Notes from the Brandwood Ward Forum Local Innovation Fund Partnership Meeting on Monday 31 October 2016 at 1.30pm at Bells Farm Community Centre

Attending:- Councillor Eva Phillips, Councillor Mike Leddy & Councillor Barry Henley Jane Edwards, Chair, Friends of Cemetery Chris Bowey, New Beginnings Church Olive Foort, New Beginnings Church Karen Urwin, ProDH Margaret O’Reilly, Family Support Worker Julia Ellis, Health Visitor Emily, Health Visiting Team Sergeant Karen Hunn, Police Inspector Andrew Hodgetts, Lucy Kenny, Health & Well Being Karen Mealings, Housing Officer Sarah Wong, Tenant Participation Officer Austin Rodriguez, Neighbourhood Development & Support Unit Sarah Do, Allens Croft Children’s Centre Scott Slater, West Midlands Fire Service Pat Wilson, Brandwood Centre Kyle Moore, Brandwood Centre Dot Forster, Spearhead Trust, Bells Farm Community Centre

Councillor Eva Phillips explained what the Local Innovation Fund was, what it could be used for and sought suggestions for spend. Austin Rodriguez explained the process.

The following suggestions/comments were then made by partners; a) There needed to be more linked up thinking between the Council and voluntary/community groups. While there was considerable partnership working between the two there was still a lack of trust of the Council and that relationship needed to be strengthened. b) There was a lot of apathy from residents on the Druids Heath estate and the barriers that stopped people from using services needed to be broken down. c) Communication was the key to building trust and this needed to be done by getting information out to people but also talking to them and reaching out to them. d) There were already groups in the area that provided services in relation to domestic violence, mental health, ESOL, debt advice, education/training courses etc and the Council needed to make full use of them – sign posting. e) Sharing – community groups were not good at sharing information/best practice/equipment etc. Local groups did not know what others offered in the area and therefore residents also were not aware. This was something that needed to be addressed. f) Communication should not be totally via the internet but needed to be a mix of written information, word of mouth and internet. Brandwood Forum community notice boards worked well. g) Staffing was crucial – staff and not only volunteers were needed. h) The Council needed to work better with volunteers. i) Reference made to the café in Pound Lane and it was suggested that this could be opened as a community not-for profit café that could also be an advice/sign posting venue. j) ProHD could be used to sign post. Information could be put in welcome packs. k) Health Visitors could also sign post/ be a contact point. l) Suggestion that Resident Ambassadors could be created to encompass points made above.

− Use what’s already available in the Ward, have open access to what’s available. − Genuine partnerships between Council and community groups to be developed − Ascertain who was offering what service.

m) Councillor Leddy suggested use of funding to develop an ‘odd job service’ by creating a partnership between City Council housing and Wilmott Dixon. There would also be an opportunity to organise an apprenticeship scheme to train for professional qualifications while shadowing professionals undertaking small jobs – gardening, DIY, plumbing, decorating. n) Brandwood Centre was developing a Community Champion scheme to oversee/support placements and was organising a toolkit but the scheme needed to be grown. Councillor Phillips referred to the District Neighbourhood Challenge on jobs and skills and that proposal was one that could become a joint project across the District. o) Use part of the fund to consider young people’s entrepreneurial ideas – a Dragon’s Den – then fund the business idea and offer support. Other funding streams were available to fund this suggestion. p) Follow example of Community Support Worker in who had been employed to write bids and had generated a considerable sum of money for that ward. It could be considered as a joint project for the District. q) Assistance/training/support with bid writing for community groups would be a good project. Sustainability was a key factor of a successful LIF bid and bid writing was key to sustainability.


− Quarterly lunch meetings for all groups to meet together

− Pound Road shops – Birmingham Property Services believed to be landlord – Chair to contact BPS to determine ownership and available assistance with rent etc

− Commissioning proposals to be drawn together taking into account comments and suggestions made and circulated to groups before Christmas. It was recognised that there would need to be amendments and therefore comments would be welcomed. It should however be recognised that this was a ward wide fund.