Weeton Directory. WEE TON township haf! 317 inhabitant!! and 1230 acrefl, and includes the neighbouring hamlets of Weeton, Hewby, Newby, and Wescho Hill, from 3 to 4 miles N. W. of Harewood. Here is Almias Cliff, a sin­ gular group of rocks on a lofty eminence ; on its summit are several basins or large cavities, and on their western side i:J a fissure called Friar's Parlour, which has often been explored to a considerable distance, but it has only lately been traced to its source, and found to proceed from Creskeld Hall, at Artbington. Near the entrance to this cavern are the remains of a rocking stone. Thl3 Church (St. Barnabas) is a neat stone edifice, erected in 1851-2 by the Earl of Harewood, who is patron of the vicarage, now valued at £100, and held by the Hev. Charles Wybergh, M.A. Here are a National School, a Wesleyan Chapel, and a station on the North Eastern Railway. The principal inhabitants are the Rev. Charles Wybergh, M.A., incumbent; :Mr. Thomas England; James Vickers, schoolmaster; John Bateson, joiner; Isaac Dennison, tailor; Vvilliam Harding, blacksmith; Thomas Read, butcher; Ann Dibb and James Fox, shopkeepers; Matthew Issott, John Mallorie, John Moore, Thomas Read, Frederick Rhodes, John Taylor, and Thomas Wright, farmers. James Fox carries to on Tuesdays and Saturdays; and John Bateson to Leeds, Tuesdays and Fridays, and Knaresborough, Thursday. Letters arrive from Leeds at 8.55 a.m., and are dispatchod at 10.20 a.m.

WIGTON is a hamlet and township containing about 130 souls and. 1170 acres of lrmd, including tho hamlets of Alwoodley-gate and Brandon, from 4! to 6 miles N. of Leeds and 4 from Arthington station on the North Eastern Railway. In 1760 two stone coffins and several urns and coins were dug up from a common near Blackhill. The chief residents are-John Horner, blacksmith; Benjamin Keat, victualler, King's Head; John Kitchingman, schoolmaster; Herbert Pyser, police officer; and 'l'homas .Tacques, .Joseph Kirk, Samuel Hobinson Middleham, vVilliam Myers, Samuel Bichardson, John Screwton, and John Wigglesworth, farmers. Jjetters via Leeds and Moortown.

WIKE, H milEJ S. by E. of Harewood, is a village and township of about 130 inhabitants and 1040 acres oi land, partly in Bardsey parish. An earthenware jar full of silver pennies, mostly of the reign of Edward I. and II., was found here in 1835. The school has an annuity from Lady Elizabeth Hastings' trustees, for tho education of 10 free scholars. The chief residents are-Timothy Brewerton, stonemason; Thomas Hartley, blacksmith; .Tohn Hudson, victualler, Globe; James Reeves, schoolmaster; Robert Scott and John Smith, gardeners; and \Villiam Brewerton, William Greaves, John Marston, John l\Iawson (and corn miller), ]\[rs Jane 1\fawson, Matthew Mawson, ·william :Middleham, John lloundell, Joseph Smith, Benjamin Taylor, Thomas \Yadc, and Thomas Edwin Wade, farmers. Letters via Harewood, which is the nearest Money Order Office.

SV/ILLINGTON, a village and parish, 6 miles E. by S. of Leeds, has about 665 souls and 2760 acres of highly cultivated and fertile land, chiefly belonging to Sir Charles Henry Lowther, Bart., lord of the manor, whose seat, Swillington Hall, is a handsome mansion, pleasantly situated amidst rich rural scenery. The Church (St. Mary), a fine stone structure in the Early English style, contains many monuments of his ances­ tors. He is also patron of the rectory, valued at £510, with residence, in tho incumbency of the Rev. Adolphus Frederick Alexander 'Woodford, M. A. The 1?{esleyans have a. chapel on the Common. Here are a. good school and master's residence, erected in 1865, by the late Sir John Lowther, and several benefactions distributed amongst the poor. LETTERS via Leeds. Nearest Money Order Office is at Woodlesford.

Lowther Sir Charles Henry, Bart. Metcalfe George, farm bailiff CORN MILLEHS. ! Tennant Thomas Swillington Hall Metcalfe Thomas, clerk Horsfield Wm. Walker William Ash Joseph, vict. Lowther Arms Raper Wm. parish clerk & schlmstr Steel Joseph Wilson Thomas Bearpark George, cattle dealer Silverside Mr William FARMERS. SIIOPKEEPEHS. Bennett George, smith Turpin M.r Richard Cramby William Bean Richard (& Burlend Mr E. Watson John, timber dealer Crosslcy Richard tailor) France W. (wharfgr.), Waterloo villa Watson Thomas, joiner Dawson Joseph McWilliamMrs M Hewitt ~Irs Selina Woodford Rev. Adolphus Frederick Dixon Mrs Hanh. WIIEELWIUGHTS, Kitchen Edward, leather manufr Alexander, M.A. rector, Rectory Newly Peter Dixon George Leather John Towlerton, coal owner BLACKS:\trTIIS. IBilton Richard Smith Wm. & Ts. Howson Martin & civil engineer, Levonthorpe Hall Bennett George Buttery Henry Stead Jno. & Mcl. Patrick Charles

METHLEY is an ancient and well-built village, in the honour of Ponte£ract, having three railway stations, respectively on the Midland, Lancashire and , and Great Northern lines, 7 miles S.E. by E. of Leeds. Its parish, which rises in beautiful undulations between the confluence of the rivers Aire and Caluer, ball 2475 souls in 1861, and contains about 3240 acres of fertile and highly cultivated land, partly belonging to the rector, but chiefly to the , the lord of the manor, whose seat, METHLEY lliLL, is a stately mansion, standing to the west of the village, in one of the most beautiful parks in the county. The Church (St. Oswald), which was in existence at the time of the Domesday survey, is a fine antique structure, containing several exquisitely carved monuments of the Savile family, including a statue of the first Earl of Mexborough in his robes. The rectory, valued at £908, with 370 acres of glebe and resi­ dence, is in the patronage of the Duchy of Lancaster, and incumbency of the Hon. and Rev. Philip Yorke Savile, M.A. Here are a National school, a Church school, several small charities for the poor, and chapels belonging to the Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists. The PosT OFFICE is at Mrs. Sarah Greaves'. Letters arrive at 6-10 a.m., and are despatched at 7.33 p.m., via Leeds. The nearest ltioney Order Office is at Oulton. Right Hon. John Chas. Geo. Savile, Adams Mrs Maria, Albert place Atkinson Mrs Sarah, miller, Steam Earl of Mexborough, Mothley Hall Armitage Rev. Jph, .Ackroyd, M.A. Corn mills Savilo Hon. and Rev. Philip Yorko, I incbt. of Whitwood, Old Rectory IBaldry 1\Irs Sarah, Church lane 1LA., rector, Rectory Arundel Rd. colliery mgr. :Foxholes Bartlott A. assist. oversr. Pindor gn