I, rhe Chaiman of Standing Committee on Defence have the honor to present this repo( on the Bill to provide for constitutioo afld rcgulatior of the Joint Madtime Infomation Organization [The Joint Madtime Information Orgaaization Bill, Z0l9(Govemment Bill) rcfened to the Committee on 1 3tt September, 20 I 9.

2. The Committee consists t}le following: -

l. Mr. Amjid Ali Khan Chairmalt 2. Mr. Tahir Sadiq Member 3. Chaudhary Fadukh Altaf Member 4. Syed Faiz-ul-Hassan Member 5. Ms. Kanwal Shauzab Member 6. Mr. Aurangzeb Khan I(hichi Member '7. Mr. Jamil Ahmed Khan Member 8. Dr. Ramesh Kumar Vankwani Member 9. Syed Amin-ul-Haque Member 10. Mr. Ghous Bux Khan Mahar Member 11. Ms. Rubina Lfan Member t2. Ch. Muhammad BarjeesTahir Member 13. Mr. Riaz ul Haq Member 14. Mr. Muharnmad Khan Daha Member 15. Mr. Alan Dad Laleka Member 16. Mian Riaz Hussain Pirz ada Member 17. Mr. Khwsheed Ahmed Junejo Member 18. Mr. Aftab Shahban Mirani Member 19. Mir Amer Ali Kha:r Magsi Member 20. \4r. Salahuddin Ayubi Member )l Mr. Pervez Khattak, Ex-officio Member Minister for Defence

3. The Committee considered the Billplaced at Annexure-'A' in its m€eting held on 166 October, 2019 alrd recornmends that it may be passed by the Assembly.

sd/- (AMJID ALI KHAN) Chairman sd/- Standing Committee on Defence (TAHIR HUSSAIN) Secretarv Istamabad, the 86 Jatruary, 2020 Atr[,'\ -A IAS REPORTED BY STANDING COMMITTEE]


to provide for constitution and regulation of the Joint Maritime Information Organization

WIIERIAS it is expedient to constitute a Joint Maritime Information

Organization to syn€rgize efforts of all organizations ard agencies, inlormation sharing for Maritime Securily and to provide for matters oonnected therewith or ancillary thereto;

It is hereby enacted as follows:-

1. Short title, extent, application and commencement' -(1) This Act may

be called the Joint Maritime Information Organization Act,20l9'

(2) It extends to the whole of .

(3) It shall apply to all Miniskies, Divisions, departments and agencies

related to maritirae sector including the Iaw enforcement agencies at sea, specified in

Schedule-I to this Act.

(4) It shall oome into force at once in the 1. Definitious.-(1) In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant

subject or context,-

(a) "concemed agencies" means those agencies, departments,

Divisions and Ministries which are specified in Schedule-I;

I (t) "Directot" means the in command of JMICC apf,ointed under sub-section (2) ofsection 3;

(c) "Joint Maritime Information Organization" mezms the

Joint Maritime Information Organization established under r;ection


(d) "Joint Maritime Information and Coordination Centrp,, o1

"JMICC" means the Joint Maritime Infonnation and Coordination

Ceotre, established under clause (a) of sub-sec.tion (2) ofsection 5:

(e) "madtime interests ofPakistan" includes rights, control, jurisdiction

and sovereignty over maritime zones and the sovereign rijlhts of

Pakistan to explore, exploit, conserve, manage the living ar,d non-

living resources atrd oth€r activities for economic exploitation,

exploration and to safeguard the unauthorized exploitation oi

resources of Pakistan seas, sub-soil and prevention thereto liom

damage through pollution or any other means;

(0 "maritime zones" mean the territodal sea, the contiguou:; zone,

continental shelf and exclusive economic zone of Pakilitan as

defined in the 'Iemitorial Waters and Maritime Zones Act., 1976

(L-XXX[ of 1976\, or any other zone or area declared as such by

the Federal Government and includes the intemal waters;

(g) "maritime dornain awareness" means the effective underslanding

of aaything associated with the maritime domain that coukl

impact the security, safety, econom)/ or environment of the county,

?- (h) "prescribed,' means prescribed by rules made under this Act; and

(i) "rules" means rules made under this Act.

(2) AII words and expressions used but not defined in this Act shall, unless the context otherwise requires, have the same meanings as assigned thereto by the

Pakistan Nary Ordinance, 1961 Q

3. Constitution of Organization.-( 1) The Federal Govemment may by notification in the official Cazette, constitute a Joint Maritime Information

Organization (JMIO).

(?) The JMIO shall consisr of a Director to be appointed by the Naval headquarters from amongst the offtcers of and such other officers and msmbers ofthe staff for smooth functioning of the organization as may be prescribed.

(3) The head of concemed agency shall be authorized to appoint, depute or attach officers including civilial officers and other members of the stafl to JMICC and duties to be performed by these officers or staff may be determined by the


(4) The JMIO shall be manned by officers and staff of Pakistan Nary and representatives of concemed agencies on deputation or attachment from respective concemed agency.

4. Control, superintonderce, command and administration of the

JMIO.- Subject to overall control of the Division to which business of defence of

Pakistan stands allocated and superintendence of the Pakist:r Naly, the command and administration of JMIO shall vest in JMICC and shall be exercised by the

Director as its chief executive in accordalce rvith the provisions of ttris Act and the rules made thereundcr. 3- 5. Powers and functions of JMIO.- (1) All concemed agencies t,hall be responsible to share information with JMICC on terrorism, subversive and :riminal activities which include human trafficking, illegal axms transportation, smuggling ol. contraband goods, drug trafhcking and iilegal frshing etc. JMICC shall be reslronsiblo to coordinate and disseminate actionable information with the concemed allency tr-.r generate immediate and effective response.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (l), the functions ofthe JMIO shall be to-

(a) establish JMICC at under the auspices ofPakistan Navy;

(b) manage aad maintain the expeditious flow of information relating

to incidents of maritime terrorism, piracy, distress at sea,

environmental protection, illegal fishing and any othr:r illegal

activity within Pakistan's maritime jurisdiction;

(c) collect, collate and aralyze the information received froro any of

the concerned agencies or organization including o'.her relevant

information, if any, relating to individuals and txansnational

organized criminal groups intending or committin€; illegat

activities along the coa.stal areas including acts of lerrorism

against ships within maritime zones including ports and harbours;

(d) prepare statistics and reports on the basis of the infrrmation

gathered and analyzed under clause (c) and to disseminate them to

the concemed agencies or organizations, as far as possible;

-4 (e) provide an appropriate alcrt, whenever possible, to the concerrred.

agencies if there is a reasonable ground to believe that a tJrroat of

incidents of illegal act along the coastal areas including act of

terorism against ships within maritime zones including ports and

harbour is imminent;

(0 coordinate and share available inforrnation on shipping and on

crimilal groups and individuals with regional and international

maritime information sharing organizations and centers for

maritime domain awareness;

(g) prepare non-classified statistics ard reports based on information

gathered and analyzed under clause (c) and to disseminate them to

lhe shipping community and the intemational maritime

orga zatlgns;

(h) perfomr such other functions as may be agreed upon by the

concemed agencies with a view to preventing illegal acts within

Pakistan's maritime jurisdiction; and

(r) perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the

Division to which business of defence of Pakistan stands

allocated, from time to time, to protect maritime interests of


(3) In performance of its furctions, the JMIO shall maintain the confidentiality of information provided by the concerned agency and shall not release or disseminate such information unless the consent ofthat agency is taken in advance 6. Application of certain laws.-(l) Subject to lhe provision ol .his Act, every officer and member of the staff shall, whether appointed througtr initial recruitment or otherwise, unless he is already so subject, be slubject to the Pakistan

Navy Ordin:Lnce,19t;1 (XXXV of 1961)

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), a civil serwarLt transl'erred to the JMIO on deputation or a pe$on subject to the Acl,

1952 (XXXIX of 1952) or the Act, 1953 frXXV of 1953), on secondment to the JMIO, not otherwise subjeot to this Act, shall be so subjtrct to this

Act and the Pakistan Navy Ordinance, 1961 (XXXV of 1961), to the extefl and under such conditions as the Division to which business of defence of Ptkistirn stands allocated may direct, provided that such civil servant and other person shall .re

subject to the sard Ordinance when he-

(u) seduces or attempts to seduce any person subject to this Act ftom

his duty or allegiance to the Govemment;

(b) commits any offence in relation to any work of defencr>, arsenal,

naval, military, air force or JMIO's establishment or station;

(c) commits any offence under the Official Secrets Act, 1923 (XIX of

1923) in relation to the affairs of the JMIO; or

(,1) commits any offence punishable under any lau'for the lirne being

in lorce on the establishment, station or property of the JMIO or in

relation thereol

7. Indemnity.-No suit, prosecution or other legal proceedingr; shall lie

against an1' person for anlthing which is in good faith done or intended !.o be done

under this Act or any mles made thereunder

6- 8. Power to make rules.- The Federal Government may make rules consistent with this Act for carrying out the purpose of this Act.

9. Oath of allegiance.- A member of private sector shall, as soon as possible after appointment or enrolment to the JMIO, make and subscribe before his

Director or any other officer appointed by the Director on his behalf, an oath in the form set out in the Schedule-Il to this Act.

10. Power to amend Schedule.-The Division to which business of defence of Pakistan stands allocated may, by notification in the oflicial Gazette, amend

Schedule-I to this Act, so as to add any entry thereto, omit any entry there from or amend any entry therein.


[see sub-section (3) oJ section I and sub-section(l) of section 5J

SNo Concerned cres (1 ) 2 (3L

1 Federal Investigation Authority lgration) 2 Paidstan Coast Guard (PCG) Ministn ofInterior 3 Pakistan Rangers () 4_ Directorate ofPorts and Shipping at Karachi 5 Mercaltile Marine Depaftment (MMD) 6 Kt.rachi Port Trust (K-P l ) ,7 Port QiLsim Authoritv GQA) 8 Glvadar Port Authority (GPA) Ministry of Maritime 9 F Depadment Sindh Affairs 10 Paklstan National Shi on PNSC 11 Marine Fishery Department (MFD) 1Z oFll 13 Pakistan Marine Academv 14 Firheq Developmenl Board (FDR) Ministry of National t'ood Security and Research i5 National Institute of Oceano (] Ministry of Science l6 Space and lJpper Atmosphere Research and Tecl.nology Commission (SUPAR.CO) 17 Anti-Niarcotics Force (Sindh and Balochistan) Narcoticrl ('ontrol Division 18 Custorns Depafiment (Sindh and Balochistan) Revenue Division/FBR t9 Pakistan Army (Southem CommandiH 5Cl s 20 Pakistan Maritime Securi Ministrv of De:[ence 21. lnter-Services lntelli ence S 22. lnstitute of Maritime Affairs (IMA 23. Ministry of Foreign Aflairs Ministry of Forr:ign I Affairs Cornn:Lissioner Office Kalachi Govt of Iiindh z5 Karachi Fish Harbour Authorit 26. Sindh Police 2i. tive Sos Rescu: D Hawks Ra 2.) ProvirLcial Disaster ent Authority, sindh 30. Gadani Shi Breaki Association GSBA {iovt of Baloch!stan 31. Fishery f)epartment Baloohistan 32. Ba oc ristan Police l:i Provincial Disaster Managemc nt Authori -q* Ilalochistan 34. Pakislan Shi Association (PSAA) 35. Pakistan Sea Friends Welfare 36. Native Island Fisherman Association (NIFA) 37. Fisherman Awareness Forum (FAF) JO. Pakistan Fisher Folk Forum Miscellaneous/ 39 Sind Trawler Owners & Fishermen Association STOF Private 40 Dhow CDo 41. R You Clear YCO 42. Boat Association 43. F Chuma

-q- SCEEDULE-II [see sectior 9] that I shall bear true faith aad I, do solemniy swear allcgialrcc to Pak stan; of Joirt Maritime- Lform'lion That as all officer or member of the staff p".iorm my firnctions. faithfully and chsanization, Lhalt discharge ,"y a",i* ;, *v u"oia*"'""a with the constitution an( dre ;;::.iil'i;;; "liliti '"J'i' favour' affectio[ or ill-wil] ' i":*l .1;" ,*.;; ti";.;ti""r of P;ki't;, ;ithout fear' to influence my offrcial cooduct or 'Ihat I shall not allow mY Personal interest my officiai decisions. (Ameen) May Allah Almighty help and guide me

Date: _--

Statement of Obieets and Reasons

Pakistan Navy conceived Joint Maritime lnformalion Organi;ation. (JMIO) concept in 20'12 to establish a formal mechanism for effective exchaflge of Maritime related information between all stakeholders. Consequently, a Joint Maritime lnformation Coordination Centre (JMICC) was established und€,r the auspices of Pakistan Navy at PNS Qasim,. Karachi on 07th February, 2013.

2. Maritime secu ty has assumed significant importance in conleml)orary global environment. Major threals emanating from sea include piracy, transnettional criminal activities, illegal fishing, smuggling, human and drug trafficking, gun running, etc. These threats can assume asymmetric proportions for the state. Early detection and timely warning to various agencies responsible for maritime security will enable coordinaled, immediate, and eflective response to emerging situations. Majority of the maritime states have already restructured their maritime s(lcurity organizations under a similar concept

3. JMIO will act as a nerve centre for collecting, fusing, and disseminating information related to maritlme domain io all stakeholders. Since the concept involves a number of stakeholderslagencies, which had peculiar cortmand structure and organizations, therefor€, a Bill passed by Parliament is cons dered imperative to achieve seamless integration of all the organizations.

Pervez Khattak Federal Minister for Dofence lo / t- kLEF tdt

-,.t, l) ttLs, 2-t 4{ Jv 4t, re,r} itP alP

,,cF,! t,)tP lu6 I lP u /,r L{ ln. te,/.7 /rLti : z-t 1{ ss 44,6 -;)(L,r&t ;,e,t.,4(j S,(7) f,r. n,,.1 { tltP (vOt lP lJ LL/lhttuL,rt -O"Y'/,-Pv -,7,P4{,r,);-r{ _r 0-t -. cto&4twV -l arr jr.'1b7V -l a, ;wirS6,t 4 -r r a tu'+ =;tl{-/ -6 clt ,{4v-.f nt,='q ,\ t!, av,ztF'-U -z clrr t)trt,,6-F.,y'i -^

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