Pastor Aaron E. Lavender Sunday Morning, June 7, 2020

“He’s So Worthy” Psalm 146

Psalm 146 is the first of five that bear the title “ Psalms,” or “ Psalms.” These five Psalms were probably written around the time Israel returned from a terrible time of bondage in Babylon. After they returned from exile, the Jews rebuilt the city walls of Jerusalem; they rebuilt their Temple and they reestablished their nation. To commemorate the grace of God in bringing them back from the edge of extinction; these praise Psalms were written to glorify the name of the Lord. It seems the Jews were so moved by what the Lord had done in them and for them that they could not contain their praise for Him. Therefore, all five of these precious Psalms begin and end with a declaration of God’s praise, and a call for others to become involved in God’s praise. They all begin and end with the phrase “Praise ye the LORD!” That phrase translates the Hebrew word “Hallelujah!”

Today, I want to study Psalm 146. I want to try and show you from these verses that He (GOD) Is So Worthy! I want to remind you that He is worthy of our love. He is worthy of our devotion. He is worthy of our obedience. He is worthy of everything we can offer to Him. But, in this message, I want to zero in on the truth that He is worthy of our praise. Let us look into that as we think about the subject: He Is So Worthy!

I. Our Challenge to Praise the One Who is So Worthy: Psa. 146:1-2

A. Our call to praise our God (v.1)

B. Our commitment to praise our God (v.2)

II. Our Warning in Praising the One Who is So Worthy: Psa. 146:3-4

A. Man is a powerless creature (v.3)

B. Man is a passing creature (v.4)

III. Our Reasons for Praising the One Who is So Worthy: Psa. 146:5-10

A. The GREATNESS of our Worthy God (v.6)

B. The GRACE of our Worthy God (vv.7-9)

C. The GLORY of our Worthy God (v.10)

CONCLUSION: If you are behind in the praise department and want to catch up; you can begin that process right now. If you are not a child of God and would like to experience all the great things He can do for you; you can have that. If there is a burden, a need or a situation that needs to be brought to Him; you can do that as well.