 ·combinatio_n hose wagon and chemical engine, 5 hook and ladder trucks, 1 aerial truck, 10 two-h0rse hose wagons, 3 one-horse hose wagons, 2 one-horse hose carts and 1 water tower.

As soon as the changes necessary to accommodate a steam fire engine are made at the Portland Street Fire Hall, one of the two engines at present located at the Bay S~reet Fire Hall will be placed there, and a 65 foot aerial truck, of the latest improved pattern, placed in the Hall.

It will be necessary during the incoming year to secure a new hook and ladder truck for Cowan A venue Fire Hall, and also to replace the antiquated Parkdale Village truck, now in use at Ossington Avenue Fire Hall, by a more modern and useful apparatus.

I take the opportunity of sincerely thanking the officers and men of the Police Depnrtment for the manner in which TORONTO :FIRE DEPART:\IENT. 5 they have on every occasion possible kindly given an the assistance in their power to this Department.

In conclusion, allow me to return my sincere thanks for the many courtesies extended to the officers and members of the Department by your Committee during the past year.

I have the honor to be, gentlemen,

Your obedient servant,

JOHN THOMPSON, Chief Fire Departmen-t.

The force of the Department is as follows :

Chief. of Depa·rtment ...... Deputy Chief ....._ ...... ·• :. -...... 1 District Chiefs ...... 2 Assistant District Chiefs...... 4 Secretary ...... ·Superintendent Fire Alarm Telegraph ...... Assistant Superintendent F. A. '.L'elegraph ...... Foremen of Companies ...... 18 E_ngineers of steamers ...... 5 Assistant Engineers of ste&,mers...... 6 Laddermen ...... 32 Pipemen ...... 66 ...... _...... 3 Tillermen ...... 2 Drivers ...... 31 Messenger and Caretaker ...... Storekeeper ...... Total, officers and men ...... 176 6 TORONTO FIRE DEPART~IE:NT.

The Department responded to 840 alarms during the year.

Total loss by fire has been ...... $ 851,307 60 With total insurance of...... 1,271,545 25 Insurance paid ...... 306,911 60 Loss over insurance paid ...... • • • • 33,485 00 Number of fires in brick and stone buildings ...... 230 Number of fires in frame buildings ...... • • 814 Other than building fires ...... • • • • 250 Number of false alarms ...... • .. • • • • 45 Calls for help outside the city ...... _- ...... 1 Number of fires confined to the buildings in which they originated 541 Number of fires extending beyond the buildings in which they originated ...... • 4 The aggregate losses on buildings were ...... 108,439 26 Insurance on buildings ...... 600,847 75 Aggregate losses on contents ...... 242,868 34 Insurance on contents ...... 671,197 50

Exclusive orthe three following fires, the losses on buildings for the year were...... 84,889 26 And losses on contents for the year were ...... 105,868 34

FIRE IS GOWANS, KENT & Co., CROCKERY WAREHOUSE, ON FEBRUARY 10TH. Loss on buildings...... $ 10,000 00 Insurance on buildings.... $ 7,000 00 contents...... 90,000 00 contents . . . . 300~000 00 $100,000 00 f357,000 00


Loss on buildings...... $ 4,000 00 Insurance on buildings. . . . $ 10 000 00 contents...... 18,000 00 contents. . . . . 29,000 00

$22 OJO 00 $39,000 0~

FIRE AT THE LANG.MUIR.MANUFACTURING Cc>., CoR. KIXG AND NIAGARA STS., ON APRIL 7 fH, Loss on buildings ...... ; .. $ 9.60) OJ Insurance on buildings .... $ 21,5'.)0 00 contents...... 29 000 00 " contents . . . . 35.000 00

$38,600 00 '$56,500 00 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 7


Accidental ...... 16 Burning rubbish in yard ...... 7 Benzine, etc., igniting' ...... 6 Boiling over of tar, grease, etc...... 9 Bonfire by boys ...... _...... 16 Box pulled by unknown persons...... 10 Burning chimney ...... 52 Careless plumbers...... 3 Children playing with matches ...... 43 Children playing with fire ...... 6 Cribwork on , by boys ...... 14 Courtland system going off ...... 5 Coal oil lantern exploded...... 7 Coal oil stove exploded ...... 5 Cupola overheated ...... 2 Clothing too near stove ...... 4 Curtains, etc., too. near gas jet ...... 16 Defective stove pipes ..... a...... 3 '' fire place...... 3 chimney...... 34 smol{-e house...... 1 " furnace ...... 9 cupola ...... l Disinfecting house. ~ ...... ~ 4 Decorations ...... 5 Dry kiln overheated...... 3 Drying plaster ...... 16 Electric wire ...... 16 Exploding of gasoline 2 ~, " stove ...... 2 Exhibition.alarms ...... r•...... 1 False alarms ...... 38 8 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

Fireworks ...... 8 From steam boiler ...... • • • • •· · · · 3 Fron1 stove...... • . • • • • · · 16 Fron1 previous fire ...... • . • • • • · 5 Gas stove exploded ...... • • • 12 Hot ashes ...... - ...... • • • • • • • · 10 Incendiary ...... • • • • · 35 Leaking gas igniting ·set fire to woodwork ...... • 2 Lamp exploded ...... • • • • 14 Lightning ...... •- • • • • · 2 Overheated bake oven ...... 4 furnace pipes ...... 7 " stove pipes ...., ...... 12 " stove setting fire t_o woodwork ...... 10 Outside city limits ...... •...... -.... - ... . 2 Oily rags ...... 4 Rubbish, dumps, et9 ...... • • 15 Rekindling of previous _fire ...... - ...... 6 Upsetting of la~p ...... 6 lJ nknown ...... ~ ., ...... 145 Stub qf light~d cigar ...... r ••••••••••• i Spontaneous combustion ...... ~ ... r ••• 10 Smoke or stea_m mistaken for fire ...... 5 Spark from chimney ...... ~ ...... 15 locomotiv~ ...... 36 cupola ...... 2 ft1rnace ...... ~ ...... 3 pipe .... ~ ...... 7 Set fire by boys ...... ~ ... _• ...... 49 Waste paper_ ...... ~ ... ~ ...... '. .. ~ ~ .. ~ ...... _ ...... _ 15

·Total·...... _...... 840 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 9


Seven hundred and eighty actual fires occurred during the year 1899, with the following result : 349 "\.Yhere no losses are reported ...... 270 ·where the losses were less than ...... 8 100 101 Where the losses were from ...... 100 to S 500 25 500 to 1,000 23 1,000 to 5,000 6 5,000 to 10.000 2 10,000 to 20,000 20,000 to 30 000 40,000 to 50.000 50,000 to 60,000 75,000 to 100,0'.)0

780 Total.



..: ..: ..; Day of the Week. >, ~ Cl , ... I ..; ..0 ..0 .... d 1 Q; d ::, ..c:i sC) i:;, ::s ..0 ~ s ::s ... c:: >,

Sunday ...... 7 11 0 7 2 6 9 2:2 7 8 9 7 Di") Monday ······· .... 7 14 4 6 10 7 14 26 7 9 17 1:.::5 Tuesday ...... 13 11 7 8 9 7 16 33 8 10 12 i1 14~ Wednesday ...... 10 6 8 9 16 11 14 22 fi I 10 : 16 7 135

12 13 I Thursday ...... 7 15 6 10 5 J 27 7 I 10 4 123 Friday ...... 2 12 , 12 9 7 . 7 9 15 8 8 ! 7 7 1 )3 Saturday ...... 3111 I 41 8110 112 110 2J ' 7 ' 7 I 12 9 I 117 Total ...... 49 7; 5) 53 : 01 I 55 79 rne 150 ; _65_183 {6 i s40

Box alarms ...... 22 44 25 I 21 ! 38 I 32 40 59 34 46 55130 --14!) Still or Telephone alarms ...... 27 33 25 ; 29 26 23 39 110 16 19 28 16 391 -~------Total...... 49 77 50 1 53 ' 64 55 79 169 50 65 83 46 840 10 TORONTO FIHE DEPARDIE~T.



January ...... 18 23 3 4 41 1 February ...... 31 34 5 2 65 March ...... 21 2J 2 2 41 April ...... 17 113 13 4 32 1 May ...... 17 30 15 2 47 June ...... 16 23 12 4 39 July ...... 16 23 29 4 41 ' 1 August ...... 19 23 117 10 42 September ...... 1'3 24 9 4 40 g~~e:te~: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : · ·. : : : : ! ii !~ i~ ~ *g December ...... 1 28-- 2) 8- ~ 47 l , 1 1--'------:----j-

Total ...... 23) ! 314 250 45 541 4 I 1 'l'ABLE SHOWING LOSSES WITH INSURANCE IN EACH MONTH DURING THE YEAR, AND Lo:-;:,;I

Buildings. Contents.

~ Month. 0 Losses I Losses Losses I Losses ~ Lus::;es. Insurance over · with no Losses. Insurance over with no 0 Iwmrauce. I Paid. I Insurance Insurance Insurance. I Paid. I 1mrnr_auen Insurance. z Paid. Paid. ~ 0 ~ $ C. $ C. $ C, $ c. $ c. $ c. $ c. $ . c. $ c. $ c. January ...... 2,907 32 45,650 00 2,557 32 100 00 250 OU 7,039 76 94,750 00 (i,712 7(j .... 327 00 ~ Fohruary ...... 24,757 13 rno,H5u oo 21,552 43 3,000 00 205 00 t_%j 127,143 89 319,%() 00 114,228 89 1 12,000 00 !115 00 Mar~h ...... 7,8G3 05 32,750 00 7, 7U6 05 147 00 22,21i2 75 52,4'i5 00 22,18'2 75 80 00 ~ April ...... ; ... . 12,mm 60 45,670 oo 12,071 liO 325 00 34,512 94 51,902 50 34,245 94 267 uo t;rj May ...... -, ... . 2,824 40 35,,100 (J() 2,48(i 40 82 00 256 00 '""O G,435 25 24,125 00 5,535 251 425 00 475 OU :i.-­ Juue ...... 24,U28 !l& 52,4(i7 75 14,001 70 !l,913 25 114 00 9,931 05 21,155 00 8,4/il 3U fl14 75 555 00 ::i= July ...... -I 1,Hl'2 HJ l\9,f-i50 00 1,lfi4 19 100 00 348 00 1,796 44 6;200 00 1,54(; 4,1 250 00 ~ A.ugust ...... 1 4,8\.H Ud 19,fJUO 00 4,033 00 858 00 7,370 49 14,800,00 fi,013 4!l 1,357 00 ~ t_%j Septem her ...... I 4,259 fm 25,n5o oo 4,094 63 165 00 9,173 ~5 6,300 00 1,485 251 fi,800 OU 888 00 z Octoher ., ...... 5,122 58 84,G34 UO 4,338 58 784 00 4,357 15 7,975 00 4,297 15 60 00 ~ Nuvemberl ...... 12,922 31 7,130 00 12,257 31 lGU 00 515 00 8,f3(i1 32 22,525 00 7,379 32 1,28'2 00 December ...... 4;8(,3 8,J 51,lOD 00 4,825 80 38 00 4,184 05 49,050 00 3,734 05 450 00

'rotal...... i 108,43fl. 2fil600,347 75\~Ht,089 01 13,3f5 25 4,005 oo 242,868 341 G71, Hl7 501215,822 591 20,139 75 I f-i,900 00 1 1



Year. Losses. Insurance. Alarms

$ C $ C 1886 ... ·; ...... 280 902. 00 1,164-.163 00 274 1887 ...... · · · · · · · · · · 74.685 00 638.149 00 308 1888 ...... 215 194 00 967 979 00 311 18$9 ...... 134. 760 00 1.016 138 17 317 1890 ...... 487 186 44 1.184.473 50 385 1891 ...... 210 115 93 1150.21)6 66 44:2 1892 • • • • • • • •,,,,,, rr, •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • • 2.2) 5 ,9 15 1.111106 99 503 1893 ...... 195 403 67 1 0.21.081 00 555 1894 .... ; ...... 152 ~-'31 91 1.153 99-2 70 54:1 1895 ...... ·...... 1817374 00 3 553.711 00 581 1896 .... ; ...... 29-2.256 00 1 133.823 00 597 1897 .. ,·, ...... 666 621 00 2 500.187 00 5'32 1898 ...... 45S 331 47 1 776.657 OJ 713 TORONTO FIRE DEPA.RTMENT. 13


(!) ~ .::: ~ 1-< 1-<•iJ 1-< Companies. d 0 (!) 1-< ..,..d :,< ;J ...... -1 a:I &:;a 0 C p:i ~~~ E------

Steam Fire Engi~e Ko. 1 .....' ... I ~)J 8.J :2 13ti :2 1:-38 3 ·::::::·.: . .-::::1 H5 :2 87 J 1:21 .... i. i 1:21 5 ...... 7-2 /;) Chemical Engine No 1...... 140 J4 184 and Hose Wagon No. :2...... 101 32 133 No. 3 ...... 103 2:2 1:25 Hook and Ladder Company Xo. 1 ...... 151 53 204 " " " :2...... lolJ 3-2 Hl8 3 ...... 81 65 1¥5 J ...... 119 36 155 5 ...... ' ...... ol :2.J 8,j vVater Tower No. 1 ...... : ...... 113 113 Aerial Ladder Truck No 1 ...... 108 108 Salvage "Vi.7agon No. 1 ...... 151 53 20± Hose Company No. 1 ...... 192 43 235 ,, " 3 ...... 200 29 :2:2~1 .J...... •.••...•.•••..••••••••••••.•••• 146 16 162 5 ...... 151 53 20.J n ...... 2:20 40 :21ifl

141 18 i 159 8 ...... 170 27 197 9 ...... 165 46 211 10 ...... 79 71 150 11 ...... 85 30 115 12 ...... 47 26 73 13 ...... 91 21 112 1.J ...... 127 33 160 15 ...... 108 49 157 · lo ...... 136 2 138

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I-' I-'

90¼ 90¼

184¼ 184¼

1'15 1'15

125½ 125½

155½ 155½

11d 11d

307½ 307½

200 200

327 327

2301 2301

166½ 166½

292½ 292½

194¼ 194¼

212 212

298½ 298½

172½ 172½

135¼ 135¼

162 162

1£4.l 1£4.l

317¼ 317¼

101 101

222½ 222½

1761 1761

158 158

101¼ 101¼ 149i 149i

101¼ 101¼

1591 1591

122 122 125¼ 125¼

.281½ .281½

5,708.¼ 5,708.¼

Total Total

Miles Miles



7¼ 7¼

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9 9

7¼ 7¼

6f 6f

8l 8l

J., J.,

Q) Q)

Q) Q)


Q) Q)

s s

11½ 11½

10½ 10½

16½ 16½

19¼ 19¼

12½ 12½

22 22

29¼ 29¼

26! 26!

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23½ 23½

28½ 28½

21 21

14 14

21¼ 21¼

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14¼ 14¼

18 18

13½ 13½

12 12

12½ 12½

21½ 21½

,0 ,0

21½ 21½

11½ 11½

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18! 18!

18 18

28 28

20 20

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20½ 20½

19 19

27 27

2·!H 2·!H

22 22

23 23

31 31

3f3f 3f3f 2~½ 2~½

18½ 18½

,0 ,0

z· z·

27! 27! 13i 13i

18¼ 18¼

25 25 22½ 22½

19¼ 19¼

201 201

12 12

12it 12it

599! 599!

·,22½ ·,22½

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16¼ 16¼

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10~ 10~

38 38

20 20

20¼ 20¼

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35½ 35½

2~ 2~

l4Ji l4Ji

26! 26!

1:# 1:#

20½ 20½

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13¼ 13¼

2:4} 2:4}

'=W!· '=W!·

20¼ 20¼

23 23

o· o·

16¼ 16¼

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,28¼ ,28¼

652¼. 652¼.



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18¼ 18¼

12¼ 12¼

13½ 13½

12 12 12½ 12½

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1st. 1st.

31½ 31½

18l 18l

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'rHE 'rHE

1~½ 1~½

13 13

14½ 14½

10¼ 10¼

1gt 1gt 12½ 12½

12~ 12~

10.l 10.l 14½ 14½

15 15

.,0. .,0.

R5½ R5½

18 18 00 00

14½ 14½

l3t l3t

10¼ 10¼

409! 409!



7¼ 7¼ 9t 9t

7,½ 7,½

5 5

8l 8l

8½ 8½

bD bD

::s ::s

::l ::l

10~ 10~ 14½ 14½

15 15

24¼ 24¼ 24. 24.

10 10

25 25

30 30

16¼ 16¼

.g .g

15 15

25½ 25½

12! 12!

12f 12f

1_8\ 1_8\

10.l 10.l

~ ~

26! 26!

19 19

101 101 14f 14f

30} 30}

16 16

10½ 10½ 241 241

4~1 4~1

510! 510!

. .


1899. 1899.


91 91 7½ 7½

6½ 6½

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rt rt

5¼ 5¼

8} 8}

9 9

8¼ 8¼

5~ 5~


8! 8!

lq_ lq_

1~l 1~l 14~ 14~

24 24

18 18

27¼ 27¼

~ ~

28· 28·

19~ 19~

30 30

11 11

1-:, 1-:,

13¼ 13¼

38 38 1~'1 1~'1

25 25

1~1 1~1

19¼ 19¼

22~ 22~

10½ 10½



i,.445¼ i,.445¼



5:1 5:1 6½ 6½

7¼ 7¼

Sf Sf s1 s1

7! 7!

5½ 5½

6 6

8! 8!

7½ 7½

4· 4·

8! 8!

::s ::s

s::I s::I

Q) Q)

10.l 10.l

10½ 10½

14 14

1-:, 1-:, 12 12

14 14 20~ 20~ 21¼ 21¼

121 121

10½ 10½

10½ 10½

12½ 12½ 14½ 14½

18 18

10~ 10~

15 15

27½ 27½

10 10

11 11

26! 26!

865¼, 865¼,





5f 5f

6! 6!

9½ 9½

4f 4f

81 81

8¼ 8¼

8.t 8.t

8¼ 8¼ il il

8½ 8½

a1 a1

r:,:, r:,:,

~a ~a

10½ 10½

10~ 10~

~ ~ ,e. ,e.

32 32

17½ 17½

15\ 15\ 12 12

13½ 13½

14¼ 14¼ 1s· 1s·

10 10

15l 15l

11½ 11½

12 12 11¼ 11¼


26 26

10½ 10½

20½ 20½

. .

.lQ½ .lQ½

887 887



9½ 9½

9! 9!

9 9

6k 6k

9 9

6 6

p.. p..

~ ~

18¼ 18¼

19½ 19½

19~ 19~

16 16 18.} 18.}

~ ~

30½ 30½

31½ 31½

16 16

38 38

151 151 22¼ 22¼

18t 18t


45 45

12 12

29f 29f 22¼ 22¼

16½ 16½

41¼ 41¼

27 27

22~ 22~

17 17

24 24

25 25

12 12

682!. 682!.




7 7

5~ 5~

6½ 6½

4-½ 4-½

6½ 6½

6½ 6½

8f 8f

7~ 7~

7i 7i

Sf Sf

cd cd


r-, r-,

~ ~

10½ 10½

15 15

i4½ i4½

14½ 14½

10f 10f

12f 12f

~ ~ 10 10

12 12

10.l 10.l 11½ 11½

11 11 14½ 14½

20 20

241 241

26¼ 26¼

29¼ 29¼

1; 1;

22 22

10 10

'16 '16


,380!, ,380!,



6½ 6½

6¼ 6¼

5 5

7i 7i

4½ 4½

5 5

6 6

8½ 8½

Sf Sf


~ ~

J., J.,

a3 a3

::s ::s

191 191

12½ 12½

f;i:;.t f;i:;.t

14 14

141 141 24½ 24½

15f 15f 11¼ 11¼

261 261

.g .g

18½ 18½

12½ 12½ 16½ 16½

15½ 15½

33¼ 33¼ 19½ 19½

16 16

26 26

10½ 10½

11½ 11½

16 16

11¼ 11¼

24 24

14½ 14½

487¼ 487¼


5½ 5½

~l ~l

5 5

6½ 6½

3 3

9½ 9½ 7½ 7½

4½ 4½

5½ 5½

81 81

6½ 6½

r:,:, r:,:,

cd cd

i:I i:I

::s ::s

l~l l~l

14½ 14½

~ ~ 12½ 12½

15¼ 15¼

17 17

14¼ 14¼

121 121

12 12

12 12

12½ 12½

14½ 14½

13½ 13½

24½ 24½ 12

10 10

34 34

.J., .J.,

121 121

18½ 18½

l0f l0f


855 855



2 2


•.• •.•




No. No.


~ ~


· ·

: :



····· ·····





: :

· ·


1 1

2 2

3 3


·5 ·5



snows snows

Wagon Wagon

, ,

: :

" "

" "

" "

" " 4

No. No.




Hose Hose


•,················· •,·················


...... 1 1










...... • ...... •


.. ..






1. 1.



1 1

5 5

3 3

f; f; 7 7 4 4

9 9

8 8

5 5

3 3

1 1 ......

10 10

18 18

11 11

12 12

14 14

1. 1.

16 16 15 15

Truck Truck

and and

No.3 No.3

No. No.

" "

" " " "

" "

1 1

No. No.

, ,

" "

" " 4

" "

No. No.

Companies. Companies.

" "

" "

" "

" "

" "

No. No.

" "

,, ,,

No. No.

" "

" "

No. No.

Ladder Ladder

Engine Engine

Wagon Wagon

Tower Tower

" "

" "

" "

" "

Engine Engine


" "

and and

'•!!I '•!!I

" "

" "

" " " 2

Truck Truck

Company Company

" " " "

" " "

" " "

" "

" " "

" "

" "

" "

" " "

" "

" "

" " "

" " "

" "

" " "


Water Water

Steam Steam

Chemical Chemical

Hook Hook

Ariel Ariel

Hose Hose Salvage Salvage TORONTO FIHE DEPAHnIEXT. 15.

APPARATrs. At this time there are in the Department, fully manned and equipped, the following apparatus : 5 Steam fire engines. 1 65-foot Champion water tower. l 85-foot aerial turn table hook and ladder truck and portable water tO\ver combined. 5 Hook and ladder trucks. 3 Four-wheeled chemical engines. 14 Hose ,rngons with fire extinguishers attached to each. 2 Hose carts. 1 Salvage wagon with 4,320 square feet of rubber covers. 2 Supply wagons.

SLEIGHS. 5 Hook and ladder truck sleighs. 12 Two-horse hose sleighs. 4 One-horse hose sleighs.

Ix RESERYE. 1 Hook and ladder truck. 1 sleigh. 1 Four-wheeled hose wagon. 5 Hose reels. Four-wheeled two-horse chemical engine.

HORSES. There are now in the service sixty-two horses, of which four are spare. During the year eight horses ,vere purchased, and six which were unserviceable for department purposes were disposed of by public auction. 16 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

The general health of ·the horses· has been good, con­ sidering the hazardous services they are required to perform.


No. 1 Company, corner Bay and Temperance Streets. " 2 Farley A venue and Portland Street,. " 3 Yonge Street, near Grosvenor ,Street. " 4 Corner Berkeley and Duke Streets. 5 Lombard Street, near.Jarvis Street. " 6 Queen Street, near John Street. " 7 Wilton avenue, near Parliament Street. " 8 College Street, corner Bellevue A venue. " -9 Dundas Street, near Queen Street. " 10 Yorkville A venue, near Yonge Street. " 11 Rose A venue, corner Howard Street. "" 12 Bolton Avenue, corner Allen Avenue. " 13 . Dundas Street, near Lansdowne A venue. " 14 Ossington A venue, near Bloor Street. " 15 Cowan A venue, near Queen Street. " 16 Richmond Street, near Jarvis Street. TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 17


The following statement gives the quantity and condition of hose:

2½-in. Hose. 3-Inch Chemical Hose. Hose. Company. Good. )ledium / Poor. Good. Good Medium -- i---~- Feet. Feet. i Feet. Feet. Feet Feet. No. 1 ...... 1.700 •••••••••• I 200 550

2 ...... 700 • ••••••• • 1 200 ...... 3 ...... 1.300 4 ...... 1.200 ·::::·.::::1 ~gg i:::::::::: :::·.::::·::

5 ...... 600 350 ...... : I' ...... 6 ...... 1,400 50 , ...... 7 ...... 1,150 8 ...... , 850 I : : : : ! I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 9 ...... ' 1,000 ~66: : : ~~g " 10 ...... £0) I 350 200 ...... ,, 11 ...... 7UO 30t) 15'.) I •••••••••••••••••••• " 12 ...... 80) 400 300 ...... '' 13 ...... 650 550 100 ...... " 14 ...... 1,000 300 ...... " 15 ...... StJU " 18 ...... 100 : : : : 1 Chemic'! . . 3f6.. . . 1~~ ~~~: J :~66: : : : 200 400 3 400 In store ...... 2 350

17,300 3.200 2.300 1,150 1,20:) 200

Total-22.800 feet 2½ inch. 1,150 " 3 1.400 " " Chemical. 'rORONTO FIRE DEP ARTl\IENT.

TORONTO, December 31st, 1899. JOHN THOMPSON, Chief of Fire Department : DEAR Sm,-1 submit herewith a report of the exten­ sions and repair·s to the Fire Alarm Telegraph for the year ending December 31st, 1899. During the year the Committee on Fire and Light have put in twelve new alarm boxes and changed nineteen o_f our boxes to the la.test style of outside keyless doors, which ·are greatly appreciated by the public.. I have also paid strict attention to the -repairs of our lines and alarm boxes, with the result that all have worked perfeotly,_ we. having over four hundred and sixty alarms pass thr~ugh our repeater without one irregularity. The following is a correct inventory of the property ~n my charge: 1 10-circuit 1 · " switch-board. 11 galvanometers. 5 bell strikers. 23 gongs. 330 cells of battery. About ninety miles of wire, poles, etc. 188 fire alarm boxes. • Respectfully submitted, J. s. CRAIG, Sup_erintendent Fire Alarm Telegraph. TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 19

Numerous acknowledgments have been made publicly by citizens as to the work of the Department, among them being the British America Assurance Co., Messrs. Tod­ hunter, Mitchell & Co., Canadian Horse Show Association, Mr. A. v\T eir, and the Canadian Feather and Mattress Co.


Name. Date. Amount. British America Assurance Co ...... Feh. 22 8100 00 Todhunter, Mitchell & Co ...... Mar. 10 30 00 Canadian Horse Shuw Association ...... May 5 25 00 A. Weir ...... , ...... July 13 5 00 Canadian Feather and Mattress Co ...... Dec. 28 10 00



Jan. 1-To balance at credit of Fund...... 8:2G.JVi 43 Contributions from men deducted from pay sheets: January ...... 818G 31 February ...... 184 32 March ...... 184 GO April ...... 196 36 :!\lay ...... 185 98 June ...... ••·•·•·•·····•····· 185 35 July ...... 219 65 August ...... 192 56 September ...... 188 39 October ...... 184 81 :'.'\oYernber ...... 186 Ul December ...... 190 48 2.Hl 82

Donations as under: Feb. 2:2-British America Assurance Co ::::mo oo Mar. 10-Todhunter, Mitchell & Co ...... 30 00 :'.\Iay 5-Canadian Horse Show Association .. 25 00 July 13-A. '\Yeir ...... 5 00 Dec. 28-Canadian Feather and ::\Iattress Co .. 10 00 170 00 20 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

Interest on deposit : City of Toronto, interest on deposit from 81st Dec., 1898, to Dec. 31st, 1899 ...... 1,065 80

·gso,018 os DISBURSEMENTS. James Harris ...... $ 109 18 Executors estate D. Gibson ...... 2,008 20 Registration fee, 1899 ...... 8 00 Thos. Corbett ...... '...... 111 06 Wm. Rogers ...... ·...... 201 10 D. Bailey...... _...... 71 76 2,499 25

Balance at credit 81st Dec., 1899 ...... $27,518 80

ACCIDENTS. There were accidents to the members of the Depart­ ment during the_ year as follows : Tuesday, February 14th. E. C. Sweetman, of No. 3 Chemical Engine, got kne·e injured. Off duty 17 days. Thursday, February 23rd. H. Ball, No. 3 Chemical Engine, hurt while exercising horses. Off duty 12 days. Thursday, March 23rd. Thos. Jones, of No. 3 Hose Company, hand cut at fire in 122 Adelaide west. Off duty 9 days. Thursday, April 13th. Thos. Graham, ex-Chief, injured at fire in 255 King street west. Off duty 3 weeks. Tuesday, June 20th W. J. Farley, Hook and Ladder Company No. 4, hand burned at_glass works fire. Off duty 8 .clays. TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 21.

Thursday, June 29th. J. C. Dunn, No. 6 Hose Company, thro,vn from wagon, ligaments in one arm injured. Off duty 22 days. Tuesday, August 15th. John See, of the Salvage Wagon, leg broken by falling through hoist at a fire in No. 120 Bay street. Off duty 4½ months. Wednesday, August 23rd. A. Cochrane, of Ko. 1 Hose Company, fell in window at fire in No. 11 Alice street, injured hip. Off duty 7 days. Tuesday, September 19th. F. Smith, Foreman No. 7 Hose Company, injured about face and arm while attempting to stop runaway team. Off duty 21 days. Saturday, October 28th. H. Atkinson, of the Salvage Wagon, kicked by horse. Off duty 10 days. Saturday, K ovember 4th. J. Donelly, Foreman Hook and Ladder Company No. 4, injured in both legs at fire at foot of Tecumseth street. Off duty 19 days. Saturday, K ovember 4th. W. J. Calhoun, of Hook and Ladder Company Ko. 4, ligaments of both legs injured by a falling pile of lumber. Still off duty. Monday, November 6th. J as. Leslie, Driver No. 4 Engine, in coming down ladder from hay loft to answer an alarm, missed his footing and fell, injuring both wrists. Off duty 18 days. 22 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

TORONTO, January 5th, 1900.


GENTLEMEN,-! beg to submit herewith a statement of the expenditure of the several departments under your direction for the year 1899, as folJows:


Amount of appropriation for the year 1899. ·.: ...... $180,096 00

EXPENDITURE. Salarie3 ...... • .. $120,771 84 Fire alarm telegraph ...... 443 04 Uniform clothing ...... 6,295 56 Keep of horses ...... 6,120 16 Store supplies ...... 1,726 26 Bedding and washing ...... 1,525 86 Stationery and printing ...... 298 05 Water supply ...... 81,685 00 Telephone system ...... 951 00 New horses ... , ...... _...... 1,120 00 Repairs to. apparatus ...... 1,495 88 New plant ...... 4,001 60 1,928 52 :::ls:7Ji. : : : : : : : : .' : : : : : .' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .... : : : : .... : : : : 944 65 Miscellaneous...... 265 45 · Outstanding liclbilities ...... 500 00 ---- 180,067 87 Surplus over appropriation ...... $28 1S


Amount of appropriatiJn for the year 1899 ...... $108,755 00

EXPENDITURE. Electric street lighting ...... $72,486 59 Electric park '' ...... 2,244 89 Electric Island 282 69 Outstanding accounts for electric lights to December 81, 1899 ...... 9,856 19 Gas lamps, sti:eet lighting ...... 17,963 85 " park " ...... 879 50 Outstanding accounts for gas lights to Dacembcr 31, 1899 6,102,09 $108,765 8) TORONTO FIRE DEPART::\IENT. 23

The amount of forfeitures for lights out during Decem­ ber has not been deducted, which will give a surplus of about $50.00. Xnmber of street electric lights in po3ition December 31st, 1899 ...... 1,104 " •' gas lamps " " 31st, 1899 ...... 951 park electric lights 31st, 1899...... 17 " gas lamps 31st, 1899...... 2:2 Lambeth lamps 31st, 1899...... 28 'l'otal number of electric lights 31st, 1899...... 1.121 gas lamps 31st, 1899...... 1,001

Respectfully submitted. R. J. McGowAN, Secretary Fire Dept. 24 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTJ\IENT.


itentorhtnt ~

!lonald f ibson,



1V\al{ 2nd, 1899.

He became a member of the Department January 1st, 18',2. I I TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 25


Location, Corner :Bay and Temperance Streets.

Name. Badge No. Position. Residence.

Forsyth, F...... 56 In charge ...... 302 Richmond St. ·west Coupland, R...... 15n Engineer...... 5 Sydenham Street

Cunningham, A •...... ;..... 166 · As;;'t Engineer .... 118 Harrison Street Potter, A ...... 9 Pipeman ...... 12 McMillan Street

Gates, A...... 130 ...... 226 Queen Street V\T est Cochrane, A...... 20 ...... 285 Farley Avenue Hughes, .. Jno,...... 97 ...... 60 Claremont Street Tait, Thos...... 157 Driver ...... 365 Parliament Street Ferguson, D...... 190 ...... 231 Euclid A veuue


Location, Richmond Street., near Jarvis Street.

Name. Badge No. Position. Residence.

Sargent, R. H...... 62 Foreman ...... 278 Shercourne Street Brown, E. W...... 154: Engineer...... 7 Sydenham Street

Hackett, V\r. J ...... 200 Ass't Engineer .... 193 Sumach Street Boddy, J. N...... 152 Pipeman ...... 301 Queen Street East McLean, D...... 133 ...... 172 Sumach Street Armstrong, J...... 186 ...... 291 Street Pritchard, J ... ~...... 90 ...... 266 Seaton Street Dalby, W. S ...... 108 Driver 1 Cameron Place L9wry, J...... 142 ...... 380 Broadview Avenue 26 TORONTO FIRE :i:>:EPARTMENT.


Location, Dundas Street, near Lansdowne Avenue.

Badge Name. No. Position. Residence.

Thompson, R ...... 100 Foreman ...... 20 Fern Avenue Cross, N. W ...... : 92 Engineer ...... 178 St. Clarens A venue Carey, F...... 148 Ass't Engineer.... 55 ·Delaney Cresce_nt Kearns, E ...... 173 Driver ...... 4.35· St. Clarens Avenue Brennan, J ...... ; ..... 103 Pipeman ...... 350 Brock Avenue

Teedy, M ...... 101 ...... 199 St. Clarens Avenue Collard, J ...... 102 ...... 508 Dundas Street

Gibson, R...... 186 Driver ...... ~ .. 77½ Argyle Street


Location, Corner Bay and Temperance Streets.

Name. Badge No. Position. Residence.

Croucher, Tbos .... '...... 146 Engineer...... 54 Albert Street Adams, Geo. S...... 170 Ass't Engineer.... 4 Ashby Place

Lyons, R...... 187 " " .... 98 Hamilton Street Leslie, J as...... 184 Driver ...... 88·,-Alleh Avenue 1 TORONTO FIRE DEPART:\IEXT. 27

------~-- -


Location, Yonge Street, near Grosvenor Street.

Xame. Badge No. Position. Residence.

i Farrants, E...... 141 Engineer ...... 1121 College Street "\Yhite,;ide-,, H...... 119 A-;s't Engineer.... 162 Sydenham Street Hill, E...... 35 Driver ...... 452 Street


Location, Corner Bay and Temperance Streets.

:Badgell Xame. : Xo. Position. Residence. ______' ! ______

I Sweetman. ~...... 1 ]Foreman ...... 70 Russell Street Phillips, "\Y...... 55 'Pipeman ...... 49 Chestnut Streeu

McQueen, Jno. A...... 126 13 Caer Howell Street Shannon, "\Ym...... 113 ...... 130 Teraulay Street

Lucas, A ...... 4 Driver ...... 58 "\Vidmer Street 28 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

CHEMICAL ENGINE COMPANY No. 2. Location, Corner Portland Street and Farley Avenue.

Badge Name. No. Position. ' Residence.

Ashfield, v,,r. F ...... -...... 11 Foreman ...... 141 Denison A:venue Matson, H ...... _...... 116 Pipeman ...... 174 Dovercourt Road .. ..

Hamilton, H...... 86 ...... 197 Farley Avenue Saunders, M ...... 163 ...... 188 McPherson Avenue Cluff, I...... _...... 181 45 William Street Spence, Jos _...... 125 Driver ...... 28 Brant Street

CHEMICAL ENGINE COMPANY No. 3. Location, Yonge Street, near Grosvenor Street.

Name. Badge No. Position. Residence.

Pointon, Thos...... 29 Pipeman ...... 94 Oak Streat Milligan, F ..... _ ...... 162 1 Centre Avenue Hagerman, E...... 197 ... .- ..... 306 Richmond Street W Foggett, vVm...... 147 Driver ; ...... 182 Centre A venue


Location, Richmond Street, near Jarvis Street. Double t~nk, 200-gallon, 4-wheeled chemical engine. This engine has bee~ repaired and painted, and is in first­ class condition. TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 29


Location, Lombard Street Fire Hall.

Name. l:&.:td-ge Positfon. Residence. ______No. ------

Price, Samuel ...... 65 Salvageman .. ~ . . . 3 Gifford Street

Atkinson, H ...... 19 50 Claremont Street

Tomlin, A ...... 171 1 ...... 260 Manning A venue See, J...... 169 Driver ...... 174 Duke Street


Location, Bay Street, Corner Temperance Street.

Name. Badge No. Position. Residence.

Dicken, Chas...... 77 Pipeman ...... 35 Seaton Street Robertson, A ...... :. 149 ...... 264 Queen's Avenue Williams, Thos...... 127 ....•.... 149 Sydenham Street

Busteerl, A ...... 88 Driver ...... 326 Sackville Street


Xame. ,I B~clge\ Position. Residence. 0 i ~ • I

1 \\'()rrell.--T-h-on_1_a_s_. -..-.-.-. - ..-.-.-. -., -~-}-il-le_r_m_a_n_..- ..-. -. ,--.-. 151 Sydenham Street

Gunn, Alex ...... 5-! j " •••••••• 148 Duchess Street

Spanton, A...... 131 /Driver ...... 129 Oak Street.



Badge Position. Residence. Name. No.

Smith, w. J...... 61 Foreman ...... 11 Orford avenue Russell, W...... 45 Ladderman ...... 208 Sherbourn~ street .Brown, J. T ...... _. 44 68 Ontari~ street Hart, J...... 58 86 Seaton street Adamson, C. R...... 89 ...... 480 P--arliament street Winter, W. G...... 122 .. ." ... 24:9 Wilton avenue llardy, W...... 129 ...... 15~ ~ydenham street -Corbett, W ...... 161 ...... 108 Jarvis- street .Best, Samuel...... 192 ...... 108 Potts,. Jas ...... 167 Driver ...... , .. : . 101

HooK AND LADDER COMPANY No. 2. Location, Cc;>rner Portland Street and Farley Avenue.

Badge Name. No. Position. Residence.

Irwin, R...... 71 Foreman ...... 158 Portland street Brown, W. 4-...... 128 Ladderman ...... 200 Bathurst, street Davidson, W...... 22 ...... 214 Palmerston a-venue Sleeth, W...... 8 ...... 112 Grange avenue Davis, Tbos ...... 14 ...... 81 Chestnut street, A...... ,- . . 160 ...... 161 Shaw street Hawkes, Wm ...... , ...... 165 ...... 25~ Sorauren avenue Johnston, S...... 10 ...... 142 Pearson avenue King, Geo ...... :. 69 Driver ...... i09 Nassau street TOROXTU FIHE DEPAHT.\IE~T. 31


Location, Yorkville A venue.

Badge Pcsit.ion. Kame. Xo. Residence.

Smedley, C ...... 76 Foreman 98 street

Scott. Thos ...... Ti Ladderman 25 Cumberland street

...... I 75 Hazelton avenui• :McGowan, S. "\Y 78 1 I McCormack, J ...... 79 ...... 37 Elgin avenue I Robinson, E ...... 80 ...... '.141 Cumberland street Beatty, J. "\Y ...... 49 54 Yorkville avenue Middleton, R...... :23 77

Russell, Fred ...... · 1139 38 l\folVIurrich s~rPet "'oods, G...... 194 Driver ...... · I 57 Broadview avenue


Location, Ossington Avenue, near Bloor Street.

\Badgel Name. Position. Residence. i No. : l \ _____

Donnelly, J ...... 115 :Foreman ...... 4-84- Spadina avenue

Kearns, "\Y. J...... 13 Ladclennan ...... 449 St. Clarens avenue Cummeford, Jas...... 81 ...... :2:25 Delaware avenue

Calhoun, "\V...... 75 ..... - \305 Ossington a,,enue Stevenson, v\~. F...... 114 ...... 1546 Farley, vY. J...... 57 ...... 400 Thompson, A...... 143 Driver ...... 868 32 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


Location, Bolton Avenue.

Badge Position. Residence. Name. No.

Burns. C...... 18 Foreman ...... 768 Gerrard street east "Sargent, Thos...... 98 Ladderman 29 Wardell street Lynch. John ...... 96 ...... 169 Sackville street Batkin, H-...... 25 ...... 27 Wardell street Foster, R...... : . . . . 84 ...... 111 Victor avenue Sargent, A...... 52 17 Paul street · Dobbin, W...... 128 Driver ...... 99 Tiverton avenub

HosE CoMP ANY No. 3.

Location, Yonge Street, near Grosvenor Street.

\Badge Name. No. Position. Residence.

Fox, W.W ...... 26 Foreman ...... 8 Orford avenue Creighton, Jas ...... 27 IPipeman ...... 85 Lippincott street Jones, Thos ...... 28 " 64 Wood street Everist, A. H ...... 41 94 Alexander street Gordon, Jas ...... 117 8 Markham place Campbell, R. H. B ...... 153 57 Gloucester street Gordon, D ...... 80 Driver ...... 97 Maitland street" TOROXTO FIRE DEPART}IEXT. 33

HosE CmrPAXY X o. 4.

Location, Corner Berkeley and Duke Streets.

Xame. Badge Position. Xo. Residence.

·---~------·------Forsyth, J..... 58 Foreman ...... 141 eniversity street j Crawford, \\'.. . 32 Pipeman ...... ~ 59 Berkeley street

Coulter. J...... 33 ...... 128 Parliament street

:--;a,nlon, }I ...... 93 ...... 223 Oak street

Corbett, D ...... ········1 H•J Dri.-er .... 126 DeGrassi street

Hmm CmrPASY Xo. 5.

Location, Lombard Street, near Jarvis Street.

Xame. :B8;_dge Position. Residence. I ); o.

S""ift. ,Y. J...... 37 Foreman ...... '22-1 Claremont. street 1

Cireene, Robt...... 40 Pipe~rnn ...... · 1 ~~ Wi~liam. street SC'e. D ...... 183 ...... 116 Duke sheet

Poole, J. 0 ...... 179 ...... 366 Ontario street

Clarke, H...... 41:> 2) DeGrassi street

Williams, S ...... [ 168 Driver 40 \\'est avenue 34 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

HosE CoMPANY No. 6. Location, Queen Street, near John Street.

Badge Position. Residence. Name. No.

Lamb, J...... 6 Foreman ...... 12 Larch street Thompson, M...... 59 Pipem'.ln ...... 96 Esther street Spence, The s...... 7 ...... 114 Chestnut street Nolan, D...... 13:2 ...... 180 Baldwin street

Dunn, J. 0 ...... 1159 I " ...... ·110 Givens street Coulter, J ...... 196 Driver : ...... 1305 Euclid avenue

HosE CoMPANY No. 7. Location, Wilton Avenue, near Parliament Street.

Badge Name. No. Position. ·Residence.

F. Smith ...... 150 Foreman ...... 261 Berkeley street Patterson, W. 0...... 63 Pipeman ...... 207 Oak street ·worrell, Geo...... 64 ...... 152 Sydenham street

Sinclair, Geo...... 124 ...... 378 Sackville street Fallon, Jr.o...... 38 I " ...... 1150 Berkeley street Fox, C. J ...... 155 Driver ...... 259 Wilton avenue 'f()HOXTU FIRE DEPART:\IEXT. 35

HosE C(nlPANY No. 8.

Location, Corner CollPge Street and Bellevue A venue.

V Badge p . . .,ame. , ,T I os1t10n. Res1·a ence. I ~,u. ---- I ------

Auchindoss, "\\'. A ...... l U3 Fureman ...... \141 Augusta avenuP

Crawford, A...... 68 Pipeman 24 Lippincott street

Taggart, J. T ...... i 138 68 Mansfield avenue

Graydon, T ...... I 48 , 66 Oxford street

1--1:i.ght, "\Vm ...... , 7.1 Driver ...... 119 lVIajor street

HosE Cm1PAXY No. 9.

Location, Dundas Street, near Queen Street.

Xame. I Badge/ Residence. Xo. Position.

Charlton, A ...... 16 Foreman ...... 45 Bellevue avenue

Tate, Thos...... 72 Pipeman ...... 170 Shaw street

"\Yilke,;, Geo...... 7J 47 Dovercourt road

Taylor, J ...... · 1 73 9 Collahie street

Bell, Geo ...... , j 118 16 Foxley street

"\Yick,;, E ...... ' 175 DriYer 90 Wright avenue 36 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

HosE COMPANY No. 10.

Location, Yorkville A venue, near Yonge Street.

Badge Position. Residence. Name. No.

Smith, John...... 84 Foreman...... 64 Hayden street

Lawrence, W...... 86 Pipeman ...... 24 l\Icl\Iurrich street

Milligan F ...... 87 ...... 103 Cumberland street

Jones, J ...... , ...... 109 ...... 555 Ora wford street Wallace, T...... 137 Driver ...... 53 Marlborough avenue

HosE CoMPANY No. 11.

Location, Corner Rose A venue and Howard Street.

Badge Position. Name. No. Residence.

Ardagh, C. 0...... 89 Foreman ...... 129 Rose avenue Collard, W ...... 104 Pipeman ...... 50 Amelia street Everist, A J...... 15 ...... 610 Ontario street Fleming. J ...... 121 ...... 84 St David street Nolan, J ...... 195 Driver ...... 483 Sackville street TORONTO FIRE DEPARTi\IENT. 37

HosE Co:\IPAKY Ko. 12.

Location, Corner Bolton and Allen Avenues.

I :Badge Name. Position. Ko 1 Residence.

Ashfield, J, S, ...... '~1Foreman ...... 64 Elliott street

Cook, Jas...... 95 Pipeman ...... 670 Gerrard street east

Graham, A...... 120 ••••••••• 74 First avenue


McCartney, M...... 50 ••••••••• i GS Allen avenue

I Batkin, J...... 99 Driver ...... !120 Victor avenue

HosE CmrPA~Y No. 14.

Location, Ossington Avenue, near Bloor Street.

I Badge Name. Position Residence. ' No I

Schoales, R...... 12 Foreman ...... 249 Ossington avenue Leech, H...... 105 Pipeman ...... 819 Dovercourt road

Auchincloss, A...... 106 ...... 200 Concord avenue E ,vard , T ...... l (J-, 3 Northumberland st.

Fox, J. ,,·...... 24: !Driver ...... 370 Ossington avenue 1 38 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

HosE COMPANY No. 15.

Location, Cowan A venue, near Queen Street.

Badge Residence. Name. No Position

Ford, H. G.· ...... 110 Foreman._ ...... 88 Camden street Connolly, T ...... ; ... 112 Pipeman ...... 41 Marion street Toplis, C ...... 111 ...... 25 Maple Grove Reddick, D ...... 8 12 C.amden street Clarke, J w ...... 144 Driver ··········· 79 St. Clarens ~venue DETAillED STATBfv'IBftT




1 Sunday 146 8.85 a.m. 478 Bathurst street ... !. •••••••••• John Ambler ...... 1 2 Monday Telph 1 & 5 Sta'n 11.57 " 26 and 28 Adelaide street West ... Sat. Night Pub. Co. 2 Still. 4 " 7.10 p.m. 59 Frederick street ...... Baldwin Est...... 2 Telph 4 & 5 8.59 " On the ice, foot of George street ...... 8 Tuesday " 1 & 5 " 12.04 a.m. 9 King street west .· ...... Cawthra Est ......


8 ...... 7 King street west ...... Mrs. A. Ross ......


8 ...... · 9 King :a-treet west (up-stairs) .... 8 Telph 1 & 5 Sta'n 1.21 a.m. 9 ...... Baldwin Est ...... 8 2, 9, 15 " 4.28 p.m. Armour street ...... Toronto Glass Co.~ . 4 Wed's'y 87 ...... 11.06 " 426½ Yonge st ...... S. R. Hanna ...... 4 '' up-stairs, over store ...... 4 '' ground floor ...... 4

8 Sunday Still.· 14 Station 10.15 a.m. 852 Delaware avenue ...... S. G. Beatty ...... 8 ...... ··················· 9 Monday Telph 6 Station 1.22 p.m. 891 Queen street west ...... Land Security Co .. . 10 Tuesday 2 & 9 Sta'n 8.45 " 9 and 11 Euclid avenue ...... W. H.Hewett ...... 11 Wed's'y 10 " 11.45 a.m. 5 McAlpine street ...... J. Kerr ...... 11 1 1.54 p.m. 68 Wellington street west ...... Alex. Manning : . . . 11 6 4.01 " 290 Queen street west ..... ; .... Wm. Henderson ... . 11 236 6.06 " 88 Seaton straet ...... Mrs. Barclay .. ·- •··- 11 164 9.14 " 81, 88, 85 Florence street ...... J. K. Bergin ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPART:\IEXT. 41


Losses. Insurance Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.[ Goods. Buildings.I Goods,

r s (l.r s c. s c. s c...... 100 00 ...... None ...... Thawing out water pipe,;.

1 John Ambler ...... 25 00 ...... None

None ...... ·waste paper.

Work'gBoys'H'me 9 25 ...... 2,000 00 ...... Lamp exploded...... Bonfire.

208 00 ...... 6,000 00 ...... lTnknown.

G. "\Y. Muller ..... 3,396 85 ...... 7,500 00 None

Michie & Co ...... 150 00 ...... 26,50() 00 Smoke from fire, 9 King street.

Chas. S. Noble ... . 25 0() ...... 500 00

G. W. Muller .... . None ...... Old fire rekindled.

Toronto Glass Co ...... Crack in furnace, allowiug mol­ ten glass to run on floor. 500 00 ...... 3,000 ...... From stove.

S. R. Hanna ...... 250 00 ...... 1,0()0 00

H. F. }!eyers .... . 359 26 ...... 600 00

"\\'. G. Boxall .... . 125 00 ...... 750 00

40 00 ...... 300 ...... Unknown.

H. "\Y. Wright .... 30 00 ...... None

None ...... Burning Chimney.

43 5() ...... 3,700 oo[ ...... Drying plaster.

J. Kerr ...... 18 30 ...... 1,50) 0/ ...... Overheated stovepipes. i . . • "\Y m. Ash worth .. . 3 00 ...... 3,000 00 ...... Thawmg out water pipes.

J. H. Ford ...... None 2 OOi ...... · I None Gasoline stove exploded.

Vacant ...... 4f> 00 ...... I 4.nnn 00 ...... enknown.

25 oo ...... I 1,000 o),I ...... l 42 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


Cl) Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

31 Florence stree~ ......

11 ...... 33

11 ...... 35

11 Still 7 Station 11.50 pm. 382 Wilton avenue ...... H. H. \,Villiam;; ... .

12 Th'rsd'y 165 7 56 '' 2 and 4 Cobourg avenue ...... R.cwls E;;t ...... ,_ 12 2

12 4

12 312 10 20 pm 58 Nohle street J T. McCord ...... 12 ·········· ...... 13 3 ...... 5 37 pm. S.-E. cor. Scott and Colborne sts .. r. E Thompson .... 15 Sunday 72 ...... 9 4! '' 82 Louisa street ...... - .. Mrs. T. Mcore .... . 16 Monday \ Tel 8 Station 6.48 a.m. 11 Spadinaroad ...... G. H. Stinson ...... 1 85 6 58 ...... 17 Tue3day Telph 2 5 20 p m. 61 E;;ther street ...... J o:,eph Coolahan .. . 17 14 ...... ll.12 '· 90 John street ...... Mrs Rivers ...... 17 ...... _...... ·············· ...... ··················· 19 Th'rsd'y Still 11 8ta.!;ion l2 15 pm. 127 Rose ~venue ...... Mrs. McKillop .... . 19 ...... ······ ...... ··················· 21 Saturd:y Still '. 4 Station 7 .20 p m. 579 Givens street ...... G. D. Gilmore .... .

21 194 8 06 " 385 Delaware avenue ...... M Ryan ...... - ... .

21 165 11 55 " 608 Dnndas street...... •......

22 Sunday 84 ...... 1 08 " 345 Huron street ...... Mrs. M. Covell .... . 22 Tel_ph 10 Station 1 55 " - On avenue road ...... City of Toronto . '._.

2,t Tuesday 71 ...... 5 4') a m Box pulled . for reflection of fire ...... outside of city limits. - 24 Telph 2 & 6 Sta'n 10.16 " 10~ John street ...... Union Loan Co .... .

24 ...... \ 9 30 p m 181 Borden s~reet ...... _, ...... Mrs Easton ...... TOBO~T<) FIRE DEP...-\.RT::\IEXT. --1-3


___L_os_s_e_s_. ---1 Insurance, Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. \Buildings, I Goods.

8 C. 8 C $ C, s c. Frank Bowley ... . 10 00 ...... None

Geo. Burrows .... . 50 00 ......

David Bragg ...... 50 00 ...... - "\Yarden ...... 10 001 ...... 900 00 ...... :cnknmni. 283 90I ...... 2,130 00 ...... Coal cil lamp upset. i Thomas Griffin ...... ····1 5 00 ...... Xone Alex "\Y ilson ...... i 20t) OO; ...... 500 oo\

11 51)1 ...... i 2 500 00 ...... Overheated bleaching room.

Gilbert Hartley ...... : ,5 01), ...... None

Yacant Xone .... : ...... Incendiary.

H. Herman ...... i · · · · ······I•••••• .. ,, ...... !Coal oil lamp exploded. 520 87 ...... 1 8 50J 00 ...... l'nknown. G. H. Stinson .... l,-!4l) 251...... 1,70U 00 I Joseph Coolahan .. X une ...... i .••••••••..•••••..... Burning chimney.

5 0,) ...... I 1,500 ool ...... · ]From gas jet.

::\fr,-;. Rivers ...... 5 OJ ...... • .. . 1,500 001 116 00 ...... 1.620 00 .. : ...... Unk.10w11.

\Y. E. Groves ... . 45 00 ...... 1,000 00

U. D Gilmore .... ' Xone ...... ,Coal oil lamp fell

"\Y. Roberts ...... Burning chimney.

C. Dugan ......

R. Dumas ...... 25 s,000 oo ...... I

Xone ...... I Boys p~aying...... iReflect10n of fire .

1 ::\Irs ::\I G Kilfedder ...... · 1 · ...... Spark from chimney.

...... 1Coal oil lamp exploded. 44 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


ti, Time of Day of No. of No. of Location. Owner. J Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

24 Tuesday 25 Wed's'y 169 1.20 a~m.12~ and 127 Beaconsfi.elif ~venue .. W. S Broughton ... 25 ...... 125 Beaconsfield avenue ...... 25 ...... 127

25 ...... 129 ...... R Smith-..... ·...... 25 ...... 129 25 ...... 181 ...... Thos. E. Till ...... 25 248 1.20 p.m. 16 Amelia street ...... W. H. Mulkins ... . 25 25

25 Telpl?- 8 Station 8.87 p.m. On Grace street ...... City of Toronto ... . 26 Th'rsd'y 195 2.80 a.m. 211 Royce avenue ...... Mr Ellis ...... 26 ...... ·········· ...... ·········· .... ······ ...... 26 Telph 1&5Sta'n12.44 p.m. 7Frontstreeteast ...... A.M Smith ...... 26 ...... ··················· 26 Telph 10 Station 9 08 p.m Bloor st w (McMaster Unive-rsity) McMa~~ Univers'y Trustees 26 82 ...... 9 48 " 162 Yonge street ...... Mrs. Wylie ...... 26 ·········· ·········· ·············· ······ ...... 29 Sunday Telph 2, 9, 15 8.50 p.m.1190 Queen street west ...... P. Campbell ...... 29 ·········· ...... ········ ...... ········· 80 Monday Telph 7 Station 2 25 pm. Cor. of Front and Beachall streets ...... 80 48 ...... 6 47 " 2 Sullivan street ...... Wm MaLean ...... 81 Tuesday 157 9.84 ·am 174 Dundas street ...... J. A. Donaldson .. 81 ·········· ...... ·········· ...... ······ ·················· 31 145 9 58 a m 228 Borden street ...... R . Credicott ...... TORO XTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 45


Losses. Insurance, Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. Buildings.\ Goods.

S c. ~ e. S c.l 8 c.l ~Ir,.; . Easton ...... 16 25 ...... · I 500 oo

68 00 ...... 2,0JO 00; ...... !unknown. D. C . }le Evoy ... . Xone R. Rogers ......

~1)0 00 •...... 100 00 ...... R. Smith ...... , 150 00 ...... ::N"one Thos. E. Till ... . JO 00 ...... , ?\one 20 00 ...... 1,500 00 ...... Gas jet. ,\·. H. }Iulkins ... 114 00 ...... 500 00

10 OJ ...... 600 00 None ...... Boys playing.

150 00 ...... None ...... Unknown.

D. J. Burke ...... 75 00 ...... 300 00 None ...... , .. Unknown.

Toronto Biscuit Co ...... 66 15 ...... 48,00U 00 Xone ...... , .. Burning chimney.

200 00, ...... 70) o.J ...... I

N. York Optical Co ...... 325 OU ...... 1,500 00 Unknown. 5 00 ...... , . , 1,000 00 ...... !Coal oil lamp exploded, I R. Brown ...... 10 00 ...... 1,300 00[ I ~~-~, .;;~Le~:::::: .. ;~~e- .. :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1::::;ng chimney. I ...... , .... i 3 00 ...... 700 00 ...... ;enknown.

J, A . Donaldson .. i...... 100 00 ...... 500 ooi

1 R. Credicott ...... :Xone •••••••••• Smoke mi'ltaken for fire. 46 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


Cl) De.yo£ No. of No. of Time of Location . Owner. ..~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm. A

31 Tuesday Telph 8 Station 1.35 p.m. 198 Baldwin street; ...... M. Carmody ...... 31 " Still. 1 " 4.25 " 202 Adelaide street west ...... M. Crossman ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTiIEXT. 47


\ Losses Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. \Buildings.I Goods. Buildings I Go

s c.l c. s c., s c. ::\I. Carmcdy ..... · I None , ...... \'rhawing out water pipes.

I l\I. Crossman ...... • .. I ...... !Hnt aslw:-- . 48 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


a, Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

1 Wed's'y 182 1.30 a.m. 316 l.46 " 1rBY the Dundas street bridges .. H.J. Matthews ....

1 168 2.05 " j Telph· 15 Station12;25-p.m. l78 Cowan avenue ...... •... F. J. Telfer ......

Still 13 2.20 " By the Dundas street bridges .... 2 Th'rsd'y Still 13 11.30 a.m. 3 Friday 21 ...... 3.56 p.m. 12 King street east ...... • Life Co ._ .. .

4 Saturd'y 93 ...... 12.39 a.m. 562 Yonge street ...... Jas. Hender.son ... .


4 6 ...... 1.46 a.m. 4 Bay street ...... Canada Per.Loan Co

4 14 ...... 4.52 " Old Upper Canada College, King Ontario Government and Simcoe streets. 5 Sunday 4 ...... 11.09 " 23 Church street ...... J. 0. Gilmore ......


5 Telph 2 & 8 Sta' n 2.24 p.m. 283 Spadina avenue ...... 0. Coulter ...... • 7 Tuesday 86 7.49 a.m. 694 Bloor street west ...... Joseph Drover .... .


7 Telph 2 & 8 Sta'n 8.33 a.m. 349 Spadina avenue ...... Toronto Gen. Trust Company. 7 37 ...... 6.31 p.m. 374' Victoria street ...... D. Walker ...... • • 7

7 Still 15 Station 8.30 p.m. 212 Cowan avenue ...... Curling Club .....•. 9 Th'rsd'y Telph 12.40 a.m. 142 York street ...... : .... Mrs., Williams .... .


9 Telph 3 & 10 St'n 8.45 a.m. 487 Church street ...... Mr. Ferguson ...... 9 264 5.37 p.m. 284 Booth avenue ...... 0. w_. Blakely Est .. 9 47 ...... 7.55 " 256 Bathurst street ...... Jas. Way'...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 49


Losses. I Insurance. Occupant. Ca.use of Fire. !Buildings.\ Goods. IBuildings. I Goods.

$ c.\ $ c. $ C. $ c.

H.J. Matthews . . 3,743 36! 700 00 4,000 00 70 l 00 Unknown.

F. J. Telfer ...... None ...... Thawing out water pipes...... Old fire re-kindled .

...... ····1·········· I

I Wm. King ...... , ...... Over-heated furnace pipes. 220 00 ...... 3,000 00 ...... Coal oil lamp exploded.

Alex Crawford .. 765 00 ...... 1,25') 00 Corrigan & Fee .. None Pot of ink boiled over.

Macdonald Al fg Co Unknown.

17 UU'...... 6,00J 00 ...... Unknown.

Vance & Co ...... 55 00 ...... 500 00 C Coulter ...... None ...... Smoke misliaken for a fire.

10 00 ...... 1 00J 0,) ...... Unknown.

Joseph Drover .... 35 00 ...... ;jlJI) {Ji), Bates & Rubinson 3 751 ...... : 5}0 00 ...... ;Thawing out water pipes.

1s oui ...... i 1.200 00 ...... iGas jet. i : 100 4.000 (J(J

I 20 OJ ...... 5,000 00 ...... Electric Light Co. wire.

...... 1 30 001 ...... 500 OJ ...... From grate . i • J. Watertown .... '...... None ··········1······ ····1 Jas. Stansbury .. 15 OOi .....•••.• 1,000 0 J! ...... /Thawing out water pipes. Jas. Moffat ...... 12 uu ...... 600 001...... ' .. ' : " " Frank Smith .... . Slight J...... None ...... 50 TORONTO FIRE DEPART+\{ENT.


,s Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. •m Week. Box. Station. Alarm. owner.· ·A

10 Friday. 64 ...... 2.58 a.m. 7 Selby street ...... J. W. G. "W'hitney .. 1(

10 5 ...... 11.35 a.m. 10 and 12 Front street east ...... W. D. Gwynne ... .

10 5 .... _... ; .. 11.54 " 14 and 16 Frcnt street east ...... Gowans, Kent & Co 10 Gener al alarm .. 12.01 p.m......

1( 20 Front street east ...... Britii;:h North Amer- ica Insurance Co. 10

10 ...... North-west cor. Yonge and Front Board of Trade .... . 10 ...... Ground floor ...... : ...... , 1( 7 Wellington street east ...... 10

10 41 Yonge street...... 1C

1C Sdll 14 Station ll.59 a.m. 248 Delaware aven-ue ...... J. G. Beatty ...... 1( ...... ·······•··· 1( 145 5.47 p.m. 197 Major street ...... Mrs. Shoebotham .. 11 ~aturd'y 156 8.15 a.m. Rear of 147 and'~49 Bellwoods ave Wm. Pearson ...... 11 ······· .... ·········· ············ ...... ············••'• 11 Telph 8 & 10 St'n 9.39 a.m. 26,.28 and 30 Russell street ...... w. Keene-n ...... 11 9.45 " 26 Russell street ...... : ...... ········ 11 ...... 28 ..... :- ...... · ...... lJ ...... "so

1: Still 18 Station 1.80 p.m. 1284 Colleg·e street ...... T. ".Hodgins, .. ~ ... .

11 36 ...... 2.15 " 59 and 61 McGill street ...... W. A. McLin ...... 1: ...... 61' McGill street ...... TORO~TO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 51


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire.

______B_u_i_l_d1_· n_g_s_.'-1 _Goods. Buildings. I Goods .

$ C. 8 C, 1 8 C. $ C...... i 150 00 ...... 1,500 00 ...... Unknow!1.

Mrs. A. Arnold ... •...... 60 00 ...... 600 00 1


...... 1 6.500 00 ...... I 6,500 00 ...... Unknown . 10,000 00 ...... 7,000 00 ......

Go,vans, Kent & Co ...... 112,000 00! ...... 100,000 00

634 00 ...... I 7,000 00 ...... Water and smoke from Gowans, Kent & Co. A. D. Benjamin ... 459 49; ...... 11,000 00

90 ...... I 200,000 00 ...... Water and smoke from Gowans, Kent & Co. S. Barnett ...... 40 00 ...... 1,200 00 None ...... \ ...... Water and smoke from Gowans, \ Kent & Co. A. Bradshaw & Son ...... 3,000 00 ...... 90,000 00 None ...... "\Vater and smoke from Gowans, Kent & Co. A. D. Hawthorne & ...... 60 00 ...... 19,700 00 Co.

J. Boyce ...... 5 00 None 1,000 00 ...... 150 00 ...... ·.. None ...... Overheated stove.

"\\Tm. Pearson ..... 100 00 ...... None 440 00 ...... 2,400 001 ...... Tlrnwing out water pipes.


:!\fr,.;. B. Heath ... . 25 00 ...... 1 1,000 00 I G. F. Ruthven ... . 200 00 ...... I None

R. Bassett ...... 60 00 ...... 600 00

"\Y. R. Hodgins .. . None ...... Burning chimney.

59 Vacant ...... 50 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Thawing out water pipes.

- Atkinson ...... 10 00 ...... None 52 TORONTO' FIRE "t>EPART:MENT.


_s Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. .Ala.rm. A

12 8unday. 132 ...... 4.16 a.m. 141 Avenue Road...... 0. H. Ritchie ...... - 12 12 3 ...... 7 .14 a :m. 27 · Wellington Street East ..... e. 0. Bickford, Est; . 12 12 12


12 ...... ' . 12'

12 315 ...... 9;59 a.m. 107. Lansdowne A.venue ...... T. -S . .Aspinall .... .

12 ...... ~ ...... 12 315 ...... 5.45 p.m. 135 Lansdowne Avenue ...... Fred. Unitt ...... 12 ·········· ...... ·················· ...... 12 241 ... ; .-..... 11.07 p.m. Rear of 537 Parliament Street ... J. Ayer Eet ...... ; .

12 Still 4 Station 9.45 S. W. Cor. Duchess & Ontaoio Sts...... 13 Monday 129 ...... 8. 06 a. m . N. W. 0or. St. George and Prince J ." Williams ...... Arthur A.venue · 13 Telph 2 & 6 St':n 8.40 140 St. Patrick Street ...... 1. Johnston .. ; ; .. .

1 13 47 ...... 10.42 ' 74 Markham Street ...... - Dougherty ...... 13 Still 8 Station 12.01 p.m. 71 Major Street ...... - Clinkenboomer . 13 ·········· ...... ······ ······ ...... 13 Telph 13 Station 12.59 p.m. 581 Duiferin Street ......

13 164 4.21 " 150 Gladstone A venue ...... D. McCausland ... . 13 31 ...... '. 7.21 " 127 Yonge Street

13 Telph 14 Station 9.50 11 51 Walmsr Road W. N. Douglass ... 14 Tuesday 24 ...... 5.54 a.m. 148 King Street Ea~t ...... Beard Estate ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPART~IE~T. 53


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.I Goods. Buildings.I Goods.

8 C.: $ c. I 8° ~- S C.

450 00 ...... 7,000 00 ...... Defective grate.

1 C. H. Ritchie ..... 11 00; ...... 4,500 00 I 225 ...... · l 28,000 00 ...... Unknown. McPherson, Clark ...... 40 00 ...... 1,900 00 & Co. Kappa Alpha Soc'y ...... 381 501 ...... 750 00 125 00: ...... 250 00 I Wm. Irwin 200 oo\ ...... None C. Turnbull 50 001 ...... M. Lester ...... 200 00 ...... 60 00 ...... 1,000 ...... Unknown.

E. P. Powell ...... 13 00, ...... 300 00 I None ...... i ...... James Kerwin ... . 15 00~ ...... 300 00 J. Ayer Est ...... 198 00 ...... 10,i'>OO None ...... False...... Burning chimney.

J. Hunter ...... 25 00 ...... 2,000 00 ...... Thawing out water pipes. - Dougherty .... . None

1 115 00 ...... 70 ) 00 ...... Over-heated stove pipes,

E. Larkins ...... 60 None None ...... False.

A. Wallis ...... Chimney. W. Pember ...... Electric wiJ,"e W. N. Douglass ...... Coal oil lamp exploded. [decorations caught fire, ...... While lighting gas in window 54 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


Cl) Day of No. of No. of Time of Location, ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm. Owner.

14 Tuesday ...... , ...... • .. • • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 14 23 ...... 6 .45 p. m. lll and 113 King street east ..... McDonald estate .. . 15 Wed's'y Telph 1 Station l.45 a.m. 262½ Yonge street ...... ·.... Scadding estate ... . 15 2 & 6 St' n 1. 55 p. m. 123 St. Patrick street ...... L. 0' Byrne ...... 15 183 ...... 7. 23 1190 Bloor street west ...... T. H. Bull...... 15

15 Still 12 Station 8. 05 p. m. 98 Elliott street ...... E. Weston ...... 15

16 Th'rsd'y 158 ...... 2.25 p.m ...... ••..•...... , ...... •·· 16 Still 1 Station 7 .00 12 Sheppard street ...... C. Stain ...... 17 Friday. 28 ...... (5.07 7 to 23 Sherbourne street ...... · ...... 19 Sunday Still 5 Station 3.15 79 and 81 George street ...... T. Elliott ...... st 20 Monday { m 5 1 54 { 2J...... 1.5S· !5 128, 130 and 132 Adelaide st. e·. Lewis estate ...• ... . 20 ...... 130 and 132 Adelaide street east ...... 20 ... ·...... 128 Adelaide street east ...... 21 72 . , ...... 8 .41 a. m. 51 Teraulay stree.t ...... 'F. Moore estate ... ·. _23 Th'rsd'y Telph 5 Station 2 .10 79 and 81 George street...... T . Elliott ... : ..... 23 21 ...... 7 .37 p_.m. 93 and 95 Yonge street_, ...... McGee estate ...... 23 ...... ; ...... ·········· ······ ······· ······ 23 ...... 95 Yonge street ...... • ...... 23 Telph 14 Station 8. 25 p. m. 636 Euclid avenue ...... •. J. Tate.- ...... 23 7 8.27 79 and 81 George street...... Thomas. Elliott .... 24 Friday. 1&5 11.2'2.a.m. 25 Front street east ...... J. Worlihington est. 24 ·········· .... ······ ...... ·········· ······ ...... ··················· 24 95 ...... 6 .20 p. m . Rear 728 Yonge street, .... , .••.. J. Thorder . ; .... • • TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 55


, Losses. Insurance Occupant_ Cause of Fire. !Buildings ·I Goods. Buildings. I Goods.

. s c.l 8 C, 8 C. $ C. Toronto Shoe Co .. : ...... 75 00 ...... 4,000 00 Thompson & Ful- None 5 00 ...... None Thawing out water pipes. lerton. : "\V. T. King ...... I

L. O"Byrne ...... I 5 00 ...... None ...... Spark from smoke stack. 350 00 ...... 350 0'.) ...... Coal oil lamp exploded.

E. "\Yhitney ...... 184 65 ...... 30) 00 20 00 ...... l,000 00 ...... From gas jet.

R. :\Id~ay ...... 40 0) ...... None False .

:\Ir;;. Godfrey ..... None ...... Unknown.

Hamilton & Co ....

25') 00 ...... 5,000 00 ......

Todhunter, Mit- 8,625 00 ...... 4,500 00 . chell & Cu. Toronto Salt "\Yorks ...... 87 50 ...... 1,000 00

:\Ir:,; . M. Payton .. None ...... Children playing with matches. Un_known. Hamilton & Co .... 1 ...... 4i19 OJ ...... 11,000 00 ......

Leon Bahayon .... 2,5')0 001;...... 5,000 00

H.J. Mathews .. 100 ooJ...... 10,000 oo

.:\I. l\kClutht>rty .. Xone • ••••••••• I . • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• Burning chimney .

Hamilton & Co .... -Jnknown. 30 00 ...... 6,000 ·00 ...... i?rom furn 1ce.

E. "\V. G. Lamb .. 500 13,000 00

J. Thorder ...... Slight ...... Over-heated smoke house. 56 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


24 Friday. Telph 8 Station 6.25 p.m. 105 Major Street ...... R. Wilson ...... ·

24 9 6. 57 p. m. 66 Stafford Street ...... r. S. Howey ...... 24 Still 16 8. 45 p. m. 185 Jarvis Street ...... Mrs. Wells ...... · 25 Sat'rd'y 81 ...... 2.12 a.m. 122 & 124 Yonge Street ...... D. Sheard ...... 25 25 Telph 1,6&2St.4.85 p.m. 45 Simcoe Street ...... CarlingBrewingOo.· 25 215 ...... 10.46 p.m. 80 Tate Street ...... J. Liner ...... 26 Sunday. 254 ...... 8.45 a.m. 152 Broadview Avenue ...... J. Gibbs ...... 26 52 .. : ...... 8.80 a.m. 125 Queen Street East ...... Toronto Ste~l Clad Bath Co. 26 26 45 ...... 6.42 p.m. 44 Phoobe Street ...... W. M. Clarke ...... 26 27 Monday 812 ...... 3.45 a.m. 1406 Queen Street West ; ...... :\tlrs. Woods ...... 27

27 198 ...... 6 .12 p. m. 490 Clinton Street ...... G. D. Crowhurst .. 27 Still 4 Station 6.80 p.m. C~r. of Duch~ss & Ontario Streets ..... ~,,, ...... 27 12 9. 58 p. m. 648 Gerrard Street ...... Geo. Gooderham .. . 27

28 Tuesday Telph 8 Station 2.21 p.m. 9 Classic Avenue ...... Mrs. Webb ...... ·

28 27 ...... 7. 21 p. m. 48 to 47 Duke Street ...... Christie, Brown & Co. 28 Telph 5 Station 8.02 p.m. 118 King Street East- ...... Baldwin Est ...... 28 .. .- ...... ·········· ...... -...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTME~T. 57


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.\ Goods. Buildings.I Goods.

I $ R. Wilson ...... Non_e ....~ .. ~:i .... :... ~:, .....~ .. ~: Burning chimney. J. S. Howey .... .

Mrs. ·wells ...... • ...... j ...... 200 00 ...... 15,000 00 ...... Unknown.

Fairweather & Co. 208 19,000 00 Vacant ...... None ...... 'Plasterer's stove set fire to woodwork. J. Liner ...... Spark from man's pipe.

Vacant ...... 50. 00 ...... None ...... i Incendiary.

40 00 ...... 2 ,OCO ...... I Electric wire. 1

(HJ, Toronto Steel Clad ...... 1 400 oo: ...... 17 000 Bath Co.

15 00 ...... 2,300 ooi ...... Unknown. 1 1 Jas. Syme ...... 210 001 ...... 800 00

100 ooi ...... j 1,000 ...... Unknown. R. Diprose ...... 315 83: ...... 2,700 00 G.D. Crowhurst . None ...... Burning chimney.

.... ······I······ ... • •••••••• 1 False

31 50 ••••••••• _ I 2,300 ...... , Boy threw lamp at thieves. 1 Thos. McCull13y .. 50 00: ...... None [

Mrs. ~.,.ebb ...... None ...... f Burning chimney.

Slight ...... ! No claim ...... :Heat from baker's oven.

I None ...... Unknown.

~.,.ehrle Brush Co. 47 44' ...... 3,000 OU 58 TORONTO FIRE DEI_> ARTMENT.


a5 Day of No. of No. of Time of Location.; Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

1 1JVed1s1y Telph 1 & 5 St1n!I 10.19 am. 11 Front Street East ...... 1 56 ...... 4.10 p.m. Rear 198½ :Mutual Street ..... : .. W. lL Sharp ...... 1

2 214 ...... 7 .85 p.m .· 214 Front Street East ...... Consumers' Gas Co ..

2 Th'rsd'y 12 ...... 12. 29 a m. 90 Bay Street ...... ·..... J. McCaushnd_.. \ ; . 2 ...... ·.. · .. ·...... ··················· 2 81 ...... 10.22 a.m. 111 Centre Avenue.: ...... \ih.'s. M. Mills .... .

2 Still 1 Station :2.45 p.m. 76 King Street West ...... ; ... J. McCausland ... . 2 73 ...... 7. 07 p. m. 56 Agnes Street ...... Wm. Gardiner ... . 2 8 18 2 S Tel 10 St t' · p.m. 1229 Davenport Road ...... J. Bevis ...... { 134 a ion 8 . 24 II 5

2 Telph 10 9.19 11 129 Davenport Road ......

2 Still 12 9.23 II 73 Allen Avenue ..... ; ...... T. Buckineer ... ·.. .

2 Telph 5 10.30 II ~. W. Cor. Church & Wellington Bank-of Toronto Co.

3 Friday. II 15 1.15 II 42 Harvard A venue ...... : .. J. Gowanlock ...... 3 23 ·········· 7.29 II Rear 93 King Street East ...... Scott Estate ... ·.. . 3 167 ·········· 9.24. II Rear 5 Churchill Avenue .... ; .. .T. H. Cragmyle ... . 3 II felph 8 Stat.ion 11.45 II Cor. College & .Palmerston Ave .. Baptist.Church Con. 4-:,aturd1y 192 ...... 10.52 a.m. 905 & 907 Palmerston Avenue ....las . .Phillips ...... 4 ...... 905 Palmerston Avenue ...... 4 ...... 907 Palmerston A venue ...... 4 Telph 10 Station 6.30 p.m. 17 Prince Arthur Avenue ...... Jas. Ireland: ...... 4 ...... ·········· ...... ·········· ...... ··················· 4 II TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


\ Losses Insurance Occupant. Cause of Fire. IBuilding:.1 Goods. iBuildings.l Goods.

s C,i 8 c. $ c. 8 c. I .... .-...... False

150 00 ...... 200 00 ...... Gasoline stove exploded

A. Holman ...... 150 00 ...... 500 00

Vacant ...... 15 00 ...... None ...... Unknown 196 50 ...... 1,0)0 00 ......

Canada Paint Co. 75 0) ...... 2,500 00

Mrs. :\I. Mills .. . None ...... Burning chimney

Race Cycle Co .. . None ...... · ... Unknown. 15 00 ...... 500 00 ...... Lamp exploded

\Ym. Gardiner .. 60 00 ...... 600 00

J. Lydatt ...... 25 00 None· None ...... Unknown

J. Lydatt ...... None ...... Old fire rekindled

:M. Prest ...... 5 00 ...... None ...... Oily rags Slight No claim ...... U nkno,vn

J . Gowanlock ..... 8 601 ...... 2,000 00 ...... ! C . ~I. HPnderson None ......

J. H. Cragmyle . None i .... : .....

None I""""" ...... Burning chimney 100 00' ...... None ...... Unknown 10 00 ...... None John Coulter ...... ·1 H. R. Coulter ...... 10 00 ...... 50 00/...... 3.500 00 ...... Co::i,l oil hmp explocled

J as . Ireland ..... 60 50 ...... 1.7 50 0)

...... 1 ...... False

X one ...... 1 ...... Smoke mistaken for fire 60 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

a5 Day of No. of No. of Time of Location, Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

7 Tuesday 18 ...... 12.48 p.m. 1oi1 Adelaide Street West ...... D. Defoe ...... 7


7 Telph 10 Station 1. 25 p. m. 56 Prince Arthur A venue ..... H. Kelly ...... 256 ...... 6.45 p.m. l 3 Wed's'y 763' Queen Street East ...... British Canadian !254 ...... 6.47 p,m. Loan Co. 8

8 Telph 15 Station 6.55 p.m. On Indian Road ...... B 24 ...... 10.16 p.m. ~- W. Cor. Adelaide & Jarvis Sts. Na.smith & Co ...... 9 Th'rsd'y Telph 8 Statien 8.50 a..m. 846 College Street ..... ; ...... G. E. Dalby ...... --. 10 Friday. 6 7 .10 p.m. 179 McCaul Street ...... Jas. Aikenhead ... . 10 Still 8 11.20 p.m. 81 Willcox Street ...... Landed Bank Ass .. 10

18 Monday 48 ...... _. 7 ..32 a.m. 288 Farley Avenue ...... Wm. Hodginson .. . 13 71 ...... 11.41 a.m. Rear 22 to 26 Sheppard Street ... M. Burke ...... 18 71 ...... 3 .p2 p. m: R~ar 22 t~ ·2,?'Shep~ Street .. .

14Tuesday 265 ...... 10.04p.m.137 Morse Streei ...... F. Gues~ ...... 16 Th'rsd'y Telph 14 Station 9.25 a.m. 632 Ossington Avenue ...... W. E. Brown ......

16 ...... ·········· ...... , ...... ··············· 16 Still 8 Station 8.80 p.m. 34 Robert Street ...... 17 Friday. Telph 3 & 10 St'n ...... 98 Wood Ssreet ...... :" .... Mrs. Townley ..... 17 ...... 17 ·-Still· 6 Station 8.:.4-0~p-~m: ~9-Nelson Stree11 ...... R. J. Jinkinson ... . 17 154 ...... 8. 05 p. m . 6_0 Leonard A-..enue ...... Gooderham Est ... . 22 Wed's'y Still 7 Station 10.80 a.m. 16 Wilton Crescent ...... _ ..... W. J. Kilner ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 61


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ,I Goods. Buildings, I Goods.

~ c. 8 c. I s c. s c. 20 00 ...... I 3,000 00 ...... Unknown.


1 R. Hughe.,, & Co .. . 15 00 ...... 1,115 00

J. Coulter ...... 85 00 ...... 2,000 00

•r. R,,binson ...... None ••••••...• ! • • • • . • • • • • • ••••••••• Chiinney

100 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... From gas jet.

J.C. Jones .... :- . . 300 00 ...... 3,000 00 l\'one ...... Bonfire...... Smoke mistaken for fire .

G. E. Dalby ...... Burning chimney.

Jas. Aikenhead .. . Slight No claim ...... Unknown.

20 00 ...... ' 1,000 00 ...... Gas jet.

F. H. Smith ...... 60 co ...... 1,600 00

\Y rn. Hodginson .. None ...... Burning chimney.

Moir & McCall .... 30 00 None 25,000 00 ...... Spark from stack. None . .. _...... Unknown.

H. Brown ...... 2 00 ...... None ...... Overheated Stove.

R. Wilkins ...... 10 00 ...... None

...... ! ...... False . oo ...... 60.) 00 ...... Children playing with matches. ,5 1 \\r. J. Townley .. . 50 500 00

H. Multanen .... . 6 30 None 300 00 ...... Defective chimney.

Alf. Furnace .... . None W . .T. Kilner ...... ·Smoke mistaken for fire. (l2 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENl'.


~ Day of No. of No; of Time of J Week. Box. Station. Alarm. Location. Owner.

(Tel 1, 5, 6 St'~ 9.18 p.m. l 122 and 124 Adelaide St. West. T. Douglass ...... 22 IVed's'y i 71 ...... 9.19 " r122 Adelaide Street West ...... ••...... -.. . LGen eralAlarm ...... J 124 Adelaide Street V\"est ...... - .. . 28 Th'rsd'y Telph 6 Stat.ion l2-;"24 p.m. 94-McCaulStreet ...... Mrs.B. Manderville 24 1. 12.58 " 122 and 124 Adelaide St. West .. T. Douglass : .... : .

24 7 ...... 1 21 " 39 Simcoe Street, ...... }Ir1:1. N. Noble ... .. 24

25 Saturd'y 158 7.32 a.m. On Shaw Street ...... J. Fries ......

28 Tuesday 134 5,80 ll 808 Davenport Road ...... R. McDowd ...... 28 153 1.12 p.m 882 Bathurst Street ...... W. Haines ...... 28

28 Telph 5 Station 7.13 p.m. 84 and 36 King Street East .... Pellett & Pellett .. . 28 Still 7 Stat.ion 1115 " 150 Wilton Avenue ...... J. Hunt ...... 29 Wed's'y 51 ...... 2.52 a.m 66 Shuter Street ...... Mrs. C. Spoone ... . 29 ...... ······ ...... ······,... . ···-··· ...... '30 Th1rsd1y 87 ...... 12.30 pm 405 Yonge Street ...... R. S. Williams ... . 30 .... ··•-··· ...... ·········· ...... 30 Still 7 Station 2.30 p. m 82 St. ·David Street ...... Ja.E1. Frawley ...... 81 Friday. 148 9.12 ., 41 Major Street ...... E.T. Cambell ...... 31 ...... ·············· ...... ············· {!•) TORONTO FIHE DEPARTMEXT. v.:>


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.[ Goods. Buil~ings. [ Goods.

8 C. 8 C, 8 C. 8 C • ...... _.... •I 6,0)0 00 ...... 10.000 OU ...... Unknown.

Elliott & Brooke .. : ...... 19,706 00 ...... 20 700 00

T. Douglass ...... : ...... 1.32(3 00 ...... 6,000 0( lJrs B. ~lar.derv'lt· None Burning chimney .

...... 1 ...... Ohl fire rekindled .

20 00 ..... , . . . . 1 850 00 ...... Unknown.

A. Robbins ...... 10 25! ...... 1.000 00

Yacant ...... None ...... Steam mistaken for fire. B. McDowd ...... 10 00 ...... 20) 00 ...... Hot ashes.

f> 00 ...... 1,00!) 00 ...... Children playingwithmatchfs.

Mr~. M. Kennedy. 25 00 500 00

Jas. Irwine ...... None Slight ...... \Vaste paper.

J. Hunt ...... Burning chimney. 60 00 ...... 2,000 00 ...... Unknown.

Mrs. M. Brown ... 50 uu ...... Xone 13 25; ...... , 1.000 00 ......

"\V. H. Higgins .. . 60 00 ...... 700 00

A. Reaves ...... None ...... Children playing with matches

75 00 1100 00 ...... Overheated furnace pipes,

E. T. Campbell ... 200 oo: ...... 1.000 00 64 TORONTO -FIRE ·DEPARTMENT.


Q) Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Ala.rm.

1 Saturd1y ·214 ...... 1.21 p.m. 29 Eastern avenue ...... Wilkins estate .... .

1 Thro' Courtland 4.16 " ...... · · .. , · · ·, · · • • · · · • · · · · , system

3 Monday Telph j 10 Station 2.40 am 51 vValmer-road ...... W. P. Wellwood ..

3 ...... !- ...... I 4 Tuesday 13 I • ••••••••• 7.23 p.m. 43 and 45 Pearl street ...... Toronto Electrical I Motor Cc

4 31 1 _ ••••• •,• •• 9 02 " 34 Adelaide street west ...... J. Stibbs ...... 5 Wed's'y 183 4.27 a.m. 840 Dovercourt road ...... A. Mills ......

5 ...... ~ ...... ; ......

5 Still 1 & 5 Sta'n 6 08 p.m N.-W. cor. King and Victoria sts. Toronto Electric · , Light Co 6 Th'rsd'y 9 Station 7.05 " 70 Foxley street ...... J. Henderson ...... 7 Friday 16 ...... 3 14 a m 800 to 820 King street west ...... M. Langmuir"Manu- facturing Co. 7 ...... ·...... ········ ......

7 ...... 822 to 830 King street west ...... M. Langmuir Manu- facturing Co . 7 ...... Niagara Street Public School .... , City of Toronto ... .

7 173 6.35 a.m. 897 King street west ...... C. C. Backley ......


7 Telph 2 Station 8.13 p.m. 119 Manning avenue ...... J. Welsh ......

7 9 & 14 St'n 8.17 " 800 to 820 King street west ...... M. Langmuir Manu:.. facturing Co. 7 2 Station 8.55 " 601 Queen street west ...... R. Doyle·" .... : ... .

7 ...... · ...... · ... . 7 Telph 3 Station 12.00 p.m. 10 Agnes street ...... G. C. Dear ...... / 8 Saturd'y 14 9.57 " 26 Christie street ...... Geo. Gooderham .. . 10 Monday 315 ...... 10.39 a.m. 36 Lansdowne avenue ...... Mrs. Taylor ......

10 Telph 2 Station 1.40 p m. 800 to 820 King street west ...... M. Langmuir Manu- facturing Co. 11 Tuesday 247 ...... 10.59 a.m. W. S. of Don, south Gerrard street McColl Bros : ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 65


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. Buildings, I Goods.

s c. s c. s c. 8 C. A. B. Reddie ...... None ...... Children playing with matches.

...... False.

75 60 ..... : . . . . 2,500 00 ...... Unknown.

'\\'. ::\I Douglass .. 1,125 00 ...... 2,000 OJ Toronto Electrical! None ...... Tinsmith's fire pot left burning Motor Co. \ in room. Donley Bros ...... i ...... Electric wire .

...... i 200 00 ...... 200 OCJ ••••.•••.. Unknown.

E. Griffith,; ...... 50 00 ...... None

None ...... Electric wire.

"\Y. C. Stewart, ...... Coal oil lamp exploded.

! •••••••••••••••••• 1 9,603 75 ...... 21,470 00 ...... Unknown.

}I. Langmuir ::\Ian-'...... 30,08:2 80 ...... 35,852 50 ufacturing Co. }I. Langmuir.:\Ian­ 55 00 ...... 1,50) 00 ...... Heat from factory fire. ufacturing Co. 180 00 ...... 4,250 00 ......

200 00 ...... 850 00 ...... Unknown.

-Hays ...... 75 00 ...... None

I J. WeL;h ...... ' None ...... Burning chimney.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• Old fire rekindled.

1 10 00 ...... 500 00 ...... Defective chimney .

F. Bullock ...... 10 500 0) <+. C. Dear ...... Xone ...... Burning chimney. Vacant ...... Incendiary.

::\Ir,;. Taylor ...... Overheated stovepipes...... Old fire. rekindled .

McColl Bros ...... 5 00 ...... None ...... Barrel of benzine ignited.



· Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. ·Owner. j Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

11 Tuesday 256 ...... • 11.22 a.m. 400 Eastern Avenue ...... Jas Robertson Co .. 11 ...... 11 Still 1 Station· 6 . 24 p . m . 67 Queen Street West ...... Givens Bros . : .... . 12 We'sd'y 145 ...... 8 .14 Rear 330 Markham Street ...... A. M · Dowsell .... . 12

12 Rear 332 Markham Street ...... J. W. Cheeseworth. 12 ...... Rear 384 l\farkha~ Street ...... J. Puddy ...... · 12 ...... ····-····· ...... ··················· 12 ...... Rear 336 Markham Street ...... J. Puddy ...... :. 12 56 ...... 8.59 p.m. 90 Gould Street ...... T. Scales .... : .... . 13 Th'rsd'y 12 ...... 12.26 am 74 Bay Street ...... B. Cumberland .. :. 13 Telph ...... 8.19 '' Cor. Yonge & Richmond_ Streets. Telephone Co ...... 13 14 ...... 11.54 '' 255,257 & 25~ King Street West. Dawes Estate ...... 13 ...... 255 King Street West ...... 13 ...... 257 Kirig Street West ...... 13 ...... 259 King Street West ......

14 Friday. Telph 10 Station 5.47 p.m. 35 Macpherson Avenue ...... Jopn Smith ...... 14 ...... ·········· ...... ········· ...... 15 Saturd'y 133 1.03 p.m Maple Avenue (vacant field) ..... C. Henderson ...... 16Sunday. 263 ...... 10.55 " 433 Broadview Avenue ...... Mrs. M. Green ... :.

16 93 ...... 1.27 '' 566 Yonge Street ...... 16 193 ~.12 " 892 Manning A venue ...... F. Turner ...... 17 Monday Telph 15 Station 2.24: " 28 Maynard Avenue ...... J.P. Clewes ......

18 Tuesday 11 ...... East end of McKenzie Avenue City of Toronto ... , · (dry grass) 19l~ed's'y t Chemic'! 8 28 " Foot of York Street ...... City of Toronto ...• TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 67


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.I Goods. Buildings.I Goods.

8 C. 8 C S c. 8 c. 10 00 ...... None ...... Unknown.

Jas. Robertson Co. 40 00 ...... None

Givens Bros·...... None ...... Burning chimney. 93 25 ...... 600 00 ...... Incendiary.

A. M. Dowsell .... 250 00 ...... None J. W. Cheeseworth 75 00 None None 75 00 ......

H. Taylor ...... 10 00 ...... 700 00 N. Deturler ...... 75 00 None None

T. Scales ...... None ...... Burning chimney. "\Y. R. Br@ck & Co...... Unknown...... Electric wire.

1,050 00 ...... 4,000 00 ...... Unknown. vVarden & Holmes ...... 50 00 ...... 1,000 00

Reid Bros ...... 2,361 14 ...... 5,500 00

Delaney & Co .... . 259 00 ...... 850 00 10 00...... 2.000 00 ...... Unknown.

R. Baker ...... 30 00 ...... 1,000 00 None ...... Unkno'\\'n.

Mrs. M. Green ...... False.

J. Shipway ...... 25 00 ...... None ...... Burning chimney.

J.P. Clewes ...... 10 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Children playing with matches None ...... Unknown.

5 00 ...... None ...... Overheated stove pipes. 08 ~OIWNTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


iii Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. i Week, Box. Station. Alarm. ·I

Tel. 11 Station 7 .81 p.m. l 19 Wed's'y 872 Jarvis street ...... Mrs. M. M. Ruther- I 61 ...... 7 .82 p.m. ford. 19

21 Friday. 248 4 88 p.m. 86 Munro street ...... 0. Corrigan ......

22 Saturd'y Telph 1, 8, 5 St'n 8.43 a.m. 177 Yonge street ...... Court- 22 land 1, 5, 6 " 11.07 " 42 Front street east ...... syst'm 22 247 ...... 1.59 p.m. 18 Cornwall street ...... M. Cunningham .. . 22 Telph 18 StA.tion 8 05 " In. High Park ...... ' . City of Toronto . : .. 28 Sunday 15 8.80 a.m ...... 23 8 12. 55 p m Rear 566 Yonge street ...... 23 11 3 20 " In St. James' Cemetery ...... Cemetery Trust Co.

24Monday 12 8 48 " Queen st., east of G.T.R. crossing Telephone Co .. ·: .. 25 Tuesday Still 10 11.55 a.m. 26 Scollard street ...... J. Daan ...... 25 254 8.08 p.m. Broadview avenue, near Queen st. John Smith estate .. 26 Wed's'y Still 10 Station 8 50 a.m 100 Scollard stree~ ...... N. Kings~ll ...... 26 Telph 11 8 30 pm Hawthorne avenue ...... City of Toronto .•.. 27 Th'rsd'y 281 ...... 7.25 a.m 1684 Queen street east •...... Wm. Hill ...... 27 Telph 1 & 6 Sta'n 8.88 p.m. U. C. College, King street west •.. OntarioGovernment 28 Friday . Still 9 Stat.ion 8 45 '' On Shaw street ...... • City of Toronto ....

29 Saturd'y 157 2 51 '' Rear 65 Grove avenue ...... Union Loan Co ...• 80 Sunday 61 ...... 9.40 " 19 Montague place ...... Mrs. R. Crown ...... 3J ...... 21 '' .... ·...... Thomas Smith ..... 30 ·········· ...... ······ ······ ...... ··············· 30 ...... 28 Montague place ....· ...... J. J .. Axworthy ·::: 80 ...... ····· ...... ······ ······ ·········· ...... ···················· TORONTO FIRE DEPAHnIEXT. 69


Losse'!. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire.

Buildings.I Goods. \Buildings I Goods.

s C. s c. s C. 8 C. 25 00 .... 5,000 00 ...... Unkno"·n.

Mrs. M. ~I. Ruther- ...... 25 00 ...... , 4,000 00 ford. A. ,Yilson...... 15 00 ...... None ...... Defective chimney.

I ...... False.

C. King ...... None 2 00 ...... None From gas jet...... Children playing ...... False.

...... !HotI as h es m . lane. None ...... · !Bonfire ...... jElectric wire .

John Starr ...... -~ .. !Defective chimney...... •Bonfire .

N. Kingsmill ...... Smoke mistaken for fire...... Boys playing .

,vm. Hill ...... Burning chimney.

1 ...... ·I· ...... :spark from chimney. I I

•••••••••• ! •••••••••• Unkno"·n.

I ' B. H. Scott ...... 40 00 ...... None · ...... :Incendiary.

I I Mrs. E. Henry ... . 30 00 None 5)0 oo: ...... :coal oil lamp exploded. : I

104 00 ...... 500 00 ...... i .. • I J i

Thomas Smith .... • • . • ...... oO 00 ...... 1 None 1


400 00 ...... 4!)J 001 ...... · 1 J. J. Axworthy ...... 282 00 ...... 300 00 70 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


_s Day of No. oi No. of Time of Location . Owner. . i! Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

80 Sunday ...... 25 Montague place ...... E. J. Murphy ...... 80 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 71

189 9-0ontinued.

Losses. Insurance, Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ,I Goods. Buildings, I Gooda,

s c • 8 C,1 8 C. s c.

...... 1 25 00 ...... i 400 00 ...... E. J. ~Iurphy .... ·I· ...... 13 00 ...... 200 00



ti, Day of No. of No. of Time of Location . Owner. ..a! Week. Box. Station., A

1 Monday Telph 5 Station 1.22 p.m. 6 Bond street ...... ; .... J. Gillespie 1 51 ...... 1.40 " 6 1 47 ····· ...... 10.55 " Rear 84 Defoe street ...... H. Carr ...... 2 Tuesday 48 ...... 2.05 " 5 Robinson street .... : .. . 2 154 ...... 2.14 " " 72 Bellevue avenue ...... A. Mitchell ... : ..... :'2 Telph 5 Station 4.57 " Foot of Jarvis street ...... City of Toronto ... . 2 146 ...... 10.05 " 855 Palmereton avenue ...... S. Clarke ......

237 ...... 10.11 p.m. 12 and 14 Oak street ...... J. Ward ......

3 Wed's'y 165 3.15 p.m. Rear 547 Dundas street...... •. M. McCormack .... 8 S 156 9.22 " t · l 156 9_34 " 5215 Manning avenue ...... 0. C. Coulter ...... ~ ':l'h'rsd'y Telph 11 Sta.tio~ 12.26 " Rear of 1 Dale avenue ...... Mrs. E. Croft ...... 4 12 1.30 " On the Don River ...... City of Toronto ... . 4 12 4.11 '' 4 Still 12 4.55 " 111 Elliott street ...... J. Hewlett, Agent . 5 Friday. 4 9.10 a.m. S.W. Cor. Duchess & Ontario sts. Gendron M'i'g Co .. 5 S Tel 1,5 &16St. 12.30 p.m. t 88 d R' h d t J h W ldi c l 51 ...... 12.32 " 5 an 90 1c mon stree east o n a e o .. .. 5 90 Richmpnd street east ...... 5 ...... ~...... -;. . .·. ·. 5 88 Richmond street east .. ; .... 5 145 2.09 p.m. 210 Bruns.wick avenue ...... • MTs. A. ·-Hanna .... -0 ...... ~ ...... 5 ...... 212 Brunswick avenue ...... Mr@. J. Shore ...... · TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 73


Losses. Insurance. i Occupant. 1------1 ______Cause of Fire. \Buildings.\ Goods. \Buildings.I Goods,

$ c. s c. s c.l $ c. J. Gillespie ...... None ::: : : :: ::f: ·.:: :: :: Bur~'.ng chi~'ney. H. Carr 3 09 ...... · .. . None ...... Incendiary.


Mrs. M. Atkinson. None •••••••••• i ..•••••••• Bonfire.

A. Mitchell ...... 3 00 ...... None j •••••••••• Fire crackers. None ...... Unknown. I 80 50 ...... 2,000 00 ...... Lamp exploded. J. Graham ...... 200 00 ...... None 150 00 ...... 700 T. Brock ...... 15 00 ...... None Unknown. Mrs. M. Kinaham ...... 10 00 ...... M. McCormack .. . None ...... Unknown. C. C. Coulter .... . 5 00 ...... None ...... Boys playing with matches. Mrs. E. Croft .... . None ...... Unknown. 20 00 ...... None ...... Boys playing. 20 00 ......

~Irs. J. Modley ... 5 00 ...... Unknown. Slight No claim Pot of varnish ignited 1;000 00 ...... 5.000 00 ...... Unknown.

Bishopric Paper 2,425 00 ...... 2,0GO 00 B.,x Co. Bishopric Paper ...... 1,490 00 ...... 5,000 00 Box Co. Mayell & Co ...... 1,497 00 ...... 2,500 00 Sm0ke from No. 90. 20 00 ...... 50) 00 ...... Children playing with matches

J. Hanna ...... 25 00 ...... 400 00 125 00 ...... 400 00 74 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


co Day of No. of No. of Time of Location, ~ Week. Box. Station. Ala.rm. Owner.

5 Friday ...... •. • • •., • • • • • • • · • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 6 Saturd'y Telph 4, 5, 7 St1n 8. 50 a. m. 259 Queen street east ...... • Mrs. Biscoby .•.....

6 ...... ~ ~ ...... ~ . . 6 S Tel.10 Station 1111.4443a.,~. l826 Yonge street ...... L. D. Nort~n'...... {124 ...... 5 6 ...... 829 '' ...... R. Lennox ......

6 36 ...... 5.58 p.m. S.W. cor. Victoria and Gould sts. E. O'Keefe Co •. ! ••• 7 Sunday Telph 11 Station 12.15. " East end of Howard street ...... City of Toronto ... . 1· 7 1 Chemical 10.09 " 197 York street ...... J. Griffith ...... 8Monday 2 & 9 St'n 12.48 a.m. West End Crematory ...... City of Toronto ... . 8 215 ...... 10.21 " Cor. Beachall and Mill streets.::. G. T. Railway Co .. 8 143 1.24 p.m. 166 Huron street ...... G. Buthardt ...... 8 Telph 13 Station 7.30 " 26 Brock avenue ...... J. Fitzsimmons ... . 8 I ~~1. ~ ~-~. ~' ... ~:: :: . I169 Richmond street west ..... Phoenix Laundry Oo 8 Still 1 Station 9.25 " 25 & 27 Adelaide street west ...... , . 9 Tuesday 16 Station 10.40 a. m. 112 Richmond street east ...... 10 Wed's'y 164 8.06 " 18 Sheridan avenue ...... 10 Telph 15 Station 1.35 p.m. G. T. R. Crossing and D~fferin st G. -~· Railway GJo .. 10 45 ...... 5.36 " Rear 166 Spadina avenue ...... 10 72 ...... 9.46 '' 46 Louisa street ...... •.. Miss Scott ...... 10 .... ······ ...... ································ ··················· 11 Th'rsd'y Still 5 Station 1.13 p.m. 140 George street ...... Jas. Smith ...... ·

12 Friday . Telph 3 4.23 " Cor. Jarvis and Isabella streets .. C. P. Telegraph Co. 12 S Tel. l 6 & 8 '~ 1142 5 ·5.12 " 370, 87a,.37.4 Spadina avenue ..... Mrs. M. Low~ ... _.. . 12 ...... - .. 370 ·-Spadina avenue ...... _...... 12 ...... 372 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTME~T. i5

18 9 9-0ontinued

Losses. Insurance Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. Buildings, I Goods.

\Ym. Sexton ...... 1 ...... 25 00 ...... None 20 0) ...... 1,000 00 ...... Children playing with matches

A. Servis ...... 290 00 ...... 1,000 00 L. D. Nortin ...... 23'3 60 ...... 500 00 ...... Electric wire R. Lennox ...... 208 00 ...... 8,700 00 ...... None ...... Esc:1 ping steam mistaken'.::for fire ...... Unknown

G. Aziz ...... Coal oil lamp exploded 95, 00...... 3,000 00 ...... Unknown

Slight ...... Coal oil caught fire

M. Smyth ...... ~ 00 ...... None ...... Unknown J. Fitzsimmons .. . None ...... Smoke mistaken for fire ...... Hot ashes

Jacobs & Co ...... Slight No claim ...... Lighted cigar butt Mrs. }l. Fox ...... None ...... Burning chimney

Philip Rogers ...... :Unknown

I • 5 00 ...... None . . . • • • • • . . spark from locomotive 1 J. Woods ...... None ...... Boys playing 15 00 ...... 600 00 ...... Coal oil lamp exploded

I C.H. Bramblecomb ...... 78 00 ...... 300 00

1 Jas. Smith ...... None • ••••••••• Burning chimney ...... ,Eleet.ric light wire.

130 30 ...... 2,500 00 ...... 'Unknown

A. Boyd ...... 20 25 ...... 400 ooi

I Mrs. S. Rook ...... 25 00 ...... None 76 TORONTO .FIRE DEPARTMENT.

~ Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm •

12 Friday ...... 874 Spadina avenue ...... 13 Sa.turd'y 136 1.14 a.m. 72 Wickson avenue ...... 15 Monday 215 5.17 p.m. Rear 52, 54, 56, 58 & 60 Water st. Hospital Trust .... 16 Telph 9 & 14 St,n 9.05 " 18 Foxley street ...... R. Walker ......

17 Wed's'y 23 ...... 3.45 " Rear 58 Colborne street ...... Wm. Stewart ...... 18 Th'rsd'y 12 ...... 1.16 ,, N. W. Car. King·and Bay street. Mail Printing Co.:. 18

18 254 8.20 p;m. 91 Broadview avenue ...... N. Lee ...... 18 Still 3 Station 10.85 " 327 Yonge street ...... 19 Frid:i,y . Telph 5 10.27 " 21 Front street east ...... Frank Smith .•... : 20 Sn.turd'y 17 ...... 8.58 a.m. 22 Portland street ...... W. _Foley ...... 20 Still 8 Station 10.40 ·n 104 Brunswick avenue ...... Jas. Edgar ...... 20 212 2.09 p.m. Foot of Parliame·nt street ...... Puchen & Ch...... 24 \l\'ed's'y 95 ...... 9.25 a.m. 644 Yonge street ...... EmsleJ: Est ...... 24

24 287 ...... 10.48 a.m. 61 Oak street ...... J. Robinson ...... 24 48 ...... 11 ·06. " Rear 211 and 218 Niagara street . H. Kerr ... : . : : . : : : 24 258 ...... 12.10 ·p m 360 Wilton avenue ...... Jas. Jackman ...... 24 ...... 858 Wilton avenue ...... D~ Briggs ...... 24 Telph 15 Station 9.87 p.m. 118 Spencer avenue ...... ; .. W. Wil~on ...... 24 11 10.18 " Foot of'Spruce street .. ; .. ; ...... City of Toronto ... . 24 47 ...... 11.00 " Rear 625 and 627 Queen st. west. D. Walker ......

·24 . . . . . • • • • c:· 62o 'Queen-stre-et-·west ...... 24

25 Th'rsd3y 812 ...... 4.58 p.m. 52, 54 and 56 Noble street.: ..... J. Y. McCord ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTME~T. 77

18 99-Continued.

Losses. Insurance. Occupant·. Cause of Fire. Buildings.I Goods. Buildings.I Goods.

$ C. 8 C. $ C. s c.: Lee Peter ...... 25 90 ...... None I Vacant ...... 10 00 ...... None Incendiary. 150 00 ...... Unknown. R. ·walker ...... None Burning chimney.

3 0::) ...... None Pot of tar boiled over. Kone Coal oil lantern exploded. Mail Printing Co . 100 00 ...... J. Harris ...... None ...... Fire crackers.

M. Muir ...... : Burning chimney. Eby, Blain & Co ...... False. W. Foley ...... : Overheated stove pipes . Jas. Edgar ...... Burning chimney. Puchen &Co ...... 15 00 ....•..... None Oil ignited.

15 00 ...... Fire crackers. Chas. Tansley .... 50 00 ...... None Mrs. Cunningham. None ...... Fire crackers. J. Hooper ...... 20 00 None 60tJ 00 ...... Spark from:cupola. H. Kendall ...... 6 50 1,000 00 ...... Fire crackers. R. McDougall ... . :20 00 1,0::)0 00 ...... \,V. Wilson ...... None ...... Gas jet...... Unknown.

382 00 ...... 30::) 00 ......

Jas. Smith ...... :25 00 ...... 500 00, J :Monahan ...... 20 00 ...... 325 (Ji)

I • ,8 00 ...... 2:500 00 ...... ,Overheated dry kiln. 78 TORONTO · FIRE DEPARTMENT.


co Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. uwner. ~ Week. · Box. Station. Alarm.

25 Th'rsd'y ...... · ...... ·. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • 25 S Tel 15 Station 5.o7 p.m .l N. E. Cor. Dufferin & King sts. Metallic Roofing Co ( 821 ...... 5·.08 ,. 5 25 Still 7 · 6.00 " 827 Wilton ~venue ...... Dr. Gurran ...... 25

26 Friday , 142 ...... 10.20 a.m. Lane rear of 14'9 Denison avenue. City of Toronto ... . 27 Saturd'y 168 1.28 p.m Rear of 138 and 140 Brock avenue A. M. Campbell . .- .. ,

27 264 8.32 " 107 ,vardell street ...... H; Jones ...... 30 Tuesday 53 ...... 8.89 " 11 Moss Park place ...... Mrs. J. Welsh .... . 80 80 165 8.40 p.m. 780 Dundas street ...... Howe & Cassell ... . 30

31 Wed's'y 263 9.29 a.m. 608 Gerrard street ...... - Beasley ...... 31

31 Telph 1 Station 11.45 p~m. 84 and 36 P~arl street ...... Galloway, Taylor & _.,, Co. TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. B_u_i_l-d1-.n_g_s ___ l _G_ood--!!l.-1Bttildings. I Goods.

8 .:;, 8 C. 8 c.l s c . J. T. McCord ..... 50 00 None None ...... , Unkno,Yn.

10 00 ...... 1 1,500 00 ...... Fire crackers. Mrs. D. Hays ...... 50 00 ...... Kone

1 1

1 None ...... · ...... 0nknown

Vacant ...... 15 00 ...... None 1 ...... "

H. Jones ...... None • ••••••••• i •.•.•••••• Coal oil lamp up~et. 12 5U ...... 800 00 ...... :Gas jet. E. D. Hall ...... 25 00...... 1,000 oo, 9 00 ...... 2,000 00 ...... !Unknown.

C. Jones ...... 39 00 ...... 200 00

5 00 ...... 500 00 ...... :Unknown. 25 00 ...... None !Gasoline stove exploded. Galloway, Taylor None ...... Electric light wire. & Co. 1 80 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


Cl) Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

1 Th'rsd'y Telph 3 Station 1.26 p.m. 49 Carlton st1:eet ...... _...... R. J. Stanley ...... ········ ·········· ·············· ······ ...... 6 Tuesday 14 ...... 12.25 a.m. 368 King'street west ...... Mis3 M. Milloy .... . 6 28 ...... 2.12 " 53 Sherhourne street ; ...... John Platt estat~ .. . 6

7 Wed's'y Still 12 Station 10.50 a.m. 120 Bolton avenue . : ...... - Hewlett, agent .. 7

7 3 Station 2.2) p.m. 509 Yonge street ...... 7 157 4.36 '' Rear 14 Ossington avenue ...... J. W. Switzer ...... 8 Th'rsd'y Telph 2 & 6 Sta'n 1.47 " Foot of Spadina avenue._ ...... Rathbun Lumber Co 9 Friday. 6 & 8 " 12.15 '' Rear 218 McCall street ...... - Moody_ ...... 9 216 5.14 " 462 King street east ...... J. Fillett ..... ".' .. 9 243 8,44 " 583 Ontario street ...... T·. Elliott ......

9 • • I I . • • • • I I I I I I I • I • • I I I • I I I • I • ~ • I I I I I I I I • • • • • 1• I • • I I I • • I • • • I • • I

9 156 · ...... 11.55 p.m. Rear 217 Manning ave~ue ...... W. Stewart ...... 9

9 ...... Rear 219 Manning avenue ...... M. Cook ...... LO Saturd'y 253 4.20 p.m. Rear 35 Taylor street ...... J. Jenkins ...... lO 35 ...... 4.56 " 209 Church street ...... - Strathy, agent .. . 0 Telph 10 Station 9.25 " 62 A venue road ...... Mrs. Davis ...... 10 ...... ·. 11 Sunday Still 1 Chemical 4.20 a.m. 27 Jordan street ...... S. H. Janes ...... 11 Telph 10 Station 9.40 " Cor. Lowther ave. and St. George ...... 11 1.64 ...... 11.50 " 488 Dufferin street ...... Wm. Jenkins ...... 11 ...... ·············· ...... TORO~TO FIRE DEPARnIEXT. 81


Losses. Insurance Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings .I Goods. Buildings, I Goods.

s c. I s c. s c. s C. 10 00,...... 2,UOO 00 ...... l'nknown.

i ::\Ir,;. Ray ...... : 99 401...... 1,000 00 ::\Ii"" ::\I. ::\Iilloy ... . X one , ...... :Reflection gas stove.

1-!2 50 ...... · I 400 00 ...... ;unknown. A. Bradbury ...... 250 0,/...... 5Cl0 0)1 75 00; ...... 150 0) ...... 'Incendiary.

'\Ym. ::\IcKay ...... 150 00 ...... ' Xone 1

' , I 1 R. ::\Iathews ...... Xone ...... •••••••••• Pot of chocolate boiled over.

• • • . • • .... ' ...... · 1 · ...... Unknown.

1 :: : ::: :::::I 10) ool...... Xone ...... Spark fi:om locomotive. I

1 1 Xone , ...... •••••••••• Unknown.

J. Fillett ...... •••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• Burning chimney. 1

1 2 ) 001...... 1,000 00 ...... l'nknown . A. Lazarus ...... ,so m:...... ooo oo:

25 oo: ...... , 300 00 ...... · i

C. Coulter ...... 125 00 .. •.• ...... 555 0),

I ::\I. Cook ...... 25 OJ~ ...... None ...... I

I 2 00, ...... Boys.

I l\lr,;. J. Yanderwoth Xone : ...... Bur11ing soot. 10 00 ...... , 1,500 00 ...... Gas jet. I I J. ::\Iowat ...... 40 oo,...... 1,000 oo:

1 None • ••••••••• Burning rubbish...... Boys.

10 00...... 500 00 ...... Sparks from stove.

1 J. Ownes ...... 5 00...... None I 82 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


a, Day of No .. of No. of Time of Location. 13 Week. Box. Station. Alarm. OW:ner. A

12:Monday 263 9.17 p.m.175 Seaton street ...... Freehold Loan Co .. 13 Tuesday Still 6 Station 8 02 " 272 Queen street west ...... Trinity Col' ge Trust 14 Wed's'y 169 2 16 am 166 Argyle street ...... Strusbu:ry estate .. . 14 37 ...... 5.07 " Rear 383 Yonge street.: ...... Adam Bell ...... 14 ·········· ...... ··••: 14 3 5.08 p.m. False ...... ,, 17 Saturd'y Telph 4 Station 1.59 " 104 Sackville street ...... ~. Mrs J. O'Hagen .. . 17- Still 14 8.55 " 406 Ossington avenue ..•...... M. Ach~son ..... ;_. .. 17 ...... ··············.. ···· ...... ··················· 17 34 ...... 11.07 p.m. 14 and 16 Queen street east ..... Toronto Furnace Co 17 ...... ·'· ...... , ...... 17 Telph 1 & 5 Sta' n 11 35 p m 158 York street ...... Canada Loan Co .. .. 18 Sunday 28 ...... 4.05 a.m 151 Front street east ...... Dalton Bros ...... 18 18 Telph 2 & 15 St'n 12.16 p.m. Bridge over King Street Subway. Cit~ of Toronto .... 18 53 ...... 3.05 " Rear of 201 Queen street east .... People's Loan Co.:. 18 19Monday 85 ...... 12 39 p.m 197 Church street. , ...... 19 163 7.55 " Armour street . . . . • ...... Toronto Glass Co .. ~ 19

19 Still 1 Station 9.30 p.m. 30 Adelaide street' west ...... w. J. Stibbs ...... 19

20 Tuesday Telph 9 Station 6.10 p.m. Foot of Strachan avenue ...... Dom'n Government 20 147 6.52 " 16 Farley avenue , ...... McGill & Co ...... 20 Telph 3 Station 8.25 " 584 Yonge street ...... D. Walker ....._ .. . TORONTO FIRE DEPARnIENT. 83


Losses. I Insurance. Occupant. I Cause of Fire. B_u_i_l-d1-.n_g_s ___ l _G_o_o_d_s.-l B_u_i_l_d_in_g_s___ l _G_o_o_d_s.-

8 c. 8 c.l 8 c. 1 8 c.

R. Smith ...... N oae ...... I •••••••••• From gas stove.

Vacant ...... Slight ...... Ko claim 1 ...... Unknown.

D. McCrea ...... 5 00...... None

25 00 ...... 1.200

J. C. Beckett ...... 5'.) 00 ...... None

...... False.

H. Heleins ...... None ...... Burning chimney.

65 ...... 5€)0 00 ...... Coal oil lamp exploded.

M. Acheson ...... 61 30 ...... I 500 oo I 1

250 ...... ·.1 1,0.)0 00 •••••••••• Unknown. Toronto Furnace Co ...... 300 001...... 4,000 00 J. B. Cuttle ...... None ...... Overheated furnace pipes. 2.37:2 70 ...... 14,000 00 ...... Unknown .

Dalton Bros ...... • • • • • • • , •• I 1,238 41) ...... 2,000 00 Slight /...... Unknown.

325 001 ...... , 7.500 00 ......

Crown Piano Co .. • • • • • • • • • • ! 2,000 00...... 5,000 00 I • • • ...... I . . • • . . • • • . • • • . . . • • • • Called firemen out for horse run away and went thro' window Both loss on same Schedule ...... l Unknown. Toronto Glass Co. G.5-1-1 20 ...... 71000 00

23 40 ...... 7.500 ...... From gas stove.

Fountain & Co ... 25 00 ...... 1,000 00

2 00 ...... Kone ...... Unknown.

Sligh~ I ......

None / ...... Stepped on match on floor. 84 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


. ~ Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. S~ation. Alarm.

20 Tuesday 21 Wed's'y 278 5.55 a.m Rear 99 Greenwood avenue ...... Wm. Hutchinson .. 21 Telph 9 St~tion 11.15 " Foot of Strachan avenue ...... DominionGov'rm't. 22 Th'rsd'y 2, 9 & 15 St 4.47 p.m. 79 Gwynne avenue ...... J. Stevenson. 22 168 5.45 " 1116 Queen striet west ...... Jas. McCord 28 Friday. 265 814 a.m. 116 Carlaw avenue ...... Jas. Ford ..... , ... .

24 Sat'rd'y 18 ...... 1.16 " Rear 158 York street ...... Can. Per. Loan Co •. 24 178 ...... 11.16 . " East of Strachan ave., on G.T.R. G. T. Railway Co .. track. 24 158 ...... 8.27 p.m. 11 Carlyle street ...... Mrs. M. Dew .... : .

24 818 7.10 " Rear 99 Garden avenue ...... •.... 24 Still 9 Station 10 48 " 8 Rebecca street ...... •.. A. McDougal ...... 26 Monday 86 ...... 10 00 a.m. 80 London street ...... G. Spiller ...... 26 92 ...... 9.50 p.m. 502 Yonge street ...... ·...... C. B. Williams .. .. 26 Telph 10 Station 10.15 " Cor. Yonge and Bloor streets .... 28 Wed's'y 198 ...... 4.22 " 494 and 496 Clinton street ...... Farmers' Loan Co .. 28 Telph 7 & 12 St'n 11.05 . " 295 Gerrard street...... J. Cubitt ...... 29 Th'rsd'y { Tl~ ~-~.. ~ .. '.'. t~; :: }Foot of Portland street ...... G. T. Railway Co:. 29 Telph 2,9,18, 15S 4.18 " Exhibition Grounds ...... City of Toronto ... . 29 ...... ·•········· ......

29 •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••r•·•••••••••••••• ••••·•••••••• ••'I•••••••••••••••• 80 Friday. 412 10.58 :p.m. 81 Esplanade street east ...... Polson & Co ...... 80 58 ...... 11.38 " 228 Queen street east ...... People's·Loan Co .. . TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 85


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.\ Goods. Buildings.\ Goods.

$ C. 8 C. 8 C, 8 c. S. Fraser ...... 20 uo, ...... 600 00

300 00 ...... Kone Overheated brick kilns. 1 Slight None Unknown. J. G. McCond .... . 2 00 ...... No claim Spark from chimney. J. A. Nix ...... None Incendiary.


1 Kent, Cuttle & Co. 100 00 None 200 00 ...... Overheated kiln. None Spark from locomotive. Mrs. M. Dew ..... From coal oil stove. Mrs. J. Walker .. 10 00 ...... None Woman set fire.

A. McDougal .... . 5 00 ...... None ...... Coal oil lamp exploded. Vacant ...... 25 00 ...... 2,400 00 ...... Incendiary. C. B. Williams .. . None ...... Overheated furnace pipes...... False. J. Brown and 15 00 ...... 600 00 ...... Defective chimney. C. Enright C. H. Holmes .... 18 00...... 1,000 00 ...... Unknown. None 40 00 ...... None Spark from locomotive.

17.000 00 ...... · 8.:217 75:, ...... Spark from passing locomotive,

17:2 00 ......

1,914 75, ......

None ...... I ...... Spark from chimney. J. Cauldwell & Co...... , ...... Burning chimney. 86 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


,i, Day of No, of No. of Time of Location. Ow:qer. ~ Week. Box. Station, Alarm.

1 Saturd'y 178 6._15 p.m. Rear 55 Strachan avenue ...... J.B. ~mith ...... 1 134 6.20 " 16 Bishop street ...... J. ~lofters ...... ;. 1 Telph 11 .Station 9.05 '' Foot of Spruce street ...... City of Toronto_ ... . 2 Sunday 5· 12_.30 a.m. 108 Queen street east ...... People's Loan Co ... . 2

2 Still 14 Station 6'.32 p.m. North end of Shaw street ...... 3Monday Telpp. 4& 5 Sta'n 1.02 " S.-E. cor. Front and Princess sts. John Perkins .....• 3 16 ...... 2.48 " Rear 650 King street west ...... 4 Tuesday 316 ...... 2.26 " 1466. King street wes.t ...... T. Wiseman ...... 4 234 ...... 8.22 " 426 Queen street east ...... Mrs. J. O'Hageu .. . 7 Friday. 47 ...... 11.20 a.m. Rear 634 and 636 Queen st. ~est. Mrs._Ke)'...... 7 ...... 634 Queen street west ....._ ...... 7 ...... 636 Queen street west ...... '. .. '. .

8 Saturd'y 154 8.34 a.m. 11 Leonard avenue ...... _... Wm. Sex.ton ...... 8 132 3.30 p.m. On Bedford road ...... City of Toronto .. ~. 9 Sunday Telp_h 2 & 9 Sta'n 5.54 " Foot of Strachan avenue ...... Dom'n Government

l0Monday 2&9 " 5.10 ,, ...... G. T. Railway Co .. io 145 5.15 " 147 Brunswick avenue .. '. .. '. .... J. Maloney'...... 10 .... ······ ·····•··•·· ·············· ············ ······ ...... ·••.•······· 10 165 6.11 p.m. 13 Marshall ·street ...... H. H. Willjams ... . 10 145 9.52 " On Bedford road ...... City of Toronto ... . 11 Tuesday Telph 9 Station 9.34 a.m. Strachan avenue near King street G.N.W. Teleg'phCo

H 10 1.28 Jl,m, Tannery Hollow, Yonge street ... City• of· Toronto .... 12 Wed's'y 9 & 15 St'n 8.41 a.m. Lane in rear 67 Northcote avenue

12 212 ...... 12.24 p.m. N.-E. cor. Sherbourne & Esplanade Queen City Oil Co .. TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 87


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ,I Goods. Buildings. I Goods.

s C. II s c. I s C. s c. J.B. Fmith None 3 00 ...... No claim Incendiary.


J. )Ic:\Iahon 5 00 • • • • • • • • • • 8)0 00 ...... Hot ashes. None ...... Rubbish dump. 154 00 ...... 2,000 08 ...... Unknown. l\Irs. JI. Sterling .. 960 00 ...... 2,200 00 None ...... Rubbish. John Perkins ...... Spark from smoke stack. T. Bernard ...... Hot ashes. Mrs. A. French .. . 10 00 ..... , ... . 800 00 ...... Cigar butt. H. vVark ...... 20 00 ...... None ...... Incendiary. 100 00 ...... 700 00 ...... Unknown. W. S. Fry ...... 25 00 ...... None F. J. Males ...... 25 00 ...... None J. Tushingham .. . None ...... Burning chimney...... Rubbish dump .

50 00...... None ...... Spark from locomotive.

5 00 ...... 200 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Unknown.

J. Haynes ...... 300 00 ...... 50) 00 T. Howell ...... 5 OU .•.•..•••• None ...... Children playing with matches None ...... !Rubbish dump.

i ...... Electric wire • ...... Rubbish dump ...... \Yaste paper .

•• 150 00 ...... Spark from furnace . 88 TORONTO FIRE" DEPARTMENT.


~ Day of No. of Time of No. of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

12 Wed's'y 828 ...... · I ~~-:~ P;~· !Foot of Wilson avenue ...... G. T. Railway Co .. 12 Still 15 Station 1 50 " . Springhurst avenue, near Dunn . City of Toronto ... . 12 85 ...... 2.14 " 254 Victoria street ...... J. Dwyer ...... 12 Telph 2 Station 5.05 " Foot of Strachan avenue ...... City of Toronto ... . 12 15 6.17 " On Grand Trunk Railway track. G. T. Railway Co .. 12 II 812 9.15 Rear S. E. Cor. Gwynne & Queen Tor. Gen. Trust Co. ·········· " street west. 12 ...... ············ ...... 12 Still 11 Station 9.15 p.m. On Darling avenue ...... City of Toronto ... . 12 86 ...... 5.02 " Rear 586 to 542 Bloor street west. Land Security Co .. 12 ...... , . 586 Bloor street west ...... 12 ...... 588 12 ...... 540 12 ...... 542 18 Th'rsd'y Telph 8 Stat.ion 12.15 p.m. On College street, near Markham City of Toronto ... . 18 10 12.80 " Rear 100 Yorkville avenue ...... N. Kingsmill ...... 18 15 1.40 " Rear 1501 King street west ...... s.. M. Hobart ...... 18 10 II 8.15 " Tannery Hollow. Yonge street .. City of Toronto.,: .. 14 Friday. 158 ·········· 7:15 " Rear 220 Shaw street ...... H. ·Bracken ...... 14 18 ·········· 12.00 " 156 York street ...... Geo. Gooderham Est 15 Saturd'y 95 ·········· 1.81 " 65 & 67 St. Nicholas street ..... W. F. Petry ...... 16 Sunday. 86 ·········· 4.12. " 817 Yonge street ...... WIU, Mulock ....•. , 17 Monday 195 ...... 12.48 " 98 Edwin street ...... r. Winter ...... 17 II 15 ·········· 5.58 " 474 King.street··west ...... E. G.urney 17 II 51 ·········· 8.56 " 82 • Qu:e-en street east ...•...... J ; .La:wson. 18 Tuesday Still 14 Station 12.05 " 808 Delaware avenue ...... ·•••• Vacant ...... TORONTO FmE DEP.-\.RL\IEXT. 89



Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·i Goods. Buildings. [ Goods.

$ c. $ c. S C. S C. 5 00 ...... None ...... Spark from locomotive. None

Wm. Anirews .... 5 00 ...... None Boys and matches ...... Boys playing.

...... 50 00 ...... · 1 None [ncendiary. F. Gray ...... 15 00, ...... None ! None Rubbish. 99 69 ...... 6.000 00 ...... Unknown. A. Macdonald ... . 25 oo: ...... None A. Brock ...... 113 30; ...... 500 00 C. Hague ...... 5 00 ...... 800 00 Geo. Rushbrook .. 1:2 600 00 None Unknown.

8 00 ...... 500 00 ..•......

25 00 ...... None ...... Spark from passing locomotive

None Boys playing. 300 00 ...... 20J 00 ...... Boys playing with matches.

Wm. Verner ...... None ...... Overheated baker's oven.

Vacant ...... 75 00 ...... 2,000 00 ...... Unknown. Wm. Norris ...... None ...... Lighted cigar butt.

Wm.Hinder ...... 3 00 ...... None ...... Unknown. E. Gurney ...... None ...... Bottom fell out of cupola. J. Lawson ...... Overheated stove.

Vacant ...... 2 00 ...... None ...... Boys. 90 TORONTO FIRE DEPART.MEN'!\


a5 Day of No. of of Time of No. Location, OwnQr. ~ Week. Bo~. Station. Alarm.

18 Tuesd~y Still 18 Station 2.80 p.m. Dundas street, near bridges ...... City of Toronto...••. 18 Telph 9 4.10 " Cor. College and Sh1;1, w streets ....

18 ~54 5.48 " Rear 152 Broadview avenue ...... R .. Sparks ...... 18 Still 5 Station 10.12 " 78 Jarvis street ...... Lewis estate...... 19 Wed's'y 5142 2.09 " l ...... {154 2.10 "S Rear 97 Augusta avenue ...... S. Carty 19

19 ...... Rear 99 Augusta avenue ...... H Newell ...... 19 ...... Rear 61 Nassau street ...... Mrs. McBates ...... 19 246 8.22 p.m. Foot of Amelia street ...... City of Toronto ... . 20 Th'rsd'y 8:i ...... 10.26 a.m. 100 Centre avenue ...... Mrs. M. Wedlock ..

20 ...... -...... 20- ...... 102 Centra avenue ...... Wm. M:cLeary .... . ·21 Friday . Still 2 Station 9.55 11.m. 88 Esther street ...... : ...... Mrs. J. Laidlaw ... .

22 Satu.rd'y 18 ...... 2.52 a.m.117 Simcoe street ...... A.lien Mnfg Co ... .. 22 18 ...... 10.89 " 188 King streetwe,t ...... Mrs. McKewin .... . 22 ...... ············ .... ················ ...... 22 Telph 8 Station 8.55 p.m. Opposite 504 Huron street ...... City of Toronto ... . 28 Sunday 10 11.22 a.m. 18 Roxborough avenue ...... J. A. Robinson ... . 28 ...... ················ ...... ········· 28 Still 10 Station 11.10 p.m. 747 Yonge street .. ·.· ...... Wm. Dear ...... '.. 24 Monday 182 ...... 8.28 a.m. 82 Columb:1s avenu~ ...... ~A.Duff ...... 24 Still 7. Station 8.25 p.m. 15 Bellshaw avenue ...... J Smith, agent ... . 24 ...... ···················· ...... ······ ... . 25 Tueaday Telph 5 Station 8.14 p.m . .88 Kirig street east ...... ; ...~ Ca:rmdaPer.LoanCo - Court- 25 land system . . 8,21 " ...... TORONTO :FIRE DEP ART'.\IENT.


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ,I Goods. Buildings. I Goods.

1 8 - C 1 · . 8 C, :;;; C, 8 C, Xone ...... Boys ...... Unkno,vn Vacant ...... 5 00 ...... None \Yiles & Anderson ...... 25 00 ...... None Overheated japanning oven 50 00 ...... 200 00 ...... Unknown

S. Carty ...... 50 00 ...... None 11 00 None 600 00 ......

Mrs. McBates ..... 100 00 300 00 ...... From fire on Augusta avenue None ...... Unknown 51 00 ...... 600 00 ...... l\lr:::. J. Enlough .. 75 oo· ...... None 15 00 ...... 100 00 ...... J. Bulger ...... None ...... Burning chimney 10 00...... 20,000 00 ...... Unknown 5 00 ...... 1,000 00 ......

Mr,.;. ~IcKewin .... 20 00 ...... 500 00 Xone 37 50 ...... 1,400 00 ......

J. A. Robinson .. . 128 34 ...... 600 00

C. Gabby ...... None ...... , ... Burning chimney

1 A. Duff ...... 28 00' ...... 250 00 ...... JTramps None ...... Stepped on match

\Y. Nichol...... 5 00 ...... None I IB . . P. Burns ...... None ...... · 1 · ...... urnmg chimney ...... False 92 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


Q) Day of No. of No. of Time of ~ Location. Owner. Week. Box. Station, Alarm. ~

27 Th'rsd'y 48 ...... 8 48 pm. 54 Claremont street ...... H. Good ...... 27 " ...... ······ ...... -············ ····· 28 Friday. Telph 2 Station 9.45 am. 28 Bathurst street ...... E. Rogers Co ..... 28 " " 15 " 4.17p.m Vacant field by Exhibition Ground OntarioGovernment 28 " " 8 " 9.58 " 228 Mutual street ...... J. Watson ...... 29 Saturd'y 168 ...... 5.17 " Lane in rear 51 Beaconsfieid ave. City of Toronto ... 81 Monday Telph 15 Station 12.47 " 114 Dowling avenue ...... T. C. Patterson ... 31 " " 9 " 2;20 " Foot of Strachan avenue ...... G. T. Railway Co. 81 " " 14 " 4.83 " Cor. Shaw and College streets .... A. Manning ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMEXT. 93


Losses. I Insurance Occupant._ Cause of Fire. Buildings.! Goods: IBuildings. I Goods.

8 C. 8 C, 8 c. 8 c. 5 00 ...... ' 1,200 00 ...... Coal oil stove exploded

H. Good ...... 7 80 ...... 500 00

Slight :X o claim ...... Spark from smoke stack I None ...... 'Unknown

J. Price ...... 3 00 ...... · I None

None ...... 1 ...... I :25 00 ...... •... None ...... Spark from passing locomotive

: : : : : : : : : : ~ : ~ ~ : : : : I None ...... Spark from locomotive I ...... Unknown 94 TORONTO FIRE Dll>ARTMENT.


(I) Day of No. of No. of .Time. of­ Owner. J Week. Box. Stati<>n. -.&Uirm. Location.

1 Tuesday .246 ....•..... 11.01 a.m. Foot of Amelia street ... ; ...... City ef Torento .. ~ '- 1 187 5.24 p.m. Cor.. Crescent and Scarth -ave .••.

1 " Telph 11 Stati'On 6.08 " bor. Glen road and Maple avenue 2 Wed's'y Court­ U'i82 a.m: S:.,.-E; c-or.·Sc?J'tt ·and Front streets Frank Smith land system 2 Telph 2 Station 2.25 p.m. 28 Bathurst street ...... E. Rogers ...... 2 7 5.05 " Foot of Spruce street ...... City of Toronto .. . 3 Th'rsd'y 15 8i85 " Cor. King and Queen st. west ...... 3. " Still 18 8.45 " OnG. 'J\.R. track, near Dundas st. G. T. Railway Co. 3 Telph 2 & 9 St'Ii .5;58 " OnG.T.-R, track,ft.·Strachanave. 4 Friday. g ·stat1on 1.55 " On ·shaw st., north of .Arthur st. city of Toronto.:-:- 5 Saturd'y 2 & 9 St'n 10.28 a.m. 5 " 8 Station 10.28 " 850 Yonge street ...... 5 " 256 2.15 p.m. 747 Queen street east ...... W. H. Batkins ... 5 " 178 ...... 2.85 " OnG.T.R. track, ft.Strachan ave. G. T, Railway C~. 5 " Still 5 & 6·St'n 2.50 " Duchess st., south side, nr. Jarvis City of Toronto ... 5 " Telph 15 Station 3.15 " On Tyndall avenue ...... 6 Sunday. 147 ...... 4.39 " On Hender$On avenue ...... 6 " Telph 8 & 9 St'n n.50 " Grace street ...... , ...... 6 " 12 Station 6.00 . " On G. T. Railway track ...... G. T. Railway Co. 7 Monday 8 Station 12.03 " On Shaw sti:eet, north of College. City of Toronto ... 7 " 6 " 12.26 " Rear 180 John street ...... -...... •. 7 " Still 11 '' 12.45 " Cor. Elm ave. and ~herbourne st. City of Toronto ... 'l " 125 ...... •.. 12.49 " North end of Sherbourne street .. " 8 Tuesday Still 12 Station 10.45 a.m. East side of Don River~north of Queen street. " 8 Telph 9 " 10.50 ·' On Shaw st., south of College ... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 95


Losses Insurance. Occupant Cause of Fire.

Building~ ·I Goods: I_B_u_n_d_i_n_g_s_l_G_o_od_,,._, ·------'--'--_...., ____ _:;..;,_c_

s c. 8 c. 8 c. S c.\ None ...... ,Unknown. I

...... 1

...... ! Eby, Blain & Co ...... 'False

None ::: :. : : : : : lun~nown.

10 00 ...... Kone ...... I spark from locomotive. None Boys playing. False,

10 00 ...... 'Kone ...... 'overheated smoke house.

I None ...... :Spark from· locomotive.

...... I Lighted cigar butt .

5 00...... None ...... Unkno"·n.


5 00 ...... ••••••••• !: Boys playing. 20 00 ......

20 00 ...... ••..•••• j Spark from locomotive.

3 ...... Boys setting grass on fire.

1 John Burns ..... None •••••••••• Unknown.



j Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ce Week. Box. Station. Alarm. A

8 Tuesday Telph 14 Station 12.20 p.m. On Givens street ...... City of Toronto .... 9 12.50 G T. R. track, foot of Strachan } 8 i Tel " " G. T. Railway Co .. " 173 ...... 12.51 " avenue . 8 " i39 ...... 3.05 " North end Huron street ...... 8 " 129 ...... 5.4d " Rear of 77 Lowther avenue ...... G. F. Burton ...... 8 " Telph 11 _Station 7.18 " Foot of Amelia street ...... City of Toronto .... 8 " 216: ...... 9.07 " Rear of Front street east ...... 8 " Telph 13 Station 10.45 " Foot of Tyndall a vel'lue ...... City of Toronto .... 9 Wed's'y 169 ...... 10.56 a.m . Rear of 98 Beaconsfield avenue •. J.P. Bradley ...... 9 " Telph 15 Station 11.30 " Foot of Tyndall a venue ...... City of Toronto: ... , 9 " " 10 " 11.35 " On Macpherson a venue ,' ...... 9 "· " 15 " 11.47 " Cor. King and Queen street west. Bailey's Grove ..... 9 " " 10 " 12.40 pm Rosedale Drive (vacant :field) ...... ,, 9 " 14 " 3.42 " On Shaw st., north of College st. ··················· 9 " 139 ...... 4.32 " On North Huron st., near Bloor ...... ··············· 9 " 169 ...... 7 50 " 61 Beaconsfield avenue ...... J. Heath ...... 9 " ...... ·············· ...... 10 Th'rsd'y 52 ...... 12.17 a.m . S. W. Cor. George and Queen sts, Hillock & Co ...... 10 ...... •• •••••• •••••••••• " ······ •••••••••• ,,,r ··················· 11 Friday. Telph 8 Station 12:30 p.m. Cor. College st. & Manning ave. City of. T.oronto .... 12 Saturd'y 164 ...... 2 34 " 62 Sherida~ avenue ...... Land. Security Co . 12 " Telph 11 Station 3.59 " Glen road (vacant :field) ...... E. Henderson ...... 12 " " 10 " 4.03 " North end of Rosedale Drive .... City of Toronto ... 12 " " 14 " 510 " On Christie street ·············· " .... 15 12 ,,." " " 7.85 " Exhibition Park ...... " ... 12 " " 13 " 8 00 " G.T. Railway, north of Dundas st, G. T. Railway Co. TORONTO FIRE DEPA.RTi\IENT. 97

1899 -Continued.

Losses I Insurance. Occupant Cause of Fire. IB ·1d· i G d ! u1 rngs 'i oo s. IIlnildings I Goods.

I s c. s c. s c. 8 C.1 None ...... !Unknown .

...... Spark from locomotive .

...... UnknO"wn .

...... 1

•••••••••••••••••• I Slight

...... ! None I I ...... Boys playing.

10 00 ...... 500 00 ...... Unknown.

J.B. McClelland. 90 00 ...... 300 00 936 00 .... 1,500 00 ......

Hillock & Co .... 1,800 0:) ...... 5,000 00 None ·wm. Jennings ....

...... Boys playing·.

Slight No claim Unknown.

~one Spark from locomotive. 98 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


~ Day of No. of . No. of Time of Location. Owner.-- ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

18 Sunday 16 ...... 12.58 a.m...... 13 315 ...... 3.20 " Parkdale Public School...... Ctty of Toronto ... . 13 . Telph 10 Station l2.40 p.m. C. P. Railway yard, Yonge st. n. C. P. Railway Co .. 13 15 3.08 " Cor. Empress and Dowling· avenue City of Toronto .... 13 10 4.16 '' Spadina road, near Bloor street .. 14 Monday 2, 6, 8 St'n 9.19 a.m. 216 Spadina avenue ...... - Hunter ...... ,. 14 86 ...... 11.07 " Cor. Bloor and Manning avenue ...... ·: ...... ,. 14 158 ...... 12.02 p.m. Arthur street ...... Bickford estate .... . 14 Telph 11 Station 12.53 " S. W. cor. Glen road and Maple avP E. Henderson ....•• 14 S Tel. 3 " 1.31 " l 37 ...... 1.40 " !Rear 431 a~d 433 Yonge street. ':m. McCormack .. 14 ...... Rear 431 Yonge street ...... 14 ,: 433

14 139 ...... 2.55 p.m. St. George st., n. of Bernard ave.

14 147 3.04 " Mansfield avenue (vacant field) .. Land Security Co .. 14 Still 14 Station 4.30 " On Delaware avenue ...... 14 158 4.39 '' On Arthur street ...... Bickford estate ... . 15 Tuesday 24 ...... 4.24 a.m. King st. ent. St. Lawrence Market City of T~ronto .... 15 Telph 8 Station 11.53 " Cor. College and Palmerston ave. Tor. Bill Posting Co 15 10 Macpherson avenue ...... 12.42 p.m. On . . : ...... ~ . 15 11 12.45 " On Shaftesbury avenue ...... 15 10 3.35 " East end of Shaftesbury avenue .. - McBean ...... 15 ...... ·············· ······ ...... ···········•'······ 15 S 12 ( 71 t8t P;~· !120 Bay street ...... S. Pearcy ...... 15 ...... ·············· ········ ··············'···· 15 173 4.16 p.m. G. T. R. track, foot Strachan ave. G 1 T. Railway Co. i TORONTO FIRE DEPART:\IE~T. 99


Losses Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.\ Goods. Buildings.I Good:;.

! 8 c. s c. 8 c. 8 c. • · • • •• • • • • • ...... Boys pulled box for fun 1

41 00 ...... j 4. 700 00 ...... Unknown None ...... Spark from locomotive ...... Unknown

15 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Spark from smoke stack None ...... Unkno·wn 10 00 ..... : .... None

3 00 ...... •...... Boys playing

250 00 .... ; ... : . I 350 00 ...... Unknown C. A. Dunning .. 105 GO: •••••••••. 800 00 i J.C. Moor ...... 75 oo: ...... 500 00 None 2.00 ...... None ...... Boys playing


5 00 ...... i None Slight ...... Unknown

2 00 ...... None


50 00 ...... None

-McBean ...... 150 00 ...... None 810 00 ...... 2,000 00 ......

Whitworth & . 636 00 ...... 1,900 00 Restall None ...... Boys playing 100 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


a3 Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

15I Tuesday 'J'el ph WStation 5. 80 p . m . Spadina road, above Bloor street. J as. Bennett 15! ...... · · · · ·., ·, · · · · · · · · · 15 Telph 9 Station 5.43 p.m. Old Fort grounds ...... Dominion Gov't .. . rn Wed's'y 1 & 5 St'ns 10.15 a.m Foot of Yonge street, on wharf .. Freeman & Co .... .

1G " { 9 Station 10.48 '· I D · · G , 2 Chemical LO. 50 " I Old Fort grounds ...... omm10n ov t .. . 1G 13 Station 12. 30 p.m Bloor street, west of Dundas...... 1G 9 12 .34 " East end of Exhibition Grounds . City of Toronto .... 16 195 ...... rn.38 " G. T. R. track, north of Bloor st. G. T. Railway Co .. 16 Still 14 Station 1 45 " On Givens street ...... City of Toronto ... . 16 Telph LO 1.55 " On Summerhill avenue ...... 16 10 2.05 " 16 10 2.30 " Roxborough avenue ...... 16 10 3.15 " 1228 Yonge street ...... J. Dean ...... 16 15 3.45 " Foot of Dufferin ...... City of Toronto ... . 16 { Tel. 4,7,11,12S 9.40 " 237 ...... 9.42 " !Rear of 273 Ger~ard street east - Cavanagh ...... 16

16 37 ...... 10.36 p.m. 50 & 52 McGill street ...... Thos. Teevin ...... 17 Th'rsd'y 241 ...... 12 .30 " Rear 258 Carlton street ...... C. Husband ...... 17 J Tel. 14: Station 2 .27 p.m. l C B d Alb 17 I 86 ...... 2 .45 " S or. arton an any avenue City c,f Toronto .... 17 Telph 15 Station 3.50 " Foot of Dufferin street ...... 17 10 4.03 " North end of Madison avenue .. .

1,/ 193 4.05 " Rear of Shaw street ...... D. Vanblack ...... 171 " Telph 10 Station 6. 25 " Cor. Davenport rd. and Dupont st ...... 18 Friday . Still 2 9 .45 am Rear 514 Queen street west ...... Jas. Crocker ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 101


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.I Goods, Buildings.I Goods.

8 c. S c.l $ c. $ c. 50 00...... None ...... Boys playing. Jas. Bennett ...... 200 ooi ...... None I None ··········l······ ...... Boys.playing. Slight None ...... Unknown. None Boys playing.

5 00 ...... No claim 3 00 ...... None Spark from locomotive. None ...... Boys playing.


M. Plowman ...... 10 00 ...... 800 00 ...... •.•• Spark from chimney.

1 None • • •...... \ ...... Boys playing. I 50 00 ...... 300 00 ...... U nknowD . I Wm. Gilfoy ...... 189 46 ...... I 300 00 Thos. Teevin ... . 5 00 ...... 400 00 ...... Defective chimney.

25D 00 ...... None ...... Unknown

C. Husband ...... 238 00 ...... 1,000 00 2 00 ...... None ...... Boys playing.


10 00 ...... None ...... Unknown.


C. Neal ...... 12 00 ...... 4,000 00 ...... Boys playing. 102 TORONTO FIRE DEP..--\RTl\IEXT .


I I Day of No. of No. of Time of I i Location. I Owner. ('; Week. Box. Station Ala.rm. A


18 1 Friday . Telph 11 Station 12 35 p m On the Don River ...... City of Toronto ... .

18 8 :2 00 ': College, near Sully street ......

18 15 2 21 '' Opposite 934 King street west ... · I 18 2Chemical 3 24: " Old Fort Grounds, east of bridges. Dom'n Government

18 13 Station 3 43 '' G. T. R. track, north of Bloor st. :r_:L T. Railway Co ..

18 11 3.45 " On Glen road ...... City of Toronto ... .

18 11 4 30 " On Don River north of Gerrard st

1 I } Palmerston ave., north College. i 18 { l:J· I~~-._.'.'... !:~ ::

1 1 19 Saturd'y Telph .15 Station 1:2.17 " Foot of Dowling avenue ...... G. T. Railway Co .. i I I 19' 182 1...... l2.20 " /on G. •r. track, north of Dundas st 19~ Telph 12 :-,,tation 1.35 '· Don River ...... City of Toronto ... .

I rn! 9 2.05 " Os-;ington avenue near Dundas st. 1 I 19 l2 5.45 " Broadview avenue north of Park. John Playter

191 :11 7.30 " On Don River near '.Vinchester st City of Toronto .... I 20 Sunday 12 ! " 8.04 a.m On Don River ...... · 201 15 9.24: " On G.T.R. track ft. of Spencer ave G. T. Railway Co ..

201 11 9.39 " On Don River ...... , ..... City of Toronto ... . 15 11.10 " On D;mn avenue by G.T.R. track

1 15 3 45 pm 1 Oppo,-;ite 1715 Queen street we3t ..

13 4.00 " On C.P.R. traek north of Bloor st C. P. Railway Co .. 1 S Te1. 2__ c_h __ e_m__ ic. a. _1 4 .• 4,f> ,·,' i ( 17 4 47 S Foot of Bathurst street ...... Dom'n Government 20 Telph 15 Station 5.53 " G. T. R. track near cor. King and G. T. Railway Co .. Queen street west. 21 }Ionclay 10 11.46 a.m. C.P.R. track west of Avenue road C. P. Railway Co ..

1 21 14 1.30 p.m. Shaw street north of College street City of Toronto ....

12 2.45 " Broadview avenue north of Park. 1 TUHUXTU FIRE DEPAH'DIEXT. 103


Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings.I Goods. Buildings.I Goods.

s s S c.' ...... ""! Xone ...... Boy,; playing.

••• •••••" .... ,. .. I Xone I -----

...... \ ...... \spark from locomotive .

...... ! ...... 1Boys playing . 5 00 ...... Xone


5 00 ...... None ...... Spark from locomotive.


200 00 ...... , Xone ...... Boys playing.

None ...... 1 ......

5 00 ...... Xone


...... Spark from locomotive .

...... Boys playing. ······ ····1···· ..... ··········1········· , ...... Spark from locomotive.

l ...... Boys playing.


5 00 •••••••••• None ...... \Spark ~~om locomotive.

25 0.1,.

None • ••••••••• Boys playing.

1 , ...... 104 TORONTO FIRE DEPAHT:\IE~T.


(l) Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ 'Week. Box. Station. Alarm .

2!1Monday 263 • • • • • • • • • • i 7.23 p.m.iBroadview avenue, north of Jail. /City of Toronto .... l 1 22 1 Still 9 Station l0.18 a.m. On Trinity College grounds ..... :Trinity Coll. Trust,

2:2 Telph 13 i 3.49 p.m. G.T.R. track. north of Dundas st.?· T. Railway Co ..

1 22 4 & 5 St'n 6.11 '' Foot of Jarvis street ...... ••••••••••••••••••

I I 14 Station 7.30 " 'North e.nd of Sully street ...... ]city of Toronto ... . I 1 231 Wed's'y 12 ...... 12.30 a.m. 114 Bay street ...... Is. Pearcey ......

21i 25 ...... 3.40 " I 79 Esplanade street east ...... W. VV. Parks ...... I 23i Telph 5 Stat.ion 7.45 " 79 i,

23, 10 /10.15 " Chicora avenue Ontario Governm'nt 1

23 34 ...... · jll.13 " 19, 21 and 23 Alice street ...... I lleth. Ch. Trustees 23

23 ...... ·················· .... / ...... 23 •••• ····••'•····· ••••••••••••••••••••••.••• 1 •..•••••••••••••••• I 231 ...... 'I ...... ······I···· ...... ······ .... ······ ...... : ·········

Telph 9 Station 12.05 p.m. 46 Fanning street ...... 1 .T. Dixon ......

Still 2 4.05 ,, I Rear 514 Queen street west ...... i-Tas. Crocker ......

I I 142 7.05 " 1 S. E. Cor. Spadina avenue & St. J. Coulter ...... Patrick street. Telph 15 Station 11 50 " G.T.R. track, foot of Dowling av. G. T. Railway Co ..

24- Th'rsd'y ,, i12 3.20 ,, Don River, north of Queen street City of Toronto .... 2.J 15 11 3.50 " Dufferin street ...... · 1 25 Friday. " 14 & 5 St'nsj 9.43 a.m 7 Pembroke street ...... · 1-f. 11. Cameron .... . 25 " 10 Station 11 26 " St. George street, north of Bloor. jcity of Toronto ... .

1 1 25 10 11 12.12 p.m. 0n Bernard ave., near St·. George' I 1 I ! TORONTO FIRE DEPARnIEXT. 10~5

18 99-0ontinued.

Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Causo of Fire. Buildings.[ Goods. Buildings. I Goods.

s s C, $ $ C. None Boys playing .

...... Spark from locomotive. False.

None Boys playing. Sanderson & ...... From charcoal stove. Laurier Foam Yeast Co [ncendiary.

Slight No claim

None Boys playing.

1,484 3,000 Unknown.

J. H. Smith ...... 63 00 ...... 500 00

Queen City Chew'g ...... 937 00 ...... 1,500 oi:i Gum Co. E. CrowlE:'y ...... 500 00 ...... 500 00 W. Miller ...... 500 00 ...... 700 00

Cameron Mi'g Co .. 879 43 ...... 1,800 00

J. Dixon ...... None ...... Coal oil lamp exploded.

Chas. Noal ...... Boys playing. I

1 J. Coulter ...... 2 00 ...... J{one ••••••••• Spark from smoke stack. Spark from locomotive. None ......

1 1 Unknown. 50 00 ...... : None


Vacant ...... 400 00 ...... 1,000

None I ...... : : : : : : : : : : IBoy~'playing

!· ...... 1 106 TORONTO FIRE DEPART:.\IENT.


i Cl) nay of ~o. of Ko. of Time of Location. Owner. J Week. I Box. Station. Alarm.


1 JF · 1 : Tel.I···· · · · · · · 7.oo P,·.rn, 1 St. Georo·e north of Bernard ave City of Toronto .... _:JI rl( as . . i 139 I - 0·) 0 • I ...... ' - 1 • i :2f-i Saturd'yl :25 ...... /10 20 a m Foot of George street ...... , " Telph 10 Station 11.:20 " On Birch avenue ......

Still 14 I 11.3.J " .Xorth Shaw street ...... ·

26 ITelph 9 3.-1-0 p.m. Foot of Dafferin street ...... j

26 1 Still 4 8.00 " 101 street ...... !::.\frs. M. Foley ......

:213 165 10 58 " Foot of Dufferin street •...... City of Toronto .... 27 Sunday Telph 10 Station 11.30 a,m Ion Dupont st. near Avenue road ...... 1 2,i Still 11 1.23 p.m,IOn Glen road ......

,rl_, I 182 ...... 2.10 ·· On 8orauren avenue ...... :.\I. Clarkson ...... I 271 Still 10 Station :2.:20 '· Xorth end of Huron street ...... I i :27f 1571 ...... :2.:27 :28:::.\Ionclay •.Telph 2 :-;tationlll.40 ··-~r~,~ ~i:~e~ -~,-~~~::::::::: ::: : :1::::::::::::: ·_::::: lSI ,. I " 115 " 1.35 p.m. On Dowling avenue ...... 1

:28: 138 I ••••••••••• -±.:29 " On ::\Ic)Iaster avenue ...... City of Toronto ... .

I :28, Still :13 Station 4.30 .. C. P. R. track north of Dundas st C. P. Railway Co .. I I ,. 321 1 ...... :281 7.30 On Gwynne avenue ...... 1 ••••••••••••• ,. :28! 263 I...... 18.08 Broadview avenue north of Park. :J. Playter ... I :2s: 178 ...... 10.03 Rear 785 King street west ...... IUnion Loan Co

:28 ...... ·········· ...... Diamoncl ::.\fa('hine & Tool Co. :28 Still 3 Stc-ition 5 35 pm 539 Yonge street ...... [R. G. Kerby ......

;, 28 1 9.32 Rear of 92 Richmond street west. )fr,c;. A. Carrick .... ·

29 1 Tuesday :28 ...... 3.13 a.rn. By Eastern 4-iap of the Island .... T. Davies ....

291 Telph 15 Stati011 1 35 p.m On Atlantic avenue ...... OntarioG0verument

I 291 '13 4.30 " 1 C11r. Danclas and Bloor 5treets,, .. ]07

1899 -Cunti1mecl

! i

___L_o_s_se_s_. ___ 1I ___In_s_u~r_a_n_c_e __ Occupant. I - Cause of Fire.

______i_D_u_i_ia_i_n_g~s ·l_a_oo_a_s_.____ B_u_i_ld_i_n_g_s_. ;-1 _G_o_o_d_s_. ~------~

I I I S c., S c. S c. 8 c...... "[ None I ...... ] ...... ;Boys playing .

...... spark from smoke stack .

1 1 • • • • • • • • • Boys playing. I I 1 ...... I ...... Slight ! ...... None ...... Boys having bonfire. l\fr,c;. ::\I. Foley .... Xone ...... :Burning chimney...... Boys playing .

5 00 ...... None ...... Spark from locomot.ive.

None ...... Boys playing.

5 00 ...... None 3 ooi ...... Spark from locomotive .

None ...... Unknown. 3 00 ...... Xono 25 00 ...... 1,000 None

R. <+. Kerby...... Slight Xone ...... Spark from stove.

Geo. ::\IcGregor .... 10 Xone 350 ...... Unknown. Xone ...... Incendiary...... !Unknown ...... [

••••••••• 1 : ...... 1 " 108 TORONTO FIRE DEPART)IE~T .

.AUGUST:, ======:c-_ ------

o5 Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

I l-±0 I., ••• ,,,,, 4 57 pm. Rear 136 Brunswick avenue ...... 29 Still 10 Station 5.50 " Vacant field, Yorkville avenue .. . 29 172 ...... 8.25 " :149 Niagara street ...... H. Taylor ...... 29 263 ...... 8.39 " :on Don River above Gerrard st .. City of Toronto ... . 29 Still 3 Station'.1:2 .00 " On Devonshire place ...... 30 "Ted's'y 15 1.50 " R'r 114 Dowling av., G.T.R. track G. T. Railway Co .. 30 Telph 10 2.25 " Rear 910 Yonge street ...... Severn estate .... . 31 Th'rsd'y Still 16 8.35 am. 117 Jarvis street ...... , ...... 31 Telph 14 12.15 p.m On Howland avenue ...... ,City of Toronto ... .

31 I " 14 3.10 " On Ossington avenue ...... • TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 109

1899. ·-Continued.

Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire.

Buildings.\ Goods. Buildings, I Goods.

I 8 c.\ S c.l S c.· S c.l 1 ...... ············! None i ...... , ...... •••••••••• :Hot ashes. 1

' ! ...... Unkno,\'!l.


1 H. Taylor . ; ..... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bur11ing chimney.

i'iO 00 ...... · I None ...... !Unknown.

None ...... · 1 · ...... Boys playing .

1 • • • • • • • • • Spark from locomotive ...... , . Unknown. l\I. Mulcahy ...... :2 00; ...... None Lighting fire with coal oil.

I • ••.••.••. : ...... • . ••.••••• Unknown.



) Day of No. of No. of Time of- Location. Owner. d Week. Box. Station. Ala.rm. 0 I --~ -~---~--

1 Friday . Still 15 Station 4.15 a.m.1212 Cowan avenue ...... IParkdale Curling 1 Club.

2 Saturd'y Telph j 1 10.50 p.m.i 60 Pearl street ...... T. Taylor ......

3 Sunday. 15 -J-.00 " j1223 Queen street west ......

3 263 8.30 ,; /Broadview avenue, north of Jail. City of Toronto ... .

3 36 ...... jll.45 " 3--15 Yonge street ...... , ..... • • ......

4! Monday I 157 ...... · 3.04 " i Rear 3S Rolyatt street ...... J. D. '.rhompson .. .

4! " 1Telph 110 Station[ 5.30 " ! East end of Dupont street ...... , ......

5[·ruesday] 3± ...... 2.05 a.m. Rear 215 Yonge street ......

5 Telph is & 10 St'n I 1.10 p.m.;Rear 43 Sussex avenue ...... C'. Thompson ...... I I I . 5 29 ...... ~ 9.16 " iRear 158 Duke street .... , ...... W. J. Barchard ... .

I 5f ······1······ ...... ····1······I ······ .... ············ ...... BjWed's'y 256 I· ...... 1.32 p m.; Rear 776 Queen street east ...... Tho$. Lobb ...... 6 317 (i 7:51 ..'.'../.~. ~-•~-r-,~~ ~~~~~~.:::::::: .. :: ~r~:·. ,r_ ~~~~~::::: I 7 Th'rsd'y 71 • • • • • •• • •-/12.2--1 p.m.: 21 Richmond street west ...... R.H. Lear., ......

······ •... i ...... ••··•• .... ······ ...... , ...... ; ...... 21 Richmond st. west (up-stairs Ii ...... 28 ...... 8.58 p.m. Rear --17 and 49 Duke street ...... Baldwin Estate ... . 1 7, .... ······:·•·· ··········· ......

I 9 Saturd'y Telph Chemic'l 1 2.30 p. m. jCor. Yonge and Queen streets , .. Toronto Railw'y Co. S d S Tel. 2 & 9 St'n 7.10 a.m. ( S . 10 3 , un ay. ( 17 ...... 1 7.14 " i ~ trachanavenue ...... R. Dawson ...... 10' ...... ··1······I ······ ········ ·····_· ······ ·········· ...... lllJfonday 211 ...... 9.32 a.m 1:293 to 301 Ring street east ...... Firstbrook Bros .. . I 111 11 Still 6Station .~:~~ .~:~e. ~~~n ~~r~et.:::::::::::::::: T.-.p~-tte~~~-:::::: TUH\J~TO F[ltE DEP.ART~,IE~T. 111


Losse3 Insurance

Occupant. . I , Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. I Buildings. I Goods.

er- I .;;, c.1 8 C. I 8 C. i $ C. . . Slight ...... Electric wire.

J. Grove ...... DefectiYe flue.

Vacant ...... None

Ramsden & Lloyd. Smoke mistaken for fire.

J. D. 'rhompson .. 2 None Unknown. None

Vacant ...... Boys playing. 25 None Unknown.

\V. J. Barchard ... 75 on ...... None None 10 00 ...... None Coal oil lamp exploded.

M. Prosser ...... 50 00 ...... None 53 00...... 6,700 ...... Unknown.

R.H. Lear ...... 106 75 ...... B.O~HJ 00

C. Smith ...... 15G 00 ...... 25') 00 115 0) ...... 30)

J. Robinson ...... 85 00 ...... None None ...... Electric current s~t car on fire.

50 00 ...... None Unknown.

R. Daws'Jn ...... 100 OJ ...... None None

None I T. Patterson .... , I •••••••••• 3 00 ...... None 112 TORONTO FIRE DEPARnIEXT.


~ Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

12'.Tuesday 16 4.55 p.m.

131 \Ye'sd'y 6.0:! " i3 and 75 ·wellington st.. west .. A. Manning ...... i 13!

LliTh1rsd'y 41 8.25 p.m. 21 Elizabeth street ...... :\f. McDonald ...... ! 15; Friday . 85 6 00 " Rear 6 Walmer road ...... Mrs A. Hogaboom.

l1\3aturd'y 148 4.03 ,; Rear 81 College street ...... Oinnis & Macklin .. I rnl Telph 12 & 9 St'n 6.59 " G60 Queen street west ...... Jas. Crocker ...... 16 115 Station 9.00 " ...... Toronto Railw'y Co.

16 273 ...... 10.14 " 1201 Queen street east ...... J. Maunder ......

li Sunday. 12 ...... 12.55 a.m. 2 to 8 Pearl street ...... G Proctor Estate .. 17

li 13 1.10 a.m. 110 York street ...... Grange Estate .... .

18 :\'Ionday 157 4.40 " 211 Dundas street ...... T. :Manley ......

18 :2.Ji 9.0:2 p m 299½ Sumach street ...... R. X. Self ...... 18 ,, I- .....

191 Tuesday 237 2.38 a.m. 295 Gerrard street east ...... J. Cubitt ...... 19:

20 Wed's'y 41 3 14 p.m. Rear 88 Queen street west ...... Can. Per. Loan Co ..

20 10.50 " Rear 169 \Yellington street west. T. Pike ...... :20, 36 ...... 11.50 " ...... ·i·· ...... ······ .. :21 Th'rsd'y Telph 1 Station 11.45 a.m. 122 Avenue road ...... M. J. Buckley .... .

:21 I

I 2:2.Frida.y. 53 ...... 2.10 a.m. 35 Britain street ...... John McCarthy ... .

...... ·...... ················ ········ ...... 14 p.m. TURO~TO FIRE DEPAHT}IENT. 113

1 8 9 9 . -Continued.

Losses, Insurance. Occupant, Cause of Fire. Buildings ,I Goods. Buildings. I Goods.

I I 8 c. 8 c.l s c. s c. . ... False.

10 None Unknown. \Y. H. Ferguson .. 60 00 ...... None

J. Berkowitiz .... . None I Slight ...... Coal oil lamp exploded. Vacant , ...... 30 00 ...... None ...... Incendiary.


J. ::\I. Scott ...... 5 00 ...... Boys playing. 1 A Jack ...... None Pot of sugar boiled over.

••••••••••,••••••••••;••••••••••I Electrical current.

J. Maunder ...... 25 001 ...... , 3 5'}0 OJ! ...... ~Unknown.


435 3i'> •••••••••• [ 4,500 00 ..... , .... : I Taylor: Scott & Co...... 1.8:2:2 00 ...... 3,200 O,J

25, 00 ...... 2,000 00 ...... i

F. B. Woodall .... Slight None 1 · ...... Incendiary.

1 :25 95 .•.•...... 958 00 , ••••••••• :coal oil lamp exploded. E. J. \Yells ...... 25 OU .... :,·····: ,,JO oui . 29) ool...... 1,().)) 0) ...... Unknown.

Safety 01·1 Can C o ...... iI 100 00 None

Fagen & i 10 00 .....•.... None '\ ...... 'Unknown. }lcDurnett ! T. Pike ...... 10 00 ......

. I ...... :False .

None ...... !Gas jet.

}I. J. Buckley .... · ...... 10 0) 1,000 on

00 ...... 1Lighted pipe left on sideboard. 10 1 J\' one

John McCarthy .. 10 00 ...... None ,

...... ••.• I •.•.•...... I False.



G nay of N"o. of No. of 'rime of Location. Owner. ~ ·week. Box. Station. Alarm. 0

------· ------'------

23 Sat'rd'y 234 8.5:2 a.m Rear 86 Parliament street ...... John O'Neil, Jr ... .

24 Sunday 47 .... •• .... I / .i'.i-1 °: 36 Markham street ...... J. Pullen ......

24 ' ...... , ......

25 Monday 234 ...... 1 5.(U p.m

2(-ii Tuesday 12 ...... 4.4J " 57 Bay street......

2jl 34 ...... 16.0G " :238 Yonge Street ...... L. H. Miller ......

I Telph 2 Station! 6 58 .. Cor. Wellington & Strachan ave. Tur. Elec. Light Cu.

2,iWed'!:,'y & 10 St'nl 2.10 ·• 65 Madison avenue ...... / Glapp ..... • • • • • • , I 28 Th'r:sd'y 2 StatioIJ 2.15 " , Rear 114 Wellington street west.I' \Ym. Ha~ilton .. •.

I ' Still 112 9.58 " . Rear 122 Bolton avenue ...... R. Pollock ......

2D Friday . 169 ...... 11 46 a.m.1126 Argyle street ...... /J. ,Yil5on ...... 1

I 28 245 ...... ' 4.25 p.m/38 Winchei-ter street ...... /.J. Lobb ...... • •

29! 237 ...... 7 .05 · · 273 Gerrard street east ...... A. '-'.hi te ...... 29 ·········· ...... ··········1······ ············· I 29 234 L8.15 " :356 Queen street east ...... ! P. Jamieson .....- ..

29 Still Station 10.30 " 18 Steiner street ...... ~T. Kerman ...... 29 ······ ...... ······!··················· 30 Saturd'.r!Telph & 4 St'n 3 20 a.m.!centre Island E .•T. Lennox ...... I

3) I ......

30 1 ...... 1 R. F. Spence ...... 30' I ...... 1 3J ...... ! ··········· .... ····I··················· TORONTO FmE DEPART::\IENT. 1L5


Losses. Insurance. Occupant, Cause of Fire. Buildings.I Goods. Buildings.[ Goods.

8 c.l S c. $ c. 8 c.1 · · · · ...... 3 oo; ...... ,...... Hot ashes .

1 ...... : 31J oo\ ...... , 50::> 00 ...... Defective stove pipe.

J. Ryan ...... i ...... J 93 50 ...... 2:jQ 00 ~alse.

'rhos. Fudge ...... None None Chimney. L. H. Miller .... . 33 33 3,000 00 ...... Defective furnace pipes. None ...... Electrlc light wire.

S. C. Dichon ...... Slight No claim ...... Defective furnace pipes. Yacant ...... None ...... Unknown.


R. Pollock ...... : ...... 1 J. Wilson ...... ··········1·········· ...... Smoke mistaken for fire. Vacant ...... Incendiary. From gas stove.

A. White 5 00 ...... None T. Heslop None ...... Gas jet. 30 00 ...... 400 00 ...... Unknown.

VV. Collis ...... 100 00 ...... None 1,800 00 ...... 1,8')0 00 ...... Defective fire place.

E. J. Lennox .... 5,400 00 ...... 500 00 1,000 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Heat from the above fire.

R. F. Spence . . . . . 2 500 OJ ...... 600 00

Mr. Trees ...... · J · ...... j 300 00 ...... None 116 TOROXTO FIRE DEPAHT:\IEXT.


j Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ct1 Week. Box. Station. Alarm. A

1 Sunday 13 · · · · · · · · · · 12 .42 p.m.: l Rear 99 and 101 King st. west .. French estate ...... 7 ...... 12.45 " i 5 1 ~ : : : : : : : : : : ti~ ;; I } Rear 167 Wellington street west. T. Pike ...... 142 5,46 ·· !Rear 312, 314and 816 Spadina ave - Freeman ......

I ...... Rear 2~ Kensington avenue ...... Mary King ...... S 152 6.lO p.m. l 79 and 81 Hackney street ..... Telfer Bros ...... (15:2 ...... 6.10 .. 5 I ...... ! ...... 79 Hackney street ......

1 •••••••••••••••••••• 81

2 Monday Telph 9 Station 1.28 p.m.:Arthur street ...... Bickford estate .... . i Still 2 10 " ! 18 Yorkville avenue ...... City of Toronto ... .

I 3 Tue3day Telph 5 10.03 a.m. 1 31 King street east ...... Charle,; Potter .... .

I 3 158 4.27 p.m.:Rear 89 Sully street ...... James Bennett .... . 3 ...... ····I···· .... ·········· ...... ······ 3 6 ...... 6.40 p.m. ! 6 and 8 Bay street ...... 3 7 ...... 6.47 " !Rear 167 ·wellington street ...... J. Pike ...... I 4 "\Yed's'.r 26 ...... 5.57 On Esplanade street east of George ...... , ...... I 4! I 321 6.15 ,. 1261 King street west ...... "\Ym. ::\Icilwain ... .

1 4 jTelph J&5Sta'n 7.2, " iRear 52 and 56 Duke street ...... Fensom Elevator Co

5Th'rsd'yi 211 I ...... 2.40 '· i293 to 301 King street east ...... Firstbrook Bros ... .

5! I Still ! 3 Station i 30 '' College street near Yonge street .. J. Irwin ......

I 1

5 : 25J ...... 10 28 " 661 Queen street east ...... Smith estate ......


l\Frillay . ! { ~~l. } . ~. ~~~,-~ 11.20 a.m. 87 Queen street east ...... Hayden estate .... . ·········· .... ········ .... ············ ......

6 i 11 I·...... 3.4--t: p.m ...... 6/ [Telph' 3 Station 6.01 " [Cor. Yong~ and (-Honcester street. W. Forbes ......


7Saturd'y " 9 3.19 " Bickford ravine ...... Bickfordestate .... . TORONTO FIRE DEPART~IEXT. 117


Losses Insurance Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. IBuildings. I Goods.

8 C f; C. ~ c. S c.[ 1

Yacant ...... 124 00 , ...... 13,500 00, ...... Incendiary.

1 T. Pike ...... 25 00' ...... i None

Vacant ...... 250 ool ...... i Unknown.


Mary King ...... 20 00 •••••••••• :2.000 00 ...... Incendiary.

350 00 ...... I 1,000 00 ...... ,unknm\·n.

L. Hughes ...... 25 00 ...... Kone :Heat from fire on Spadina ave, J. "Wiley ...... 25 OOj ...... •.. 1 Ddective chimney.

Slight ...... 1 Xonc ...... ;Cnkno\\·11.

Charles Potter ... None ...... Boys playing. I 100 00 ...... I 5one ...... Overheated stovepipes.

J. Bunting ...... I 10 00, ...... 75 00 L. Schepp ...... None ...... Burning chimney. J. Pike ...... 30 00 ...... X one '...... Incendiary. None ...... Boys ,-et oil on fire...... Unknown. I· ......

Slight None I

None ...... j ...... Boys having a bonfire. I ...... Cuknown. I J. F. Brown & 46 Ci5 ...... 1,500 00[ Fabe.

2 None Overheate,-l tar caught fire.

I None ...... I ...... Boy,- playing. 118 TORONTO FIRE DEPAlff::\lE~T.


a> Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station Alarm,

I . 7 Saturd'y 7 ...... I 10.25 p.m. Front street, west of York ...... c. P. Railway .... . 1 73 ...... !11.50 " 106 Agnes streE>t ...... ::\Irs. Burns ......

8 Sunday Still 8 Station 12.35 " 93 :'.\Iajor street ...... :'.\Irs. E. :'.\I. Cuthbert 8 ...... ·i···· ······ ...... 9Monday 89 ...... :12.54 p.m. :247 Clinton street ...... i.James Laister ......

9 172 8.46 ,, Foot of Tecumseth street ...... Rathbun Co ......

9 ...... Consumers Gas Co .. I to.Tuesday 45 ...... 2.18 a.m. 400 Queen street west ...... G. R. R. Cockburn. I ! lOi " i i . ·········· ...... ················ ················1···················

10· " I 163 ...... 11.38 p.m.?· T. Railway yard, Parkdale ... G. T. Railway Co .. 1 11lwed's'y i 29 ...... 5.24 a.m.,S.-E. cor. King and Berkeley sts. St. Lawrence Foun- drv Co. 111 17 ...... 7.20 p.m. Old Fort, foot of Bathurst strnet .. Dom~n Government

11 145 7.55 " [H::2 Harbord street ...... :'.\I. Dempsey ......

11 17 .20 "' Foot of Bathurst street ...... P. Burns ...... 11 I

11 ...... Foot of Bathurst street ...... R. J. Kennedy .... .

12 Th'rsd'y 3'3 ...... 7.45 a.m. S.-E. cor. Gould and Victoria sts. Catholic Apostolic Trustees. 12 13 ...... 3.04 p.m. 45 Pearl street ...... Cnitecl Electrical Co

12 212 7.'28 " 12 Berkeley street ...... IDelaney estate .... . 13Friday. 318 ...... 12.-14 " l17J McDonald avenue ...... :J. Foster...... I .

131 23J ...... 8.45 " On Parliament street ...... 1 ••••••••••••••••••• I i lJ I Saturd'y 318 ...... 9.14 " •Rear 134 McDonald avenue ...... Thomas Crackley .. 15 Sunday Telph 9 Station1 2.51 '' :In Bellwoods Park ...... 1City of Toronto ... . il-i Monday -±7 , ...... 1 ;jJ •. 1 Rear 552 Adelaide street west .... :'.\Iulvey estate ...... I 1G Telph 111 Station· 7.58 " ·On Don River near -winchester stCity of Toronto ... . TORONTO FIRE DEPARnIENT. 119


Losse5. Insurance. Occupant Cause of Fire.

! Buildings ·I Goods. I Buildings I Gocds.

8 c. S c. S c.. S c.

Yaeant 50 00 ...... i None ...... Incendiary. James vVilson ..... None ...... ···1· ...... 85 0') ...... GO'.) O')I ......

Alex Ownes ...... 5o oo ...... I 400 00 James Laister .... . None ...... ·Burning chimney.

100 00 ...... None ...... Unknown. 25 00 ...... 425 oo: ...... 2,800 00 ...... J. Ryan ...... 477 00 ...... 2,000 00 300 00 ...... 2,000 00 ...... G. T. R. collision setting cars on fire. 1,975 00 ...... 50,000 00 ...... Unknown.

2 00 ...... None ...... Incendiary. M. Dempsey ..... None ...... Burning chimney. 800 00 ...... 500 00 ...... Unknown.

P. Burns ...... 2,980 00 ...... 3,000 00

R. J. Kennedy .. . Jl 00 None 934 00 ...... Heat from stable fire. Slight No claim ...... Coal oil lamp exploded. United Electric None ...... Pot of oil exploded. Blachford & Co ...... Spark from cupola.

R. :-,eott ...... , ...... Unknown...... Bonfire .

Thomas Crackley ...... Unknown...... Boys playing .

Vacant ...... Slight None ...... Cnknown.



~ Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.


16 Monday 23.! ...... /10.15 p.m. 92 Power street ...... - Roberts ...... 17 Tuesday 173 ...... 10.20 a.m. 83 Niagara street ...... · ?· Stroughers ...... 18 Wed's'y Telph 15 Station 10.12 p.m. 27 Callendar street ...... R. C. Grant ...... 18 ...... ······ ...... ····••i••·· ...... 18 14 ...... , 11.01 p.m. 3-!J King street west ...... }JcDonald Estate ..

19 Th'rsd'y Court- ...... · I 7.20 " 103 Jarvis street ...... Mrs. J. McFarland. land, 19 4 7 i ...... 7. 30 " ,Rear 63-1 Queen street west ..... \Ym. Healer ...... ! 19 ...... , ...... ··········1········ ...... ····1···· ...... I 19 Telph il & 6 St'm 9.25 p.m. 141 Simcoe street ...... I Walter ::\Iishaw ... . 19 19 .~;;:I· 1~ ~ .5 ;,:~ :1;;: ;; ·;.·~·. ~~~·. ~;~~· ~~~· ~~~~~;~;~~ s;~~~;: Tor ..~;~~.·~;~~,·~~·

20 Friday. 157 •••••••••• 12.22 " jRear of 119 Harrison street ...... J. Hughes ...... 1

20 24 J...... 8.02 ;, i 63 Jarvis street ...... }[rs. ~I. Jones .... . 20 1 ...... j ...... +•················ 20 i 234 ...... lU.07 p.m. Rear of 5 Trefann street ...... j"\\". H. Corrigan .. .

21 Saturd'y Telph 17 Stat.ion 6.30 " S."\V. cor. Wilton av. &Ontariost.lCity of Toronto ... .

! s 237 8.11 " I 21 l 251 : : : : : : ~:: .· 8.13 " \ 287 Sack ville street ...... · IH. H. Williams. ag't ::1Mo~day ;~!~~ ;~·~· ;;· ~;,;;:~ ·;.·~·. ·;;·~I~~~· :::~e~· ~~~;:::::: .: : : : ;~;~,::~ ·;;~:; ·~o:: 24.Tuesday, i g~ :: : : : : : : : '.: ~:~! '.'. !Toronto Cattle Market. 'city of 'Toronto .... I 25 Wed's'y 12 ...... ,12.30 " 109 Bay street ...... ?, T. )Iatthews ... . 1 I 25, ···'.······1···· ...... ······:••·· ...... 25 162 ...... 111.20 p.m. 8 Givens street ...... :- Beas}ey ...... 25 ··:·······1·········· ...... ·················· ...... : ...... :Rear 8 Givens street...... - Beasley ...... TORONTO FIRE DEP~\RT:\IE:\'T. 121

18 9 9-Continued.

___L_os_s_e_s_. ___ II Insurance. Occupant, Cause of Fire. Buildings.[ Goods. Buildings.\ Goods.

I $ c. $ c. s c. 8 C. Yacant ...... 5 00...... None ...... !Unknown . 1 J. f,troughers ...... \wood in oven overheated. None .... ······l···· ...... ·Gas jet.

R. C'. Grant ...... 10 00 ...... 800 00

Vacant ...... 5 00 ...... None ...... Unkno,,·n. None ...... !Burning rubbish .

60 00 ...... None ...... 1Unknown.

"\Vm. S. Fry ...... 10 00 ...... None

24 00 ...... 800 00 ...... vValter Miahaw .. 68 50 ...... 400 00 'El . 1· l t . N one ...... i ...... · 1 ectric 1g 1 ,vire. J. Hughes ...... Slight ...... [ ...... UnknowD. 1

54 58...... 6,000 oo: ...... 1

"\Vehrle Mfg Co ... 500 00 ...... 1,700 00


"\V. H. Corrigan .. None ...... 1 Unknown...... " ··········1······ ... . Coal oil lamp exploded. M. Parker ...... 10 00 ...... None A. Ireland ...... None ...... Pot of grease caught fire on ······ ····1···· ···••· stove ...... ,Unknovl'n.

~ ...... 80 00 ...... i 3,000 00 ...... · 1

- Titus ...... 15 00...... None 1 I 50 oo ...... 500 oo ...... I

- Beasley ...... 200 00 ...... 500 oo:

-Payne ...... 100 00 ...... ' None ...... : From broom factory fire. 1:?2 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTi\IEXT.



Time of j Day of No. of No. of Location. Owner. cd Week. Box. Station. Alarm. A I


31 ...... ! 3.03 p.m 'LOl Yonge street ...... : ......

1 :211 Telph 2 & 6 St'ml 7.03 '' ...... ·I· ...... •• ::j8't,~rd'y .153 r: ::: : : r.~2-. _.: .. 2~~. B.•.t~~~'_'_ ~:~~~t ._ :: : : : : : : : : : : S: -S~~~~~~ :: ...... 29 Sunday. Telph 5 Station 5.32 p.m 31 King street west ......

2r,1 36 i ...... I 1.59 " 341 Yonge street ......

30 Monday Telph 1 -! & 5 St'ns L2 26 " I Foot of Princess street ...... Dalton Bros ...... 2 9 8 12 31 Tuesday J T~\ & " , - " ! !Old Fort grounds ...... Dominion Gov't .... . 1 1 1, - I ••..•••••• : 8.16 '' 31 I rn :...... 11.27 " '104 Pearl street ...... F. J. Smith, agt .. . i TORONTO FIRE DEPARTl\IENT. 123

1899_ ·-Co11tinued

Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire.

Buildings.I Goods. Buildings. I Goods.

I I s c. s c. s c. s c. Auer Light Co .... Xone ...... Some fluid exploded. False.

10 00 .... 1,000 00 ...... Unknown. S. Seymore ...... 25 oo,...... 1.000 ool P.iddell Block .... . None ...... Smoke mistaken for fire...... False .

M. O'Leary ...... 30 -!O None None ...... Spark from chimney.

None i ...... [ncendiary.

Vacant ...... Slight 124 TOHOXTO FIRE DEPART:\IEXT.


Day of No. of No. of Time of Ji Location. Owner. ca Week. Box. Station. Alarm. A

I 128 ...... ,12.05 a.m ...... • • • • • • • • • • • •...... • •. • •. •. 1 37 ...... 12.38 "

1 1 Still 14 Station L2.05 p.m. 101 Westmoreland avenue ......

1 \Telph 6 3.29 " 156 Richmond street west ......

1 1: I 178 ...... 7.16 " 113 V-talnut avenue ...... J. E. Yerral .... : ..

:th:~s•ay~lph. 3,.~0: .11 \1..~. •: ... ~•. ~~~.•.~~~d ~~~~~::::: ·.:::: t Sh~rb~~~~~ : : : : : 2 Still ,1·4· ..S.ta. t·i·o·n.12.30 p.m. 639 Shaw street ...... Thoma,;; R. Drynan. 3 1 Friday . 7G 8.13 a.m. 189 Chestnut street ...... 1 L. Girio ......

1 3 " 152 ...... i 8.5'1 ,: 'Rear 20 Augn,;ta avenue ...... ; ...... 1 I

3 Telph 3 Stationl·ll.55 " 64 \Yalton street ...... 1 ••••.••.:.\Irs. R. Ship ...... Court- 3 land ...... ,j.:2J p.m. 30 to 36 Temperanc~ street ...... syst'm ' ,J. ~atmd'y 46 ...... 1 J.20 a.m.1577 King street 11·est ...... Trem,~ith estate ...... ······1···· ······1·············· ...... Still 4 Station 5.00 p.m.1135 to 151 Dnke street ...... \Y. J. Barchard .... S 17 · · · · · · · · · · 7 ·16 p.m.1 i 107 N. t t (172 ...... 7.19 ,, f iagara s ree ...... B. ::\Itll~'r ...... 1 I i 4 ··········1··········1······ ·························· ...... 4 I I 4 158 : : : : : : : : : ~:~~ ·~.·~·r:~~~ ·s~~:;::::::::::::: ·. ·.:::: ;i:.~·fo:.,; ~stat: ::: 4 136 ...... 11.10 .. C. P. Railway yard ...... C. P. Railway Co .. 5 Sunday 76 ...... '12.15 ·· 183 Centre avenue ...... r. \Y. Lang ...... 6 Monday 123 ...... 7.14 a.m. Rear 9 Bloor street east ...... \Ym. Barrett ...... 1 6 85 ...... :12.JO p.m. 172 Robert street ...... ·!J. B:-tin ...... 6 Still 15 Station' 4.57 " 1913 Dnnn avenue ...... H. ::\I. East ......

I 6 I 1 •••••••••• ······'········••J·•···· ...... J ••••••••••••••••••• TORONTO FIRE DEPARnlE~T. 1:25


i Losses. I Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. !Buildings I Goods,

8 8 .. .. ~ ... ~ I .. . ~ ... ~- ...... ~: . . . ~ }•lse.

l\I. McGill ...... None ...... Overheated stovepipes.

•••••• ...... 1 ...... Burning chimney. Yacant ...... ; 20 00 ...... None ...... Unknown. i •••••• •••••••• ••• ,1 10 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Boys and matches . ~. Sherhourne ... ·I· ...... 42 35! ...... 1,000 00 Thomas R. Drynan! None ...... Burning chimney. I L. Girio ...... ' ...... Boys playing C. Hudson ......

I l\Ir;;. R. Ship ..... · I 20 00 None 50) 00 ...... Spark from chimney .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• False.

1 65 00 ...... 90:) 00 ...... Cnknown.

Thomas Trenwith. 200 00 ...... 600 00

W. J. Barchard... Slight , ...... No claim ...... 0Yerheated pulley...... 2,883 31 1 ...... 30,000 00 ...... Unknown.

Gilchrist Bros ..... I .. .. • .. . .. 3. 748 12 ...... 4,000 00



W. Spanner ...... •••••••••• 1 1,000 00 ·...... 1,000 08 5 ool ...... None ...... Unknown.

I 10 00 ...... Incendiary.

Vacant· ...... ! Slight ...... Hot ashes, 1 ::\Ir,.;. l\:I. Leach ... . 75 00 ...... : Xone ...... Incendiary.

Vacant ...... 10 00 ...... · 1 ...... 150 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Defective chimney.

H. ::\I. East ...... ! • • • • • • • • • • ~one 1:26 TOIW~TO FIRE DEPAHT.MEKT.


Day of No. of Ko. of 'Time of $ Location. Owner. ~ \Veek. Box. Station. Alarm. A

· · - · · · • • • • • • • .. • 1 · ...... • I Rear 466 Yonge street ..... ___ .. J. McClenand ......

1 fl:2 ...... 4 .43 " j 25 :St. Joseph street ...... St. Michael',, CoPge I , ITelph 111 Station 5.10 " On Prospect street ...... City of 'l'oronto ... . 1

6 '1 2JG ...... 7 .36 " On Sumach street ......

6 85 I ...... 8.08 " 5 \Valmer road E.T. Fox 4H ...... 8.:27 ., N. E. Cor. King and Portland sts ...... fi 3:2 ...... 9.05 " Rear of 14 Queen street east .... Toronto Furnace Co 6 Telph 2 Station 10.30 '' Cor. Draper and Front streets .. Toronto Teleph Co. 6, 136 ...... 10 50 " C. P.R. yard, North Toronto .... \Ym. C. Jones .... . ,JTuesday 15 ...... 12 .03 a.m. A.delaide street, near Spadina av. E. Brady ......

7 Still 11 Station 12 .21 p.m. St. James' Cemetery ...... Cemetery Trus~ ... .

7 'relph 2 & 9 St'ns 7 .59 " Rear 5! Tecumseth street ...... \Veller & Co ......

14 ...•...... lO.~O " Rear :2:25 Adelaide street west .. Ontario Governm:t.

sl \Ved's'y 'relph 2 & 8 St'ns 5. 37 " ! :'\ assau street ...... ••••••••••••••••••• 1 I I 158 ...... 8.19 " ~Cor. Gore Vale ave. & Arthur st ...... -8 16 i· ...... 10.18 '' ...... 8 ~6. : : : : : : : : : : 10 :15 . •.• .. R-•~~ 536-~i·n·g .st~e~t -"~~~::::::: -8 I... J: .G. ~lark·•·: ·:::::

I 9 Th'rsd'y Telph 9 Station 4.37 " Vacant field, Arthur st1eet ...... 9 :2 & 8 St'ns 5.dO " 65 Henry stree,t ......

10 P'riday.: 16 ...... 5.55 Rear 8:2 and 84 Bathurst street .. Furlong Estate .... 11 Saturd'y Telph 4 & 7 St'ns 8.:25 am. 30 Power street ...... , ..... iE. \\'. Brandon ... . TOIWXTO FIUE DEP.\HT~IE~T. 127

1889 -

I Losses Insurance Occupant Cause of Fire. IBuildings ·I G ocds. IBuildings. I Goods,

S C. S C. s c.: s c.: ~T. Duncan 5 00 ...... None ..... _ ... ·I [neendiary.

200 00 ...... 200 00 ...... ! Unknown.

R. J. Stanley ..... 15') 00 ...... 200 00 23 00 ...... 3,600 9) Slight Kone Incendiary. None .... ···.···.·1 ...... Boys playing...... Vacant ...... 360 GO ... : ...... 4,CO) oo; ...... Unknown. None ...... J, ...... Boys playing. Tor. Furnace Co .. 1,0 OU ...... 2.000 ooi ...... Unknown.

None ...... i ...... Electric wire. 200 00 500 00 None None Incendiary.

E. Brady ...... 20 00 ...... None I 10 o°J' ...... Unknown.

None ...... 1 Lawson ~lillingCo. 5 00 ...... None False...... ········••, .... ······1····I ······ Boys playing .

...... 1 ...... False .

150 00 170 00 150 None Cigar butt.

J. G. Clarke ...... Bonfire

J. A. Tucker .... . SHght I •••••••••• None Boys and matches.

Vacant ...... :~5 00 ...... 1 • • • • • • • • • • [ncendiary. i I J. Good ...... None 5 00 ...... , None -;park from stove. 1:28 TORONTO FIRE DEPART:.\IEXT.


I I Ko. of Time of Owner. ~ ~:.~! 1~~/1 Station. Alarm. Location. ------'------___:'.______--'------I

1 11lsaturcl'y Telph 1! Station 1.0-1 p.m. 149 Rusholme road ...... :H. Langlois ......

12 Snnclay ; 95 ...... 3 34 '' Lane in rear 7tl2 Yonge street ...... 13 Monday Still 3 Station 5 30 a.m 486 Yonge street ...... W. J. Klinck ......

1 13, ., I_ ••••• i ...... _I_ •••.•••••..••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••••

13 ! 1G 1-...... 8 15 pm jRear l\foDonal~ square ...... J.M. Lowe ......

:: Tuesday! _e;7 i:::::::::: ~~:~O ~--~-r-~r- ~31-~~-~f~-r-th. ~~~~~~::::::: G.•.o:.~ -C~b~:::::::

I I 1J .JJ2 , ...... 9.25 a.m. Foot of Frederick street City of Toronto ... . 1 J3 , ...... 2 55 pm iRear 272 Queen ~treet west ...... Thos. Jones ......


1 ...... , ......

14 165 5.20 p.m. 5 "Wickson avenue ......

16 Th'rsd'y: 19 12.58 .. 9-1 Front street west ...... H. H. Williams .... 16 Still i2,9.15St"n 6.18 " ;Old Fort Grounds ...... Dom'n Government

16 17 ...... 17.16 " !Foot of Bathurst street ...... People's Coal Co .. .

16 16 , ...... 11.lJ J77 King street west ...... R. Simpson ...... 17triclay . ' 48 ...... 110.5'} a.m. 23G Xiagara street ...... D. Kennedy ...... 1,: Telph; 8 Station 10.53 " Cor. Oxford and Augusta avenue ......

18 Satunl'y 127 , ...... 10.15 '· Rear 64 Haz?lton avenue ...... - Killaly ...... l!I SnIHlay 192 I-...... 8.12 p.m. 28 Follis street ...... Jenkins & Co ...... l!I ······!····· ...... ······ ...... :......

178 j ...... 8.23 a.m. 800 to 820 King street west ...... Langmuir Co ......

Telph 11 Chemical, 9.50 " !Lane in rear 23 Emily street ..... : ......

! 5 Statiou J 06 p.m I 72 Queen street east ...... '.Joseph \Yright .... .

21) 95 1 ...... 8 02 '' 12 Charles street ...... •Alex Drake ...... I

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ••••••••••••••••••• TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 129

18 9 9-0ontinued.

Losses. Insurance. Occupant, Cause of Fire. Buildings ,I Goods, Buildings. I Goods,

$ c. H. Langlois ...... None .... !... ~-- .... ~ ... ~-1 .... ~- .. ~--Unknown,

·.•········ , ... ,..... ,, nO 00 ...... None Mrs. Forlis ...... 150 00 ...... None J. M. Lowe ...... None Unknown. 300 00 ...... 150 00 ...... Geo. C ,bb ...... 300 00 ...... Nono 56 00 ...... 6,4CO 00 ...... Spark from smoke stack . . . . , ...... Unknown.

R. J. Judah ...... 75 00 ...... 1,000 00 T. Kilman, ...... None ...... Burning:chimney.

Vacant,, ...... 5 00 ...... None Incendiary. Slight

5 00 ...... None ...... Spark from locomotive. Vacant ...... 800 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Incendiary. J. Proctor...... None ...... Burning chimney...... False.

-Killaly ...... 100 00 ...... 2,200 00 ...... Unknown. 200 00 ...... 700 00 ......

E. King ...... 10'.) 00 ...... 500 00 ~ Langmuir Co ..... None ...... Small explosion in engine room ...... Unknown.

Joseph Wright ... 15 00 ...... 2,000 00 ...... From gafl jet.

Alex. Drake ...... 20 00 ...... 1,500 00 130 TORONTO FIRE DEPAHnIE~T.


Q) Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.


20Monday I 23 , ...... 9.08 p.m. Rear 681 Yonge street ...... B ::'\IcCarten ...... I 22 Wed's'y 41 ...... 1 l .53 a.m 91 Queen street west ...... F. Kiley ......

2:2 ...... , ...... ·················· ...... 22 19 ...... 4.00 p.m. Rear 16 ,Yindsor street ...... 1 22 Foot of Bathurst street ...... Harbor Trust ...... ~ T1ei° ~ -~·6· ~~~-.1~: ~:i~ :: ! 22 12 ...... 6.00 " 40 and 4:2 Melinda street...... :Hrs. Ross ......

22 40 and 42 Melinda street......

137 4 46 p m North Rosedale Ravine ...... I ••••••••••••••••••• 23 Still 12 Station 6 15 ,; :235 Bolton avenue ...... H. H. Williams ... . 23 ·········· ...... ······,······ ...... ······ 24 Friday . Still 12 Station 4.35 a.m. 23 Bolton avenue ...... ]·wm. Burnell ...... 25 Saturd'y 121 ...... 2.05 p.m. ~outh side of Esplanade street .... Bayside Rowi'g Club 1 25 Telph 12 Station 2.50 " On Don River nea1• Queen street. City of Toronto ....

25 7 &12 " 6.40 '' On Don River near Mark street ..

25 12 ...... 12.35 a m 128 Bay street ...... S. Pearcy ...... 25

25 ...... 1 ...... 25 ...... ····1·········· 26 Sunday 314 5 19 p.m 110 ·west Lodge avenue ...... Land Security Co .. 27 Monday 28 ...... 6.32 a.m.! 58 Princess street ...... J. Gardener ...... 27 Still 14 Station 4.35 p.m. 539 Crawford street ...... I 27 34 ...... 5.51 ,: Rear of 12 and 14 Queen st. east ..

27 Still 1 Station 9.45 " 20 Adelaide street west ...... Canada Perm'nt Co.

28 Tuesday 265 ...... 1 12.26 " 169 Logan avenue ...... J. Andrews ......

28 184 ...... 5.17 " 613 Symington avenue ...... J. Lockrie ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 13

1899-Continued. =-======:======--=-=----- ·Losses Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. Buildings I Good:3.

S c.' S c. s c. s c. B. l\IcCarten ...... 15 001 ...... 700 00 ...... lfnk11mn1. 1 67 00 ...... 2,0JO 00 ...... Children playing with match1 J. Herr ...... 150 00 ...... None

J. Atkins ...... None \ ...... Boys playing. C. P. Railway Co. 5,800 00 1 None 6,000 00 ...... Incendiary. 653 00 ...... 6,500 00 ...... Unknown. Canada Feather ...... 680 00 ...... 4,000 00 Mattress Co. None ...... Boys playing.

35 00 ...... 700 00 ...... Coal oil lamp exploded.

\\Tm. Dorhan .... . 151 50 ...... 500 00 Wm. Burnell .... . None ...... Chimney .

15 00...... None ...... Unknown. 40 00 ...... 73 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Overheated stove.

A. Speers ...... 75 00 ...... 1,800_00

M. E. Smith ...... 725 00 ...... 1,350 00 L. B. Fletcher ... . 200 00 ...... 375 00

Mrs. Lane ...... None ...... Burning chimney.

C. Gee ...... Unknown .

Tor. Furnace Co ...... Reflection from cupola.

E. & A. Saunders . Slight No claim ...... Overheated furnace.

J. Andrews ...... None ...... Burning chimney,

J. Lockrie ...... 5 00 ...... None ... , ...... Unknown. 132 TORONTO FIRE DEPAHT?\IE~T.


nay of No. of No. of Time of $ Location. Owner. c'3 Week. Box. Station. Alarm. A

2>:i TuesJay Still 7 Station 6 45 pm. 219 vVilton avenue ...... 'T. Langton ...... 2s· ...... ··········I······ ...... ·I ...... I

29 Wed's'y i 154 i I

247 ::: : : : : :: : -:::-:.-:-·c: ~::-::~~~:;~~~nue:::::::: ::~::~:~ ::: • : :: 29 Telph Station 7 .54 " HU~Th'rsd'y 234 ...... 11.19 " 260 Queen street east ...... Mrs. E. Young .... . TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 133

18 9 9 . -Continued.

Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. Buildings.I Goods.

I 8 C. 8 C. $ C, '. $ C. 5 00 ...... 800 OOI ...... From lamp. J. Carruthers ...... 7 00 ...... , None 175 ...... 1,300 00 ...... Pot of grease boiled over. 1 Peters Bros...... 189 47 ...... ! 1,100 00 i J. "\Vant ...... 5 100 00 ...... Unknown.

1 ...... ; ...... False. I F. Bellnap...... None ...... ·I· ...... :...... Chimney. 134 TORONTO FIRE DEPART:'IIENT.


Q) Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station. Alarm.

1 Friday. Telph '10 Station 12.17 a.m.120 Woodlawn avenue ...... !s. Pritchard ...... ····,···················I Still 9 9.30 p.m.' 6 Argyle street ...... !wm. Howard ...... 2 Saturd'y Telph' 1 & 5 St'n 8.20 a.m. 84 Victoria street ...... :Thos. Davies ...... 1

: S'.il.l. I~'.. ~t~'.'.~~ 10:~~. _,_,_. '204_ ~]~~~-·~- '.'.~~~t-:::::::::::::: ~~:~p~- ~~'.g~t-::::

2 317 ' ...... 11.37 a.m. 41 Sorauren avenue ...... Thos Fitzgerald .. .

2 214 8.42 p m. 43 Cherry street ...... Geo. Patterson ... . 3 Sunday. Telph 6 Station 1.30 a.m St. Patrick's Market ...... City of Toronto ... .

3 28 ...... 5.38 p.m. N.E. cor. Sherbourne & Esplanade Queen City Oil Co .. streets. 3

3 36 ...... 8.20 p.m. 338 Victoria street ...... Thos. Williams ... .

4 Monday 145 5.45 " 197 Borden street ...... Thos. Phillips .... . 4

5 Tuesday 163 ...... 10.09 a.m. 1146 Queen street west ...... Tor. Trust & Loan Co. 5 ·········· ·········· ...... 5 148 ...... -10.55 a.m. 384, 386 and 388 Sully street .... W. Johnston ...... 5 384 Sully s~reet ...... ! ••••••••••••••••.••

5 386

5 388 5 13 ...... 2.59 p.m.

5 Telph Courtland 4.52 " 52 Front street west ...... syst'm5&1 s:wed's'y Still 6 Station 10.30 " 304 Richmond street west ...... West. Can. Loan Co. i 6, 6! Telph 1 & 5 St'n 5.21 p.m. 66 Louisa street ...... J. Coulston , ...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARnIEXT. 135


Losses. Insurance Occupant. Cause of Fire. Buildings ·I Goods. Buildings I Good,.

s c. $ c. s c. s c. 10 00 ...... None ...... Gas jut. S. Pritchard ...... 20 00 ...... None None ...... _.. Chimney...... Hot ashes ...... Coal oil stove upset. A.H. :\fonkham ...... 10 None Thos. Fitzgerald .. None ...... Burning chimney. Geo. Pa_tterson .. . ,,·m. Dever : .... . None Gas stove. 1,300 00 ...... 4,000 00 ...... Unknown.

Queen City Oil Co. 1,100 0'.) ...... 2,500 00 Thos. ·williams ... None ...... Chimney. 5 00 ...... 850 00 ...... Boiling over of a pot of tar on stove. Thos. Phillips .... 15 75 ...... 400 00 35 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Overheated stove.

M. Delorey ...... 20 00 ...... None 5'25 00 ...... 1.000 00 ...... Unknown.

A. Harland ...... 150 00 ...... None

J. Gillett ...... None J. Clifford ...... False.

14 80 ...... I 2,000 00 ...... Children playing with matches

H. Weatherill ... . 10 ool ...... None

J. Coulston ...... None Burning chimney. 136 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.


Day of No. of No. of Time of $ Location. ce Week. Box. Station. Alarm. Owner. A

! 6 \'ed's'y 37 ·········· 7.40 p.m...... ·········!··················· . d 1· 1 7 l'h'r.,d'y Still 4 Station 2.05 " Cor. Kmg an Par 1ament street,; ••••••••••••••••••• 1 7 Telph 10 3.02. " Rosedale drive ...... !City of Toronto ... . 8, Friday . 10 4.22 " On Crescent road ...... ~U·hturd'y Still 13 1.50 " Dundas street, near bridges ..... ; ...... 9' 165 ...... 2.25 " Rear of 65 Moutray street ...... J Finlayson ...... I

lU Sunday. 54 ...... , 9.26 " 338 George street ...... D. McDonald ......

10: II • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12/Tuesday •relph 1 & 5 St'ns: 8.21 a.m. 122 ·wellington street west ..... J. D. King ......

53 ...... 11.02 " 57 Seaton street ...... Armstrong .... . 1:/I F.

Still 4 Station 1.15 p.m 10 Coatsworth place ...... Western Loan Co ...... ······ ·········· ...... 146 1.37 p.m. Bathurst street school ...... City of Toronto ... .

185 ...... ! 2.12 " 924 Dufferin street ...... ! Wm. Baker ...... Still 12 Station: 8.10 " 120 Bolton avenue ...... fmperial Loan Co ...... ······ .... ······ ·········· ······················ ...... ··········· I 13 We'sd'y Telph 3&10St'ns 5.09 pm 13 Queen's park ...... A. R. Creelman ... . 1 13 ...... ·········· ...... ························ ...... ············· 14 Th'rsd'y 153 1.16 p.m. 302 Bathurst street ...... ,}'Irs. Finn ...... 14 274 5.09 " 37 Austin avenue ......

15 Friday. Telph 2 & 8 St'ns 7.11 583 Spadina avenuA...... N. Amer. Ins. Co ..

15, 52 ...... 8 41 ,. 127 Queen street east ...... ( Large ...... 1G :Saturd'y Telph 5 Station 9.50 " 1 Cor. Duke and Frederick streets.iWm. Christie ...... 1, ..3unday. 5 ...... 5.02 '' L4 & 16 Front st. west (top flat) .. L. & C. Loan Co ... TORONTO FIRE DEPARnIEXT. 137


I Losses Insurance. I Occupant. I Cause of Fire.

1 1 c ·1d· Good:'!. IBuildings ·I Goods. I u1 rngs , I I $ c.l $ C. s 8 c., ··········!······ ...... 'False. Tar boiled over.

10 00 ...... N'one Boys playing.

None 1 ••••••••••

J. Finlayson ...... iUnknown. Slight

M. Veeker ...... 5 00 ...... None J. D. King ...... None From lamp. 50 1,500 Children and matches.

Vlm. Willis ...... 100 00 ...... 800 00 None 1---- ...... Children and matches. L. Trueman ...... 5 00, ...... None

: None 1, ...... 13urning chimney.

\\' m. Baker ...... i""''"" 10 oo; ...... 900 ...... Coal oil lamp exploded.

Geo. Brend ...... 46 30 ...... 1,050 00 25 00 ...... 3,CO) 00 ...... Gas jet.

A. R. Creelman .. . 35 00 2,000 00

J. Bourne ...... Slight Hot ashes.

Jos. Smith ...... None Burning chimney.

J .. Anderson ...... Slight Overheated stove.

J. Large ..... : . : . 3 001 ...... None From chimney. Spark from chimney. None ......

875 0011 ...... 15,000 Unkno,\·n. TORONTO FIRE DEP ART?\IENT.


ai Time of Day of No. of No. of Location. Owner. ~ Week, Box. Station, Alarm.

17!Snnday 17 17

147 10.53 a.m. 268 Bellwoods avenue ...... Mrs. Broady ...... 181 iTelph 10 Station 8.86 v.m. 66 Marlborough avenue ...... 18 10 9.21 " 66 Lowther avenae ...... Mrs. E. Parsons ... . y 153 ·········· 8,1:4 " 7 Carlyle avenue ...... J. Drew ...... Telph 10 Station 6.45 " 10 Glen road ...... 158 ······ .... 9.14 " 158 Arthur street ...... : ...... Central Can.Loan Co 22 Friday. 24 ...... 12.21 a.m. 140 King street east ...... Thos. Thompson .. .

22 Telph 10 Station 5.48 p.m. N.-vY. cor. Yonge and Birch ave. Mr. Dundas ...... 1 24 Sunday ~ ~~! a;~· 120 Bartlett avenue ...... - McBride ...... :: : : : : : : : : ~-g~ I 1 24 I

24 32 ...... 3.37 a.m. Yonge street ...... Mrs. Drummond .. .

24 5 t 24 ~ S!ill, S ation l2.03 P:~· l 40 and 4:2 Lomhard street ..... Industrial Loan Co. ( ol i ...... 12.06 5

24 •••••• 1 • • • • • • • • • • • •••••• "• • • 40 Lorn bard street ......

I 24 ...... , 42 24 ...... J:2 ...... ···1··· ...... "." 25:Monday 193 5.38 a.m. I 23 Essex street ...... IR. Dockery ... . I . 25

I I 25 314 1.29 p.m. 110 \Yest Lodge avenue ...... Land Security Co ..

25 48 l ...... 5.43 " ,Ti Queen stl'.eet west ......

:: -1~~-I:: :: :: : : (_1_0 -~--~-rD~~d~.'.·:~··:.: ·.::::::::::: }b:·. ~~~~~:·, . : : : : : TORONTO FIRE DEPART:\rENT. 13!)

1899. --Continued

Losses. Insurance. Occupant, Cause of Fire. Buildings.I Goods. Buildings, I Goods.

s c. $ c. s C. f; C, A. Thomas ...... 200 00 ...... None J, F. Weston ...... ······ 106 00 .... ······ 14,000 00 Standard Cap Co ...... 300 00 ·········· 5,000 00 H. McJacken ..... None 5 00 ·········· None Unknown. False.

Mrs. E. Parsons. . . None ...... Smoke in cellar mistaken for fire J. Drew ...... ~light ...... Lamp exploded.

...... Plasterer's heater mistaken for :fire. F. E. Dingle ...... 10 00 ...... None , . , ...... Incendiary,

Can. Harness Co .. None ...... Burning chimney.

A. Higam ...... 5 00 10 00 ...... None Children playing with matches.

516 00 ...... 1,000 00 ...... Unknown.

H. Bedford ...... 300 00 ...... 400 00 125 00 ...... 5,000 00 ...... From furnace.

Clapp ~hoe Co .... 490 00 ...... 14,000 0:)

1,500 00 ...... 15,000 00 ...... Unknown. Dom'n Licorice Co...... 565 00 ...... 4,000 00 Chas. Roddy ...... ·········· 321 00 ...... 2,500 00 Catholic Register ...... 95 00 ·········· 2,000 00 20 00 ...... 500 00 ...... Defective chimney. J. lfoJ.ntosh ...... 5 00 ...... None l\Irs. Lane ...... Slight ...... Unknown.

J. ·w. Dobson .... . None 10 00 ...... 100 00 Coal oil lamp exploded.

25 00 .... 1,000 00 ...... Unknown.

Thos. Taylor ...... 5') 00 ...... 300 00 140 TORONTO FIRE DEP.ARDIENT.


4i Day of No. of No. of Time of Location. Owner. ~ Week. Box. Station Alarm.

26 Tuesday 41 ...... 6.38 p.m 64 Elizabeth street ...... 1 .\Irs. E Jeffers ... . 27 Wed's'y Telph 15 Station 5.19 " 29 Spencer avenue ...... ,J. J. ,valsh ...... I 29 Friday . 165 ...... , 6 26 " 413 Brock avenue ...... · IJ. Weller ...... I 30 Saturd'y Telph 3 & 5 St'nl 9.15 a.m 255 Jarvis street ...... Deaconess' Home ..

30 " 193 ...... I 10.35 " 239 Christie street ...... E. Finch ..... : .. ..

30 37 ...... I 3 52 p.m. 18 Buchanan street ...... Wm. Taylor ...... aoi Telph 15 Station ! 5.54 " IM u tual street ...... •...... TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 141

18 9 9-Continued.

Losses. Insurance. Occupant. Cause of Fire. Bnildings.J Goods, Buildings.[ Goods,

s c. s c. s c. s c. Mrs. Cronin ...... None ...... Burning chimney.

J. Weller ...... Deaconess' Home Slight . .. , ...... Overheated furnace pipes. E. Finch ...... 300 00 ...... 700 00 ...... Thawing out water pipes. Wm. Taylor .... . None ...... I ...... Burning chimney...... False.

Toronto Fire Alarm Signal Boxes.

:Xo. 3 Cor. Scott and Wellington. 4 Front and Church. •5 Front and Yonge . 6 Bay and Esplanade .. 7 Front and York. 8 Parliament Buildings (Front Street West). 9 Cor. Simcoe and Esplanade.· 10 Lake Street and York Street Bridge. 12 King and Bay. 13 King and York. 14 King and John. 15 King and Spadina Avenue. 16 King and Bathurst. 17 Front and Bathurst. 18 Front and Spadina Avenue. 19 Front and John. 21 King and Yonge. 22 New Court House and City Buildings. 23 Cor. King and Church. 24 King and Jarvis. 25 Esplanade and West Market. 26 Front and Frederick. 27 Christie, Brown & Co. 's Factory. 28 Cor. King and Sherbourne. 29 King and Berkeley. :31 Yonge and Adelaide. :32 Yonge and Queen. !34 Yonge and Shuter. :35 Bond and Wilton A venue. 36 Yonge and Gould. 144 TUROXTO FIRE DEP. .\.RTa\IEXT.

Ko. 3i Cor. Yonge arnl :u cGill. 38 Yonge and Wood. 30 St. JI ichael's Hospital. -U Cor. Queen and Elizabeth. 42 Queen and Simcoe. -!'',_) (Jueen and Beverley. 45 Queen and Spadina Avenue. 46 King Street (bet'ween Portland and Brant). 47 Cor. Queen and Bathurst. 48 Queen and Claremont. 49 Trinity College. 51 Cor. Queen and Church. ~52 Queen and Jarvis. ~5:~ Queen and Sherbourne. 54 Jarvis and "Tilton Avenue. 56 Gerrard and Church. 57 Gerrard and Sherbourne. 58 Pavilion ( Horticultural Gardens). 61 Cor. Jarvis and Carlton. 62 tTarvis and Wellesley. 63 Sherbourne and Wellesley. 64 Sherbourne and Isabella. 65 Charles and Jarvis. 67 Charles and Church. 71 Bay and Richmond. 72 Louisa and Teraulay. 73 Agnes and Elizabeth. 74 Teraulay and Hayter. 75 College and Elizabeth. 76 Christopher and Chestnut. 81 Simcoe and Caer Howell 82 Beverley and D'Arcy. 83 Beverley and College. 84 Harborcl and Huron. TORONTO_ FIRE DEPARTMENT~ 145

No. 85 Cor. Bloor ~nd ·Wal mer Road. 86 Bloor and Palmerston Avenue.. 87 Palm~rston Avenue and-Robinson. 89 Mar;ming A venue .and Harborrl. 91 Grosvenor and St. Vincent. 92 S-t:·Alban and St. Vincent. 93 Yonge and Wellesley. 94 Czar and N ortb. 95 Yonge and Isabella. 121 Toronto ElectricLigbt Co.'s Work.s, Esplanade and Scott. 122 Osgoode Hall. 123 Cor. Yonge and Bloor... _ 124 Yonge, opposite St. Paul's Hall. 125 Bloor, opposite St. Paul's Church. 126 Cor. Cumberland and Bellair. 127 Scollard and Hazelton Avenue. 128 Avenue Road and Bloor. 129 Bloor and St. George. 131 Toronto U ni~ersity, Queen's Park. 132 Cor. A venue Road and Elgin A venue. 133 Elm Avenue and Glen Road. 134 Davenport Road and Belmont. 13.5 Yonge and Belmont. 136 Yonge and Cottingham. 137 Rosedale and Park Road. 138 Avenue Road and McMaster Avenue. 139 Huron and Bernard Avenue. 141 Knox College. 142 Cor. St. Patrick and Spadina:Avemie. 143 College and Spadina Avenue. 145 Brunswick Avenue and Harbord.,. 146 Bathurst and College,. 147 C.oHege .. and Clinton.. 146 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT.

No. 148 Cor. College and Ossington Avenue. 149 College and Dufferin. 151 New Parliament Building, Queen's Park. 152 Cor. Denison and Gmnge Avenue. 153 St. Patrick and Bathurst. 154 Bellevue Avenue and Nassau. 156 Euclid Avenue and Arthur. 157 Dundas and Ossington Avenue. 158 Arthur and Sully. 159 Bernard and Bedford Road. 162 Queen and Dundas. 163 Queen and Lisgar. 164 Dufferin and Florence. 165 Dundas and Brock Avenue. 167 Dovercourt and St. Ann's Road. 168 Brock Avenue and Florence. 169 Argy le and Beaconsfield. 171 Oen tral Prison. 172 Cor. Niagara and Tecumseth. 17 3 Wellington and Strachan A venue. 17 4 King, east of Subway. 175 Mercer Reformatory. 176 Exhibition Grounds, West End. 178 Cor. King and Niagara. 181 St. Clarens Avenue (between College and Bloor). 182 Cor. Dundas and Sorauren Avenue. 183 Bloor and Dovercourt Road. 184 Bloor and Symington Avenue. 185 Bloor and Dufferin. 186 Dufferin and Hallam Avenue. 191 Hospital for Sick Children. 192 Cor. Bathurst anrl Olive. 193 Christie and Essex. 194 Dovercourt Road and Hallam A venue. TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. 147

No. 195 Cor. Ruskin and Perth Avenues; 211 Firstbrook's }factory, King Street East. 212 Cor. Berkeley and Esplanade. 213 Gooderham & Worts' Distillery. 214 Cor. Front and Trinity. 215 Front and Beachall. 216 King and Sumach. 217 Queen and River. 218 Frout, opposite Ontario. 231 House of Providence. 234 Cor. Parliament and Queen. 235 Sydenham and Ontario. 236 Seaton and Wilto1i Avenue. 237 Parliament .and Oak. 241 Parliament and Carlton. 242 Jail. 243 Cor. Parliament and Amelia. 245 Winchester and Sackville. 246 Sumach and Amelia. 247 Gerrard and· River. 248 Bro·adview Avenue and Elliott. 251 Gerrard and Sackville. 252 General Hospital. 2.53 Cor. Sumach and Wilton Avenue. 254 Queen and Broadview Avenue. 256 Queen and G. T. R: · Crossing. 257 Broadview A venue, opposite Hogarth. 258 Cor. ~~ Matilda. 261 -Gooderbam's Cattle Sheds. 262 Cor. Logan and Langley A venues. 263 Broadview Avenue and Gerrard. 264 DeGrassi and Cumming. 265 Morse and Eastern Avenue. 271 Queen an~ Pape Avenue. 148 :'l'ORONTO I FIRE DEPARTMEN,T~

No. 273 Cor. Queep -and Leslie. 274 Pape Avenue and. Gerrard.- 27 5 Queen East, near Steel's Nursery.. 281 Cor. Queen and Eastern Avenue. 283 Queen and Elmer A venue. 311 Massey-Harris Factory, King West. 312 Cor. Queen and Brock Avenue. 314 Rubber Works, West Lodge Avenue. 315 Cor. Lansdowne Avenue and Marion . . 316 Queen and McDonnell Avenue. ~17 Sorauren A venue. ~ Cor. Sorauren Avenue and Fern. ~:ll King aud Gwynne Avenue. 323 Empress Crescent and Jameson Avenue. 124 Home for Incurables, Dunn A venue. 325 Cor. King and Jameson A venue. 326 Queen and Roncesvalles A venue. 327 Lake Shore Road (West Railway Crossing). 341 Exhibition Grounds, East End. 342 Exhibition Grounds, opposite Grand Stand. 343 Cor. Tyndall and Springhurst A venue~. 412 Corporation Yard, Esplanade, opp. Frederick Street. 413 Post Office, Adelaide Street. 414 Cor. Adelaide and Sheppard. 421 Western Cattle Market. 422 House_ of Industry, Elm Street.