01(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB January 19, 2015


TIME AND PLACE: The Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on January 19, 2015 by telephone conference call at 9 a.m., with the President, Rev. Gloria Churchill, officiating.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: The President constituted the Court “in the name of the Jesus Christ, the heart of our thinking and the spirit of our life together. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it.”

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present President Rev. Gloria Churchill, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, Past-President Rev. Meggin King, Mr. Henry Ellsworth, Rev. Ivan Gregan, Rev. Steven Longmoore, Mr. Mac MacLeod, and Ms. Jennifer Whittemore attended to record minutes.

Regrets: Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, President-Elect Rev. Matthew Fillier, and Rev. Dr. John Moses.

OPENING PRAYER: The President opened the meeting with prayer.

AGENDA: Meggin King / Ivan Gregan approved the agenda as circulated.

MINUTES: Henry Elsworth / Steven Longmoore moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from October 30, 2014 [35(14)-36(14)] be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

CORRESPONDING MEMBERS: David Hewitt / Meggin King moved that Maritime Conference staff Laura Hunter be granted corresponding privileges for this meeting of Maritime Conference Sub- Executive. MOTION CARRIED

SAINT JOHN PRESBYTERY, RED HEAD UNITED CHURCH SALE: David Hewitt / Steven Longmoore moved that Maritime Conference approve the sale of Red Head United Church (PID #00340422) to Charles Gow and Melanie Parent for $70,000. MOTION CARRIED

PROCEEDS OF SALE: David Hewitt / Meggin King moved that the disposition of proceeds of sale for Red Head United Church, Saint John Presbytery; Welsford United Church, Saint John Presbytery; and St. Mark’s United Church (Quarryville) Miramichi Presbytery be referred to the Finance and Property Committee for recommendation to the April Executive. MOTION CARRIED

ATLANTIC ECUMENICAL COUNCIL: Ivan Gregan / Meggin King moved that Maritime Conference express appreciation for the work of the Atlantic Ecumenical Council and encourage them on the dissolution of the Council at their 2015 annual meeting with thanks. MOTION CARRIED 02(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB February 20, 2015

CAMP TA-WA-SI: David Hewitt / Ivan Gregan moved that Maritime Conference approve the Camp Ta-Wa-Si by-laws and forward to General Council for administrative approval. MOTION CARRIED

CORRESPONDENCE Henry Ellsworth / Mac MacLeod moved that we accept the correspondence from Grant Thornton and Tatamagouche Centre for information. MOTION CARRIED

CAMP PROMOTIONS TEAM: Meggin King / Steven Longmoore moved that Maritime Conference approve the proposal for Camp Promotions Team for 2015 including the hiring of four short-term, part-time staff people with a total budget of $6,230. MOTION CARRIED

MEETING SCHEDULE: Reminder that the Spring date of the Executive be April 17-18, 2015.

ADJOURNMENT: Mac MacLeod / Ivan Gregan moved the meeting adjourn.

The President closed by offering a benediction.

Gloria Churchill, President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary


Certificate of trustees asking consent of A1 Elizabeth Stevenson, Saint John 17-Dec Presbytery re sale of Red Head United to Sub-Exec Presbytery Church for action John MacDonald, President, A2 The Atlantic Ecumenical 11-Dec to Sub-Exec Council Letter with regards to the future of AEC for action A3 16-Jan to Sub-Exec Laura Hunter Camp promotions team proposal for action A4 19-Jan to Sub-Exec Lynne Wells, Camp Ta-Wa-Si Revised by-laws for action To the Exec I1 09-Jan Letter to the Members of the Board of for Grant Thornton Directors information Ishbel Munro, Program I2 Director/Executive Leadership 12-Jan Program Development Team Report for to Exec for Team, Tatamagouche Centre 2014 information

03(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB February 20, 2015


TIME AND PLACE: The Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on February 20, 2015 by telephone conference call at 9 a.m., with the President, Rev. Gloria Churchill, officiating.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: The President constituted the Court “in the name of the Jesus Christ, the heart of our thinking and the spirit of our life together. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it.”

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present President Rev. Gloria Churchill, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, President-Elect Rev. Matthew Fillier, Past-President Rev. Meggin King, Rev. Steven Longmoore, Mr. Mac MacLeod, and Ms. Jennifer Whittemore attended to record minutes.

Regrets: Mr. Henry Ellsworth, Rev. Ivan Gregan, and Rev. Dr. John Moses.

OPENING PRAYER: The President opened the meeting with prayer.

AGENDA: Meggin King / Mac MacLeod approved the agenda as circulated. CARRIED

MINUTES: Mac MacLeod / Steven Longmoore moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from January 19, 2015 [01(15)-02(15)] be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE: Meggin King / Matthew Fillier moved that the Sub-Executive approve the appointment of Carol Chapman to the position of Maritime Conference Representative to the Board of Regents of Mount Allison University; Alison Wornell to the position of Youth representative to the Executive of Maritime Conference; and Reverend Donna Tourneur as Maritime Conference Representative on the Senate of the Atlantic School of Theology. MOTION CARRIED

MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND EDUCATION, CONFERENCE INTERIM MINISTRY COMMITTEE: David Hewitt / Steven Longmoore moved that on the recommendation of the Conference Interim Ministry Committee that Rev. Heather MacDougall continue designation as an Interim Minister. MOTION CARRIED

CAMP KIDSTON: David Hewitt / Meggin King moved that the 2013 Camp Kidston investigation expense of $2,241.91 be assumed by Maritime Conference. MOTION CARRIED

MINISTRY PERSONNEL & EDUCATION: Steven Longmoore / Mac MacLeod moved that on the recommendation of the Ministry Personnel and Education Committee and at the request of Prince Edward Island Presbytery, that Barbara Cairns, Student 04(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 17, 2015

Supply, be licensed to administer the sacraments within the bounds of the Kings United Pastoral Charge, for the duration of her appointment to that charge. MOTION CARRIED

GENERAL COUNCIL COMMISSIONERS: It was agreed that Maritime Conference nominate representatives to the General Council Sessional Committee on the Comprehensive Review once all of our Commissioners are elected.

CONFERENCE ANNUAL MEETING: It was agreed that a representative from the Comprehensive Review Task Group be invited to attend the Conference Annual Meeting as a resource person.

MEETING SCHEDULE: Reminder that the Spring date of the Executive is April 17-18, 2015.

ADJOURNMENT: The President closed the meeting with blessing.

The President closed by offering a benediction.

Gloria Churchill, President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary


Rev. David Hart and Rev. A1 Jennifer Power, Co- 02-Feb Chairpersons, Camp Kidston Asking forgiveness of the Foy To Sub-Exec Board Investigation invoice for action Debbie Aitken, Convenor, Rev. Heather MacDougall for continuing A2 Conference Interim Ministry 13-Feb designation as an Interim Minister to Sub-Exec Committee for action A3 Bonnie Fraser, Chair, 12-Feb to Sub-Exec Nominations Recommendations for vacant positions for action Rev. Cathy Hamilton, Chair, Comprehensive Review Task Group I1 Comprehensive Review Task 12-Feb report support during Conference To Sub-Exec Group Annual Meetings for info


TIME AND PLACE: The Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on April 17, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Maritime Conference Centre, Sackville, NB, with the President, Rev. Gloria Churchill, officiating. 05(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 17, 2015

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: The President constituted the Court “in the name of the Jesus Christ, the heart of our thinking and the spirit of our life together. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it.”

OPENING WORSHIP: John Moses lead the Executive in opening worship. Voices United #409 “Morning Has Broken” and #410 “This Day God Gives Me” was sung, scripture was read and Voices United #359 “He Came Singing Love” was sung.

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present President Rev. Gloria Churchill, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, President-Elect Rev. Matthew Fillier, Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, Rev. Dr. Ross Bartlett, Ms. Nancy Corrigan, Rev. Dr. Arthur Davies, Ms. Heather Donnelly, Mr. William Drysdale, Mr. Henry Ellsworth, Rev. Bonnie Fraser, Ms. Marion Green, Rev. Ivan Gregan, Rev. Sean Handcock, Rev. Ian Harrison, Rev. Steven Longmoore, Mr. Donald MacKay, Ms. Catherine MacLean, Mr. Malcolm MacLeod, Rev. Dr. John Moses, Rev. Jim Postlethwaite, Mr. Noah Richardson, Ms. Annika Sangster, Ms. Pauline Walker, Rev. Nigel Weaver, Mr. Jim Wicks, Rev. Tom Woods, and Rev. Dr. Linda Yates. Also in attendance were Conference Ministers Rev. Kendall Harrison, Ms. Laura Hunter, and Ms. Jennifer Whittemore attended to record minutes.

Regrets: Past-President Rev. Meggin King, Mr. Robert Bartlett, Rev. Gary Clark, Ms. Cindy Embree, Mr. Lance Howard, and Rev. Gary MacDougall.

CORRESPONDING MEMBERS: David Hewitt / Ross Bartlett moved Marion Green, representing Miramichi Presbytery, be granted full member status at this meeting of Maritime Conference Executive; and Maritime Conference staff Laura Hunter, Sarah Wallace and Kendall Harrison be granted corresponding privileges for this meeting of Maritime Conference Executive. MOTION CARRIED

AGENDA: Ian Harrison / Nan Corrigan moved that the agenda be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

MINUTES: David Hewitt / Henry Ellsworth moved that the Executive minutes from November 21-22 [36(14)-59(14)], be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

David Hewitt / Steven Longmoore moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from January 19, 2015 [01(15)-02(15)], and February 20, 2015 [03(15)-04(15)] be received for information. MOTION CARRIED

CORRESPONDENCE: The Executive Secretary presented a list of correspondence (appendix A). Those items marked for information were received. Those marked for action are minuted separately. 06(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 17, 2015

GENERAL COUNCIL EXECUTIVE: Ivan Gregan and Pauline Walker reported on behalf of the General Council Executive (appendix B).

STAFF INPUT: Sarah Wallace offered a brief snapshot of the recent priorities of her work.

NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE: Bonnie Fraser / Matthew Fillier moved Ross Bartlett be named to the Proposals Unit until the rise of Conference Annual Meeting, listed within the Annual Meeting Planning Committee. MOTION CARRIED

Bonnie Fraser / Annika Sangster moved that Mary White be named to the Proposals Unit, listed within the Annual Meeting Planning Committee. MOTION CARRIED

COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW: The Executive engaged in conversation about the recent Comprehensive Review.

RECESS: The meeting recessed for lunch with John Moses offering grace.

COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW: The Executive continued conversation about the recent Comprehensive Review and the proposals.


Expense Claim / Tax Receipt The Executive Secretary introduced the revised expense form which includes the option of making a donation and receiving a tax receipt.

2014 Audited Statements Alan Gray, Treasurer, reported on the audited statements.

Mac MacLeod / Henry Ellsworth moved that the Executive approve the 2014 audited statements to be reported to the 2015 annual meeting of Maritime Conference. MOTION CARRIED

First Quarter Financials Alan Gray, Treasurer, reported on the first quarter financial statements (appendix C).

Mac MacLeod / Matthew Fillier moved that the first quarter financials be received as reported. CARRIED

2016 Narrative Budget Mac MacLeod, Chair, Finance and Property, introduced a draft narrative budget to be presented to the annual meeting of Maritime Conference (appendix D). 07(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 17, 2015

Mac MacLeod / Sean Handcock moved that a narrative budget be provided to the Conference Annual Meeting. MOTION CARRIED

2016 Budget Mac MacLeod, Chair, Finance and Property, and Alan Gray, Treasurer, presented the 2016 proposed budget and discussed the process of coming to the recommendation of a 2.5% allocation increase for 2016.

Mac MacLeod / Bonnie Fraser moved that the Executive of Maritime Conference recommend to the Annual Meeting of Maritime Conference a budget for 2016 with expenses totaling $1,233,863.64 including a 2.5% allocation increase of $22,789.41 for a total allocation of $934,365.99, an operating deficit of $525.65, and a cash reserve of $20,000 as a hedge against the projected total loss of the General Council operating grant of approximately $194,000 by 2018. MOTION CARRIED

Conference Annual Meeting Travel Mac MacLeod / Steven Longmoore moved that Maritime Conference committee travel rate of $0.30/km, meal rates of $30/day, and annual meeting travel rate of $0.10/km remain the same for 2016. MOTION CARRIED

RECESS: The meeting recessed for a brief break.

SAINT JOHN PRESBYTERY, ST. GILES UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Sean Handcock moved that Maritime Conference approve the sale of St. Giles United Church (PID 295337, 55221840, 55221832), Saint John, NB, to Raymond La France for $60,000 plus legal fees and any other associated costs. MOTION CARRIED


Halifax Presbytery, Forest Hills United Church It was noted that the total amount of funds received from Forest Hills United Church was $739,283.54 from which $240,390.19 was remitted to General Council to repay a VIM loan and $88,551.23 was contributed to the Mission and Service Endowment Fund.

Mac MacLeod / Henry Ellsworth moved that the net funds realized from the disbandment of Forest Hill United Church, Cole Harbour, NS, and the sale of its property in the amounts of $410,342 be disbursed as follows: 1. $100,000 be approved for Maritime Conference Building Fund to be used to pay down the principal of the mortgage on the approved anniversary dates; 2. $100,000 be approved for the support of ministerial internships sites across the Conference, with each internship grant to not exceed 40% of Pastoral Charge cost for one internship, to a maximum of $8,000. The grant program is to be administered by the Conference through the Ministry, Personnel & Education Committee; 08(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 17, 2015

3. $100,000 be approved for use by Conference for Youth Opportunities Fund; 4. $100,000 be approved for use by Halifax Presbytery for the support of new ministry initiatives (i.e. church revitalization, church renewal, hiring of consultants to help congregations, etc) according to criteria set by Halifax Presbytery; and 5. $10,342 be approved to assist in the care of disbanded church buildings and abandoned United Church cemeteries across the Conference. These funds are to be administered by the Conference through the Finance and Property Committee. MOTION CARRIED

Miramichi Presbytery, St. Mark’s United Church Mac MacLeod / Doug Pilsworth moved that the net funds realized from the disbandment of St. Mark’s United Church, Quarryville, N.B. and the sale of its property in the amounts of $44,526.55 be disbursed as follows: 1. 20% ($8,905.30) to be approved for submission to Hospice Miramichi, Miramichi, NB; 2. 20% ($8,905.30) to be approved for submission to Miramichi Hospital Foundation, Miramichi, NB; 3. 15% ($6,678.98) to be approved for submission to the United Church Mission and Service Fund; 4. 10% ($4,452.66) to be approved for submission to Miramichi Presbytery of Maritime Conference; 5. 5% ($2,226.33) to be approved for submission to Blackville, NB, Food Bank; 6. 25% ($11,131.65) to be approved for submission to Maritime Conference; and 7. 5% (2,226.33) to be approved for submission to the IWK Hospital, Halifax NS. MOTION CARRIED

Saint John Presbytery, Red Head United Church Mac MacLeod / Marion Green moved that the Maritime Conference Executive refer the proposed distribution of funds from the sale of Red Head United Church back to Saint John Presbytery with a request that the amount to Maritime Conference be increased to 25%. MOTION CARRIED

Saint John Presbytery, Welsford United Church Mac MacLeod / Henry Elsworth moved that the net funds realized from the disbandment of Welsford United Church, Welsford, NB, and the sale of its property in the amounts of $6,411.63 be disbursed as follows: 1. 10% ($641.17) to be approved for submission to Mission & Service Endowment Fund, United Church of Canada; 2. 15% ($961.74) to be approved for submission to the Maritime Conference; 3. 37.5% ($2,404.36) to be approved for submission to the Patterson United Church, Patterson, NB; and 4. 37.5% ($2,404.36) to be approved for submission to the Wesley United Church, Browns Flat, NB. MOTION CARRIED

09(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 17, 2015

Truro Presbytery, St. James United Church Mac MacLeod / Ian Harrison moved that Maritime Conference require all remaining funds from St. James United Church, Great Village, NS, be transferred to Maritime Conference to be held for the care and maintenance of St. James United Church until such time as it is sold and/or transferred to another charity. Also that the trustees continue to work with the Executive Secretary on a plan for disbursement of remaining funds that satisfies CRA requirements and United Church guidelines. MOTION CARRIED

Presbytery Allocation Date Mac MacLeod / Ross Bartlett moved that Maritime Conference ask Presbyteries to annually supply by September 30, a list of all pastoral charges closed within the previous five years so that Conference can remove such charges from the statistics used for calculation of allocation. MOTION CARRIED

Mac MacLeod / Henry Ellsworth Maritime Conference prepare allocations by October 30 annually using the most currently available statistics adjusted for closed pastoral charges. MOTION CARRIED

Atlantic Christian Training Centre, Tatamagouche Centre Fundraising Request Mac MacLeod / Ian Harrison moved that Maritime Conference approve the fundraising request of Tatamagouche Centre in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the Centre. MOTION CARRIED

CAMP WOOLASTOOK: David Hewitt / Ross Bartlett moved that Maritime Conference approve the sale of Camp Woolastook (PID #65038481) property to Jeremy Rhodes for $59,000. MOTION CARRIED

STAFF INPUT: Laura Hunter offered a brief snapshot of the recent priorities of her work.


Ross Bartlett, chair, Halifax Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix E).

John Moses, chair, Prince Edward Island Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix F).

Cynthia Embree, chair, South Shore Presbytery submitted a report on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix G).

Lance Howard, chair, St. Croix Presbytery submitted a report on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix H).

COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW: The Executive continued conversation about the recent Comprehensive Review and the proposals. 10(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 17, 2015

RECESS: The meeting recessed for supper with Bill Drysdale offering grace.

GENERAL COUNCIL COMMISSIONERS: The Executive Secretary reviewed the process for electing Commissioners to the 42nd General Council.

David Hewitt / Ross Bartlett moved that Maritime Conference elect four (4) Youth and Young Adult Commissioners (ages 15-30) including one (1) Commissioner as nominated through the General Council Youth Forum process. MOTION CARRIED

David Hewitt / Pauline Walker moved that Maritime Conference elect nominees to the General Council Sessional Committee on the Comprehensive Review at the Conference Annual Meeting. MOTION CARRIED

MINISTRY PERSONNEL & EDUCATION: The Executive Secretary reported that permission was given as follows: - Miramichi Presbytery, Ms. Heather Ferrier, Student Intern, to administer the sacraments; - Miramichi Presbytery, Rev. Jean Herman, Supply, to administer the sacraments; and - South Shore Presbytery, Mr. Peter Anthony, Student Supply, to officiate at a wedding near Windsor, NS in July 2015.


Ian Harrison, chair, Truro Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix I).

Tom Woods, chair, Valley Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix J).

Heather Donnelly, chair, Woolastook Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix K).

ANNUAL MEETING PLANNING COMMITTEE: Annika Sangster, chair, Annual Meeting Planning Committee, reported on behalf of the committee (appendix L).

Ross Bartlett / Matthew Fillier moved that Maritime Conference receive proposals until May 1 and receive proposals related to Conference Review until May 15. MOTION CARRIED

COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW: The Executive continued conversation about the recent Comprehensive Review and the proposals.

EVENING PRAYER: John Moses offered evening prayer. Voices United Psalm 121 “Unto the Hills” was sung, and #214 “May God’s Sheltering Wings” was sung. 11(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

OPENING WORSHIP: The meeting opened Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. with the lighting of the Christ Candle. John Moses led the Executive in worship. More Voices #121 “Hey Now! Singing Hallelujah!” was sung.


Camp Woolastook David Hewitt / Nan Corrigan moved that Maritime Conference approve the dissolution of the Camp Woolastook Incorporated Ministry. MOTION CARRIED

MacLennan Memorial Camp David Hewitt / Bonnie Fraser moved that Maritime Conference approve the dissolution of the MacLennan Memorial Camp Incorporated Ministry. MOTION CARRIED

St. John’s Spirit Place David Hewitt / Henry Ellsworth moved that Maritime Conference approve the dissolution of the St. John`s Spirit Place Incorporated Ministry. MOTION CARRIED

Brunswick Street Mission David Hewitt / Matthew Fillier moved that Maritime Conference approve the by-laws for the Brunswick Street Mission Incorporated Ministry, and forward to General Council for administrative approval. MOTION CARRIED

MacLennan Memorial Camp David Hewitt / Sean Handcock moved that Maritime Conference approve the transfer of kitchen equipment from MacLennan Memorial Camp to Camp Kidston with Camp Kidston responsible for all costs. MOTION CARRIED

DISCONTINUED SERVICE LIST (VOLUNTARY): Steven Longmoore, Chair, Ministry, Personnel and Education presented the following motion regarding a request to place a name on the Discontinued Service List (Voluntary) of The United Church of Canada.

David Hewitt / John Moses moved to waive written ballot in order to deal with a request to have a name placed on the Discontinued Service List (Voluntary) of The United Church of Canada. MOTION CARRIED

Steven Longmoore / Bill Drysdale moved that the Executive of Maritime Conference concur with the recommendation of Chignecto Presbytery to approve the request of Christine MacLeod to have her named placed on the Discontinued Service List (Voluntary) of The United Church of Canada effective April 18, 2015. MOTION CARRIED 12(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

Jim Wicks asked to have his abstaining from voting recorded.

David Hewitt / Steven Longmoore moved that Maritime Conference, under Manual Section I.3.3.5, stipulate that Christine MacLeod not be granted permission to exercise any of the functions of an ordained minister while her name is on the Discontinued Service List (Voluntary). MOTION CARRIED

MINISTRY, PERSONNEL AND EDUCATION: Steven Longmoore, chair, reported on behalf of the committee (appendix M).

STAFF INPUT: Kendall Harrison offered a brief snapshot of the recent priorities of his work.

RECESS: The meeting recessed for a brief break.

AFFIRMING TASK GROUP: The Executive Secretary reported on the progress of the Affirming Task Group and shared the latest draft of the Affirming statement and action plan which will be offered to the Conference Annual Meeting for adoption (appendix N).

CHRISTIAN LIFE & GROWTH, AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Henry Ellsworth introduced criteria for the new Youth Opportunities Fund (appendix O).

Henry Ellsworth / Annika Sangster moved that Maritime Conference approve the criteria for Youth Opportunities Fund.

Ross Bartlett / Matthew Fillier moved an amendment that Maritime Conference approve in principal the purpose and criteria for Youth Opportunities Fund and encourage their further refinement. AMENDMENT CARRIED

Ross Bartlett / Matthew Fillier moved that Maritime Conference approve in principle the purpose and criteria for Youth Opportunities Fund and encourage their further refinement. MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED

STAFF COMMITTEE: Ross Bartlett, chair, reported on behalf of the committee.

Ross Bartlett / Bill Drysdale moved that the position description title for Office Coordinator be renamed Office Manager. MOTION CARRIED

MEETING SCHEDULE: Reminder of the Executive meeting immediately following worship on Sunday, May 31, 2015 in the Jean Coutu room at the Tantramar Veterans Memorial Civic Centre.

PROPOSED MEETING DATE: The Executive was informed that the Fall meeting date of the Executive be proposed as October 23-24, 2015. 13(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

POWERS TO THE SUB-EXECUTIVE: David Hewitt / Matthew Fillier moved that powers be granted to the sub-executive in the interim until Executive reconvenes and that permission be given for a telephone conference call to be used in decision making in the Sub-Executive’s work, if necessary. CARRIED

ADJOURNMENT: President declared the meeting closed and offered blessing.

CLOSING WORSHIP: John Moses led the Executive in the closing worship. Communion was shared. More Voices #651 “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah” was sung.

The President closed by offering a benediction.

Gloria Churchill, President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary


A01 Glen Garrish, Trustee, St. 12-Aug Proceeds of Sale To Exec for Mark's action A02 Elizabeth Stevenson, Saint John 17-Dec Red Head Proceeds of Sale To Exec for Presbytery action A03 Donald Parker, Presiding 14-Jan Welsford United Church proceeds of To Exec for Trustee and Catherine Parker, sale action Secretary A04 Fay Smith, Secretary, and Ian 26-Jan Disposition of assets from Great Village To Exec for Harrison, Chair, Truro Pastoral Charge action Presbytery A05 Stephen Fram, Secretary, 10-Feb Forest Hills remaining funds To Exec for Halifax Presbytery recommendation action A06 Fay Smith, Secretary, and Ian 19-Dec Allocation notice date To Exec for Harrison, Chair, Truro action Presbytery A07 David Lea, Camp Kidston 26-Jan Kitchen equipment from MacLennan To Exec for Property Committee Chair Memorial Camp action A08 Catherine Gaw, Secretary, 06-Mar Christine MacLeod request to be placed To Exec for Chignecto Presbytery on the Discontinued Service List action (Voluntary) 14(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

A09 Paul Bowlby, Chair of Board, 13-Mar Brunswick Street Mission By-Laws To Exec for Brunswick Street Mission action A10 Micelle Ferris, Organization and 19-Mar Permission to make a fundraising appeal To Exec for Outreach Director, Executive action Leadership Team, Tatamagouche Centre A11 MacLennan Memorial Camp 24-Mar Incorporated Registration To Exec for action A12 Joe Brooks, Trustee, St. Giles 02-Apr Agreement of Purchase and Sale for St. To Exec for United Church Giles Church action I01 Beverlea Oag, Program 24-Nov Camp Accreditation Visits 2014 to Exec for info Coordinator, The United Church of Canada I02 Abiel Khalema, Ministry & 01-Dec Names presented for Admission to the to Exec for Info Employment Unit, The United Order of Ministry in The United Church Church of Canada of Canada: 2015 I03 Cheryl Settle, Secretary, Halifax 15-Sep Oyster Pond Church and Ship Harbour to Exec for info Presbytery Church declared surplus I04 Brian Crowell, Secretary, South 30-Mar Peter Anthony marriage license to Exec for info Shore I05 Stephen Mills, Secretary, 31-Mar Presbytery motions regarding disbanding To Exec for Inverness-Guysborough of Grace United, Whitehead; and New info Presbytery Harbour I06 Gloria Churchill, President, 31-Mar An Overview of the Year from the To Exec for Maritime Conference President of Maritime Conference info I07 Robert Johnson, Affirming Task 13-Apr Affirming Ministry To Exec for Group info I08 Nora Sanders, General 09-Apr General Council Grant Projection To Exec for Secretary, General Council info


Report to the Executive of Maritime Conference April 16-17, 2015

The GCE is composed of 1 Lay and 1 Ordered Ministry person from every Conference of our Church along with General Council Support Staff and the General Secretary and the Moderator. We meet twice a year in Toronto in the Fall and in the Spring. The meetings last for 3 days (Sat - Mon).

This last meeting we discussed the following proposals: Mutual Recognition of Ministry Report signed with the United Church of Christ USA; the location of the 43 General Council meeting which will be in Oshawa, Ontario; The 2015 Budget; 15(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

Effective Leadership; the Comprehensive Review; Governance Education around Affirming Ministries; received a video clip from our Global Partner in Palestine; Physician Assisted dying; Youth and Young Adult Ministry strategy; Health Care spending account for Gender transitioning; Conflict of Interest policy; Living apology to the LGBTTQ communities; On Line Communion; One Order of Ministry; and Toward a New Model of Membership.

Your servants, Pauline Walker and Ivan Gregan


16(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

17(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

18(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

19(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015


A Celebration of God’s Presence Narrative 2016 Budget of Maritime Conference The Maritime Conference is the third court of the United Church of Canada with focus on the life and Christian nurture of church members and Pastoral Charges within the confines of New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Bermuda and the Gaspe region of Quebec. It has a planned operating budget for 2016 of $1,121,600 with $911,600 allocated to Presbyteries and thence to Pastoral Charges. The 2016 Narrative Budget is entitled “A Celebration of God’s Presence”. It looks at the work of the Maritime Conference with focus on major activities of the conference in 2016 as follows: I. Ministry to Pastoral Charges The staff and programs of Maritime Conference provide guidance to Pastoral Charges in UCC policy application, in lay member training, stewardship, and problem resolution through:  Provision of materials and training programs in stewardship at the local church level  Assistance in conflict resolution and maintenance of good ministry and congregation relationships through the work of the Executive Director, the Personnel Staff Officer and Conference staff.  Assistance in interpretation and application of UCC policies and programs at the Presbytery and Pastoral Charge levels  Management of mission grants, Technology Fund and related funds or grants to support individual Pastoral Charges. Budget % = 27, Budget Amount = $327,400 II. Nurturing our Children of all ages The staff and programs of Maritime Conference provide guidance and support to Pastoral Charges through:  Provision of materials and training programs in education of children and adult member at the local church level  Development and maintenance of the Godly Play program for children 20(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

 Maintenance of a Maritime Conference web page resource system to deliver spiritual support to individual church members and to Pastoral Charges  Provision of yearly Youth Form Program and Intermediates at Conference programs Budget % = 14, Budget Amount = $169,700

III. Outreach to Other Children of God The staff and programs of Maritimes Conference provide support and a voice for social justice and right relationships around the world through:  Programs and activities of the Church in Action program and committee.  Provision of grants to the Tatamagouche Training Centre  Work with the Native Canadian community in the Maritimes  Education on the activities of the United Church in the world Budget % = 19, Budget Amount = $230,400 IV. Education of Church Leadership The staff and programs of Maritimes Conference provide support and leadership in the education of candidates for ordinated and designated lay ministries and placement of new ministry candidates upon obtaining the certification of a minister within the United Church of Canada through:  Oversight and management of educational program of accepted candidates for ministry within the United Church.  The screening and validation of candidates seeking a ministry occupation within the United Church, both students and minters from other faiths seeking validation as a minister in the United Church Budget % = 9, Budget Amount = $109,100 V. Governance of God’s Church The successful provision of support to Pastoral Charges and management of the work of the church and conference staff requires oversight through:  Maritime Conference Executive Committee  Maritime Conference Annual General Meeting Budget % = 20, Budget Amount = $254,650 VI. Story of Maritime Conference and the United Church of Canada For Maritime Conference to plan its future, it must have access to stories and records of its past through;  Maintenance of a paper and electronic archival system  Provision of staff and computer support to manage the story and provide methodologies for church members to access the story. Budget % = 11, Budget Amount = $141,300

21(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015


Report to Conference Executive from Halifax Presbytery April 17-18, 2015

We are called to be the Church. The life of the Church is never static and that is certainly true for Halifax Presbytery. We have a number of congregations that are in significant transition – which is, of course, not always a negative thing! A year ago we agreed to the closing of Forest Hills United Church and have cooperated with the Conference to generate proposals for the proceeds from that closure which we hope will benefit creative ministry throughout the Conference. United Memorial United Church community is in the midst of significant discernment and seeking as they look towards a future that holds either amalgamation or closure. With the end of the vision of Spirit Place the congregation of St John’s United is preparing to enter a period of intentional interim ministry to discern their future and that of their historic building. St. Matthew’s United is awaiting word on a shared development on their property. Fairview United is renting space to a Korean congregation. Woodlawn United celebrated the completion and inauguration of a new wing that provides accessibility, office, meeting and community space. We rejoice in the move of the Brunswick Street Mission towards incorporation within the United Church and the continued existence of the Brunswick Street United Church congregation as a small, but vital community of faith that reaches those who are not always seen in our midst.

We celebrate several healthy pastoral relationships that are twenty years and more in duration: Port Wallis, Cole Harbour Woodside, Fort Massey, and Bedford. We have a couple of new pastoral relationships for which we need to hold covenanting services – those that were planned were stormed out! We were shocked and deeply grieved by the death of the Rev Ewen Moase, a week following his covenanting with Bethany, and continue to walk with that community through the aftermath of that event.

Halifax Presbytery is also part of the future. A number of our congregations are Field Education Sites for Atlantic School of Theology and at least one is seeking to become an internship site, despite the devastating changes in the funding model. Many of our ministry personnel and laity are involved in various boards and committees related to AST, Pine Hill and the Centre for Ethics in Public Affairs as well as serving as adjunct members of the teaching faculty. Finally, we have several students in various stages of the preparation journey for ministry: 1 ordinand; 10 candidates; 5 inquirers

We are called to be the church; to love and serve others; to seek justice and resist evil: Halifax Presbytery is active in justice seeking and justice doing. For example, members are involved in the Face of Poverty coalition; KAIROS; United for Peace and Justice in Palestine and Israel; the Brunswick Street Mission; the Out of the Cold shelter at St Matthew’s; weekly meal programs hosted at St Andrew’s and St Matthew’s and numerous food banks – some stand alone and others as the focus of interfaith and/or ecumenical groups. In a period of time when many are seeking to score advantage by stirring up fear and hatred of the “other” some of our congregations are engaged in interfaith partnerships, learning circles and community projects. 22(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

We are called to be the church; to celebrate God’s presence: Geographically and socio- demographically, Halifax Presbytery covers a large space, ranging from urban core congregations in Halifax and Dartmouth, through bustling suburbs to truly rural villages such as Sheet Harbour. As such it is often difficult – and sometimes impossible - to provide resources and programming useful for all. We attempt to support those experiences (usually around food) that are important to community in many different places. Many of our ministry personnel meet regularly for lunch on a monthly basis. Our pastoral charges face some very different social and demographic challenges – not always based solely on where they are located. Some are seeking to respond to depopulation, shrinking congregations and aging buildings. Others are looking for the grace and wisdom to respond to growing communities often made up of people who have no lived memory of God’s good news. In some pastoral charges we have significant clusters of people who are deeply affected by government cutbacks and the downloading of service fees. While many of our congregations are currently financially stable, many are painfully aware that an unequal portion of their revenue is provided by a few aging givers – making stewardship education a priority for many charges. But, through all of this – and in the midst of it – we proclaim in word and in deed that Jesus is our judge and our hope and in almost every pastoral oversight visit we hear from congregations how important making a joyful noise is – so we continue to sing the Lord’s song in our time and place.

Ross Bartlett Interim Chair Halifax Presbytery


Report of Prince Edward Island Presbytery submitted by John Moses, Chair April 15, 2015

We are called to be the Church: to celebrate God’s presence:

The congregations of the pastoral charges of PEI Presbytery continue to identify the community gathered for worship as what binds them together and sends them out to live their discipleship. This past winter has been challenging, especially for charges in rural areas. There have been numerous cancellations of services due to storm conditions.

One of our congregations—Trinity in Charlottetown—has a long-standing cable TV broadcast of its Sunday morning service. Other congregations are finding ways of connecting electronically through Youtube channels, sound clips on their websites, etc. One minster has been using Skype to allow at least some members of his congregation to worship together on storm Sundays.

The Cornwall Pastoral Charge has seen the amalgamation of its three churches into one worshipping community. New Dominion United and Kingston United have joined with Cornwall in what is now West River United Church. This seems to have been an energizing experience for the whole charge. There is a high rate of participation from all the amalgamating churches. 23(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

At the eastern end of the Island there was some tentative explorations of shared ministry among charges for whom amalgamation does not seem feasible but who lack resources to do everything on their own.

At the moment, we have six charges with pastoral vacancies and two charges whose ministers are on sick leave. Our Pastoral Relations Committee has been very busy—as have any retired clergy who are able and/or willing to work.

In the year 2015 to date, the Presbytery has marked the passing of four retired clergy: the Rev. Eric Fullerton, the Rev. Ranald Cameron, the Rev. Norman MacDougall, and the Rev. Samuel Shields. Their deaths leave us with sadness but also with thankfulness for their gifts and ministries.

We are called to be the Church: to live with respect in creation:

One of the issues facing communities across PEI is effects of the widespread use of pesticides and herbicides, both in agricultural and for cosmetic purposes. There is a growing lobby for the banning of cosmetic pesticides and herbicides. Many United Church people are involved in this. At the same time, many of our people who make their living from agriculture are afraid that a ban on cosmetic pesticides would open the way for further restrictions on chemicals that they consider necessary to the operation of their businesses.

Some churches are looking at ways of becoming more efficient in their use of resources for heating their buildings and some have taken steps to reduce fuel use. This is probably more driven by concern for the bottom line than for the environment.

We are called to be the Church: to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil.

Loving and serving others happens in many and various ways. Our congregations provide pastoral care in hospitals, nursing homes, care facilities, and in private homes. This is offered by ordered ministers and committed lay persons who are called to this ministry. Most, if not all, of the lay persons are volunteers.

Collections for local food banks, for women’s shelters and for school lunch programs are carried out on a weekly or monthly basis in the majority of our congregations. There is also support for the province’s only men’s shelter (Bedford MacDonald House in Charlottetown) and for the Island Prison Chaplaincy. Often, the UCW take a leadership role here. One pastoral charge is now sponsoring a refugee family which arrived last July after a forty-two month wait from the time of the charge’s applying to sponsor them. There are also efforts being made to sponsor a Syrian refugee family. The hope is that a number of charges will contribute financially, although one charge will have to be identified as the sponsor.

The Presbytery pays $50 per attendee at Conference Youth Forum and Intermediates at Conference. Usually the charges cover the rest of the cost, either as part of their Christian Development budgets or through contributions from UCW and Men’s groups. 24(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

Seeking justice is more challenging for us than loving and serving others. We are good at hands- on, practical things. We are often hesitant when it comes to addressing the root causes of problems. For example, persistent, systemic poverty is one of the scandals of our Island community. It manifests itself in food insecurity, in health problems, in the schools, and in the law courts and correctional facilities. It is expensive in terms of what it costs the taxpayer to deal with the results of its impact on people’s lives. It is punishingly expensive in terms of what exacts from those caught in its grip. The Presbytery’s Church In Action Committee is looking at ways in which we can be one of the voices for change. We have written to the provincial government re the inadequate nutrition allowance provided to social assistance recipients and we are exploring ways to support the initiative for a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG). Some pastoral charge Outreach Committees are also working in these areas.

It is important to note that there are numerous groups trying to address this issue. We will need to work in co-operation with them rather than trying to “go it alone.” Coalition building is a skill which we are beginning to acquire.

Due the efforts of Jim and Myrna Wicks, we continue to be aware of the need for justice for the Palestinian people. Most congregations know about the “Unsettling Goods” campaign and at least one congregation made use of the Peace Box during its Advent services.

The lack of access to abortions on PEI remains a problem, particularly for those women who cannot afford to pay for transportation and accommodation if they have to access this service off- Island. While the United Church of Canada is clearly pro-choice, it is likely accurate to say that United Church people on PEI are much less certain. It would be very difficult for the Presbytery to achieve any degree of consensus here.

One of our pastoral charges—Trinity, Charlottetown—is in the process of discernment for becoming an Affirming ministry. This is being facilitated by a strong lay leadership committee.

In loving and serving others and in our stumbling efforts to seek justice, we resist evil.

We are called to be the Church: to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope:

The proof of Christ’s resurrection is not an empty tomb but the full hearts of Christ’s people. Although we are not isolated from the challenges and difficulties facing the church everywhere these days, Christ lives among us. In the words of the farmer-poet Wendell Berry, we do our best to “practice resurrection.”


South Shore Presbytery and Pastoral Oversight Committee Report (2014-2015) We are called to be the church. We celebrate God’s presence in those who are called to lead – both Ministry and laity. Ministry in the 19 Pastoral Charges remains similar to the past 3 years: 9 Full Time Ordained Ministry 25(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

2 Part Time Ordained 2 Part Time Retired Ministry 2 Supervised Learning Sites 2 Lay / Pulpit Supply[roster of pulpit supply] 1 Half Time Congregationally Designated 1 Contract with a Pastoral Charge that is served by a full time minister

We rejoice in welcoming two new ministry personnel. Covenanting Services were held with Rev. David Campbell in Bridgewater and Rev. Carol Smith in Caledonia. We celebrate that we have one individual enrolled in the Adult Education Certification Program. Several congregations experienced the need for supply ministry during long periods when full time Ministry Personnel were unable to work. The spirit is alive among our congregants and retired ministry personnel who faithfully provide leadership for both worship and outreach at times when ministry personnel are unable to work. New Trends New trends involve increased communication and a spirit of encouragement across Pastoral Charges. Pastoral Oversight Committee Members read Annual Reports and responded in writing, complementing pastoral charges on their strengths and accomplishments and inviting them to set up a visit. The Christian Life and Growth Committee has presented information on Regional Cooperative ministry and four area meetings have been set up to engage those who have indicated high interest in joining a discussion of regional cooperative groupings. The Comprehensive Review has been a catalyst and we celebrate God’s presence in the sharing of these concepts. South Shore Presbytery is eager to embrace Council’s concept of connectional space and the potential for shared projects.

Outreach: To Love and Serve Others: Immediate Church Family Needs: All congregations have programs to extend worship and care to those who are unable to physically attend programs. Some examples are: home and hospital visiting teams, worship leadership in nursing homes, music group visits to nursing homes and prayer shawl sharing programs. At the request of the membership, the Church in Action committee has formed a sub- committee to set up a Presbytery wide workshop on pastoral care visiting.

Wider Communities: A wide range of activities are reported by the churches of the South Shore. Support varies being either financial or in kind. Churches report support for: Atlantic School of Theology, Sherbrook Lake Camp, Brunswick Street Mission, Seamen’s Mission, Sou’West Transit Association., local food banks, Provincial Feed NS Program, Habitat for Humanity, Elementary School Breakfast Program, Seniors Health Matters, Association Supporting Inclusion, Salvation Army, clothing drives, Lions Club Sight International, Rural Communities are ecumenical in their outreach work. The sparse population necessitates cooperation among faith communities and non profits. Some churches prefer to run solely United Church outreach while some choose to partner with other faith communities in projects.

Several of our churches are increasing the extent to which they are community-use buildings. The shared uses include: child care programs, private schools, community gardens, recreation activities, seniors programs, summer music festivals, public meetings. Such activity creates healthy connections to the wider community and has potential for growth. The rental income is a help as well.

National and International: Pastoral Charges rely on Mission and Service and World Vision to recommend and distribute funds to significant projects beyond our own communities and our own range of knowledge of needs. Our churches regularly read the Mission and Service stories. While Mission and Service offering has not increased this year a consideration of the size and income level of the congregations does show that amounts are respectable. 26(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

To Seek Justice and Resist Evil: Our congregations have members with a wide range of interest in justice issues: many United Church members and several churches support projects and events for: Amnesty International; Black Heritage; Native Communities; Guatemala; Palestine; issues around gold mining. Proclamation: The proclamation of faith is strong in the churches of the South Shore. They are resilient in the face of obstacles because they are spirit filled. The United Church empowers them with an emphasis on grace and a spirit of openness which is compatible with their strong faith and overwhelming sense of acceptance of others. The area is predominantly low income with a high degree of seasonal/part time employment yet the churches maintain a financial stability even though it is a challenge. Several churches on the South Shore have continued to worship and to run outreach programs for long periods of time even though they were unable to secure ministry personnel employees. Annual Reports list many creative ways to raise funds to keep a minister. Pastoral Charges consider the minister’s salary the highest priority in their financial responsibilities. We are not afraid: we are not alone. Jesus is a mighty example for these small groups of worshippers living by the sea and tending tiny churches. South Shore Presbytery moves forward with the example of the life of Jesus as our hope.

God is calling our Presbytery to show leadership in building trust and good will among these churches spread over the geographic area from Lunenburg to Yarmouth. Our churches are excited about the suggestions of new structures and new accountability in the Comprehensive Review Recommendations. We are open to change and aware that Conference may take over some of the structured work. We are hopeful that this will lead to opportunities for communities of faith to build connections based on specific topics that are significant to their spiritual lives.

South Shore Presbytery April 2015 Annual Report as per Manual C3.4.5


Maritime Conference Executive Presbytery Reports November 2014 – April 2015

Saint Croix Presbytery Report to the Executive of Maritime Conference April 2015

In these years, the Presbytery of Saint Croix continues its search for a new way to be church. We are managing the decline of the traditional church in our region, and while we struggle with the letting go of the old, we seek to learn God’s vision for the new.

Our Presbytery includes one relatively large pastoral charge (Kirk McColl) and six smaller ones. The smaller charges tend to be more rural, with fewer young people. Throughout our region, there is a dearth of young people, as so many have left for greener pastures. Few of those that remain are interested in attending a church full of seniors repeating an ancient liturgy. However, those that do brave the threshold are often pleasantly surprised by the welcome and the community they find within. 27(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

We in Saint Croix love our church and enjoy the company we find inside. We manage to keep the doors open by minimizing costs and maximizing fellowship. Four charges rely on itinerant licensed lay worship leaders and retired supply clergy for Sunday worship. These congregations have adopted a “permanent supply” model that is sustainable for now. However, unless they redefine church, eventually they will be forced to give up their beloved buildings, and the remnant, whose faith survives that trauma, will drift toward Kirk McColl.

Co-operation between pastoral charges can flourish in Saint Croix. During the past year, the St. James Pastoral Charge was faced with financial stress but, rather than slide into the permanent supply model of worship, they bravely entered into agreement with Wesley Pastoral Charge, and so now both charges benefit from the ministry of their common (and flexible!) clergy.

Saint Croix includes only two fulltime paid accountable ministers, serving three charges, and so Presbytery relies on our two active retired clergy to help with Presbytery business. The small number of clergy may limit our ministry, but it also happily limits internal political strife, and Presbytery meetings are often jovial.

Presbytery tries to provide leadership among the pastoral charges by encouraging them to consider ministry beyond the walls of their buildings. We continue to hold quarterly joint worship services, inviting all our congregations, and these have been very successful. We have learned that having such a joint service in a neutral facility improves our humour. When followed by a fellowship time (i.e. food), some see these services as the start of more co- operative ministry, bringing together congregations who otherwise know little about each other. (We are called to be the Church to celebrate God’s presence. We are not alone.)

The management of decline manifests itself with the issue of real estate. Our congregations have surplus real estate that is hard to sell and costly to demolish. We anticipate that Presbytery will be increasingly involved in real estate issues.

In recent months, we have tried to look beyond decline and toward a whisper of hope. And there is hope. We may be old and we may be tired, but we are still here and we still have a sense of God’s ministry. Collectively we have over $400,000 in church bank accounts. We ask if there is a better use for this money than the repair of roofs. The challenge is to discern a new way of doing church which matches our resources, takes us beyond our walls and ministers to our community.

One ministry may be to increase our support of the Saint Croix Wellness Centre. The Centre was initiated by visionaries within the Presbytery, most of who have now moved on. It provides an eclectic range of services (social, spiritual, etc.) to the wider community. There is an opportunity for Presbytery to solidify its partnership with the Centre and, with combined resources, more effectively to serve the community. (We are called to be the Church to love and serve others. We are not alone.)

Both the Centre and one of our congregations are independently experimenting with alternate forms of worship. These services tend not to be held Sunday morning and would be unrecognizable to those who created the United Church in 1925. All are welcome, including 28(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015 members of other denominations, of other religions and of no religion. Spirituality is perceived as validly expressed in many ways, and not only as found in the New Testament. It’s not yet clear how alternate services might improve the sustainability of the United Church in our area, but they do seem to be meeting the spiritual needs of some who are uncomfortable with the traditional worship service. (We are called to be the Church, but we’re not only proclaiming Jesus, to be crucified and risen. We are not alone.)

At every meeting of Presbytery, we seem to have a question or require advice, and we rely on Conference staff to help us. Saint Croix Presbytery continues to be grateful for the support of Conference as we plod along toward our new church.

Respectfully submitted Lance s Howard Chair Saint Croix Presbytery


Truro Presbytery Report to Conference Executive - April 2015

It would be redundant perhaps to echo many of the same challenges other presbyteries have expressed, that Truro Presbytery in its visitation of pastoral charges it oversees is hearing continually of dwindling numbers, volunteers, and finances. The Presbytery itself also has been challenged to find reps to fill the required committee vacancies in order to do its work. The Property and Finance committee has been facing a number of issues related to church closures, the dispersal of assets, and ensuring all recipients are up-to-date in their registered charity status. With deep regret, we chose in the past year to withdraw support from Camp McLennan, lacking proper numbers to provide adequate board representation. The Presbytery seeks, with the assistance of Conference, to find meaningful ways of supporting camping ministries in the future, perhaps through Camp Kidston.

Despite these and other challenges, we are also seeing charges in this Presbytery taking the initiative to re-envision themselves, however overwhelming the odds may seem. 2 pastoral charges have recently entered into ‘co-operative ministry’ arrangements, with another in an ongoing shared ministry with the Presbyterian church. Anniversary services continue to be celebrated which provide encouragement. New youth groups have started in various churches which are vibrant and exciting. New programming such as Yoga is welcoming new involvement in the churches. More green initiatives are being taken through church garden projects and building renovations. One of our pastoral charges (Clifton) has been designated an Affirming ministry as of November of last year, plus the Presbytery itself received the same certification around the same time. Already we have been contacted by other Presbyteries across the country seeking to enter the same process of inclusion and education.

Presbytery continues to recognize, even with the constitution of co-operative ventures and church closures, the numbers of part-time ministries and other various work configurations still 29(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015 remain in existence today. While it meets the needs of pastoral charges in terms of what can be afforded, it does little to accommodate the number of clergypersons for whom anything but full- time employment is just not feasible. Our Future Directions committee has worked to encourage charges facing these situations to envision other models and partnerships in ministry and community, looking to the sustainability of their ministries over the long-term as opposed to ‘just getting by.’

As a whole, Truro Presbytery continues to face the opportunities and challenges of an evolving church with grace and dedication. We will soon be meeting to discuss and analyze the latest report regarding the Comprehensive Review and what implications it offers for the ongoing life and work of the denomination. Some are highly optimistic, while others are highly sceptical. We await the final developments of this report and how it will shape the work we have diligently and faithfully been about as a Presbytery.


Report of Valley Presbytery to Maritime Conference Executive – April 17th, 2015

We continue to be the church in valley presbytery, through the many unique Pastoral Charges from St. Croix to Digby. Since last April we celebrated and covenanted with new clergy in the Presbytery. At Orchard Valley United Church: Rev Randy Crozman and Annika Sangster in June. At Newport: Rev. Kevin Cox in August. At Avon United; Rev. Beth Johnston in November. And at St. Croix : Rev. Krista Anderson in February of this year. Only one candidate for ministry at this time from Valley Presbytery who is presently inactive.

With the trend to part-time ministry there is now 5 lay persons filling in on any given Sunday in the Presbytery. Although under supervision an attempt is being made to assure the credentials and United Church affiliation of those filling in. The LLWL program will be of benefit for such persons in the future.

Being the church necessitates at times to let go of the building, amalgamate and re-name oneself. No less than 5 churches are in various states of disposal. Some sold, (Wolfville, Kentville, Bridgetown) others re-invented, such as Harbourville United, under Berwick United Church. A new ministry was developed in conjunction with a community group (North Mt. Tapestry) to offer a farmers market and space for local speakers and musicians, and a coffee house. 3 manses were also sold in this time frame. Some churches are coming together through amalgamation and name changes. Juniper Grove and St. James United are now Avon United situated in Hantsport. Harbourville United is now joined with the Berwick United church, and Morden United soon to be with Aylesford United. The West Cornwallis Pastoral Charge is now the Berwick-Trinity Pastoral Charge.

The newly formed Orchard Valley United Church requested “an overview” of its Pastoral Charge in 2014. Presbytery obtained the services of Rev. Bill MacLeod. His report was just presented to the congregation and ministry personnel. 30(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

Sherbrooke Lake Camp is filled with the Spirit having celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2014. A cairn was built on site incorporating decorated stones from the churches. Camping numbers were up to 368 this year with a financial gain of $4500.00. This is a co-opertaive run camp with South Shore presbytery.

I believe God is calling us with patience and laughter to function as best we can with limited resources and volunteers. M&P workshops are an annual occurrence, and besides ongoing business, we have studied and contributed to the Comprehensive Review presently before our church. Going to daytime meetings for Presbytery was supposed to help attendance this past winter….but one was cancelled, one shortened, and one met. We look forward to celebrating our 90th anniversary of the UCC as a Presbytery this June 7th at Berwick Camp.


Woolastook Presbytery Report Maritime Conference Executive Meeting April 17, 2015

I don’t really have much that’s interesting to tell you about what’s been happening in Woolastook Presbytery. We continue to do the regular work of any Presbytery and facing the same challenges that I heard other Presbyteries report on in the fall. We have been seeing shared ministries, disbandings and sales of properties. Our rural charges are not the only ones struggling as we keep trying to operate traditional churches in a changing society. Today, North American people are more and more interested in expressing spirituality and experiencing community; they are less and less interested in supporting buildings and staff.

We are often discussing these challenges in Presbytery and exploring ways to respond while being careful not to alienate our churches’ core support of traditional congregants. We are anticipating big changes in the United Church of Canada and there are meetings and presentations scheduled to explore the Comprehensive Review and proposals. Our charges are doing their best to inform their congregations of the possibilities to come, knowing that change is easier to accept when people feel informed and that they have been part of the process.

We share the same experiences and tasks as other Presbyteries and may actually have more due to the size of Woolastook Presbytery and the number of charges. Our meetings usually gather 50 to 60 people and there is always a good number who have traveled quite a distance.

What I really want to tell you is a story of change, how Woolatook Presbytery has been transformed in the way we are together and the way we do the business of Presbytery.

Woolatook Presbytery meetings used to be painful. It seemed that every issue and motion was discussed in the full court ad nauseam and not in a particularly friendly manner. Meetings were lengthy and unpleasant. Clergy attendance was very low with wringing of hands at each meeting that we might not have a quorum. And who could blame anyone for finding reasons to not attend.

About five years ago then-chair Randy Nason began an attempt to change the way we did business. Supported by the Executive and, I believe, with some guidance from Conference (David Hewitt), we 31(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015 started trying to do some of the business of Presbytery using sessionals. Much confusion and resistance ensued. The atmosphere actually became much worse.

Gradually things calmed down and we settled down to a pattern of splitting into groups for discussion and doing our business in the traditional court assembly. It took a while to notice how very different we had become. It is a shame the Randy never saw any of the positive results to his efforts and he suffered terribly at the time.

We continue to break up into smaller groups to discuss issues whenever possible. This has led to us getting to know one another better. When we share our opinions, we share our experiences which shaped those opinions and we are telling our stories. Through hearing each other’s stories we’ve begun to know each other better and become closer, more bonded.

I believe there were some other factors involved in this miraculous transformation. Our Nominating Committee Chair, Jane Johnson, started asking Presbyters to fill out a form giving their talents, skills and interests. I credit this effort for excellent selection of Committee chairs. Our committees now bring to the court well thought out, written and presented motions. It’s beginning to feel like we just rubber-stamp everything.

What became of those who continued to be resistant to change and didn’t want to get warm and cozy with the rest of us? They seem to have disappeared through attrition.

I’ve been having fun in recent months telling some of my retired clergy friends that it’s safe to come back to Presbytery. We look for interesting things to learn about through Order of the Day, we worship joyfully and we sing lustily. We truly enjoy one another’s company and the opportunities to be together, share a meal and do the work of God’s Church.


The Annual Meeting and Planning Committee has met twice by WEBEX with plans to meet once more, at least, before conference. We will share a theme for conference with both IAC and Youth Forum "Live the Promise That All may Be". We have worked hard to provide creative solutions to common problems, such as empty table groups, long line ups at the meal hall and not being seated close enough to the front. We look forward to your active participation in the new table group formations, for your applications for small group and workshop space during lunch time and your preordering of boxed lunches. We still need your help with table group facilitation, but we've found a way to reduce the number required. We've heard the clergy's requests for a break from this task, as many are feeling over taxed with multiple duties. Please forward the names of lay folk in particular, who you feel have the gifts and skills needed to facilitate table group conversation during difficult conversations such as the comprehensive review and affirming processes.

Conference itself will focus on four main issues: 1) the affirming process 2) the comprehensive review 3) preparation work for general council 4) worship and guest speaker. There are three proposals on the agenda. Please note, the due date for potential proposals has passed. If you are scheduled to speak or present to the floor of conference, you are reminded to have your visual aids and technology requests in by May 8th. Requests and visuals after this date will not be granted. 32(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

The moderator the Rt Rev Gary Patterson, is our guest speaker. Bronwyn Corlett is our General Council Rep. Kenji Mauri is our rep from the Comprehensive Review Team. We are looking forward to working with these folks.

At our November meeting we received notice that our worship committee was stepping down a year early. Our secretary's term has ended and next year is my last year on the committee. We are working to fill these upcoming vacancies.

We will continue to meet and engage with each other as we struggle to understand what it means to meet as clergy and lay, rural and urban, able-bodied and assisted, Christocentric and non- theistic, youth and non-youth, abundant yet budgeted to worship and work together. Prayers and positive energies are greatly appreciated as we work to value the opinions of all.

Respectfully submitted, Annika Sangster, Chair of Annual Meeting Planning Committee


Ministry Personnel & Education Committee of Maritime Conference

The Conference E&S Committee held Ordination Interviews from January 14th through 16th, 2015, for those recommended by Presbyteries. In accordance with our mandate, reporting through the Ministry Personnel & Education Committee, we are pleased to advise the Conference Executive for information, and we will advise the Conference for action, that the undernoted 6 candidates have been recommended for Ordination, subject to satisfactory completion of their academic requirements where applicable:

Barbara Cairns PEI Presbytery Bethe Benjamin Cameron South Shore Presbytery Susan Gamblin Chignecto Presbytery Anne Hoganson Halifax Presbytery Rachael Campbell PEI Presbytery Yvette Swan Chignecto Presbytery

In addition E&S conducted Progress Assessment Interviews for those Residential Students with approximately 8 months before start of Internship and for Distance Education Candidates with approximately 18 months until anticipated ordination/commissioning.

A total of 9 interviews were conducted in all categories. We were able to add a Diaconal Minister to our team for the first time in a number of years.

Respectfully submitted Dan Wellwood Convener, Conference E&S 33(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015


Envisioning Affirming Ministry within Maritime Conference, The United Church of Canada (Draft 6 – April 9, 2015)

 In keeping with the Core Values Statement and Ministry Priorities affirmed in May 2014 (noted below) and recognizing the wide range of diversity of peoples within its bounds, Maritime Conference seeks to create a safe and welcoming space for all people.  Maritime Conference understands affirming to mean “gifts shared for the good of all, resistance to the forces that exploit and marginalize,...human dignity defended...” (A Song of Faith, UCC), as seen in the teachings and actions of Jesus, the Christ**. Therefore, Maritime Conference will celebrate the blessings of, and support one another in the challenges of, our diverse life experiences, including but not limited to: sexual orientation, gender or gender identity, life experience, different abilities, ethnicity, race, generational culture, age, geographic location, economic circumstances, and others we have yet to discern. That said, we note that this work was born out of a particular concern for discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity within the church.  Maritime Conference will equally welcome all people as children of God and offer them the complete range of opportunities to fully be part of and participate in the life and work of the church, continually seeking to identify and dismantle barriers that hinder the participation and inclusion of marginalized groups and individuals. Listening actively and attentively, we will strive to live into understanding one another, treating those with whom we disagree with love and respect.

** (Some scripture references to “teachings”: Matthew 22:34-40 [Love Your Neighbour as Yourself], Matthew 25:31-46 [The Final Judgement: “Inasmuch as you have done...”], Luke 10:25-37 [The Good Samaritan], Luke 15:11-32 [The Prodigal Son], and “actions”: Mark 5:21- 23 [Jairus' Daughter and the Woman Who Touched the Hem of Jesus' Garment], Mark 10:13-16 [Jesus Blesses Little Children], Luke 19:1-10 [Zacchaeus], John 4:1-26 [The Woman at the Well].)

Core Values Statement Guided by the Spirit, mindful of our roots, we are a community of faith, called to celebrate the Christian gospel by supporting congregations to practice:  Inclusion  Hospitality  Justice-making  Life-long learning to bring about transformation and renewal.

Ministry Priorities (2010-2015)  To provide financially- and geographically-accessible leadership development programs and resources  To support local ministries through congregations, the main mission unit of The United 34(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015

Church of Canada, and efforts which equip people to share their faith  To practice radical hospitality  To reach out in our communities to embrace the multigenerational and multi-faith mix of the whole people of God

Enacting Affirming Ministry within Maritime Conference, The United Church of Canada (Draft 6 – April 9, 2015)

“Seeking to continue the story of Jesus by embodying Christ's presence in the world” (A Song of Faith, UCC), Maritime Conference is committed to enacting this vision for affirming ministry within the Conference. Therefore, in fulfillment of this vision, Maritime Conference will:

 Incorporate this vision and plan of action into the mandate of a standing Conference Committee for Affirming Ministry in order to support and provide resources to the congregations of Maritime Conference in an ongoing process of being an affirming ministry within The United Church of Canada.  Expect the Maritime Conference administrative and programming staff to fashion their ministry, at all times and in all places, in keeping with this vision.  Expect the Maritime Conference standing and ad hoc committees, units, and task groups to regularly assess their agendas and their ministry to see that they are in keeping with this vision and to report on the same to the Conference Committee on Affirming Ministry.  Promote and identify Conference's Affirming Ministry status in official Maritime Conference signage, facilities, ways of being welcoming, our social media, our documentation, etc.  Direct the Conference Ministry Personnel and Education Committee to encourage Inquirers, Candidates, and Applicants for ministry within the Conference to carefully and prayerfully discern whether Maritime Conference, as an Affirming Ministry, can be a place for them to actively pursue their call to ministry.  Actively advocate for issues of sexual orientation and gender identity, both within the churches and ministries of our Conference and in the wider non-church community.  Not discriminate against ministers applying to serve in the Conference on the basis of sexual orientation, age, gender or gender identity, race, ethnicity, or ministry category (Diaconal, Ordained, Designated, Lay).  Work toward becoming a Conference in which inclusive marriage is available and recognized in all pastoral charges. To that end, Maritime Conference will expect oversight of pastoral charges to include conversation around fully inclusive marriage policies (as already recommended by the 2009 General Council).

35(15) Executive Sackville, NB April 18, 2015


Youth Opportunities Fund

Purpose To foster spiritual growth and faith development by providing financial assistance to youth and young adults in Maritime Conference to enable them to participate in expressions of Christian faith and gatherings of the wider church, primarily, but not limited to, participating in national and international events or ministries.

Eligibility Who can apply?  Youth and young adults ages 13 – 33 with home address in Maritime Conference.  Adults accompanying a youth who needs special support.  Groups.

The fund is primarily intended for individuals, however groups may make a collaborative application and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How to apply? Applicants will  complete an online application form BEFORE the event or project begins.  submit a cover letter to describe how this event/ministry will enhance their spiritual life  submit 2 accompanying letters of reference (email is acceptable)

Following the event. There is an expectation that reflections will be shared with the grant committee following the event. These can be submitted in a variety of ways – photos, video, written, or by a presentation.

Application will include:  Name, address, email, and phone number of applicant  Amount requested.  A description and dates of project or event  An outline of expenses and expected sources of revenues to cover expenses  A question asking if the applicant received funding in the past.

Amounts  Individuals may apply for ½ of their expenses (travel, tuition, registration fees, etc) up to a maximum of $1000.  Groups may apply for ½ of their expenses (travel, tuition, registration fees, etc) up to a maximum of $3000.

36(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB April 24, 2015

Administration and Distribution of Fund  Moneys in this fund will be administered through Maritime Conference Office in a similar manner to existing Bequest Funds.  The Financial Support Committee of Maritime Conference will oversee distribution of funds.  In a calendar year, the Committee may distribute up to 75% of total fund available on January 1st of that year. (For example, if on January 1st there is $1000 in the fund, the Committee may award up to $750 in that year.)  The Financial Support Committee will seek the perspective of youth in their work and particularly in relationship to the distribution of these funds.  Preference will be given to United Church sponsored or affiliated events.  Each application will be considered individually and measured against funding criteria, the availability of funds, and the fair distribution of funds.  Extraordinary circumstances may be considered by the Committee without prejudice and without setting a precedent.  Any changes to the criteria for the distribution of funds should be reviewed by groups or committees with responsibility for faith formation with youth and young adults.  Donations may be directed to this fund from individuals or groups at any time.  The criteria and administration of this fund will be reviewed Executive of Maritime Conference within 3 years of its establishment.


TIME AND PLACE: The Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on April 24, 2015 by telephone conference call at 10 a.m., with the President-elect, Rev. Matthew Fillier, officiating.

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, President-Elect Rev. Matthew Fillier, Past-President Rev. Meggin King, Rev. Ivan Gregan, Rev. Steven Longmoore, Mr. Mac MacLeod, and Rev. Dr. John Moses.

Regrets: President Rev. Gloria Churchill, Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, and Mr. Henry Ellsworth.

OPENING PRAYER: Matthew Fillier opened the meeting with prayer.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: The President-elect constituted the Court “in the name of the Jesus Christ, the heart of our thinking and the spirit of our life together. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it.”

MINUTES: Mac MacLeod / Meggin King moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from February 20, 2015 [03(15)-04(15)] be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED 37(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB May 13, 2015

SIGNING OFFICERS: David Hewitt / Mac MacLeod moved that Judith Colwell be made a signing officer for Maritime Conference. MOTION CARRIED

REAL ESTATE: David Hewitt / Meggin King moved that Maritime Conference enter into a formal relationship with the real estate firm, Turner Drake, to assist in property sale and development matters. MOTION CARRIED

TASK GROUP ON COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW: Ivan Gregan / Meggin King moved that a task group be formed to prepare a Proposal for the Maritime Conference Annual Meeting with regard to the report from the Comprehensive Review Task Group. Members of the task group to be Jane Johnson, Lorna Fillier, Daniel MacDonald, Emily Duggan, and Matthew Fillier with power to add. MOTION CARRIED

ADJOURNMENT: The President-elect closed the meeting with blessing.

Matthew Fillier, President-elect David Hewitt, Executive Secretary


TIME AND PLACE: The Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on May 13, 2015 by telephone conference call at 9 a.m., with the President-elect, Rev. Matthew Fillier, officiating.

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, President-Elect Rev. Matthew Fillier, Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, Mr. Henry Ellsworth, Rev. Ivan Gregan, and Rev. Dr. John Moses.

Regrets: President Rev. Gloria Churchill, Past-President Rev. Meggin King, Rev. Steven Longmoore, and Mr. Mac MacLeod.

OPENING PRAYER: Matthew Fillier opened the meeting with prayer.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: The President-Elect constituted the Court “in the name of the Jesus Christ, the heart of our thinking and the spirit of our life together. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it.”

AGENDA: Ivan Gregan / Henry Elsworth was approved as circulated with the addition of the sale of Red Head United Church, Saint John Presbytery. CARRIED 38(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB May 13, 2015

MINUTES: David Hewitt / Ivan Gregan moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from April 24, 2015 [36(15)-37(15)] be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND EDUCATION, CONFERENCE INTERIM MINISTRY COMMITTEE: David Hewitt / John Moses moved that on the recommendation of the Conference Interim Ministry Committee that Rev. Rose-Hannah Gaskin continue designation as an Interim Minister. MOTION CARRIED

CHRISTIAN LIFE & GROWTH, YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES FUND: David Hewitt / Henry Ellsworth moved that Maritime Conference approve the criteria and terms of reference for the Youth Opportunities Fund. MOTION CARRIED

TRURO PRESBYTERY, ST. JAMES UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Henry Ellsworth moved that Maritime Conference approve the lease agreement between the Trustees for St. James United Church, Great Village, and the St. James Church of Great Village Preservation Society.

John Moses / Ivan Gregan moved to table the motion. MOTION CARRIED

INVERNESS-GUYSBOROUGH PRESBYTERY, NEW HARBOUR UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Henry Ellsworth moved that Maritime Conference approve the listing for sale of New Harbour United Church, Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery, seek the best offer, and authorize the Executive Secretary to act on behalf of the Conference in this matter. MOTION CARRIED

ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN TRAINING CENTRE, TATAMAGOUCHE CENTRE: David Hewitt / Ivan Gregan moved that Maritime Conference approve that Tatamagouche Centre (Atlantic Christian Training Centre) increase its line of credit by $40,000 to a total of $190,000. MOTION CARRIED

SAINT JOHN PRESBYTERY, RED HEAD UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Henry Ellsworth moved that Maritime Conference approve the listing for sale of Red Head United Church (PID #00340422), Saint John Presbytery, seek the best offer, and authorize the Executive Secretary to act on behalf of the Conference in this matter. MOTION CARRIED

ADJOURNMENT: The President-Elect closed the meeting with blessing.

Matthew Fillier, President-Elect David Hewitt, Executive Secretary

39(15) Executive Sackville, NB May 31, 2015


A1 Debbie Aitken, Conference Recommending Rose-Hannah Gaskin To Sub-Exec Interim Ministry Committee 22-Jan for re-designation as an Interim Minister for Action

Copy of lease agreement between St. A2 08-May James United Church and St. James David LeBlanc, Chair, Finance Church of Great Village Preservation To Sub-Exec & Property, Truro Presbytery Society for Action A3 David MacMillan, Chairperson, 08-May Request to sell New Harbour United To Sub-Exec New Harbour United Church Church for Action

Jennifer Graham and Theresa A4 Halfkenny, Co-Chairs, Atlantic 12-May Christian Training Centre Request for approval to increase line of To Sub-Exec Society credit by $40,000 to $190,000 for Action


TIME AND PLACE: The Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on May 31, 2015 at 11:55 a.m. at the Tantramar Civic Centre, Sackville, NB, with the President, Rev. Matthew Fillier, officiating.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: “As President of Maritime Conference, I constitute this Court in the name of Jesus Christ, who we affirm as our Good News, our judge and our hope. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it as we strive to be people of The Way.”

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present President Rev. Matthew Fillier, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, Past-President Rev. Gloria Churchill, President-Elect Rev. Catherine Stuart, Mr. Robert Bartlett, Rev. Gary Clark, Ms. Karen Dickinson, Ms. Heather Donnelly, Mr. Roland Easter, Rev. Bonnie Fraser, Ms. Marion Green, Rev. Sean Handcock, Rev. Ian Harrison, Mr. Lance Howard, Rev. Jane Johnson, Rev. Sharon Lohnes, Rev. Steven Longmoore, Mr. Donald Mackay, Ms. Catherine MacLean, Rev. Connie McNamara, Rev. Douglas Pilsworth, Rev. Sarah Reaburn, Rev. John Roy, Ms. Annika Sangster, and Ms. Pauline Walker. Also in attendance were Conference Ministers Ms. Laura Hunter, and Ms. Jennifer Whittemore attended to record minutes.

Regrets: Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, Rev. Dr. Ross Bartlett, Ms. Nancy Corrigan, Rev. Dr. Arthur Davies, Rev. Gary MacDougall, Mr. Malcolm MacLeod, Ms. Allison Wornell, and Rev. Tom Woods,

MINUTES: David Hewitt / Bonnie Fraser moved that the Executive minutes from April 17-18, 2015 [04(15)-36(15)], be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

40(15) Executive Sackville, NB May 31, 2015

David Hewitt / Steven Longmoore moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from April 24, 2015 [36(15)- 37(15)], May 13, 2015 [37(15)-39(15)] be received for information. MOTION CARRIED

MEETING SCHEDULE: David Hewitt / Pauline Walker moved that the Fall date of the Executive be October 23-24, 2015. CARRIED

David Hewitt / Robert Bartlett moved that the Spring date of the Executive be April 15-16, 2016. CARRIED

CONFERENCE SUB-EXECUTIVE: Noting that the President (Matthew Fillier), President-Elect (Catherine Stuart) Executive Secretary (David Hewitt), Treasurer (Alan Gray) and one of the GC Executive representatives are traditionally members of the Conference Sub-Executive, the Executive Secretary invited suggestions of four other persons.

It was agreed that Sean Handcock, Ordered representative, to the Executive of General Council be on the Sub-Executive of the Maritime Conference and that Pauline Walker, Lay representative, to the Executive of the General Council serve on the Maritime Conference Staff Committee.

David Hewitt / Bonnie Fraser moved that Ms. Annika Sangster, Rev. Sarah Reaburn, Rev. Connie McNamara, Mr. Lance Howard, and Mr. Robert Bartlett sit on the Sub-Executive. CARRIED

Gary Clark / Jane Johnson moved that there be no further nominations, persons thus named to be the Sub- Executive of Maritime Conference for the coming year.

MINISTRY PERSONNNEL AND EDUCATION: Steven Longmoore / Gloria Churchill moved that Maritime Conference on the recommendation of Interim Ministry Committee recommend Martha Martin for initial designation as an Interim Minister. Full designation will be dependent on successful completion of the Interim Ministry course within the first year of an Interim Ministry appointment. The Conference Interim Ministry Committee has also recommended the presence of a mentor during the first year. MOTION CARRIED

Steven Longmoore / Karen Dickinson moved that having been informed that the Rev. Carol Smith has completed both the final assessment interview as well as the educational requirements for admission into the Ministry of the United Church of Canada, that the Maritime Conference Executive instruct the Executive Secretary to complete and transmit to the General Council form 306b "intent to recommend for admission" before the June 12th deadline in order that the Presbytery and District vetting process can commence. MOTION CARRIED

HALIFAX PRESBYTERY, LOWER SHIPS HARBOUR: David Hewitt / Marion Green moved that Maritime Conference approve the demolition of the church building in Lower Ship Harbour, Halifax Presbytery. MOTION CARRIED

POWERS TO THE SUB-EXECUTIVE: David Hewitt / Sean Handcock moved that powers be granted to the Sub-Executive in the interim until Executive reconvenes and that permission be given for a telephone conference call to be used in decision making in the Sub-Executive’s work, if necessary. CARRIED 41(15) Executive Sackville, NB May 31, 2015

ADJOURNMENT: President moved the meeting adjourn.

The President closed by offering a benediction.

Matthew Fillier, President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary

Appendix A

42(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB July 2, 2015


TIME AND PLACE: The Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on July 2, 2015 by conference call at 12:00 p.m., with the Past-President, Rev. Gloria Churchill, officiating.

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, Past-President Rev. Gloria Churchill, President-Elect Rev. Catherine Stuart, Rev. Sean Handcock, Mr. Lance Howard, Rev. Sarah Reaburn, and Ms. Annika Sangster.

Regrets: President Rev. Matthew Fillier, Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, Mr. Robert Bartlett, and Rev. Connie McNamara.

OPENING PRAYER: The Past-President opened the meeting with prayer.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: The Past-President constituted the Court “in the name of the Jesus Christ, the heart of our thinking and the spirit of our life together. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it.”

AGENDA: Lance Howard / Sean Handcock moved that the Agenda as amended be approved. MOTION CARRIED

MINUTES: David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart moved that the Executive minutes from May 13, 2015 [37(15)-39(15)], be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

CHURCH IN ACTION COMMITTEE, ISRAEL AND PALESTINE: Sarah Reaburn / Lance Howard moved that Maritime Conference authorize the Church in Action Committee proposed letter (appendix B) to candidates (within the Maritime region) in the upcoming Federal election regarding Boycott, Divestment and Sanction with respect to Israel and Palestine. MOTION CARRIED

INVERNESS-GUYSBROUGH PRESBYTERY, GRACE UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Sean Handcock moved that Maritime Conference approve the plan for distribution of the contents of Grace United Church, Whitehead, Nova Scotia. MOTION CARRIED

David Hewitt / Sarah Reaburn moved that Maritime Conference approve the listing for sale of Grace United Church, Whitehead, Nova Scotia; and authorize the Executive Secretary to act on behalf of the Conference in this matter. MOTION CARRIED

INVERNESS-GUYSBROUGH PRESBYTERY, NEW HARBOUR UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart moved that Maritime Conference approve the plan for distribution of the contents of New Harbour United Church, Nova Scotia. MOTION CARRIED

Annika Sangster requested that her abstention from voting be recorded. 43(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB July 2, 2015

TRURO PRESBYTERY, ST. JAMES UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Annika Sangster moved that Maritime Conference approve the revised lease agreement for St. James United Church, Great Village, Nova Scotia. MOTION CARRIED

SYDNEY PRESBYTERY, GORDON UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Sarah Reaburn moved that Maritime Conference approve the sale of Gordon United Church (PID #15239346), Reserve Mines, Nova Scotia to Greg Gouthro for $28,000. MOTION CARRIED

MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND EDUCATION: David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart moved that on the recommendation of the Ministry Personnel and Education Committee and at the request of Woolastook Presbytery, that Stephen Brown, Student Supply, be licensed to administer the sacraments within the bounds of the Lake View Pastoral Charge for the duration of his appointment to that pastoral charge. MOTION CARRIED

ATLANTIC CHRISTIAN TRAINING CENTRE, TATAMAGOUCHE CENTRE: David Hewitt / Annika Sangster moved that Maritime Conference provide $2,000 to Tatamagouche Centre to support analysis of their financial situation. MOTION CARRIED

MARITIME CONFERENCE YOUTH FORUM COMMITTEE: David Hewitt / Sean Handcock moved that responsibility for Maritime Conference Youth Forum move from the Annual Meeting Planning Committee to the Christian Life and Growth Committee. MOTION CARRIED

ADJOURNMENT: Past-President moved the meeting adjourn.

The Past-President closed by offering a benediction.

Gloria Churchill, Past-President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary

Appendix A

A1 Heather Manuel, Eastern 13-Apr To Sub-Exec Guysborough/Mulgrave PC Grace United Church inventory for Action A2 David MacMillan, Chairperson, 13-May To Sub-Exec Grace United Church Request to sell Grace United Church for Action A3 Grail Sangster, New Harbour 04-May To Sub-Exec United Church List of assets for Action A4 02-Jun Revised lease for St. James Church of To Sub-Exec Lisa Kaulback, Patterson Law Great Village for Action 44(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB July 2, 2015

A5 David MacLean, Sydney 25-Jun To Sub-Exec Presbytery Sale of Gordon United Church for Action Application for Licensing for the A6 10-Jun Administration of the Sacraments for To Sub-Exec Woolastook Presbytery Stephen Brown for Action Application for Licensing for the A7 Bob Biggar, Secretary, Sydney 19-Jun Administration of the Sacraments and To Sub-Exec Presbytery marriage for Action Jennifer Graham and Theresas A8 Halfkenny, Tatamagouche 26-Jun Tatamagouche Centre Financial To Sub-Exec Centre Sustainability Plan for Action Jennifer Graham and Theresas A9 Halfkenny, Tatamagouche 29-Jun Bonnyman House Limited letter re To Sub-Exec Centre financial analysis for Action A10 Jennifer Graham, 29-Jun Information to support request for To Sub-Exec Tatamagouche Centre financial support for financial analysis for Action

Appendix B



Dear (Candidate’s Name)

As you may know, the United Church of Canada opposes the illegal settling of Israeli citizens on Palestinian lands. This stance grows out of the call for justice that is very much a part of our faith. We believe that the settlements are a barrier to our goal of a just peace for both Palestine and Israel. As of 2012 we have had a boycott on some of the goods that are made in these illegally occupied territories.

Earlier this year, Canada signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” with Israel that labelled the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement as anti-Semitic, and announced that there would be “zero tolerance” to “all forms of discrimination including rhetoric towards Israel, and attempts to delegitimize Israel such as the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement.”

This clearly leaves the United Church of Canada in a difficult position. Our question to you, as we consider how to cast our votes, is this:

What, specifically, is your party’s position on the conflict within Palestine and Israel? How will your party respond to justice-seeking organizations that choose to promote boycotts, divestments or sanctions against Israel in protest of their illegal appropriation of Palestinian land?

Thank you for taking the time to respond to this matter that is so deeply important to us.


45(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB October 1, 2015


TIME AND PLACE: The Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on October 1, 2015 by conference call at 2:30 p.m., with the President Rev. Matthew Fillier, officiating.

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present President Rev. Matthew Fillier, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, President-Elect Rev. Catherine Stuart, Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, Mr. Robert Bartlett, Mr. Lance Howard, Rev. Connie McNamara, Rev. Sarah Reaburn, and Ms. Annika Sangster.

Regrets: Past-President Rev. Gloria Churchill, and Rev. Sean Handcock.

OPENING PRAYER: The President opened the meeting with prayer.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: The President constituted the Court “in the name of the Jesus Christ, the heart of our thinking and the spirit of our life together. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it.”

AGENDA: Sarah Reaburn / Robert Bartlett that the agenda be approved as circulated with the addition of the Executive worship. CARRIED

MINUTES: David Hewitt / Lance Howard moved that the Executive minutes from July 2, 2015 [42 (15)- 43(15)], be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

REAL ESTATE: David Hewitt / Sarah Reaburn moved that Maritime Conference enter into a formal relationship with the real estate firm, Turner Drake, to assist in property sale and development matters; and authorize the Executive Secretary to sign the agreement with Turner Drake. MOTION CARRIED

SYDNEY PRESBYTERY, GORDON UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart moved that Maritime Conference approve the disposal of the Gordon United Church assets, Reserve Mines, Nova Scotia including transfer of contents to various churches and other charities in the community and distribution of funds as follows: 1. Cemetery funds of $15,401.71 term deposit and bank balance of $2,184.33 continue to be held under the direction of the Gordon Cemetery Committee as a committee of Warden United Church. 2. Proceeds of sale of approximately $29,000: o $3,000 (approximately 10%) to the Mission and Service Endowment Fund. o $5,000 (approximately 17%) to Warden United Church. o $3,000 (approximately 10%) to the Gordon Cemetery fund. o $18,000 (approximately 62%) to Maritime Conference. MOTION CARRIED

BRUNSWICK STREET MISSION: David Hewitt / Connie McNamara moved that Maritime Conference approve the provision of an electronic list of contact information for Pastoral Charges to Brunswick Street Mission for their sole use to be used for a yearly appeal and newsletter. MOTION CARRIED 46(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 23, 2015

MACLENNAN MEMORIAL CAMP: David Hewitt / Robert Bartlett moved that MacLennan Memorial Camp, New Glasgow, NS, be offered for sale at a listing price of $249,900 and authorize the Executive Secretary to act on behalf of Conference in this matter. MOTION CARRIED

EXECUTIVE MEETING WORSHIP: The President requested volunteers to lead worship during the upcoming Conference Executive meeting: - opening - Catherine Stuart - evening - Matthew Fillier and April Hart as part of the Affirming celebration - gathering - Connie McNamara - closing - Sarah Reaburn

ADJOURNMENT: President declared the meeting adjourned.

The President offered a closing prayer.

Matthew Fillier, President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary

Appendix A

David MacMillan, Gordon A United Church, Trustees 29-Jul Gordon United Church permission for To Sub-Exec Secretary sale and distribution of assets for Action Sandra Nicholas, Executive A Director, Brunswick Street 03-Jul Request for permission for special To Sub-Exec Mission appeal for Action A 22-May To Sub-Exec Turner Drake and Partners Provision of real estate services for Action


TIME AND PLACE: The Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on October 23, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at the Maritime Conference Centre, Sackville, NB, with the President, Rev. Matthew Fillier, officiating.

TABLE GROUPS: The Christ candle was lit. Table groups were invited to discuss good news within the church and share with the Executive.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: “As President of Maritime Conference, I constitute this Court in the name of Jesus Christ, who we affirm as our Good News, our judge and our hope. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby 47(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 23, 2015 declare this meeting of the Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it as we strive to be people of The Way.”

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present President Rev. Matthew Fillier, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, Past-President Rev. Gloria Churchill, President-Elect Rev. Catherine Stuart, Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, Mr. Robert Bartlett, Ms. Nancy Corrigan, Ms. Heather Donnelly, Mr. Roland Easter, Rev. Bonnie Fraser, Rev. Heather Fraser, Ms. Marion Green, Rev. Sean Handcock, Rev. Ian Harrison, Mr. Lance Howard, Rev. Jane Johnson, Rev. Sharon Lohnes, Rev. Steven Longmoore, Mr. Donald Mackay, Ms. Catherine MacLean, Mr. Malcolm MacLeod, Rev. Connie McNamara, Rev. Douglas Pilsworth, Rev. Sarah Reaburn, Rev. John Roy, Ms. Annika Sangster, Ms. Pauline Walker, Ms. Allison Wornell. Also in attendance was Conference Minister Ms. Laura Hunter, and Ms. Jennifer Whittemore attended to record minutes.

Regrets: Rev. Gary Clark, Rev. Dr. Arthur Davies, Ms. Karen Dickinson, Rev. Rosemary Godin, Rev. Gary MacDougall, and Rev. Tom Woods.

OPENING WORSHIP: Catherine Stuart lead the Executive in opening worship. More Voices #138 “My Love Colours Outside the Lines” was sung.

CORRESPONDING MEMBERS: David Hewitt / Mac MacLeod moved Margaret Atwood, representing Bermuda Synod, be granted full member status at this meeting of Maritime Conference Executive; and Maritime Conference staff Laura Hunter, Sarah Wallace and Kendall Harrison be granted corresponding privileges for this meeting of Maritime Conference Executive. MOTION CARRIED

AGENDA: David Hewitt / Sean Handcock moved that the agenda be approved as circulated with the deletion from the agenda of Atlantic Ecumenical Council. MOTION CARRIED

MINUTES: David Hewitt / Bob Bartlett moved that the Executive minutes from May 31, 2015 [39(15)-41(15)], be approved as circulated with the correction that Rev. John Roy was not in attendance. MOTION CARRIED

David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from July 2, 2015 [42(15)-44(15)], October 1, 2015 [45(15)-46(15)] be received for information. MOTION CARRIED

CORRESPONDENCE: The Executive Secretary presented a list of correspondence (appendix A). Those items marked for information were received. Those marked for action are minuted separately. 48(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 23, 2015

FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Connie McNamara, Chair, reported on recent Mission Support grant distribution noting that there was significantly more money applied for than was available making this work more challenging.

Connie McNammara / John Roy moved that the Financial Support report be received as reported. CARRIED

STAFF INPUT: Sarah Wallace offered a brief snapshot of the recent priorities of her work.

ANNUAL MEETING PLANNING COMMITTEE: Annika Sangster, Chair, reported on plans for the upcoming Conference annual meeting and invited discussion on options.

Agreed to table conversation and come back to it later in the agenda.

STAFF INPUT: Laura Hunter offered a brief snapshot of the recent priorities of her work.

RECESS: The meeting recessed for lunch with camp grace being sung.


Third Quarter Financials Alan Gray, Treasurer, reported on the third quarter financial statements (appendix B).

Mac MacLeod / Gloria Churchill moved that the first quarter financials be received as reported. CARRIED

Saint John Presbytery, St. Giles United Church Mac MacLeod / Gloria Churchill that the Maritime Conference Executive refer the proposed distribution of funds from the sale of St. Giles United Church back to Saint John Presbytery with a request that the plan for distribution include 10% for the Mission and Service Endowment Fund and 25% for Maritime Conference, in accordance with the Maritime Conference Guidelines for Church Property Sales and Proceeds of Sale. MOTION DEFEATED

Annika Sangster left the meeting.

Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery, New Harbour United Church and Grace United Church Mac MacLeod / Gloria Churchill that the Maritime Conference approve the sale of New Harbour United Church, New Harbour, NS, to Annika Sangster and John Pace for $1,000 plus legal fees and any other associated costs. MOTION CARRIED

Mac MacLeod / Gloria Churchill that the Maritime Conference approve the sale of Grace United Church, Whitehead, NS, to Norman Rhynold for $4,000 plus legal fees and any other associated costs. MOTION CARRIED 49(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 23, 2015

Annika Sangster returned to the meeting.

Mac MacLeod / Gloria Churchill that the Maritime Conference Executive refer the proposed distribution of funds from the sale of New Harbour United Church, New Harbour, NS, and Grace United Church, Whitehead, NS, back to Eastern Guysborough Pastoral Charge with a request that the plan for distribution include 10% for the Mission and Service Endowment Fund and 25% for Maritime Conference, in accordance with the Maritime Conference Guidelines for Church Property Sales and Proceeds of Sale. MOTION CARRIED

Halifax Presbytery, Oyster Pond United Church The Executive Secretary reported that three quotes had been received for the demolition of Oyster Pond United Church, Jeddore, NS, ranging from $13,800 to $20,700. Funds remaining for Disbanded Church Buildings are $5,540.36.

Mac MacLeod / Gloria Churchill moved that Maritime Conference approve the demolition of Oyster Pond United Church, Jeddore, NS, for the lowest bid of $13,800. MOTION CARRIED

Camp Funds The Outdoor Recreation Ministries Committee (ORM) of Maritime Conference, after consultation with representatives from camps in our region, would like to propose that proceeds from the closure and sale of camps and camp properties be set aside to be used to continue support to camping ministries within the Conference.

Mac MacLeod / Gloria Churchill moved that upon the closure and/or sale of camp properties, and all outstanding obligations are paid, ORM recommends that 10% of proceeds go to Mission and Service Endowment Fund and 10% to Maritime Conference with respect to reducing the mortgage; and that the balance of the proceeds be held by Conference and used in response to proposals for projects from the remaining camps. The funds may also be used as support for special Conference/ORM activities in support of camping ministry throughout the Conference. MOTION CARRIED

MINISTRY PERSONNEL & EDUCATION: The Executive Secretary reported that permission was given as follows: - Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery, Ms. M. Dale Crawford, Designated Lay Minister (Recognized), to administer the sacraments.

AFFIRMING TASK GROUP: David Hewitt / Sean Handcock moved that the Maritime Conference Affirming Task Group on be disbanded with thanks. CARRIED

MARITIME CONFERENCE CRTG TASK GROUP: David Hewitt / Gloria Churchill moved that the Maritime Conference 2015 CRTG Task Group to review the report from Comprehensive Review Task Group (CRTG) be disbanded with thanks. CARRIED 50(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 23, 2015

INCORPORATED MINISTRIES: The Executive Secretary reported that General Council is undertaking a review of Incorporated Ministries with a view to effective and appropriate accountability mechanisms.

TATAMAGOUCHE CENTRE: The Executive Secretary updated the Executive on the status of Tatamagouche Centre.

Agreed to send a thank you card to Kenley MacNeill for his fundraising efforts for the Centre.

MARITIME CONFERENCE UNITED CHURCH WOMEN (UCW): Catherine MacLean, Maritime Conference UCW President, reported on behalf of the Maritime Conference UCW (appendix C).

Catherine MacLean / Nan Corrigan moved that the Maritime Conference UCW report be received as reported. CARRIED

PRESBYTERY REPORTS: Margaret Atwood, Secretary, Bermuda Synod reported on behalf of the Synod (appendix D).

Agreed that the President write a letter of support to the Bermuda Synod and to the Premier of Bermuda to thank him and encourage him on his work.

RECESS: The meeting recessed for a brief break.

STAFF COMMITTEE: Jane Johnson, chair, reported on behalf of the committee (appendix E).Considering the likely budget income for 2018 the following motion was presented:

Jane Johnson / Pauline Walker moved that a task group consisting of Mac MacLeod, Margaret Atwood, Catherine Stuart, Annika Sangster and staffed by the Executive Secretary be established to consider/explore the options for using the funds set aside for the vacant staff position. The focus for said task group is intended to be on work to be done in 2016-2017 on projects deemed to be essential work of the Conference, and with a view towards establishing a basis for 2018 and beyond. MOTION CARRIED

PRESBYTERY REPORTS: Karen Dickinson, representative, Chignecto Presbytery submitted a report on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix F).

Nancy Corrigan, chair, Inverness-Guysborough Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix G).

Marion Green, chair, Miramichi Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix H). 51(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

STEWARDSHIP: Laura Hunter reported on Stewardship events held in the Conference in September. She explained the shift in Stewardship responsibilities to Rev. Roger Janes who is now the Stewardship and Gifts Officer for Atlantic Canada. She encouraged people to invite Roger to their area when he is present in this Conference.

NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE: Bonnie Fraser / Pauline Walker moved that the Maritime Conference Executive approve the appointment of Henry Ellsworth to the position of Member-at-Large to the Annual Meeting Planning Committee; Rev. Shelly Pick to the position of Secretary to the Church in Action Committee; Harley Grimmer to the position of Member-at-Large to the Financial Support Committee; Rev. Ron Vincent, Rev. Derek Ellsworth, Rev. Kevin Cox, Rev. Bev Daley, Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Stevenson, Shirley Clarke, Anne Cameron, Sheila Gallant, and Carl Phillips to the position of Member to the Conference Interview Board. MOTION CARRIED

ANNUAL MEETING PLANNING COMMITTEE: The Executive continued discussion with the possibility of an Open Space annual meeting.

Sean Handcock / Heather Donnelly moved that the Annual Meeting Planning Committee proceed with plans for an Open Space Technology session at the upcoming Conference annual meeting. MOTION CARRIED

PRESBYTERY REPORTS: John Roy, chair, Saint John Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix H).

Douglas Pilsworth, chair, Pictou Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix I).

Donald Mackay, chair, Sydney Presbytery reported on behalf of the Presbytery (appendix J).

RECESS: The meeting recessed for supper with the singing of grace, United Voices #551 “For Food in a World”.

AFFIRMING CELEBRATION: Maritime Conference Executive was joined by friends, guests and visitors to formally acknowledge and complete the process to becoming an Affirming Conference. President Matthew Filler, April Hart and Rick Gunn lead the worshipful celebration which included the presentation of a certificate by Affirm United representative Anne Hebb. A reception followed.

OPENING WORSHIP: The meeting opened Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. with the lighting of the Christ Candle. Connie McNamara led the Executive in worship. Voices United #714 “I See a New Heaven” was sung.

GC42 COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW: The Executive Secretary shared recent developments in the work following on the decisions of GC42 with respect to the Comprehensive Review recommendations. Discussion followed. 52(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

RECESS: The meeting recessed for a brief break.

CONFERENCE ANNUAL MEETING PROPOSAL 10, TRANSATION TO CLUSTERS: Agreed that the Executive of Maritime Conference would revisit Proposal 10, Transition to Clusters, at the next meeting of the Executive.

UNITED CHURCH MEN: Bob Bartlett, President, United Church Men, reported on their recent work, and encouraged attendance at their bi-annual event being held in April 23, 2016.

MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND EDUCATION: Steven Longmoore, chair, reported that the Conference Education and Students committee has approved the request to have Alberta- Northwest Conference interview Keith MacPherson (candidate from St. Croix Presbytery) for Ordination, since he is currently on internship in their Conference.

GENDER IDENTITY: Agreed that the Affirming Committee consider gender identity issues with respect to men’s and women’s groups within the church.

AFFIRMING CELEBRATION: John Roy expressed support for further recognition of our status at the next Conference Annual Meeting, May 2016.

CLOSING WORSHIP: Sarah Reaburn led the Executive in closing worship. More Voices #12 “Come Touch our Hearts” was sung.

MEETING SCHEDULE: Reminder of the Executive meeting scheduled for April 15-16, 2016 at the Maritime Conference Centre.

POWERS TO THE SUB-EXECUTIVE: David Hewitt / Sean Handcock moved that powers be granted to the sub-executive in the interim until Executive reconvenes and that permission be given for a telephone conference call to be used in decision making in the Sub-Executive’s work, if necessary. CARRIED

ADJOURNMENT: President declared the meeting closed and offered blessing.

The President closed by offering a benediction.

Matthew Fillier, President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary

53(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015


Date Recommended # Received From Regarding Rec. Action A01 Sharron Russell, Saint John 29-Apr Disbursement of funds from St. To Exec for Presbytery Giles United Church Action Sale of New Harbour United A02 David MacMillan, Eastern 16-Jul Church, New Harbour, and Grace To Exec for Guysborough PC United Church, Whitehead Action A03 Joan Griffin, Musquodoboit 08-Oct Three quotes for the demolition of To Exec for Harbour Pastoral Charge Oyster Pond United Church Action I01 Joe Brooks, Trustee, St. 22-Apr Sale / lease of St. Giles United To Exec for Giles United Church Church Information Gary Burrill, United Heritage Church (passed on I02 09-May by Evelyn Wells, Sydney Concern over both Conference and To Exec for Presbytery) Presbytery Allocations Information I03 Nora Sanders, General 29-May To Exec for Secretary General Council Review of Incorporated Ministries Information I04 05-Jun To Exec for Maureen Adamson Sale of Red Head United Church Information I05 Richard Renouf, Barrister & 12-Jun To Exec for Solicitor Camp Woolastook sale Information

Appendix B

54(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

MARITIME CONFERENCE FUND THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Interim Statement of Revenue and Expenditures - General Fund Unaudited - For internal purposes only

Period ended September 30, 2015 9 months ended Annual Y/E 09/30/2015 Budget 12/31/2014 Revenues Allocations $683,684 $911,577 $889,343

Salary & Equalization Grants 205,314 264,095 277,282 Event Receipts Youth Forum 35,555 29,200 34,940 Intermediates,etc at Conference 29,230 24,000 31,680 Fees 150 350 414 Rental of Facilty/Archives 13,065 13,150 13,967 Sundry 21,817 12,750 14,759 Amortization of Financial Campaign Cont. 14,773 12,500 14,459 1,003,587 1,267,622 1,276,844 Expenditures Executive Financial campaign expenses 801 1,000 552 Other 10,802 28,530 26,517 Administration 12,265 40,950 666 Interest on LTD 79,597 120,542 120,241 Office Operation 51,111 70,200 56,458 Salaries & benefits 403,673 599,000 588,475 Staff Travel 11,627 27,000 19,174 Standing Committees 185,383 234,400 202,947 Grants to tatamagouche Centre 50,000 50,000 50,000 Amortization 77,586 101,000 103,816 882,846 1,272,622 1,168,846

Excess of (Expenditures over Revenues) $ 120,742 -$ 5,000 $ 107,998 55(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

MARITIME CONFERENCE FUND THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Interim Balance sheet Unaudited - For internal purposes only

Period ended September 30, 2015 General Bequest Special Total 12/31/2014 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash Unrestricted $ 229,554 $ 229,554 $ 66,122 Restricted/In Trust 98,463 - 135,208 233,671 638,064 Internally Restricted 203,105 203,105 Accounts Receivable Allocations 105,915 105,915 79,005 United Church of Canada - - - GST/HST Recoverable 12,589 12,589 15,820 Other 10,760 10,760 4,621 Accrued Interest Receivable 5,087 5,087 1,748 Due from General Fund - - - Land held for resale 20,800 20,800 20,800 Prepaids - - 6,669 686,274 135,208 821,482 832,849 Investments - 206,125 206,125 206,125 Property & Equipment 3,022,563 3,022,563 3,100,148 $ 3,708,836 $ 206,125 $ 135,208 $ 4,050,169 $ 4,139,122

Liabilities & Fund Balances Current Liabilities Accounts payable & accrued liabilities $ 37,712 $ 37,712 $ 43,166 Funds held in trust 98,463 98,463 - Payable to/on behalf of and directed by others 7,531 7,531 508,960 Unearned revenues 30,652 30,652 35,357 Internally Restricted 203,105 203,105 - Current portion of LTD 60,106 60,106 46,968 437,569 437,569 634,451

Long Term Liabilities Restricted Contributions 746,353 746,353 551,564 Loan from Financial services - - - Mortgage Payable 1,411,167 1,411,167 1,623,163 2,157,521 - 2,157,521 2,174,727

Fund Balances 1,113,747 206,125 135,208 1,455,079 1,329,944

$ 3,708,836 $ 206,125 $ 135,208 $ 4,050,169 $ 4,139,122 56(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

MARITIME CONFERENCE FUND THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Interim Statement of Cash Flow - General Fund Unaudited - For internal purposes only

Period ended September 30, 2015 9 months ended Y/E 09/30/2015 12/31/2014

Increase(decrease) in cash & equivalents:

OPERATING Excess of (expenses over revenue) 125,136 110,735 Amortization of financial campaign contributions (14,773) (14,459) Amortization of property & equipment 77,586 103,816 Capital contributions - - Change in non-cash working capital (Increase) decrease in accounts receivable (33,158) (23,648) (Increase) decrease in prepaids 6,669 (2,914) (Decrease) increase in accounts payable (408,420) (34,443) (Decrease) Increase in internal fund restrictions 203,105 - (Decrease) in other unearned revenues (4,705) (500) (48,560) 138,587 FINANCING Restricted contributions to project 209,562 179,394 Proceeds from funds held in trust - 507,250 Repayment of Long Term Debt (198,858) (338,477) 10,705 348,167 INVESTING Property & Equipment - - Decrease (Increase) in amounts held in trust - - Deposits on equipment contracts - - Proceeds of redemption of investment in UCF - - - -

Net (decrease) increase in cash and equivalents (37,856) 486,754

Cash and equivalents, beginning of period 704,186 217,432

Cash and equivalents, end of period 666,330 704,186

Cash and equivalents consist of the following Unrestricted 229,554 66,122 Externally restricted/In Trust 233,671 638,064 Internally restricted 203,105 - 666,330 704,186 (0) -0.065 57(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

MARITIME CONFERENCE FUND THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Interim Statement of Changes in Fund Balances Unaudited - For internal purposes only

Period ended September 30, 2015 General Bequest Special Total 12/31/2014 Fund Balances, beginning of period $ 993,005 $ 206,125 $ 130,814 $ 1,329,944 $ 1,219,209

Excess of Revenue over Expenditure 120,742 - 4,394 125,136 110,735 (Expenditure over revenue)

Transfers from (to) other funds - - - - -

Fund Balances, end of period $ 1,113,747 $ 206,125 $ 135,208 $ 1,455,079 $ 1,329,944


Maritime Conference UCW Report October 15-2015

We are called… Within Maritime Conference, there are eight Presbyterials, 216 Groups (units) with a total of 3093 Members. UCW remains a vibrant force within the congregations of Maritime Conference.

During the 2014-2016 term our theme has been “Caring at Home”, following the Gospel call within Matthew 25:31-40. Some of our Presbyterials have been doing exceptional work. For instance:  Purple caps for newborn babies.  Blankets, comforters and towels for homeless shelters.  Lunch programs for schools and food bank donations.  Visits to shut-ins and other seniors.  Back-packs and school supplies as the new school year begins.  Christmas gifts and grocery supplies for less fortunate families.  Mitten trees during advent also with socks, scarves and caps.  Information sessions about local needs.

These activities are cited as examples of the service being provided by UCW units and members, and we are all well aware of the contributions to the worship life and finances in our congregations.

Being aware that one child in six within our Maritime Provinces is living in poverty, our MCUCW is participating in the National UCW project “The Chid Well Being Initiative.” Through Prayer, education and encouragement of our membership, seeking creative ways to draw attention to this situation within our elected government officials, we are making a 58(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015 difference in this area of need. The “Creative ways” include T-shirts, poverty buttons, poverty dolls, door-hangers, letters and e-mails, Social media. Have a look at www.endchildoverty.ca It has been said that “Charity is good but justice is better.” No solution is perfect, but adequate housing, affordable day care, breakfast and lunch programs seem a reasonable goal to us. We feel that a more just social system can be achieved through government action. As a rallying call for this project we are saying that “Every child deserves a fair chance”.

In September, 31 UCW members from across Canada gathered at “Queen of Apostlles” renewal center in Mississauga, ON for business, reporting and learning.

Plans for the 55th. Anniversary celebration in Vancouver in 2017 are well advanced. The Plenary speaker will be Ann Mortifee. The music leader will be Linea Good.

Our next Maritime Conference gathering will be the Biennial meeting in Brookfield, NS on April 22-24, 2016, when we celebrate our past and plan for the future. The theme will be “Love in Your Heart”.

We feel we are answering God’s call, guided by the gospel record of the teaching of Jesus.

Respectfully submitted, Catherine J. MacLean, MCUCW President

APPENDIX D Maritime Conference Executive Report from the Bermuda Synod

We are called to be the Church: to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen our judge and our hope.

How has your Presbytery/Synod responded to this call? The churches within the Bermuda Synod continue to respond to this call through out reach programs consisting of a food hamper program, a free meal once a month and prison fellowship.

We were honored to have the Moderator, Rev. and his spouse Rev Tim Stevenson visit us from March 5th -9th 2015 and this just happened to coincide with a workshop that was being held on what it means to be affirming. Both Rev Gary and Rev Tim attended these workshops and were able to provide the synod with advice on how to move forward with this. Prior to this workshops were held on racial justice and these were well attended and beneficial. 59(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

We continue to study what radical hospitality means to us, and some are struggling with this as it relates to some of the issues in todays society. This has resulted in a number of people leaving Wesley following the approval for a blessing of a marriage between two men to take place in the church. Emphasis on radical hospitality of those who are marginalized has been around same sex marriage at this time because the Bermuda Government has been urged to address the issue. Many churches in Bermuda have been very vocal in being against this and members of the Synod have taken the opportunities provided to give a different, more accepting Christian perspective.

We were fortunate to have the president of Maritime Conference, Rev. Gloria Churchill, visit Bermuda from April 6th - 14th and we were able to discuss the comprehensive review that formed a part of both Maritime Conference and General Council this year.

What trends in celebration, service, justice seeking and proclamation are filled with the Spirit in your Presbytery/Synod? The work of the Synod is filled with the Spirit as it continues to discuss what radical hospitality means, and will use this as the theme of the Bermuda Convention being held in October 2015.

Plans are also being made for a fun filled Youth Convention to be held in 2016.

Where is the Spirit of Jesus, our judge and our hope, evident within the religious life of your Presbytery/Synod? The Spirit of Jesus is evident as we continue to work together in mutual respect as we deal with the issue of dwindling numbers, maintaining costly buildings and finding ways the three churches can come together as one.

Where is God calling your Presbytery/Synod? God is calling the Synod to look at who we are as Methodists in Bermuda.


Maritime Conference Staff Committee Report Oct 23, 2015

Staff Committee met with each of the staff on Oct 22nd, and expressed to them the gratitude of Maritime Conference for their dedication to the work of Conference, their attention to maintaining good working relationships, and the attitude of hospitality toward everyone with whom they come in contact, through the doors, the phone and email.

When asked how their jobs have changed over the years they have been doing them, the one constant in their answers was that they are busier. We as a Conference need to be mindful of that in the demands we place upon them.

One of the reasons for that increase in workload over the last year, is the fact that we have not filled the vacancy for the position of Minister of Christian Nurture and Development 60(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

(Janice MacLean’s job). Some of the pieces of that work have been picked up by other staff. Some pieces have been lying fallow for the year.

Last spring Staff Committee decided to not address that vacancy until after we heard from General Council and knew more about the direction we are headed. Well, we heard from General Council, and do not know much more about the direction we are headed.

We do know that we have budgeted for this position of Minister of Christian Nurture and Development for 2016 and that GC grants will continue until 2017, but Conferences should expect zero grant money from GC in 2018, a loss of 20% of our Conference budget.

So we have two years of funding still coming in for that position. Staff Committee tossed around several options for using these funds - appoint someone to the existing position for two years. - Address several areas of essential Conference work by smaller contract positions. - Withdraw the position, and use the money other places it is needed.


Chignecto Presbytery Report to the Executive of Maritime Conference October 28, 2015

We are called to be the church: To celebrate God’s presence, To live with respect in Creation, To love and serve others, To seek justice and resist evil, To proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, Our judge and our hope.

As Chignecto Presbytery gathers, we hold before us the ‘mission statement’ outlined in our statement of faith. It remains the centre of our life together while it also remains elusive.

We do celebrate God’s presence through regular worship and sharing in communion at our meetings. We meet every other month, for a full day meeting. This meeting schedule presents challenges to those who cannot meet during the day. Yet at this point no concerted effort is being made to look at changing. We meet in St. Paul’s Riverview and at the Conference Centre on a rotational basis. The Conference staff have been both welcoming and helpful and we extend our thanks.

The Presbytery Executive has now developed a pattern for meeting via telephone conference call. This has reduced our travel time, and reflects care for creation. 61(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

Over the years Chignecto has engaged in conversation as to the viability of developing a ministry in French in the Moncton/Dieppe area. In theory, the presbytery has been supportive, but the on the ground efforts have fallen short of our intentions. Perhaps we need to look at how to encourage an individual pastoral charge to pick up this way of serving.

It is with gratitude that we acknowledge the work of those within our Presbytery who have led us through the Affirming process. We hope to be able to present a motion in the spring of 2016 to have Chignecto Presbytery declared an Affirming presbytery.

The Church in Action Committee has focused on international events, especially Palestine and Israel. This complex situation requires deep patience and listening.

As with many (if not all) presbyteries, our Pastoral Relations/Pastoral Oversight work requires a large commitment from those most immediately involved. Recently we have decided to review the possible separation of these two aspects of congregational and ministerial support.

A major concern remains the number of pastoral charges which struggle with viability. For many this struggle has meant that they have identified themselves as part-time ministry. This heightens concern as ministry personnel are not always able to live on a part-time salary. Chignecto Presbytery has a large number of pastoral charges being served by retired ministry personnel. While we are deeply grateful, we acknowledge that these part-time ministries need to be examined for long-term viability.

Property issues seem to be requiring a greater amount of time for both the pastoral charges and the presbytery. We have requested that the Executive Secretary conduct one or more workshops for both the Finance and Property committee of the Presbytery and the pastoral charges.

We know our ministry is geared toward the Gospel. We see signs of death, but also signs of resurrection. And we celebrate. Thanks be to God!

Blessings, Catherine Gaw Chair, Chignecto Presbytery


Report from Inverness Guysborough Presbytery to Maritime Conference Executive October 2015

We are called to be the Church: to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen our judge and our hope. 62(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

How has your Presbytery/Synod responded to this call?  Completed dealing with the final remits for General Council 42 early in the year  have had a report from our commissioners to GC (Rev. Alison Etter, Baddeck and Alice MacAskill, West Bay) at our September 2015 meeting and will have a report at each meeting  A few presbyters attended “Regenerating Places of Faith: A Workshop for Rural and Small Urban Communities” in Sydney in September. Two national organizations -- the National Trust for Canada and Faith and the Common Good – along with Cape Breton University, the Sydney Architectural Conservation Society, and others developed this workshop as a pilot for others to be held across the country.

What trends in celebration, service, justice seeking and proclamation are filled with the Spirit in your Presbytery/Synod?  Services of covenanting this fall with Whycocomagh East Lake Ainslie Pastoral Charge and Rev. Rachel Campbell and with West Bay Pastoral Charge and Rev. Donna Lovelace  Held second annual presbytery choir event at St. Marks in Port Hawkesbury in September  At June meeting Rev. Robyn Brown Hewitt presented a proposal for an educational process for lay worship leaders and Inverness Guysborough committed to participate  Decided to continue supplying The Observer to nursing homes, hospitals and school libraries  Have written letters questioning the forestry practices of the biomass plant in Port Hawkesbury  Presbytery website is now up and running. Providing Google maps for location of each church has been reported by visitors to be useful feature.

Where is the Spirit of Jesus, our judge and our hope, evident within the religious life of your Presbytery/Synod?  We organize a time away for clergy and held our 4th annual clergy retreat in April at the Chanterelle County Inn, North River Bridge. Mary MacDougall, Spiritual Leader of Cape Breton L'Arche community was facilitator.  A new initiative was Vacation Bible School held in 4 sites this summer. Received grants to support the employment of both an adult and youth VBS coordinator.  Are continuing to work through Maritime Conference Affirming Ministries process, with an order of the day at our next meeting. Presbytery Affirming Ministries Task Group is currently providing guidance for one pastoral charge.

Where is God calling your Presbytery/Synod?  A small presbytery, we are challenged to do our work with dwindling numbers of presbyters. Congregations are finding it more and more difficult to find presbytery representatives. We are therefore very interested to know how and when the three court structure will be implemented. God is calling this presbytery to embrace the new thing that is happening.

Submitted by Nan Corrigan, D.M. Chair, Inverness Guysborough Presbytery 63(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015


Maritime Conference Executive Miramichi Presbytery Report November 2015

Miramichi Presbytery consists of 16 Pastoral Charges with 25 church buildings. The 45 Presbytery members, which includes 4 members-at-large, have been working faithfully conducting the regular business of our Miramichi Presbytery. At the present time it is a challenge to recruit members with appropriate skills and with commitment to serve on the various committees within Presbytery. Members of our Presbytery are faithful in attending Maritime Conference Annual meeting, special meetings and workshops.

There are 3 Full Presbytery meetings held yearly with an average attendance of 35. Executive meetings are held monthly where most of the business of Presbytery is conducted. Special meetings are called when needed usually by conference calls.

There are 6 Pastoral charges within the bounds of Miramichi Presbytery who are without full time Pastoral care. The Spirit is quite evident in the life of these 6 Churches with services being held weekly but much strain is being felt by the supervising ministers who are also responsible for their own charges. Representatives of the Pastoral Relations committee are working with the search committees on these 6 points and hopefully with much prayer and guidance in the very near future all points will be filled with clergy or full time supply.

At our last full Presbytery meeting, the two commissioners who attended the 42nd General Council in Newfoundland gave a very interesting and information slide presentation on the proceedings of the meetings. Presbytery members are looking forward to having these two explain the background of each of the remits as they arrive from General Council Office.

One exciting happening in our Presbytery at the present time is that the Church in Action Committee chaired by Georgina Baisley has formed a committee and they are considering Miramichi Presbytery sponsor a Refugee Family. There are various members of our Presbytery and some from the individual churches who are very enthused on this idea and have already formed committees within their own churches. At our upcoming Executive meeting this decision will be finalized.

The Spirit is quite evident in the life and work of our churches. The youth continue to be very active in our congregations, all pastoral charges have active United Church Women Groups, members of the Chatham, Newcastle and Red Bank Pastoral charges were proud and honoured to welcome and sponsor the members of the General Council Youth Pilgrims travelling from across Canada in August, 2015, church members support local food banks, homeless shelters, women’s shelters, school breakfast programs and community meals in their communities.

Members of Miramichi Presbytery are looking forward with much prayer and with God’s help to face the challenges and changes that are before our church now and in the future. 64(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

“God of call and commission, we hear your voice. Your work is our work, our work is your work. Give us the will to follow where you lead, to reach out in love, to struggle for justice. Grant that we, with courage and daring, will stand up and be counted among your servants.”


Saint John Presbytery

How has your Presbytery/Synod responded to this call? The faithful witness of the followers and seekers in Saint John Presbytery has been varied, spirit led and by times challenging. As church we seek to realize a variety of worship experiences led by lay and ministry personnel. At this time all our pastoral charges have or will have shortly ministry personnel. One is just starting a JNAC. Some worship experiences are more contemporary and interactive, others are more traditional, all filled with Spirit and hope.

Within the bounds of Saint John Presbytery there is significant industry that is not always creation friendly. We also live, work and witness in an area that may be a hub of fracking and certainly the East West pipeline. Offering a voice of concern for creation mixed with loving our companion worshippers and faith sojourners who work for and with these industries is a delicate balance. We do not always get it right but we do strive to be spirit led.

To that end seeking justice and resisting evil is in the eye of the beholder. My sense is that the Presbytery seeks to in matters of creation speak for a minimalist footprint and equitable renewal and replenishment of resources. In a region that has a large and often influential industrial and natural resource depleting sector, we are often challenged to find a fitting voice. And that voice is often softened by our personal and presbytery need to use the very resources we speak out against. In our deepening awareness of “one planet” for all, we strive for the faithful and spirit filled voice.

What trends in celebration, service, justice seeking and proclamation are filled with the Spirit in your Presbytery/Synod? Our celebration at this moment is happening on November 1. Presbytery is gathering together as one to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the United Church and who we are as a gathering of faithful followers. It will be a grand celebration. As an additional note, there was a choir practice on October 4th and there were 122 voices and three accompanists. What a joyful sound! I must say that excitement has just gone up another gear.

Where is the Spirit of Jesus, our judge and our hope, evident within the religious life of your Presbytery/Synod? Each of our Pastoral Charges have ministry personnel (one will be going to a JNAC) and faithful lay all with differing gifts and skills. We feed the hungry (many food banks and breakfast/lunch/supper ministries), cloth the naked (the clothing depot), visit the sick (many are 65(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015 spiritual care givers at the hospital, nursing homes and hospice), we are with the young and aged. And in the midst of all that there is Spirit.

Where is God calling your Presbytery/Synod? At the moment we are called even pressed into aiding refugees. We are gathering and forming partnerships to best use resources. We are responding to the UCC call for funding so that our partners can offer aid to refugees where they are today. We are preparing to welcome the stranger. We are pushing the government to act with swiftness so that the suffering will not be prolonged. At our October meeting the Order of the day is set aside to hear from Church in Action as to how we can best respond. As we look at how we can best serve there are two exciting conversations happening. One in East Saint John and the other in the ‘greater’ Sussex area. There will be much brainstorming, collaboration, giving and receiving and a healthy dose of prayer and Spirit leading in order for the best outcome. We will keep you posted.


Pictou Presbytery Report

From River John to Pictou town, from St. Mary’s to Antigonish and all point in between, we are called to be the Church. Every Sunday, God’s name and mission is lifted up in praise through various forms and ways of worship. Pictou Presbytery is blessed to have Ministry Personnel on all, but one point. This will increase, in the coming year, when one of our Minister’s retires. Our Ministry, Personnel and Education Committee is diligently seeking new personnel for these positions. Through the work of this committee, we are looking into ways of doing ministry in new ways by exploring co-op or shared ministry models. They will be hosting a, “Church Dance” workshop for everyone in the Presbytery to come and explore with us, how we can serve Christ in a new way. This year, we have had more requests from our Youth to attend programs and so we passed a motion to grant them 1/3 of their expenses to be covered by Presbytery. There is no cap on the numbers who may attend an event and get funding. Being a predominately rural based Presbytery, we enjoy and celebrate God’s gift of the changing seasons at every occasion. We have welcomed new members to Presbytery who, after a come-and-see, have relished the camaraderie, fun and business of this level of the Church and have stayed with us. It is the people who make our Presbytery so dynamic and involved with each other, as the Church. We celebrate the gifts that each congregation offers and this has been enhanced by our Pastoral Oversight Committee who visits and wants to know what each point celebrates as ministry. The old pattern was, if Presbytery was coming we must be doing something wrong, but that has changed with this new focus. Yes, there arise some needs, but the Charges now know that we are here to help. Our Church In Action Committee is focusing on the Israeli/Palestinian question and are planning workshops for our questions and understanding. Every Presbytery meeting begins with a cup of Fair Trade Coffee. A great way to keep everyone alert for the meeting to come. From the traditional worship style to services based upon the Beatles repertory, with various technological enhancements, Pictou Presbytery is still centered on the praise and glorification of God in our midst. With the new Correctional 66(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

Centre now open, we are looking at providing services of worship, sharing God’s love with the residents. Certainly, the refugee situation is utmost in our hearts and we are united in our efforts to offer Pictou County as a refuge for as many as we can bring in. We are also aware that we cannot do this on our own, financially, so we are connecting in with our local Council of Churches. Soon, our Churches will be participating in annual walks for the homeless and we are plugging now, our request that you vote for our Roots for Youth House by going to the Aviva Fund website and vote and vote and vote, as we try to bring a sense of well-being and hope to those who are couch-surfing in our area. Church bulletins are full of various local events, times of celebrating the seasons and Spirit of God. Tomorrow, we will all gather one last time at Camp MacLennan and reflect on its many years of service to our youth. This will take the form of a camp day with games, food and worship. The winter will also get us out for Torchlight parades as we bring Christ’s light into winter’s darkness, as well as offering Longest Night services for those who find no joy at Christmas. Every community has its own unique and cherished way of sharing God’s love and we value and support every occasion. These are some of the ways that we are responding to Christ’s call to serve others within our boundaries and beyond. As a Presbytery, we encourage outreach everywhere, as we proclaim the risen Christ. Though small in number, we are dynamic and enthusiastic in effort. And in everything we say and do, we do it to God’s glory and praise.

Submitted Rev. Doug Pilsworth Chairperson of Pictou Presbytery



Sydney Presbytery decided to revise its meeting schedule both for the full Court and the Executive Meetings. The full Court will meet in the months of October, November, January, April and June and the Executive will meet in September, December, February, March and May. At present this seems to be working and of course Presbytery still has the option of calling a meeting if needed.

This year has been active mostly with regular business and through the work of its various committees.

Sydney Presbytery still supports the Cape Breton Chapter of Habit for Humanity which is planning to build a new family unit in the Whitney Pier Area. This is a project that is available to low-income families seeking to secure safe and affordable housing. Sydney Presbytery is supporting this project both with members of the Presbytery and a sizable donation. 67(15) Executive Sackville, NB October 24, 2015

Sydney Presbytery had several orders of the day during the year. (1)The “Envisioning and Enacting Affirming Ministry” was discussed at length and supported by some in Sydney Presbytery. (2)The Comprehensive Review Final Report was discussed and a power point presentation was made summarizing the six recommendations. Sydney Presbytery also supports The Community CARES Youth Outreach Project. A grant from the Mission and Service Fund was tentatively approved of $15,000 for 2016.

A discussion of “Cluster Proposal” using slides for presentation followed by table group discussion. It is interesting to note some of the responses:  an alternative to taped sermons might be to have a lay person read the sermon.  Pursue the possibility of “Sacrament Elders”  cluster modeled seems to be very detached and impersonal, people will not come to Church without a Minister conducting the service.  Heavy load on clergy doing the training  need to think about this and take proposal to congregations to think about.

Sydney Presbytery was very fortunate to celebrate a covenanting services for the Rev. Hazel- Jane Morris in the St. Ann's Bay Pastoral Charge.

A Decommissioning Service of Praise, Thanksgiving and Celebration of 108 years of Christian Worship for the Wilson United Church in Florence was held in June.

The following Churches in Sydney Presbytery have been sold over the past year: Trinity United Church, First United Church, and Wilson United in Florence.

At present Sydney presbytery has 11 full time ministry personnel (8 ordered and 3 Designated Lay Ministers); 1 served by half-time retired supply. At present Knox United in Glace Bay is vacant and is served by a rotating lay supply The Amalgamated Church (United Heritage) has 2 full time Clergy appointed for six months.

There are several Pastoral Charges that are a concern such as Knox United Church in Glace Bay, the so called Knox Church in Blackett's Lake and the North Highlands Pastoral Charge. Sydney Presbytery and Conference are working with these Churches. The rest of the Churches seem to working for the time being.

There have been other discussions and considerations involving Sydney Presbytery such as:  Encourage attendance at Presbytery Meetings.  Recruiting Presbyters  DLM concerns I hope that this report reflected on some of the requirements as indicated in the Template.

68(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB November 18, 2015


TIME AND PLACE: The Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on November 18, 2015 by conference call at 11:00 a.m., with the President Rev. Matthew Fillier, officiating.

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present President Rev. Matthew Fillier, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, President-Elect Rev. Catherine Stuart, Mr. Robert Bartlett, Mr. Lance Howard, Rev. Connie McNamara, Rev. Sarah Reaburn, and Ms. Annika Sangster.

Regrets: Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray, and Rev. Sean Handcock.

OPENING PRAYER: The President opened the meeting with prayer.

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: “As President of Maritime Conference, I constitute this Court in the name of Jesus Christ, who we affirm as our Good News, our judge and our hope. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it as we strive to be people of The Way.”

AGENDA: David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart that the agenda be approved as circulated. CARRIED

MINUTES: Lance Howard / Robert Bartlett moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from October 1, 2015 [45 (15)-46(15)], be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

MACLENNAN MEMORIAL CAMP: David Hewitt / Sarah Reaburn moved that Maritime Conference approve that the MacLennan Memorial Camp property be sold and authorize the Executive Secretary to act on behalf of Conference in this matter. MOTION CARRIED

Note: the current offer is $255,000 from Ken and Sharon Ward.

PROPERTY SALES: It was agreed that the Sub-Executive review each proposal for sale on a case by case basis.

SAINT JOHN PRESBYTERY, ST. GILES UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Robert Bartlett moved that St. Giles United Church, Saint John Presbytery, be sold for no less than $40,000 and authorize the Executive Secretary to act on behalf of Conference in this matter. MOTION CARRIED

69(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB December 17, 2015

SAINT JOHN PRESBYTERY, RED HEAD UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart moved that Red Head United Church, Saint John Presbytery, be sold and authorize the Executive Secretary to act on behalf of Conference in this matter. MOTION CARRIED

WOOLASTOOK PRESBYTERY, RILEY BROOK UNITED CHURCH: David Hewitt / Lance Howard moved that Riley Brook United Church, Woolastook Presbytery, be sold and authorize the Executive Secretary to act on behalf of Conference in this matter. MOTION CARRIED

ADJOURNMENT: President declared the meeting adjourned.

The President offered a closing prayer.

Matthew Fillier, President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary

Appendix A MacLennan Memorial To Sub-Exec A1 Camp 29-Oct Agreement of Purchase and Sale for Action Joe Brooks, St. Giles To Sub-Exec A2 United Church 17-Nov Offer to purchase for Action Maureen Adamson, Red Head United Agreement of purchase and notice of offer To Sub-Exec A3 Church 09-Nov withdrawal for Action Riley Brook United Church, Woolastook To Sub-Exec A4 Presbytery 10-Nov Offer for sale for Action


TIME AND PLACE: The Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference met, at the call of the President, on December 17, 2015 by conference call at 3:30 p.m., with the President Rev. Matthew Fillier, officiating.

ATTENDANCE AND REGRETS: Present President Rev. Matthew Fillier, Executive Secretary Mr. David Hewitt, President-Elect Rev. Catherine Stuart, Mr. Robert Bartlett, Mr. Lance Howard, Rev. Connie McNamara, Rev. Sarah Reaburn, and Ms. Annika Sangster.

Regrets: Treasurer Mr. Alan Gray and Rev. Sean Handcock.

OPENING PRAYER: The President opened the meeting with prayer. 70(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB December 17, 2015

CONSTITUTION OF THE COURT: “As President of Maritime Conference, I constitute this Court in the name of Jesus Christ, who we affirm as our Good News, our judge and our hope. By the authority vested in me by the Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada, I hereby declare this meeting of the Sub-Executive of Maritime Conference to be in session to deal with all business and matters that may be brought before it as we strive to be people of The Way.”

AGENDA: Robert Bartlett / Lance Howard that the agenda be approved as circulated the addition of Sacramental privileges for Kathryn McIntosh. CARRIED

MINUTES: David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart moved that the Sub-Executive minutes from November 18, 2015 [68(15)-69(15)], be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED

ST. JAMES UNITED CHURCH, GREAT VILLAGE, TRURO PRESBYTERY: David Hewitt / Connie McNamara moved that the former St. James United Church, Great Village, lands and property be transferred to the St. James Preservation Society of Great Village. MOTION CARRIED

David Hewitt / Robert Bartlett moved that the remaining funds of St. James United Church, Great Village, be distributed as follows: - 25% Maritime Conference (6) $ 40,000 - 10% M&S Fund through Maritime Conference (6) 15,000 - M&S Fund by the Pastoral Charge 5,000 - St. James Preservation Society of Great Village (1) 5,000 - Londonderry Station Community Church (2) 5,000 - Great Village Cemetery Company 20,000 - Great Village & District Fire Commission 5,000 - Royal Canadian Legion #72, Great Village (3) 5,000 SUB-TOTAL $100,000

- Truro Presbytery: Refugee Family (4) $ 10,000 - Balance of the accounts (5) 36,000 SUB-TOTAL $ 46,000

TOTAL $146,000

Notations: (1) St. James Preservation Society of Great Village – 5,000 To help maintain the sanctuary as a museum (2) Londonderry Station Community Church – 5,000 This church had affiliation with the Great Village Pastoral Charge in the past (3) Royal Canadian Legion #72, Great Village – 5,000 The Pastoral Charge has used the Legion facilities over the years for suppers, hold services, and to host Presbytery meetings 71(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB December 17, 2015

(4) Refugee Family – 10,000 Truro Presbytery has made a commitment to use funds from disbandment congregations to support refugee families (5) Balance to Truro Presbytery accounts – Truro Presbytery has moved a motion that a minimum of 25% of all assets from disbanded congregations is to be given to the Presbytery for the work of the Presbytery. Therefore, after all the identified recipients listed above have received their gift to further their work, the balance shall be turned over to Truro Presbytery accounts – approx. $42,000 (6) The amount of money disbursed to Maritime Conference into the M&S Fund through Maritime Conference is a minimum of 25% and 10% respectively Trustees: Angus Chisholm, Logan Spencer, Vernon McCully, & Rev. David LeBlanc

MINISTRY PERSONNEL AND EDUCATION, CONFERENCE INTERIM MINISTRY COMMITTEE: David Hewitt / Lance Howard moved that on the recommendation of the Conference Interim Ministry Committee that Rev. Shawn Redden be given Initial Designation as an Interim Minister. MOTION CARRIED

David Hewitt / Sarah Reaburn moved that on the recommendation of the Conference Interim Ministry Committee that Rev. Catherine MacDonald be given Initial Designation as an Interim Minister. MOTION CARRIED

David Hewitt / Catherine Stuart moved that on the recommendation of the Ministry Personnel and Education Committee and at the request of Miramichi Presbytery, that Kathryn McIntosh, Designated Lay Minister (Recognized), be licensed to administer the sacraments and to conduct weddings within the bounds of the Miramichi Presbytery for the duration of her appointment to the Blackville Pastoral Charge. MOTION CARRIED

ADJOURNMENT: President declared the meeting adjourned.

Catherine Stuart offered a blessing.

Matthew Fillier, President David Hewitt, Executive Secretary

Appendix A

A1 David LeBlanc, Trustee, St. 11-Dec Disbursement of funds from St. To Sub-Exec James United Church James United Church for Action Recommendation that Rev. Shawn A2 Debbie Aitken, Maritime 03-Dec Redden and Rev. Catherine Conference Interim Ministry MacDonald be given Initial To Sub-Exec Committee Designation as an Interim Minister. for Action 71(15) Sub-Executive Sackville, NB December 17, 2015