Minutes of the Municipal User Group Regular Meeting held on January 17, 2019 at 1:00 PM, Badlands Community Facility, ,

1.0 Call to Order – Co-Chair Terry Leslie – Town of called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM

Attendance: Co-Chair Terry Leslie – Town of Sundre, Gerald Campion – Town of Hanna, Gavin Bates – Town of Innisfail, Jay Slemp – Special Areas, Bruce Beattie – Mountainview County, Les Stulberg – County of Stettler, Darryl Drohomerski – Town of Drumheller, Jay Garbutt – Town of Drumheller, Philip Massier – , John Ireland – , Wanda Blatz – Town of Olds, Ray Wildeman – Town of , Dennis Kuiken – Village of Acme, Glen Keiver – , Murray Marshall – Starland County, Ron Hoyt – MD of Acadia, Jason Wallsmith – MD of Acadia, Richard Poole – Town of Blackfalds, Al Campbell – Town of Stettler, Bill Shaw – City of Red Deer/Advisor to RDRMUG, Mr. Phil Boehme – Alberta Environment and Parks (Presenter), Mr. Todd Aasen – Alberta Environment and Parks (Presenter), Keith Ryder – RDRMUG Executive Director, Recording Secretary – Lana Bosch

2.0 Agenda 2.1 Additions 2.2 Approval of Agenda MOTION J. Slemp moved that the agenda for the January 17, 2019 Red Deer River Municipal User Group Meeting be adopted as presented. Carried.

3.0 Confirmation of Minutes 3.1 J. Ireland noted the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of November 15, 2018 section 5.1 correction to the Joffre’s license is for 22 decameters and use about 60% of that. MOTION J. Ireland moved that the Red Deer River Municipal User Group Meeting minutes of November 15, 2018 be adopted with the amendment. Carried. 3.2 Business arising from minutes of November 15, 2018. None

4.0 Financial 4.1 Financial Statements to December 31, 2018

Balance Statement: Current Assets - $57,956.58 Closing Surplus - $50,039.31 Statement of Revenue and Expenses – Revenue - $69,666.39; Expenses - $75,093.72 Surplus (Loss) for Year – ($5,427.33)

MOTION R. Wildeman moved to accept the Financial Report to December 31, 2018 as presented. Carried.

4.2 2019 Operating Budget K. Ryder noted that based on the closing balance of 2018 reflect the actual totals to December 31, 2018, there was no significant increase in revenue, and the .25 per capita rate was set at the November 15, 2018 meeting. No funding is allocated for Water Quality Action Plan for 2019 and the 2019 Budget maintains current surplus and is intended as a “catch up year”. K. Ryder noted that 2.5% GST needed to be added to the expense for Town of Drumheller. B. Shaw will have his outline for the committee in June, cost will be approximately $10,000 without printing costs. J. Slemp commented to wait and see where the $10,000 gets us before allocating any funds out of surplus. K. Ryder recommended to remove the $5,000 out of Water Allocation Assurances (Crown Res) and add to Integrated Land Use Planning making it $10,000 proposed for 2019. MOTION J. Garbutt moved to adopt the 2019 Red Deer River Municipal User Group Operating Budget as amended under next steps to include $10,000 for Integrating Land Use Planning and to include $125.00 GST for Town of Drumheller. Carried.

4.3 Final Formal Audit 2017 K. Ryder included the Final Formal Audit for the year ended December 31, 2017 and noted it was approved at the November 15, 2018 meeting and sent to all members.

5.0 Presentations 5.1 Mr. Phil Boehme and Mr. Todd Aasen both from Alberta Environment and Parks provided updates on water license summary for the Basin, updates on work recently completed on the weekly natural flows in the SSSB, updates on source water protection project and Alberta Flow Estimation Tool for Ungauged Watersheds. Highlights of presentation includes: - Alberta River Basin website has a faucet on the right that uses can click on to check flows to an area. Allocation policy is to watch withdrawals after 85% of natural flow. Water shortage/low flow event of last summer had to close Blindman and cancel TDL’s for about a month, one day City of Red Deer did not meet WCO. - December 1 minister signed orders for the Wetland Restoration Fund - Provincial initiative is on water quality and protecting sources of drinking water in Alberta. Website for Alberta Water Council is www.awchome.ca for more information. - AB Energy Regulator processes applications from oil companies. It was noted if Temporary Diversion License Applications needed can be changed daily. Alberta Environment dictates policy for AB Energy Regulator to follow. It was noted that all licenses have an expiry date but can be renewed.

6.0 RDRMUG Water Quality Action Plan 6.1 Update on charter process: The following municipalities have completed their Charter documents: Town of Blackfalds, Town of Drumheller, Paintearth County, Village of , Village of Delia, Town of Sundre, Newell County, Town of Stettler and a letter of support from the Town of Innisfail. K. Ryder sent a newsletter to municipalities to use the Charter to review their current policies and to add new tools, policies or commitments to the protection of Source Water Protection. The intent of the Charter was for awareness purposes only. T. Leslie noted if they should have chosen the word declaration instead of charter.

7.0 Next Steps for RDRMUG 7.1 Review RDRMUG Mandate. K. Ryder reviewed the mandate and objectives of the Red Deer River Municipal User Group. He further explained it is a credible/proactive association that values the Red Deer River Watershed. He reviewed his PowerPoint presentation that he will forward to the committee as it has important links to read.

7.2 Potential Actions 2019 – 2022 T. Leslie introduced Bill Shaw with BPS Consulting. Mr. Shaw reported on potential action for 2019 – 2022 attached in agenda package pages 15-22. Since 2014 RDRMUG has been pursuing as a top priority maintaining source water quality and quantity. He noted Land Use Planning should undertake source water protection in Municipal Development Plans. Mr. Shaw’s report will cost in the range of $10,000 - $15,000 and will highlight stewardship, prevention and cures. K. Ryder noted we will work with the $10,000 allocated and dip into surplus funds only if required. T. Leslie commented this is an opportunity for resources and frame work and to focus on stewardship on all water into our planning. Municipalities will have more understanding to advocate across the region. Mr. Shaw hopes to have the report finalized by June. G. Campion noted all past working relationships with Mr. Shaw have been top notch and his recommendation was for RDRMUG to move forward with the report.

Motion: G. Campion moved that RDRMUG move forward with the “Next Steps” document provided, focusing on Integrated Landuse/Source Water Protection. This process will identify and cluster threats/risks, planning will be based on sustainability/resilience, strategies and guiding principles, and water security that with common terminology will allow RDRMUG to meet and fulfill our mandate and objectives. BPS Consulting Ltd., Bill Shaw will prepare this report with proposed costs of $10,000 - $15,000. Carried

The 2019 Operating Budget will be adjusted to move the $5000 from the Crown Reservation Project to Integrated Land Use Planning (under new projects) for a total of $10,000. Any amount over $10,000 will be transferred from RDRMUG Surplus.

8.0 Executive Director Report 8.1 Year in Review K. Ryder noted he is working closely with Watershed Alliance and Integrated Watershed Management Plan. The March meeting will be a panel discussion, if anyone has anything to discuss or people to invite let him know. Bighorn Country Process has been sent to AB Environment for review. K. Ryder has links in his presentation on the 2018 Water Quality Action Plan and will forward slideshow to the committee. He also has links to Alberta Water Smart and South SK River Management Plan. K. Ryder presented a PowerPoint pertaining to the current RDRMUG Mandate, Goals and Strategies and how RDRMUG is continuing to work toward these. He requested members to forward any suggestions to update current mandate. Click here for presentation. K. Ryder presented a PowerPoint reviewing the 2018 RDRMUG Year in Review. Click here for presentation. MOTION W. Blatz moved to accept the year in review as presented. Carried.

9.0 Executive Committee Recommendations 9.1 Annual Review of Executive Director contract. (K. Ryder was excused from the meeting) After round table discussion including an informal update of K. Ryder’s service, T. Leslie recommended that the contract with K. Ryder for duties of Executive Director for RDRMUG be extended for the year ending December 31, 2019 year with a 2% increase in salary to $55.00 per hour based on an average of 15 hours per week. T. Leslie noted that K. Ryder is happy to serve for another year and will help with succession planning. MOTION G. Bates moved to renew the current contract with K. Ryder as executive director for the 2019 year at $55.00 per hour. Carried.

10.0 Agenda Additions

11.0 Municipal Project Review: An opportunity for all representatives to share their current and future water/waste water projects in an open round table format. If a member has a report that they wish to have included in the minutes we would ask for a written copy. Due to time restraints these reviews did not take place.

12.0 Correspondence & Articles Various handouts

13.0 Next Meeting March 21, 2019 Badlands Community Facility

14.0 Adjournment MOTION B. Beattie moved to adjourn the meeting at 3:44 pm. Carried.