Child's Scottish harvest

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Citation Lyle, E. B. 1977. Child's Scottish harvest. Harvard Library Bulletin XXV (2), April 1977: 125-154.

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Terms of Use This article was downloaded from Harvard University’s DASH repository, and is made available under the terms and conditions applicable to Other Posted Material, as set forth at http:// use#LAA -Cl1ild's Scottish Harvest E. B~Lyle --- RAXCIS JA?\1ES Cn1Ll.l ( 182 5~ r 896)., Boy·]ston Prof cssor of ...llhetoric and Oratory· at Harvard, taught courses for n1any y·ears in Ang]o-Saxonl Chaucer, and Shakespeare,but ,vhcn he died it ,vJs recognized that, of all his contributions to the study of Iitcran1rct his greatest ,vas his ,vork on ballads. The ohituary notice h1 The Nation of 17 September J 896 comn1ented: "The great ,vork of his Jife has been his ~Englishand Scotch Ballads/ a n1onun1cnt of research and scholarship ,vhich can never be superseded, his industry and the thoroughness of his in vesti ga ti ons having n1 ad e it co 111p Ict c.', 1 Today, although ,ve cari share equal1y· in the respect that Child's con- teinporaries had for his achievcn1ent, the idea that any one person's ,vork could be the last ,vord on this 1nany-faceted subject is Jike1y.. to secn1 rather ludicrous. The ,v-orshipfu]atnlosphere ,\rhich enveloped Childis production, and ,vhich Jed to the special tteat,nent accorded the three hundred and five songs in his 1'canon/' had for a consider~hlc period an inhibiting effect on the devclopn1cnt of ballad studies. lt is part of the s~n1c pattern that the arrangen1cnt of the Cbild A1SS in the 1-Ioughton Library ( i 5z41.47 F* 3 3 vols~) •puts Chi]d ,s printed volun1cs at the center of nttenti on. These pnpcrs ,vcrc organized Ly George J--'y-rnanKittredge, ,vho brought out the tenth and final parr of 1... be English and S1 cottish f'op11lttrBallads after Child's death/ and aH ,-vho deal 1virhthem hnvc cause to be grateful for the careful ordering done by l(ittrcdgc and the detailed annotations in his hand, but the fnct re1nains that, if ,ve ,vant to go behind the printed volun1cs to assess

1 TJ 10 q Llom t ion js f rorn ,a_n c\vspaper cli pp•ng in a co llc-ction of J{irtre dge' s. pape ~, 2 514 [ .4 7. I 5Fa. 3 The ten par-ts~\\·hich appc:ilrc::dhet,vcen r882 :lnd 1898~ form five ,·olurnc.s. In this artide roman figures arc used to refer to Child's printed volun1cs; 3rabic .figures refer to I1is:1n~nu~cript.s. The tide of n1y ardcle \,tas suggested by J{itrrc

. tish Popular Ballads1 p~gc. xxvjij_ Ch1ld nnd I{ ittrcdgc ~re hoth treated hy l)n ,Tid E. Hynum in •'Child's Legacy Enlarged: Oral T..itera1;r Studjes at Harvard Since 18 56,i' HAB.v.A11:nLrnRARY BLT1..L1:.11N!xxn (J 974) 137-267.


Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) I 2 6 Harvard Libr11ryB11l/ed;1

and use Chi]drs sources for ourse]vcs1 the :1rrange1nent is an un,vicldy one~ "\\ 1hilc a11 of Child ~s Scottish harvest cannot be examined here ·in d ctail~ this article , vill surv cy his co1 l ec ting efforts an cl cxarn inc son1 c of the srnal1cr collections closely enough to convey' sotncthing of the flavor of the ,vholc. l\1orc in1portantt in addition to suggesttngho,v 1nuch that harvest can offer to scholars ,vho n1ake use of it, this article ,vill facilitate such use by dra\ving together the man)r Scottish ircn1s in the Cbild A1SS and linking tbcn1 to the Scottish ballad n1anuscrjpts in the Houghton Library· and to related n1aterials clse,vherc. In a Jetter to Ja1ncs Barclay A1urdoch,Child expressed the depth of his invo]vcn1cnt ,vith the task of bringing old 1nanuscripts to light:

(,'l an1 like a restless ghost lvhcn I think of a ballad n1anuscript \\1 hich

once was in the ,vorld and n1ay be still.. l~ a 1-Ie attempted to garner all tl1c collections made in the past, and had considerable success. In most cases he had copies n1adc either of the complete n1an11scriptsor of rele- vant extracts~ but .son1etin1esit proved possible to obtain originals. There are in the I-Ioughton Library a f c,v Scottish ballads ~unong the papers of Thon1as Percy·~Bishop of Dron1ore, 4 and t\VO Scottish ballad texts of the early eighteenth century occur in Elizabeth Cochrnnc's S ong-13ook, Eng 5 1 2.*, ,v hich ,vas acquired by Harvnrd College at the sale of the 1\,Icdlicottlibrary in 1 878~5 Child also had the use of s111all collections 111adeby A1exander l _.aing,the Rrcchin poet, of Ancient Ballllds aud Songs ( 1829-43) and of l~ettetJ, Verres &c. ( 181 8-z6)

3 r 6 J::111. 1879. This letter is an1ong collection of photostats lncludjng 1.hirty-fuur letters from Chi1d to .i\1urdoch (Houghton Library ~1S An1 1 319) \ 1/hich ,vas oh-

1 taintd from j\Iu rdoch s grandson~ J. B. B. fvJurdoch of 'fh~.n1cs-Oitton 1 Surrey, by Jan1cs Rcpp1:rti ,,;:ho gives tran.scrjptions in his thesis (see note I 3). For 3nfoi·1nadon

un /VIurdod1 1 sec Rcppcrfs thc~ES:3nd the obituary notice in the Glasgo-w J-1erald, 2.4 I\·1ay ( 9d) I 906. 1 The contents of the Percy LaHad papers (b;"r1SEng 893) arc listed in the Pere)·

I'apcrr h1dc:r1 p. 4 u; see especfo.Jly Nos. 'I 14, George Paton~ Edinburgh, and r 2 5,

,:\rj ll i:ln1 Roh ~rtson 1 Edin.burgh. It is No. 1.731 jn the Cf'ltf"llogtJeof a Collection of Books fonned by lf'il/imn G.

Af1?dJicott, of Lo1~gnu:1tdow., .A!ass. (lloston 1 1878). 1·lrn contents arc listed by ''-'iUianl l\·1ontgomerje ja Part 11 of u.A Il3uliogrnpl,y of the Scottish Ba1bd J\1::tnu-

script~, r 7 30-18l ;'' in Studier i11Scotrixb Llterature I JV' ( 1966-7 )., 79-84. This bibli-

ography, which has b~en issued jn p-arts1 contains :.t considerahl~ amrrnnt of 1naterfol rclcvd.nt to the Harvard collection; sec SSL,. J\! ( 1966--7), 3-:281 79-88't 194-2 2 7; ,,.

( r967-8 ), 107-1 J2; \TI ( 1968-9 )., 91~r 04; \ 7Il ( 1969-70) i 60-75, 138-1 S4, and "J.h;o addidonal unpublished matcrfal in Montgorncrie's Ph.D. thesis Otl the sln1c topic (Edinburgh University, I 953),

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) ' - Child'sScottish Harl'i1est l2J including correspondence ,vith l\'1othenvell's friend, R. A. Sn1ith (1--Ioughton Library 2 5242. r 4 * and 2 5 242 .15*). l-Io\vever, the most in1portant body of Scottish ballad 111aterials brought to I-Iarv:1rd by Child's cff orts ,vas th2t of George Ritchie Kinloch~ one of the n1ajor collectors of the ea.rly part of the nineteenth century·, \Vho ,vas still living ,vhcn Child begnn his ,vork ~nd ,vas able to supply a good deal of about his inforniants to supplc- n1cnt the rough notes 1nade at the tin1c of collecting. A full cxan1ina~ tjon of thjs 1natcrial ( 25 242 12 ~:=7 vols~), a part of ,v hich rc111aiusun- pub]ishcd, ,vould give us a 111uchclearer picture th~n ,vc have at present of a 1nan vd10 ,v2s one of the pioneers of scholarly ,vork jn this field and of the singers f ron1 ,,:rho1nhe collected. (]1ild ~lso tnadc 2n attcn1pt to trace a nJanuscri pt sent by 1\1issAn1clia 1-Iarrjs to Professor Aytoun in 1859 andt although he failed in this~ did succeed in securing a fresh 111anuscrjpt fron1 the s2.111esource n1adc in 1872. Thjs Harris 11'.fS(15 241~17~-)cont~ins fifty song texts set du,vn

by.. An1c]ia 1-Iarris and thirty-one tunes .set do,vn by her sister J~ute1 and n1any of the songs are stated to have been derived by· these r,vo ,von1cn fron1 their n1othcrt ,vho ,vas Grace J)u\v ( 1782-1 845)., the ,vifc of the Reverend David Hrtrrjs, lvlinistcr of Fern.u This valuable f:1n1ilycoUccrion has recently acquired additional interest through the discover5r in 2n Edinburgh bookshop in 195 5 of the carJier n1anuscript ~ent to A.ytoun ( excepting its 111usic).1 The .situation as reg2rds the. 1-J::irrjscorpus ()f ~ongs - r,vo separate records of the sa1nc song.~t~kcn do,vn 1vith a con~jderable lapse of tin1e benvcen thcn1 -invites con1- parjson ,vit h th~t of the Bro,vn corpus l\' hich has recent1y hcen -afocus of atrention/ and it is to he hoped that this sn1all but in1portant collec- tion may-soon be publjshed. In 1 897, after Child's death, the I-Jarvard College Library acquired t,vo vo]un1es of songs \Vritten do,vn by-Peter Buchan.,his Ancient Un-

p11blis/Jedf\'!ational 1Jal!,1ds of Scotla11d1 18.27 ( 2 5241. 1 o.5F*) and his

Secret Songs of Silence ( 2 5241.9*) 1 the second of \Vhich is in process

See He\Y Scott! F asti E cclesiaeScotic·t.171(1.e, \T (Edinhurghi 19:z.5). :z.56 1l[ld 397. IL1 addition to the II arrir A!S it.i:;elf,the Houghton Library has a set of Letters- a~1d

Ptrpcrs relmh1g to tbe Harrir ..11S1 i 5i4 I ,4 I~. 7 The tli~co"ery ,ras- 1nadc hy l\1r. 1-Iilary Corke, nu1.,Tof E,Ter~heds, Abinger H::unmer. Surrey., ,vho o,,;.Tns:the nrnnm;cript. i!! Set: David C. Fo,vler-. A T... iterary Hixtory of t/Je Popultrr llallrrd (lJurh-am!

1'1. C .• 1968) 1 chiiptcr- ro) Hi\·1rs.Bro\!r'n of Falkland,'~ and Dayjd Buchan, T/.JeR(tlltfd and the Folk (London "nd Hoston, 1971).

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) 1 z 8 Harr-'1ardLibrary Bulleti12 of being edited by Klaus Roth.v The rlonghton Library also has a set of letters ,vrittcn by Peter Buchan to '''illi-a.m l\1other,vell (2 5 263.- 19.6F~) ,vhich is of sonic i1nportance in supplyjnga link het,veen the collecting in tlvo distinct ureas of Scotland and in demonstrating the good re1ations bet\veen the collectors.1° Besides these original Scottish ite1nsi there are many volurncs of copied material in the 1-IoughtonLibrary. T\VO major Scottish collec- tions ,vere copied for Child in 1873-4 1n the Britjsh J\1uscun1,11 hut all except one of the other Scottisl1 ballad n1anuscr1pts ,vere in prjvate hands in Scotland 12 and Child's success in acquiring copies of them o\ved tlluch to a nun1bcr of Scots \vhose correspondence is ljsted in

the A ppcndix. J\1osrhcl pf ul of al1 ,vas \i\7jUian1I\il-acmath 1 ,vho can be regarded as a co~,vorker lvith Child in the preparation of the cdition.J3

[I R()th has pul.Jlishcd a preliminarr survey, ,iPeter Buchans Secret Songr of Sih11ce/ 1 in JafJrbucb fiir Volk.rliedf Or$c/nrng, XVI ( l97 I)! 170-179. For the con- tents of both manuscripts see l~/i!lia111\\ 1:ilker, Petrr Uucban A11d01,:,er Papers on

ScottisfJ and 'F)ngJisbBaUads and Songs (Abcrdeen 1 191 s) 1 pp. I 59-17 r. 10 One letter [1·u1nl\luthcrwcll to Bud1an is included \vitl1 Buch~n's letters. There a re extracts and su 1n1na.rj cs n1~de by- Philip Ra n1say of otl1er letters from ~,:rother- \vell to Buchan jn Ghsgo,1i.' Unil·c.rsir:y Lihrilry i\1S Robert.son 9. 11 These are BL Additional A·1SS2 ;, 311-312 David Hcrd,s Scatr Songs «11d

Balfods,. 1776 1 Yols. ( copy in one volume 1 1514 r .r 2 F•) and DL AdditionaJ l\·1SS 29, 408-409 Pctc-r IluclialliS Collection of Ancient Rallnds of Scoilmzd 2. vols. ( copy in tv.·o volume~, l 5241. 10~). 1~ The cxccptio-n'WRS the collel:tion o\vncd by Robert '''hite of Nev.·castlc. The volume of Robert JVbite Papers, 25i41 .5 di'~\ "·hich included copies of ballads col- lected in Scotland by J:unc:s ,~elfer, is rhe origtnals of the b~11~dtexts arc: prolnhly to be found in two volumes of Robert \::\/hitc Jll~terj"rl-1ln the library of ~hc Uni ,Tersity of N £:i.vcast le upon Tyne, lF hit c .ktSS 3 and 4 3,, which re d i_r;;c:u~ed l,y Christopher 1-Iunt jn The Bibiiot/Jeck1 V ( l967-70 )t 1 ~8-14 T. The letters from Robert l~/hite :and his niece J\•1is~J\tu·y ,,rhite Andre\vs w·hich \Vere indudcd in the Robert TVbite Papersarc listed jn the Cl)ild AfSS at l 1.II3-115. J~ Professor J?-Il1CS D. Rep11crt of .Albright College. Reading, Pennsylvania, dis- cussed i\1~cr1~:1.tl1'scontribution and listed 1, ro4 item~ of correspondence benvccn Child :a.nd i\1-acmath in his H~rvard Ph.D. thcslsi Hf. J. Child and the Ilallidt in r9 5 3 3n d has sinee n1~de -a com p1etc t ran scr j pt of the correspond en C:C',. A copy of his thesis i:s -ati~ilablcin Scotland in tht: HLrary of the School of Scotttsh Studies, Edin- 1Jnrgh University. \:\i'il!i:un l\1ot1tgo111erichas also gi\'"en du~ ,vejght to :\1-a.cmath's conrrjbution to ChHrl's "Torh in "'Villiam i\•1~cnrnth and the Scott BaUad j\·lanu- scr-iptst Studies i11ScottislJ Litentture, 1 ( l963-4)~ 93-9'8. i\1acn1-ath did extensive copying at Abbotsford ~nll the contents (Jf a miscdfancous vnhunc of BaUf'fd ,:ifaterfolr f roHl. Ahbotsf ord Library (fl\·fS Eng 86i tt, forn1crly r.f. 1514r. I") arc strn jn that library "·ith the exception of itcn1~ fron1 corrcspondt.::nc.:c\vhich are no"' in the Nation-a 1 Library of Scotland ;,n1nng the Letters to Seott. The copkd m,aterfo.l entitled Scott's .A1aterfo1sfor Border A1instrelsy ( 15241.1 =+) was derived from the vnlume ,·vhjch is 110\'r Nc1ti0n:1lLibrary of Scoti::ind l\1S 877. Robert Pjtcairn!s Col~

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) CbifdJsScottisb Hnrvest · 129 Jarnes B+l\,J urdoch gave Child the \Velco1ne ne\vs thnt l\1othenvcH had left a large manuscript ballad book~ 3nd supp]ied him ,vith a copy of l\1othcnvcll)s Z,.,lote-Bookand also some iten1s fron1 journals. 14 David

lectlou of R.allads~from \\·hich ~l:acn1::tth extr~cted n1aterial to be found in i5 24L2 7•,

is a]~o in the N ationrr1 Library of Scothnd 1 i\1SS i91 3-2915. Dr. \\ 1iHram i\1ont~ gon1crfo no,,• o,vns the three volun1cs of ,:villiam Findlay1.s Song A1SS of ,vhich there are extracts m:.1de by 1\·lacrnath in l 5241.304";. l"he original song ma;nuscrjpts ,vl1ich ·were o,vncd by J\:1acn1ath hirnseJf passed to the Horncl Library\ ICirkcud~ bright, along ,vj th the Ch ild-1\·1acnlat h co rrcsponden cc that had been in his po~- sess ion. These con~ist of 1\.1:acmrrtht:s o, 1tn co]lcction of Ballads and Sangs ( copy l j i41 +16~) ,and a nutnbcr of jtcrns that had be]onged to Charles Ki rkpatrkk Sh-arpe. The Sharpe man user i pts a re d escrJbcd in n1 a cm.a th 's 1ist ing 0 The B::il I ad j\ fan user•pts of Charles Kirkpatrick Sh~rpe 3nd James Skene of RuLish\v'i in the Journa1 of tbe Edinburgh llibliogrnpfJicnl Society, 1893-94, a.nd the items a~ nutnbc-rcd there

1 Ief erred to hr tll ib. 1' in the f o 11r)\\TJ ng cross-ref ere nc es to rh e o tigi na. is fro n1 ,v hie h the Iian~a_rd copies ,vere derived: l s:.4L4'BF• Old 1.,ndy's AfS Bib, No. 5.. kept in

the forge s::i.fcin the J-Jorncl Lihr:lry; 25241.53,. S(ntgs llib. No. 2 1 I·Iornel l\1S 4/2; 15241.54,. First. Coller.tio·nBill. 1\10. 7~ I-ionlel J\1S 5/34; 2524r.55F .. Seco11dCollec- tion Rib. No. 8, I-Iornel ~1S 17/ 4; 2514 L56F• Single Copies Bib. Nos. 101 q and posstb1y Ir, Horncl l\1SS 1 7/:i. and 5/ c, The Jobn fl ill Burton A1S ( l~rge s.1fe) and the / os ep ,JRobertson A1 SS ( 6/ i 0-2 3 ) in the Horne l Li Lr~ry llrc copies

Ly ~-1fl.Cm-a. th fr om o ri gin1l1 lent to hirn1 and the 1na tcrfa is in the Hough ton I.,ib ra ry ( 15141. 14F• Burton },.fS '1nd 1524I. c9 • Roberuou A1S) are copied fron1 i\1acmath's ~-1a t1us er ipts. The Horne] Lih rll ry Qlso has't in the forge safe, the cop i e:r of the K t11- 1o c /J AJSS \\ 1hich \Vere returned to i"\·1acn)ath,vhen Harvard acquired the originals. 1~ J\·lothcrweH's Dallad Book is no,v G1asgo'-V University Library l\1S l\iurray 501 ( copy in t'\1/0 volumes 2 51.4,~20~) and his l\r ote-!Jook is at Pollok Houset Giasgo'-V-. in the o,vnership of A·lr~. l\·1ax\ve,llJ\,fo.cDonald ( copy z j 241-.16• ). A number of itenls sent by ~1 tirdoch appear in the Child AfSS: copies of four articles fron1 the Paisley Afagtn.i,ui induding the text Child prtnted as No. 7 EaTl Brand G (2 I Nos. r 77-19 c, dated 1883); a t-cxt f ron1 the Edi11burgb Topogr(tpfiicalj TTaditional ~nd A·utfquaritni i\.trtgazine prjntcd by Child as No. 19i T/Je Locb111abenHarper C (17 No. 2030, dated 188J); a copy inscribed for Cbiltl on 18 Feb. 1883 of i\1urdoch1s ,edit monof T be Sa ·ng of t be Rid Sq ~1 re \\rhi ch ,vas pr jnted in Glssgo\.v for privgte circufation in 1883 ( 2. I :q); n1atcrfal re1a.ting to No, 46 Captain 1v·edderburn's Co11rt.. sbip fron1 The Falkirk Songster prini::cd at Falkirk jn c783 (2:3, Nos. 624-6251 dated Dec, J S84h a cutting from the Inverness Courier containing the 1nodern antique ballad Jeuny Greer ( i.i 7t dntcd 31 January 1885 :and enclosed with letter 7) i nes~y Bell and Mary Gray from A New i\Ji,cellany of Scots Sangs printed at London in 172 7 ( 27 },._To. 208Bt dated J\1ly 1890) and a ballad filed under No. 76 The ttlrs o Roel; Royal from a mag~zine called T/Je Co-nut (2 3, Nos. 8 56-857, dated 16 i\1arch 1896 and enclosed with letter 11 ). Other sent by i\-lurdoch that arc in Har- vard College Librnry arc :a small volume edited by Robert Ford caUed Rare Old Scotcb 11-«l!ttds(Dundee, c888), Child J\1c::morialLibrary 410.3,; A c:opy of The Song of the Rid Square inscribed to the 1~hr:ary of Harl'ard Co1lcgcJv;.ridcner 15:64.1 I, and a manuscript collation of H~rdis A·11cie11tand Atodern Seotr Srn1gsi 1 s.t edi- tio 111 1 769, ,i.rith the second edit ion of 1 776 ( as rcprin te d in 1 869) v.Th ic h Murdoch

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) \

130 H ar-vardJ..,ihr.1r _1rBulleti11 Laing Jent for copying nt H~rvard the r11anuscrjpt of !\·1rs.Bro,vn's halfo.dsth~lt had been o,vncd by llobcrt Jan1icson, and had a hand in the arrangcrucnts about copying ballads fron1 the GleuriddelJ111SS in the l....iiLraryof the Soc.:ietyof A ntiq u~lriesof Scotland ,vhich he had 1 o,vncd for a rin1c. j l\1ary Fraser Tytler searched for the t\Yo other Bro,vn 1nanusc.riptsthat Child V{aSlooking for~ and copied the one she

oi.1 l ,v o,vncd ytleL rn She also f nd h ich had been by.... Alexander Fraser T . -arranged for another fa1nily song n1annscript to be copied and n1adc copies herself of six letters that she thought 111ightbe of relev8ncc. 17

had 111,Hicfor Child by January 1879, Hunghtor1 Library 252 62+1LB~ i vols. ~nd 2 5102. n ,91 1 ,·ol. l\·1un1och also made a complete p::tgc by page transcript of Hcr(Fs first edition, ,vhich Cnild ~ckno,'.'lcdgcd receiving in a letter of l 5 June 1879. Th1s doc.~ not appear to be in the H~n·ard CoUcgc Lihrary, -at1dit m3y posiiib!yIHH-'C been disc~rck:(1~.-~:hen the Jihrary ,vas success£ ul ill oLtaining ;1 prjnted copy of that edition 111I 883. 1~ 'fhc copy of Robert }i11nieson's lh·o7.un A1S it1 the Houghton Library is 25141 .15 F*. 1·11~ J~aing co Hect ion in Edinuu rgh U rih·crsity Library h~s the origi11al ( L~.IH.47 3) and also eunrnins dghr: letters fron1 Child to Lcling ~nd refoted matcriil, including drafrs of fi\·c letters fron1 L~ing to Child (La.I \r.6). 1·he volun1cs of the Gleutidde1l AfSS •whfrh contain bal1~ds are. Nos. 9 ~nrl 11 and are X ~9F '.:ltld x· 39H in the Libr~ry of the Socict)' of ;\ ntiquarics~ Queen Street~ Edinburgh. I-Ioughtnn Lib1·ary l'\1S 15241.49~ cont::i.ins tt copy of the n1ain group of hJ\l:ld!;l in ,~olunw , l. :i.u l V illinn11 'ytler,r Browu J~1S(inclutl ing the ·,iirs) "Jt1d Alexander Fraser Tytfor's lfrov,.;n AfS ( excepting rhe airs, ,vhich ha,-e not lx:~n found) are owned by J\1rs. C. H. fn1ser-Tytler, Old Clune: T,ous'.C,.Aldourie, ]nyerncss, and the Nationa.1 Li- brary of Scotland holds Xerox copies of both ( J\·1S Acc. 3640 ). Chih:rs effort~ tu r:r~cc J1TiUii1n1Tyrler'r Rrorum A1S ,'i:ere ur1succcs!=;fu1but he dtd h8.VC the use: of a copy of 1n:lnnscript of :Scott\ at Abbotsford ,\·hid1 contait1ed some itc1ns.copied from it ( i 5141.i 3F~ '~Scottirb Songs.,] in Abbots[ ord), A copy of the entire m~nu- scdpt n1adc by Joseph Ritson in , 793~4 prcS'.!:ntccl to the Harvard CoHcgc Library in 1920 ( 1514I. 37-r·) =ind J(ittredgc 111:ad~out a set of l'•loter on Ritson's AfS of lfol1nds ( 2.5241.3 7.6 t') ,vhich is re a Hy a sun~ey of the inf or1n'cltinn that he h~d 011 tl1c Urou:n1HS8 as a ,vhulc. 2. :P4 LJ9:1t cont~ins t\ro copies of A le:urnderFrase,· T·ytler 1s Browu AfS niade by i\1ary Fraser Tytler ( the second being a tracing} ;:1.ndalso u fe\,Tiddlti.on8!1 hcn1s, including llird H de11 mid T/Jc 1{el pie~ ·which \Ver~ apparent1r takrn [ rmn uriginab nu,.,... in bundles 4~ and'82 of the papers kept at Aldouric Castle. Child's -approach to the 14~.rascr'Tytler fa.n1ily "':ls 1nadc through his friend George

lVillian1 Cunis, ·whose brother, James BurriH Curtis 1 had n1arricd a mcmuer of the fo.1nHy,Ivlary Anne Tytler, irt 1854. The Houghton. Library has the following Cur- ci~ lc::ti:cr'.\to Child relating to the Bro7.:vnAJSS: George '''illhun Curds - 4 J)ec,

, 880 ( Child Papers [45 ;\1-549:!!] No. 152 } 1 1 7 Jan. 1881, enclosing a copy of part of c1 letter fron1 BurrHl dated 4 Jat1. 1 C81 ( 10.51-51) and 26 JarI. r 881 ( 1 o. 53-); Ja1ncs

Burri] 1 Curtis - l 2 Jan. 1 88 l ( 1 o.5 o), 7 Ji'e b. 1 8 8 1 ( 1 o.; 4-5 5 ) l :2 l Ji'c li. 1 88 J ( 1 o. 56), i.1 A p1·il 1881 ( 10.57 ), -and 18 July 1 R8I ( 10.61 ). 1' ·r1tc origin.1l.~ of the,~c lctter.s arc in two ,Tolun1cs of the: correspondence of Alc,rnndcr J'raser Tytler in the possc~sion of ~·irs. C. H. Fraser-Tytler, of ,vhich

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Cbii d '~"Sr ot tisl, Ii arvert · I 3 I Sir 1-Iugh I-Ju1neC-atnphcU and Alexander AHardycc nladc rnat1l1scripts available for copying at H arvardJ the Ca1npbellA-1SS ( 2 5 24 1 • 1 6F:(-!:)and the S keue of Rubisla·w1118 ( 2 5 2.4,. T 8 F*), 18 and in these cases the copies a re of n1ore than usu al in1porr::tncc since the present \,;{hercabou ts of the origj nals is not kno,vn. Child did not confine his attcrnpts to recover baJlnds to the search for n1anusc;ripts, but also tried to encourage the preservation of ,vhat ,vas still lcf t ''in the rncn1ory of n1cn, or better, of 'll)01lleJJ, ,vho ha\TC been the chief preservers of ballad-poetry." In an appeal ,vhich \Vas printed in l\7o~es a1Jd Queries on 4 Janu11ry187 3 and then sent out as a circu]ar/r• he requested:

1 J,1:~yI entre~t the aid of gentle\\ on1en jn Scotland, or else, 1.1herc1 "rho ren1ernber ballads that they have heard repeated by their grnndn1others or nurnes? J\.-L1yI ask clergyrncn and schooirnast-crs, Jjvjng in sequestered plnccsi to exert thcn1- sclvcs: to collect ,vhat is left ~tnong the people?

Child's f ricnd Cb~rlcs Elior Nor ton, ,vho ,vas Jatcr to becurnc pro- fessor at Harvar

there -a.reXcro>:" coplCS ir.i the Nadonal LiLrary of Scotfond ( J'dS Acc. 3 639). Five of the lc:ttc::r_'ico11icd hy i\·fary Fraser ·rytlcr '"'ere to Akxander Ji"rc15crTrtlcr - t\vo f ronl Joseph,on, 20 ]Jc:c. I 792 and 17 July I 794 ( 10.8'0--B1; originals, \·ol. r ff. 5 3-54, 95~6 \ t\Vo f Anna Bro,i.·n] 1 7 1\·1ard1 and 2. 3 Dtc. r 800 ( r 0.84-85;,·ol. 1 fT.;q 5-i 36, i 78-i 79) ~nd unc f ro:n R. 1-f. Crun11::k,J }..Tu\'. 18rn)1 \Vilh n note of the r-ep1y( I 0.8"3;original, \'oL 1. .ff. 2 16-i r9}. The: rctn8.•ning letter \\':1.S fro:11 Richard Eastcott to ,,fl] ]iam Robertson, 5 Nov. 1791 ( I o.S1; or~gi11al~,~01. 1 ff. 4 7-

48). The copied song mJnuscript is 25141. 3 l '! Sc:ottirbSonf!:,s «nd Jlallrrds1 the: source of ,vh ic h ,,~;1s d escrilJed by Chila ( \-r. 398) as Cl copl cd pro l,a l) 1r bcf ore I B"JO by a granddaughter of Lord ,,roodhouselcc, mostly f ron1 print or from .,_f\.,F. Tytler 1s

B ro,vn 1\-1S. 1 but con ta in i ng n,·o or t hre c \'crsion s n f popular ha l iads n nt found e1sc- w hcrc .1' 1 h~Ycnot seen tl,c source 1n~nusc.riptbu[ it in~y possibly still be gt Aldourfo Castle. l~ B cf ore en tcr in g t t I c possession of .Alcx:a n d er A! lard ycc, the Skc11c of Ru bi r hnJJ

.1\fS hnd been ov..·nc

11ot as a book of ,vorth 1 but 3S conrnining the address of person ,,·ho might be jnterested in Child 1s enquiry for Ballads. ii This ·was the prjnter, Davjd Scott of the

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) 132 Harvard Library lJulletiu I don it i

the,n 1 & Ji:liot & SaHy hnve done ::i good deal of the folding & sran1ping. The

work has been easily donc 1 & everybody has ]ikcd to do it for your sikc.

The appeal yielded only a s1nallnun1bcr of replies, 21 one of the n1ost · interesting of ,vhich ,vas a prompt one sent to Furnivall on 14 January 1873 by Jan1es 1-Iunter, Banff ( 12..17), ,vho \VTotc out ,vhar verses he could remc1nbcr of a song ,vl~ich V/C may call The Laird of Dalzicl's Leu1an: The only unpublished baUa.d-I kno,v of is one connected ,vith the parish of Dalzieli near Hamilton. I fear, ho,vever~ it is irretrievah]y Jost. It consisted of a dialogue bet,\'een a father and a daughter ,s.rhohad become "lc1nan' 1 to I-Ian1- i lto n Laird of Dal zi eL,and consists of p:a.the tic rcrn onstr:ancc.s and lan1cntations on the part of the old ma.n and of palliations and cxp]anations on the part of the won111n. In one pass:age she gets a Htt]e s1nutty4 I used to hear it sung .~o,ne nventy odd years ago by a publican in Hamilton- a native of l)a1zicl, but

Sentincl Offi cc, Peter h cadI a ncph C\\' of Peter Bu chat1ts, from v.Thorn the Buchan song JrLanuscrip'[sin tllc Houghton Lihr~ry were bought in r 897. :21The Scottish rep 1ies,. in 9-ddit ion to those mentioned in the text of t hi 5: articlei

a re 1i ::ted bclo\v + Jg_mes Scott of C1arence field i Annan. ,v ritin g on r 8 Jan. t 8 73 (II i. 3 8--i39) sent a note. of a ti tlc A nanad On t be ill1nni11at ion for 11;e (1C qui ttal of TJord George Gordon Edln Feb. 9 1781 and specimen verses of the fol!o,ving eiev-cn songs: Toddy T1nn or the JF aes o' H7 hiskey [[Ae night \vhen laddies qu~t their daffint The Auld Sark .sleeve ~LAReverend and esteemed Devjne/' The Losr 0 1

the Pack CL] wh-a 5tan here jn this scoury coat 1 '' Marg'1ret and the Minitter ,cA douce religious kintra v:ifet" Tbf: Disto11solrrte A1aid Hl'vc been a n1aid neJJr thritty yearsi'• Tbc Do'llc Over T1.1ilor"I-Tovr hlcst ,vcrc the days. o' syne ,vheu a laddiet Thf Devil e, c,A)ye v.rhi daily sigh 11ndpr.ayt Tbe Rad T-Vtfe '~\Vha's like me in onie ns.rjont Tbe Exile O Conner HAn Exile to ·wander O Conner '-''as dooruedt Walter and Jean uwhat mBkes my ,,,~lter s.hdt1k from vie,v,' 1 and Jamie and A-fnry " shuts dawn the mountainside.~• i\1iss Ilathurst T. Ca.not Kno,vsje House,

Lonn1ay, Aberdeenshire, v.rrote twice 1 on ;o Jan. and 5 Feb. 1873 ( 2 8 Nos. 12 12- 2 :n 3) enclosing Ane auI lVardle Song to the tune of Sir }.nncs tbe Rast i.e. \:Viliiam Lillieis Legend of Pot Sunk Ann ( 1.35-36) and probably the copy of the booklet Af jl/ ot Tiftyts Annie: A nuc/Jan Ballad (David Scott, Pc:terhead, 1872) ,vhich is :2:R No. 12 lO. Furnivan also received ]etters from D. S. 'Semplei Paisley. 2 7 Jan. t87 3 ( 12.10), James Sh~w~ Tynronj Thomhillt l: Feb. 1873 (:29 No . .1.645) and VViiHa.m Smitht Cullen I S April 1871 ( i 7 J\'!"o.1169)

For a f e\\~other S cottisl 1 songs 1 cithcl'.'\l n ascril>ed or :sent at a later date fro 111 Engl and 1

C-anadaor the United States,. :sec , ~67-69,. r 64; 2.. 15i 55 i 65i 18 l-I 82; ~nd 16 No+ HJl9-

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Cbild's Scottish lJarvest 1 33 whose nan~e I forget -who ,vas fatnous only for this b~llad and his ability so to t,vist up his Jc:gthat he could drjnk a glass o~ ,vhiskey placed on the so]e of his boot. A ve1y fc,v fragments -arc -aUI can recall. It opened '1•ith the o]d n1an exclai tni ng iioool -and, Jenny! Dool and ,vae,s me, Jenny~ e'er J lived to see t1,at ye Dalziel's leman should be, Jenny." The smutty ,~erse is the next I recollect. '~It ,vas at the clatty .slap,faithcr, It 1va~ at the cfotty slap, faither D[llzic] set hjs f oor· on 111y go,vn tail And I fell on my back f aithcr/' Another verse ran- "i\-'ly daughter~s n beauty brighti' faither ~1y dnughter's a bca.uty Lright, fnithcr And a the lairds in Edinburgh toun Iri her take great de]ighti' faitherwl~ ·In the next verse she expfains ,vith much pathos how although all crowd to dance with her daughter none deign to glance on herself., the mother. Of a son she .~ays- '~l\1y son stands by my knee, faither -l\1.yson stands by 1ny knee, faithcr And H he Jives to he a man A 1ncrch~ntn1an hc'Jl be f aithcr. [n] In another verse [she] rc1ninds her father of Da]zicrs kindness to hjmself. 1'Dalziel,.s been kind to thee:r fa.ithcr Dal,-.jelsbeen kind to thee. faither{n J and the next two lines explain how ,vhen all the other tenants were treated with rigour D a.Izj cl

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) 1 34 Harvard Librttry Hulletin Doddsl "l\1orhan1Loanhcad, he received variants of Child No. 5 3 Young Beicha11(pp. 1-2, printed as I) and No. 2 90 Tbe J{l J1lic ft1if e of the Hie 'f'o1111 Hie (pp. 3-4, printed as C), a ,, 1e1sh song called Owen beginning Hfar far beyond )'On n1ountain", (pp~ 4-5) and Y 0111Jg Jockey (pp. 5-6~ La-\YS O 9 1Jrn11dcdLronbs); 23 from Andre,v I-J:astiet Rentonhall, he received a vari11nt of ·Child No. 281 The l(eacb i tbe Creel (pp. 11-1 3, prjnted as B) nnd f ro1n his son John Hastie he re- ceived 1·1;e1llnid of Glencoe (pp. 14-1 5, cf. "l\1E 5 5 G/eucoe); ~-ifrorn J\ilrs.Dickson, Rentonhall, he received variants of Child No. 5 3 Young Beit:han(pp. 6-7, printed as K) and No. 2 36 The Laird o Drrnu (pp. 7-8, printed as F); and f ron1 lv1r. Dickson'I RcntonhriH, he rcccivell fi"ntber Ada-111begh1ning ,~,~1hen Adan1 '''as in Paradise~, (p. 9), A]ex- andcr \\Tj]son's poc1n TflattJ 1 a11dA1eg (pp. 10-1 1), and ,vh-at he calls 11 a "scrap,, headed Fnr1nersin tbe 17 i Century (p. 11), ,vhich runs: The f:.u111erssae denty, s:ie ,veel ?nag o~ plenty Their ,veel packit purses thcy 1rc grown unco snrn'

Their clink is sae s:cant1 and their f:1m1ssac high rented They- C'c1n n a ride in to t l1 c nrn.rkct sae bra,v

They Uvcd Jjke their ]airds ,vi their sHier & cattle But noo comes the day ,vhich they scarce did expect ,, 7hen forced to expose their oat111calat a shilHn' And sell their pot~tocs at SJ a peek

TJ1eytrcn-anc in tl1c least ]Heeoor auld honest faithcrs s~ccouthic, sac honest and ancient in dress "\:Vilrn.1ncly blue bonnets to cover their shouthers They ,~?ere hun1h]e& as you inay weel guess A collection sitnilar in size ,vas 1nade by Alexander Laing, a banker in Nc,vburgh on Tay and later the author of an historical study Li11- d o,·es Abbey and its Burgb of J_,,Te-wburglJ-i ,vho had been approached personally in connection ,virh the search for the nHtnuscript sent to

Aytoun. 1--Iisset of baHadsand fragments1 ,vhich is no,v in the Hough- ton Library (2 5241.43 *)., ,vas completed by Ir February 1873 .2~

:.:i The ref crc-ncc ,i La\VS•' fa to b alfo d s as 1c ttc-n:~d and numb tred .in A 1neri en n

Balladry front Britisb Uro~1dsidesby G. J\•l[llcolm ].,.u\vs1 Jr. (Philadelphia, r 95 j ). !!j The reference ""/',.rEi'is to ankles in Cavin Grcigls Folk-Song of the l\Tort/J~

Enst (Pete-rhe3d 1 r 909; 2nd series1 r 914) reproduced in one volume \'r'ith Folk-Song in Bue ban {Hatboro! Pa., 1963). UL1 ng\ no tel.look t 1:~s scn t \Vit h a letter of that date to K o.rval Clyne, \V ho tr~ n s mitte cl it to Child.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Child's Scottish Hattvest I 35 N ores ju this Lrriug of lv e'I.Vburgb.A1S indicate that nine of the ten i tc1ns it contajns \Vere ta ken do,vn f ro1n the ' 1recitation'' of j\1iss Fanny \~ 1alkcr ( r 792~1880) of A-iountplcasant., near Nc,vburgh on T2.yland the rc111ain.ingitcn1 f ro111 the ""rcciration" of i\1r. '\'illian1 Ilyars~Linen ~1anuf ncturcr, N c,vburgh on 1 ..ay. IJ1 011r of the songs f rorn Fanny "\~1alkcr are : No. 5 3 J7 otrng Beicbnn (No. 6 at f. 6, printed

as G at I. 4 7 2 ) ' ]\TO r 7 5 Lord L o-veI (NO - [ at ff~ 1-:?.. pr in te d as C 3 t IL 208), Nn. 2.00 The G;·ps)1 J... addie (No~ 2 3t If. 3~4, collated ~s B. h at f \T. 66) and No. 2 35 1 ·be Earl of A boyne {No. 4 -at f. 5, printed as K at 1,, . 3 2 o). The other ite1ns are not at all along ballad lines. No. 3 nt folio 4 is a ten-line f ragn1cnt hcginning ,~~fhere,,tas a 1\rce bit ,veddi11g;/ An' a ,vcddin' in Auchrerroon~' of rhc song \vhich occurs in Peter Iluchan's Ancient Balladsand Songs of tbe "t-·-lortb of Scotland ( [ R2. 8; I, 262-263) as Tbe JJTee J?ridalie~Ar No. 5 on folio 5 is the fo1lolving vc1Tscto ,vhich I_jatoghas attached the note~ "This 1ppc~rs to be a frag- n1ent of an Anti-Jacobite ba1lnd":

Tl1c l{ing!s a,va to Prance ganc. I hope hc•n ne'er con1c b:1ck agnin; I-Je!srjdin .. on a bl ind horse, Helll never get the gate ag.ain.

No~ 7 at fo]io 7 h:1.san jntcrcsring footnote \Yhich adds son1ething to our kno\vlcdge of the artisti Sir David \~Ti1kic ( 178 5-1 84 r ) . The ,vhole itcn1 runs as f

They cai n1y f aithcr ,vindy Tan1~ An 1 n1y mither g]ey!d Gir:.r.y-; An' n1e 111ysel',a .finefudgeH,

Thuclgell, tlrnnde rin1

He bocht to n1c a pair o~ glo,.cs, O! ,vo\v but they ,vcrc bonnie. He bade nu1 d ra,,,. them on n1y Ionics Because I '\\'jS a fine f udgcll &c

He bocht to n1c n pair c/ Shoon 1 Ol ,,•n,v hut thcv ,vere honnic; + I-Ic b~ldc n1c d~ncc dil they ,verc done Becc-iuscI \vns &c.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Ii arvrird-J_jbrarr.. Bulletin He bocht to n1c a bra,v nc\v gov1ni O! ·yvo,v but it \Vas bonnie, To set inc aff aboot the to,vn, B cca use I ,v:ls &c Note~ This song ,vas a great favo\uitc "~jth the late Sir David ,, 1ilkie. Sir D:1vid's brother ,v~s n1arried to J\1isslVglkcr's cldc...;;tsister and there ,vas a great intimacy bct\.vccn the nvo fnn1ilies. lrliss "\\7alkcr's f athcr & ~r David's father being ministers of ncighbourjng parjshes. ~0

J\To.8 at folios 9~12 is 2 v=1rjant_of the song about the ,vedding of the frog and the 1nousc ,vhich is No. 175 in Tbe Oxford Dictionary of f--lursery Rbyn1es by Iona and Peter Opie. The refrains in this song are particularly interesting; jri the present case the first verse :lnd refrain take the f ollo,ving f orn1:

There \VflS a Frogie lived in a ,·vell, Rigdutn bonny mcad()\\T cor n1et And a mousjc lived in a bole, Rigdun1 bonn y-111 cado'\-' C or me, Coy my dearie., kill the c3iry·! Coy lllf ucarh:t coy me! St rink~ Strank ! po y-1n y-d ccd Ic An) upon a ran tan! Rigdu111bonny~n1cado\\r coy tne~

No ..- 9 at folios 12-13 begins ~lFour-an~-t\ventyTrumpeters all in a ro,v!" and is the song kno,vn as ,\-1yLndy's Rirtbday or A1y I..~ady's Holida'y. The one item fron1 "'\~/illfrnnByars., No. 1o at folios 14-1 5, begins ' 1In Scotland there lived a hun1b1ebeggar'' and is the pjecc called Tbe Hurnble Beggar (cf. NE 3 1) Child.,s atte n ti on , vas emphatic al]y dra, vn to the sup cri or oppor tun -

ities for co 11ec tio n afforded llv ... the Ah erdecnshire area of Scotland in a letter of advice sent to Furnivall on 1 5 January 1873 by Charles ?\'larshall,Ardrossan ( 1 2. 1 9) : During the ]as.t 40 T have ]ookcd ~frcr the ha11~dHteraturc of the country in the sh.ires of .Aberdeen, Roxburgh., Perth and Ayr. I have con1e to the con- c]usion th~t there is. no,v little to be gleaned jn any one of the districts I hav-e nanl cd except in Ab crd ccns hj re. Th c caus c is obvious; in the son t hcn1 portion 1'hcrG is a variant of thi~ song v:frh tune in Cbapbook: Stotland~s Folk-Life

A.f.i1gazine1 1,r: l [ c967 ], I 7. F~nuy ,vaU::cr's eldest si~tcr• l\1argaret, m..irried John ,;,;;/ilkic in 18or1. He.r father, the R~ve.rend Andre·w ,~ 1a1keri was minister of Col~ lessie in Fife, -and Sir David \"Vilkie 1s f~the:r, the Reverend David \"llilkie, ,vas mini)tcr of the neighboring padsh of Cults. See Hew Scott, Fasti Ecclesi~e Scoti- camtei\T (Edinburgh, 1925 )1 1 3;, q,g--140.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Cbild:s Scottisb Hntvest 1 37

of Scotfon d, the population is rapidly clrnngjng 1 su n1uch so tlrnt ~t this n10~ n1en t verj'!" Jjttlc rcn1ni11s of tl1c origj1la1stock; ,vhile on tl1c otl1cr h:1nd in t\ber- dccn & lbnff, the 1:lnd holdings ;1rc sm::lH,passing f ron1 f~rher to son \vith no altcr.:ition. OJd I-Jabirs, old f eeljngs, traditionnl litcratu re n1aintait1 tJ1cir ~tercn- typcd form fron1 age to age ... lVcre l in the position of your frjend Professor Child, I \\'Oll Id cinploy .sorne trus:t-"Torthy person to go through the northern

counties :1nd collect ,vlrnt still lingers there. In the southern parts of Scotfond 1 there is absohitdy nothing th~t ,vould jusrjfy the expense. Child ,vas lucky enough to con1e- into contact in Can1hridgc itself \\'irh a n1an fro111this heartland, the phi]osophcr and educator, Thornas Davidson,2• ,vho ,vas able to .supplyhhn ,vith a considerable nun1hcr of fragn1cnts f ron1 bal1ndsth~t he rcn1cn1bcrcd having hcen sung by his n1othcr and her sister_.2sChild ,vrotc delightedly to i\~lurdoch about his disco\"'cry on z Fehr113ry 1 876: Is jt not odd that., after having flooded Scotland vdth circulnrs addrcs.std to scho0Jn1astcrs & n1inisters, ,vith scarcc]y a pcn.:epdble effect, I shouhJ find a

A ,..-olumeof JJe111ori.nlsof ~rboums David.sons Tbe TVnndering Scl.,olnr ,:ol- k·ctcd s.rrd edited by YVillic1H1l{night ( London, 1907) includes lt pages 107-1 19 a ,,ivid :::;ketch by l\ 1illi~HllJ arne:s called "Thmna.s D:n•jdson: A l{night-Errant of the

InteHectual Lifc.n See also T /.ic Dictionarr of An1ericaJJ Biogrt1phy1 \ 7., 95~7, and Hligh J\-lacl)fo.r11-id [C. GrLC\'-C].sl~Ottisb E f(:f']lf rics (London1 r936 ), pp. l 36,-c 591 'tThon1as D::tvjds-on and the l 1"cllo,vshlp of the Nc,v Life." 1 !-; Da\·idson s 111othcr ,v~s A'l::uy ·yv.1rrc1\der and her liist~r was called 1\1argnrct. l\.:fo.tcrh1from Da,•jdsort in the Child J!SS in dudes fifteen Child hf!llads: No. 10

Tbe Cruel /\f otf)et ( 12 o .. l J 2 1 colfo.tcd ,a.5 J. h at I. 2 26 t No. 62: ( 2. 3 Nos. 71._,;-7 6, printc d as I ·l flt ] I. 71 ) , 1\1o. 6 3 Chi/ d 1Vat er .r ( 2 3 N o:s. 7 36-7 37, p ri n tc

No. 2 36 1'bc Lnird o Dnm1 ( iS No. :2116 1 unprintc

l~rfllnui e ( 2 J }..\J. 8 98). In dd ition I Davidson q uotc d from his O\n 1 r~ c:vll on a refr."!in uf No. 1 1~/JeElfiu J{nig/Jt (printed at I. 484) find sou1c ven:~s of No. 1 o 1'/Je T?.va Sisters jn a rcvic,,· ::.nicle of the first part of Child's '\l'orI~ that appeared jn the

A111ericmiJournal of P/Jilofogy, ,, ( 1884) 1 466--478. for a letter from Child to 1l-lvid- son dnted I 8 Aug. 1893 and for ]):lvidsoCT's contribution to Child's glossary, sec 30 Nos. 61-6i and 66-77. ..There arc fo\1 rrccn other ktters fron1 Child to D:l\Tjdson. in the extensive colJcction of Da,·idson paIJrfli in the Sterling Libra.I)\ \Tale University.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Ii arvard!Ji brary Bulletiu

n1an j n this very to,vn ,vh osc 111other kno-\vs ( as he says) 1 (i 4 b-a11 ads? 20 Th is n1an is a scholar, & kno\,rs \V-hcrcof he is tnlki ng. 1-Iis n1othcr lives in Old Deer. I hrrve tded to 1nake hiin nbandon an ,vorld1y business and go back to Aber-

deenshire - "·here other.s1 I think, besides his mother still retain br-llads- gnd collect :ill that he can find. In def a ult of \\'tllingncss on his part to cornc up to this rn::.1nif.e.stduty, I have accepted his n1ediation "-'ith ~\·o persons three thousand miles nearer the source and I hope th::1tgoud may be the result.

The ~'nvo pcrsons't referred to scc111to have been Alexander j\1uri-

son, English 1nastcr at Aberdeen Gra.n1n1ar1 and his ,vifc Elizabeth (11eeLogan), ,vho had both attended the san1e p2rjsh school as David- son~ Shortly af ter\var

,vh:u is probably an unpam llckd treasure of ballads.1 - unparalleJed, :.1t -:-1ll e,·enrs, since the professtona] days, ... They ,vere brought up a stoncc~st or t,vo fnnn 1\.lrs J)avidsonj \vho .. my ,vifc affinTJs~docs or Jjc.l ccrt:ijnly kno-,v at the very least as 1nany halbds. as 1'11 Davjdson says. Entering ,vho]c-heartedly into Child's project., IVlrs. fvlurison first ,vrotc out songs from her o\vn rccoHcction and then., together ,vith her husbandt took do,vn ,vords from other ~ingers,in particular David- son's rnother and 1ncn1bers of her ov{n f·.unily..3°I\Jurison gave Child a vivid account of the co]lecting he and his ,vifc did jointly·in the sunnner of t 876 (letter 2):

Having got the peoplt into the proper humour for disgorging the bnlfods, l\•[;~ ri..t & I \Vrotc at the .s::uncti1nc, taking do,,·n alternate Jines. In th1:,:;i.vay "\.•;e rnanagcd to let them sing on , ..rithout interruption; & ,vhcn there ,v:is-a ' 1hok in the ballad/~ l\1r;;l\L "'ci enden vour to lead the singer to recall the r.nissing pan,

by suggesting something of her o,vn kno\v-ledge 1 or crooning over the pre- vious part again & again. The recovery of such bir:;;:cnnnot be f orccd. I rc1nc1n- bcrcd again & again thar you had thought of corning over your.self to gather up the frabrrncnts; & I could not persuade n1yseif that it ,vd not have been Jost

Chi 1d '~ n 10 re 1nod ref crcn cc in c1 1ctte r to J\1.acn1ath ( R ~]}pert 1 39) to an Ah e rd-rcnshire n1an ,vho.i,c mother kncv.,- 1c164 pie cest rn any of them gen u Ln c o 1d b~ll~(1s,, probably con\Teys n1ore exactly ,vhat Da,·idson clain1cd for his rnuthcr\; repertoire. w Her manuscript mentio'.1.S her mother,, 1\-lrs. Logan (nee Ann Snrnn ), t\1i.'O :-1m1ts referred to as C. Stuart :and i\·lrs. i\1illcr,. ilnd her grflndfothcr,, ,viJlimn Stuart.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Cbi l d's Scottis b ·I-! flrvest 1 39 labour. l-1ad I 1nysclf, ,vho kno\v the di:llects 5ufficicnt1y,veil, & also the n1::i.n-

ners~ h~ bitsl &c. &c.. &c. of the pc.op]c'.Igone among then1 alone seeking hJl1~H1s1 J an1 perfectly certain l shou]d have b ecn unable to gather one t,venti~th pjrr of ,vhnt ,vc Irnvc got.

,, 1ith the exception of nvo pieces (Boodle Bo sent ,vith letter 2 and Sir Pt1trick Sf,enssent \vith letter 5) the songs that n1akc up che A1uri-

so11AJS \Vere sent off to Child on 7 l\-1a.rch187 7 1 by ,vhich tin1e l\Jurison had n1oved to London to stud) 7 for the English The n12nuscrjpt~ 15 2 62.2 * in the I-Ioughton T_jhrary·,is in l\1rs. 1\1urjson's hand and contnins fortJr-nvo songs of \vhich fourteen arc Child ballads. Chi]d printed full texts of the follo\ving:

J\'Iurison J'dS ff. lO 1\11 The T,va Sisters 79~8'] J{ )-8 Sir Pi1trick Spcns 1 34-7 N i\-f~rv H amikon l73 ·' 33~4,· 214 B -rhc Ilracs o ''f nrro,v 105-7 2 39 H Lord Salcoun and A uch~11ncl1jc 76-H 240 J) The Rnntjn Lriddic 74~5 2 45 D "f oung AJJ3n J l 7-20 i So B The Beggar-Laddie 85-7

232 Ge Richie Story 237 f T'hc J)ukc of ~on-lon 's J)47 nghtcr The 1nrinuscript a]so contains vnri2.nts of four niorc Child h:tllnds, 7 nvo of ,v hich 1 No. 1 oo lJ1 illic o 11iushurJ ( 17-2 o) and No. r 8 z Tbe

Laird o J_,,ogie(8 8-89) i arc n1cntioned hJ" Chi]d at III. 5 1 7 and 5 2 o. He does not ref er ro the other t\\'O, No. 9 The Fair Flo-tver of -~lort b-

u For the Hfe and wrfring.s of Alexander Fakor1er l\·hirh:on, ~ee the Dirtionary of l•l atioual Biograp!Jy 1931-1940, pp. 63 6-63 7, arid i'\·1uris-on's Alenwirs of 8~' Years, printed for pril'ate circufotion at Aberdeen in I 935. In addition to the manuscript \\•ritten by his ,vife, l\1urlson s-ent Child (as: he mentions in letters 1 and 3) an un- bound and imperfect copy of The 1nasquc.or II oe:ls caUectiouof so11g.r,~a. James Hoer (Dublin, n. d. ), ,,.olume 7, Parts i :ind ji, \\'hid1 bc]nngcd to 1)~,•j(lsnn 1.i;; n1othcr and is nov.-· in the Houghton Library ( 25164.18,4 ~), and alsn, ,vith letter rl, t\l'O clippings headed !'Scottish Songs of Olden Day~" from the Aberdeen H ernld nnd TF eeklJ Free PreH of 3 Feb~ anrl 12 J\1-ayl 883~ Tim first gil·cs a fr~gnwnt~ry tc.xt of Tb e Abduct ion of l\rell y Synion from tradition and the second 'd. tcx t of no1111 y Helen Sy1no1i ::t.sprjntcd on a sheet dated 20 J\1arch 1776 which ft.1urjson had con1e across in the J\rjtist1 i\1useunl.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) 1-!nrvardl~ibrary JJ11/leti11

un,hcrland ( 12. r-1 :z.2) and No. :i 98 T"ouug Pe2gy ( 6 1-6 3), ~1]though the second of th~se is a rate ba11adof ,-vhichhe printed only one text. ,rariants of n1ost of the rest of the songs contained in the 111:l.nuscript have been recovered by other co11cctorsYvorking in the north-cast of Sc.:ot1 and~~~ Tl1e lvlurison collection left Cl1ildtl1oroughly dissatisfied. In August of the previous year') buoyed 11pby hope~ he had ,vrittcn in a letter to ])avid I .,aing, "'I an1 no,v cndcayoring to collec:t fron1 a. pro1nising n1inc in Aher

Scv('.ntccn appear in Grcifs Folk-Song of t/Je l•,lort f:J-East:··rbe bonnie l~nn o' Bt:.'11j1c/Jie( sr-t 3; li,."'IE 8t :;i ~ong Lcginning HThe fairest lady ir. London City" ( 14- J 6; NE 68 ...r/Je Lions' Den)t The s,Jefl1cld Apprcnrice (:16-i9; ~\'E 45), T/Je Funli11 ( ftoundling) Baby ( 40-~ 3; 1VE too), I'itcnil /Jly1.s JF ells (44-46; lilE zo), R(1s/Jyi\-tuir 1 (46-4 7; "l\ E 11 S1 1 i. 1 ), Uounie U dwy ( 48-49; J.\TE 32), "J'/Jc Bonnie Lasr u' Fyvie ( 50--52; 1VE , 5 }, Billy TnyJor ( 53-5 5; J\lE 1 o 1), The 1'le1.u-,Crnne Gauger (59-61; PlE

89 ), 1'nnnnic L.o.nn11ieO ( 66-68; J\lE 1 771 T/Je Dri1po., Ci1ppie 0), Peggje ( 71-7 3, 1-lE 37) Altw AfcLem1 ( 98-100; l'!E l 79), The Couvict's Fare•1ve.U( 101-102; l\"'rE3 6 Jmnie Raeburn) ld or1uoud Buu.•J ( 103~104; l·..7E 1), Tbe lfrrul's of hrverurie { 108- JJ o; "f'./E 1 r) i l~osie Anderson ( 11 1-1 16; 1'1E 117). Severa\ others arc tu lie f uund in "\:V j I Han1 Ch ristic 's 1.~rn d. it frnMl Rn/ hfd Ai rs ( 1876-81): "f-,.TtrnCJ' 0' or A' I' earl ( 4-5; Christie Jl. J 76-1 i7 The J1old l)mnorel1 L:nvs K 4), The 1-Ie{;kkr Ln.d ( 2 l-2 5; Christie 11. 154~i 55 The Banks {/ Skfne.'), ~il'l1 tell vou a sturv~ ft s1.orv of one'' ( 35- r r 37, Christie I. 150--251 Y 01ai_g Jobn11y's been a Cruising), and Young Uarnwel! (56- j9; Ch.risde 11. 76~77 lJunn.i)tlf), and a veriant of T/Je Virgh1itm i\1flid~s Lanient

( 69-70) ,vas printed by Peter Iluchan ( 182 81 11. 115-n 7). l'hcrc arc ~1so several ban·dy songs ,;Nhich occllr in the Greig-Duncan m~nuscript: colkccion in Aberdeen University Library: Buudre Bo ( 1-3 ), Ftesl-rerRobbie ( 30--12), 1Jetsy Gordon ( 64- 66) and T/J~ Cloorin u' the C.-ru,~frun ( 96-97). The remaining iterns are songs ue- gjnning L'A Yerr~ daughter i, the lVE:se' (6-8i cf. Th£· Lac.iy"':sDougbtcr vf tfJe TVcst in th~ J uUnh1l of tbc Fol k-Soug Sofiety, \ 7 [ 19r 4- r6], 13rr-142) and ~'Do\vn by yon

crysml fountains:,, ( 38-39 1 cf. Tl~e /-l{Tppy Shepherd, wit fJ Tbc Answer in a chap- Look in the Ilodlefo.n Librar}''s Harding Co1lectinn, A. 15/11 ). 1 ;1. Thh P.:ndth~ foHni;,dng quot~tion fron1 a letter to Lo"·cll are taken from The Scbolar-Friends:: tetters vf Fr{jucis J{uue:i CfJi/d (Wd ]nnws Ruuell Lou.-'f'll, ed. J\1. A.

J1c\Voffc lluwc antl G. \V+ CuttreH, Jr. (C,:m1Lridgc1 l\'lass., I 9511 reprinted from the typl\~ of 1-IAll\'AfW Lti.-:.RAio: Ilor.1.~·rrN._,,. [i951]1 135-1581 and \TI l1952l1 92-109, 2 ry---238)~

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Child's Scottisb Har•vest rune-song in the Hdvrnunla~ gave Child fresh in1petnsnnd a nc,v din~c- tion in his ballad-collecting. On 2 l Dccctnbcr 1 879, he ,vTotc cn- thusiastica11yto Lo,vcll~ ,vho ,vas no\\r the Atncrican l\linistcr in Lon~ clont saying:

A recent discovery of ::111Odtnic sung in Shetland has excirctl me very n1uch. I hnvc \\'ritten to the person [? I s~id to be the right 111:an,to as:l.:,\·hnt hope there i:sof brilbds, It se.en1sto 111cthnt they n1usr linger there. They ;Sprefldlike Nor- v:;1y r~ts1 and there is plenty of N or\'\'ay jn the Orkneys & .Shetland. ,,..cry likely n1y n1::tn\Vi11 say there is nothing~ i ust ~s a ,vur1d reno,vncd cr_v-pro- gamk botanist in S,vcclcn had ne·ver seen ]jchcns "·hich Tuckern1an picked up as he ,,,as approaching the n1ants house.~ I nln1ost said l ,volild con1c out: but I reflected upon the stntc of rny pocket, nnd as1:ed- had I not better spend the L;o jt , 1lou]d cost n1c for the SL:n p~ssages in buyjng tht help of some poor Shclfond schoolmnsters. or p:nsons? Only if I ,,.ere on the spot - that is on the i o or 30 in habjtcd 1slands I could be cont1nunliy prodding up the peop1e. Tl1ere 7JlU.Sl be balbd.i.; there - 110\V dsc ha,rc the people held out ngainst povert_1i,r1-co]d & d;-irkncss? K rJstcnsen, ri Danish schoo]n1~ster, in thrc-c years, a bout 1870~ gathered in a very s1nall d istrjct in J utfond r 50 hatladsJ over h:1lf of \Vbich lrnd never been kno\vn to 1Jc in tradition, & 14 ,vcrc utterly l1nkno,vn . • . . ,,.re \vill sec '" lrnt l...:1.u...-ensonsays - I ..aurcn!;Otl of Lcr\vick, Lcog House., Ler\vick --beyond John c/ Groats, beyond the. Orkncys. ,,rere you c1 rdcss ::i.ndr richer, I ,vould try to 1nake you n1eet nlc there. ·rhc ~ummcr is p]eos:;1nt- there is 3 rnonths of afternoon - the people prit11itivc, H o,v I ,v1sh ,vc could do id-

I.Jaurcnson took the step of publishing n1ost of Child's letter to hin1 in Tbe Sbet/(fud J~hnesof 3 January· 1880, having first cut out Child's off er of a payn1ent of l.50, ,vhich he thought ,vas ill-adYiscd (letter 1). There Chi]d repeated his dissatisfaction ,vith the response fro111 the n1ain1and of Scotland: "I have for son1c years been beating over Scot- land (by letters :tnd cjrcuhtrs) in the hope that I tnight find at least SOlllC relics of good ballads . .rv!ysuccess has not heen gratifying.u Irle can have been no happier ,vhcn he looked over the scattering of rhyrnes and riddles, tales and songs ,vhich La.nrenson sent on to hin1 fro1n several correspondents in Shetland. ParadoxicaHy, after Child~scsgcr attcrnpt to tap the resources of a ren1otc outpost, the only itc1n approx- in1ating a b11Had,vns deriycd f ron1 \\'hiteburn, Jjnlithgo,vshire, and is a hun1orous treatrnent of George I\'\~~visit to Edinburgh in 182 2, ,v hich ad vises:

."ll ~~Nine days he hang p:1 da rntkss tree"; sec I{~rl Rlind1 HDiscovrry of Odin1c Songs i:i. Shetfondt 'J'/Je 1..tinetecntfi Ceutttr:i-r,\7' (January-Jnne 1879 ), 1091~J 1 l 3.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Har1h1rdLibrary Bullatiu But if ye meet bin1 in the tron I n ven nd street or en try Yell l.:cn hin1 Ly his goJdcn croon frae a the commot1 gentry .:t;1 Perhaps J__.aurcnson,vould have ~cnt (:hild a variant of Child No. 19 J(iug Orf eo (for he quored its refrain in his first letter, of 5 January 1880) if he had not been forestalled by the publication of a text by i\·1rs. Saxby. ~~TTitingto Thon1as Dav1dson on 15 February - 1880, Chi]d ,vas able to report~

A fo.

in the F ebr Ldsure Hour 1 a f~iry lrn.lla~i nn1ch :ittenuated by ti1nc 1 but not kno\\'!l 111Eng]ish before. It h:Js n ;\f orse burden. This is a11the ballad nc"'S.

So at least an unkno\V"llbalJad had fina111r turned up, though it had not been brought to light as a result of Child's enquiries. Basically~ ho,rcver, the lack of ficsh n1aterial fron1 Shetland sho,ved that it ,va~ no exception as regards ba11adsto the general pattern in Britain., ~nd drove Child hack to the vic,v he had exprtsscd in a lecture course given t\VO years b~forc at the Johns 1-Iopkins Uni,rersity· in Baltitnore~

The fountain of ora 1 tr~ditinni though still flo\vh1g copiou.~ly in son1c Scandi- navfan countries) i.snO\\' nearly dry in England and Scotbnc.I. Sir \.:Valtcr Scotr1s nnd the other collections ,vcrc not n1adc a dfly too sooni for ccrta1nly the ,,·ork ,vould not he cro,vncd ,vith the san1e .if undern1ken at thfa dav+., As it is the ,vho]e number recovered tlocs not exceed 175., ,,·hilc the nunther lost to us1 judging from scraps of Yerscs and tjdcs n1et ,,,ith in various old at1thnrs., is at least as great. 36 J. F. Campbell, ,vhosc kno\v-ledge of oral tradition in Scotland ,vas not lin1itcdto the Gaelic cultuJc in ,vhich he ,vas primarily interested, basically agreed ,vith this assess1ncnt, although he ,vas a\varc that ora1 tradition 1night still ,cflo,\7 copiously B c,Tcn,vhen the scholars of a

11 ;!_'!; 1-his song, v.·hich begins. A s honest) thrifty iVhttty Grey, / lVas sittin llusy spinnin" ,\·as seat to Laurensun hy Peter \Vhite~ surgeon, Busta, Delting. Other correspondents ,vcre i\1iss C. Trvinci Ja:mcs Laingi and R+ Sjndair in Lerwick :ind James Nisbet in Unst. It ·was Charles Rainpini in Ler,Yick ,vho suggested to Furni- val1 ( 6 Oct. r 879) that Laurenson n1ight be able to help Child. '"'fl1cShet1a[ld ma- terial is in vo1umc 3 of the Cbild ,HSS at pages:3-18. :"Iii1"'11c quotation is from a dippjng in the Child A1SS, 4.;~~ of an article headed ,iRal1ad Literature~' by D. i\1. Henderson from the Scottirl:J Anlerican Journal of 21 Feb. 1878.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) CbiJd?sScottisb Harvest 143 couqtry· had succeeded in recording a11the sur\riving exan1plesof the ha11adgenre. I-Ie ,vrote (Jetter 6); J dont think that you have a chance of getting anyrl,ing Jn Great llrJtaJn to add 111uchto the prlntctl hooks of Ilrilhu.Js. \.Tcrsions ancJ v~rbt.ions you rnr1y gt:t if you set co11c-ctorsto hunt out vagrants & the ho useless cfassr.s \Vho ,randcri and \,;~10 c:.:antread or "\\Tite+ T'hey :1re a."S1111n1eruus in Ameril'."~a~ they are here. Later experience ,vas to justify Can1pbc]l"s vic,v that ballad variants such as Child ,vas looking for ,vcrc to be found in the nc\v ,vorld. It

\\'rts a vjc,v that he reiterated on several occasions 1 perhaps sensing son1ething of Child's attitude ( suggested in the letter to Lo,vcll about Shct1and) that h c hin1sclflived 3 t a center of civilizution that had shed its past nnd had pcrf orce to seek out o]d songs an1ong the n1ore prin1i- tivc people d \vc]ling in the old ,vorld. Ca n1p be11 l'l/as 8n en th usi:1st ic co 11cc tor ,v ho inf or n1c d Chi 1d that J in addition to a 1~vnst pile" of baliads and stories in Gac1ic~he had ac- cu1nulntcd a volu1ne of 1 ']ike stuff" ,vritten ''jn English and in dialects of Scotch)"' (Jetter 4).. This') ho\\rcver') he declined to give over to Child's use, urging Child to enter the field of oral collection for hin1sclf: l have a big l~ng]ish rnnnuscript volun1c-of such rubbish, in all sorts of dialect.~~ got from all sorts of people~ in nU rnnks of Society; fron, rneJnhers uf the Queen's hou~choi

entirely underst:-1nclrour hunger ~fter ,vritingg 1 & collection~~ l rather prefer to keep n1tnE!~~for Scotfond and for n1c" as the song says. T\vo highlanders, as it is said, n1ct on a ba.u1cfic1d;and one ,vfls stripping a slain n1nn. 1'Hcch Don:i Id" said

one '~will ye no gie us son1e o the spuiJ". - "N;i. Gnng n,va man ti said the other "& J.~ill::i Hc..~sinnro yr ser.u -NO\\' sir the very c1asscs f ro1n v.'hon1 I made 111y ·very large r.:o]leccjon of Folk lore of n11kno\Vn orally itavc ntigralcd jn

tdbes co An1eric:1. + + • If you ,,,ill do jn Y nnkccooodlcdon1 as I did here~ you nrny gather u bigger harvest ora11ythan I dici, for the fu!o/)le of this old c..::ountry are no\Y in the Ne,v \\ 1or Id; ]egend.":i,stories, hnllads, and all. But ff you n1ust hnve ,vritt{'n collections of old date gathered in these British Isles your best pfan js to set your h'linisrer to gather then1, or to co1ne over your5eJf. I ,vill g1a

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) ....

144 Ht1rvard Library BuUctiu visit-eelhim in his Ken~ington hon1e.a; I-le niade enguirics on (~hild's heh al f and sent on to hin1 n1aterial offered hy others/ 8 hut C3n1pbcl1 ,vas not altogether dependent on outside sources for he ,vas hin1self a tradition-hearer ,vho ,vr ote of his rich n1ental stores and the difficulty of tapping th c111in the fol lo,vi ng apt tenns (letter 5 d):

. , . ,vords: & tunes run off the reel ]ike a fi.,hingline "'ith a s~ln1on '1t the end of it-~ I don't kno,,.i ho"~ 1nucb l could thus reel off; Lut 111y friends often are su rpdst::d by son1erhing "'hie h they never heard f rorn nu:.j ~nd l d.rnn knO\\' \vhcrc to find~ unkss the key note is struck acci

In his l~ttcr of 24 August 188 J., Can1phe1lsent f ron1 his O\Vn recollec- tion t\\ ..O traditional ua1Jads,·Lord J.,o•vel(letter 5d; Child No~ 7 5, prjnted as Eat 11. 209) and 1\fnry Hrnni!ton (letter 5h; Child No. 17 3, collated as .A.. b at III. 397), and a n1odern antique ballad by Robert Chan1hcrs cc1l led l"oung Randal (letter 5c) ..c~{•Chi lcl "ras evidenr\r verv r +' attracted by Young ]~and al a lchough it

0• "fhcsc tcxrs :a~t:1k~n do\vn by Furni\'~H arc in Yolumc 21 of the c,:rild 1HSS,rhc one printed by Child -JS Q being No. 119 and tl1e one coUatcd as R.IJ being No. 2. io. It' sccn1~likdy tlw1.·the orig-io~ls frorn \vhich Campbell dicrnted arc the s.:?tmctexts a~ ther occur at folios 1 5-1 of s c0Uecr100 of Jla!fodr find Saugs 111:adcby Campbell ~ud no~:v in tt,c Na::ion~l 1,ihrary nf Scotland, Ad\'a i\·1S 5"f1.3.4. There is a tune for Q at foliD 19. 1·h1s coHcction also indudc.s ;Hek.~illeCastle (f. 73) and Rrrndal (ff. 77-78) ~:s sent to Child hy Can1p~cUi ~fld the lisr of song,i;;at the hc:ginning includes

Afor_y H tf111nton 1 , 1lhic.:h""as also sent. Bc~hli:s those n1rcady n\cntiooc

~-n1a,vare 1 only on~ fnri·hcr Child b~11:~dhss hcer,, found arnong C1t111pbc~i'spapers! No. 103 1.. /Je G-rcnt SiU·ie of Sufo Sl·erry (National Library of Scodand Adv. A.·1S 50. 1. I 3 f. 3 I 6; sec Scottfrb Studies! X\ 7Jll [ 1974] 63-8 ). The ubig manl.1script Yoiumc in English" th~t Ounphcll n1t;ntioncd c,~idcntiy iL1duded prose and Camp- bell's reference to it need not~ l think~ le::-idus to suppose that he had collected r11orc Child baHads than lnvc Leen rt\entioned here. The qcollectiot1 n1ade: by L~1dy Caro- line i\'iurray!' \!i'hich Ch1ld n-an1csss c~mpbe-]l's sotuce in his head-note t() No. 10 Q ·was, as Campbell c:-.-:phincdiE1 letter 4, ,cher tran;llin.g 111usic hook frurn ,vhich she sang & played.'~

~B lt was h~ ,dio 1nadr. ChBd aware of the extsttncc of ~he Cmupbdl AfSS o,,;ned hr Sir l--Iugh lhlln~ c~Til}Jbdl. In letter 7 he inclurl~d :1 ~opy tw had n1ad~ of HK 00 ,,rillie's g-a-cnto j\1 d\'iHc Ca~deB ~s sung :ind \,·ritten do,\·n IJy T\1iss A lice Gr:1nt of fimrnrt~ H.~neloch~ con11ncnting th~t Hnc~rly-all Srntch bdtes ha n::.so1nctl, ing popular 1 & quaint in the war of b~U~Hh~) ~nd \\·1th letter 9 he enclo5ed a lcncr lw lnrl recci\·ed fron1 Agne5 C-an1pbcl] Tmbch 11H:r1tion1nga Lall~d in the 1\T l"W D1:cside Guide. ~-J For the ,vords '.lnd Ll,e ~ir to which they ,vcrc writri;n, sec George Thon1snn,

The ,\f eforlie.rof Sco1/a11d1 ,r1 ( 1 S41 )~ 2:8 i-1$3.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Cbild 1s S cottisb I-Jar·-Jest 1 45 C·unpbcll of ]slay sent me a ·very good modern h:1lfa.d~~ln1ost as "\\'ell done ~s OJd llohjn Gr~y, very unnffcctcdlr sin1ple,beginni11g a Randal \\'i]S fl bonnie lad ,,rhen he gaed :.:nva, A honniej bonnie Jad ,vas he l\rl lcn I 1c g~c

On 17 n1I~rch Can1pbe1lassured Child, "'I ha,vc no douht that T can get you the air of Randal. I cant "~-riteit, but I can sing it, po.c.~ihly th rough

a telephone to you.', Ho,vcvcr 1 hy 2 9 l\1ay h c had found rrless cxtrcrnc n1et11odand sent Child the nn1sic as tahcn do,vn frorn his singing by a l\.1issG. E. Johnstonc. 4 c, In his last letter, \vrjtten four n1onths before his death, he included

a variant of A Pe1111y'lvortb of Pius~saying 1 '"This I ,vrite f ron1 n1c111ory

as I should sing itD (letter 2 4~) r I.Jis .spoken ending after the last verse gives the peculiarly Scottish interpretation of ,vhat js often treated as a song of n1cre]y hutn~n courtship:

If you give n1c the \\'hole of Bristol t0\\'Jt \\ 7ith the coaches rolling up & dO\\'U

'"fhcn I ,vill -,.,•alk -,vith you 1 said the L(1dy Then I ,vjll ,vaH..:\\'ith you Said "~irh solen1niry. And he \Vc1Sthe dc-vil and hE fie,\' a\var "Tith her. Child ,vas indebted to Can1phel1for another of the sn1all but inter- esting collections prepared specjally for his usej the Gibb A1S. Jan1es Gibb., ,vhorn Can1pbel]introduced ns a son-in~laYvof h1s senrant and

a n1an of literary jntcrcsts 1 ,vas 2n Edinburgh Post Office official. I-Ic ,vrotc to Can1pbcllon 2 Septetnber 1881 frorn Joppa, near Edinburght ,vith :an account of the collection he had n1adc eighteen 1Tcarsbefore and enc1osingsan1plcs from it: J)c::arSir. I enclose copies of f rngn1entary versions of one or t\\'O ballads ,,:hich either

•:.i There is no .explanation. in C:nnpbclPs.letters jE1 the Cbild 1,1ssas to ·why the tune f run1 Lally Archiuald Can1plJell appc::1rsat 5.56 \vjth so1nc of the ,;,vonls of ChiJd No. 1 2 Lord Randal. Although it ,vas printed in Cllild';sedition as a tune for thi~ b~llad (\ 1. 41?) jt ,,·a~ reiected as spurjous Ly Rcrtr~nd J-1.-Rro(lson jn Tbe TTriditionn/ T'l1Ues uf the CIJi/rl Drrlinds ( 1959-72) t I, r 92. lt seems possible, ho,\·e,:er, that C:1mp- bell kne,,;,•it ~s j traditional tune for l~ord Rrrndr.J.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Hnrvnrd I ..ibrnry Bulletin I h·.lvc not seen jn print or ,vhich di11cr in son1c respects: f ron1 the printed vcr- . s1uns. They arc copjcd cxact~r \Vithout crucndation nr nddition f ron1 notes 1nadc _in Sep. 1 863 f ron1 the

never seen then1 prjntcd. Her grandn1otht:r ,\·ris the i.\'if c of John Tjnds:ay 1 n fannc-r or crofter at Str~it Ilracs in the p::3rish of j\,1-urykirk (I think) A1carn- ~hire, 1vho chlin1ed or :.:tdn1ittcdhhnseJf to he- nn illegiti111areson of the ];-ist. Linds'1y of }~di.ellof \Vhose "Teh.:hed life, :.,notice ,vi 11be found in The: Lives of the t..indsa ys. Jc tnay therefore I think be fnirly stated that these ·versions very nenrly repre- sent the fotn1 in \\'hich the ballads \\'Cre recited about the bcgt[lning of this century in the 1-Io,i,.·csof Angu$ & l\·[c;-.rns. t\lthough I sha11be ot1 the ,vatch for nnything else that n1ay appear suitahlc I an1 doubtful ,vhether I shall be able to pi<.:kup ,1ny other fr~gnicnts of the purely trm.litional ballads-\\'h1ch I tnlc thc.:,~cto be. I can ho\\'C'YCrfurnish you ,vith copies of one or t\\To others of the f ollrn\Ting kinds:- r. ,vhnt l take to be pnpulnr in11t~tionsof rhc o 1d ballrulsj dating about the end of bst century or the hcginning of this-. ·r hc-s-c\vcrc noted do,vn at the sa1ne dn1c ~llso fron1 the dictation of nlr n1other. Sl1c learned clu~n1,vhen a girl frorn broadsheets: itnd the disrjnction het,vecn th c-111 ~nd th~ f rn.ginents \Vhich I no\v s-cnd you "\vas cv1dcntly c:lcar & con,pktc in her nlind. Frhey have, so far as I\,·, never been ~collccLcdiand arc, I 1nust confess of very Jittlc n1cric 1. Local ballads constrtH:ted on tr:1dition~ or f r:agmcnts. 1·hc5c ,i.·crc prcpJ red son1c years ago for n collection of the Poets. & Poetry of Angus & l\·lcarns ,vhil:h }ms not been pul ..Hshcd. In their pre-se-ntf onn they have no clai.J11to be tradi- liona] or popular. Jf you think that cjthc-r or any of these could 1,c of =:iny interest or seryjcc to the An, cricm1 Collector 1 shall :send you copies ,vith great pleasure~ A part f rorn pcrsona.l reasons I have got so 1nuch pleasure f ro111 the ,,, est I-Iighland Talcs that it is naturally an addjtional plcasil re to be abje jn any ,va y to as~i~tl\1 r Cnn1phcn of lsfo.y. Believe nlc yr:.:respect f u 11y )anlcs Gibb

Can1pbcllpro111 ptl y f or\varded this letter to Child ,virh the note 41\ijr Child ,vill do ,vell to put hin1se]f into con1n1l11iication \Yith this gentlc- n1a11/'und on 18 April 1 882.Gibb sent Child a set of ballads and songs he had copied fro1n his earlier col]cction. 41 The n1anuscrjpt of Scottisb

-n All the-:;ongs in (; ihl/s li~nd ~re \1i.·rittcn on the s~n1c lin~d p:tpcr '1parr f ro1n four at pages 61-76 \Vhich ~re on phin paper. These fo11rsongs, Tbe Gallant Gr11hmus,

1 Sir I''1trir:k Speus - V m·iat;o-ns1 Flflr Annie & Su..eet l Vi/lie (Child N n. 73 Lord

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Balladscollected by Ja1nes Gibb in the Houghton l..iibrary( 2 5 24 r. 5o~) cont~ins t,venty·-onc items in Gibb's hand, nvclvc of \vhich Child b~lh1ds~Child pr~nted the fol lo\'iringfull texts: Ciibb 1lIS PP· 9F The Fair Flo,ver of Northunlberland 39-4o 5"8 0 Sir Patrick Spcns 63

7:;I • 1-1 Lord 1 ..hoinas and Fair A nn(t 64-7 1 1 co G The Knight and Shepherd,s Daughter 1-8 2 f 5 C Rnrc ,,riJlic Dro"i:vncdjn \ 7 arro\lr, ori The ,vnter o Gamrje 37-8 :2 r 7 F rfhc Ilroon1 of Co,vdcnl..:no\VS 9-1 r 38 C Glenlogie 1 01~1 Jenn o ]~ethe]nie 3 ~-s 290 D 'The '''ylie '''He of the liic ·roun IJic 57-9 and 111adcthe follo"'ing collations:

i 3 i. Gh Richie Story 7 7-80 2 3 5 Bb 1,hc Earl of Ahoync i9-3 J. 2 3 6 Dd The Laird o Dn11n 2 1-7 2 3 7 g 1'hc Duke of Gordan:ts Da ughtcr 1 3-1 9 \Tariants of five of the other songs_appear in GrcigJs Folk-Song of tbc r-lortb-East: The 1-lielnndf_.addie (pp. 4 r-42, t-.lE 43 1.,be J_,nddie f rnc tbe North), Tbe A1(tsknn'sr11ng (pp. 43~45, NE 173 and 1 77 ), Pretty Peggy (pp. 53-55, r-lE 15 Tbe 1Jo1111ief_(rss o' Fyvie), 1,be Hind Cbilde (pp. 72~7 s,_ llE 67 and 146 Tbe Hire·,11a11C!Jiel) and Rosie A11derson (pp~81-8 3, NE 12 7). lt''s bet-weeu tbe river and tbe ley ~t pages 50~5 1 is L,a\vs O r 1 Two l~igs of ](ye and the song at pages 6 r- 62 called The Gallant Grabrnnsancl beg·inni11gu'~'hen I crossed the Boyne ,vateru occurs also in John Ord's Botby Songs and Rallads (Paisley, 1930 ), pp. 44 l-442. A song called Tbe Aprou beginning 1'Early in the 1nonth o' IV1ay''(pp. 47-49) is an unusual trentment of the then1c of the bastard baby~ in \vhich the \vorn~n

7·1Jo11msrmd Fair Anne,) and The I! hut ChUde 1 niay pus5iuly he the s~11nples sent on 2 September 1881.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Harvard Library llulletiu

a verse ,v hich, as Child noted at 1 . z 1 in his 1nanuscriptsJ i~ ren1inisccnt of cn1cthat occurs in Tbe Lass of Roch Royal (Child No. 76): 0 pen the door an~ let nle ln i\-'ly baby chivcrs at the chin I-le ,vill be clc:nl or I \V1n in He is a young knichts bnirn+ At page 83 is a hcai In ~ldditionto the itcrns in G-ibb's hand, the n1anuscript contains (pp. 84-85) a letter sent to Gibb by I. .i\1cNairn on 30 June 188 2 and 11.ncnc]osed song called The Black JJInter o' Dee beginning:

A ,vedd ing, a ,vedding, a ,~1 edding ye ken l'he Ilrt

Though of no jntdnsic value it ,vill sen'"e to sho,v that I "dt least a1n grateful to you for your magnificent ,vorl.: and that ~nything nf the kind that comes Jn n1y,vay ,vill be tnnsmjued to tl1c Ilcad Quarters of BaHadry. During the ear1y pirt of his investigations, Child ha.d received a nutnbcr of helpful letters fro1n Norval Clyne~ an advocate in Abcrde.en ,vho had published several books on Scottisl1 ballads, 4~ but Clyne died For information on Clyne, see J. A. Henderson, 1-liuory of tb(? Sodety of Advocates in A berdeeu (Aben.ken, 191 z ), pp. 12.6--127,r:md an obituary notice irt the A be1·deen ]ounurl, 2 J a11., 889. He (!OLtedBallads and Lays fron, S cottis!J I-Jistrrry (Edinburgh, l844) ~nd Ilnlfods fto111 Stottfr/J I 1!story (Edt11.uurgh, l 863) ~nd ,,·rote a p:a1nphh:ton Tbe Ro1n~mtfr. Stottis!J Balladi twd Tbe Lndy lV,,-,dl(n.t.· Heresy (Aberdeen~ 1859) of ·which there is a sigm:(t copy in rhc ,vidcn-er Library, ::!5261. ~4( 3), The \Vidcncr Lihni.ry also h.1s c-o"pyin!;crihcd tn Chihl of his pri-

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Child's Scottisb Harvest

in 1 8 88 ~nd lcft a gap ,v hich Child spoke of in his first Jetter to ,~l"i1lian1 \\;ra.Iker: i,1y old and most kind f ricnd, A1r. NorY~l Clyne~ h~v·ing he-en taken a\vny~ I have had of ]ate no one in the north of Scotfond to ,vhon, I could appeal and refer; and that is a bad plight for a man ,vho undertakes to deal ,vith Scottish b~lhds,":1° \~' alkcr c~n to some extent be regarded as taking over the role lcf t vacant by Clync'.s dcarht but he \Vas in vol vcd even n1orc c]ose]y-,,·ith Chi]d 's publication than Clyne had been. 1-Ic opened the correspon- dence ,vith a letter ,vrittcn on 2 7 Septcn1ber 1890 ,vith ,vh1c.:hhe enclosed a variant of Hind H or11 ( 2 r No. 2 96; Child No" 1 7 t c;ollated ,vith H at J\T. 450), sBying: The foJlo\vjng variation of tbc ballad of '('' rnay not be of much use to you, but as it '\\ dovi?"n f rorn singing on ]o".Ter D ecside son1e cjght or nine years ago Jt 111:1y ser\TCto shcn,~you the {onn it prescndy retains a1nong the country people here. It \\'a.s tr:1nsn1itted to n1e jn 1883 by a correspondent "\\rho favoured me \\:ith nrn.ny fr::1gn1ents of song & bnllrul \Vhilc I ,vas engaged in a ,,·urk published in l 887 uThe llards of Bonaccord. - r 375~J 860." Th is correspondent ,vas G eorgc Da \Tic,.i\1 ill of/\1 urtle, and ,,.ralher later sent Child three n1ore songs he had received fron1 himiH·and five

,·atcly printed hook of pocn1s calfod T/Je Engle {md OtlJer Verses (Abcrdccni 1880)T Desides senrling on the Laing of i\1 cu 1burgh ,HS, Clyne also transniittcd to Child a balfa.d fragment c;1lled Young Tolqubott v:hich Child prjnted at 1v·. 48 ~s au ~ppendix to No. 196 Tbe Fire of Fre1,d,·augbt ( letter 6a, i 7 Kos. 20 ..p-20+2) and a text of 'J"be G /Jaiit of Bah-usdale (lcnc-r 9). In c1ddition, Clyne put Clii]d ltl touch (letter i) \'/ith CIMrlc,r,;Elpl1instone D:alryrrlpk! who sent Child c1v~ rhnt of No. 163 Tbe llnrtlc of H f1rfo,...1:( 16 No!i. I 709 and 1719~17i i, prj11tcd as A at 111. 3 r 8-3 I 9)

aE1d(letter 3) ,,;,~ithJarncs 1-lutton \:Vatkins 1 \vho sent Child a specially bound ,To]orne, 152 61 .24 in the '''idener Librnry! \\'hic..~hinch1dt?s hi!i paper on L'Early Scotdsh Tial- lads" dcJivcrcd to tl1c Archaeological SociCt)' of Glnsgo,v .1nd printed at Ghsg01.1i.'" in ] 867, an,l :alsoil tl18.llUSCrjpt111cn1on1ndun] by \\' ~tk1n~ da.ted 14 i\·L1r 18 74. of g J\'incteen kttcrs f rorn Child to ,,ralker "'ere pri vatcl}' printed in an edition fifty copies of ,vhich No .. 11 \Va5 gi \·en hy ''':]Iker to the Child 1\.1c1uorial Library: 7 Letters on Sc.ottisb Ballads frrnn Professor FTGncirJr Cbild to lV. H +! Aberdeen (Aberdeen, 1930 )~ These letters. ind an addLtional postcard dated 3 J\-fo.y[ I 894] arc in Aberdeen Uni,;?er5ity Libr~ty i\'1S 2. 306, "·hich a1so includes two lr:ucrs fron1 Child to Da \1 adScott dated 13 January and 2: 1 ~l~rch 1 895. There js an inscrjbc-dcopy of another priY::.tclyprinted book of ''':::.lker's! A Gnrl.,nd of Bon-Accord (Abcrdcenj

1886)~ jn the Haughton Library, :! 5 ::u'.35.14 $,'. • .u. The three songs. ,vcrc sent ,·vith Jetter z ::ind ,,·ere: I ,iT\vas jn the nvon o,. 1 l{clsn" (2.216 1 cf. "f<.r'EJJ T/Je lViJj:' Auld Carle)! i •Thc laird o' Ro~Hn,s Da.ugbtcrH { 1 J No. 627i Child ·r,,,,.To.46 Cnptttin TFedderbunls Cou~·t1bip) and 3 ~~Itfell oCT a thne' a i\{arri !nB.s dm e'j ( 2. [ 881 cf. J...TE 84).

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Harvard Jjbrary Jlulletin songs he hin1sclfhad ta hen do\vn in the s1unn1cr of 1893 from a John "\i\7a] kcr, 211 old crofter at Portie than.~!; He a]so sent Child one further ballad text (letter 4), a variant of Chi]d No. 22 6 Lizie Lindsay/(; and .fivc traditional hall ad airs that ,vere printed in the last part of Child\; ,vork.H He ,v-asn1ost anxious to offer any help he could to Child, ,vho \vas by no,v in failing health, and Child gratefuJly ackno,vledged in his final volun1e ('' .. 40 5) that "the con1pilatio11of the list of prjntcd airs \Vas undertaken for n1e by n1y constant f ricnd Ivlr ,, 1il]iarn "\~'alker, of Aberdeen." 48 I~Je ~lso .sent inf orn11tion ~bout the Buchan n1:-1nn- scripts then o,vncd by David Scott and later acquired by I-Iarvard/ 9 ~nd ,v:-1sone of the n1osr nscf ul of the group of Scots \Vhon1 Child ~1p- pro::1chedfor help ,vith his glossary·.~0

1 'hcsc item~ ,vcrc \\'ritrcn on :1 ~hca{ of ~e\·cn page::!,.,;;ent ,1,.,frhli:::tter 6. Ther 1 1 arc: ppT r-i 1~1_,eAl askin Rung {1 i Nos. 574-575, cf. "l\F. • 7~, I 77) 1 p. 3 i\ 7r1riation of E.8 'Laird o' Drum~~] ( 2 8 No. 2117., Child 1\'o. 136, p:dntcd at \i. i. 7.:dI pp. 4-5 K111pKunp ( 2 2 Nos. 443-4441 Child No. 33 Ke1npy 1C1)\ printed at \T, z r 3 ), p. 6 1 1 The Rlfi11J( 11i,g/Jt ( 1 J No, 11. Chrld 1\ 0. :2 printed :lt , T lOj-2-06) -a.ndp. 7 T/Je l Van- tou Lad beginning iiJ\·c been a \l·anto11 11( 1.~ oo) ,vhic-h Y~UJi1ntof the song ~omc- tin1es k11trwn .1.~ The Ro1.ii11gBachelor. AU these items also ;1ppcar in \r ol urn~ 3 l of Gavin Grcig's Folk-,\'ong.f ( JVords), Aberdeen U nh·crsity LilJrsry I\1S 741, pp. 1-11, ,\There it is noted th:-lt they ,ve-re copied from .1. manuscdpt l.Jook lent by ,, 7~ l ker. ,,,Jt ,\T~s a J\Jrs. D:nvson Ro,\Tlcv v;ho had :first caused this variant to be ~ct down~ ?.nd s·h~ 11.-=idit pdv:-ttdy prj11tcd it Brj_glnon in 1 895 ~nd sent Child an in:scriLcd copy of her .;:oh11nc]Tbe Uallad. Lizz?e l,indsay, rwriucn [Tonl u1tn1ory by George i\Jitchell, at Afrs. JJawJoH Ro'l.dey"'sNequest, 1 ~91 ( \,Vidcncr Library 15l 5 I.J 7). ~, Four airs ,verc sent ,vith letter r 3 and O[lr. with k:ttcr 1 7. .A.ll fiyc appc:ar 1a irolmnc 5 of the Cbild ,HSS: 1 The I( etttl.; i tlJf Creel (Child No. i 81, Bronson tune

ti) at page 85t 2 Lizie Lindsay ( Chlld No. 2 i6~ Bronson tune 3) ~t, 3 Lord Child No. 75. Bronson tune I) at p~ge 66 1 4 / f)e41rd.rr cow lo-w ( Chi1d No.

40 1 :soJc tune in Bronson} and the add [tional item Tbe B f1ttle of 11ttrla-=uJ( Child J\To, 163. HrunSO[l ,:unc 7) :.H r~gc 74· l, In the Child AfSS. lV-a:H.::er~sHJnde-x of Pface,s ·where Airs tu the following jj • Ballads nrny uef ouo d JS ~t 5.92-r JO, n The..:Iluchan Yarlant of Child No. 182. The Laird o Logic ( i 7 Nos. 1952-195 41 printed by Child ~t 'V. 199-300) ,,·as sent ,vith Jetter :2 c. Yi/alk~r also ,:ailed attention (letter 19) to nrnnuscript text of Child' No. :::51 L19ng Jofruny A1oir ·which ,vas

older than Peter Ruc::han'stext, bur Child, in the very last stages of hi.s "·ork 1 f:;ii!cd

to note itT This tcxt 1 dated c, [814-zo, 1.l?as-among the papers of James R.cttic and is no-,-vp:irt of a collectjon uf ,Valkcr~s p:;ipcrs in Aberdeen Tnwn Hou'.>c ( T\1SNo. 5). lilJ The nlaterfa.I on the g1ossar y. j nd lJ ding replies to r,.,;ro q nestj onna ires th:lt Chi Id sent out. has u~cn gathered jn \·1 olmnc 30 nf the Cbild J1SS. So:ne of the bst letters from Child's ScottiS"h currcsponderu,i;: are concerned ,Yith fr. ,Valkcr transcniuca repli~s fron1 Sfr ,, 1jHi~m Geddes. Dr. "\l'"illiarn Ak~andcr. the Re\·crcnd Roberl Lippe, Dr~ Jarncs !\1ofr. and ,~{jJli:un i'.\-1nrison;A kxan

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Cbild1s Scottisb flnrvest I 5 l

After (~hild's death on 1 1 Scpten1ber 1 896, '::\' alker ,vrote of hin1 to Kittredge: Although l UnC,\' him_ only by correspondence his fricndshlp "'as n great privilege to me, for there \\'n~ an inspi rjng son1ethi ng caught fnun hjs letters, \\rhich to a lo\rcr of Balbdr_r Hladc :i.ny ,vork done for hi1n a pk asure such :is I never felt before. Child's death lvas evidently keenly felt by those of h1sScottish cor- respon

replies frorn Dr. ,~Falter Grcgoi:\ YVil1;111nForhc~, ~nd J~rncs A ikcn. Child also rc- cei·vc-dcon1munk~tions fron1 .hunes jn Edinburgh and fron, St\•(:ral cxp::i.triite Scots in the United Srn.tcs :1nd Canad :1. lit I should like to express n1_r thanks to the llcideli ff e Institute for u1ating th LS sur·vey possible by awarcling 11w :1 Fd~owship 1n 1974-5. I :1n1~lso much indcutcd ta the lihnil'fo.tHjn the ltbraries th:3t po~sess the holdLngs mentioned hen\ n,ost panicu- lirly tl1osc in tnc Houghton Lil.nnr_y \,·ho patt[.:'ntly supplJC.!dmy needs.

APPE~ 1l)lX

Letters in the I-Jougbto11Library fro'ln F. J. C/Jild1s Scottish Correspondents~ References by volun1e number only are to the Cbild AJSS (152.4L47F~). f\r- pers ref crs to "The Francis Jan1es Chlld Pi1perst presented by Alrs. G irbcrt (Susan Child) Scoggin h1 r 945-6 (:tl45 j\-1-549),

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) l-1nr-iHrtd Library Bulletin

A.tKl:t'-i\ JA1'i.IES: I 3 J'L1rch I 895 ( 30 No. 7).

ALL.~mn.·c1::,ALEXANDER: 1 2 o Sep. d3B 3 ( 11.5 2) 1 11 Dec. 1SS 3 ( 1o.55).

AR:\lSTRn~c,Ronnn· Ilm... ~ce: 1 6 Jan. 188'9 ( 6 No. I 85 7), 2 io April 1889 ( 2 7

Nos. 2.004- 2 oo 8 and 2 o 1 i ) ! 3 z9 Ju hT I 8 89 ( i 7 o. i o l 3) .

BAT~1:s, lV 1LLIA:"1.1 s.: .29 n·lay 1s 7:z. { 1z~ 7 ) ..

nC"RGESS, J AJ\ 11::s: l 4 Feb+ I 895 (30 No. 48), 2 i 4 }i"eb. 189 5 ( 30 No. 49)' 3 l I Feb. 1895 ( 30 1\'os. 50-5 1).

HuRTON" 1 l~LL\~ 1 I l }i'ebT 1875 ( ro.1 I 3 )., 2 5 Nov+ r875 ( 10.J 14-115)~ 3 5 Ort+ 1876 (10.116).

CAi:\ 1 r BELL, SHt I-Iu GH Hut'\ 11::( J 8 r 2. r S94) : / 1 5 June l 8 8 3 ( 1o. I 3 o) 1 2 12 .L~ pril I 884 ( I O+l ). J ) ,

CAi\1Pln•:u., Jo1-n-; fkA~CIS ( 18:n:-188 5): 1 I 2 Dec. I 880 to Furni,TnH ( 11 No.

211). 2 24 June 188r (2, Nos, 222-223), J 19 July 18~i (2l No. 1.24)1 4 16 Aug. l 881 ( 2T234)., 5 2 4 Aug. 1881 (n 1:L97-98, ct1closing t\vdve pjges of ,vhich

b 1-4 1 dated 2 3 Aug., arc 2: 6 ?\lo. 1 863, c 5-8 arc 2. 1 2 _,-1 :i 6 and d 9-12 are 2 3 N oT S2 3) , 6 2 Scp+ 1 SS l ( r ~L9 9) • 7 11 Sep. 1 8 8 I ( 2 • 8 5) 8 I (Jct. 1 88 1

(10.119) 1 .!) 4 Oct. 1881 (12.101)t 10 26 April 1881 (10.1:20), 11 30 i\·tay 1882

( 1 o. l 1 1 ) 1 I 2 1 7 j\ 1a re h 1 8 8 3 ( 1 n. 1 2 3 ) ., l 3 1 6 A pri I 1 8 83 ( 2 , l 2 7) ., 14 2 I A pd I l 883 ( I:?. t 35 ), l 5 I 1\·lay lB83 (2.1 :8), 16 3 i\'foy J SS-3 ( 1 i. I 37L 17 '!. 7 L\Lty

1883 (n 10.ri4 1 lJ 22 No. 441), 18 29 i\·[ny r883 (i.ri9-132), 19 1 June 1883

(10.u5)~ 20 5 June 1HH3 ([0.116-118) 1 21 :ii June 18R3 (10.129), 22 16 1\ug. l S 8 3 ( i z No. 442), .23 14 Sep. l 884 ( 1 2. 1 63), 24 1 1 Oct. 18 84 ( a 1.891 b Ii. 165).

CLYNF., NoR\'hI. ( 1817-1888) 1 1 r Aug. 1872. to John Stu:irt (Letters on the H lHTir i\f S No. 5), 2 30 Sep. 1871 (Lr:tters on i !Je H nrris 1\-1SNo. 4) .. 3 i l .lan. l 87 3 ( 2 6 Nos. t 71 6- l 72 7) , 1-Feb. l S 73 ( 1. 8 2-8 3) , 5 3 .i\·iay l 8 73 (Letters on the 11arris ,l-tS NoT 7 )., 6 17 June 187 3 ( a 2 7 Nos. Hl4.1-2.~)44, b 1. 183), 7 2 7 and 30 Aug. 187J (Letters an tl:Je l-larris AfS No. 8), 8 6 l\·tarch rS74 (2. 7 N'oT 2045), g 13 Aug. 1874 (23 No. 691), 10 2.2. and i7 June 1876 (r.185)~ 11 19 Aug. 1 87 6 ( 1 2 .4i ) t l 2 4 !\1 a y J 87 8 ( 2 6 l\' o. 1 744) 1 3 2. Jan~1 8 85 ( 2 7 No. 2 04 6), 1 14 7 April 188 5 ( 2 8 1'o. i. i I I) 1 , 5 3 Aug. 1885 (-1.7 NO~ :z.19:?.) t 16 7 i\1ay I 888 ( 1 3.54).

DAI,R)- i\JPLE, CH.Alu.ES ELPHIJX~TOI\'E ( 1 8'1 7-1 St;n); , 1 8 Aug. 1874 ( i. 6 NosT 1 7 H)-1 7 2 5 ) , 2 1 1 Jan. 1 8 86 ( 2 6 Nos. 1 7 1 1- t 7 1 5 ) , 3 5 iV1a re h 1 8 BS ( t 3. 4 7 ) , 4 6 Aprjl 1888 (26 Nos. 1709-1711 )s 5 l I Sep. I 888 (10 Nos. l7 I 6-1718)~ 6 6 i\-larch 1889 ( t 3.7 l

])AYID~or-.-, l ·Ho:"i.IAS( 1 840-u;oo): 1 n.d. but probably eal"ly in the correspon-

d cncc (:~3 No. 898) J 2 19 Dec. 1 87 9 ( l I Nos. I 64- 1 65 ) , 3 i. 3 D cc. 1 8 79 ( 11

Nos. 1fi6-168) 1 4 J l\i:b.rch 188r (i.1 Nos. 43~44), J 12 Feb. 1B83 (12,119, 21

No. 3o 2 ) , 6 11 A pr 11 r 8 8 3 ( I 2 + 1 3 1 ) , 7 1 8 Oct~ I 8 8 3 ( 1 2 • 1 4 7) i 8 1 3 Ju 1y 1 8 84 (22 Nu. 426), 9 but follo,ving shortly after Jetter 8 (23 No. 726), 10 19

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) Cbild's ScottislJ I-Iarvest 1 53

No·v. l 884 ( I 2 .-l 67 ), 11 i S Nov. 1 884 ( 30 No. 57 ), 12 4 JlHlC 1 890 ( 30 No. 58 ),

13 7 June 1890 (30 No. 59) 1 14 13 July 1893 (30 No. 60) 1 15 28 Sep. 1893 (30 NO. 6 3) , J 6 4 0 Ct. t 8 9 3 ( 2.8 NO. 12. 75 ) , I 7 30 Oct. I 89 3 c~0 NO s. 64----65 )

DA\'U>SO~ ! 1"'110;\fAS ( I 8 56-: ) : I June I 888 (] 3~57).

Ji'oRBE.SJ \~/1LLT.~.!\l: 16 -and 19 Fcli. J 895 (30 Nos. 78-80).

G1BH~ JA!\ l ES: ! i Sep~ I 88] ( Gibb ,11s P· xi)' 2 l 8 April ] 8 8 2 (Gibb ll1S P· xii i ), 3 1 i Oct. 1 8 8 5 ( 2 8 o. 2 i o 2.) • 4 2.6 Jn n. 1 8 9 1 ( 2 7 No. i r 7 o) .

(.;REGOl{~ '''AT.lTR (1825-1897): 18 l\10rch. 1895 (30 No. 89).

K1x1.ocu, Gr:oRG~R lTCH iE ( 1 796~~r 877): 3 Sep. 1875 ( 1 o. J 66).

LA lNG, ALF,XAN.Df.R ( l 808-J 893?) I l [ Feb. r 8 73 to Clyne ( Lniug OrN cw- hurgh ilfS)~ :z r i June I 87 3 ( Lai11go J l\1 e-1.1)/JurgbA.IS), 3 18 Aug. 1873 tn Clyne ( Lning a{ l'-.le1vburg/_; J\1S).

LAING, l)A\'lD ( 1793-1878): , l 3 Jan. J 873 ( 11.98), 2 10 Apdl 1873 ( 11.99), 3 6 Sep. r 87 3 to Furniva11 ( 1 1. r o I), 4 1 7 ])cc, 1873 ( 1 1. 102. ), 5 n.d. Lut he fore

letter 61 to Carlyle ( 11.97)., 6 3 /\1~rch 1874 ( 11.103), 7 J 1 1\1.arch 1874 ( r Llo4), 8 1 3 j\-f~y 1874 ( 1 1. r 05), 9 30 Dec. 1 874 ( 11.106), 10 2 7 Ott. 1875 to !Vlessrs.

Ellj s & ,,, hi re ( 1 o + 1 o 7-1 o 8) 1 1 1 2 8 Ju 1y 1 8 76 ( I o -1 09) .

LANG~ANDRE\\' ( r844'"719r:2 ): / 12 Jan. r r 891?] (17 Nos. 2014-201 ;), 2 J 7 Feb. [ 1 89 1 ? ] ( 2 7 N"o. 2.o 1 6 ), 3 i 5 July [ 1 89 5 J ( i 6 Nos. 1 8 8 6- J B8 9) 1 4 i 7 Sc p.

[ 1 89 5 ] ( 2.6 Nos. r 890- 1 8 9 3) 1 J 2 8 Sc p. [ I 89 5 ] ( ,_6 Nos. 1 S94- r 89 6) , 6 6 Nov. J 1 89 5 ] ( l 6 Nos. l 8 7 o- 1 8 74) , 7 l 4 Nov. [ I 895 ] ( i 6 Nos. 1 8 9 7- 1 89 S ) , 8 2-4Jan. f l 896] ( 2 6 Nos. d199- I 900) ' !} I F eh. r 1 896] ( 1.9 NOS. 2 7 80 -2 78 I ) ' 1 G 4

:\'htrch [] 8961 (] 3 .1 3 ( ), l l 7 June r?] ( J 3. I 3 9)' 12 i 6 July [? l ( [3· I 40) + In the duting of Lang's Jette rs I have follrnvcd Kittrcdgc 1s 1ndex in ,folu,nc 3 3 of the Child !JfSS.

LAuRc~.SoN,AR1'HUR ( 183 2-l 890): 1 5 Jan. 1880 ( ), 2 r o i\1arch 1 ~80 ( 3 .12.).

Lu&"To~, Tnol\JAs~ , 13: Nov. 1883 (21 Nos. ii.6-ii7 1 5.54), 2 14 April 1884 (12.151-152).

Lu., 1sDENt l-IENRY YV1LLIAJ\1: , 5 Feb. 1887 (Pape;-s 3 1 T ), 2 r 9 Jan, l .889 (, 6

NOS r 19 2 0-1 9 i I ) l 3 l O Aug. I 8 89 ( 2 6 NO. I 7 35 ) , 4 2 6 Sep. I 89 l ( p {{pe rs 3 r l ) •

J\·1ACi\1ATH1 \VJLJ.IA~·f ( 1844-1912): This extensiv~ correspondence has been listed eJs-e\V here; sec not c 1 J .

i1\•IAcR1rcn1E~ l)Av10: 1 8 Aug. 189 I ( i 3.3 7 1-3 72), 2 i J Jan. 1896 ('i 7 Nos. 2076-107j )-

l'viuRDOCH, JA1--1EsBARCLAY ( 1831-1906): 1 27 Aug. 1873 to FurnivaH ( 11.3 ),

.2 r 9 j\1-arch 187 5 ( l 1, 14) 1 , i.6 Oct. 1 878 (JJ11pers345), 4 1 7 Feb+ t 883 (Papers ·347) t 5 n.d. but ,vich a ref ertncc to 1~83 (Papers 346)J 6 8 Aug. , 8 B4 (Pnpers

348), 7 31 Jan. l 885 (Papers 349), 8 25 July l 885 (Papers 350) 1 9 18 Feb. 1889

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) I 54 Harvnrd Librnry R11!/eti11

(10.89-90), 10 3 j\'lay r890 (13.97),. 11 16 i\1~rch 1896 (23 Nos. 854-855), 12 2 2. i,13rch 1898 to l{ittredge ( l 3.149).

2'1\JRlSO~, ALEXAXDEK fAI.CONER ( 1847-1934): l 17 Feb, 1876 (A1.ttrhon AfS ff. 12 3r- r z 5v), 2 30 Oct. r S76 ( A!urison J1.\' ff. 126r-v), 3 7 j\t1rch r 87 7 (J·l1uriso'l1

il!S ff. 12 7r-12 Sv), 4 2.1 i\1arch 1881 (1lluriso11AJS ff. r z 9r-131 v) 1 5 2 5 l\·larch r883 (1Hurisou AIS ff. 131r-r33y). 6 30 i\·1ay 1883 (1\furison i\1S fL 138r-14ov~ 1.95 ) , 7 r 6 J u ly I 8 84 ( I 2 . r 5 5 ) , S I 3 t b. , 8 9 4 ( 3o Nos. I o 6 --1 1 2 ) , 9 18 F ch. 1 89 5 ( JO ]\T OS, l 1 3- l [ 4., I I 9 1 2 0)

SCOTT, DA\'ID: 1 2 8 A priJ 1 894 (3 o Nos. 8-24, 81-S 31 , 2 1-135) 1 .2 10 t\:Jarch ] 8 95 ( l O .9 8, 30 NOS. 2 5-3 8 t 84. ] 36) .

STUART. JoHN ( 1813-1877): S Oct. I 872 (J.. etters 011 ibe flarrfr AJS No. 5).

TYTLl-~I\, CHARLESEo,vARn f':RASER ( I 8 I 7~1881): 6 Jan. J 88 r ( 10.49) +

TYTLrR, i\'1ARY FRASER) ] ater 1'1Rs. G. F. lV ATJ'S ( 1849-193 8): 1 5 Ju11e r 88 r ( I o. 58-5 9) , .2 :uSand 2 7 A 11g. J 88 r ( l o. 6 o. So, 8 4-8 s) , 3 2 7 0 ct. [ 1 8 8 1 ] ( 1 o. 6 r ) , 4 r Dec I r[ 8 8 ] 1 ( ] 0. 62 ) ' 5 2 i F Ch. I 8 8 3 ( r 0. 6 3 ) , 6 ] 6 A1 a r r ? ], f ron1 ChC san1C address as Jetter 5 ( 10.74~75), 7 ] 5 July I 884 ( lo.64), 8 30 Aug. r]884] ( 10.65),

9 2.2 Feb. [ r 8R5] ( r o.66 ) 1 i o 6 1\pri1 [ r 885] ( 1 11 ro June , 888" (Papers 4 36) , 1 2 1 9 Oct, , 88 t? (Papers 4 37) , l 3 2 7 Jan. 1 8 89 (Papers 4 3 R) t 1 4 1 9 J11 n c 189l ( 10.76), 15 3 Aug. [ 189i] ( lo.77-78)~ 16 27 Oct. 1894 ( 10.79), 17 2.4 l\1arch [ t 896] ( 10.86-87).

,, 7AT.KF,R, ,,, lLLIAJ\I ( l 840- r93 I): 1 l 7 s~p.r 890 ( 2 I Nos. 296-297), 2 18 Jan. r 89 r ( 2 7 No. l J 79 ) , 3 l J unc 189 1 ( 1o .9 1 ) 4 1 4 1)cc. I 89 r ( 2 7 Nos. 2 196-

1l97) 1 J 7 June 1892 (10.92-94-), 6 3 Feb. 18914] (10.96j 30 No. 85)1 7 14 .l\·1ay r 894 ( 30 !""los. l40-l 41),. 8 1 1 Sep~ 1894 ( z 8 J'\To. 21 l 5), 9 14 Oct, 1894 ( 10.97),

1 o 1 1 i\1l rch 1 895 ( 3o Nos. I 04, I 4 2.-14 31 l 46) , 1 1 2 6 i\1arch 1 8 9 5 ( 3 o Nos. 86~8 H) , 1 2 2 A pri I , 89 5 ( 2 6 No. I 9 i 6), 13 1 3 June 1 89 5 ( 1 o. 9 ) , 14. 8 Aug. 1895 (30 Nos. 144-145 ), 15 4 Oct, 1895 (19 No. 27i1 )~ 16 5 Dec. 1895 ( IO.I 10- r r 1 ) • 17 1 6 Dec. l 8 95 ( z 6 No. 1 73 6) , 1 8 6 F cb, 1 89 6 ( 1. 7 No. 2 198) , 1 9 2 Ap ri1 1896 (18 No. 227,-), io 18 i\1ay l896 (10.101), 21 z.4 July 1896 (10.roi-103), 22 1.0 Aug. 1 896 (Jo. 104-J 06), 23 11 Jan. I 897 to Chi]d's literary executor

( 1 o. 1 o 7) 1 24 9 F d_L , 89 7 to Kin red ge ( I 3.14 3 ) , 2 5 2 J\1arch I 89 7 to l{ittrc dgc ( 1o.108), .26 29 A prjl , 897 to Justin ,vinter f sic~f O( Justin ,~rinso r] (Hl1t:han's Ancient Unpublis/Jed National Ballads A1S), 27 16 i\•lay 1898 to l(ittredge

( 1o.109), 28 21 Oct. I 902 to Kittredge ( r 3. J s7) j -19 l6 Dec+ 1902 to l(ittredge ( I 3+1 59) •

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977) CONTRIBU·TORS TO THIS ISSUE

DAvru H. BLTKTON, Professor of I-Iistory at St. Joseph's 0.>lleg-{\ Phibdclphia 1 is the author of several articles and books]"inc]ud1 ng 1 'l:JeodoreRoorevelt, Con- fide'}]t ln1perialist (University of Pcnasy1vania Press, 1969), Tbeodore Roose- ve/J: A Biography (~f\vaync, 1972), and Tbeodore Rooierveltand Ilfr EnglirlJ Corr cJJJlJ 11d (!71ts (American Philoso phi cal Society~ 1973 ) .

RoHERT J'\,fURRAY DA-vis,Prof cssor of EngUsh ::lt the University· of Oklahoma, ,vrotc ''The Exte.rnaUst l\1ethod in the Novels of Ronald Fjrbank't as h,s dis- sertation at the Uni ycrsity· of "\,, isco n ~h1 ( 1 9 64) , is a hi bliogra pher of Ev e1yn \:Vaugh, and ha~ edited volu,ncs of critical cs.s8ys on ,vaugh, Steinbeck, and the 1noder n novel gen craUy.

1VIARCEL FRAN<:;:o~,Associate Professor of French Literature, E1ueritus,at Har- vard, has edited a nu1nber of sixteenth-century· French texts and js the author of n u1nerou s boo ks and articles, including contri bu tj ons to three previo 11s is- su cs of the HARVARD I ..lDRARY BvLLETIK.

l\1A.RY HYDE is the author of 1YJe hnpossible F-rieudslJip:Boswell and iHr.:r.

Tbrale 1 ,vhich \\ 1as published hy the 1-Jarvard University Press in 1971 follolv- ing its serialh~.ationin the I-IARY.ARD L1nRARYB ULLE"fIN'j her earlier '\vorks include Playwriting for Efhabetlxrns, 1600-1605,. based on her dissertation, ,vhich ,,·as published by the Colun1bia University Pres_~in 1949. A co1lccror a5 \\'eU '1S an

author and scholar 1 she is a m~rnucr of the Overseers, Comn1ittee to Visit the Ha tvard Uni \'crsi ty l.,i b ral)'\ and a.lso an a ctiYe f den d of the Col utn bia, Ya l c, and Pjcrpont i\1organ Libraries.

Ei\HLY Il. LYLE ,vas a Fello,v of the Rndc]iffe Institute for 1974~75; her dis- scrt=1t.ion:at Leeds v?a.s ~~.r\Study of. '1"'ho1nas the Rhyn1cr' and ' 1 in Lircrature and Truditio[lt n.nd in 1975 the Scottish Text Society published volun1e I of her edition of A udre-w Crtrr·JJfurd'sCollection of Ballads trJidSongs .. She js no,,r associated ,vith the School of Scottjsh Studies of the UniYcrsity of Edin h u rg h.

Harvard University - Houghton Library / Harvard University. Harvard Library bulletin. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Library. Volume XXV, Number 2 (April 1977)