Vol. 290/7/2020

Served by the Discalced Carmelite Friars

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Celebrating the Feast of 18th & 19th July 2020 (Year A)

Monastery of Mt Carmel (Stella Maris ) on the slopes of Mt Carmel, ,

Photo : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Holy_Land_2016_P0261_Stella_Maris_Monastery

Feast of

We are celebrating this week end the feast of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Indeed, it is a great day for all the Carmelite families in the world. Order of the Discalced Carmelite Friars today numbering almost 4500, that is spread all over the world divided into 60 Provinces in 83 countries. There are around 12000 Carmelite cloistered and a very large number of secular spread around the world. And we have many religious congregations, societies and institutes under this family. Therefore let us pray for everyone in this big family so that they may able to witness a true Marian life according to the charism of this ancient order.

Mount Carmel We encounter different mountains in the Old Testament with different names. Each mountain has a message to proclaim. Mt. Moriah is a mountain of Abraham and Isaac which is strange in character. It is a mountain that stands for death, and at the same time stands for resurrection. In other words, we say it is a mountain of obedience and faith. Then we meet another mountain, Mt. Sinai. It is the mountain where God reveals himself and it is the mountain of the covenant. Then we discover other mountains, Mt. Horeb and Mt. Carmel, the mountains on which the Prophet went up and prayed.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Mt. Carmel is mentioned quite a good number of times for its beauty and glory. Mt. Carmel brings to you and to me a very important message, the message that God, out of corrupt humanity, brought up a flower. The flower of Carmel - He brought up a flower, Our Lady, and Our Lady is like the rain that came down upon humanity. One of the noted characteristics of Carmel's spirituality is the presence of the Virgin Mary in our Life, communion with her, imitation of her virtues and cultivating special devotion to her.

The Scapular devotion The tradition that Mary appeared to St. in 1251 and gave him a scapular, telling him 'This shall be the privilege for you and for all the Carmelites, that anyone dying in this habit shall be saved". Therefore, the scapular had become a sign of protection and an emblem of salvation. It is a shield in time of danger and has become a great privilege to those who wear it. The scapular is a modified version of Mary’s own garment. This image of Mary clothing us is very powerful. It speaks of Mary’s motherhood to us. The scapular is a reminder of the gospel call to prayer and penance—a call that

Mary models us in a splendid way. Continued on to next page…. The Reformed Carmelites St. Teresa of Avila reformed and established her first Cloistered Carmel at Avila in 1562. She secured permission to extend the reformation to the Friars. The divine providence gave her St. , another extraordinary mystic, for the realization of this project. The Reformed Order of for friars was born in 1568 as a result of their combined efforts. St. Teresa of Avila founded 17 convents for the Nuns and 15 for the Friars with the help of St. John of the Cross. The Reformed Carmelites, St. Teresa of Avila is their Mother and St. John of the Cross is the Father. St. Therese of Lisieux (Little Flower) is their sister too. All these three mystical Doctors of the church are the best means of identification. The initials OCD means Order of Discalced Carmelites.

Discalced Carmelites in Australia The Australian Regional Vicariate of OCD had their first foundation in 1948 at Brisbane and the second was in 1956 at Morley in the Archdiocese of Perth. A third foundation was blessed in the year 1967 at Varroville, Sydney and a fourth one in the year 1992 at Box Hill, Melbourne. Their fifth and final foundation was in the year 2008 at St. Ives in Sydney.

OCD Nuns in Australia There are seven cloistered Carmelite monasteries for Nuns in Australia and they are situated in Gelorup (Bunbury diocese), Nedlands (Perth), Varroville (Sydney), Ormiston (Brisbane), Lismore, Launceston (Tasmania) and Adelaide. The nuns dedicate themselves to the charism of our Order in their cloistered monasteries and follow a completely contemplative life.

Indian OCD presence in Australia There are three OCD foundations under the Indian provinces in Australia shepherding in the dioceses of Bunbury (2012), Townsville (2012) and Lismore (2018). Altogether nine friars are working at the moment in three of their houses in Mandurah, Townsville and Coffs Harbour. Sacred Scriptures use ‘Mount Carmel’ as a symbol of beauty and fruitfulness. Let all the Carmelites remain as a symbol of sanctity and simplicity for the contemporary world.

Wishing you all a great happy feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel!

Fr. Johny Arattukulam, OCD First Reading 1 Kings 18:42-46 A Reading from the first book of Kings

So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; there he bowed himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees. 43 He said to his servant, “Go up now, look toward the sea.” He went up and looked, and said, “There is nothing.” Then he said, “Go again seven times.” 44 At the seventh time he said, “Look, a little cloud no bigger than a person’s hand is rising out of the sea.” Then he said, “Go say to Ahab, ‘Harness your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’” 45 In a little while the heavens grew black with clouds and wind; there was a heavy rain. Ahab rode off and went to Jezreel. 46 But the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; he girded up his loins and ran in front of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.

The word of the Lord.

Responsorial Psalm

Draw us after you, Virgin Mary; we shall follow in your footsteps.

1. Lord, who shall be admitted to your tent and dwell on your holy mountain? R.

2. He who walks without fault; he who acts with justice and speaks the truth from his heart; R.

3. He who does not slander with his tongue; he who does no wrong to his brother, who casts no slur on his neighbour, R.

4. Who holds the godless in disdain, but honours those who fear the Lord. R. Second Reading

A reading from the letter of St Paul to the Galatians

When the appointed time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born a subject of the Law, to redeem the subjects of the Law and to enable us to be adopted as sons. The proof that you are sons is that God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts: the Spirit that cries, ‘Abba, Father’, and it is this that makes you a son, you are not a slave any more; and if God has made you son, then he has made you heir.

The word of the Lord.

Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, Alleluia! Blessed are those who hear the word of God, and keep it.

Gospel John 19:25-27

A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.

Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. Seeing his mother and the disciple he loved standing near her, Jesus said to his mother, ‘Woman, this is your son.’ Then to the disciple he said, ‘this is your mother.’ And from the moment the disciple made a place for her in his home.

pinterest.com The Gospel of the Lord.

Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults (R.C.I.A)

th 29 July 2020 ⚫ 7pm ⚫ Parish Centre

Please register your name on the list provided at the back of the church or phone the parish office.

There are many reasons why you may want to become involved in the RCIA. Do any of these apply to you? • I am interest in learning more about the Catholic Church; what she teaches and why; • I am baptised Catholic, but have received little or no formal religious education; • I am searching for a deeper spirituality in my life. • I have never been baptised and am interested in becoming part of the Christian community • I am married to Catholic and attend Mass, but just don’t know what the next step might be; • I have been baptised in another Christian denomination and wish to become Catholic; • I have been baptised Catholic, but have not received any other sacraments; • I am of a non Christian faith background and desire to know more about Christianity.

If you or if you know of anyone who is interested about the RCIA, please contact the parish office.

Additional Mass (Tuesday and Thursday) at 09.00 am. This is going to be an experimental basis during the month of July. Please spread the word.

Church Guardians to start at 9:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Guardians rostered from 9am to 10am may join the Mass at 9am and remain in the church after the Mass for their Guardian duty.

Grief Support Ministry Meeting schedule: 1. Grief Support Ministry: Saturday 1st August 10.00-12.00 2. Grief Support Policy Meeting: 29th August 10.00 – 12.00

Anyone grieving the death of a loved one is very welcome to attend. Enquiries to Rosa on 0418 910 230 or Margot 0n 0427 777 810

New envelopes (green) need to be used starting JULY.

PLEASE PICK UP YOUR NEW ENVELOPES. Uncollected boxes will remain in the church until further notice. If you cannot find your box in the church, please notify the Parish Office. Thank you for your valued support to our planned giving system.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25 Our parish was able to collect $2,740.50+ for Caritas Project Compassion. Thank you to all our generous parishioners who have contributed to this cause. Through your generosity you will be empowering the world’s most vulnerable communities to grow stronger and share their strengths with their communities to lift themselves out of poverty. www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion #projectcompassion 1800 024 413

Looking for a gift for Baptism? We have a piety stall in the Parish Office. Open M-F, from 8am-4pm. Communion, Confirmation and Baptism gifts are available. There are also books, greeting cards, Mass cards, holy cards and novena booklets, scapulars, rosary beads, key rings, pyx and other religious items also available. New stock just arrived: Our Lady of the Highway auto rosary (one decade), Our Lady of Fatima small statue, standing crucifix (small) rosary beads (blue crystal beads and wooden beads).

Book needed. A parishioner is looking to purchase a set of Poem of the Man-God by Maria Valtorta. If you have a set of these books that you’d like to sell, please contact the office.

to Jim & Jill Mather on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Lots of blessed years and many more to come. God bless you always.

We were married on July 18 1970 in St Francis Xavier Church Montmorency Victoria After our wedding Jim and I went to Canada for close to 7 years, but decided to return to Australia with our three children to be closer to our families.

We arrived in Mandurah in June 1977 and the parishioners were delighted that the number of children at Mass had been nearly doubled!

We were very fortunate to add to our family so 43 years later we have four children, and 10 grandchildren.

We have been involved in all forms of parish life in that time from catechetics to ALPHA, RCIA and the parish council, youth groups and establishing the parish office, Assumption Catholic Primary School board and the P&F.

Now we are involved in the Vinnies Support Centre supporting those in need, and we thank the parish for all the support given to us in that time. It is a warm, generous and friendly parish that welcomes everyone. - Jill Mather

Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to Winston and May Rennick! Cheers and abundant blessings as you celebrate your 50th years of marriage.

We were married in Bangalore, India on 11.07.1970 at the Holy Ghost Church, Richards Town, Bangalore. Reception was held at the Holy Ghost Parish Hall. We have been blessed with a very loving family – two sons Gavin and Shane, two gorgeous grandsons Declan and Dax, a very lovely daughter in law Cheryl and Shane’s love- ly partner - Bec. God has been good to us and we are very thankful for His graces.- May Rennick Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

This Sunday (19 July) our Parish will be celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

After the 9.30am Mass, there will be a cake cutting ceremony. Coffee and tea will be available. Everyone is welcome.

Our church is back to normal Mass times. Kindly check the noticeboard and bulletin for updates.

Our Lady’s Assumption Catholic Parish NOAH GEORGE HETHERINGTON wishes these families all the best and

Son of Owen & Melissa welcomes them into our Parish Community. May the beautiful gift of Baptism be enriched within their family and friends and for the rest of the children's life. God bless.

Photo taken during a simple morning tea in celebration of Viv’s birthday.

From left: Fr Anson, Alison, Viv and Fr Johny.

 Stay home if you are sick.

 Sanitize your hands before entering the church. Hand sanitizers will be available at the church entrance.

 Please sit on marked positions on pews only or follow the group markings on pews if possible. Kindly occupy the families and couples pews in their respective areas.

 Don’t make unnecessary physical contact with others. Avoid physical greetings, such as handshakes, hugs and kisses.

 No hymn books or prayer books to be used.

 No sharing of bulletins. They should never be re-used. Please take your copy home or dispose it after use.

 Holy Communion is received in the hands only.

 The pews must be sanitized after each Mass and Guardian roster after each hour. The priest will request for 4 volunteers after each Mass.

 Social Distancing-In all cases, the 2 square metre rules must continue to be observed strictly. One person per 2 square metres must

be observed.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Please notify the Parish Office if you:

• recently moved/changed address; • changed phone numbers; • wish to begin or cease planned giving; • you would like to receive the bulletin by email.

We appreciate your response. Please phone us on 9581 2061 or email us at: [email protected].

Answers Quiz: Saints for a time of lockdown 1. Chest and lungs. 2. St Aloysius Gonzaga. 3. Leprosy. 4. A dog. 5. He was among the first to link disease with micro-organisms, and proposed hygienic measures to prevent the spread of disease including isolation and quarantine, as well as wearing facemasks. The darkness and bleakness of winter is no match for our belief in the healing love of God. By Sr Mary Tinney rsm Winter time the season when we learn how to honour the darkness of life’s mysteries without losing faith . . . the season for learning how to live in darkness and to keep hope that the light and the sun will return . . . the season to recognise the seeds of growth and nurture them in our own inner warmth until the light returns . . . the season for being fallow and letting roots go deeper . . . the season to learn how to dignify the elder who always lives within . . . to face that we are always growing older and to do so with serenity and faith and power . . . the season to learn that even in our darkest moments, health, serenity, and healing energy are available to us when we focus on them with positive intent. Look around you at the falling leaves and thinning vegetation. The snakes are in hibernation. Growth is slower, if at all. It is time to enter within. Even the liturgical year has entered into ‘Ordinary Time’.

HEALING SOLIDARITY Ecospirituality calls us at this time to be consciously aware that in Jesus Christ, the God of Love embraces the cosmos in healing solidarity. Jesus was a prophet who gathered people around him with a message about a different way of living: a way of love, rather than of power; a way of healing rather than hurting; a way of collaboration rather than of competition. He proclaimed God’s creative dream for the world where the blessed would include those who are poor in spirit, whose who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, those who are merciful, those who are poor in heart, the peacemakers, and those persecuted in their pursuit of right relations. He spoke out about corruption in both church and society. We know what happened to Jesus as a result of his efforts. He endured a tortuous death at the hands of his enemies. Jesus entered into his darkest moments with fear, anxiety and a strong sense of his aloneness. He cried out to God in his anguish. He entered into depths more intense than Winter darkness.

TIME OF DARKNESS Our country Australia has recently entered into a dark period for those who experienced the intensity of the horrific fires, for others the floods and, for all of us, the pandemic. The grief and suffering of those at the heart of those disasters cannot be underestimated. There are other sufferings within the human community where violence spills over and takes lives that are entirely innocent. There is rage and fury when ignorance seems to prevail in public decision making. There is the constant facing of the limits of our physical, bodily existence. Jesus entered into solidarity with this suffering, even as he experienced the wonder and beauty of our earthly and cosmic home. His close followers struggled to make sense of it all. They hid themselves for a while until they had a took strength from the fire and power of God’s spirit within, and the deep conviction that Jesus the Christ was still with them, albeit in a different mode. GOD’S LOVE In Jesus, the God of love embraces our whole cosmos. Jesus, too, is made of stardust. Jesus, too, experiences pain, suffering and death. Yet the Christian community kept hope alive after his death, and so do we. At Easter we celebrate the feast of the light of the resurrection, of the promise of fullness of life and love. At Pentecost we celebrate the fire of God’s love present with us. If we dare to go deeper into the spirit in this Winter season, we will continue to learn how to live in the darkness, find strength within, and how to live in hope. And we do this in the knowledge that the God of love accompanies us at all times.

This is the third in a series of reflections in magazine by Mary Tinney, who is founder and facilitator of Earth Link, a project of the Sisters of Mercy, which encourages ‘deep bonding within the Earth community’. Image: Getty Images source: https://www.pray.com.au/

Prayer COVID-19 Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of good health and peace that we have enjoyed for so many years. As we find ourselves in this time of crisis today, we ask for your divine intervention and mercy to be upon each of us.

Come and guide the minds of those working to discover a treatment to the COVID-19 virus. Grant them wisdom, knowledge, and clarity of mind, so that all peoples will be free from the threat of this ailment.

We also pray for the healthcare workers that are standing in the front line of this battle. Father, we thank you for their hearts of service, putting the needs of society before their own, generously responding to the cry of Your people. We ask that You will grant them strength and protection. As they give of themselves in selfless service, may You fill them with your Holy Spirit as they work to be Your healing hands and feet!

Father, we also surrender to You all those who have been afflicted with the virus. Grant them Your healing grace, merciful Father, so that they may recover swiftly and continue to be witnesses of Your love in their lives.

Mother Mary, we ask for your intercession in this great time of need. Cover each of us with your blue mantle of protection, so that we may be preserved in good health to continue to glorify your son, Jesus Christ. We make this prayer through Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer. Amen. (popefrancisdaily.com) A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Our Lady of Mount Carmel

O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, Splendour of Heaven. O Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me this my necessity. O Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to succour me in my necessity. (Mention your request here) There are none that can withstand your power.

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you. (3 times) Sweet Mother, I place this prayer in your hands. (3 times) Amen

Quiz: Saints for a time of lockdown

1. Italian Saint Bernadino of Siena is patron saint of illnesses to which area of the body? (Hint: It's an area that's particularly affected by coronavirus). 2. Which Jesuit saint – also a patron of youth – died while providing care to plague victims on the streets of Rome? 3. Father Damien of Molokai is famous for his pastoral work with sufferers of which disease, often mentioned in Bible stories. 4. Legend has it that when he became sick after working with plague victims, St Roch retreated to the forest where he built himself a hut with boughs and leaves. He was sustained in his recovery, and eventually healed, by which animal? 5. While not a saint, Athanasius Kircher was a 17th century Jesuit scientist. Why is his work particularly relevant at this time? ANSWERS ON PAGE 10 (source; Australian Catholics)

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL SAFEGUARDING OFFICERS Brendan Chestnutt - Chairperson Jill Ward 0439998557 Rosemary Van Schoor-Vice Chairperson Elma Coverley 0417951296 Loretta Turner—Secretary Suzi Lee 95351039 Marie Meehan—Member PARISH SACRAMENTAL Babu Mathew—Member Bernadette Scharf Elma Coverley-Member Daniel Martinez-Member Parish Religious Education Katiane Martinez-Member Programme (PREP) Matthew Ajero-Youth Coordinator Elizabeth Disney Troy Francesconi-Vice Principal, Mandurah Catholic College LITURGY COMMITTEE Miranda Swann-Principal, Assumption Catholic Primary School Kerry Troost, Deacon Michael Phillips, Wayne Wright—Finance Representative Geraldine Williams Fr Johny Arattukulam OCD-Parish Priest Fr Albin Oddippattill OCD-Associate Priest FINANCE COMMITTEE Fr Anson Antony OCD-Associate Priest Chairman-Viv Edwards Michael Phillips-Deacon

Maintenance Committee—Cornelius Van Dijk Legion of Mary-Fr Albin Odippattil/ Thompson Cindy Bovell Catenians-Colin Purcell Lectors & Commentators-Colin Purcell Acolytes—Deacon Michael Phillips & Winston Rennick Marriage Preparation-Deacon Michael Grief Support-Margot McAllister Phillips & Keith Johnson Children’s Sunday Liturgy-Marion Ryan Pre-Baptism—Fr Anson Antony & Church Guardians-Elma Coverley Pauline Dixon Eucharistic Ministers—Bernadette Scharf Music –choir leader (of each Mass) Church Cleaning-Parish Office RCIA-Deacon Michael Phillips, Assumption Women-Helga Sebastian Alex & Jennifer Popov St Vincent de Paul—Jim Mather Altar Servers-Fr Johny Arrattukulam & Cindy Bovell Youth Group-Fr Anson Antony Alpha-Rosemary Van Schoor

Frank O’Driscoll, Alysha Carboni, John Gilbertson, Joan Orchard, Joan McKay, George Tacey, Jenny Stokic, Sue Short, Sheila Pearce, Joanne Ford, Leah Hardie, , Lesley Mertens, Sean Mahoney, Jodie Donnelly, Mikayla Wilton, Peter Young, Roy & Jan Payne, Grace Moore, Aldine Wheldon, Daryl Winters, Merle Johnson, Trish Mulcahy, Oliver, Norma Hales, David Naughton, Dulcie Kent, Anita Doran, Herbert Lenard, Taylor Green, Margaret McGuiness, Les Pearson, Beryl Fitzgerald, Louisa & Luigi Bove, Anne-Marie Fliegener, Bill Kociaruba, Sergio Fiore, Johnson Joseph, Fiona Davies-McConchie, Les Burns, Sophie, Margaret Worthington, Tessie Plamonte, Cristina King, Irene Pini, Kate Whooley, Fr Chris Warnock, Joshua Chernoff, Ron Nichols, Barbara Padua, Marie Aide, Raeleen Sutton, Jessica Amphlett, Raegis Farrell, Barbara, Philip Giuffre, Liz Evans, Boy Flores, Bill Copple, Dorothy Oliver, Chris Morris, Alan Edwards, Joseph Godridge, Christian Vimpany, Kylie Godridge, Mark Bussanich, Amber, Elsie Medina, Markus Ruescher, Angie Mae, Greg Lewis, Joan Marshall, Leo Manser, Kevin Scanlon, Eunice Hope, Mia Hoppee, Greg Carter, Sue Murphy, Michelle Stafford, Debra Keena, Joy Brokenshire, Jenny S., Brendan Davidson, Neil Stewart. Please advise the office if any of the above names need to be removed.

Saturday 18 July 2020 6:00 pm—V Dicker

Sunday 19 July 2020 8:00 am—J Porter 9:30 am—L Cossar 6.00 pm—E Coverley

Saturday 25 July 2020 Next Week’s Readings 6:00 pm—S Ellul 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 26 July Sunday 26 July 2020 (Yr A) 8:00 am—S Baker 1 Kg 3:5, 7-12; 9:30 am—C Blacow Rom 8:28-30; 6.00 pm—E Coverley Mt 13:44-52

Cleaning Roster

Seeking volunteers to help Saturday 18 July 2020 clean the Church. Cleaning 6:00 pm—H Crosbie, F Cheruvathoor can be done on Friday after the 7.30am Mass. Sunday 19 July 2020 If able and willing to help, 8:00 am—N Marshall, J McCleay please contact the parish office 09:30 am—R Van Schoor, H Sebastian 9581 2061. 6.00 pm—Youth Group Pilgrim Statue Saturday 25 July 2020 6:00 pm—R Daly, A Popov This week the Pilgrim statue will be at the home of: 19 July—Dawn Chown Sunday 26 July 2020 26 July--Margaret Ardagh 8:00 am—E Disney, T Major 3 Aug—Alice De Monte 09:30 am—D Ajero, E Barroa 6.00 pm—Youth Group If anyone would like the Pilgrim Statue for OUR CHURCH’S VISION STATEMENT. We are Catholic Family, Anniversaries, who, drawing together on our traditions and diversity, birthdays, etc. seek to respond to God’s call. As a Pastoral community, please ring Rosemary we strive to nurture the Spiritual growth of all. Rana on 0438 916 165.

Regular MASS, ADORATION & Continuous Adoration RECONCILIATION TIMES of the Most Blessed Sacrament: Monday 7.30am Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs Tuesday 7.30am, 9am 8am-3pm Wed 7.30am & 5.00pm Reconciliation: after Weekly Masses & before weekend Masses Thursday 7.30am, 9am Please Note: Please see noticeboard and Friday 7.30am & 5.00pm back page of the bulletin for changes and Saturday 7.30am, Vigil 6.00pm Mass times next week.

Sunday 8.00am, 9.30am & 6.00pm Please visit our website: The Parish This Week… Day Church Parish Centre SUNDAY 19/7 8.00am—Feast Mass (Office Closed) 16th Sunday in Ordinary 9.30am—Feast Mass After 9.30am Mass- Time 6.00pm—Feast Mass Celebration of Feast of Mount Carmel MONDAY 20/7 7.05am—Rosary 7pm—Bible Timeline St Apollinaris 7.30am— Mass

TUESDAY 21/7 7.05am—Rosary 10am—Legion of Mary St Lawrence of Brindisi 7.30am— Mass 9.00am—Mass 7pm—Parish Pastoral Council Meeting WEDNESDAY 22/7 7.05am—Rosary St Mary Magdalene 7.30am— Mass Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help 5.00pm—Mass

THURSDAY 23/7 7.05am—Rosary St Bridget 7.30am—Mass 9.00am—Mass

FRIDAY 24/7 7.05am—Rosary Day of Penance 7.30am—Mass St SharbelMakhluf 5.00pm—Mass

SATURDAY 25/7 7.05am—Rosary (Office Closed) St James, Apostle 7.30am—Mass 10.45am—Baptism 6.00pm—Feast Mass

SUNDAY 26/7 8.00am—Mass (Office Closed) 17th Sunday in Ordinary 9.30am—Mass Time 10.45am—Baptism 6.00pm—Mass

Fr Johny Arattukulam - Parish Priest Parish Office– 8 Stevenson St, Mandurah WA 6210 Fr Albin Odippattil—Assistant Parish Priest Ph-9581 2061/9581 3261 Fr Anson Antony—Assistant Parish Priest Presbytery– 6 Stevenson St, Mandurah Church– Creery St., Mandurah WA 6210 Michael Phillips - Deacon Emails-Admin & Bulletin: Ernie Carey– Retired Deacon [email protected] Vivien de Winter/Alison Caingcoy—Office Staff Accounts: [email protected] Website: www.olaparishmh.org.au Office Hours: 8am-12.30pm, 1pm-4pm Mon-Fri