Project: MK3147

Document: 2017/85 Version 1.0

Compiled by Edited by Approved by Wiebke Starke Jo Barker Drew Shotliff

Issue date: 6th June 2017

Produced for: Milton Keynes Development Partnership LLP

 Copyright Albion Archaeology 2017, all rights reserved Albion Archaeology


List of Figures ...... 2

List of Plates...... 2

Preface ...... 3

Version History ...... 3

Structure of this Document...... 3

Key Terms ...... 4

Non-technical Summary...... 5

1. INTRODUCTION ...... 7

1.1 Planning Background ...... 7

1.2 Site Location and Description ...... 7


2.1 National Policy Framework...... 8

2.2 Research Frameworks ...... 8

2.3 Methodology ...... 9


3.1 Introduction...... 11

3.2 Previous Archaeological Investigations...... 11

3.3 Designated Heritage Assets...... 11

3.4 Undesignated Heritage Assets...... 12

3.5 Cartographic Evidence and Historic Landscape Character ...... 15

3.6 Setting and Modern Landscape Character...... 15

3.7 Assessment of Potential and Significance...... 15


4.1 The Proposed Development...... 19

4.2 Impacts on Heritage Assets and Mitigation...... 19

4.3 Impacts on the Setting of Heritage Assets...... 20

4.4 Summary...... 20

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 1 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

4.5 Confidence Rating for the Current Study...... 20

5. BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 21

6. APPENDICES ...... 23

6.1 Appendix 1 – Designated Heritage Assets within the Study Area...... 23

6.2 Appendix 2 – Undesignated Heritage Assets within the Study Area ...... 24

6.3 Appendix 2 – Events within the vicinity of the PDA ...... 29

6.4 Appendix 3 – List of Cartographic Sources...... 30

6.5 Appendix 4 – Significance and Impact Criteria ...... 31

List of Figures Figure 1: Site location Figure 2: Heritage assets within 500m of the proposed development area Figure 3: Salden Estate map 1599 Figure 4: OS map 1885 Figure 5: OS map 1904 Figure 6: OS map 1952 Figure 7: Ridge and furrow in the Shenley Parishes

List of Plates Plate 1: View of the PDA from the south-west boundary, looking north-east Plate 2: View of the PDA from the south-west boundary, looking north-east

The figures and plates are bound at the back of the report.

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 2 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Preface All statements and opinions in this document are offered in good faith. Albion Archaeology cannot accept responsibility for errors of fact or opinion resulting from data supplied by a third party, or for any loss or other consequence arising from decisions or actions made upon the basis of facts or opinions expressed in this document.

This document was researched and written by Wiebke Starke (Supervisor). The figures were produced by Joan Lightning (CAD officer) and Wiebke Starke. Albion Archaeology projects are under the overall management of Drew Shotliff (Operations Manager) and Hester Cooper-Reade (Business Manager). Albion Archaeology acknowledges the assistance of Nick Crank, Senior Archaeological Officer of Milton Keynes Council, and the staff at the Local Studies and Archives section at the Central Library in Milton Keynes.

Albion Archaeology is grateful to Peter Molloy of the Milton Keynes Development Partnership LLP for commissioning the report. Six-inch Ordnance Survey maps were provided by the National Library of Scotland.

Albion Archaeology St Mary’s Church St Mary’s Street Bedford, MK42 0AS : 0300 300 8141 e-mail: [email protected]

Version History Version Issue date Reason for re-issue 1.0 06/06/2017 n/a

Structure of this Document Section 1 provides the planning and geographical background to the potential development. Section 2 lists the relevant planning policies and research frameworks and also states the aims and methodology of the heritage asset assessment. Section 3 contains the assessment of all heritage assets within the vicinity of the PDA while Section 4 focuses on the impact of the potential development on known and potential assets within the development area. Section 5 is the bibliography. The appendices in Section 6 list in detail the HER records and cartographic sources used in this study.

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 3 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Key Terms Throughout this report the following abbreviations are used:

CIfA Chartered Institute for Archaeologists EMK Events Milton Keynes HE Historic (formerly English Heritage) HER Historic Environment Record for Milton Keynes Unitary Authority MKC Milton Keynes Council MMK Monuments Milton Keynes NHLE National Heritage List for England NLS National Library of Scotland NPPF National Planning Policy Framework OS Ordnance Survey PAS Portable Antiquities Scheme PDA Proposed development area

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 4 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Non-technical Summary Milton Keynes Development Partnership LLP is gathering baseline information in support of a planning application for the development of land at Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes. The proposed development area (PDA) has been allocated for residential use in the adopted local plan.

In accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) this heritage statement characterises the nature, likely date and potential for survival of known and potential heritage assets within the PDA. It is based on the review of all known heritage assets within a study area of 500m around the PDA. It also assesses the significance of the assets and the likely impact of the development on them and on the setting of heritage assets in the vicinity of the PDA.

The PDA lies on the southern edge of Shenley Brook End, c. 4.9km to the south-west of . It comprises a 0.52ha area of mixed grassland bounded by a mature hedge on the south-eastern side. Immediately to the south-east lies H7 Chaffron Way, the south-west boundary is defined by Wallinger Drive, the north-east side is bounded by Manifold Lane and Oak Tree Community Centre lies to the north- west.

The majority of the heritage assets in the study area are artefacts retrieved through metal detecting or fieldwalking. Intrusive archaeological investigations recorded as events within the study area comprise five watching briefs, one large-scale metal detector survey and two excavations. Some of these investigations recorded features dating from the Iron Age to the Saxon period, comprising ditches, pits, postholes and the remains of a roundhouse.

In the Domesday survey of 1086 Shenley Brook End was recorded in two entries, indicating that the settlement originated from the late Saxon period or possibly earlier. During the medieval period the PDA formed part of the open field system of Shenley Brook End and extant ridge and furrow are visible on aerial photographs taken of the PDA and surrounding fields in 1945.

Medieval and post-medieval heritage assets within the study area comprise metal artefacts and pottery found in similar locations to the Roman and post-medieval material. The finds most likely represent artefacts lost by people traversing and working the landscape or spread through manuring.

When Shenley Brook End was developed in the late 20th century the PDA and a neighbouring field were retained as Reserve Sites (RS61 and RS62), which would allow development at a later stage. The adjacent site, RS61, was developed for community use in 2015–16.

The PDA lies in a part of Milton Keynes that is modern, with the remains of the historic medieval core of Shenley Brook End to the north, Tattenhoe to the south and to the east.

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 5 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

There are no scheduled ancient monuments within the 500m study area. Several listed buildings are recorded in the village core of Shenley Brook End, but these are no longer extant.

The fact that ridge and furrow was still visible on the PDA in 1945 could indicate that features pre-dating the medieval period might well survive at a sub-surface level on the PDA. There may also have been unknown disturbance from the development of adjacent land. These factors have been taken into account in the period-based assessment of archaeological potential below.

The potential for, and significance of, heritage assets on the PDA has been assessed as no more than moderate for all chronological periods. The potential impact of the proposed development has been assessed as slight to moderate harm. The significance of this impact (before mitigation) ranges from insignificant to significant.

The following table summarises the potential for, significance of any impact on archaeological heritage assets that might survive within PDA.

Heritage assets Potential for Significance of Potential Significance of heritage assets potential archaeological impact of impact (without remains development mitigation) Prehistoric Low Low to moderate Slight to Slightly significant (pre-AD 43) moderate harm to significant Roman Low to Low to moderate Slight to Slightly significant (AD 43-c. 400) moderate moderate harm to significant Anglo-Saxon Low to Low to moderate Slight to Slightly significant (c. 400-1066) moderate moderate harm to significant Medieval Low Low to moderate Slight to Slightly significant (c. 1066–1550) moderate harm to significant Post-medieval Negligible to Negligible Slight to Insignificant (c. 1550-1900) low moderate harm Modern Negligible Negligible Slight to Insignificant (1900–present) moderate harm Setting - - No change Neutral

If required by the LPA, any direct impact of the development on potential buried archaeological remains could be mitigated by measures to investigate and record the presence/absence, nature and significance of potential archaeological assets prior to or during construction. The requirement for such works could be in the form of a condition attached to a planning permission.

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1.1 Planning Background Milton Keynes Development Partnership LLP is gathering baseline information in support of a planning application for the development of land at Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes. The proposed development area (PDA), Reserve Site (RS) 62, has been recommended for specialist housing and community use on the Local Plan Proposals Map1, providing the principle of residential development in this location is considered appropriate.

Albion Archaeology has been commissioned to prepare this desk-based heritage statement; it characterises the nature, date and likely survival of known and potential heritage assets within the PDA, and assesses their significance. It also assesses the likely impact of any potential development on those heritage assets and the setting of heritage assets in the vicinity.

This Assessment has been drafted in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which was issued by the government in March 2012.

1.2 Site Location and Description Shenley Brook End is located in the parish of Shenley, c. 4.9km to the south- west of Central Milton Keynes. It lies on the south-western edge of Milton Keynes Borough, with the A5 c. 4.5m to the west and the A421 c. 1.5km to the south-east.

The PDA lies on the southern edge of Shenley Brook End. It comprises a 0.52ha area of mixed grassland bounded by a mature hedge on the south- eastern side. Immediately to the south-east lies H7 Chaffron Way, the south- west boundary is defined by Wallinger Drive; the north-east side is bounded by Manifold Lane; and Oak Tree Community Centre lies to the north-west.

The PDA is centred on grid reference SP 83458 35030. The underlying solid geology is Peterborough Member of Oxford Clay Formation Mudstone. The overlying superficial geology comprises Oadby Member Diamicton, brown to grey silty clay with chalk and flint with glacial deposits of sand and gravel 2.

1 http://www.cartogold.co.uk/miltonkeynes/Milton_Keynes.htm 2 http://mapapps.bgs.ac.uk/geologyofbritain/home.html Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 7 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology


2.1 National Policy Framework This assessment aims to implement the vision for the historic environment as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework – Section 12: Conserving and enhancing the historic environment (NPPF) that was published on 27 March 2012 (DCLG 2012).

Annex 2 of the NPPF defines heritage assets as: “A building, monument, site, place, area or landscape identified as having a degree of significance meriting consideration in planning decisions, because of its heritage interest. Heritage assets include designated heritage assets and assets identified by the local planning authority (including local listing)” (NPPF, Annex 2).

Designated assets comprise, amongst others, Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings, Registered Parks and Gardens and Conservation Areas. Undesignated assets are any heritage assets that may formally be identified by the local planning authority to be important for the area, for example through local listing or as part of the plan-making process. These undesignated assets are still material in planning decisions and evidence of local listing and information on these heritage assets is held in the local Historic Environment Record (HER).

According to the NPPF the significance of heritage assets is demonstrated by their value to this and future generations because of their archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic interest and their setting.

The NPPF is accompanied by a set of Good Practice Advice notes, issued by Historic England (HE 2015a, b and c).

2.2 Research Frameworks English Heritage has produced an extensive library of national guides covering a wide range of topics, and most of these are available for free download from the Historic England website3.

Milton Keynes Unitary Authority is adjacent to several geographical areas which are part of regional archaeological research frameworks. The most relevant research frameworks are the Solent-Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas (Hey and Hind 2014). The Solent-Thames research framework covers the five counties of , Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, providing a north to south transect across Central Southern England.

The proximity of Milton Keynes to the county boundary with Bedfordshire to its south-west means that the principles and aims of the Bedfordshire

3 https://www.historicengland.org.uk/ Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 8 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Archaeology. Research and Archaeology: Resource Assessment, Research Agenda and Strategy (Oake et al. 2007) can also be applied.

These documents provide a comprehensive chronological review of the historic environment as investigated so far within Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire and the eastern counties, as well as establishing a research agenda and strategy for future investigations and for consolidating and integrating current knowledge. They are, therefore, vital tools for the assessment of any heritage asset within its local, regional and national historic environment setting.

2.3 Methodology This desk-based assessment was carried out in accordance with the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists’ Standard and guidance for historic environment desk-based assessment (CIfA 2017).

All known heritage assets within a 500m study area around the PDA were reviewed for this assessment. All assets are listed in the appendices and are shown on Figure 2.

The criteria for assessing significance and impact are based on those formulated by the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 11, Part 3 (Cultural Heritage)4 but have been reformulated to fit in with the terminology used by the National Planning Policy Framework. They are listed in Appendix 4.

During the preparation of this document, the sources of information listed below were consulted.

2.3.1 Milton Keynes’ Historic Environment Record (HER) This is a database of archaeological information containing written and pictorial records of known archaeological monuments, previous archaeological investigations (“Events”), find-spots, including Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) data, and buildings of historical and archaeological significance. The Milton Keynes HER does not provide data on designated heritage assets which are managed by Historic England (see below). The HER contains information specific to Milton Keynes Unitary Authority and is maintained by Milton Keynes Council, Milton Keynes.

A recent report for English Heritage/Historic England has advised that locally maintained HERs should be ‘the first point of call for and primary trusted source of investigative research data and knowledge’ (Oakleigh Consulting 2015). This document, therefore, uses the HER reference numbers for identifying heritage assets.

4 Available at: http://www.standardsforhighways.co.uk/dmrb/vol11/section3/ha20807.pdf [Accessed 05/06/2017] Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 9 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

2.3.2 The National Heritage List for England (NHLE) The database for designated heritage assets (listed buildings, scheduled monuments, protected wrecks and registered parks, gardens and battlefields) is managed by Historic England and made available online through the National Heritage List for England. The Heritage List is the only official and up-to-date database of all nationally protected historic buildings and sites in England5. Designated heritage asses in this assessment are given the prefix ‘NHLE’.

2.3.3 Cartographic data Early maps and other illustrations of an area can be a very productive area of research. Often they indicate dramatic changes in land use during the post- medieval and modern periods. They can also be very helpful in assessing how building complexes and their surrounding grounds and landscape have developed and changed over time.

The principal source consulted in this case was the National Library of Scotland’s online archive of historic Ordnance Survey maps and Milton Keynes Local Studies and Archives department in the Central Library. A list of the cartographic sources consulted for this assessment is given in Appendix 3.

2.3.4 Site walk-over A preliminary walk-over of the site was undertaken on 17th May2017 with the following aims:

 To verify, where appropriate, the results of the desk-based study.  To examine any areas of archaeological potential identified during research for the assessment, in particular with a view to gauging the possible survival or condition of any remains present.  To consider the significance of any above-ground structures and historic buildings.  To assess the present ground conditions, with a view to the appropriate deployment of evaluative fieldwork techniques, if required.  To assess the impact of the proposed development on the setting of heritage assets on site.

5 https://www.historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/ Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 10 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology


3.1 Introduction This section describes the archaeological and historical heritage assets as well as the results of previous archaeological investigations listed in the HER for the PDA and the surrounding 500m-radius study area. Based on this information it provides an assessment of potential for and significance of further archaeological heritage assets to be present on the PDA. Assets are discussed in chronological order. This section should be read in conjunction with Figure 2; all assets and events are also listed in numerical order in Appendices 1 and 2.

3.2 Previous Archaeological Investigations A number of events have been recorded as individual archaeological investigations within the study area. These mainly comprise watching briefs (EMK321, EMK641, EMK782, EMK1050 and EMK1175), two excavations (EMK49 and EMK191) and a metal detector survey (EMK636). The majority of find-spots recorded as undesignated heritage assets were located during metal detector surveys, however, these surveys have not been recorded as standalone ‘events’.

Excavation EMK191 at Emmerson Valley District Park, c. 440m to the south east of the PDA, produced Iron Age remains, including a badly preserved roundhouse gully and other linear features. Event EMK49 describes a rescue excavation undertaken during residential development c.470m to the east of the PDA. The site was badly truncated, but a number of ditches post holes and pits could be recorded. These, however, lacked datable evidence but it was noted that Anglo-Saxon artefacts had been retrieved from the vicinity. Of the Watching Briefs only EMK1050 and EMK1175 produced archaeological remains and datable evidence, the latter of post-medieval date. The metal detector survey (EMK636) conducted on the playing fields of Shenley Brook End School, some 300m to the south-west of the PDA, produced Roman remains in the southern, western and central parts of the site and Saxon material from the north-western part of the site.

Roman occupation is known from the wider area. Excavations at the deserted medieval villages of Westbury and Tattenhoe produced Roman pottery and other occupation evidence6.

3.3 Designated Heritage Assets The closest scheduled monument to the PDA is a moated site with associated earthworks (NHLE 1011311), some 930m to the north, at the junction of Fulmer Street and Childs Way. The next scheduled monument lies c. 1.1km to the south west of the PDA. This is the deserted medieval village of Tattenhoe with moated site and fishponds (NHLE 1007942).

6 Ivens et.al. 1995, 209, 220f Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 11 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Within the study area a number of Grade II listed buildings are recorded in the medieval village core of Shenley Brook End, along Whaddon Road and Little Stocking, c. 340m to the north of the PDA. These buildings comprise 18th- and 19th-century farm buildings, sheds and barns, such as Emmerson Farmhouse (MMK4429) and Valley Farm (MMK4432). Valley Farm dates back to the 1600s.

3.4 Undesignated Heritage Assets

3.4.1 Prehistoric (pre-AD 43) Iron Age settlement remains were recovered during works at Emmerson Valley District Park some 440m to the south-east of the PDA (MMK5211, MMK5212 and MMK5213; and EMK191). These remains included a probable roundhouse and hearth, pits and other boundary features dated by pottery.

No other evidence for prehistoric occupation is recorded within the study area. However, Mesolithic to late Neolithic/Bronze Age flints were recovered during the excavations at Westbury, the deserted medieval settlement north of Shenley Brook End village core, c. 1km to the north of the PDA (Ivens et. al. 1995, 209.

3.4.2 Roman (AD 43–c. 400) The majority of evidence for this period originated from metal detector surveys undertaken along the V2 Grid Road. These comprise a large number of coins, jewellery and jewellery fragments and fastenings, as well as other metal objects and some pottery. Unfortunately few features/sites were recorded in the HER to tie these finds into settlement activities and occupation sites on the V2 road corridor.

Other find-spots dated to the Roman period were MMK1308, MMK1311 and MMK3114, comprising a brooch, coin and lead object found c. 480m to the north-west of the PDA, on the line of the AWA pipeline. The majority of artefacts recovered here, however, were dated to the medieval period (see below).

Two more coins were recovered; one east of Emmerson Farm (MMK5217), c. 480m to the north-west, and another (MMK5214) recorded in Emmerson Valley District Park, c. 450m to the south-east of the PDA.

Good evidence for Roman activity was recorded during metal detector survey (EMK636) undertaken on the playing fields of Shenley Brook End School, which lies on the opposite side of Wallinger Drive to the PDA. Here pits, small ditches and Roman pottery and coins were uncovered.

Roman occupation is also known from the wider area through excavations at Westbury and Tattenhoe. In addition the PDA lies only 1.7km south-west of (A5).

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 12 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

3.4.3 Anglo-Saxon (c. 400–1066) In the Domesday survey of 1086 Shenley Brook End was recorded in two entries. It lies in the Hundred of Mursley in the county of Buckinghamshire and is considered to be of medium size with 12 households, and woodland for 100 pigs and quite a large tax asset with 5 geld units7.

Place name research indicates that the name ‘Shenley’ stands for bright clearing. The Shenley area used to be one of the more wooded areas in Milton Keynes and three medieval woodlands still survive: Oakhill Wood, Shenley Wood and Howe Park Wood; remains of the latter are located c. 450m to the south-west of the PDA. This and the place name suggest that the woodland regenerated after the Roman period (Croft and Maynard 1993, 14, 19, 33). It also suggests that the settlement at Shenley Brook End has Saxon origins.

Evidence for Saxon occupation is mentioned in relation to rescue excavation EMK49, carried out c. 480m to the north-west of the PDA, and has also been recorded in the north-west corner and central area of Shenley Brook End School playing fields (EMK636).

Find-spots producing assemblages dating to this period mainly originate from metal detector surveys. Assemblage MMK2122 was recovered c. 460m to the south-west on the V2 road corridor. It comprised three Saxon pins that provide the most definite evidence for the Saxon period within the study area. Other assemblages contain coins with runic inscriptions (MMK2104), which were recorded on a site at the H7/V3 junction, c. 480m to the north-east of the PDA.

Other assemblages included strap ends and fastenings with zoomorphic and/or ring and dot decorations (MMK2121, MMK2122, MMK2125, MMK2126 and MMK2127). All of these originate from the length of Tattenhoe Street V2 Grid Road situated between 300m and 460m to the south-west and west of the PDA.

In the wider area Saxon occupation is represented by a small middle Saxon cemetery and a few domestic features at Westbury (Ivens et al. 1995, 71).

3.4.4 Medieval (1066-1539) During the medieval period there were three settlement cores within Shenley Parish: , Westbury and Shenley Brook End. The settlement of Tattenhoe was also situated close by, just beyond Howe Park Wood. Settlement at Westbury and Tattenhoe were abandoned by the early 16th century (Ivens et al. 1995). Shenley Brook End continued as a loose hamlet around a triangular green along Road and Church End Road.

The medieval period within the study area is mainly represented by find-spots located during metal detector surveys along the AWA Pipeline, Shenley and Westbury pipeline, c. 500m to the north-west (MMK2315-20, MMK3227,

7 http://opendomesday.org/place/SP8336/shenley-church-end/ Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 13 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

MMK2330, MMK2332), and various road corridors: MMK3016-22, c. 420m to the west, and MMK2941 and MMK2945-48, located c. 500m to the north- east of the PDA. These assemblages comprise a variety of metal objects, including buckles and other fastenings, fragments of horse equipment, and household items like chafing dish fragments. Medieval pottery was also included in these collections.

Two find-spots originated from the plough soil in a field called Mary’s Close, c. 300m to the north-west of the PDA. The area has since been developed for residential housing. They comprised medieval pottery and spurs (MMK2241 and MMK2242).

Medieval ridge and furrow has been mapped for the PDA (Figure 7). As the Shenleys are situated on heavier clay soils, ridge and furrow was preserved in the ground by a change in use from arable land to pasture during the medieval period (Croft and Maynard 1993, 141; Ivens et.al 1995, 209).

3.4.5 Post-medieval (1550–1900) Post-medieval heritage assets within the study area comprise find-spots of metal artefacts found during various metal detector surveys (MMK4150, MMK4259, MMK4260, MMK5273, MMK5291, MMK5293-95, MMK5301- 03, MMK5331-37, MMK5339, MMK5349-53 and MMK7790) and houses marked on the 1698 estate map (MMK3183-89 and MMK3200-04); now demolished.

The metal detector surveys were undertaken across several fields:

OS field no. MMK no. Distance from Direction PDA 0854 MMK5291, 500m north-west MMK5293, MMK5295, MMK5301-03 0724 MMK5273, 380m north-west MMk5294 8446 MMK5331-35 500m north-east MMK4259-60 8700 MMK5336, 380m east MMK5339 1900 MMK5349-53 420m south-west

The assemblages comprised fragments of horse and agricultural equipment, as well as fragments of metal household and personal items. An outstanding find was a copper alloy bust of a man found in OS field 1900 (MMK5352) and dated to 1703.

3.4.6 Modern (1900 to present day) There are no modern heritage assets recorded within the study area and there is no potential for such assets on the PDA. The PDA has remained unchanged, as part of a field since medieval times.

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 14 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

3.5 Cartographic Evidence and Historic Landscape Character

3.5.1 Saldon Estate Map (Figure 3) In 1599 the settlement at Shenley Brook End is concentrated along the brook and Church End Road. The PDA corresponds to an undeveloped triangular field (Shenley fields) situated between Poulters Way and the extension of Church End Road that lead to Bletchley.

3.5.2 1885–1952 six-inch OS maps (Figure 4-6) The 1885 Ordnance Survey (Figure 4) indicates that the area of the proposed development corresponds to the corner of a rectangular field. The north- western boundary of the field is part of a track leading from Howe Park to Shenley Brook End. This track is also shown on the1904 OS map (Figure 5).

Right up until the 1950s and 1960s the main settlement focus at Shenley Brook End was along the Brook End to Whaddon Road and along Church End Road. The fields around the village remain unchanged until the modern development of Milton Keynes in the latter half of the 20th century.

3.6 Setting and Modern Landscape Character The NPPF defines setting as: ‘The surroundings in which a heritage asset is experienced. Its extent is not fixed and may change as the asset and its surroundings evolve. Elements of a setting may make a positive or negative contribution to the significance of an asset, and may affect the ability to appreciate that significance or may be neutral’ (NPPF 2012, Annex. 2).

The PDA lies in a part of Milton Keynes that is to a large extent modern, as the development of the area did not occur until the latter half of the 20th century. The medieval village core lies 400m to the north of the PDA. The area adjacent to the south-west of the PDA is occupied by Shenley Brook End School and playing fields, of which the latter has seen some recent remodelling. The areas to the north and north-east are residential. The south- eastern boundary is formed by Chaffron Way/H7.

The PDA, as well as the adjacent land to the north-west, was retained as Reserve Sites (RS61 and RS62) until 2015 and now only the PDA remains undeveloped. In 2015–16 RS61 was developed for community use. No archaeological condition was placed on the planning application (Crank 2014).

No extant heritage assets, such as scheduled monuments or listed buildings, lie in any historical or visual relationship with the PDA.

3.7 Assessment of Potential and Significance This section assesses the potential for the survival of archaeological heritage assets in the light of the evidence discussed above.

The large-scale development of this area since the late 20th century is likely to have already significantly truncated any archaeological remains that might once have existed adjacent to the PDA. Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 15 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

These factors have been taken into account in the period-based assessment of archaeological potential below.

The criteria for assessing significance are listed in Appendix 4.

3.7.1 Prehistoric heritage assets No prehistoric heritage assets have yet been recorded on the PDA. Within the study area Iron Age remains have been recovered at Emmerson Valley District Park, c. 440m to the south-east of the PDA. Further evidence for prehistoric activity in the wider area stems from the excavations at Westbury c. 1km to the north-west of the PDA.

In light of this evidence the potential for heritage assets dating to the prehistoric period to be present on the PDA is assessed as low.

More focus is needed on settlement form, function, distribution and shift for this period and how these factors influence or are influenced by socio- economic status, region, chronology and geology (Lambrick 2014, 150–1).

Should any prehistoric remains be present at the PDA, they would probably be of low to moderate significance, depending on their exact nature.

3.7.2 Roman heritage assets A significant number of Roman finds have been recovered in the parish of Shenley, and with Watling Street, one of the main Roman arteries in the area, forming the northern boundary of the parish there is potential for associated Roman activity to exist within the study area.

The nearest Roman heritage assets to the PDA are pits and ditches identified at Shenley Brook End School playing fields (EMK636), c. 300m north-west of the PDA.

In light of this evidence there is low to moderate potential for heritage assets dating to the Roman period to be present on the PDA.

Settlement characterisation, its density and variability are all research topics highlighted for the Roman period in the regional research framework (Fulford 2014, 181). Investigation of find-spots is also highlighted as a research theme; do they correspond to previously unknown settlement remains? (Fulford 2014, 181).

Should any Roman remains be present on the PDA, they would probably be of low to moderate significance, depending on their exact nature.

3.7.3 Anglo-Saxon and medieval Evidence for Saxon activity within the study area was recorded adjacent to the PDA on the playing fields of Shenley Brook End School, some 300m to the

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 16 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

south-west. Find-spots have also been recorded between 300m and 480m from the PDA.

During the medieval period the nearest settlement area to the PDA was concentrated around the junction of Church End Road and Bletchley Road, c. 400m to the north and north-east. During this time the PDA formed part of the medieval open field system of Shenley Brook End and cropmark remains of ridge and furrow were still visible on post-war aerial photographs (Croft and Maynard 1993, plates 26 and 27, figs 54 and 55).

In light of this evidence there is a low to moderate potential for heritage assets dating to the Anglo-Saxon to be present on the PDA. The potential for medieval assets, other than those relating to agricultural use, within the PDA is assessed as low.

More information is needed to identify mid-late Saxon rural settlements, as well as the process of village formation into the medieval period with or without Saxon predecessors. More information is also needed on the changed in agricultural land and land use regarding woodland regeneration and changes to open fields (Dodd and Crawford 2014, 227).

The regional research framework states that there is ‘huge potential for further research into topics such as field systems, enclosures, roads and trackways, in particular utilising historic maps and documents’ (Munby 2014, 256). The Solent-Thames Research Framework also highlights that a better understanding of agricultural intensification in the early medieval period and the origins of open field systems is needed (Dodd et al. 2014, 229).

Should any Anglo-Saxon or medieval remains be present on the PDA, they would probably be of low to moderate significance, depending on their exact nature.

3.7.4 Post-medieval heritage assets Post-medieval heritage assets comprise find-spots of metal artefacts found by metal detector surveys c. 350 to 500m from the PDA. Demolished buildings once situated in the settlement core of Shenley Brook End have also been recorded in the study area.

Cartographic sources indicate that the PDA was part of a field until at least 1885 (Figure 4). The PDA’s north-western boundary is congruent with a post- medieval trackway that led from Howe Park to Shenley Brook End. This was preserved as a field boundary until at least 1945.

The potential for heritage assets dating to the post-medieval period to be present on the PDA is assessed as negligible to low. If any were found, they would most likely comprise stray artefacts and their significance would be negligible.

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 17 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

3.7.5 Modern heritage assets There are no modern heritage assets recorded within the study area. Cartographic sources indicate that the PDA has remained undeveloped until the present day, whilst the surrounding area was developed in the late 20th century.

The potential for heritage assets dating to the modern period to be present on the PDA is assessed as negligible. If any were found, they would most likely be construction-related and their significance would be negligible.

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4.1 The Proposed Development According to the Local Plan Proposals Map8 the PDA is an undeveloped Reserve Site, ‘[…] the term used to describe small sites in residential housing areas that are left undeveloped to accommodate unforeseen local needs’9. It has been allocated for a number of possible approved uses:  Private housing  Social housing  Specialist housing  Commercial retail  Commercial offices  Commercial workshop  Community  Churches  Open space  Employment

Its proposed use is marked as specialist housing for up to eighteen dwellings and community use.

4.2 Impacts on Heritage Assets and Mitigation

4.2.1 Archaeological heritage assets The potential impact of the proposed development on potential below-ground heritage assets will be restricted to new foundations of any proposed buildings, parking areas and service trenches.

The PDA has remained undeveloped since at least the medieval period. However, the level of disturbance of the PDA from adjacent construction, including housing and roads, is unknown. This has been taken into consideration when assessing the potential impact of the proposed development on sub-surface heritage assets.

The potential for heritage assets on the PDA and their significance varies by period (Table 1), but has been assessed as no more than moderate for all chronological periods. The potential impact of the proposed development has been assessed as slight to moderate harm. The significance of this impact (before mitigation) ranges from insignificant to significant. A summary of significance of, and impact on, potential archaeological heritage assets of all periods is given in Table 1.

If required by the LPA, any direct impact of the development on potential buried archaeological remains could be mitigated by measures to investigate and record the presence/absence, nature and significance of potential

8 http://www.cartogold.co.uk/miltonkeynes/Milton_Keynes.htm 9Milton Keynes Council 2005 http://www.cartogold.co.uk/miltonkeynes/text/14_c_community.htm#c9 Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 19 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

archaeological assets prior to or during construction. The requirement for such works could be in the form of a condition attached to a planning permission.

4.3 Impacts on the Setting of Heritage Assets The PDA is not part of the setting of, or in any direct visual or historical relationship with, any designated heritage assets in its vicinity. Therefore, the proposed development will have a neutral impact on the setting of heritage assets.

4.4 Summary The following table summarises the potential for archaeological remains being found within the PDA.

Heritage assets Potential for Significance of Potential Significance of heritage potential impact of impact (without assets archaeological remains development mitigation) Prehistoric Low Low to moderate Slight to Slightly significant (pre-AD 43) moderate harm to significant Roman Low to Low to moderate Slight to Slightly significant (AD 43-c. 400) moderate moderate harm to significant Anglo-Saxon Low to Low to moderate Slight to Slightly significant (c. 400-1066) moderate moderate harm to significant Medieval Low Low to moderate Slight to Slightly significant (c. 1066-1550) moderate harm to significant Post-medieval Negligible to Negligible Slight to Insignificant (c. 1550-1900) low moderate harm Modern Negligible Negligible Slight to Insignificant (1900–present) moderate harm Setting - - No change Neutral

4.5 Confidence Rating for the Current Study This assessment carries a rating of reasonable confidence. As a general rule, desk-based assessments cannot be used as a predictive tool for the precise location and characterisation of sub-surface archaeological deposits.

The nature of desk-based studies means that they rely on artefacts being reported and logged in the HER and information from intrusive investigations in the vicinity of the subject site and the wider landscape. The unpredictable nature and presence of sub-surface and therefore non-visible archaeological remains has to be borne in mind.

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 20 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology


Allen, M., 2014 ‘An introduction to the Geoarchaeology, palaeo- environmental and archaeological science of the Solent-Thames sub- region’, in Hey, G. and Hind, J., Solent-Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas

Crank, N., 2014 RE: Planning Consultation/Notification from Milton Keynes Council regarding 14/00406/FUL. Available: http://edrms.milton- keynes.gov.uk/NorthgatePublicDocs/00183766.pdf Accessed: 05/06/17

Croft, R.A. and Mynard, D.C., 1993 The Changing Landscape of Milton Keynes, Bucks Archaeol. Society Monograph Series 5

DCLG, 2012 National Planning Policy Framework

Dodd, A. and Crawford, S., 2014 ‘The Early Medieval Period: Research Agenda, in Hey, G. and Hind, J. (eds), Solent-Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas

Fulford, M., 2014 ‘The Roman Period: Resource Assessment’, in Hey, G. and Hind, J., Solent-Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas.

Hey, G. and Hind, J. (eds), 2014 Solent-Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas

Historic England 2015a. Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 1 – The Historic Environment in Local Plans. Available: https://www.historicengland.org.uk/advice/planning/planning-system/ Accessed: 05/06/17

Historic England 2015b. Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 2 – Managing Significance in Decision-Taking. Available: https://www.historicengland.org.uk/advice/planning/planning-system/ Accessed: 05/06/17

Historic England 2015c. Historic Environment Good Practice Advice in Planning Note 3 – The Setting of Heritage Assets. Available: https://www.historicengland.org.uk/advice/planning/planning-system/ Accessed: 05/06/17

Ivens, R., Busby, P. and Shepherd, N., 1995 Tattenhoe and Westbury, Buckinghamshire Archaeological Society Monograph Series 8 Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 21 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Lambrick, G., 2014 ‘The Later Bronze Age and Iron Age: Research Agenda’, in Hey, G. and Hind, J. (eds), Solent-Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas

Milton Keynes Council, 2005 Milton Keynes Local Plan 2001 – 2011, Available: http://www.cartogold.co.uk/miltonkeynes/text/00cont.htm Accessed: 05/06/17

Milton Keynes Council, 2013 Core Strategy

Munby, J., 2014 ‘The Later Medieval Period: Resource Assessment’, in Hey, G. and Hind, J., Solent-Thames Research Framework for the Historic Environment: Resource Assessments and Research Agendas

Woodfield, P., 1993 ‘Shenleys’, in A guide to the historic buildings of Milton Keynes, Milton Keynes Development Corporation, 88–9

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 22 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology


6.1 Appendix 1 – Designated Heritage Assets within the Study Area HER no. Name Long description Period

MMK4428 Barn at 9 Building; Grade II. Small barn, C18th. Timber framed, Post-medieval to Limes Farm weatherboarded on brick and stone plinth. Tiled roof modern with half hipped gables. 3 bays, braced tie beams, slender windbracing in end bays. MMK4429 Emerson Building; Grade II. House. Early C18th altered. Post-medieval to farmhouse Chequer brick, hipped roof of old tiles, large central modern chimney, modillion eaves cornice. 2 storeys, 1st floor band. S front has 5 bays, 2-light modern casements to 1st floor. Central window blocked, 2-light barred casements to ground floor with segmental. MMK4430 Raised granary Building; Grade II. Granary, probably early C19th. L- Modern W of Emerson plan building, timber framed and weatherboarded farmhouse raised on saddlestones, several of which have been replaced by brick piers. Corrugated iron roof. Each wing has 3 bays. MMK4431 Barn Building; Grade II. Barn. Early C19th. Timber framed Modern and weatherboarded on brick base. Slate roof, central cart doors. 3 bays, braced tie beams. MMK4432 14 Valley Building; Grade II. House. C18th front to earlier Post-medieval to Farmhouse building, with early C19th additions. Red brick, with modern blue headers in E bay, C19th buff brick with chequer pattern of yellow headers to remainder. Thatched roof to right hand part, slate to C19th addition to left hand with modillion eaves cornice 3 brick chimneys. 2 storeys. MMK4433 Cart Shed Building; Grade II. Cartshed, C18th or early C19th, Post-medieval to rubble stone and brick, hipped old tile roof, open modern fronted on E side with braced posts, 3 bays. MMK4434 Barn Building; Grade II. Barn. C18th. Timber framed, Post medieval weatherboarded on brick base. Corrugated asbestos roof. Full height cart doors in 2nd bay from north end. 5 bays. Later extension. MMK4435 Shelter shed Building; Grade II. Farm building, C18th or early Post-medieval to C19th. Rear wall to road red brick with chequer modern pattern of yellow headers. Tiled roof with modillion brick cornice. Included for group value. MMK4436 Raised granary Building; Grade II. Granary. C18th or early C19th. Post-medieval to Small square building, timber framed and modern weatherboarded, raised on brick piers pyramid old tile roof.

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6.2 Appendix 2 – Undesignated Heritage Assets within the Study Area

6.2.1 Monuments and find-spots

HER no. Name Long description Period

MMK1308 Unassigned Find-spot; Bronze fibula bow, catchplate spring & pin Roman missing. Found by metal detector survey over area of AWA pipeline. MMK1311 Unassigned Find-spot; Silver-washed denarius, AD193-211, of Roman Julia Domna (wife of Septimus Severus) diameter 17mm, condition fair. Also, an ae3, AD350-3, of magnentius/decentius, reverse; "victor ae dd nn avg et laes". Diameter 16mm, condition fair. MMK1312 SW Corner, Metal Find-spot; 6 Roman coins found during md survey (see Roman detecting fields also CASS 6029/39) (bi5) 029 (bi5(6029)). 142,144 MMK1314 Shenley Brook Find-spot; Flattened semicircular object of lead. Upper Roman End (at NGR) surface has raised letters, underside has small projection. Diameter 32mm. Perhaps a Roman seal? Md survey. MMK1964 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; 16 CU alloy coins found during md survey Roman over area stripped for the V2 grid road MMK1965 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; Terminal end of bracelet decorated with Roman multiple motifs. Bracelet fragment? Very worn, decorated with a central longitudinal line of punched dots. Key with circular bow. Pin, spherical head & very fine shaft. Md survey. MMK1966 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; 7 sherds found during md survey over area Roman stripped for the V2 grid Road MMK1967 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; 9 copper alloy coins found during md Roman survey over area stripped for V2 grid road. MMK1968 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; Bracelet fragment, flat section widening out Roman towards terminal end. Decorated with 2 rows of opposing oblique grooves forming chevrons. V worn. H: 4-6mm. MMK1969 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; Silver hooked tag with incised decoration. Roman Found during md survey over area stripped for V2 grid road. MMK1970 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; Spoon, pear-shaped bowl with a reduced Roman vertical handle fixed at right angles to bowl with a perforation at top (CF Brodribb, Hands & Walker 1971 excavations at Shakenoak 2 p109, fig 46, 62). MMK1971 Route of V2 Find-spot; Coin found in md survey over route of V2 Roman (see MK584). MMK2104 Shenley Brook Find-spot; One sceat, with runic inscription, type - J J Early medieval End North p43 no 166/1. Obv - bust right, draped; "spi" in runes before bust. Another sceat, to be identified later. MMK2121 V2,between H6 & Find-spot; 1) CU alloy strap end, crudely made, Early medieval H7 zoomorphic style with inlaid white enamel, l. 39mm; (410-1065) 2) Silver hooked tag, zoomorphic style with inlaid niello, l. 27. 5mm; 3) Possible CU alloy strap end, triangular shape, very worn.

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 24 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

HER no. Name Long description Period

MMK2122 V2,between H6 & Find-spot; 3 Saxon pins Saxon/Early H7 1) Elongated spherical pin head with cordon & large medieval circular sectioned shaft, l. 55mm. 2) Facetted pin head decorated with incised ring& dots, l. 11mm (SP8295 3495). 3) Conical? Shaped pin head with slight cordon just below, l. 10mm (SP8295 3495) (b1-2). MMK2123 V2,between H6 & Find-spot; Five rims (some joining), 3 base sherds, 2 Early medieval H7 handle sherds, 2 other? base sherds, 36 body sherds & (410-1065) several fragments. MMK2125 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; Pin, multi-faceted, decorated with ring & Early medieval dot motifs. Found near cremation during md survey over area stripped for V2 grid road. MMK2126 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; Strap end with zoomorphic design. Found Early medieval during md survey over route of V2. MMK2127 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; 1) C10 bifurcated strap end, zoomorphic Early medieval decoration; found by G Heritage at NGR & purchased by R Colliass (& donated to BCM). 2) C11 "glass eye" strap end found by R Colliass at NGR & donated to BCM. MMK2241 Westbury, Find-spot; Medieval pottery & spur in plough soil in Medieval Shenley Brook field called "Mary's Close". End MMK2242 Westbury, Find-spot; Spur, from plough soil in field called Medieval Shenley Brook "Mary's Close" at SP8315 3512, found by Chris End Hooper. MMK2315 AWA Pipeline Find-spot; Lead ampulla in near perfect condition. Medieval (1066- Scallop design on 1 side, with impressed stamp or 1539) insignia on the other. Found during metal detector survey over area of AWA pipeline. MMK2316 AWA Pipeline Find-spot; buckles: (i) with forked spacer, 1350-1400. Medieval (ii) with semi-circular D shaped loop, 1250-1500. (iii) with loop& plate made from same piece of bronze, & two rivets & tongue. (iv) buckle tongue. (v) plate fragment with three perforations, one containing a rivet. (vi) with square loop. Found in md survey, AWA pipeline. MMK2317 AWA Pipeline Find-spot; Badge? Flat sectioned lead disc with pin & Medieval catch plate fragment protruding from underside. Decoration consists of a series of raised dots, arranged around edge. MMK2318 Pipeline Westbury Find-spot; Bronze buckle with decorative loop, Medieval Marshall type 1b, date range 1250-1350. (ii) annular buckle, rectangular section. Decorated with incised grooves. Found during metal detector survey over Westbury pipe line house platform. MMK2319 Westbury Pipeline Find-spot; Bronze buckle with circular sectioned loop, Medieval broken. (also piece of rolled lead). Found in Westbury pipeline through house platform. MMK2320 Westbury Pipeline Find-spot; Sherds of medieval & post-medieval Medieval pottery. Found in Westbury pipeline through house platform. MMK2327 Shenley Brook Find-spot; 16 sherds, 1 tile fragment, from pipeline. Medieval End : Pipeline

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HER no. Name Long description Period

MMK2330 Whaddon/Church Find-spot; (i) bronze buckle plate (ii) small figure-of- Medieval End Roads eight buckle, with buckle plate (iii) bronze purse bar. Found during md survey over route of Shenley pipeline, at point of Whaddon Road & Church End Road. MMK2332 Pipeline Bronze rowel spur terminal end, with 2 perforations, Medieval attached to which are 2 fittings for fixing to leather. Found during md survey over backfilling of pipeline. MMK2525 Westbury Farm Place; 1) References to windmill on Westbury Manor, Medieval – post- Shenley, 1278 & 1342 (bi1); medieval 2) Estate map of Shenley Brook End 1792 names field centred at NGR "Windmill Hill Piece". MMK2835 Whaddon Find-spot; Leather mount - central boss flanked by 2 Medieval Road/Church End smaller bosses, which are pierced by rivets. Central Road boss is decorated with chequered incised line, in centre of which is a small perforation. MMK2941 SW of H7/V3 Find-spot; Hammered silver long cross coin. Found by Medieval Junction Darren Hall during a metal detector survey at roadworks, OS parcel no 8446. MMK2945 Line of H7 Grid Find-spot; 3 silver hammered pennies, 1 probably Medieval Road Edward I Irish (to be sent to BM for identification in due course. Found in metal detector survey during road construction. MMK2946 Line of H7 Grid Find-spot, Circular lead seal matrix with delicate Medieval Road circular suspension loop (description to follow after cleaning: sent to lab Aug 1989). MMK2947 Near Find-spot; 1) Chafing dish handle. 2) Buckle plate, Medieval V3/Whaddon reasonable condition. 3) Purse bar, very good Road Junction condition, date range 1500-1600; md survey. MMK2948 OS Parcel 844/H7 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detecting assemblage: Post-medieval Extension 1) Circular horse harness pendant with suspension loop. Although prior to conservation there is no evidence of decoration, there is a central projection; 2) Buckle plate with 5 rivet holes & evidence of gilding. MMK3016 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; 1) cu alloy cast vessel foot; Medieval 2) cu alloy cast vessel leg fragment. Found during md survey over stripped area for new road. MMK3017 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; 3) Purse bar mount decorated with cordons Medieval & grooves. 4) 2 buckle fragments. 5) 2 buckle plate fragments. 7) Early cu alloy button. Found during md survey over stripped area for new road. MMK3018 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; Lead counter?, found during md survey Medieval over stripped area for new road. MMK3019 V2 Grid Road Find-spot; 1) Harness pendant octafoil with suspension Medieval loop.2) open worked cu alloy fitting. Found during md survey over stripped area for new road. MMK3020 Route of V2 Find-spot; Chafing dish handle found in md survey. Medieval

MMK3021 Route of V2 Find-spot; 2) Stud, heart shaped. Medieval 3) Figure-of-8 buckle loop Marshall type iiic date range 1350-1500. 5) buckle tongue. Found in md survey over route of V2 Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 26 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

HER no. Name Long description Period

MMK3022 Route of V2 Find-spot; Lead spindle whorl with decorative motif Medieval on 1 side found in md survey over route of V2. MMK3027 NE of V2 Road Find-spot; Cross reliquary pendant contains wood Post-medieval Line fragments? Depicts "Christ's wounds" including hands & crossed feet & scars (in white enamel), blood droplets (red enamel), crown of thorns (green enamel) surrounding pierced heart inscribed "inri" above. MMK3183 Shenley Brook Monument; Sections of a post-medieval rectangular Post-medieval End building found during evaluation. Building shown on maps of 1698 & 1771. MMK3184 Shenley Brook Monument; House site shown on estate map, 1698. Post-medieval End MMK3185 Shenley Brook Monument; House/outbuildings shown on estate map, Post-medieval End 1698. MMK3186 Shenley Brook Monument; Outbuildings shown on estate map, 1698 Post-medieval End (corner). Site now under a shack. MMK3187 Shenley Brook Monument; Outbuildings shown on estate map, 1698. Post-medieval End Site now under a shack. MMK3188 Shenley Church Place; Barn site shown on estate map, 1698. Site now Post-medieval End under a shack. MMK3189 Shenley Church Place; House site shown on estate map, 1698. Site now Post-medieval End under a garden. MMK3200 Shenley Brook Monument; House site shown on estate map, 1698. Post-medieval End MMK3201 Shenley Brook Monument; House site, shown on estate map, 1698. Post-medieval End MMk3202 Shenley Brook Monument; House site, shown on estate map, 1698. Post-medieval End MMK3203 Shenley Brook Monument; House site shown on estate map, 1698. Post-medieval End (fields). Site now under a garden MMK3204 Shenley Brook Monument; House site shown on estate map, 1698. Post-medieval End MMK4150 Loughton near A5 Find-spot; 2 iron rings, 2 iron objects, 2 strips of Post-medieval longitudinally folded cu alloy & 2 fragments of sheet cu alloy found during metal detector survey near A5 between Great Holm and Loughton by the new school. MMK4259 OS Field Find-spot; 3 rim fragments of cast bronze vessels; Post-medieval 8446/Metal 4) book clasp; detecting field 5) terminal end. 147 MMK4260 OS Field Find-spot; Iron ring; Post-medieval 8446/Metal 3) iron buckle from horse harness. detecting field 147 MMK5211 Emerson Valley Monument; Vestiges of a probable Iron Age site found Iron Age District Park during levelling for football pitches at Emerson Valley District Park. Site approximately 20m x 30m but may extend further. One possible and one probable roundhouse gulley, large ditch and probable hearth comprising pit 0.65 diameter with burnt and fire cracked pebbles plus occasional flecks of charcoal.

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HER no. Name Long description Period

MMK5212 Emerson Valley Monument; Settlement remains comprising 1 probable Iron Age District Park & 1 possible section of roundhouse gully; a large ditch; various other features including pit-like features; a probable hearth (a pit c. 0. 65m diam with burnt & fire-cracked sandstone pebbles & occasional charcoal flecks). Cobbles & other features to south destroyed before visit. MMK5213 Emerson Valley Find-spot; A small quantity of pottery recovered, some Iron Age District Park from the large ditch. MMK5214 Emerson Valley Find-spot; a badly corroded Roman coin (C3rd / C4th) Roman District Park found by metal-detecting survey. MMK5217 E of Emerson Find-spot; Bronze coin of Crispus (AD 317–26) Roman Farm Shenley minted in London. Reverse shows altar and inscription, translated as "blessed/happy tranquillity". MMK5273 OS Field 0724 Find-spot; 1) 2 horse shoes (1 very large); Post-medieval 2) 2 pieces thick iron sheet (possibly from farm machinery); 3) 1 frag bottle glass; 4) 1 frag window glass; 5) 2 misc frags metal alloy. MMK5291 OS Field 0854 Find-spot; post-medieval metal detecting assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5293 OS Field 0854 Find-spot; metal alloy book clasp frag (stirrup Post-medieval mount?); Bronze boss, flat sectioned with 4 decorative points with walked scorper design. MMK5294 OS Field 0724 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5295 OS Field 0854 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5301 OS Field 0854 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5302 OS Field 0854 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5303 OS Field 0854 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5331 OS field 8446 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5332 OS field 8446 Find-spot; 2 C17th trade tokens and a Victorian penny. Post-medieval

MMK5333 OS field 8446 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5334 OS field 8446 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5335 OS field 8446 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5336 OS Field 8700 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5337 OS field Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5339 OS Field 8700 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 28 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

HER no. Name Long description Period

MMK5349 OS Field 1900 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5350 OS Field 1900 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5351 OS Field 1900 Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval

MMK5352 OS field 1900 Find-spot; Copper alloy bust, 32mm high, balding man Post-medieval with beard, inscription is indecipherable except date 1703. MMK5353 OS field 1900 Find-spot; copper alloy buckle, lead weight, metal Post-medieval buckle. MMK5912 Shenley Brook Building; Roman building noted by metal detectorists Roman End School carrying out a survey on behalf of the County Council Museum Service (1966) - "Lots of stone and many coins". MMK7205 From the Find-spot; A gilded copper alloy mount in the form of Early medieval grid a head. The face is straight sided and the details are square of the 'City simply shown, with incised circles for eyes, and a small ellipse for the mouth. MMK7206 Unassigned Find-spot; Silver gilt finger ring with a smooth but Medieval slightly irregular purple coloured stone. MMK7789 Simpson Sewage Find-spot; Seal matrix, vesica shaped. Plain handle, Medieval Works pierced. inscribed "S' Ionis de Bechampton", and fleur- de-lys design. Documentary refs to John of Beachampton 12 84-9 & 1407; seal thought more likely to be of 1284-9. Found by md survey, Fenny Lock area. MMK7790 Simpson Sewage Find-spot; Post-medieval metal detector assemblage. Post-medieval Works

6.3 Appendix 2 – Events within the vicinity of the PDA Event ID Name/type Description Contractor/date EMK1050 Construction of V2 Watching Brief that recorded a number Milton Keynes of archaeological features, such as Archaeology Unit/1990 ditches and pits but little dating evidence. EMK1175 Emerson Farmhouse, Little Watching Brief, on residential Archaeological Stocking development. Site showed Services and considerable lateral truncation. The Consultancy Ltd/2012- only surviving features were two post- 13 medieval pits. EMK191 Emmerson Valley Excavation. Ground works revealed Buckinghamshire badly damaged Iron Age roundhouse County Museum ditch and other ditches. Archaeological Services/1995 EMK321 Shenley Brook End , site 4 Watching Brief. No archaeological Oxford remains were encountered. Archaeology/1998

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 29 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Event ID Name/type Description Contractor/date EMK49 V2, north of Whaddon The archaeological remains were badly Milton Keynes road, south of H6 marked by contractors earth stripping Archaeology Unit/1990 activity but a large number of small, dark patches (postholes?), a short length of small ditches, large pits, some rectangular full of charcoal-rich soil. No finds but there had been finds of Anglo-Saxon metalwork and pottery from the vicinity. EMK636 Shenley Secondary School Metal detecting Survey. A few pits and Buckinghamshire Playing Field small ditches on southern half of the County Museum site. A piece of Roman pottery on the Archaeological western half of the site. Services/1996 Roman building with 'lots of stone' and many coins on the northern margins. Quarry with several Roman finds in the base located centrally Some Saxon material in the north-west corner and central southern area of the playing field. EMK641 9A Whaddon Road Watching Brief. No archaeological Archaeological remains encountered. Services & Consultancy Ltd/2008 EMK782 10 Whaddon Road Watching Brief. No archaeological Archaeological features encountered. Investigations Ltd/2005 A watching brief was undertaken on the excavations of the ring beam foundations for a new garage. The dark brown sandy loam topsoil had a maximum depth of 0.45m and lay on top of an undisturbed pale brown clay loam subsoil which lay above natural clay and gravels.

6.4 Appendix 3 – List of Cartographic Sources

Location Description and reference Milton Keynes Local Studies and Salden Estate Map 1599, Cabinet 4 Archives, Central Library National Library of Scotland OS map six-inch 1885, Buckinghamshire XIV Leighton Buzzard (Hills) one inch to a mile OS map1904, Sheet 220 OS map six-inch 1952, Buckinghamshire XIV.NE

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 30 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

6.5 Appendix 4 – Significance and Impact Criteria

6.5.1 Criteria for assessing the importance of heritage assets

Importance Designation of Assets Definition of Importance of Asset High World Heritage Sites Places of international importance due to their ‘outstanding universal value’. Scheduled monuments Places or structures of national importance. Listed buildings (Grade I or II*) Undesignated heritage assets and Registered parks/gardens (Grade I or II*) archaeological remains of potentially Battlefields equivalent value. This includes assets which:  are rare in the historic environment record; or  are a good example of a type site; or  have a high potential to add to regional and national research criteria. Moderate Listed buildings (Grade II) Places or buildings of regional or high local Registered parks and gardens (Grade II) importance. This includes assets which: Conservation areas  are more commonly found in the historic Undesignated environment record; or  have particular regional associations or may have important associations on a local or parish level (e.g. they have meaning to local population or embody something of the special identity of a locality); or  have moderate potential to add to local and regional research criteria. Low Undesignated Assets which:  are relatively poorly preserved; or  have limited significance on a local level; or  have a low potential to add to local and regional research criteria. Negligible Undesignated Places or buildings that have no known archaeological, historical or cultural importance. Sufficient investigation must have been undertaken to demonstrate that there is a low risk that any as yet unknown heritage assets might survive, or where any potential surviving remains have no value within the context of the current study. Uncertain Undesignated Sites where there is evidence that a heritage asset may exist, but where there is insufficient information to determine its nature, extent and degree of survival given current knowledge (e.g. cropmarks untested by fieldwork or random finds spots).

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6.5.2 Criteria for assessing the setting of assets

Value of Setting Effect on Significance of Heritage Asset Attribute

Makes a major contribution to the significance of the heritage asset, for example because it is itself a significant heritage asset or because it is a very High prominent feature of the setting. Substantial change to this attribute would almost certainly considerably reduce the significance of the setting as it relates to the asset and would not normally be reversible. Makes a moderate contribution to the significance of the heritage asset, for example, because it is itself a locally significant heritage asset or a notable feature of the setting. Substantial change to this attribute would almost Moderate certainly reduce the integrity of the asset’s setting and to some degree reduce the significance of the setting as it relates to the asset. Such changes may be temporary or reversible, but might persist for a longer term. Makes a minor contribution to the significance of the asset, for example having no heritage value in itself or comprising a small element in the setting. Slight Substantial change to this attribute might lead to a slight loss of its overall integrity or significance of the setting of the asset. The changes may be short term.

Neutral Makes no apparent contribution to the setting of the asset.

Comprises a small intrusive element in the setting of the asset, or one that is Slightly itself a heritage asset. The intrusiveness may be limited to a short term. Intrusive Removal of the attribute would not normally be justified but mitigation would be beneficial. Detracts somewhat from the significance of the heritage asset, but is not a very prominent feature of the setting and does not involve large-scale activities or Moderately emissions. The attribute itself may have some heritage value, thus offsetting Intrusive its intrusiveness. Removal or mitigation of the intrusion would increase the significance of the setting in relation to the asset. Detracts highly from the significance of the heritage asset and has no heritage value in its own right. This might be because it is a very prominent feature of Highly the setting, involves large-scale activities or produces copious emissions. Intrusive Removal or mitigation of the intrusion would almost certainly increase the significance of the setting in relation to the asset.

6.5.3 Criteria for assessing the magnitude of development impacts on assets

Magnitude of Impact on asset Effect of Impact

Causes total destruction of, or permanent change to, most key elements of the asset that results in major loss of integrity and reduction in significance. Substantial Substantial Harm change to the setting of the asset. Any such change would almost certainly result in total loss of significance of the asset and would not normally be reversible. Either: causes permanent change to, or loss of many key elements of, the asset that Moderate Harm lead to a moderate loss of its overall integrity and reduction in significance. Or: temporarily causes major loss of integrity and significance, e.g. through restricting accessibility and visibility, or by altering the setting of an asset.

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 32 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Magnitude of Impact on asset Effect of Impact

Either: causes permanent change to some key or peripheral elements of the asset, or changes to the setting of the asset, that lead to a slight loss of its overall integrity Slight Harm or significance. Or: temporarily causes moderate loss of integrity and significance, e.g. through restricting accessibility and visibility, or by altering its setting. No change No appreciable change to the asset or its setting. Either: delivers some improvement to the asset that does not increase its overall Slight Benefit integrity or significance. Or: arrests an existing process of adverse change. Either: causes long-term improvement of the asset, involving some increase in its Moderate Benefit integrity or significance. Or: reverses an existing process of adverse change. Causes major benefit to the asset that increases its integrity and significance. Such Substantial Benefit change would almost certainly increase the significance of the asset.

6.5.4 Significance of effects matrix Highly Very Highly High Insignificant Significant Significant* Significant** t e s

s Moderately Highly

a Moderate Insignificant Significant Significant Significant* f o

e Slightly Moderately c Low Insignificant Significant

n Significant Significant a t r Slightly o Negligible Insignificant Insignificant Insignificant p significant m I Unknown Unknown Unknown (Highly Unk. (V. Highly Uncertain (Insignificant?) (Significant?) Significant?) Significant?) Moderate Substantial No Change Slight Harm Harm Harm

Magnitude of impact (on the asset or its setting)

* Highly significant impacts will require “exceptional” development justification ** Very highly significant impacts will require “wholly exceptional” development justification Otherwise, judgements should be balanced with regard to the scale of any harm or loss and the importance of the heritage asset

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: 33 Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes


Proposed Development Area


Milton Keynes


5 km 30 80 90

Figure 1: Site location This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. 100 m Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or 483400 483600 civil proceedings. Central Bedfordshire Council. Licence No. 100049029 (2011)

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

MMK1308 MMK1311 MMK1314 MMK2315 MMK2316 MMK2104 MMK2317 MMK3200 MMK3202 MMK2941 MMK2318 MMK3189 MMK3203 MMK2945 MMK2319 235500 EMK782 MMK2946 MMK2320 MMK3201 MMK3204 MMK2947 MMK2327 MMK2948 MMK3186 EMK321 MMK2330 MMK3188 MMK3187 MMK4259 MMK2332 MMK4428 MMK4260 MMK2835 MMK4432 MMK4436 EMK641 MMK5331 MMK5291 MMK4433 MMK5332 MMK5293 MMK3185 MMK4434 MMK3184 MMK5333 MMK5295 MMK4435 MMK4429 MMK5334 MMK5301 MMK5335 MMK5302 MMK4430 MMK5303 MMK4431 EMK1175

MMK5217 MMK1312 MMK5273 MMK5337 MMK5294

EMK49 MMK2241 MMK2242 MMK5336 MMK5912 MMK5339

MMK3183 MMK2525 235000 MMK7206

EMK1050 MMK3027 MMK1971 MMK2121 MMK2127 MMK2122 MMK2125 MMK2126 MMK3020 MMK2123 MMK3021 MMK3022 MMK1964 MMK7789 MMK5353 MMK1965 MMK7205 MMK7790 MMK1966 EMK636 MMK1967 MMK1968 MMK1969 EMK191 MMK1970 MMK5211 MMK4150 MMK3016 MMK5212 MMK3017 MMK5213 MMK3018 MMK5214 MMK3019 MMK5349 MMK5350 MMK5351 MMK5352


483000 483500 484000

500 m

500m-offset study area Proposed development area

EMK1234 Event

MMK1234 Monument

Figure 2: Heritage assets within 500m of the proposed development area This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Central Bedfordshire Council. Licence No. 100049029 (2011)

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Figure 3: Salden Estate map 1599 (The location and scale of the PDA are approximate)

Figure 4: OS map 1885 (The location and scale of the PDA are approximate)

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Figure 5: OS map 1904 (The location and scale of the PDA are approximate)

Figure 6: OS map1952 (The location and scale of the PDA are approximate)

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Figure 7: Ridge and furrow in the Shenley Parishes (Ivens et al. 1995, fig. 114) (The location and scale of the PDA are approximate)

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: Heritage Statement Albion Archaeology

Plate 1: View of the PDA from the south-west boundary, looking north-east

Plate 2: View of the PDA from the south-west boundary, looking north-east

Wallinger Drive, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes: Heritage Statement