List of Shareholders ... As on the 5Th October, 1867
iOtbranj KINGSTON. ONTARIO LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS: IN THE iomtttgtftiiil iktl o$ m, AS ON THE 5th OCTOBER, 1867. KINGSTON: TON, P 186T. •••«• • • * •• • i • • • • • LIST OF SHAEEHOLDEES IN THE iottttttttftfat Haul of Satutfa, AS ON THE 5th OCTOBER, 1867. KINGSTON: CREIGHTON, PRINTER. 186T. I LIST OF SHAEEHOLDERS IN THE Commercial jjJaitft tf Canata AS OK THE 5th OCTOBER, 1867. NAME. RESIDENCE. Hi Abercrombie, James Perth, 2 Adams, George London, England, 60 Adamson, James Toronto, 100 Ainslie, Robert F., deceased, 30 Ainslie, Wm. B. Lieut.-Col. Edinburgh, 42 Akerman, Wm. Henry Hine Bridgewater, England 40 Alcorn, Samuel Toronto, 80 Allan, Hugh Montreal, 404 a Allan, Hugh, Trustee, 40 u Allan, Hugh, Trustee, 50 Allan, Hugh, and Alex. Morris, a Trustees, 22 a Allan, Mary Ann 4 Allan, David Guelph, 4 Allan, Thomas, R.K, Seymour, Ontario, 250 Allan, William Perth, 80 a Allan, Ellen, deceased, 4 Allen, Deborah E. and Eliza Montreal, 8 Alport, Franklin London, England, 30 Anderson, Walter 1ST., Trustee, Hamilton, 22 Anderson, Robert Montreal, 700 Anglin, Wm., Chamberlain, in trust, Kingston, 200 Appleby, 1ST. S. and others, Executors, Belleville, 33 77901 LIST OF SHAREHOLDERS OF THE 1% NAME. RESIDENCE. r3 O SH Arnoldi, Amelia Montreal, 30 Armstrong, Rev. John C.E., c Dunham, 9 Ashhurst, Rev. Fredk. T. H. Oxfordshire, England, 120 Atkin, William Prescott, 5 Austin, Wm. Henry Trenton, 5 Ayton, Mary Drummond, 12 Bain, Isabella Perth, 8 Baker, J. C. and others, Trustees, Grafton, 28 Ballachy, George Edgemount,Brantford 20 Ballenden, John Hudson's Bay Co., 50 Balston, Alfred, and George B. Aldridge, Poole, Dorset, 10 Barbeau, Edmund J.
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