90 Day Physical Fitness Preparedness Program

90-Day Physical Fitness Preparedness Program Maintain proper form throughout each repetition. The 90 Day Physical Fitness Preparedness Program is designed to help you prepare for the training that you will receive while at the Department of Criminal Justice Training. It is dependent upon you to follow the program and prepare yourself before entering the academy. Prior to starting the program, you will have an initial test. This test is to see how many pushups and how many sit-ups you can do without resting. During the initial test, maintain proper form and do not cheat yourself. After the initial test, it is recommended that you keep a log of the reps you are able to complete while maintaining proper form. The number of reps in each that you are able to complete will be your guide when beginning the physical fitness preparedness program. When looking at the and the way they have been laid out, the pushups and sit-ups have been divided into three columns. The number of pushups and sit-ups that you completed in the initial test determines which column is designed for you. This fitness plan is designed for all levels of fitness. For example, those of you that can successfully complete 20 pushups and 30 sit-ups should begin the program at WEEK 5. As you look through the 90 Day Fitness Plan, the exercises become more challenging as your fitness level increases. There are exhaustion tests built into the plan that will help you continue your growth. During the exhaustion tests, you will have to do as many pushups and sit-ups as you can. These new max reps will be used in the next phase of the fitness plan. These exhaustion tests are at the end of WEEKS 4, 8, and 10 will help you decide the path for the next phase of the fitness program. If you are not where you want to be during one of the exhaustion test, DO NOT get frustrated. Continue with the program, repeating a week if necessary. As you continue through the fitness plan and have access to weights, you’ll notice that there is a guide to help you improve your bench press before entering the academy. There is also an extra SPRINT workout that is included that will help improve leg strength and anaerobic endurance. The sprint and bench press workout can be used as a supplement to the existing fitness plan. Remember, safety is a priority. Included in this fitness plan is a list of dynamic warmups. Choose those that are right for you to prevent injury and to gain the most from the exercises. Be honest with yourself and always remember to have proper form and technique. If there are any questions about any of the exercises, please see the reference material at the end of the fitness plan.

Week 1 Week 1 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 2 6 10 Set 1 3 9 15 Set 2 3 6 12 Set 2 4 9 18 Set 3 2 4 7 Set 3 3 6 10 Set 4 2 4 7 Set 4 3 6 10 Set 5 3+ 5+ 9+ Set 5 5+ 8+ 14+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 10 Bicycles 2 Sets 10 Crunches 2 sets 10 Russian Twist 2 Sets 10 Planks 2 sets 15 sec Dead Bugs 2 Sets 10 V-Ups 2 sets 10 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 10 Run 1/2 lap 1 min Run 1/2 lap 1 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 2 6 10 Set 1 6 12 17 Set 2 3 6 12 Set 2 7 15 22 Set 3 2 4 7 Set 3 6 11 14 Set 4 2 4 7 Set 4 6 11 14 Set 5 3+ 5+ 9+ Set 5 8+ 15+ 20+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 10 Bicycles 2 Sets 10 Crunches 2 sets 10 Russian Twist 2 Sets 10 Planks 2 sets 15 sec Dead Bugs 2 Sets 10 V-Ups 2 sets 10 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 10 Run 1/2 lap 1 min Run 1/2 lap 1 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds betweem each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 3 6 10 Set 1 6 12 17 Set 2 4 8 12 Set 2 7 15 22 Set 3 2 6 8 Set 3 6 11 14 Set 4 3 6 8 Set 4 6 11 14 Set 5 4+ 7+ 12+ Set 5 8+ 15+ 20+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 10 Bicycles 2 Sets 10 Crunches 2 sets 10 Russian Twist 2 Sets 10 Planks 2 sets 15 sec Dead Bugs 2 Sets 10 V-Ups 2 sets 10 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 10 Run 1/2 lap 1 min Run 1/2 lap 1 min Week 2 Week 2 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 3 6 10 Set 1 5 9 15 Set 2 4 8 12 Set 2 6 12 18 Set 3 2 6 8 Set 3 3 9 15 Set 4 3 6 8 Set 4 5 9 15 Set 5 4+ 7+ 12+ Set 5 6+ 10+ 18+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 10 Bicycles 2 Sets 10 Crunches 2 sets 10 Russian Twist 2 Sets 10 Planks 2 sets 15 sec Dead Bugs 2 Sets 10 V-Ups 2 sets 10 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 10 Run 1 lap 2 min Run 1 lap 2 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 4 8 11 Set 1 6 12 17 Set 2 5 10 15 Set 2 7 15 22 Set 3 4 7 9 Set 3 6 11 14 Set 4 4 7 9 Set 4 6 11 14 Set 5 5+ 10+ 13+ Set 5 8+ 15+ 20+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 15 Bicycles 2 Sets 15 Crunches 2 sets 15 Russian Twist 2 Sets 15 Planks 2 sets 30 Secs Dead Bugs 2 Sets 15 V-Ups 2 sets 15 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 15 Run 1 lap 2 min Run 1 lap 2 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 4 8 11 Set 1 6 12 17 Set 2 5 10 15 Set 2 7 15 22 Set 3 4 7 9 Set 3 6 11 14 Set 4 4 7 9 Set 4 6 11 14 Set 5 5+ 10+ 13+ Set 5 8+ 15+ 20+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 15 Bicycles 2 Sets 15 Crunches 2 sets 15 Russian Twist 2 Sets 15 Planks 2 sets 30 Secs Dead Bugs 2 Sets 15 V-Ups 2 sets 15 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 15 Run 1 lap 2 min Run 1 lap 2 min Week 3 Week 3 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 4 9 14 Set 1 6 14 21 Set 2 6 11 14 Set 2 9 17 21 Set 3 4 8 10 Set 3 6 12 15 Set 4 4 8 10 Set 4 6 12 15 Set 5 6+ 11+ 15+ Set 5 9+ 17+ 22+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 15 Bicycles 2 Sets 15 Crunches 2 sets 15 Russian Twist 2 Sets 15 Planks 2 sets 30 Secs Dead Bugs 2 Sets 15 V-Ups 2 sets 15 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 15 Run 1.5 laps 3 min Run 1.5 laps 3 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 4 9 14 Set 1 6 14 21 Set 2 6 11 14 Set 2 9 17 21 Set 3 4 8 10 Set 3 6 12 15 Set 4 4 8 10 Set 4 6 12 15 Set 5 6+ 11+ 15+ Set 5 9+ 17+ 22+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 15 Bicycles 2 Sets 15 Crunches 2 sets 15 Russian Twist 2 Sets 15 Planks 2 sets 30 Secs Dead Bugs 2 Sets 15 V-Ups 2 sets 15 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 15 Run 1.5 laps 3 min Run 1.5 laps 3 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 90 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 5 10 14 Set 1 7 15 21 Set 2 6 12 16 Set 2 9 18 24 Set 3 4 9 12 Set 3 6 14 18 Set 4 4 9 12 Set 4 6 14 18 Set 5 7+ 13+ 17+ Set 5 11+ 20+ 26+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 20 Bicycles 2 Sets 20 Crunches 2 sets 20 Russian Twist 2 Sets 20 Planks 2 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 2 Sets 20 V-Ups 2 sets 20 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 20 Run 1.5 laps 3 min Run 1.5 laps 3 min Week 4 Week 4 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 90 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 5 10 14 Set 1 7 15 21 Set 2 6 12 16 Set 2 9 18 24 Set 3 4 9 12 Set 3 6 14 18 Set 4 4 9 12 Set 4 6 14 18 Set 5 7+ 13+ 17+ Set 5 11+ 20+ 26+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 20 Bicycles 2 Sets 20 Crunches 2 sets 20 Russian Twist 2 Sets 20 Planks 2 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 2 Sets 20 V-Ups 2 sets 20 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 20 Run 2 laps 4 min Run 2 laps 4 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 120 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 5 12 16 Set 1 8 18 24 Set 2 7 13 17 Set 2 12 20 25 Set 3 5 10 14 Set 3 8 15 21 Set 4 5 10 14 Set 4 8 15 21 Set 5 8+ 15+ 20+ Set 5 12+ 23+ 30+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 20 Bicycles 2 Sets 20 Crunches 2 sets 20 Russian Twist 2 Sets 20 Planks 2 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 2 Sets 20 V-Ups 2 sets 20 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 20 Run 2 laps 4 min Run 2 laps 4 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 120 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups <5 6-10 11-20 Situps <10 11-20 21-30 Set 1 5 12 16 Set 1 8 18 24 Set 2 7 13 17 Set 2 12 20 25 Set 3 5 10 14 Set 3 8 15 21 Set 4 5 10 14 Set 4 8 15 21 Set 5 8+ 15+ 20+ Set 5 12+ 23+ 30+ Flutter Kicks 2 sets 20 Bicycles 2 Sets 20 Crunches 2 sets 20 Russian Twist 2 Sets 20 Planks 2 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 2 Sets 20 V-Ups 2 sets 20 Bird Dogs 2 Sets 20 Run 2 laps 4 min Run 2 laps 4 min

SUNDAY: EXHAUSTION TEST! As many pushups/situps as you can do to prepare for next phase Week 5 Week 5 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 10 12 14 Set 1 15 18 21 Set 2 12 17 18 Set 2 18 25 27 Set 3 7 13 14 Set 3 11 19 21 Set 4 7 13 14 Set 4 11 19 21 Set 5 9+ 17+ 20+ Set 5 14+ 25+ 30+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 15 Bicycles 3 sets 15 Crunches 3 sets 15 Russian Twist 3 sets 15 Planks 3 sets 30 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 15 V-Ups 3 sets 15 Bird Dogs 3 sets 15 Run 2.5 laps 5 min Run 2.5 laps 5 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 10 12 14 Set 1 15 18 21 Set 2 12 17 18 Set 2 18 25 27 Set 3 7 13 14 Set 3 11 19 21 Set 4 7 13 14 Set 4 11 19 21 Set 5 9+ 17+ 20+ Set 5 14+ 25+ 30+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 15 Bicycles 3 sets 15 Crunches 3 sets 15 Russian Twist 3 sets 15 Planks 3 sets 30 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 15 V-Ups 3 sets 15 Bird Dogs 3 sets 15 Run 2.5 laps 5 min Run 2.5 laps 5 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 90 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 10 14 20 Set 1 15 21 30 Set 2 12 19 25 Set 2 18 28 38 Set 3 8 14 15 Set 3 12 21 23 Set 4 8 14 15 Set 4 12 21 23 Set 5 12+ 19+ 25+ Set 5 18+ 28+ 38+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 15 Bicycles 3 sets 15 Crunches 3 sets 15 Russian Twist 3 sets 15 Planks 3 sets 30 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 15 V-Ups 3 sets 15 Bird Dogs 3 sets 15 Run 2.5 laps 5 min Run 2.5 laps 5 min Week 6 Week 6 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 90 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 10 14 20 Set 1 15 21 30 Set 2 12 19 25 Set 2 18 28 38 Set 3 8 14 15 Set 3 12 21 23 Set 4 8 14 15 Set 4 12 21 23 Set 5 12+ 19+ 25+ Set 5 18+ 28+ 38+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 15 Bicycles 3 sets 15 Crunches 3 sets 15 Russian Twist 3 sets 15 Planks 3 sets 30 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 15 V-Ups 3 sets 15 Bird Dogs 3 sets 15 Run 3 laps 6 min Run 3 laps 6 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 120 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 11 16 22 Set 1 17 24 33 Set 2 13 21 30 Set 2 20 32 42 Set 3 9 15 20 Set 3 14 23 30 Set 4 9 15 20 Set 4 14 23 30 Set 5 13+ 21+ 28+ Set 5 20+ 32+ 45+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 20 Bicycles 3 sets 20 Crunches 3 sets 20 Russian Twist 3 sets 20 Planks 3 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 20 V-Ups 3 sets 20 Bird Dogs 3 sets 20 Run 3 laps 6 min Run 3 laps 6 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 120 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 11 16 22 Set 1 17 24 33 Set 2 13 21 30 Set 2 20 32 42 Set 3 9 15 20 Set 3 14 23 30 Set 4 9 15 20 Set 4 14 23 30 Set 5 13+ 21+ 28+ Set 5 20+ 32+ 45+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 20 Bicycles 3 sets 20 Crunches 3 sets 20 Russian Twist 3 sets 20 Planks 3 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 20 V-Ups 3 sets 20 Bird Dogs 3 sets 20 Run 3 laps 6 min Run 3 laps 6 min Week 7 Week 7 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 12 18 21 Set 1 18 27 32 Set 2 14 22 25 Set 2 21 33 38 Set 3 11 16 21 Set 3 17 24 32 Set 4 10 16 21 Set 4 15 24 32 Set 5 16+ 25+ 32+ Set 5 24+ 38+ 48+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 20 Bicycles 3 sets 20 Crunches 3 sets 20 Russian Twist 3 sets 20 Planks 3 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 20 V-Ups 3 sets 20 Bird Dogs 3 sets 20 Run 3.5 laps 7 min Run 3.5 laps 7 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 12 18 21 Set 1 18 27 32 Set 2 14 22 25 Set 2 21 33 38 Set 3 11 16 21 Set 3 17 24 32 Set 4 10 16 21 Set 4 15 24 32 Set 5 16+ 25+ 32+ Set 5 24+ 38+ 48+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 20 Bicycles 3 sets 20 Crunches 3 sets 20 Russian Twist 3 sets 20 Planks 3 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 20 V-Ups 3 sets 20 Bird Dogs 3 sets 20 Run 3.5 laps 7 min Run 3.5 laps 7 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 90 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 14 20 25 Set 1 21 3 38 Set 2 16 25 29 Set 2 24 38 45 Set 3 12 20 25 Set 3 18 30 38 Set 4 12 20 25 Set 4 18 30 38 Set 5 18+ 28+ 36+ Set 5 27+ 42+ 54+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 25 Bicycles 3 sets 25 Crunches 3 sets 25 Russian Twist 3 sets 25 Planks 3 sets 60 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 25 V-Ups 3 sets 25 Bird Dogs 3 sets 25 Run 3.5 laps 7 min Run 3.5 laps 7 min Week 8 Week 8 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 90 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 14 20 25 Set 1 21 3 38 Set 2 16 25 29 Set 2 24 38 45 Set 3 12 20 25 Set 3 18 30 38 Set 4 12 20 25 Set 4 18 30 38 Set 5 18+ 28+ 36+ Set 5 27+ 42+ 54+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 25 Bicycles 3 sets 25 Crunches 3 sets 25 Russian Twist 3 sets 25 Planks 3 sets 60 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 25 V-Ups 3 sets 25 Bird Dogs 3 sets 25 Run 4 laps 8 min Run 4 laps 8 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 120 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 16 23 29 Set 1 24 35 45+ Set 2 18 28 33 Set 2 27 42 50 Set 3 13 23 29 Set 3 20 35 45 Set 4 13 23 29 Set 4 20 35 45 Set 5 20+ 33+ 40+ Set 5 30+ 50+ 60+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 25 Bicycles 3 sets 25 Crunches 3 sets 25 Russian Twist 3 sets 25 Planks 3 sets 60 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 25 V-Ups 3 sets 25 Bird Dogs 3 sets 25 Run 4 laps 8 min Run 4 laps 8 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 120 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 16-20 21-25 >25 Situps 21-30 31-40 >40 Set 1 16 23 29 Set 1 24 35 45+ Set 2 18 28 33 Set 2 27 42 50 Set 3 13 23 29 Set 3 20 35 45 Set 4 13 23 29 Set 4 20 35 45 Set 5 20+ 33+ 40+ Set 5 30+ 50+ 60+ Flutter Kicks 3 sets 25 Bicycles 3 sets 25 Crunches 3 sets 25 Russian Twist 3 sets 25 Planks 3 sets 60 sec Dead Bugs 3 sets 25 V-Ups 3 sets 25 Bird Dogs 3 sets 25 Run 4 laps 8 min Run 4 laps 8 min

SUNDAY: EXHAUSTION TEST! As many pushups/situps as you can do to prepare for next phase Week 9 Week 9 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 31-35 36-40 >40 Situps 41-50 51-60 >60 Set 1 17 28 36 Set 1 26 42 54 Set 2 19 35 40 Set 2 30 52 60 Set 3 15 25 30 Set 3 23 38 45 Set 4 15 22 24 Set 4 23 33 36 Set 5 20+ 35+ 40+ Set 5 30+ 52+ 60+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 20 Bicycles 4 sets 20 Crunches 4 sets 20 Russian Twist 4 sets 20 Planks 4 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 4 sets 20 V-Ups 4 sets 20 Bird Dogs 4 sets 20 Run 4.5 laps 9 min Run 4.5 laps 9 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 31-35 36-40 >40 Situps 41-50 51-60 >60 Set 1 17 28 36 Set 1 26 42 54 Set 2 19 35 40 Set 2 30 52 60 Set 3 15 25 30 Set 3 23 38 45 Set 4 15 22 24 Set 4 23 33 36 Set 5 20+ 35+ 40+ Set 5 30+ 52+ 60+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 20 Bicycles 4 sets 20 Crunches 4 sets 20 Russian Twist 4 sets 20 Planks 4 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 4 sets 20 V-Ups 4 sets 20 Bird Dogs 4 sets 20 Run 4.5 laps 9 min Run 4.5 laps 9 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 45 Seconds between each set Rest 45 Seconds between each set Pushups 31-35 36-40 >40 Situps 41-50 51-60 >60 Set 1 10 18 19 Set 1 15 27 30 Set 2 10 18 19 Set 2 15 27 30 Set 3 13 20 22 Set 3 20 30 36 Set 4 13 20 22 Set 4 20 30 36 Set 5 10 14 18 Set 5 15 21 27 Set 6 10 14 18 Set 6 15 21 27 Set 7 9 16 22 Set 7 15 24 33 Set 8 25+ 40+ 45+ Set 8 38+ 60+ 70+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 20 Bicycles 4 sets 20 Crunches 4 sets 20 Russian Twist 4 sets 20 Planks 4 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 4 sets 20 V-Ups 4 sets 20 Bird Dogs 4 sets 20 Run 4.5 laps 9 min Run 4.5 laps 9 min Week 10 Week 10 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 45 Seconds between each set Rest 45 Seconds between each set Pushups 31-35 36-40 >40 Situps 41-50 51-60 >60 Set 1 10 18 19 Set 1 15 27 30 Set 2 10 18 19 Set 2 15 27 30 Set 3 13 20 22 Set 3 20 30 36 Set 4 13 20 22 Set 4 20 30 36 Set 5 10 14 18 Set 5 15 21 27 Set 6 10 14 18 Set 6 15 21 27 Set 7 9 16 22 Set 7 15 24 33 Set 8 25+ 40+ 45+ Set 8 38+ 60+ 70+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 20 Bicycles 4 sets 20 Crunches 4 sets 20 Russian Twist 4 sets 20 Planks 4 sets 45 sec Dead Bugs 4 sets 20 V-Ups 4 sets 20 Bird Dogs 4 sets 20 Run 5 laps 10 min Run 5 laps 10 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 45 Seconds between each set Pushups 31-35 36-40 >40 Situps 41-50 51-60 >60 Set 1 13 18 20 Set 1 18 26 30 Set 2 13 18 20 Set 2 18 26 30 Set 3 15 20 24 Set 3 22 30 36 Set 4 15 20 24 Set 4 22 30 36 Set 5 12 17 20 Set 5 18 26 30 Set 6 12 17 20 Set 6 18 26 30 Set 7 10 20 22 Set 7 15 30 40 Set 8 30+ 45+ 50+ Set 8 45+ 67+ 75+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 25 Bicycles 4 sets 25 Crunches 4 sets 25 Russian Twist 4 sets 25 Planks 4 sets 60 sec Dead Bugs 4 sets 25 V-Ups 4 sets 25 Bird Dogs 4 sets 25 Run 5 laps 10 min Run 5 laps 10 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 45 Seconds between each set Pushups 31-35 36-40 >40 Situps 41-50 51-60 >60 Set 1 13 18 20 Set 1 18 26 30 Set 2 13 18 20 Set 2 18 26 30 Set 3 15 20 24 Set 3 22 30 36 Set 4 15 20 24 Set 4 22 30 36 Set 5 12 17 20 Set 5 18 26 30 Set 6 12 17 20 Set 6 18 26 30 Set 7 10 20 22 Set 7 15 30 40 Set 8 30+ 45+ 50+ Set 8 45+ 67+ 75+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 25 Bicycles 4 sets 25 Crunches 4 sets 25 Russian Twist 4 sets 25 Planks 4 sets 60 sec Dead Bugs 4 sets 25 V-Ups 4 sets 25 Bird Dogs 4 sets 25 Run 5 laps 10 min Run 5 laps 10 min

SUNDAY: EXHAUSTION TEST! Week 11 Week 11 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 46-50 51-60 >60 Situps 75-90 91-110 >110 Set 1 25 40 45 Set 1 38 60 70 Set 2 30 50 55 Set 2 45 75 85 Set 3 20 25 35 Set 3 30 38 52 Set 4 15 25 30 Set 4 22 35 45 Set 5 40+ 50+ 55+ Set 5 60+ 75+ 85+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 25 Bicycles 4 sets 25 Crunches 4 sets 25 Russian Twist 4 sets 25 Planks 4 sets 60 sec Dead Bugs 4 sets 25 V-Ups 4 sets 25 Bird Dogs 4 sets 25 Run 5.5 laps 11 min Run 5.5 laps 11 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 60 Seconds between each set Rest 60 Seconds between each set Pushups 46-50 51-60 >60 Situps 75-90 91-110 >110 Set 1 25 40 45 Set 1 38 60 70 Set 2 30 50 55 Set 2 45 75 85 Set 3 20 25 35 Set 3 30 38 52 Set 4 15 25 30 Set 4 22 35 45 Set 5 40+ 50+ 55+ Set 5 60+ 75+ 85+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 25 Bicycles 4 sets 25 Crunches 4 sets 25 Russian Twist 4 sets 25 Planks 4 sets 60 sec Dead Bugs 4 sets 25 V-Ups 4 sets 25 Bird Dogs 4 sets 25 Run 5.5 laps 11 min Run 5.5 laps 11 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 45 Seconds between each set Rest 45 Seconds between each set Pushups 46-50 51-60 >60 Situps 75-90 91-110 >110 Set 1 14 20 22 Set 1 21 30 33 Set 2 14 20 22 Set 2 21 30 33 Set 3 15 23 30 Set 3 23 35 45 Set 4 15 23 30 Set 4 23 35 45 Set 5 14 20 24 Set 5 21 30 36 Set 6 14 20 24 Set 6 21 30 36 Set 7 10 18 18 Set 7 15 27 32 Set 8 10 18 18 Set 8 15 27 32 Set 9 44+ 53+ 58+ Set 9 66+ 80+ 90+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 30 Bicycles 4 sets 30 Crunches 4 sets 30 Russian Twist 4 sets 30 Planks 4 sets 1:15 Dead Bugs 4 sets 30 V-Ups 4 sets 30 Bird Dogs 4 sets 30 Run 5.5 laps 11 min Run 5.5 laps 11 min Week 12 Week 12 Monday-Pushups Tuesday-Situps Rest 45 Seconds between each set Rest 45 Seconds between each set Pushups 46-50 51-60 >60 Situps 75-90 91-110 >110 Set 1 14 20 22 Set 1 21 30 33 Set 2 14 20 22 Set 2 21 30 33 Set 3 15 23 30 Set 3 23 35 45 Set 4 15 23 30 Set 4 23 35 45 Set 5 14 20 24 Set 5 21 30 36 Set 6 14 20 24 Set 6 21 30 36 Set 7 10 18 18 Set 7 15 27 32 Set 8 10 18 18 Set 8 15 27 32 Set 9 44+ 53+ 58+ Set 9 66+ 80+ 90+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 30 Bicycles 4 sets 30 Crunches 4 sets 30 Russian Twist 4 sets 30 Planks 4 sets 1:15 Dead Bugs 4 sets 30 V-Ups 4 sets 30 Bird Dogs 4 sets 30 Run 6 laps 12 min Run 6 laps 12 min

Wednesday-Pushups Thursday-Situps Rest 45 Seconds between each set Rest 45 Seconds between each set Pushups 46-50 51-60 >60 Situps 75-90 91-110 >110 Set 1 13 22 26 Set 1 20 33 39 Set 2 13 22 26 Set 2 20 33 39 Set 3 17 30 33 Set 3 26 45 50 Set 4 17 30 33 Set 4 26 45 50 Set 5 16 25 26 Set 5 24 34 39 Set 6 16 25 26 Set 6 24 34 39 Set 7 14 18 22 Set 7 21 27 33 Set 8 14 18 22 Set 8 21 27 33 Set 9 50+ 55+ 60+ Set 9 75+ 90+ 105+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 30 Bicycles 4 sets 30 Crunches 4 sets 30 Russian Twist 4 sets 30 Planks 4 sets 1:15 Dead Bugs 4 sets 30 V-Ups 4 sets 30 Bird Dogs 4 sets 30 Run 6 laps 12 min Run 6 laps 12 min

Friday-Pushups Saturday-Situps Rest 45 Seconds between each set Rest 45 Seconds between each set Pushups 46-50 51-60 >60 Situps 75-90 91-110 >110 Set 1 13 22 26 Set 1 20 33 39 Set 2 13 22 26 Set 2 20 33 39 Set 3 17 30 33 Set 3 26 45 50 Set 4 17 30 33 Set 4 26 45 50 Set 5 16 25 26 Set 5 24 34 39 Set 6 16 25 26 Set 6 24 34 39 Set 7 14 18 22 Set 7 21 27 33 Set 8 14 18 22 Set 8 21 27 33 Set 9 50+ 55+ 60+ Set 9 75+ 90+ 105+ Flutter Kicks 4 sets 30 Bicycles 4 sets 30 Crunches 4 sets 30 Russian Twist 4 sets 30 Planks 4 sets 1:15 Dead Bugs 4 sets 30 V-Ups 4 sets 30 Bird Dogs 4 sets 30 Run 6 laps 12 min Run 6 laps 12 min

Dynamic Warm-up

Set up a 10-yd course and perform each exercise for that distance. In-between exercises jog and backpedal for 10 yards before moving on to the next exercise:

Knee Hugs - Start with the feet positioned side-by-side, one knee is pulled to the chest by the arms with the ankle dorsi-flexed (toes pulled toward shin). The upper body remains upright. The stepping action is cycled through for the desired distance.

High Knees – Start with the feet positioned side-by-side, pick up your knees as high as possible and changing feet as quickly as possible. Maintain a slight forward lean and use your arms as if sprinting.

Quad Stretch – Start with the feet positioned side-by-side, one foot is pulled up toward the back and caught with one hand, with the body remaining upright. Release the foot and step forward, picking up the opposite foot and “catching” it behind you in the same manner. The stepping action is cycled through for the desired distance.

Butt Kicks – Start with the feet positioned side-by-side, one foot is pulled up toward the back as far as possible and as fast as possible in a running pattern. Maintain a slight forward lean and use your arms as if sprinting.

Lunges - Start with feet hip width apart. With opposite arm action, step forward with right leg up and over the left knee and lower the body down until the right thigh is parallel to the ground. Advance forward and take another step with the left leg. Repeat in a cyclical action. When reaching the desired distance, step backwards to backward for the next drill.

Genie – Start with feet positioned side-by-side. Pick up the right foot, placing the right ankle across the left knee. Keeping the right foot in position, on the left leg as far down as possible, attempting to get the right shin parallel with the ground (this should stretch the hip and down the side of your leg!).

Shuffle - Start with feet positioned side-by-side with left shoulder facing the intended direction. The left leg takes a lateral step. The right leg then slides to reinstate the original width between the feet.

High Skips - Skip on the right foot and at the same time, drive your left knee up as high as it will go. Then repeat with the left foot skipping and the right knee driving up. Use a double arm swing to generate as much vertical momentum as possible.

Ballerina Walk – Start with feet positioned side-by-side. Keep your right leg straight and swing it up as high as possible, trying to touch your opposite and stretched out hand. Walk forward with each step and repeat with the left leg.

Inchworms - Stand with your feet at hip width. Hinge forward at the waist and touch the floor with your palms keeping legs as straight as possible. Walk your hands forward until you are supporting all your weight on your hands and toes. Your body should make a straight line and your hands should line up with your shoulders. your hips forward for a stretch, and then walk your feet forward to meet your hands. Keep your palms on the floor to begin the next rep and repeat for the given distance.

Sprint Workout Perform sprint workout routines two times a week. Allow at least one to two days of rest or another easy exercise between sprint workouts. Sprint Exercise #1 Warmup. Before sprints, warm up thoroughly with easy exercise for 5-10 minutes. The exercises used to warm up should help to prevent injury while sprinting. Sprint. Perform your first sprint at about 60 percent max intensity. If you feel any muscle tightness or joint pain, back off and continue to warm up. Recover. Recover for 2 minutes by slowing to a comfortable pace, but keep moving. This can be an easy jog or a walk, depending on your fitness. Sprint. Perform your next sprint at about 80 percent max intensity. Recover. Recover for 2 minutes. Sprint. Perform the remainder of your sprints at 100 percent max intensity or all-out efforts of 30 seconds. You should be pushing yourself to the max for each one. Recover. Recover for 2 to 4 minutes after each sprint to allow your breathing and heart rate to slow to the point that you can hold a conversation without gasping. Repeat. Repeat the sprint/recovery routine 4-8 times depending on your level and ability. For your first workout, you will want to stop at 4 sprints progressing to 8 sprints. Sprint Exercise #2 Mark off 50 and 100 yards, then perform the sprints described below. Rest 30 seconds between rounds 1 through 5, one minute between rounds 6 through 10. Round 1: 50 yards at half speed, backpedal to return Round 2: 50 yards at half speed, backpedal to return Round 3: 50 yards at three-quarters speed, backpedal to return Round 4: 50 yards at three-quarters speed, backpedal to return Round 5: 50 yards at full speed, backpedal to return Round 6: 100 yards at half speed, backpedal to return Round 7: 100 yards at half speed, backpedal to return Round 8: 100 yards at three-quarters speed, backpedal to return Round 9: 100 yards at three-quarters speed, backpedal to return Round 10: 100 yards at full speed, backpedal to return

Bench Press Workout Since the goal is to improve bench press strength, lifting frequently is important. We suggest 48 to 72 hours between lifts (Ex. Mondays and Thursdays). This rest period will give your body time to recover. Another important suggestion to a stronger bench is to train muscles used during the bench press like back, shoulder, and legs. Below is a 12 week bench-press program that is simple and effective for beginners. Before starting, a 1-rep max is required. A 1-rep max is seeing how much you can lift one time. The 1-rep max will be used to determine how much weight is lifted during the workout routine. Remember, safety is important. Anytime you are bench pressing, a spotter is highly recommended! The following is a weekly workout for benching. The first column list the week along with the number of sets. It also includes the number reps per set. The second column (% of 1 rep max) shows how much weight should be lifted per set. For example, Week 1 has 3x15 in the first column. This is 3 sets of 15 reps per set. The second column for Week 1 shows 60-70-80. These are the percentages of your 1 rep max that should be lifted. 60% of 1 rep max for the first set, 70% of 1 rep max for second set and 80% of 1 rep max for the third set. The last column gives an example if your 1 rep max is 200lbs.

Beginner Bench Press

Sets x Reps % of 1 rep max Ex. 200 max / Weights +/- Week 1 3x15 60-70-80 120-140-160 Week 2 3x10 65-75-85 130-150-170 Week 3 3x5 75-85-90 150-170-180 Week 4 (Max Day) Ex. 210 +/- max Week 5 5x5 75 160 Week 6 1x6,1x6,1x2,1x6,1x8 60-80-90-80-70 125-170-190-170-145 Week 7 4x4 85 180 Week 8 1x8,1x6,1x4,1x2 70- 85-95-98 147-178-199-205 Week 9 (Max Day) Ex. 220 +/- max Week 10 1x6,1x6,1x2,1x6,1x8 60-80-90-80-70 132-176-198-176-154 Week 11 5x5 85 187 Week 12 1x8,1x6,1x4,1x2 70-85-95-98 154-187-209-215 Exercise Reference Guide Push-ups

Hands - Shoulder width apart, but no more than a foot wider than shoulder width - Fingers spread out and connected to the floor with arch in hand maintained, wrist in neutral to avoid shoulder IR causing increased strain and decreasing work performed by chest and triceps. - Head up, chin tucked in line with your body. Ears should line up with shoulders. - Keep your core tight, spine in neutral.

Hips - Keep them aligned - Having your hips too high not only reduces the benefit to your core, but it also places more stress on your shoulders. Hips too low causes an increase in the lordosis (curve of your low back – see image), and therefore increases pressure on the facet joints in your spine. - Bend your elbows before lowering; this will keep you from collapsing through the core or scapula. - Think about lengthening in the shoulder or pulling out on the elbows to keep it out of your neck and upper traps.

Shoulders - Keep the shoulders straight - Having your shoulders rounded diminishes the benefits to your core, as well as feeds into poor balance of postural musculature which can lead to neck, shoulder and/or back issues. - Stop at 90 degrees of elbow flexion. Do not touch your chest to the floor unless you want to put strain on the shoulder joint rather than your muscles. - Do not look up. This hyperextends your neck.

Feet - Heels aligned with the head shoulders and hips.

Note: Insure that you come all the way up, returning to the up position with a soft extension of the elbow. This is one complete repetition.

CORE Sit-Ups

Starting Position

Lay on your back with feet flat on the floor, no wider than hips width apart and secured.

- Spotter or object holds the individuals ankles or feet. If an individual is being used to secure feet, their knees should be on the outside of your feet. - Subjects knees are bent at 90 degree or tighter ( close to the feet) - When you begin, bring yourself up to the point where the elbows cross the vertical plane of the knees (inside, outside, or over the top). - Lower yourself until the shoulder blades touch the floor. - Do not hike the hips, your hips must remain in contact with the floor at all times

Flutter Kicks

Lie on your back with legs extended and your arms alongside your hips, palms down. - Lift your legs 4 to 6 inches off the floor. - Press your lower back into the mat. - Keep your legs straight as you rhythmically raise one leg higher, then switch.


Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed into the ground (pull your navel into also target your deep abs). - Start off lying on the floor, face up, with your legs bent and feet on the floor. Reach your arms up towards the ceiling. Before you start the movement, engage your core by drawing your belling button and waist down towards your spine. - Also, tuck your chin in slightly as if you’re holding a tennis ball between your chin and chest. - Put your hands behind your head, then bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground, but be sure not to pull on your neck. - Straighten your right leg out to about a 45-degree angle to the ground while turning your upper body to the left, bringing your right elbow towards the left knee. - Make sure your rib cage is moving and not just your elbows. - Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side to complete one repetition.


Slowly tense your upper abdominals to lift your head, neck, shoulders and upper back off the floor as you reach forwards and up with your hands. - Keep your lower back on the floor and do not let it arch away from the floor as you lift you upper body off the floor. - From the top position, slowly lower your upper back, then shoulders, neck, head and back to the floor ready for the next repetition. - Continue this small focused movement and contraction of your core muscles for the duration of the exercise.


From the pushup position, only your on the ground instead of your hands. - Squeeze your glutes and tighten your abdominals. - Keep a neutral neck and spine. - Create a straight, strong line from head to toe. - Hold that position until time is completed. Russian Twist

Lie down on the floor placing your feet either under something that will not move or by having a partner holding them. Your legs should be bent at the knees. - Elevate your upper body so that it creates an imaginary V-shape with your thighs. - Your arms should be fully extended in front of you perpendicular to your torso and with the hands clasped. This is the starting position. - Twist your torso to the right side until your arms are parallel with the floor while breathing out. - Hold the contraction for a second and move back to the starting position while breathing out. Now move to the opposite side performing the same techniques you applied to the right side.


Lie face up on the floor with your legs and arms straight out and hold your arms straight above the top of your head. - In one movement, simultaneously lift your torso and legs as if you’re trying to touch your toes. - Your torso and thighs should form a letter “V”. - Lower your body back to the starting position. Bird Dogs Be on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips. - Pull your abs in to your spine. - Keeping your back and pelvis still, reach your right arm forward and left leg back. - Don’t allow the pelvis to rock side to side as you move your leg behind you. Focus on not letting the rib cage sag toward the floor. Reach through your left heel to engage the muscles in the back of the leg and your rear-end. - Return to the starting position, placing your hand and knee on the floor. Repeat on the other side to complete one repetition. Dead Bug Lie down and bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor. - Tighten your abs and raise your bent legs so your knees are over your hips, bringing both arms up halfway overhead. - Move one arm up while straightening out the opposite leg and not letting it touch the floor. - Keep your abs tight coming back to the starting position. Repeat the other side. Proper Running Form

Head Tilt How you hold your head is key to overall posture, which determines how efficiently you run. Let your gaze guide you. - Look ahead naturally, not down at your feet, and scan the horizon. This will straighten your neck and back, and bring them into alignment. - Don't allow your chin to jut out.

Shoulders Shoulders play an important role in keeping your upper body relaxed while you run, which is critical to maintaining efficient running posture. - For optimum performance, your shoulders should be low and loose, not high and tight. As you tire on a run, don't let them creep up toward your ears. If they do, shake them out to release the tension. - Your shoulders also need to remain level and shouldn't dip from side to side with each stride. Arms Even though running is primarily a lower-body activity, your arms aren't just along for the ride. - Your hands control the tension in your upper body, while your arm swing works in conjunction with your leg stride to drive you forward. - Keep your hands in an unclenched fist, with your fingers lightly touching your palms. Imagine yourself trying to carry a potato chip in each hand without crushing it. - Your arms should swing mostly forward and back, not across your body, between waist and lower-chest level. Your elbows should be bent at about a 90-degree angle. - When you feel your fists clenching or your forearms tensing, drop your arms to your sides and shake them out for a few seconds to release the tension.

Torso The position of your torso while running is affected by the position of your head and shoulders. - With your head up and looking ahead and your shoulders low and loose, your torso and back naturally straighten to allow you to run in an efficient, upright position that promotes optimal lung capacity and stride length. - Many track coaches describe this ideal torso position as "running tall" and it means you need to stretch yourself up to your full height with your back comfortably straight. If you start to slouch during a run take a deep breath and feel yourself naturally straighten. As you exhale simply maintain that upright position. Hips Your hips are your center of gravity, so they're key to good running posture. - The proper position of your torso while running helps to ensure your hips will also be in the ideal position. - With your torso and back comfortably upright and straight, your hips naturally fall into proper alignment--pointing you straight ahead. If you allow your torso to hunch over or lean too far forward during a run, your pelvis will tilt forward as well, which can put pressure on your lower back and throw the rest of your lower body out of alignment. - When trying to gauge the position of your hips, think of your pelvis as a bowl filled with marbles, then try not to spill the marbles by tilting the bowl. Legs/Stride While sprinters need to lift their knees high to achieve maximum leg power, distance runners don't need such an exaggerated knee lift--it's simply too hard to sustain for any length of time. - Instead, efficient endurance running requires just a slight knee lift, a quick leg turnover, and a short stride. Together, these will facilitate fluid forward movement instead of diverting (and wasting) energy. - When running with the proper stride length, your feet should land directly underneath your body. As your foot strikes the ground, your knee should be slightly flexed so that it can bend naturally on impact. - If your lower leg (below the knee) extends out in front of your body, your stride is too long.

Ankles/Feet To run well, you need to push off the ground with maximum force. With each step, your foot should hit the ground lightly--landing between your heel and midfoot--then quickly roll forward. - Keep your ankle flexed as your foot rolls forward to create more force for push-off. As you roll onto your toes, try to spring off the ground. You should feel your calf muscles propelling you forward on each step. Your feet should not slap loudly as they hit the ground. - Good running is springy and quiet.

Bench Press Form Body position: eyes directly below the bar, feet flat on the floor, both hands clasp the bar with a full thumb wrap. Hips and back must remain in contact with the bench during the entire lift Feet must remain flat on the floor during the entire lift. Lower the bar, without bouncing off the chest, and from the down position, the bar is raised towards the ceiling, until a full, yet soft extension of the elbows is obtained. Special Note: Performing the bench press on a universal or machine-based piece of equipment can be significantly different than performing the bench press using free weights. Many universal or machine- based bench press apparatuses do not allow you to take in to account balance issues or the full weight through your entire range of motion.

Tests will be administered using free weights, and as such, it is advised that training and/or preparation be practiced similarly.