WEDNESDAY,APRIL 25, 2018 Inside: 75¢ Trump warns Iran on nukes. — Page 4B Vol. 90 ◆ No. 21 SERVING CLOVIS, PORTALES AND THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES A LITTLE OFF THE TOP ENMU putting on ‘Steel Magnolias’ ❏ Play made into Shelby, who struggles with Type 1 diabetes. film in the 1980s. The real substance of the play, however, comes from the By Eamon Scarbrough overreaching idea of “letting STAFF WRITER life happen and accepting it,”
[email protected] according to director Bryan Hahn. PORTALES — “Steel “M’Lynn’s very much in con- Magnolias” is widely viewed as trol of Shelby because she cares a classic film from the 1980s. about her, but she knows the Many do not know, however, things that she’s dealing with that it was a play first. medically, so she tries to control The Eastern New Mexico all the forces in Shelby’s life to University Department of protect her,” he said. Theatre and Digital Filmmaking “It’s out of love, but in doing is offering to show audiences so, it prevents her from living.” what they’ve been missing That notion is infinitely relat- starting on Thursday. able and wouldn’t be lost on any Set in Louisiana, the play audience, according to Hahn. highlights three years in the “This really is all of us, lives of a group of women at a whether you’re a man or a salon, including mother M’Lynn and her daughter PLAY on Page 3A Gas prices rise to three-year high By Jamie Cushman Rising prices STAFF WRITER
[email protected] The Eastern New Mexico News Filling up your gas tank is tracks gas prices at the Allsup's never fun, but local consumers convenience store in Farwell.