Technological Change, Human Values, and the Pennsyl
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;R!S 5i 5200342 Goldberg, Maxwell Needles, Burrs,and Bibliographies; StudyResources: Technological Change, Human Values, and the Humanities. STITUT Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Center for Continuing Liberal Education. PUB Di 69 209p.; Developed largely from the CE-IBM Humanities Project on Technological _Change AI_LABLE FROMNeedles, Burrs, and Bibliographies-,- entii-for Continuing Liberal-Education, 100 Sparks ilding _ University Park,- Pennsylvania -16802 ($2.50)--.-M' checks- payable to The Pennsylvania--St-ate-i University _ = PRIE -_ 0-i65 HC_ Not t- A_ from ESCRIPTORS Automation; Community Change; *Cybernetics; Human 'Engineering; *Humanities; Human Living;Man Machine . Systems; Person ues etearch- Reviews-- - (Publications); an Social virontent---- ocial Problems; Social Structure; tur a 1 Patterns; *Technologica l Advancemen :Id tral terms related ien uman values") and olo ic an e on )jnionscollected, contem ra cs of opinions wor es enerk and Context,"-__ ocument U S DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, _ EDUCATION &WELFARE OFFICE-OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRO. DUCED_ EXACTLY AS -RECEIVED FROM 1 ----- THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORtG- ir- -- INNING It POINTS OF VIEW OR OPIN. t IONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDO- = CATION POSITION OR POLICY VALUES, sl= NEEDLES, BURRS, AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES - LU StudyResources in Tiologtcal Change, Human Values and The HumanIties - r Deve)opedLargely-- fronrthe CCLE-IBI'tHumanities-Project on Technological Change Maxwel:l H. Goldberg, General Editor; Associate Director, I CCLE-IBM Humanities Project Director; 3 -Professor of Humanities an&Engl ish CENTER FOR CONTINUING V-LIBERAL EDUCATION Coiiegepthe-Libra1 Arts The Pènnsylvania State Ulilversity I - -;_ - -r- ERIC-AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER REEMENTSAN ITH ME WS.OFFICEOF EDUCATION- RTHER REPRODUCTION OUTS IDE THE ER IC1SYS QUIRES` =TABLE OF= CONTENT- FOR EWOR _ - - - - -_ _ _ s_- _ - __-, =0, _ __ HNOLOG I AN 1* resen cause= o ra el_ireco vencae bi- ert man- _ues iliovemen na -_-concern erne =ties_ea ucat on el-:_e =_=_ -eta u des use =a eft ri, one -o -sever- ertn_-_c __=,,,,----,-,--_---_ research =:a _ lit TthOught,-,t a- be Tea sOna bly-representative :_thrOa§h- _ be expanded although I_ t by ibi= neen -_exhaustive. = r especiallyni to ,_itic_IUdesiEuropeAn=_:gdu rcet V=f6W-fr works- are Anc I udeo __ I -ande iritegra- -fives-iStudstudies. Others r=6fIred- t=--=th-e,statuS_=,of-z--the-,genera- l with =than-:by-_-=-Supp-O-rr repor- t firstsummarizes At elprincipal -- ttpectS- of writings_ on thehuman 1)1 togfa0-y-___±1fsel Stedt and_ -annote-fe-- by- a simple set of Ingeneral,discoUrse on Integrative interdisciplinary thuman- -7- study is stilt in 1t -infà- nç, despite th warmth which often marks =c_thearMple advocates. For analyticpurposes,we cañ discussion: n Ittont_ =and- -d- e- fin- se- -srof n -st- atements regard propriety: =SCUSS- 0 OS00 u me-n _ esen exemi zewhat- emoliona -s-- retains es_ ern- _Ss_i otro -_announce:_ --6t16- 1 ejds ences:- c ende, human- s e d sot =1k:ices-se =6riteand era _urel--__ _-i_ __ -s *--- --- with rele-rende-_--_ (14 eirIC-e-';-_ irrionlimen_ emesi- _retat =c:int--- human r _ex -er -ence= a rac. e-- eman _esen e es are- re .:concepts it-cifitieci ersona- eres_ era_ =I sueszw_ e_Trho_re-:-,ex: _ens: _v_et,- ener_ -es: _ inter_, sc-= y= -,one=-, mseVer othert7,or ess frequ'ent 1 __v-ti occas on-icourses_Av _erre -at _onsK_ -e-- processes --of-'-is _n 6s -s 'are___exexpress re_ae_ Integrative e -tendenci-es=_ i-n--- e =humanicti_c--= sc 10 I-I nes-,_ _r_=So_ho I a rshii 0-_ e ho r'_! courset- e exames mar ecia problem n w seems noce =obtems-=--=Con tafe___ recent ,- --_ et e-:-7Journ pronouncement of American t---_- Sifor -cal,ttOo, _a_ ttor ta = eneralstzatron and Interdisciplinary ystud-ccimnc56i -nvo-ve, e---sOdia-1 sciences _in contemp-orary -1 iterattire. However, -even Inthis s _connection, .-Collsc u LI__ just i-ce-probab.==cantiot _be-_-,- Sven -_-_ o_-1 Er-Interdl_scip I-1 nary__ or ve= fa dto ei-e-cial: -rkine-_-e ensive __ -:cons e_c_iis _v_ WWOW. ,.., or-anthologies- exemplifying =educatiOnat approathes to general-- human- ities are identified by- the-- letter T, _Works whidh contain- definitions, general descriptions, or :defenses-of the'humanttlea, bUtare _not-essen- tlai1y concerned with integratton-or -with- theortes of Integration_ are_ identified by the-symbol: D, Those= whith take up the question- of integration overtly (and -which --therefor=e also=provtde definitions) are marked:- by the letter I.-:Works_venturing into general-theory (GT) can:be__ assumed also to contain defin itions_ -a nd remarks regard 1 ng_ nte, grafi-on. In short, the symbols-D, I-, and GT _designate works of major Interest 1 n regard to genera 1human !ties. I/E Genera 1Education _I n SchooT_and==Colt ege_ (Cambridge, Mass =.,i--Harvard-_-University Press, 1953)- GT/S S H/ A Ackermani-JametS,-:andAhySCarpenter. Art Archaeology1(Englewood CiifftINJ,:Prentice7 Ha 11, I nc.-a-_-1983) = -American- Countii--on:_Educationii__Cooperative-Stddy I rf- Genera Proceedings of'the_=-Worksho in=General Education. Volume =_I -1 t =- Humani= ties= it_ag-ci;in.Ameritan±_Counci=l --on-gutatipn-iLlz941) - 4. -Auerbach,-=ErTch-4-_--Mitilesisi__(Princeton-,- -_-RrincetonUhiVersity-:Press4_-_19531=T Bar41-11-1 AA-c(1140:_=-Teacher16=-AMerica=_180-Storl-=, 1 -6, _rovin=,,f--, 5)-=,-=:_s= Lewals enne :J= eadhl ng, ---iHist-Orras-;a== xertisa," JG -_---(1964) -237245= 209."=LockWOOd-; Ifeeidore --"H stoma nd-_ the -a 210. McC 1 ell a-n, =James: E.--INny_Shou Nitta Humanities Be l'aught?")-JP-;55 (1-958)-_-; 997-1-008 - _ 211. 141OG 1 f fert,-Michael. "Selected -Writings_ On-Amer 1 can -Nattonal Charadter," C19631-4 271-278 E 212. McGrath, Earl=J -and L. Richard- Meeth, -"Organizing_ for Teaching -and Learn 1ng: _the -dUrriculum,min Baskin, supra, 27-48 GT 213. McKeon, Richard P."The Liberating Arts and the Human 1 tl ng Artsin Education,"_ in Cohen, supra, 159-181 GT 214, McKeon, Richard P._ "The Nature and Teaching of the Humanities," JGE 3 (1949)-, 290-303 /la IAA I A L GT II.Cassirer, Ernst.The Logic of the Humanities (New Haven, Yale University Press, 1961) GT 12.Chambers, Frank P.Perception, Understanding, and Society. A Ph i losoph 1 ca 1Essay- on the -Atii 3 and Sciences and on Humane Studies (Londort, Sidgwick iiiciTiF(son, T56177 = PR/NSH- I . Chisholm, Roderi ck_ 14. ;- a-nd- others.Philosophy --(-EnglewoodC N.J., _Prentice-Hal 1,_-1 nc-.,1964) GT _ 14-. Cohen,_Arthur__A; ed.Humanistic Education -and Western -C iv_1=1 I iationNew -York, Holt, Rinehart and Wi-nston-1964) = Comm' ss i_On: on-_the-Human Report_lot Commission on the Human-ities'_ (Nevi-York, American . _CouncI1=-_of rear-red7RIFFt es-, _1964 )- _I6._Da-i-ches, Dav 1-1 sh-= -L teratu re (Eng_l ewood ,-_ Prentice-Ha I 14_ _-I nc., 1964)- avidson, Robert F;_,-=and--others, Humanities in: Contemporary-Ole, -(New-_York;= -Henry--Holt -and__Co--.,_ 18. Dawscini-rzChristopher -1-1-,_-_TheniCrIsis-Of Western (New_ Yorkil-_Shee-diand::Ward-, _I-961-) -19,-D-u-diey-,=_=Loulise=and-_:_Austin7Faricy._ The Humani=ties (3rd-- ed;-, New--York-k -w-H11-1 =Book_Co. I nc;_i_ -1960 )- =Har_ol-d-_8. GenereLi-Education in :the Humanities (Wash Ington Amer ican----_Councl-I__ on Education,--1947)` od ,n do e merioan-i--Arch Itectur-e--;" = ---------Moris-Onz'_,- ober- _-- ee- = or-.---_ev-Typ-e-S---of Excel lenCe, '' Da ____: -1-:-_764--7_81- -- 226-.- -Morris,_ Cher ieei_- i!Prospe-Cts--_:for a_ New :Synthesis: Science- -and -the: Hi:man-ill-es at-_COmp temente:7y_ Activities;'` -i -n :Holton-, zsii-pra,___92-99 -- = 227,- MuMford,- Lewis. --"-The--Making7:_of Men," in Stanford -_ University, No.-- 70, =supra -_- 1/E/A 228.Munro, Thomas."Edi =tor -'s =Cominent:_ A_ Col=lege Program in Aesthetics and-the Arts,_" JAAC -4 (1944), -11 -5 -118 I/A 229.Munro, Thomas."Aesthetics as Science: Its Development in America," JAAC 9 (1951), 161-207 I /A/E 230.Munro, Thomas."Art, Aesthetics, and Liberal Education," JAAC 3 (1945), 91-106 I/A 231.Munro, Thomas."Four Hundred Arts and Types of Art: A Classified List," JAAC 16 (1957), 44-65 I/E 232MuroheyJoseph_C."A- Program In Integrated -0/66 wardrvarUn ver_ Soc -e _FlookiE Sidney. Education= for izthe lilloderma _- (Nevi York-;---A I fred--A---_Knopti-,-7946,:1:963) nneso Voomin _vers ravifr _ 66. Sck i a 1 _Sc encii Rese6rch CbUnc . Gehera I 1 zat i on :the (Chi-cago, Un I _of Chicago 67.= SOc-1_61- -Sol-ehOel Ros-eatch'_-oUndil and -Practice _=!1 --Soci a 1-=-Sci ente--Research_7Counc ifor=_d -__emen a _eve inivers= uc-a- o _ ourn e=? eco crariettS uman= -GTINSH/E fteL NSH = eni Industrial Society, " -Da 91- (1962), 249 263= rr6 n- utiotC6 uman rciwtml- osa ecoMln sa i Story_ and Theory_:-_ the Concept of- So iontifit_-1-11storyi" R atanovtlgy and RI2n 103.Berndtsciny_C.-_Arthur_.-_"Genera I-- Courses I-the JOE 4_-(1952,3)-, 32740- Berndteon 'Arthur.- --1±1--17116-=Nature ==61_ -the JGE---6 -11951 228-238 105. -B "Soc itiltgy-iand--Humane-_ Learn-I ASR-- 25J11960Y,- _-"The--Cr c -end- HIS -Text," n- Harris,- 119:Brooks, Cleanth.-_ "The =Quicki and the' Dead," in -1-larrissUpra, 1=21_ l/NSH_ 120. Brooks,:- Harvey."Scientific- Concepts and Cha nge _Da_ -94 IT965) GT === 121. Broudy "The-EducatiOnaC la 1 Ms'-of r HuMan les-_ q JP 531958)-;= 987997- , = GT/NSH =122.Bruner, Jerome S., Ph 1-1 i pp- Frank, -Pau I _II Joh, Lewis Mumford, -_Wa 1-ter Rosenb Isith, and- _Henry A.