A Meeting of Womenswold Parish Council was held at the Learning Opportunities Centre, Womenswold on Thursday 6th July 2017 at 7.00pm

Present: Cllr I HOBSON – Chairman Cllr M McKENZIE -Vice Chair Cllr A WICKEN Cllr C BROWN Cllr J PERRINS Mrs V McWILLIAMS Clerk

There were no members of the public present.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1 Apologies for Absence

City Cllr Simon Cook & County Cllr Michael Northey both sent their apologies due to prior engagements

2. Comments from the public. There were no comments from the public.

3. Declaration of interests by Councillors. There was no notification by members given of any pecuniary or personal interest in items on the Agenda.

4. Reports from County Cllr Northey & City Cllr Cook County Cllr Michael Northey was unable to attend the meeting but sent a message that there was nothing to report following a busy time prior to the Election.

City Cllr Simon Cook was unable to attend the meeting but sent the following report: CCC is working hard with Serco to sort out the recent problems with bin collections. There are several possibilities for the long term, but in the short term, they are concentrating on making sure the bins get collected, as they should. Please let him know of any issues that you may have so we can keep on top of them.

The first stage of consultation on the community governance review has started - please do feed into this, as we want to make sure we hear as many points of view as possible.

Cllr Cook has been in touch with the new Chief Inspector at police about a number of things, but in particular for Kingston, to ask his officers to keep an eye on rural parking by lorries - especially in dangerous places like the Coldharbour Lane A2 on-slip.


CCC is continuing its focus on fly tipping with a lorry used being crushed last week. Please keep reporting any incidents to CCC that you are aware of so we can clear them up as quickly as possible

5. Minutes of previous meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 16th May 2017 with an amendment added, were approved and signed; proposed by Cllr Wicken & seconded by Cllr Perrins.

6. Matters arising not otherwise on the agenda.

As the Clerk has still been unable to track Stephen Durbridge down it was agreed to contact KCC to get an update on the Ruberry Butts issue.

Cllr McKenzie reported that the white lines at the junction of Firs Road had still not been painted. The cross roads sign at the junction has been knocked down. The Clerk will contact Highways and report both matters.

All action items had been executed

7. Finance

Barclays Community Account £12,775.20 Business Saver Account £2,966.15

Monies In Business Saver Account £755.00

Expenses Clerks Salary SCP 20 £10.50 per hour 26 hours in May/June £273.00 plus £80.00 Office Management = £353.00. Toner Cartridge (£22.73 +VAT £4.55) =Total £27.28 Stamps £21.24 Total £401.52 Harmer & Sons Mowing Green & Rec (630.00 + VAT £126) £756.00 The Fifth Trust Mowed Church Yard Strimmed gutters and grave stones £82.00 The Fifth Trust Mowing Church Yard £85.00 Total £1.324.52

These figures were approved by the Council; proposed by Cllr Wicken and seconded by Cllr Brown.

The Clerk confirmed that she had banked £755.00 into the Council’s Barclays Saver Account.

Cllr Wicken handed the Clerk £575.00 in cash from Ropesole Fundraising plus a Cheque for £500.00 Motor Cycles Total £1,075.00 in donations towards the defibrillators to be deposited into the Community Saver account.

The Clerk will write and thank Ropersole and Kent Motorcycles Limited.

There were no additional finance questions to the Clerk from Councillors


8. Planning/Trees CA/17/00927 Proposed single-storey side annexe extension following the demolition of existing garage. Walnut Tree Cottage, Road, Womenswold, CT4 6SF. This has been granted

The Application Y16/0431 relating to the caravan parked in the Orchard next to Stone Cottage on Wick Lane, Woolage Green has now been withdrawn as the caravan has been removed. The matter is now closed

9. Canterbury City Council - Governance review The Chair and Clerk were invited to attend a meeting in the Guild Hall on 26th June regarding the Community Governance Review, which the CCC is preparing. It will provide an opportunity to consider whether the current parish council arrangements participate in local democracy by making their views known. A Questionnaire is being prepared and will be released on 21st July 2017. It is hoped all parishes will participate.

Further information can be obtained by logging on to the website at www.canterbury.gov.uk/your-council/have-your-say-/consultations/community- governance-review.

10. Woolage green – Village Green The Meadow Turf area is no better than last year, despite it having been cut right down; it still looks like a weed patch. The Clerk was asked to write to the supplier and complain again and ask them to come and look at it. Meanwhile it was agreed by all to get the nettles behind the flower bed mowed. The Clerk will contact Harmer & Sons asking them to do this. Also to cut round the village signs. She will ask Harmer to let either the Chair or Cllr Perrins know when they next arrive to mow the Village Green so that they can discuss the weed patch.

11. Councillors’ portfolios

• Kent Association of Local Councils (KALC); Nothing to report • Amenities and Welfare: The RosPA inspection of the play area equipment will take place on Wednesday 12th July 2017. Cllr Perrins will accompany the Inspector. Cllr Perrins & the Clerk have not yet inspected the swings on the recreation ground at Parish Council but will arrange to do so. It was agreed to leave any repairs that need doing to the equipment until after the inspection had taken place. The Clerk will then contact Jamie Cole to make the necessary arrangements for any repairs. Cllr Perrins has received a quote for £776.30 from HAGS- SMP for the repair to the roundabout. It was agreed by all to go ahead and repair it. With regard to repairs to the benches on the Recreation ground it was agreed by to remove two of them, repair one and replace one. The broken slats can be repaired.

• Roads & Services: Cllr McKenzie reported that the work to improve the Firs Road issues had not been completed. The Clerk will contact Highways and report it and let them know that the “Cross Road” has been knocked down


Cllr McKenzie has spoken to Highways regarding the issue of lorries parking on the verge on the B2046 road next to Westmore House. She is still waiting for a response

• Communication – Website and News Letter. Cllr Hobson reported that the newsletter was still receiving regular hits. The next publication of the Newsletter is due. He would appreciate copy material by the end of July. The Clerk will ask the PCSO if she could do an article complete with photo. The website is up to date.

• Police Liaison: Cllr Wicken advised that PCSO Lisa Williams has sent her crime report in which has been circulated to all.

12. General Correspondence

Clerks & Councils Direct July 2017

Emails sent to al Canterbury District Local Plan Inspectorates Report Urgent evidence of HGVs using unsuitable Roads NALC Chief Executive Bulletin 22 (16.6.2017) KFRS/KALC Fire Hydrant initiatives Questionnaire for Towns & Parish Councils NALC Chief Executive Bulletin 23 (23.6.2017)

KFRS/KALC Fire Hydrant initiatives Kent Fire & rescue Service has written asking if residents will keep an eye on the fire hydrants in the parish and report to them anything untoward. Residents are asked not try and repair or inspect the hydrants themselves but report to the Fire Service.

Questionnaire for Towns & Parish Councils Councillors completed the questionnaire the Clerk will now submit it.

13 Any Other Business.

Complaints had been received with regard to a horse being written rather too fast on the recreation ground at . The Clerk was asked to contact Elgar’s to enquire if horse riding is permitted on the recreation ground before taking any action.

Cllr Perrins had received details from Caloo regarding a competition they were holding worth over £21,000 towards outdoor equipment for your community. Councillors felt it might be worthwhile entering. Closing date is 31st August 2017.

The purchase of defibrillators were discussed and it was agreed by all to purchase all four defibrillators at the same time. We currently have half the cost in donations. The Clerk will put in a bid to the Parish Capital Grant fund 2018/19 for £3,000.00. The Clerk was asked to write PCC asking permission to put one for Womenswold in the church porch. Final sitings will be decided at a later date



The next Parish Council meeting will take place in the Two Sawyers Function Room on September 12th at 7.00pm. Meetings for the rest of the year will be: • 21st November Womenswold • 9th January 2018 The Two Sawyers • 13th March Womenswold