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¼ÛT.¾.Hðgå.Gż.ºhá¼ü REG ¼ÛT.¾.hÐGÅ.Gż.ºHá¼ü REG. No. JKENG/2013/55210 Rs. 15/- R EACH VOL. 7 ISSUE 23 PAGES 8 L ADAKH B ULLETIN December 16-31, 2019 In Conversation with Reach Ladakh Expert Talk Tashi Namgyal 5 Power supply 4 Find us on FACEBOOK: Reach Ladakh Follow us on twitter: ReachLadakhBulletin Visit our website: www.reachladakh.com Brief News Students observe hunger strike in Leh over 6th schedule District Youth Congress demands 6th schedule Seeks answer from MP, Ladakh, for being silent in Parliament for Ladakh DISCLAIMER Reach Ladakh does not take re- sponsibility for the contents of the Advertisements Display/classified published in this newspaper. The paper does not endorse the same. Readers are requested to verify the contents on their own before acting there upon. 37th Battalion ITBP organises Bharat Darshan tour for school students Choglamsar: The first phase of Bharat Protest rally demanding sixth schedule for Ladakh by student organisation in Leh. Protest rally demanding sixth schedule of Ladakh by District Youth Congress. Darshan tour comprising 46 students Stanzin Dasal the senior party leaders led by Tsering Stanzin Dasal support. We are firm with our words and including 26 girls and 20 boys flagged Namgyal, President, District Congress will not move back until our demand is Leh: Demanding sixth schedule for La- off by Ram Mehar Singh, DIG, Head- Leh: Demanding sixth schedule and job Committee, Leh went to Delhi to seek fulfilled”. dakh, District Youth Congress organised quarter, North-west Frontier on Decem- reservation for Ladakh, the indigenous the support of other Congress MP’s in a protest rally on December 11 from Leh ber 12 from Drona Hall, 5th Btn ITBP, student organisation took out a protest “We the students are the future of Lada- raising the demand. gate till the main market. Choglamsar, Leh. rally from NDS ground till the main mar- kh and we don’t want to lose our land When asked about the demand not being ket on December 12 in Leh. and identity”, he added. Dorjay Gyalson, President, District The students were from Nomadic raised by the opposition party earlier, he Youth Congress, Leh said that with the Residential School, Puga, and Mid- Despite cold weather, the students ob- He appealed leaders to understand the said, “It is true that we have been granted declaration of UT Ladakh without any dle school, Hanley, Khaldo and Mudh served a hunger strike and appealed peo- sentiments of the people, the need for UT without any safeguards but we hoped safeguard, people of Ladakh are con- Changthang. ple to join them for a better cause. land, job, economy and identity safe- that the MP Ladakh will raise the de- cerned about the land, culture, job and guard for a better future and sustainable mand of the people before the parliament The excursion tour was organised by The protest was joined by various stu- identity. The rally has been called to development. in the winter session. Since no voice is 37th Battalion, ITBP under the civic ac- dent unions under the banner of the raise the demand of sixth schedule for being heard from him we are forced to tion programme, MHA, Govt. of India. Student Organisation of Unified Ladakh The student leaders seek an answer from Ladakh which is the need of the hour. take out the rally.” (SOUL). MP Ladakh Jamyang Tsering Namgyal He questioned MP Ladakh for being si- for being silent on this demand in the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitu- Rigzin Dorjey, President, SOUL said, lent on the demand of sixth schedule for parliament winter session. Also, they tion provides the tribal population of the “We are striving for the future of Lada- Ladakh in the parliament. wanted to meet the Prime Minister of country a right to preserve and maintain kh and it is disheartening to see that very India Narendra Modi and discuss the de- It was informed that the Congress par- their identities and autonomy, thus help- few turn up to support us. I personally mand of including Ladakh under the 6th ty will file a petition in the parliament ing them to develop politically, socially went to some of the associations seek- schedule of Indian constitution. signed by the people favouring the de- ing support from them but they didn’t mand of 6th Schedule for Ladakh. Also, ...Continues on Page 2 Reach Ladakh's show 'The Reality' Episode #6 will be releasing on January 4 (Saturday) TIMING: 4:00- For more online videos subscribe to our You Tube 5:00PM on our YouTube channel Reach Ladakh. Stay tuned and subscribe to our channel ‘Reach Ladakh’ NOW! channel. Correction and clarification It is the policy of ‘Reach Ladakh Bul- letin’ to correct significant errors as soon as possible. Please specify the edition, date, news item or the article. You can contact at 9858394403 or email at [email protected]. All communication must carry the full postal address and telephone numbers. Get the latest news and EACH ADAKH ULLETIN R L B updates from Ladakh. Don’t Owner, Publisher & Printer: Tundup Dorjey forget to like, subscribe and Editor: Rinchen Angmo Chumikchan Assistant Editor: Stanzin Dasal click the notification bell. Reporter: Tsering Dolker Sales & Marketing: Tsering Morup Follow us on: : Raul Chhokkun Layout Website: www.reachladakh.com Published at: Reach Ladakh, Skara Yokma, Airport Road, near Councillor Quarter Facebook: Reach Ladakh Contact: 9858394403 Instagram: reachladakh99 Printed at: Kaizen Offset Pvt Ltd, 3 DISDC Complex, Okhla Industrial Twitter: ReachLadakhBulletin Area, Phase – I, New Delhi – 20 2 | December 16-31, 2019 Fortnightly News Reach Ladakh Bulletin Students of Ladakh demand proper education system District Congress Committee, Leh demands Alleges public representatives and politicians for paying least attention towards students’ issues safeguard for UT Ladakh Stanzin Dasal Leh: Demanding sixth schedule for Ladakh region District Con- gress Committee, Leh hold a protest rally on December 5 from Leh gate till Main market. The leaders of the opposition party expressed the importance and need of constitutional safe- guards for the region after de- claring UT without legislature. They said that the UT Ladakh will be meaningless in terms District Congress Committee, Leh party leaders during the protest rally de- manding sixth schedule for Ladakh. of safeguarding the land rights, economic interest, job reserva- Students of Ladakh protesting and demanding their education rights. from the Congress party to the the district council and state gov- tion for local youths, preserva- BJP leaders who hold a bigger ernment, but in case of Ladakh Tsering Dolker politicians for paying least atten- better facilities at Nubra College. tion of culture and languages responsibility in raising the voice we are not under state govern- tion to students’ issues. and other local interest issues. of the people. “If we fight in the ment thus, will have no issue in Leh: Highlighting the issues of The presidents of student union They stressed empowering both name of party and power of the proper functioning.” education system, various stu- Ali Hussain, Student President unanimously demanded the in- the Hill Council under the 6th seats now, the whole region and He said that the sixth schedule dent organizations of Ladakh of EJM College said, “General- tervention of authorities in this schedule. the future generation will suffer. safeguards the tribal population region under the banner of All ly it takes only 3 years for com- matter and notification about It is high time we have to stand Rigzin Spalbar, Former CEC and it is a must for the Ladakh. Ladakh Students’ Association pleting the graduation but here in examination and result within united for the greater cause of took out a peace protest rally on EJM it takes 4-5years. Students 10days. They threatened to call LAHDC, Leh said that the grant of UT status is indeed a positive Ladakh”, he added. Deldan Namgyal, Former MLA December 5 in Leh. are still waiting for their results a protest again if the problem of Nubra questioned MP Lada- move from the government but The speakers questioned BJP and exam notifications. students remains unsolved. kh for not raising the demand Students in one voice demanded without any safeguards for land, local leaders for not raising the in parliament while Asaduddin full-fledged Central University Ibtesum Iqbal, Vice President The students also demanded job, environment, culture of the demand of the sixth schedule for Owaisi MP of other region has for Ladakh, Public Service Com- SOUL said that there is no pro- the sixth schedule for Ladakh region it has created confusion Ladakh. mission, Job reservation and fessor for Maths subject in the and to conduct the next election and fear among the people. He sought the answer on the tribal timely announcement of result college since one year and stu- scheduled in May- June so that stressed on the unity of the lead- Clearing the doubts, Tsering area status to Ladakh. Samphel, Former, Member, Na- and exam schedule for Degree dents are compromising such thousands of students studying ers, religious heads and people All the speakers urged religious tional Commission for Sched- College, Leh. problems in the college. outside Ladakh could also vote. in demanding the constitutional organisation, political parties, uled Tribes said, “In many of the safeguards for the region for a and social organisation to joint- The speakers alleged the admin- Talking about the infrastructure Rigzin Dorjey, President, Stu- states there is an issue of sixth better future. ly raise the demand of the sixth istration for the improper job and facility problem at Degree dent Organization for Unified schedule functioning because of schedule for Ladakh. recruitment, pending interviews College Nubra, Stanzin Cho- Ladakh (SOUL), Tsering An- He further extended support the lack of coordination between and the state of EJM College sphel, President, Student Union gchok, President All Ladakh where students are facing many Nubra demanded special hostel Student Association Jammu problems related to their result for students of Nubra studying (ALSAJ) and students in large and examination.
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