¿M a ria n a s ‘V a riety* Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972

Voi. 20 No, 8 Saipan, MP 96950 Q1991 Marianas Variety A pril 1 2 ,1 9 9 1 Serving CNMI for 20 Years

Educators, staff seek Rechebei ouster

by Teri M. Flores and school administrators are of Education until April 19 to interest of the students and the signed the petition in support of working to oust a high-ranking answer to the charges which have whole educational system as the group’s action. About460 schoolteachers and education official. been enumerated in the petition. well,” Hopwood Junior High The teachers arc scheduled to administrators from the Public The move to ouster Rechebei The petitioners are asking the School principal Tom discuss the petition with Board School System are seeking the came in the form of a petition Board of Education to remove Pangelinan said in a Thursday of Education in a meeting ouster of Commissioner of containing the group’s griev­ Rechebei from office no later interview in his office. scheduled today at 9 a.m. Education Elizabeth Diaz ances. than April 19. San Antonio Elementary The plight of the teacher’s Rechebei due to her administra­ One of the major complaint The members of the educa­ School principal Joe Aldan said came into public attention when tion’s incompetency and the listed in the petition is the lack of tional reform movement stated the movement was established Association of Commonwealth agency’s lack of attention to the a strong leadership between the that they will stage a walk-out if to re-direct the focus of the PSS Teachers President Joe Borja plight of the Commonwealth’s rank and file of the Publ ic School their demands are not met. to the needs of the schools and presented a list of complaints to educational system. System and the inadequate fis­ We are not doing this just for the entire student population. several board members during This is the first time in the cal and personnel management the interest of a few and not as a The petition was a result of a their March 2 meeting. Public School System’s history in the agency. personal attack on the Commis­ month-long series of meetings Borja informed the board that a large number of teachers The group is giving the Board sioner. We are doing this for the among the members of the about the prevailing unrest and movement. low morale of the teachers Employees from different PSS brought about by their low sala­ agencies including those at the ries and the tcachcr-placemcni administrative division of the inequities within the PSS pay Central Office, and bus scale. services and educators from 7 The ACT presented a formal elementary schools have also Continued on page 35

Reyes push a halt to 90 day visa’s abuse by Teri M. Flores Immigration and Naturalization (INO) officials are confer- ing with the Attorney General’s office on stiffer penalties for those caught abusing the 90-day entry permit granted by the CNMI. INO Acting Chief Maj. Charles Reyes said that they are try ing to draft statutes that would curb and correct the problem at hand. Reyes said that present regulations permit unscrupulous individuals to abuse their permits because of the non-exis­ tence of a stiffer criterion which an applicant must fulfill. Marianas High School teacher signs the petition asking for the ouster of Commissioner of Education “An applicant need only present a police clearance, a birth Elizabeth D. Rechebei. certificate and a marriage contract to be issued the 90-day permit,” Reyes said. Reyes is hopeful thattheimmigrationlaw which isawaiting legislative action will answer whatever loopholes are in the Pierce response to dism iss Tan's suit current regulations. INO officials became aware of the abuse a few months ago by Teri M. Flores tigauon was allegedly a result of grand jury,” Pierce wrote. when several individuals carrying 90-day permits were caught a meeting between Pierce and The US attorney’s motion seeking employment in the CNMI. Assistant United States At­ U.S. Department of Labor com­ stipulates that there has been no Reyes himself has caught one Chinese national who was torney Richard Pierce filed a pliance officer John McCann. known authority that could give misrepresenting himself. Immediately after the discovery, response on Wednesday McCann and CNMI Labor petitioners standing to request the man was placed under the blacklist of the Common­ requesting the federal court to investigator Bill Jones investi- . that certain witnesses be called wealth. dismiss American International gated on the labor and to a grand jury. The INO Chief said that those who have been apprehended Knitters Corporation (AIKC) employment practices of the Pierce also stated that Tan’s were immediately charged in court and deported from the General Manager Willie Tan’s AIKC, American Investment allegations of perjury and sub­ Commonwealth. request for order compelling Corp., Pacific Garment Manu­ ordination of perjury were not The INO also informs the Labor Department on individuals certain testimony before the facturing Corp., Pacific done in good faith. who use the 90-day permits to apply for a business in the federal grand jury. International Corp., and L&T “The allegations are fanciful Commonwealth. Pierce also asked the court that Corp. and found several dis­ and perhaps, wishful thinking,” “Once we have alerted the Labor Department, it is then up sanctions be imposed againstTan crepancies including the Pierce wrote. to the discretion of labor officials to dispose of the case,” and his attorney David Lujan to company’s illegal deductions He said that Tan has no evi­ Reyes said. prevent a reoccurence of the in­ from the worker’s paychecks. dence of what McCann’s The INO Chief said that his department acts immediately cident. Pierce stated in his response testimony were or even that he on the cases of those who were found to be in violation of The AIKC and four associ­ that the motion burdened his of­ testified at all. immigration statutes. ated companies whereTan serves fice and that it should not even be To improve customer-relations and their zservice to the as a corporate officer were in­ considered by the court. Pierce went on to say that the community, Reyes said extra manpower are being hired to vestigated by the federal grand “The motion by Willie Tan grand jury in this District has answer to the growing demands of the agency. jury in January based on the and associated companies be­ done its job fairly and justly and The agency’s budget for fiscal year 1991 will allow them charges that the companies vio­ longs in a piggery, not a that the jury did not vote for any to hire 16 extra personnel who will be assigned to the airport lated the Fair Labor Standard courthouse. By it, Tan wants to indictment or proposed criminal inspection terminal and as administrative officers who will Act. bully his way before an institution charge presented by the US at­ Continued on page 35 The federal grand jury inves- that he does not own - the federal torney. 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-FRIDAY APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 A Meeting Place For Dur Opinions. . . And Yours. . Solons ask DFS to donate lot tor Garapan Park by Ronel B. Concepcion Picano stating their concern for FORUM government for park develop­ mainly focused in the develop­ pressure on the government to the establishment oftheGarapan ment.” ment of the area as several devel­ Duty Free Shoppers Ltd. is Park. develop the entire site for com­ It further said that the legisla­ opment plans have been submit­ mercial purposes.” being asked by several members The letter said that a dialogue ture is still “open to explore vari­ of the legislature to contribute ted where “none materialized.” Itpointedoutthat “tremendous be held with DFS, Marianas ous options...in the hope that this According to the letter, non­ itsprivately owned parcelofland Public Land Corporation and all economic activity” on Saipan re­ area will ultimately be reserved materialization of various com­ sulted to a huge need for in the Samoan Housing area for interestedparties...”todetermine for public enjoyment.” park development. mercial development proposals beachfront property for commer­ if a satisfactory resolution can The communication explained is due to “overwhelming public cial and park development.” One man entered the CNMI Immigration Office last Sen. Juan Torres, House be reached anytime in the near that they want the DFS to “take Speaker Pedro Guerrero, Con­ interest in retaining the area for It explained that there is a need Monday with a bundle of papers in his hand and placed it future.” the lead” in assisting them to public enjoyment.” also to reserve remaining areas in front an immigration officer. Dear Editor. sions. If they don’t like those become more uncaring about gressmen Jesus Attao, Juan “We propose that DFS Ltd. particularly reserve the “remain­ Reyes, Manuel Sablan, and Stan The letter mentioned that in the for the benefit of the general The Officer inquired, who are these people, were are decisions, they should let their their education, for the “zest consider the possibility of dedi­ ing beachfront properties” for the areaare several private land, where population, thus a need for DFS they? Who gave you these papers, where do you work, Mrs. Jessica S. Guerrero’s representatives know this, and if and motivation to learn have Torres signed a letter dated April cating their private holdings in benefit of the general public. DFS has a share, and it will only 9 sent to DFS President Tom participation by imparting their where is your ID, permit or passport etc.? letter to the editor last week re­ the representatives ignore their disappeared. Parents may be­ the Samoan Housing site to the It said that recent events are “continue to exert considerable land. The Chinese national apparently did not understand garding the support or lack constituencies, they should not come concerned, but not con­ english at all, which made it hard for him to understand or thereof, by some CNMI offi­ be re-elected. cerned enough to get involved answer any of the questions offered by the immigration cials for the recent Youth-To- Students, teachers,and parents, with their PTAs. In two years at officer. He sat down silently looking at the officer without Youth Leadership Conference therefore, are responsible for MHS, most PTA meetings have M PLC to ld to conduct hearing on ho tel project making any remarks, then the officer Tomy, took a sample was forthcoming. keeping their representatives in been attended' by 20-50 par­ Mrs. Guerrero was correct in office. Legislators should be re­ of one entry permit form and one passport and showed it ents—out of a population of by Ronel B. Concepcion to the man asking him to provide these documents. The saying that many of our leaders sponsible for providing an edu­ 1324 students! With these few scheduled this week the final to develop plans for an alterna­ moratorium on new commercial style marketplace for local ven­ man moved his hand, insinuated that the documentd was showed a little or no interest in cational system that is second to problems that I have given as review and action on theproposal tive location on Saipan for their developments on designated dors, recreation outlets foryouth the aspiration of ouryouths. Sad, none. However, it is clear that in Members of the Saipan Del­ of Nakamoto Enterprises which resort project, preferably in an not with him but probably In the car. The officer asked him examples, there is always egation told the Marianas Public places, until the zoning plan is in and outdoor eating facilities. to go and bring his passport. The Chinese, look who like but true. the CNMI. no matter what the someone else to blame and offers toconstructa hotel, located underdeveloped area away from effect. I want Mrs. Guerrero, the stu­ honeyed words are at election LandCorporation toconductfirst in the same area. The hotel population centers. he is in his late twenties stood and left leaving the someone else, and someone, a public hearing before taking * Appropriate funds for the * Appropriateadditional funds documents he brought with the officer. dents and their parents, and those time, no real effort is being made and... project will be occupying 1.2 ha. * Request the Zoning Board to planning and development of a to the Zoning Board sufficient who worked hard to make the to do this. Our students have to final action over the proposed of prime Garapan land. immediately implement an in­ The papers identified by officer Tom were about twenty I have cited these problems, hotel project in the Samoan public park, which may include for their development of a full applications for 90 days entry visa to CNMI. Three days Youth-To-Youth Leadership be bilingual and bicultural, if they but there are many more, and The project will result to the terim regulation to put limited such features as an intemational- zoning plan. Conference possible to rest as­ are going to lead the CNMI in the Housing area. establishment of a first-class later, the Chinese man still had appeared at the immigration space does not permit me to de­ In a letter Wednesday to office since he left to bring his permit and passport. sured that the Mayor of Saipan 21st century, their legislature, tail these. Can it be that the resort hotel with 450 rooms will AGAIN be ready to assist our legislature, does not even MPLC Chairman of the Board costing about $100 million, The incident appears to be an on going practice that the imperialists—Spanish,German, JoseGuerrero.ActingChairman immigration office is facing recently, some visitors who our youths in their next Leader­ provide them with sufficient Japanese, and American—suc­ which is expected to be com­ ship Conference. funds for a quality monolingual/ of the Saipan Legislative Del­ pleted by 1994. come to the island as tourists are given thirty days entry ceeded in teaching Micronesians egation and Cong. Gabriel visa, they stay mostly with relatives, friends or their As one grateful letter from monocultural education! They the futility of individual respon­ The outcome of MPLC’s de­ several students to Mayor proudly say that they spend 20% Babauta said that the group cision on the matter is still un­ countrymen and quickly learn where to go and what job to sibility? Have Chamorros, “endorses and supports the de­ look for or what business opportunity to establish simply by Guerrero says, “Our dream is to of the CNMI budget on educa- Carolinians, and other Pacific known as attempts to contact just obtaining a business license in $50. Also most of have a ‘Wonderful Common­ tion-but this is about half of what peoples surrendered their inde­ velopment of the Samoan their office can not yield results. those are called visitors, they come well prepared with wealth’ and a better future” - so is spent on education in Guam, pendence to a elite group of Housing area into a beach park “A public hearing is essential complete set of the documents needed to apply and secure must today’s leaders aspire. California or Minnesota, which “leaders” rather than make their and opposes a hotel resort for the MPLC Board to determ ine job While they are on or just before leaving Saipan and go Sincerely, spend 40-50% of their budgets representatives accountable? At project.” whether the hotel project is ac­ back to his country to wait for the approved entry and Cris I. Deleon Guerrero on education! So our children Marianas High School, a small TTie letter also informed the tually beneficial to the people...,” working permits, Jhat’s why most of those are coming to Special Projects Coordinator are condemned to a cheap, sec­ core of students “end up doing MPLC Chairman that the del­ according to the letter. Office of the Mayor ond-rate education by the nig­ all the work”, a small core of egation adopted last Tuesday Babauta’s communication the Island of opportunities do secure a ninety day visa. joint resolution 7-6 and house The idea of the ninety day visa as it becomes known to the gardly actions of the executive teachers “end up doing all the further said that the Samoan and legislative branches, which work”, a small core of adminis­ special committeereport7-l “as Housing area’s future develop­ immigration officials is a burden and it is used and abused its position” regarding the by certain people. Dear Editor would rather pare programs and trators “end up doing all the ment is to important for the fu­ I read with interest your edito­ supplies than cooperate and plan work”, a small core of parents Garapan Samoan Housing area ture and should the public a It is not known yet how far the abuse is, from the above Resolution 7-6, adopted by the incident, several possibilities easily could be considered, rial on the present educational to augment them! “end up doing all the work.” chance to hear the public. system in the CNMI (March'29, Within the Public School Sys­ The rest-apathetic, bored, self- house on September 10,1990, is It cited that the delegation is one is that the person obtains the three months visa from urging the MPLC to set aside the the immigration to a certain number of persons for an 1991). As someone who has tem, decisions are made without centered—get carried along. truly asking theMPLC...”elected lived and taught in the CNMI for analyzing needs or responding to How would you suggest we Samoan Housing in Garapan for by the people of Saipan...listen agreeable fee that he collects from them. Other possibility a public park. that when any of those who got the visa have succeeded the last two years, and who has those most affected by these de­ change this situation? I hope to them for whose interest you lived and taught in several for­ cisions: principals, teachers, stu­ you and your readers have some The committee opposes the serve.” to find job, or to sell and buy, or to begin a business, he will MPLC’s plan to lease the area to be asked, to pay royalties to the man who helped him to eign countries as well as the US A, dents, and parents. Some of the suggestions... Moreover, following are the teachers hired from off-islandare Sincerely, commercial developers. recommendations arrived at by catch the opportunity? Some others might use those with I would like to expand the scope The letter stressed that con­ the three months visas to perform a job, contract or of your suggestions. ill-qualified to teach; this is true Name withheld by request. the special committee on the of some local hires too. Never­ ducting a public hearing will Samoan Housing Park: certain duties that earns en6ugh to pay them in a short In my opinion, the educational “better serve” the interests of the time? system in the CNMI is ap­ theless, these teachers operate * Inform the MPLC of the Dear Editor: general public...”board has a absolute and undeniable resolve Anyhow, whatever they may do is just an abuse of the proaching a crisis, and it has with little thought of profession­ constitutional obligation to act existing law to allow ninety days visa stay in the CNMI. been for years. The responsibil­ alism and even less fear of retri­ for the benefit of the people of of the people of Saipan and their While originally the intentions are good to have the visa ity lies not simply with the Com­ bution, because they know they Please allow me to refute the the CNMI.” elected leaders to reserve the area missioner of Education, as some are hard to replace-they have PSS articles written by Mr. John E. for a public park. renr^ mon Vl,iii90rTie7’ Scout executive David Gleed, Seoul is to promote the islands as tourist destination, it appears Presently, the Board of * Encourage Nakamoto En­ that the true tourist, visitors do not stay that long for the would suggest, or with the Leg­ “over a barrel” so to speak. In Gourley, DFW fishery biologist, Director’s of the MPLC has d S S f S R r S i l S X L f ' ™ Fojlmato & Aytjyu wers P3« the crowd whp purpose of being just tourist. islature, or with the Governor’s addition, unprofessional local regarding the Aquarius Project terprises and the Kengaya Hotel attended the Rotary s Weekly luncheon at the Diamond Hotel. (See story on oaoe 13! Since this administration is not willing to tighten the Office, but with the whole sys­ teachers know their friends and and the Lucky-Joeten Taga control on the entry by implementing the control on the exit, tem, as I see it. There is a kind of family in the system will never Condominium Project which the abuse of such unneeded three months visa will continue cycle involved, and this can been allow then to be publicly shame appeared during last Friday edi­ to a worst that it appears to be now. used for abrogating responsibil­ or terminated-unless they are tions (April 5, 1991) of the M arianas C ablevision ap p lies ity, or “passing the buck,” for all caught breaking the law. Marianas Variety. eternity, unless people are will­ Principals are often over­ Mr. Gourley tried his best to by R.B. Concepcion tem. discredit our office by coming cost $12.95 per month and in­ the construction and operation ing to take some responsibility worked, with small staffs and The letter said that Marianas stallations will be free during the could soon be ironed-out as i ¿M arianas cVaríety'c$&. for their actions. increasing administrative bur­ up publicly and spreading mis­ A Cable network is making Cablevision agrees with the of the new cable system...”we Cable-TV President Larry dens. Responsible local and off- information. Herearefacts about efforts to also use the Common­ first year of service,” Waechter ask that such negotiations be II Serving the Commonwealth for 19 years The cycle runs from Legisla­ CUC’s construction specifica­ said in the letter. Holmes signed the contract call­ ture to Executive Office, to PSS island teachers are also adminis­ these two projects. wealth Utilities Corporation tions and to pay the $6.00 per handled separately from this re­ ing fora $6.00rental feeperpole 11 Published Tuesday and Friday By Younis Art Studio, Inc. poles for the establishment of a Marianas Cablevision is also quest to utilize CUC poles so Board, to Commissioner and trative burdens. Responsible lo­ 1. Mr. Gourley now admit pole per year fee. UMDA’s de­ offering the CUC and other gov­ per year. à Pubashers: Central Office, to School princi­ cal and off-island teachers are that the Aquarius is a DEQ per­ new cable television system on cision “is pursuant” to their that we may proceed with our à Aooo and Paz Younts Saipan. ernment agencies “full-period construction planning in the in­ pals, to Teachers, to Students, to also overworked-often to the mit and not a CRM permit. earlier meeting with the CUC. access to one channel which He mentioned that he is only parents - and back to the Legis­ point of “bun-out”-as they carry However, he only told part of United Micronesia Develop­ Waechter informed Guerrero terim.” awaiting for the signature of the ? Abed Younis...... Editor Member of I ment Association, Inc. Chief maybe used to enhance govern­ On the other hand, in a very I Teri M. Flores...... Reporter The lature, which is elected by the not only their own burdens, but the story to fit his tactic of dis­ that construction for the new ment operations as desired.” Governor and the Attorney crediting our office. Whydidn’t Executive Officer Joseph brief communication with General before finally signing I Ronel b. Concepcion .Reporter Associated Press citizens who are students, those of the negligent and sloth­ system could immediately start It further pointed out that full- ful “teachers” whoact as parasites Mr. Gourley mentioned that Waechter has sent to CUC Ex­ 45 days after the CUC’s approval CUC’sGucrrero, he said that the on the document Teachers, and parents. These ecutive Director Ray Guerrero a period access will also be 1 P.O. Box 231, Saipan MP 96950-0231 _ ...... citizens elect- and often reelect- on the system. Students can’t during the DEQ permit review of this request decision on Marianas formal request Tuesday for afforded the community “for Cablevision’s-prequest lies en­ t Tel. (670) 234-6341/7578/9797 ® 1 ?? the legislators, executive heads, understand why their teachers are of this project, Ms. Susan Snow, “Our system will contain a educational and religious pro­ The Board met Thursday af­ I Fax:(670)234-9271 All Rights Reserved sick and tired or uncaring so much former CRM Assistant Admin- Marianas Cablevision “to uti­ minimum of 12 channels, in­ tirely in the hands of the members ternoon, but results of the ? ------.------.—.------and school board officials who lize" CUC’s space poles for the gramming and activities.” of the CUC Board. ■* represent them in making deci­ of the time, and these “innocents” Continued on page 25 cluding live CNN and The letter also proposes to the meeting whether they responded construction of a new cable sys- ESPN...basic cable service will Guerrero added that the con­ to the request or not is still yet to CUC a possible joint venture in flict with the Saipan Cable-TV be released by the CUC. 4-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL12.1991 FRIDAY, A rel· 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIF.W.S-5 ^»'ï'*V i·• ï *""i * *VV · · 'iVìrt1^^ V l» ·'*ê'vrès i · T* CUC board consider Approved bill prohibits I AQUA RESORT CLUB Saipan Guerrero's stay on the job new garment factories AQ IIA RESORT CLUB by R. B. Concepcion Guerrero regarding his plans, he Ч7©шо· SpssBaO © [ p c d d d g Dd Board members of the Com­ said that...”I really do not to operate on Saipan Saipan monwealth Utilities Coiporation know...havetotakealotof things are trying their best to still have into consideration.” by R.B. Concepcion He added that the Coastal Re­ its Executive Director Ray Guerrero, knowing that the source Management does not The Saipan Delegation ap­ JUICES Assorted Juice. Chocomllk - Freshmilk, Guerrero reconsider his earlier board is urging him to stay, said easily issue siting or operation ' is renowned, for many things: Cereal. Yoghurt Preserves decision to quit his post. that the board really have to proved of a local bill that would permits. Guerrero has written last choose somebody who will re­ completely prohibit the estab­ Speaker Guerrero then, intro­ its impeccable service, it’s fine cuisine, and it’s casually elegant COLD Roast Porkloln and Char Siew lishment of new garment facto­ atmosphere. Avocados with Crabmeat February 25 CUC’s Chairman place him...”but, April 25 is still duced an amendmend that was Pate En Croute with Cold Cuts Main Dining of the Board informing him of a few days from now...might ries on Saipan, during their con­ approved. It provides that those Roast Turkey - Sc. Cumberland his plan to vacate his position by reconsider my decision...really tinued session Wednesday. already issued business licenses Shellfish and on Fountain April 25. don’t know.” The proposed local measure, for garment factories still with­ Poached Garoupa ‘Chaud - Froid" He hinted that there is really a will now go to the Governor for out the necessary permits, will Kelaguen of Seafood May 12,1991 But as early as October 29, 1990, he also submitted his big possibility of still changing signing. SLB 7-1, otherwise given one year to submit the SALAD BAR WITH CONDIMENTS courtesy resignation to the board his mind based on his consulta­ known as the Saipan Textile In­ needed application to obtain the as he plans to leave the position tions, especially with his family. dustry Control Act of 1990, was necessary permits. To commence JAPANESE Sashimi a year after lie assumed it. He introduced by Sen. Herman once the measure is passed into Futomaki Somen planned to depart by January 25. Guerrero last March 4,1990. law. Pickles Butboard members insisted him Upon signing by the Governor, Following was the passage of to stay to which he accepted, it will not allow anymore the the bill by a unanimous vote by FR O M T H E Reef Fish Steaklets until now... construction, licensing and op­ the delegates. BROILER Assorted Satays with Sauce Only two more weeks left be­ eration of new textile factories. According to the statute, the fore Guerrero leaves the utilities Sen. Torres commented that O N S TA T IO N Roast Pigs abundance of garment factories Paella Valenciana corporation after fourteen approving the measure might on Saipan is greatly affecting its months in office, and to this ef­ have “serious impact worlwide.” residents...”imposition of gov­ THE CARVING Black Angus Prime Rib fect the board has been meeting He added that he really is for ernmental controls is essential since Wednesday. its prohibition but it can be HOT Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Salmon to offset the effect of world Sausages The board met Wednesday implemented in a better economic and political condi­ Hamsteak - Bacon afternoon, on top of the discus­ method...”better do it in a much tions which make the CNMI, Hot Longanlza - Roast Potatoes sion is Guerrero’s resignation, reduced way.” and Saipan in particular, uniquely Short Ribs 'Kalbijim' Ray Guerrero Fried Chicken to which was continued Thurs­ Torres explained that the attractive as a location for textile Mahi-Mahi with Sauteed Mushrooms day afternoon together with A source who does not wanted CNMI, by doing so, could pos­ firms wishing to tap the massive to be identified said that the CUC Veal ScaHopplnl Ala Romana several members of the sibly be misinterpreted that it US markeL” To enhance your dining pleasure, we are proud to present the “A R C T R IO ” Mussel and Shrimp Governor’s cabinet Board also will hike Guerrero’s does not want investment to “Failure to institute such con­ Roast Wild Boar with Green Peppercorn Result of yesterday’s meeting annual salary to $60,000. come in anymore. trol will result in Saipan being Now, enjoy a variety of your favorite Oldies but Goodies, and unforgettable love Gueirero’s letter of resignation Sauteed Vegetables % S № * is still unknown, but they are House Speaker Pedro overwhelmed by an industry song.s, as they serenade you, while you dine by candlelight on the island’s finest surely pushing for Guerrero not on Feb. 25 recommended the Guerrero responded, saying that whose potential for growth far board to seriously look into the grilled meats, seafood and superb continental cuisine. . . PASTRY Sliced Tropical Fruit to hold on to his contention to the measure will only focus en­ outstrips the island’s capacity to Assorted French Pastries leave the CUC as he is still very executive director’s income, tirely on Saipan. support it.” T ry Our House Specialties Fruit Jalousie (Miile Feuille) much needed. which is very low, compared to “It is not the CNMI’s Seventh Choux Swans - Mocca Eclairs The bill cited that present law • Live Maine Lobster Cheese Cake - Assorted Pies During a very brief talk with that of an LMA Manager. Legislature that is approving the promoting manufacturing and Apple Strudel with Vanilla Sauce proposed measure, but only the exports contribute to the fore­ • Roast Prime Rib Custards - Mousses - Jellos Third Legislative delegation,” he seeable problem...”thus neces­ YOU GET RESULTS... cited. sitating action by local law.” • Chef Recommendation $17.50 ^ # Sen. Torres likewise expressed in the classifieds It also pointed out that hiring 6:30pm to 10:00pm concern regarding those devel­ of large number of off-island Classified readers make great customers because they're alert, opers whose garment factory workforce contributes to (Semi-formal) informed and eager to do business. business license are already is­ ovwercrowding of public facili­ Make a call to place your ad where the serious customers look.. sued but is not yet in the process ties, burdened infrastructure and of starting with their construc­ health services, among many For reservation call 322-1234 · Fax... 322-1220 '¿ i* MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS tion. others. *·e·······*··*··*····#··#·····*···#·······*····■ Tel. 234-8341/7578/9797 O m a n NO NEED FOR WATER Î OR SEW ER LIN E.. g—* W e Proudly Feature 6Kw - 350Kw Generator in stock We also stock over $100,000 in Onan parts 1. NO PROBLEM WITH WATER & SEW ER LINE CONNECTION. ALSO KO N ECO TOILET"'CAN BE CONNECTED TO YOUR PRESENT WATER S SEW ER UNE. 2. NO ODOR OR SM ELL, BUT KEEPS CLEAN ALL THE TIME. 3. JUST ONE TIME USE OF WATER FROM THE ORDINARY TOILET, KO N ECO TO ILET™ CAN BE USED FOR 3 DAYS D r e y e r S FOR 3 PERSONS. 4. WHENEVER & WHEREVER YOU GO -I YOU CAN CARRY IT AND USE IT. 5. NEWLY INVENTED ANO PATENTED IN U.S.A. CANADA, JAPAN, Qrand ice Gfeam KOREA, GERMANY, AND ENGLAND: KONECO TOILET' A fleet of mobile homes are being introduced by the United Group 6. LOW, LOW COST AND LESS THAN 1 of Companies in the CNmi. The mobile homes can be found in 2 HOURS TO INSTALL OR CHANGE 1 Dan Dan, San Vicente. FROM THE OLD TOILET.

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Exclusive Agent: Saving energy means ШШ Wiio' Seven Twelve Belore start to build 3Kw to 1500Kw also available V .l£. Enl .Inc house or building, . consult with 7.12 more power for «be Beach Road P.O. Box 2990 about KONECO Toilet Saipan, MP 96950, U.S.A. Saving plenty of water CNMI, and sa M ID -РАС M ICRO N ESIA, INC. Tel: (670) 234-7456 Chalan Kanoa Fax:(670)234-2246 M л ______Sugar King ^ Ph. 234-9352 y/sÿW&Æ m ^nssaving топед Upper Hi-Way Garapan Box PPP-298 Saipan, MP 96950 *To CHC W-2 Hl-Woy To Guaio Rai =s· ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/I CASTRO l v — Tel.: (670) 234-0475 smSTOtt CAS MID-PAC STATION Micronesia 6-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY. APRIL 12.1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-7 G ov. G uerrero signs N ational Marijuana smuggler's X / ’л в д ' # " " " " · ' Libraiy W eek proclam ation sentence considered by Teri M. Flores . . . residents of all ages en­ Kiyu Public Libraiy, presently gram as it develops, also asks thepresentjail situation has made A Public School System em­ it hard for Elbelau toperform the couraged to participate under construction in Susupe. the public’s support by investing ployee who was caught That money will go towards fur­ in your future and your children’s importing drugs to the CNMI required number of community GovemorLorenzoI. Guerrero nishing and stocking the library future by investing in the public work hours stipulated in his was sentenced in SuperiorCourt sentence. signed a proclamation on Mon­ when its complete. L & T also library. She, on behalf of the Wednesday. day, April 8, that officially in­ generously donated storage Public School System Libraries, Judge Marty Taylor deferred Inmates in the correction are cluded the CNMI in the April space for books that are already Public Library Task Force, the sentence of school teacher not currently allowed to partic­ ^ SUZUKI GENERATORS 14-20 National Library Week. arriving to stock the CNMI’s Friends of the Public Library Juan Masga Deleon Guerrero ipate in work release programs In a brief ceremony at his office, first public library. And the lo­ and Northern Marianas College for a period of two years. Guer­ due to a January incident when Governor Guerrero said a library cal Korean Association donated Library, is asking the public to an inmate allegedly committed is like a bank. “Instead of mak­ an additional $ 10,000during the give to the Public Library Fund. rero’s sentence stipulates a one rape while he was court on a VESTCOR VILLAGE signing. year suspended jail term, 40 week-end pass. Special After- ing money deposits books are If you wish to make a contribu­ hours of community work ser­ CAPITOL HILL deposited into the library so Commissioner of Education tion, make checks payable to: Faymonvilletold the court that Holiday children and adults can with­ Elizabeth D. Rechebei said the vice and a fine of $2,000, full Elbelau should be allowed to IS NOW RENTING 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS The Friends of the Public Li­ amount of which should be paid FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED draw them”, he said. library is proceeding right on brary and mail to: Friends of the by July. leave the Commonwealth and Price • Fully equipped kitchen with refrigerator According to CNMI Public schedule, and funds are still be­ Public Library, P.O. Box 1370, that he does not intend to return Librarian Kimberly Ann ing solicited to complete the Saipan, MP96950. Any amount “I realize that I did wrong. It once he be set free. & electric stove. was not my intention to sell the •18,000 BTU aircon Lafferty, libraries all over the project. will be appreciated. O’Shea said that Elbelau’s nation will be celebrating with During National Library During the Read-A-Thon An­ substance but I brought it in for good behavior will be rewarded • Breakfast nook with four chairs my own consumption,” Guerrero •First Floor with den special programs and events. Week, CNMI libraries are en­ thony Pellegrino, Chairman for through the parole system. Lafferty was one of several dig­ couraging residents of all ages to the Public Library Task Force, told the court minutes before he • Second floor with balcony was sentenced. Elbelau, who has been incar­ • Sunset ocean view nitaries present at the signing, visit your college, school or cen­ is also asking parents to pledge cerated since his Aug. 8 arrest, said the press release from PSS. tral library and find out about the funds in support of the Public The judge however ordered will be available for parole in • Laundromat that Guerrero serve the maxi­ • Parking Also during the ceremony, services and resources offered. Library for each book read by June after which he plans to re­ Willie Tan of L & T Company Lafferty stressed that libraries their children. “For example”, mum sentence of five years in turn to Palau. CALL FOR INFORMATION OR APPOINTMENT: jail should he fail to pay the fine TEL. 322-3793 OR 322-3794 FAX: 322-5408 pledged $100,000 to the Joeten are here to provide valuable re­ said Pellegrino, “$10 per book Taylor ordered that Elbelau sources to help enrich and im­ for every book, magazine, by July. In other news: be allowed to leave after he has SV 1400L SALES PERSONNEL WANTED prove our lives. newspaper or comic book your completed the 500 hours of In conjunction with National child reads will help to buy the *Taylor also heard on community work service stipu­ Nobody Guarantees Lower Prices Than Library Week, PSS libraries are materials for the new library.” Wednesday the motion of two lated in his sentence. sponsoring a Read-A-Thon for For more information contact inmates who were convicted of “You still owe me 21/2 years t h e C h in e s e r e s t a u r a n t aill CNMI kindergarten through your school library. importation of controlled sub­ stance. Mr. Elbelau and 1 will be look­ grade twelve students, accord­ Lafferty wishes to thank the ing for you once you set foot M oto rs in t. B e T h e r e ! ing to Lafferty. With the theme everyone for their support of Public Defenders Oldiais here,” Taylor said. E$PN Ngiraikelau and Lorie Fay- “kids who read, Succeed” all libraries, on behalf of the Public Tel: 234-3332/7343 · Open: 9 m to 6pm · Mon-Sat · For your convenience j students are encouraged to read, School System Libraries, Pub­ monville asked the court to read, read with prizes for the top lic Libraiy Task Force, Friends modify the sentences of readers. of the Public Library, and the Leonardo Datu and Simpson Lafferty, who is in charge of Northern Marianas College Li­ Elbelau. administering the library pro- brary. Datu was sentenced to five years in prison and to pay $2,000 N in fine while Elbelau is currently serving a three year prison sen­ tence for importing 5,182 marijuana cigarettes found in­ side an ice chest at the Saipan International Airport. Ngiraikelau informed the ^ D im Su m court that Datu cannot afford to pay the fine since he does not have a job or any asset in the CNMI. He argued that Datu under­ stands the gravity of his offence and that cannot return to the CNMI once he is deported. Prosecuting Attorney Dennis U Shea stated in his argument that should Datu’s sentence be modified, it will “wipe-out” the Looking on as Governor Lorenzo I. Guerrero signs the proclamation the government’s message and that designates April 14-20 as National Library Week in the CNMI that the offender will fail to un­ are, from the left: Elizabeth D. Rechebei, Commissioner of Educa­ derstand the severity of the tion; Benigno Fitial, L&T Consultant; Linda Anastacio, Library Aide; crime. Lt. Governor Benjamin T. Manglona; Tony Pellegrino, PublicLibrary Instead of modifying the Task Force Chairman; Kimberly Ann Lafferty, CNMI Librarian; whole sentence, Taylor ordered Congressman Thomas S. Villagmoez; Willie Tan, L&T President; that Datu perform 400 hours of N ow serving a fresh selection Congressman Diego T. Benavente; Vice Speaker Luis Benavente; community work service instead and Juan L. Babauta, Board of Education Vice-Chairman. (PSS of paying the $2,000 fine. of authentic Photo) Elbelau’s counsel Defense Attorney Faymonvillealso asked the court that her client’s sen­ Chinese Dim Sum! tence be modified due to his exemplaiy behavior as an in­ mate. A letter from a prison official Saturdays & Sundays attested to Faymonville’s argu­ 11:30 am - 2 pm ment that Elbelau is not a risk to the community and that he has Callers who wish to give information to NMI Crime Stoppers are already paid the price for his not required to give their name or identity, they can leave a code offense. name of their own choice, but if they choose to give identity or Faymonville also noted that Hyatt reg en cy/Saipan describe themselves and their whereabouts, in either way they are guaranteed confidentiality. Subsrfee to the Marianas Variety FRIDAY. APRE, 12.1991-MAR1ANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-9 R1MAPTANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 Rotary donates $2,500 to PSS Vocational Ed by Teri M. Flores She informed the Rotarians S ecretary’s Congratulations The Vocational Education that the PSS used most of its Committee of the Rotary Club federal grant for the voc-ed pro­ of Saipan, headed by its Chair­ grams as it gets very little D a - ffiBest Wishes man businessman Tony funding. Pellegrino, donated two checks Rechebei said another source on your worth $2,500 to the Public of funding for the programs will School System (PSS) in a cer­ be the $32 M. articulation emony held Tuesday at the PSS agreement between the PSS and central office at Lower Base. the Northern Marianas College GRAN D OPENING Pellegrino said the $2,000 will (NMC). be used to purchase materials The agreement which was and equipmentfor the vocational signed on Monday will “provide education program of the a mechanism enabling MHS Marianas High School (MHS). students to earn college credits The remaining amount was in the areas of Electronics, then given to Voc-Ed Program Electricity and Construction Coordinator Patrick Tellei to Trades while completing their purchase materials for the voca­ high school education. tional education programs in the The students will also be pro­ CNMI. vided with tools and instructional Commissioner of Education materials based upon the agree­ Elizabeth Diaz Rechebei and ment Vice-Chairman of the Board of Among those who were pre- Education Juan L. Babauta re­ sentduring thepresentation were ceived the donation on behalf of NMC President Agnes the PSS. McPhetres and Rotarians Nor­ Rechebei said the money will bert Sablan, Bud White, Peter further the improvement of voc- Sibly, Peter Davis and George ' ed in the CNMI. She said that at C. Sablan. present, voc-ed programs get Also in attendance were PSS their funding from federal grants Assistant Deputy Commissioner агат and from the government’s for Instruction Rita C. Sablan supplementary budget and Voc-ed Coordinator Tellei.

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Chairman of the Board of Education Juan L. Babauta.Rotary members and PSS staff were on hand to witness the ceremony. & G RA PH ICS, IN C . Τεΐ. 233-0555 · Fax: 234-9638 Local man earns Located on Middle Road

private pilot license Save Tim e & M oney w ith Saipan's Frank Villagomez, 36, of than 40 hours of flight time as Chalan Kanoa, recently earned part of the requirements to re N e w & O n l y his private pilot’s license from ceive the rating of private pile the Federal Aviation Adminis­ the PIAS released said. "ONE DAY SIGNS & tration. He is one of first local Requirements for the privafc students on Saipan to complete pilot’s license also includ< LETTERING COMPANY" training for a private pilot’s li­ passing a written examinatioi cense which allows him to fly in and a practical flight test with; EXTERIOR-INTERIOR-VEHICLE-MAGNETIC the United States as an indepen­ certified Federal Aviation Ad PLASTIC-WINDOWS-LIGHTED-ETC. ministration examiner. dent private pilot, according to ALL KINDS OF SIGNS LOCATED IN BEACH ROAD, GARAPAN, NORTH OF DUTY FREE SHOPPERS press release form PIAS. Villagomez plans to continut Villagomez is a student at his flight training at pacific islanc ENGLISH TO JAPANESE TRANSLATION PROVIDED. Pacific Island Aviation School Aviation schools working to­ ALL GRAPHICS & LETERINGS CUT WITH OUR located at Saipan Intemadonal wards his commercial anc COMPUTERIZED PRECISION CUTTING SYSTEM Airport, he accumulated more instrument pilot ratings. You can even design your sign on our computer,

COMPLIMENTS FROM: you'll know exactly what you’re getting. Distributed by HAPPY BIRTHDAY PANTRAC TRADING CORPORATION QUIK SIGNS & GRAPHICS JELYN ABADILLA East W est 2ND FLOOR Garden P.O. SOX 3113 GARAPA:; ЗА: :3A.\; .VP95950 Rental ------—-—- Motel 81 Love from the family & Mends s u u c i t c h Π I GARAPAN MIDDLE ROAD TO AIRPORT I 4= 10-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 J^^AY^APRILig, 1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-11 NOW SHOWING A pex returns artifacts to C N M I by Teri M. Flores Hajime Mori presented the arti­ The Concepcion Collection Thirty 23 carat gold medal­ facts to Guerrero who said that which includes much unique lions and buttons recovered from the treasure will become one of finely crafted gold jewelry and 0 4 K i N E J M C in e m a ornamentation, the ship ’ s anchor the Manila galleon, Nuestra Se­ the prime attractions in the û jâ m u V * BOX OFFICE OPEN 7:30 PM ñora de la Concepcion, was pre­ CNMI. and the largest extant collection SHOW START 8:00 PM sented by Apex International Other artifacts from the Con­ of the period storage jars in the officials to Governor Larry I. cepcion Collection will remain world, will be exhibited in a Deleon Guerrero in a ceremony permanently in the Common­ museum that Apex plans to held Tuesday at the Governor’s wealth. Thegovemmentalso has construct as part of its hotel, TOM STEVE TED < m = Y SEILECK GUTTENBERG DANSON Office. the right to purchase the collec­ shopping and marina complex Apex International bought the tion at its appraised value in 25 in Garapan. '$hwfttkms


' C d e ß r a t e ‘Friday Ü\ߣÜt Seafood ‘Dinner- c:: at TURF A qua % tsort Ctuß Apex officials presented Gov. Larry I. Guerrero a part of the Concepcion Collection. Present during the ceremony were from left. BillReyes, Deputy Director of the CCAC, Kichai-hei Mori of Apex International and his father Hajime. Gov. Guerrero, archivist Sam Mcphetres and Historic Preservation Officer Mike SAIPAN 6:00 - 9:30 p.m . Fleming. suucitch BEACH ROAD, GARAPAN C a l o y IEL. 233 SURF · 10 AM -10 PM DAILY Largest Selection of Brand Name C onstruction Surffwear at Local Prices fi M anpow er g- · R · A · 2 · I . L Services Offered: • General Contractor ¡ M l U r f M L ·------• Manpower Supplier • Iron Works • Design Works Includes ‘Extensive Saiad Ear Specialized In: • Residential Joeten Hafada/ • Apartment/Condominium^ Shopping : • Commercial Building Center For Particular Please Call: BEACH ROAD, GARAPAN Tel. Nos. 322-5800 322-2569 SURF fo r Reservations, Catí322-1234 DFS Garapan Fax No. 322-8000 TURF Elementary fa x 322-1220 SAIPAN School À East Denni Housing, Capitol Hills, Saipan P.O. Box 4 8 CHRB, MP 9 6 9 5 0 n SPECIAL’ PRICED MERCHANDISE DO NOT APPLY ^-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIPAY APRIL 12. 1991 FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-13. Legislature approves CUC ba ilou t b ill Saip an Sco u ts receive donation from Rotary by Teri M. Flores to the Saipan Chapter of the Boy Justice Ramon Villagomez, Scouts Tuesday during the Robert Fujimoto, Chairman of by Ronel B. Concepcion might not last for long, since approval. ducing his amendments, which the concerns raised and just put The Rotary Club of Saipan He said that the legislature still all his amendments to a separate group’s weekly luncheon meet­ the Aloha Council of the Boy Shell Marianas does not want to would only delay the bill’s pas­ headed by its president Norbert ing at the Diamond Hotel. commit itself to make anymore have to act on it. sage. bill known as SB 7-8. Scouts and ScoutExecutiveDarl The Seventh Legislature ap­ SB 7-8 will provide provi­ Sablan presented a$1,500 check Boy ScoutsDistrictChairman S. Gleed received the donation proved a measure that will grant deliveries unless CUC pays up. Senator Juan Torres, before As It will still have to be sent The bill, also known as the passage of the bill, have intended back to the house for approval. sions for the monitoring of CUC for in behalf of the Saipan Boy the Commonwealth Utilities activities, it passed final. Scouts. Corporation an advanced pay­ Advance Utility Payment Act of to introduce amendments such Torres then just contended with 1990, will pay CUC’s debt be­ as requiring the Chairman of the Villagomez said the money ment by the CNMI government A s Perdido Road will be used to purchase mate­ of $7.4 million worth of utility ginning October 1,1990 up until Board of Directors to accept within ten days any pending rials and equipment for the rates. April 1 this year. Youth prepare activities upcoming Spring Camporee. Members of the Senate passed CNMI Governor Larry I. resignation submitted to them, at Guerrero earlier explained that the time of its effectivity. The camporee will be held Wednesday housebill7-227 that Further amendments made by for new center To be Paved from April 26 to the 27 at the will bail the CUC out of its $7.4 outof the$7.4 million shell debt, designated scout land in Obyan. $3.8 million is due to the cost Torres calls for the hiring of an million debt with Shell independent professional engi­ Young CNMI leaders are busy The facility will be turned into (CNS)—The 2.3 milestretch season. He said the As Lito About 100 scouts from all over Marianas. It was introduced by increase of fuel prices as a result of gravel road from the Saipan Road which has been paved and neer who will asses the contract prepairing fra' more activities and a youth center under the direc­ the Commonwealth are expected . — ... . - - - - ■ ■ Cong. Jesus Attao and others, of the Middle East War. awareness programs for the fu­ International Airport all the way the As Perdido Road are two of He also said that they at the performance of engines 5 and 6, tion of Youth Development to attend the annual camporee. The Rotary Club of Saipan presented a $1,500 cheque to the Boy which was adopted by the House together with the new power ture youth center which will be Programs Coordinator Florence down to Chalan Piao will be his main campaign objectives in Villagomez said that part of of Representatives last week. Executive Branch identified housed at the former House of completely paved in seven fighting the war on the infra­ Scouts, Saipan Chapter during the group's weekly luncheon at the payment for that amount through plant, among many others. Kirby, a press release from the the money will also go to the Diamond Hotel, (from Left) Boy Scout official Rdbert M. Fujimoto, The measure came into exist­ ButseveralSenators were able Representatives building in Division of Youth Services months, according to Director structure. funds for the upcoming spring ence due to the threat that the the supplemental budget sub­ of Public Works Elizabeth S. Gov. Guerrero used the occa­ Rotary treasurer Mike Nahalowaa, Rotary President Norbert Sablan, mitted to the legislature for to convince Torres from intro­ Susupe. stated. camp. supply of fuel oil in the CNMI Among the programs which Balajadia, at a groundbreaking sion to urge the Seventh Saipan Scouts official Caireves & Scout Exec. Carl S. Gleed. the will be implemented this ceremony last Monday near the Legislature to pass his $34 mil­ month is the upcoming Youth agriculture station. lion supplemental appropriation Symposium which will be held Gov. Larry I. De Leon bill which he submitted in Feb­ Lo cal Resident on April 22-24. Guerrero, along with members ruary because it includes $4 The upcoming symposium of the legislature, attended the million for various road paving Regency C lub Special/ 1991 TOYOTA aims to establish directions for groundbreaking ceremony, and projects. “We still have a long challenged Sablan Construction the youth by creating a main­ road to go,” he said, praising the $100/night* stream of ideas which they can Company to complete the pav­ Director and staff of the Depart- Catch the Deal of the Year turn into group projects. ing in six months. ment of Public Works for Karl T. Reyes, General preparing the project and letting л jrCYrfb The three day symposium will A i V ■>' Vo be conducted by a youth pro­ Manager of Sablan Construc­ out the bids for it. ' - - : GET A : - fessional who is also serving as tion, accepted the challenge and The Governor said the paving the director of the American said the company will complete of As Perdido road will alleviate FREETALAYA Youth Work Center in Wash­ the paving in five months, as­ the traffic congestion on beach FOR EVERY PURCHASE ington D.C. suming that the landowners road. And residents of Chalan A delegation from Rota and adjacent to the road will coop­ Kanoa and Susupe could use the O F A 1991 TOYOTA Tinian are expected to partici­ erate. he said his company is road to go to the airport, he said LIMITED WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! pate in the three-day meet. happy to participate in what buses from the hotels, from the Past activities of the Youth Gov. Guerrero called private Diamond Hotel on southward, Center program include the sector “partners in progress.” could utilize the AsPerdidoRoad January Youth Conference at The Governor said residents when ferrying hotel guests to the Hyatt Regency Hotel and ofAs Perdido havelongsuffered and from the airport. the Youth FundraisingRally in from pot-holed filled roads Sablan Construction won the March where they raised $2,500 which is dusty during dry sea­ project by submitting a bid of which will fund one project. son and muddy during raining $ 1.2 million, according toReyes. DYS Administrator Maggie Olopai-Taitano said that once the youth center has been es­ B uckle U p-Saipan tablished, innovative activities and opportunities will be offered to reduce youth delinquency Its th e L aw problems in the homes and in the community and to minimize youth social welfare problem issues by maximizing potential skills and talents through ac­ tivities. Peer counselling will also be available to many of the young Restaurant adults who are undergoing a personal crisis, Taitano said. Chinese Food, well-known Educational assistance and Peking Pock educational and occupational skills will also be made avail­ able to the youth. “The youth center will be a safe place for youth social gathering to hang-out with their 60% o ff Room Rates peers without the threatof drugs Monday - Sunday Now through A pril 27th! and alcohol,” Taitano said. 11:00am - 2:00 pm The renovation of the facility 6:00pm -1 0:00pm is expected to cost $147,000 Stay at the luxurious Regency Club for only $100 per night alone and about $400,000 is plus tax. Special includes express check-in, welcome drink Pairere No.1 (Jg) TOYO TA needed to furnish it into a viable youth center. in Regency Club lounge, fruit basket, complimentary For more information on the continental breakfast & early evening cocktails, youth center and its line up of IN ROTA SEE V.M. CALVO ENTERPRISES activities and programs, contact late check-out until 3pm. and Hyatt Regency/SAIPAN . : MEET ALL FMVSS SPECIFICATIONS Florence Kirby at the DYS at Koblerville tel. nos. 322-9070/9366. c m M ICRO L CO RPO RATIO N For Reservation, bus stop· P.Ö, BOX 267 SAN JOSE, SAIPAN MP 96950 PHONE: 234-5911,2.3^16.7,8 $aveGa$ Please call 235-5188 CNMI ID card or driver’s license must be presented upon chcck-ln to receive this special rate. 14-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY APRIL 12,1991 San Vicente School Cultural Day to raise funds FRIDAY. APRIL 12.1991-MAR1ANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-15 i » San Vicente Elementary Chairperson is AnaLizama, and $95,000, and most of the tickets School has begun its annual Evelyn Manglona, last years have been sold already, said PSS Cultural Day fundraising activi­ Chairperson, is acting as Trea­ news release. / -· \\ J ' ties in earnest, as 46 candidates surer this year. SVES principal Larson said money raised will were voted by their fellow stu­ Ana Larson said $58,000 was be used to purchase air condi­ dents to representtheirclass. The raised in last year’s fundraiser. tioners and water dispensers for candidates are the designated Muna, a Chamorro bilingual the classrooms, physical educa­ ticket sellers for the raffle draw­ teacher, has been teaching at tion equipment, and other school ing which will take place in June, SVES for 19 years. She has needs for the 1991-92school year. L'i according to PSS news release. headed fundraising committees For their efforts at selling ü f One Side Carved Decorative П Students will also be having before, and is optimistic about tickets, Muna said students will daily bake sales to help raise achieving this years goal. “I’m earn 10% of the total amount they i§ Exterior Door, 36" X 1 3/4 X 80" money for the school. Del C. confident that we will reach our sell, plus win a trophy. Of course ÉHÈ Muna, Chairperson for the goal, and may even surpass it”, parents and relatives will be r·: fundraising activities, said the Muna said. She said 19,000 ticket helping out their young candi­ San Vicente Elementary School Cultural Day fundraising candi­ school’s goal is $80,000. Co- booklets were printed, worth dates as well, the PSS released dates for 1991. (PSS Photo) said. Muna said money from the raffle tickets and bake sales will be tabulated on May 24, and raffle HARDWARE STORES prizes and student prizes will be announced on June 7. June 7 is A·- 7 n u z l/ a £ u & when SVES celebrates its annual Cultural Day, and Jonas Barcinas is the Chairman for that' event. Muna said businesses, parents, Reg. $72.95 and thecommunity donated prizes 10 designs to Spring Clean-Up for the raffle drawing. She added that school staff, teachers, parents, choose from r 1' S ’ " S ‘ and PTA officers helped solicit prizes, the PSS release said. ш ? Fundraisers are held at most chief law n M ow ers schools to help supplement the annual budget allotment given to HOLLOW CORE DOORS; ALUMINUM SLIDING WINDOWS, SINGLE GLAZED the Public School System and WITH INSECT SCREEN Model 45 distributed to the individual 3- 1/2'HP, 19-Inch Model 50 schools. These fundraisers cre­ I 3 /8 ” THICK 80" HEIGHT ,3-1/2-HP, 20-Inch ate money for schools to buy Lawn C hief educational materials and other Quality built for easy and \ Lawn C hief supplies. 24" REG. $24.95 efficient mowing of smaller . Performance with an lawns. The perfect answer for ^ attractive price. Many look 28" REG. $28.00 economy-minded buyers. Or it’s ^ here for a starter model. the ideal answer for close A. Each has strong 1-piece 2 X 2 RES. $28.95 trimming around buildings and ■*' steel deck, full baffles Nurses Law 30" BED. $29.75 greenery of large properties. underdeck for better ГГоЯЯ ГР r.fù <Ç\P3 grass discharge. Amended 32" REG. $30.75 3 X 3 RE6. $51.50 i S (CNS)— A bill to allow em­ 34" REG. $33.25 3 X 4 REG. $63.35 ■•z.-'/i liiiaLa !%! ') **>' е pJj ployees who have worked at the Commonwealth health Center й щ м for the past two years and who 36" REG. $35.95 4 X 3 RE6. $65.40 have graduated from the Trust -— ------Territory School of Nursing or 4 X 4 REG. $74.25 1? the Community College of -7------! Micronesia to receive a waiver SOLID CORE DOORS to, // í7:4“ - i ! of qualifications and be licensed 5 X 4 REG. $85.90 е д ? S '" -S dS tJ ; as a Registered Nurse (H.B. 7- ßpFJ И í C?S frií C*Í5 Гг3 г‘ 151) was signed into law last 1 3/4 THICK, 80" HEIGHT 6 X 4 RE6. $97.95 week Friday (April 5) by Gov. s f e L í г, Larry I. De Leon Guerrero. ALUMINUM SLIDING GIASS DOORS, WITH INSECT SCREEN The Governor commended the 28" REG. $48.35 Legislature for the passage of í ; ------— ------(Л the bill which would finally al­ , - ‘ · r ■ low for fair classification for 30” REG. $48.25 those nurses who are qualified Spring Sale pursuant to the new law. i 32" REG. $49.95 SOI 0 9 5 In its findings, the Legislature 5 \0 " X G'.G" stated that a person who has fi 34" REG. $51.50 6’.0" X 6\8" Reg. $265.05 successfully completed a nurs­ !■1 ■— ----- REG. $359.50 ing program at the Community REG. $387.95 Save: $36.10 College of Micronesia or Trust 38" RIG. $52.90 Territory School of Nursing and who has been performing nurs­ Spring Sale ing duties at the Commonwealth Spring Safe $ 1 g g o o Health Center for at least past two years has acquired the nec­ essary knowledge and skills to Reg. $220.35 licensed as a Registered Nurse, 8ave: $31.35 and should be classified and compensated accordingly. P.O BOX 331 Dr. Jose L. Chong, Director B A S IC V SAIPAN, MP 96950 of the Department of Public CASH & CARRY ONLY health and Environmental Ser­ CONSTRUCTION ^ TEL (670) 234-6609 vices, and several nurses were 234-7666 WIIIIÆ SUPPLIES present at the signing ceremony S U P P L Y ^ 234-8776 at the Governor’s Office. The FAX (670) 234-8720 LAST! bill becomes Public Law 7-26. 16-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY. APRIL 12.1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-I7

M ustard gas shells P iece rate schem e rejected by Senate by R.B. Concepcion Senate bill 7-58 is now back in The committee will then meet A T r i p o f found in S olom on Is. mitted to the Governor for sign­ bill provides non-resident Members of the Senate re­ itsoldselfagain,and wasreferred with the house to find out whether ing into law, but on March 19, jected the piece rate scheme for worker certificates will not be HONOLULU (AP) - A U.S. ment and Pacific Forum, a re­ to the Senate’s conference they are in agreement with the just a few more days before it approved for the following job Army team will begin removing gional organization of garment workers which actually committe composed of Senators action, before it can go back to automatially becomes a law due classification: is a house amendment, during its SATURDAYS - APRIL I3tb Thru MAY 11th B B 96 World War n era gas independent island states, asked Paul Manglona, Jesus Sablan, the Governor again. non-action by the Governor, was Taxi cab driver, secretary, artillery shells from the Solomon the U.S. to remove the rounds. session Wednesday. FranciscoBorja,andJuan Tones. The bill was already trans- recalled by the Senate to address bookkeeper, accounting clerk, BEilLKPElRfS. Islands next month, officials said The Solomon Islands were the concerns regarding the measure messenger, receptionist, surface Chicken with Çreen (Рарауа 'EIRpLA' Monday. site of bloody battles between which contains the piece rate tour boat operator, bus driver, The rusting projectiles will be U.S. and Japanese forces in Chamber Board meets with Guerra scheme. including tour bus driver, and BeefStew'R A L V E R E m ' λΤΙΜ&& 7 ЯМЖ stored at an experimental WorldWarH. Rusted war relics The Board of Directors of the recommendation regarding the The release mentioned that in Even before the statute was telephone switchboard operator. Squid 'A(DOBO‘ chemical weapons destruction and unexploded conventional Saipan Chamber of Commerce piece rate legislation contained relation to the CNMI sweater sent to the Governor, a lot of It further provides that Non­ (KOREA. plant on Johnston Atoll, 825 ordnance still litter the country. recently met with Assistant good points. She also raised the export to the US, Guerra said opposition to the idea of paying resident certificates for Stewed Shortribs 'RALBIjlKC miles south of Hawaii. None of the chemical rounds Secretary for the Department of same points including the the that the importation of sweater garment workers on a piece-rate employment will not be ap­ “Frankly, it’s our responsibil­ were used in World War II, King Interior Stella Guerra during her living conditions of the employ­ from a foreign country will no basis rather than the usual mini­ proved unless the number of Eggfriedfish fillets ‘SAERgsm (JEœ f ity,” Lt. Col. Joe King, chemical said. He didn’t know how many latest visit to the island, accord­ ees, the release said. longerbe permitted by theUS by mum wage law of $2.15 per hour resident workers employed is at Kim Chi of Cucumbers and Cabbage weapons specialistwith the U.S. mustard gas shells had been ing to a news release from the Guerra however said that al­ October of this year. were raised. least equal to the number of non­ KotKpdish 'KARTUÇI' Pacific Command, said. “We transported to the Pacific during Chamber. though the influx of non-resident The SCC’s release said that Not much discussion went up resident ^workers in the following took them there years ago and the war. Guerra was accompanied by workers will have a significant the board also discussed with in the air during the session, categories: IRE) I A ______we’ll take them back.” King said the U.S. will take Budget Officer David Hegges- impact on the infrastructure, Guerra the Governor’s Tax where in the bill now only con­ retail trade clerk, retail trade fish Curry 'goASOyLIE' The entire cleanup operation responsibility for any American taad, Economist Jeff Miller and there is insufficient data to sub­ Force, the Public Auditor leg­ centrates on Non-resident cashier, hotel front desk clerk, should take about one month mustard gas shells found in the workers. KooigRPKg. Office of Territorial and Inter­ stantiate their impact on the islation and the educational janitor, security guard, custodian from when it begins in late May, region. national Affairs Field island. issues at hand. Oneprovision of the proposed and tour guide. !Pork.Sweet and Sour and will cost the U.S. up to $3 About 50 Americans, most Representative Jeff Schorr. CHlKA. million, King said. Army personnel, will collect the Guerra was on island as head Szechuanese ÍKot and Sour Soup “It is going to be safe. That’s rusted shells and .place them of the US team for the third round the bottom line,” King said. The aboard the Harold C. , a of 702 talks held at the Aqua 155mm shells, of which 73 re­ logistics support vessel, King Resort Hotel from April 4-5. fKpKÍEStL (BOILER main intact, pose no immediate said. The Ginger take up to two According to the release, gridedDdiiffish 'iRlOiAWRA BADfgUS' danger, King said. Each round weeks to sail to Johnston Atoll. Guerra said that the economic weighs about 100 pounds. Details of the voyage are clas­ growth in the CNMI has become Satays mth Rot ( The shells were found in 1988 sified for security reasons, King a role model for a lot of insular COLE) in thick jungle on the sparsely said. The ship will remain in areas. Guerra also told the board gado gado populated Mbankia Island, west international waters once it that the people who represent of Guadalcanal. The island has leaves the Solomons. the business community are the Stuffed Chicken '(RELLERORg (№ R p R a population 1,500, mostly The obsolete, 26-inch-long cornerstone of progress. Shrimp and Shellfish with CocktadSauce workers on a plantation. shells will beplaced in twosealed The Interior Assistant Secre­ Kpast (Pork. 'CtiARSIEW A Solomon Island ordnance containers, one set of which was tary said that the CNMI has made squad found the shells, and be­ used last fall to carry chemical a significant progress based upon fish Kdawin lieving they were conventional weapons from Germany to the local revenues that are being Sashimi weapons, tried to blow up about Johnston Atoll. The containers collected by the government. Somen with Condiments 20 of them, King said. The squad then will be placed in two stan­ It said that the discussion became worried when the shells dard steel shipping containers. centered among several topics didn’t explode with the “usual which included the impact fee SaiadBar A q u a R e s o r t C l u b loud bang.” They also noticed The operation will be moni­ legislation, third country assis­ E)essert Buffet Saipan an unusual odor. No one in the tored at all stages for leaks, King tance, piece rate legislation and squad was injured. said. the sweater export of the CNMI fo r (Reservation Cad322-1234 · f αχ: 322-1220 An Australian bomb disposal Each shell originally had 12 to the US among other things. team that was called in identified pounds of mustard gas. None of Guerra considered the impact the bombs as American mustard the shells are fuzed. fee legislation as a strong eco­ gas shells. A U.S. team first The Johnston Atoll plant al­ nomic move that will help examined the site in late 1989. ready stores tens of thousands of upgrade the community problem The Solomon Islands govern­ mustard gas shells, King said. particularly that of power; water and sewer. Ut said that the OHA assistant SUZUKI Student w on Secretary explained the concept LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY of third country assistance is actually that of Foreign Aid. DEPTH/FISH FINDER M ath O lym pics Guerra said that the State De­ Marianas Baptist Academy “American High School Math­ partment looks at it on a Special junior Seon Jeoung Min recently ematics Examination,” case-to-case basis and that there won first place in the GiMI Math according to a press release from is no country yet which has made Introductory the school. an offer of financial commit­ Olympics held last February. ment to the CNMI. Offer Upon winning the competi­ The Math Olympics is an an­ nual event which challenges the Guerra however said that there tion, Seon Jeoung achieved the is a Japanese foundation which distinction of scoring the high­ ablest math whizzes in the Commonwealth. can act as a middle broker for est ever, locally, on the some fundings which might be needed by the CNMI. 5 0 0 , The OTIA Assistant Secretary also pointed out that the board’s Maximum Depth Range d o w n PER 160 Fathoms (960 Ft.) ONLY« MONTH’ Limited Offer While Supplies Last. ■ШВЯИЯНЯКбЯI ÍÉÍ ií |£^yâ£Éi i • Air condition power steering • AM/FM stereo 1800 cc engine • power windows 5 speed transmission HAITY 41Я ВЖТТГОЛУ • 36 mos./36000 mi. warranty power door locks KIMBERLY ONLY AT P. RAMOS On April 1», 1991 TRIPLE ^M OTORS! L ove from Mem, Daddy Dave. Anton, Raymond fir 2 3 4 -7 1 3 3 GARAPAN · BEACH ROAD B e T h e r e ! Seon Jeoung Min, a junior student of the Marianas Baptist Academy ______Joseph t p H Motors int. standing on the podium with Pastor Bob Berkey. On approved credit. Cash price $10.677.00 less $199.00 down. Amount financed $10.478.00 at 15% APR for 60 monthly payments Tel:Tnl· 234-3332/7343 9 QAA · Open: 9am to 6pm · Mon-Sat · For your convenience of $249.27 per month. Total deferred purchase price $15,155.20. Excludes license, registration and documentation fee. 18-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-19 Marianas Public Land Corporation Marianas Public Land Corporation NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon i probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel Aileewal me bwangil milee UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEH) OF TRUST CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC 4141 et sec. i PUBLIC PURPOSE UNDER POWER OF SALE N DEB) OF TRUST Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC 2 CMC 41241 et sec, reel PUB­ AUGUSTA DL. GUERRERO, on or about August 17,1984, gave PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE LAND EXCHANGEACTOF1987, LIC PURPOSE EXCHANGE CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE AUTHORIZATION ACT OF sino ’ i tulaikan tano’para propositon AUTHORIZATION ACT OF and delivered to the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE LAND EXCHANGE ACTOF1987, LAND EXCHANGE AUTHORI­ ANTONIO TEREGEYO TAITANO and CHRISTINA TERRY 1987, notice is hereby given of pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia 1987, nge Marianas Public Land behalf of the Fanners Home Administration, United States of AUTHORIZATION ACT OF sino i tulaikan taño para propositen ZATION ACT OF 1987, nge Marianas Public Land manana’ i ginen este put i intensión Corporationekke arongaar towlap America, a Deed of Trust upon certain real property hereinafter TAITANO, on or about April 3, 1985, gave and delivered to the 1987, notice is hereby given of pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corporation Corporation’s intention to enter into i Marianas Public Land Corporation reel e'mangiiy bwe ebwe toolong described, which Deed ofTrust was recorded on August 17,1984, Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the Fanners Marianas Public Land man ana i ginen este put i intension- e arongaar towlap, igha c mangiiy an exchange agreement involving humalom gi kontratan atulaikan llol alughulughul lliiwelool faluw, Home Administration, United States of America, a'Deed of Trust na i Marianas Public Land Corpora­ ebwe Uiiwelo faluw iyc c looking under DocumentNo. 84-1615 to secure payment of a Promissory Corporation’s intention to enter the parcels of land described be­ tano’ ni ha afefekta i manmadeskribi iye fitilong aitiitil faluw kka faal. faluw kka faal. Aramasye e tipali Note of the said Trustor to the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, upon certain real property hereinafter described, which Deed of into an exchange agreement in­ tion humalom gi kontratan a tulaikan low. This proposed exchange is na pidason tano’ gi sampapa’. I Lliiwel kkal nge re bwal aronga nge cmmwel ebwe tingor ebwe yoor Trust was recorded on April 9,1985, under DocumentNo. 85-0674 volving the parcels of land de­ taño ni ha afefekta i pidason tano being re-noticed as the previous mapropoponi na atulaikan tano’ sefaliiy igha arongorong we e acting on behalf of the Fanners Home Administration, United to secure payment of a Promissory Note of the said Trustor to the scribed below. Concerned persons siha ni manmadcskxibi gi sampapa. hearing reel inaam wo lliiwelil faluw notice contained an erroneous de­ ma’agon anunsia ta’lo put i lache i toowow, nge ese wel aitiitil States of America. Mariana Islands Housing Authority, actingon behalf of the Farmers may request a hearing on any Todu petsona sihani maninteresante fa. Ebwe yoor hearings reel scription of the private land to be deskripsion i tano’ praibet ni para u falawal aramas ye ebwe lliiwel. The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property mwoghutughuiul Uii wcl kkaal wool transferred. Concerned persons matransferi mana’halom gi Home Administration, United States of America. proposed exchange. Hearings on sina manmansolisita inekungok gi Aramas ye e tipali nge emmwel hereafter described: the transactions listed below will put maseha manu nainatulaikan tano A brit5,1991 oiolye9:00 lessor Uol may request a hearing on this pro­ finene’na na nutisia. Todu schagh ebwe tingor ebwe yoor posed exchange. Hearings on the The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property be scheduled on April 5,1991 at mapropoponi. Inenkungok put i MPLC Conference Room. maninteresante siha na petsona sina hearing reel inaamwo lliiwelil transactions listed below will be manmansolisita inekungok put i Lot Number 0051 555, and containing an area of 760 square hereafter described: 9:00 A.M. in the Conference Room mapropoponi na tulaikan tano yan faluw kkaal. Ebwe yoor hearing schedule on April 12,1991 at 9:00 mapropoponi na atulaikan tano’. reel mwoghtughutul lliiwel kkaal meters, more or less, as shown on cadastral plat number 2084/ of MPLC. manmalista siha na pidason tano gi AMMWELEER TOWLAP - a.m. in the MPLC’s Conference Inekungok pupbliku put i sigiente wool Abrit 12,1991, otol ye 9:00 82, The original of which was registered with the Land Registry Lot Number 005 1 055, and containing an area of 979 square PUBLIC PURPOSE - Roadways sampapa paraumakonduktagi Abrit Roadways Acquisition Room. na prinuponen atulaikan tano’ para a.m. leesor llol MPLC confer­ 5,1991 gi oran alas nuebe gi egaan as document number 14232, Dated May 14,1982, the descrip­ meters, more or less, as more particularly described on drawing/ Acquisition u makonduta gi Abrit 12, 1991 gi ence Room. FALAWAL ARAMAS - Saipan tion therein being incorporated herein by reference. cadastral Plat Number 005 I 01, the original of which was PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ gi halom i kuatton gi ufisinan in PUBLIC PURPOSE - oran alas 9:00 gi egga’an gi halom i Lot/Tract No.2003-4R/W(Part of) registered with the Land Registry as document number 16706, Tract No. 2003-4-R/W (Part of) MPLC. . Roadways Acquisition kuatton konfirensia gi ufisinan i AMMWELLEER TOW LAP - me 2003-4- 1-R/W on March 11,1983, the description therein being incorporated and 2003-4-1tR/W PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - MPLC. Roadways Acquisition The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by the Roadways Acquisition Llapal nge 4,624 square meters PRIVATE LAND-The previous herein by reference. Containing an area of 4,624 Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana Islands square meters TANO PRAIBER - Sitio Numiru description of S aipan Lot/Tract No. PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - FALAWAL ARAMAS - FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on February 12, PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ 2003-4-R/W (Part ofi yan Sitio 1769-R/W, containing an area of Kinongkistan tano’ para chalan Aitiitil faluw we e ghommw, iwe The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by the Lot/Tract No.018 E 53 (Part of) 1991. Tract No. 018 E 53 (Part of) Numiru 2003-4-1-R/Wgiya Saipan 5,082 square meters was in error Saipan Lot/Tract No. 1769-R/W Llapal nge 900 square meters and the correct property descrip­ Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana Islands Containing an area of 900 yan ha konsisiste 4,624 metro TANO’ PRAIBET - 1 finene’na na eghus mellol bwuley ye 5,082 tion is Saipan Lol/Tract No. 1796- deskripsion i Saipan Lot/Tract No. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands Housing Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on February 7, square meters kuadrao na area square meters, nge ese wel, nge FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan R/W, containing an area of 5,082 1769-R/W ha Konsisiste 5,082 metro iyeel schescheel. Saipan Lot/ PUBLIC LAND- Saipan Lot/ TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru Authority will, on April 19,1991, at 10:00 A.M., at the office of the 1991. square meters. 018 E 53 (Part of) giya Saipan yan Lot/Tract No. 030 L 07 (Part oD Kuadrao na area lache ya i dinanche Tract No. 1796-R/W iye llapal Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, P.O. Box 514, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands Housing Tract No. 030 L 07 (Part of) na deskripsion i propriedat ayu i ha konsisiste 900 metro Kuadrao Llapal nge l,861square meters nge, 5,082 square meters. Authority will, on April 19,1991, at 10:00 A.M., at the office of the Containing an area of 1,861 PUBLIC LAND- Saipan Lot/ Saipan Lot/TractNo. 1796-R/W ya Saipan, MP 96950, under power of sale contained in the Deed of square meters na area Tract No. 013 G 01, containing an ha konsisiste 5,082 metro kuadrao Trust, sell the above described parcel of real property at public Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, P.O. Box 514, FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan FALAWEER TOWLAP- PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru area of 40,800 square meters. na area. Saipan Lot/Tract No. 013 G 01, action to the highest qualified bidder, to satisfy the obligations Saipan, MP 96950, under power of sale contained in the Deed of Lot/Tract No. 014 G 06 Tract No. 014 G 06 030 L 07 (Part of) giya Saipan ya TANO’ PUPBLIKU - llapal nge 40,800 square meters. secured by said Deed of Trust. The minimum bid offer shall be not Trust, sell the above described parcel of real property at public ha konsisiste 1,861 metro kuadrao Llapal nge 22,200 square meters PUBLIC LAND- Saipan Lot/ action to the highest qualified bidder, to satisfy the obligations Containing an area of 22,200 Saipan Lot/TractNo. 013 G 01, ha less than $54,000.00, total amount due to FmHA loan and MIHA’s square meters na area I Tract No. 12 G 03, containing an konsisiste 40,800 metro kuadrao na FALAWEER TOWLAP- FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan i area of 19,000 square meters. expenses. secured by said Deed of Trust. The minimum bid offer shall be not PUBLIC LAND- Saipan Lot/ TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru area. Saipan Lot/Tract No. 012 G 03, Lot/Tract No. 012 G 02 | TANO’ PUPBLIKU - The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to be less than 367,000.00, total amount due to FmHA loan and MIHA’s Tract No. 012 G 02 014 G 06 giya Saipan ya ha konsi­ llapal nge 19,000 square meters. Llapal nge 10,741 square meters I Saipan Lot/Tract No. 012 G 03, ha conveyed or as to the property of the Deed ofTrust, other than that expenses. Containing an area of 10,741 siste 22,200 metro kuadrao na area konsisiste 19,000 metro kuadrao na ! The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to be square meters TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful holder of such conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other than that 012 G 02 giya Saipan ya ha kons­ area. Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable by cash, the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful holder of such isiste 10,741 metro kuadrao naarea 4/12 certified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within 72 hours from time of sale. Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable by cash, — ------certified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within 72 hours Marianas Public Land Corporation The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to reject from time of sale. Marianas Public Land Corporation PUBLIC NOTICE any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and place for The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to reject sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be a person PUBLIC NOTICE authorized by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and place for Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 Reel aylleewal me bwangil 2 sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be a person Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC the Northern Mariana Islands to hold title to real property in the Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. authorized by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of | CMC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ CMC4141 etsec, the PUBLIC CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory bids for the Northern Mariana Islands to hold title to real property in the PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ CHANGE ACT OF 1987, sino i CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ TION ACT OF 1987, notice is tulaikan tano para propositon the outright sale of the said parcel of real property to a qualified Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ CHANGE ACT OF 1987, sino i CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ TION ACT C 1987, nge hereby given of Marianas Pub­ pubpblikunaalaon 1987, nutisia Marianas Public c.and Corpo­ buyer, to offer such property at the same time and place, or at a later The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory bids for TION ACTOF 1987, notice is tulaikan tano para propositon TION ACT OF 1987, nge the outright sale of the said parcel of real property to a qualified lic Land Corporation’s inten­ manana i ginen este put i inten- ration e arongaar towlap, igha < time, for long-term' lease to any person on the usual terms and hereby given of Marianas pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corpo­ tion to enter into an exchange sion-na i Marianas Public Land buyer, to offer such property at the same time and place, or at a later ration e arongaar towlap, igha mangiiy ebwe Uiiwelo faluw conditions for long term leases of real property offered by the Public Land Corporation’s in­ manana i ginen este put i inten- agreement involving the par­ Corporation humalom gi iye e toolong faluw kka faal. time, for long-term lease to any person on the usual terms and e mangiiy ebwe Uiiwelo faluw Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest bidder for such tention to enter into an ex­ sion-na i Marianas Public Land cels of land described below. kontratan atulaikan tano ni ha Aramasye e tipali nge emmwel I lease. The minimum bid amount of $54,000.00 shall also apply conditions for long term leases of real property offered by the iye e toolong faluw kka faal. Concerned persons may request afefekta i pidason tano siha ni change agreement involving Corporation humalom gi ebwe dngor ebwe yoor hearing with lump sum payment for the term of the lease. Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest bidder for such the parcels of land described kontratan atulaikan tano ni ha Aramasyce tipali ngeemm wcl a hearing on any proposed ex­ manmadeskribi gi sampapa. reel inaam wo lliiwelil faluw fa. lease. The minimum bid amount of 567,000.00 shall also apply ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hearing change. Hearings on the trans­ .Todu petsona siha ni Dated this 14th day of March, 1991. below. Concerned persons afefekta i pidason tano siha ni Ebwe yoor hearings reel By: /s/Juan M. Sablan with lump sum payment for the term of the lease. reel inaamwo lliiwelil faluw actions listed below will be maninteresante sina may request a hearing on any manmadeskribi gi sampapa. mwoghutughutul lliiwel kkaal Executive Director Dated this 14th day of March, 1991. fa. Ebwe yoor hearings reel scheduled on April 12,1991 at manmansolisita inekungok gi put wool Abrit 12, 1991 otol ye proposed exchange. Hearings Todu petsona siha ni 9:00 a.m. in the Conference By: /s/Juan M. Sablan mwoghutughutul lliiwel kkaal maseha manu na inatulaikan tano 9:00 lessor llol MPLC Confer­ Mariana Islands Housing Authority on the transactions listed below maninteresante sina Room of MPLC. mapropoponi. Inekungok put i ence Room. Executive Director will be scheduled on April 5, manmansolisita inekungok gi put wool Abrit 5, 1991 otol ye mapropoponi na tulaikan tano Mariana Islands Housing Authority 9:00 lessor Uol MPLC Con­ 1991 at 9:00 A.M. in the Con­ maseha manu na inatulaikan tano PUBLIC PURPOSE - yan manmalista siha na pidason AMMWELEER TOWLAP - COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN) ference Room. Wedands Acquisition ference Room of MPLC. mapropoponi. Inenkungok put i tano gi sampapa para u Wedands Acquisition MARIANA ISLANDS ) SS. PUBLIC PURPOSE - Road­ mapropoponi na tulaikan tano makonduktagi Abrit 12,1991 gi COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN) On this 14th day of March, 1991, before me, a Notary Public in and ways Acquisition yan manmalista siha na pidason AMMWELEER TOWLAP - PRIVATE LAND-SaipanLot/ oran alas nuebe gi egaan gi halom FALAWAL ARAMAS - MARIANA ISLANDS ) SS. tano gi sampapa para u Roadways Acquisition Tract No. E.A. 142 (2 of 2) i kuatton gi ufisinan i MPLC. for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, person­ Saipan Lot/Tract No. E. A. ally appeared Juan M. Sablan, duly authorized representative for PRIVATE LAND makondukta gi Abrit 5,1991 gi containing an area of 31,673 142 (2 of 2) Llapal nge On this 14th day of March, 1991, before me, a Notary Public in and FALAWAL ARAMAS - square meters PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - 31,673 square meters the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known to me as the person for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, person­ Saipan Lot/Tract Nos. oran alas nuebe gi egaan gi halom whose name is subscribed to the foregoing NOTICE OF SALE 22918-5-1-R/W, 22918-6-1- i kuatton gi ufisinan in MPLC. Saipan Lot/Tract Nos. 22918- Wedands Acquisition ally appeared Juan M. Sablan, duly authorized representative for PUBLIC LAND - Saipan LotJ FALAWEER TOWLAP - UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST, and he R/W, 22918-7-1-R/W and PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - 5-1-R/W.22918-6-1-R/W, Tract No. 034 L 05 contain­ the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known to me as the person 22918-7-1-R/W me 22918- TANO PRAIBET-SitioNumiru Saipan Lot/Tract No. 034 L acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of the 22918-8-1-R/W Roadways Acquisition ing an area of 19,556 square E.A. 143 (2 of 2) giya Saipan Mariana Islands Housing Authority. whose name is subscribed to the foregoing NOTICE OF SALE 8-1 -R/W Llapal nge 758 square 05 Llapal nge 19,556 square UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST, and he Containing an area of 758 TANO PRAIBER - Sitio Nu­ meters yan ha konsisiste 31,673 metro meters acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of the square meters miru 22918-5-1-R/W, 22918- meters kuadrao na area. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my Saipan Lot/Tract No. 034 L Mariana Islands Housing Authority. 6-1-R/W, 22918-7-1-R/W yan Saipan Lot.Tract No. 034 L official seal the day and year first written above. ! PUBLIC LAND - Saipan 22918-8- 1-R/W giya Saipan FALAWEER TOWLAP - 07 and CPI #61, (Part of) TANOPUPBLIKU-Sitio 05 me CPI #61 (Part of) Saipan Lot/TractNo.012G09 containing an area of 184,208 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my Lot/Tract No. 012 G 09 yan ha konsisiste 758 metro Numiru 034 L 05 giya Saipan Llapal nge 184,208 square /sf NIEVES S. TOMOKANE Llapal nge 5,804 square meters square meters. yan ha konsisiste 19,556 metro official seal the day and year first written above. Containing an area of 5,804 kuadrao na area meters Notary Public | square meters TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Nu­ kuadrao na area. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands miru 012 G 09 giya Saipan yan /s/ NIEVES S. TOMOKANE Sitiu Numiru 034 L 07 yan CP My Commission Expires on the 9th day of Jan. 1993 Notary Public ha konsisiste 5,804 metro kuadro na area #61 (Part of) giya Saaipan yan Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands ha konsisiste 184,208 metro My Commission Expires on the 9th day of Jan. 1993 kuadrao na area. 4/2-5-12-19 20-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY. APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VEWS-2T

Auxiliary officers elected Little Miss EQUIPMENT RENTAL , Northern M arianas M usic Society Flotilla 29, the Common­ Growth and Retention; Bert F o r A l l Y ou· E quipm ent N eeds wealth’s local United States Thompson, Communications; CNMI contest I ] wishes to thank everyone who Coast Guard Auxiliary Unit, has JuanitoNiedo, Public Education; visit o r call us a t elected new officers for this year, Larry Ilo, Information Systems April 20 helped w ith our production , T R I A L according to press release from and Music Director; A1 Saures, . . . M HS honor society N O R T H C R M CGA. Career Candidates. Tim Bruce IVI ARIAIM AEi B Y J U R Y a n d sponsor [V1USIC The new officers and their is Flotilla Commander, the CGA M ARIANAS REPARS f a SOCIETY ! assignments are as follows: Gill release said. The Marianas High School special thanks to Saures is Vice Flotilla Com­ Authorized by the U.S. Con­ National Honor Society is invit­ mander; Paul Hamilton, gress in 1939, the all volunteer ing the community to attend the #CONTINENTALB= Operations; Ben Saures, Fel­ Coast Guard Auxiliary is the Second Annual Little Miss C O . , m e . lowship Director; Terry civilian componentof the United CNMI Beauty Pageant. Mildred AIR MICRONESIA Eagleson, Aids to Navigation; States CoastGuard. The Auxil­ Sablan.PublicityCooidinatorfor Gus Auguon, Secretary Re­ iary, a public service the event, said it will be held on CHflLAN LAULAU, MIDDLE ROAD organization, assists in search Saturday, April 20, in the Dia­ corder; Mike Kenney; mond Hotel Ballroom form 6:00- Publications; Andrea Osawa, and rescue and promotes safe SAIPAN, MP 96950 membership Training; Cal boating in the waters of the 9:30p.m., saidPSS newsrelease. McLean,Finance; DickCeyzyk; Commonwealth. Sablan, an MHS senior, said TEL 234-9083/84 · MX N0.234-1240 tickets are $20.00 and includes dinner. “We encourage the community to come and watch our little girls”, she said. $ Senior Monica Pangelinan, | i pageant treasurer, said proceeds will go towards their graduation attire and also for jackets for the Middle Rood 46 members of the MHS NHS "ast West Rental chapter. “It’s a once in a lifetime Fork Lift Compactor and many more! opportunity, and we need your support”, said Pangelinan in a PSS news release. Sablan said the beauty pageant has been sponsored by the MHS NHS for the past two years, and is a spectacular show for girls between the age of 4 and 6. She said last years winner was Antonette T. Camacho. This years winners will receive tro­ phies and prizes, Sablan said. Pangelinan said you can pur­ Coast Guard Auxiliary installs new officers. chase tickets now by contacting Emily Ngirchechol or Elaine Inos n C M i at MHS, Susupe. Telephone numbers are 234-3862/0867/ 6204. Pangelinan said tickets will also be available at the door. Q et A zo a y fo r the ‘D a y Ngirchechol and Inos, also se­ niors, are Co-chairs of the W h o sa y s weekdays have to he drab? a t S a ip a n 's ( f e w e s t R e s o r t pageant. Not at the DlSCO SERENATAI MHS holds Every night is a special night of fun & fro lic , Savor Chef (Hußert (friedle's gourmet Champagne ‘Brunch,, dance & music! 10:30 a. m. to 2:00 p.m. Cultural DISCO SEREN ATA is open daily from 7 p.m . till 2 a.m. Complete with Blaci^Angus (Prime (Riß MONDAY is BEACH NIGHT! Heritage Day Yes! a BEACH PARTY at the DISCO SERENATA. cut to taste and an irresistaßte selection o fpastries and Marianas High School is Come in your favorite BEACH OUTFIT and enter FREE holding its 1991 Cultural Heri­ ßreads, including Austrian Apple Strudel andcream. tage Day on April 27th 1991 of charge. Win prizes too. from 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at the school campus. The public is TUESDAY is MINI-SKIRT NIGHT! invited to attend the events. Come on down, lovely ladies in your sexiest mini-skirts Baskjn the Amßiance o f the Cluß's and have a wonderful night at the DISCO. Entrance is Oceanside (Pools. (Hapgy‘Birthday FREE.

%fca fAnn WEDNESDAY is LADIES NIGHT! Hello, Ladies. Tonight is your night at the DISCO OnCy $17.50, Children ßelow 12 - d fa lf (Price (DeCaCruz SERENATA. Come in FREE of CHARGE and you can ‘Towels provided dance the night away!

THURSDAY is LOVERS’ NIGHT! Tonight is a special one for couples. DISCO SERENATA gives you 50% off on cover charge and has FUN and PRIZES in store for all, you sweet lovebirds.

Of course, WEEKENDS at the DISCO SERENATA are as usual simply GREAT! AU àRtSO BI CLUB Saipan Advance Happy B -Day T.O. %o>c9 Picfvugao. Saipan, 9rCP969SO R e n e e ‘Tdepfumt (670)322-1234 Love from Mom, Dad, Roxy F ax (670)322-1220 &. Yaya •22-MARJANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 I _

1 0 E T E N s u p p le •assbasgjà.·^ ...... D E P A R T M E N T ’ ^ “ S p ^ a l S 1 0 ETEN S · T ·. o · R · E ‘O ffice- joeren Shopping Center (in Susupe)-r ~ / i .■^ric-li ioeten noroHofo Adoi Shopping CenrerCenter (in Goropon)« i Joeren Joeren CK MorketMarker (in(in ChalanChalan Konoo)Konoo) — HctnuBfFj»» 8x10 Я( Son Vicente FoodPr^'4 Mart41 (in " Son Vicente) ~ ~ Ш 1 Ш 7 ------“ ' \ Susupe Mart (in Susupe) i (Five Stores To Serve You) Йс fi +2 Pßüog AP rii 12 to 16, 1991% ^ iT u c k lm Гаек Ш F г Ы & . в а Под. $2.io ■a?. Big G Brand л'· 2 « . t o p Cocoa Puff m 2 lop Sgoo Cereal, 12 oz. Hinode C a i r o s e f e . Fry'ng ·> Chicken, 30 lbs. I 'ea O i c e , S O lb s .


H t- r · Sapporolch/ban , ñamen, 24/31/2 ог. iM NET кЧиоц C S. Pork


Kadoya Pure case , 12 oz.

M o r t o n Australian Seer i Flank Stei?a/c ' IT T f ö o d , 26 oz. м ¡№ & M Sergeant Crayonsm lb Под. $1.80 i Г I Z p k fop 16 Tabasco Hot ...... CRAYONS Sauce, 5 oz. 0 I II Northern Brand I SALT Paper Napkins, 250 ct.

Ь л а п ю т о ' Pkg « Ё з я й * s s ä 8ö p 16 oz. 4P 1 Kikkoman Soy Carnation 1 Sauce, 1.6 litre

Milk, 12 oz. 1 - Ф , ^KKOMAN* - M _ j' ‘ЙУк/ faz. ea Reg^145 « Reg, $1.25 Beg. $1.10 Kenner Playdoti Mix,S ? 8750 * g. Drink Rtotfns Cards Ы Re». $1.75 Star Brand 3 for 3 for “ Я Г I Communion Dresses D Light Meat 2 for Tuna, 7 oz. $200 $100 $000 and Veils ea

mwwWtWlWrrOWIillWifJIWMIIWWIMWWWWftiW^^ •"«•vrrWffifK I- ......

f4 l n / for shopping of Joefen Shopping Center, The Hofo Adoi Shopping Center, The Cholon Konoa Market, The | I Son Vicente ^ F o o d Morr and The Susupe Mort. Visit us for quality and Variety. W e reserve the right to limit quantities. We gladly accept NAP food coupons. No soles to dealers. Cosh purchase only!!! W e ore not responsible for typographical error!!! 24-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12.1991 FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1991-MARlANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-25 dations on the mitigation plan to sources.” My question is why Fish and Wildlife, started this Dear Editor Court C alendar L e t t e r s ... address the limestone forest were did Mr. Gourley misinformed whole mess. What really hap­ I would like to address this Continued from page 2 incorporated into the CRM per­ Mr. Seman about the Aquarius pen is that Mr. Gourley misin­ letter to any able person to take Judge ROBERTA. HEFNER Re Estate of Pangelinan, Juan I. istrator, made a mistake in her mit Did Mr. Gourley mentioned Project and the Lucky-Joeten formed Mr. Seman about these action upon what may be a grave April 17 April 17 calculation of the water demand about this? Mr. Gourley’s rec­ Project? Mr. Gourley’s actions two projects. Mr. Gourley concern for the people of the 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. and designate thisprojectas DEQ ommendations on other projects indirectly tried to discredit Mr. should have advised Mr. Seman Commonwealth in the not-to- TransAmericaCorp. vs. Victorino Re Estate of Castro, Felix M. project when in fact it was a were also incorporated into the Jose C. Tenorio (JOETEN), one not to submit his article. The distant future. M. Catienza CNMI vs. Highness Asanuma CRM permit. CRM permits of those projects. of the most honorable and com­ fact is that Mr. Gourley reviewed Saipan and the rest of the T ransAmericaCorp. vs. Leonardo CNMI vs. Benjamin J. Castro Also, why didn’t Mr. Gourley The one recommendation that I munity minded person in the Mr. Seman’s articles and ap­ Commonwealth is at its infancy Y. Maniacop April 18 mentioned that 1 stopped that did not put into the SNM Golf Commonwealth. Mr. Tenorio proved it That is why I told Mr. politically, economically, etc. TransAmerica Corp. vs. Aldan, 8:30 A.M. project and we had a meeting Course Project site within the has helped the people of the Seman in my letter to the editor, We must first concern ourselves Jesus et al. CNMI vs. Obishispo, David with Ms. Lulu Johnson (CTS - public land leases, will not be Commonwealth during disaster; “Mungga mafaisen si Juan withourcitizensand theirneeds. Triple J . Saipan vs. Sylvestre R. 9:00 A.M. contractor) and her engineer and donated to the DNR/DFW for community projects, school Dakkun.” We must address the current Rasiang CNMI vs. Oscar A Kapileo problems that will inevitably af­ /// I informed Ms. Johnson that she management/research purposes funding program and many This will be my last letter and Esperanza R. Taitano vs. Damian CNMI vs. Dai Hyun Jou cannot built more than 3 floor? for the life of the project.” Ac­ more. Mr. Tenorio do not need I will pursue these matters within fect every citizen of the United AWAKENINGS' IS Pua, Jr. CNMI vs. Johanes Selbart This will place her project under cording to Mr. Efrain Camacho, this bad publicity. Mr. Gourley the CNMI guidelines and regu­ States and even more so the le­ Norbert M. Babauta vs. Babauta, CNMI vs. Jose L Taitano theDEQpermiL If she is to build this will amount to 50% of the sure has a weird way of “loving lations. gitimate residents of the CAUSE FOR REJOICING." Vicente SN. et al. CNMI vs. Quentin Ngirarois to a 4 storey with her original total land that Mr. Victor Hocog the people of the Common­ Thank you for the opportu­ Commonwealth. - Rita Kempley, mSHINGTON POST Gutierrez Marketing Ent. vs. CNMI vs. Junior Martin plan, she will have to get a CRM leased from MPLC. To require wealth.” nity to state my viewpoints and Wehaveallowed non-resident Enrique S. Santos CNMI vs. Biehl, John F. permit. SNM Corporation to donate these This whole “.-letter to the edi­ to tell the truth about these two workers to enter the CNMI be­ ROBERT DENIRO robin williams Patricio F. Tudela vs. Hwang April 19 Lastly, why didn’t Mr. Gourley land without compensation is tor” should have never hap­ projects. cause of our dependency on Byung Kil 8:30 A.M. mentioned that Mr. Ben Aldan against the law. pened. This is internal matter of Sincerely yours, foreign labor. Well and good! Ckitibank, NA vs. Leslie A Fraser CNMI vs. Sitang, Marolo when he was the Acting Admin­ 7. Mr. Gourley claimed that the Commonwealth govern­ /s/Joaquin P. Villagomez Butdo we have the manpower to /WAKENINGS Micro Hotel Corp. vs. Regino E. 10:00 A.M. istrator during December 1990 “he have come to love this is­ ment It is unfortunate that Mr. Administrator, CRMO monitor the abuses of our sys- Aquino CNMI vs. Vincent S. Sipia Seman, who is an employee of Based O n A True Story issued a letter to Ms. Johnson land, its peoples and natural re­ Continued on page 28 Jones & Guerrero Co. vs. Vicenta Judge MARTYK. TAYLOR stating that the Aquarius project L. Olopai April 15 no longer meet the “major sit­ Bank of Saipan vs. Lydia F. Viray 9:00 A.M. ing” Criteria due to revision on Bank of Hawaii vs. Jesus R. Jones RA & Sons Ent. vs. Vicente V. the Aquarius project plan? Triple J. Saipan vs. Emilio A. Torres The reason why he resorted to Ayuyu April 17 this tactic because he was the Pacific Financial Corp. vs. Antonia 9:00 A.M. only one from Fish and Wildlife K. Satur CNMI vs. Johnny T. Riano who know about this project and Ins. Co. of North America vs. Joe CNMI vs. Manuel Santos he got himself into a tight spot 'MKEN1NGS' MAKESMJ .. N. Midar CNMI vs. Ramón C. Blas ™ o™ n d to l it is and again he tried to pull a fast Pacific Financial Corp. vs. Carlos CNMI vs. Francés C. Cabrera one by misinforming the public 1UJUM DC ALIVE. MARSHALL. ROBIN WILLIAMS AND Stur, e l al. CNMI vs. Lucy C. Sabían in telling part of the story. YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MOVIE." ROBERT DE NIRO ARE TRIUMPHANT." Vicente M. Sabían, et. al. vs. - Joel Siegel, GOOD MORNING AMERICA - Gene Shalit, THE TODAY SHOW 1:30 P.M. This is why I do not owe Mr. Francisco P. Sabían, et. al. Josephine M. Fejeran vs. Diego Seman any public apology be­ JCTenorio Ent. vs. Charley Kenty B. Camacho cause Mr. Gourley fed Mr. et al. Wardship Seman with all sorts of trash and Triple J. Saipan vs. Vicente T. Eduardo H. Valdez vs. Valdez, coming soon . . . Mr. Seman took it and regurgi­ SHOULD CHOOSE IT&E’S Teregeyo Zenaida tate it in public accusation of our Raymond L. Mathews vs. Desco “L.A. Story” Modesta A. Bartolo vs. Masga, office. Inc. et. al. Jesus A. 2. Mr. Gourley during the Julian W. Mai vs. Swingly Aguon April 19 CRM barbecue on March 22, LONG-DISTANCE BOOTHS. Bank of Hawaii vs. Elizabeth M. 9:00 A.M. 1991 at theSusupeRegional Park Sabían Sambhwani’s Corp. vs. Maryln YCO Corp. vs. Wilf redo Manalon, told me and the other CRM staff de Jumo and guest that he reviewed Mr. et al. Bank of Saipan vs. James D. Joeten Motor Co. Inc. vs. Jesus Seman’s letter to the editor. Was Cabrera Mr. Gourley too drunk to re­ Three convenient Locations M. Hocog Bank of Saipan vs. Singichi & Pacific Int’l. Marianas vs. Beth A. member his statement? people Nelia Madlmeduh who were present when Mr. Guerrero Sambhwani’s Corp. vs. Ramela Pacific Int’l. Marianas vs. James Pacoma Gourley made that statement are K. Rabaulman willing to testify in court about Sambhwani’s Corp. vs. Richard this incident. Economical Direct-Dial Rates TCIVI White, et. al. vs. Vicente N. Muna I. Rangamar ; HR· FORK LIFT TRUCKS White, et. al. vs. Rafael I. Sambhwani’s Corp. vs. Agerico 3. Mr. Gourley stated that Rangamar Bautista “CRM regulation does not au­ Jose A. Ulloa vs. C.K. Pacific Inc. The First Floral Shop vs. Vicente thorize me to enforce DEQ regu­ A t p h a f t - s e r i e s Ins. Co. of North America vs. Tudela lation regarding the Lucky- Sy I ve rio M. Mettao, et. al. The First Floral Shop vs. Acha Joeten Taga Condominium open Long Hours Pacific Int’l. Marianas vs. project.” Did Mr. Gourley know Cruz that the CRM Enforcement No­ Available Anastacia K. Santos Carmen Safeway Meitetsu vs. Bae tice was prepared by Mr. Mike You can use direct-dial rates when you call from ourbooths. Jesus Ramon A. Sonoda vs. Sun IL Tolouse, DEQ/DFW lawyer? Villagomez, Maria A. And to make it more convenient for you, we’veopened new JC Tenorio Ent vs. Vicente A. Now, Mr. Gourley is acting like Mark Moses vs. Enrique S. Santos Aguon a lawyer when in fact he is just a locations and with long, late hours. Sang Moon Corp. vs. Lee, Kwang JC Tenorio Ent vs. Jose S. Albert fishery biologist. Hee JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Julian 4. Does Mr. Gourley know 1:30 P.M. Bergonia SAN JOSE at the IT&E O fficer booths that his boss, Mr. Arnold I. Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Nitto Saipan, Inc. vs. William D. JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Josephine T. Palacios Chief of Fish and Wild­ Sabían Cabrera Open 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat78 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. Judge ALEX CASTRO One Stop Wholesale, Inc. vs. life, strongly recommended to April 15 Chjarlie Leon Guerrero me not to issue the CRM Viola­ tion Notice? Ask him why??? GARAPAN at the Islander M otel-2 booths 9:00 A.M. JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Dolores Open 8:00 a.m. to 12 Midnight/7 days-a-week CNMI vs. Michael P. Dela Cruz Camacho 5. I hope Mr. Gourley will CNMI vs. Vicente Sabían Basa JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Dolores read the CRM law (Public Law CNMI vs. Antonio T. Condino Camacho 3-47) again, he will find out the CHALAN KANOA at Clarissa’s Fashions across CNMI vs. Raul Doria JC Tenorio Ent vs. Frank J. CRM Administrator’s job is not from Town House-2 booths April 16 Dunston to monopolize the management Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 9:00 A.M. JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Mary Ann A. and protection of out natural re­ The best choice... CNMI vs. Victor Lisua Cruz sources. I have never monopo­ lized the permitting process. In Exclusively Distributed By: CNMI vs. Moon Sachang & Moon JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Almer R. Seho Villaluz fact, the six CRM Program CNMI vs. Ihner, Henry JC Tenorio Ent vs. Elaine S. Délos Agenciesapproveall permits and 1:30 not the CRM administrator. Mr. ??XJoeten M o to rs Reyes Gourley and the DFW personnel A f a t AUTOMOTIVE SALES · PARTS · SERVICE Re Estate of Capileo, Benigno JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Mary Ann A. actively participate in the CRM p J H r n H k . P.O. Bo* 580, Saipan. MP 88950 Tel. 234-5562/5503/5564/5565 Re Estate of Palacios, Joaquin F. Cruz Businass Hours: BiOOAMYo 5:00PM Monday to Saturday Re Estate of Pialur, Catalina permit process. Mr. Gourley JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Almer R. knows this and yet he tried to Re Estate of Manglona, Fortunato Villaluz OVERSEAS, INC. Sabían Bldg., San Jose Tel: 234-8521 Taisacan Continued on page 29 misinform the public again. t (j. Mr. Gourley’s recommen­ 26-m a r ia n a s v a r ie t y n e w s AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL12,1991 FRIDAY-APRIL 12, 1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND V1LWS-27

Marianas Public Land Corporation NOTICE OF SALE M arianas Public Land Corporation NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE UNDQt POWBt OF SALE П DSD OF TRUST PUBLIC NOTICE m m power of sale m deed of tru st Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 CMC Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 Reel ayleewal me bwangil ; EDWIN R. OGARTO and TRINITA S. OGARTO, on or about CMC4141 et sec, thePUBLIC DANIEL WARAKAI IGDMOEF and ABELINA TAITANO CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE. CMC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE LAND EXCHANGE ACTOF 1987, LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO­ August9,1984, gave and delivered to the Mariana Islands Housing PURPOSE LAND EX PURPOSE LAND EX­ IGIOEF, on or about January 16,1985, gave and delivered to the Authority, acting on behalf of the Farmers Home Administration, PURPOSE LAND EX AUTHORIZATION ACT OF sino i tulaikan tano para propositon RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge CHANGE AUTHORIZA CHANGE ACT OF 1987, sino i Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the 1987, notice is hereby given of pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corpora­ United States of America, a Deed of Trust upon certain real CHANGE AUTHORIZATIOb TION ACTOF1987, notice is tulaikan taño para propositen ACT OF 1987, nge Mariana: Fanners Home Administration, United States of America, a Deed Marianas Public Land manana i ginen este put i intension- tion e arongaar towlap, igha e property hereinafter described, which Deed of Trust was recorded hereby given of Marianas pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Public Land Corporation of Trust upon certain real property hereinafter described, which Corporation’s intention to enter na i Marianas Public Land Corpo­ mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye e on August 9, 1984, under Document No. 84-1458 to secure Public Land Corporation’s into an exchange agreement in­ ration humalom gi kontratan manana i ginen este put i inten- arongaar towlap, igha e mangii; Deed ofTrust was recorded on January 18,1985, under Document toolong faluwkkafaal. Aramasye payment of a Promissory Note of the said Trustor to the Mariana intention to enter into an ex­ volving the parcels of land de- atulaikan tano ni ha afefekta i pidason e tipali nge emmwel ebwe tingor sion-na i Marianas Public Land ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye etoolonj No. 85-0180 to secure payment of a Promissory Note of the said Islands Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the Fanners Home change agreement involving scribed below. Concerned persons tano siha ni manmadeskribi gi ebwe yoor hearing reel inaamwo Corporation humalom gi faluwkkafaal. Aramasyeetipal Trustor to the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, acting on Administration, United States of America. the parcels of land described kontratan atulaikan taño ni ha behalf of the Farmers Home Administration, United States of may request a hearing on any sampapa. Todu petsona siha ni lliiwelil faluw fa. Ebwe yoor The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property below. Concerned persons nge emmwel ebwe tingor ebw< proposed exchange. Hearings on maninteresantesinamanmansolisita hearings reel mwoghutughutul afefekta i pidason tano siha ni yoor hearing reel inaamwt America. the transactions listed below will inekungok gi pul maseha manu na lliiwel kkaal wool Abrit 5, 1991 hereafter described: may request a hearing on any The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property manmadeskribi gi sampapa. lliiwelil faluw fa. Ebwe yoo be scheduled on April 5, 1991 at inatulaikan tano mapropoponi. otol ye 9:00 lessor Uol MPLC proposed exchange. Hearings Todu petsona siha ni hereafter described: 9:00 A.M. in the Conference Room Inenkungok pul i mapropoponi na Conference Room. Lot Number 005 1 507, and containing an area of 745 square on the transactions listed below hearings reel mwoghutughutu maninteresante sina lliiwel kkaal wool Abrit 5,199 o f MPLC. tulaikan tano yan manmalista siha meters, more or less, as shown on cadastral plat namber 2084/ will be scheduled on April 5, na pidason tano gi sampapa para u manmansolisita inekungok gi put otol ye 9:00 lessor Uol MPLC Lot Number 0051 116, and containing an area of 976 square AMMWELEER TOWLAP - 82, The original of which was registered with the Land Reg­ 1991 at 9:00 A.M. in the Con­ PUBLIC PURPOSE - Roadways makondukta gi Abrit 5,1991 gi oran Roadways Acquisition masehamanunainatulaikantano Conference Room. meters, more or less, as shown on cadastral plat number 005 istry as document number 14232, date May 14, 1982, the ference Room of MPLC. mapropoponi. Inenkungok put i I 02, The original of which was registered with the Land Acquisition alas nuebe gi egaan gi halom i description therein being incorporated herein by reference. kuatton gi ufisinan in MPLC. FALAWAL ARAMAS - Saipan mapropoponi na tulaikan tano AMMWELEER TOWLAP - Registry as document number 16707, on March 11.1983, the PUBLIC PURPOSE - yan manmalista siha na pidason description therein being incorporated herein by reference. PRIVATE LAND - Saipan Lot/ Lot/Tract No.1824-R/W Roadways Acquisition Tract No. 1824-R/W PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU- The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by the Roadways Acquisition tano gi sampapa para u Llapal nge 4,709 square meters Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Mariana Islands Containing an area of4,709square Roadways Acquisition makondukta gi Abrit 5,1991 gi FALAWAL ARAMAS - The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by the meters FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on February 8, PRIVATE LAND - Saipan oran alasnuebegiegaangihalom Deed ofTrust, and by reason of said default the Mariana Islands TANO PRAIBET - Sitio Numiru 1991. Saipan Lot/Tract,No. 218-3-R/) PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ Lot/Tract No.014 G 08 Lot/Tract No. 218-3-R/W i kuatton gi ufisinan in MPLC. W Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on February 7, Tract No. 014 G 08 1824-R/Wgiya Saipan yan ha Llapal nge 14,054 square meters Containing an area of Llapal nge 863 square meters 1991. Containing an area of 14,054 konsisiste 4,709 metro NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands Housing 863square meters PROPOSITION PUPBLIKU - square meters kuadrao na area FALAWEER TOWLAP - Saipan Authority will, on April 19,1991, at 10:00 A.M., at the office of Wetlands Acquisition FALAWEER TOWLAP - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands Housing Lot/Tract No. 012 G 06 the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, P.O. Box 514, PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Authority will, on April 19,1991, at 10:00 A.M., at the office of PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru Llapal nge 33,405 square meters Saipan, MP 96950, under power of sale contained in the Deed of Saipan Lot/Tract No.012 G 08 Tract No.012 G 06 014 G 08 Lot/Tract No. 012 G 08 TANO PRAIBER - Sitio Llapal nge the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, P.O. Box 514, Trust, sell the above described parcel of real property at public Saipan, MP 96950, under power of sale contained in the Deed of Containing an area of 33,405 giyaSaipanyanhakonsisiste 14,054 Containing an area of 4,745 Numiru 218-3-R/W square meters metro Kuadrao na area action to the highest qualified bidder, to satisfy the obligations square meters giya Saipan yan ha konsisiste Trust, sell the above described parcel of real property at public secured by said Deed of TrusL The minimum bid offer shall be not 863 metro kuadrao na area action to the highest qualified bidder, to satisfy the obligations TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru less than $62,000.00, total amount due to FmHA loan and MEHA’s secured by said Deed of Trust The minimum bid offer shall be 012 G 06 giya Saipan ya ha expenses. TANO PUPBLIKU-Sitio not less than $68,000.00, total amount due to FmHA loan and konsisiste 33,405 metro kuadrao na The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to be Numiru 012 G 08 MIHA’s expenses. area conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other than that giya Saipan yan ha konsisiste The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to be the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful holder of such 4,745 metro kuadrao na area conveyed or as to the property of the Deed ofTrust, other than that Deed of TrusL The purchase price shall be payable by cash, the-Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful holder of certified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within 72 hours such Deed ofTrust The purchase price shall be payable by cash, from time of sale. certified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within 72 Marianas Public Land Corporation The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to reject Marianas Public Land Corporation hours from time of sale. any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and place for The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to PUBLIC NOTICE sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be a person PUBLIC NOTICE reject any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and authorized by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of place for sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be a Pursuant to the provisions of Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 Reel ayleewal me bwangil 2 the Northern Mariana Islands to hold title to real property in the Pursuant to the provisions of 2 Sigon gi probension siha gi 2 CMC Reel ayleewalmebwangil2CMC CMC 4141 et sec, PUBLIC CMC 4141 et sec, the PUBLIC person authorized by the Constitution and laws of the Com­ 2 CMC 4141 et sec, the CMC 4141 et sec i PUBLIC Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. 4141 et sec i PUBLIC PURPOSE 4141 et sec, PUBLIC PURPOSE monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to hold title to real PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EX­ PURPOSE LAND EXCHANGE LANDEXCHANGEACTOF1987, LAND EXCHANGE AUTHO­ PUBLIC PURPOSE LAND The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory bids for AUTHORIZATION ACT OF sino i tulaikan tano para propositen RIZATION ACT OF 1987, nge property in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. EXCHANGE AUTHORI­ CHANGE ACT OF 1987, sino i CHANGE AUTHORIZA­ the outright sale of the said parcel of real property to a qualified 1987, notice is hereby given of pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corpora­ The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory bids for ZATION ACT OF 1987, no­ tulaikan tano para propositon TION ACT OF 1987, nge buyer, to offer such property at the same time and place, or at a later Marianas Public Land manana i ginen este put i interision- tion e arongaar towlap, igha e the outright sale of the said parcel of real property to a qualified tice is hereby given of pupbliku na akton 1987, nutisia Marianas Public Land Corpo­ time, for long-term lease to any person on the usual terms and Corporation’s intention to enter na i Marianas Public Land Corpora­ mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw iye e buyer, to offer such property at the same time and place, or at a Marianas Public Land manana i ginen este put i inten- ration e arongaar towlap, igha conditions for long term leases of real property offered by the into an exchange agreement in­ tion humalom gi kontratan atulaikan toolong faluwkkafaal. Aramasye later time, for long-term lease to any person on the usual terms and Corporation’s intention to sion-na i Marianas Public Land e mangiiy ebwe lliiwelo faluw Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest bidder for such volving the parcels of land de­ tano ni ha afefekta i pidason tano e tipali nge emmwel ebwe tingor conditions for long term leases of real property offered by the enter into an exchange agree­ Corporation humalom gi iye e toolong faluw kka faal. lease. The minimum bid amount of $62,000.00 shall also apply scribed below. Concerned per­ siha ni manmadeskribi gi sampapa. ebwe yoor hearing reel inaamwo Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest bidder for such Aramasyee tipali ngccmmwcl sons may request a hearing on ment involving the parcels of kontratan atulaikan tano ni ha with lump sum payment for the term of the lease. Todu petsona siha ni maninteresante lliiwelil faluw fa. Ebwe yoor lease. The minimum bid amounl of $68,000.00 shall also apply afefekta i pidason tano siha ni ebwe tingor ebwe yoor hearing any proposed exchange. Hear­ sina manmansolisita inekungok gi hearings reel mwoghutughutul land described below. Con­ Dated this 14th day of March, 1991. ings on the transactions listed with lump sum payment for the term of the lease. cerned persons may request a manmadeskribi gi sampapa. reel inaamwo lliiwelil faluw By: /s/Juan M. Sablan put maseha manu na inatulaikan tano lliiwel kkaal wool Abrit 5, 1991 below will be scheduled on April mapropoponi. Inenkungok put i otol ye 9:00 lessor llol MPLC Dated this 14th day of March, 1991. hearing on any proposed ex­ Todu petsona siha ni fa. Ebwe yoor hearings reel Executive Director 5,1991 at 9:00 AM . in the Con­ mapropoponi na tulaikan tano yan Conference Room. By: /s/Juan M. Sablan change. Hearings on the maninteresante sina mwoghutughutul lliiwel kkaal Mariana Islands Housing Authority ference Room of MPLC. manmalista siha na pidason tano gi Executive Director transactions listed below will manmansolisita inekungok gi put wool Abrit 5, 1991 otol ye sampapaparaumakonduktagi Abrit AMMWELEER TOWLAP - Mariana Islands Housing Authority be scheduled on April 5,1991 maseha manu na inatulaikan tano 9:00 lessor llol MPLC Confer­ PUBLIC PURPOSE -Wetlands 5,1991 gi oran alas nuebe gi egaan Wetlands Acquisition at 9:00 A.M. in the Confer­ mapropoponi. Inenkungok put i ence Room. COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN) Acquisition Acquisition gi halom i kuatton gi ufisinan in ence Room of MPLC. mapropoponi na tulaikan tano MARIANA ISLANDS ) SS. MPLC. FALAWAL ARAMAS - Saipan COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN) PUBLIC PURPOSE - Road­ PRIVATE LAND - Saipan yan manmalista siha na pidason AMMWELEER TOWLAP - On this 14th day of March, 1991, before me, aNotary Public in and Lot/Tract No. 22573 (part of) MARIANA ISLANDS ) SS. ways Acquisition tano gi sampapa para u Roadways Acquisition for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, person­ ' Lot/Tract No, 22573 (part of) PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - Llapal nge 9543 square meters Containing an area of 9,543 On this 14th day of March, 1991, before me, a Notary Public in makondukta gi Abrit 5, 1991 gi ally appeared Juan M. Sablan, duly authorized representative for Wetlands Acquisition square meters FALAWEER TOWLAP - and for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, PRIVATE LAND - Saipan oran alas nuebe gi egaan gi halom FALAWAL ARAMAS - the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known tomeas theperson TANO PRAIBER - Sitio Numiru Saipan Lot/Tract No.029 L 13 personally appeared Juan M. Sablan, duly authorized representa­ Lot/Tract No. 1479-1-C i kuatton gi ufisinan in MPLC. Saipan Lot/Tract No. 1479-1- whose name is subscribed to the foregoing NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ 22573 (part of) Llapal nge 9,000 square meters tive for the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known to me as Containing an area of 2,206 C UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST, and he Tract No. 029 L 13 giya Saipan yan ha konsisiste and the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing NOTICE square meters PROPOSITON PUPBLIKU - Llapal ngc2,206squaremetcrs acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of the Containing an area of 9,000 9,543 metro kuadrao na area Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 15 OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST, Roadways Acquisition Mariana Islands Housing Authority. square meters Llapal nge 15,000 square meters and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf PUBLIC LAND - Saipan Lot/ FALAWEER TOWLAP - and TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Numiru of the Mariana Islands Housing Authority. Tract No. 034 L 04 Saipan Lot/Tract No.034 L 04 Saipan Lot/Tract No. 029 L 15 TANO PRAIBER - Sitio Numiru IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my 029 L 13 giya Saipan yan ha Containing an area of 23,000 1479-1-C giya Saipan yan ha Llapal nge 23,000 square official seal the day and year first written above. Containing an area nf 15,000 konsisiste 9,000 metro kuadrao na IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my square meters atea square meters konsisiste 2,206 metro kuadrao meters official seal the day and year first written above. na area /s/ NIEVES S. TOMOKANE and Notary Public Sitio Numiru 029 L 15 giya Saipan yan ha /s/ NIEVES S. TOMOKANE TANO PUPBLIKU - Sitio Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Konsisiste 15,000 metro Kuadrao Notary Public Numiru 034 L 04 giya Saipan My Commission Expires on the 9th day of Jan. 1993 na area Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands yan ha konsisistc23,000metro My Commission Expires on the 9th day of Jan. 1993 kuadrao na area 28-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY. APRIL 12.1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-_29 violate our laws for their selfish Saipan Supermarket vs. Karen parents are citizens of the United each year die in the United States istence. When the time comes Commonwealth Ind. Gas Corp. gains. There are many long­ States. Their rights are guaran­ due to hellish poverty. Please, when we are good and strong, · vs. Kwang Soo Corp. W. De Los Reyes L e t t e r s ... time Filipino and Korean teed by the U.S. Constitution. Saipan Supermarket vs. Summit Continued from page 24 first things first! Can we really then we can open our doors but Carmen Safeway Meitetsu vs. Bae residents with their dependents We will not hesitate to shed our afford another mouth to feed and Sun IL Marianas Corp. tem. There are numerous illegal definitely not now. Saipan Supermarket vs. Wait K. or contract workers who have own blood to defend our inalien­ an illegal one at that?! We have I implore with anyone to look Sunny Market vs. Martin M. marriages in theCommonwealth, greatly contributed to thepositive able rights endowed by the our own children that need proper Daive into this issue because if not Guerrero Michael J. Mccart vs. Frank Sablan children above eighteen adop­ growth and development of our Constitution. Do these people education, nutrition, housing, etc. JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Alita A. Sambhwani’s Corp. vs. Lucy F. Sunny Market vs. MCA Ent. Inc. closely scrutinized and regu­ Carmen Safeway Meitetsu vs. Babauta tions, women of high risk islands. have any respect for our Consti­ We are not about to support oth­ Solangon TransAmerica Ind. vs. Diana V. lated, it would only impair Zenaida A Vergara Town House Inc. vs. Wai Koo Mendiola categories braving pregnancies The others whom I have cited tution? Are they willing to die JC Tenorio Ent vs. Cost Plus Cigna Ins. Co. vs. Edgardo S. Sy Sablan ers when we ourselves are still further our frail situation. Ihope Town House Inc. vs. Frank B. CNMI vs. Katsumi, Ngirchokebai to have babies to be bom citi­ are just using us as stepping for it? Certainly not! Their alle­ Corp. Pacific Trading Co. Inc. vs. Diana snuggling to live in sub-standard to see a different plat for this Jones & Guerrero Co. vs. Saipan Supermarket vs. Frank S. zens—even worse are those that stones to higher aspirations no giance is with their native infrastructural and economic " JC Tenorio Ent vs. Cost Plus Leon Guerrero V. Sablan election. Town House Inc. vs. Christina S. Consolación Ri os try to conceal their condition as matterwhatthecostmaybc. We countries. conditions. I am not insensitive Corp. Carmen Safeway Meitetsu vs. JV Mart vs. Velma M. AJdan I know there are those who Aldan Jones & Guerrero Co. vs. they enter the Commonwealth at MUST be concerned as it is us They only want the wonderful to the plight of these people but JC Tenorio En t vs. Eugenio V. Zenaida A. Vergara JV Mart vs. Julius J. Dereas truly understand the gravity of Town House Inc. vs. Zenaida A. Godofredo Juacalia seven thru nine months as tour­ who will ultimately bear the amenities afforded to therightful Castro Saipan Supermarket vs. Fernando their obtaining of theirnew found the situation but are outnum­ Jones 8t Guerrero Co. vs. Elena Lucky Star Corp. vs. Maria R. ists so that they can deliver (The costs. citizens of the United States but stdtus illegally, 1 am sorry, I do JC Tenorio Ent vs. Jesus T. Vergara A Benavente bered by those who choose to Town House Inc. vs. Darrell E. Ayeras Iglecias maximum number of days al­ We must not be lenient with they do not share our allegiance Guerrero One Stop Wholesdale Inc. vs. not see why we should close our close their eyes and not care. Jones 8. Guerrero Co. vs. Eliza­ L & W Amusement Inc. vs. lowable for a tourist to stay in the our new laws if the leadership and respect few the sanctity of our eyes and condone this. Can any­ JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Barbara B. Slyter Merian T. Lizama These brave individuals must be beth D. Hamoy Bernadette N. C. Sablan CNMI is ninety days if he/she should decide to wake up from Constitution. Matagolai Town House Inc. vs. Sae Woun Lucky Supermarket vs. Bae Sun one see the impact this will have staunchly supported because, at JC Tenorio Ent. vs. King Corp. JV Mart vs. Ruth DLC. Camacho applies for an extension of their its deep slumber and decide to We are morally and politically on our island? The infrastruc­ JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Shinichi Corp. JV M artvs. Mae P. Castro IL present, the opposition is over­ Town House Inc. vs. Rafaela A Sinapalao Safeway vs. Carmen original entry allowance of act upon this imminent crisis and Hayashi JV Martvs. Joann C. Pangelinan JCTenorio Ent. vs. Gilbert FRazier obligated, however, to the chil­ ture, the economy, the culture, whelming. C. Rangamer fourteen days. This conveniently introduce new legislation to dren bom from these deceptions. etc. JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Dionisio R. Justo JV M artvs. John V. Moses JC Tenorio Ent. vs. OK Corp. Government officials and ac­ JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Julie S. Universal Rental vs. Peter P.C. allows the mother time to deliver cease all this unwelcome activ­ Don’t we have enough problems This may be difficult for some Olaitman JV Mart vs. Kyung Ki Corp. Carmen Safeway Meitetsu vs. K- complices who assist these Camacho Camacho her baby and collect the highly ity. Our current system is of our own? Our mother country to consume but I believe it is JCTenorioEntvs. DavidC.Aguon JV Martvs. Ramona S. Schardt J General Corp. people for their personal interests Town House Inc. vs. Zenaida Jones 8t Guerrero Co. vs. Lauro coveted U.S. passport) ineffective and flawed. These is hurting economically at about time that we control the JCTenorioEnt.vs.JulitaA.Omar JV Martvs. Katherine Rangamar Sunny Market vs. U.C.Y. Corp. or as favors in return, should not M. Barasi Further to the issue of illegal abuses must stop! present We have millions of number of Micronesians enter­ Boo Jo vs. Hurh Y. Heng Vergara JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Universal get away with their crimes just Continental Airlines vs. Nani JVM art vs. Vicente C. De Leon Gu aliens, we must not allow or be­ These children bom under people who are homeless and ing the Commonwealth. They BooJovs. ChaeS. Byung Guam Memorial Hospita vs. Marine Ser. Inc. a slap on the wrist. We need Steuermann errerò come threatened by those who falsehoods contrived by their jobless. Two million children must understand our delicate ex­ responsible leadership to weed JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Hermán Q. Vicente S. Sablan out all the callous and hypo­ Aldan critical officials Who have long Sanbhwani’s Corp. vs. Cornelia NISSAN since profited from their posi­ Faisao tions. They seem to forget that JC. Tenorio Ent. vs. Subsea they are public servants. They Co. Ltd. must be humble and accommo­ Universal Rental vs. Miguel dating to the needs of the public Gutiérrez F E V E R S A L E and not be arrogant and conde­ JC Tenorio Ent vs. Jung AE Lee scending. Kim We must not allow these few Continental Airlines vs. Rie good people to capitulate to Kamura negativepoliticalpressures. The Triple J Saipan vs. IL Bae Sun present administration’s wax on JC Tenorio En t Inc. vs. Maria power, water, etc. would only be Luisa Go New Vilamor taxed even more as well as our JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Reynerio T. S U P E R H public education, health care, Tactay judicial system, et. Kwek’s Ent vs. Yong Ho Yoo Any attempt to alleviate the Jones & Guerrero Co. Inc. vs. present strain will only be in Loma G. Cruz vain if we continue to allow these Universal Rental vs. Bae Sun IL illegal aliens strain will only be JC Tenorio vs. Lui A Piliwale in vain if we continue to allow Kwek’s Ent vs. Bae Sun IL these illegal aliens to manipulate Sunny Market vs. King’s Corp. and exploit our precious and few JC Tenorio Ent vs. Ruth DLC. Deals On Nissan Sedan 8 Truck resources. Camacho You allow one and lo and be­ JC Tenorio Ent vs. Ruth DLC. hold!, the whole clan follows Camacho with their immediates and so on, Kwek’s Ent Rudy C. Sablan and so on... We must have a JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Khalid A. Is­ better way of controlling immi­ lam grants into our islands and a JC Tenorio Ent. vs. Arturo J. better accountability of their Ravelo whereabouts. Domie Govendo vs. Eugenio C. A moratorium or quota of Vargas some sort must be implemented Universal REhtalvs. Lucy Santos for the number of Micronesians JC Tenorio Ent vs. Lim’s Con- s 1 , 0 0 0 . entering the CNMI until we have struction Corp. completely reliable and up­ Continental Airlines vs. Henry R. Down Payment graded our public utilities with Jaranitla on youi good credit room for growth. And even then, Assoc. Ins. Undr. Inc. vs. Kim OPTIONS INCLUDED Yun Tae ONLY we must be assured that our citi­ ($8,995. less $1,000. down payment, Assoc. Ins. Undr. Inc. vs. Pablo 0 0 zens are also afforded the same amount financed, $7,995. at »5 Speed Transmission E. Ampo $ DCR privileges by their respective 13.75% APR for 48 months for Universal Rental vs. Bernice San island governments. They must $217.48/mon.) MONTH’ Nicolas 2 2 7 •AM/FM cassette reciprocate the same without exceptions. Olympia Market vs. Teresa I am not comfortable with the Rungunbee •4 wheel disc brakes factthatlamwriting about illegal Continental Airlines vs. Llllian L. Talk doesn't sell cars, driving them does! aliens and Micronesians on the Stop by for a test drive and find out why •Auto seat belts same sheet. They are in no way the same. I am hoping that I am more people are choosing a 1991 Subaru not misunderstood. We must •2.2 liter 16 valve engine eradicate all opportunities for HERBALIFE Legacy Sedan or Wagon this year. aliens to take advantage of. I •130 horsepower only stress control where Not exactly as shown Sentra Wagon Micronesians are concerned. DIET PLAN For the moment, we have our­ selves to be concerned with. We 'On approved credl Cash price $11,977. $2,395. down pay mem. Amount financed $9,582 al 15K. APR lor 60 monthly payments of $227.96. Total deferred purchase price $16,072.60 have a grave situation at hand. I IS HERE i NISSAN believe it is time to adopt a TsXJoeten Motors TRIPLE FIRST THINGS FIRST attitudp. A ? e l AUTOMOTIVE SALES · PARTS · SERVICE Sincerely, P.O. Box 680, Saipan, MP 96950 Tal. 234-5562/5563/5564/5565 CALL 234-8660 Built for the Human Race? ^ M O T O R S /s/J.A. Sablan W Business Hours: 8:0QAM to 5:00PM Monday to Saturday Drive wllli Care and ISueklc Up “First on Saipan” Garapan, Beach Road 234-7133/3051 30-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY. APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-31

M ic r o Pacific Fifteen Oleai students awarded In c . Brings you special sav­ Fifteen students were recently Dudley Dillay and Farrah Boija. Guerrero. awarded as Excellent Turtles of (middle) Dennis Tababa, Eric The school’s student of the ings on some of our most Oleai School for February. The Lizama, Laurea Tagabuel and month awardees were also students were chosen for their Hysen Justo treated to complimentary sub­ popular consumer and academic excellence and school (last) Dolores, Nakamura, marine rides by the Dosa attendance. Jacqueline DL Guerrrero, Sin- Inc. C ENTER professional tools plus In the picture are (front) forosa Laniyo and Vincent Lee. The submarine company has Lorenza Iginoef, Jason Cruz, Not in the photo is John DL pledged complimentary rides to accessories. the OES selected students for Puerto Rico Tel. 322-0532 · 322-9253 Chalan Kanoa Tel. 234-5661/5663 each month of school year 1990- , 322-9388 · Fax 322-9280 Fax 234-5664 91. The free tickets were given by the company in support of the BIACK. DECKER school’s incentive program to BUCKSlDECKERIM' promote exemplary behavior and m academic excellence. Abrasive Accessories Drill Bits & Accessories Ü* % OFF 5 0 7 5 % OFF PUBLICS PLANERS 9 01 8 SANDERS CORDLESS SAWBLADES SCREWDRIVER CRAFTSMAN A m essag e from th e A T J 1P 1 Peak Masonry T h a n k You Department of Public Safety Ù I n l l Carbide Drill » Electric Drills The President, faculty and staff of the and the Office of Highway Safety Northern Marianas College wish to express our gratitude to the following contributors 5 Q - 7 5 % 0 F F C Q ° /o O F F for their kind support during the Vocational This is to remind the general public Education Week 1991. th at PUBLIC LAW 6-20, VEHICULAR M /M Jam es Scruggs $75.00 Basic Construction Company 25.00 PASSENGER RESTRAINT ACT OF 1989, Pacific Electrical Supply 50.00 for PICK-UP TRUCK will be in effect DECRATREND Marianas GArment 200.00 EXTERIOR PRODUCTS Senator Joseph Inos 50.00 APRIL 20, 1991. 60 DECRARUST INDUSTRIAL FINISHES % OFF Sablan Corporation 200.00 712 DURACRYL100% ACRYLIC STUCCO PAINT ^ 5 0 ON HARDWARE ITEMS Bank of H aw aii 30.00 70 VYNCRYL ACRYLIC EXTERIOR/INTERIOR Suwaso Corporation 500.00 In accordance to PUBLIC LAW 6-20, • Shelf Brackets 6mm · Expanded Sako Corporation 100.00 every person riding in the bed of a Alum. Mesh · Cliff Hanger Glass L&T International 100.00 o/oO FF Shelf · Alum. Storm Shutters · American Knitters International 100.00 PICK-UP TRUCK shall be permitted M /M Serge Goodreau 25.00 Big Wave Plastic Roof M /M Eric Jackman 25.00 provided that they have proper seats for M /M Vic Mesta 250.00 the occupants and Safety Restraint Washers M /M Noel Taisacan 25.00 Pacifica Consulting Engineers 500.00 Devices (Safety Belt) for each passenger M a r a t h n n Deloitee & Touche 250.00 transported. WATER HEATERS Mr. Jerry Bailey 50.00 Modern Stationery 200.00 M /M Tony Guerrero 50.00 Violation of such act is punishable by The long-lasting, non metallic Pacific Trading Company 5 cases of soda water heater.. .with a warranty to Hyatt Regency Hotel Dinner for Two a minimum fine of $50.00 match! * Pacific Gardenia Hotel Dinner and Lunch for Tw o Ike's General «Sc Electrical 50.00 Diyers United International Corporation 50.00 BUCKLE UP SAIPAN... Congressman Tom Villagomez 25.00 % OFF Micronesian Telephone ITS THE LAW. C om pany 100.00 National Office Supply Office Equipment I Mrs. Kathleen Arriola 30.00 Speaker Pedro Guerrero 100.0

Electric ranges ( D a n /q iL · ? m si yuus tnaase. Refrigerators Washers and dryer APPLIANCES I S I-M A R C A S VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-33 Hopwood Death and Funeral Announcem ent Computers facinate GTC students KSS Honor Society K0BLER SERVICE STATION JACINTO BORJA “Computers are fun!” “It’s the keyboard, they will be able classroom teacher to further as­ the best class I’ve ever had!” to apply what they’ve learned to sist students. And on some (DEMAPAN) PEREDO induction These are just a couple of the other subjects, such as language occasions an upper grade stu­ positive comments made by arts and mathematics”, she dent will also help out. On ’ ACENTO DASIT Gregorio T. Camacho Elemen­ added. Friday, Jack Crisostomo, a 6th CASH GAS RIGHT Died: April 6, 1991 tomorrow tary School students recently, Paras the release said, con­ grader, was there. Crisostomo, 12, began using the computer R eg u lar 1.69 Age: 6 9 The National Junior Honor where students have begun the curred by saying “This computer Society of the Hopwood Junior Public School System’s com­ class will enforce student learn­ last month and has caught on Sp ecial 1.76 High School will have its annual puter aided instruction program ing in the classroom.” Paras also fact He says he gets to use the Predeceased by: Father: Lucas G. Percdo induction ceremony on April 13 at the San Roque school, ac­ said that another important aspect computer almost everyday, and Mother: Rosa B. Percdo his favorite lesson now is touch- GET YOUR ENERGY SAVINGS RIGHT Wife: Rosa K. Percdo at 6-10 p.m. at the Poolside of cording' to PSS news release. of the course is that each student KOBLERVILLE ROAD______Son : Edward K. Peredo the Aqua Resort Club. Juanita Paras 3rd grade class can learn at theirown speed. She typing. “I’m learning to type He is survived by: This year, 38 students are be­ was busy learning how to use said her 3rd grade class will faster without looking at the Common-Law Wife: Ignacia S. Cepeda ing considered for membership concentrate on language arts keys”, he said proudly. Son & Daughter-in-Laws: Lucas K Peredo - Guam the keyboard and how to enter Crisostomo, from Tanapag, says Joseph & Maria Eleana (Castro) Peredo - Guam which is based upon the rec­ and exit their computer. “This (reading), and math. ANNOUNCEMENT Vincent & Benita (Camacho) Percdo - Guam ommendations of a faculty keyboard class will go on for If students have questions, when he grows up he wants to John & Ana (Flores) Peredo - Guam Santos is always on hand to help work in the computer field, said Rudy & Jeimamai (Jim) Percdo - Saipan screening council. about two week”, said Patricia CNIWI (SAIPAN) TAXI ASSOCIATION Juan C. Peredo - Saipan The council consist of Candy Santos, G.T.C. computer out, the PSS release said. Along the PSS news release. Francisco Cepeda - Saipan Bahillo, Tapita Tebuteb, Rufina teacher. “Afterthestudentsleam with the computer teacher is the 3rd grader Charlie Hurst, 9, Miles, Julie Cunanan, Noel was one of the Daughter & Son-in-Laws: Merced & Ruben Reyes - Guam There will be a general membership meeting on April P e d r o M u n a T u d e l a Anita & Jesus Cepeda - Guam Quitugua and G. Taitano, ac­ students practic­ Margarita & Victor Rey - Guam cording to a press release from ing on Friday. 13,1991, Saturday, 1:00 P.M. at Civic Center Beach Magdalena & Pedro Agoun - Guam the school. Hurst, from As Pavilion. The following agendas will be discussed. Mariann Cepeda - Guam Josephine & Lino Repcki - Saipan To be eligible for member­ Teo, says he likes 1. Appointment and approval of two (2) In memory of our beloved Father and ship considerations, students thecompu ter class Grandfather. We the family would like to invite Brothers, Sisters & Spouse must have a cumulative grade of “a lot’, and his additional Boards. Antonia B. & Federico T. Cruz (Deceased) 87.5% Potential members must favorite lessons 2. Membership application for new or all our relatives and friends to join us for the Juan & Leonila (Toves) Peredo (Deceased) Angelina Stewart Villafuerte (Deceased)-Califomia and Stewart also meet high standards of are “the games renewal Third Anniversary Rosary o f our beloved Fa- Villafuerte - Saipan leadership, service, character and spelling.” 3.1991 Sticker Identification for all members Jesus & Uriik S. Peredo - Saipan and citizenship. G.T.C. was one ther. Joaquin & Rosa Botja (Deceased)-Saipan 4. Membership association sticker fading out Francisca K. & Pete Taitano - Guam Leadership is based on a stu­ of seven elemen­ Rosary will be said nightly at 8:00 at dents · participation in two or tary schools to to be replace He is also survived by numerous Grand, Greatgrand nieces, nephews, more community or school ac­ recently receive 5. New taxi rate and taxi guidelines rules and M r. and Mrs. Herman Deleon Guerrero resi- aunts, and uncles. tivities, or election to an office. 25 IBM Personal Rosary is being said daily at 12:00 noon and at 8:00 P.M. at the family’s regulations dence in As Teo, beginning Saturday April 13, residence at Koblerville, Saipan. Students must also be active System/2 Model Last respect may be paid on April 13,1991 at 8:00 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. in three or more service projects 25 computers as 6. Selection of hotels/resorts sergeant-at-arms 1991 and will end on Sunday April 21, 1991. Mass will be offered at St. Jude Church in Koblerville. Followed by his in the school or in the commu­ part of die initial Funeral at Chalan Kanoa Cemetery. 7. Financial report Mass will be offer on Saturday April 20,1991 nity so as to meet the service $700,000 contract requirement while character is with IBM. The Your presence and continual support is greatly ap­ at 5:30 P.M. at Santa Lourdes Shrine in As assessed in terms of integrity, computers were preciated. Teo. behavior, ethics, student par­ funded by the Tenth Year Anniversary Rosary i ---- - ______CNMI Govern- ticipation in civic related Hafa Adai, Dinner will be served after the mass. organizations or activities. Patricia Santos (left), computer teacher at Gregorio T. Camacho Elementary School, nt through the /s/ JOHN A. DL GUERRERO instructs Juanita Para's 3rd grade class during the computer aided instruction budget CNMI (Saipan) Taxi Association Please join us program at the school. Ontheright, 6th grader Jack Crisostomo lends a hand. He’s shown helping Charlie Hurst with his lesson. (PSS Photo) The Family Students report card The Senior Class of Mount Carmel today The Mount Carmel Senior Class of extends its appreciation to the following 1991 announces the winners of its contibutors to their raffle: DANIEL RIOS QUITUGUA The following schools will is­ J & G Lease and Office Space Taro Sue Store sue third quarter report cards to Ben Songsong and Sons Coral Ocean Point WE, the family, wish to inform relatives and parents and legal guardians this class raffle held on April 6,1991. Mas Mauleg Enterprises Len’s Retaurant Friday (April 12). friends that th e TEriTH YEAR Anniversary Rosary Name Ticket Mrs. Julie Cunanan Moylan’s Insurance f i d s t annivebôady b o m r y G.T. Camacho Elementary, Name Ticket No. Name Ticket No. National Office Supply of our beloved father is being said nightly at 29724 24913 Herman J. Kintol 05931 Mr. Julius Torres Garapan Elementary, Oleai El­ Christine Babauta J. Muna Bank of Saipan Far-N-Wide 7:30 P.M. commencing on April 16,1991 at the Jimmy Tobise 59873 Eleanor S. Vergara 50834 JTG Entertainment 59496 ementary Hopwood Junior, from Sharon Logn 11604 Shell Dandan Service Station Total Fashion Choice residence of Mr./Mrs. Jose (P. Ling) and Eliza­ 1 to 3 and 4 p.m. according to Erlinda Babauta 29791 ' No Name 24447 Mr. Ramon Angeles Town House Shopping Center beth Quitugua Terlaje, at As Terlaje Hill. Willaine Rose Cabrera 19820 Kazue’s Boutique 22384 Jonathan Hocog 02255 PSS news release. Fr. Pat 34381 Island Manpower Services Noa Noa Craig Cabrera 52974 Joseph Tydingco 21936 Varna’s Incorporated On April 15, Monday, 34412 Teresita Manaig 01960 Mr. James Weathersbee Rosaiy will be said at 12:00 noon on April 24, Marianas High School will issue Joey DL Cruz 09433 Fr. Pat Empress Enterprises NEC Rudy Sabían 15357 JTG Entertainment 07559 Erlinda Jean Babauta 54898 1991 and will follow with the mass at 6:00 P.M. 3rd quarter report cards from 2 MrTMrs. Vicente C. Guerrero Ms. Nieves L. Babauta Joyvette T. Camacho 40295 Sharmaine C. Pua 07879 Adam DL Guerrero 06693 at San Vicente Church. p.m. to 5 p.m. Anna Lisa Gailego 57830 J & G Sablan Quarry Mr. Juan Inos Theresa Pacata 19222 RC 02925 MrVMrs. Ike Demapan Mr. Yong Un Park Marianas High report cards 53127 09637 Thomas C. Duenas 46290 can be picked up from the Clarence Tenorio Michelle Abrenica Pacific Islands Club Ms. Young Ae Suh Please join us for dinner after the mass. Ben T. Manglona 05043 Patrick Cabrera 05863 Maria I. Torres 49023 homeroom teachers in their 24127 Mr. Tobias Palacios Nida’s Fashion Thank y ou for your prayers. Sabían Ent. 59219 Marianas Garment Inc. 07740 Mike & Connie Kenney Saipan Diamond Hotel Basic Construction Supply Prom the Family. classrooms or from the travelling 01811 Richard Die. Cabrera 03239 teachers at the cafeteria, said the Michelle Abrenica 09625 Jeanette L. Reyes Hyatt Regency Hotel Mike’s Jewelry We the family of the late, David San Nicolas 52102 Cliff J. 35267 Cliff J. 55710 Ms. Leona Matsutaro PSS release. 41443 Key Communications RUFINA BORJA VILLAGOMEZ Ray Tenorio 56426 Blair 23267 Borja Pacific Islands Aviation Saipan Farmer’s Coop. Assn. Other schools distributing their 48627 DFS 01635 report cards on April 15 arc San Sandy Dutro 42001 Kang, Kee Hyun Star Video Rudolpho’s "SAS" PERSONAL PRAYER TO HOLY SPIRIT Kwon, Ok Sun 47845 Guerrero, Nadine C. 39644 Cheofe E. Cabrera 15996 New York Gift Shop Vicente Elem., from 1 p.m. to 4 53748 Sablan Construction Co. would like to invite all relatives and friends, to Holy Spirit Thou make me see eveiything and show me the Manaura Iguel 49002 Elizabeth Hurh 29187 Kang, Young Ji Remington Club Mr. Glen Hunter p.m., and William S. Reyes El­ No Name 08083 kindly join us for the first Anniversary Rosaiy way to reach my ideal. You who give me the divine gift to JC Sabían 51655 Chris Tenorio 41157 MrVMrs. Jesus D. Sablan MTC ementary, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 Vincent Anthony Dueñas 25637 Erwin Ray DLC. Indaiecio 40382 MrJMrs. Frank C. Aid an of our beloved to be said nightly at 8:00 P.M. forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are Teena De Gufman 45570 MrVMrs. Henry T. Indaleclo p.m. 11619 Takahiro Kaijo 19255 Everly Pangelinan 50044 Tropical Color in ail instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue Sharon Long Tropical Gardens beginning April 13, 1991 at the residence of On April 19, the PSS release 45277 Globe Market (1) Lee 02023 E.J.M. Barcinas 38610 Get Covered Surf and Sport Mammy’s Boutique want to thank You for everything and confirm once more Richard Maratita Mr. Edward A. Villagomez in Marpo, Tinian MP. said, Tanapag Elementary will Genevieve Santos 22364 Juanet S. Sablan 30773 Roshie’s Variety Store Pinoy Express that I never want to be separated from You no matter how On the final day April 21, 1991, m ass of issue report cards from 11:30 Palota 17368 Nick Sablan Jr. 14623 Duty Free Shoppers Maiy’s Bakery great the material desires may be. I want to be with You and a.m. to 3 p.m.; San Antonio El­ Coca Cola Bottling Co. intention is at 6:00 A.M. at San J o se Church, Sense my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. Person ementary from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.; Prizes may be claimed upon presentation of ticket stubs at the Mount Carmel Kazue’s Boutique Pacific Eng’g & Const. Co. Tinian. Final Rosary will be said at 6:00 P.M. must pray this for 3 consecutive days without stating one’s and Koblerville Elementary from Koala Beach N.G. Kelpin School Office from 8:00-4:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday Ail prizes must be Happy Market followed by dinner at the family's residence. wish. After the 3rd day your wish will be granted no matter 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Royal Fame Silk Collection Kindly join u s in our prayers. I how difficult it may be. Promise to publish this soon as Students will be dismissed at claimed on or before May 31,1991. Summer Holiday Hotel ______Edward, Dolores and Vicenta your favor has been granted. CCM 12 noon on their respective re­ port card days. ^ - M>i^^ A S V ^ ffirY 2 3 E W S A N D VŒWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12. 1991 FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-35

\ Educators, staff seek Rechebei. ■ ■ Continued from page 1

letter of complaint to the Com­ the “allegations must be sub­ the teachers have yet to materi­ pointment of a Commissioner,” spearheading the movement will missioner on Feb. 26 which stantiated by the appropriate alize, Borja said during the William S. Reyes Elementary cause him his job. Rechebei said contained “many employees in the PSS both at the movement’slastmeeting held last School principal Rosario “We cannot accept in good school level, theorganizationand night at the Pacific Islands Club. Elameto said. conscience the current situation Audio/Video & Home Appliances serious allegations” againstsome Aldan noted that since the and sentiment prevailing among i i minmmmmtm Distributor ■ i high-ranking PSS personnel.” the Central Office as well.” Margaret Dela Cruz of the PSS Rechebei responded in her The scheduled March 22 said that the movement was not moment he joined the group, he the teachers. We would rather S A Ï I N 6 S was fully aware that the prize he lose for this cause than remain in : ·;ν j" March 2 letter to the ACT that meeting between Rechebei and triggered by a single problem but it was caused by a series of issues had to pay for joining and this situation,” Aldan said. which Rechebei failed to act on. Reyes push a halt... “For the past 15 months, we A reminder from Faith Bookstore have approached her in every way Continued from page 1 possible. We have tried to com­ Read It will revive and enhance your curiosity. JVC oversee and follow-up the required paperworks. municate with her but she just You will reach your goal faster. As part of the agency’s effort in streamlining the processing of PC-Y999BK3 band Portable ComponentSystem· Hyper-Bass Sound would not listen to our griev­ It’s the way to be successful. immigration applications, Reyes said they will be adding two more ances,” Dela Cruz said. It will sharpen your mind. System with twin-resonace super woofer· LIVE EFFEX Sound System computers to keep track of a number of records which is housed in the for improved live ambience*3-band (FM/ Dtp Pong nn Pangelinan said that what they It will develop your mind/brain. AM/SW) synthesizer tuner with 30 station 9oo3.uu department. are doing is a strong stand against It will Increase your intelligence. presets· Powersource: AC 110-127/220- SALE C A A A f f i r He said the computers, which will be hooked-up with the airport the current PSS administration. 240V tcTÏÔ-127/220- SALE $ 2 9 9 9 5 facility and at the Labor Department in Capitol Hill, will enable the You will be knowledgeable In your line of Interest. “This incident will also serve Faith Bookstore P.O. Box 2167 Saipan, MP 96950 INO to keep more accurate information particularly in the issuance of to educate the members of the entry permit numbers. board with regard to the ap­ Beach Road, Susupe, Across Saipan Community Church “With these new guidelines in line, we can now assure the people JVC better service,” Reyes said. GX-R870CD HI-FI system w/CD Player High-power JOINT 1 OTH ANNIVERSARY ROSARY KENWOOD COMPU LINK remote control hi-fi system with CD player IN MEMORY OF OUR BELOVED PARENTS and bass-extended 3-way speaker system · Remote con­ AiyifflDMBfT TO IFB91-0052 System 980 CD Remote Controlled AV system trol integrated amplifier · Computer-Control digital syn- 1981 - 1991 • 150'v/channel RMS · Separate Power and k thesizer tuner · Compact Disc player · Full-logic control INVITATION TO BID Control Amps · 6-Disc Multi- CD Player»2 Video » double cassette deck· Auto-return belt-drive turntable<3- Inputs · Double Auto-Reverse Cassette Deck· way speaker system system with passive radiator· Auto The Chief, Procurement and Supply is soliciting com­ FM/AM SynthesizerTuner w/ 20 memory station A mitsljbishi ^ rack petitive sealed bids for the construction of proposed Dog Kennel CS-2047 20 in color TV w/ Building at Rota Airport Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana MAGDALB1IA LINO RE6. $2,350.00 remote 181-Channel Cable REG. $2,295.00 SALE Com patible FS tuning · on­ I ID Islands. ARRIOLA PANGEUNAN REG. $486.50 screen time/channel and $ 1 , 9 9 5 The bidder is required to submit with his bid, a copy of his picture setting · Off timer I business permit as a compliance with the Contractor’s Registra­ miORiO TENORIO ” “ * 1 , 9 9 9 " SALE tion and Licensing Laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. <. Died: February 10,1981 Died: April 21,1981 Specifications and plans of the project are available at the Technical Services, Department of Public Works, Rota and the Procurement and Supply Office, Lower Base, Saipan. ■ In the event of only one sealed bid document is received, this bid shall be declared null and void and shall be returned to the We the family wish to Invite all our relatives and friends to join us for the 10th anniversary lone bidder. rosary of our beloved parents. AIWA All bids should be submitted in Duplicate to the S upply Rosary will be said nightly beginning Saturday, April 13, 1991 at 8:00 p.m. at the family Rep., Rota in a sealed envelope marked IFB91-0052 no later than residence in Qarapan. Daily mass will be offered at 6:00 a.m. beginning Saturday, April 13, CSD-W808CD Radio Cassette Recorder 1991 and ending on Sunday, April 21, 1991 at Kristo Rai Church in Qarapan. CD Player w/16 selection Random pro­ REG. $394.75 3:00 P.M.. Anril 22.1991. at which time and place, all bids re­ Final rosary will be on Sunday, April 21, at 6:00 p.m. followed by dinner at the family residence gram and 2-way repeat · FM Stereo ceived will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bids received late j v c in Qarapan. I PC-X1000BK Tuner · 50 W (PMPO) · 2-deck (110- will not be considered. All bid documents received shall be the KiriDLY JOIN US IH PRAYER 3-Band CD Changer System · Hyper-Bass Sound System with twin- I 220V) Design and Auto-reverse ш $ 2 9 9 S0 sole property of the government of the Northern Mariana Islands. resonance super woofer · LIVE EFFEX Sound System for improved i The CNMI government reserves the right to reject any or all bids live ambience ♦ 6-disc magazine · 6-disc magazine CD changer * if in its sole opinion to do so would be in its best interest system with program play of up to 50 steps, repeat random play and WELBILT W-27S /s/David M. Apatang 4/5 .12-13 intro scan· Compatible with8cm CD Sing!es*4-times oversampling JOINT ANNIVERSARY digital filter· Remote control of CD player function, · CD synchro- start rrecording · Relay play · Power source:AC 110/127/230V ROOM REFRIGERATOR ROSARY REG. $965.95 REG. $245.00 INVITATION FOR BID IFB91-0057 SALE*------SALE * 7 9 9 “ The Chief, Procurement and Supply is soliciting com­ We, the £amily 4 9 9 “ petitive sealed bids to procure an asphalt kettle for the Tinian of the late Department of Public Works, with the following specifications: Must be high production kettle, especially designed for rubberized asphalt material. Must include a hot oil jacket with over-flow expansion tanks for safer operation and higher heating capacities. Must have a reversible Bi-directional auger to provide M A R IA C R U Z AGUON J U A N B O R J A better mixing and heating of all types of rub 1 ST berized material. 1 7 TH SURF Must he tow type trailer mounted two tires included and front end jack parking stabilizer. Would like to invite all our relatives and friends to kindly join Best Wishes 225 gallons (capacity) us for the anniversary rosary of our beloved mother and 2 LPG Liquid with thermostat control (burner) father. 25 HP Gasoline (Engine) Hose swing boom portable Torch, Handspray Hose Swivel Rosary w ill be said nightly at 8:00 P.M. beginning A p ril 1 3 » From The Staff & Management of coupling (Pump) 1 9 9 1 at Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. and V i c t o r i a B. Aguon residence Saipan’s Largest Audio & Video Shop Distributor of in As Teo, and w ill end on Sunday April 2 1 ,1991· Mass w ill be Asphalt kettle must be CEF supply representative, Tinian offer on Saturday A p ril 2 0 ,1 9 9 1 at 4:00 P.M. at Santa Lourdes T O S H IB A ©YAMAHA Щ ’ JVC and must have a one year maintenance/warranty agreement. -*>vsfr Sanrui GTDK ЙК2Э All bids must be in a sealed envelope marked IFB91- Shrine in As Teo followed by dinner at Mr. & Mrs. Juan C. AIWA KENWDOO ΑΚΛΙ ТЕЛО 0057 submitted in duplicate to the Chief, Procurement & Supply Aguon in As Teo. ONKvo ©eudkMMhnlc* лтпга Office, Lower Base, Saipan no later than 2:00 P.M., April 23, 1991, at which time and place, all bids will be publicly opened and l,Audto/Vldeo»Hog. Арриск», J A MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC S S U ' B A S F Please join us in prayer. A oiher u»Hl Icnotm quality branU, j* ·· acres aeri* a/ read aloud. Any bids received late will not be considered. The The Fam ily Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-9pm CNMI government reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the Located at Susupe Beach Road best interest of the government. /s/ David M. Apatang

Classified Announcement Pet one inch column - $3.00 MISCELLANEOUS INVITATION FOR BID Classified Display NOTICE OF SALE 1 . HOUSEWORKER -High school P et one inch colum n - $3.50 equiValenL2yrs.expefience.Salary:$2.15 IFBP91-0056 DEADLINEiFot Tuesday Edition - Friday 5.00 p.m. per hour. The Chief,Procurement&Supply is soliciting competitive UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST For Rday Edition - Wednesday 12 Noon Contact ISAUROS. EUGENIO dbaD.E.E. sealed bids for the procurement of the following type vehicles: NOTE: II for some reason youradvertisementis incorrect, call us immediately to make Enterprises, P.O. Box 2629 Saipan, MP the necessary corrections. The Marianas Variety News & Views is responsible only 96950 (4/19JF. MANUEL SN. LIZAMA and DOLORES A. LIZAMA, on or tor one incorrect insertion. We reserve the right to edit, refuse, reject or cancel any a d at any time. Purchase of two (2) unit passenger vans, 6 to 8 passenger about May 3, 1984, gave and delivered to the Mariana Islands 1 COOK -High school equivalent 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2.30 per hour. bench seatanangement with third row fold-upsplit seats, Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the Farmers Home Ad­ 1 MANAGER - College grad. 2 yrs. expe­ DRESSMAKER - High school equiva­ 24 liter 4 cylinder twin CAM 16-VALVE EFI Engine, 5 2 CARPENTER 1 ministration, United States of America, a Deed of Trust upon ACCOUNTAiUTS rience. Salary $ 1,000 per month. MAINTENANCE 1 DRESSMAKER lent. 2 yra. experience. Salary: $2.15 per PAINTER - High school equivalent 2 speed manual overdrive transmission, power assisted 1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. 1 A S S T. M A N A G E R . College grad. 2 yrs. 1 3 WELDER - High school equivalent 2 hour. certain real property hereinafter described, which Deed of Trust 3 MAINTENANCE WORKER-Highschool yrs. experienoe. Salary $l.80-$2 00 per experience. Salary: $600. per month. experience. Salaiy $500.00 per month. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour Contact ABELYNS ENTERPRISES, P.O. rack and pinion steering power assisted ventilated front was recorded on May 4, 1984, under File No. 84-694 to secure equivaient.2yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 hour. Contact: REYNALDO T. DE LEMOS dba 1 WAITRESS - High school grad. 2 yrs. 4 CARPENTER Box 425 Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. per hour. Contact: ELEPHANT CORPORATION disc/ reardisc brakes, dual manual remote-controlled payment of a Promissory Note of the said Trustor to the Mariana Universal Developers, Inc., P.O. Box2136 4 M A S O N Contact: SAIPAN DIAMOND HOTEL CO., dba Top Construction. P.O. Box 673 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT-High Saipan, MP 96950 (4/12)F. Contact: MASUDA CORPORATION dba 1STEELWORKER - High school equiva­ outside mirrors, tilt-outside and rear quarter windows, Islands Housing Authority, acting on behalf of the Farmers Homes LTD. dba Saipan Diamond Hotel. P.O. Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. Hlmitsu Karaoke & Night Club, Caller Box lent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1.80 per school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: rear intermittent window riper, dual air conditioning 3 PPP 412, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. Box 66, Susupe, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/ hour. $500. permonth. Administration, United States of America. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad. 2 yrs. 19)F. 1 ELECTRICIAN-High school equivalent Contact GMC INTERNATIONAL. Saipan, point adjustable front shoulder belts and rear-row seatbelts experience. Salary $660.00 per month. Contact: GAUDENCIO C. MACALINAO The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property 1 A S S T. M A N A G ER - High school grad. 4 2 yr^ expenence. Salary: $2.15 per hour M P 96 9 5 0 (4/19)F . dba Unity Trade Service, Inc. P.O. Box in outboard positions, and AM/FM radio cassette. 1 CAKE DECORATOR-Highschool grad. yrs. experience. Salary $5.00-$9.00 per Conm.FEHARGROVEdba^oG^.e hereafter described; 2 yrs. experience. Salary $632.50 per 703, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/12JF. hour. ENGINEERS COv P .O . Box 27 54 Saipan, M P 96 9 5 0 (4/ 1 COOK-High school grad. 2 yrs. expe­ month. Contact: KYUNG SUH (SAIPAN), LTD. rience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. Vehicles must be CIF Marpands, Saipan, and must have 1 C IV IL EN G IN E E R - College grad. 2 yrs. Lot Number 0051549, and containing an area of 889 1 JANITOR - High school equivalent. 2 P.O. Box 2029, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/ 1 PAINTER - High school equivalent 2 Contact: HI-WAY RESTAURANT, P.O. experience. Salary $3.00-$3.25 per hour. a one year maintenance/warranty agreement, must be rustproofed/ yrs. experience. Salary $544.50per month. 19)F. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour Box 213 Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. square meters, more or less, as shown on the division The Contact: WESTERN EQUIPMENT IN­ undercoated, safety inspected prior to delivery at Marpands, Contact: HERMAN'S MODERNBAKERY, MISCELLANEOUS Contact: TSK-ECG JOINT VENTURE. Division of Lands and Survey’s Official cadastral plat P.O. Box 2, Saipan, P 96950 (4/19)F. 1 A S S T. OPERATIONS M A N A G E R - CORPORATED. P.O. Box 1402, Saipan MP 96950 (4/19)F. P.O. Box 2310, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/ 1 FISH PROCESSOR - High school grad. Saipan, with Registration fee payable at the CNMI Treasury. College grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary 1 BAKER - High school grad. 2 yrs. ex- 19)F. v number 2084/82, the original of which was registered perience. Salary $2.50 per hour. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. All bids must be in a sealed envelope marked IFBP91- 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad. 2 yrs. $900-1,000 per month. Contact: JO H N T & G LO R IA G . SABLAN 2 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN - College 1 LANDSCAPER - High school grad 2 with the Land Registry as document number 14232, dated experience. Salary $2.50-$8.00 per hour. Coniact: NJJBUSiNESS SERVICES, INC. 1 TRAVEL CONSULTANT - College grad. dba Northern Marianas Seafood Co. Inc. 0056 submitted in duplicate to the Chief, Procurement & Supply Contact: EDUARDO P. PANGILINAN dba Commonwealth Consulting Service. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $ 1,200 per yrs. experience. Sa/ary $525.00permonth. May 14,1982, the description therein being incorporated month. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $850.00 per P.O. Box 41, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19JF. Office, Lower Base, Saipan no later than 2:00 P.M., April 16, dba Emperor Corporation, P.O. Box 63, P.O. Box 2551, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/ 4 LANDSCAPER - High school grad 2 month. Contact: EFRAIN F. CAMACHO dba yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour 1991, at which time and place, all bids will be publicly opened and herein by reference. Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. 19)F. Contact: UNIVERSE INSURANCE UN­ 40 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS - Consulting Engineers. P.O. Box 2415, Coniact: PACIFIC GARDENIA HOTEL. DERWRITERS dba Hita Travel Agency. High school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Sal­ read aloud. Any bids received late will not be considered. The The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by the Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. P.O.Box 144,Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19JF. 1 ACCOUNTANT -College grad. 2 yrs. 1 PARTS MANAGER - High school grad. P.O. Box 512, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. ary $2.15 - $3.50 per hour. CNMI government reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the Deed of Trust; and by reason of said default the Mariana Islands experience. Salary: $600. per month. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $850.00 per Contact: KYUNG SUH (SAIPAN) CO. Housing Authority issued its Notice of Default on February 7, Contact: REYNATO NAZAIRE dba month. LTD. P.O. Box 2029 Saipan, MP 96950 best interest of the government Nazar re Enterprises, P.O. Box 194 Saipan, Contact: PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCTION (4/19)F . /s/David M. Apatang A^2 1991. M P 96950 (4 /1 9)F. MARIANAS, INC. dba Midway Motors. P.O. Box 887, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. WORKERS 1 SCUBA DIVING INSTRUCTOR - High 2 CARPENTER school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mariana Islands Housing MANAGERS 1 WHOLESALE MANAGER- High school 2 PLU M B ER Pa c ific L ® $500.00 per month. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Authority will, on May 10,1991, at 10:00 a.m., at the office of the grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2,000 per 1 ELECTRICIAN Contact: SAIPAN CORAL REEF. P.O. DFW91-RFP-00179 Mariana Islands Housing Authority, Garapan, P.O. Box 514, 1 ASST. FACTORY MANAGER - High month plus 2% of bottom line profit. 4 M A S O N I s l a n d s Box 771, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: TOWN HOUSE, INC. P.O. Box 1 PAINTER - High school equivalent. 2 The Department of Public Works is soliciting proposals Saipan, MO 96950, under power of sale contained in the Deed of $7.00 per hour. 167, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19JF. yrs. experience. Salary $1.75 per hour. 1 PHOTOGRAPHER -High school from qualified firms for the Planning and Programming of a New 2 ACCOUNTANT - High school grad. 2 Trust, sell the above described parcel of real property at public 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - High C l u b equivalent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $2,15 yrs. experience. Salary $6.50 per hour. 1 ASST. SALES MANAGER - High school S a ip a n Judicial Building, Saipan, Commonwealth of theNorthem Mariana school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary per hour. auction to the highest qualified bidder, to satisfy the obligations 1 SUPERVISOR-CUTTING SECTION - grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $4.00 per $2.50 per hour. Contact: LEE'S BROTHERS LTD.. P.O. Islands. secured by said Deed of Trust The minimum bid offer shall be not High school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Sal­ hour. Pacific Islands Club is seeking energetic career-minded Contact: FERMIN C. & REMEDIO A. Box 1968 Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. Sealed proposals in duplicate will be accepted at the ary $1,800-$2,300 per month. 1 MAINTENANCE MECHANIC - High less than $66,000.00, total amount due to FmHA loan and MIHA’s DANGCA dba F.C. & RA. Dangca Enter- · people to fill the following job vacancies: 2 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR - High school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary 25 SECURITY GUARD -High school Office of the Chief of Procurement and Supply at Lower Base, prises. P.O. Box 4, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/ expenses. school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15-$2.50 per hour. 19)F. equivalent.2yrs.experience.Salary:$2.50 Saipan, no later than 4:30 p.m., local time, Wednesday, April 24, $ 1,800-$ 2,300 per month. 1 DESIGNER ARTIST- High school grad. per hour. 1991. Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to be 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT - High 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour RESERVATION Contact: RAMON C. SABLAN dba RCS 4 CARPENTER conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other than that school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: JESUS B. YUMUL dba YCO Security Service, P.O. Box 3046 Saipan, The following services should be incorporated in the 2 PLU M B ER PANTRY HELPER $5.00 per hour. Corporation. P.O. Box 932, Saipan, Ml5 Mp 96950 (4/19JF. proposal: the Mariana Islands Housing Authority is the lawful holder of such 7 M A S O N 1 COOK - High school grad. 2 yrs. expe­ 96950 (4/19)F. ASSISTANT PASTRY CHEF J ■ m ----- 1. Prepare a detailed cost-effective architectural Deed of Trust The purchase price shall be payable by cash, rience. Salary $4 .5 0 per hour-. 2 ELECTRIC IAN - High school grad. 2y rs. 3 PAINTER -High school equivalent. 2 experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. certified check or cashier’s check and shall be paid within 72 hours 2 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN - High 1 OFFICE MANAGER - College grad. 2 FRONT OFFICE MANAGER yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour. program for the judicial complex; 2 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR - High school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary yrs. experience. Salary: $3.75 per hour. Please apply at the Personel Dept., Monday to Friday from Contact: RAFAEL B. DELA CRUZ dba 2. To collaborate with the Office of Planning and from time of sale. $2.15-$7.00 per hour. Contact: PEDRO M. ATALIG dba Pedro school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary WC Enterprises, P.O. Box 644 Saipan, $1,000 per month. 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information call Dianne or Budget in the financing and funding of this project; The Mariana Islands Housing Authority reserves the right to reject 5 CUTTER - High school grad. 2 yrs. M. Atalig Law Office, P.O. 8ox332 Saipan, MP 96950 (4/12)F. Contact: TURNER PACIFIC CORPORA­ 3. To collaborate with the selected A/E design team experience. Salary $2.15-$7.25 per hour. MP 96950 (4/1P1F.______Ben at Tel. No. 234-7976. any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and place for TION dba Construction & Property Devel­ 40 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR - throughout the design and documentation phases to opment. P.O. Box 277, Saipan, MP 96950 BENEFITS INCLUDE: sale of such property. Any prospective buyer must be a person High school equivalent. 2yrs. experience. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE MECHANICS у (4/19)F. Medical Insurance ensure that the content, as well as the intent, of the Salary $2.15-$8.00 per hour. authorized by the Constitution laws of the Commonwealth of the Duty Meal In the Superior Court of the approved and adopted architectural program is fully 10 PACKER - High school equivalent. 2 1 H.E. MECHANIC -High school grad. 2 Commonwealth of the Northern Northern Mariana Islands to hold title to real property in the yrs. experience. Salary $2.15-$5.50 per yrs. experience. Salary: $2.50-5.00 per 1 CARPENTER Paid Vacation and accurately incorporated into the final design 5 M A SO N Mariana Islands Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. hour. hour. Sick Leave documents; and Contact·. TM CORPORATION dba Heavy 1 STEEL WORKER -High school equiva­ The further right is reserved, in the absence of satisfactory bids for 5 QUALrTY C O N T R O L C H ECKER - High Birthday 4. The selected party shall also be involved during the school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary Equipment Rental & Repair, Box PPP216 lent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $ 1.80 pr CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-0008 hour. the outright sale of the said parcel of real property to a qualified $2.15-$5.00 per hour. Saipan, MP 96950 (4/12)F. Use of Recreation Facilities AMELIA QUITO-BACANI, construction phase to make sure that finishes, fumi Contact: PANG JIN SANG SA CORPO- Contact: ED ILB E R TO JA V IE R dba B & J ture, fixtures and equipment are properly installed, buyer, tooffersuch property at the same time and place, or at a later 3 H.E. MECHANIC. High school Condolence Leave Petitioner, RATION. Caller Box PPI1 324, Chalan Construction, P.O. Box 2063 Saipan MP equivtaent. 2yrs. experience. Salary: $2.50 Workmen's Compensation vs. and that the building complex is completed in time, for long-term lease to any person on the usual terms and Lau Lau, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. 96950 (4/19)F. per hour. PORFIRIO L. BACANI, accordance with the CNMI’s needs and expectations. conditions for long term leases of real property offered by the Contact: KAE POONG CORPORATION, 5 M A SO N 1 ACCOUNTING MANAGER - College We comply with federal law by verifying the identity and work Respondent Mariana Islands Housing Authority to the highest bidder for such P.O. Box 2462 Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F.. 2 PLUM BER grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $8 50 per elegibil'rty of all new hires on a non-discriminatory basis. SUMMONS The detailed architectural program and masterplan shall lease. The minimum bid amount of $66,000.00 shall also apply hour. 2 ELECTRICIAN -High school rad. 2 yrs. TO THE ABOVE-NAMED 1 AUTO BODY REPAIRER -High school EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER include at a minimum the following: Project planning, data 1 ASST .ACCOUNT WG MANAGER - High experience. Salary: $1 .80 - 2.00 per hour with lump sum payment for the term of lease. equivalenL2yrs.experience.Salary:$2.25 4/5-9-12 I RESPONDENT: school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary Contact: VARGAS ENTERPRISES, P.O. compilation to assess the scope of the project, develop space per hour. YOU ARE HEREBY SUM­ Dated this 4th day of April, 1991. $3.50-$4.50 per hour. Box 623 Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19)F. standards and design guidelines, and preparation of a draft and Contact: MELITON R. MENDEZdba Wide 8 SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR MONED and notified to file any Technical Services, P.O. Box 86 Saipan final planning report including cost estimates. 3 PRESSER - High school equivalent 2 2 C A R P E N T E R - High school grad. 2 yrs. answer you wish to make to the MP 96950 (4/12)F. Although the judicial complex is currently viewed to be /s/Juan M. Sablan yrs. experienoe. Salary $2.15-$3.50 per experience. Salary $2.35-$2.50 per hour JOB POSITION OPEN Petition for Divorce of which is hour. Contact: RONALD D. SABLAN dba JR's only for the Supreme and Superior Courts of the CNMI, the Executive Director 3 A U T O B O D Y R E P A IR E R given you herewith, within thirty Contact: UNO MODA CORP. P.O. Box Construction. P.O. Box 144, Saipan M P architectural program and master plan should consider the feasi­ Mariana Islands Housing Authority 2 AAUTO PAINTER -High school 96950 (4/19)F. (NEW H I R E ) (30) days after service of this 19)*f ' ^ Ant0ni0, S-P». U P **» (4/ equlvalenL2yrs.exprience.Salary:$2.l5 Summons upon you. bility, both in concept and structural design, of possible later per hour. 1 CARPENTER PRESSMAN/PRINTERS YOUR ANSWER SHOULD BE addition of a court facility and related offices for the United States COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN) Contact: PONY CORPORATION, P.O. Box 1 G E N E R A L M A N A G E R - College g rad . 2 1 P LU M B E R IN WRITING and filed with the 2433 Saipan. MP 96950 (4/19)F. Must have at least 2 years experience in operating Government MARIANA ISLANDS ) SS. yrs. experience. Salary $36,500-$44 000 3 M A S O N Clerk of Court, at Saipan CM per year. 1 ELECTRICIAN It is suggested that the possible addition to the CNMI On this 4th day of April, 1991, before me, a Notary Public in and printing presses. Must be quality conscious in offset 969S0 and served upon 1 AST. GEN. MANAGER -College grad. 2 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR judicial complex takes into consideration, needs of the site, printing. Monthly salary of $400. to $500. petitioner’scounseL Atty. Joe Hill, for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, person­ yrs. experience. Salary $36,000-$40 000 1 MECHANIC HELPER - High school grad. parking requirements and the feasibility of the structural connec­ per year. ENTERTAINERS 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour.. GRAPHIC ARTIST P.O. Box 917, Susupe, Saipan, ally appeared Juan M. Sablan, duly authorized representative for Contact: MAXIMOT.ARRIOLAdbaAmola CM. It may be prepared and tion of any addition along with the joint use of space such as a law 1 SPORTS FISHING OPERATION 1 discjockey-High school grad 2 yrs Must be agraduate of art school or equivalent. At leant the Mariana Islands Housing Authority, known to me as the person MANAGER - College grad. 2 yrs. experi­ experience. Salary: $2.50-2.90 per'hour.' Equipment Rental. P.O. Box 1164, Saipan, signed for you by your counsel library, holding cells, jury rooms, etc. MP 96950 (4/19)F. whose name is subscribed to the foregoing NOTICE OF SALE ence. Salary $20,000 per year 4 WAiTRESS -High school grad 2 yrs 2 years experience in graphic design, advertisineneral and sent to the Clerk of this Court Contact: DAIWA LEISURE SAIPAN experienoe. Salary: $2.15-2.90 per hour.’ layout of art work. Salaiy: $500. to $700. per month. Proposals shall include the following: UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST, and he FISHING INC. P.O. Box 241 CHRB 1 ELECTRIC IAN-High sch ooigrao.zyrs, by messenger or mail. It is not 1 ASST. MANAGER-High school grad 2 experienoe. Salary: $2.15 per hour. necessary for you to appear per­ 1. Updated Standard Forms 254 and 255 acknowledged to me that he executed the same on behalf of the Saipan, MP 96950 (4/19JF. yrs. experience. Salary: $3.50 per hour. REPORTERS/WRITERS Contact: ROOICO G. VIDAL dba R.V. sonally until further notice. Mariana Islands Housing Authority. 1 BARTENDER-High school rad 2 yrs 2. Methodology 1 ASST. MANAGER -College grad 2 Enterprises, P.O. Box 194 Saipan, MP Minimum 2 years of working experience as reporter If you fail to file an answer in experience. Salary: $2.50 per hour 96 9 5 0 (4/12)F . 3. Time frame for the proposed woik. ^.experience. Salary: $700. per month. Contact: TOKIWA TSUSHO CO., LTD., for newspapers with knowledge of photography. accordance with this Summons, Selection of firm will be based on previous experience in IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my Contact: MGM CORP dba Olympic Mar- dba Sanscoucci Discotheque Club & Coral 1 WELDER -High school equivalent. 2 Monthly salary from $600, to 700. and up. Send judgment by default may be taken Garden Restaurant and Apts., P.O. Box similarprojects, qualifications of professional staff, methodology official seal the day and year first written above. igjp3'0 ' B°* 1560 SaiPan· MP 96950 (4/ yrs. experience. Salary: $1.75 per hour. against you for the relief de­ 226 CHRB Saipan, MP 96950 (4/5JTF. resume and clippings of previous written reports. and time frame for the proposed work. Contact: VARGAS ENTERPRISES, P.O. manded in the Petition for Di­ Box 623 Slpan, MP 96950 (4/19)F.' The Government reserves the right to reject any or all /s/Nieves S. Tomokane MANAGER - High school 1 O R G A N IS T Flease apply in person or send resume to: vorce. equivalent. 2yrs. experience. Salary $500 By order of the above Court. proposals and to waive any imperfection in the proposals in the Notary Public per momh. 7 1 SINGER -High school grad. 2 yrs. 1 ELECTRICIAN-Hlghschoolgrad.2yrs. exprlence. Salary: $500.00 per month. /*/ Deputy Clerk of Court interest of the Government qpmact:AMEKOUNfTEDENT.,INC dba experience. Salary: $1.75-2.00 per hour. Younis A rt Studio, Inc. CNMI Contact: BENJAMEN P.CRUZdba Arts & /S/ELIZABETH H. SALAS-BALAJADIA runs Construction Co. P.O Box ppqo Contact; ROBERTO DE LA CRUZ, dba Superior Court My commission expires on the 9th day of Jan. 1993 %ip«n, MP 96950 (4/12)F Entertainment Promotion Services, P.O. Ruben's Const/Maint. Services, P.O. Box Publisher of Marianas Variety News & Views Dated this 7th day of January, Director of Public Works Box 464 Saipan, MP 96050 (4/12JF. 2081 Saipan, MP 96950(4/19)F. P.O. Box 231 Saipan, MP 96950 1991. 4g.12.H-2» March 28,1991 4«12 4/12-19-26 5/3-10 38-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VŒWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-39 MISCELLANEOUS CLASSIFIED ADS YCO CORPORATION 1 HOUSEKEEPER - H igh school equiva­ LAND FOR LEASE/SALE HOUSE FOR LEASE lent. 2 yrs. experience. Salary: $ 2 .1 5 per SUZUKI JEEP (NEW) hour. 9 ,1 7 4 SQM Contact: FIL-CHAM ENTERPRISES. P.O. 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. Immediate Opening The Mariana Islands Housing Authority B ox 1148 Saipan. M P 96950 (4/19)F. FOR SALE Immediately adjacent to Hakubotan experience. Salary $2 .5 0-$ 3.5 0 per hour. (CNMI/U.S. Citizen preferred) 3 WAITRESS - High school grad., 2 yrs. has 20 three-bedroom concrete houses 20 SECURITY GUSRD -High school Like new, 6500 original mileage, hardtop, aircon, in Oleai Center, Chalan Laulau experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. equivalent.2yrs.experience.Salary:$2.40 tape player with 2 stereo loudspeakers, white ELM'S INC. dba Town & Country Music & that are available for lease. per hour, Contact: MARIO TAITANO Amusement. P.O. Box 660, Saipan, MP OPERATION MANAGER Contact: BUSINESS PROTECTION seat covers and tailormade car cover, If you are interested, please contact Mr. 234-9458 (Home) · 234-7228 (Work) 96950 (4/26)F. Salary Commensurate to Exprience SERVICE, P.O. Box 1476 Saipan, MP WILL SELL FOR BEST OFFER 96950 (4/19)F. 1 ACCOUNTANT John M. Sablan, Executive Director, Call during office hours 234-5424 ask for Bill 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR 2 HOLLOW BLOCK MAKER - High equlv., Please apply in person or send resume to: at telephone numbers 4/5-12-19 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CLASSIFIED ADS 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2 .1 5 p er hour. YCO CORPORATION The Chief, Procurement and Supply is soliciting competitive Contact: C & S CONCRETE BLOCK P.O. BOX 932 SAIPAN, 234-6866/9447/7689/7670, (NEW) sealed proposals for DYS-Juvenile corrections food catering PROD. Caller Box AAA-1009, Saipan, MP 1 GENERAL MANAGER - High school 96950 (4/26)F. MP 96950 or at facsimile number 234-9021. equlv. ,2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,500- INVITATION FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE services and supervision of DYS emergency shelter clients YCO CORPORA TION AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ______4/2-5-12-19-26 $2,000 per month. Specifications may be picked up at the Division of Pro­ 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school grad., 2 SURPLUS GOVERNMENT PROPERTY yrs. experience. Salary $250-$500 per Contact: T & W INVESTMENT CO. INC. curement and Supply, Lower Base, Saipan, during business P .O . Box 486, Saipan, M P 96 9 5 0 (4/26)F . The Chief, Procurement and Supply is soliciting competitive month. hours from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. 1 MACHINE MAINTENANCE REPAIRER JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT CANCELLATION OF N0TI0E OF SALE 1 GENERAL MANAGER - High school sealed bids from prospective purchasers for the sale ofthe foliowing - High school grad., 2 yrs. experience. grad., 3 yrs. experience. Salary $6.00 per suiplus government property. Salary $450-$500 per month. DOKO SAIPAN, INC. hour. Forty (40) bags containingapproximately four thousand six hundred These proposals must be in a sealed envelope, marked Contact: LINSON (SAIPAN) INC. P.O. LOCAL OR U.S. CITIZEN ONLY UNDER POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST 7 WAITRESS - High school equlv., 2 yrs. (4,600) pounds of Trochus Niloticus Shells. RFP91-0059 and submitted in duplicate to the chief. Pro­ Box 2706, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. This is to notify the general public that the Mariana Islands experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. curement & Supply, Lower Base, Saipan, no later than 4:00 ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT Contact: TEA HWA CORPORATION dba 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school grad., 2 COLLEGE GRADUATE Housing Authority (MIHA) is hereby cancelling the sale of the Busan Hang Night Club. P.O. Box 2232, The successful bidder will be expected to enter into a binding P.M., May 6,1991. All proposals received late will not be yrs. experience. Salary $2.60 per hour. following described real property owned by Augusta C. Deleon Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26JF. considered. The CNMI government reserves the right to 1 COOK - High school grad., 2 yrs. expe­ SECRETARY contract at the bid price and on usual commercial terms and rience. Salary $2.20 per hour. Guerrero at public auction to the highest qualified bidder, under HIGH SC H O O L G R A D U A TE 1 MANAGER - College grad., 2 yrs. ex­ conditions with the seller within one week of the bid opening, reject any or all proposals for any reason and to waive any 1 W A rtR E S S power of sale contained in the Deed of Trust, to satisfy the 1 SUPERVISOR - High school grad., 2 perience. Salary $2,500 per month. otherwise, the next highest bidder will be substituted as the buyer defects in said proposals, if in its sole opinion to do so would obligations secured by said Deed: Contact: JIN APPAREL INC. Caller Box the formal contract of sale will include all appropriate licenses and be in its best interest. yrs. experience. Salary $3 .0 0 per hour. FOR MORE INFORMATION AAA 1068, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. 3 DISHWASHER LOTNO. 0051555, Containing an area of760 square meters, more perm its to export the goods to the destination of the buyer’s choice. /s/David M. Apatang 3 W A ITE R CALL 234-1301 4/5-12-19 1 GENERAL MANAGER - High school 4 GREENS KEEPER or less, as shown on cadastral plat number 2084/82, the original of grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $8.00 per All bids must be in a sealed envelope marked IFB91-0058 and 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR which was registered with the Land Registry as document number hour. submitted in duplicate to the Chief, Procurement and Supply, REQUEST FOR BID PROPOSAL 3 HOUSE CLEANER 14232, dated May 14,1982, the description therein being incor­ 1 STORE SUPERVISOR - High school 1 CLEANER-HOUSEKEEPING INVITATION FOR BIDS grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $ 2 2 5 per Lower Base, Saipan no later than 2:00 P.M., April 29, 1991 at This is a request for a proposal to perform an audit in compliance 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER - High porated herein by reference. hour. which time and place such bids will be opened and read aloud. All with OMB A-l 10 of the Northern Marianas College for the fisca school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary IFB 009-91 I The defaulted loan on the above-described real property has been Contact: INTERNATIONAL TRADING $2 .1 5 per hour. CO. LTD. P.O. Box 970, Saipan, MP bids received late will not be considei]ed. The CNMI government year ending September 30,1989 and 1990. The proposal must tx Contact: KAN PACIFIC SAIPAN LTD. Northern Marianas College satisfied with the Farmers Home Administration on April 8,1991. 96950 (4/26)F. reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the submitted by the close of business of Friday, May 10, 1991 P.O. Box 527, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. P.O. Box 1250, Saipan, MP 96950 Contact: Mr. Ray DLG. Diaz, Comptroller, at tel. No. 234-5498 government. 2 MACHINE OPERATOR - High school Separate sealed BIDS for site, civil and electrical work consisting If you have any question, please contact Mr. Juan M. Sablan, 1 GENERAL MANAGER - College grad., 5499, Northern Marianas College, P.O. Box 1250, Saipan. 2yrs. experience. Salary $1,750permonth. ______s/s DAVID M. APATANG 4/ 12-19-26 equiv., 2yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per of asphalt and concrete paving, construction of drainage systems, Executive Director, Mariana Islands Housing Authority, at tele­ Contact: В 7 W CORPORATION P.O. hour. and the installation of outdoor lighting will be received by the Jerry phone numbers 234-6866/9447/7689/7670. 4/12 Box 1030, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. APPLICABLE AUDIT STANDARDS Contact: NICK’S & MICHAEL'S CORPO­ RATION. P.O. Box 1219, Saipan, MP Bailey or William R. Barrineau at the office of Planning, Research The performance of the audit must utilize the following audi 1 GENERAL MANAGER - High school REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS 96950 (4/26JF. and Development until 2:00 p.m., April 25,1991 and then at said equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $600- standards and guides: 1 AUTO-BODY REPAIRER - High school REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL $1,000 pf г month. The MARIANA ISLANDS HOUSING AUTHORITY 1. Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller office publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be submitted in 1SIGN MAKER - High school equlv., 2 yrs is soliciting proposals (RFP) to perform a CMB Circular A-128, General of the United States. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.30 per sealed envelopes and identified as “Site, Civil, and Electrical DPW91-RFP-00178 experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. hour. The Department of Public Works is soliciting proposals Contact: NEON CORPORATION P.O. (Audits of State and Local Governments) audit for fiscal year 2. The provisions of OMB Circular A-110, “Grants and Agree Contact; SUNG WOO H.E. CORPORA­ Work: South Campus.” The CONTACT DOCUMENTS may be TION. P.O. Box 2979, Saipan, MP 96950 from qualified Contractor for the construction of Songsong V illage Box 2292, Saipan. MP 96950 (4/26)F. ending September 30,1989. The proposals must be submitted to ments with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals examined at the following locations: Northern Marianas College, the office of the Executive Director, Post Office Box 514, Saipan, and other Nonprofit Organizations - Uniform Adminis (4/26)F . As Terlaje Campus, Office of Planning, Research and Develop­ Road and installation of Main Water Line in Songsong Village, 1 GENERAL MANAGER - College grad., Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Proposals 4 yrs. experience. Salary $3.00 per hour. MP 96950 no later than 10:00 a.m. May 5,1991. The following are trative Requirements”. 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - High ment from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Copies of the 1 SALES MANAGER - High school grad., pertinent information about this audit: 3. The Student Financial Assistance Audit Guide, issued by the school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained upon payment of in duplicate must be in sealed enveloped and submitted to the 2 yrs. experience. Salary $3.00 per hour. U.S. Department of Education, March, 1990. $9 00.00 per month. Office of the Chief of Procurement and Supply at Lower Base, Contact: MID-PAC MICRONESIA, INC. $25.00 for each set. Any BIDDER, upon returning the CONTRACT 1 COOK - High school grad., 2 yrs. expe­ 4. AICPA Industry Audit Guide for Audits of Colleges and rience. Salary $2.15 per hour. A. Application Audit Standards Middle Road,Garapan, Saipan, MP 96950 DOCUMENTS prompdy and in good condition, will be refunded Saipan, until 3:00 p.m. local time, Friday, April 26,1991. Contact: PEARL RIVER CORPORATION. The audit standards which must be used are: Universities. (4/26JF. P.O. Box 3052, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/ 1. Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller In addition to the authoritative sources listed above, grantor agenc; his payment Proposals will be accepted on the following criteria: 26)F. 6 M ASO N General of the United States; audit requirements and generally accepted standards of auditinj 8 CARPENTER A. Organization must be followed. 1 OPERATION MANAGER - High school 2. OMB Circular A-128, Audits of State and Local 1 ELECTRICIAN - High school equlv,, 2 1. Name of Contractor and Address. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $500- Goverment yrs. experience. Salary $2.25 per hour. AMENDMENT TO iFB91 -0053 2. Qualification and Experience. $600 per month. TIMEFRAME Contact: JOAQUIN M. MANGLONA dba B. Contents of Proposal SJ Construction. P.O. Box 732, Saipan a. Organization of Personnel and size. Contact: JULITA A PEDRABLANCA dba The audit contract will be awarded no later than May 15,1991. Maki's Enterprises. P.O. Box 8898 CHRB, The following information must be included in the audit MP 96950 (4/26)F. INVITATION FOR BID b. Years of experience in this type of project. Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. proposal: Audit work must commence not later than May 20,1991, and musl 1 PHOTO DEVELOPER - High school The Chief, Procurement & Supply is soliciting competi­ c. Description, location and cost of completed similar 1. Title Page containing: be completed by July 31,1991. grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $600.00 1 PURCHASING MANAGER-Highschod projects. A. RFP subject per monlh. tive sealed bids for the procurement of the following type vehicles grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $ 1,200 Contact: SAIPAN PHOTO LAB, INC. P.O. B. Equipment per month. B. Name of your firm CONTENTS OF PROPOSAL for the Mayor of Rotà. Box 1808, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. 1. List each type of equipment and tools owned and avail­ 1 ASST. RESTAURANT MANAGER - C. Local address The following information must be contained in the audit proposal. Purchase of one (1) Unit 1.6 liter 4 cylinder engine, air- College grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary D. Telephone number. 1. Title Page containing: 1 PRESSER - High school equlv., 2 yrs. conditioner, AM/FM radio, power steering, 5 door station able for the proposed project $1,170 per month. a. RFP subject experience. Salary $2 .2 0 -$ 5 .1 5 per hour. 2. Ability to provide batching plant. 1 ASST. FRONT MANAGER - College E. Name of Contract Person Contact: UNO MODA CORP. P.O. Box wagon. Quotations on both automatic and standard grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1,220 F. Submission Date b. Name of your firm. 1847, San Antonio, Saipan, M P 96950 (4/ transmission. C. Administration per month. 2. Transmittal Letter c. Local address of your firm. 26)F. 1. Submission of reasonable and lowest construction cost. 1 COMPTROLLER - College grad., 2 yrs. 2. Least contract completion time. experience. Salary $1,430 per month. A. A brief statement of your understanding of the work d. Local telephone number of your firm. Purchase of one (1) Unit 2.0 liter 4 cylinder engine, air- 2 COOK 3. Obtain required permits from various Government 1 COOK - High school grad., 2 yrs. expe­ to be performed and an affirmative statement to per e. Submission date. 4 WAITRESS - High school equiv., 2 yrs. conditioner, AM/FM radio power steering, 5 door station rience. Salary $1,270 per month. form the work within the time period stipulated. 2. Transmittal Letter containing: experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. wagon. Quotations on both automatic and standard agencies. 1 N IG H T A U D IT O R - High school grad., 2 a. A brief statement of your firm’s understanding of the Contact: Dl RAMOS ENTERPRISESdba D. Field Operation yrs.experience. Salary $535.00 per month. B. State the all-inclusive fee for which the audit will be Robinson Restaurant. P.O. Box 1900 transmission. 1 WAITRESS - High school grad. 2 yrs. performed. work to be accomplished. Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. 1. Field operation, control and records. experience. Salary $2.36 per hour. 3. Firm Profile b. A guarantee to complete the work within the time 2. Preparation of daily activities report. 1 CLEANER-HOUSEKEEPING - High Provide a brief description of your fum-personnel edu period stipulated above. 1 SALESPERSON - High school equlv., 2 Purchase of one (1) unit mini van 4 or 6 cylinder engine, 3. Ability to transport material and equipments. school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary yrs. experience. Salary $600.00per month air-conditioner, AM/FM radio, power steering, 7 pas $2.20 per hour. cational background and experience, number of staff, c. A statement of the all-inclusive fee for which your firm Contact: AMERICA MARIANAS FAR E. Financial Capability 1 FRONT DESK CLERK staff level (partner, manager, supervisor, etc.) and client will complete theaudit within the stipulated timeframe. EAST TRADING CORP. LTD. P.O. Box sengers. Quotations on both automatic and standard 1. Financial Statement 1 W A rTER 3. Firm’s Profile 3050 PR 468, Saipan, M P 96950 (4/26)F. 1 WAITER - High school grad., 2 yrs. listing. The firm must make an affirmative statement that transmission. 2. Bank guarantee in the amount of $150,000.00 to any bank experience. Salary $2.50 per hour. at least the partners are certified public accountants. Provide a brief description of your firm indicating educa 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC - High Vehicles must be CIF supply rep. Rota and must have a in the CNMI that will ensure sufficient security to the Contact: MICRO PACIFIC DEV. INC. dba C. Timeframe tional background and experience of staff, number and school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary one year maintenance/warranty agreement, must be rustproofed/ CNMI Government in the event of breach of contract. Saipan GrandHotel. P.O. Box369, Saipan, level of staff (manager, partner, supervisor, etc.), and $3.00 per hour. MP 96950 (4/26JF. 1. Date of contract award will be May 10,1991. Audit 1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - undercoated, safety inspected prior to delivery at Maipands, Saipan, Specifications and plans of the project are available on or work shall commence thereafter, and must be completed client listing. High school equlv., 2 yrs. experience. with registration fee payable at the CNMI Treasury. after April 10,1991, at Technical Services Division, Department 2 ASST. PROJECT ENGINEER - College by August 15,1991. Salary $2.25-$2.55 per hour. All bids must be in a sealed envelope marked RFP91- of Public Works in Lower Base, Saipan. A non-refundable grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $6.00- A firm submitting a proposal must certify that at least the 2 MASON - High school equlv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.50-$2.75 per hour. 0053 submitted in duplicate to the Chief, Procurement & Supply payment of $350.00 is required for each set $10.00 per hour. partners are certified public accountants. NOTE: A 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 yrs. All inquiries regarding the proposal should be directed to 3 CARPENTER · High school equlv., 2 Office, Lower Base, Saipan no later than2:00 P.M., April 22,1991, The Department of Public Works reserves the right to experience. Salary $5.00-$8.00 per hour. Firm’s Profile need not be submitted if the proposing yrs. experience. Salary $2.1S-$2.30 per Mr. John M. Sablan, Executive Director, at telephone numbers at which time and place, all bids will be publicly opened and read award, amend, or reject any or all proposals in the best interest of 1 DRAFTER-ARCHiTECTURAL - College 234-6866/9447/7689/7670. Copies of the audit reports from CPA firm has already submitted a Profile to the Public hour. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $3.50- 1 CRUSHER SUPERVISOR- High school aloud. Any bids received late will not be considered. The CNMI the Government previous years are available at the MI HA main office in Garapan. Auditor’s office for a previous RFP. The CPA firm, firad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $900 per $8.00 per hour. government reserves the right to reject any or all bids in the best /^ELIZABETH H. SALAS-BALAJADIA Contact: KUMAGAIGUMI CO., LTD. dba The MIHA reserves the right to rejectany and all proposals, however, is expected to inform the Public Auditor of any monlh. General Contractor. P.O., Box 63 CHRB, for any reason, if in its sole opinion, to do so would be in its best change in staff, or other changes in the firm that would be Contact: BLACK MICRO CORPORA­ interest of the government. Director of Public Works Saipan , MP 96950 (4/26)F. TION. P.O. Box 545 CK, Saipan, MP 96950 4 2 5 12-19 March 28,1991 4/&*12*19 interest. 4/5-12-19-26 5/3 significant in the selection process. 4n2 X TF (4/28)F . /s/David M. Apatang /-- ^-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12.1991

3 HEAVY EQUIPMENT MECHANIC- High 1 SJ°„RE SUPERVISOR - High school FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-41 CLASSIFIED ADS school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.50 per hour. hour yrS’ experience· Sa)ary $3.00 per (NEW) FORKLIFT OPERATOR - High school 1 if'GHTSEE'NG MOTOR BOAT ATTEN­ HELP W ANTED grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.35 per PUBLIC NOTICE 1 COOK -High school equivalent. 2 yrs. DANT- High school equiv., 2 yrs. experi­ AMENDMENT AMENDMENT hour. In the Superior Court of the experience. Salary: $450 per month. ence. Salaiy $2.50 per hour Commonwealth of the CUC-RFP91-0020 Contact: BOCAGO ENTERPRISES, P.O. Contact: SAIPAN STEVEDORE COM­ Contact: EU) OKADA dba Daiwa Leisure ONE (1) PARTSMAN/COUNTERMAN CUC-RFP91-0021 Box 744 Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26JF. PANY, INC. P.O. Box 208, O.K., Saipan Fishing Saipan, Inc. P.O. Box 241 CHRB Northern Mariana Islands The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation would like M O 96950 (4/26)F. The Commonwealth Utilities Corporation would like Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. to announce to all interested qualified firms the amend­ 1 ACCOUNTANT -College Grad. 2 yrs. (HIE ( 1) PARTS WAREHOUSEMAN CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-281 to announce to all interestedqualified firms the amend­ experience. Salary: $600. per month. 2 CARPENTER - High school equiv., 2 - Salary commensurate on experience. ment to extend the submission date of proposal No. ment to extend the submission date of proposal No. Contact: ROD/CO G. VIDAL dba R.V. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. PUBUC NOTICE Enterprises, P.O. Box 194 Saipan, MP Contact: A.B.C. ENTERPRISE. P.O. Box - Excellent benefits. In the Matter of the Estate of CUC-RFP91-0021. This project is for the develop­ CUC-RFP91-0020. This project is for the evaluation, 2483, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. In the Superior Court of the JESUS ATALIG, 96950 (4/26JF. - Apply in person at: ment of an island-wide Saipan Wastewater Facilities design, and construction of the rehabilitation and upgrade Commonwealth of the Deceased. 5 C A R PE N TER 10 DANCERS -High school equivalent. 2 Northern Mariana Islands NOTICE OF HEARING AND Master Plan. of the Southern Saipan Sewage System. 5 M ASO N yrs. experience. Salary: $2.15 per hour 5 ELECTRICIAN - High school equiv., 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Contact: G.I.S. ENTERPRISES dba Ma­ MICROL CORPORATION yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. CIVIL ACTION NO 91-256 TO: ALL PERSONS AND harajah, P.O. Box 204 Saipan, MP 96950 All proposals must be in duplicate, submitted in a All proposals must be in duplicate, submitted in a Contact: NGIRARIOS SKEY dbalNAOYA TOYOTA PARTS DEPARTMENT CREDITORS having any in­ (4/26)F. sealed envelope marked CUC RFP91-0021 to the sealed envelope to the Procurement and Supply Man­ CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. Box 2589, RICHARD R. WAYBRIGHT, An Equal Opportunity Employer 4(W2.,, terest or claims against the 1 BEAUTICIAN - High school equiv,, 2yrs. Saipan. MP 96950 (4/26)F. Petitioner, estate of JESUS ATALIG Procurement and Supply Manager, Mr. Pete W. Torres, ager, Mr. Pete W. Torres, Commonwealth Utilities experience. Salary $2.15 per hour. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTI­ 2 M A SO N vs. Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Lower Base, no Corporation, Lower Base, no later than 2:00 P.M., April Contact: EMILIO'S MANE ST. SALON. FIED that Abraham C. 1 CARPENTER CATHERINE G. Caller Box No. AAA 1151, Saipan, MP PUBLIC NOTICE Charfauros, of Rota, has filed laterthan 2:00P.M., April 29,1991. Proposals received 29, 1991. Proposals received late will not be consid­ 96950 (4/26)F. 1 WAREHOUSE WORKER WAYBRIGHT, 1 AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRICIAN In the Superior Court of the Commonwealth of the Northern a petition with the Common­ late will not be considered. CUC reserves the right to ered. CUC reserves the right to reject any or all Respondent. 1 FIRST ASST. (ABLE SEAMAN) - High 3 H E A V Y EQUIPMENT MECHANIC Mariana Islands wealth Superior Court seeking reject any or all proposals for any reason and to waive proposals for any reason and to waive any defects if in 1 ACCOUNTANT - High school equiv., 2 PETITION FOR DIVORCE school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary to be appointed the adminis­ its sole opinion to do so would be in its best interest. All $3.24 per hour. yrs. experience. Salary $2.15-$3.00 per NOW COMES PETITIONER, any defects if in its sole opinion to do so would be in its hour. CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-0033 trator of the Estate of Jesus Contact: SUN CORPORATION. P.O. Box by and through his attorney, Atalig, deceased, petitioner’s best interest. All proposals shall become the property proposals shall become the property of the Common­ 379, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. 3 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - High school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. DAVID A. WISEMAN, and for RAYMOND L. MATHEWS, attorney of record is Antonio of the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation. wealth Utilities Corporation. Salary $2.15-$2.00 per hour. 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESEN­ his complaint states as follows: j M. Atalig, Attorney at Law, Contact: ELEODORO N. QUEZADA dba Plaintiff, TATIVE - High school grad. 2 yrs. experi­ 1. That this Court has jurisdic­ P.O.Box 1638, Saipan, MP ence. Salary $1,110-2,100 per month. Quezada Construction. P.O. Box 1038 -v- Ramon S. Guerrero Ramon S. Guerrero CK, Saipan, M P 96950 (4/26)F. tion pursuant to the Common­ 96950. The hearing on said Contact: DFS SAIPAN LTD. P.O. Box DESCO, INC., ET. AL., petition for letters All interested Executive Director 528, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26JF. wealth Judicial Reorganization Executive Director 1 MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE-High Act of 1989. This action is Defendants. parties should appear at the school grad. 2 yrs. experience. Salary hearing. $550.00 per hour. brought pursuant to 8 CMC Persons having any claims REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL PUBLIC NOTICE 1331 (b). In the Superior Court of the Contact: SHOWBOAT, INC. P.O. Box NOTICE OP SALE against the estate of said de­ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL 1808, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26JF. 2. Petitioner is a U.S. Citizen The Chief, Procurement & Supply is soliciting competitive sealed Commonwealth of the cedent are hereby notified that The Chief, Procurement & Supply is soliciting competitive sealed and is presently residing at any and all claims against the proposals for the procurement of the following type vehicles: Northern Mariana Islands 1 MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN - High NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to a Writ of Execution Three (3) units each brand new Pickup Trucks; 3.0 liter, proposals for the procurement of the following type vehicles: school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Saipan, Commonwealth of the estate must be filed with the Three (3) units each brand new Pickup Trucks; 3.0 liter, $3.25 per hour. Northern Mariana Islands, and issued by this Court, that on Monday, April 22,1991, at the hour Clerk of Court within sixty (60) V6 engine, 5 speed manual overdrive transmission, 4WD CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-256 V6 engine, 5 speed manual overdrive transmission, 4WD Contact: SAIPAN ICE, INC. P.O. Box has been a resident for two (2) of 9:00 a.m. of the said day, at the former premises of Desco, Inc., days of this publication, or the demand “shift on die move transfer case”, power steering, 1808, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. years preceding the filing of in As Lito, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands, I will sell, at public claim will be barred. rear wheel anti-lock brake system, radio cassette with demand “shifton the move transfer case”, power steering, RICHARD R. WAYBRIGHT, /s/Deputy Clerk of Court this complaint. auction, to the highest bidder, for current lawful money of the four speakers towing capacity of 3,500 lbs., payload rear wheel anti-lock brake system, radio cassette with Petitioner, April 9,1991 3. Respondent isaU.S.citizen, United States of America, all of the right, title and interest of four speakers towing capacity of 3,500 lbs., payload vs. capacity of 1,400 lbs, air conditioning, vehicle security PUBLIC NOTICE who has been a resident of Desco,Inc.,in and to the personal property setforth in “Exhibit A” system with security light and welded steel cab and steel capacity of 1,400 lbs, air conditioning, vehicle security CATHERINE G. In the Superior Court of the hereto. system with security light and welded steel cab and steel WAYBRIGHT, Saipan for two (2) years pre­ bed/full box frame. Commonwealth of the ceding the filing of this com­ All property will be sold in its then-current condition and location, bed/full box frame. Respondent. Northern Mariana Islands and without any warranties whatsoever, express or implied, in­ OR DER TO SERVE ABSENT plaint, and whose whereabouts PUBLIC NOTICE One (1) each station Wagon, 3.0 liters V6 engine, 5 speed are unknown, with the last cluding but not limited to warranties of title, merchantability, and/ In the Superior Court of the One (1) each station Wagon, 3.0 liters V6 engine, 5 speed RESPONDENT CIVIL ACTION NO. 91-256 manual overdrive transmission, 4WD demand “shift on Petitioner's Motion, through known address as Saipan, or fitness for any purpose whatsoever, all of which warranties Commonwealth of the manual overdrive transmission, 4WD demand “shift on I CNMl. being hereby expressly disclaimed. the move transfer case”, power steering, rear wheel anti­ his counsel, for an· Order re­ Northern Mariana Islands the move transfer case”, power steering, rear wheel anti­ RICHARD R. WAYBRIGHT, 4. The parties were married on The foregoing property will be available for inspection thirty lock brake system, radio cassette with four speakers, quiring absent Respondentto Petitioner, minutes prior to the start of the sale. lock brake system, radio cassette with four speakers, I plead by a certain day, and to February 14,1983 at Lompoc, CIVIL ACTION NO 90-575 towing capacity of 3,500 lbs., payload capacity of 1,400 vs. California, U.S.A. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, for any reason. BANK OF SAIPAN, lbs., air conditioning, vehicle security system with secu towing capacity of 3,500 lbs., payload capacity of 1,400 allow Petitioner to serve the CATHERINE G. Dated, this day of March, 1991. lbs., air conditioning, vehicle security system with secu Summons and Complaint and 5. There is no issue of this Plaintiff, rity light and unitized body full box frame. WAYBRIGHT, marriage. /s/Antonio A. Reyes vs. This vehicle must be CIF Marpands, Saipan, and must have a one rity light and unitized body full box frame. this Order by publication, Respondent. having been filed on April 4, 6. There are no debts or obli­ Chief of Police DIONICIA K. TECHUR, year maintenance/warranty agreement, must be rustproofed/ This vehicle must be CIF Marpands, Saipan, and must have a one SUMMONS gations incurred by the parties 1991, and It appearing'that Department of Public Safety Defendant. undercoated, safety inspected prior to delivery at Marpands, Saipan year maintenance/warranty agreement, must be rustproofed/ TO: CATHERINE G. during their marriage. personal service is not prac­ NOTICE OF SALE undercoated, safety inspected prior to delivery at Marpands, Saipan WAYBRIGHT 7. Petitioner and Respondent E X H IB IT A with registration fee payable at the CNMI Treasury. ticable since the whereabout NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN with registration fee payable at the CNMI Treasury. YOU ARE HEREBY SUM­ own no real property acquired 13 Compressed Gas Tanks of the Respondent are un­ that on Friday, April 19,1991, MONED and notified to file during this marriage. Three (3) large aluminum tool caddies All proposals must be in a sealed envelope marked RFP91-005 known and it further appear­ at the hour of 1:30 p.m. of the All proposals must be in a sealed envelope marked RFP91-0055 any answer you wish to make 8. There are no assets or other One (1) Mazda flatbed (only) submitted in duplicate to the Chief, Procurement & Supply Office, ing that this action Is for divorce said day, at the Police Station to the complaint, a copy of marital property to be divided. Mazda Pickup LB2200 AAR 487 submitted in duplicate to the Chief, Procurement & Supply Office, as provided under 7 CMC in Susupe, Saipan, Northern Lower Base, Saipan no later than 4:00 P.M., April 23, 1991, at which is given you herewith, PRAYER Mazda pickup B2200 AAR 497 Mariana Islands, I will sell, at Lower Base, Saipan no later than 4:00 P.M., April 23, 1991, at 1301, Four (4) wheel barrows which time and place, all proposals received late will not be within twenty (20) days after W HEREFORE, petitioner Public auction, for current which time and place, all proposals received late will not be It Is hereby ORDERED, that One (1) large steel tank considered. The CNMI government reserves the right to reject any service of this summons upon prays for judgment in this pro­ lawful money, of the United considered. The CNMI government reserves the right to reject any Petitioner Is allowed to make One (1) Denyo 25 soundproof generator model DB-02811 or all proposals in the best interest of the government. you and to deliver or mail a ceeding as follows: States of America, all of the or all proposals in the best interest of the government. service of process on Re­ One (1) Ace minitractor 18 horse power with pull cart /s/David M. Apatang 4,2-5-12.19 copy of your answer to 1. That on final hearing, Peti­ right, title, and interest of De­ spondent by publication in at One (1) GMC 2500 truk HE 706 /s/David M. Apatang 4/2-5-12-19 ' WISEMAN AND EASON, tioner!» granted adivorce from fendant Dionicia K. Techur in least one (1) newspaper Four (4) desks and misc. chairs, tables, beds and tools whose address Is P.O. Box Respondent dissolving the and to that certain tract or published and having a gen­ One (1) small cement mixer 404, Saipan, MP 96950 as bonds of matrimony now ex­ One (1) Kia flatbed truck HE 490 parcel of real property situated eral circulation In the Com­ JOB ANNOUNCEMENT soon as practicable after filing isting between Petitioner One (1) Ford Van AAC 723 in Koblerville, Saipan, Northern monwealth, once a week for and your answer or sending it to Respondent. Playground equipment Mariana Islands, more par­ Immediately Needed four (4) consecutive weeks, the Clerk of this Court for filing. 2. That Petitioner have such Two Westinghouse refrigerators ticularly described as follows: and the publication shall not Your answer should be in Water heater Lot 005 I 274, containing an be less than 21 days prior to other and further relief that the Two (2) SALESMEN writing and filed with the Clerk Water tanks (large) area of 939 square meters, all the return date stated herein. Court deems just and proper. of this Court at Saipan, MP Two (2) bench saws as more particularly shown on (Sales Representatives) IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, Dated this 15th day of March, Misc. Office supplies and filing cabinets 96950. It may be prepared 1991. Drawing/Cadastral Plat No. that the Respondent file her Dining room table with 4 matching chairs and small table Salary on Commission Basis and signed for you by your 005 I 05, registered with the answertotheattached Petition /s/David A. Wiseman One (1) Weslehouse 4 burner stove counsel and sent to the Clerk Commonwealth Recorder as Excellent Opportunities within 30 days after the last Attorney for Petitioner One (1) Casio electric typewriter DONT MISS YOUR of this Court by messenger or File No. 84-1364 on the 31st We’li provide training publication of the Summons Two couches mall. It Is not necessary for day of July, 1984. and Complaint and this Order. VERIFICATION BY Two power system microfumes you to appear personally until Said property will be sold Failure to answer will result in PETITIONER Two king size beds CHANCE! further notice. without any warranties what­ Two (2) GENERAL HELPERS a Default Judgment in favor of RICHARD R. WAYBRIGHT Misc. telephone (office system) If you fail to file an answer in One aquarium soever, express or implied, petitioner for the relief de­ beingfirstduly sworn, deposes Perform various duties accordance with this sum- Three electric fans including warranties of title and/ WE LEASE LAND. manded in this action. and states: that he is the Peti­ Salary: $2.15 per hr. or Higher depending !' mons, Judgment by Default tioner in the above captioned 36" Panasonic stereo TV or possession. The right is This order shall be posted on One car CB may be taken against you for matter; that he has read the reserved to reject any or all on experience. the public bulletin board in the One CB base station ANY KIND OF the relief demanded in the foregoing petition and under­ bids, for any reason. In all Clark’s office for a period of Complaint. Misc. lawn furniture other respects, the sale shall not less than two weeks. stands its contents; and that Two water tanks BY ORDER OF THE ABOVE the statements therein are true be conducted as set forth in 2 Please aPP'y in person at: PROPERTY. Dated this 4th day of April, COURT Miller Diesel powered welding machine and correct to the best of his CMC S4537. 1991. Dated this 27th day of March, Misc. cabinets, furniture and fixtures in new house Dated, this 28th day of Febru­ /s/Robert A. Hefner knowledge. CONIUGI: MR. KWON 1991. . " ...... JH 1.1,11, ary, 1991. n i n e Presiding Judge /s/Richard R. Waybright j j m o to rs /s/Cierk of Court Petitioner * Energy Conservation . Do u o r lose ft /s/Sgt. Justo R. Cruz TEL 234-8858/8854 Department of Public Safety Chalan Laulau, Beach Boar), Saipan 42-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-APRIL 12,1991 FRIDAY, APRIL 12,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-43 1 NEON TUBE PUMPER CLASSIFIED ADS 1 NEON SIGN PAINTER - High school equlv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $1.75- JOB VACANCY (NEW) $2.15 per hour. Come to the Professionals to Contact: NEON CORPORATION P.O. 1 COMPUTER 2 SECURITY ALARM INSTALLER Box 2292, Saipan, MP 96950 (4/26)F. LEASE > SELL > OR BUY 1 TECHNICAL ILLUSTRATOR - High PROGRAMMER Sixers person pours in 83 points school grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary 3 MAINTENANCE MAN/REPAIRER-High $ $ $ $3.00-$5.00 per hour. College graduate, school equiv., 2 yrs. experience. Salary Friday nights games result Brian Person’ record setting of points setby Ray Lizamain 1987 points and Joh Sablan added in hour and 10 minutes. Scott de­ Contact: PACIFIC SECURITY ALARM, $2.15 per hour. INC. Caller Box PPP Suite 152, Saipan, minimum two years 16 points. bates entering the league as the Contact: NICOLAS MANGLONA dba CNMI PROPERTIES San Antonio Sixers claimed 83 points including a three in an outdoor court. This will be MP 96950 (4/26)F. Aeron Enterprises. P.O. Box 781, Saipan, experience in shiping, (670) 235-7MPR/7600 the Pennant runner-up champion pointer in the last second of play the sixers second straightpennat Earlier in the first game the leading scorerplucked in 32 points MP 96950 (4/26JF. $4.00 - 6.00 per hour. runner-up. in 88-89 season they Emergency predicted that they including a slam dunk in the last 1 STORE SUPERVISOR - High school 234-7447 with a 15-3 record by blasting in the final quarter. grad., 2 yrs. experience. Salary $2.15 per Contact: the DPS Flyers 107 to 77 behind Person broke the record of 79 won thePennat Champ and went should be one of the spoiler in second and Dennis Camacho du­ hour. SUBSCRIBE TODAY SAIPAN SHIPPING arianas Pacific VjuUu* on to win thechampionship title. the league and a strong conten­ plicate it also with 32 points to Contact: MING LI CORPORATION dba BETTER OPTIONS Frank “Mr Spoiler” Iglecias, tion for the 6th spot for the lead the Emergency. Ming Li Store. P.O. Box 2840, Saipan, MP Marianas Variety News COMPANY Junior Basketball League 96950 (4/26JF. did spoil a lot as he contributed play-off battling with the Broth­ Camacho also is one of the top & Views P.O. Box 8 Saipan, MP 96950 P.O. BOX 569 BEACH ROAD. CHALAN.KANOA SAIPAN, MP 9695C (Licensed and Locally Owned) BIC: A. Alvarez to start Tuesday, April 23 in with uncountable assist and ers came right back in the last ten scorer in the league. Rufino was responsible for person’s two minutes of play in the final Agoun led the Peacemakers with The Division of Youth Ser­ D.Y.S. Sports Coordinator at record breaking and setting. quarter and went on and upset 29 points including 4-3 pointers vices Sports Unit informs all phonenumbers234-1001 or 1002 Dennis Ngeskebei added in 19 the Peacemakers by a score 92 and Winsor Peter who was held to IBM SYSTEM 36 COMPUTER FOR sai e interested coaches and teams that during working hours Monday points for the sixers. The Flyers to 87. 6 points in the First half Finished PROPERTY the 1991 Junior Basketball to Friday. The Mariana Islands Housing Authority is selling its IBM System 36 computer with accessories was led by Ray Palacios with 20 The game lasted for only 1 the night with 26 points. League which is sponsored by FOR SALE items·hlghCSt bidder’ minimum accePtable bid is $10,000.00 and comprises of the following SNE Saipan Co. Ltd. will start INVITATION FOR BIDS on Tuesday, April 23 at the USED CAR - 85 SEFfTRA Quantity Machine IBM Plant Model or Description Gilbert C. Ada Gymnasium. I F B 007-91 C halan G u a i o R a i - Type Order or Feature Good Cond. Hew Batt. - Good Tires, Games will be played every Northern Marianas College Serial# Shocks, Brakes - Etc. - $2200.00 13,003 sq. meters 1 5362 14ZVX A02 Tuesday and Thursday starting P.O. Box 1250, Saipan, MP 96950 S/36 128K 60MB at 4:30 p.m. The league is open A lso IBM COMP COMPUTER 32 MEG HD Excellent View 2902 256K Memory-Additional Storage Separate sealed BIDS for the construction of the interior portion of 2926 Autocall Cable to young boys 15 to 18 years of Many Programs with LQ Printer - $1200.00 the Vocational Education Center, a pre-engineered steel building age. There is no fees required Please call: 2950 W ork Station Expansion of approximately 9,000 square feet will be received by the Jerry 3 5291 this year for the league. 2 3 4 -7 2 5 3 14ZVXM 200 Display Station Bailey or William R. Barrineau at the office of Planning, Research (671) 632-2723 or 472-6841 14ZVXN Rosters with a maximum of and Development until 2:00 p.m., April 25,1991 and then at said Ask for JOE BENAVENTE 14ZVXP 15 players is due on the 19th of 1 4214 14ZVXQ 200 this month and must be submit­ office publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be submitted in Printer INVITATION FOR BID sealed envelopes and identified as “Vocational Education Center: 3000 Printer Stand with Forms Rack ted to the Sports Unit office at (671) 477-1504 Ask for BEN 1 5219 14ZVXR The Chief, Procurement & Supply is soliciting com­ Interior Construction.” The CONTACT DOCUMENTS may be D 02 Printer-60CPS(Max Burst PR) the gym no later than 4:30 p.m. FAX (671) 477-1506 2956 Print Wheel US EBCDIC- Add’nl For more information regard­ petitive sealed bids for the procurement of the following type examined at the following locations: Northern Marianas College, ing the league, you can drop by Or write: P.O. Box 20088 GMF,Guam 96921 7870 Front Exit Sheet Feed vehicle: As Terlaje Campus, Office of Planning, Research and Development 9050 Cable Ordered the office or call Joe Lizama, One (1) unit, new 1991 or 1992 four 4 door from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Copies of the 9566 Attach to S/36 sedan that meets U.S. specifications and safety CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained upon payment of A .U " ^ “ I ‘ 1Vi- o a u ia n , executive .Director, Manana Islands Housing standard inspections. The vehicle must be $25.00 for each seL Any BIDDER, upon returning the CONTRACT Authority, P.O. Box 514, Saipan, MP, 96950, no later than April 30,1991, at 10:00 a.m. Payment Fast pitch DOCUMENTS promptly and in good condition, will be refunded REAL ESTATE FOR SALE/LEASE equipped with air conditioning system, auto shall be made by certified check, cashier's check, or cash to MIHA within 72 hours after the official his payment. KING: 40,000m2 totFtEfflPgSGskina $50/sm. award. If you are interested you may inspect the IBM System 36 computer with accesories at games this matic transmission, power steering and power CAPITOL HILL: 16,584 & 34,957m2 lots ocean view asking $80/ MIHA’as office during working hours. brakes, spare tire, jack and tire wrenches, and sm. 4/2-5-12-19· must be undercoated with complete rustproof. INVITATION FOR BIDS NAVY HILL: Evergreen Condo 2BD 1BA 900sf living area, fully weekend furnihsed, backup water system,ocean view, 2 assigned parking Vehicle must be fully insured plus delivery must I F B 008-91 spaces “why r u renting" asking $130,000. LAND FOR LEASE The Saipan Softball Assn. an­ be made within thirty (30) days after notifica Northern Marianas College nounced that the softball SAN VICENTE: 5BD, 2BA, 2,400sf house w/1,117 sm. lot. Ocean SAIPAN MPR# tion of award. P.O. Box 1250, Saipan, MP 96950 view Laulau Bay, loaded w/f urniture & appliances asking $395,000. (Commercial / Residential / Business Location) Fastpitch League will com­ FINASISU (#290103) 2,000 SM- Motivated Own. PRICE REDUCED! Near Cul. Ctr. menced this weekend at Kan Vehicles must be CDr Marpands, Saipan and must Separate sealed BIDS for site, civil and electrical work consisting CHALAN KANOA: 3BD1 BA 1,004sf hse on 538sm lot w/ wtr tank of asphalt and concrete paving, and the installation of outdoor & large patio asking $150,000 w/terms. FINASISU (#291102) 1,225 SM- Raw Flat Lot-Water/Power-Own. Motivated Pacific Ballfield At Marpi. The have a one year maintenance/warranty agreement, must be CH KIYA (#290100) 1,527 SM- Near Whispering Palm Golf Course first game will kick-off at eleven rustproofed/undercoated, safety inspected prior to delivery lighting will be received by the Jerry Bailey or William R. CHALAN LAULAU: 12,913sm lot on middle road excellent com’l Barrineau at the office of Planning, Research and Development property w/ good rd. access good for warehse and/or retail near San GARAPAN (#290104) 13,385 SM- Fronts Beach Rd.-Shoreiine.-Oceanview. (11:00 A.M.), April 14, 1991. at Marpands, Saipan, with registration fee payable at the The following treams are until 2:00 p.m., April 25, 1991 and then at said office publicly Jose asking $100/sm. PAPAGO (#290102) 1,122 SM- Secluded Valley. Near Laulau Bch. CNMI Treasury SUSUPE: 4BD 1BA house on 929sm lot near Diamond Hotel PAPAGO scheduled to play this week-end. opened and read aloud. B ids must be submitted in sealed envelopes (#290122) 40,360 SM- Breathtaking Laulau Bay view! Must see! Call! All bids must be in a sealed envelope marked RFP91 - FINANCING AVAILABLE. TANAPAG (#290105) 1,105 SM- Multi-purpose COMMERCIAL BLDG. April 14 - 1st Game 11:00 and identified as “Site, Civil, and Electrical Work: North Cam­ DENNI: 4BD 3BA 2,500sf executive home w/ Irg carport, fenced TANAPAG (#392100) A.M. The Islanders vs. Natives 0054 submitted in duplicate to the Chief, Procurement & pus.” The CONTACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the 758 SM- Near proposed NANSAY HOTEL, Ocean View. 2nd Game 2 P.M. Jig Reds vs. yard on 1,116sm lot FINANCING AVAILABLE. KOB’VIL (#191100) 943 SM- Fronts new paved airport ext., 3 Br., 2 Ba Supply Office, Lower Base, Saipan no later than 2:30 P.M., following locations: Northern Marianas College, As Terlaje CHALAN KANOA: 3BD 1,080sf hse on 260 sm. lot near ESPN D-9’ers. April 22, 1991, at which time and place, all bids will be Campus, Office of Planning, Research and Development from Motors FINANCING AVAILABLE. Sunken Liv. Rm.-Good Comm. Location! April 21 - 1st Game 11:00 RAPAGAU (#290101) 6,390 SM- Managaha Is. View! PRICE REDUCED! publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received late will 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Copies of the CON­ CHALAN KANOA: 3BD 1 BA 697sf hse on 228sm lot near ESPN A.M. Toyota Wheels vs. Rain­ TRACT DOCUMENTS may be obtained upon pay ment of $25.00 Motors FINANCING AVAILABLE: SUSUPE(New) (#691100) 729 SM- Sublease,1 blk.from Bch. Rd., Dia./Grand Htl., Joeten bow. not be considered. The CNMI government reserves the right for each set. Any BIDDER, upon returning the CONTRACT TANAPAG: duplex all concrete on 593sm. lot near ocean on paved DANDAN (#190200) 894 SM- $175,000.- 3/4 Bedroom, 2 Baths (NEW LIST) 2nd Game 2 P.M. Sunrisers to reject any or all bids in the best interest of the government. DOCUMENTS promptly and in good condition, will be refunded road FINANCING AVAILABLE. SAN ROQUE (#291103) 21,920 SM- Flat Mountain Parcel,So. E./No. E Ocean view vs. Seebees. /s/David M. Apatang r ° 4/2-5-12-19 SAN JOSE: 4BD 1BA home on 929sm lot behind church FINANC­ Managaha Isl., Nikko, Aqua Resort Htls., NEW The public is urged to come his payment. ING AVAILABLE. TINIAN MPR# watch these games and root for (Ideal Multi-Development Site)) your favorite teams. SAN ROQUE: 929sm flat topo, excellent com’l opportunity in de­ MARP0 (#290109) 5,543 SM- Goat Is./Ocean view, 5 Hs. Lots at Prop. Casino/GC veloping area asking $150/sm. MAR P0 (#290110 24.006 SM- Land and 2 story residence, convenient location LAU LAU: 12,544sm ocean/mt view over looking NEW approved MAR PO JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Shimizu LauLau Project - CALL US. (#290116) 25.001 SM- Proximity to Bus. Dis. & Proposed Tinian Casinos SAN VICENTE: 5,851 sm lot over looks laulau bay slope for com’l/ MARP0 (#290118) 25.001 SM- Goat Isl. view! Gradual Slope, Exquisite View! Income producing or condo's. Shore/ocean view goodEC3!BSfes MARP0 (#290115) 10,000 SM- Water/Elcc. on site-P.Swr. access. Near Bus. Dist $150,000 dwn. & $3,000 per month thereafter (FIRM). a U r iP MARP0 (#290112) 24.006 SM- Off main artery, nat. landscape abundant! ANAKS CONDO: 2BD.1BA, tennis court, security, pool. Only 2 CAROLINAS (#290114) 25,586 SM- Ocn. & Goat Isl. view. Next to 3 Multi-Mill$ Prop. available asking $197,000 & $198,000 why rent when you can own? ______Casino & Golf course.______DOKO SAIPAN, INC. RENTAL - South Garapan: Anaks Condo 2BD 1 1/2BA, pool ROTA MPR# (Investors Needed) tennis, 24 pwr water & security ocean view. ISANG (#290120) 49,384 SM- Phil. Sea & Pac. Ocean View! Mot Own., Reduced! NEEDS GINALANGAN OPEN (#290121) 5,951 SM- Near 3 appvd. Golf Course & airport! Mot. Own. LOCAL OR U.S. CITIZEN ONLY MONDAY-FRIDAY 9:00 TO 5:00/SATURDAY 9:00 TO 1:00 Motivated owners and price reduced for quick sale - CALL! ASSISTANT ACCOUNTANT Need your House, Condo, Apartment, Business Rented? E S T E E E D tN G Call our full-time professionals for help. COLLEGE GRADUATE - $5.50 - 6.50/HR. ISLAND BROKERS Breastfeeding is indis- 6th fir. Nauru Bldg. - ph 234-2100 - fax 234-8799 P.O. BOX 569 BEACH ROAD, SECRETARY Jay Sulllvan/Moe Cotton - Broker/Owner CHALAN KANOA, SAIPAN, MP 96950 putaHy die best tvay to arianas Pacific ‘Bcatr? (Licensed and Locally owned) Call: Cynthia Fleming HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE - $4.50 - 5.50/HR Sales Associates BETTER O PTIO N S nourish and nurture Don Smith - Scot Thompson-Justln Manglona (Rota) Alvarez or Ange Alvarez-Forbes (Bnoker-ln-Charge) FOR M ORE INFORMATION “each office is independently owned & operated" TEL. (670) 235-7MPR / 7600 · 234-7447 babies. C A LL 234-1301 44-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VffiWS-FRIDAY APRIL 12,1991

Heat closes game with a perfect 18-0 The Coral Ocean Point Heat from Oscar Masga while Lloy ner up sixers will have a bye in wrapped up their post season also wrapped up their regular closed their regular season games Hartman and Tony Luzama both the firstround action of the play­ games witharecordof7-12 while games with a record of 4-14. with a perfect record of 18 wins added in with 14 points each. off which is schedule to be a the Brothers have one game re­ Fakpi playing with a limited and no loss as they defeated the The Peacemakers who also single elimination. maining. Championship games players of 5 was paced by Mel peacemakers 114 to 85. The Heat wrapped up their games with a They will wait for the results will be 2 out of 3. Teregeyo with 29 points mostly is the second team in Saba history record of even 9-9 was led by of the games between the Aces, Earlier in the first game the on a driving lay-ups Dave to go undefeated in the post sea­ Swingly Agoun with 31 points Wheels Peacemakers and pos- Toyota Wheels with Jerome Demapan with 23 and Ray Basa son games. 23 points from Rufino Agoun sibleEmergencyorBrotherswho Reyes, Frank Cruz, Arhter Moses with 19 points the Wheels puts The O’l Aces was the first team including 5-three pointers and are both fighting for the 6th spot andJohn Santos all with 18 points them at sole possession of fourth to do it in 1984. The Heat paced 16 points from Leo Roluked. in the league. each to lead the Wheels 115 to place with a record of 11 -6 with by Pete Crudo with 25 points 16 The Heat and the Pennant run­ Emergency have already 85 over the friendly Fakpi who one game remaining. Brothers won by default, SPN Cougars, Tanapag Braves DPS Flyers down SNE FAKPI First Game: Brothers won by forfeit over the Athletes Foot as they could not and Padres II won the games filled the 5 players needed on time for the game. A possible win for the Brothers this Friday over the Aces will send them auto­ First game, Saturday Little league games hits scored 3 times and also matically to the first round of the play-off and off course the In a game lasted 5 hours and 20 Sunday at San Vicente knocked in 3 runs. They lead the number 6th spot in the league. They lost to the Aces in their first division with a 3-0 team record minutes the Saipan Cougars Ball Field match in the first overtime game in the season. sponsored by Crystal Palace came while the Amigos falls to 0-2. Already the Emergency who are battling with the Brothers for First Game: Games this coming the 6th spot had finished their regular season game and awaits the from behind with a sweet victory Tanapag Braves sponsored by over the Tanapag gro upers edging weekend Saturday April out come of the Brothers and the Aces game. It should be a run for Remington Club clobbered the the show plus the money. them by a score of 31 -SO. San Vicente Reds, 22-0 in a game 13. First game at 10:00 A.M. Ren­ Second Game: shortened to 4 innings due to the Nobert Mettao’s outstanding defensive and offensive play led There were 4 lead changes. ten run rule regulation. They egades versus Reds (Senior Small in terms of his height but League Division) Second Game the DPS Flyers to their 3rd win of the season by defeating the SNE rallied in the first inning with 7 FAKPI in a tough game after 3 lead changes by a score of 74 to 70. his bat is too big John Reyes was runs, came back in the third with at 12:30 P.M. CK Beai:> versus the ho' hatter for the Cougars as Tarzans (Big League Division) He finished the night with 24 points 19 points from Ray Pubmos he went 4-8 with 2 triples, an 15 runs. They are 2-0 in the andJohn Sablanaddedin 13 for the winners. They have one more inside the park homerun, scored 5 league while the reds falls to 0-3. Games for Sunday' Little game to play. times and knocked in 6 runs to Second Game: League Division at San The FAKPI whom they defeated the Flyers in their first meet on lead his team. Bruce Norita was Little Padres II sponsored by Vicente Field. April 14 February 20, was led by Dave Demapan with 26 points Ray Basa 4-6 for the groupers with 4 runs Bishop Thomas Camacho pon­ First Game at 10:00 A.M. added in 15 points and Ageless Warrior Ray Macduff added in 13. batted in. Cougars now leads the dered the San Vicente Amigos Tanapag versus San Antonio Vi­ He is the league’s oldest active player. senior league division with a 2-09 14-4 also in a game cut to 4 in­ kings. Second Game at 123:30 Tonights Games at 7:00 P.M. First game OF Aces battles the record while the groupers falls to nings due to the ten runs rule P.M. San Vicente Amigos versus Brothers and at second game 8:30 P.M. The DPS Flyers goes on 0-2. regulation. Peter Tenorio had 3 San Vicente Reds with Toyota Wheels. MEN'S ISLANDWIDE BASKETBALL LEAGUE TEAM STANDINGS AS OF APRIL 10,1991 TEAM NAME: WINS: LOSSES: GR: Coral Ocean Point Heat*** 18 0 0 San Antonio Sixers” 15 3 0 Ol’Aces** 12 5 1 Toyota Wheels" 11 6 1 Peacemakers” 9 9 0 Emergency 7 12 0 Brothers 6 11 1 SNE-NMC FAKPI 4 14 0 Athletes Foot 3 15 0 DPS Flyers 3 14 1 ‘ Indicates Pennant Champion “ Indicates qualify for play-off NOTE: Play-off games first round is a single elimination. Championship game is 2 u~ <. NG SCORER’S AS OF April 10, 1991 NAME ! TEAM GMS TTPS AVE GR Brian Person*** Sixers 17 470 26.1 0 Scott Debates · CHC 18 447 24.8 0 Winsor Peter P-Makers 17 414 24.4 0 Lloyd Hartman Heat 18 426 23.6 0 Dave Demapan Fakpi 18 422 23.4 0 Dennis Camacho CHC 18 363 22.6 0 Swingly Agoun P-Makers 17 360 21.2 0 Jerry Ayuyu O’L Aces 17 304 19.0 1 John Santos Wheels 17 318 18.7 1 Warren Villegas A-Foots 18 329 18.3 0 James Diaz Brothers 17 306 18.0 1 Elias Rangamar Ol’Aces 17 279 16.4 1 Fran' Sixers 18 295 16.4 0 Pete’ lO 'IM M r> T im M i « 9 16.2 I Tanapag groupers lost this game to Saipan Cougars in last Saturday play. Photo of the team with coach Jolu(___ a -EU i f i s j I 1 15.6 0 /Manager at the opening of the season. Ray Basa snM | I m t 15.1 0

¿ ¡ M a r ia n a s ‘Ttfa r i e t y § * : Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 '■·. PO Box 231 Saipan MP 96950 · Tel. (670) 234-6341 · 7578 · 97*97 Fox: (670) 234-9271