April 21 - Printing again Church open for private prayer and Sunday services. SHEDFIELD P ARISH CH URCH

Please support the w ork of St John the Baptist Church, ShedPield

You can scan the QR code below with the QR reader on your smart phone which will tak e y ou str aig ht t o the Chur ch’s website where you will be given the choice of donating £5,10, 20, £50 or y our o wn amount ,

This is a chur ch endorsed scheme that is administ ered via the Parish Buying Scheme.

Alt ernati vely, if you can help your church there are other options:

• Dir ect Debit – via the P arish Gi ving S cheme (P GS). If y ou ar e a taxpa yer, your gift will be topped up by 25%. You can contact PGS directly by telephone on 0333 002 1271. Lines ar e open Monda y-Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. You will need your bank details r ead y as w ell as this r eference information: Church name: St John the Baptist Church, Parish Giving Scheme parish code: 290629038

• B y cheque pa yable to ShedLield PCC

• A one-off donation lar ge or small will help pa y t owards our utility bills.

• A r egular monthl y donation of £10 or £20 w ould help enormousl y.

• With a bequest in fa vour of the church by remembering us in your will. !"#$%&'#"&(#)*+ ",!"#-&./- &0#!&(12, (31################################################# 4445 6789:;7:<=>?7@676:*! "6 :+, "/ $,0"6 :9?@6@AB16 !" #$%&'()*+%(+,- !. ($'('+," /$,0 "1*231456 CD?@E6 F?@6 DG@ 6 6 H+ ,6>,8(*2K6:* 4(+L$856>*!" 6M$85+!# 6N9 DO6 GA >66 H, -*/ # H+ ,6>,I"6;!% ,6J'!!8 6 CD?@E6 F?P6 @EP 6

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Revd Jane Isaac’s update on church life during the pandemic*

It’s marvellous to have a printed magazine again after so long – and it’s good as well to be reaching a new readership online via the church websites. The re’s a real sense of light at the end of the tunnel now, isn’t there! Chu rch opening: I’m delighted to be able to let you know that given the continuing roll-out of the vaccination programme and the reduction in coronavirus infection rates locally, St John the Baptist, ShedLield and St Nicholas, Wickham have re-opened for private prayer during the week and for services on Sunday: Private prayer: every day between 10.00am–4.00pm Sunday worship: for the immediate future my intention is to continue the pre-lockdown pattern of having a joint beneLice worship service every week at 10.00am, alternating between St John the Baptist Church, ShedLield and St Nicholas, Wickham. Details are available on the church websites, village Facebook pages and on the noticeboards outside both churches and in Wickham Square. The ministry team and churchwardens are continuing to review the speed at which we come out of lockdown restrictions and widen the variety of service available in the light of national Church of , diocesan and Government guidance. Detailed information about this guidance can be found on the Church of England website ( and the Diocese of Ports- mouth’s coronavirus pages ( Please be aware that despite the easing of lockdown, face coverings must still be worn in church at all times and that social distancing and track and trace requirements continue to be in place. I’m very grateful to the volunteers who are once again working with such commitment to keep the churches open, Covid-secure and as welcoming as we can make our buildings given the ongoing restrictions. Hol y Week and Easter 2021: Holy Week and Easter services are now able to be held in church: again, please check the church websites, village Facebook pages and noticeboards for up-to-date details. Whilst our ‘usual’ pattern of Holy Week services isn’t possible this year, do please be reassured that there will be the opportunity to share in Easter Day communion services at either, or both, of our churches. Online services: For those of you who aren’t yet quite comfortable about being out and about again, the popular Being Church at Home services continue every week, accessible online or in easy-to-print-out format: a printed copy of the weekly service can be delivered to you if you aren’t able to access it online: just get in touch with one of the clergy (details on the inside front cover of this magaz ine). When will Lunch Club and other groups be getting underway again? is a question I’m delighted to be aske d most days now! All being well and at the time of writing, we anticipate that groups will be able to start meeting again after the remaining restrictions have been lifted on 21st June. Revd Juliet and Revd Ruth join me in sending you love and all good wishes,

Jan e

*Written on 14 March 2021 – please be aware that governm ent and Church of England regulations may have been changed or amended by the time you read this MINIS TER ’S LETTER – FR OM THE REVD CANON D AVID ISAAC, ARE A DE AN F OR BISHOPS W ALTHAM DEANERY

The April editions of parish maga- communities. What have we learnt, or re-learnt, about zines often direct their readers’ the things that are most important in our lives? What attention to new beginnings. Even have we found we can do without and leave behind? in these still chilly days, the How do we want to be different? approach of Spring is clearly detect- Another aspect of parish magazine letters at this time of able. In the Rectory garden, fragile the year is to remind readers of the approach of Easter. crocuses, daffodils and hyacinths Easter is always about new beginnings, about being and risk losing their petals to the late doing differently; looking to the future, not to the past. frosts; birds are getting very active; Easter opens up to us a whole new way of looking at and even squirrels are overcoming human life – of seeing that the limited view we have is their reluctance to get cold to come and feast on seeds not the whole picture. Easter takes us into the mystery put out for the birds. This year, for all of us, new begin- beyond time and space, beyond this universe, beyond the nings will even be more welcome than ever. whole of creation. And Easter is not just about celebrat- Few of us could have predicted what we experienced in ing the amazing news of the continuing life of Jesus, 2020: from surprise and confusion, through anxiety and because it’s also the afLirmation that it is his life and restraint and living with restrictions and protocols, to words which give us the clues as to what our life can be. the hope of a framework in which to contain the impact Jesus came to show us what it means to be human and of Covid-19. We’ve learnt a lot of things along the way: that includes sharing in his new and risen life. about what creates and fractures community; about our 2020 and all it involved made us aware of our fragile reliance on the dedication and sacriLice of those who existence; we’ve had a wake-up call about humility and care for our needs; and about ourselves. We are moving humanity. Easter, this and every year, makes us aware robustly and gratefully into the delivery of vaccinations – that our frail and human life is part of an immeasurably certainly not the end of this pandemic, but still a really bigger plan, of which we see just a glimpse in in the life important step towards increasing our ability to live a and death and new life of Jesus. Easter reminds us that different life. even though it sometimes doesn’t feel like it, we are, as It’s been said that ‘the things that don’t destroy us, make the old hymn puts it, ‘from glory to glory advancing’. us stronger’. When we are able to live differently – Easter is always a time for celebration. This year we may putting aside, we hope, the restrictions on our lives – it still be a bit muted (in every sense) but we may be able to would be good to take forward with us the ways in which let out hair down a bit. And by Easter some of us will we think we have become stronger in ourselves and as have quite a lot of hair to let down!

LENT MESS AGE FROM THE METHODIST CHURCH Hello friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, live in a pandemic stricken world, maybe because some- one related to us has died or is ill, maybe because we By the time you will be reading this, Lent 2021 will ourselves have been ill or are still ill with the coronavirus nearly be over as this year Lent runs from Wednesday, 17 disease or another disease that is unrelated to the February to Saturday, 3 April. pandemic. The piercing of our own souls may be for Just before writing this article, my thoughts were as it reasons other then being ill or being bereaved. were thrust back to the prophetic message of Simeon None among us completely understands the reason we which said to Mary the mother of our Saviour in Luke have to suffer as we do today apart from the fact that we 2.34-35, ‘“…And a sword will pierce your own soul too.”’ live in a fallen and corrupt world that needs redemption. The se humble nine words are profound as at Christmas Nevertheless, this Lent season we must remember that they leave something hanging in the air; they point to ‘…The nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of some signiLicant future event. lau ghter.’ (Psalm 30.5 - The Message) Lent picks up where the prophetic message paused, And as Jesus our Lord said to Paul whose suffering because the Lent season is a journey Jesus the Son of God seemed endless, ‘“My grace is sufLicient for you, for my took leading to the cross to fulLil what he in his teaching power is made perfect in weakness,”’ the Lord’s grace is and preaching said about himself, clearly stating what he more than enough for us whatever the season or the came to do on earth when in Mark 10.45 he said, ‘“That is reason. God sees the piercing of our own souls today, and what the Son of Man has done: He came to serve, not to may this Lent bring healing to us. be served—and then to give away his life in exchange for man y who are held hostage.”’ (The Message) My prayer, blessing and wish for you this Lent season is this: ‘May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; With hind sight, Mary’s suffering on account of the may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he sufferings and death of Jesus on the cross resulted in joy send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support because of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, and from Zion.’ (Psalm 20.1-2 – NIV) because of the forgiveness of sin what Jesus went through brought to her and to the whole world. Revd Joseph Tembo The re are many ways in which “a sword” has or is “pierc- Presbyter for Meon Valley Circuit of the Methodist Church ing” our own souls to this year as we have continued to BARK STRIPPING An excerpt from the journal of RW Cowper. 1865

Oak trees are not valued alone on account of their much waste of labour and bark to proceed with it: for in timber, but the Oak Bark is also of much value for its cold frosty seasons the tannin or Llesh of the bark sticks tanning properties; and for this reason the Oaks are to the trees. The bark when stripped is piled into stands felled in the months of April and May, when the Bark to dry; in a manner similar to the sketch I have given*, will peel off the trees. Years ago I believe it was custom- taking care to put the larger pieces on the tops of the ary to strip both Larches and chestnuts, but the Bark of stand to protect as much as possible from the rain; these trees does not contain nearly so much tannin as which much spoils it if there is any quantity; if the Oak Bark; and as the price of Bark has fallen very much weather be Line these stands will be thoroughly dry and of late years, owing to the supply of Bark from our ready for stacking in ricks or elsewhere in a fortnight. I colonies; Larches and Chestnuts are seldom if ever should mention, that after the bark is dry, and immedi- stripped. ately before the carting,- it is weighed, In fact one man ties it into bundles, the Woodman and an assistant The trees are felled when they are just about to break follow and weigh the bundles- booking the weight of out into leaf, which is generally in the latter end of April each while others come next and load it into wagons to or beginning of May. The old trees begin to break Lirst, carted immediately away. The prices paid to the strip- generally about a week or 10 days before the younger pers is 20s/ a ton for timber bark, this is the bark from or Sapling Oaks; therefore they are felled Lirst.The trees of 18 inches in diameter and upwards; for Sapling stripping is the busiest time of year for the Forester.; as bark the price is 37/6 a ton,-all trees are considered much work is required to be done in a limited time; Sap lings which are under 18 inches in diameter at the particularly if the weather comes warm and open; the butt:,every branch down to 2 inches in diameter is stripping in weather like this is of a very short duration, expected to be stripped in both Timber and Sapling often not more than 2 weeks, for if the Oaks break out Oaks. The felling of trees and the faggoting of brush into full leaf the bark no longer will run. The wood- wood is treated separately and paid accordingly. man ’s axe may be heard from the Lirst thing in the Sap ling bark is worth about £6’’0.0 a ton Oak Timber morning,- for he is often to be found at his work by 20f bark about £4.00 a ton The thicker and less bruised the to the last at night- darkness alone drawing him from Lle sh of the bark is the more valuable it is his work. The only instruments or tools used in strip- The bark in Windsor Forest and Parks is sold by tender, ping; are the axe and a small crowbar and with these, sent in sealed to the b. of Woods&c. the smallest branch up to the mighty trunks is denuded of its skin; the warmer and moister the weather the *unfortunately, the sketch is lost – the drawings are better the bark runs; if frost happens to set in; the strip- often on loose sheets inserted into the bound volume ping is checked until its disappearance as it would be Ed.

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Our branch programme for 2021 is now complete. means that 2021’s service ‘went virtual’ almost every- Obviously, things may change due to various circum- where. ‘Building on a strong foundation’ was the theme stances but we are used to that now in this ‘new for these years’ service, which was created by WDP normal’! There will be monthly Zoom meetings led by members in Vanuatu, South PaciLic. different committee members, as well as other online This was followed by a week of prayers from Int erna- activities. tio nal Women’s Day on March 8th until Mothering We have introduced regular ‘drop-in’ zoom meetings Sunday on March 14th which Joss sent us all on a daily for local groups called MUg chats which translates as basis. Under the banner “Uniting in 7 days of Prayer, Mothers’ Union groups and they are held on Sunday members have reLlected and prayed for women’s recog- aft ernoons at 2.30pm. nition, equality and empowerment throughout the world. Susan Jones provided us with a three-day February quiz, a welcome change and much appreciated by us all We are liaising with the school on an Easter project by – I don’t know gathering and providing resources so that each child how she does it! can build their own Easter garden to take home, which sounds great fun. On March 5th we celebrated World We look forward to a group Zoom meeting on April 6th Day of Prayer led by Deborah where members will be sharing on the (formerly Wom- subject ‘Something I have done in Lockdown’. Our next

en’s World Day of meeting in May is entitled “Secret Poems”. Other meet- Prayer). The ings planned include, a Bible study, “Derivation of my annual WDP name”, “3 truths and a lie”, and, hopefully, our Mary service is always Sumner Day social gathering in August will be as held on the Lirst Friday of March. Members will remem- normal. ber that St Nicholas Church, Wickham hosted last year’s Jac ky Wood - 10.3.21 deanery WDP service (focused on Zimbabwe) as part of the St Nicholas 900 celebrations. The global pandemic

2021 DELIV ER Y D ATES OF THE MAGAZINE – Covid Regs. permitting

Issu e Delivery Date

April 2021 Thursday 1st April 2021 May 2021 Thursday 29th April 2021

June 2021 Friday 28th May 2021 July / August 2021 Wednesday 30th June 2021

September 2021 Friday 27th August 2021 October 2021 Wednesday 29th September 2021

- [email protected] 2021 Friday 29th October 2021

I will care for your loved one’s resting place when you are unable to. BISHOP’S W ALTHAM ROTARY

STOP PRESS…… campaign at a time when there were over 1,000 cases a Unfortunately, after lengthy discussions we have had to day in 125 countries. mak e the exceedingly difLicult decision to cancel Bish- Today, thanks to the tireless efforts of Rotary members op’s Waltham Rotary Club Carnival for 2021. Despite and our partners, the number of cases are down by the Governments Roadmap indicating that such an 99.9% and just a handful remain. event could occur later in the year, there is so much Health worker training and vaccination programmes organisation and Linancial outlay that occurs before the are essential to ensure the world is declared polio-free. event that any uncertainty makes cancelling the right Much of the infrastructure built up as a result of Rota- decision. BUT watch this space for news of next years ry’s End Polio Now campaign is being utilised across carnival which we want to make bigger and better than the world to tackle other diseases such as Covid 19. ever. Meon Valley Baby Bank update Rotary Crocuses Just a quick update on things with Many of you will have seen the amaz- the Meon Valley Baby bank, ing displays of spring Llowers includ- thanks to ours and several other ing the Rotary Roundels in purple donations, and despite delays due crocuses, which we planted to to Covid restrictions they now celebrate Africa being declared Polio have their “shed” which will be free in August of last year. The purple their permanent home once fully crocus is a symbol of the purple dye set up. Since they opened in which is used to mark the little Linger November, they have supported 14 families and sent of all out 17 gift parcels and word is beginning to children given the Polio spread so they are getting busier as time goes vaccine – known as the “Purple on. Pinkie”. Since 1985, Rotary’s key humanitarian priority has Like our Facebook page or take a look at our been to rid the world of polio. website for updates on what is going on, what Polio is a virus which affects we have been up to and how you can help us children under Live and causes help others! paralysis and even death. Rotary spearheaded the [email protected]


So where did that 12 months ago, what a waste! Our last prevail with something like normality. meeting was in March and apart from small individual So there will be no real change once we return if you visits to the Hall after the Café re-opened in late summer have an interesting vehicle preferably made before 1985 for Take-aways. no ofLicial meeting took place. please bring it along. Anything newer please contact me But there seems to be a promising feel in the air now we beforehand. are starting to receive `the jab`. Unless wonders happen The attached pictures were taken in March and Decem- I do believe the Lirst ofLicial meet at the Village Hall will ber be in July on the 11th. Pete Yeoman Let’s hope that with the arrival of the warmer weather [email protected] those who are ignoring the rules and caused this 07710307880 pandemic to continue, will have seen sense and life will WALTHAM CHASE WI

Like most organisations the WI nationally and locally on! has had a difLicult year. Trying to maintain some form of We are all very grateful to our local shops and stores for communication and offering a very limited service has the amazing service they have provided during this been difLicult. Our monthly newsletter, information past year. Always there, always going that extra mile for from County WI and two WI magazines has us and often delivering to our door when needed. It’s helped keep us all in touch. been so reassuring to know that we can shop locally Aft er Easter we will be resuming our Monday morning and keep safe, especially when this was unknown terri- friendship groups of six on the Rec and with good tory and we just didn’t know how it was going to work weather hope to enjoy a couple of hours together. Our out. So, from Waltham Chase WI members, a big thank Lirst indoor meeting won’t be until July and only then if you to you all. our members are agreed. Our walking group is coming At the moment we cannot offer much in the way of back and hopefully some outdoor meals once the meetings and events but we are always here to offer weather improves. All the above of course working friendship and support. If you want to know more within the Covid rules. Our motto ‘Fun and Friendship’ about us please get in touch with our secretary at is still alive and well and will get better as the year goes [email protected] .


We’re getting ready to roll. pate that due to restrictions it will be necessary for us to provide a booking system with allocated time slots Whilst the Covid 19 pandemic restrictions prevented for members of the public to come along and visit us - us enjoying indoor bowls, within our own this will be on a Lirst come Lirst served basis. We will purpose-built Pavilion, our dedicated green mainte- publish full details of this booking system at the end of nance staff, under the watchful eye of Green Manager April on our website https://meonvalleybowling- Peter Fry, have been busy preparing our superb bowl- . Alternatively telephone 01489 ing green for the new Outdoor Season. 896194 from 1st May 2021. Base d at Priory Park Bishop’s Waltham (SO32 1SQ) we Our Public Open Day provides an opportunity to meet provide excellent facilities to enjoy both indoor and club members and look round our lovely Pavilion and outdoor bowls. New Members at all levels of ability and all the facilities our friendly club offers. Our qualiLied age s are always welcome, including beginners to the coaching team will be on hand to assist your introduc- sport. tion to our sport and encourage you to enrol for our Following the current government guidelines and guid- highly successful Beginners Course. ance from Bowls England; all should be in place for our AfLi liated to Bowls England, Bowls Hampshire, South- proposed Green Opening Day on Saturday 17th April amp ton and District Men’s and Women’s Bowling Asso- 2021. Whilst it is likely that the rule of 6 will apply to ciations, we enjoy competitive league and friendly this event, it is hoped that throughout the day all those bowling against local clubs and have produced both members eager to get back to bowling will have an County and District Champions in recent years. In addi- opportunity to test not only the green but also their tion to playing bowls our Social Committee produce an bowling skills which might need refreshing following entertaining programme of events throughout the year the long layoff. No doubt there will be a few aches and to enable members to meet socially, make new friends pains from under used muscles the next day!! and enjoy all that our bar and catering facilities can Alt hough the Green Open Day is a members-only event, offer. Bowls is not just a game - it’s where friendships preparations for our annual Public Open Day are in the are formed. planning stage, (again, subject to Government and We’re not just a bowling club. We are Meon Valley Bowls England Guidelines) we are looking forward to Bowling Club!! welcoming everyone of all ages on Saturday 29th May 2021 to come and have a go at lawn bowls. We antici- John Gray, Publicity Correspondent. Waltha m Chase V illage H all

Facilities f or A ll O ccasions Skittles a nd C afé A rea, Re furbished M eeting R oom

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COVID-19 Matters. Just to remind you again that there is a special helpline for Hampshire’s most vulnerable residents, set up as part of a collabor ati on betw een local councils acr oss the county and the voluntary and community sector. So, if anyone is worried about an elder ly neighbour, relative or any vulnerable person, they can call the Hampshire Coronavirus Support and Helpline on 0333 370 4000 (lo cal rate charges apply). For the duration of the national lockdown, the helpline is open as follows: Monday to Friday - 9am-5pm; Weekends - 10am-3pm; or out of hours, call 0300 555 1373. At the time of writing, althoug h we remain in the third lockdown, the good news is that schools have re-started for eligible pupils; more than 23 million people have been given their Lirst vaccination and more than 1.5 million people have had their second dose. The next target is to vaccinate all the over-50s by 15th April and everyone over the age 18 by the end of July. To see the up-t o-dat e data for the pandemic in Hampshire please visit Additionally you may like to go to: which docu- ments the situation in the Winchest er District . The NHS ar e r eminding residents who have received their vaccine that it is vital to keep following the rules of Hands-Face-Space, to avoid putting others at risk. In the current national lockdown, everyone should stay at home as much as possible to avoid a resurgence. However, getting the COVID-19 vaccine, or any other v accine, is an important medical appointment and a v alid ‘essential r eason ’ f or tr avelling. COVID-19: Home testing available for households of school-age pupils and school staff With the return to school, regular at home coronavirus testing is available free, for all households with primary, second- ary and college age childr en and young people. This includes households in associated childcare and support bubbles, and those with school staff and adults working in the wider school community, such as supply teachers, school bus dri vers, and after school club leaders. May 6th Elections. Voters have a range of options for casting their ballot – in person, by post or by appointing someone they trust to vote in their plac e, kno wn as a proxy vote. The deadline to apply for a postal vote is 5pm on 20th April, and for a proxy vote the deadline is 5pm on 27th April. Anyone who would prefer to vote by post is encouraged to apply early. This will make sure your application is processed early, and your postal vote can be sent to you more quickly once the candidates for the elections ar e conLirmed. https://www .winchest will help. For those who choose to vote in person, polling stations will be safe places to vote on 6th May. Voters are encouraged to keep themselves and others safe by: wearing a face covering/mask; bringing their own pen or pencil; cleaning their hands when entering and leaving the polling station and keeping a safe distance. Voters should not attend the polling station if the y have symptoms of COVID-19, or if they have been asked to self-isolate. Anyone who is self-isolating because of C OVID-19 can also request a proxy vote at the last minute – up to 5pm on polling day itself. Five Oaks Farm Update. It is understood that further information has now been provided by the applicant and it is under going scrutin y by HCC, ShedLield Parish Council and others. The latest estimate of this application being deter- mined is no w Jul y. Nig hting ale Courts. You may not be aware but when the Guildhall was originally built it housed both court and jail…. whilst they are not in evidence now, the Guildhall has been in use for Her Majesty’s Court and Tribunal Service to help with the backlog built up in the pandemic. Since October 2020 to March over 300 cases have been heard and the service is ongoing. Local Plan Consultation. City Council still has ongoing its consultation as part of the new 15-year Local Plan for the District. In short, this is all about who can build and do what, where. The consultation runs until Monday 12 April so if you haven’t had your say please get online quickly. This is about where YOU live and what YOU want to happen here. www .localplan.winchest Fly-tipping update. We always like to hear… Action has been taken against 13 offenders in the past 9 months, including a case which appeared before Portsmouth Magistrates on 9 Feb where two offenders faced charges, with one further case set to be heard in court. This is in addition to the issue of 5 Lixed penalty notices in the same time period (FPN’s) that have amount ed to hundreds of pounds in penalties. If you Lind illegally dumped waste with a sticker attached, it means that the council is alr ead y aware, and will arrange for disposal as soon as possible. Help us to tackle Lly-tipping – if you Lind any rubbish and ther e is no sticker on it please report it to, Your Winchester App or by phoning 0300 300 0013. Contacts: Roger Huxstep, 01329 833884 or 07736 496184 or [email protected] Linda Gemmell, 01489 895023 or lgemmell@winchest Frank Pearson, 01489 892822 or [email protected]. Vicki W est on, 01329 835161 or vw est on@winchest Please phone or e-mail for the time and location of the next surgery or for information if you are unable to access the Int ernet . SHEDFIELD PARISH COUNCIL

To residents and business owners in the villages of online, please contact Jo Fox, our Clerk on 01329 ShedLield, Shirrell Heath and Waltham Chase, 830060 and she will be able to help you further. Re: Planning application 20/01483/HCS at Five Friends of ShedLield Common are pleased to conLirm Oaks Farm, Winchester Road, ShedLield SO32 2HS that the group resumed work on Sunday 21st. March. This group are local volunteers, working with ShedLield The above proposal was made to Hampshire County Parish Council to help maintain and improve our Council (HCC) by T J Transport Ltd in July 2020. It is commons for walkers and our local wildlife. They meet described as ‘the winning and working of up to 230,000 on the third Sunday of each month. More detail can be tonnes of soft sand with phased working and restora- found at; (see website at foot of page *) tion through backLilling with up to 435,000 tonnes of clean inert waste/materials, associated internal access ShedLield Parish Council would like to thank the Hart routes, plant and infrastructure’. Family, especially Imogen Hart aged 7. They have been clearing rubbish from one ShedLi eld Parish Council evaluated the proposal and of our commons behind the impact that this application would have on our Heathlands. Imogen has community if it were successful. Our council decided, earned many Brownie on the community’s behalf, to robustly object to the points for her community application. Alongside our response, nearby parish service. The efforts of the councils have expressed their objection to HCC togeth- Friends of ShedLield er with hundreds of residents from not only our own Common, Hampshire parish but other alarmed villages. There is a serious Conservation Volunteers concern with the development of a quarry at this and individuals are trans- location.We assessed at an early stage that we needed forming these open space to appoint a planning consultant. The company has areas and bringing them been guiding us, along with analysing the application back to life. Their hard work is showing everywhere and providing an expert opinion on how to proceed. In with brambles and rubbish cleared, our commons are September last year, our robust objection was submit- being properly managed and improved for all. Our ted. In December 2020, HCC requested further infor- grateful thanks to Cllr. Jim Coleman for his leadership, mat ion from the applicant. The applicant’s response time and effort during his last term as a Parish Council- was received in early February 2021 and by the time lor. you read this article, the parish council has yet again ShedLield Parish Council election is being held on 6 May responded robustly with information to further 2021. support our objection on behalf of the community. Do you enjoy living in ShedLield, Shirrell Heath and Man y of you will already have submitted your objection Waltham Chase? Are you interested in the life of your last year. All those that commented at the time, should village, your local environment, recreational facilities, have been contacted by HCC to inform you that you trafLic concerns, planning and housing? These are just have another opportunity to express your view. Even a few of the areas where the Parish Council can help though your letter or email advises that any further mak e a difference to your community. We have several comment should be made by the 15th March 2021, we vacancies for parish councillors so if you are interested have been advised that comment after the date will be in joining the team, please contact Councillor Margaret considered. Jones, Chair of ShedLield Parish Council for further Details of our submitted reports can be found on the information (07587 639203) or: HCC and ShedLield Parish Council’s website. For those [email protected]. of you that do not have the ability to update yourself * REPORT TO SHEDFIELD RESIDENTS FROM WINCHESTER CITY COUNCILLORS.

A weekend and more of sunshine, daffodils brightening service, but Winchester’s charge is almost the cheapest in man y gardens and verges, and news of release on June the county. 21st . Happier days. But before then we have the annual Why do people have to spoil our countryside by Llytip- period pf election activity. Did you miss us last year? ping? Please report any instances to Winchester City Of course, as with most matters, it is not back to normal. Council. The re will be knocks on your door and leaLlets delivered. The campaign to prevent the use of land at 5 Oaks contin- Polling day is May 6th and some of you may still feel ues and WCC, HCC and the Environment Agency are all uncertain about attending the polling station so to ensure involved in regulating activity on the site of the ShedLield your vote please opt for a postal vote. You can do this via Equestrian Centre. www .wi or call Winchester City Council on 01962 848125. One more month until a haircut. Happy Easter The consultation on the Local Plan started last month Roger Bentote. and continues until April12th. We really want to hear Please contact us as below from many people throughout the district so that we can establish clear policies which maintain and enhance our Vivian Achwal lovely part of the world. Home | Winchester District Local [email protected] - 07954133386 Plan Roger Bentote The roll out of new garden waste bins has gone very well, [email protected] - 07713736064 only delayed occasionally by heavy demand. All Hamp- Jonathan Fern shi re districts have been obliged to adopt a paid for [email protected] - 07976432981



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are employed, or conservation grazing takes place to If you’ve ever visited a nature reserve, you’ll know how encourage certain plants. This will often be explained in special they can be - treasure troves of wildlife wonders, signage as you enter the nature reserve. hosting exciting rarities which have sadly become rare in the wider landscape. They enrich our lives, are essen- We want all our nature reserves to reach their full poten- tial for wildlife, and form part of our natural heritage. tial, so while you’re walking in them and enjoying the

wildlife, take note of any signs you see, and encourage The Wildlife Trusts collectively put a great deal of time those you’re with to behave responsibly. With the coop- and resource into protecting the rich and diverse habi- eration and support of local communities, our nature tats in our nature reserves – part of our effort to create a reserves can create invaluable opportunities for wildlife, thriving natural world. By caring for these unique, and people, to Llourish. ecologically valuable sites we safeguard them, and the wildlife that depends on these places, for the future. The To Lind out more about our nature reserves visit our Wildlife Trusts manage around 2,300 nature reserves website: across the UK, ranging from an entire mountain in Barton Meadows Nature Reserve Scotland to a single ancient hawthorn tree in Norfolk. A new nature reserve, between Headbourne Worthy and Locally, Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Abbots Barton, has been created as a result of the Barton manage over 50 nature reserves, including expansive Farm development. It is managed by the Hampshire & moorlands, ancient forests, stretches of coastline, wild- Isle of Wight Llo wer meadows, and small patches of wildness in urban Wildlife Trust areas. and includes a In our nature reserves wildlife is the top priority. They 2.75km circular differ from a standard country park, in some cases path. Benches, certain areas may be closed, or dogs are not allowed or information have to be kept on leads. Some species are highly sensi- boards, and tive to disturbance – if you see a ‘no entry’ sign, it could fencing have be because ground nesting birds, vulnerable to tram- now been pling, are just beyond. If we ask for dogs to be kept on installed and access onto the nature reserve is via the leads wetland birds may be roosting nearby, or cattle are footpath on Well House Lane, London Road, or at Court- grazing. ney Road in Abbots Barton. More information is availa-

ble at Our Reserves OfLicers are responsible for looking after the sites in the Trust’s care. They are experts in their Claire Thorpe Lield, and they manage their reserves sensitively to Communications OfLicer Publications & Media beneLit speciLic species or improve habitats. Sometimes, Clai [email protected]

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Brian was a God-loving, as fortune would have it a young widow was living. gentle giant. He was a man of Thanks to the match-making skills of a naval captain great faith, love and wisdom: two doors down from the Rectory, the rest as they say a big man who suffered more was history! My earliest memories of Brian were of him than his fair share of woes carting water to our house every day during the harsh and managed to overcome winter of ’63 as our pipes were frozen – or that was his them. One of the daily excuse! He married my mother, June, in April and the published, Covid-related following year my brother John was born; cementing statistics, he died peacefully the family that was already ‘His’ and ‘Hers’, he became in Queen Alexandra Hospital, commonly known as ‘Ours’. Portsmouth on February For the next nearly 30 years Brian presided as priest 11th. He had suffered over several large groups of rural Wiltshire parishes. various broken bones over His service was recognised when he was made an the last year, been picked up and patched up several Honorary Canon of the Church of England in Bristol times. But he was becoming increasingly frail. Contract- Cat hedral in 1984. My husband John, who had ing the virus in hospital after his last fall was too much addr essed him as ‘Rev’ since our marriage, upgraded his for his body to take and, when the end came, he was name to ‘Boom’ and it was only natural then that our ready to meet his maker and redeemer and to be children should call him Grandboom. A gifted artist, he welcomed into the heavenly realm. would sign off cards and letters to my family with a At only eight years old, Brian saw his father drown on a drawing of a cannon.Unfortunately, June had developed beach in Devon so when, as a young widower, he Parkinson’s Disease in the late ‘60s. She coped with the mar ried my widowed mother and I was that same age illness, and being a vicar’s wife, valiantly but by 1990 he understood our loss. To quote Lady Bracknell from Brian realised that he must retire from parish work to The Importance of Being Earnest, “To lose one parent become her full-time carer. So, they moved to Hamp- may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose two looks like shire (where June had spent her childhood) and settled carelessness.” For this reason, I made it my aim to in Shirrell Heath to be near me. He was able to continue preserve Brian for as long as possible, with much help with part-time ministry whilst caring devotedly for June from my two brothers and sister, and determination on until she died in 2005. A faithful member of the congre- his part. His funeral will take place on what would have gation at both Wickham and ShedLield churches, he was been his 90th birthday – not quite the celebration we a regular sight, walking and latterly tottering the lanes had planned, but appropriate. around Shirrell Heath, stick in hand to prop him up, and Brian read History and Law at Clare College, Cambridge. to greet the many who knew him along the way, and as A spell working in Canada followed before he completed man y who didn’t. two years at Lincoln Theological College, which led to In spite of all the sadness in his life, Brian could laugh him being ordained in the Church of England in 1956. heartily at himself and with others. One source of That same year he married Drina, whom he met in amu sement was a language best known to himself. Canada, and cura- “What ho, d.g.” (dear girl) would greet me as I walked cies in Gloucester- through the door – d.b. for the male members of the shi re and South- family. Tea would always include a slice of McCarthy gate, London Bun (the large, iced currant bun sold by McCarthy’s) and followed. the less than respectable names he made up for people, Sadl y, Drina with great affection, are not repeatable here! It was suffered severely always a worry for us children that we might let them with asthma and sli p by mistake. The real irony is that he will be buried died in 1961, alo ngside Frick Knicks, a lady whom he held in high leaving Brian with regard, in Wickham churchyard. two young So many people will be thankful for his life and ministry children, Richard and the many lives he touched and inLluenced for good. and Annabel. In “Three cheers for Brian”, we say, to which he would 1962 he moved to reply, “Hip, hip, hip, hooray!” take charge of two parishes in Sab rina Gwynn Wiltshire, where

Midday Supervisory Assistant St John the Baptist Primary School, Waltham Chase Monday - Friday, 39 weeks per year from 11:55am – 13:05pm, FTE salary: £17,842 - £18,198 (Actual: £2,404 - £2,485) This will include some working on INSET days

We are looking to appoint a new Midday Supervisory Assistant at our Primary School. Vacancies are for every day of the week, but if you can only offer 3 or 4 days each week, we will be very happy to consider your application.

Your duties will include:  Ensuring that all children are safe, happy and well behaved at all times  Supervising and helping children while they eat their lunch  Supervising and playing with children outside on the playground and in the classroom  Administering first aid  Generally ensuring that lunchtimes are a happy time for all involved and dealing with any issues in a positive and thoughtful way  Cleaning and putting away tables and chairs

We are looking for someone who will be:  Conscientious  Reliable  Hard working  Trustworthy  Flexible with the demands of the job  Able to work as part of a team  Taking pride in their work and in the school  Understanding in the importance of Health and Safety

We are able to offer in return:  Training, in-house and off-site courses  Friendly and helpful pupils and staff  An excellent and rewarding working environment

Please check our website for an application pack or email: [email protected] if you require any further information.

Start Date: As soon as all the necessary employment checks have been completed Interviews: to be confirmed

St Jo hn ’s is a Chu rch o f Eng lan d Sch oo l; the refore , candidates are expected to demonstrate a positive co mm itmen t to the sc hoo l’s ethos and values. You do not need to be a practising Christian to be the right person for us but it is essential that you are fully committed to being part of our community, and understanding and supportive of our Christian ethos.

St John the Baptist Primary School is committed to safeguarding our pupils and promoting the welfare of children and young people. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure and Barring Service checks along with other relevant employment checks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‘’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`+#( B# '(A)1 &#( ^# 'a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c/&) ( PO( <1 ,#6)(5416#(3/4 )$/2 (5$/6 #( JNPLM( LMG( JPF ( 3/ 4)$/2(31 4I#6(d(R% &%(A1**#,( V4 %61&( A#/,4#( Q( 9%&'#&(5416#(3/4 )$/2 (5$/6 #( JNPLM( FGO( GFP ( 3/ 4)$/2(5$/6#(<41;#,(54+?( B% 44(A+))1 &( 31 1'?/&U(5$/6#(T,1I#(3/ 4)$/2(5$/6#( JNPLM( LMG( LGP ( 3/ 4)$/2(5$/6#(8%6)1,:(T,1+X( 9% &'/([+'4#: ( ;* $0$/&)6>02/%4@*12( JNPLM( LMQ( QMJ ( R# 1&(7/44#:(9%1&6(54+?( 5/ ,14 #([/6$( *1 &)/*) >2#1&I/ 44#:4 %1&6*4 +?@1,0@+U( JLPOL( FFK( LNG ( 31 2#&C6(e&6)%)+)#Y(A$#'=%#4'( B1 6%#([:61&( 8% 44(7%#;(R%44(9/&#(",1*U?,%'0#([, 1W=1,'( JNPLM( LKK( QGN ( 3/ 4)$/2(5$/ 6#( B+ 4%/(8#;4%&6(( ;/ 4)$/2*$/6#6#*>$/2X6$%,#;% @1,0@+U(( ( JNPLM( LMQ (LFK ( ( 56 78 *9'.: ;<.8 ==:7* ' B% 2(514#2/&((( 8# /)$(91'0#D(8% 0$(A),##)(A$%,,#44(8# /)$( JNFGM( LFO( FLG ( A$ #' =%#4 'fA$ %,,#4 4(8#/) $(3/, '( A) +/, )(B1 (( 54 /,#21&) @(A1 4121&6(9/& #( A$ %,,#4 4(8#/) $( JNFGM( LFF( NPL ( B/ &#(3/,; %*U( R/ ,%&#,6(51))/0#D(\+,U#:(e64/&'D(A$#'=%#4'( (( JNFGM( LFFMLO ( 9% &'/(3/,,#& ( Z1 XX:([1;&(51))/0 #D (8%0$(A) ,##) (A$ %,,#4 4(8)$@( JNFGM( LFF( QGQ ( <, /& *#6 */( ":,&#( 8# /)$#,4#:D(5$+, *$( .1/ 'D (A$# '= %#4'( JNFGM( LFPJJK ( 3/ 4)$/2(5$/6#(3/ ,'( R/ ,0/,#)(B1( \$ #(<% ,6D(5$/ 6#(T,1I #(3/4)$/ 2(5$/ 6#( (01489 894 663 ( R/ ,%/(.1??%#( T, ##&/*,#D(81 6X%)/4(.1/'(A$%,,#44(8# /)$( (( SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ( V, )$+, (.# /'% &0 ( FM( \$ #(.%'%&06D(3/ 4)$/2(5$/6#( JNPLM( LMO( JGO ( A/2 (5$/, 4#6 ( (FP( Z, 1I#&#(T/, '#&6D(3/4 )$/2 (5$/6 #( JKKJG( PJJNOK ( A) +/, )([:&#( V4 ;11'4 #:D(54 +?$1+6 #(9/&# D(3/4)$/ 2(5$/ 6#( JNPLM( LMGFLN ( A$ #' =%#4 '(Z/, %6$(51+&*%4(54#, U( Z/, %6$(51+&*%4(E==%*#( A$ #' =%#4 '(.#* ,#/) %1&(T,1+&'(g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


Conferences Trai ning C ourses Team A way Days Exhib itions Wedding Reception s Part ies

Bookings: Lynn Hayward Tel: 01329 835134 Mob: 07789 391530 Email: info@shedfie l d

Shedfield S tudy Centre is a n a ttractive modern venue for hire in a uniquely beauti- ful setting. S ituated b etween Bishop's Waltham and Wickham, in Church Road, Shedfield t he S tudy Centre is a ccessible from the A334 Botley Road and the B2177 Winchester Road.

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